Analysis of Nekrasov's poem You are always incomparably good according to plan. "You are always incomparably good ..."

We are accustomed to the fact that Nekrasov is a poet - a citizen, a democrat, a poet of the humiliated and disadvantaged, with all his heart sympathizing with the situation of the Russian people. The poet, whose truthful word called for the fight against evil, called for good and justice.

And not many people know that Nekrasov has wonderful poems about love (slide number 2 - lesson topic - epigraph). The poet's love confessions were dedicated to Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva and entered the so-called "Panaevsky cycle" (we write down the theme of the lesson, epigraph). It was not by chance that I chose these words because, in my opinion, they reflected both life and the theme of Nekrasov's poems ... (slide number 3 - lesson objectives)

Today we will take a look at some of these poems. I'd like you to understand that Nekrasov's love lyrics are not just a tribute that the poet paid to the traditional, "eternal" theme. And here his artistic innovation was fully manifested. These works were highly appreciated by Chernyshevsky, Turgenev, Belinsky.

A. Ya. Panaeva was born into a family of actors, graduated from the St. Petersburg Theater School, but did not become an actress. She married early not for love, but at the insistence of her parents for the writer I.I. Panaev. From her youth, Avdotya Yakovlevna was beautiful. Contemporaries said that she was one of the most beautiful women in Petersburg.

"Panaevsky cycle" is distinguished by burning confessionality, biography; it captures many episodes of life, "incidents" from their lives, quarrels and reconciliation, thirst for understanding and happiness.

In Sovremennik, Panaeva published many stories and stories. Her "Memories", which recreate the everyday side of the life of the writers of that time, which you cannot read about in other sources, are invaluable. In a word, Panaeva was not only an attractive woman, but also an interesting talented person.

Poems addressed to Panaeva: "When it burns in your blood ...", "Struck by an irrevocable loss", "I don't like your irony", stupid people"Etc. is a kind of novel with a beginning and an end. In it, lovers meet, quarrel, reconcile, part, write and burn letters, remember and try to forget.

Nekrasov was pathologically jealous. And as passionate as it is fickle. Accusing, suspecting, infuriating and undeservedly insulting, he cooled down and rushed to Avdotya to make up only after her counter-accusations.

In 1849 Avdotya and Nekrasov were expecting a child and, elated, wrote a joint novel for all 9 months. The son was born weak and died a few hours later. Panaeva turned to stone with grief. She urgently needed to put her nerves in order. And she went abroad for treatment.
-Let's listen to the poem "About the letter of a woman dear to us" Parting instantly spurred Nekrasov's feelings. He bombarded Avdotya with the most tender letters, and, receiving deliberately indifferent answers from her, he suffered terribly. Panaeva returned - with her returned and the idyll in their union. But for a short time.

Nekrasov's correspondence with Panaeva has not survived. She was destroyed by themselves. Long before the final break, Panaeva, during another quarrel, somehow burned her letters to the poet. Nekrasov then wrote a poem "Burning letters".

Attacks of furious jealousy and crushing passion gave way to cold alienation in Nekrasov. Possessed by a black blues, he could terribly offend, often in the presence of strangers. Panaeva suffered and endured. He is a poet, he has a complex nature. But he loves her, loves her.

Nekrasov's love poetry was a new word in the development of Russian poetry. She destroyed the usual notions. In Nekrasov's poems, the poet's beloved appears not only as an object of adoration and worship, but above all as a friend and like-minded person lyric hero equal to him in everything.

If Nekrasov's predecessors were dominated by one mood, one feeling came to the fore, in Nekrasov's poems the love feeling appears in all its complexity, contradiction, unpredictability, and sometimes routine - Nekrasov also poetized "the prose of love".

It is also striking that the poet was able to convey the whole gamut of feelings in an unusually capacious, concise, expressive, confidential, frank manner, using all the wealth of his native language.

"You are always incomparable good."

You are always incomparable good.

But when I'm sad and gloomy,

Comes alive with so much inspiration

Your cheerful, mocking mind.

You want to laugh so smartly and sweetly

So you scold my foolish enemies,

Then, drooping my head sadly,

You make me laugh so slyly;

So you are kind, buying up for affection,

Your kiss is so full of fire

And your beloved eyes

So they dove and stroke me, -

What's the real grief with you

I am reasonably and meekly tolerate,

And forward into this dark sea

I look without the usual fear

N. A. Nekrasov "Sorry"

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall

Longing, despondency, bitterness,

Don't remember storms, don't remember tears

Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

But the days when love shone

Above us gently rose

And we cheerfully walked the path,

Bless and don't forget!

