Why dream of a flood in the house. Why did the flood dream in a dream

At least once in a lifetime, but every person has dreams that cannot be forgotten. And not only. These images carry an extremely important message. These include flooding. The dream book, of course, will tell you what to prepare for. However, the visitor himself astral world you need to work your brains. After all, not all situations are included in the dream book. Flood, flood, spaces covered with oceanic masses have different kind accompanied by the most important nuances... Let's figure it out so as not to miss the important message from the subconscious.

What to look for?

You know, to unravel night visions should be based on the impression that they have on you. Perhaps this is the most important thing. So it is with our plot. For example, you were frightened by a flood. In this case, the dream book will recommend creating a "safety cushion", and he will be right. But not always. After all, the capture of wide areas by huge bodies of water is a multifaceted image. It can mean both a terrible failure and great prospects. That is why you should pay close attention to the emotional component. It tells you in which direction to think, how to reason if you saw a flood. The dream book, by the way, gives only general decryptions. You need to rely on them, delving into the meaning and improvising. Only in this way will you understand the secret meaning of this message. It will be different for everyone, just like life. After all, you must admit that it is impossible to repeat the path of another. Only common features may be the same. This is roughly how the dream book explains the flood. Any source of interpretation provides directions for creativity, vectors that should be followed in order to understand the meaning of this vision. Let's take a closer look at them.

Miller's dream book

This source is rightfully one of the most authoritative. Many people rely on his clues and correctly respond to astral images for the benefit of themselves. This dream book considers the flood not a very good sign. By by and large, it speaks of some events of a huge scale, which will entail troubles and troubles for everyone around. Agree, with a disaster like a tsunami, one person will not cope, will not prevent it. Care should be taken to minimize losses. However, the clear waters that cover vast areas do not bode well. On the contrary, it is necessary to make active efforts to solve seemingly hopeless tasks, the dream book believes. Flooding in this case promises peace after a serious struggle, a life filled with happiness and prosperity. But to see the victims of this natural disaster is a sign of great losses, he sadly informs this dream book... A flood on the street, seen in night dreams, indicates the approach of a period of anxiety and worries. It is necessary to gather and meet the "enemy" fully armed.

Freud's dream book

This source wise advice shows a peculiar view of the plot being analyzed. It is believed that the water-filled space is designed to prepare a woman for information about an imminent pregnancy. This wonderful state will come to her or someone from her acquaintances. There is no reason to worry, unless pregnancy seems undesirable to the dreamer. Such a plot promises a man an unusual adventure. He shows his attraction to women in position. It's good if the wife of such a person is expecting a child, the dream book says. Water, flooding for the stronger sex is a sign of the risk associated with amorous affairs.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

This interpreter adheres to an optimistic interpretation of the plot in question. If you saw yourself surrounded by clear waters, then you will live in great wealth... Agree, any such prediction will delight and inspire. However, in some case, the flood is not so optimistic about this dream book. A wave seething in the wrong places, carrying dirt and debris of household utensils, speaks of the futility of projects. After such a plot, all cases should be stopped. They will not bring any benefit, profit or satisfaction. If the waves were clean, then you still need to be careful. This dream speaks of a delay in the implementation of projects.

Dream interpretation Hasse

This source does not go into much detail on our plot. In addition, the dream book connects the flood in the city with the property of the person who saw it. Namely - this person losses are expected in the near future. Unfortunately, there is no emphasis here on details such as mud in the water or the presence of victims of a natural disaster. But if the dreamer himself turned out to be drowned, then he can be congratulated: in an unexpected way, this person will be able to get rid of the terrible danger. When you saw that you were pushing someone into the water, then show in real life unprecedented and uncharacteristic cruelty.

Modern dream book

Flood, big water in this source are considered bad signs. Any of the visions, regardless of whether the dreamer suffered from them, speaks of impending illnesses and losses. It was especially bad when the water was dirty, boiling, and formidable. Such a plot unambiguously predicts some kind of misfortune that can break your will. A person will not just become a victim of some terrible disaster. He will lose sources of replenishing the budget, part with friends, survive the betrayal of loved ones, and the efforts of many years of work will be buried before his eyes. Existence in modern world will become bleak and dull.

Only the cleanest waters around speak of good things. A person who sees such a plot will have a calm and filled with all kinds of benefits life.

