The power of thought heals the clan and family. Vedic mantra for offering food

Many people are looking for a connection with the lineage and restore the pedigree in order to better know themselves. And it really helps.
Generic programs and negative scenarios play important role in our destiny. Working through them, we greatly facilitate our lives.

But sometimes the genus itself becomes an unexpected obstacle in this matter.

Our people have a tradition: to talk about dead relatives is either good or nothing.
It seems to be a good tradition that contributes to the development of respect between generations. But at the same time, there by-effect: some ancestors turn out to be shrouded in a halo of holiness, while others are completely forgotten, as if they never existed. And it turns out that if we know the history of a kind, then in some distorted form. The exceptions are families where the truth can no longer be retouched, where they are not shy about expressing relatives who have sinned, everything is honest.

So how do you understand what your family is like and should you believe the stories of your grandmother about what wonderful guys your ancestors are?

If everything in your family was really decorous and noble, then everything should be in perfect order now.

You are a successful and fulfilled person, you know what you want from life, everything is going well with your work, with your family, and in all your endeavors. If not, do not rush to accuse the older generations of insincerity, because there is nothing shameful in wanting to leave a good memory of yourself.

In addition, it is important to remember that each person does not come into his own family by chance. His programs and tasks in this life correspond to the direction of the development of the family.

Therefore, if you feel the "sins" of your ancestors, it is because your soul has the same tendencies. And if something in your life is not going well now, it means that you have some kind of generic program, the development of which is necessary for both your family and your soul.

In order to understand what kind of program it is, you do not need to know the full life story of the seven generations above you (although this can also be useful). It is enough to understand how exactly the negative scenario manifests itself in your life.

Problems in the family can be judged by the following signs:

1) You are constantly haunted by troubles in life. There are constantly recurring negative programs. These include: illness, loneliness, failure in marriage, difficulties with children or no children.
2) If you feel that you can do more in life, but it turns out as always, then there is some kind of force that prevents you from being realized. It can be karmic, it can be generic (most often 2 in 1).
3) The constant lack of energy, pessimism, depression, apathy are signs of a lack of energy of the kind.
4) Recurring situations in families. For example, men leave their families all the time or die. Or, it happens that only girls are born. Then they get married, the men disappear again and everything is repeated from generation to generation.
5) You do not know where to put yourself, rushing from one extreme to another.

Generic programs can be both useful and destructive.

If your ancestors built churches, took care of the orphans and the poor, did good deeds for the sake of the community, homeland, humanity, then all programs of this kind will be associated with the development and increase of the energy of goodness. In this case, the descendants get the corresponding fruits: success, luck and prosperity in all its manifestations.

If the descendants get other "bonuses" - illnesses and failures, then negative scenarios predominate in this kind.

What leads to the emergence of destructive programs?

1. "Scary stories" in the family.

These include dispossession, poverty, epidemics, murders, suicides, accidents, etc.
Need to pay Special attention to suicide and murder. Events like this are very debilitating.
But, as a rule, the family prefers to hide such stories. No one is told about this and the descendants do not know anything about it.
In turn, the souls of such "forgotten" relatives hang out in the family, creating negative ties. These negative connections must be fed by something.
If a child is born in the family who is predisposed to give energy, this energy begins to go from him to maintain the ties of unreleased souls with the family. In this case, it is very useful to know all the negative stories, relive them and let go. In this way, you release negative connections and purify souls - they leave, and you live on.

2. Distortions related to childbearing and sex.

Any negative behavior in the sexual sphere has a very strong effect on the family.
This includes promiscuity, violence, abandonment of children, abortions and all kinds of life for pleasure with a total waste of energy.

3. Wrong behavior with the shrines of the family, which means with relationships, with respect in the family.
Love, as a source of interaction in relationships, honoring parents, love for one's children are the shrines of the family.

4. Generic curse.

It exists when it falls on a negative scenario.
Those. there is nothing to catch a bright person. But when there is already a negative scenario in it, the curse works. Of course, if someone sent a curse, it means, most likely, "there was a reason." Consequently, at the time of the curse, the family had already "turned the wrong way." A strong emotional desire falls on the existing "marriage", strengthens the program - degeneration is underway.