-What is Nekrasov's poem about?

-What feelings are expressed in it?

- From which side did the poet open up?

A. Pushkin "I loved you"

I loved you: love still, perhaps

In my soul it has not completely faded away;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I do not want to sadden you with anything.

I loved you wordlessly, hopelessly,

Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God bless you to be different.

-What do these poems have in common?


Sources of

Who knows how to analyze a poem? Please help ...

analyze the poem ...
July noonCinematograph Igor Severyanin
An elegant stroller, in an electric bigny,
Elasticly rustled on the road sand;
There are two virgin ladies in it, in a fast-paced rapture,
In Alo-oncoming striving - these are bees to the petal.

And pines ran around, the ideals of equality,
The sky was floating, the sun was singing, the breeze was tumbling;

And under the tires of the motor, dust was smoking, gravel was jumping,
A bird coincided with the wind on a road without roads ...

A monk stood ominously at the fence of the monastery,

Hearing the sounds of "moral loss" in the fragility of the stroller ..
And with fright shaking off the awakened grains of sand,
The playful carriage cursed with a harmless gaze.

Laughter as fresh as the sea, as hot as a crater,
Poured lava from the carriage, cooling down at the heights of the spheres,

The fairway rustled with lightning speed under the wheels,
And the encouraged chauffeur got drunk with the wine of delight ...

Please help with the analysis of Nekrasov's poem from the section of love lyrics (you can choose any, the most important thing is to write the date of creation

poem and the date of its publication (although this is not as important as the date of creation)).

Thank you very much in advance.

analysis of the poem dream, Lermontov

according to plan:
a) Author, title, time of appearance, history of creation, place in the work of the author, to whom it is dedicated ...
b) information about the literary situation: how the poem was accepted, what currents and trends in poetry existed, to whom the author was close
2.the structure of images and the development of the conflict
a) Theme and idea of ​​the work.
b) movement, thoughts and feelings in a literary text. development of conflict and plot (if any
c) The system of artistic images, the features of the lyrical hero, their direct or indirect correlation with the life of a person and his feelings.
3. Features of poetic language: - tropes (metaphor, comparison, epithet, personification) - sound writing (alliteration, assonance) - stylistic figures(a special structure of speech, enhancing the expressiveness of the artistic word): antithesis, oxymoron, anaphora, inversion, rhetorical question.
4. Poetic meter, rhyme, rhythm
5.genre originality of the poem (ode, message ...)
6.features of the lyrical hero
7. My perception of the work.

In this poem, the author turns to his beloved, whom he praises for her ability to cheer him up, distract him from everyday worries, ridicule enemies and caress. A whole range of tender feelings that are manifested in relation to the hero can make it clear the character of this woman in question. This character is clearly dominated by intelligence, which manifests itself in the form of irony and devotion, which allows this woman to always cheer up the protagonist.

In fact, thanks to information about the poet, the prototype of this heroine and the feelings that prompted Nekrasov to write a poem are known. Most likely, it comes about Avdotya Panaeva, with whom the poet lived for about 16 years. Moreover, he was, as it were, the second spouse of this woman, who formally remained in the Panaev family.

It must be said that this "triple alliance" did not have the most best reviews in Petersburg at that time. Panaeva was one of the most beautiful women in the city, her husband was a rather significant figure in secular society, however, like Nekrasov, who fell in love and could not pacify his own affection for the beauty.

The poem is part of the so-called "Panaevsky cycle", which just describes the relationship with the beloved, various sensual twists and turns. It should be said that these verses are not always as laudatory and light as "You are always good ...". In fact, there is a lot there about jealousy and other not very best sides love relationship.

Therefore, this poem to some extent stands out from the general row and allows us to look at the brighter side of the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva. The poet talks about the simple and rather banal joys of love relationships: how a woman “buying up for caresses” pleases with a fiery kiss, how she can caress with just one glance. Nevertheless, these simple joys actually have a fundamental meaning and can bring something more than the possibility of fleeting pleasure, they make it possible to look into the "dark sea" (meaning an indistinguishable future or a boundless world full of various phenomena and aspects) without fear.

Thus, the poet extols the power of love to practically sacred meaning... The support of a loved one can help cast aside any doubts and fears. In fact, it is love that gets rid of "ordinary fear" of the very one in which most people always reside.

Option 2

In the 1840s, Nekrasov met the charming Avdotya Nikolaevna Panaeva. At that time, she was the legal wife of Ivan Panaev, the people around her considered her one of the most beautiful women of that society and time. Therefore, she quickly won the heart of the poet, penetrated into him.