Esoteric dream book: flood

The big wave is a sign of impending panic. Moreover, the larger it is, the stronger the negative emotions will be. This source assures readers that the dreamer is to become a member of a certain social phenomenon... It will have a very negative connotation, perhaps with elements of some scandalous panic. Psychosis will cover everyone around. Most likely, soon everything will be cleared up. The panic will turn out to be completely unfounded. You should take the plot as good advice. Do not succumb to the general wave, try to disconnect from the mass insanity. So save your nerves, health, and maybe cash or property.

Dream interpretation Longo

This interpreter assumes that every person is influenced by deep instincts inherited from the ancestors who killed mammoths who fought with saber-toothed tigers. They are extremely difficult to control. However, if you dreamed of a flood, then you have to. These very instincts push you to unreasonable destructive actions. In addition, the results of such behavior become the reason for the sorrowful experiences of relatives and friends. In general, everyone is bad. You should control the motives of your own decisions, refusing aggression. Then life will become more pleasant. When you saw the flood from the outside, then get ready for global changes. They will affect all spheres of life, forcing you to reconsider your own worldview.

Eastern dream book

This wise source of interpretation also contributes to the analysis of the described image. It is recommended here that the flood be linked to the state of society. When the waters were dirty, bubbling in the night vision, it means that something was going on around. A social revolt or some kind of serious discontent is brewing. The dream is designed to prepare a person for a turbulent environment, as well as advise not to get involved in a general protest. Nothing good will come of it. You will only make enemies for yourself in the form of persons holding opposite views, or government agencies... The clear waters that gripped cities and streets imperiously also herald a change. However, they will be calm and unforgiving, progressive and long-awaited. If you are an active member of society, then feel free to continue your activities. The dream speaks of the correctness of the chosen position, the prospects of the business or event started.

Family dream book

This source of wise thoughts interprets our vision in a completely different way. From the name it is clear that he tries to consider all night images from the point of view of relationships. So the plot in question is considered a foreshadowing of certain events that will delight or sadden relatives. So, clean water during a natural disaster portends a change in the situation of one of the family members. Perhaps you will receive a wedding invitation soon. You should know that this plot predicts the happiness of a new couple. Agree, there is something to tell your relatives about. Be sure to do this to please the newlyweds. But dirty waters, on the contrary, portend the destruction of family ties. Sadly, but such a test can affect you. Therefore it follows with special attention treat the second half, so as not to lose her.

Sometimes the vision tells about the state of affairs in the family with friends. The dreamer should understand who in question, and try to reconcile the stubborn. It's not just that this story came to you. This means that no one else has the ability to save a potentially happy couple from a terrible mistake.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

The seer talked a lot about disasters. She left her advice to those who saw them in a dream. Vanga associated the flood with events of a universal scale. They foreshadow some upheavals for states and continents. It is pointless to fight them. Since I dreamed of a flood, it means that it was you Higher power decided to save at all costs. Good advice should be followed. Monitor events carefully, reacting to them carefully and appropriately. Easier to say this: if there is a mess, then run before it's too late. It makes no sense to fight with forces that surpass you by several orders of magnitude. Protect yourself and your family. This is what the seer advises to remember. The Lord does not give us anything more valuable than relatives and loved ones.

We have considered several sources explaining what a flood comes to in astral wanderings. Miller's dream book seems to be the most detailed and objective in this list. He examines this plot from all possible angles. However, it should be remembered that a flood must be interpreted based on one's own life circumstances, taking into account the peculiarities of the worldview and even character. For some, such a plot tells about personal problems, to others - about the upcoming world revolution. Only the dreamer himself can understand this. Good luck!

Dream interpretation flooding

A natural cataclysm poses a great danger to all living things, and therefore the knowledge of what flooding dreams of would not interfere with any person.

Despite the negative subtext of the plot, you should not draw premature conclusions, since every detail left to the side can completely change the resulting transcript.

How to search?

Raging water element

As the dream book says, flooding is an event that portends radical changes in life. Probably, you are tired of this life for a long time, and only the fear of the unknown stops you. To obtain full interpretation of the dreamed phenomenon, you will have to remember various aspects.

What kind of water?

If you are flooded with water in a dream, then color and condition will be a prerequisite to help you get an accurate decoding.

Calm and transparent

Seeing how water floods a room is an auspicious symbol that predicts unprecedented wealth and peaceful family relationships for the dreamer.

Why dream of flooding only one room? Such a dream is prophetic and conveys an important thought to the sleeper: in reality, you will have to change some character trait that interferes with normal development. There is only one rule you need to understand: the lack of forward movement leads to a gradual decline.

