Birthday girl. Birthday according to the zodiac

Vika Dee July 26, 2018, 20:57

Virgo is a very mysterious sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by a developed logical thinking, prudent decision-making, rational approach to problem solving. Virgos are always up to date, they are not characterized by frivolity - they do not fly in the clouds and stand confidently on their feet. Has a strong and strong-willed character.

Virgos are often very critical of others, but they do not notice their shortcomings at close range. . They love order and balance in everything: household chores, work, love front and friendship. This zodiac sign is distinguished by punctuality and pedantry. Avoids noisy events, preferring communication in a narrower circle of people. By nature all Virgos are modest And they don't like to draw too much attention to themselves.

Not inclined to commit rash and desperate acts, cowardly

Always have a stash, very economical and thrifty. Virgos achieve everything exclusively with their own labor. Virgo neat, do not accept slovenliness in appearance, also applies to the house - everything is in its place. Sometimes squeamish and petty.

Virgos are often very critical of others.

The zodiac sign Virgo means human virtue, which is always ready to help. Extremely practical and have a heightened sense of responsibility. If Virgo could be described in one sentence, then this is a person who clearly knows his duties in life. They have a bright, beautiful appearance, but often live life alone, because they love with their heads, not their hearts. They strive to be secure in everything, but they live modestly and do not spend too much.

Exists Interesting Facts About the zodiac sign Virgo:

  • the spirit does not tolerate unkempt people;
  • because of his frugality, he accumulates a bunch of rubbish, which is a pity to leave;
  • the worst betrayal is treason;
  • at the level of intuition they feel a lie;
  • does not like to impose responsibilities;
  • the main thing is loyalty to the partner.

Virgo loves and pities animals but will not give to a beggar in the street. He hides all his experiences deep inside, maintaining external calmness, which can adversely affect health. The zodiac sign Virgo does not believe the phrase "it means such a fate", she decides her own fate with her own hands.

Virgo feels lies at the level of intuition

Dates of birth of the zodiac sign Virgo

Virgo: compatibility with other zodiac signs

Are you wondering "Who suits virgins in love?"?

A restrained, calm person who knows how to keep his emotions under control, not a conqueror, will suit them.

Dev's partner must be extremely honest, be their friend and lover(s).

Most suitable relationship for marriage with Virgos, they will be formed by representatives of the elements of Water (Scorpio, Cancer). Marriage or relationships for a long period with Capricorns and Taurus are also possible.

The best sexual compatibility for Virgos will develop with such signs of the zodiac: Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio.

Other signs of the zodiacVirgo zodiac sign
AriesA difficult union. Partners need to constantly work on relationships.
TaurusGood compatibility. Mutual understanding and cooperation.
CrayfishExcellent compatibility. Full understanding and support.
a lionControversial alliance.
VirgoGood compatibility. Relationships are like business collaborations.
scalesDifferent tempers. Unsuccessful union.
ScorpionGood compatibility. Long lasting union.
SagittariusBad union.
CapricornA successful and reliable union.
AquariusBad compatibility. Partners speak different languages.
FishesUnion failed. Little understanding.

What element are Virgos?

The element of the zodiac sign Virgo is the Earth, therefore they are realistic and earthy. Virgos are reserved and practical!

Those born under the sign of Virgo are realistic and down to earth

Children according to the zodiac sign Virgo

It is a pleasure to raise a Virgo child, it does not cause almost any concern to parents. Can be picky sometimes in food and clothing. From an early age, he demands to change him into clean linen if he is dirty. Very little Virgos do not tolerate changes in the established schedule, a failure of the regime will lead to bad sleep, appetite and even indigestion.

Virgo children are very careful, it is noticeable even at a young age.

They love cleanliness and take a bath with pleasure. Virgo child from early childhood starts asking parents a lot of questions and waits for a full answer from them, it just won’t lag behind.

If you choose a name for a child, then it is better for Virgo boys and girls to give “feminine names”, such as Vasily, Plato or Margarita, Vasilisa.

Like a Virgo schoolboy child very responsible, disciplined, studies with pleasure, study is not a burden to him. The best in the class, he can even be set as an example to the rest of the guys. But sometimes a child Virgo can't find common language with peers. This is due to his closeness and childish restraint, he is shunned. Virgo children can inform or tell.

The Virgo child does not cause parents almost any concern.

The Virgo child loves to solve riddles, solve logical tasks playing checkers and chess. Needlework is characteristic of him, because he is very diligent and results-oriented.

Often Virgo children grow up closed children, incomprehensible even for parents, although they grew up in affection and kindness.

The ideal profession for Virgos

Virgo - people of cold mind and accurate calculations, planning and systematization.