He tried to fight own feelings, because I understood that they have no right to exist. No matter how he struggled with his own feelings, in the end he lost a fierce fight. He begins to court a young girl, and the courtship continues for about two years. And in 1846, the poet achieves what he wants, the girl becomes Nekrasov's common-law wife, but at the same time does not officially divorce. This is how life began in an intricate love triangle, which is actively discussed by society and the public.

It condemns such a union, which is not permissible at the time. Everyone, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even relatives, is rejected from the poet. But, despite this, at first the couple lives quite happily, they do not care about the opinions of the people around them.

Moreover, most of the intimate and love lyrics falls precisely on this period of time, it is dedicated specifically to Avdotya Nikolaevna. All the works that were addressed directly to her are combined into one "Panaev's cycle". This includes the poem "You are always incomparably good ...", the author wrote it in 1847, but it was published only in 1850. It is light and optimistic against the general background. So the main character of the story acts as a cheerful and mocking woman, quite kind and positive, open to the world around her.

She is able to help in any trouble, to support the lyrical hero when he is sad and gloomy. At first glance, their relationship is ideal, they do not know how to quarrel, they are not able to take offense for a long time and be jealous of each other. At the same time, it seems that the novel is possible only in pleasant and joyful colors, which delight not only the heroes, but also the people around them. The heroine is not just a girl, real love, but also true friend, ready to help and help in any difficulties and circumstances.

But at the same time, the relationship between the author and Panaeva was not as beautiful and cloudless as he describes in the poem. In fact, constant passions boiled between them, they often found out the relationship, were jealous, sagged under the attacks of the world around them, condemning their relationship. This is more like Dostoevsky's prose than the poems of Nekrasov, who describes the wonderful relationship between lovers.

The relationship lasted for about 16 years, while Avdotya left Nekrasov immediately after her legal husband retired. There were still other women in his life, but he remembered Panaeva until the end of his life. These feelings permeate him completely, he compares everyone with Panaeva, with whom they had passions, he could no longer experience such strong feelings, did not let anyone into his own heart, which he tried to open, but could not do it.

Analysis of the poem You are always incomparably good according to plan

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Theme:“Love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov "

(Two loves N.A.Nekrasov)

Goals: to add additional information to the students' idea of ​​the personality of N.A. Nekrasov;

    introduce them to the first and last love stories of his life;

    to note the peculiarities of the poet's love lyrics;

    develop the skills of monologue speech, the ability to analyze lyric work, read it expressively;

    foster interest in poetry, initiative, confidence in their knowledge;

Lesson type: communication of new knowledge.

Equipment: illustrations, computer, poetry.

Yes, our life was rebellious

Full of anxiety, full of losses ...

New material.

    Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

    Introductory speech of the teacher

Reading the epigraph for the lesson.

It was not by chance that I chose this particular epigraph, because in my opinion, it reflects both the life and the theme of N.A. Nekrasov, we will be convinced of this in today's lesson.

Once, on a cold winter evening in 1844, Belinsky brought a strange guest to the house of the famous writer and publisher Ivan Panaev, shining with lights. He was a slum dweller, according to eyewitnesses, he was “very poor, poorly dressed, somehow shivering and shrinking. His hands were bare, red, his underwear was not visible, but he wrapped a red knitted scarf around his neck, which was very torn. " He also composed poems that no one published and with which he tried to pay off in the tavern ... Such was Nekrasov when he first crossed the threshold of the Panaevs' house.

We are accustomed to the fact that Nekrasov is a poet-citizen, a democrat, a defender of the humiliated and disadvantaged. And few people know that Nekrasov has wonderful poems about love, the inspirer and heroine of many of them was Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva.

1. Messages from students.

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva was born into a family of actors, graduated from the St. Petersburg Theater School, but did not become an actress, she married early not for love, but at the insistence of her parents for the novice writer I.I. Panaeva.

From her youth, Avdotya Yavdotya Yakovlevna was beautiful. Contemporaries said that she was one of the most beautiful women in St. Petersburg. For 6 years, Nekrasov sought the love of this woman. And the day when she became his common-law wife, he called "a holiday of the holidays"

Happy day! I celebrate it

In a family of ordinary days;

From him I count my life

And I celebrate it in my soul.