In order to change the situation and embody everything you want, you need to deal with generic programs, since it is likely that the key to your happiness lies in their solution. Generic programs change through awareness, immersion in them and correction.

There are no situations that cannot be corrected! Click on the image and get a free video.
Learn how to get rid of negative birth programs and live happily ever after! ↓

In addition to the laws described above, the genus has several more important principles:

- The first child in the family bears the biggest burden of the family - he takes off what is on top. If there are negative tendencies by gender, then the first-born bears heavy karma. The second child gets less; he, as it were, cleans up what the first did not take. It happens that this principle works in a different way. The first child is born strong, and the second weaker. This means that the family had a supply of good karma, but it was only enough for the firstborn.

“Nature rests on the children of smart parents.” That is, as a rule, the main trends are transmitted through the generation. Therefore, children often have more generic birth programs with their grandparents than with their parents. Hence the following statement:

- The first daughter in the family most often reflects the fate of the maternal grandmother. The first son is paternal grandfather.

- The next children born in the family are more free to choose programs from two kinds.

- General social cataclysms remain an imprint in the family and are passed on to descendants. The karma of the clan fits into the karma or egregor of the state. These are wars, famines, repressions, epidemics, natural disasters and other tragedies.

- A special and not always favorable burden is given to fate by naming children in honor of relatives. Sometimes children are named after their grandparents. But they already transmit negative programs, and the repetition of the name further strengthens the program. Therefore, if a person was sick, there was a lot of negativity on him, you can harm your child by calling him by the same name.

How to heal your family and restore tribal strength

When working with generic programs important tool is a deepening in understanding and empathy for what was.
History cannot be rewritten, it can only be understood, accepted and reworked. It is very easy to be tempted to condemn someone in the lineage and cut him off. But that's not how you heal the race.

The race is healed by participation, connection with the roots. Even the smallest thin root, even if it is thin and stunted, but relative to you, it is still a root, and it is very possible that it comes into contact with a water source. If you reconnect with him, you will also receive life-giving moisture through him.

It is also a violation to refuse to feed the clan or from the proposed help of the clan. Most often this happens due to the fact that a person does not want to be included in generic programs, and lives according to the principle: I myself am the master of my life, and let the family deal with what they have done. But any program must be completed, and if you come into conflict with the clan and show self-will, then, as a rule, you not only destroy the clan force, but also spoil your destiny.

Therefore, the main condition for the healing of the family is to work out the negative programs that have manifested themselves in your life. And of course, do not repeat the mistakes of the kind in your destiny.

In addition, there are several rules that will help you restore your ancestral strength and your connection to your roots.

Create and maintain tribal traditions and rituals. These are weddings, weddings, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, etc. These are any family holidays and all events that unite the clan. This also includes the remembrance of loved ones, Memorial Day, as well as the storage of memorabilia from deceased relatives.

Connect the clan with rituals, communicate, or at least periodically call. If it is not physically possible to do this (you are far from each other or relatives do not make contact), do it in your imagination. It is important to remember that the essence of traditions is not so much in rituals, but in the fact that there is an inner intention of rapprochement.

Honor loved ones (children and parents). Neglect of relatives is a rejection of tribal strength. When you learn to honor and respect, you thus reconnect with the ancestral force.

Do things that claim to be connected to eternity. For example, build houses, plant trees, be generous.

Communicate with children, tell them the story. Study history in general and the history of your family in particular.

Develop in yourself the concept of shrines that are associated with family foundations. This is the homeland, place of residence, life, mother, father, God, beauty, peace. These are all the forces that feed the race.

You can not humiliate and scold things that are associated with the clan and tribal forces.

On Forgiveness Sunday, ask for forgiveness.

Look at the past and your ancestors with respect.

If not everything from this list you can now implement, it does not matter. Do what you can, because it is not so much the outer action that matters as the inner intention.

If you are ready to take responsibility for your fate and the fate of your family, you will definitely have the opportunity to heal the generic energy. And remember, if you are in your family, it means that it needs you and your help.

Help your tribal system to level out and get stronger, and then it will be able to fully support you and saturate you and your descendants with strength.

Happiness and prosperity to you and your family!

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Each of us belongs , even to two - the family of the father and the family of the mother. From the moment we are born, we are accompanied by generic energies. They can affect us both positively and negatively. This influence exists independently of us, on the level of our consciousness, on whether we know about it or not. In a positive way, they can work as a great support, and in a negative way, as birth curses, illnesses, and others. serious problems.

Support of a kind we often do not notice, but it exists. She is more than better relationship among the living members of the genus and the purer were the relations among those who no longer exist. Then the tribal energies flow freely, and each of the living now receives them in full. But this is not always the case. We may not be aware of this, but the attitudes of our ancestors still affect us, as well as what these ancestors were like: if there were many black magicians in the family, ancestral curses, which the members of the clan themselves sent to each other, or others sent to them, then all this negativity now creates the karma of the clan and affects the living. And such an impact can take different forms- from diseases, even fatal ones, and accidents to life failures, difficulties in creating a family, problems of consciousness and much more.

often on individual lessons I have to work with people specifically on tribal problems. And quite serious problems can be in the family of each person, either in one, maternal or paternal, or both. In all generations there are soul-publicans, and special work is needed with them.

Until a person realizes how affect generic energies he may not care about it. But in one beautiful moment something happens that gives such awareness. It could be a disease or something difficult situation. For example, bone diseases - arthrosis, osteoporosis, etc. - are generic diseases. And it's not just what is called hereditary diseases. of the skeletal system are karmic generic diseases. Mental illnesses, infertility, endocrine diseases, chronic alcoholism, etc. can also be attributed to birth diseases. A disease such as cancer is often a combination of personal and tribal karma. Negative information is transmitted by writing to every cell of the body, just as facial features and body shape are inherited. And it affects all the living, as well as their children and future generations. Often given for the purpose healing kind.

I once heard this opinion: but if we change our consciousness, doesn't it all go away? No, it doesn't. From the fact that we change our consciousness, we change, our vibration changes, but negative records, unfortunately, are not deleted just because we want to. This requires special work.

And for a spiritually developing person, one of the tasks is often to work with one's kind, to purify and heal it. Most likely, among the living members of your kind, there is no one else who would have sufficient awareness for this. And your family hopes for you, that thanks to your work, many problems that have been created over the centuries can finally be resolved.

If your task is to purify your kind, and you don’t know about it, then negative generic energies will enter your energy system from the birth canals and prevent you from living until you pay attention to them and take care of their healing.

It often happens that we ourselves have previously incarnated in our kind, and more than once, and we ourselves have messed up in those incarnations so that now all this needs to be corrected. And this is our job.

It is important to learn how to strengthen the positive qualities of generic energies and purify the negative ones. This will help not only yourself, but also your children, and all your relatives, both the living and the souls of the departed. When we purify the negative energies of the kind, we are able to receive nourishment from it in its purest form, which strengthens and supports us. Strength of the Family- a very big force that helps to exist in society and be successful at all levels.

If you are intuitive, you can request information about what problems exist in your family and how they can be healed.

Our birth stories are very interesting, often dramatic, and have a lot to teach us. Everything was in our birth - both good and bad. Our ancestors lived, loved, created, suffered, died, and our tribal memory keeps all this. We cannot disown our ancestral history, it is part of us, and sooner or later everyone will have to deal with what needs to be healed and cleansed. And we can also take a lot from our kind - the strength, beauty, courage of those ordinary people who were our ancestors.

Sometimes people who consider themselves very advanced look down on their ancestors. But this only worsens the relationship with the clan as an integral structure, of which we are a continuation. And complicates the life of such people in the present, although they do not know about it. And also complicates the lives of their children and future generations.

It is very good if photos of ancestors are kept in your house and they know their pedigree. Look into their eyes - joyful or sad, benevolent or stern. They look at you with hope and love. They say you can! You can do anything and we are proud of you!

You didn't incarnate in this family for nothing. This is YOUR Family. You are its continuation. Feel this kinship, feel that these are your native energies. You love and honor your ancestors. Feel part of the family history. Now you are writing it with your whole life, and may the pages of the family history you write be bright and clean!