They are persistent in achieving their goal, and their inherent caution makes them even more successful in business.

Since Virgos are workaholics, the same professions are suitable!

Many Maidens occupy leadership position or position of a leading specialist. There are many successful entrepreneurs among them. Thanks to prudence they perfectly master the professions of an accountant, economist, financier, tax inspector. There are Virgos among teachers, professors.

They have proven themselves in specialties where analysis and observation are required. Born Accuracy, accuracy and reliability gives them the opportunity to realize themselves in the field of medicine, psychology, programming.

The choice of a profession for Virgos is extremely important For them, this is the key to a successful future.

Virgos are often in leadership positions

Symbols for Virgo

The Virgo symbol is sickle sign, which cuts a sheaf of ripened ears, which characterizes the main features of this zodiac sign: clarity, logic, reality, the ability to classify and share the result.

Tree and flower talismans for Virgo

Representatives of this sign are patronized by such fruit crops like: apricot, grape, apple and plum. As well as pine, hazel, fir and oak. Amulet and talismans are made from the species of these trees.

For the manufacture of a flower talisman, the following flowers are suitable: gerbera, aster, fatsia and Japanese aucuba, rose, hyacinth, carnation, philodendron, monstera, scindapsus, dracaena, varieties of bindweed.

Virgo Colors

The colors that bring Virgo happiness and good luck are green, brown, yellow (the colors of the Earth). Advise representatives of this sign choose muted, natural tones and avoid bright colors.

Apple tree - the talisman of the Virgin

Talisman, metal for Virgo

Metals such as tin and copper are suitable for making a talisman for the Virgin. For protection, you just need to carry a piece of metal with you, hidden from prying eyes. If you combine these two metals, then they magical properties will intensify.

Virgo - Virgo. August 23 - September 22. Sixth Zodiac. His symbol is the fields of Hymen, a sheaf of ears. This symbolizes the purity of conception, human virtue, criticality, practicality, help. Earth sign, mutable, nocturnal, cold.

Typical representatives of the Virgo sign

Virgins- both deep emotions and deep philosophy are alien. Emotions are stable and even. They are diplomatic, with lively thinking, easily grasping new ideas. Usually they have excellent business qualities, are punctual and economical.

Very hardworking and efficient. When performing work, they are distinguished by accuracy, pedantry, methodicalness and thoroughness. Rationality, practicality, prudence and the desire to always bring things to the final result are characteristic. These are good scientists, doctors, people of mental labor.

Character Benefits- practicality. Virgos are materialists who base everything on sober and cold facts. For them there are no accidents, there are step by step solution cases, precision and accuracy. The ability to analyze the situation, diligence, the ability to obey and serve others in order to achieve one's goal is characteristic. Happiness brings more profession than love and family.

Characteristic slowness, prudence. Such people act deliberately and carefully check everything to the smallest detail, so they get an excellent result. the main objective- service and work. They serve the authorities, the husband, the wife, the idea...
Emotional balance, diligence, diligence, methodicalness, diligence are indicative.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun- Pickiness, criticism, skepticism. Cunning, suspiciousness, affectation in behavior, caustic vindictiveness are possible.

Appears pettiness and prudence (especially in feelings), greed, callousness and heartlessness, formalism in behavior, vindictiveness of character, duality in nature: super-cleanliness in everything or dirty of the highest category.

Criticism gets in the way of achieving goals. External passivity restrains emotional contacts. These people look at everything as if from the outside and are prone to observation and analysis.

Weak side(vulnerability)- a person becomes a bookworm, a formalist.

Planets in the zodiac sign Virgo

In your may be the following planets:

Ascendant in Virgo (rising sign)

Other people see you as a person who is independent, but restrained, even timid and rather reserved. You have a highly developed sense of propriety. Politeness, good manners, correct behavior are very important. The first thing that catches the eye of other people is your clear, cold, objective and unemotional attitude, and although in fact you are capable of helping and caring, your sympathy is not so clearly expressed that those around you immediately feel it. You will gladly help others in all matters that require meticulousness and meticulous attention to detail. You are the kind of person who prefers to take a subordinate position, to serve as a helper, in a supporting role, rather than in a leadership role.

Ruler planet Mercury

V physical world Mercury corresponds to the energy of thinking, intellect.

  • Ruler of the day of the week– Wednesday
  • Numbers 7 and giving a total of 7. For example, 7, 16, 25, 34, 52.115, 250
  • Substances- mercury, magnesium and alkaline
  • Interaction and combinations of objects- medical, working, technical
  • Affairs and duties, rotation occurs in the sphere of work and the fulfillment of tasks, the alphabet of health and hygiene.


Thoroughness, comfort, business and duties, bureaucracy, rotation takes place in the sphere of work and the fulfillment of tasks

Memory, psychosomatics, psychosociology), parapsychology, health care, pharmacology and veterinary medicine, diet, mind sports

Commerce - small points, office work, medical services(dietology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology), librarianship, psychology, journalism, philology, exact sciences

Everything related to publishing and printing activities, equipment (copiers and fax machines, risography, office equipment), shop trade, various repair and maintenance workshops.

The manifestation of Mercury in the horoscope

Personal planet - Mercury is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, mobility and dexterity.

Mercury function- this is an interconnection, interchange, i.e., the formation of thought, everyday practical mind.

Qualities of Mercury- lightness, mobility, curiosity, ability to change quickly.

Finding Mercuryin the sign of the zodiac shows how thinking, intelligence, the ability to communicate with people are manifested, whether there is dexterity and speed in solving problems. Mercury communicates the psychological inclinations for the ability to make decisions and express your thoughts to others.

Mercury in the houses of the horoscope indicates the type of thinking and ability to learn, what kind of education suits a person better, what kind of activity appeals to him, from which area he will receive more valuable experience. You can also determine his inner circle, disposition to communication and contacts.

Sixth - VI house

Evil fate. Small Fortune. Health

Planets in the 6th house

The sixth house is identical to the sign of Virgo and the planet Mercury.

6th house in the horoscope determines professional education and the service sector, hiring persons to perform certain work, daily worries and official activities, solving any bureaucratic, accounting, technical, documentary issues, working conditions, maintenance, workshops. It is also associated with health, treatment, prevention, medical institutions, with veterinary medicine and pets.

sixth housedefines health care, body care, work and service, routine work and service, hired labor, self-submission (voluntary subordination).

sixth housedefines problems with hygiene, with diet, with forced labor, menial work, mental disorders, problem with employees (hiring), etc.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Virgo

You are very observant, intelligent, have a great desire for learning and self-improvement, but are not particularly ambitious and therefore are often satisfied with the most ordinary, not outstanding position in life. You prefer to take a subordinate position, to serve as an assistant, in a supporting role, and not in a leadership role. Politeness, good manners, correct behavior are important to you. Other people see you as an independent and rather closed person, although in fact you are capable of helping and caring, but your sympathy is not so emotionally expressed that those around you immediately feel it. You may appear to be a more conservative person than you really are, deep down. You are the kind of person that people can expect technical council or unbiased opinion, but not emotional support. You are rather modest in assessing yourself, demanding perfection from yourself in everything and extremely self-critical. You see the details well and get upset if something is not done quite right. Order in the environment is very important to you.
Your weaknesses: You tend to underestimate your own capabilities, in life you experience a lack of confidence and trust, which holds back your spontaneity. You have a bad habit - to worry about everything, you always see flaws, from which excessive criticism develops.

Allegory for the Virgin

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and in each of them put a seed human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"You, Virgo, I ask you to examine all that man has done with My Creation. You must carefully consider his methods and remind him of his mistakes, so that through you My Creation can be perfected. To do this, I will grant you Purity of Thought ."

And the Virgin quietly stepped back into her place.

Martin Shulman from Karmic Astrology.

Key words in the horoscope for Virgo - Mercury - Sixth House:

"I" obey - I go to hire, routine, working conditions, housekeepers, notaries, specifications, factories, production, vocational education, duty obligations, striving for excellence, rationalism, detailing.

tell friends

Tags: Sun in Virgo, Virgo zodiac sign, patron stone, Virgo talisman keywords, planet Mercury, Sixth house, Allegory for Virgos, function and quality of Virgos

August 24 - September 23 Motto - "I analyze" Planet-ruler - Mercury Astrological symbol - Virgo Lucky number- 5 and all multiples of 5

Element - Earth

Color - white, green, light blue, iridescent colors

Day of week Wednesday

Stones - topaz, emerald, jasper, jade, carnelian

Keywords - critical, analytical

Purpose in life - to judge, to serve Summer is drawing to a close. Harsh autumn ahead Cold winter. Time to think about how to survive this difficult period. The generous Leo is replaced by the thrifty, practical and rational Virgo. The god of trade, Mercury, who gives Gemini variability and windiness, manifests itself in Virgo in a different capacity. Virgo never has her head in the clouds, her element is Earth, and Virgo stands firmly on her feet and looks at everything with a sober look. She has no illusions, sees the world in its true colors and is obsessed with work. Labor is a favorite occupation of people of this sign. Craving for entertainment is unusual for Virgos, they do not understand and often condemn a pastime that is useless from their point of view.

Most people born under this sign are independent, reserved and self-sufficient. Happiness for them is self-confidence, self-respect and peace. Virgos do not want to be indebted to anyone, they are reluctant to accept help and try to do everything themselves. This makes them sometimes be overly economical and even stingy. Without borrowing from anyone, Virgos do not like beggars, lazy people, spenders and loafers. But this does not mean that they will refuse to help a friend or close person. True, having donated without hesitation her savings to a person in trouble or in need, Virgo will never miss the opportunity to lecture on how to live in order not to fall into such situations. Moreover, Virgos can express their teachings and critical remarks for a long time and several times a day. In relation to herself, Virgo does not like reproaches and remarks.

Despite their amazing performance, Virgos rarely reach the heights in their careers. Firstly, because they think very down to earth, not allowing themselves to make great plans. "Better a titmouse in their hands than a crane in the sky," they think and remain with tits in their hands, not noticing the cranes flying past them. Secondly, the remarks that Virgo constantly makes to other employees set her colleagues against her, which also does not contribute to promotion. Thirdly, Virgos strive to do everything themselves, take on sometimes overwhelming tasks, tear themselves and exhaust themselves.

Virgo women are hardworking, practical, calm and balanced. They do not like to attract attention, are modest and keep to themselves. They are independent and have a highly developed sense of dignity, do not tolerate vulgarity, defiant behavior and eschew noisy gatherings. Among the women born under this sign, there are many old maids, but if the Virgo marries, then not because of great love, but having weighed well all the pros and cons of her chosen one. Often Virgos are ready to make self-sacrifice in the name of love, but you will not see outward manifestations of feelings in their behavior. Virgos are completely devoid of external romance, they diligently hide all their experiences and emotions. In marriage, they clearly fulfill their duties, keep the family hearth and fidelity, but you will not expect a storm of passions from them.

Virgos are distinguished by an almost manic craving for cleanliness. Their clothes are always impeccably washed and ironed, there is not a speck of dust in the house. A very exciting activity for Virgos is to sort through the linen closet, put things on the shelves, shine on desk and in the buffet in the kitchen. Where the naked eye of people born under other signs of the Zodiac sees perfect cleanliness, Virgo will find something to wash, clean, put in order.

Virgo is a wonderful mother and educator for her children, although sometimes she makes too many comments and bothers with teachings. Mother Virgo's children are always full, their clothes shine with cleanliness, their mother tries to attend all parent meetings and makes sure that the children always do their homework on time and keep their textbooks and notebooks clean.

  • The zodiac has always been associated with virginity, but it would be a mistake to take the meaning so literally. Although many of them go to bachelors for a long time or choose fate old maid. Some people tie the knot more than once.
  • Most often, this is a good, calm and not noisy person. You will not find him among the crowd, as he prefers to keep his distance. In a large and unfamiliar company, it is difficult for them to relax and be themselves. The zodiac is not dreamy. His thoughts are busy assessing others, namely their motives. The sign is distinguished by sincerity and devotion, but if necessary, it knows how to change masks.
  • Whatever were days, and Virgos do not lose their relevance, always up to date. From birth, they are deprived of all sorts of illusions and do not look at the world through pink lenses. And a woman, like a man, will never lose his head from falling in love. That is, they are embraced by a new feeling, but they will not let it obscure the shortcomings of the second half. The sign is inherent in helpfulness and the ability to take care of others, so that irreplaceable nurses come out of them.
  • Birth instills in them a weakness for habits. If Virgo fell into the trap of repetitive action, she will remain in it forever. They are critical, but their remarks are always reasoned and have weight. This is a very organized sign who always knows what is written in the schedule, is neat in appearance and does not miss meetings. Their character is ambiguous, since when visiting they will gladly help wash the dishes and clear the table, but they will not remain silent that there is a hole on the tablecloth. But they are blind to their minuses. Virgo is not able to understand what her weaknesses are and where her behavior needs to be corrected.