2. But they did not have great and long-term happiness. Nekrasov's difficult character, frequent bouts of blues, cruel and gloomy jealousy made their daily life painful. And in the mid-50s, Nekrasov already thought that he needed to live separately. Several times I left and returned from her. And perhaps one can only regret both of them: despite love, their union was a mistake, they were not created for each other, although best years they were full of mutual understanding, friendship, common literary interests. Love for Panaeva made up bright pages in the poet's dark life, it was not for nothing that Nekrasov called Avdotya Yakovlevna “the second muse”.

Relations with Panaeva have become the topic of many episodes from life: quarrels and reconciliation, a thirst for understanding and happiness. The cycle opens with the poem "You are always incomparable good"

You are always incomparable good.

But when I'm sad and gloomy,

Comes alive with so much inspiration

Your cheerful, mocking mind.

You want to laugh so smartly and sweetly.

So you scold my foolish enemies,

Then, drooping my head sadly.

You make me laugh so slyly;

So you are kind, buying up for affection,

Your kiss is so full of fire

and your beloved eyes

So they dove and stroke me, -

What's the real grief with you

I am reasonably and meekly tolerate,

And forward into this dark sea-

I look without the usual fear.

3. Reading and analysis of the poem "You are always incomparable good."

* How did you see the lyrical hero?

(the hero's soul is sad and gloomy, in all likelihood, he means something in this life, because He has enemies. Sometimes it is difficult for him to overcome life's adversities, he is looking for support in his beloved woman).

* What is the character of the lyric heroine?

* What influence does her love have on the Poet?

(The heroine is not only incomparably good, but smart and witty, cheerful and mocking, flirtatious and sly, feminine and charming. Her love has a good influence on the gloomy poet: it strengthens his strength, saves him from life's hardships).

* What is the ideal of the beloved for Nekrasov?

* What should be love, as the poet thinks?

You have formulated a number of features of Nekrasov's love lyrics, we will write them down in a notebook. Write a title

Features of love lyrics by N.A. Nekrasov.

1. For the first time in Russian literature, poetry appeared in which love and the prose of life are interpenetrated.

2. Nekrasov believed that love should warm a person, help him survive in a cruel world.

3. The ideal of a loved one is a woman friend, a support in life. 4. N. Nekrasov's poems about love are sincere and reliable.

Now you will hear another poem by Nikolai Alekseevich, dedicated to A. Panaeva. Try to understand

what is it about, what feelings are expressed in it, from which side did the poet reveal himself?

" Sorry"

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall

Longing, despondency, bitterness, -

Don't remember storms, don't remember tears

Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

But the days when love shone

Above us gently rose

And we cheerfully made our way, -

Bless and don't forget!

This is a sincere goodbye to your beloved. The hero asks his beloved to forget all the bad things that happened between them, not to remember the days of jealousy and threats, but to remember the time when they were good together for the rest of their lives.

-Which of the features of Nekrasov's love lyrics is reflected in this poem?

This was proved by Avdotya Yakovlevna herself, when in old age, having survived three husbands and ending her journey alone, she wrote her memoirs, in which she praised and praised N. Nekrasov. He came out under her pen the best of men.

Lyrically, the collection of poems was no less striking “The last songs, in which Nekrasov sums up life results, writes about his fate, poetry, homeland, mother and love. Continuing to remember Panaeva, N.A. Nekrasov devotes several poems to his last love Zina. (Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova)

4. Messages from students.

The last novel in the life of N.A. Nekrasov began in July 1870. He was short-lived, only 7 years old. There is a big difference in age between them: she is 19 years old, he is 49 years old. Zina - this name was given to her by Nekrasov - was a simple peasant woman whom the poet sought to develop and educate. He taught her music and French, dedicated the poem "Grandfather" and donated a collection of his poems.

The poet's son A. Pleshcheyev recalled that she “was a beauty, with a gentle look and always a friendly smile. Her hair was fair, and her profile was extremely rare.

correct, roman. I felt the soul of the kindest Russian woman in her from the first acquaintance. "

This is a sincere goodbye to your beloved. The hero asks his beloved to forget all the bad "that was between them" not to remember the days of jealousy and threats, but to remember the time when they were good together for the rest of their lives.

Which of the features of Nekrasov's love lyrics is reflected in this poem?

What Pushkin's poem can be compared to the poem "I'm sorry" ("I loved you")

Let's compare these two poems.

Who remembers A.S. Pushkin's poem by heart?

I loved you: love still, perhaps

In my soul it has not completely faded away;

But don't let it bother you anymore;

I do not want to sadden you with anything.

I loved you wordlessly, hopelessly,

Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God bless you to be different.

