Crafts from office supplies. What to do in the office What can be done from paper clips with your own hands

Stationery and other materials that you may have at your fingertips in the office are perfect for making interesting ones. You can even arrange an impromptu competition for the best homemade product between your colleagues. The main thing is that the boss does not take part in it.

Make space shuttle made of stationery- this task is within the power of any office worker. The hull of the future spacecraft can be a regular marker or a large-scale selector. Two crocodile clips are attached to the tail of the shuttle, which will act as wings. Now you need an engine that will carry your ship up the corporate ladder. For this, two turbines made of ballpoint pen caps, fixed between the clamps and the body, are perfect. Additional devices can be installed on the ends of the wings using pieces of scotch tape. You can upgrade your spaceship endlessly, adding more and more new devices. In this case, there is no limit to perfection.

If you want to court your colleague who has a normal sense of humor, you can make your own office decoration for her. After all, candy or a cup of tea as attention is so commonplace.

from keyboard buttons and paper clips will be a great craft. First, you will need to find two buttons from the old keyboard (or remove them from the current one). Two holes must be made in the corner of each key. This can be done with an awl, heated matches or a lighter. You need to pass paper clips through the holes, which are bent in the form of an attachment for earrings. A compliment with your own hands is ready. Believe me, your efforts will definitely be appreciated.

Surely, at work, you sometimes celebrate various events: birthdays, vacations or promotions. Champagne is one of the invariable attributes of such events. The remaining metal fasteners from the corks after this can serve as a good material for developing your own creative abilities.

Beautiful chair made of champagne cork holder can be made by hand without much effort. The most important thing in this business is to imagine the end result that you want to see. The wire that is part of the fastener is very flexible, so any elegant elements can be made from it. The chair must have at least three legs and a curly back. If necessary, you can break a solid section of the wire in order to make fasteners or a pattern from the remnants. Thus, you can make a complete set of furniture for your office.

If clouds are periodically thickening in your office and there is a high probability of a work conflict, then it will not be superfluous to acquire a real office weapon for self-defense.

In order to do office crossbow You will need: two rubber bands, one clip, a pen, and a CD case. Elastic bands are tied on the box, forming a kind of slingshot. Then the mechanism for holding the projectile (clamp) is simply attached to them. The projectile handle is installed in the clamp - the weapon is ready. True, you should not use it for its intended purpose - you can get a real injury from getting a pen in the face. Therefore, do not direct the craft at people, but practice accuracy on the walls or a specially made target.

Now you know what you can do with yourself in your free time, which sometimes appears at work. Craftsmanship from office supplies will develop your creativity right in the workplace.

AND dei for rest and relaxation of office workers.
Some Western companies concluded that office worker it is necessary to do from time to timeshort breaks

and to be distracted from their immediate duties for rest and unloading.
Advice - to do some simple game, better - collectively. In these moments is filmed operating voltage,
jokes are heard and thus, inadvertently created warm atmosphere that helps team building... This, in turn, will lead to more productive work in the future.

Your attention several ideas are proposed that can be used for a short respite for office workers.


Mini bowling

Table bowling you can do it yourself from improvised means

Crossbows from office supplies

Darts from improvised means

A couple of minutes to relax.This is much better than smoking cigarettes one by one or drinking coffee traditionally during a break.

Fighter from office supplies

Crafts from paper clips

Crafts from paper clips

Office basketball

For some, the game may seem too childish.But for those who love humor and want to relax their brains, this opinion is not a hindrance.

Tasks for office smart people

Dodecahedron of 120 staples without a drop of glue or other fasteners

Möbius strip of 110 colored paper clips

Only six clamps ... Seemingly the simplest design. Try it! The secret is that when creating such a thing, your fingers should not strain more than when using the clamps normally.

Сosidodecahedron of 30 clips.

Shadow theater on the office table. The working day was not in vain ...

This creation requires a thorough preliminary preparation in the form of the accumulation of coins. But the result is a masterpiece!

If it is raining outside and it is absolutely impossible to get out for a walk, then you should look for entertainment at home. But what if the apartment is in perfect order, dinner is ready, and you are tired of the TV? It might be worth getting creative and making some kind of craft. By the way, you can involve the whole family in this interesting business and have fun.

You can craft from anything, for example, try to make crafts from paper clips, and if you don't know how, then read the article, it will contain some interesting ideas.

Paper clip flower

The simplest thing that can be made from paper clips is a bouquet that will not only please the eye, but also perform a practical function, be responsible for the safety of stationery.

To craft beautiful flowers, you will need the following items:

  • Colored paper clips (2-3 boxes), choose the shades to your taste;
  • 2 sheets of A4 paper;
  • Glue, scissors, compasses.

