All Pokemon and their names are pictures. Types of Pokemon in the game Pokemon GO

Users who have joined the world famous and mega popular game This summer, Pokemon GO, having understood its principles and features, begin to develop a special strategy. These Trainers no longer just catch all pocket monsters on the street, but prefer a certain type of Pokémon. And this has its own meaning: after all, in order to win battles at the Stadium and subsequently control the conquered location and receive game coins for this, you need to leave Pokémon in Gima different types with good combat characteristics that can repel any attack. Experienced Pokémon players find that it is better to have different types of weak charges than powerful, but monotonous characters.

In this regard, let's take a look at what types of Pokémon exist in the game Pokémon Go and where which Pokémon are found.

Pokemon types

So, in nature is found 17 types of pokemon and they all differ in their skills and superpowers. Accordingly, depending on, they all live in different areas. Someone prefers warm places, someone lives by the water, and some like dark alleys and these animals go out for a walk only at night.

Pokemon are divided into the following types:

  • Regular
  • Aquatic
  • Earthen
  • Flying
  • Stone
  • Steel
  • Fiery
  • Herbal
  • Icy
  • Electrical
  • Mental
  • Poisonous
  • Combat
  • Insects
  • Ghostly
  • Dragonlike
  • Dark

There are also species that belong simultaneously to different categories: for example, there are dragon-like fire Pokémon, or ice flying monsters, and so on.

Where to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Regular Pokemon

They are everywhere. It is not difficult to find these animals, and there are also some of them. Quite often, this type of cyber monster is born from eggs.

Locations for capturing regular Pokemon: cities, sleeping areas, educational institutions, car parks, crowded places.

IN Pokemon game GO has 22 simple Pokémon to catch: Pidgey, Pidgeoto, Pidgeot, Ratata, Ratikate, Spyrow, Firow, Jiglipuff, Viglituff, Mute, Persian, Farfetch, Doduo, Dodrio, Liktung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Ditto, Ivy, Porygon and Snorlax.

Aquatic Pokémon

Often they should be looked for near water bodies, both natural and artificial. If there are no seas and oceans in your area, a pond in a city square is suitable, or artificial waterfall go even a fountain. There are also known cases of capturing water monsters in water parks.

Most often, aquatic Pokemon live in canals and lakes, harbors of ports, on beaches near the sea coast, on the banks of rivers and swamps, and reservoirs.

If there are no listed objects in your area of ​​residence, and you really need the character you need for a fight at the Stadium, then the water Pokemon, as a last resort, can emerge from the egg in the Incubator.

Second option: to give birth to the desired monster by. For example, you can get from Eevee by metamorphosis.

The complete list of water Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 32 of them: Squirtle, Wartortl, Blastois, Goldak, Polivag, Polyvirl, Polyvrat, Tantakul, Tentacruel, Slobro, Seal, Dugong, Shelder, Closter, Crabby, Kingler, Horsey, Sidra, Omanit, Omastar, Kabutodin, Kabutops, Omastar, Kabutodin, Kabutops, Starmi, Magikarp, Giaradom, Lapras and Vaporeon.

Fire Type Pokémon

Logically, one can immediately conclude that these creatures are the exact opposite of the above-described aquatic Pokemon. It is easiest to find them in dry, hot climates, although, in principle, occasionally this type of Pokemon can be found everywhere.

Where to find Fire Pokémon: arid cities, beaches, parks, places with warm climates. There are cases when such creatures were caught in parking lots and gas stations, although this has not been officially confirmed by the developer.

How to catch fire Pokemon in Pokemon GO:

You can get a fiery one in your collection, for example, from the same. He is able to evolve, as you already understood, into both a water and a fiery character. In addition, Flareon is a powerful enough animal.

The strongest fire pokemon-. There is a high probability of catching such a character in city squares or in stadiums. One was caught in Central Park in New York, for example.

The complete list of fire Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 12 of them: Charmander and the fruits of his evolution: Chameleon and Charizard, Woolpix, Nyntails, Growlight, Arcanine, Ponita, Rapidash, Madjmar, Flareon and Moltres, not found in the wild.

Grass Pokémon

These creatures can be caught anywhere, or rather, wherever green spaces are present.

Where to find Grass Pokémon: vegetable gardens, squares, fields, forest belts, orchards, national reserves, football stadiums.

The complete list of herbal Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: and descended from it Ivizaurus and Venusavr, Odish, Glum, Wileplum, Belspraut, Vipinbel, Victribel, Execut, Executor, Tangela, Paras and Parasect.

Electric Pokémon

Such creatures are more common for Trainers in industrial zones, as well as near educational institutions.

Where to find Electric Pokémon: schools and institutes, libraries, railway stations, commercial enterprises, business centers.

The complete list of electric Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 9 of them: Pikachu, Raichu, Magnemite, Magneton, Voltorb, Electrode, Elektabazz, Jolteon and powerful Zapdos.

