M6a2e1 penetration zones. Video WoT American promotional heavy tank M6A2E1

Review video guide tank M6A2E1

If you are the proud owner of M6A2E1, this guide will help you master this technique. The M6A2E1 appeared in World of Tanks thanks to the "Meeting on the Elbe" promotion, and it can also be purchased in the "Gift Shop". Like any other, the "Duck" immediately appears in the hangar in the TOP state. On the "Duckling" you can upgrade any crew with no penalty, this is an excellent farm tank and trainer for the crew. Consider the characteristics of m6a2e1. We have excellent frontal booking (191 mm), while our sides are absolutely "cardboard" (the whole body is 44 mm, the tower is 89 mm). The rear of the hull can be penetrated by tanks of tier 4 and higher (41 mm), but the turret has even surpassed the frontal armor and keeps penetrating even high-tier vehicles (208 mm). The gun has good penetration 198/245/53 mm and damage 320/320/420 HP. Low rate of fire and terrible accuracy forces us to play at close and medium ranges. But you can take the "Sniper" in almost every battle.


  • Excellent frontal booking
  • Excellent UHN, both up and down
  • Quick set of maximum speed
  • Fast turn of the tower
  • Penetrable and damaging weapon


  • The armor of the sides is almost absent
  • Huge size
  • The gun has a wide spread and aiming time.
  • There are weak spots in the forehead
  • Although it is a premier tank, it farms less than premium "classmates", on average by 10-15%

Crew and additional skills

If you are not pumping the "main" crew from others, then the sequence of studying the perks should be as follows: first of all, we pump repairs for everyone, the M6A2E1 tank is huge and it will be criticized often, especially the gusli. The second or third perk is to study the BB. From the skills of the commander, the "Eagle Eye" will be more useful than the others. The tank has a huge mass (66.96 tons), it should be used when ramming, so the "Ramming Master" skill is necessary. It is better for the gunner to upgrade the "Sniper", thereby we will disable the enemy's crew and module, and at close range this is a great advantage. Continuing to increase the Radiist's view, we study "Radio Intercept". For the charger we learn "Desperate", this skill will help us in a critical situation.

Additional modules

The combat distance for our "Goose" is 250-200 m, and even closer in urban conditions, so we set the module for active play. The rammer will slightly speed up the reload time, the Fan will raise all indicators, and the Vertical Stabilizer will reduce the spread, it is simply necessary at short distances, because you usually do not stand on the front line, but you turn around all the time

Penetration zones M6A2E1

Although the M6A2E1 has excellent frontal armor, there are vulnerabilities in it too. The weakest point is the mechanical drive slot. In close combat, the distance between the tower and the hull is vulnerable, a land mine can go completely into this place. At medium distances, turn the tower a little, your "cheeks" are also good at breaking through. Well, the classically weak point of the forehead is NLD, although only high-tier tanks can penetrate it.

M6A2E1- American gift heavy tank of the eighth level. In the game, he is most often called - a goose or a duck. Many tankers spit and say that the tank is not a fountain, supposedly the cannon sucks, drives slowly and is always the first target, due to its high silhouette. Yes, these are disadvantages, but there are much more advantages.
the goose does not tolerate crooked arms, so it is not recommended for a beginner to ride it.
It can really be called a level 8 tank compared to other siblings of its tier. The first thing to look at is the thickness of the turret and forehead armor - a whopping 7.5 inches (191 mm) of metal. Therefore, tanks up to level 8 almost always do not penetrate it in the forehead. And very often the tanks are higher in level, they can hear the annoying words "Did not pierce". This is the punisher among the minor levels.

