The meaning and interpretation of the Muslim name Amalia. Amalia

Linguists claim that the name Amelia is a name of German (Old Germanic) origin. It is formed from the word amal, which means "labor" or "work". Logically, meaning of the name Amelia "hardworking" or "hardworking"... The name underwent certain metamorphoses during the transition to other languages. It is believed that the names Amelia, Amalia, Emmeline are different shapes of the same name.

In Russian culture, the name Amalia was more common, but now the name Amelia has become more popular. The name Amelia was and remains very popular in the land of eternal fogs, in Great Britain.

The meaning of the name Amelia (Amalia) for a girl

Girls named Amelia usually grow up disciplined and obedient. At the same time, Amelia must be asked, since it is almost impossible to force her to do something. She loves to help her parents, and especially her mother. Amelia is independent from childhood and knows how to do a lot herself, which often leads to early abandonment of her father's home. If a girl is very lively in childhood, then as a teenager she becomes more shy. Amelia is an honest and very correct girl.

Amelia is a good student. She has a wonderful analytical mind. She learns easily new material and may even help lagging classmates. Amelia knows how to organize her time correctly. She has enough time to study and play. The girl is growing talented in many ways. Amelia will be happy to study in various circles and sections. The girl is quite athletic and can even seriously get involved in sports.

Amelia is often in good health. Her sports hobbies also make the girl very attractive. However, Amelia needs to remember that as an adult, she has an increased chance of getting fat, so quit physical exercise it is undesirable for her. Joints are a rather weak point of Amelia's health. If this is not felt in youth, then this does not mean at all that you can neglect precautions.

Abbreviated name Amelia

Amalya, Ama, Leah, Leia.

Diminutive names

Amelichka, Melichka, Amochka, Amushka.

Name Amelia in English

V English language the name Amelia is spelled Amelia. Ranked in the top 10 most popular English names of 2009.

Name Amelia for passport- AMALIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Amelia into other languages

in Arabic - أمل أميليا.
in Hungarian - Amália
in Greek - Αμαλία (read as Amalia), Αμέλια (read as Amelia).
in Spanish - Amelia or Amalia
in Italian - Amelia
in Chinese - 阿米莉雅 (transliteration)
German - Amalia, Amalie
in Polish - Amalia
in Portuguese - Amélia, Amália
in Romanian - Amalia, Amelia
in Serbian - Amalia
in Finnish - Amalia, Amalja (read as Amalia)
in French -Amélie (read as Amelie)
in Czech - Amálie
in Swedish - Amalia, Amalie.
in Japanese - ア メ リ ア (transliteration)

The name Amelia in the church(in the Orthodox faith) is absent - this is not church name... This means that at baptism, Amelia will receive a church name different from the worldly one. Amalburga of Maubeuge is revered as a saint in the Catholic Church. Amalburga is one of the forms of the name Amalia. She is considered the patroness of the Belgian city of Ghent.

Characteristics of the name Amelia (Amalia)

If you try to characterize Amelia, then probably the first thing worth noting is her discipline and some restraint. Many people mistake Amelia's restraint for modesty, but this is not at all the case. She does not like haste and at the same time has time for everything. Amelia knows how to perfectly plan her time and always succeeds in everything. Her restraint is connected precisely with the fact that she repeatedly weighs everything before taking the next step. This allows you to avoid unnecessary mistakes, to which rush leads. Amelia is a kind and pleasant person to talk to. He knows how to have fun and have a good time, but usually this happens in a fairly narrow circle of people.

At work, Amelia is respected by her colleagues and appreciated by her superiors. Co-workers love Amelia for her wonderful human qualities and of course for Good work... The management appreciates Amelia more for her diligence and diligence. Amelia knows how to make the right decisions and never takes on a job that she cannot cope with. She can make a decision for a long time, but if the decision is made, then she does everything quickly and well. Amelia also has a perfectly developed intuition and she uses it, including in work needs.

Family ties for Amelia are a very serious step. She will never marry without love and usually looks for "that one" for a long time. Amelia is a very good hostess and a wonderful wife. She is kind, gentle and completely conflict-free. Amelia easily converges with her husband's relatives and they usually love her very much. She good mom and pays a lot of his attention to children. A marriage with Amelia is a safe haven of happiness.