Stone Type Pokémon

These comrades live, as the name suggests, where there are mountains and rocks, various stone reliefs and structures.

Where to find Stone Pokemon: quarries, agricultural land, mountains, reserves. Sometimes such monsters can be found in multi-storey shopping and entertainment complexes.

The full list of stone Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 11 of them: Geodud, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Raigorn, Raydon, Omanit, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl.

Psychic Pokémon

Often these are the characters that appear in the Pokemon GO game under cover of the night. Also, according to game statistics, they can be found around medical institutions.

Where to find psychic Pokémon: living corners of large, densely populated cities at night, hospitals and clinics. Rarely do these creatures wander into libraries, or appear on the seashore.

A complete list of psychic Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drosi, Hypno, Execut, Executor, Slopeck, Slobro, Jinx, Starmi, Mr. Mine, Mew and Mewtwo. True, the last two cannot be found in the wild.

Insect type pokemon

You can guess that these animals live near their herbaceous counterparts - in meadows and fields. By the way, the most ideal place for hunting insect monsters is city parks.

Where to find them: forests and plantations, gardens, meadows and fields, protected areas.

The complete list of insect type Pokémon in Pokémon Go, there are 12 of them: Katerpye, Metapod, Butterfly, Vidl, Kakuna, Bidril, Paras, Parasect, Venonath, Venomot, Skyter and Pinzir.

Earthen Pokémon

Most likely they can be found next to the stone ones. Basically, there are characters on agricultural objects and lands.

Where to find Earth Pokémon: agricultural land, vegetable gardens and fields, squares and parks, quarries.

The complete list of earth Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 14 of them: Sandshrew, Senslash, Diglet, Dagtrio, Geodood, Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Cubon, Marowak, Raigorn, Raido, Nidokuin and Nidoking.

Poisonous Pokemon

There is a chance to find such a character in your own in areas where there are swamps and swamps. Much less often, these types are manifested in the industrial zones of cities. However, it is worth considering that often poisonous Pokemon simultaneously belong to another, related species, so they can be found easily in locations based on the first type. For example, there are flying poisonous creatures, or grassy poisonous monsters.

Where to find Poisonous Pokemon: wetlands, reservoirs, industrial zones.

The complete list of poisonous Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 33 of them: Bulbasaur, Ivizaurus, Venusavr, Odish, Glum, Vileplum, Vidl, Kakuna, Bidril, Venonat, Venomot, Belspraut, Vipinbel, Viktribel, Ekans, Arbok, Nidoran (m) and Nidoran (w), Nidorina, Nidokingokuin, Nidorina, Nidokingokin, Golbat, Makeup Artist, Muck, Cofing, Vizing, Tentakul, Tentakruel, Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Dragon-type Pokémon

It's easier than ever to get such a powerful fighter into your collection - through evolution. For example, you can catch the simplest and improve it to Dragonair and then to Dragonite. Usually these creatures are located near large-scale business cards of cities - such as iconic monuments, architectural structures, etc.

Where to find dragon-like Pokémon: monuments, steles, memorials, major tourist sites and attractions.

The complete list of dragon-like Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 3 of them: Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite.

Magic Pokémon

Experienced gamblers have noticed that these creatures are often found near memorable, iconic places in cities. They were also noticed in cemeteries and in religious temples.

Where to find magic Pokémon: temples, churchyards, sights.

A complete list of magical Pokemon in Pokemon GO, there are 5 of them: Clefairie, Clefable, Jiglipuff, Viglituff and Mr. Mine.

Combat type pokémon

They live where they can hone their fighting skills and improve their performance in training.

Where to find Battle Pokémon: sports clubs and gyms, stadiums and fitness centers.

A complete list of fighting Pokémon in Pokémon GO, there are 8 of them: Monkey, Primemap, Machop, Machok, Machamp, Hitmonly, Hitmonchan and Polyvrat.

Ghost Pokemon

Since ghosts are difficult to see, they can be found wherever they want.

Where to find Ghost Pokemon: anywhere, the main thing is at night. A number of Pokémon people claim to have met ghostly monsters in cemeteries.

There are 3 Ghost Pokemon that can be found in the game are: Gastly, Hunter and Gengar.

Ice type Pokémon

It is not uncommon for this type of pocket monster to spawn from an egg in the Incubator. By the logic of the name, it can also be concluded that this type of game creatures lives in cold places and loves a frosty and snowy climate.

Where to find Ice Pokémon: skating rink, glacier, ski resort, countries with cold climates, north. These characters can be found in regular regions during the winter.

The complete list of ice Pokemon in Pokemon Go, there are 5 of them: Jinx, Dyugong, Closter, Lapras and Articuno, which is unrealistic to find in the wild.