Game tactics:
goose is an offensive tank, the style of play a la tank destroyer is destructive for him because of the huge (I would say, almost the largest in the game) silhouette. But here the dynamics of the tank saves, it is excellent. It quickly picks up its maximum 30 km per hour, quickly turns the turret and hull, so it is difficult to spin it. Again, it all depends on the hands. The weight of the tank allows you to punish enemies with a battering ram, especially with the new perk "Battering ram master" it rams like a child.
The offensive tank, therefore, the best option, when you see the enemy, immediately make a front clinch. The height of the tower allows you to inflict penetration into the commanders' turrets from top to bottom to any tank. Since our forehead is almost unbreakable, it is unrealistic for the enemy to penetrate us in the clinch, since he does not see the NLD.
The only vulnerable spot in the front is the open distance between the tracks and the hull, and of the NLD too.
1 rule on the Goose - Always face the enemy. You can add the angle of inclination of the body - slightly turn the rear of the body in the direction of the shot. (Need to practice)

If you see that there are a lot of open sides on the terrain, then it is better not to poke your head there, but go where there is only 1 direction - forward.
Each map has pebbles, houses with windows, and high ledges. On other tanks, we could only glance at them and drive on. But all these gadgets on the cards are made especially for Goose. We drive up to the window, stick out the unbreakable tower and punish the enemies. Also a great combination is to stand behind the IS-3, it covers our NLD, and we support it with firepower.

Pros and cons:

- Not a bad weapon.
- Good booking.
- Large mass.
- Low balance weight.
- Good mobility.
- The presence of screens.
- Nice review.
- Large ammunition load.

- Poor side armor.
- Weak radio.
- Insufficient armor penetration of the gun during a frontal attack.
- Low speed.
- High body height.
- High price.
- Gift tank (does not have increased profitability).


The screenshot below shows the tank after purchase:

Tank characteristics after purchase:


Max. load: 70.5 t \\ Slewing speed: 24 g / s

The weapon:

Top: 105 mm Gun T5E1E
Penetration: 198/245/53 mm; Damage: 320/320/420 HP; Rate of Fire: 5.77 rounds / min; Spread: 0.37 m / 100 m; Aim: 2.0 s;

This video guide World of Tanks by JMR is dedicated to a rather rare guest of random battles - the American action heavy tank of the 8th level M6A2E1, colloquially "Duckling" or "Goose".

History reference

The entry of the United States into World War II spurred the development of the American tank industry, including the development of heavy tanks. The premature launch of the production of the crude version of the T1, which had not fully passed the field tests, forced it to be fine-tuned directly on the assembly lines, as a result of which the produced tanks even changed their name to M6 and M6A1, depending on the hull design. Meanwhile, the military, faced with the problem of transporting tanks across the Atlantic, rightly decided that it was easier to bring two medium tanks weighing 30 tons overseas than one heavy one weighing 60. Moreover, it turned out that these two medium tanks would also be much more effective. In addition, the already produced M6 tanks actually failed the tests and were considered useless for modern warfare. They turned out to have very weak weapons and there was no opportunity to correct this deficiency without fundamental changes in designs, so the production and design work of the M6 ​​was curtailed.

After some time, when there was renewed interest in heavy tanks, the Americans made another attempt to modernize the M6, increasing its frontal armor, installing a new turret with a new 105-mm gun. But in the end, it was decided to abandon this option for a number of reasons. Two manufactured samples, designated M6A2E1, were used to test a 105 mm cannon in a new turret designed for the T29 heavy tank.

Promotional tank M6A2E1 in World of Tanks

I repeat, the tank belongs to the category of promotional, not premium, World of Tanks tanks. What does this mean? The fact that it has a slightly lower profitability compared to premium vehicles of the same level. However, the cost of repairing the "Goose" is much less, and the profit is more than on conventional tanks of the same tier and class. That is, it is quite suitable for earning silver credits. The amount of such earnings strongly depends on how effectively you play on it. It may well be that this tank will suit your style much better than, for example, the FCM50T. You will live longer in combat, get more damage, destroy more opponents, and then the average profit for an American will be significantly higher than that of the French.

