Summary of how dad was small. How dad was little (A

Blots tend to get into school notebooks. They are awake, waiting for the moment. Often, blots lurk somewhere, and then crawl out. Sometimes blots freely walk through our notebooks ...

Tale of Blot

Once upon a time there were blots. They didn't have their own far-off kingdom, thirtieth state. They lived in school notebooks and hid constantly. Some blots lurked all my life, and never came out. This happened mainly in the notebooks of excellent students. And some blots lived at ease, walked wherever they wanted. This was observed, as a rule, in the notebooks of C grade students.

Vasya Metelkin fought a real battle with blots. He wanted to know where they came from.

... So he slowly begins to write, displays one word, the second ... Then - bang! - begins to hurry, makes a mistake, and here it is, a blot, ready-made, right there.

Once Vasya even burst into tears of frustration. Suddenly he hears someone say to him:

- Are you crying because of me?

Vasya raised his eyes. There was no one around. He pinched his hand and stopped crying.

And then he realized that Blot was talking to him.

- That's where you come from, why I have all the dictations with blots? - Vasya shouted.

“It's your own fault,” said Blot. - You start fussing, jumping up, getting angry at someone who is not clear, biting your nails, in general, doing whatever you want, but just not calmly writing a dictation.

Vasya thought about it. Or maybe, really, he himself is to blame?

During school holidays Vasya conducted an experiment. He sat down at the table and took out his watch. When they showed 9 o'clock, the dictation began. The grandmother dictated, and the boy wrote. At first, he had a lot of blots, and even more disturbing thoughts in his head:

- Ah, dictation! How exciting it is! This is test... And on tests I am always worried.

But gradually Vasya accustomed himself to the idea that he should write calmly, disturbing thoughts drive away. The boy nurtured his willpower. He learned to write almost without blots. And that was his victory!

One day the Blot came to the boy, and he was not happy to see her. But Blot, ignoring the boy's bad mood, told him:

- Let's see each other at school as little as possible, and meet only at home, in drafts. Let's chat about this and that, and then you continue to study, and I'll hide, as usual. The more I hide, the better.

... Vasya sometimes talks to Blot, only at home. While no one sees.

But Vasya knows that you have to keep your ears open with Blots!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

Where do blots live?

Why did Vasya write dictations with blots?

How did Vasya meet the talking Blot?

How did Vasya train his willpower?

Draw a Blot.

What proverbs fit a fairy tale?

The main victory is victory over oneself.
Hurry up for a good deed, the bad will not keep up with you.
Tie the problem with a string.

The main idea of ​​the tale is that if you have a problem, then you need to devote time to solving this problem, to look for ways to get rid of it. During the holidays Vasya found time, attracted his grandmother, and entered a real battle with blots. He wanted to write dictations without blots, and he achieved great success!

I don’t know about you, but to me the school always seems to be some kind of extraordinary building, which various wizards come to in the morning.

For example, teachers primary school, how are they different from good fairies? Yes, nothing! They also warmly smile at little schoolchildren, meeting them in the morning in small offices with warmth and care, caressing their eyes and putting only the best marks in the magazine. Good fairies of elementary school rarely get angry at the leprosy of schoolchildren, realizing that they are just small children who need to be taught the rules of behavior in society, to educate and develop in them the most best qualities... And little schoolchildren with small backpacks are so happy to run to school in the morning to the good fairies!

And the high school teachers, as her students told me, are not exactly kind fairies. They, of course, love children, but they are not lacking in severity. And they teach not quite kind fairies to difficult subjects, from which many students have goosebumps. Not quite kind fairies often do not pay attention to the mood of the student. Of course, they see that the student arrived at school in a bad mood, but for not quite good fairies, this is not at all an obstacle to learning. Once the lesson is scheduled, then be so kind as to come to it with your homework completed and in a mood conducive to further study of the subject!

Assistants of the main magician of the school - the director - are his deputies. They are usually called head teachers. But I used to call them wizards. These wizards behave differently depending on the situation.

For example, just recently a student of our class Vasya Petrichkin disrupted a lesson in English, which was conducted by not quite a kind fairy Anna Semyonovna. We are elementary school students. Often other teachers come to our class, where the good fairy Alexandra Ivanovna lives. These are both good fairies and not entirely good ones, and wizards, and once the main wizard of the entire school came to us. But now it's not about that ... So, after Vasya Petrichkin disrupted the English lesson, he was summoned to one of the school sorceresses. Vaska left the class in which we were studying, looking downcast, went up to the third floor, where the wizards' offices were, and disappeared in one of them. We were looking forward to his return ...

Vasya returned, but somehow pale and constrained. At break, we began to ask him in a friendly crowd about how it was in the wizard's office. Vasya was silent, puffed, and only at the end managed to squeeze out: “It's a little scary there.” But judging by his expression on his face, it seemed to us that it was very scary there. Most likely, Vaska was drunk with some kind of magic potion or bewitched with a magic wand, because after visiting the wizard's office he stopped acting out of his class. Why is there English! In English lessons, Vaska was not heard at all, he was even afraid to raise his hand! These are the wizards of the school.