If everything is ready, then you can start making crafts from colored paper clips:

  • On one A4 sheet, draw 4 circles with a compass: 2 large circles of one radius and 2 smaller diameters (with a difference of about 3 cm). If you are going to be creative with a small child, then instead of a compass for drawing circles, use cups of different diameters;
  • Armed with scissors, cut out the circles you have just drawn. By the way, if there is colored paper or cardboard at home, then blanks can be made from these materials;
  • Now coat two large round blanks with glue and join together;
  • From the remaining sheet of paper, fold the stem for the flower. It should turn out to be flat, and in order to hold it better, coat it with glue;
  • Now place the stem on the glued circles, but not on the edge, but so that it lies along the entire diameter. This will make the flower more resistant;
  • You have a blank that looks like a tennis racket, but that's not all. On the large circle, you need to stick a smaller circle. In this case, apply the glue only to the center of the leaf, and the edges should be in free flight. The smallest circle is attached in the same way;
  • The paper flower is ready, now you need to use paper clips to make colored petals and a beautiful stem. To do this, multi-colored stationery is located along the free edges of three paper circles, and green paper clips are attached to an impromptu stem.

After all the manipulations, the flower is ready, it will look very good in the organizer on the desktop, and so that the craft from paper clips does not fall, it is recommended to press it a little with a ruler.

In principle, if you make a flower not with 3, but with 2 circles of staples, then it will be more stable.

Making a garland

With the help of paper clips with your own hands, you can make a very attractive garland, which, of course, will decorate the room for any occasion. To make such beauty, you do not need so many materials at hand: scissors, bright sheets of paper, magazines and any thick prints, glue and paper clips.

Now you can make a garland:

By the way, if desired, the decoration can be made in several rows. And using paper clips of different sizes, create a generally very interesting garland.

It is worth noting that assiduous women make curtains according to this principle, and children make funny bracelets for themselves and friends.

Making Christmas toys

With the help of paper clips, you can make cute Christmas toys in the shape of ice skates for figure skating.

To embody a creative venture, you will need the following materials:

  • Felt of different shades;
  • Beads or sequins;
  • A sheet of paper and a pencil;
  • Large paper clips;
  • Thin tapes;
  • Glue;
  • Threads and a needle.

On a piece of paper, draw a skate, but without a blade, one shoe. Cut out the stencil, then transfer the image to the felt.

Fold the fabric in half before cutting out the fabric so that you can make a real ridge later. You don't need to cut anything in the middle. After cutting, you should get two skates in a mirror image.

We have collected the most interesting and creative ideas on how you can turn boring ones into original accessories, decorating them to your taste and color. You will be surprised how much more pleasant it will be to use such updated DIY school supplies even outside of school.

The school year has come to an end and you can forget about school until September. But do not rush to throw away boring pencils, pens and notebooks. After spending a little time, you can get either bright and interesting school supplies that will be a pleasure to run your own, which, by the way, can also be very interestingly decorated using our ideas.

The simplest pencils, PVA glue and glitter are all you need to give a second life to your regular school supplies.

Pens decorated with delicate nibs with a watercolor pattern - what could be more original?

By the way, feathers for such pens can be made of paper by coloring it in. Then they will even on paper convey all the lightness and weightlessness of the real ones.

To make such interesting "brushes" on the tips of pencils, you only need decorative paper and thread. Yes, yes, it's that simple! Cover a regular pencil with colored paper or decorative tape, but so that the paper hangs a little more from the end of the pencil. Then drag it over with a thread and cut it to create a fringe.

What could be nicer than a pencil or a pen with an ever-blooming flower? The chip of this decor, of course, is in, which should be done in advance and attached to the pencil with tape. The pencil itself can be wrapped in green paper to create a twig.

School supplies decor: how to decorate school notebooks

You can decorate a school notebook with a fabric cover. Of the advantages of such covers: they are pleasant to the touch, you can make additional pockets both inside and outside, a variety of textures and patterns and, of course, a simple execution technique. This notebook can be used in the summer as a notebook or personal diary.

Embroidery on a notebook. It sounds strange, but it looks very nice and unusual. This decor is suitable for notebooks with plain and soft cardboard covers.

Stamps and drawings with paints can be done not only in an album for drawing, but also on the covers of notebooks, in order to decorate these same school notebooks in this way. Try it and you will love it!

Decorative duct tape is also great for decorating school notebooks, folders, book covers, and scrapbooks. Thin strips of tape can be glued straight or diagonally to create your own special pattern.

You can decorate an ordinary notebook with a photo collage of your favorite photos or pictures for a summer mood. The link is complete.

Girls will especially love this idea of ​​decorating school supplies. The openwork decor for the cover of the notebook was created for romantic schoolgirls.

School supplies decor: how to decorate school paper clips and stationery clips

You can use bright decorative duct tape to decorate your school clips and clips. In addition, for such a decor of school supplies, very little material is needed, and this small school thing will please the eye for a long time.

The decorative duct tape can be tied to a paper clip or attached to it as a flag. Such beautiful paper clips can even be used as.

Will look nice as a decoration for school supplies, especially paper clips. These will cheer up with bright colors and decorate the school office in an original way.

Watch online how to decorate school supplies with your own hands

Now you have enough ideas for decorating your own. These and other ideas on how to decorate school notebooks, pencils, pens and other useful stationery will help create the mood for the summer and come in handy in preparing for the new school year.