The rest of the M6A2E1 is completely indistinguishable from any other premium tank. In the same way, it is possible to transfer tankers from vehicles of the same classes and nation to it without retraining, in the same way nothing needs to be researched, and in the same way it is sold for real money. However, there is a slight difference: this tank cannot be purchased for gold directly in the game. It can be obtained only as part of a gift package paid for on the official website of the game in the premium store section. Moreover, the cost of the package suggests that this tank is unjustifiably expensive compared to other Tier 8 vehicles. True, if you look at how much the 12,500 gold coins that are included in the set you receive cost by themselves, it turns out that the tank itself and the slot in the hangar cost only $ 30. That is, in terms of in-game gold, the price of a "goose" is 7200 coins, which is quite cheap for a pre-eighth level. So, if you plan to spend a large amount of gold, for example, to purchase a six-month premium account, then you can coincide with the purchase of a relatively inexpensive level 8 premium.

We'll talk about the game on the duck a little later, but for now let's compare its characteristics with the rest of the heavy tanks of the eighth tier and conduct several tests.

Pros and cons of M6A2E1, comparison with classmates

Strengthening the frontal armor of the tank directly affected its mass. This is one of the really heavy tanks in the game - 67 tons of metal is a lot by any standard. At the same time, the developers decided that the M6A2E1 did not deserve the corresponding bonus in the form of an increased volume of hit points. The fact is that when it appeared in the game, premium shells were practically not used and the frontal booking of the goose played an incomparably important role. Now, the 1500 hp reserve should be disposed of very, very carefully. Although its engine develops a very decent power-to-weight ratio, over 14 horsepower per tonne, the top speed of 29 kilometers per hour is one of the worst in the class. And the total traverse speed of the turret chassis is also slightly below average. However, compared to other American T34 and SuperPershing premiums, the mobility of the goose does not give such a headache. Albeit without much enthusiasm, but this feathered one clearly and rather quickly carries out our commands.

Let's move on to the armament of the tank. The penetration of his only weapon is 198 millimeters - not high, but not the worst indicator at the level. The claimed accuracy is also depressing. But in terms of the speed of information, we are leaders among classmates. Taking into account the recent changes in the mechanics of the distribution of shells in the circle of dispersion, we are often able to hit the target literally from the turn. Quite often also because our rate of fire is much higher than that of our direct competitor T34. True, it is not worth comparing it with the rest of the TT of the eighth level. Taking into account the standard damage for its class of 320 units per shot, we get one of the worst values ​​of potential damage per minute, among other things, and here we are not alone. But it is very pleasant, in my opinion, that the M6A2E1 differs from its fellow T34 - it is a perfectly sane viewing radius - 380 meters.

How to punch M6A2E1

For shells with minimal penetration, which can be found in random battles, this tank is a real fortress in front. You can only inflict damage through a small piece on the left on the roof of the tower. However, if the enemy is far enough away, then this place is not easy to target, but if you drive closer, then it becomes inaccessible. However, as soon as we allow the enemy into the side, it easily penetrates both the sides and the turret of the tank. Yes, and behind the goose goose is very tender, unlike, however, from the tower. The back of the head of the latter is made of 200 mm armor plate. The very thin armor and the roof of the huge turret and hull further simplify the task of dealing damage to enemy artillery.

For projectiles more powerful, with the penetration of 170 millimeters in front, two more weak zones become available - the commander's cupola and the bottom of the fenders. We do not find any other noticeable changes. But the top gun and gold shells of classmates begin to easily penetrate the M6A2E1 in the forehead. The armor of the lower part of the fenders is only 25 millimeters. This means that any projectile with a caliber of more than 75 millimeters cannot ricochet it. And even at an angle of only 5 degrees, its reduced armor for armor-piercing shells will be less than 150 millimeters. But keep in mind that if you drive a little closer, these areas become inaccessible. In addition, a recess on the left side of the turret roof is easily made through, and for a gun with a penetration of about 170 millimeters, there is also a turret. Theoretically, the turret ring is very poorly armored, but getting into it is also very difficult because the body of the goose is higher than the location of the guns of many tanks. In roml, the M6A2E1's forehead increases the reduced armor and gets an additional chance to repulse an enemy shell, but the sides of the hull and turret begin to receive almost any shells as soon as they overcome the ricochet angle. Therefore, a good way to dump damage is to show the forehead from around the corner at a large angle and take projectiles at it. However, it is necessary to make sure that the sides of the tank do not appear at the same time. The American cannot oppose anything to the enemy who has come in from the side. And from the back it can surprise only with the 200-mm nape of the tower.