The mystery of the name Amelia (Amalia)

Amelia's secret can be called her gullibility. She is good-natured and often falls for the bait of deceivers. Amelia needs to be careful and keep this trait in mind. And of course, her relatives should in every possible way protect her from various crooks.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Purple.

Wood- Aspen.

Plant- Barberry.

Stone- Rock crystal.

Forms of the name Amalia

Other variants of the name: Amalya, Ama.

Name Amalia on different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 利亞 (Lì yǎ). Japanese: ア マ リ ー (Amarī). Korean: 아 말리 에 (a mallie). Ukrainian: Amalia. Yiddish: אַמאַליע (amalye). English: Amalie (Amalie).

The origin and meaning of the name Amalia

The origin of the name Amalia -. The meaning of the name is Hardworking.

The nature of the name

Your friends and colleagues will have to get used to your peculiarity to reach everything “your own way” and conduct long negotiations. Otherwise, a positive result will not be achieved.

You are often called the "salt of the earth" because you are characterized by common sense, sincerity, frankness and willingness to help. You love people and want to be answered in kind.

You don't like being rushed. You work unhurriedly, and sometimes you move just as much. But this is not always good: due to your slowness, you can miss an opportunity in business.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all forms. Therefore, the primary basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not "fight" with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A "thin world" for you is always "better than a good quarrel", which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have a lot of friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to "awaken the best feelings" in a person who has a negative attitude towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And here you are often let down by your indecision. It is not shyness or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search best option... Life experience will help get rid of them.

External appearance

The main task is not to cause spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay Special attention the unity of style, softness of lines and, which is not less important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn, stale part of a suit. Try to learn to understand the styles. Otherwise, striving for a certain average type can lead to the fact that you will look like a "gray mouse".

Numerology named after Amalia

The owners of the number of the name 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. "Eights" are mostly very strong personalities, focusing on practicality and material benefits. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They do not get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature do not tend to make a lot of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Color: Electric, Shiny, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

Amalia's name as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
M Think
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
I (YA = A) Az

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Amalia

Amalia name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is a vital, daily necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness prevails, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness. However, you remain in the unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, response to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Amalia, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner "within reach" you feel abandoned, unsure that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.

From the ancient Germanic name Amalia, derived from amal ("work", "work") and thus means "diligent, active". In Russian, this name came from German language, therefore it retained its original form - Amalia. In European languages, this name gave several variations: Amelia, Ameline, Emmeline.

Energy named after Amalia, Amelia

The sound of the name Amalia gives the impression of something bright, joyful.

Characteristics of the name Amalia

She can be the first, is able to master any knowledge, feel smart and able to win any argument - this is her essence and aspiration. She is not afraid of topics unknown to her, as she is confident in her ability to comprehend the truth. However, in the case of suppression of her leadership from childhood, Amalia is able to withdraw into herself, withdraw into herself and fall into loneliness, seeing in this the only the right way, may take an interest in religion and fanatical spirituality.

She is talented from birth. Her attractiveness and femininity have reliable protection in the form of a strong, despotic character, pushing her to find out any, even the smallest truth. She is ready to argue to the point of hoarseness, convincing her opponent that she is right. However, Amalia is a dreamer and cannot rely on logic in an argument.

Her strong point is passion and desire for victory. She is not characterized by envy and greed, Amalia easily forgives offenses.

Amalia is disciplined, knows how to organize her day so that everything is in time. Has an innate sense of duty. Executive and obligatory. However, getting her to do something is difficult, she can only be convinced that it is necessary. She has many friends, most of them are boys. She is in no way inferior to them. Loves sports, has wrestling qualities, can become a professional athlete. Reads a lot, preferring science fiction literature. She is responsive and kind, peers are drawn to her.

Outwardly, it is similar to the father, and the internal genotype is inherited from the mother. He helps her with pleasure, spends a lot of time in the kitchen. Thanks to this, he learns to cook early and already at the age of sixteen may well start independent life... In the family, she is the beloved daughter.

Striving for perfection makes Amalia demanding both to herself and to others. Amalia is practical and adventurous, especially "autumn". Her advice is always useful, and many of her friends listen to them; Amalia is rarely mistaken.

Spring Amalia- an irrepressible enthusiast, easily carried away, energetic and impetuous in action. She tries to help everyone, her warmth is enough for many, many. She knows how to win over herself, she is influential and generous at the same time.

