Siberia 3 walkthrough where to find the cure. Siberia (Syberia) - full walkthrough of the game on Android, iPhone and computer with pictures

Keith Walker fully prepared the Kristall ferry for sailing, but it turned out that Mayor Bulyakin had ordered the exit from the harbor to be closed, and not a single vessel could leave Valsembore. We go to the building of the mayor's office, where the rally against the Yukols is taking place, and after talking with the participants (not necessary, but desirable, gives an additional argument in a difficult conversation with the mayor), we rise to the stern official. Using all her charm and good manners, Kate gets permission to open the gate, but she will have to do it herself, Bulyakin only gives a diagram of the lock mechanism.

Returning to Captain Obo, he can open a diving equipment warehouse for us located at the lighthouse. In the warehouse, we remove the diving suit from the hanger, we take the helmet from the table, we need to take the cylinders at the entrance.

How to fill the cylinders with air?

  • Be sure to consider the cylinders in the inventory and remember the indicated pressure - 180,
  • we put the cylinders in the apparatus and lower the upper flap,
  • set the arrow to 180, press the green button,
  • we open the taps above the cylinders.

We send Kate to the locker room and observe how, having changed her clothes, she goes down into the water. We go along the wall to a large round hole with a mechanism. You need to pick up near him 4 items: a gear, a square wrench and (close up) two more gears. In the center we insert a stepped gear into the mechanism, two ordinary ones - on the sides. There is not enough connecting chain. We go further along the wall to the second similar mechanism. Insert the square key and turn the red handle for a long time until it clicks. After that, we lower the lever on the left, one gate opened. We leave outside and near the remains of the ship we find a chain. We return to the first mechanism, insert the chain, turn the red handle until it clicks and press the lever on the right. The gate is open.

After talking with the captain, we go for yukols, and inform Ayahuasca that everything is ready to sail. Unfortunately, Semyon Steiner did not bring Kurk from the hospital, and did not return himself, Kate will have to go there for them. We go to the funicular, which is located up the stairs from the square where the city hall is located. The station is closed, the funicular is raised to get to the hospital, you have to find a way to get into the station building and lower it. In front of the entrance behind the fence of the station there is a staircase down, we go down it and go to the cart behind the bars. We knock out two large wedges from under the wheels and select a small one next to it. We return to the station door and look at the threshold (it is necessary to lower the camera).

How to open the station door and start the funicular?

  • We insert a small wedge in the place indicated by the penultimate active point (from left to right),
  • to the right we insert the first large wedge,
  • take out a small wedge and insert it in the place indicated by the first active point (on the left, at the beginning of the door),
  • to the right we insert the second large wedge,
  • take out the small wedge and insert it over the first large wedge.

We go into the room, it is very dark in it. There is a shield at the entrance, on which you need to use a knife. We open the flap and lower the switch, Kate turned on the electricity supply. We activate the lever on the control panel and lower the funicular. It remains only to go to the trailer and hit the road.

Arriving at the hospital, Kate sees a helicopter that needs to be examined. Inside we find a box with essential items and take away the radio. In the hospital lobby we use the walkie-talkie on the colonel. For the military to leave, we can say that on the top floor, the patients revolted. We pass into Olga Efimova's office (on the way, Kate will be called by Dr. Zamyatin and will show the wounded Steiner) and see Kurka unconscious, chained to a chair.

How to save Kurk from the hospital?

(the location of all interaction objects is described when Keith is facing the Trigger)

  • we examine the notes attached to the chair on the left, and take the paper clip,
  • on the back of the chair, open the panel at the back and insert a paper clip,
  • we examine the large syringe on the right, open it lower part so that the liquid flows out, and close it back,
  • open the top of the syringe and pour the potion from the Ayahuasca flask into it, close and activate the lever,
  • we examine the handcuffs on the armchair on the left, Kurk will tell you that you need to enter the code on the right on the armchair,
  • from Efimova's table we take a note with a torn off code and a heavy statuette,
  • apply the figurine to the code panel on the right of the chair and run away from the hospital (cut-scene of escape and sailing on the ferry)

While sailing, the ferry encounters an obstacle in the form of solid ice, and it is required to turn on the ice breakers below , in the engine room .

How do I turn on the icebreakers?

  • on the control panel, turn the round valve all the way to the left,
  • open the transparent cover over the red button and press it,
  • move the knob to number 1 (all subsequent actions must be performed quickly),
  • we activate the lever towards ourselves as far as it will go,
  • move the handle to the numbers 3, and then 2.

The ferry is attacked by a lake monster, in order to get rid of it, you need to break all the searchlights (there are 6 of them: two on each side, one on the bow of the ferry, and the last one at the stern, just next to the monster) and turn off the engines.

How to drive away the monster?

  • We take scrap from the box on the starboard side, lower and break all available searchlights,
  • it is impossible to lower one of the searchlights on the left side, we move the box next to it, climb onto it and break it,
  • inside we find an active point under one of the passenger seats, inspect the box and take the emergency flashlight,
  • we use the flashlight on the searchlight at the stern, and in the cut-scene we see how the monster disappears under the water, preparing for the next attack, but giving Kate the opportunity to break the searchlight,
  • after talking with the captain, we go down to the engine room and turn off the engines by lowering the switch on the wall to the right of the icebreaker control panel.

The screenshots show the location of the crowbar and emergency flashlight.


Captain Obo asks Kate to bring him lamp... To do this, go to the captain's apartment (below the steering wheel, to the right of the stairs) and examine the books scattered on the floor. One of them has a recess cut and hidden a bottle of vodka, we take it away. In the passenger compartment next to the seats we lift from the floor homemade matches... We go down to the engine room and on the table we connect the two parts of the lamp, fill it with vodka and set it on fire with matches. When Keith hands over the lamp to the captain, we will see a cut-scene describing the rescue of the ferry.


7. Baranur amusement park
Siberia Episode 3. Walkthrough

Objective: Find a way to measure radiation

We were hit by a wave, and while we were unconscious, the Yukols managed to take the ferry to the shore. True, we sailed not to Snezhinsk, but to the radiation Baranur, and besides, we ran aground. First of all, we check the background radiation before going ashore.

1. On the deck we go to bow... There is a round sensor on the hill, it shows normal radiation. Below you can take anti-radiation goggles, but the mechanism is blocked. We examine the left side, there we see a keyhole.

2. We go to the cabins, go up to the captain's cabin, take the ignition key.

3. We return to the sensor, insert the key from the side, press the lever. In the lower tray we take the dropped out anti-radiation glasses... On the shore, the background is also normal.

Objective: Restore the power supply to the "Crystal"

We go down the ladder. The local pier is broken in two, with wires hanging nearby. We go down the side board to the sand. There are many dead robots around.

1. On the shore we go to wooden building, we climb on it, we find telescopic rod.

2. We return to the pier. We take out the wires from the pole with a long rod. Yukol Burut volunteers to help us, he will connect the wires to the ferry.

3. We go to the ship, go down to the engine room, to the right of the ice-axle mechanism, turn on the lever. Electricity will power the entire Baranur park.

Objective: Repair the Automaton

On a bench at the entrance to the park sits an almost intact automaton ZX2000, we can revive it with a mechanical heart, but its case is still closed, we need a cruciform key.

We enter the park gate. On the right we can climb the stairs to the roller coaster site, here we find the document "Crumpled note", where there are several calculations of the speed and distance of the attraction.

On the left side in the park we can enter the building where the conveyor belt with robots is broken. There is a locked chest on the table, a poster with a roller coaster route on the wall.

1. In the building we leave through another door, we find ourselves on the broken-off part of the pier. We go to the end, inspect the tractor. We take the automaton out of the car, in his hands we find small key.

On the way back at the turn we examine the overturned car. We try to unhook it, but it falls off the pier.

2. We return to the building with the conveyor, open the chest on the table with the found key. We take a cross inside Voralberg's key, wrench... At the exit we will meet Yukols, they followed us, and now they occupied the entire park. But the ostriches are still not unloaded.

3. We return to the sandy shore. We examine the automaton on the bench, use the key to open its case. Disconnect the old heart inside, put Oscar's mechanical heart. We open two valves from above, insert tubes into them. On a large round bulge, use a wrench, move the round cover aside. Inside we see that we also need a small key for winding up the heart.

Objective: Find the activation key

We return to the park, at the entrance we hear that someone drove on a roller coaster, and left the car on the site.

1. We go deep into the park, to the entrance to the metro. From this place we go to the left, we pass between the figures of the red rocket and the elephant. Near the hole in the mesh fence, under the bench lies metal rod.

2. Near the entrance gate of the park we go up the stairs to the roller coaster area. Now there is a car with number III, we sit in it.

3. In the car, we inspect the right adjacent seat, there we take another metal rod.

We examine the dashboard, on it a pair of levers and a dial showing how much is left to drive. We read the solution to the puzzle in the crumpled note.

1. With the left lever, set the arrow to maximum value 50.

2. We put metal rods on the numbers 25 and 15.

3. We lower the right lever to start moving.

4. When we reach the number 25, take out the blocking rod. This stop was needed just to drop speed.

5. We reach the number 15, get off at this stop.

We are in a cramped room with mock-ups of rockets. On the right we find the hatch down, we go down. We find ourselves in the subway. If you go to the right, you can see a blockage at the entrance. We go down below. There is a train on the tracks, we enter an open carriage.

Inside someone's dwelling. On the table we find a photo album, and we'd better read it right away to find out more about the owner of the shelter.

When we try to get out of the carriage, we will meet a woman, accompanied by a mechanical dog. We see how she turns the dog on with a special key. We persuade her to give us the activation key.

Objective: Complete the Automaton Repair

We return upstairs, sit down in the amusement car, take out the rod from the number 15, and reach the starting platform.

We communicate with Kurk and the shaman who are waiting for us here. The Yukols are going to fulfill our request - to clear the way in the subway (we can go to the far door and watch them dig).

We return to the sandy shore. We start the heart of the robot with the found key. The robot will come to life and it will have the Oscar personality. Thus our old friend returned to life. But he is in no hurry to help us, first he needs to get clothes to cover his bare metal.