M6A2E1 gun

The large base spread of the goose gun at long range is easily compensated for by an experienced crew. Most of the shots hit the target, and a modest mark of the regional level of penetration is enough to inflict damage on weakly armored targets.

At a distance of 200 meters, with full mixing, a good gunner easily copes with a capricious gun. But to demonstrate decent results when firing on the move, neither an experienced crew, not an installed vertical mount stabilizer, will help.

Let's summarize. The 200 mm penetration of the M6A2E1 armor-piercing shells is significantly more than the Soviet premiums or SuperPershing, but unlike them, it does not have a preferential level of combat. This is significantly less than that of the T34 and the overwhelming majority of Tier 8 heavy tanks. But unlike him, they do not have such a combination of dynamics, frontal booking and elevation angles, which, by the way, are great in American style. It is this combination, and, unconvincing for one, but more than sufficient for the other half of the enemies, penetration of frontal armor and at the same time good mobility that will dictate our style of play. We feel very comfortable when facing opponents of the sixth-seventh level. If you do not show them the sides and stern, then they become for us just free experience and credits. We are quite on an equal footing, to say the least, fighting with classmates. 200 mm of penetration allows you to inflict damage on any of them, and frontal armor can easily withstand the hits of most shots from armor-piercing, often even premium shells.

But we are frankly weak against enemies of the ninth level, whom we see in random battles quite often, and almost powerless against a dozen, which also occasionally occur. Another serious problem for a tank is artillery. The high height greatly simplifies its aiming, and the thin side and upper armor willingly accept charges from the other side of the map.

Combat tactics

In battles where he is in the top, without the participation of tanks of levels 9-10, the goose feels like a fish in water. He is able to solve a lot of issues: the defense of opponents significantly superior to him, while the main thing is not to let them into close combat, and pushing the direction with the support of allies, and knocking out damage, and at least active light, if at the same time it is not necessary to demonstrate the lower sides. Actually, often, the entire battle will be reduced to solving this problem - if you manage to prevent the enemy from reaching the commander's tier, getting hits only on the impenetrable forehead, then the battle can be considered won.

But at the bottom of the list, battles become much more difficult, although no less interesting. In such battles, we are no longer able to keep the enemy hits, and dealing damage becomes much more difficult. Here you will have to improvise - choose the direction where the weaker opponents will be, use the excellent declination of the gun, shoot from the folds of the terrain. At the same time, not forgetting that due to the high silhouette, even the reverse slope of the hills does not protect the goose from artillery shots. Waste extra time flanking armored opponents to gain the ability to inflict damage, preferably an unpunished opportunity.

Crew training and equipment M6A2E1

And at the end of the World of Tanks review about the US tank M6A2E1, as usual, we are talking about the staffing and training of the crew. The latter consists of five tankers, including a radio operator. This means that when exchanging with top-end American weights from their hangar, one of the loaders will float, and for uniform pumping, you will have to fight with one or the other of them from time to time. All tankers, with the exception of the crew commander, first study field repairs, while the commander, in the meantime, comprehends the secret of the sixth sense. The second skill set for everyone is Brotherhood Combat. We choose the third based on the needs of the tanks being pumped, although it will not harm the goose itself at all. We set the “eagle eye” skill to the commander, the gunner - a smooth turn of the tower, the driver - the king of the off-road, the radio operator, of course, radio interception. And the loaders learn to stack the shells so that they do not touch each other, increasing the strength of the ammunition rack.