Lucky dates, Lucky stones, Lucky alliances

date Zodiac sign lucky dates lucky stones
Virgo 1.5, 10, 14, 19 and 23 5, 14 and 23
Virgo turquoise, any blue stones, diamonds, topaz and amber 1, 4, 6, 10, 13, 15, 19, 22, 24, 28 and 31
Virgo 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29 moonstone, diamonds, pearls, jade and amber 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29
Virgo 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 black diamonds, dark sapphires, black pearls and all dark stones 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 and 31
Virgo 1, 10, 19, 28, 9, 18 and 27 rubies, garnets, bloodstone, diamonds and topaz 1, 9, 10, 18.19 and 28
Virgo diamonds, topaz, amber, sapphire and moonstone 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28 and 31
Virgo 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29 pearl, moonstone, jadeite, topaz, sapphire and amber 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28 and 31
Virgo amethyst, all purple-purple stones, diamonds, amber, topaz and sapphires 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30 and 31
date Zodiac sign lucky dates lucky stones Successful alliances with people born on this day
Virgo 4, 8, 17, 22, 26 and 31 sapphires, diamonds, rubies and topazes 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Virgo 1, 10, 19 and 28 diamond, topaz and sapphire
Virgo 2, 11, 20, 29 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29
Virgo 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24 and 30
Virgo 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Virgo 5, 14 and 23 diamonds, pearls and bright sparkling stones of all shades 5, 14 and 23
Virgo 5, 6, 14, 15, 23 and 24 5, 6, 14, 15, 23 and 24
Virgo 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29 jadeite, pearls, moonstone and all shiny stones 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25, 29
Virgo 4, 8, 13, 22, 26 and 31 black pearls, diamonds, dark sapphires and dark stones in general 4, 8, 13, 22, 26 and 31
Virgo 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 27 rubies, garnets, stones of red and pink shades, as well as diamonds and bloodstones 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30
Virgo 1, 10, 19 and 28 diamond, topaz and sapphire 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29 and 31
date Zodiac sign lucky dates lucky stones Successful alliances with people born on this day
Virgo 2, 11, 20, 29 jadeite, moonstone and pearls 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29
Virgo 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24 and 30 diamonds, amethysts and all brilliant stones 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24 and 30
Virgo 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 sapphires, topaz, diamonds, brilliant stones 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Virgo 5, 14 and 23 diamonds, pearls and bright sparkling stones of all shades 5, 14 and 23
Virgo 5, 6, 14, 15, 23 and 24 turquoise and blue stones, as well as white pearls and all shiny stones 5, 6, 14, 15, 23 and 24
jadeite, moonstone and pearls 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25 and 29
Virgo 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24 and 30 diamonds, amethysts and all brilliant stones 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24 and 30
Virgo 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 sapphires, topaz, diamonds, brilliant stones 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31
Virgo 5, 14 and 23 diamonds, pearls and bright sparkling stones of all shades 5, 14 and 23
  • It is difficult for the Zodiac to sit in one place for a period, so do not be surprised if they change seats or rearrange objects. Because of their nervousness, they suffer digestive system. Virgo is always generous with love and money. They distribute them calmly and without regret. At the same time, they hate to walk in debtors, so they refuse help or favors. Such a desire to gain independence makes them save. They do not show pity for the poor, but they can give the last if a close friend asks.
  • They are annoyed by someone else's laziness and tardiness. Health is not so easy to shake, but diseases arise on the basis of constant processing (pain in the head, stomach and lung problems). The zodiac is worried about their nutrition and body volume. Virgos know how to cook deliciously and understand recipes. They love animals. People are expected to be truthful, punctual, economical, and resourceful. They despise vulgarity and filth.
  • These are bright individualists who view the world with practical side. Birth obliges the sign to refrain from temptations. By profession, they are excellent doctors, veterinarians, artists, people of their word and musicians.
  • Expect good luck on Wednesday, and failure on Thursdays and Fridays.

The Virgo man is a man of duty, responsible and practical. Virgo men, as a rule, are very fond of their work, which they treat not as a forced necessity, but as a duty and their main need. Reliability of character, punctuality and commitment make them good partners in work, on whom you can always rely.

Men born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo are not only very neat and well-groomed themselves, but also expect the same from the people around them. They ruthlessly criticize carelessness and carelessness in people, while they categorically do not accept criticism in their address.

A distinctive feature of Virgo men is endurance and self-control. They do not give free rein to their feelings and do not allow others to hurt their soul. Perhaps for this reason, convinced bachelors are often found among Virgos.

Zodiac sign Virgo. Female

The Virgo woman is romantic and devoted. Perhaps only Virgos are able to combine softness and romanticism with solid practicality. She is smart and a little distrustful, but at the same time very observant, thanks to which she can be a great adviser.

Virgo women are very responsible, critical and punctual, so they are good workers. Moreover, they demand the same behavior from others.

The representatives of this sign of the Zodiac are extremely alien to vulgarity, rudeness, uncouthness, ignorance - they subject these qualities to ruthless criticism.

Virgos are self-critical, but categorically do not perceive someone else's criticism in their address. Remarks and reproaches inflict the most crushing blow on them. Therefore, Virgos prefer to remain inconspicuous and are not prone to public speaking.