If you feel that you need to apologize to your kind for any negative thoughts or actions, do it. May your family feel your love. More supportive generic energies will come to you. You will feel more confident and strong. In this way, you yourself will be cleansed of unforgiveness and those negative energies that it creates, and help your kind. And this must be done with both genera - both on the father and on the mother. You will feel relieved, and your family will be grateful to you.

Try to build relationships with all living relatives as well. If necessary, forgive them and ask for forgiveness. Forgive also those who have left and ask for forgiveness from their souls. This is important work which no one will do for us. Our family tree is Our protection and nourishment, it is Our support, it is Our support in difficult times. Treat your family with respect and you will make your life easier. And if you seriously work on cleansing and healing kind, you can become one of the guardians of the family, which is honorable and important for yourself, for your development.

This article is only a general overview, it does not claim to fully cover the large and complex topic of the family and the influence of generic energies on us. Unfortunately, there are not many materials on this topic, and most people do not realize the seriousness of this topic.

You are able to help yourself, your descendants and your ancestors, and make sure that generic energies became not a brake and the cause of illnesses and difficult situations, but a help in many areas of life.


These practices can be done by people of any religion!

Remembering our ancestors on Saturdays, we can get rid of karmic debts that are passed down from generation to generation, cleanse the karma of our Family, free ourselves from generic scenarios and help the Souls of departed ancestors find peace!

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A list of what you may need during ancestor days (so you have time to buy and prepare everything properly):

    • thin church candles (at least 15 pieces) or candles made from natural materials, for example, bee candles, or lamps with ghee!

    • 2-3 thick large church candles (who will perform the grind);

    • rice, two packs;

    two new plates (for offering food to God and the Family), who already have, you can leave the existing ones; If you pray for the Clan of your spouse (s), or your children (born in another marriage), then you need to purchase plates for their ancestors. You can use disposable tableware. And yet I propose to buy different saucers (fortunately today you can buy dishes in one copy), for each Genus its own.

  • food for street birds (seeds, bread, nuts), the more you feed, the better;

  • free time to perform rituals;

  • rosary for reading mantras or prayers (who still does not have one);

  • drawing paper and drawing supplies: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints (for those who will draw their Family Tree, who already have an image, you can leave the existing one);

  • money (plan in advance how much you can spend on donations, it must be a significant amount for you, otherwise the meaning of the donation will not be respected);

  • products for making pancakes;

  • icons, images of deities or figurines of deities (in the tradition that is closer to you);

  • a set of clean (preferably light) clothes in which you will perform rituals;

  • flowers (if you plan to visit the cemetery these days);

  • a separate notebook or album where you can write recognizable stories about relatives (each clan has its own notebook);

  • The practice of cleansing the karma of the Family with the offer of food.

    To carry out this practice, you will need: two new plates from which no one ate, a church candle, a new pack of rice.

    It is advisable to perform this practice in the morning, because in the morning the energy is the most blissful. Usually the ritual takes 40-50 minutes.

    So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

    METHOD #1:

  • Put the rice to boil, and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it's cooked, you put it on a clean plate and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. Here are the prayer options:

  • Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

    (For the blessing of food and drink for the laity)
    « Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
    Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
    Amen" . (And cross food and drink).

Offering food in the Slavic tradition

Heavenly Family, Progenitor!
You are the Patron of all Clans!
Remember my ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga!
Now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

  • Muslim prayer for the consecration of food:

    Raise your hands palms up over food and say the prayer " Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim ". Meaning: asking Allah for blessings

    then " Allahhumma barik lyana fima razaktana va kina azaba-nnar ". Meaning: “O my Allah, put grace in what You have given us as a blessing, and protect us from the fire of hell!”.

    Lower your hands, as if covering the food received with the blessing.

    At the end of the meal, one should praise Allah with the words " al-hamdu li-llah (Praise be to Allah)

  • Vedic mantra for offering food:

    Namo Om Vishnu padaya
    krishna prestaya bhutale
    Shrimate bhaktivedanta
    Swamin ichi namine
    Namaste sarasvati deve
    Gaura Vani Pracharine
    Pashchatya desha tarine
    Nama maha vadanyayya
    Krishna prema pradaya te
    Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
    Namne gaura-tvishe namah
    Namo brahmanya-devaya
    Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
    Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
    Govindaya namo namah

  • Wait 10-15 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

  • Then you spread this rice on another new plate.

  • Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food."

  • Invitation of ancestors in the Slavic tradition:

    “Holy Grandfathers, we call you! Holy Grandfathers, fly to us!”

  • At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray for 20-30 minutes.

  • Then thank your kind: "I thank you for taking this food." Make a bow.

  • In the Slavic tradition:

    "Holy Grandfathers, you flew here
    They drank and ate
    Fly now to yourself!” Make a bow.

  • This completes the ritual.

    METHOD #2

    • Get up in the morning, take a bath and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

    • Put the rice to boil and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it is cooked, add ghee, black sesame seeds (you can use poppy seeds, caraway seeds or other black spices), a little salt and sugar. Let the rice cool down.

    • Then shape the rice into balls the size of a walnut and put them on a clean plate, which must be placed for 15-20 minutes in front of the image of God.

    • Offer food to God.

    Variants of prayers, REGULATED ABOVE ...

  • Wait 15-20 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

    • Then put the rice balls on another new plate to offer to the Ancestors. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food". At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray in your spiritual tradition for 20-30 minutes.

    • Thank your family "I thank you for taking this food. I want to thank you for my life! I am a part of you! I want to show you respect and reverence by asking your blessings and asking for help (tell me what you are asking for). May these prayers express our gratitude and reverence!"

    • Make a bow. Let your appeal to the ancestors express your gratitude and respect!

  • ATTENTION!!! This food must not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away.

  • Before the sun goes down you need to give it to the animals or take it out and put it on the ground. (I poured food into bags and took it out into the yard, we have places in the yard for feeding birds. I think you can find such places in your city).

    These plates are not to be eaten. Mark the one for God and the one for the Ancestors, and it's better to put them separately.

    After practice, rest, lie down, you can take a nap.

This is a very powerful practice and it is advisable to do it daily between September 16-30.

You can write about the changes in your life in the comments.

P.S. Then you can do the practice of offering food to your Ancestors every Saturday and on the week of veneration of the Family (i.e. Shrovetide Week).

And remember in your hands the opportunity to create a strong strong family, which will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Answers to common questions:

Question: Is it possible to do this ritual for a spouse (s)?

Answer: Yes, it's very well. Just for the Clan of the husband (wife) take another plate, and slightly change the wording of the words "I invite members of the Clan of the Husband (wife) to come and eat"

What to do with leftover rice in a bag?

Answer: This rice can be cooked for households, or left for further offering to the ancestors.

How much rice should be cooked?

Answer: Ideally, you can cook a lot, the more animals you feed, the better. But if there are no very hungry animals near you, and you doubt that you can feed a lot of rice on the street, then cook a little, for one or two servings.

Friends, each of us has our own Family, and no matter what kind of relationship we have with our relatives, whether they are alive or not, we see each other often or not, we know about them or they know about it. The genus affects the fate of a person, as an integral part of it. It is known that sometimes the genoscope begins to prevail over the horoscope. As you know, the fate of a person is clearly influenced by 7 previous generations. Therefore, working with your Family is very important!

In this topic, I will post techniques and practices for working with Rod! I ask you to share your experience and best practices for the purification and healing of your Family.

Most spiritual illusions end as soon as we find ourselves among the most seemingly close ones - our parents, children and other relatives.

Why is this happening? Why, at times, the most key life Lessons are in the acceptance and understanding of blood relatives.

The answer to this question is multidimensional.

1. When incarnating, we choose a family for ourselves based on the key tasks and lessons that we have prepared for ourselves on Earth
2. We carry in our body, in our cells, not only our cosmic DNA, but, above all, the genetics that we inherited from our parents and their ancestors.
3. Each clan has its own Soul, which carries all the information and all generic programs, the well-being of everyone in the clan depends on the integrity and harmony of this Soul.

