Non-verbal communication of a woman.

Male non-verbal sexual cues are pretty primitive - so learning to recognize them isn't that hard.

Not so long ago, summer finally began to resemble summer, and along with the heat comes the time of a lot of pleasant things, including sexual or near-sexual adventures. The sexual activity of human organisms increases in direct proportion to temperature. environment and inversely proportional to the distance to the nearest beach.

The human body is so arranged that it needs to signal its states and intentions to the surrounding universe. Especially when it comes about mating games and concerns issues of choosing a sexual partner. Each region of our planet has its own differences in courtship rituals. But if we omit the variations of cultural norms, then the bottom line is a fairly typical set of sexual signals characteristic of almost all nations and peoples.

But first, you need to answer three simple questions, and then move on to practical examples.

Question 1. Why do we need sexual signals at all?

The fact is that sexual courtship is an energetically very expensive process. And under conditions of tough natural selection, this can be too dangerous an investment. I spent a lot of energy on seduction - I didn't have enough energy to escape from a saber-toothed tiger. Failed to reciprocate from the female, and your individual gene recipe is derived from an evolution cookbook, non-renewable. In other words, individuals who poorly read sexual signals and made a mistake in choosing a sexual partner eventually died out without leaving offspring.

Question 2. Are they such hidden, these very sexual signals?

Sexual signals are designed to let others know about your intention. Nature is wise, she will not create an unnecessary system. But nature is one thing, and personal individuality is another. Not all individuals are equally smart. And not all participants in the mating season transmit their signals with the same strength and uniqueness. This is influenced by:

- age features. In childhood, we simply do not notice these signals, in youth we can misinterpret, taking wishful thinking, but in old age ... However, let's not talk about sad things.

- current hormonal state. A young human male who last had sex several years ago will perceive any gesture of the opposite sex as the most explicit invitation.

individual characteristics... Whatever one may say, but there are people who have a more or less developed flair for the nuances of human communication. Communication in all senses, including sexually. And only experience can help here, but it also has a very limited range of possibilities.

Question 3. Why does not having sexual signals mean guaranteed sex?

In fact, the sex signal has a wider range of purposes than just inviting just anyone to have sex. Conventionally, sexual signals can be divided into three groups. For the sake of simplicity, we will call them level 1, level 2, and level 3 signals. And the signals of the first and second levels are not aimed at sex as such. Their task is to maintain the context of the sexual conversation and move to the third level of signals. Which is just designed for further continuation of contact in bed.

1. Level 1 signals created in order to show that a person of the opposite sex is seen. These are the simplest and most harmless signals. Such as abdominal retraction in men or hair straightening in women. The purpose of such signals is to fix yourself in the focus of a potential partner's attention. Often these are completely unconscious impulses and there is no intention behind them.

2. Level 2 signals speak of a desire to stand out from other sexual competitors. The goal is to show your attractiveness and stand out from the general background.

3. Level 3 signals. The most unambiguous and challenging behavioral signs. They talk about the presence of a clearly defined intention to satisfy sexual arousal.

Let's start with men, since their language of sexual signals is more primitive and it will be easier and faster to overcome it (in the sense of learning).

Level 1 Sexual Signals

1. Pose

As soon as a man notices a woman whom he likes and whose attention he craves, he immediately tries to acquire the outer contour of a viable male. The stomach is drawn in, the back straightens, the chest straightens, the shoulders rise and spread to the side. The man becomes taller, slimmer and looks more significant. The key task is to become, if not the largest male, then at least larger than usual.

2. Vector of motion

The man's body turns towards the woman who interested him. Men prefer to look danger straight in the eye, and in this case it is true. The man turns to face the woman in order to see her better.

But there are cases when turning is inconvenient for various reasons (the organization of space or moral norms does not allow). However, even here the subconscious mind finds a way out - the feet unfold in the direction of the desired woman. One or both.

3. The need to tidy up clothes

Men tend to straighten their tie. Although the range of signals related to clothing is wider - men begin to unconsciously shake off dust particles, fiddle with shirt cuffs, straighten their jackets - nevertheless, an attempt to straighten a tie is the leader among gestures.

4. Working with hair

Another common sign is when a man adjusts his hair. Usually this is expressed in smoothing the hair with his hand, which indicates the man's plans to reduce the distance between him and the woman he liked.

Level 2 contact signals.

1. Reducing the distance. The very first sign that a man is trying to stand out among his own kind and attract the attention of a woman he likes is an attempt to get closer. In this case, men use any reason for this.

2. The mating roar of the male. Usually a man begins to speak louder than usual and so that the most successful jokes, sayings, tirades reach the lovely ears of the chosen one. Often men in such a situation start laughing too loudly, even if the joke is pretty bearded.

3. Change of posture. Men either try to spread their legs wider and take a more stable position (flirting and seduction is a duel between a man and fate, and during a duel you need to stand firmly on your feet), or, on the contrary, demonstrate frank imposingness and relaxation. Their poses are either overly stable-symmetrical, or frankly lax-relaxed.

4. Long look. This sign speaks for itself. A man tries to attract a woman's attention by looking at her. Maybe he just has poor eyesight, but usually a long look indicates a desire for reciprocal eye contact. By the nature of the reciprocal look, the man can conclude whether the woman is ready for further rapprochement measures or whether it is necessary to look for another victim.

5. Demonstration of thumbs. This gesture can most often be observed when a man, while talking with a woman, hides his hands in his pockets, but his thumbs stick out. We all know what Doctor Freud could have said about elongated objects sticking out of his trousers. And he is right, but only in part: the demonstration of thumbs, like the demonstration of any oblong object, is not so much erotic as it is hierarchical. Thus, men express their aggressiveness, dominance, and authority. It is no coincidence that such a gesture is often encountered during a purely male conversation. Are they not preoccupied with sexual issues at this time?

Another common option is to place your thumbs behind the belt. But in general, any gestures in the genital area indicate the intimate nature of the conversation. And if the conversation takes place between a man and a woman, then they definitely have a sexual connotation. They can discuss futures prices or talk about environmental issues or modern education, but if their gestures are formed in the lower abdomen, then they are really talking exclusively about mutual sympathy. It's just that the wrong words are being used for this.

Level 3 contact signals.

Here we will focus on signals that have an overtly sexual connotation.

1. Copying gestures. At a certain stage of communication, a man begins to copy non-verbal behavior women. He becomes a kind of her mirror. He repeats her movements, the tilt of the body, the nature of the posture and muscle tone. Even breathing, timbre and speed of speech become identical.

2. Touching and stroking. At the level of contact of the third level, men open their hands. A man will try to touch either his chosen one, or himself, or just some object. Touching and stroking speaks of arousal that has arisen and a desire to realize this excitement. The fact is that with sexual arousal, our skin becomes more sensitive, and we begin to get more pleasure from touching and stroking. We feel more sharply and more deeply feel all the pleasure from this process. Therefore, it is no coincidence that men begin to stroke the stem of a glass of wine. They really would like to stroke the other leg, but until it comes to the end, the pleasure can be obtained from the glass too.

3. Removing clothing. Almost literally. If on the first level a man straightened his tie to look better, then on the third level the tie starts to really interfere. With excitement, the blood circulates more strongly, and the pinched collar of the shirt creates an unconscious sensation of discomfort. At this stage, the tie is no longer straightened, but rather trying to loosen its knot.

Another of the conspiratorial gestures is playing with the clock. Men are filming wrist watch and play with a bracelet. Or they fiddle with buttons, zippers and fasteners on clothes. In other words, a man subconsciously hurries to get rid of his clothes, since the body requires that which is forbidden by morality.

A man is by nature a polygamous hunter. He needs as many sexual sacrifices as possible - and regularly. But this happens not because he can do a lot, but because he wants a lot. In general, their non-verbal sexual signaling is rather primitive and one does not need to have deep knowledge of behavioral psychology in order to understand which of the men is more affected by the hormonal wave.

Of course, male sexual signaling is more diverse than described in the blog, but within the framework of our format, it is not possible to describe absolutely all the nuances and interpretations. However, the most key and common features are named and described.

Separation of sexual signals into three levels, according to by and large, is rather arbitrary, since individual characteristics (age, experience and state of the organism) also leave their mark here. Experienced seducers who know the sexual signals can put them into practice by swapping places, using them sooner or later than required by non-verbal psychology, making women feel confused and therefore more vulnerable.

But women, too, do not remain in debt and respond to men with a much more sophisticated, complex and unpredictable system of sexual signals. Which, admittedly, men read with great difficulty.

I will talk about these female secrets in the second part of the blog on hidden sex signals.

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Non-verbal communication is a non-verbal form of communication that includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, visual contact, timbre of voice, touch, and conveys imaginative and emotional content.

Language of non-verbal communication components

Non-verbal language is a type of communication when words are not used: facial expressions, gestures, intonations are the most important part of communication. At times, much more can be said with these means than with words. Australian expert on "body language" A. Pease claims that 7% of information is transmitted with the help of words, sound means (including tone of voice, intonation, etc.) - 38%, facial expressions, gestures, postures (non-verbal communication) - 55 %. In other words, we can say that what is important is not what is said, but how it is said.
It consists of: tone of voice, timbre, pitch, speed, intonation and others various characteristics non-verbal, song, your appearance, your clothes, your posture, your facial expressions, your smile or lack thereof, your gaze, your movements, dances, your gait, the depth and speed of your breathing, your gestures during conversation, nodding and shaking your head, the direction of your arms and legs, applause, touching during conversation, shaking hands and hugs, behavior.

Non-verbal communication

First, it is necessary to show your interest in the upcoming conversation, your willingness to cooperate, your openness to new ideas and suggestions. When communicating, you should pay attention to posture, gaze, gestures - as these are the most obvious methods of non-verbal communication. Your behavior should be natural, not tense, should not force your interlocutor to tense up and wait for a catch.

When communicating with an interlocutor, you should not take a pose that shows your closeness to communication and aggressiveness: these are frowning eyebrows, elbows set wide apart on the table, fingers clenched into fists or clasped together, crossed legs and arms. Do not wear glasses with tinted lenses, especially when meeting for the first time, unless there is an urgent need - the bright sun, strong wind, because, not seeing the eyes of the communication partner, your interlocutor may feel uncomfortable, since a significant amount of information is closed to him, and the person begins to involuntarily strain. As a result of all this, the atmosphere of direct communication can be disrupted.
The main non-verbal means of communication are gestures. Gestures-symbols, gestures-illustrators, gestures-regulators, gestures adapters.

Gestures-symbols are very limited by the framework of a particular culture or locality, and are the simplest methods of non-verbal communication.

Illustrator gestures - used to explain what has been said (for example, pointing with the hand), are also simple techniques of non-verbal communication.

Gesture controls - play important role at the beginning and end of the conversation. One of these control gestures is the handshake. This is the traditional and oldest form of greeting. These gestures are more complex non-verbal communication techniques.
Gestures - adapters - accompany our feelings and emotions. They resemble children's reactions and are manifested in situations of stress, excitement, become the first signs of anxiety - nervous fingering of clothes, tapping with a foot, a pen, etc.
So, help to tell about your interlocutor facial expressions, postures and gestures and his body language.

Facial expressions

Most often, the main object of research is the person's face. The study of the basic mimic states, such as joy, anger, fear, disgust, surprise, suffering, has developed a unit of facial expression analysis - a mimic sign. The totality of these features forms the structure of various facial expressions. Let's consider the most typical emotional states.

The first and often the main impressions of a person can be formed from observing the grimaces of his face.

Pleasure - arises when savoring a gustatory experience. The most pronounced facial expressions occur in those people who have developed kinesthetic perception abilities.

A testing grimace (lips are extended forward, can be slightly opened or not closed tightly) arises during assessment, examination.

Protest (the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the mouth may be slightly open) is often accompanied by wide open eyes.

Surprise - the mouth is open as much as possible. If this grimace is accompanied by wide-open eyes, eyebrows raised upward, horizontal folds on the forehead, it expresses the highest degree of surprise - stupefaction.

Concern (lips are stretched out in a "tube") is often accompanied by an appraising look, staring into emptiness.

An open mouth ("drooping" jaw) means not only surprise, but also the inability to make a decision at the moment, the inability to volitional efforts. This grimace can express relaxation and passivity.

An emphatically closed mouth (tense) indicates firmness of character, often a lack of desire to continue the conversation, a denial of the possibility of a compromise.

A pursed mouth (often whitened lips are drawn in, the line of the mouth is narrow) means rejection, denial, stubbornness and even cruelty, stubbornness and annoyance.

An "elongated" face occurs when the hanging corners of the lips are relaxed. Such relaxation speaks of disappointment, sadness, longing, lack of optimism. The degree of relaxation, complemented by dull eyes, an open mouth, vertical folds on the forehead, speaks of the depth of such an emotional state, up to and including suffering. The lowered corners of the lips with a tense mouth (the gap between the lips is closed) characterize an active-negative position, anger, neglect, disgust, annoyance, ridicule, and mockery.

Emotions are usually associated with facial expressions as follows:
... surprise - raised eyebrows, wide open eyes, drooping down the tips of the lips, parted mouth;
... fear - raised and narrowed eyebrows above the bridge of the nose, wide open eyes, the corners of the lips are lowered and slightly pulled back, the lips are stretched to the sides, the mouth can be open;
... anger - the eyebrows are lowered, the wrinkles on the forehead are curved, the eyes are narrowed, the lips are closed, the teeth are clenched;
... disgust - the eyebrows are lowered, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruding or raised and closed with the upper lip;
... sadness - the eyebrows are drawn together, the eyes are extinct; often the corners of the lips are slightly lowered;
... happiness - the eyes are calm, the corners of the lips are raised and usually laid back.
Look at the left side of your face

Artists and photographers have long known that a person's face is asymmetrical, with the result that the left and right sides of our face reflect emotions in different ways. Recent studies have explained this by the fact that the left and right sides of the face are controlled by different hemispheres of the brain.

The left hemisphere controls speech and intellectual activity, the right one controls emotions, imagination, and sensory activity. Control connections overlap: the work of the left hemisphere is reflected on the right side of the face and gives it an expression that lends itself to more control. Therefore: everything that a person tries to demonstrate to others is displayed on the right half of his body, and what he actually experiences is displayed on the left.

Since the work of the right hemisphere of the brain is reflected on the left side of the face, it is more difficult to hide feelings on this side. Positive emotions reflected more evenly on both sides of the face, negative emotions are clearly expressed on the left side. However, both hemispheres of the brain function together, so the differences described relate to the nuances of expression.

Symmetry in the display of feelings on the face usually speaks of the sincerity of human emotion, while the stronger the falsity, the more different facial expressions are between the right and left halves. In short, if one side of the face is curved more than the other, then the person is definitely lying.

If the face of the interlocutor expresses a certain emotional state - anger, fear, joy - for more than ten seconds, you should know: this is false. Sincere expressions are replaced with lightning speed. A genuine surprise, for example, lasts no more than a second.

If in a conversation a person often shows you the right half of his face, he is hiding his feelings or lying.

Involuntary reactions

These reactions are usually difficult to control (although they try to mask them with various methods) and therefore are very informative. Some of them are detected during hardware diagnostics of deception, carried out by devices known under the general name "lie detector" (as well as "polygraph").

The standard reading of these reactions is:
... redness of the face (sometimes spots) - shame, anger;
... whitening of the face - fear, a sign of guilt;
... dilated pupils - interest, pleasure, consent, severe pain;
... constriction of the pupils - displeasure, rejection;
... increased beating of the pulse on the veins of the hands or arteries of the neck (twitching of the tie on the neck due to an active heartbeat ...) - anxiety, fear, shame, deception;
... decreased heart rate - increased attention;
... fast or shallow breathing - internal tension;
... short breathing through the nose - anger;
... respiratory failure, spasmodic throat movements and reflex swallowing of saliva - anxiety, shame, deception;
... dry mouth (swallowing, licking lips, thirst ...) - fear, deception;
... sudden exposure of teeth is a sign of rage, aggressiveness;
... perspiration, sweat - anger, embarrassment, nervousness, deception;
... trembling (in fingers and toes, facial muscles ...) - internal tension, fear, deception;
... frequent blinking - excitement, deception;
... rumbling in the stomach - fear (not always, of course ...);
... grinding teeth - severe nervousness, stress, inability to carry out what was planned.
Such reactions are usually easier to detect in men than in women, who are also better at cheating.

Gestures and postures

It is possible to distinguish gestures and postures of openness, protection, reflection and assessment, doubt and uncertainty, disagreement, confidence, indicating the end of a meeting or a delay in time.
Openness gestures
They testify to the sincerity of the interlocutor, his good-natured mood and desire to speak frankly. This group of signs includes gestures " open arms"and" unbuttoning the jacket ".

Open arms
The speaker made a gesture with his hand (or two) towards the listener, with the palm facing up for a moment. This gesture is especially evident in children: when they are proud of their achievements, they openly show their hands. When they feel guilty, they hide their hands either behind their backs or in their pockets.

The open arms gesture demonstrates a desire to meet and establish contact. It is best to start this gesture as if from the depths, from the level of the abdomen, directing your hands slightly up towards the interlocutor. It shows "nothing is hidden here" Such a gesture favorably emphasizes the phrases "We are ready to cooperate with you", "You can trust us."

A more emotional and warm gesture is when the hands describe a trajectory from their "heart" to the "heart" of the interlocutor. This gesture emphasizes the interconnection of interests, for example, of the seller and the customer. It can enhance the impact of phrases such as "We have specially prepared such a contract in your interests", "Our concern is for you to feel comfortable"

Unbuttoning your jacket

People who are open and friendly to you often unbutton and even take off their jacket in your presence. Observations show that agreement between interlocutors in unbuttoned jackets is achieved more often than between those who remained buttoned. Anyone who changed his mind in a favorable direction, unclenched his hands and automatically unbuttoned his jacket.

When it becomes clear that an agreement or a positive solution to the issue under discussion is possible, as well as in the case when a positive impression of teamwork is created, those sitting unbutton their jackets, straighten their legs and move to the edge of the chair closer to the table, which separates them from the interlocutor sitting opposite them ...

Suspicious and secretive gestures
They indicate distrust, doubt about your correctness, a desire to hide something, to hide from you. In these cases, the interlocutor mechanically rubs his forehead, temples, chin, seeks to cover his face with his hands. But more often than not, he tries not to look at you, averting his gaze to the side. Another indicator of secrecy is gesture inconsistency. If a hostile or defensive person smiles, it means that he is trying to hide his insincerity with an artificial smile.

Defense gestures and postures
Show that the interlocutor feels danger or threat. The most common gesture of this group is the arms crossed over the chest. The arms can occupy three characteristic positions.

Simple crossing of arms

It is a universal gesture that denotes a defensive or negative state of the interlocutor. In this case, you should reconsider what you are doing or saying, For the interlocutor will begin to withdraw from the discussion.

It should also be considered that this gesture affects the behavior of others. If in a group of four or more people one has crossed his arms, then soon you can expect that others will follow this example. True, this gesture can simply mean calmness and confidence, but this happens when the atmosphere of the conversation is not of a conflict nature. If, in addition to the arms crossed on the chest, the interlocutor still clenches his fingers into a fist, this indicates his hostility or offensive position. In this case, you need to slow down your speech and movements, as if inviting the interlocutor to follow your example. If this does not help, then try to change the topic of the conversation.

The hands of the crossed arms clasp the shoulders

Sometimes the hands dig into the shoulders or biceps so hard that the fingers turn white. This means curbing the interlocutor's negative reaction to your position. He is ready to rush into battle and can hardly restrain himself so as not to interrupt you.

This technique is used when the interlocutors argue, trying at all costs to convince the other of the correctness of their position.

The crossed arms pose is often accompanied by a cold, slightly narrowed gaze and an artificial smile. This facial expression says that your interlocutor is "at the limit." And if you do not take prompt measures to reduce tension, a breakdown can occur.

Arms crossed on the chest with thumbs upright

This gesture sends a double signal; the first is about a negative attitude (arms crossed), the second is the feeling of superiority expressed by the thumbs. The interlocutor using this gesture usually plays with one or both fingers, and the standing position is characterized by swaying in his heels. The gesture is also used to express ridicule or disrespect for a person who is pointed with the thumb over his shoulder.

Reflection and evaluation gestures
Reflect a state of thoughtfulness and a desire to find a solution to the problem. A pensive facial expression is accompanied by a hand-to-cheek gesture, when the interlocutor assumes the pose of Rodin's The Thinker, resting his hand on his cheek. This gesture indicates that he is interested in something. It remains to find out what prompted the focus on some problem.

Pinching the bridge of the nose, usually with closed eyes, indicates deep concentration and intense reflection.

When the interlocutor is busy with the decision-making process, he scratches his chin. After the decision is made, scratching stops. This gesture is usually matched by slightly narrowed eyes on the face - he seems to be looking at something in the distance, looking for the answer to his question there.

When the interlocutor brings his hand to his face, resting his chin on the palm, and the index finger stretches along the cheek (the rest of the fingers are below the mouth), this is eloquent evidence that he is critical of your arguments.

Gestures of doubt and uncertainty
Most often expressed by scratching the place under the earlobe or the side of the neck with the index finger of the right hand. Touching or lightly rubbing the nose is also a sign of doubt. When your interlocutor finds it difficult to answer your question, he often begins to touch or rub his nose with his index finger.

However, a word of caution should be made here: sometimes people rub their nose because it itches. However, those who scratch their nose usually do it vigorously, while those for whom it serves as a gesture only lightly touch.

Resentment pose

The interlocutor raises his shoulders and lowers his head ("snubbing"). This pose is often accompanied by drawing on a piece of paper (arrows, circles, etc.).

You should switch the conversation to another (preferably neutral) topic. When you see that the interlocutor has calmed down, carefully find out the reason for his resentment.

Unwillingness to listen, desire to end the conversation
If your interlocutor drops his eyelids, then you have become uninteresting for him, or simply bored, or he feels superior over you. When you notice this look in your interlocutor, keep in mind that something needs to be changed if you are interested in successfully ending the conversation.

Ear scratching is caused by the desire of the interlocutor to isolate himself from heard words. Another option for touching your ear is rubbing the auricle, drilling in the ear with your fingertip, or pulling on the earlobe to try to cover the opening. This gesture suggests that the interlocutor has heard enough and wants, perhaps, to express himself.

In the case when the interlocutor clearly wants to end the conversation faster, he noticeably (and sometimes unconsciously) moves and turns towards the exit door, while his legs also turn to the exit. The turn of his body and the position of his legs indicate that he really wants to leave. An indicator of such a desire is also a gesture when the interlocutor takes off his glasses and defiantly puts them aside.

In this situation, you need to interest the interlocutor with something or give him the opportunity to leave.

Wasting time

One of the ways to delay the time to think about the decision is to bite the temple of the glasses, as well as constantly removing and putting on glasses, and wiping the lenses.

When you observe such a gesture immediately after asking the person for their decision, it is best to keep quiet while waiting.

If the partner puts on the glasses again, it means that he wants to "look" at the facts again.

A sign of a desire to slow down the pace is pacing. Many interlocutors resort to this method trying to "stretch out time" to resolve difficult problem or make a difficult decision. Those who walk around should not be distracted. This can disrupt their train of thought and interfere with their decision making.

Language of the body

Evidence of lies

During a conversation, it is very important to detect gestures that accompany a lie. Unconscious gestures and body movements can betray a deceiver with a head. During deception, our subconscious mind throws out nervous energy, which manifests itself in gestures that contradict what is being said.

Psychologists say that a liar, no matter how he tries to hide his lie, can still be recognized, because he is betrayed by the lack of correspondence between the micro-signals of the subconscious, manifested in gestures, and the words spoken.

Gestures associated with bringing the hands to the face

They should alert you: apparently, your interlocutor has something unpleasant or bad on his mind. It can be doubt, uncertainty, a gloomy foreboding. But most often this is some exaggeration of the actual fact or an obvious lie. Let's start with what gestures can give the interlocutor if he is clearly lying.

When we watch or hear others tell lies or lie ourselves, we try to cover our mouth, eyes, or ears with our hands. Protecting your mouth with your hand is one of the few overt gestures that clearly indicates a lie. The hand covers the mouth and the thumb is pressed to the cheek, as it sends a signal to restrain the spoken words. Some people try to fake a cough to disguise this gesture.

If such a gesture is used by the interlocutor at the time of speech, this indicates that he is telling a lie. However, if he covers his mouth with his hand at the moment when you speak, and he listens, it means that he understands that you are lying.

Touching your nose is a subtle, disguised version of the previous gesture. It can be expressed in a few light touches in the dimple under the nose, or it can be expressed in one quick, almost imperceptible touch on the nose.

An explanation for this gesture may be that during a lie, tickling urges appear on the nerve endings of the nose and you really want to scratch it.

The rubbing of the eyelids is caused by the fact that there is a desire to hide from deception or suspicion and to avoid looking into the eyes of the interlocutor who is being told a lie.

Men usually rub their eyelids very vigorously, and if the lie is very serious, then they look away or, even more often, look at the floor.

Women very delicately do this movement by sliding their finger under the eye.

Lying usually causes an itchy sensation in muscle tissue not only the face, but also the neck. Therefore, some interlocutors pull back their collars when they lie or suspect that their deception has been revealed.

When you see that the other person is lying, you can ask him to repeat or clarify what was said. This will force the cheater to abandon the continuation of his cunning game.


She, according to Balzac, "the physiognomy of the body." Its components are: rhythm, step dynamics, amplitude of body transfer during movement, body weight. These indicators are manifested in different people differently. By gait, one can judge the well-being of a person, his character, age. To master the skills of "reading" gaits, let us point out their characteristic species and let us explain what each of them means:
... an anxious person - walks in the pose of a "thinker", his head is down, his hands are clasped behind his back;
... being in a depressed state - hands in motion or in pockets, legs volomite and, as a rule, looks under their feet;
... confident - walks quickly, waving his arms, has a clear goal and intends to realize it;
... arrogant - a high chin, hands move with emphatic vigor, legs like wooden - "walking the leader".
To create an attractive appearance, the gait of a confident person is most preferable. Creates an impression of confidence and correct posture, besides, good posture makes any person slimmer. On the contrary, bad posture gives the impression of laxity, lack of composure and uncertainty.

To create a more favorable impression of yourself, your posture should not be stiff, but light, springy and always straight. At the same time, the head is slightly raised, the back is straightened. Try to stand and sit up straight at all times.

Confidence and self-confidence

A self-confident person with a sense of superiority over others is betrayed by placing his hands behind his back and grabbing the wrist.

From this gesture should be distinguished gestures "hands behind the back in the castle." He says that the person is upset and is trying to pull himself together. The more angry a person is, the higher his hand moves along the back. It was from this gesture that the expression "pull yourself together" came from. This gesture is used to hide their nervousness and an observant partner will surely understand this.

An indicator of self-righteousness and arrogance is the position of the hands "house".

A gesture of self-confident people with a sense of superiority over others is to put their hands behind their heads. This gesture is typical for "know-it-alls" too. Many interlocutors get annoyed when someone demonstrates it in front of them.

There are several ways to interact with the interlocutor who used this gesture. If you want to find out the reason why the other person is demonstrating their superiority, lean forward and say, "I see you know this. Could you clarify something?" Then sit back and wait for an answer.

Another way is to get such an arrogant interlocutor to change his position, which will contribute to a change in his attitude. You need to take some document, ask: "Have you seen this?", Forcing him to lean forward.

Disagreement gestures

Gathering and plucking non-existent villi from a suit is one of such gestures. Doing this, the interlocutor usually sits, turned away from others, and looks at the floor. This is the most common gesture of disapproval. When the interlocutor constantly strips the fluff from his clothes, this is a sure sign that he does not like everything that is said here. Even if in words he agrees with everything.

Readiness gestures

They signal the desire to end the conversation. They are manifested by feeding the body forward, while the hands lie on the knees, or hold on to the edges of the chair. If any of these gestures appear during a conversation, you should take the initiative and be the first to offer to end the conversation. This will allow you to maintain a psychological advantage and manage the situation.

Smoking habits

Indicates how the interlocutor relates to the prevailing circumstances: positively or negatively. First of all, you need to pay attention to the direction in which he releases smoke from his mouth - up or down.

Positive-minded, self-confident and happy person will blow smoke up constantly.

On the contrary, a negative person, with hidden or suspicious thoughts, will almost always direct the stream of smoke downward.

Blowing a jet down from the corners of the mouth speaks of an even more negative attitude and secrecy.

Whether a person is positive or negative can be judged by the rate at which the smoke is released. The faster the jet is released upward, the more confident a person feels, the faster it is blown downward, the worse the person is.

Observations of smokers' gestures in the context of sale and purchase show that if you ask a smoking customer about his decision, those who made a positive decision blow smoke upward, while those who decided not to buy send the jet downward.

Breathing smoke through the nostrils is a sign of an arrogant, self-confident person. The stream of smoke in this case goes down only due to the location of the nostrils, and the person often raises his head up, which makes him look even more arrogant. If a person's head is tilted downward when they blow smoke through their nose, it means they are angry.

Attention! An attempt to "read" scammers in a presentation using sign language is hampered by the following circumstances:
... being loaded with a stream of information that has befallen him, the client is also unable to follow the pantomime of those who "chatter" the client;
... politicians and presenters are taught sign language and rarely make blunders.
Interlocutor poses

It is very useful to keep an eye on the position of the shoulders, arms and head of the interlocutor, as this provides important information to better understand him. These details convey true thoughts and moods much better than words. We will now decipher the most characteristic poses.

Typically, a person lifts their shoulders when they are tense and lowers when they are relaxed. A person intending to make a message or presentation can obtain significant information about the mood of the audience by observing the position of the listeners' shoulders and heads. The more unfriendly and tense the audience, the more raised shoulders and lowered corners of the mouth there.

A raised head and lowered shoulders can mean openness, interest, a mood for success, a sense of control over the situation.

A lowered head, raised shoulders can express isolation, a feeling of defeat, contempt, dissatisfaction, fear, insecurity.

A tilted head may indicate interest, curiosity, and possibly courtship (flirting).

Poses are very expressive, fixing only the position of the body, by which one can also judge internal state person. If a person says what he thinks, his body sends signals that we call unambiguous. In such cases, the body is usually carried straight, without much bending, and can be described by a straight line connecting the head to the feet. When the correspondence between thoughts and words is violated, the body begins to send double signals, and the line repeating the contour of the body becomes a broken line.


By shaking hands, you can determine the partner's attitude towards you.

A domineering handshake offers little chance of establishing a relationship of equality. Such a handshake is characterized by the fact that the outstretched hand for the handshake covers the partner's hand on top. This gesture of domination is typical of many successful and high-ranking people.

There is a way to neutralize this technique: grasp the supplied hand on top of the wrist and shake it. Thus, the unwillingness to accept a dependent, subordinate position is shown. This is, of course, the moment of the psychological struggle for a favorable distribution of roles, so you need to be ready for a possible confrontation. So you have to choose - either to fight right away, or try to outplay the partner who wants to dominate in the future at the expense of better preparation in the subject of discussion.

There are more soft way neutralizing the dominant handshake: right hand at the time of the handshake, takes the position proposed by the initiator, but at the same time left hand placed on top of the partner's hand. This gesture is both friendly and neutralizing the position of superiority.

An equal or friendly handshake - the hand moves vertically.

A long handshake is an attitude to seize leadership. The winner is the one who removes his hand last.

A weak, sluggish handshake characterizes a person who is ready to be a victim.

If the partner quickly removes his hand, then he is practical or suspicious.

Avoids handshakes - shy, withdrawn, afraid of embarrassment.

"Dead" grip - the desire to win in any situation.

Left hand "talkativeness"

Signs of insincerity are largely associated with the left hand. This is due to the fact that the right hand, as the more developed (for most people), is more controlled by the mind and does the right thing.

The left one, less developed and controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, does what the subconscious wants, thereby betraying the secret thoughts of a person. If the interlocutor gestures with his left hand, then this should alert you: it is very likely that he is deceiving or taking an unfriendly position.

Enumeration gesture

One of the gestures that sellers are encouraged to master is the "listing gesture." It is good for visually enumerating the merits of a product. You say, "Firstly, it is perfectly erased," and bend one finger, "secondly, it can be washed countless times, and it will remain the same," and bend the second finger, "thirdly, your the wife will just be happy when he appears in the house, "- and bend your third finger. This technique can be continued further - it's good if you can clamp all fingers on both hands in favor of your product.

But do not overdo it. The buyer may lose interest on the seventh finger. Sometimes this gesture works with a hesitant customer. On one hand we can pinch our fingers, counting the "minuses" of the purchase, on the other - the "pluses". What do you think should outweigh?

Sexual gestures

It is much easier to convince a person of the opposite sex if the persuader is attracted precisely as a representative of the same gender. In this case, the listener often sends signals that indicate their desire to please.

Since this is an extremely important circumstance, it is necessary to be able to decipher these signals.

Sexual gestures in men
In men, signals of sexual interest are:
... begins to smarten up: smoothes hair, straightens a tie, cufflinks, a shirt, pulls on a collar, a jacket, brushes a non-existent speck of dust off the shoulder or dandruff;
... looks with an intimate gaze (transfers it to the chest and below) and holds the gaze a little longer than usual;
... the pupils dilate when looking at a woman;
... puts his thumbs on the belt in the abdomen to focus on the area of ​​his genitals;
... stands, keeping his hands on his hips, turning the body towards the woman, the toe of the foot is directed towards her.
Sexual gestures in women

When it comes to "seduction," the male tricks, compared to the female ones, are reminiscent of the successes of a fisherman standing knee-deep in water and trying to catch fish either with his hands or with a stick in the water.

There are incomparably more gestures and signals sent by a woman, perceived as enticing on a subconscious level, than male ones. They are:
... touching hair;
... straightening clothes;
... prolonged gaze and increased eye contact;
... dilated pupils and blush on the cheeks;
... shaking hair;
... demonstration of the smooth tender skin of their wrists (for example, while smoking, hold a cigarette at the level of the neck or shoulders, exposing the wrist towards the man of interest);
... swinging hips (emphasizing the charms of the pelvis);
... sidelong glance, furtively;
... slightly parted mouth, moist lips;
... bright lipstick, "pattern" of swollen lips;
... swinging the shoe on the toes;
... the interlacing of the legs, in which they seem to line up on one line, aimed at the woman's object of interest;
... slowly throwing one leg over the other in front of the man's eyes and slowly returning it to the opposite position;
... gentle stroking of the thighs with a hand, often while the woman speaks in a low, low voice.
There is such an observation: if a man in a company gives a woman a light and she, as if by chance, gently touches him with her hand or makes a subtle movement towards him, this usually means her readiness to flirt or even to have an affair.

Aggressive gestures
Aggressive and aggressive warning gestures need to be monitored especially carefully, because they are the ones that warn that the situation is starting to get out of control.

So if the rib index finger taps on the table, it means the following: "I warn you again - then blame yourself!" If the surface of a finger taps, then it corresponds approximately to the following remark: "What are you talking about ?! Wait, darling, wait!"

"I can hit you!" - this more overt threat stems from the following gesture: pointing, middle and ring fingers stroking or scratching the knuckles of the other hand. The gesture illustrates the readiness for physical aggression.

Less noticeable, but more dangerous gesture aggression is scratching or stroking the ribs of the palm with the pads of the fingers. He illustrates a willingness not only to fight an opponent, but to literally grind him into powder. In this case, the hands are most often raised to the level of the chest.

If the interlocutor's fingers clasped at chest levels are thrown forward like a fan (the palm opens up), this means that the person is not looking for reconciliation, he has enough strength to defend his position. Through this lunge towards the enemy, there is a powerful release of energy concentrated on the tips of the fingers. A person seems to attract to help not only the strength of his arguments, but also the energy potential of the body.

The weak can be easily "jinxed" with such a gesture. A person will feel unwell, a decline of will and strength. But the good thing is that this gesture is quite rare in a face-to-face conversation, more often it appears in a dispute between one person and several worthy rivals.

A pointing or accusing finger is appropriate, perhaps, only on the poster "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" In real-life communication, this aggressive gesture interferes with normal open interaction.

If you notice that your interlocutor is increasingly using such gestures, be on your guard, try to do everything to return the conversation to a calmer channel. Change the subject, show your friendliness, frankly find out the real cause of the irritation, or finally postpone the conversation until better times.

Final rules:

... Do not make hasty conclusions on one single body movement of the interlocutor.
... Wait for other signals to tell about his condition.
... Pay attention first of all to the so-called "little things".
... Do not tailor your observation to a pre-existing first impression.

Non-verbal communication, despite our best efforts, gives away our secrets. Girls take advantage of this and think they know everything about men. How to get to them? How to win a girl you like?

The answer is before your eyes. It is not what is important, but how. It doesn't matter what you say matters how do you say it. Girls feel masculine insecurity, and in most cases they will be rejected because of it. Be natural, watch, and the girl herself will tell you how and in which direction to move.

1. Take a closer look at the girl you like and try to draw conclusions: what kind of mood she might have, tired or cheerful, what she is doing, etc. The more information you find, the easier it will be for you to communicate and find topics for conversation.

Usually a girl charms with her appearance, but this does not mean that she will be good at communication. It is important to keep an eye on her movements so as not to be inadvertently disappointed. If the girl's manners, gestures, behavior are similar to yours, then your interests will coincide with the greatest probability. Sign language in non-verbal communication, unlike words and appearance, never lies.

2. Look at her: if she notices your gaze and looks away, then she saw a man in you and acted like a woman. If she looks up at you again, stealthily, she likes you. And in that case - what to expect? You can safely go to get acquainted, otherwise the moment you have the courage to come up, she will get up and leave.

3. To get sympathy - smile when you approach the girl. When you say - look at her, and not to the side, you will betray your uncertainty. Flirt - Women love to flirt.

Non-verbal communication with a girl: Learn to see interest:

- often looks into your eyes;

- straightens a hairdo, any item of clothing or a handbag;

- turns his whole body towards you;

- smiles at you;

- listens attentively;

- she's a little tense.

The girl does not want to meet:

Turns away from you;

Often looks the other way;

Yawns constantly.

I'm not even talking about such frank gestures as deliberately does not answer, gets up and leaves.

You should speak naturally, and most importantly - confidently.

4. Do not forget about the distance at which you should stand, so as not to scare her. Girls do not tolerate invasion of their personal zone without their consent. The girls' personal area is an oval: from the side you can approach them closer than from behind or in front.

5. If it has warmed to you, you can start invading your personal zone. Move closer to her, try to touch her more often so that she perceives you not as a “girlfriend”, but as a man. Don't forget to monitor your reactions and correct your behavior.

6. If you have little time, then end the conversation at the moment when she is very interested in you, then she wants to see you again.

Signs of a girl's sympathy for you in non-verbal communication

  • It is good if the girl reflects your posture and changes in posture (adjustment / dribbling). [By the way, even if she teaches NLP, she will still not adapt to those who are not interesting to her, huh?]
  • In your presence, the skin of the face or open areas of the body turns red
  • With you, the girl starts to get nervous or make stupid mistakes, drop things, make a reservation, etc. Especially when you don't know very well yet.
  • Keep track of the distance between you when communicating. If she stands closer to you than other girls during a conversation, this may indicate that she wants to stand next to you. At a party or disco, she can accidentally appear next to you, then again be near you when you move to another place. “Accidentally” touches you, “accidentally” touches you, looks in your direction (ie at you).
  • Is the conversation going well or does she answer in monosyllables? The paradox here is that a girl can imitate indifference if she really likes you. When talking, if a girl likes you, she can either look into your mouth, “as if you were speaking prophecies,” or, conversely, exaggeratedly object (BZ). Look at non-verbal responses. More indicative are the reactions of the body that are difficult to control (glitter of the eyes, dilated pupils, redness of the skin, erection of the nipples).

When communicating, it does not hurt to give yourself answers to the following questions:

  • Does she touch you?
  • Does she respond positively to your touch?
  • Does the girl laugh at your jokes? By the way, an increase in your mood in your presence is a good sign.
  • Is there a dynamic? Is there an increase in the intensity of signs or an increase in their number? “The most common mistakes are the loss of the process - for example, a girl with shiny eyes, standing nipples, a smile and a bunch of sexy non-verbal - you are near and you conclude that it is TIME, but she sat like this before you appeared and will sit like this after you leave because just recently she had a hot boyfriend and she is still all there…. "

In "Secrets of Sexual Body Language" it was written that there must be at least 4 signs at once and they must be directed at you. Variants are possible when people flirt with everyone except the object of their interest. Look closely at everything in the complex.

Non-verbal communication: details

Principles are good, but the details are all the salt. So, let's take our sympathetic girl apart.

Non-Verbal Communication: Lips

  • The face is relaxed, smiling broadly, showing teeth [if she has ugly teeth, this may not be the case]
  • Bites the lip or licks the lips (some lick one lip, others run their tongue over both lips).
  • Shows the tongue or touches the tongue of the front teeth.
  • Biting her nails [might just be a habit, see how she behaves with others]
  • Slightly protrudes lips (they swell with arousal).
  • When he smokes, he exhales smoke in your direction
  • Passionately responds to your kisses (OL)

Non-Verbal Communication: Eyes

  • The more often he looks you in the eye, the better. The longer you hold your gaze, the better.
  • He looks into your eyes with interest, the pupils are dilated [the dilation of the pupils can also be in the dark - you can compare with your own by looking in the mirror; the pupils also dilate with the use of certain drugs]. First, take a closer look at the diameter of the pupils of people in normal communication with different lighting... In the bar, on the street in the evening. So you will get yourself an idea of ​​the normal diameter of the pupils in different conditions lighting. Over time, it will be on the machine.

A quick note on pupil diameter. I liked this feature. It can be seen easily (except for people who have very dark irises, such as blacks and Indians). It reflects the state of the body, as well as the redness of the skin, that is, it is harder to fake than postures, intonations, and so on.
It happens that a girl pretends that she likes you in order to fuck something with you. I had it. Great sympathy is depicted, it touches you, stands close, and the pupils are quite ordinary, not a bit dilated. There is no reddening of the skin. Disorder ;-)

There are only problems with the reliability of this sign: girls sometimes instill atropine in their eyes to dilate their pupils. Belladonna, from which it was received, is called so in translation: “ beautiful woman". Belladonna tincture was instilled into the eyes for a very long time. Also, the pupils can dilate with the use of certain drugs, such as cocaine.

What I noticed from my experience. Pupil diameter varies by topic. Sometimes you see how ordinary it is when you talk to a girl about serious topics, about work or study, but it increases as soon as the conversation turns to non-work topics (so far without vulgar jokes). Sometimes a girl speaks to one guy, her pupils are normal, and when she speaks to another, they immediately dilate.

Another interesting point. When you want to find out what a girl's pupil diameter is, you look directly into her pupils, right? Such a look in itself can be regarded as a sign of sympathy on your part, so by calibrating a girl you can trigger her interest. But we, in general, need it, right?

  • Eyes shine. The brighter the better.
  • Exaggeratedly raises and then lowers his eyebrows, sometimes this is combined with a smile and a look in your eyes.
  • Winks when talking or from a distance
  • Flashes more often than usual when talking, eyelashes flutter
  • He looks first into the eyes, and then appraisingly, starting from the legs, higher, and again into the eyes. (IK)

Non-Verbal Communication: Hair

  • Adjusts the hairstyle.
  • Twirls her hair around her finger when she looks at you.
  • Shakes her hair back with a head movement (Pease: even with short hair)

Non-Verbal Communication: Clothing

  • If your nipples are visible through your clothing, they will stick out (a sign of arousal).
  • Raises the hem of the skirt to show the leg
  • Straightens clothes. (wants to like it :-)
  • Wears red shoes.

Non-verbal communication: When sitting or standing

  • Moves to the beat of the music, looking at you
  • He begins to sit very evenly, with his shoulders squared.
  • In noisy rooms, he leans towards you to better hear what you are saying
  • She herself offers to change the place, go somewhere in a less noisy environment, or agrees to your offer (no, I’m not talking about “to you or to me?” :-))
  • If you in a club / bar / disco say “now I’ll leave for a couple of minutes and come back”, then when you return, you find her in the same place, or she comes back there when she sees you.
  • Sits with legs apart [depends on upbringing]
  • Rubs foot on foot (guess what else is rubbing there ;-)
  • Rubbing his foot on the table leg
  • He crosses his legs to show the thigh.
  • If it crosses its legs, the toe points in your direction or sways towards you - away from you.
  • If you are sitting next to (in the movies, for example) - touches you with his shoulder
  • Keep track of the distance between you. If she tilts her body towards you - good, from you - not very much. Although you may have bad breath, for example. Therefore, if there is a smell, for the purity of the experiment it will not hurt to go to the dentist, check the teeth and gums, and to the ENT - check the tonsils.
  • She does not lean when you reach out to take something behind her (she is comfortable with you).
  • If you are standing in company, the toe of the outstretched foot points to you (Pease). ”The direction of the toe is very important, and if both socks are looking at you, it’s even better! (She often does not see her legs, so the signal is quite subconscious and poorly controlled) ... It is very important to pay attention to the Dynamics, that is, changes! If we are to take the socks of shoes, then in this case - a certain, albeit minimal, turn in your direction is enough every time you try to attract her attention - the more she reacts, the better ... "

Another moment with the legs, which I noticed quite often. The unsupported leg can be turned with the inner part of the foot towards you so that the supporting and unsupported legs stand at right angles to each other, forming, as it were, the letter T. It is more difficult to describe this than to show, become yourself and you will see. Here it turns out that the girl turns the inner thigh of her unsupported leg towards you. Swivels to show the figure in the best possible perspective, especially on the dance floor

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. When walking

  • Touches you with the shoulder (hints that you take her by the hand)
  • When it turns out that you are walking (or sitting) from behind - periodically looks as if to the side, but in fact tries to catch you with the corner of his eye.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Hands

  • Shows palms in conversation when gesturing
  • Strokes herself: rubs her hands up and down, rubs her cheek or chin. It’s bad if it pinches itself.
  • Sits with his hand on his chest
  • When talking, puts one hand, palm up, on the palm of the other
  • Plays with any objects (keys, jewelry), strokes the glass.
  • It touches your arm, shoulder, hip, knee, back (if you didn't start first;)
  • When you walk by, pretends to look at the clock
  • If the arms and body are still, that is good (she feels comfortable). Worse drumming with fingers [but she may be nervous, see other signs too].
  • When he takes something from you, he touches yours with his fingers.
  • If he shakes your hand, he holds your hand in his a little longer. By the way, you can also use this technique.

Non-verbal behavior of the girl. Speech

  • Raises or lowers his voice after you (tuning)
  • Speeds up or slows down the speech after you (same thing)
  • Laughs in unison with you
  • Laughs at your stupid jokes (her mood rises in your presence)
  • Chesty laugh, low
  • Compliments you
  • In a crowd or company, speaks only to you and focuses on you

Sometimes it happens like this. Some time after the girl liked you, she tries to show you, they say, I’m not talking to you alone, I also like others. Then, in front of your eyes, she flirts with other guys, laughs, etc. What is the purpose here, I do not know, to check your feelings, to cause jealousy or something else.

Here it is very interesting to watch how she seems to be flirting with another, and the socks of BOTH legs are looking at you at this time, or the body is turned in your direction. Non-verbal communication is directed by the right hemisphere, and it gives out all these signs.

The psychology of communication between a man and a woman is a special topic of interest to many, this knowledge is necessary to build harmonious relationships. The main secret is that men and women are very different at the genetic level, differ in their perception of the world, reaction to life, and ways of interaction. Our mistake is to equalize, hope and demand the same attitude, understanding in everything.

Communication problems in psychology have always been relevant, the emergence of misunderstanding, confrontation has clear reasons, factors. Communication arises as a process of interaction between people with the aim of exchanging information, understanding, establishing communication between people.

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The structure of communication in psychology involves ways of expressing thoughts in verbal (words, speech) and non-verbal forms (gestures, facial expressions). Moreover, it was noticed that women more often use non-verbal methods of interaction. Information is set out in various forms, coded - written, oral.

In the article, we will analyze the main differences between men and women that should be taken into account in communication, when meeting, in family life... Information will be the key to the world of the opposite sex, to people “from another planet”. What do men and women need? Why are we so different? These questions have worried people for many centuries.

In the course of biological evolution, development since ancient times, nature laid down differences in structure and perception at the physiological level. To establish mutual understanding between a man and a woman, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities inherent in nature, let us turn to the research of science and psychology. As a result of observations, experiments, scientists noticed the following facts:

The psychology of communication between men and women takes into account the differences at the physiological level. Moreover, the characteristics of the organism are inextricably linked with mental reactions, the perception of the world. In the next section, we will pay attention to the characteristics of behavior, psychological characteristics.

The psychology of communication between a man and a woman presupposes an understanding of each other, our differences in the perception of life, reactions, special rules of the female and male world.

Psychological features of a woman:

  • perceives the world at the level of feelings, emotions, lives with experiences, is completely immersed in love;
  • has a need to discuss his problems, questions, shares with friends, loved one;
  • like to give advice, help with their knowledge;
  • needs care, understanding, as a manifestation of love;
  • feels the need for hugs, expressions of tenderness, affectionate words;
  • it is important for a woman to be the only one, beloved, so that a person is devoted;
  • a woman's confidence is often determined by the attitude of a man; he maintains the status of “beloved, desired, most beautiful”;
  • a woman loves more when she feels cared for, and behaves in the same way in a state of falling in love - shows care, attention, affection.

  • men are focused on business, action, less prone to emotional outbursts;
  • rarely discuss their problems, try to solve themselves or with close friends;
  • give advice when asked;
  • need trust, the beloved woman must believe him;
  • they do not like when they are remade, they are taught to live;
  • need admiration, recognition of merits;
  • approval of actions, praise they need like air;
  • encouragement of good deeds, gratitude for help stimulate new aspirations;
  • a man expresses love through concrete deeds (helping his beloved), helping to solve challenging tasks, through intimate relationships;
  • men are inspired to feats, feeling that their woman needs them.

Thus, the psychology of communication between a man and a woman is based on mutual understanding, respect, recognition of the presence special reactions the opposite sex for life, emotions, manifestations of feelings; understanding this issue has a positive effect on the establishment of effective interaction, the creation of a strong family.

The psychology of communication between men and women involves the establishment of special rules of behavior, the norms necessary to maintain good relationship making contacts. Recommendations are based on the differences in the psyche of men and women. From childhood, we notice features in behavior, hobbies, manifestations of reactions, but we rarely understand ways to establish trusting, honest relationships for many years.

An important truth is that the psychology of good relationships between a man and a woman is built on an understanding of physical and mental differences. The formation of thinking, attitudes towards life, everyday life, family is historically conditioned. A man is not always able to understand the emotionality of women, and women - the vulnerability of pride and the desire for self-realization of men.