One morning I woke up with a new project idea in my head. I went to bed thinking about the presentation I was about to give to middle and high school labor teachers in a couple of weeks. I wanted to come up with simple and inexpensive projects that they could use in teaching some aspects of technology to students. I really hoped that my ideas would inspire them for their own creativity. All night I dreamed of how I made various devices from paper clips, this is how this project was born. As for the cost - a piece of wood and paper clips cost me about 15 rubles.

I was already working on several projects at the time, so it took a couple of months of thinking until I actually sat down at the table with a bunch of paper clips and started trying to build something out of them. While I was busy with other projects, I thought about the design and manufacturing of the parts for my car, as well as how to assemble them. For this I needed very few tools and materials. I thought the process would be pretty straightforward. It is very interesting to create staple mechanisms, and it is also interesting to play with them later. It seems to me that the sculptural forms of these creatures are also a kind of art.

For educators, this project is a great way to teach children the physics of mechanical machines, including concepts such as levers, knee, pivot, circular and linear motion. Products from this project can be used as a miniature working model or as a prototype in the production of various structures. Also, similar mechanisms can be used for students studying energy. A project like this helped me a lot, in which groups of participants, as well as individual inventors, created separate mechanisms, and then connected them together to create a chain reaction. It seemed to me that something similar could be done with paper clips. This will enable each student to create their own part of the general mechanism, and then connect everything into a large chain, and also simulate a chain reaction.

This video shows how I constructed my mechanism from paper clips:

Step 1: such a versatile paperclip

As a lifelong Creator, I have always enjoyed taking apart even the simplest appliances. In meetings, I constantly take apart and reassemble my pen. In the cafe, I constantly play with my straw and the wrapper in which it was brought. One of my favorite things to do is playing with paper clips. I have always admired their original, but simple form, as well as how they work. I know that this is just a piece of wire bent in a certain way, and nothing more. My quick search on the internet reveals that I'm not the only fan of paper clips. My fellow members of the community have already published a ton of paperclip projects. These are toy helicopters, and even chandeliers of various geometric shapes. I've seen lockpicks, catapults and trebuchets. So my post will be just another item on the list of what you can create from paper clips.

Step 2: What you need.

From this we will create today:
- A box of large paper clips (mine were made of wire with a diameter of 1 mm).
- Two small pieces of wood. I purchased two samples of flooring from my local hardware store. Each cost me no more than 10 rubles.
- A pair of wire cutters and a pair of long nose pliers. I recommend the ones in the photo above. If you have pliers with long round pliers and a cutting edge, these will work too.
- A couple of drills for 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mm.
- Grinder with cut-off wheel to cut off one of the drills.
- Drill to drill holes in wood. Hand or power drill - it doesn't matter.
- Small ruler and pencil for measuring and marking holes.

NOTE: Other sizes of paper clips can be used. Small staples are easier to bend, but the design will also be smaller due to the shorter wire length of each element. You will also need other drills for different size staples.

Step 3: Make a staple folding device.

From the unsharpened end of a 1.2 mm drill, cut off two pieces with a grinder. One section should be approximately 10 mm and the other 20 mm. Grind the edges to make them smoother with a grinder.

Drill a 1.0mm hole in one of the pieces of wood. The hole depth should be 8 mm so that the 10 mm drill section protrudes 2.0 mm from the wood. The metal must fit tightly into the wood.

Make a second 1.0mm hole of the same depth about 1mm from the first. The thickness of the paperclip should fit snugly between the two metal posts. Stick a 20mm piece firmly into the wood.

Step 4: Practice twisting turns.

Almost all the details that we will have to do will have one or more turns, so it is better to practice and learn how to do them well.
- Align the paperclip completely with pliers.
- Place a paperclip between the two drill bits of your bending jig we built in the previous step.
- Gently wrap a paperclip around the longer post, while the short one will simply hold the wire in place.
- Continue rotating the paperclip around the long piece of drill until you have 4 turns of wire around it.
- Carefully remove the twisted paper clip from the bending machine and check the threads. They should fit snugly together. If the turns do not turn out even and dense - practice some more.

Here's how to do it:

Step 5: make different details.

Here is the complete set of paper clip parts I made for this design. There is a connecting rod, two-legged and four-legged supports, connectors and levers of various shapes and sizes. There can be an infinite number of other details and modifications. Only your imagination limits the choice.
The second photo below shows each part with its name.

Step 6: Make a base for the machine to be installed.

I used one piece of wood for the bender and the other for the assembly of my invention. I first tested the assembly on the back side, and when I debugged and measured everything, I started drilling holes on the front side. The beautiful texture of the finish looks very advantageous for the base of the car.

I used a 0.8mm drill bit to make 10mm deep holes in the wood for each of the legs. Light pressure with pliers and feet are in place. I think you can make a lot of holes with a grid pattern, like on electronic boards. This will allow you to easily change the position of the supports in the assembly while testing and debugging the design. I decided to drill holes only where needed, it seemed to me better in appearance.

Step 7: assembling the structure on the go