Psychic Vera Lyon: the latest predictions. Clairvoyant Vera Lyon and her prediction for the last days Vera Lyon new

Vera Lyon, a clairvoyant from Kazakhstan, differs from most predictors in that she does not try to embellish reality and often gives unexpected predictions, which later come true. That is why her foresight is so appreciated and many people listen to them.

Throughout this year, Vera Lyon has been collecting and processing signs, on the basis of which she develops her forecasts. This resulted in Vera's new predictions for 2018, which she shared at the end of September.

The next few years, in her opinion, will be full of natural disasters in different parts of the world. Since the level of melting of the Arctic ice will critically exceed the norm in December and the dynamics will persist stably, storm storms and hurricanes are foreseen in a number of countries already from the beginning of 2018, and in coastal areas there is a high probability of storms with a high score.

Vera Lyon believes that the weather conditions will be as follows:

  • The climate of the European part of Eurasia will change dramatically and become much harsher. The coast of Great Britain in the first half of the year will undergo partial flooding from the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.
  • During the winter months, Germany will be hit by record-breaking blizzards and hurricanes for the area. The destruction and scale of damage to the country and its inhabitants will be so enormous that it will take several years to restore the affected areas.
  • Italy in 2018 will become the epicenter of volcanic eruptions, which will lead to the partial destruction of Rome, and for the Vatican this could be fraught with complete disappearance from the face of the earth. Volcanoes are also active in the United States.
  • The Japanese and Philippine Islands will be flooded, and during this process many settlements will be affected, and human casualties will not be avoided.

Cataclysms will rage for several years, and after they die down, scientists will intensify research and development on the use of alternative energy sources and to improve the ecological picture around the world.

Geopolitics and wars

The situation in the Middle East will improve markedly. The state of Syria is stabilizing: the restoration of peaceful life will gradually begin, and the infrastructure will be improved. The end of the war will be facilitated by the leakage of some important government information, which will cause a great resonance and force the whole world to rethink what is happening in Syria.

According to the prediction of Vera Lyon, there is a high likelihood of an armed conflict in Greece, in which civilians will be involved, and many of them will die.

Terrorist attacks will increase in Europe and the United States. Their epicenter in 2018 will be the UK, which will suffer not only from terrorist attacks, but also from indigenous riots.

Due to the deteriorating climate and quality of life from Europe, a massive outflow of migrants will begin, while the rest will be engaged in looting houses abandoned by their owners due to floods and earthquakes.

Changes in the global economy

According to Vera Lyon, the economic situation will remain unstable as before. The dollar will be the most stable currency, which will affect the economies of all countries. Those states that are now considered quite prosperous may feel big negative changes: an increase in unemployment and a deterioration in social security of the population.

Epidemiological situation

Next year, Vera Lyon predicts a massive infectious pandemic that will spread to most countries. The greatest losses in this regard will be incurred by Western and European states.

In addition, the clairvoyant warns that deadly animal attacks on the people of Africa and Europe are foreseen. Vera Lyon failed to determine what species these killer animals would be. In her opinion, most of these cases will occur in Germany and the UK. In these countries, the suicide rate will greatly increase, which will become their nationwide problem.

Culture and religion

Judging by the latest predictions of Vera Lyon for 2018, there will be a tendency towards an increase in the humanity of many peoples, an increase in spirituality and a decrease in aggression. This will be facilitated by a decrease in the influence of the media and a passion for art.

The Catholic faith will begin to lose ground, the majority of believers will switch to Orthodoxy. Only in the United States will the situation in religion turn into a drama, since representatives of numerous sects will begin mass ritual suicides.

Vera Lyon believes that in 2018 there is a high probability of contact with alien civilizations: their representatives will visit Earth or show their presence in the Universe in other ways.

Prophecies for Ukraine

2018 will not bring prosperity to Ukraine. The war in the eastern regions will not stop, although there will be a gradual build-up of industry and agricultural enterprises. The situation in the western regions will escalate due to conflicts with the Polish side, as a result of which, in the second half of the year, some eastern regions may secede from the country and join Poland.

Western countries will stop tranches and other financial injections into the country's state budget, which will accelerate the devaluation of the hryvnia.

Predictions for the Russian Federation

Vera Lyon saw clear signs of Russia's well-being in 2018. The ruble will steadily strengthen its position, which will entail a rapid improvement in the economy. The list of social payments and guarantees will expand; positive changes are also expected in macro- and microeconomics.

In accordance with the predictions, the position of Russia in all areas in 2018 will significantly improve, it will become attractive to many migrants seeking to enter the country for temporary work or to obtain citizenship. This will toughen the state's migration policy.

The marital status of the President will change: Putin will acquire a blonde companion, with whom, most likely, he will legitimize the relationship.

In general, they say that it will become eventful and rather difficult. But for Russia as a whole, it promises positive changes.

Video prediction from the prophetess Vera Lyon

Vera Lyon is considered one of the most famous soothsayers of the present time. In recent years, it is she who has been increasingly compared with the Bulgarian seer Vanga, who amazed the whole world with her prophecies. To find out which predictions of the Faith relate to the near future and what exactly they say, you should discuss them more specifically.

Clairvoyant story

For the first time, little 5-year-old Vera managed to see the omen of the future in a dream. Since then, almost every night Vera was haunted by terrible pictures that she did not understand. One day she dreamed about the death of her father, which she immediately told her family about. At first, the girl's dad did not attach much importance to the children's records, but after a few hours it became known that on the way to work, the man had a terrible accident, where he miraculously survived. Despite the daughter's warning, the family did not even try to believe that Vera had the gift of clairvoyance. It was then that the girl thought that if you did not tell anyone about her visions, sooner or later they would simply disappear.

According to Lyon, at the age of 14, her third eye opened. But the poor child did not even understand how important this event was, and what it actually meant, because Soviet power was in charge. At that time it was unacceptable to talk about everything "abnormal". What does it look like? As if a bright screen appears before your eyes, where someone else's fate is broadcast. At first Vera was afraid of such visions, and tried not to tell anyone about them, so that she would not be mistaken for a madman.

The girl tried to stop the unexpected pictures, trying not to close her eyes. True, if you restrain the gift of clairvoyance, health problems begin. Soon Lyon's condition began to deteriorate rapidly. Every night, it fell into a strange state: she woke up abruptly and began to speak incoherent words, being in a semblance of a trance. Soon Vera's dreams became clearer, and she was able to discern in them her own husband, children and all her future life.

At that moment, the child practically did not walk, although in the visions Vera was a completely healthy and quite happy woman. To somehow cheer up her daughter, her mother took her out into the street and sat her on a bench near the house. Once an unknown woman approached the girl and began to speak. Only now she was not addressing her, but as if to the one who ruled Vera's life. “Start practicing, otherwise the energy bursting with you will burn you from the inside. Do what comes to mind first and don't think that it's all wrong. "

It was after this truly fateful conversation that the girl realized that she could find missing people and treat those who were refused by doctors. Over time, the ailments began to recede. In the future, the clairvoyant realized that all information comes to her from a parallel World where ghosts live.

Now Vera can often be seen with a camera. According to her, with the help of modern technology, the seer is trying to prove that there are always entities from another dimension near some people. She calls them plasmoids. It is they who tell her information about the future. But it is almost impossible to capture the essence on film - the technique immediately fails.

Outwardly, Vera is no different from other people. Her main task is to help people, and therefore every morning a woman checks her mail, where millions of letters from all over the world accumulate. The people even called Lyon the Kazakh Vanga.

The last prophecy of Faith Lyon for 2019

Every year, the famous soothsayer tries to carefully consider in her visions the fate of humanity for the near future. So what should we all expect in 2019? For Russia, the hard times are behind us, but you shouldn't relax - the echoes of various "misfortunes" will haunt the state for some time. But the United States is in for a big change. According to Lyon, America will soon experience a real shock due to the unexpected eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. Experts have already recorded an increase in temperature on Kolder, and therefore the marked place can really cause a serious disaster. By the way, the eruption is quite capable of destroying 60% of the entire continent, forever changing the geography of the Earth.

According to Lyon, the American volcano will make itself felt exactly next year. In the Visions, she sees something completely different - a certain monster crawling out of the ground and killing everything in its path. It is enormous, much larger than the famous western skyscrapers. When Vera first began to receive such pictures, she simply did not know about the famous Vulcan, and now she is completely sure what exactly they are talking about.

It should be noted that a similar prophecy was also in the list of visions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant - Vanga. "Fire will emerge from the earth, the soil will rise and begin to absorb everything for many kilometers around it." Immediately after such an outcome, the US government will have to go through a difficult time, because after the disappearance of a larger territory of the state, the international economy will dramatically change. The reason for this is the fall in the rate of the American currency. Due to the collapse of the dollar, the entire monetary system of the World will suffer.

Lyon insists that all the visions that appear to her almost every day, in the first place, warn of possible dangers. But since each person can change his own destiny if he knows about the possible development of the future, the seer tries to talk about what is hidden from most eyes, and believes that there is always a chance for salvation.

There is only one question left to answer: can a person really program his own life so that it becomes happy? If so, then you just need to believe in luck and no longer be afraid of various misfortunes. But what if not? It turns out that there is no point in trying - the outcome will still be the same. What do you think about this?

The instability of processes in global politics and economics, of course, makes itself felt - people follow the news with tireless attention, because any event that shook the world can affect their quality of life and well-being. The volatility of the exchange rate, the volatility of commodity markets, the regularity of military conflicts and peacekeeping actions make us worried about our future. Alas, it is very difficult to understand in what conditions not only we ourselves, but also our children, and even more so grandchildren, will live.

You can find out information about the future in a variety of ways. Someone gets acquainted with economic calculations and political forecasts, and someone believes that individuals endowed with a mystical gift can open the veil of secrecy. In the wake of the popularity of programs about paranormal phenomena, many Russians began to turn to fortunetellers, because who, if not a psychic or a clairvoyant, can pinpoint the dangers that await them?

Vera Lyon is also referred to as people endowed with the gift of foresight. It is believed that her predictions come true in most cases, and therefore arouse such interest in the public. Let's find out what the "Kazakh Wanda" predicts for 2019!

Who is Vera Lyon?

With the help of tarot cards and visions, Vera Lyon makes fairly accurate predictions

Vera Lyon was born in Karaganda, in a family whose members did not show any psychic abilities. From early childhood, the girl demonstrated that she is significantly different from other babies. When Vera was five years old, a strange vision came to her for the first time - the girl woke up and, as best she could, wrote down scraps of sleep on a piece of paper, passing it on to her parents. The spirits that appeared in the dream warned Vera about the danger that her father was facing.

Childhood fears seemed to Vera's mom and dad not worthy of attention, so the head of the family went to work, and literally a couple of hours later the family was informed that he had an accident and only miraculously did not crash to death. Parents considered this a coincidence, so Vera decided to keep silent about the visits of the spirits, hoping that the strange gift would disappear as suddenly as it had appeared. Alas, with the onset of adolescence, the powers of Vera only became stronger. Now she didn't even need to fall asleep to see the visions.

As soon as you close your eyelids, images and pictures began to flicker before your eyes. Lyon compares this to a screen on which events from other people's lives are shown. The new skill horrified her - Lyon was afraid that she would gain fame as a madwoman, and continued to be silent, which only exacerbated the situation. Every morning she woke up in a trance state and constantly made new and new predictions, and once she even saw her future family. The understanding of his own strength came only after a conversation with a mysterious woman.

She warned Vera that if she ignored her abilities, she would die of a serious illness - the energy that did not find a way out would simply destroy her body. Vera began to work with a tarot deck, and then began to look for people who were missing. According to Lyon, information about the future is transmitted to her from parallel worlds in which the ghosts of the dead live. Vera called these entities plasmoids. To hear the warnings of the astral inhabitants, she has to additionally resort to meditation.

Lyon gained wide popularity in 2012, when she stated that her predictions come true with a probability of 95% - that is, her success rate is even higher than that of Vanga. According to Lyon, she foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union, learned in advance about the hostilities in the Middle East region, and also managed to predict the fall of a meteorite in Chelyabinsk. It is difficult to judge how true such statements are. But you can find out the forecast for 2019, so that later you can compare real events with those predicted by Vera Lyon.

Vera Lyon's predictions for Russia for 2019

Lyon believes that relations between Israel and Russia will strengthen in 2019

According to Lyon, Russia has already gone through the most difficult times, so citizens can hope for a gradual improvement in the situation and an increase in living standards. The clairvoyant says that macroeconomic indicators are gradually stabilizing in the country, and in a few decades Russia will be able to overtake world leaders - Japan and the United States. The vision of Lyon, in which a new land emerged from the ocean, is an allegory of the rise in the economy and social life of Russia. In the near future, the seer also saw the intensification of relations with Israel, which will become the main partner of the Russian Federation.

Vera Lyon's predictions for America for 2019

America Lyon predicts a natural disaster. According to her, it is necessary to wait for troubles from the side of Yellowstone, where an eruption of a supervolcano can occur. In support of her words, she cites the calculations of seismologists reporting an increase in temperature in the caldera. Volcanologists believe that Yellowstone is a time bomb, from which you can expect trouble in the very near future. Lyon says that the eruption will be incredibly violent and will change the geography of the world, destroying part of the American continent. Lyon describes her vision as follows:

“I had no idea that there are any volcanoes in America, but at night I saw an image of a creature resembling a monkey, only of enormous stature. It crawled out of the crevice and began to grab people, destroy houses. In the morning I wrote down that something terrible was in store for America. "

It is possible that because of this catastrophe the melting of glaciers will intensify, storms and downpours of destructive force will pass around the world. A pandemic will come to the West, in parallel with which terrorist groups and sects are activated. The clairvoyant declares that because of this, the inhabitants of the countries of Western Europe will begin to massively move to the East. Another disaster may await Japan and the Philippine Islands. After the world has lost some of its people, and the cataclysms subside, the forces of mankind will be directed towards the invention of alternative energy sources and the improvement of the ecological situation.

Vera Lyon predicts the imminent eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano

Can you believe the prophecies of Lyon?

As already mentioned, the prophetess herself assures that the accuracy of her predictions significantly exceeds Vanga's indicators. If the Bulgarian blind predicted 75% of the events correctly, then in Lyon itself this figure reaches 95%. However, some facts suggest that Lyon is often mistaken. For example, she said that in 2016, almost all Ukrainian politicians who stood at the origins of the Maidan would be killed. Lyon directly named the names of the current president of the country, Yulia Tymoshenko and Vitali Klitschko.

In the same year, she spoke about the likely arrival of the Antichrist, but this forecast did not justify itself either. Of course, each person himself determines his degree of confidence in the forecasts of clairvoyants. And whether they will come true or not, we will find out only years later.

Vera Lyon is a rather interesting person. The latest predictions of a clairvoyant are intriguing, suggestive, and in some cases frightening.

Who is Vera Lyon?

Vera Lyon, whose latest predictions arouse genuine interest, is the pseudonym of Vera Vitalievna Visich. She was born on February 14, 1962. In addition to extrasensory perception and clairvoyance, she is also engaged in the psychology of photography, writing poetry and stories. The clairvoyant claims that she does not recognize any spiritual practices and leaders, but only follows her own path.

The seer claims that she had paranormal abilities since childhood. As a child, she heard the voices of spirits, had prophetic dreams. This is not surprising, because her mother also had a tendency to divination and was good at fortune-telling. According to Vera Lyon, at the age of 14, her third eye opened, which provided new opportunities for clairvoyance and divination.

Predictions about Russia

You may or may not believe in clairvoyants, but what they say has always aroused genuine interest. So, the last predictions of Vera Lyon about Russia are as follows:

  • An island with forests and houses must rise out of the water. This is a symbol of some auspicious sign event, the emergence of something new or rebirth after decline.
  • The government will decide on a significant increase in pensions. Also, impressive assistance will be given to low-income families, which will reduce social tension.
  • Significant GDP growth in 2017.
  • A hand rises from a steep ravine and shows two fingers. This can be interpreted as significant victories in the Western political arena, despite the fact that Russia will be "put a spoke in its wheels."
  • The head of state will marry. It will be a young woman with blond hair.
  • In winter, there will be a lot of snow, which will lead to a large number of serious accidents.
  • Despite all attempts by Europe to take away the right to host FIFA 2018 from Russia, the country will successfully host this championship.
  • A black cloud is floating over the Kremlin. Perhaps some kind of strife in government circles will begin.
  • In 2017, there will be a lot of water that will be destructive. But the element will not be fatal to humans.
  • Violent wildfires are to be expected.
  • Arrests of people who are trying to carry out subversive activities will take place throughout the country.
  • An explosion in a place where there are many children, adolescents and young people.
  • The bear was stabbed in the withers. The vision may mean that Russia will be betrayed by some close ally.

Predictions about Novorossiya

In connection with the current geopolitical situation, the latest predictions of Vera Lyon about Novorossiya are of great interest:

  • The man pulled back the black curtain halfway. This indicates an impending improvement in the situation.
  • Smoke emanates from the chimneys, which portends the development of industry.
  • The guns are pointed at each other, but no shots are heard. Thus, the military situation is likely to remain frozen.
  • Light begins to gradually flood the territory of Donbass and spreads further.
  • In 2017, Novorossiya will sever almost all economic ties with Ukraine.
  • A second referendum will be held in Novorossiya. It will be organized at the initiative of Trump.

Predictions about Ukraine

Clairvoyant Vera Lyon says a lot of interesting things about the situation in Ukraine. The latest predictions are as follows:

  • On the border with Poland, a situation will occur that everyone will compare with the tragic Volyn massacre.
  • Ukraine looks like a pie, from which pieces are gradually broken off.
  • Fires will sweep across the territory. Both fields and buildings will burn.
  • Trump is likely to completely sever any relationship with the Ukrainian government. Despite the promised loans, he will not give Poroshenko money.
  • Armed men sneak and crawl on the ground, shrouded in fog. This can be interpreted as a secret coup d'etat.
  • In 2017, former allies will begin to turn away from Ukraine. Moreover, they will begin to demand debts from her.
  • Trump is initiating the creation of a commission that will investigate crimes in the Donbass.

Predictions about Belarus

Vera Lyon pays close attention to Balarusi. The latest predictions are as follows:

  • In 2017, a lot of snow will fall in the country after a sultry summer.
  • The excavator is digging the ground, people are studying the blueprints. Most likely, this indicates the construction of new large enterprises in the country.
  • At the moment, there is a threat of a coup d'etat in the country. But ill-wishers will fail.

Predictions about Syria

The situation in Syria worries people all over the world, and therefore Vera Lyon did not stand aside. The latest predictions about the situation in the country are as follows:

  • Continuation of the war. Airplanes are flying and tanks are shooting.
  • Bashar al-Assad is sitting in a chair. Some man is digging the ground under him.
  • There are many cockroaches on the map of Syria. But they quickly creep to the sides. This means that the terrorists will soon leave the country.
  • The flow of refugees is directed in the opposite direction.
  • Cranes are working, next to them people are dismantling the ruins. This indicates active restoration work.
  • From the Turkish border, the guns are directed towards Syria. But the shots are not heard, and therefore everything will remain at the level of threats.

Predictions about Europe

Vera Lyon provides quite interesting information about the future of Europe. The predictions for the last days are as follows:

  • Terrorist attacks will not only continue, but will continue to occur more often.
  • In 2017, epidemics will sweep across Europe. Moreover, the strain of the virus will be unknown to doctors for a long time, and therefore many people will die.
  • Formation of new sects.
  • New sects are being organized. Many will have rituals of human sacrifice.
  • Some migrants will leave Europe and return to the Middle East. But the aggressively minded stratum will remain.
  • There will be several earthquakes that will force the population to leave their homes.
  • Each of the European countries will begin to "pull the blanket over themselves." This is fraught with the collapse of the Union.
  • Dark-skinned men are running, threatening with fists and clubs, and tanks are driving towards them. This could be a harbinger of a war with migrants.
  • There is a lot of water that covers settlements in waves.

Predictions for the USA

Vera Lyon says a lot about the future of the United States. The most recent predictions for this country are as follows:

  • Hand with the middle finger raised. This means that most of the plans of the US government will not come true.
  • The US map is divided into squares and gradually breaks apart. This is a harbinger of some tectonic disasters.
  • Barack Obama will be stripped of the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Trump sits at the dinner table, but the food disgusts him. Most likely, there will be an attempt at poisoning.
  • As a result of the reform, false media reports will be criminalized.

Predictions for the whole world

The latest predictions of the Kazakh Vanga Vera Lyon for the whole world are as follows:

  • Forest fires will sweep all over the world, which will take the city into the ring.
  • Archaeologists will discover a cave with valuable artifacts that will change the idea of ​​history.
  • In 2017, an indigo child will be born, who will have superpowers. In particular, he will have the ability to divination.
  • Explosions will occur at a number of industrial enterprises. Most likely, these will be acts of terrorism or sabotage.
  • There will be unsuccessful launches of satellites with their subsequent fall.
  • People stand in the church and pray in front of the icon. But it does not depict a saint, but Hitler. This is a harbinger of the revival of Nazism in the world.
  • The threat of a global war will hang over the world. But some politician will stop this process. Most likely, it will be Donald Trump.
  • War will be declared against the DPRK in the hope that it is an undeveloped country. But in the event of the slightest aggression, the Korean army will give a powerful rebuff.
  • The military is in the laboratory. Most likely, at the moment, a new biological weapon is being developed.
  • People in gas masks and protective suits make their way through the smoke. Most likely, there will be a major man-made disaster.
  • A huge piece of iceberg broke off. Many marine vessels will be affected by this phenomenon.