What do they have in common? (The lovers part, but he wishes her happiness. The hero is just as generous as the Pushkin hero "who blesses his beloved)

N.A. Nekrasov knew how to feel strongly, passionately love and remain human in conflict situations. He knew how to see even in a woman who was already unloved, first of all, a suffering person, which is not given to everyone.

Avdotya Yakovlevna herself proved this when in old age, having survived three husbands and ending her journey alone, she wrote her memoirs, in which she raised and glorified N. Nekrasov. He came out under her pen as the best of people.

No less bright lyrically was the collection of poems "The Last Songs" in which Nekrasov sums up life, writes about his fate, poetry, about his homeland, about his mother and about love. Continuing to remember Panaeva, N.A. Nekrasov devotes several poems to his last love to Zina. (Fekla Anisimovna Viktorova)

Two hundred days already

Two hundred nights

My torment continues.

Night and day

In your heart

My moans echo

Two hundred days already

Two hundred nights!

Dark winter days

Clear winter nights ...

Zina! Close your weary eyes!

Zina! Sleep!

* 0 what is a poem? How is the hero shown here?

Verses in front of you Nekrasov.

Exercise: read them to yourself and write down the lines you like from the poems of N.A. Nekrasov.

Reading the lines written out aloud.

* Why did these lines catch your attention?

* What other poems by N.A. Nekrasov about love do you know?

Students reading Nekrasov's poems about love.

* Did you like the poetry? How?

* What new have you learned about the character and fate of the poet from the material of today's lesson?

(Nekrasov's character was complex: he was jealous, then depressed, then left, then returned. It was difficult to live with him. But, perhaps, thanks to this, wonderful poems about love were created.

He knew how to appreciate women, remain a man in conflict situations, he knew how to see a suffering person in an unloved woman. He knew how to be grateful, gentle, caring.

Indeed, his life was rebellious, full of anxiety, full of losses.)

- Lesson summary, assessment.

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

You are always incomparable good
But when I'm sad and gloomy,
Comes alive with so much inspiration
Your cheerful, mocking mind;

You want to laugh so smartly and sweetly
So you scold my foolish enemies,
Then, drooping my head sadly,
You make me laugh so slyly;

So you are kind, buying up for affection,
Your kiss is so full of fire
And your beloved eyes
So they dove and stroke me, -

What's the real grief with you
I am reasonably and meekly tolerate,
And forward - into this dark sea -
I look without the usual fear ...

Avdotya Panaeva

In the 1840s, Nekrasov met Avdotya Nikolaevna Panaeva, the wife of the writer Ivan Ivanovich Panaev, one of beautiful women Petersburg at that time. When the poet realized that he had fallen in love, he tried with all his might to fight his feelings, but in the end he lost this battle. For several years, Nekrasov sought reciprocity from Avdotya Nikolaevna. In 1846, Panaeva became the common-law wife of Nikolai Alekseevich, while formally she did not leave her husband. Thus began the life of the three.

Panaev, Panaeva, Nekrasov

Naturally, society condemned such unusual union... Many friends and acquaintances turned away from the poet. Despite the rejection of most people, Nekrasov and Panaev were happy at first.

Nikolai Alekseevich devoted a significant part of his intimate lyrics to Avdotya Nikolaevna. It is customary to combine the works addressed to her in the so-called "Panaev's cycle", which is distinguished by confessionality and biography; many real episodes are captured in it. It includes the poem "You are always incomparably good ...", written in 1847 and first published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1850. Light and optimistic, it stands apart in the "Panayevsky cycle". The heroine of the work is a cheerful, mocking, kind woman. With her, no adversity is terrible. She with amazing ease manages to cheer up the lyrical hero when he becomes dull and gloomy. It seems that in their relationship there is no place for quarrels, omissions, exhausting scenes of jealousy. The novel is drawn in rainbow colors, the hero looks to the future without fear. A woman's love gives him harmony, calms him down, helps him to fight life's difficulties. The heroine of the poem is not just a beloved, but also good friend you can always rely on.

The relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva subsequently was not as cloudless as it is described in the work "You are always incomparably good ...", which was reflected in the "Panaev's cycle". The world depicted by Nikolai Alekseevich is the world of the strongest passions, a world filled with jealousy, mutual reproaches, and self-affirmations. He is very close to the world that the reader sees in Dostoevsky's prose.

Avdotya Panaeva

The novel of Nekrasov and Panaeva lasted for about 16 years. Avdotya Nikolaevna left the poet almost immediately after the death of her legal spouse. Then Nikolai Alekseevich still had love interests, but he remembered Panaeva until the end of his life.