Plant Honeysuckle: photo, types, cultivation, planting and care in the open field. Decorative honeysuckle: description and photo of varieties for a summer cottage


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Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is a beautiful vine that blooms profusely in warm sheltered places throughout the summer with bright red and orange flowers.

This climbing evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub reaches a height of up to 3 m. The shoots are bare.

Elliptical or ovate leaves, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, sit on short petioles. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, dark green, the lower side is bluish-gray, sometimes with soft pubescence. Often 1 or 2 pairs of leaves under the inflorescence grow together into a round or slightly oblong disc.

Evergreen honeysuckle flowers are odorless. Their color varies from yellow to orange-red. The corolla is 4-5 cm long. The stamens and style protrude slightly beyond the limb. The color of the berries is scarlet red.

Evergreen honeysuckle is widely distributed in North America. Introduced in 1686. Introduced in our country in 1816.

In the European part of the USSR, young shoots of this type of honeysuckle suffer from frost. It is quite justified for Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine.

A more stable hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckles is Brown's honeysuckle, which has forms with flowers of red, orange-red, dark orange-red hues.

Honeysuckle Brown blooms annually in Moscow, secondary flowering is often observed early autumn, but the fruits are often not tied.

Among the many species of honeysuckle (Lonicera), there are both bushy and vines - deciduous and evergreen. Honeysuckle vines are good as ground covers and for vertical gardening (decorating arches, retaining walls and arbors; masking the trunks of old trees and hedges). Curly honeysuckles adorn the garden at any time of the year, especially during the flowering period, when they are completely covered with elongated tubular flowers in spectacular inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Liana-like honeysuckle has many advantages: numerous leaves and abundant flowering, bright and fragrant flowers (these are excellent honey plants), decorative fruits. The leaves of most types of honeysuckle are elliptical, dark green above, gray below.

Among the honeysuckle-lianas in the garden, the species most often grown are:

Or fragrant(L. caprifolium) - deciduous liana, capable of rising to a height of 10 meters with the help of a support. AT middle lane In Russia, this is the most common of the climbing honeysuckles; it is quite frost-resistant, hibernates under the snow (the tips of the shoots often freeze slightly). Honeysuckle is photophilous, demanding on fertility and soil moisture. The leaves are quite large (the upper 2-3 pairs of leaves are fused), turn yellow at the end of October. The flowers that appear on honeysuckle honeysuckle in early summer are very fragrant (especially in the evening), white or yellowish inside, purple or reddish outside. Its flowering lasts about 3 weeks. Elegant fruits ripen in early August and adorn the vine until late autumn. Orange-red honeysuckle berries have a short stem, framed by green leaves, they seem to glow.

- honeysuckle gray(L. dioica) outwardly very similar to honeysuckle, but more "miniature" (up to 2 meters high). Decorative, stable, easy to propagate.

- curly honeysuckle, or honeysuckle german(L. periclymenum) - common European deciduous honeysuckle (up to 5 meters long). Unlike ordinary honeysuckle, this species does not have fused leaves on the tops of the shoots. It grows successfully in partial shade in a well-ventilated place, on rich soils. Blooms in June-August; depending on the variety, the color of the flowers is white, yellow-pink, purple. The fruits are red. In the conditions of Moscow, annual shoots freeze slightly, but then the plant quickly recovers.

- honeysuckle american(L. americana) - the most powerful climber of all climbing honeysuckles (reaches a height of 6 meters) with dark purple-violet shoots and a dense branched crown. Blooms in July for about 2 weeks; large fragrant cream flowers with a purple base. Prefers loose, nutritious, moderately moist soils.

- honeysuckle Hekrotta(L. heckrottii) - a hybrid of American and evergreen honeysuckle, growing up to 3-4 meters. The flowers are bicolor (yellowish inside, purple outside) or orange-pink. Blooms continuously from June to September. In the conditions of Moscow, it suffers from frost.

- Brown's honeysuckle(L. brownii) - a hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckle; reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Has a lot garden forms with different colors of flowers (they are usually odorless), appearing on the plant intermittently from June to late autumn.

- honeysuckle Telman(L. tellmaniana) is a very decorative deciduous vine of hybrid origin. Blooms from the second half of June for 3 weeks; orange-yellow flowers, odorless.

Evergreen and semi-evergreen honeysuckle vines are very beautiful, but, unfortunately, they are very thermophilic; among them:

- Japanese honeysuckle(L. japonica) - a semi-evergreen or evergreen liana with yellow flowers, climbing on a support to a height of up to 6 meters; there is a form with golden, wrinkled leaves. It is successfully grown in regions with a warm climate, in Moscow conditions it freezes heavily (even under snow) until death.

- honeysuckle henry(L. henryi) - semi-evergreen liana with brownish-red flowers; brings out shading. It is thermophilic, in the conditions of Moscow it freezes.

- honeysuckle evergreen blooms for 4-5 months with large reddish or orange flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which are then replaced by brightly colored fruits. Very thermophilic.

Most types of honeysuckle vines like a sunny location, but shading at the base is very favorable for them. Creepers are quite shade-tolerant (however, in the shade, flowering of honeysuckle begins later and is less plentiful).

Honeysuckle-lianas grow quickly, many species are undemanding to the soil (but develop better on fertile, moist soil), they tolerate transplanting and pruning well due to their high shoot-forming ability. The vine is thinned out after flowering, while cutting out the extra old stems.
Honeysuckle growing on infertile soils is recommended to be fed with mineral fertilizers in the spring.

Curly honeysuckle propagates easily: by seeds, green cuttings, layering.

All about honeysuckle on site site

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Having our own garden, we want to equip it in such a way that it will please the eye. All gardeners, even amateurs, having planted curly honeysuckle on their plot, will receive a beautiful decorative ornament gazebos, arches, fences.

It will delight not only with rich greenery, but also with abundant color and excellent aroma.

Types of climbing honeysuckle for vertical gardening

The choice of varieties is quite extensive, and therefore experienced gardeners, and beginners will be able to choose a honeysuckle bush to their liking. Here is a description of the most famous varieties:

Decorative: dense liana, abundantly covered with bright green foliage and flowers, exuding a wonderful aroma. Basic decorative element- The fruits are dark red.
Flowering: June - October, fruit ripening in August.
Features: flowering and fruiting occurs 3-4 years after planting.
Do not worry if the shoots are a little frozen. Flowers are formed on the shoots of this year
Soil: Moist and fertile soils.

2. Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet.

Decorative: a beautifully flowering vine, the young shoots of which have a green-blue hue, and in the sun they turn into burgundy. Honeysuckle blooms with long raspberry-orange flowers.
Flowering: June - the first frosts.
Features: growth during the year is 50 cm.
Soil: Suitable for all kinds of soils.

3. Honeysuckle Golden Trumpet.

Decorative: sprawling, climbing plant, has bright light green leaves. The flowers are odorless, yellow, turning into a golden-copper color.
Flowering: from early June until September.
Features: with good support, it can grow up to 4 meters in height.
Soil: Generally well-drained and fertile.

Decorative: bright green creeper with violet-purple flowers, with excellent aroma. The fruits have a rich red color.
Flowering: Early flowering variety. The first flowering in May - June, repeated - from July to the first frost. Fruit ripening - September - October.
Features: frost-resistant honeysuckle.
Soil: Preferably fertile soil.

5. Honeysuckle Hekrot.

Decorative: 4-meter green liana, for a long time pleases with two-color big flowers, shiny red fruits are an additional decoration.
Flowering: from June to the first frost, fruit ripening - August - October.
Features: non-frost-resistant variety, requires mandatory shelter for the winter.
Soil: fertile and moist soils.

6. Telman honeysuckle.

Decorative: bright green liana, capable of reaching 7 meters in length. Appreciated for the beauty of orange - golden flowers. The yellow fruits are small.
Flowering: June - July, fruit ripening - July - September.
Features: demanding to the conditions of its existence.
Soil: well-drained, well-drained, well-drained.

Below we invite you to watch a video about the flowering of honeysuckle of the Primorskaya ornamental variety:

Species for ground cover gardening

The following ground cover plants are used for landscaping:

Decorative: shrub with spreading branches. The main decorative element is white double flowers.
Flowering: mid-June - first half of July.
Features: used as hedge.
Soil: feels great on all types of soil.

2. Honeysuckle American beauty.

Decorative: shrub with large orange flowers that are odorless. Bright orange fruits complete the beautiful picture.
Flowering: during the summer and until September, ripening of berries - August - October.
Features: tough shoots, weakly wrap around the support.
Soil: Well fertilized and drained soils.

3. Honeysuckle Brown.

Decorative: deciduous vine with dark green foliage. Abundant flowering bright and fragrant flowers.
Flowering: like the previous variety, from June to the end of September.
Features: ground cover liana.
Soil: Suitable for all types of soil.

Decorative: a beautifully flowering liana with dark green foliage, beautifully sets off dark red flowers that fill the entire garden with their aroma.
Flowering: June - August, fruits ripen in July - October.
Features: used as beautiful shrub or groundcover.
Soil: Moist, well-drained soils.

5. Honeysuckle Graham Thomas.

Decorative: evergreen vine of dark green color, which retains its appearance even in winter. The flowers are collected in inflorescences of yellow - red color, filling the garden with aroma. The fruits are red.
Flowering: June - September, flowering repeats in September, bears fruit from July to October.
Features: in the south it is suitable for vertical gardening, in the north it is used as a ground cover.
Soil: Moist, fertile soils.

Common forest honeysuckle, or wolfberry. The fruits are used in folk medicine

Note: the fruits of honeysuckle are inedible!

Planting honeysuckle

For creepers, you need to choose a well-lit place for planting. In partial shade, the plant will also feel good.
Before planting, you need to decide how honeysuckle will be used:

  • for landscaping arbors, arches;
  • like a living fence;
  • as an ornamental groundcover.

After the purpose of the plant is selected, it is necessary to prepare a place for planting.
Most species need fertile, well-drained soil, so you need to fill the prepared hole with a mixture of soil, mineral fertilizers and humus.

It is important to know: if you want the vine to grow significantly in the future, it is necessary to plant the cuttings not in a hole, but in a trench, which also needs to be prepared for planting.

Care for climbing vines

The plant is easy to grow, and if you follow certain rules, you can get beautiful decoration your garden that will be admired for years to come. During the hot season, it is necessary to provide good watering, but do not forget about drainage when landing. You need to water when there is no bright sun: in the morning or in the evening.

After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the plant to prevent the formation of a crust. Curly young shoots must initially be carefully attached to the support, over time they will become stiff and will firmly adhere to the supporting structure.

The vine should be cut in the second year after planting. If it is left in the form in which it grows, then the honeysuckle will very quickly turn into a tangled lump of branches. Frozen shoots are cut. If you occasionally update the plant by cutting off the branches, you will get a lush and long flowering.

For the winter, honeysuckle needs to be covered, even if it is winter-hardy. Need to do it late autumn before the first frost.

Note: the plant must be laid before shelter not on bare ground, but on boards or a dense layer of leaves.

When the liana has been living in your garden for quite some time, you should not unhook the stems from the support and wrap them up, because suction cups have already formed on it that have grown to the support, thereby injuring the plant along its entire length. Choose from 2 options:

  • vertical cover;
  • mulching the soil around the bush (Mulching - covering the soil various materials, for example, sawdust).

Need to open honeysuckle in early spring when the threat of frost has passed, somewhere in mid-April.

Reproduction of honeysuckle

There are several types of honeysuckle breeding:

  • direct planting of seeds in the spring in the ground;
  • cuttings with a 2-year-old shoot (sprinkle with earth in the spring);
  • rooting in June - July in moist soil (herbaceous cuttings).

As you can see, the choice of honeysuckle varieties is quite large and caring for it is no more difficult than for other vines. It is recommended to use honeysuckle in combination with climbing roses and clematis.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly plant and care for honeysuckle:


We usually call curly honeysuckle honeysuckle and sometimes we wonder why one honeysuckle rages in bloom on the site, and the other has been a deplorable sight for many years now. But the fact is that it can be either a honeysuckle hybrid, or another species. curly honeysuckle- all of them with honeysuckle-like shoots, flowers, fruits and leaves, but can be more thermophilic and suffer from Russian winters. These creepers are grown like honeysuckle honeysuckle.

All climbing honeysuckles came to us from a warmer climate. Due to their properties, some of them grow without problems, recovering after a slight freezing of the tops of the shoots. Some need special care for growth and flowering - lower it from a support for the winter and cover it with dry leaves, spunbond or in another way. But even in this case, they will not become European beauties with us.

All climbing honeysuckles feel good in zones 6 to 9 at a temperature not lower than -15 degrees in winter - these are the southern regions of Russia. In zone 5 (Moscow, St. Petersburg) and at temperatures below -20 degrees, their annual shoots may freeze slightly, but in spring from new force they resume. In zone 4 (Moscow region, Central Russia), the most resistant varieties and species grow, or heat-loving good cover, as we do with roses or clematis.


The most decorative and sought after in vertical gardening, in addition to honeysuckle honeysuckle, there may be the following species, hybrids and varieties of curly honeysuckle.

Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) frost-resistant species, which gave life to many beautiful hybrids of curly honeysuckle, often surpassing them in frost resistance. Recommended for zones 4 to 9. Most frost resistant variety "Blanche Sandman" . This climbing plant is covered all summer with tubular flowers of crimson color, yellow with inside.

From the evergreen and rough honeysuckle came Brown's honeysuckle (Lonicera x brownii) . Its varieties have one and a half and three-meter stems. The original tubular flowers can be of all shades from white and beige to red and orange, they have no smell. It blooms for a long time until autumn all season, in the Moscow region - in summer and again in autumn. Orange-red fruits are formed in the middle of summer and keep until winter. In the Moscow region, Brown's honeysuckle does not bear fruit, here it is advisable to cover the shoots for the winter. Comfortable wintering temperature without shelter, including snow, is not lower than -15 degrees. Has several excellent varieties:
three-meter liana with red-orange flowers "Dropmore Scarlet" ;
covered with yellow-brown flowers "Golden Trumpet" , climbing bush grows up to 3 m;
at "Fuchsioides » fuchsia flowers with orange, shoots no higher than one and a half meters.

As a result of the hybridization of caprefolia and evergreen honeysuckle, Telmann's honeysuckle (Lonicera × tellmanniana) . A high liana soars up to 6 meters, covered with eight-centimeter yellow flowers, does not drop leaves for the winter. In the Moscow region, the tops of annual stems suffer from frost, and red berries do not form, unlike the southern regions. Winters without damage down to -15 degrees.

Another popular variety of curly honeysuckle is "Serotina" (Serotina) - blooms later than many. This honeysuckle is called curly not only because of the properties of its shoots. Curly honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) her botanical name. The species can be recognized by the color of young shoots, they are red or yellow. The plant has fragrant flowers, white on the inside, burgundy-red on the outside. Although its annual stems can freeze at temperatures below -20 degrees, in our country it blooms and forms fruits, because this happens on shoots growing in spring. Liana can reach a height of two and a half meters, and its flowering lasts almost all summer. Honeysuckle corollas of the Serotina variety are painted in a purple-red color scheme, beige inside.

Varieties of curly honeysuckle "Serotina" and Graham Thomas were awarded the Royal Horticultural Society. The Graham Thomas variety has creamy petals. In another variety of curly honeysuckle Belgica Select on the corollas are burgundy-carmine stripes.

Not so long ago, botanists ranked Henry's honeysuckle (Lonicera henryi) to the mind pointed honeysuckle (Lonicera acuminata) . Now these plants are one species of climbing honeysuckle. Honeysuckle pointed - its scientific name, Henry's honeysuckle is a synonym, or form of pointed honeysuckle. On sale you can find seedlings of both names. In a creeper, flowers can be colored from yellow to orange and red, and the berries are always dark blue. hallmark are oblong leaves with a pointed tip. View without shelter can withstand up to -15 degrees. In southern Europe, Henry's honeysuckle decorates the walls of tall buildings.

Honeysuckle pointed is cultivated and how ornamental shrub and as a creeper, its stems are up to 2.5 m. It is well suited for hedges. In the southern regions, its green leaves decorate deserted gardens in winter. With more low temperatures evergreen leaves of honeysuckle pointed freeze slightly. Recommended for zones 6-9. For the winter in the middle lane requires mandatory shelter.

Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera ligustrina) even more tender plant. It is for zones 7-9. We grow it in the Caucasus, in the Crimea or in winter gardens. She has fragrant flowers: white and red, and the berries are blue with a black tint. Long-flowering climbing plant, often acting as a ground cover. In a popular variety Halliana shoots up to 5 meters long. Variety "Aureoreticulata" leaves are covered with light yellow veins. Variety Purpurea foliage purple in winter.

In addition to highly decorative varieties, some other types of climbing honeysuckle can fill a vertical space or object and decorate our garden.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera prolifera) - with pale yellow flowers and red berries. A variety soaring up to 3-4 m in height. It originated from North America, stable throughout Russia. The size of the corollas, although somewhat inferior to honeysuckle, but in the fall the liana looks simply amazing when its red berries shine against the backdrop of golden-colored foliage.

Honeysuckle gray-ash (Lonicera glaucescens) , she is gray honeysuckle (Lonicera dioica) - a North American species brought to us in the 19th century. Shoots are not as strong as honeysuckle. It grows rapidly, is found in many parts of Russia. Even in St. Petersburg (North-Western region), only the tips of one-year growth freeze slightly.

Rough honeysuckle (Lonicera hirsuta) frost-resistant vine of Canadian origin. It is covered with multiple yellow flowers, but has no smell. Fruiting. Very decorative and durable. The leaves are pubescent - there are hairs along the edges and on the back.

Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) , a western variety - a reliable beautiful liana. Corollas of yellow and red color, large. Annual shoots of yellow honeysuckle (Lonicera flava) freeze slightly in the Moscow region. It is for zone 5 and south.