Dirty and muddy

Watching how a stormy stream takes away everything in its path means in real life you will be able to get rid of unnecessary experiences and cleanse yourself of negativity. If your room is flooded with water, and you managed to survive and get out onto a dry surface, then luck will contribute to your endeavors, and the results obtained will only be pleasing.

In the popular dream book, several atypical options were highlighted that are worth listening to:

Seething dirty streams dream

  • seething stream - your emotional incontinence cannot be normally perceived by the people around you;
  • foaming waters - to a long dispute, from which it is unlikely that it will be possible to emerge victorious.

Who managed to see?

A flood is a terrible event in the life of any person, and help does not always come on time. As practice shows, in such crucial moments, people who are married show their true colors.


If the fair sex is still far from a serious relationship, then the image of a flooded bridge will tell about a deep spiritual wound. To solve such a problem, you will have to seek help from a specialist who, during the conversation, will help get rid of oppressive thoughts.


See flooded villages or cities in a dream

If such people dreamed of the flooding of their property, then such an impartial picture predicts the threat of a serious family conflict. To prevent the flow of negativity, you will have to gather at the same table more often and resolve controversial issues.

Sinking Homeland

Among all the variety of decryptions, it is not so easy to find one that concerns hometown or villages, and therefore you can consider several of the most popular versions and draw appropriate conclusions.

Jewish dream book

The flooding of the hometown, according to the Jewish dream book, is not as scary as the imagination could draw. If you trust such dreams, they will be able to pleasantly surprise you, since the images you see portend the receipt of untold riches.

The only problem is that they can fall into the wrong hands, and all this well-being will quickly disappear like dust.

Miller's dream book

Dreaming of water in the streets

The works of the psychologist are written in a simple and understandable language, which is probably why he demanded such popularity from a wide range of readers. Flooding of the home village or city is a harbinger serious problems concerning the financial situation. A strong current, carrying you along with the debris in an incomprehensible direction, tells the dreamer that it is time to complete the dubious project.

See how the flow of water floods streets and residential areas, but your home for some reason remains safe - a symbol of loss and alienation. Your craving for loneliness will sooner or later bear negative results.

Unusual places

The uncontrolled flow is merciless, and the dreamer needs to remember the places affected by it.

Seeing a flooded church in a dream

A modern combined dream book writes that cardinal changes must occur in your life. If you happen to see a flooded foundation, then changes will gradually enter your life.


When it comes to a mass grave site, such a symbol reflects life stagnation and uncertainty. It is important to understand that such circumstances did not just appear. They reflect the dreamer's craving for events in the past.

In the new family interpreter of dreams, the flooded cemetery has a completely different interpretation, and it relates to domestic accidents caused by clogged pipes or leaks.

Opinion of other experts

According to Medea's dream book, a drowning person is a sign that the sleeping person cannot independently solve an important or problematic issue. If your actions do not lead to the desired result, then it's time to turn to your close friends.

What is the dream of a boat going under water? The plot described predicts a precarious financial situation, and in reality, you will have to make a difficult decision.

In the dream book you can find a simple, but very effective technique: be guided by facts and logic, not emotions.

If the current is so strong that it blows everything in its path, then the dreamer is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Seeing your own car underwater is a lack of harmony in relationships with other people.

It must be said that a sleeping person should talk less and do more. The emotional aspect is extremely unstable, and therefore your decisions should be made with reference to practical experience, not intuition.

flood water

Dream interpretation Flood If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark, seething waters, then a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current portends bereavement and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered clean water, mean prosperity and peace, gained after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of an overflowing river, this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of an important business for you. Modern dream book

Dream interpretation Flood Seeing in a dream how a flood floods large spaces, and the water carries you along with dirty debris: predicts diseases, losses in commercial affairs and the most unpleasant situations in family life... If you dream that cities and villages are flooded with streams of dark, seething water: in real life, you will face failure and misfortune due to terrible disaster... Seeing in a dream how people are washed away during a flood: predicts bereavement and despair, which will make life joyless and ruinous. Seeing huge squares flooded with clean water: promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune. Modern dream book

Dream interpretation Flood If you see water flooding the earth: this means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress in it, luck will turn to face you. If the water arrives too quickly and causes fear in you: it means that it will not be easy for you to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of your life, you will be at a loss for some time. You should not waste time thinking, but take matters into your own hands, otherwise you can miss a lucky chance. Children's dream book

Interpretation of a dream Flood Flood (clear water): temporary postponement of affairs, temporary hindrances are muddy and overwhelmed: a strange situation in a very strange place surrounded by water: to be in the luxury of being carried away by the waves and free: remorse in the past. New dream book 1918

The meaning of sleep Flood To see a dream in which a spring flood turned into a disastrous flood and a river overflowing its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring great profits. Finding yourself surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe, - such a dream means the onset of events that will destroy all your plans. If in a dream water flooded your house and rises quickly, it means that in reality you will have a stubborn struggle for your well-being. If you see that the water began to gradually subside, succumb to the bad influence. If the water carried you right off the bed, this portends a happy find or unexpected happiness. Swim in cold water in a flood, it means repentance and admission of one's mistakes. To see people carried away by the flood is a bereavement and a bleak prospect. Seeing a flood that has flooded the vast expanses of coastal lands portends prosperity and peace, acquired after long hardships and ordeals. Seeing yourself among the rescuers during a severe flood is a harbinger of a serious illness, due to which you will not be able to complete an important task. If you find people drowned during a flood and catch their corpses, you will have a streak of failures in literally everything. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Flood Flood: destructive, negative aspect vital energy... The source of danger can be in the unconscious and can include regressive and introverted tendencies. Be flooded with unconscious or instinctive impulses. To be flooded: flooded with love. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream interpretation Flood Flood: A warning of uncontrollable emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm. Seeing a flood from afar: warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A flood threatening the dreamer's life: suffering, loss, lifestyle change. The ABC of interpretation of dreams

Dream interpretation Flood Suffer from a flood in a dream: in real life, you are often overwhelmed by primary instincts that bring a lot of grief to you and your loved ones. Our advice to you: try not to focus on what your base instincts dictate to you, in no case succumb to their elemental force. Try to channel your energy into a more peaceful and harmless channel for those around you. Watch the flood from the side: sleep means that soon in your life will happen something global that will overturn the old order and destroy all your principles. Dream interpretation of the White magician

Dream interpretation Flood Flood. If in a dream you see a city or village flooded with dark, boiling waters, this means a disaster that will entail great misfortunes. To see people being carried away by a flood portends bereavement and deep hopelessness, making life sad and useless. Seeing vast spaces flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace, acquired after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate. If you dream that the stormy water of an overflowing river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of illness or suspension of business for you. Big dream book

Dream interpretation Flood Flood: a profitable enterprise, wealth if you are carried away by waves: this is to unexpected happiness or a good find, but if the water is dark and boiling: this means disaster and misfortune. Dream interpretation of the future

Dream interpretation Flood A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe. A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace. People carried away by the flood dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water carries you along with the debris, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you. Large universal dream book

Dream interpretation Flood For seafarers and gentlemen engaged in maritime transport, seeing a flood in a dream is a good sign promising successful trade and safe sailing; but for all others not belonging to these categories, it is bad dream, foreshadowing disease, a lost trial, as well as the evil actions of enemies sowing slander at every turn. If you have a loved one, a rival can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration out of your embrace like a frantic stream. Old English dream book

Dream interpretation Flood FLOOD - muddy, dirty water - a plight, strong negative experiences, a hopeless situation. Pure water- good, a major acquisition. Water carried away - major changes (based on the context of the dream). Drowning (but not drowning!) - to wealth. Dream interpretation master of dreams

Dream interpretation Flood Dream interpretation of Medea

Dream interpretation Flood If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark, seething waters: in reality, a catastrophe is possible, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current: portends bereavement and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clean water mean prosperity and peace, gained after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of a flooded river: this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of an important business for you. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream interpretation Flood If the water is clean: to money of domestic origin muddy: to the currency. A stormy flood: unexpected illness, damage, evil eye. In this case, you should be treated by an experienced healer. The newest dream book

Dream interpretation Flood A warning about uncontrollable emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm. To see a flood from afar is a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A flood threatening the dreamer's life - suffering, loss, change in lifestyle. Self-instruction manual interpretation of dreams

Dream interpretation Flood A city or village, seen in a dream, flooded with water: portends a catastrophe. A dream in which huge spaces are flooded with clean water: it promises prosperity and peace. People carried away by the flood: dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water carries you along with the debris: beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you. Family dream book

Dream interpretation Flood For women: Seeing a flood in a dream - to various adverse events. If in a dream you see that water rises to your feet, then in reality you will face troubles associated with real estate. If you see that a flood is flooding your home, then in family life you have big problems, the situation is so serious that you need to think about your marriage first. If you are not married, then you need to reconsider the relationship with your fan. If you dream that the water is very cloudy during a flood, then this indicates troubles associated with intimate life. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to seriously take care of your health, as an illness awaits you. And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the disease will be long and severe.
For men: Seeing a flood in a dream - to troubles and misfortunes. If you see a flood in a dream, then this portends a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation. If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your home, then in reality difficulties and trials await you. If you see in a dream that the flood carries away people, then this portends you heavy loss and hopelessness. If you dream that a flood has happened and muddy water carries various garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, then this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation. If you see yourself drowning in muddy water, this is a warning of a severe debilitating illness. If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that you are wasting time in a fruitless struggle. If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, then you have to work hard to overcome the pressure from business partners. If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a harbinger of illness and health should be taken care of.
For children: FLOOD - if you see water flooding the earth, it means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress, luck will turn to face you. If the water arrives too quickly and causes fear in you, then it will not be easy for you to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of your life, you will be at a loss for a while. You should not waste time thinking, but take matters into your own hands, otherwise you can miss a lucky chance.

Dream "Flood" is an ambiguous dream that is interpreted in different ways based on what you did in the dream and what kind of flood it was in your dream. A lot also depends on what emotions you experienced when you saw a flood in a dream: positive or negative, admiration or fear. All this and more will help you find correct interpretation your sleep. All are collected here famous dream books and answers are given to the most common questions after the dream "Flood".

Autumn dream book

Why is the flood dreaming? This dream suggests that if there is a river nearby, it will overflow its banks.

Summer dream book

I dreamed of a flood - this dream is a symbol that the elements will begin to roam.

Children's dream book

  • The dream "flood flood" says that your life will change in better side... You will see clear progress, and your luck will turn to face you.
  • Dream interpretation: flood, a big wave that moves quickly and causes you fear in a dream - in real life it will be difficult for you to adapt to conditions that will change rapidly, you will be at a loss all the time, but for a short time. You do not need to waste time on various reflections, take everything into your own hands, or otherwise miss your chance.

Women's dream book

  • A flood is dreaming on the street - in real life, a catastrophe can happen, which can lead to serious misfortunes.
  • Seeing a flood in a dream and people are simply carried away by the current - this dream portends heavy loss.
  • The dream "a flood in a city where the streets are covered with clean water" says that you can find peace and prosperity after a long struggle. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of water, flood and water rushes in a stormy stream - this dream is a harbinger of illness or stopping important things for you.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Had a dream "flood", it means that you are waiting for a trip or a business that is profitable for you.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of a flood with clean water - in reality you may have obstacles.
  • Dream interpretation: flood water, but it is cloudy in a dream - this dream is very bad.

Old Russian dream book

Dream interpretation: flood - adventure awaits you, and at the same time you can go broke.

Explanatory dream book

The flood also carried you away in a wave - you will regret your past and at the same time repent.

Dream interpretation for family

  • Dream meaning: flood - this dream portends various adverse events.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in the house - in reality you will experience big problems in family life, and the situation will be so serious that you will think about your marriage. If you are not married yet, then you need to reconsider the relationship with your loved one.
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of water, flood and muddy water - this dream suggests that you will have troubles that relate to your intimate life.
  • To dream of a flood, a flood and you drown - this dream is a warning. You need to take serious care of your health because you are going to get very sick.

Erotic dream book

Dream interpretation: flood - in reality you can change your usual way of sex life. Or you will have a new sexual partner. But there is also a threat to change your orientation, but only if someone advises you.

Dream interpretation of E. Tsvetkova

  • I dreamed of a flood in a city with clean water - you need a respite from business, but only temporary.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a flood with turbid water- you will feel a strange position in a strange place.
  • Escaping a flood in a dream, but being surrounded by water - in reality, you will find yourself in luxury.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Why dream of a tsunami flood with clean water - you will have some kind of temporary hindrance in business.
  • To dream of a flood of a flood with muddy water - you will find yourself in a strange place.
  • Sleep: there is a flood in the street, but you are watching it from afar - this dream is a warning that an intrusive person will overtake you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in the house to the windows - this dream promises good luck. (cm. )

Spring dream book

Dream interpretation: flood - this dream symbolizes money.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • The dream "flood flood with muddy water" portends a dire situation or a hopeless situation.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood in the sea with clear water - in real life, a major acquisition awaits you. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: to save yourself from the flood and the water begins to take you away - big changes await you.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of a flood, and you are drowning in it - wealth promises you.

Dream interpretation of Medea

  • Why dream of water, flood - this dream warns of emotions that you cannot control, and they will overwhelm you.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of a flood, but you watched it from afar - this dream is also a warning, but already about dangerous connections or bad acquaintance.
  • Dream Interpretation: the end of the world, a flood and it threatens your life - in reality you will endure suffering and loss that will change your life.

Dream interpretation of G. Miller

  • Dream Interpretation: a flood in the village in a dream - this dream speaks of a disaster that will lead to great misfortunes.
  • The dream of "a flood in the street and you see how it takes people away" means in real life you will have to go through bereavement and great hopelessness. It will make your life even more sad.
  • I dreamed of a lot of water, a flood - this dream portends wealth and peace that you can find after struggling with your destiny.
  • Dream interpretation: why the flood is dreaming, and the water from the river carries you - this dream is a harbinger of a certain disease.

modern dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - this dream promises a profitable business from which you can get rich.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Why dream of a flood, a flood - a dream speaks of well-being, or even you will receive unexpected wealth.

Dream interpretation of Y. Longo

  • The dream "flood, tsunami and you suffered from it" says that in reality you too often have primary instincts that bring you and your loved ones grief. Tip: You need to try not to focus on what your instincts say and at the same time do not succumb to their power. You need to direct energy into a peaceful and harmless channel for other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a flood and observe from the side - in real life something global will happen and this can destroy your principles.

Esoteric dream book

In a dream, I dreamed of "flooding, experience panic" - this dream promises hopelessness.

The ABC of interpretation of dreams

  • I had a dream "flood", which warns of uncontrollable emotions that can overwhelm you.
  • Dream interpretation: water, flood, but you see it from afar - this dream warns you of a dangerous connection.

American dream book

Interpretation of dreams: flood - in reality you will be overwhelmed with different feelings.

Vedic dream book

Dream interpretation: why is the flood dreaming? This dream, especially for traders, speaks of successful trading. Also, a journey may await you. But for ordinary people, this dream speaks of poor health.

Eastern dream book

  • The dream "flood in the city" says that you need to prepare for all the whims of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood, a big wave that washes you away in a dream - this dream portends illness or financial loss.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

  • Seeing a flood in a dream from afar - a dream warns you that you can get to know an intrusive person.
  • Dream interpretation: a flood, a flood that threatens you - in real life, you may have a new idea.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope Winter

Why dream of a flood, a flood - this dream speaks of strong feelings that can overwhelm you. There is a possibility that some events can lead to the fact that your emotions will be uncontrollable, and therefore harm you. If you had a dream with a flood, then it is best not to give vent to your feelings in reality. You need to try to react calmly in any situation.

Dream interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • The "flood in the city" dream predicts that in reality you can also find yourself where there is a flood.
  • To dream of a flood from afar - a big commotion awaits you in your house.

Freud's dream book

  • Why is a flood dreaming - this dream is a symbol of pregnancy.
  • Dream interpretation: to see a flood (for a woman) - either you or your loved one you will become pregnant or will give birth soon if you are already pregnant.
  • Dream interpretation: a lot of water, a flood (for a man) - in reality, you have a craving for pregnant women.
  • Seeing a flood in a dream and watching it (for a man) - in real life you want to have children.


Summing up all of the above, I would like to say once again that a flood in a dream is mostly bad, but, like any rule, there is also an exception here. Therefore, before looking for an interpretation of your dream, pay attention to the details of the dream.

If a flood happened in your home (for example, due to a pipe break), you face a serious illness.

In this case, imagine that the plumbers came, pumped out all the water - and your house is dry and warm again.

If you dreamed that you were looking out the window and see the street being flooded with streams of water, this means some kind of change in your life.

If the water was clean, transparent - changes will be for the better. If the streams were stormy and muddy, everyday storms await you.

Imagine that the water quickly leaves, the sun comes out from behind the clouds, everything dries up in its rays.

If you dreamed that the water level reached your window, the dream suggests that you urgently need to change something in your life. You just can't gather your will and decide on action, but life itself pushes you to this. You simply have no other choice.

Imagine that you are launching a boat right out of the window, get into it and sail through calm, clear water.

To see a city or a village flooded with stormy water, demolished roofs, floating debris, broken trees - you will face big troubles both in your personal and business life. Such a dream portends financial losses, betrayal of friends, misunderstanding of loved ones.

Imagine the flood is not real: you are in a movie theater and watching a disaster movie. The screen goes off, the lights turn on, and you leave the hall. The street is dry and clean, there is no flooding.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dreaming of a Flood

If in a dream you see a city or village flooded with dark, boiling waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes ...

To see people carried away by a flood portends bereavement and deep hopelessness. - making life sad and useless.

Seeing vast spaces flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace, acquired after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate.

If you dream that the stormy water of an overflowing river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of an important business for you.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does dream Flood mean

Clean water - temporary postponement of affairs, temporary hindrances;
cloudy and overwhelmed - a strange position in a strange place;
surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do the dreams of the Flood mean

For seafarers and gentlemen engaged in maritime transport, seeing a flood in a dream is a good sign promising successful trade and safe sailing; but for all others not belonging to these categories, it is a bad dream, foreshadowing illness, a lost trial, as well as the evil actions of enemies who sow slander at every step. If you have a loved one, a rival can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration out of your embrace like a frantic stream.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Flood dream

Flood - Seeing - to panic, despair. To get into a flood - you may be overwhelmed by panic, group psychosis. Don't give in!

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What does flood mean in a dream

Suffer from the flood: In real life, you are often overwhelmed by primary instincts that bring a lot of grief to you and your loved ones.

Our advice to you: try not to focus on what your base instincts dictate to you, in no case succumb to their elemental force.

Try to channel your energy into a more peaceful and harmless channel for those around you.

Observe the flood from the outside: a dream means that soon something global will happen in your life, which will reverse the previous order and destroy all your principles.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does Flood mean in a dream

Flood - Seeing - to panic, despair. To get into a flood - you may be overwhelmed by panic, group psychosis. Don't fall for it !.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the Canaanite

The meaning of sleep Flood

Flood - if you see water flooding the earth, this means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress in it, luck will turn to face you. If the water arrives too quickly and causes fear in you, then it will not be easy for you to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of your life, you will be at a loss for a while. You should not waste time thinking, but take matters into your own hands, otherwise you can miss a lucky chance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's dream book

Interpretation of a dream Flood

Watching a flood from a cliff is a sign that your desire will not come true and another person will suffer because of this.

If you dream that you are in the middle of a stream, trying to resist and get out of it and you succeed, then you will be lucky and you will get out of the water after a dangerous enterprise. If you cannot get out of it, then you will face a lot of grief and setbacks.

To see in a dream how clear, transparent and calm water slowly floods some space is a sign that peace and tranquility await you, which will make you deaf to other people's problems and troubles. The dream in which you saw that the flood carried you away along with the bed on which you slept means: expect great, rare happiness and good luck. To see a village or some objects flooded by stormy streams of water is a sign that the collapse of your hopes, love, plans for the future awaits you.

If the stream in your dream carries away people, then your life will become hopeless and useless. You will lose all hope for a better future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

What in a dream predicts a Flood

Seeing a flood in a dream promises a change in the usual sexual lifestyle, which is associated with the appearance of a new sexual partner. There is a threat of a change in orientation, but only if something prompts you to make such a decision, for example, if a representative of sexual minorities has an eye on you.

Interpretation of dreams from an intimate dream book

What does it mean to see a flood in a dream

Travel, profitable business, wealth // ruin; clean water - obstacles; cloudy - bad business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

Interpretation of sleep Flood

Seeing a flood in a dream - to various adverse events.

If in a dream you see that water rises to your feet, then in reality you will face troubles related to real estate.

If you see that a flood is flooding your house, then you have big problems in your family life, the situation is so serious that you need to think, first of all, about your marriage.

If you are not married, then you need to reconsider the relationship with your fan.

If you dream that the water is very cloudy during a flood, then this indicates troubles associated with intimate life.

If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to take care of your health seriously, as an illness awaits you.

And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the disease will be long and difficult.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for women

What the dream predicts Flood

Seeing a flood in a dream - to troubles and misfortunes.

If you see a flood in a dream, then this portends a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial position.

If you dream that a flood is approaching your home, then in reality difficulties and trials await you.

If you see in a dream that the flood carries away people, then this portends you heavy loss and hopelessness.

If you dream that a flood has happened and muddy water carries various garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you.

If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, then this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation.

If you see yourself drowning in muddy water, this is a warning of a severe debilitating illness.

If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that you are wasting time in vain in a fruitless struggle.

If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, then you have to work hard to overcome the pressure from business partners.

If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a harbinger of illness and health should be taken care of.

Incidentally, once in Paris, a brilliant company gathered in the house of a noble gentleman. Among those invited was the famous fortuneteller Casott.

The conversation turned to the future as well. The ladies began to ask about what awaited them all. Casotte at first denied, and then told that one of those present - Monsieur Condorcet - would be poisoned in prison, and the other - Chamfort - would cut his veins.

The rest will be beheaded. "What gloomy predictions," one of those present exclaimed, but this will not affect the ladies? " "You are wrong, madam," replied Casott, "the same fate awaits the ladies, you will be executed."

These words made everyone feel uncomfortable. Then one of those present asked a question about what would happen to him.

“You will become a priest,” the soothsayer answered him. This message drew laughter from everyone present, because Laharpe, to whom last prediction, was known for his atheistic views. "What will happen to you?" He asked the fortuneteller.

“My head will be cut off,” was the answer. Casott was not asked any more questions that evening.

At night Laharpe had a dream. He saw that Paris was flooded with water. There was a great flood.

He saw that garbage, things, corpses were floating, everything was mixed, and the water was still coming.

People try to escape, but they fail, because the water overwhelms them and carries them away. Laharpe saw with horror that the water turned red and bloody waves were raging around.

Laharpe became afraid, he stared in a daze at the approaching water. But horror pushed him to action, and he began to seek refuge from the terrible bloody flood.

But there was no salvation anywhere. And suddenly he saw himself on the steps of a building. He looked up and realized that it was a church.

Laharpe did not tell anyone about his dream. But a few years later, the French Revolution took place.

All of Casotta's predictions came true, and he himself was executed by guillotine.

Seeing with his own eyes all the horrors of the revolution, Laharpe took refuge in the church, he became a priest.

Once he saw from the gallery of the cathedral how crowds of people filled the streets of Paris.

At that moment he recalled his dream, when a bloody flood flooded the streets of the city, and he himself found salvation on the steps of the temple.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Men

Why is the Flood dreaming

If you dream about how people are carried away by a flood, it means that you will be faced with losses and losses. You may experience loneliness and alienation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

Dreaming of a Flood

To see a dream in which a spring flood turned into a disastrous flood and a river overflowing its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring great profits.

Finding yourself surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe, - such a dream means the onset of events that will destroy all your plans.

If in a dream water flooded your house and rises quickly, it means that in reality you will have a stubborn struggle for your well-being. If you see that the water began to gradually subside, succumb to the bad influence. If the water carried you right off the bed, this portends a happy find or unexpected happiness.

Swimming in cold water in a flood means remorse and admitting your mistakes. To see people carried away by the flood is a bereavement and a bleak prospect.

Seeing a flood that has flooded the vast expanses of coastal lands portends prosperity and peace, acquired after long hardships and ordeals.

Seeing yourself among the rescuers during a severe flood is a harbinger of a serious illness, due to which you will not be able to complete an important task. If you find people drowned during a flood and catch their corpses, you will have a streak of failures in literally everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does dream Flood mean

If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark, seething waters, then a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current portends bereavement and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clean water mean prosperity and peace, gained after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you rush through the stormy waters of an overflowing river, this is a harbinger of illness or the suspension of an important business for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern dream book

What do the dreams of the Flood mean

Turbid, dirty water, a plight, strong negative experiences, a hopeless situation. Pure water is a blessing, a major acquisition. The water has carried away major changes (based on the context of the dream). Drowning (but not drowning!) To wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Flood dream

A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe.

A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace.

People carried away by the flood dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness.

If you dreamed that a stormy stream of water carries you along with the debris, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does flood mean in a dream

Indicates strong feelings that can suddenly rush over you. Perhaps some events will lead to the fact that your emotions get out of control, harming you. After such a dream, you should not give vent to feelings. try to remain calm in any situation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the twentieth century

The meaning of dreams Flood

Carried away to be waves and free - to experience remorse in the past carried away with the bed - to a happy find or unexpected happiness.

Watching the flood from afar is a warning about the intrusive person, flooding up to the windows.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What does Flood mean in a dream

Stormy, dirty waves with debris of buildings and branches of trees, flooding the city or village, houses.

People carried away by a flood are a sign of misfortune, illness, even some kind of catastrophe.

However, large spaces flooded with clean water - to peace and prosperity after the hardships of life.

To be surrounded by clean water is to live in luxury.

Swim with the bed - unexpectedly find happiness.

If you are carried away by the waves, but you are saved, you will regret in reality, remembering something about the past.

Interpretation of dreams from