Rare types of Pokemon

It should be noted right away that rarity pokemon pokemon go- the concept is very unstable. Judging by the above types of Pokemon and their habitats, we can conclude that for your region a certain Pokemon will be rare, but residents of other areas will consider it simple and even common.

Pokemon types table

Pokemon type Strong against Weak against
Normal type Strong Against: No Weak Against: Combat
Insects Strong against: Herbal, psychic, ghosts Weak against: Flying, Fiery, Stone
Poisonous type Strong against: Herbal, magical Weak against: Earthy, psychic
Herbal type Strong against: Water, Earthen, Stone Weak against: Flying, Poisonous, Fiery, Ice
Water type Strong against: Fiery, Earthy, Stone Weak against: Electric, Herbal
Fire type Strong against: Steel, Insects, Ice, Herbal Weak against: Land, Stone, Water
Earthen type Strong against: Fiery, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, Steel Weak against: Water, Herbal, Ice
Combat type Strong against: Normal Weak against: Flying, Magic
Stone type Strong against: Fiery, Ice, Flying, Insects Weak against: Water, Herbal, Combat, Earthy, Steel
Magic type Strong against: Combat, Dragons, Ghosts Weak against: Poisonous, Steel
Electric type Strong against: Water, Flying Weak Against: Herbal, Steel, Dragons
Mental type Strong against: Combat, Poisonous Weak against: Insects, Ghosts
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak against: Ghosts
Dragons Strong against: Dragons Weak against: Ice, Magic
Ice type Strong against: Herbal, Earthy, Flying, Dragons Weak Against: Fiery, Earthy, Steel
Flying type Strong against: Herbal, Combat, Insects Weak Against: Electric, Uncle, Earthy
Ghost type Strong against: Psychic, Ghosts Weak Against: Combat, Magic
Metal type Strong against: Magic, Ice, Earthy Weak Against: Combat, Fiery, Earthy

The most powerful Pokemon Pokemon GO

A type Most strong pokemon
Normal Snorlax Wigglytuff Clefable
Insects Pinsir scyther venomoth
Poisonous Venusaur Vileplume Muk
Herbal Exeggutor Venusaur Victreebel
Aquatic Lapras Vaporeon Gyarados
Fiery Arcanine charizard flareon
Earthen Nidoking Rhydon Nidoqueen
Combat Machamp poliwrath primeape
Stone Rhydon Omastar Golem
Electric Jolteon Electabuzz Raichu
Mental Slowbro Exeggutor Hypno
Flying Dragonite gyarados charizard

Today in Russian-speaking countries the animated series "Pokemon" is not particularly popular, because the demand for it has long gone away. But fifteen years ago there was a real boom: this anime was shown on TV, everyone was buying magazines with these pocket monsters, toys, stickers and other things. Everything according to Pikachu and others, and in the minds of many people, Pokemon still occupy an important place and cause a sea of ​​pleasant memories and emotions. However, in Japan, the United States and several other countries, Pokemon are still something integral - new episodes about them are constantly being released, computer games and much more. Today, there are already more than seven hundred species of these creatures, and Russian-speaking fans only remember the song about the fact that "one hundred and fifty of them in total." Therefore, now only those types of Pokemon will be considered that belong to the first generation, that is, to the same one hundred and fifty samples. And they will be considered from A to Z, or rather - from 1 to 150 in the order in which they are indicated in the Pokedex.

Pokémon 1 to 18

As already mentioned, now there is just an incredible number of different Pokémon, which are collected in Pokedex from various cartoons, comics and computer games. However, it will be very difficult to consider all of them, and there is no particular sense in this, since the Russian-speaking reader is unlikely to recognize any of the creatures following the number 151. Therefore, the types of Pokemon that will be considered in this article belong to the first generation, and it's worth starting with Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. These are three Pokemon that are starting, that is, the trainer can choose one of them as the first one. Bulbasaur is a grass pokemon and uses the bulb on its back in battle, Charmander is a fire-breathing salamander, and Squirtle is a kind of turtle that attacks with water. The first Pokemon can transform into Ivizaur, and then into Venusaur, opening the bulb on the back, becoming larger in size and gaining new abilities, the second into Charmeleon, and then into Charizard, a real dragon, and the third into Wartortla, and then into Blastoise - a giant turtle with several water cannons on its shoulders. Next in Pokedex are Caterpie, Metapod and Butterfree - three forms of Pokemon, the first of which is a caterpillar, the second is a cocoon, and the third is a butterfly. Another similar evolutionary set is Widl, Kakuna, and Bidrill. This time, a cocoon is formed from the worm, and then a powerful wasp. Well, do not forget about the bird species of Pokémon: Pidgey, Pigeotto and Pidget, which are among the most popular in the series.