It is not worth experimenting with a standard set of tank equipment, a fire extinguisher, a repair kit and a first aid kit, and its equipment does not differ in any way from the set preferred for other heavy tanks. First of all, this is a gun rammer-stabilizer, or aiming drives. The remaining slot is occupied by ventilation, which will significantly improve the characteristics of the machine, or by coated optics, which will increase the viewing radius to maximum values.

By purchasing the M6A2E1, you actually get two completely different World of Tanks tanks. One is given to you to bend a random in the top of the team, and the other, much more demanding on your playing skills, much less combat-ready, you get when the FBG decides that it is time for you to visit the world of pain and suffering in the game against top level 10 tanks. Be that as it may, the American will not let you get bored, and it is very possible that the first time after the purchase he will seem to you a truly ugly duckling, but, getting used to him, you will probably change your mind and enjoy the battles along the way with farming and pumping. on this machine and often surprise your enemies and allies not only with the appearance of your tank. And this video ends the World of Tanks review. Now you know all the intricacies and secrets of playing on the American M6A2E1 tank. Now everything is in your hands! Happy battles!

This is an American Tier VIII heavy tank. For his unusual appearance, he received the nickname "Goose". One of the most famous "animals" of the World of Tanks game, rightfully earned the title of a veteran of the game. We present to your attention a small guide (review) m6a2e1. How is he remembered and why is he so good? This heavy was never sold in the in-game store for gold, it could only be purchased for real currency.

Its cost is quite high, but gold is attached to it as a solid bonus, in an impressive amount. Earlier this tank did not stand out in any way, but its characteristics have been improved and now it is a formidable machine.

What you need to know when planning to buy a m6a2e1 tank (goose)

  1. This is a discounted premium tank, we get to a maximum of 9 tiers.
  2. His frontal armor is not feasible for many at our level, only a few can penetrate it, and even then with gold. Reduced armor in the upper frontal plate = 280 mm. Such a booking scheme for the m6a2e1 makes it vulnerable even to low-tier tanks.
  3. Because of the "cardboard sides" (only 66 mm of armor), tanking with this vehicle is risky. So it is clear where to punch m6a2e1.
  4. Below we have 260 mm. Including armored turret = 218 mm.
  5. The tank is quite rare, so many players may not even know its disadvantages. And this is a real chance to win even in unequal conditions.

After the Goose app, the gameplay has changed radically, now you can easily catch ricochets with your forehead and not break through. Armament here is similar to the pumped brother - T32. But the rate of fire and quick reloading does not make the tank stand out, 10 seconds and you can get a DPM of 1600 units. Due to the large m6a2e1 penetration zone, this vehicle is best used for surprise attacks in the first row, especially on city maps. The tank is great for supporting top vehicles. Shoot at weak points, highlight, but do not get on the rampage.

After you got the car in your hangar, you have 2 ways: you play on the farm, respectively, play 90/10 and use only armor-piercing shells and only occasionally sub-caliber shells, but you have a stable, high-quality income. Either you play in a 50/50 ratio, you have good statistics and mediocre profitability, in which case you can get around 100,000 silver "dirty". You decide.


+ a high-sitting tower and good elevation angles - you can safely destroy tanks by shooting at the tower cover or, without harm to yourself, hit from behind small hills and dunes;
+ good frontal booking;
+ large ammunition load;
+ rare tank - many players do not know its weak points.


- weak armor of the sides and stern;
- low speed;
- limited capabilities of the simulator - from time to time you will have to swap the loaders (if the crew is from T29, T32, M103) or gunners (T1, M6);
- low accuracy and mediocre penetration of the gun.

Wondering how to get the m6a2e1 World of Tanks? It's simple: buy it in our store and farm! In the right hands, he will become a real threat to the enemy.

Good luck on the battlefields!

