Custard gingerbread recipe at home. Choux pastry for gingerbread and honey gingerbread house - cooking secrets Homemade gingerbread recipe

There are a great many recipes for making gingerbread.
This delicacy can be made from custard and raw dough. The dough can be refrigerated for months or baked right away.
The dough can be lean or rich. In the manufacture, you can use various flours of different grinding, butter, margarine and even sunflower oil. Also burnt sugar, regular sugar, cane sugar, honey. Gingerbread dough can be made with or without eggs.
Here you can turn around and use your imagination in choosing gingerbread spirits - a mixture of spices.

Gingerbread is a huge field for experiments. For example, in the coloring of gingerbread, using natural dyes - vegetables or berries, cocoa, coffee, chicory, chocolate and even tea. You can add vodka and cognac, poppy seeds and zest, boiled condensed milk, raisins and nuts to the dough.
Also, gingerbread can and should be decorated! Whipped with sugar protein or sugar glaze, sprinkle with seeds, marzipan, chocolate, poppy seeds, nuts, marshmallows, marmalade. Or use a gingerbread board. In this case, we will get a printed gingerbread.

We make printed gingerbread.


(based on 25 pieces)
  • 225 grams of granulated sugar
  • 115 ml water
  • 120 g honey
  • 90 g butter
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 0.5 kg flour
  • 75 g homemade baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • spices to taste


Dissolve sugar in hot water. Without bringing the syrup to a boil, add the oil and honey.
Remove from heat, stirring constantly, add three tablespoons of flour, cocoa and spices.
Cool the tea leaves to room temperature, after which we introduce the eggs and the remaining flour with baking powder.

The more flour is added, the stiffer the dough becomes.
Gingerbread dough is very tight and requires male hands…. for a beating.

We beat the dough for 15 minutes, immediately proceed to baking.

A large amount of dough is very difficult to roll out. Cut the dough into 4 equal parts. We leave one part for rolling, the rest we put in a saucepan under a damp towel.

Three parts are removed in a saucepan and wait in line.
You can also freeze them until next time.

Roll out a piece of dough the thickness of a gingerbread notch. This is usually about 0.90 cm. No need to flour the board and dough or powder the rolling pin. There is already enough flour in the dough, which we put. Too much flour can make gingerbread cookies hard.

With metal cutters, cut out gingerbread fragments on the rolled out dough. These molds can be used to cut out hand-painted gingerbread cookies or use them to bake cookies.

Lubricate the gingerbread notches (board) with sunflower oil. It is necessary to ensure that the board is well smeared all the time, otherwise the dough will tear when you take out the gingerbread.
We use a toothbrush for lubrication. She gets to all corners well and along the way cleans the board from sticky dough.

We lay out the gingerbread fragments in the recesses and carefully punch them with a pusher.

Carefully remove the gingerbread from the mold onto a cutting board, helping yourself with a knife.
We cut off the excess dough from the edges, we correct the gingerbread, using a knife for this.
Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour through a sieve.
Transfer the cookies to a baking sheet and place in the oven.

Gingerbread on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. With a dough thickness of 0.8-10 mm, it takes just that much time. Gingerbread in the process of baking practically does not change its color, it only brightens a little.
Piercing a gingerbread with a wooden stick, as we do with pies, or touching it with a finger and a knife is useless. Gingerbread will not tell. It'll just be ready in ten minutes.

We take it out of the oven, transfer it with a knife from the baking sheet to a cutting board, let it cool for about 3-5 minutes and remove the layer of flour from the back of the gingerbread with a brush or napkin.
We remove the remaining flour from the baking sheet in order to spill the baking sheet again for the next batch of gingerbread.

Let the gingerbread brew for several hours. Gingerbread is essentially bread. At a time when spices were not yet used in Russia, this delicacy was called honey bread. Like bread, gingerbread also needs to gain flavor and aroma.

Now you can start decorating!

It seems to me that the gingerbread is such an amazing delicacy, with which one is not ashamed to go to a feast, to the world, and to good people! I remember how a long time ago they brought me a gingerbread as a gift - a goat from the Arkhangelsk province. How good it was, what it was a pity. Long admired him!

Bake gingerbread cookies for your family, for children and grandchildren, for loved ones, guests, friends close and distant, colleagues! Especially since Easter is coming soon - a great occasion for a gift!

Bon appetit and good mood everyone!

The entry is posted in sections:

Gingerbread dough custard at home.

Ingredients for gingerbread dough

To prepare the gingerbread dough, you will need products such as flour, sugar and honey. To flavor the gingerbread dough, zest and spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, cloves, star anise, allspice, coriander, cumin are used. Gingerbread dough is prepared in two ways: knead the dough on cold syrup () or on hot syrup (custard gingerbread dough). Choux gingerbread dough can be prepared according to the following recipe: 3 cups flour

  • 1 glass of honey
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 50 gr butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

Pour sugar into honey.

I put butter.

We are preparing a water bath. Pour some water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. We put a saucepan with honey, sugar and butter in it. We heat the mixture.

When the butter is melted, add soda, cinnamon. We stir everything. The foamy mixture brought almost to a boil, remove from heat.

Pour the flour gradually and stir at the same time.

From gingerbread custard dough you can cook delicious and fragrant

At all times in Russia, gingerbread enjoyed special love and respect. They were prepared for celebrations, given as gifts, as a token of love and respect. Today, gingerbread is not as popular as it was 100 years ago, but, meanwhile, their preparation is quite simple. But how can you surprise everyone with such a wonderful dessert!

Our ancestors started baking the first gingerbread in the 9th century from rye flour with berry juice and honey. However, it is known that even the ancient Romans and Egyptians liked to indulge in such delicacies - for the first time, honey cakes seasoned with spices were mentioned in written sources in 350 BC! And already in our era, the Belgians were the first to start baking gingerbread in the city of Dinant - today their recipes have been transformed into Lebkuchen Christmas gingerbread, which are baked in Germany. In Russia, the technology for preparing this delicacy has become a little different. Initially, gingerbread was baked with a large amount of honey - up to 50% of the total weight of all ingredients, and they were called "honey bread". Only from the 12th-13th century, when Indian and oriental spices appeared on sale, which began to be added to these products everywhere, they began to be called "gingerbread". Most often in Russia they prepared gingerbread with bitter orange peel, lemon, vanilla, mint, nutmeg, cumin, anise, ginger, and even black pepper and Italian dill!

Gingerbread cookies were very fond of our ancestors - they were baked for the holidays, given to each other as a sign of love and respect, and on especially solemn occasions they made them very beautiful, of an unusual shape, with various drawings and inscriptions. Tula, Vologda, Tver, Moscow and Arkhangelsk became famous as the "gingerbread capitals", and Tula gingerbreads are well-known in our country today - there the art of their preparation has been passed down from generation to generation for many centuries in a row.

Today, gingerbread can hardly be called the most popular dessert, and the reason for this trend is that store-bought gingerbread has long been different from those that were eaten in Russia before the 20th century, and not every housewife decides to cook homemade ones. Once having prepared gingerbread cookies at home, which is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance, you will definitely look at this delicacy in a new way.

Gingerbread dough, which should be noted, is the easiest dough to prepare, which, moreover, bakes very quickly.

Making dough for gingerbread

There are two ways to make dough for gingerbread: custard or raw (simpler). And it is divided into 3 types: honey, sugar (without honey) and honey-sugar. Depending on how the dough will be prepared, you need a different amount of ingredients. We will give examples for raw dough, which is faster and easier to prepare, however, please note that such gingerbread cookies dry out faster than choux pastry.

How to make gingerbread dough

  • for honey dough - 3 cups flour, 3/4 cup honey, 100 g butter, 1 egg, ½ tsp. soda or 50-150 g sour cream, ¼ tsp. chopped spices, ¼ cup of water, kefir, curdled milk or fermented baked milk;
  • for sugar dough - 3 cups flour, 1.5 cups sugar, 100 g butter, ½ tsp. soda, 1 tsp chopped spices, ¾ cup of water, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt;
  • for honey-sugar dough - 3 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, ¼ cup honey, 100 g butter, 1 egg, ½ tsp. soda / sour cream 50-150 g, ½ tsp chopped spices, ¼ tsp. water, kefir, curdled milk or fermented baked milk.

How to make gingerbread dough. Put honey in a saucepan, add softened butter, eggs, add spices, mix everything for 1-2 minutes, add flour (mixed with soda and sifted), knead not too steep dough. In this case, from the dough you will get fragrant honey gingerbread, which we all love so much.

If you are making sugar gingerbread, then first you need to bring sugar and water to a boil in a saucepan, remove the foam, put butter, mix, let the syrup cool to room temperature. Too liquid syrup must be boiled so that it flows from the spoon with a “thick thread”. Next, spices, eggs, then sifted flour mixed with soda are added to the cold syrup.

There are tricks in preparing gingerbread dough:

  • If you are making honey dough, do not use chemical leavening agents (soda, etc.), if you add thick sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% to the dough after it has cooled, in the ratio of 100-300 g of sour cream per 1 kg of flour (depending on the consistency of the dough) , then baking powder is not needed: honey and sour cream will ferment and you will get real gingerbread dough of a special consistency;
  • For any gingerbread dough, it will be good to add 4 tbsp. cognac, vodka or rum (per 1 kg of flour) - this will give additional loosening;
  • If you add soda to honey dough, sour cream-honey fermentation will not start;
  • You need to knead the gingerbread dough from 10 to 40 minutes until it is completely homogeneous - the softness and splendor of the gingerbread depends on it;
  • It is better to use fruit sugar - fructose, not sucrose;
  • Do not knead too steep dough - it will not rise well, and the gingerbread will be hard and ugly, very soft dough will not work either - it will not keep its shape, the optimal dough does not stick too much to hands and the table, it is plastic and lends itself well to molding.

Having made the dough, you need to immediately start molding the gingerbread: the finished dough is rolled out and various figures are cut out of it with the help of molds. The weight of ready-made gingerbread is usually 20-40 g. You need to spread them on a greased sheet if the dough is soft and on a dry sheet if the dough turned out to be steep. Before baking, gingerbread is coated with egg yolks. Thin gingerbread cookies need to be baked for 8-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 220-240 degrees, and after baking they should be immediately wiped with a brush or soft cloth. As a rule, ready-made gingerbread cookies are glazed (for glaze, you need to beat egg whites with sugar, or boil honey mixed with a small amount of juice of sour fruits or berries until caramel).

These are the traditional rules for making gingerbread. By following these instructions, you will be able to prepare real gingerbread cookies that will surprise you with their taste and amazing aroma.

Gingerbread and chocolate gingerbread are very popular today. Consider the recipes for their preparation.

gingerbread recipe

You will need: 550 g flour, 170 g honey, 150 g powdered sugar, 130 g butter, 100 g sugar, 1 egg white, 1 egg, 2 tsp each. soda and ground ginger, 1.5 tsp each. ground allspice, ground cinnamon and cloves.

How to make gingerbread. Pour sugar, spices, add honey into the pan, bring to a boil, remove from the stove, add soda and mix well. Add the egg, softened butter and sifted flour to the foamy mass, knead the dough. On a floured work surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm, cut out gingerbread cookies using molds. Put the gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet covered with parchment, bake for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Take out the gingerbread cookies and let them cool slightly, beat the protein into a thick foam, add powdered sugar, beat for another 5 minutes until elastic, transfer to a confectionery syringe, decorate the gingerbread with icing, let it dry for 20-30 minutes.

chocolate gingerbread recipe

You will need: 200 g sour cream, 100 g butter, 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, ½ cup sugar, 4 tbsp. cocoa and water, 2 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 pinch of salt, cinnamon.

How to cook chocolate gingerbread. Put honey and butter in a saucepan, melt, remove from the stove, add 2 tbsp. flour, mix quickly. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sour cream, sugar, cocoa, salt and cinnamon (you can also add vanilla), pour in the honey mixture, mix well, add flour sifted with baking powder, knead slightly sticky plastic dough. Grease a baking sheet with butter, dust with flour, tear off small pieces from the dough, form gingerbread cookies and put them on a sheet, if it is very sticky, grease it with vegetable oil. Bake chocolate gingerbread in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. For the glaze, mix water with sugar and cocoa, boil for 5 minutes over low heat, coat the finished gingerbread with this glaze.

Cooking delicious gingerbread is a very creative process, depending on what spices you add, the taste and aroma of gingerbread can vary greatly, no wonder recipes in gingerbread families have been passed down from generation to generation. Once you have prepared delicious homemade gingerbread cookies, you will love them forever!

I baked gingerbread cookies on sugar dough. It turned out very tasty! But in the process of cooking, a number of questions arose:
1. There are no eggs in the list of products, and the phrase appears in the description of the preparation: eggs are added. I took one by analogy with honey and sugar-honey dough.
2. Sugar dough can be made with water, fermented baked milk, kefir, etc. But we must start with the fact that we cook the syrup. If, for example, I take kefir, then what is the sequence of preparation?
3. Syrup is boiled, and then it cools. But after all, when it cools down, it becomes sugary again. Or do I have some tricks for cooking syrup so that it does not freeze later?
I would like to use this recipe again, so I would be very grateful if you could tell me the answers to my questions.

Thanks for the recipe

Thanks for the recipe

Thanks, I did it, I liked it.

spasibo za retsepti

THANK YOU for the recipes!

when I was in school. they sold honey cakes. brown. oval and plastic. Very tasty. I haven't seen these since. Would love to get the recipe!

Everyone in my family loves gingerbread. I used to buy them in the store, but now I make my own. Homemade gingerbread doesn't compare to store bought. They are fragrant, soft and very tasty. This recipe for custard gingerbread is quite different from the classic recipe, but nevertheless, their great taste is not affected by this.


To prepare custard gingerbread, we need:

250 g flour;
150 g of sugar;
100 g of honey;
30 g butter;
1/3 cup of water;
1/2 tsp soda;
1/2 tsp spices (I have ginger, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg);
1 egg;
jam for stuffing.
For glaze:
2-3 tbsp. l. water;
8 art. l. powdered sugar.

Cooking steps

Bring water and honey to a boil in a saucepan. Remove the foam and cool the mass to a temperature of 80 degrees. Now add half the flour, melted butter, egg, spices, soda and mix well.

Add the remaining flour and knead an elastic, soft dough.

Put the resulting gingerbread seam down on a silicone mat or on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Bake custard gingerbread in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Drizzle cooled gingerbread with glaze. To make the glaze, combine the icing sugar and water, bring to a boil and set aside.

Hey! My name is Natalia. I always loved to cook, I started from my school days and from my mother's book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”. My mother was an artist by profession and in life, and even a simple, uncomplicated dish was always decorated and served in a very original way. I still remember how the meat in the pots choked, the lights would certainly turn off, any alcoholic drink that could be set on fire was poured onto a baking sheet, and all these pots were taken out of the kitchen to the guests on fire to everyone’s surprise. It was impressive! Therefore, I inherited my passion for everything beautiful from my parents. For me, the presentation of the dish is as important as the dish itself, and it doesn’t matter if it’s something cooked in a hurry or it’s a recipe that requires a long preparation. By the will of fate, I have long been living in Latin America, in a country with an unusual climate, where you can find air temperatures from +40 to -2 degrees, where there is snow, and the coasts of two oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific, where there are jungles and high mountain meadows, and beaches. Of course, such a variety could not but leave an imprint on the gastronomy of Colombia. The country has a lot of seafood, meat and a variety of exotic fruits; gastronomic tastes of the local population vary from region to region, but I draw inspiration from all this local flavor. I cook a lot, I don't like monotony, so my kitchen is very diverse. I can’t say which cuisine I like more, I really love Mediterranean food, Russian, local, and Asian food, I also love pastries and shortbread dough... well, you understand, everything that is delicious! If I try something new that I liked in a restaurant, I always try to understand what seasonings and ingredients are there first, and if I really liked something, I reproduce it in my kitchen and surprise my family and friends. Of course, a very important source of inspiration is the Internet and various cookbooks. But if the recipe does not have a beautiful photo, I will not even read it! For some time now, I began to share my acquired knowledge and skills on Instagram, (@vlasna) from that I picked up a camera. I think that any recipe should be accompanied by a decent picture, so that the viewer understands what is on the plate and how it can be served at all, and ideally, so that he also wants to eat it!)) Well, I try to choose recipes that are not difficult to execute and do not require huge waste of time. Everything we love: #SimplyFastDelicious. I have my own recipes and have been tested over the years, but if I borrow something from others, I usually remake it a little for myself. Anyone who cooks a lot and often, I think he will understand me. Here I am happy to share with you my experience, favorite recipes. Cooking for yourself and friends is so exciting! If anyone has any questions, I will definitely answer, and of course I will be glad to see you on my Instagram page @vlasna Come in, I will be glad to communicate!