Pokémon 19 to 36

However, not all types of Pokemon have three evolutionary forms - many of them evolve only once. The most prominent example is the most famous Pokémon Pikachu, which can shock opponents with electricity. He can only transform into Raichu, an enhanced version, however this did not happen in the anime, as viewers thought Pikachu was too cute and did not want him to get bigger and meaner. Rat Ratatta transforms into a more dangerous version of Rathatta, small bird Spyrow is in the huge Firow, and the not particularly impressive Ekans is in Erbock. Also worth noting is the transformation of Sandrus into Sandslash and Clefairy into Clefable. The last pair deserves special attention, since they are pink fairies with perfect pitch and a thin voice. They are considered to be practically the most in the world. Unlike pairs of evolution, there are even whole chains. For example, there is a Pokemon of two sexes - Nidoran. If this is a female, then she turns into Nidorina, and then into Nidokvin. If this is a male, then he evolves into Nidorino, and then into Nidoking - this is how diverse Pokémon can be. All types are difficult to describe, but still possible, especially since they are all very interesting and attractive.

Pokemon 37 to 51

According to the Pokedex, followed by Vulpix and Nintails, two forms of fox Pokemon. After that, you will find one of the sweetest creatures in the world - Jigglypuf. He knows how to hypnotize and lull everyone with the help of his wonderful voice and becomes even more dangerous when he turns into Wigglituf. You can see for yourself what a variety of powers Pokémon can have. All species are subdivided into some groups, such as herbal, aquatic or fire, but it is still worth noting that all Pokémon have their own unique characteristics. For example, Zubat, which then turns into Golbat, is bat, which drinks the blood of its victim, and such Pokémon as Oddish cannot do anything special, but gain their powers only when they transform into their further forms - in this case, in Glum and Vileplum. There are those who, both in the initial and in the final form, are not useful in battle. For example, Paras and Parasect. Venonath, a strange little animal, transforms into Venomot, and Diglet triples and becomes Dagtrio. Pokemon species and their evolution is a very interesting and extensive topic that fans love very much.

Pokemon 52 to 68

In no case should you forget about Meowth, the only creature that speaks the human language. If the types of Pokemon and their evolution are considered, then special attention should be paid to Persian, the second form of Meowth. Further, Psidak transforms into Goldak, Monkey into Primep, and Groulet into Arkanain. Sometimes long chains of evolution are still found in Pokedex, for example, Polivag first turns into Polivirl, and then into Polivrat, Abra - into Kadabra and Alakazama, and Machop - into Machoka and Machempa. By the way, you can find all these creatures in the popular mod for Minecraft Pixelmon. The types of Pokemon are presented there more than fully, so if you consider yourself a fan of this universe, and also love this famous game then you should definitely try this modification.

Pokemon 69 to 86

If we talk about Pokémon, which are not particularly powerful in their first forms, then it is definitely worth noting the charming Bellsprout, who then evolves into a slightly more useful Vipinbel, and that already into a powerful Victribel. If you are interested in how many species will be considered in this article, then you should answer a simple question about whether you have watched the Pokemon series translated into Russian. All types (pictures will only confirm this) will be familiar to you, since this article is about these first generation Pokémon. These include the Tentakul-Tentakruel pairs, and the Geodud-Graveler-Golem triplets, as well as the famous horse Ponita with its evolved form of Rapidash. Also worth noting is Slopeak, who managed to become the hero of Internet memes, as well as his next form, Slobro. Many could have forgotten some Pokémon, such as Magnemite and Magneton, but it is much more likely that you remember Farfetchd, but rather, his advanced forms - Doduo and Dodrio. We must not forget about the small seal Sila, which eventually turns into Dyugong. In Minecraft, the types of Pokemon remain the same, so you can remember your youth and the popular anime series while playing your favorite game.

Pokemon 87 to 101

The best way to explore all kinds of Pokémon is through a list. It is best if it is a Pokedex list, since all the necessary information will be there. You will be able to find out that Greimer becomes Mac, Shelder transforms into Cloister, and Gastly transforms first into Honter, and then into Gengar. Pay attention to Onyx - this Pokemon played important role, but at the same time it was quickly forgotten, since at the time of the broadcast it did not have any new form... Drosie and Hypno, Walthorb and Electrode, Crabby and Kingler all evoke certain memories. Immediately I want to remember absolutely all types of Pokemon, a description of their abilities, transformation and evolution.

Pokémon 102 to 151

Many more Pokémon were not mentioned: Coffing and Vizing from Team R, little Eevee, who can transform into one of three possible forms - Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, as well as Mew and Mewtwo - some of the most powerful Pokémon who are central figures original series and If you want to remember your youth, then all these types of Pokemon are present in Pixelmon, so go to study them in Minecraft.

Continuation of the series

Unfortunately, the sequel to "Pokemon" did not receive great fame in Russian-speaking countries, so this work is known here only for the first season, but it was just incredibly popular over the years. And if you have a desire to know how it all ended, you can watch the rest of the seasons.

Computer games

A special opportunity is given to you by computer games, of which there are quite a few. In them you can learn a lot about the Pokémon themselves and their abilities, as well as get acquainted with those creatures that you did not even know about before.

Fans of the Pokemon Go game have long figured out its features and began to develop their own strategy. Now, most players who have been playing the game since its inception do not just capture all the Pokémon in a row, but only choose certain types. This tactic allows you to win the battles for the gyms and makes it possible to hold the conquered arena, for which the trainers receive coins. Defending the captured Gym is not so easy, because for this you need to leave the most powerful "pocket monster" there, which can repel all sorts of attacks. Experienced trainers believe that it is better to have several different Pokémon, albeit not as strong as powerful ones. Today we will talk about existing types Pokémon in the game, as well as how and where they can be found.


In the real-virtual world of Pokemon, there are seventeen types of creatures.

They differ from each other in their abilities and attack power. Each type of Pokemon lives in its own specific territory. Some of them can be found in the forest zone, while others are found near water bodies. There are even Pokémon that can only be seen at night.

Pokemon are divided into the following types:

  • Regular;
  • Aquatic;
  • Earthen;
  • Flying;
  • Stone;
  • Steel;
  • Fiery;
  • Herbal;
  • Ice;
  • Electrical;
  • Mental;
  • Poisonous;
  • Combat;
  • Insects;
  • Ghostly;
  • Dragonlike;
  • Dark.

In the game you can find "pocket monsters", which belong to several types at once. For example, flying ice or fire dragon-type Pokémon.

Where to find?

The easiest Pokémon to meet the trainer I can in the most different places... Finding them is not difficult. Among ordinary creatures, there are also rare species, but most often they can only be obtained by carrying an egg.

Simple Pokémon can be captured literally anywhere in the city. These can be shopping malls or sleeping areas, car parks, and other crowded places.

There are twenty-two types of the most common "pocket monsters" in the game. These include: Mute, Ratata, Firow, Pidzhi, Spiro, Pigeoto, Ratikate, Pidgeot, Doduo, Chansey, Tauros, Dodrio, Kangaskhan, Ivy, Porygon, Snorlax, Persian and others.


You need to look for such "pocket monsters" near water bodies. They can be not only natural, but also artificial. In the event that there are no seas in the city of the coach, then a pond or even a fountain in the city square will do. There have been cases of players catching Pokémon in water parks.

Very often you can find this type of Pokemon on the beach or on the seashore, river. Near reservoirs and swamps.

There are times when there is no reservoir in the city or it is too far away, that is, there is another option for getting a water Pokemon. It can come out of the egg.

If a "pocket monster" of this type is very necessary for battle, but it is not available anywhere, then you can get it thanks to the evolution of a simple Pokemon. For example, from Evie, after improvement, you get Vaporeon.

There are thirty-two species in the aquatic Pokémon game. Among them: Seal, Vaporeon, Goldin, Staryu, Squirtle, Kabuto, Horsy, Closter, Kingler, Magikarp, Starmi, Sidra, Lapras, Omastar, Polyvrat, Blastois, Polivag, Tentakul, Omanit, Siking, Giaradom, Shelder, Klowby , Polyvirl, Goldak, Tentacruel, Kabutops, Dugong and Sloboru.


They are the opposite of the Pokémon described above. They are usually found in hot and dry climates, but although rarely, they can meet a coach in any other place. To find given view very easy on beaches or in parks, cities where the climate is very dry and there is little rain. Some players say that you can even find them not in parking lots and gas stations. But, unfortunately, information about the location of the fire Pokémon has not been confirmed by the developers.

How can you get a Fire Pokémon?

One way to do this is through evolution. If you improve Eevee, even in spite of his water type, you get a pretty strong Flareon.

The most powerful Pokémon among the other "pocket monsters" of this type is Charmander. You can catch him in stadiums or squares. Not long ago, one such Pokemon was captured by a trainer in a park in New York.

Here is a list of all the Pokémon that belong to this type: Growlight, Ponita, Flareon, Woolpix, Arkanine, Charmander and all his evolutions (Charizard and Charmeleon), Ninetyles, Moltres, Rapidash and Madjmar.


Wherever there is greenery in the city, you can find Pokémon of this species. You can easily find them on garden plots, forests and fields, reserves and even on the football field. There are only fourteen of them in the game: Odish, Bulbasaur and its evolutions: Venusaur and Ivizaur, Paras, Execut, Glum, Belspraut, Tangela, Executor, Viktribel, Parasect, Tangela and Wileplum.


Found in industrial areas or schools, universities or others educational institutions... They can also be found in commercial enterprises and business centers. There are only nine of them: Electrode, Pikachu, Magnemite, Voltorb, Elektabazz, Raichu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Magnetron.