Objective: Find clothes for Oscar

We return to the park. We go deeper, we go into the farthest door. We see that the Yukols have already half cleared the way in the metro, but now they are gone. A person can already walk here, so we go down to the metro along this path.

We find the missing workers in Katerina's carriage, they sit together and listen to a melodrama broadcast on the radio. We send the Yukols to work further. We give Katerina the key, ask for clothes for the robot, we get Andrey's wardrobe key... When we examine the clothes, Oscar will appear and put them on.

On the way back, near the rubble, we meet Kurka, descending into the metro. Be sure to talk to him to get the achievement.

Objective: Help Oscar tow the Crystal

We go into the building with a conveyor belt, through it we go to right side pier. Oscar is already sitting in the tractor. We approach it, explain the problem. He will ask you to turn on the electricity, remove the car on the way, tie the ship's cable. The first two conditions can be made in advance, then Oscar will praise us.

We go directly to the ferry, the Yukols have already restored the collapsed part of the pier. We ask the Yukols to tie the ship to the tractor with a rope. We return to Oscar, we command to start towing, but nothing happens.

Objective: Find another way to tow the "Crystal"

1. We lengthen the cable, for this we inspect the winch at the rear of the tractor. We use a wrench to unscrew the bolt, then we twist the lever. Oscar will drive a tractor closer to the Ferris wheel.

2. We approach the new place of the tractor, here we tell the Yukols to tie the cable to the Ferris wheel's booth.

3. We go to the neighboring building on the left, in the center of the conveyor belt we inspect carton boxes, inside we find a gear.

4. On the street we go around the Ferris wheel on the right, we climb the stairs to the wheel control platform. We examine the mechanism on the right, install the gear there, press the lever. On the left we press the red button. The wheel will start spinning and pull the ship ashore.

Objective: Get the ostriches out of the hold

The Yukols are apprehensive about the metal Oscar, but the shaman stands up for him. We go to the back side of the ferry, there we press the opening lever. All the ostriches get out, we go down to the subway on them. The military arrived by helicopter, but did not have time to notice where we had gone.

8. Metro "Historical Center"
How to get through Siberia 3

Objective: Check the tunnel

At the intermediate station, a flock of bats blocks our way. We are looking for a way to scare them away.

We rise to the right platform, go out into the flooded tunnel, there we find algae under the stairs. On the right, at the dead end, one yukol will give us a root in the form of a club.

We rise to the left platform, there we find Oscar on a hill, he is hiding from the excessive attention of the shaman. The robot tells us that mice can be driven away by fire, water or noise.

We return to the platform. The carpenter left and left his desk unattended. On the table we find a bottle and a flint. A torch can be crafted here, but let's take the last ingredient first. We examine the ostriches in the entrance tunnel, tear off the yukol rag from the yurt. Returning to the workbench, preparing the torch:

1. Insert the root stick into the hole of the table.

2. Wrap a rag on top.

3. Pour fuel from a bottle.

4. We set fire to a flint.

Go to bats, trying to drive them away with a lighted torch. The mice are afraid, they want to fly away, but the ventilation hatches are closed from above, and they cannot fly away anywhere.

Objective: Find how the ceiling ventilation opens

We return to Oscar, he is called to go to the radioactive surface and open the hatches. Now we control the automaton. We leave through the airlock chambers.

I am not her(I is somebody else)
Admit it: you did not expect this ...
Subject. We get it when we start running Oscar.
What an irony, right?(Ironic, ain "t it?)
Admit that you really wanted this after leaving Valadilen ...
When we start playing for Oscar, we immediately try to return to Kate, press the red button several times, listen to the dialogue.

Objective: Open the ventilation for Kate Walker

We go out into the street, inspect the dead city. We enter the cooperative store, inside there are two mechanical dogs and a stand with tools, where there are not enough wire cutters. A little further between the houses, you can look at the coast through a telescope.

2. In front of the metro building there is a fire engine with a ladder. We sit down in her cabin. On the right we examine the glove compartment, we find the ignition key. There is also a children's drawing signed "Sarah" (apparently, Sarah's father and Steiner's son worked as a firefighter and died during the rescue operation). We insert the key into the well, start the car. We press the lever to drive closer to the hatches on the roof.

3. We get out and climb onto the car body. On the control panel, we turn the stairs towards the metro building, raise the stairs with the lower flywheel, lengthen it with a lever, lower it down to the hatch itself.

4. On the roof, use the wire cutters to remove the grate from the hatch.

Objective: Run away from mechanical dogs

The deed is done, but we are prevented from returning by two running dogs. We examine the hydrant, prepare it for use:

1. Remove the locking hook from the hose reel.

2. In front, under the hydrant, open the lid.

3. Unwind the hose and insert it into the connector under the hydrant.

4. Turn the valve just above the connected hose.

5. We take in the hands of the barrel of the hydrant. We chase the dogs away.

Objective: Join Kate Walker

We go into the door on the left, we go down into the subway. In the airlock, we close the doors behind us, the radiation purification system will turn on. But the procedure stops in the middle, there is not enough iodine for decontamination.