Often, wizards walk along its corridors and closely monitor discipline. They always have ears on the top of their heads: every sound reaches them just instantly. Sometimes it seems that the magician, having become transparent, walks through our class and monitors who is working in the lesson, and who is sleeping or dreaming.

But wizards are also kind. A talented girl Masha Vorobyova is studying in our class. She paints so well that her brush, palette and paints seem magical. From under the hand of Masha come out unique landscapes, animals and birds unknown to people. Once, I got the feeling that the rainbow bird, painted on the canvas by her hand, suddenly took off and flew around the classroom, merrily flapping its wings! The picture with the bird was taken by the school sorceress to the children's exhibition, where the children competed among themselves with their creations. And what a joy the whole class had when we learned that Mashenka took first place on it! Everyone, without exception, liked her picture with a live bird! Then the sorceress who took her painting to the competition was incredibly kind. She gave Masha a box of sweets, and the girl, in turn, shared sweets with the whole class.

From everything that usually happens in our school, I realized that it is better to always obey good fairies and not quite kind wizards, so that later there will be no troubles and difficult conversations in the office. And, of course, it is better to do what you love, like Masha, who loves to draw, so that later everyone will be happy for your successes and achievements. I love my school and in the morning I run the fastest towards it to see the kindest sorceress in the world Alexandra Ivanovna!

Gorbunova Natalia Efimovna,
mathematic teacher
GBOU Secondary School No. 1245 of Moscow.

Dream island. "School" fairy tale.

1. Mary Ivanna, experienced teacher.
2. Petrovich, her husband.
3. Storyteller.
4. Queen.
5. Minister of Education.
6. Yaga Kostyanovna, methodologist.
7. First Ambassador.
8. Second Ambassador.
9. Third Ambassador.
10. Nanny.
11. Koschey Bessmertnovich, substitute teacher.
12. Ivan, student.
13. Emelya, student.
14. Vasilisa the Wise, student.
15. Princess Nesmeyana, student.
16. Voice from the Island of Dreams.

Dedicated to the memory of Leonid Alekseevich Filatov.


In some kingdom
Famous state,
Once upon a time
In a huge chamber
Mary Ivanna, experienced teacher,
She gave lessons in aerobatics;
Petrovich, her husband,
The geek was, they say, ideological.
There was a queen and there were ministers,
There were teachers and Methodists ...
Let's not detain you by the introduction,
Rather, let's start a true story!

Scene 1.

Crazy like an alarm clock
The cell phone rang in the morning.
Mary Ivanna to pick up the phone,
To escape to the kitchen
And from the tube the voice is formidable,
It is impossible not to recognize him!

Queen's voice on the phone:
The Tsar's decree is for you:
Come to class this very hour!
Today the guest house is full -
Ambassadors-educators of all areas.
So you break into blood
Prepare a lesson for us!
Can't you - who to blame? -
I have to execute you.
State affair,
Do you catch the thread? ..

Maria Ivanovna:
I don’t understand
With my mind?
Tea, I don’t bast soup,
I figure out what's what.
It turns out on me
All policies in the country:
If I don't prepare a lesson -
There will definitely be a war.

The Queen's Voice:
Don't be sharp
Get ready and watch
Give a modern lesson
Amaze the guests so that they can!
ICT to apply,
I have not forgotten about clarity.
With sense, with humor, with intelligence ...
In general, you know how much!
If I understood the order -
Do this now!

Maria Ivanovna:
Please do not hesitate
Tea, it's not the first time!
Maria Ivanovna bends over her notebook. Petrovich enters.

The husband dragged along - he wants to eat,
And the wife is busy with might and main ...
Over the notebook she
Full of creative thoughts.

On you, my soul,
The century would look without breathing,
Only breakfast, my heart feels
I don't get a shit!
My father-in-law said correctly:
"You put up with such a wife -
Clever beauty,
Can handle any class!
She has to work all day
From morning to night, not lazy.
Don't crawl to the stove -
It's you, dear, mind you.
If you don't want to go on a diet
Sit three weeks
You are recipes on the Internet
Culinary Look!
If you don't find it, put it in your mouth
Just a regular sandwich. "

Maria Ivanovna (without looking up from her notebook):
Do not twist and whine!
There will be a table and there will be game!
In the freezer, fumble yourself,
If you find a chicken, fire it.


Maria Ivanovna (holding out a sheet):
Look here!
Painted: one, two, three.
The fourth point is "salt".
Yes, and don't forget to wash!
Don't distract me
Read everything in the instructions.
Petrovich sighs and leaves with instructions in hand.

Scene 2.

And the queen with the chief ambassador
They are already sitting behind round table.
Behind - look - a nanny counselor.
On the side are two more overseas ambassadors
(Oh, the hard one brought them).
A little further away - the Minister of Education,
Ready to give his own interpretation of everything,
All "comb one size fits all"
For the benefit of a supposedly abstract child.
Against the first ambassador, in a state-of-the-art way,
Yaga Kostyanovna, methodologist,
Specialist for all questions.

First Ambassador:
Causes antires
Your technical progress:
You loaded the computer,
Under license al without?