Judging by the name of the species, it is already clear where these creatures live. It is a rocky or mountainous area. You can find such "pocket monsters" in nature reserves or mountains, quarries or agricultural fields. Some trainers managed to capture a stone Pokemon in a large shopping center. We will also present a list of all stone creatures: Golem, Geodud, Omastar, Raydon, Onyx, Graveler, Kabuto, Omanit, Aerodactyl, Kabutops and Raigorn.


You can catch them only at night, since they come out of their hiding places at this time of day. Judging by the statistics of the game, a coach can be found near medical institutions. Most often, psychic Pokemon live in the corners and nooks of densely populated areas of the city. Quite rare, but quite possible to find even in the library or the seaside.

There are fourteen types of psychic Pokémon in the game. Here full list them: Kadabra, Sloupok, Mine, Hypno, Abra, Executor, Jinx, Execut, Mew, Slobro, Drosi, Starmi, Mewtwo and Alakazam. Mewtwo and Mew cannot be found in nature, since they were bred in the laboratory.


Each trainer can find them not far from grass-type Pokémon. But the most ideal place to track them down are parks within the city. You can find this type of Pokemon in parks and forests, fields and meadows.

There are twelve types of them in the game: Skyter, Metapod, Paras, Vidl, Katerpay, Venonat, Pinzir, Bidril, Butterfly, Kakuna, Parasect and Venomot.


Players can find this type of "pocket monsters" not far from the stone ones. Most often found on land plots, vegetable gardens and agricultural fields, quarries, squares and parks. There are only fourteen types. Their full list looks like this: Sandshrew, Diglet, Geodud, Golem, Cubon, Raigorn, Nidokuin, Senslash, Dagtrio, Graveler, Onyx, Marowak, Raido and Nidoking.


You can only get such a Pokemon in your collection if you search in the swamps. It is very rare to find them in the industrial areas of the city. But you need to remember that they also apply to other types of "pocket monsters", so maybe it is worth looking elsewhere? For example, there are poisonous herbal Pokémon. Their list is quite large compared to the others: Bulbasaur, Venusaur, Glum, Vidl, Bidril, Venomot, Vipinbel, Ivizavr, Odish, Vileplum, Kakuna, Venonat, Belspraut, Viktribel, Arbok, Nidorina, Nikdoking, Golbat, Nidoran, Ekan (m) and Nidoran (w), Nidokuin, Zubat, Make-up artist, Vizing, Tentakruel, Kofing, Tentakul, Gastli, Gengar and Hunter.


Dragons are very easy to get into your Pokedex. Creatures of this type are quite strong in battle. A trainer can get such a Pokémon through evolution, such as Dratini. The very last species it can evolve into is Dragonite. Most often, you can find such creatures near various monuments and architectural structures, as well as tourist sites of the city, memorials and all sorts of attractions. There are only three such Pokémon in the game: Dragonite, Dratini and Dragonair.


Those who have been playing since the release of the game have long noticed that this species can be found near memorial sites in the city, churchyards and temples, as well as cemeteries. There are not so many of them in the game, there are only five types: Mine, Jiglipuff, Clefeiry, Wiglituff and Clefable.


Such Pokémon are found in those places where you can improve your fighting skills and constantly train. Players can find them in sports complexes and gyms, fitness centers and stadiums. The combat types of "pocket monsters" include: Primemap, Machok, Hitmonly, Polyvrat, Monkey, Machop, Machamp, Hitmonchan.


They can live in absolutely any place, the main thing is that it is dark. Coaches are advised to catch out at night. Most users of the game say that they met them at the cemetery. You can find only three such Pokémon: Hunter, Gastly and Gengar.


Quite often, this species can be obtained from an egg that has been placed in an incubator and nursed. Judging by the name of the type, we can conclude that "pocket monsters" live only in those places where it is cold, frosty or snowy. You can catch them on skating rinks, in mountain resorts, cities with cold climates and snowy winters. These Pokémon have taken root very well in the north. But in those regions that are located to the south, they can be found only in winter time... There are not many of them in the game, only five: Dyugong, Lapras, Jinx, Clouster and Articuno. The last of these listed in the wild does not exist.

Rare Pokémon

Every coach wants to get them. But for each region, this will be its own list, since the habitats of creatures are completely different. for one city ice "pocket monsters" will be rare, and for another - grassy ones.

Today we looked at the types of Pokemon that can be found in legendary game Pokemon GO. Surprisingly, in a short time, it just took over the world and became the most popular application of this summer. Users are waiting for new updates, along with which new features and Pokémon will come to the game. Most likely, the list of each type of "pocket monsters" will expand, and trainers can replenish their collection with new creatures, but for now we can only hope for it. We will follow the information about the release of new updates and will definitely share with our readers.

The most powerful Pokémon

Pokemon types

Pokemon typeStrong againstWeak against
Normal typeNoCombat
InsectsHerbal, psychic, ghostsFlying, Fiery, Stone
Poisonous typeHerbal, magicalEarthy, psychic
Herbal typeWater, Earthen, StoneFlying, Poisonous, Fiery, Ice
Water typeFiery, Earthy, StoneElectric, Herbal
Fire typeSteel, Insects, Ice, HerbalLand, Stone, Water
Earthen typeFiery, Electric, Poisonous, Stone, SteelWater, Herbal, Ice
Combat typeNormalFlying, Magic
Stone typeFiery, Ice, Flying, InsectsWater, Herbal, Combat, Earthy, Steel
Magic typeCombat, Dragons, GhostsPoisonous, Steel
Electric typeWater, FlyingHerbal, Steel, Dragons
Mental typeCombat, PoisonousInsects, Ghosts
Ghost typePsychic, GhostsGhosts
DragonsDragonsIce, Magic
Ice typeHerbal, Earthy, Flying, DragonsFiery, Earthy, Steel
Flying typeHerbal, Combat, InsectsElectric, Uncle, Earthy
Ghost typePsychic, GhostsCombat, Magic
Metal typeMagic, Ice, EarthyCombat, Fiery, Earthy

Graudon (Groudon)- one of the strongest Pokemon of the third generation, in ancient times fought with another, no less legendary Pokemon, Kyogrom. This Pokemon is based on the mythical Leviathan. Pokémon records in Pokedex claim that he created continents and islands and saved people from a terrible flood. He sleeps in magma, and when he wakes up, volcanoes begin to erupt. It is believed that if he reaches the Primeval (Primal) forms, it will be able to expand the continents, reducing the amount of water to a dangerous minimum.

Accordingly, Kyogr saved people from a terrible drought, sleeps at the bottom of the ocean, and when he wakes up, a downpour begins. And if he reaches a primitive form, he will arrange a global flood.



Ho-oh - the mythical Phoenix. It flies around the world, flashing colorful wings, and leaves behind a rainbow. But only coaches with a pure heart see him. Ho-oh feathers bring eternal joy and happiness to the owners (try to get hold of such a feather, ha). In later games it is said that eternal happiness is already guaranteed to those who are lucky enough to just see this bird. From the point of view of game mechanics, Ho-oh - the fire Pokemon is so strong that it easily defeats other fire, and even water Pokemon that are higher in level.


Reshirall, Kyurem and Zekroll

Reshirall (pictured), Kyurem and Zekroll are the strongest Pokémon in the Unova region (5th generation games). Of these three, according to many players, the strongest is Reshiram - an unknown animal with fur, wings, claws, and (really) a turbine in the back of the body. And this turbine is so powerful that its exhaust can change the climate in the surrounding area. Like many on this list, Reshiram is a long-liver, in some places you can find his statues.



Deoxis is a Pokémon designated as “Pokémon-DNA”, capable of accepting different shapes modifying its characteristics (fast-but-dead, healthy, strong, balanced). Deoxis is a mutated virus from space, it can shoot lasers straight from the brain. In its Forms (in addition to the standard) relevant characteristics Deoxys are increased to the maximum - which, however, is compensated by a decrease in other stats.


Dialga and Palkia

Dialga (left) and Palkia (right) are two Pokémon wielding power over space and time. In particular, Palkia can bend space in every possible way. And for a sweet soul she can move to the other end of the universe and back. Or even other dimensions. Dialga controls time in the same way - it can speed up, slow down, stop. As long as Dialga's heart beats, time will not end.



Darkrey is a powerful dark Pokemon that specializes in dreams in general, and in particular, nightmares. He can make people around him fall asleep while terrorizing them with nightmares just for fun. If attacked, the attackers will fall asleep and suffer from nightmares. There is mention that Darkray's power is a shard of Palkia and Dialga's power.



Lugia is a Pokemon that sleeps at the bottom of the sea. She is sometimes called the Keeper of the Seas and the rival of Ho-oh, the Keeper of Heaven. It is believed that Lugia is so strong that one flap of her wings generates a forty-day storm or tears off cliffs. Therefore, she mainly rests at the bottom, so that, brushing off a fly, she does not blow away any city. Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres are legendary birds (respectively, Ice, Electric and Fire), and Lugia watches over them, and if they start to fight, Lugia calms them down.



Mew is a Pokemon from a time when to denote power it was not necessary to depict a bunch of thorns, hanging scarves, sparkling crystals and other details all over the body. Before the appearance of all the above (and below) listed Palky, Lugiy, Kiogrov and other evil spirits, he was considered the most powerful Pokemon, but gradually his post-facto was pushed to hell. The Pokedex says that genetic code Mew contains the genes of all Pokémon in general. And he can learn any move (unlike most other Pokémon).


Mewtwo, created by enthusiastic scientists "Bizarro-Mew" is an evil and very strong clone (according to another version - the offspring) of the cute and harmless alien Pokemon Mew. In terms of the total number of power points, Mewtwo is second only to Arkay, but bypasses him in some possibilities. So, Arkay, although he is the creator god of the Pokémon universe, cannot learn some techniques, in particular those related to the use of hands. And Mewtwo can. Arkay can change his type on the go, equipping items, but this is a special ability, and Mewtwo can block such special abilities. Mewtwo is the strongest Pokemon created by humans, and in this he is the opposite of Arkay.

Pokemon GO - mobile app for smartphones, which has gained popularity over a million users. The game was created using augmented reality technology, which allows you to catch Pokemon in locations in real time. The essence of the game is simple - being on the street in various places, Pokémon appear, the player's task is to catch them in pokeshars. More Pokémon means more experience.

For the sake of hunting rare, players can enter military facilities, hospitals and even the territory of the church. Some may not live in your city, you will have to grow them yourself, using eggs. the main objective games - catch all the pokemon and collect the collection.

To catch a certain Pokemon, you need to know everything about him - his habitat, skills. In total, there are 18 types of Pokemon, different from each other. Each of them can fight each other on the principle of "rock, paper, scissors".

18 types of Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Regular Pokemon are the most common species - they are found everywhere, catching this Pokemon is not difficult. These include Pigi, Pigeotto, Pidgeot, Rattata(all stages of evolution), and others. Pokémon are equally effective against other types of Pokémon, however, are weak against fighters.

Fire Pokemon they love drought and warmth, therefore they are found in those places where this is all in abundance. A gas station, a beach, a wasteland or a sandy ravine are places where fire monsters can be. These include (all stages of development), Vulpix, Ponita... Monsters are effective against icy and grassy types of rivals, weak against water and stone Pokémon.

Water Pokemon live near water bodies, in the city limits they can be found near fountains and water parks. Representatives of this species Wartortl, Psidak, Polivag(all stages of development). Pokémon of this species are strong against fire and earth Pokémon, but are significantly inferior in the fight against electric and grass species.

Grass Pokemon live in places of accumulation of greenery. Parks, forests, golf courses, stables are loved by grass monsters. This type includes Bulbasaur, Venusaurus, Oddish, Glum, Tangela... All of them are strong against water, land and stone monsters, but weak against ice, poisonous and flying Pokémon.

Stone Pokemon are distinguished by their love of large high-rise buildings, parking lots and shopping centers... They can also be found on the old ruins of the castle, and on construction sites. This type includes Graveler, Golem, Onyx, Kabuto... Strong against fire, ice monsters and beetles, but weak against water, earth and steel opponents.

Earth Pokémon live in places where a lot of dirt accumulates. Ditches, streams, children's playgrounds are places where you can find them. Representatives of this species - Diglet, Sandslash, Nidoking, Nidokwin... Strong against fiery, electric and poisonous rivals, weak against grass and ice species.

Pokemon beetles live in the neighborhood of herbal, but can be found in kindergartens and in playgrounds... These include Metapod, Butterfly, Venonath... Weak in the fight against fiery and stone rivals, strong against herbal, psychic and dark monsters.

Most popular electric pokemon is an the main character, but there are other representatives of this species - Magnemite, Electrode, Elektabuzz... Monsters live near universities and schools, however, they are also found near locations covered with concrete. Strong against flying and aquatic species, weak against earth monsters.

The most rare species pokemon are dragons- they live in cultural centers of world significance. For example, can be found in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and was caught in the Louvre itself. Strong against rivals of their own kind, however, weak against ice monsters and fairies.

Fairy Pokemon love religious sites, so they can be caught in cemeteries and churches. By the way, for fishing in churches, you can get a fine from the authorities in the amount of about 500 thousand rubles, be careful when hunting fairies. Fairies include Clefair, Clefable, Mime... Fairy monsters are strong against fighters and dragons, weak against poisonous and steel species.

Pokemon fighters meet near sports centers and stadiums. These include Monkey, Primeape, Hitmonly, Polivag... Weak against flying and psychic monsters, strong against normal, ice, stone and steel opponents.

Poisonous Pokemon the most dangerous, since there are many representatives of this species. Most Popular - Glum, Bellsprout, Nidoran... Strong against fairies and grass monsters, weak against earth and psychic species.

Ghost Pokemon are players only at night, during the day it is simply impossible to catch them! Gastly, Honter and Gengar are the only representatives of this species. Pokémon are strong against the psychic types of rivals, weak in confrontation with dark monsters.

Catch Laprasa, Articuno and Jinx(main representatives icy looking pokemon) can be near water and grass. In the fight against other monsters, they easily defeat the grassy, ​​flying Pokémon, but quickly weaken against the fire, stone and steel representatives of the species.