We start to manage Kate. Iodine can be obtained from algae that grow by the river. We insert the algae into the receiver, the device itself will extract iodine from them. Oscar will come out to us.

We return to the platform, go to the carpenter's table, take the flint, and Kate will light the torch again. We scare away mice with fire, we pass to the next metro station.

9. Temple of the red moon
Siberia 3. Puzzle with light

Objective: Meet the Trigger

We stopped for the night at the exit at the Olympia station. We are offered to spend the night in one of the yurts, we refuse. Behind the round paddock we can go to the distant ostrich and stroke it.

We communicate with Kurk and the shamaness. We find out that under the stadium building is hidden ancient temple, you need to find the entrance to it.

In the building we find an open grate, we enter, we go up the escalator. We go to the left along the corridor. Halfway there is a buffet filled with sports cups. We reach the left escalator, go down, go out to the backyard.

We go along the mountain path, along the way we read the inscriptions on the graves of the Yukols. One of the graves has been dug, but is still empty. We find a forest hut, there is no one inside, but soon Dunyasha Dubrovskaya comes - Ti Kakh, a half-breed girl. After talking with her, we get the diary of her father, Han Ti Kah.

We enter the illuminated cave on the left, read the tombstone, and take the object of the lens of Yukols 01 above it.

Purpose: Translate Yukols manuscript

We return to Kurk, we ask him to translate the text of the diary for us. He translates it, but not into Russian, but into English, so you can only navigate by the pictures where important objects are hidden.

Objective: Find the secret temple of the Yukols

We leave the camp, go to the left along the wall. Ahead there will be a path back to the metro, where we do not need, but before reaching it between the trees on the left there is a path to a separate building of the pool.

Inside the building, we go down to the bottom of the pool, examine the recesses in it. We climb the springboard, there are three notches in it. Three colored lenses need to be installed here.

1. We can immediately place in the center the green lens 01, found in a cave near Dunyasha.

2. We return to the stadium building, on the second floor we enter the buffet. Kate will now examine the red lens 03 behind the glass. We use Sarah's scarf to wrap the hand and break through the glass. (Although, it would be more logical to take any nearby chair and punch through the window without getting hurt, but Kate is not available).

3. We go to the distant escalators, go down, and then go up the central staircase. There is a red chair on the intermediate platform, we examine it, open the panel from below. We see combination lock of six Yukol symbols. We read the tips in the translated diary, enter the symbols. Take the blue lens 02 inside the chair.

4. We return to the pool, install the lenses. We examine the colored stones on the far wall, we need to send colored rays to them. We twist the mirrors and prisms so that the light reaches the desired stones.

Abandoned temple robbers(Raiders of the lost temple)
To solve the puzzle, open the doors to the temple in less than 20 turns.
Ideally 12 moves are needed, so 8 mistakes can be made.
Oh, spirits, are you here?(O spirits, are you there?)
The spirits have given you a blessing ... and a sacred path!
Subject. We participate in the Yukols ritual in the temple under the stadium.

10. Sacred bridge
Siberia 3. Puzzle with smoke

Objective: Meet with Trigger

While we slept, the Yukols reached the border. At the very beginning, we return to our yurt, examine the box, take a knife and flint from it. Ahead is a raised bridge, we go to the right of it, we go around a large stove, on the cliff we find Kurka. The sacred bridge has been destroyed, and in order to cross the modern bridge, you need to find out the opinion of the guard on the other side.

Objective: Meet the Guardian on the other side

We go to the neighboring building. First, we go down two stairs, at the bottom we press the lever. The water wheel will sink into the water and lift half of the bridge.

After that, we go to the upper floor. We come to back door Checkpoint, but the guard won't let us in. We go around the building, through the front window we communicate with the border guard. In conversation, we convince him to let us cross the bridge.

Objective: Find the Guardian a drink

We enter the yurt, we communicate with the Guardian. He asks to bring him vodka as a gift for the perfume. Then it will be necessary to communicate with the spirits using fire and smoke.

1. We return to our shore. The customs officer lets us through, but then quickly drives off on a motorcycle, obviously to notify his superiors. We examine the place where the motorcycle was, we select a brick.

2. We approach the back door of the customs, we use a brick to break the glass, we get inside. We examine the bag on the table, take from it customs flask with vodka, in the next room you can take customs officer papers.

3. We go out into the street, go down, on the intermediate floor we enter the room, press the button, a hanging basket will come to our side. Put a flask with vodka at the bottom of the basket. Press the button again to send the package to the Guardian. Soon the Guardian will send us back sawdust bags.

Objective: Offer a prayer to the spirits

We go to the camp of ostriches, we find Oscar, near him we climb into the shaman's yurt. We ask her about the ritual, she will tell you about the colored smoke from the stove. We examine her chest, we find a wooden rod of Ayavaska.

We go to the stove behind the checkpoint building. We open the closet below, take log, three funnels, set of colored resin... We open the pipes from above, they still three pieces of colored resin. Fourth funnel lies in the furnace tube, from the back. There is a stump next to it, put a full circle of blue resin on it, cut off a quarter with a knife. We can start the actual ignition process.

1. Put a log in the bottom center. We put the papers of the border guard under it.

2. Place the wand of the shaman woman on the center of the table; there is a hint on it - four colored drawings different shapes... This is the kind of smoke we should get.

3. We look at the back side of the pipes, funnels need to be inserted into them suitable shape to swirl the smoke. We arrange funnels by numbers from "1" to "4", starting from right to left... We close the side flaps of the pipes.

4. Move forward 4 drawers, fill them with sawdust, close.

5. Place the colored resin inside the pipes, from left to right: red, blue, blue, yellow.

6. The resin stand can be lifted, under it we look where the hole is. Place the resin on the quarter above the hole. If nothing can be put over the hole, turn the lower part, and the hole will be in the other quarter.

7. At the bottom of each pipe there is a blower lever, we turn all four levers from horizontal to vertical so that the smoke can pass.

8. Only after all this we kindle the paper and the log with the help of a flint. We close the bottom of the stove.

9. There is a blower on the left, from where the smoke comes out first. Switch the lever on it from horizontal to vertical. The blower will close, the smoke will go through the main pipes.

In response to our colored smoke, the Guardian will release regular smoke, thereby allowing us to cross. The Yukols will begin to cross the bridge, and Oscar will be left to switch the mechanism. At this moment, a helicopter will fly up, the military will quickly neutralize Oscar. Kate will go to help, press the lever of the bridge switch, but at the same time she will be taken prisoner.

This concludes the plot of the third part of "Siberia".


Siberia 3. Achiviments

Most of the achievements are related to plot or near-plot optional actions. All of them are described directly in the passage text. This section contains only the remaining cumulative achievements.

Preparing to sail: water

After talking with the captain, you will receive a new task - to fill the tanks with water. Climb onto the ship and next to the cover of the hold, through which the coal was poured, find the hose. First you need to use the red lever, and then connect the hose and secure it. Go downstairs, climb the water tower and activate the water supply. It is done!

Preparing to Sail: Duplicate Key

Chat again with the captain at the helm. He will say that he lost the key. Run to Steiner's workshop, but the master won't be here. But his granddaughter will give you handle... Go down to the basement and examine the Crystal model. Insert the handle into the hole on the side and twist to lower the shield. Press the button on the side to turn on the light. Examine the ship. You need to read the lettering on the plate to highlight the important numbers. They will be useful to you. Now examine the wheel of the ship. You need to set certain values ​​in turn. If you choose the correct value, the anchor will move down a little. If you are wrong, the anchor will go up. The sequence will be as follows: 30, 80, 60, 90.

Pull the lowered anchor and remove the key from the ship's model. Although this key is a duplicate, it is miniature. That is, you need to make a larger model.

Go to the table to the left and not far from the place where the prosthesis was, find the device for making keys. Blank find in the metal box below. Insert the workpiece into the right compartment of the device. Insert the key into the left compartment and be sure to clamp with the lever. Set it as 200%. This is the key you need. Start the device by pressing the button on the right side. Taking away key to "Crystal", take it to the captain's room and insert it into the hole to the left of the helm.

Preparing to sail: opening port locks

And that is not all! Now you need to get permission to open port locks. Run to Steiner's workshop and proceed further. Climb the steps and go right to the square near the town hall. Go up to the mayor and talk to him. Convince him to give you permission to open the port gate. Encourage him to think that it will be better for the residents of Valsembore, who are tired of the yukols.

Mayor of Valsembord.

Return to Captain Obo and tell him that permission has been obtained. But the locks will have to be opened manually. After leaving the ferry, go to its stern, where you first appeared at the location, and proceed to the left. Move to the very end, until you find Captain Wallpaper near the lighthouse. Go through the door beside him and remove from the hanger on the right. diving suit... Just below, from the floor, pick up empty oxygen cylinders... On the far left, find diving helmet... But that's not all - the cylinders need to be filled. There is a corresponding device on the left. First, inspect its left side - switch box... Set the pressure to 180 bar and then click on the button Green colour... Attach the cylinders to the right side and turn the two levers in turn. Take the oxygen tanks and click on the room in the corner for Kate to change.


After that, Kate Walker will be under water. Go right and see the first castle. Pick up from the ground big gear... Examine the castle and pick up two more from the ground - conventional and step gears... To the right of the castle, lying at the bottom square key... After taking it, go to the right, as this lock cannot be opened yet.

After reaching the second lock, use the square key on the hole and turn it. Open the door and turn the red valve until it stops. Pull down the lever to open the first part of the harbor gate. Walk towards the bottom of the screen and turn left through the open gate. Find the crashed boat and pick it up next to it chain.

Run to the first lock and install the gears and the chain as follows: put a large gear on the left piece, a stepped one on the bayonet below, and a regular one on the bayonet above. Apply the chain to the active point to the left of the valve. Turn the valve all the way and lower the lever. The port gates are open!

Rescue Kurk

Talk to Obo and you will find yourself in the Yukol camp. Chat with a shaman to talk about the ferry. Go back to Valsembore and talk to Sarah. So he will say that her grandfather has not yet returned. You need to visit the hospital and save Steiner and Kurk.

First, head to Steiner's workshop. Go further and you will see steps leading up to the square near the town hall. To the left of them there is an open passage. Go there and pull them under the wedge carts. Pick up one more - in total you will have three wedges- two large and one small.

Climb the steps leading to the square, but don't go right. Go forward as soon as you went up to find the funicular. More precisely, the funicular itself will not be here - you need to call it. Explore wooden door and examine its lower part. There will be a puzzle here. Insert the small wedge on the right. Then place a large wedge next to it. After pulling out the small wedge, insert it already to the left. Then you can and should insert a second large wedge next to it. Pull out the small wedge and insert it on top of the large wedge on the right. The door will collapse.

After passing into the room, go down the screen and find an electrical panel on the wall to the right. Opening it, pull the switch to turn on the light.

Once done, pull the lever on the front control panel. Enter the funicular and launch it to return to the hospital.

Go inside the hospital, but you will see a soldier and a colonel ahead. Go back outside and go around the helicopter on the left. Go inside and from the box at the far end, get walkie-talkie... Go to the hospital again and use the walkie-talkie on the colonel. Say that you need to meet (Kate will pretend to be Efimova).

Conversation with Steiner and Zamyatin.

Go to Zamyatin's office and talk to him and Steiner. Move to Efimova's room and see Kurka, chained to a chair. Examine the chair. Rotate the screen so you can see the backrest. Remove the back cover and see the mechanism. Try to pull the wire and see the pendulum stop. You need to fix it with something. And you don't have to go far. Under right hand The hammer (for you on the left) hangs a stand with a leaf. There is a leaf on the corner clip- take it and apply it to the chair mechanism. The pendulum will stop.

Ayavaska handed you a flask - it contains a potion that Kurk needs. Examine the syringe above the guy's hand, move the needle back to drain the medication, and then put it back in place. Now move the top of the syringe and fill it with the potion from the flask in your inventory. After talking with Kurk, you will need to save the guy. To do this, you need to enter your password on the panel under your left hand. But which one? Exit the approach and go to the table on the left. Find the note. After reading it, you will understand that Olga deliberately tore off the part where the password is indicated. Take away from the table statuette of Olga and hit the screen of the watch face with it. This will break the mechanism and free the Trigger.

Fight with a monster on the water

After a lengthy cut-scene, you will find yourself on the lake. The ship will first collide with ice floes. You need to turn on the icebreakers. Get down to the engine room and go right. Climb the steps and find the icebreaker control panel. The device is specific, as well as its launch. But if you know how to do everything correctly, then you will figure it out without problems.

So, first click on the red button in the upper right to launch the icebreakers. Turn the red valve to connect the actuator to the rest of the device. You will see that the lever on the right has lifted up and become active.

Now you need to act quickly. Pull the lever towards you to the right. The pressure will begin to rise, as evidenced by the moving arrow on the scale. You need to quickly change gears in the following order - first, third, second. If you do not have time, the device will stall. We'll have to repeat all over again - red button, lever down and gears. It may not work the first time, but you can do it.

The next stage is a huge octopus that attacks the "Crystal". You will need to smash the searchlights on the deck. There are a total of six of them. Two are at the starboard side, two at the port side, one at the stern, and one at the bow. First, go to the starboard side and at the corner of the building, find a box that rests on scrap... With it you will be able to smash the spotlights.

Lower the nearest spotlight with the handle and break it with a crowbar. Go to the second searchlight on the starboard side, but it will be smashed by an octopus. Go to the bow, lower the only spotlight with the lever and break it with a crowbar.

Break one of the searchlights at the port side in the same way. The other will not fall, so move the box to it, climb onto it and break it.

Try to approach the stern spotlight. But the approach to the last spotlight is guarded by the tentacles of the monster. We need to distract them. Go inside the building and into common room, find a box under one of the benches on the left. Get the signal flare out of it ( emergency flashlight) and apply on the last spotlight outside. Break it down.

Bench, under which is hidden a box with a flashlight.

The monster doesn't calm down. Go down to the engine room and turn off the Kristall engine using the lever on the wall to the right of the icebreaker control panel.

Return to the deck - the monster won't leave anyway. Go to the starboard side where Captain Obo is in the boat. Chat with him - he has a plan. Follow the ferry inside and go upstairs. Walk left to find scattered books under the globe. In one of them you will find a bottle of vodka... Taking it, go down to the engine room and go to the left side. Find a lamp on the table. Connect it and then pour in the vodka. Now the lamp needs to be lit - matches lying in a common room with chairs, not far from the stairs leading up to the helm. With their help, light the lantern, go to the captain and give him this device. Watch the cut-scene.

Baranur park: restoring the power of the park

Arriving at the place, you will need to find a device for measuring radiation. First, go to the steering wheel and pull out the key from the "Crystal" from the hole to the left of it. Exit to the deck and head right to the bow. Go up there and next to the searchlight, find a device for issuing glasses for measuring radiation. Insert the key into the hole on the side and turn. Click on the lever and get the glasses. So Kate will make sure that there is no radiation in the park.

Leave the ship and examine the cable hanging from the post. We need to get it somehow. Run down and follow the long stairs. Approaching her right side, you will see a cut-scene - a well-preserved automaton sits on a bench. Kate will come to the conclusion that it is time to try to bring Oscar back to life. But so far, without a tool, this will not work.

There is a wooden hut to the left of the stairs. Climb it and on the left side, at the end find telescopic rod... Apply this rod to the cable hanging from the post near the ship. You need to enter the approximation and click on the upper active point. After that, talk to Buruk, standing next to to ask you to connect the cable to the ship. Enter the inside of the ferry and go down to the engine room. Turn on the power using the lever on the wall to the right of the icebreaker control panel. You have restored food in the park!

Baranur Park: looking for the subway entrance (roller coaster riddle)

Go to the large staircase and climb it. Go through the large gates into the park. By the way, you should see the trolley arriving (when you enter). Once in the park, go to the right and climb the stairs under the arch. Pick up from the floor crumpled note and study it to learn about a certain formula that will allow you to get to the right place. In the formula, we are talking about a certain distance that you must travel. But by inertia, the trolley will continue to follow.

Examine the minecart on the tracks and see holes next to each number. Move away from the control panel and look at the adjacent seat to the right. Find here first metal rod... Go downstairs and go deeper into the park. With the camera behind you, keep to the left. After the ride with a swinging swing there is a left turn. A little further than this turn there is a door leading to the building, but inside there will be a dead end - this is the entrance to the metro.

So, you need to go to the left, to the large red and white rocket, and to the left of it near the bench to find second metal rod.

With both rods in hand, return to the trolley to the right of the entrance (roller coaster) and turn it to the maximum by turning the handle so that the arrow is opposite "50". You insert two rods opposite "25" and "15" (hint in the note). Launch the minecart. When it stops, remove the rod from the "25" mark. Next time, the trolley will stop in a covered tunnel. Exit it by clicking on the left and go downstairs.

Setting up a roller coaster.

So you will find yourself in the subway and go around the same blockage. Follow even lower and run along the train. Enter the open carriage. If you want to get the ACHIEVEMENT, then search the curbstone in the back and scroll through the photo album to the last page (where it says about Catherine's second place in the beauty contest). Having done this, in a conversation with Catherine, you can use the information and get an achievement.

And the conversation will begin after you try to get out of the car. That is, in fact, you just need to enter and exit it.

Walk left to the next door. This is the office of rectors. Talk to its inhabitants. Ask them about the Savignone, and also about the reward for some of the services. Exit the office, go to the other end of the university. On the way, you should meet with Professor Pons. He is quite passionate about the study of the mammoth skeleton. Ask him about Hans and also Sauvignon. Leave the university. With the further passage of the game Siberia 1, you must return to the train again. Take the mammoth figurine from the pedestal on the train. After that you have to get off the train. Walk to the station master. Ask him about Sauvignon. The avid smuggler will run away from you. Follow back to the stairs and right across the bridge. On the bridge you can find the stationmaster. Torture him again on Savignon. This time he will switch the arrows to Professor Pons. Go to university.

At the university, give the mammoth figurine to Professor Pons. He will then open the laboratory for you. In it, in the closet near the entrance, take the Barrockstadt voice cylinder. Go forward, take the holder for flasks on the table on the right. You also need to take a strange secret powder. Go to the professor, ask him about Savignon.

Return to the stationmaster. He needs to be told that you all know about the Sauvignon smuggling (the speech, most likely, about wine). Then the station master will unlock the garden door for you. There grows grapes for Savignon. Walk left across the bridge over the railroad tracks. Then you have to enter the garden. Follow the path to the end. You should see the open gate. Here you will have to enter and follow the path to the thickets of the vineyard. Take some grapes. Walk back to the bridge, but now you don't need to climb the bridge. Upon further passage Syberia games 1 you need to turn right and go to the flock of birds. She's in charge of guarding the stairs. We'll have to give the birds grapes. While they are engaged in eating berries, you climb up the stairs. Use the flask holder in the nest on the cuckoo egg. Go downstairs.

100 dollars

Return again to the bridge where the stationmaster is. To befriend you, he will give you a bottle of contraband wine. Go to the university, where the broken mechanism with violinists is located. Find the entrance to the mechanism. We need to investigate the door, use the cuckoo egg on an empty scale pan. At the moment when the bowls are balanced, you need to turn the wheel in the middle. Come inside. Go down the stairs. Start the mechanism with the lever. You can exit the mechanism. Go to the rectors to collect the reward. You will receive a bag of money.

Gateway management

Bring money to the captain. He will give you the key to the lock. Return to the station building. Walk left to the control panel. She manages the gateways. Use the key to open the panel. You need to enter the code for the gateways to open. To do this, you can make a phone call, which will be indicated on the sign on the right side. After that, by selecting combinations, find the necessary one (combination pattern: # two numbers *).

If, during the passage of the game Siberia 1, you do not want to do this, you can enter the following combinations: # 42 * (open the lock), return to the barge captain, tell him about it, after # 41 *. This will close it. Then the barge will reach your train. Walk down to the train again until you spot the barge.

Then you need to ask the captain for help. He will throw you a chain of metal. Attach the hook to a chain that you carry with you. Then the barge will pull your train. We must run after him. At this time, there will be a call from Professor Pons. He will invite you to attend a lecture on mammoths. Go to University. Come inside. Walk forward to the mammoth skeleton, then go up the stairs to the audience. Listen to the lecture. It will be long, so you can have time to eat. When the lecture is over, go to the laboratory of Professor Pons, take there the mammoth figurine, as well as photocopies of the lecture from his table. Return to the train. Without going inside, go to the opposite side to the winding mechanism. We must repeat the same as in Valadilein. Go inside the train. Use Barrokstadt's voice cylinder on Anna and Hans's mechanical toy. Then put the mammoth figurine in place.

Visa for travel and Barrokstadt

Talk to Oscar. You can finally leave Barrokstadt. However, the train will stop and fight after it starts moving. Something happened again.

With the further passage of the game Siberia 1, you must get off the train. Ask Oscar about the mission. He will require a visa. Impudent! Go around the ticket booth on the left side. Go through the door that leads to the tower. Climb up. Talk to the captain. Examine the telescope. Press the red top button until you see a clear image. Go to the table, look at glasses, as well as glasses for wine. You will have to donate your bottle of wine and powder from your inventory. Have a brotherhood drink with the captain. He decides to look through the telescope again. After that, he will understand that he was wrong. He then gives you a visa. Go back to Oscar, let's get a visa. The impudent gives a train ticket. Go inside the train, give the ticket to Oscar. Well, you are definitely leaving Barrockstadt.


So, you find yourself in Russia. The huge figures of automatons with hammers and sickles clearly resemble something Soviet.

Train start

When exiting the train, go straight to the figure of a huge worker. Climb up the stairs. We must examine the shelf above the bunk. Take from there the voice cylinder of the Kolkhozgrad, as well as the drawings of Hans, the handle. Look at the control panel of the automaton. Use the handle. You need to move it up a couple of times until the giant is above the train. Then press the red button. Then a rope will appear on their giant feet. He will start the train. Return to the stairs in the same way. Go downstairs, go to the train.

Oscar's arms

The passage of the game Syberia 1 continues. You will meet a stranger near the train. He will hide in the factory building. Get on the train. Go to the bedroom, where the poor fellow Oscar sat down, from whom they stole his hands. Untie his mouth, talk to him. Then lift the pliers off the floor. Listen to the voice cylinder of Kolkhozgrad. Get off the train.

Return again to the giant. Pull the handle forward 1 time. Climb the stairs to the ledge on the second floor of the factory. Using pliers, you need to expand the hole in the wall. Climb inside. In the room, make your way a little forward, examine the shelves on the left side. Take the spark plug. Return to the giant. Pull the handle back 1 time. Go down to the ground.

Walk past the train to the left end of the station. Pull the lever. Then an elevator will appear. You need to underground. Examine the generator on the left side. Use the spark plug and start the generator. Press the lever on top of the machine. Then the light will come on. Enter the mine. At the opposite end of the gallery, go to the elevator, go up. Walk right and up to the organ. Explore the pianist at the organ. Take the screwdriver that is on the organ.

The passage of the game Siberia 1 continues. Follow the elevator back and round the corner. You need to investigate the plate that blocked the way up the stairs. Use a screwdriver to remove the 4 screws. Climb the stairs up. Go to the office of Director Borodin. Talk to him about Oscar's missing hands. Go back down the stairs.

Elena's room

Enter Elena's room. Must look in open box in the dresser. Take newspaper clippings, as well as letters to Elena. Call your mother. Then walk to Borodino. I have to tell him that you know about Elena's whereabouts. Go outside, sit in the monorail on the right side.

Schrödinger's game: it shouldn't have been, but how awaited it was!

Gambling addiction https: // https: //

Zoe Castillo was in a coma for eight years. And then she woke up and, full of strength, went to save so different worlds Dreamfall... Kate Walker spent ten whole years in oblivion, and now she opened her eyes. Zoe was watched by the best doctors, while Kate was brought to life by northern shamans and horsemen from a Siberian psychiatric hospital. Will the former employee of the New York law firm be able to prove that we were not in vain waiting for her return?

Do not return to your old lovers

Sometimes stories end so well that it never occurs to me to demand a continuation. The image of the sweet and timid Kate Walker, with tears in her eyes, seeing off the herd of mammoths and the dying dreamer Hans, is kept in the secret corner of the heart of every lover of classic quests. That is why the announcement of the sequel caused mixed feelings: the joyful expectation of a new adventure and the bewildered "Why?"

Hello, harsh Siberian just ... oh yes, Kate can now be seen up close.

“There are no past lovers in the world. There are duplicates, ”Andrei Voznesensky argued. And in some ways he was right. Kate who woke up from a ten-year swoon Walker to begin with, I lost one letter and in Russian localization turned into Walker. Of course, grammatically this is correct, but associations with the Texas Ranger are at first unsettled.

As with the new pronunciation of Hans' surname, the emphasis in Voralberg now falls on the last syllable. Well, the lead in the list of oddities captured the heart of poor Oscar dangling around Kate's neck. It looks completely different from the second part, and the moment of extracting the organ from the good robot passed us by.

Be that as it may, