Way to yourself. Meditation

The film Spiritual Reality. Way to yourself. Told by the masters of space.

Spiritual reality will guide you through a unique journey. A journey that can change your life, taking it to a whole new level...

For the best viewing experience, choose an hour of private time when no one will disturb you. Make yourself comfortable in front of the screen. It is advisable not to eat heavily and not to drink alcohol before viewing. Try to trust the narrator, just accept that what he is talking about can exist.

For those who are still only subconsciously looking for the truth, the film will give a lot of food for thought. For those who are already moving towards it, it will confirm the correctness of the path, add strength and confidence.

The film "Spiritual Reality" consists of two parts. You may want to take a break between parts.

Each part is divided into several chapters:

1. Cosmic energy. This is what we used to call God - the all-pervading energy of consciousness and life.
2. Meditation. What is it and what are the stages of preparation for meditation?
3. Etheric body. What are the causes of diseases? How meditation can help cure all diseases.
4. Pyramids. What is the power of the pyramids and what do they serve?
5. Third eye. Our "sleeping" body, with which we sleep deeply.
6. What is the astral body and astral travel.
7. A state of supreme bliss. The highest goal of life.
8. Life after life.

Part 1. Told by the masters of space. Spiritual reality will guide you through a journey that will change your life and enrich you. We get energy in complete silence. We see, hear, speak and think. That small amount of energy that we receive in a dream is not enough for us. This leads to stress and illness. We need more space energy. Let's learn to meditate!

Part 2. Contemplation is self-knowledge. Let the breath happen by itself, just watch it. Stop thinking. The number of thoughts will gradually decrease. Breathing becomes rare and short. A flash is formed between the eyebrows. In this state, breath and thoughts are absent. This state is called nirvana or the state without thoughts, this state is the state of meditation.
Part 3 Universal cosmic energy accumulates at one third of the height of the pyramid, this place is called the royal chamber. Cosmic energy has its maximum concentration in the royal chamber. The pyramid multiplies and distributes cosmic energy throughout its space. Meditation is the path to yourself. To do this, we must rise above the body and mind. Cosmic energy saves us from various diseases.
Part 4 The third eye allows you to feel and understand the higher reality. During meditation, we accumulate energy. When the third eye is activated, we may feel itching or burning between the eyebrows. We may feel as if we are traveling through tunnels. When the etheric body accumulates energy, our eye improves. We see a crystal clear image of the objects of reality.
Part 5 When consciousness moves. we can experience shocks in the physical body and feel different sensations. We may not feel the weight of our body. These shocks are called astral. If we meditate a lot, we get more cosmic energy. astral body starts to come out physical body. This is how we do astral travel. Astral travel is the journey of our consciousness to known and unknown places in the universe.

Man's perception of the material world differs from the perception of the spiritual. Today, the picture of the spiritual reality of a person includes the knowledge and idea of ​​a person about himself and about the world around him. Thus, mental health includes both mental and physical health. It is believed that the causes of mental disorders and diseases of the body are precisely the negative thoughts and emotions of a person, which have a destructive effect on his body. It is known that a psychologist works not only with the mind and body of a person, but also analyzes his consciousness. For example, the spiritual teaches people to develop consciousness, helping them find their destiny and get rid of thinking that blocks their spiritual growth. Consciousness is a person's attitude and his ability to reproduce reality. Therefore, work with consciousness helps to get rid of psychosomatic diseases.

Tranquility and peace as properties of the soul are the basis of human spirituality. Wasting their own resources, a person does not have the necessary strength and energy for the work of the body and consciousness. Thus, stress leads to diseases and disorders, and also blocks a person’s energy connections with reality. On the contrary, a peaceful state helps to tune in to the wave of receiving and accumulating a sufficient amount of energy.

During rest and sleep, a person receives a certain amount of energy necessary for the body to work. An active lifestyle, overstrain, stress lead to exhaustion of the body, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems, and failure of vital functions. Developing spiritual consciousness, a person feels peace and happiness within himself, and evaluates his position as prosperous. Thus, consciousness as a spiritual reality includes a person's self-awareness and the ability to reflect his ideas about reality.

Spiritual knowledge and techniques help to clear the mind

Spiritual reality is internal with oneself and the surrounding world. Inner harmony is the basis of spirituality, which gives a person a sense of calm and relaxation, wisdom, and also opens the way to spiritual and practical knowledge. It is believed that a person's path to the realization of spiritual reality lies through spiritual knowledge and techniques. Techniques open up a different vision of reality and help a person maintain balance, feel an energetic connection with the surrounding space and expand his consciousness.

Spiritual knowledge helps to come to the conclusion that the mental and physical health of a person depends on his inner harmony. Consciousness, not overloaded with negative thoughts and negative emotions, gives a person a feeling inner peace and joy. This inner balance also contributes to mental health.

It is worth noting that religion, which includes the commandments of God, contains knowledge and spiritual laws that help a person see a different reality. Following them, he receives a new vision of reality, revealing true spiritual values, strengthening a person's aspirations for self-improvement and knowledge of the world.

Consciousness is one of the fundamental categories of philosophy. This is the highest form of psychic reflection inherent in human beings. The emergence of consciousness was the result community development and changing historical conditions. The conscious reflection of being is a "social product" closely related to the category of activity.


In the process of interaction, the objects of the material world are to a certain extent capable of reproducing each other's features. The result of the mutual influence of objects is reflection. This basic philosophical category acts as the basis on which, at a certain moment in the existence of nature, the psyche arose, and subsequently the consciousness of man.

Human consciousness does not exist by itself, but is a property of matter, organized in a special way. It arises at a certain stage in the development of the material world. The properties of reflection inherent in all forms of motion of matter find their expression in the characteristics of consciousness. This means that consciousness in a more or less accurate form reflects the features of all phenomena of reality, including the relationship between them.

Consciousness manifests itself, among other things, as a set of human knowledge about the surrounding reality. The structure of this phenomenon includes all cognitive processes and the functions of the psyche, through which a person receives information about the world around him, enriching his knowledge about it. In consciousness there is an integration of all cognitive functions inherent in a person.

Another quality of consciousness is the strict separation of object and subject. The bearer of consciousness knows exactly what belongs to his inner world and what is outside of it. In this sense, consciousness is characterized by distinction and opposition. The highest stage in the development of consciousness is self-consciousness, which includes self-assessment of one's actions and, in general, one's personality. This complex path of self-knowledge begins in childhood.

An important function of consciousness is to set goals. Here there is an integration of the most important philosophical categories - consciousness and activity. Performing actions and performing any actions, a person brings the motives of activity to the level of awareness, sets goals, makes changes and checks the results of actions. All these stages are under active control of consciousness.

Consciousness in philosophy is usually distinguished from unconscious manifestations of mental activity. The area of ​​the unconscious includes many mental processes and states of which a person in a given period of time is not aware. Unconscious manifestations are also a form of mental reflection, but they exclude the possibility of purposeful control.

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The definition of the concept of "consciousness" tried to give millennia ago. With the development of philosophical doctrine, many separate movements and schools appeared that had their own methods in studying the phenomenon. Until now, there is no clear objective definition of consciousness, its structure.

The problem of consciousness has been studied and is being studied by various branches of philosophy. If we consider the ontological aspect, then to answer the question you need to know its origin, structure, relationship with the unconscious and. You will also have to explain the relationship between matter and consciousness. This is a rather complex process that requires objectivity.

Three approaches to studying the concept of "consciousness"

There are three main approaches to the study of consciousness. Each of them has its positive sides and disadvantages. Together, they can give a more or less clear picture.

epistemological aspect. In this case, cognitive abilities are studied, thanks to which the individual is able to acquire new knowledge.

axiological approach. Consciousness is considered as a holistic nature.

Praxeological approach. In the foreground are the aspects of activity. Special attention refers to the connection of consciousness with human actions.

Definition of the concept of "consciousness" in philosophy

In philosophy, consciousness can be defined as the highest ability of mental reflection of the surrounding reality. Consciousness is unique to man. Consciousness cannot be a dispassionate, emotionless reflection of the inner or outer world. It is necessary to speak about the phenomenon of consciousness as about experiencing and knowing at the same time, which occur inside the individual.

There is another definition of consciousness - as a purposeful reflection of the surrounding reality, on the basis of which its behavior is regulated. It took a long time for human thought to arrive at this idea of ​​consciousness. At the same time, for a long time the unconscious and the conscious were one, not separated. Consciousness has often been equated with intelligence and thought.

The big problem for isolating consciousness, its definition lies in the fact that in each act of consciousness the uniqueness and originality of a person is folded. Consciousness is expressed literally in every human manifestation. According to Nietzsche, it cannot be separated from life experience. It must be studied with him.

Structure of consciousness

Philosophy considers consciousness as an integral system. However, in each separate philosophical current it has a completely different structure. For example, A. Spirkin identifies three main areas: cognitive, emotional, volitional.

But C. G. Jung already identifies four functions of consciousness that manifest themselves on a conscious and unconscious level: thinking, feelings, sensations, intuition.

Until now, philosophers have been trying to give a clear structure of consciousness, but all this is done to some extent subjectively.

Social reality as a process consists of the totality of all conditions of social life. The existence of the social world, the reality of social phenomena and processes are the most important components of social reality, its creative force.

social process

Social means - public, i.e. does not belong to nature, but to society. But society is part of nature. Therefore, the close interconnection of the various in nature is expressed in the concept of "social process", which provides for the continuity of social changes in society. These changes are caused by the desire of various communities to influence the prevailing social conditions in order to satisfy their interests. social society is described not as a stable state with social changes, but as a process of movement, transformation or alternation, that is, any change in the object of interest over a certain time. The social process is a sequence of changes in the state of the social system, expressed in a change in relations between people and relations between the main components of the system.

Components of social reality

Many heterogeneous and at the same time interconnected phenomena constitute social reality. But the main component of social reality is the person himself, his community, relationships, activities, communication. All social reality is dynamic. Man consists of material and spiritual, body and soul. This duality is the trace in the social world left by man.

Social reality is an organized reality, ordered and structured. Society is not only a consistent orderliness, it is a single world in which the principle of organization, from time to time, is replaced by the principle of integrity and systemicity. Being the most complex of all types of reality, social reality includes not only natural and material objects, but also psychological and speculative formations.

Most clearly expressed in the works of E. Durkheim, social reality consists of many phenomena and processes, called social facts. They exist objectively, regardless of whether a particular person takes part in them. Social facts are special processes inherent only in human society. Social facts are different from natural phenomena, as they contain the spiritual component of the social reality of society. But at the same time, social processes with an objective reality differ from the facts of consciousness and the subjective state of the soul of a social object.

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A good animated film about meditation. For a general impression of those thinking about meditation, there is quite enough information about the stages of self-knowledge, about the astral and etheric body, about enlightenment.

The film is for an amateur, too long, it was possible to keep within 15 minutes, many repetitions, let's say that during meditation we receive cosmic energy. The voice is also an amateur. For example, I am very sensitive to voices, we discussed this in Yoga Nidra: you need to choose a voice that will not annoy you with timbre, accent, vibrations. It is very important that the voice is “correct”, otherwise it can interfere and distract.

But, in general, not bad for a start - music, pictures, explanations.

From the preface to the book:

Yesterday I came across the reflections of one woman, in one of the blogs. She said that she had lost the desire to live, that there was a suicide attempt. She was indignant at those who managed to call an ambulance ... No, her words did not leave the impression of a madwoman. They were just the words of a depressed man. “... they brought me back to life, but they could not return the desire to live ... every day is torture for me. I wake up and I don’t want to live… My brain is giving me pain…” Here are excerpts from her post.

I was seized with pity, the post was so sincere, it was as if the author's torment flowed through the words ... And I decided to write this preface.

I have been writing this work on meditation for a long time, part of it has already been written. There was no preface ... but I decided to write a few words. The ones you are reading right now.

I tried many times to figure out what meditation practice, yoga, Eastern philosophy… in other words, WHAT are my books about. And I realized that they are about overcoming this depression. I don't know if it's the right word, but I don't want to go into the wilds of etymology. I want it simple.

What is this book about and what will it give you? The answer is a book about ways to overcome some mental pain. The suffering that the brain brings to people. The immediate answer to the unspoken question is yes, all people suffer, without exception. Some are more intense, others barely noticeable. But this pain is there.
The Sanskrit term is DUKHA, a kind of dissatisfaction with life. This is a disease of the mind, and it is possible to recover from this disease. For a billion people, this is expressed in their faith - Buddhism. Slightly less professes Hinduism. Both are based on the following - people undergo some kind of mental pain (Dukkha).

It can be cured with the help of some mental means. In both Buddhism and Hinduism, there are many techniques by which one can change the mental state of the mind. Let's put it all together for the sake of brevity, and call it Meditative Practice. In the West, there are many pseudo-books written about meditation as a means of training attention, developing different facets of nature, such as fearlessness, the ability to influence others, etc. We will not touch on this aspect. We will try to look into the huge archive of knowledge accumulated by billions of people, many billions if you look not only in space but also in time.

1. Spiritual Reality.

Belief in the Spirits of Ancestors has existed since the beginning of the emergence of Humanity. When people were closer to Nature, they felt the energy components of Life more. On all continents, in all countries, archaeological evidence of the beliefs of the Ancients in Higher power. Subsequently, the pagan faiths of different traditions turned into world religions. Despite external differences due to the culture of a particular country, the basis of all religions is the same.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, the existence of God and the Spiritual World caused doubts and contradictions among a single number of people. The largest and most enlightened minds of Mankind knew about the reality of the Spiritual World. Belief in science and the material-consumer worldview of our time neglects the history of thousands of years of people's knowledge of the Spiritual Reality.
Spiritual Reality can be known to each person personally through his own experience. Teachings about the Divine World are capable of giving faith. Personal experience gives knowledge. Knowledge occurs at the mental level.

2. Introduction to the Spiritual Reality.

Spirits are energy-informational entities that manifest themselves in the minds of people through thoughts, images and dreams.
In the modern science of psychology (psycho Greek - soul) Spirits are considered as a subconscious level of human consciousness. According to academician Vernadsky, the World of Spirits is the Noosphere - the Unified Energy-Informational Field of the Planet. In religious traditions different cultures The Spiritual World is the superhuman Higher Powers of Gods, Demons and Angels. In ancient pagan worldviews, the World of Spirits is not separated from people. Pagans believe that Spirits are in constant relationship with people and are the souls of dead Ancestors. There are reasonable and unreasonable Spirits - this is their main difference.
Spirits manifest themselves through thoughts as the inner voice of a person. Through thoughts, you can identify them and establish contact. In a calm state, one must observe the thought process from the outside. You can mentally or whisper a question. But it is best to write down questions and conduct subsequent dialogues in writing, referring to an invisible interlocutor. With some perseverance, the answer will come at the mental level, as a sensation or a figurative sign. Do not be nervous and afraid. After all, spirits are with every person from the moment of birth until the transition of human consciousness to the World of Spirits. They are imperceptibly present with people every moment of life. They know the whole past of a person, his needs and desires. Everything comes from the Spirits, and through the Spirits it happens.
The spiritual world is inseparable from the human world, and is one of the main components of the One World and One Society.
Communication with personal Spirits, with your superconsciousness and subconsciousness is an ordinary and safe process, which is called thinking.

3. Three ways of cognition of the Spiritual Reality.

The first Way is the way of faith and religion. Compliance with the set of dogmas of religious tradition provides moral support in life and leads a person to the sacrament of revelation.
The Second Path is the path of the mystic and the practice of Spiritual Reality. This is the path of knowledge and asceticism. After long and complex mental actions aimed at the development of Consciousness, the secrets of the Spiritual Reality are revealed. The spiritual path of a mystic and the material path of life are not compatible. Complete renunciation of the worldly is the only means of transformation. There is no golden mean.
The Third Way is the way of direct cognition of the Spiritual Reality. This path does not depend on religion and worldview. This is the path for everyone. It does not require changes in life and hard work. This is a direct path to the Spirit. The Third Way is the realization of the spirit as an integral part of one's Consciousness.

4. Parallel information worlds.

Spiritual Reality is diverse and multidimensional. It depends on the state of consciousness with which dimension the contact takes place. Dimensions, dimensions, worlds, realities should be understood not in the spatial, but only in the energy-informational sense. The entire Unified Spiritual Reality is an energy-informational space in which energy-informational entities-spirits operate. Contacts of the mind with the Information World depend on the spiritual level.
When the state of consciousness changes, it is possible to get into other information spaces. Sleep, illness, alcohol or drug intoxication, psychological shocks - all these altered states have a special energy-information radiation and levels of perception. Like attracts like, and a person in various states tunes in to certain frequencies of the multidimensional Spiritual Reality.
The ability to regulate the state of Consciousness is the ability to consciously exist in the Spiritual Reality, which is the One Reality. The material world is just one of the facets-dimensions of the One World.

5. Life and activity in the Spiritual Reality.

Spiritual Reality is to be understood as the elemental forces of Nature. The more a person knows Nature, the easier and more comfortable his life. It is foolish to fight with Nature or try to subdue it. It is necessary to look closely at natural phenomena and adapt to their manifestations. If the wind is fair - why blow it.
The best adviser in spiritual matters is the "inner voice". Logical constructions when comprehending spiritual processes are useless because there is not enough information to see the full picture. The Spiritual Reality is reasonable, sometimes it is not reasonable, most often it is dual and ambiguous. The Spiritual Reality is alive and has feelings, moods, its own desires and meanings.
Only intuition can suggest the right answers and solutions. Only conscience is the fundamental law. And only the reasonableness of decisions is the main priority when choosing an action. The combination of intuition, conscience and intelligence gives the best result for understanding the Spiritual Reality.
Living according to Conscience in harmony with Nature does not mean submitting to all elemental manifestations and whims of spirits. Compromises, mutually beneficial conditions should be sought. One should not perceive the Spiritual Reality as an eternal struggle between Good and Evil. Nature is neither good nor evil. Everything is subject to various laws and circumstances. Day follows night, winter comes after summer, calm, peaceful weather sets in after bad weather.
The ability to adapt to different conditions is the main thing in human life. How to change, how to act and live in a constantly changing world? Spiritual Reality is different for everyone, purely personal and subjective. All questions are answered by Intuition, Conscience and Reason.

6. Dualism.

The root causes of duality are instinctive and primitive, based on the concepts of good and bad. On the physical law of potential difference. On the law of attraction and repulsion. Yin and Yang, Nav and Rule. Problems arise when one of the forces is more active. The force of action causes the force of reaction. The active, active principle of the Spirit excites the contemplative manifestation of the Spirit. The impossibility of self-realization leads to a conflict between the material and the spiritual.

Sources and limitations of motivation.
Primary motives are the desire to know everything.
Secondary motives are the desire to realize everything.
The hidden motivator is a selfish active spirit-soul, a part of Consciousness.
The hidden limiter is a contemplative, mind-set part of the Consciousness.
Mind-soul of a person, Prudence-soul and Mind-spirit constitute the common Consciousness.
Disharmony of Consciousness-Spirit components leads to duality of consciousness.
The future is unknown and multivariate, the future is an abstract concept. Due to not serious attitude to the future and the consequences of one's thought-forms-actions, not only material, but also spiritual problems arise. Ill-considered actions arise from the haste to realize your desires. The word "error" comes from the word "hell". Awareness of the consequences of the fulfillment of desires can significantly limit the number of errors. The problem is to get ahead of action over thought.
The limitation of action is made by the Spirit. If the contemplative Spirit is inactive, the active, selfish part of the Spirit is capable of disturbing the Consciousness.

7. Light and dark in the One Universe.

Worldview is a fundamental factor for understanding the foundations and harmonious life in the Universe. The division of the world into light and dark, black and white is fundamentally wrong. Nothing is unconditionally light or dark. Any light is clouded over time. Any dark manifests itself as the opposite essence.
The unity of opposites is just as false in reality. Opposites cannot be the same. Opposites can only exist in confrontation. Therefore, light and dark have points of contact common to both sides. Unity can be explained by being in the same space. Then the struggle of the two sides necessarily leads to the destruction of this space. In the process of observing the material world, it becomes clear that the material world is slowly but inevitably developing.
What is the unity of dark and light? What do they have in common? The answers to these questions are not in the material world, but in the spiritual plane of being. World religions see the One God as the creator and the punishing destroyer. Creative, creating and destroying for subsequent creation. Everything is from God and everything is in God. Light and dark are united in God, and people are created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, in each person, as in the likeness of God, there is a unity of light and dark spirit.
In the new pagan polytheism, dark and light spirits are strictly limited in their manifestations. Opposite spiritual forces act in different levels of the Upper and Lower Worlds. In relation to people, Spiritual forces are not benevolent and not aggressive. The world of spirit people is not interested. Light and dark spirits interact only with each other. Contacts with people for spirits are exceptional cases. Spirits interact with knowledgeable people - shamans, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers. In neo-pagan monotheism, light and dark are two sides of one multi-manifested All-God. In the original paganism, the elemental Spirits are united in Nature, and the Spirits of the Ancestors are divided into diverse Tribal and outcasts. Paganism in general is very versatile, but it is united in the main provisions - there are all kinds of Gods, and the Sky and the Sun are one for all. There are all sorts of spirits, and the Ancestral Spirits of the Ancestors are the closest.
From a scientific point of view, everything in the universe consists of atoms, which have positively and negatively charged elementary particles. The negative charge balances the positive charge. By causing the positive particles to increase, you automatically cause the negative particles to increase. According to the laws of physics, positive light cannot exist without negative dark, and vice versa. Different polar particles create a whole. Encourage each other to move and develop.
From the point of view of psychology, the subconscious active principle is a dark instinctive manifestation of the ancient archetypes. Light consciousness is contemplative, judicious and not subject to emotional impulses. The dualism of thinking is due to two manifestations of the Mind - conscious and subconscious, light and dark. But a psychologically healthy consciousness must be integral.
The worldview of Slavic Vedism sees the Universe as a single multi-manifested Nature. Rod - Slavic God is diverse. The division of spirits into light and dark is nothing more than a convention. Spirits are diverse and multi-manifested. In the field of activity of the Spirits, there are both light and dark sides.
Nature is diverse and multi-manifested. Gods and spirits are diverse and multi-manifested, people are diverse and multi-manifested. Distinguishing all beings in their rationality and non-intelligence.
In the Natural Worldview, light and dark do not exist. There is only reasonable or not reasonable.

8. Spirits and people.

Spirits manifest themselves in the material world through people. With each person from the moment of birth and until the transition of the soul-mind of a person into a spiritual state, Spirits are constantly with a person.
Why so, and not otherwise?
Spirits are a personal manifestation of the Spiritual Reality. Spirits unite the Spiritual Reality with the material reality. If this interconnection and interaction does not exist, then the material world will degrade to the state of the Stone Age. If the interconnection and interaction of the human world and the Spiritual Reality breaks, then the spiritual world will simply disappear by itself. Because man is a material structure, and the spirit is an energy-informational entity. The earthly human world feeds the spiritual world with its energies, feelings, information. Breaking the relationship and interaction of the spiritual with the material will destroy the integrity of the One World.
Without the materiality of the human world, the Spiritual Reality loses its support and turns into a collective unconscious.

9. Realization of the nature of the Spiritual Reality.

When the mind is faced with chaos, one must leave the mind and trust intuition. Faith is beyond reason. The supernatural is not governed by the laws of reason. The supernatural is the elements of nature. Where the mind is powerless begins the area of ​​Faith, mysticism and magic. The energies of Nature are not rational in the usual human sense. The Forces of Nature are reasonable not by the analytical mind, but by the energy of the senses. Spiritual impulses in the supernatural are more effective than the arguments of reason. For spiritual impulses, physical and chemical laws, the possibility or impossibility of actions do not matter. A spiritual, mystical act does not need logical confirmation and ethical justification. In the Supernatural, the forces of Life and the forces of Death operate, which are beyond the limits of the speculative. Faith - knowledge of the Primordial is known by sensory-experimental way.
Everything that is in Nature is initially in the micro and macrocosm. You just need to realize it.

10. Duality of Spiritual Reality.

Dualism by definition is the unity of opposites. The dualism of Spiritual Reality is the duality of instinctive animal and intelligent spiritual, desire and conscious action. Desire without reason and reason without desire cannot exist. Such a concept as dualism in the psyche should be considered as a splitting of consciousness, scientifically - schizophrenia.

General meaning in self-expression.
Dualism in consciousness should be considered not as opposites of opinions, but as a single productive communication-dialogue.
Duality in physics is expressed only in the minimum negative charge of atoms. The unity of energies in nature is the movement of matters identical in their fundamental principle with other matters and energies. Duality in nature is not possible. The emergence of duality in nature means the destruction of nature.

11. The unity of the nature of the Spiritual Reality.

12. Duality of Spiritual Reality.

Dualism by definition is the unity of opposites. The dualism of Spiritual Reality is the dualism of instinctive animal and intelligent spiritual, desire and conscious action. Desire without reason and reason without desire cannot exist. Such a concept as dualism in the psyche should be considered as a splitting of consciousness, scientifically - schizophrenia.
The meaning of the conscious is to live and improve the quality of life through creation.
The meaning of the unconscious is to satisfy selfish natural instincts.
General meaning in self-expression.
Dualism in consciousness should be considered not as opposites of opinions, but as a single productive communication-dialogue. Duality in nature is not possible. The emergence of duality in nature means the destruction of nature.
Duality in the universe, physics and psychology is not a unity of opposites. Duality in the Spiritual Reality is two facets of a single multifaceted Universe.

13. Duality of Spiritual Reality.

Spiritual Reality has no form. Therefore spirits have no stability. The spirit, like the wind, walks in the direction of the cyclone. Spiritual Reality is impersonal and indifferent. If the spirit lives in the Spiritual Reality, it loses its personality. If the spirit lives in material reality, it acquires personality. Man in the crowd, merges with the crowd. A person alone becomes himself.
The duality of the subjective mind is not possible. The mind is one and the thought is one. Perhaps the disagreement of the mind and feelings.
The duality of the mind comes from the dark side of the Spiritual Reality. The dark side of the Spiritual Reality is a manifestation of the Spiritual World clouded by the animal unconscious. The collective unconscious is not intelligent, has no matter and no foundation. That which is not a person has no motivation. The actions of the unconscious are instinctive and spontaneous. Therefore, there is no reason to expect logic, truth, pity or help from the Spiritual Reality. If there is no relationship, there can be no interaction. Help is possible only from certain subjective spirits.
The negative energies of thoughts and feelings can be overcome by calm awareness of the origin of thoughts and emotions. In a relaxed mind and body, energies do not concentrate and do not create a destructive effect. A calm mind is able to correctly assess the situation and act in a reliable direction.
Thought comes, thought goes.
The feeling comes and goes.
Everything changes and passes.
The direction of action is prompted by the personal spirit on an intuitive level. One thing must be firmly known: - Spiritual help is not deliverance, but support for one's own actions.

14. The unity of the nature of the Spiritual Reality.

The demarcation defines the boundaries, which become the boundary zone of the internal and external, one's own and the other's, conflicting opposites. Everything is relative. Nature is one and many. The expansion of consciousness frees from far-fetched boundaries. Life energy is the same in all living things. And every being is a component of the One Universe.
It's all about your worldview.
Everything in the world is a single energy of Life in different manifestations. The opposite is an illusion in the manifold One Reality. Enlightenment is not in the Light, but beyond illusions. The haze of illusions limits the Consciousness. There is nothing but the One Life Energy. Extreme forms are not viable. There is no absolute Good and there is no absolute Evil. The Absolute does not manifest itself in Superreality, the Absolute manifests itself in moderation and harmony.
A worldview is a system of ideas that support each other. The basis of the Natural worldview is the realization of the Single Energy of Life. As in living Nature there is black and white, death and life, so in all manifestations of Spiritual Reality there are energies of black and white, death and life. But Nature and Spiritual Reality are one and indivisible. It unites everything in Nature and Spiritual Reality with the energy of Life, which is the same for all living beings.

15. Spiritual Reality.

Spiritual Reality is unknowable. Whoever says that he knows the Spiritual Reality knows nothing. The one who understands the diversity and multi-manifestation of the spiritual world knows the Spiritual Reality.
Spiritual Reality is all-encompassing. Everything that is in Nature is in the Spiritual Reality. Everything that can be thought, that can be felt, everything that can be thought up – all this is in the Spiritual Reality.
Mythology, magic, religion, philosophy, psychology, science, sociology, culture and many other things are derivatives of the Spiritual Reality.
The plant, animal, human and spiritual worlds are one whole of the single Nature of the Universe. Spiritual with every person from the moment of birth, and throughout life throughout its entire length. Spirits and people form an interconnected and interacting process of thinking, creation and destruction, which is the social and private life in Nature.

16. Conscious and unconscious Spiritual Reality.

The Unconscious of the Spiritual Reality is manifested by going beyond the rational rational Consciousness. Phenomena of the unconscious occur when the desired is at odds with the actual. Reason wants one being, but does not see the possibilities for its realization. Due to the predominance of instincts, the spirit succumbs to emotions and creates chaos in which internal tension comes out. The unconscious breaks into the conscious, causing mental problems.
The danger is that the state of chaos may please, and the spirit will become dependent on it. The initial idea of ​​dissatisfaction is forgotten and turns into a desire to stay beyond the acceptable limits of consciousness. The effect of a chaotic state is comparable to alcohol or drug intoxication. Chaos is not subject to generally accepted laws. What do words mean for those who do not hear the voice of reason. The insane does not understand the rational until it is cleansed of delusion.
Altered states of consciousness have a wide range of sensations and are achieved in various ways. What is common in altered states of consciousness is that all events occur directly in the mind and field of consciousness of the Spirit. Thus, the problem of temporary insanity is only in the consciousness of the spirit, and is caused by the actions of the consciousness of the spirit. To solve the problem of clouding the mind, certain conditions are necessary. The first is understanding the problem. That is, the transition of unconscious motives into conscious reflection on desires, actions and determining the essence of the problem. The second condition is a change in the state of consciousness from the position of imbalance to the position of reality.
The state of Reality is the same state of consciousness as many other states. The realization that pure consciousness or defilement is just one of the many moods of the mind contributes to a quick return to the Actual Reality.
There are many moods of consciousness. It is not necessary to break away and go crazy in order to relieve internal tension. One can harmonize the mind by contemplating natural objects. The sky is always above your head. Contemplation of the Sky induces harmony in the soul.

17. Who is God?

God is a multifaceted concept. Therefore, a large number of definitions have been invented, such as the Divine, the Higher Forces, the Light of the Highest, the Absolute, the Cosmos, Chaos, the abyss, Nothing, and so on. There are many names of God in different religions. To prevent intellectual concoctions and moral contradictions, I consider it right to consider not images of the Divine, but manifestations of Spiritual Reality.
Spiritual Reality is diverse and multi-manifested, conscious and unconscious. Spiritual Reality within and without. The Spiritual Reality or the Divine undoubtedly has an energy-informational nature. From the point of view of modern physics, matter is also energy-informational. And this means that the Divine is similar to the material in its Natural Basis.
In a generalized form, the Divine can be considered as the energy-forces of Nature. And the manifestations of the life energy of Nature in various types and the degree of concentration as material and spiritual entities. In fact, all living things are the concentrated energies of the life of Nature.
But Spiritual Reality is more diverse than energy. The Divine is intelligent, therefore information is of decisive importance in the space of Spiritual Reality. One should explore and cognize the Spiritual Reality at the informational level. Energetic cognition of the Spiritual Reality is reasonable to apply with full awareness of theoretical issues.
Faith or knowledge about the existence of the Higher Powers appeared in prehistoric times with the emergence of the first intelligent people. Archaeological finds, magical rock paintings, the remains of sacrifices, ritual burials date back to the Stone Age. This means that Pithecanthropes and Neanderthals already had peculiar ideas about rational and spiritual beings with personal will. The cult of the dead, belief in the spirits of ancestors and the Spirits of Nature firmly took their place in the public worldview long before the advent of homo sapiens. Throughout the history of mankind, the religious worldview has evolved from simple to complex, covering more extensive areas of society. On distant continents, in different climatic conditions, the evolution of religious ideas could change, but the essence and meaning of knowledge and faith has been preserved since the beginning of time - the Divine power is present in the entire Universe and every living being.
What is God? God is a diverse and multi-manifested Spiritual Reality. The Spiritual Reality is the many different spirits that form the Gods. The idea of ​​the One God, the Creator of the Universe refers to the idealistic worldview. V different countries, in specific times and social conditions, the universal Consciousness created its gods. The idea of ​​a single Deity is impossible for modern consciousness. Nevertheless, every rational being repeatedly during his life at the level of feelings and mind was aware of spiritual phenomena. In the original basis of the worldview, the Divine was simple and understandable to every rational being. No one had questions about the divine Nature, the Spirits of the Ancestors and the Family. Spirits filled the whole world - plants, animals and people. Spirits created themselves in Nature. The complication of religious and philosophical systems led to contradictions and misconceptions.
One can realize the Spiritual Reality on one's own experience, observing oneself and the surrounding space.
The truth is simple and natural.
Life itself is true.
Contemplating Life, you realize the Divine.

18. Unity and versatility of the Spiritual Reality.

The understanding of the Higher Forces became more complicated in the process of evolution. Initially, there was an awareness of the Spirits of Nature, the Spirits of Ancestors and the Family. The personification of tribal spirits, their unity from the multitude passed into the image of the One God of the Tribe and People. Thus, God Rod is a conciliar concept of the generic spirits of a people. God The kind of people of the Slavs, Germans, Latins, Israelis, Mongols, Hindus, and so on ... The concept of the Mother Goddess, women in childbirth and protection from the transfer to the metaphysical plane of the images of women, mothers and keepers of the family hearth. The God Rod and the Mother Goddess are united in the divine symbol, but spiritually diverse, as a combination of many spirits of the ancestors of the people. If you expand the image to the scale of the macrocosm, then the God Rod of the planet Earth is the God Rod-Nature. God the Family of the Universe - the First Family.
Evil spirits were understood as the spirits of a foreign people, outcasts of the tribe and criminals of the foundations of the God of the Family. Tribes united into peoples, diverse nations were created, a class system began to appear. Man transferred to the religious spheres the images of rulers and spiritual figures, heroes and warriors, merchants and workers. The concepts of the Highest gods of wisdom and strength, warrior gods, gods of wealth and fertility appeared. The evil spirits became the Unclean Force. In the myths about the creation of the World, the Higher Forces were united by Mother Nature, thanks to which everything exists.
The multiplicity of light and dark gods created a multi-level understanding of the Spiritual Reality. The simple people from the children of God became the servants of God and began to understand the Gods as the masters of people and their fate. The elite of society perceived the Higher Forces as an ordered structure, with members of which one can interact on certain conditions. The rulers began to be deified, and the clergy assumed the role of intermediaries between the Higher Forces and people. Thus, the worldview of society was formed. The introduction of religious ideas into the mass consciousness severed the relationship between the material and the spiritual. The Spirits of Nature have become the Higher Forces. The spirit became God and moved away from man. The spirits of the Ancestors turned into angels and demons. The natural Generic world outlook has passed into the worldview of the religious hierarchical structure of the Kingdom of God, with class inequality and judicial legislation. The consequences of such a worldview were reflected in the dark ages of the Middle Ages and the destruction of the Hellenic pagan genius in various fields of science.
If you look from the point of view of establishing global progress, then with the development of state, public and social life, the idea of ​​a One God has become inevitable. Identified with the earthly, the Divine structure became more multifaceted and complex. Overgrown with myths and religious and philosophical constructions. The very complexity of the system of ideas about the Higher Forces forced us to come to the idea of ​​the Supreme and Almighty One God-Creator of the Universe. A similar simplification through submission worked more than two thousand years ago.
Over the centuries, the spiritual component has been so absorbed into the worldview of the medieval public consciousness that until the advent of science and philosophy at the beginning of the 20th century, no one dared to think of the Spiritual Reality as something other than the Kingdom of God. Science and philosophy of the 20th century proclaimed that – God is dead! – and forgot about the Spiritual Reality.
The Spiritual Reality has never been the One God or the Kingdom of God. The understanding of this fact is derived from a variety of contradictory religious and philosophical fabrications. Spiritual thought has never in history created a consistent, unified and integral, universally true system.
The overthrow of the ideas of the Divine, the atheism of the 20th century and the loss of the spiritual worldview led to moral degradation, two world wars and the use of nuclear weapons. Thus, the second simplification of the worldview about the Spiritual Reality affected. " As F.M. Dostoevsky wrote: "If there is no God, then everything is permitted."
Spiritual Reality is not the One God and cannot be the One God. Spiritual Reality is the conciliar concept of diverse spirits. One interconnected and interacting Universe.
How easier system, the more reliable it is. The original spiritual worldview is built on the real centuries-old social experience, and not on the religious and philosophical reasoning of single individuals. The unity of the many-sided Spiritual Reality lies in the primordial psychological archetypes and mental images. Divine single life-giving Nature, Spiritual Reality and the people are three components of the material and spiritual reality.

19. Plenty of One.

In the generally accepted understanding, the Higher Forces are contradictory. Therefore, there was a division of the Spiritual world into Light and Dark, into Good and Evil.
Wise men and thinkers believe that God is everywhere and in everything. If we consider this statement, then God is in positive and negative, in pure and impure, in light and dark. God in the best representatives spiritual and human, and God is also present in the ugliest beings of the material-spiritual world. God is in the smile of a child, and God is holding a knife in the hand of a drug addict-murderer. According to the sages, God is everywhere and in everything.
The sacred and the damned evoke both fear and reverence for the sacred. The Higher Powers can manifest themselves in any form.
The most ancient worldview was based on the unified nature of the universe. Light and Dark gods could cause evil and good to people, regardless of their name. Drive people out of the Garden of Eden, doom the entire human race to original sin from birth. Arrange a global flood, leaving one family alive and so on ...
Night and day, winter and summer occur in one world. Nature cannot be divided in half. The higher can be formidable or calm, destructive or beneficial. The forces of nature are divine manifestations unified material and spiritual reality. In the material-spiritual reality there is everything that is in Nature.
The duality between harmony and struggle, spiritual and material, thought and deed is expressed in the generally accepted understanding as the opposite of Good and Evil. It seems that a million years of evolution has not affected the material and spiritual consciousness in any way. And we still live in the stone jungle.
The mind and consciousness are divine, the spirit has the will to act. From unreasonable action comes evil. From reasonable thought - good. The negative comes from the active unconscious spirits. The divine is contemplative.
No good, no evil
No light, no dark.
There is reasonable and unreasonable
Pure and impure.
There is ignorance and madness.
There is knowledge and intelligence.

20. Material-spiritual Reality.

Spiritual Reality contains all kinds of spiritual images, phenomena and manifestations. The gods of various religions, spirits, ethereal, astral and energy-informational beings and entities, people and Nature make up the Single material and spiritual Reality.
The Divine appears in rational creation. The demonic manifests itself in unconscious activity. The Divine can exist only in conscious creation, in creation, in activity, but not as a person or essence. The deity as a person or entity is too varied and impermanent - as evidenced by the actual history. The many-faced Deity has the functions of the divine and the demonic at the same time, which is not acceptable for the modern public worldview. People are not able to realize that in the Spirit-God there is everything that is in the world. Good and bad, reasonable and crazy, beautiful and disgusting. Diversity of Spiritual Reality in a simplified form has created a duality of perception of reality. The world split in half into black and white. The dualism of dark and light divided consciousness. But the Universe is one. The task of the Natural Worldview is to return consciousness to its natural state. Integrity is achieved by understanding a single diverse material-spiritual Reality.
Spiritual divine and spiritual demonic exist in the phenomena and manifestations of a single Spiritual Reality. Spiritual divine and spiritual demonic are not personalities and entities, but only manifestations and actions. An entity is what it does at a given moment in time. It is desirable to treat the influences of the Spiritual Reality in the same way as they treat the elements of Nature. They do not fight with Nature, but create conditions that are convenient for themselves.
For a correct perception of reality, it is necessary to have a pure consciousness. Pure consciousness means a mind not clouded by superfluous, and therefore harmful, meanings, concepts and ideas. A clear understanding requires a detached, independent view of things. The consistency of the laws of religion and the state builds society, but limits the freedom of the individual. Consciousness is spirit. For reason, knowledge is more necessary than faith and laws. The search for knowledge requires freedom of thought, which is criminal for the institutions of religion and the state. Knowledge is power. A mature, pure mind is needed to control the force.
Spiritual Reality in personal plans contains four levels. In the generally accepted sense, the levels are understood as god, spirit, soul and mind of a person. The duality of consciousness is created by the spirit. The spirit is an active principle striving for independence. Man, soul and god are more interconnected. This does not mean that the spirit is somewhat different from the soul, the difference is in qualities. The spirit is more selfish, assertive, more manifests itself in action. The Spirit often takes on a dark image and comes into conflict with other components of the Consciousness.
Co-knowledge is the joint knowledge of the human mind and spiritual beings. The division of spiritual beings into soul, spirit or god is conditional. All spiritual concepts are figurative, they should not be taken literally and given a certain meaning. All spiritual beings should be understood as the Spirit of diverse and multi-manifested. Refers to the Spirit should be according to its phenomena and manifestations. By deeds, spiritual images are judged and determined. Trust in the Spirit, but don't make a mistake yourself. The main thing is the personal mind and personal desires. The integral Consciousness of a person and the Spirit always strives for well-being.
Spirits should not be considered creatures, they are more multifaceted entities. The material-spiritual Reality consists of people and the Spiritual Reality. People are individuals with a face. Spirits are indefinite entities without gender and age, without personal properties and qualities. The many-faced Spirits can manifest themselves as a naive child and a wise old man, as a dissolute woman and a warrior spirit, as an angel and a demon, as Odin and Legion, as God and the Devil.
Evil does not exist as a system, evil in single unreasonable actions. Evil from ignorance. Knowledge is power and freedom. Everything is part of the Universe, and this knowledge frees from many questions. Awareness purifies. Divine Nature. Knowing himself, knows Nature, the divine in himself and in the world. This is wisdom and love. Love is the understanding and unity of the inner and outer divine. The joy of life is in the truth, in which there is no negative delusion. False thinking of individual units produces evil.
The troubles are insignificant compared to true natural life. Negative thinking poisons existence. Single events are not on a par with the process in time, in the stream of which everything dissolves.
Interconnected parts contribute to the creation of the whole in development.
If we replace the concept of "God" with the concept of "Nature", then the spiritual vision of reality is ordered. Nature does not contain good and evil, love and hate. Nature-God simply exists. God is Nature. Nature is God. The more you love the divine Nature, the more the essence itself is filled with joy. This is the natural law of cause and effect, relationship and interaction, balance and measure.
Awareness of oneself and Nature makes one wise and serene. Love for Nature does not get rid of the negative. Love for Nature-God makes it possible to overcome negative phenomena, streamline life and be satisfied in the natural simplicity of being.
The natural worldview is based on real life reality. The natural worldview is dominated by the factual view of the multi-level material and spiritual reality. Mythology, religion, philosophy and psychology of society are considered from the positions of pure Consciousness. Metaphysical reflections that have no practical use are discarded and are not recognized as viable. Illusions and mirages clog the mind. A pure mind in the Natural Worldview accepts Life as it is in all its diversity. Volumetric Consciousness of man and Spirit takes into account all aspects of multiple realities and combines the Only Reality.

21. Unity of Reality and many realities.

Reality is people and Spirits in Nature. The word "reality" has a personal meaning for each individual entity. Consistency of multiple realities organizes a common Reality. Spiritual Reality is hidden to most people. Spirituality is usually called religious, cultural and social manifestations of personal consciousness. Spirituality in the generally accepted sense is literature, art, religiosity, social relations of mutual assistance. Spiritual Reality hid behind false concepts. Cause and effect are reversed. In the material plane, spiritual manifestations are nothing but the result of the actions of the Spiritual Reality. And the cause of spirituality is in the Spiritual world itself.
People have become so accustomed to "their" thoughts, feelings, desires, dreams and visions that they cannot imagine any other origin of mental phenomena except as a result of the work of the brain. Similar tendencies have penetrated and taken root in scientific and social programs. False understanding inevitably leads to errors. The path of human development has turned onto a dangerous path of a distorted worldview. The rejection of spiritual values ​​leads to the moral degradation of society. If there is no God, then everything is allowed.
The psyche of consciousness is understood as thoughts and feelings generated by brain activity. It has become customary to forget the meanings of words. "Psycho" in Greek means "soul". That is, consciousness as a set of mental processes is the soul. The word "genius" means the concept of "spirit". Therefore, genius consciousness is a spiritualized soul. Thoughts come from the spirit, feelings come from the soul. Dreams, visions, inner voice, all mental processes originate from spiritual entities, which are usually called Spirits. The human mind perceives and processes information coming from outside. The ancients knew this. In the New Age, spiritual knowledge is hidden. How is it possible to live fully with limited knowledge of the world?
Spiritual Reality constantly interacts with the material plane of being. Spirits with every person every moment of life from birth to death of the body. After the death of the body, the energy-informational component of the human mind passes into the Spiritual world. Learn the Spiritual Reality simply by personal experience. It is enough to perceive audible thoughts as the voices of spirits. The proof is obvious and does not require confirmation. One's own thinking is not audible, one's own thinking occurs without words, as a simple understanding or awareness. What is heard by the mind are the voices of the spirits. In the process of speculative contemplation comes an understanding of the causes of spiritual phenomena. The interconnection and interaction of the material and spiritual world are natural in nature. Spirits and man constitute a single organism and integral Consciousness.
Awareness of the Spiritual Reality occurs naturally and does not depend on mental abilities. The complexity of awareness is determined by the degree of false experience. People are able to understand what is familiar to them to some extent. Obstacles to awareness lies in false assumptions, imposed opinions, established dogmas, which were gradually invested in the subconscious of people. Liberation from defilement false meanings like enlightenment. The main lie of the New Age is that the world is only material. In just a hundred years of deception, scientific atheism has destroyed spirituality in the public mind. Science and technology have taken revenge on the church for the thousand-year destruction of free thought. Religious institutions could not adapt to the freethinking of modern times. With the loss of spirituality, Reality was fragmented into many personal realities conditioned by social inequality. The modern understanding of the material and spiritual world is capable of restoring integrity to the Universe. The new social consciousness makes it possible to understand the unity of Nature at the physical energy level.
The beauty of natural objects lies in harmonious wholeness. Deformity is observed in excessive or insufficient. Every rational being must know himself and the world in which he lives. Man is a material and spiritual being. The corporeal is visible, the spiritual is known by consciousness. One without the other is incomplete. The human body and mind from the point of view of modern physics are energy-information formations. Spirits are energy-informational entities. Nature is a single energy-informational structure. The Universe is an energy-informational Universe. The single and universal Basis of life lies in the energy of life and positive information, which streamlines and organizes energy into a multitude of various systems, structures and objects.
The vital energy-force is intelligent in the understanding of the sensory-intuitive mind and the operation of the natural modeling and ordering of objects. In the creation of forms, the essence of the mind life force-energy. Nature gave birth to Life and created Mind. Man, Spirits, Nature in the Universe are united by a single Foundation - the life-giving energy-force of Life. The natural law of cause and effect, interconnection and interaction, balance and measure organizes Natural processes and phenomena at all levels of being from matter to Spirit. The realities of the parts constitute a single material-spiritual Reality. Awareness of the real Reality creates a natural wholeness of the natural essence.
Development proceeds from simple to complex. The energy of the Big Bang created the Universe, Earth and Nature. The energy of Nature gave rise to life and Reason. Spirits originated from people and became energy. The circle of energy development is closed. The evolution of the vital force has taken on a complete form. It remains to give this system a symmetrical form. The mind must streamline the energy-information space. The laws of religions and states are not enough. The main one is missing. The Energy of Nature is the Basis of Life. The natural law of balance can help create the perfect structure. Knowledge is inherent in the very essence of Reason. It is necessary to unite the mind and feeling, internal and external, material and spiritual, parts and whole, being, essence and multiple realities in a single Natural Reality.

22. Understanding the Spiritual Reality.

Spiritual knowledge has lost certainty. The mythology of religion has mixed in the public mind with personal views. Eastern teachings added even more confusion in the minds. At different levels, the spiritual and divine are perceived in their own way. Without a clear worldview, it is impossible to confidently walk through the thorns of life. To reject spirituality means to limit one's horizons, to become blind. It is not for nothing that knowledge and vision are close in meaning. The reality of modernity prevents us from accepting outdated doctrines. All the teachings of the West and East are hopelessly outdated. And this is an indisputable fact of the New Age.
For definiteness, it is necessary to highlight the main features by the method of system simplification. The universe is one. Differences of cultures in modern times is reduced to a minimum. Spirituality is present in the traditions of the whole world. Common elements of spiritual knowledge is the doctrine of a multitude of spiritual beings united by the One God. The names may be different, but the qualities and essence are the same. There is creation and destruction. God is one, the Spiritual Reality is one, which means that spiritual beings have the qualities of creation and destruction.
God is power-energy. Energy can create and destroy. Energy is impersonal or transpersonal, which does not play a special role. The energy is simply there. It exists in the world. Names and qualities don't matter. God and Spiritual Reality are impersonal or transpersonal, which does not play a special role. If there are many images, then there is nothing unambiguous. God and Spiritual Reality simply exist and live according to natural processes.
Existing cannot be contradictory. The mind is integral, there cannot be duality in it by nature, otherwise it would not have been born and did not exist. Contradictions arise from the violation of interconnections and interaction of spiritual beings. Multiplicity is the fragmentation of the spiritual Consciousness. The black-and-white world outlook is wretched before the multidimensionality of Nature. Light and darkness are nothing more than Conscious and Unconscious. Black is a delusion of the mind. Light is the enlightenment of the mind. These and other states occur with every being that has a mind. The more you fill life with the conscious, the less the unconscious will be.
The diversity of the Spiritual Reality should not be divided into black and white. Limitation Spiritual Consciousness concepts of dark and light covers the whole versatility of the material and spiritual Reality. Whole, voluminous Consciousness, based on innate intuition, surveys the levels of energy-information space sufficient for a full-fledged life. Nature has everything necessary for existence.
Man is a material and spiritual being. Spirituality in a person is manifested in thinking, feelings and intuition. The relationship with personal spirits occurs at the physical level. If there is no relationship, there should be no interaction. Man is limited from the Spiritual Reality by generic spirits that make up his Consciousness. The personality of a person is individual. Relations with society are built only in society, but not in personal reality. The true nature of a person interacts only with generic spirits and the natural energy of Life. Consciousness is Spirit. Spirit is free like air. Personal dignity is inherent in the fundamental essence, which is not amenable to objective circumstances. The main sign of spirituality is Reason. We are what we do.
In Nature there is the energy of Life. Spiritual beings are the concentrated energy of Life in different states. Conscious and unconscious manifestations determine the character of spiritual beings. Natural causes create the conditions of life. Personal Consciousness creates its existence in objective circumstances. Natural Law regulates relations in the Universe. The measure determines the balance, the relationship decides the interaction, the cause generates the effect. Consistency with Nature provides the conditions for a full life.
The understanding of the spiritual Reality must correspond to the material-spiritual Reality. Illusions, dogmas and stamps of public consciousness are a bad help in the worldview. The universe is diverse and multi-manifested. The understanding of the spiritual Reality is also diverse and multi-manifested. Even metal is flexible. The mind must be flexible, not the soul.
The certainty of the spiritual is contained in the basic principle. The natural life is true in the energy of the divine Nature-Kind of the material-spiritual Reality.

23. Material-spiritual Reality.

The modern spiritual worldview is based on the idealism of the Almighty God, creator and creator of the world. It seems like God invented himself, and then everyone else. Such is the doctrine of world religions. Such an understanding is surprising and unacceptable from a scientific, rational point of view. It leads to a complete denial of the Spirit.
Common sense tells us to look for a middle ground between the two extremes. The golden mean lies in the unification of divine idealism and material realism. Volumetric material and spiritual perception sees the Divine in Nature and the spiritual in man.
Spiritual psychic phenomena are manifested in thought processes. Thought can be the reaction of a solitary mind. But the thought process that creates something new is the collective work of many minds. Consciousness, which creates a mental product, is the joint knowledge of various beings. In harmony mind, mind, subconscious and superconscious form Consciousness. By analogy, the man-mind, together with the soul, spirit, god - the common Consciousness, form the material and spiritual unit of society.
Spirits appear in the world as energy-informational entities. They are felt physically, mentally, sensually and on a mental level. All these perceptions of spiritual manifestations are personal and do not have widespread. People are spiritually blinded and forced to exist in their insignificant roles of two-legged animals, which are shepherded by the “Heavenly Father” or objective circumstances.
Material scientific knowledge is not enough to satisfy the deepest needs of a person; religious faith is not enough. Man needs more, more comprehensive, the basis from which everything comes. Man needs knowledge of the Divine world order. Then the need of Consciousness will be satisfied. Otherwise, there will always be “eternal questions”, the mind and soul will be restless.
Cognition of the Spiritual Reality must come from personal experience. The relationship between personality and spirits is very individual. General experience may be useful for general definitions.
One can understand the Spirit as Consciousness or an inner voice and phenomena in a dream, as energy or will, as an energy-informational entity. All this will be correct from different points of view. Spiritual Reality is multifaceted and multi-manifested. Spiritual Reality should be understood figuratively, generally, philosophically. Any specification will be wrong.
The division of the Spirit into various spiritual beings is relative and conditional. God is Spirit, soul is spirit, man is spirit. Dark and light entities are different manifestations of the Spirit. The nature of the Spirit is diverse and multi-manifested.
The spirit is not guided by laws, morality and morality. He is neither evil nor good. Not light and not darkness. Spirit simply exists in nature and acts according to its state. Phenomena and manifestations of the Spirit can be assessed as conscious and unconscious. The character of the Spirit is judged by deeds.
The spirit, along with other actions, manifests itself through people. Spiritual Reality is located in the entire space of Nature. Spirit inside and outside of every person. Personal Spirit is Consciousness. Spirit is known by contemplating inner and outer Nature.
Spirit in the conventional sense is something supernatural, universal, unattainable divine. Such an opinion is idealistic, that is, unrealistic. In fact, the Spirit is personal, individual. Spirits have certain traits, habits and character. The spirit is predisposed to development, but also to degradation, to the conscious and the unconscious, to the rational and the insane.
Unconscious spirits are considered to be Unclean forces or evil spirits. Impure consciousness, clouding of the mind are the defining features of evil spirits. Unconscious actions lead to degradation. Conscious manifestations purify and develop Consciousness. This process is similar to the enlightenment of the mind of madmen when they realize their problems. That is, theoretically, with conscious activity, evil spirits can develop to the state of the spirit.
That Spirit is bad, which does not want to become God. The main sign of the Divine is creation and creation, the ordering of space. A secondary sign of God - He is not revealed in the world, He is invisible. The spirit is felt in thoughts, dreams, in the inner voice. The development of divine properties becomes with time the qualities of the Spirit and transfers the Consciousness to a higher level.
Man is a material and spiritual being. The person who does not want to become a spirit is bad. The development of spiritual properties eventually becomes the qualities of a person. The main sign of the Spirit is Reason. The mind develops by acquiring knowledge. Wisdom lies in right knowledge. True knowledge is a natural vision of the world, not clouded by false truths. The natural is true by nature. The natural exists and therefore is real and does not require proof.
Natural knowledge of the material-spiritual Reality eliminates false truths and develops the essence in a natural way.