Summer Amalia- an inborn intellectual. Her demeanor is impeccable, communication with her is so pleasant that she is rarely alone; knows how to create a favorable climate in any team, her authority is undeniable.

This woman is an optimist: radiating constant cheerfulness, she instills faith in good. She never gives up without a fight, she knows how to achieve her goal.

Family, money and life are a sad inevitability, which Amalia will gladly refuse without regrets. Her temperament requires the constancy of a partner and stability in life. She is a born leader. However, it is better if her work is related to the field of education (school, university). Self-esteem, spirituality and the purpose of life are the three pillars of her life.

In order for Amalia to become a good wife, she needs to be offered stability and relieve her of everyday and material problems. It is better if the husband is a gentle person who needs strong support.

She marries late, is honest in relationships, cannot marry of convenience, is waiting for her prince.

She is a wonderful housewife, she loves to cook very much, she is neat, sometimes excessively. All this is judged by her mother-in-law. For Amalia, she is like a mother. Amalia knows how to avoid conflicts, happiness and tranquility reign in her house. She is a good mother - an educator for her children. A boy is born to her.

Secrets of communication

Amalia is an open, honest person, incapable of pettiness and hypocrisy. He does not tolerate gossip and backbiting, never supports a conversation if they talk about an absent, and even not very pleasant things. She is too trusting, she is easily deceived, although you cannot call her naive. She just wants to trust people, wants to think well of them.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Amalia

Amalya, Ama, Leah.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac sign : Virgo.
Name color : Navy blue.
Stone talisman : malachite.

Amalia's birthday

V Orthodox saints there is no name Amalia / Amelia.

Saint Amalberg of Maubeuge, a nun (VII century; commemoration day July 10) and Saint Amalberg of Temse (741-772, commemoration day - also July 10) are revered in the Catholic calendar.

The meaning of the name Amalia: this name for a girl is translated from Hebrew as "hardworking", and in Arabic the meaning of the name Amalia is "hope", "aspiration", "expectation".

The origin of the name Amalia: Jewish.

The diminutive form of the name: Amalya, Ama, Leah. It is worth noting that the diminutive names Malika, Emma, ​​Leah, Lina, which are often used as abbreviated forms for a name, in fact, are also independent names.

What does the name Amalia mean: She is at ease with time, she knows how to set real tasks and achieve results, for which her colleagues respect her. An agreeable and feminine girl is not in vain popular with men, she will become a loving wife and caring mother.

The name has many variations and several versions of its origin. So, according to the first version, the name Amal comes from the ancient Germanic name, which is translated as "work", "work". That is why the word "Amalia" is often interpreted as "hardworking".

Angel day and patron saints of the name: the name Amalia celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • June 10th
  • November 21

V Orthodox calendar the name Amalia is absent, but Catholics revere Saint Amelia - the widow and patroness of the city of Ghent in Belgium.

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.

Characteristics of the name Amalia

Positive features: The name Amalia bestows modesty, patience and tolerance. However, it is precisely because of this that Amal often withdraws into himself. She is well versed in people and, thanks to external obedience, easily disposes them to herself. Also Amalia is distinguished by a sense of duty, strong volitional qualities. The young owner of the name Amalia in life gives great value set goals.

Negative traits: it is not recommended to demand too much from yourself and be a little gracious in relation to others. But I must say that, having made the first mistakes, a girl with this name immediately understands where the amount of arrogance, pride and conceit goes off scale, after which she begins to eradicate these qualities in herself.

The nature of the name Amalia: What character traits determines the meaning of the name Amalia? Such a science as numerology says that Ama is inherent in the number 9. And it means dedication to the goal, vocation, talent, dedication, maximum use of available talents. For her, authority is of particular importance, she is able to become a strict, but fair leader, without deviating from her plan.

The ability to plan time allows Ama to be in time anytime, anywhere. A girl with this name almost never does anything under duress, but listens to requests. She is more friends with members of the opposite sex, since she has more common interests with them.

Amalia and her personal life

Love and marriage: Amalia is popular with men due to her genuine sexuality. In life, the main thing for her is building a family. A woman named Amalia loves children, but her maternal instinct does not always manifest itself immediately. She Amalia is hospitable and is considered a good hostess, she always knows what she wants.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: She is Amalia - this is extraordinary creative person... She is capable of being an artist, actress, musician. But the commercial sphere is clearly not its environment. Also, Amal is unlikely to achieve success in a career as a military or metallurgist.

Business and career: Amalia's professional career can be built in educational, radio engineering institutions, sports, medicine. In general, her main problem is the inability to identify her own talents and choose the right life path... But if the owner of the name Amalia manages to enlist the support of an experienced and wise person, she will certainly listen to his opinion.

Amalia's fate in history

What does the name Amalia mean for female destiny?

  1. Amalia of Prussia - princess and sister of King Frederick the Great of Prussia;
  2. Maria Amalia of Saxony - wife of Charles III and Queen of Spain;
  3. Princess Amalia of Saxony (Amelia) - German writer and composer;
  4. Amalia Mordvinova - actress, known under the pseudonym Amalia Amalia;
  5. Amalia Riznich is the first wife of Ivan Riznich, an Odessa merchant of Serbian origin, who was the subject of A.S. Pushkin during his exile, and at one time he dedicated several of his poems to her. She knew how at a young age;
  6. Amalia Malka Nathanson is the mother of Sigmund Freud.

Amalia in different languages ​​of the world

  • Name in English: name Amelia (Amelia).
  • in German: Amalia, Amalie, Amelie.
  • in French: Amelie.
  • in Spanish: Amelia, Amalia.
  • in Portuguese: Amelia (Amelia), Am? lia.
  • in Italian: Amelia, Amalia.
  • in Corsican: Amelia.
  • in Occitan: Amelha, Am? lia (Amelio).
  • in Catalan: Amelia (Amelia, Amelie), Am? lia.
  • in Romanian: Amalia, Amelia (Amelia).
  • in Hungarian: Amelia, Am? lia (Amelia).
  • in Polish: Amalia, Amelia (Amelia).
  • in Dutch: Amalia, Amelia.
  • in Danish: Amalie.
  • in Norwegian: Amalie.
  • in Finnish: Amalia (Amalia), Amalja (Amalia), Amaalia (Amaalia).
  • in Serbian: Amalija, Amalija.

The names and their meanings depend not only on the origin, but also on the time of year when the child was born. We recommend reading how the name affects the character and fate and familiarizing yourself with the list of names suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

It is important to know what the name means so that it is harmoniously combined with its owner - in terms of sound and phonosemantic significance.

Name Description: Amalia is an ancient Germanic name that comes from the word "work, work".

The sound of this name is a vivid and joyful impression.

Amalia is talented from birth. Her femininity and attractiveness is protected by her strong, oppressive nature. She argues to the point of losing her voice, convincing her interlocutor of her own righteousness. But Amalia is too dreamy to use logic in an argument.

She can master any knowledge, she feels capable of winning any argument. She is not afraid of unknown topics, because she is deeply confident in the ability of her mind to comprehend the truth. But when suppressing her leadership in childhood Amalia can withdraw into herself, seeing in this the only right path.

Amalia's strong point is her desire to win. She is not inherent in greed and envy, she easily forgives offenses.

Amalia is very disciplined, organizes her day in such a way that she has time to do everything. She has an innate sense of duty. But just to get her to do something is difficult, she must be convinced that it is really necessary.

Amalia has many friends, most of them are boys, and she is in no way inferior to them. She loves to play sports, can make a career in professional sports. It loves to read and reads a lot, especially science fiction literature. She is kind and responsive, her peers are drawn to her.

Outwardly, she resembles her father, but internally she inherits the mother's genotype. She is happy to help her, and, thanks to this, at the age of 16, she can run her own household and live separately.

Amalia is demanding of herself and others. She is adventurous and down-to-earth. She will always give helpful advice, friends listen to her, as she rarely makes mistakes

Amalia is an optimistic woman who exudes cheerfulness and instills hope for good. She will not give up without a fight and knows how to achieve her goal.

It is best for Amalia to connect her profession with the field of education.

Personality character: disciplined, executive, obligatory, responsive, kind, economic, open, honest, trusting, demanding, energetic, impetuous

Name abbreviations: Amalya, Ama, Amy, Emmy, Emma, ​​Milli, Ame, Ami, Mali, Malika, Male, Amalchen, Malchen, Amelchen, Meli, Amke, Lino, Lina, Mela, Leah

Suitable middle name: Rustamovna, Bogdanovna, Boguslavovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Davydovna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Nikanorovna, Robertovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna

Suitable for guys or girls: only for girls

The sonicity of the name: soft

Name nationality: german

Most suitable for zodiac signs: