A statement about a stupid, narrow-minded, stupid person. Stupidity - aphorisms, sayings, quotes

If you deeply understand judgments about stupidity, then many scientists and psychologists agree that stupidity is rather a temporary state of mind, with which a person does not live his whole life. But the time interval for such a "problem" may be different. One month is enough to change your state and back into the rut of a wise and intelligent person. For others, five years will not be enough.

If we put the question from a slightly different angle and consider stupidity from the point of view of the problems that it brings, then here we can unequivocally say that there are very few positive aspects of stupidity, both for the person himself and for his environment. So how do you recognize a stupid person? Most often, if a person is stupid, then in him you can notice several signs that recognize him.

Signs of a stupid person

There are many superficial reasons for thinking that a person is a fool. But all of them can be combined into the main six signs of a stupid person.

So what are the signs that you can understand that a person is stupid? Let's figure it out.

Constant monologue

Dialogue is an exchange useful information between interlocutors. The ability to listen and hear your companion is an important component of communication with people in society. Only a stupid person lacks this component. It will be difficult for someone who does not understand and accept the main factors that contribute to healthy communication between people, it will be difficult to find an interlocutor and take a high place in society.

None of the people will want to regularly contact a person who constantly uses monologues in speech and is not able to listen to the interlocutor.


Foolish people rarely focus on the versatility of the world. They do not take into account other people's opinions and views. Moreover, many of them believe that the planet Earth is absolutely round and has no flattening at all. This view of the world is the highest degree nonsense.

It is simply impossible to convince stupid people with such a mindset of something. Whatever proof the interlocutor or scientific literature provides them, such people will stand their ground and close their eyes to all the arguments of the opposite side.

Indifference to other people's opinions

A person suffering from stupidity is deeply convinced of the interlocutor's interest in his person. He is completely indifferent to the needs and interests of his opponent. The reasons for this behavior lie in the conviction that they are right. The consequence of this is the lack of need for feedback and selfishness.

Separation of good and bad

The sign of a stupid person is also one who is able to divide life only into black and white, bad and good. Ignoring shades and nuances can lead a fool into difficult life situations and despondency. Indeed, in a person's life sometimes there are more negative moments and situations than positive ones. But even in them it is necessary to highlight the positive aspects and take them into account in the future. But when a person has only negative in life (according to his judgments, of course), then you can lead your life to a dead end or even fall into depression.

Life is very multifaceted, and is not divided only into black and white. It all depends on the situation, the person's worldview and his capabilities.

Gross violation of the rules of etiquette

Basic and most important rules etiquette is instilled in every person in childhood. But if rules are also permissible for a child, then an adult educated person is obliged to adhere to them.

A sign of stupidity is considered to be loud behavior of a person in places where it is not permissible: at the workplace, on public transport, in the theater. There are, of course, exceptions in the form charismatic people with a "loud" disposition. But they also allow themselves such behavior only in places that are permissible for this.

No fear

In our society, we also have to deal with people who are absolutely not afraid of anything. Cliff jump, endless fights and deranged behavior? Of course, this is about them. The absence of fear is comparable to the absence of the instinct for self-preservation, and this is not only a sign of stupidity in a person, but also a signal of a serious mental illness. A person in any situation must control his actions and analyze them so as not to harm his body. This is inherent in us by nature itself.

The flip side of this coin is persistent fears, not based on panic attacks. A person with signs of stupidity is afraid to make a phone call, go out to a crowded place, read poetry in public, or go for an interview. Such behavior is most often not associated with psychological illnesses, but speaks of a person's misunderstanding of why he needs it at all. This is necessary to overcome difficulties and gain experience. Without this experience and certain skills, a person will not be able to break through in society and overcome their fears.

Signs of an intelligent person: interesting facts

What are the fundamental differences between smart and stupid people? In views on life and behavior in society. Things are a little more complicated with smart people. As mentioned above, stupidity is a temporary state of mind. For smart people, the main hallmark is memory, thanks to which a person quickly remembers information, and brain activity that contributes to the rapid processing of information. Below is a detailed list of the signs of an intelligent person.


In modern society, it is important and necessary to know information not only that which is necessary for a person here and now, but also that which can help in the future. This is one of the main factors by which a person's mind is judged. The point is not only the need to know a large amount of information, but also the interest in many aspects of life.

For example, working as a teacher of the Russian language, a person is also engaged in the study foreign languages, anatomy and scientific literature. At the same time, such a hobby is embroidery and shooting classes. This example shows the versatility of an intelligent person who does not focus only on himself or his main job.


Smart people focus on their interlocutor and their interests. Also, such people like to receive information more than to give it away. A person with an interest in communicating with by different people is getting smarter.

Moral values

Humiliation and immorality for smart people is considered unacceptable, no matter what the other person is. Such citizens understand that they will not exalt themselves by humiliating or insulting anyone. Also, smart people do not specifically show all their merits and skills for the sake of public recognition or any benefit. They will hide their talents until they really need them.

A responsibility

Carefulness and responsibility are very important for smart people, especially when it comes to work. They are able not only to develop independently, but also to help their colleagues in career advancement. This is based on the desire to work with smart and educated people in a healthy team. For a smart person, the quality of work comes first, and then quantity and career ladder.


Today, education is a fundamental fact for a career. Without higher education, it is almost impossible to get leadership position or high-paying job... That is why most people believe that getting higher education is one of the most important aspects in a person's life. But even if smart people have a few crusts, they will not put it out in the open, since for a person with a mind, constant self-education is much more important than a narrow specialty for life.


Long ago, scientists have proven that our thoughts are interconnected with events in our lives. Of course, this does not mean that you just need to want a huge cottage on the shore. Caribbean like tomorrow a man will have the keys to him. Thoughts are material in the sense when a person adjusts his thinking to the desired outcome of an event.

For example, having prepared in advance for a layoff, it is highly likely that a person will indeed be fired. And the point here is far from magic, but the fact that having learned about the reduction, a person begins to fill all his thoughts with this negative, while doing nothing in order not to be fired.

Smart people know that the right mindset and optimism helps in life and makes it easier. Positive thoughts help you quickly absorb information and resolve problems. Even when bad moments come in the life of smart people, they think ahead and, most likely, already know the ways to overcome the crisis.

How to distinguish an intelligent person from a fool?

Testing a person's mind is easy enough. One has only to carefully observe his behavior in different cases of life and talk with him. If it is easy enough to identify a person with intelligence in a short time, then it is necessary to contact a fool for a longer time. After all, the mind of a person is visible immediately, and stupidity may not always manifest itself. But a person does not always have free time to compare smart and stupid people. And sometimes you want to immediately understand who you are dealing with, and not waste your free time and emotions on fools. So how can you tell a stupid person from a smart one in a couple of minutes?

  1. The first thing the interlocutor should pay attention to is the emotion with which the person accepts criticism. A smart one will calmly take all claims at his own expense and try to listen to someone else's opinion. The fool will reject all negative comments about his personality and will stand his ground.
  2. Tell a person that he is not competent in his specialty and does not have special mental abilities. Foolish people are selfish people who believe that they fully understand not only their responsibilities at work, but also many aspects of life. A fool never admits to himself or to others that he is. Smart people often think that they do not know a lot and do not recognize themselves as gifted people.
  3. For a person with a mind, the main component of life is constant development and processing new information... Such people cannot be for a long time without sources of new information and people. Smart people see society as colossal, they learn from other people and are not afraid to ask them for help. Fools, on the other hand, have a rather narrow outlook, the result of which is the same type of thoughts and standard thinking. Such people do not develop in any way, considering themselves sufficiently educated and gifted.
  4. Smart people do not drown in illusions and do not wear rose-colored glasses. Only fools who are not able to soberly assess the situation and do right choice, because of which they constantly sit still or step on the same rake. People are intelligently able to quickly analyze a situation, find the right way out of it and see the prospects for their solution.

It is difficult to classify oneself as a separate category of people, since most often a person does not see himself from the outside. You can ask your loved ones for help. If certain signs of a stupid person have been noticed, introspection and constant self-development will help to cope with the problem. You also need to listen to the opinion of your own environment and analyze it. After all, sometimes what appears to be black becomes colored at a certain angle.

Fools only notice the mistakes of people and do not pay attention to their merits. They are like flies that strive to land only on the inflamed part of the body.

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

Avicenna (Ibn Sina)

As the sun is hidden from the blind, a clear light,
So for fools there is no road to truth.

Ali Absheroni

In the world of people, sometimes, in order to act wisely, you have to reluctantly pretend to be a stupid person, but the one who abuses this method too much, sooner or later turns into a fool himself. The thing is that this is an easy way to solve problems, and without difficult work with time the mind dims and fades.

Ludoviko Ariosto

A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity never leaves people.

Honore de Balzac

Stupidity is so impassable that it is impossible to investigate it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.

Nicola Boileau

Every fool will find an even greater fool who will admire him.

Pierre Bouast

The stupid upstart seemed to have climbed a mountain, from where everyone seems small to him, just as he himself seems to be small to another.

Francis Bacon

No more a good combination than a little stupidity and not too much honesty.


A fool is always convinced that no one will deceive an intelligent person.

The fool with a great memory is full of thoughts and facts; but he does not know how to draw conclusions and conclusions, and this is the whole point.

Guy Valery Catullus

There is nothing more stupid than a stupid laugh.

Heinrich Heine

Everyone has the right to be stupid.

A fool is one who tries to cover up his own insignificance with the merits of his ancestors.


The fool knows only what has happened.

Gracian y Morales

A fool is the one who is killed by excess of mind.

John Damascene

The fools always call their enemies powerless.

Daniel Zatochnik

You cannot make a dead man laugh, and you cannot teach a stupid one.

As dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so foolish ones - wise words.

Democritus of Abder

Not a word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools.

Fools are taught prudence by misfortune.

Samuel Johnson

He was stupid in a new way, and therefore many recognized him as great.

Vytautas Karalus

Stupidity must be tested like a balloon: inflate until it bursts.

Jean de La Bruyere

If a fool was afraid to say something foolish, he would no longer be a fool.

Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld

There is nothing more stupid than the desire to always be smarter than everyone.

There are no more obnoxious fools than those who are not entirely devoid of intelligence.

Georg Lichtenberg

Some people have the ability to appear stupid before they discover intelligence. This gift is especially common among girls.


A fool is twice as dumber from bookish wisdom.

Ashot Nadanyan

He was a jack of all trades: he knew how to fence nonsense, carry nonsense, grind nonsense and flog nonsense.

Alexander Pope

All fools can't wait to make fun of someone.

Bertrand Russell

A foolish person's retelling of what a clever one says is never right. Because he unconsciously turns what he hears into what he can understand.

Erich Maria Remarque

It's not a shame to be born stupid, it's just a shame to die a fool.

Oscar Wilde

Whenever a person does something stupid, he does it from the noblest motives.

Herbert George Wells

No one is always stupid, sometimes everyone is.

Sasha Cherny

There is a mind skeptical, critical, practical, ironic, etc. There is only one stupidity.

A stupid man can always be recognized by stupid eyes. But women's eyes ... God knows them! It’s not the depth - not the languor; not that thought - not that curiosity ... and suddenly a fool!

Stupidity turns all values ​​into caricatures: instead of pride, it has arrogance, instead of public, it is herd, instead of art, love, instead of love, flirting, instead of fame, success.

Anton Chekhov

A thousand fools relies on one clever one, and 1000 fools fall on one clever word, and this thousand drowns out, and that's why cities and villages move so tightly. Most, the mass will always remain stupid, it will always drown out; let the smart one give up the hope to educate and raise it up to himself; Better to call for help with material strength, let him build railways, telegraphs, telephones - and with this he will win and move life forward.

Nicolas de Chamfort

Three-quarters of the madness turns out to be just stupidity.

Shang Yang

When people are stupid, they are easy to control.

Friedrich Schiller

Against stupidity, the gods themselves are powerless to fight.

Sholem Aleichem

The patient will recover, the drunk will sober up, the black-haired will turn gray, but the fool will remain a fool.

Bernard Show

Foolishness, not backed by ambition, does not produce any results.

“Stop doing stupidity! Do not say this nonsense! This is all nonsense! " How often have you heard these phrases in your life? Have you ever repeated them to someone? I wonder if everyone equally understands what stupidity is? On the one hand, it seems, everything is obvious: stupidity is an action or words of a person that do not correspond to the context of what is happening. Can a smart person do stupid things?

Let's look at this question from a psychological point of view. To begin with, I would like to tell a parable.

A man came to the teacher and asked: "What should I do to become wise?" The teacher replied, "Go out and stay there." And it was raining outside. And the person was surprised: “How can this help me? But who knows, anything can be ... ”He left the house and stood there, and the rain poured and poured down. The person was completely wet, the water penetrated under the clothes. Ten minutes later he came back and said: "I stood there, now what?" The teacher asked him: "What did you understand there in the rain?" The man replied: “Got it? I realized that I looked like a fool! " The Master said, “This is a great discovery! This is the beginning of wisdom! Now you can start. You are on the right road. If you know that you are a fool, then the change has already begun. "

What is needed for wisdom?

In practice, to start your journey to the heights of wisdom, you should admit your stupidity... We are used to calling people stupid just because their motives for their actions are incomprehensible to us. For the assessment, we need to process information that we are able to perceive. It is enough for a stupid person to get a little information, and he will be confident in his conclusions and correctness.

Nobody wants to admit that they are stupid, so they will furiously prove to others that they are right. An intelligent person always leaves room for doubt.

Building your behavior on far from complete data about the nature of the situation is a common property of the human mind. We assimilate and perceive only part of the information, but they are able to grasp the connection between events and objects, highlighting essential and insignificant details and features. Fools do the same, but they do not extract from the past, or they draw small, insignificant experience.

Fools are free from doubts.

I will paraphrase one statement: "belief is the last thing for which I am ready to give my life, because I can be mistaken." In a situation with fools, education does not enlighten, but aggravates, becoming the foundation of self-confidence, the shield and sword of stupidity. On the other hand, ignorance can be considered a gunpowder for stupidity.

How an intelligent person gets into stupid situations

I would like to make a reservation now that we are not talking about the "notorious IQ". We are now talking more about the social aspect of behavior. It so happened that a person is a social being, historically we grew up in tribes and communities. Therefore, imitation is one of the teaching tools. We spy on others and adopt their behavior. But it is worth removing from this chain a critical attitude to the process, and we are guaranteed to get stupidity.

We can create a "stupid situation" at any time. It is enough for us to begin to demonstrate some behavior that others do not expect from us now, or to start saying not what they want to hear. And woo a la! Similar situations are repeated every day!

All around there are fools

You think one thing, your interlocutor is quite the opposite, and each of you considers the other, if not a complete idiot, then an idiot! Don't believe me? Yes, read the comments on any article on the Internet! How many stupid people have you counted? 😉 I will not be surprised that I, the author of this article, will be considered by someone as stupid. If you knew how much I had to listen to my spelling mistakes :)

Your bosses - with rare exceptions - consider you not only complete dumb, but something like that. Notice how many times they repeat their instructions to you: 3, 4, 5? This is not only because before you there was a person in your place who needed it (but once is enough for you!). Your boss simply considers everyone to be stupid, half-dumb, and in general, only he understands what and how! And the boss himself? Well, who put such an "idiot" in this position? Well, where is the Universal justice? Why are there only fools around me? Sound familiar? Then congratulations, you are a fool!

So what happens, what tends to And you know, dividing the world into black and white, right and wrong, smart and foolish is also utter stupidity.

If a person in their hearts or deliberately calls himself a fool, or hints at his mental incapacity, then you should know that a real fool will not do this. Most likely, a smart person made a mistake and regrets after learning a lesson. A foolish cap allows a clever person to be invulnerable, and a fool will be ashamed of a cap, he adores royal robes.

What's wrong with stupidity?

Calling someone else's behavior stupid, we devalue this behavior, as if it is unworthy of neither time, nor rank, nor age, nor status. Indeed, we are so concerned about our reputation, we want to grow up and become serious so quickly that we stop doing all sorts of things, including those that someone arrogantly calls stupidity. And then we will never return to those days when we could accomplish something that no one expected from us. All that remains is to regret.

You know, I once read one thing in a book dying letter a seriously ill elderly woman, now I cannot repeat it, but I remembered these lines

“The only thing I regret in my life is that I have done too few stupid things. If I had the opportunity to repeat my life now, I would have made them much more. "

Stupidity or not stupidity?

In conclusion, I want to remember one more real story , which I was lucky to witness. A woman with a very young and lively voice on the phone asked for a meeting because she was experiencing certain difficulties in life. When we met, I was very surprised, because she was a woman of pre-retirement age, but she looked amazingly alive, all beamed like a lover. It turned out that after 19 years of not the most successful marriage, of which they have not lived with her husband for the last 10 years, but remain scheduled, when she had already buried herself as a woman many years ago, she suddenly met a man of her age. According to her description, he also seems to have romantic feelings for her. He is from another city, and she had a lot of doubts and fears about their possible continuation of the relationship. They both did not dare to confess their feelings, both were in doubt. The woman then said ":" I'm afraid! And what will people think, what will they say? How can I say something myself? " I asked her: "With this man, you seem to feel happy?" She answered: "Yes!" Then I didn’t find anything better than to add: “You know, with all due respect to your age and how it suits you now, you have lived long enough to have the right to do stupid things now!»

Intelligence is not only an indicator of IQ, not only knowledge and intellectual development. A clever person is distinguished from a stupid by something much more important and deeper. Foolish people can have two degrees.

Many scientists and psychologists put the word "stupid" roughly equal to the word "unhappy", because the source of happiness is ourselves. A person should be smart enough to do everything to move towards happiness. You need to watch motivating films, read books, communicate with nice people. An intelligent person chooses the environment for himself, and is not content with what he has.

Sometimes also between the word “stupid” and “cowardly” it is possible to put a sign of an approximate consequence, because those who never take risks remain at a broken trough. Do not be afraid to take risks, because we were created in order to rejoice in victories and learn from our own mistakes in case of defeat. Don't step back if something doesn't go the way you want. Go ahead, boldly, without hesitation.

The first sign: bad manners

Even someone who is not familiar with the rules of etiquette knows how to apologize and behave in such a way that in the most elite society it will not be so ashamed to appear. Ill-mannered people do not recognize their bad manners, or, on the contrary, are proud of it. They explain this by the fact that they do not need to be educated, because they do not want to adapt to others. They do what they want, behave in a way that suits them. They defiantly violate rules that are easy to follow. Such people will never become truly successful, because they do not know how to look at themselves from the outside.

Second sign: indifference to others

Foolish people don't want to think about others. We are not talking about random passers-by who need help, but even about their loved ones. When parents need help, stupid kids look for excuses, and smart kids look for opportunities. Narrow people do not care where they live and how. This does not mean that you need to go into politics. You just need to learn how to devote a little more time to people who live with you, are friends with you. Foolish people do not listen to other people's advice - there is simply no other person's wisdom for them.

Sign the third: attracting attention

Stupid people love attention, so they try to attract it with stupid actions. It can be shouts, fights. Such people talk very loudly where it is undesirable - on the bus, in queues. They need to show themselves, to draw attention to themselves.

Sign Four: Narcissism

The fool prefers to dialogue only about himself. For example, you talk about something that bothers you. You told your story at work or university to someone you know. He, instead of somehow supporting you, because this topic is important for you, starts talking to himself. This is terribly infuriating, but the person does not understand it. Of course, there is a chance that he or she is not stupid, but the chance is small. In any conversation, a fool talks only about himself, about his problems. Any conversation for him or her comes down to just mentioning yourself. They also say that foolish daffodils love to take selfies. This is partly correct, but you should not think about the girl who is photographed in the mirror that she is stupid. One does not depend on the other.

Fifth symptom: no brakes

Stupid people do not know how to stop when they get drunk, conflict, argue, joke. Silly man can joke all the time. This is true, because he or she wants to watch how everyone laughs and celebrates their hero or heroine.

Sign six: show your superiority

Silly men like to bully those who are smaller and not physically dangerous to them. Girls do this by mocking those who do not correspond to their ideas about beauty. In the process, stupid people can unite. Most often they work in a pack, because it is difficult to support themselves with their thoughts of superiority alone. This requires viewers and followers who are just as stupid.

Sign Seven: Belief in Rightness

Fools, in their opinion, are never wrong. They are the smartest, most courageous, flawless. The stupid ladies are the most beautiful, the most charming. Of course, this sometimes works into the hands, because this is true faith. A stupid person will argue until he turns blue until his opponent agrees that he is right. It is impossible to convince a fool even if the whole world tells him that he or she is wrong or wrong. Zero flexibility, zero diplomacy. This is the height of stupidity, its purest manifestation.

Eighth sign: cowardice or excessive courage.

When a person does nothing because he is afraid of losing, this is stupidity. It is often useful, but in most cases it only plays a negative role. A stupid person can, on the contrary, rush into battle, losing everything. This could include addiction to gambling. Betting, cards, casinos. If this is in excess, then the person is unimaginably stupid, or totally unhappy, which is less common.

Sign nine: there is no golden mean

For fools there are only dumb and smart, beautiful and no, friends and enemies, wealth and poverty, good and bad. If someone looks at them the wrong way, then this person immediately becomes an enemy. If someone is mistaken, then this mistake makes the other person a complete idiot in his eyes. If a fool sees a man who does not drive a car, the latter becomes for him only a parody of a man. Most fools consider themselves males of the first category, alpha males, and ladies consider themselves goddesses who should not work, but should sit at home and do nothing. There is practically no way to fix such people, it is unrealistic.

The only way to stop looking like or being a stupid person is to learn to look at everything from the outside. Learn to look at yourself from the outside in order to understand at least a little those around you. Very often this will not help, because it is incredibly difficult to fix stupidity, but it can save some people from fiasco in many situations. Remember, no one is perfect, and neither are you. We are all slaves to our habits. But these habits must be diplomatic.

A person can be lazy, lack of ideas, disappointed in something, but only the above-described signs make him truly stupid. Moreover, he can have higher education and finish school well, have a decent job. Stupidity doesn't always get in the way of a person in the most obvious way. Only good habits help you become smarter in life. One of these habits is the ability to be self-critical. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

I am a humanistic person, so I am sure that stupidity is a temporary state of mind, something like infant immaturity. However, I can hardly be mistaken if I assume that because of their own stupidity, many people do not have as much fun as they would like. And even their loved ones - and even more so.

But let's figure out what exactly stupidity is manifested in and how it can interfere with enjoying life not only for those who deal with such a person, but also for himself.

1. A fool only talks about himself

Any communication implies dialogue, and a mature person usually understands that this is a way of exchanging information. Exchange, not planting. It happens, of course, that a person needs to speak out when something happened - it happens to everyone. But if it comes about a pathological solo, when the interlocutor does not have the opportunity to insert even a word and even more so to tell something, we are dealing with a fool.

And don't tell me about a narcissistic person. All that matters in this case is that the person did not understand that the ability to listen is an important resource in the process of gaining life experience. Moreover, this quality is very valuable in friendly communication. And if only I am listening - why not someone more interesting? There are a lot of intelligent lecturers now.

2. There are many people, he is loud

I’ll make a reservation right away, there are cases of special, loud charisma - but in such cases there are no questions like “Maybe he’s just a fool?”. I'm not talking about them, but about those stupid people who often replace the lack of depth and meaning with intensity.

Imagine: a restaurant, dim lights, people chatting, someone is working on a laptop, someone is having a quiet romantic meeting. Here and there the sound increases slightly: they laughed, greet those who came ... And suddenly, among this cozy noise - the importunate voice of a lady who tells the interlocutor the details of her personal life. And already none of those present can be on the sidelines.

The rules of etiquette, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways protection from the fool. Demonstrating the fool in yourself

We don’t want to listen, especially since it’s not interesting, stupid, flat ... But this is how our brain works: we have to pay attention to sharp sounds, because life can depend on it. And now the whole restaurant is devoted to the details of the divorce ...

Lonely lucky ones with a laptop are lucky - they have headphones and, glancing at the violator of the sound mode, are in a hurry to untangle the wires. The couple quickly pay off and run away: everything is just beginning for them, and other people's divorces are an extremely inappropriate topic. The lady orders more wine, it gets louder. And those who sit on the street terrace have already heard about her stupidity ...

The rules of etiquette are involuntarily remembered. They, like the instruction manual for the kettle, are in many ways foolproof. Demonstrations of the fool in oneself.

3. The fool ignores the needs of the other person

Is it interesting to him? Is he tired? Maybe he needs to move away, but he just can't catch a suitable pause? In one breath, such a person fills the entire space. It is especially difficult for delicate people who are afraid of offending, being inappropriate.

The absence of the need for feedback speaks of an infantile self-confidence. Such interlocutors are like a child not yet endowed with empathy, who cannot understand that his mother is tired of dragging him on a sled for the eighteenth kilometer. So they, on the one hand, seem to make it clear: "If you don't like something, just say it." And on the other - yeah, try it, tell me. Paying off your grievances - thank you, not today.

4. A stupid person is afraid of everything

I will not go there - there is something. I will not go here - there it is. However, the constant search for a zone of safety and comfort hinders evolution. Any living mind of this evolution is hungry and finds ways to either independently agree with its own fears, or ask for help. It is foolish to let your fears orchestrate your life.

There is also a downside to the coin - when a person rushes into battle without weighing the risks and not comparing them with his own strength. How many stupid things were committed on this courage! But this second type of "headless horsemen" is nevertheless closer to me than waiters, who are afraid of everything.

Performing some action, a person gains experience, even negative, some wisdom. And what experience and wisdom does a person have who remains within four walls and, out of boredom, experiments only with the search for the best TV channel? ..

5. The fool has no doubts about his attitudes

In my opinion, this is the height of stupidity. Look at any area of ​​science, how ideas have changed over time. Something was considered true, indisputable, and then one discovery turned the entire system of knowledge upside down and past beliefs in one day turned into deep delusions.

In addition, rigid thinking, when a person does not know how to be flexible and take new knowledge into account, is a direct path to Alzheimer's. So modern research they say. But who knows, maybe they will change their minds ...

6. A stupid person divides things into black and white.

The categorical attitude, especially multiplied by stubbornness, is another sign of stupidity. If you miss a turn, you have topographic cretinism. And that's it, now you will remain so for the rest of your life. Lack of recognition of halftones, context and situation - this is certainly not characteristic of smart people.

This text is an example of this division. To divide people into fools and smart is very stupid. After all, each person has his own story and his own experience, which led to the fact that at this stage of life a person speaks only about himself, does not check with the interlocutor, or finds himself in a captivity of fears.

Each of us can act stupid at times, so the best we can do is to direct our attention to our inner life and give maximum goodwill to the world around you.