American socket and plug. American to European plug adapter

We buy a lot of electrical household appliances of various capacities, made in the EU countries, whose power cords end with European type plugs. It is known that they differ not only in the diameter of the metal part from our domestic ones, but also in shape, greater potential power and the presence of one or two ground contacts. But we must not forget about the so-called "Soviet" type, which is still widely used in Russia and the CIS countries, along with electrical appliances of past times, therefore, with them, we will begin a brief overview of European-type electrical plugs with them.

One of the most common plug designs in the USSR, designed for 220V, 6A

This type, called the Soviet C1 / B, is still produced in our homeland and in terms of its qualities it can be equated to the European type CEE 7/16 Europlug. Electric plugs of this type are designed for currents of 6 A and 10 A at a voltage of 220 - 250 V and a frequency of 50 Hz. They do not have grounding terminals, but they have one advantage, which is that their design is collapsible, which means that in case of damage to the cable, you can replace it, leaving the outlet the same and not spending money on a new one. The diameter of the pins in the Soviet plug is 4 mm.

The next type of electrical plug, which also has pins with a diameter of 4 mm and which is widely used in European countries, except England, Ireland and Malta, belongs to the CEE 7/16 Europlug class. It is used when operating household electrical appliances of low power, without grounding contacts and is designed for a current strength of up to 2.5 A at a voltage of 1100 - 220 V. Compatible with class C, C1, E, F.

Type C6 (in Europe CEE 7/17) we have a "Euro plug", with round pins (knives) with a diameter of 4.8 mm

But the French type of electrical plug has metal prongs with a diameter of 4.8 mm and one grounding contact. It is widely used in France, Poland and Belgium. They are used for medium-power appliances such as vacuum cleaners, air conditioners, water heaters, etc. This type of plug can withstand current up to 16 A at a voltage of 220-250 V. Compatible with type C, E, F sockets, but with Soviet type C1 / B are incompatible and can only be used with an adapter.

For electrical appliances of medium and high power consumption, the European German type of plug "Schuko" CEE 7/4 is used, which is widespread in Germany, Sweden, Norway and Holland.

CEE 7/4 Schuko plug and Schuko socket

Designed for a current up to 16 A, in some versions up to 25 A at a voltage of 220-250 V, has a pin diameter of 4.8 mm, one earthing terminal and is compatible with C and F sockets. According to its characteristics, "Schuko" CEE 7/4 fits French type E CEE 7/5 plugs.

There is also a hybrid type of E / F plugs - CTT 7 | 7, which combines German and French quality. They are very common in the countries of the European Union when using devices of medium and high power consumption. They have a grounding contact and are suitable for type C, E and F receptacles with 4.8mm metal prongs.

DA Info Pro - March 6. Connecting any household appliance to the electrical network, we do not think about what types of electrical outlets can be. However, you can get into some confusion when repairing electrical wiring in a house abroad or in an apartment where foreigners lived before you. In addition, some problems can be encountered when traveling to another country when trying to plug the electrical plug into the mains.

Electrical plugs vary from country to country. Therefore, the US Department of Commerce (ITA) in 1998 adopted a standard according to which various types of electrical outlets and plugs were assigned their own designation. We will write in detail for each type of electrical outlet.

Classification principle and main types

Of everything exists 15 types electrical outlets. The differences are in shape, size, maximum current, and the presence of a ground connection. All types of outlets are enshrined in legislation in countries within the framework of standards and regulations. While receptacles may be similar in shape in the above image, they differ in the size of the receptacles and prongs (plugs).

All types according to the American classification are designated as Type X (Type X).

Name Voltage Current Earthing Countries of distribution
Type A 127V 15A No USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan
Type B 127V 15A Yes USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan
Type C 220V 2.5A No Europe
Type D 220V 5A Yes India, Nepal
Type E 220V 16A Yes Belgium, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Type F 220V 16A Yes Russia, Europe
Type G 220V 13A Yes UK, Ireland, Malta, Malaysia, Singapore
Type H 220V 16A Yes Israel
Type I 220V 10A Not really Australia, China, Argentina
Type J 220V 10A Yes Switzerland, Luxembourg
Type K 220V 10A Yes Denmark, Greenland
Type L 220V 10A, 16A Yes Italy, Chile
Type M 220V 15A Yes South Africa
Type N 220V 10A, 20A Yes Brazil
Type O 220V 16A Yes Thailand

In most countries, standards are driven by their history. For example, India, being a British colony until 1947, adopted its standard as well. You can still find the old standard in some hotels in the UK. Type D.

The image shows the types of electrical outlets around the world.