Why you need to work with the genus:

1. Understand and accept your place, role and tasks in the family
2. If you do not take your place, or do not play your role, then, having understood this, allow the tribal system to rebuild so that you take your true, harmonious place, thus restoring the harmonious flow of tribal energy
3. The restoration of the male and female tribal flows allows not only to improve relations with relatives, but also to harmonize relations with the opposite sex, as well as to ensure a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren.

Healing and gaining the strength of the Family

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family.

Working with the family

Work is best done standing (energies go better) or standing at least part of the meditation (stand at the end).
Pauses are required for the passage of energies.
You can't read everything and then close your eyes and let the energies through. Will not work. They are different, they do miscellaneous work- somewhere they destroy, somewhere they connect, somewhere they transform.
So, read one paragraph, close your eyes - let the energies pass. Read the next one, close your eyes, let the energies through, etc.
The text is read very slowly, energies are condensed around, there may be a feeling that the body is buzzing.
Working with family. Pre-Meditation Appeal

I ask the Angels of Karma for help in harmonizing and balancing the energy system of my Family
I express my will to be grounded in the process of doing this work.
I ask that the work be carried out as comfortably as possible for me with appropriate intensity and speed.
I ask that this work does not stop until the complete healing of the energy system of my Family.
before main text

Before speaking the main text, imagine the following.
You are standing, on the right side behind you is your father, on the left side is your mother. (Do not confuse the parties. This is important.)
Each parent has a hand on your shoulder.
Further, by the same principle, we go into the depths of generations.
For the father (in the same order) - his parents, for the mother - hers. Etc. Which of the distant generations you no longer know, just mentally designate and imagine simply in the form of figures.
The result is such a "pyramid" with you on the "edge".
To your right is the male (paternal) branch of your family. Left - female (maternal).
Now we pronounce the main text.
Preferably aloud. And imagine that at the same time as you say it and your whole family.

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family

With gratitude for the Gift of Life, I embrace and bless my entire Family with Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, I take responsibility for the fate of my Family.
Pause. (Let the energies pass and do their work)
In the name of the I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will
restore the broken connections in the energy system of my Family, including in it
all the exiled and forgotten;
all unwanted and deprived of love, respect and support;
all the unborn, rejected before their incarnation.
In the name of I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction (regardless of their source) into the energies of Love and Unity at all levels, in all generations, in all destinies of my Family.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I bless with Love and release those who voluntarily choose to leave the energy system of my Family.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I accept the Power of my Family with gratitude and Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL
from now on and forever, the flow of Light, Wisdom and Love of my Family flows unhindered through me and my generation into future lives for the benefit of my loved ones, Humanity, Earth, and the Universe.
Let it be done.
I thank the One Loving Eternal.


A person's family tree has a great influence on a person's life. It consists of 7 generations.
It can be drawn as follows: on a sheet of paper in the center along the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a square (man) or a circle (woman) yourself - this is the 1st generation. Next, draw up two dashes, to which draw a square (on the left) and a circle (on the right).
This is your father and mother - this is the second generation. From them, from each upwards, they also depart in a square and a circle. These are your grandparents - the third generation. And so on until the seventh generation, in which there will be 64 people. 32 couples, families. There will be 126 people in your family tree in total.
Your life largely depends on their life achievements and mistakes.
Having drawn your family tree, you have the opportunity to touch each of your 126 ancestors with your thought, pray for them, ask for guidance, help and support.
To do this, tap index finger circle or square of your ancestor and lovingly turn to him, express your respect and gratitude for the gift of life.
The best is to consistently descend or ascend the family tree from yourself, your parents, starting with your father and further, all the time, starting contact in the next generation with an ancestor on the male paternal line.
It is good if during this ritual behind the family tree will burn church candle.

Meditation from Archangel Michael

"For the purification and healing of the family"

I'm Michael, come by your intention
And I will clean the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected.
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
Gates pop up before us,
And the doors creak open.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them all the way down and we reach the door.
Consider the door, what is it?
And express your intent one more time
I, [name], I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines ”
The door swings open
You enter a large and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a book on the table.
Consider the book, what is it?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can browse it,
Or we can get started right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Stream of Light and Love
Opening the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in unison fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleared from raids.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
You are asked for forgiveness by those who gave you lessons.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and in others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, healing all your wounds,
I wipe all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.
Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Does it have any disadvantages
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What are the leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.
Say like this:
"Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as he needs, such fertile soil what he needs and as much as he needs, etc. ”
And now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands
Now you release your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.
We return with you
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door and it closes with a creak.
Now we go up the stairs, one by one.
And now the gates are open
We exit, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for letting you into the Hall of Remembrance!
Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.
Ground yourself.
You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
On this our trip to the Hall of Memory came to an end.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love, Archangel Michael!
Truly so!


Relations with your mother affect a lot - your self-confidence, relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who looks like her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother once - unconditional love, support, attention, recognition. But since a man only internally resembles her mother, he is simply unable to give her what she prays for.

Once you figure out your relationship with your mom, you can attract someone who will give you what you need so badly. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. How worse relationship with mom, the more difficulties in your life.

Relations with your father are responsible for your sexuality and financial flows. Energy flows from parents give strength to live and work. When these flows are interrupted, it is difficult to be successful.

But today we will deal with the maternal family. It is the maternal race that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of your kind support you, you feel their strength and power behind your back.

If you hold grudges against your mother or grandmother, then you prevent this force from supporting you, you lose this force, you block the flow of maternal love for yourself and, therefore, you do not feel connected with your family, with your roots.

So where, then, to take rootedness and steadfastness? To take off, you must first eat. All insecurity is born from dislike, when your mother criticizes something in you, is dissatisfied with something, but not with your behavior, but with you personally.

Vividly remember all these grievances, all your tears - and leave them in the past. Mom just did it because she truly loved you and wanted the best for you. She did everything the way she could and understood.

Allow yourself to live this resentment without blaming or judging it. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Now you will go on a journey to the first woman of your kind in order to reconnect and live your resentment.

Close your eyes and remember everything for which you were offended by your mother, that you could not accept in her, that angered you, caused pain, made you cry - remember everything and surrender to these feelings. Let yourself cry out all that has accumulated over the years.

When you feel better, remember your mother. What is she like now, what does she look like, what does she say. Remember what she was like when she was younger. Imagine her as a young woman giving birth to an adorable baby, you. See her as a very young girl, full of hope and in love with life.

See her as a long-legged teenager. See her as a little girl about five years old, see her as a very small child taking her first steps. See her as a newborn, imagine her in her mother's tummy.

Imagine her as a small cell and see how two lines connect in this cell - the life line of her mother and the life line of her father. Choose the line of her mother's life and follow it into the past.

See your grandmother carrying her child, see her as a young girl, open to life, see her very young and go further in her life, see her at twelve, see her as a very little girl and see her as a newborn.

And imagine her very tiny in her mother's tummy, and imagine how the life lines of her father and her mother are connected in this cell, and again choose the female line.

Walk along it into the depths of centuries until you reach the first woman of her kind. Look what she is, the first woman of your Family. Feel her strength, power and great love. Stand in front of her, accept her blessing and give her love and respect yourself.

See how all the women of your kind stand to the right and left of her, creating a circle of female power. See how different they are and at the same time how they are united. Fill them with your love, your strength, and accept their love and support.

And when you're ready, come back down the line female destiny, healing and straightening it, filling it with the light of your love and gratitude.

And see your grandmother again in her mother's tummy, see her as a newborn, smiling at the new day, see her as a tiny girl discovering the world, see her as a little girl dancing and spinning, see her as a teenage girl, laughing and mischievous.

See her as a young girl, in love for the first time and rushing to her first date, See her as a young woman, waiting for her child.

And see your mom in her mom's tummy. And see your mother just born, and see your mother as a little girl playing with dolls and a ten year old reading a book, see your mother as a young girl smiling shyly at her lover.

See your mom expecting her baby and see yourself in your mom's tummy, see yourself as a newborn, see yourself saying your first words, see yourself at five receiving a birthday present.

See yourself young

girl going on a date for the first time. See yourself today. And as you inhale and exhale, return to reality.

Now you feel that all the Women of your Family stand behind you and support you. This will change the future fate of the women of your kind - both yours and your daughters.

And if you have sons, then their daughters will have to make their maternal journey and do what you have done now.

Now you can write a new fate for women of your kind, and your descendants will continue what you started.

You can start like this: "From now on, all women of my kind ..." and continue to write about what you want to happen in your life, in your relationships, in the lives of your daughters and the lives of your granddaughters.

Your success, personal life and your life scenarios depend on the strength of the family and the relationships within it. If the relationship in the family is weak, difficult, negative, this will also affect your life.

It is especially important to purify the ancestral karma for those in whose family there are suicides, unborn children, including those who have been aborted, and those who have been separated from the family. These members of the genus invisibly influence the life of everyone. next person in the genus.

The heaviest curses go to the youngest member of the family in the female line.

Sometimes we ourselves become the person on whom all this burden falls, or it happens to our daughters. And often we do not understand why there is a constant slippage in life, everything does not turn out the way we wanted, the expected does not bring joy.

AT special days year there is an opportunity to purge the family and free it from sins, litigation and suffering. A woman, as a priestess of the clan, can and should do this in order to protect her children and her happiness. The heavy karma of the family will be cleared - and you will gain strength and joy, new thoughts will illuminate your head. Perhaps even the members of the genus themselves will dream of you in good dreams and thank you for this - I have met this in my practice. In the future, you will gain the protection and support of the family, which gives a feeling of peace and security.

There are many different practices, and I will tell you the one that I often offer to my clients and which I have tested on myself - it really works.

The ritual of cleansing the clan and the purification of tribal karma

The essence of the practice: honoring the ancestors by offering them consecrated food. To perform this ritual, you will need: two new plates from which no one has eaten, a church candle and a new pack of rice.

The ritual is best done on the waning moon and on the week of honoring the clan - this is Shrovetide week or period. It is advisable to practice in the morning - the energy at this time is the most blissful.

So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

Put the rice to boil. While it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted.

When it is cooked, place it on a clean plate, preferably a new one, and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. I will give prayer options for this.

Prayer for the offering of food in the Christian tradition

For the blessing of food and drink for the laity.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
(Cross food and drink.)

Vedic mantra for offering food

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Each verse is read three times.

Offering food in the Slavic tradition

Heavenly race, progenitor!
You are the protector of all births!
Remember my ancestors, who are in Your bright Svarga!
Now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Prayer for Muslim women

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‎‎

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim. In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful."

“The Bismillah contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the will and by the will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the grace of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all deeds that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakat and the blessing of the Almighty.” ©

Wait 5-10 minutes for the Lord to bless the food.

After that, the consecrated rice must be transferred to another new plate.

Put it in another place, light a candle and say:

I invite members of my kind to come and take this food.

Invitation of ancestors in the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Fathers, we call you! Holy Grandfathers, fly to us!»

At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and pray for 20-30 minutes.

Then thank your kind:

I thank you for accepting this food. Now you can go. Return to your space and your time.

In the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Grandfathers, you flew here, drank and ate, now fly to your place!»

Make a bow.


This food should not be eaten by living people and also should not be thrown away. We must give it to the animals - take it out and put it on the ground.

This completes the ritual.

You can't eat from these bowls. Mark the plate in which food was offered to God, and mark the one in which the ancestors ate. It is better to remove them separately.

After practice, rest - for example, lie down, you can take a nap.

This is a very powerful practice of cleaning ancestral karma, it is advisable to do it several times. You can write to me about changes in life when you do this!

And remember: you are a woman, in your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family that will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Answers to common questions about the practice of offering food to ancestors

Question: Is it possible to offer food and do this practice on critical days?

Answer: No, it's unfavorable. The ritual can be performed on the fourth day from the beginning of menstruation, after taking a full bath.

Question: Is it possible to do this ritual for a spouse?

Answer: Yes, it's very well. For the kind of husband, take another plate and change the wording a little: " I invite members of my husband's clan to come and eat».

Question: What to do with leftover rice in a bag?

Answer: This rice can be cooked for households or left for further offering to the ancestors.

Question: How much rice should be cooked?

Answer: Ideally, it’s good to cook a lot: the more homeless animals you feed, the better. But if there are no very hungry animals near you and you doubt that you can feed a lot of rice on the street, then cook a little, for one or two servings.