М6А2Е1 - American Tier VIII premium heavy tank, nicknamed "Goose" in the random house due to its appearance. The car is played very well, and in skillful hands it turns into a real monster.

The only drawback: the tank was taken out of the regular assortment of the game store, but it periodically appears on sale, in honor of significant events or significant dates.

Let's start our guide to the M6A2E1 tank with an overview of the main characteristics of this vehicle. Immediately, we note that the tank looks quite standard for the G8, but unlike many classmates, it feels comfortable in high-level battles, although it is a beneficiary.

So, here's a standard 1,500 HP for a Tier 8 heavy, as well as a field of vision of 380 meters. We add that hyperopia can be pumped extra. equipment and crew perks, but this is not a priority stat for a heavy tank.

The technique is rather slow, so you can only fire up the "Goose" up to 29 km / h. Note that the declared maximum speed of the M6A2E1 is gaining quite quickly and is not too dependent on the quality of the soil.

105 mm Gun T5E1E cannon

The weapons installed on the vehicle can pierce 204-mm armor, biting off 320 units of the enemy's HP with each successful hit. The reload speed allows you to fire 5 rounds per minute, dealing a total of about 1,600 damage. The gun converges in 2.4 seconds, it has traditionally good depression angles for "Americans".

An ambiguous characteristic is the effectiveness of firing. In particular, the installed weapon has a dispersion of 0.40 per hundred meters. It can be called oblique and precise in equal measure. Sometimes it turns out to miss 100% of the target, and sometimes the projectile precisely enters a small part of the tank peeping out from behind a distant hill.

Where to punch М6А2Е1

This question worries many players who were lucky enough to meet the Goose tank in World of Tanks. At first glance, the "American" does seem invulnerable. The frontal armor of the turret is 229 millimeters, and this projection is almost completely covered by the gun mantlet.

The frontal armor plate of the hull is 191 mm, and the metal sheets are located at a very good angle. In general, if the "Goose" calms down in the city and only exhibits the tower, it will be very problematic to pick it up, especially for classmates. Nevertheless, the concept of the game is structured in such a way that there is always a projectile for each cunning armor. There are vulnerable zones and "Goose". In particular, these are the sides: the body is 66 mm and the tower is 89 mm.

It is quite natural that the "Goose" will not go stern forward, waiting for it to be sent to the hangar. The owners of the tank have long studied the weaknesses from personal sad experience and in every possible way try not to turn to the enemy stern and sides. There are also penetration zones in the frontal part. This includes the commander's hatch, the turret-hull junction, and the NLD. With due luck, the tank can be penetrated into the chubby cheeks of the tower. There is no reservation in the roof, but this information will be of interest mainly to artists.

М6А2Е1: equipment and perks

If we talk about crew training, the first skills that need to be learned will be repair and "Combat Brotherhood". After that, it makes sense to get confused with disguise, then, with profile perks in the specialty of tankers.

In terms of the choice of equipment, there are no special secrets either, so you can use a standard assembly for strands, including a rammer, a vertical stabilizer and ventilation.

How to play on М6А2Е1

punching directions. Being in the TOP, M6A2E1 WoT can even drive a PT without much risk, provided that it does not forget to hide the lower frontal part.

In defense, the car looks good too, especially on city maps. As mentioned above, it is enough to hide the NLD and expose the tower to the enemy in order to comfortably tank damage without wasting HP.

However, do not forget that the "Goose" is a rather clumsy machine, which is not difficult to twist. If the enemy gets access to the stern and sides, there is nothing to oppose the "American".

If we consider the situation as a whole, then the feedback from the players about М6А2Е1 is mostly positive. The tank is a powerful enough prem, capable of bringing not only income, but also pleasure from the game.

Tank "Goose" periodically appears in the game store, for example, if it gets into the New Year's calendar. This is exactly what happened in the framework of "" 2019. The price of the "American" is 7,500 gold, but believe me, he is really worth the money spent on his purchase.