Although polarity is not important with single-phase current connections, Type A and B outlets are polarized. This manifests itself in the fact that the plugs have different thicknesses - the position of the plug is important. In addition, in the USA, where they are actively distributed, alternating current with a frequency of 60 Hz and a voltage of 127 V.

Development of various types of sockets and plugs

The widespread use of electricity in everyday life required the introduction of standards in the field of connecting electrical appliances. This would make electricity safer, devices more reliable and more versatile.

And many manufacturers of electrical equipment and devices in practice provide replaceable cords for their devices for various types and countries.

Electrical outlets and plugs have evolved with increased safety requirements. So from Type D, Type G appeared - the maximum current increased, additional protective insulating coatings appeared at the base of the plugs.

Some connector types are already obsolete. So American Type I, Soviet Type I, old Spanish sockets, plugs with cut plugs have gone from everyday use. In fact, many countries standardize sizes among themselves. And the standardization committees are trying to make interstate standards at the official level. The main such organization is the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC, IEC).

It turns out interestingly with the connection of electric stoves - the maximum power can reach 10 kW. In various countries, they have introduced into the rules and regulations to use a separate type of electrical outlets for such powerful devices. And in some places it is generally obliged to connect without an outlet in a fixed way.

Adapter adapters are usually sold to connect one type of plug to another. They are found both from one type of electrical outlet to another, and universal - from any to a specific one.

There are more than a hundred ways to connect electrical appliances to the network in the world. There are a huge number of plugs and sockets. It should also be borne in mind that each country has a special voltage, frequency and current strength. This can turn into a serious problem for tourists. But this question is relevant today not only for those who like to travel. Some, making repairs in an apartment or house, deliberately install sockets of the standard of other countries. One of these is the American socket. It has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages. Today there are only 13 outlet and plug standards that are used around the world. Let's take a look at some of them.

Two standards for frequency and voltage

It would seem, why do we need so many standards and types of electrical elements? But it should be borne in mind that there are different standards for the voltage in the network. Many do not know that in the household electrical network of North American countries, not traditional 220 V, as in Russia and the CIS, are used, but 120 V. But this was not always the case. Until the 60s, throughout the Soviet Union, household voltage was 127 volts. Many will ask why this is so. As you know, the amount of consumed electrical energy is constantly growing. Earlier, except for light bulbs in apartments and houses, there were simply no other consumers.

Everything that each of us plugs into an outlet every day - computers, televisions, microwave ovens, boilers - did not exist then and appeared much later. When the power rises, the voltage must be increased. A larger current entails overheating of the wires, and with them certain losses for this heating. This is serious. In order to avoid these unnecessary losses of precious energy, it was necessary to increase the cross-section of the wire. But it is very difficult, time consuming and expensive. Therefore, it was decided to increase the voltage in the networks.

Times of Edison and Tesla

Edison was a proponent of direct current. He believed that just such a current is convenient for work. Tesla believed in the benefits of variable frequency. In the end, the two scientists began to practically go to war with each other. By the way, this war ended only in 2007, when the United States switched to alternating current in household networks. But back to Edison. He created the production of incandescent light bulbs with carbon filament. The voltage for optimal operation of these lamps was 100 V. He added another 10 V for losses in the conductors and at his power plants took 110 V as the operating voltage.That is why the American outlet for a long time was designed for 110 V. Further in the States, and then in other countries, which worked closely with the United States, adopted 120 V as the standard voltage. The current frequency was 60 Hz. But the electrical networks were created in such a way that two phases and "neutral" were connected to the houses. This made it possible to obtain 120 V when using phase voltages or 240 in the case of

Why two phases?

It's all about the generators that created electricity for all of America.

Until the end of the 20th century, they were biphasic. Weak consumers were connected to, and more powerful ones were transferred to line voltages.

60 Hz

This is completely the merit of Tesla. It happened back in 1888. He worked closely with J. Westinghouse, including on the development of generators. They argued a lot and for a long time about the optimal frequency - the opponent insisted on choosing one of the frequencies in the range from 25 to 133 Hz, but Tesla stood firm on his idea and the figure of 60 Hz fit into the system as much as possible.


Among the advantages of such a frequency, one can single out lower costs in the process of manufacturing an electromagnetic system for transformers and generators. Therefore, the equipment for this frequency is much smaller in size and weight. By the way, the lamps practically do not flicker. The American outlet in the States is much better suited for powering computers and other appliances that require good power.

Sockets and standards

In the world there are two main standards for frequency and voltage.