Second Ambassador:
Causes antires
Educational process:
Cool watch lead
On the Ali system without?

Tsarina, Nanny and Yaga (in chorus):


Third Ambassador:
Causes antires
And another cut:
Your kids go to school
With joy ali without?

Tsarina, Nanny and Yaga (in chorus):

We cannot solve all the problems!
Let's not rush.
Let's listen to different opinions
So all doubts will go away.
Our minister prepared a speech ...
Speak, or else head off your shoulders!

I will be brief, gentlemen,
Please take a look here:
Even from a fair distance
An increase in the quality of education is visible!
And the percentages say -
We are raising smart guys!
With gratitude to Yage (nods in her direction)
We are now taking the exam.
And we all cry from happiness -
It cannot be otherwise!
To you, colleagues, everyone is honored,
If you report on time.
I'm not afraid of loud phrases:
The state loves you!
Even appreciates, respects,
Raises the salary a little ...
But let's be honest -
You owe him all around!
Schedule every hour
To keep you busy:
Here is advice, there is a seminar,
Let the mosquito not grind your nose.
Hand over everything as magazines,
Then go to bed.

The nanny stretches out her hand. The queen dismisses her with displeasure.

Hey, stop humming there,
Not to sit until evening.
Don't pull your hand, nanny.
Speak already, take a chance.

Our minister is not our enemy,
Everything as it is said without a lie.
Only I am now summing up -
Does he want to live like this himself?
To not know the rest
Fall asleep over the abstract,
Waste energy, spoil your nerves,
Yes, get a penny ...
Let him go
I have taught at least one lesson
I'll stand at the door
While he checks his notebooks.
If he doesn’t check it, let him drag him home.
Then my dove will sing!

Sit down quickly and shut up -
Your place is by the stove.
From you - one bedlam,
I am ashamed, embarrassment to the ambassadors!
I have been anti-resisting for a long time
Are you not sent to us?

Maria Ivanovna enters with a decisive step with a pointer and a magazine.

Maria Ivanovna:
Hello to you, come to class
To my lesson, yes Classroom hour

Queen (picks up):
Look, rate,
Yes, drop an article about us.
Words that way ... two hundred,
And let's rejoice together!
Everyone leaves.

Scene 3.

Let the guests learn from the experience,
Our methods are bothersome ...
Look: an hour is already passing by,
And the ambassadors just sit and never come out.
But no, he came out alone,
A gloomy yes such an important gentleman.
Looks like he needs to call urgently.
Now we will find out everything concretely and precisely!

First Ambassador (speaking by cell phone):
I wish you well, it's me
I am ready to report everything without melting.
I carried out the reconnaissance as you ordered,
To achieve our goal.

First Ambassador:
Well, I give a straightforward answer:
Antiresno, no doubt about it.
Children are not at all bad here,
The teachers are just a miracle.
Among them there are,
That you cannot avert your eyes!
This is how children are taught
As if irradiated with the heart.
There is silence in the classroom:
The mosquito is heard flying.
Well, and they themselves are patient
And they are modest, kind, beautiful.
And how they say it!
Everyone will show, explain ...
You can say fairly -
This is a miracle, it’s a miracle!

I wish I could lure them here,
Why, everyone must be fed!
Choose one for now
Bring it to my country.
You can't persuade
You can fail the experience!
State affair,
Do you catch the thread? ..

Well, then the ambassador became depressed ...
He was a sent Cossack!
He sighed, scratched his head,
The plan of action ... quickly sketched.
He briskly approaches Mary Ivanna,
Yes, he takes her aside.
She thinks of only one thing:
Go home now and go to sleep!

First Ambassador:
You fascinated me -
It was a miracle how they taught!
And I will tell you without embellishment:
I just fell in love with you.
Why, dear,
Are you so tired?
I suppose you didn't sleep the night!
Can i help?

Maria Ivanovna:
Well, you noticed correctly.
Apparently, I look bad ...
So tired, no urine
And also, after all, the teachers' council,
Yes, a mountain of notebooks at home!
Is all this unfamiliar to you?
I only dream about
To make me work during the day
Go home in the evening
Not with a heavy bag,
Go to bed at night
And do not check notebooks!

First Ambassador (cryptically):
I look, you can't find a place for yourself,
And you are very suitable for us in terms of parameters.
Tell me, beauty, would you like
Go with me to the Island of Dreams?
Imagine: there will be no naughty children,
Parents, harmful and negligent,
There will be no lessons, no notebooks at all -
You will get rid of many problems at once!
Change your profession and, without melting tears,
With joy you will shout: “Hurray! now my turn
I won't be a teacher! From now on forever
I, like everyone else, a WHITE MAN! "

Mary Ivanna shrugged her shoulders,
Her eyes flashed mischievously,
She glanced slightly at the classroom door,
She exhaled and ... agreed!
The ambassador and Maria Ivanovna walk arm in arm.

Scene 4.

Morning came again
The sun lit up the earth.
And we are with you this time
We get straight to the class.
And here are the students.

Above the report all day
I sat like a tree stump.
Not a single serious thought
It's all rubbish!

Don't be so upset
You Ivan and not a fool!
Blow the report from the Internet,
There will be exactly "quarter".
Do not break and do not be afraid ...

And you yourself?

Yes, I'm lazy ...
Still, learning is boring.
My pike is different!
Instantly at my will
Facilitates learning easily.
As Emelya orders her,
So she will tell him.

Vasilisa the Wise:
You, Emelya, softly lay down,
Yes, you don’t sow and you don’t reap!
You talk a lot about your language -
It became unbearable to listen.

Something I won’t understand:
You, the Wise, why
Upbringing perpetrated
Not in our minds?

Here is Princess Nesmeyana,
I'll tell you without cheating,
I'm always dissatisfied with everything
No thoughts - only water!
Roars over tasks
Works completely tears,
Then he throws them into the fire ...
Even spurs don't help!

Well, you are all harmful,
(To Vasilisa) Even you in all your glory!
Neither understand nor regret!
You must have a heart!

Stop fighting, friends!
I'll tell you without melting
(in a whisper) There was a call for a long time.
Mary Ivanna ... not on time!

It’s necessary, I’m late!
And yesterday she scolded me:
I didn't want to get off the stove -
Prove the theorem.

Princess (whimpers):
What should we all do now
We were completely abandoned!
I'm going to cry with grief ...

Vasilisa (with a grin):
There will be tears here like a sea!

Suddenly lucky today:
Mary Ivanna won't come ?!
Then we'll go to the cinema!
Are you with me?

Students (in chorus):
Run away.

Scene 5.

And the queen, meanwhile, is angry,
He just does not find a place for himself:
Mary Ivanna can't get through
Nobody answers the phone!
The queen began to think:
Who would she turn to for help?
I remembered at my leisure about an old friend -
Yage Bone Leg.

Hello, Yagusya, it's me!
Hello my dear!
Help solve the problem -
Mary Ivanovna is a replacement.
Disappeared in an unknown direction
Without even leaving a statement.

Don't joke like that anymore
It's time to carry on the investigation!
Maybe Mary Ivannu children
Did you manage to bring it?

You offend our children -
Best of all in this world!

Maybe you need to check
Is the team not very friendly?

No, I will give a guarantee:
We are all one family here!

Maybe she doesn't have enough money?
Tea, the salary was not enough?

Our Mary Ivanovna is a patriot:
He loves work and does not take bribes!

Well, then I'll tell you by friendship,
Here the special services worked!
Well, I'll take control
And I will send you a replacement.

Poor, poor children!
What are they responsible for?
Yaga Kostyanovna did not blunder,
Mary Ivanovna conjured a dashing replacement!

Scene 6.

The bell rang in the morning
The lesson begins ...
Schoolchildren sit and wait:
"Well, when will they come to them?"
Here's a minute, another one passes ...
Koschey Bessmertnovich enters the classroom!
Angry with children in advance
Immediately gives the task.

You are lazy, parasites,
Boobies and fidgets!
Know you have no mercy,
You are responsible for everything!
In a minute this verse
Learn from now!
Who does not learn at all
I'll eat that, guys!
That is, I wanted to say
That I am ready to punish you!
So you better keep quiet
Sit back and teach!
Ivan and Vasilisa delve into the book. Princess Nesmeyana wipes her tears with a handkerchief, and Emelya leaned over to the bucket in which he had a pike and whispered something to her. Koschey turns around sharply and grabs the bucket.
You won't fool me
"Kol" you, vigorous louse!
Write in a notebook two hundred times:
"I won't lie anymore."
She looks menacingly at the crying Princess.
Well, are you almost roaring?
You will soon rot alive!
On a problem book and solve
Count a hundred examples.
Approaches Ivan and Vasilisa.
Something you have united ...
Or have you become akin to evil intent?
Well, scatter in the corners,
Sit quietly there!
Ivan and Vasilisa scare away in different sides... The bell rings.
I'm going for a little walk
And with you, children, I do not say goodbye!
Leaves with a bucket of pike. The children look after him in bewilderment.

What is this miracle Yudo
Was it sent to us and where did it come from?
If he rolls over again
Then Kondraty is enough for me!

Mary Ivanna loved us,
And she taught and scolded.
Even if she taught
Never insulted!

We did not know how to appreciate!
It's no use blaming yourself ...
Better to think together
What should we do, how should we be?

Yes, my pike is gone!
Apparently, there will be science for me ...
Well, it's time to get off the stove,
Look for Mary Ivanovna!

Scene 7.

Without hesitation, the children gathered ...
And where to look for something? They were confused.
We went out into the corridor, and here - look:
A good nanny hurries to help them.

Something you are not happy,
The heads are hung!
I know your I twist,
The cause of your sorrows.

Be our friend, tell us
Tell me the whole truth.
Mary Ivanna us his
Where to look, in what region?

I'll reveal a secret
I will give an answer to your question.
Mary Ivanna is far away
It's not easy to get to her!

Over the seas, over the forests,
Over the high mountains
There is an island in okiyan
And miracles on it - do not count!

There is a scientific institute
Studies light labor:
To bring joy
And I didn't waste a lot of energy.

People are listened to in advance
And they take into account all the wishes.
The program is then compiled,
It is sent to the computer.

But there are persistent rumors:
Computers die like flies.
All professions have been tested
And on the teachers - they stood up together!

So they stole your Mary Ivanna,
To, therefore, to clear up this porridge!
They probably promised to give her a rest,
And they themselves intend to involve in the experience!

Well, I do not! (bangs his fist)
This will be our answer!
What is the name of the island, don't you know?

Yes, that's what it is called - the Island of Dreams!

Children run away. The nanny waves after them.

Scene 8.

And Mary Ivanna lives and does not know
That she was being seriously watched.
She comes home early
And he finds time for rest.
Looks fresh and cheerful
Thoughts are not at all occupied with school.
Lessons, calls do not disturb
And the truant apprentices.
Just heavenly life has come!

But a week, another one goes by ...
Mary Ivanna is plagued by anguish.

Maria Ivanovna:
How are my children, how is the class there?
Who is replacing me now?
What knowledge gives children?
And will they pass the test?

Do not be executed, because you wanted
Relax …. So what's the deal?
She said: labor - shock
And not at all grateful!
Now what? Does conscience torment you?
Calm down darling!
And let them teach them further
Better someone else!

Mary Ivanna was horrified ...

Maria Ivanovna:
How - different?

And suddenly ... woke up!

Maria Ivanovna:
My God, this is a dream!
How strange he is ...

Instantly, straightening your strands,
She collected notebooks,
Having swallowed a cup of coffee,
Having quickly fed her husband,
I went out of the house cheerfully
Where everything is simple and familiar.
Ahead was a wonderful day
Difficult, but interesting!

Disciples (in chorus)

... - sounded nearby,
My heart pounded right away ...
Sees: by the road in a row
Her schoolchildren are standing.

Maria Ivanovna, we understand ourselves,
That we are not sugar, that we are a noisy class
What is very difficult for you sometimes happens to us,
But it’s even more difficult, perhaps, without us ?!

We are restless and sometimes lazy
We do not listen to simple and wise phrases,
Thank you for being patient with us,
What you believe, hope for us!

We understand that this is not easy -
Live in the whirlwind of the daily hustle and bustle.
But who knows where he is, this Island
Such a wonderful, righteous Dream ?!

Maria Ivanovna:
I had a wonderful dream yesterday:
Count with alarm the days until the leaves fall

Now I am not a teacher, I am free
From school endless problems
And life flows so decorously, nobly,
Without undisclosed topics and theorems.

Imagine: these eternal notebooks
From now on they are not intended for me
And I can dream of the water surface,
About a prince on a silver horse.

I can go to the pool at my leisure,
I can bake a cake for the whole family
And it's not about school to chat with a friend,
And tell about your joys.

Other people's children do not disturb the soul,
There is no succession of lessons, changes ...
But somehow I don't get any younger
I miss cute school walls!

Yes, it seems I miss them now,
Without children's eyes, without noise, fuss ...
After all, children give me their hearts
Like bouquets of wondrous beauty!

I had a terrible dream yesterday:
I am not a teacher, I no longer need
Count with excitement the days until the leaves fall
And go to school every day in the morning ...

This year, the sixth graders themselves wrote fairy tales, and this is what came of it

Chernykh Kristina, 6th grade student

Master and servant

Once upon a time there was a master, and he had a servant. And the master loved to listen to fairy tales so much that he forced his servant to tell them. And the servant did not know any fairy tales. So a servant came to tell the master a fairy tale, sat down and said:

Once we walked, walked, walked, walked ...

The master got tired of this word "walked", and he asks:

Where did we come from?

And the servant does not seem to hear, all his own:

Walked, walked, walked, walked ...

The master got angry and drove the servant away.

On the second day, the master asks the servant to continue the tale. The servant came and said:

Here, sir, we walked, walked and came to a high mountain. And let's climb this mountain. We climb, climb, climb, climb ...

And so he kept talking all day as they climbed the mountain. The master could not stand:

But how soon are we going to climb?

And the servant is his own:

We climb, climb, climb ...

The master got tired of this, and he drove the servant away.

The servant comes on the third day. The master again asks him:

So we climbed the mountain, and then we went again. Walked, walked, walked, came. There are two barrels: one with a barrel of manure, and the other with honey. They put me, as a servant, in dung, and you, as a master, in honey.

But this is correct! But this is good!

And so we sat, sat, sat ...

The master listened to all this, listened, could not bear it and said:

How soon will they get us out?

And the servant is his own:

We sat, sat, sat ...

The master got angry again and drove him away.

On the fourth morning, the master again called the servant:

How long have we been sitting there?

Here, sir, they dragged us out, and two chiefs came. And they made me lick you and you lick me.

Kononov Stas, 6th grade student

How the master barked in the church

Once upon a time there was a man-hunter and a master. The master called all the men fools all the time. The hunter did not say anything to the master.

Once the master went to church and a hunter caught his eye. The master drove up to him, and they began to talk. Here is the hunter and says:

My dog ​​is whelping, sir, everyone around is asking for puppies.

Leave me the best ones, ”said the master.

I have those that bark loudly and those that bark softly. What do you want?

Who bark loudly.

... In the meantime, they had already entered the church.

But this one! Woof! Woof! Woof! - the master barked.

The priest heard this and got angry:

Get out, sir, out of the church! he shouted.

The men took the master out.

Well, are the men fools? the hunter asked.

Not! Not! I am a fool, they are not fools!

Razhev Ivan, 6th grade student

Who is the best?

Once the mushrooms gathered for a holiday " summer rain". They swayed in dances, played their favorite game - hide and seek. And suddenly, amid this fun, the Amanita mushroom began to claim that it is the best of the mushrooms. He began to say:

I am so handsome, I have a red hat with white polka dots! Therefore, I am the best mushroom!

No, - said Fox, - I am the best, because I have a notch on my hat and I am in a red dress!

Then another mushroom entered into an argument, which began to show its white shirt and lace skirt.

Old grandfather Borovik came out here, knocked with his staff, and immediately everyone quieted down and began to listen attentively. He began to speak:

But tell us, handsome Amanita, or you, Pale toadstool, are you so persistently looking for people all summer? Is it because of you that they bow to every bush, look under every tree? Not! After all, the best mushroom is not the one that is the most beautiful, but the one that benefits others. If suddenly one of the people eats a fly agaric, and even worse a pale toadstool, then such a person will need to be urgently saved! But if the mushroom picker gets into the basket porcini, then he will delight the whole family with delicious mushroom soup, mushroom sauce, and many more dishes. He will feed, give strength, add health! So who's the best ?!

Ragina Sophia, 6th grade student

6 class

In a certain area, in a certain city, in a certain school there was a 6th grade. And he was so uncontrollable, just horror. Every day something happened: either a fight, or the glass would be broken, or the books would be torn apart ... The teachers broke their heads, they did not know what to do.

At this school there lived a watchman, so an inconspicuous old man. He looked at all this, as children, like devils, harass teachers, and decided to help the school. He began to think how to teach them a lesson and how to teach them wits. When the children went to physical education, they left their things in the wardrobe, which was looked after by the old man. And the old man began to spoil things, write all sorts of nasty things in his diaries. The children all quarreled, accused each other, not even suspecting who could do it. After all, no one could think of the old man.

The guys stopped being friends, being naughty, and there was such a silence at school - both at breaks and in lessons. The children watched each other and tattered. The teachers could not have imagined that such a time would come. They scolded children and at home. The sixth graders would give everything to be friends and play together, as before. They realized that it was no accident that all this happened to them, they figured out everything. But the old man was so carried away that he did not want to return everything to its place.

Here is the conclusion: do not do badly to another without understanding, but what it will be like for you.

Timin Daniel, 6th grade student

"Brave" jackal

A jackal lived in a distant forest. From childhood, he offended all animals and mocked them. He called the bear lazy, he considered the Giraffe a weakling and despised him for not eating meat. He called the wolf a cowardly dog, because he, with his tail between his legs, ran away from the hunters. He considered Lisu stupid and incapable of arranging his personal life. He recognized himself as the most cunning and lucky. He was always full and satisfied with life.

The forest dwellers could not answer him, because he was protected and fed with the remnants of his food by a strong Lion - the master of the forest. Once upon a time, the little Jackal became orphaned, and the good Leo took pity on the baby, did not use it as food, but began to take care of it. The kid ate and slept in his den, played with the fluffy tassel of the tail of his reliable uncle Leo. And in the end, as often happens, he grew up selfish and spiteful. He did not love anyone, teased everyone and was not afraid of anything, because there was always an uncle nearby ... It seemed that such a carefree life would always go on.

But one day the native forest was filled with strange unfamiliar sounds. Some people on huge iron horses disturbed the usual peace of the forest dwellers, began to catch them, put them in cages and take them away. The unafraid Jackal was not ready for such a turn of events. He did not know how to protect himself from people whom even his uncle Leo feared. Once in a solid network of hunters, he could only whine pitifully.

Now the Jackal lives in a zoo in a big city. From his cage next door, he sees the long neck of a Giraffe, at night he hears the lonely howl of the Wolf, knows that the old Bear is walking from corner to corner behind the wall. But for some reason none of the animals during the general walk remembers his evil jokes to the Jackal, everyone greets him warmly when they meet him, trying to cheer up his captive comrade. Only now the little Jackal is afraid to meet their eyes and prefers not to talk to anyone. Did he finally feel ashamed?

The tale "About the ant who went to school."

Families of ants lived in one forest. Adult ants went to work and left their ant children, some with their grandmother at home, some with their mother, some took the kids to Kindergarten.

Time passed, the ants grew up, and it was time for them to go to school. It was a joyous event for the whole glade.

And then the day came when the ants went to school. They were met by an adult teacher ant. He took everyone to the class and introduced them to the school. The ants were very worried, it was unusual for them: after all, now they are students. And what it meant to be a student, they still did not know much.

Gradually, the ants began to get used to school, fell in love with their teacher, found friends ... But there were those who had a harder time: they missed their mother and home. One of these students was a toddler named Usatik. He wanted to go home all the time, thought about his mother and was distracted in the classroom, was sad during recess. Sometimes in the morning he didn't want to go to school.

One morning Usatik was walking to school and then a Droplet fell from the sky.

Oh, - she said. - Ant, why are you so sad?

Don't you see, I’m going to school, ”Usatik replied reluctantly.

How great it is! So you are a student?

Well. Pupil, why?

I also dream of going to school, but we, droplets, do not study, ”Droplet said sadly.

Why do you want to go to school? It's also difficult there: you have to sit at the desk, the teacher says something all the time, sometimes I don't even have time to understand, and yet there is no mother there, ”Usatik sighed.

How I envy you, Usatik! You will find friends for yourself, learn a lot of interesting things and will be almost like an adult. And most importantly, imagine how happy mom and dad will be for you. You will come home from school, tell you what you learned, how you spent time, whom you met, what you did during breaks, what kind of teacher you have. After all, mom usually knows everything about you, because she is always with you, and now you have a piece of the day when you are at school, and you can already do something yourself, without the help of mom, because you are a student.

Do you know how difficult it is? - complained Usatik.

Is it really interesting when everything is easy and simple, because it's boring. You must learn to be a student. After all, the rest of the ants are also at school for the first time, and it is not easy for them either. It is easier for someone, harder for someone ... So run, Usatik, to school, and in the evening you will tell your mother what was new today, what lessons, with whom you played.

Thank you, Droplet! Well, I ran, or I'll be late for class! ”Shouted Usatik.

Entering the classroom, Usatik said:

Good morning- and smiled.

And you are cheerful today, - said Ant from another desk.

The teacher entered and the lesson began. The teacher did not now seem so alien and incomprehensible to Usatik. I am a student, he thought proudly.

And in the evening, when mom came home from work, Usatik said:

You know, mom, everything at school was unusual and interesting, and also ...

What else, kid? Mom asked.

Fairy tale "Main House"

I lived in a black and white city. The center of the city was the Main House, a medium-sized gray building. It was there that I spent most of my time, among noisy and always busy boys and girls.

In the Main House, I, and the rest of the guys, had to solve important problems. And in these matters we were helped by the only adult of us - an old strict sorceress. She even had a real magic wand that she never let go of her hands. And I so wanted to touch her, well, at least once!

We were told that the future depends on our diligence, not only ours, but also of other people. Therefore, I sincerely tried to complete the assignments. In addition, it seems to me that it was only at these moments that they noticed me.

In between "important activities" I watched from the sidelines how the other children were busy with various things, laughing, playing, and I became even sadder. After all, each of them knew how to do something very well, and they gathered, demonstrating their skills to each other. And I could not understand in any way what I can offer so interesting for their game. Maybe that's why I never participated in their games, or maybe I just didn't want to. After all, no matter how noisy and merrily they frolicked, their black-and-white world still lacked that multi-colored rainbow of joy that could color my mood in bright colors of fun.

I also didn't understand why my mom and dad were so worried and wanted me to make friends with the guys from the Main House. And then one day, for some reason, I also wanted to participate in a common game, and I decided to go up to the guys who at that moment were mastering a new counting room invented by someone.

Can I come with you? ”I asked and was surprised to hear my own voice.

What can you do? - several guys asked in unison.

Trying not to worry, I began to remember what I can do best. But then, unexpectedly, the answer escaped me by itself:

I ... I can be loved ...

I really need it! - mixed with giggles, someone heard a mockingly nasal voice.

It was the last thing I remember, before everything around me began to blur from the tears that came out in my eyes, resentment and a strange shame stifled my breath. I wanted to run home as soon as possible and never return to the Main House again, not to see these laughing faces. Then I only remember how I returned home in the evening.

And since I still had to continue to visit the Main House, the following days became even more gray for me than the previous ones.

As time went on, everyone had already forgotten about that black day for me. Moreover, a great holiday was approaching, and in the Main House everyone was anxious about the preparations connected with it. From us, the inhabitants of the Main House, the whole city was expecting something special for the holiday, so the fuss was unbearable, and no one could think of how to surprise the townspeople. And even our wise sorceress sighed sadly, unable to offer anything.

Returning home that day, I opened my secret box of paints and imagined how much nicer, more joyful and livelier this city could become if I dressed it in the multi-colored paints of my palette. And I spent the whole evening drawing.

In the morning, the next day, while helping me to collect supplies for "important activities," Mom put in my bag and a folder with pictures. And I didn’t even notice it.

And so, when I took out everything I needed for classes, numerous colorful drawings slipped out of my bag and scattered on the floor. Silent surprise on the faces of the guys and our sorceress was replaced by smiles and admiring exclamations:

How beautiful!

How bright!

These are miracles!

And then I saw how the colors of my pictures begin to play merrily in the joyful eyes of boys and girls, which until recently seemed to me hopelessly gray. And now the guys were looking at my works with interest and filled with flowers of faith, hope and love. Their rainbow-colored gazes painted everything they touched.

When the Main House fully blossomed, the city was truly illuminated with a holiday.

Many years have passed since that day. The city has changed a lot since then. I fell in love with him, became attached to him. And the Main House has become, to some extent, my home.

Now, if holidays happen, the residents of this town turn to me, and I happily come up with various decorations and everything that can please them.

Fairy tale "Flo"

A flower has grown in a clearing. I looked around and saw many other colors. They were all different and unlike each other, but they were all one friendly family of this meadow. All the flowers greeted the newcomer with joy and gave him a name - Flo.

During the day, the flowers went about their business, and in the evening they listened to the stories of the old grandfather of the burdock.

“It happened in our meadow last summer. Once the brothers Wind and Rain and their sister Thunderstorm flew over the meadow. They flew so high that no one on the ground saw or felt them. They heard the conversations of flowers about what kind of flowers they are, friendly and caring. Then the Wind, Rain and Thunderstorm decided to check whether this was so, and began testing the fortitude of this little flower meadow.

Brother Wind began to blow on the flowers with such force that the weakest of the flowers were uprooted. But friends who grew up nearby helped them. All the flowers together took hold of the leaves and held each other tightly until Brother Wind believed in the sincerity of their friendship.

Rain decided to test them in his own way. He poured a huge amount of rain onto the clearing. But I saw that the flowers did not give up: each supported a friend, some with a stem, some with a bud, some with leaves. Those who fell to the ground were lifted and held especially tightly.

Sister Storm stopped her brothers. She realized that everyone in this glade is really very friendly and will support each other, no matter what happens. "

When the old burdock finished his story, Flo looked around him and was glad that he was so lucky: he was born in this clearing, where everyone helps each other.

Fairy tale "Believe and Try".

Once upon a time there was a family of three: dad, mom and little boy... Maybe it was a girl, I don't remember exactly. This boy really wanted to be good. He really wanted to study well, but every now and then he received remarks and deuces. Mama grieved, teacher grieved. And how upset he was! Why am I like this? Why can't I do it? What a shame! Very ashamed! - thought the boy constantly. “I really want to study well!” The boy was so upset that he studied worse and worse. The teacher only spoke to him in a stern voice: "Again I didn't have time ... Again I didn't learn ..." And my mother even got sick.

“How unhappy I am,” - in the evening, lying on the sofa, the boy thought, thought, thought and fell asleep. And he had a dream. And in a dream he grew up and became a grown man. He sits at the table, reads thick books quickly, he writes a thick book himself, and even in the computer some challenging tasks decides. And a little boy comes up to him and asks: “Uncle, how did you grow up so smart? You, probably, studied at school for only fives ?! " And he answers: “What are you, kid! I received both deuces and triples at school. He wrote ugly. But I always believed that someday I will succeed too. The main thing is to believe and try ... "

“Believe and try,” our 2nd grade student whispered and woke up.

Believe and try. Believe that everything will work out, try and not be very upset. The boy jumped up three times on his right leg, one on his left and one more time on two at once and ran to tell his mother about the dream. “We need her to stop being upset,” he thought, now I know that I will definitely succeed. I'm trying very hard! "

The tale "About a free man Ivan Gavrikov and an unfree fly."

Once Ivan Gavrikov got angry with the whole world. Everyone makes him do something. At school - you need to study, sit still, do not fight, do not push, do not spit, do not talk - you can’t remember everything. At home - again: learn homework, do the cleaning, wash the dishes behind you. You will go to your grandmother at the weekend - and she will go there too: “Repeat your lessons! Read the book!

"Everything! Tired of it! I always have to do something! I won't! " "Here is a good fly, - he thought, - it is a free being!" He looked at the fly for a long time, and then fell asleep.

And he had a dream. As if mom is lying on the bed and sleeping, dad is reading a newspaper in an armchair, and grandmother is watching TV series. Everyone is busy with their own business, but Ivan is hungry. And the refrigerator is empty. Dad didn’t make money - he didn’t want to go to work. Mom didn't even cook porridge from the leftover food - she wanted to sleep. But grandmother Ivanova’s trousers didn’t mend, so he ran to the empty refrigerator in his underpants.

“We decided to become free! - said my mother, when Ivan timidly inquired about breakfast. - Move away, I will sleep for a long time today. ”

Ivan sat down in his underpants on the cold floor and sobbed - so he wanted to eat, but he still didn’t want to do anything.

So the first day passed, the second, and on the third Ivan crawled to the refrigerator, found raw potatoes and began to gnaw them. Mom saw this, she felt ashamed, and she went to cook porridge. Dad got ready for work, and grandmother took a needle and thread and put on glasses.

And Ivan Gavrilov realized that everyone must do something to the best of his ability, otherwise life will become completely bad, worthless.

Ivan opened his eyes, looked at the fly and said: “Oh, fly, you are not free at all. A free man is me! I force myself to do something, not my mother, not my grandmother, but myself! " So Ivan said ... and reached for the textbook. Stretched slowly, reluctantly. Because it’s quite difficult to force yourself to do something ”.