One of them is American. This voltage in the network is 110-127 V at a frequency of 60 Hz. And as a plug and socket, standard A and B are used. The second type is European. Here the voltage is 220-240 V, the frequency is 50 Hz. The European socket is predominantly SM.

Type A

These species are widespread only in North and Central America. They can also be found in Japan. However, there are some differences between them. The Japanese have two pins parallel to each other and flat with the same dimensions. The American outlet is slightly different. And the fork to her, respectively, too. Here, one post is wider than the other. This is done taking into account the fact that the correct polarity is always observed when connecting electrical appliances. After all, earlier the current in American networks was constant. These sockets were also called Class II. Tourists say that plugs from Japanese technology work without problems with American and Canadian sockets. But connecting these elements in reverse (if the American plug) will not work. A suitable plug adapter is required. But usually people just file the wide post.

Type B

These types of devices are used only in Canada, the United States, and Japan. And if the devices of type "A" were intended for low-power equipment, then such sockets include mainly powerful household appliances with consumption currents of up to 15 amperes.

In some catalogs, such an American plug or socket may be designated as Class I or NEMA 5-15 (this is already an international designation). Now they have almost completely replaced the type "A". In the US, only "B" is used. But in old buildings you can still find the old American socket. It does not have a contact responsible for connecting the ground. In addition, the US industry has long been producing devices with modern plugs. But this does not prevent the use of new electrical appliances in old houses. In this case, resourceful Americans simply cut down or destroy the grounding contact so that it does not interfere and it can be connected to an old-style outlet.

About appearance and differences

Anyone who bought an iPhone from the United States knows very well what an American outlet looks like. It has its own characteristics. The socket consists of two flat holes or slots. In devices of the new type, there is an additional grounding contact at the bottom.

Also, to avoid errors, one pin of the plug is made wider than the other. The Americans decided not to change this approach, and left everything the same in the new outlets. The pins on the plug are not prongs like a European plug. These are rather plates. There may be holes at the ends.

How to operate American equipment in the CIS countries

It happens that people bring equipment from the States and want to use it in Europe or Russia. And they are faced with a problem - the socket does not fit the plug. So what can you do? You can replace the cord with a standard European one, but this is not an option for everyone. For those who are not versed in technology and have never held a soldering iron in their hands, it is recommended to purchase an adapter for an outlet. There are quite a few of them - they are all different in quality and price. If you are planning a trip to the United States, then you should stock up on adapters in advance. There they can cost five or more dollars. If you order from an online store, you can save up to half the cost. It should also be borne in mind that even in US hotels, all the sockets go to the American standard - and it doesn't matter that most of the people who stay are foreign tourists.

In this case, an adapter from an American outlet to a European one could help him. The same applies to equipment purchased in the USA. If you don't want to solder, you can purchase an inexpensive Chinese-made adapter and take full advantage of electrical appliances, charge your phone or tablet on a non-standard outlet. There are no other options here.


They say that it is impossible to understand Russia with the mind, but in the United States, too, everything is not so simple. You can't just come and use American-style sockets with European or any other plugs. Therefore, you should take adapters on the road, and you need to order them in advance. This saves a lot of time and money.

This is really very inconvenient. Okay, before people did not travel much around the world, now it is practically not a luxury. Remember when household appliances assembled in Europe began to come to us in Russia, how many problems there were with our Soviet sockets. We bought adapters, they burned. Only not so long ago they finally got rid of this problem.

I've been to Cyprus in the spring - there are completely unusual British sockets. In a small town in Russia, adapters cannot be bought, I had to run there upon arrival, look for, overpay. Soon I'm going to the Dominican Republic - and there are again other sockets, American (like). Adapters will again have to be bought locally, but not in one copy.

And all why ...

In the era of electrification, inventors from different countries proposed their own versions of the optimal sockets; all over the world were built different types of power generators.

First, the struggle of technology at the dawn of the development of electricity left its mark. We are talking about the confrontation between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla in the creation of direct and alternating current networks, respectively. While we know that AC power ultimately won out, DC infrastructure built in the United States up until the 1920s (and in Stockholm until the 1950s) has to be maintained and used up to the present day. ...

Secondly, many inventors have proposed their own versions of the optimal (in their opinion) sockets. For example, in 1904, the American inventor Harvey Hubbel received a patent for the first electrical outlet. By its design, it was a kind of plug-in adapter. The adapter was screwed into the socket instead of a light bulb, and an electrical device was connected to it.

The German engineer Albert Buettner created the "euro socket" we know today in 1926. And the first grounded socket was created by Philippe Labre in 1927.

And the national companies involved in the installation of electrical grids supplied their devices suitable for these grids. Accordingly, various types of plug connectors and sockets were introduced and their networks were designed. The developments of other countries were completely ignored.

Influenced the design of outlets and the availability of materials. For example, during World War II, the UK came up with a three-pin plug with a short copper fuse. This design made it possible to save reserves of copper for military needs. Curiously, the use of a 3-pin plug in the UK was in stark contrast to the rest of Europe and even North America, where 2-pin plugs were widely used and also differed in design, all due to lack of communication in the early days. power supply development.

Now, according to one classification, there are 12 types of sockets, according to another - 15. Moreover, sockets of one type sometimes accept plugs of another. However, upon learning that the country you are going to has the same type of outlet as at home, do not rush to rejoice! This is a solution to only half of the problem. In different parts of the world, the voltage and frequency of the current may differ.

Classification of types of sockets and plugs in different countries of the world

The most common are two standards: European - 220-240 V at 50 Hz and American - 100-127 V at 60 Hz. It is not worth checking what will happen if an electrical appliance operating from 100-127 V is plugged into an outlet with 220-240 V.

In some countries, one should be on the alert at all. For example, in most parts of Brazil, 127 V is used, but in the north of the country there is 220 V. And in Japan the voltage is the same everywhere - 110 V, the frequency is different: in the east, 50 Hz is used, in the west - 60 Hz. The reason is simple: first, German-made generators with a frequency of 50 Hz were purchased for Tokyo, and soon after that, American ones with a frequency of 60 Hz were supplied in Osaka.

Perhaps someday a single standard will be adopted. A universal socket for all types of plugs has already been developed. But for now it is up to everyone to establish it or not. In addition, you first need to come to a single voltage standard. And this comes up against huge financial costs for re-equipment and re-equipment of transformer substations, replacement of sockets and plugs.

* Voltage 100-127 V at 60 Hz is used by the USA, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, partly Brazil and other countries.

* Voltage 220-240 V with a frequency of 50 Hz is used in most other countries, but even with the same parameters, the type of outlets can vary greatly.

Here is a short description of some of them:

Types A and B - American socket

Type B differs from A in that it has a third hole for the grounding prong. Such sockets, as you might guess from the name, were invented in the United States and are common in North, Central and partly South America, as well as Japan and some other countries.

Types C and F - European socket

Just like A and B, types C and F differ only in the presence of grounding - it is in F. The European socket is used in most countries of the European Union, as well as in Russia and the CIS, Algeria, Egypt and many other countries.

Type G - British socket

In the UK, the socket has three flat holes, and this design appeared for a reason. The fact is that during the Second World War, the country experienced a copper deficit. Therefore, a plug with a short copper fuse and three plugs was developed. In addition to Great Britain, the same outlet is used in Cyprus, Malta, Singapore and other countries influenced by the British Empire.

Type I - Australian socket

This type of socket can be found not only in Australia, but also in New Zealand, Fiji, the Cook Islands, Kiribati, New Guinea, Samoa and sometimes in China, where types A and C are also common.

Type H - Israeli socket

Type H is only used in Israel and Palestine, and the prongs can be round or flat depending on when the unit was manufactured. The old technology had a flat rosette, but the new rosettes fit two options.

Type K - Danish socket

This outlet can safely claim the title of "the friendliest" in the world - its design resembles a smiling face. In addition to Denmark and Greenland, which is part of it, type K is used in Bangladesh and the Maldives - however, several types of outlets are common there at once.

Fortunately, all of these differences won't ruin your vacation or business trip - you just need to purchase a suitable adapter in advance.

Map showing the distribution of the different types of outlets in use around the world.(link to interactive map)

The world map shows the distribution of different types of plugs in use around the world. Countries using Type A and B are highlighted in red, countries using Types C and E / F (which are 100% compatible with each other) are highlighted in dark blue, countries using Type D are highlighted in brown, navy blue is British type G, pink is Israeli types C and H , countries using Australian type I are highlighted in yellow, countries using C and J are black, C and K types are gray, C and L types are orange, M is purple in South Africa, N is used in pale blue, and Thailand is dark green. types C and O. Please note that this simplified overview only shows the most common plug type and sometimes several systems in the same country.

For a complete and thorough overview of electrical plugs used in each country, click here.

List of countries in the world with corresponding plug and socket types, voltages and frequencies. link ...

A complete overview of all countries in the world and their respective plugs / outlets and voltages / frequencies used for household appliances. The table shows that in most countries the electricity supply is between 220 and 240 volts (50 or 60 Hz), significantly outperforming countries operating at 100-127 volts. The list also shows that types A and C are the most commonly used electrical plugs around the world.

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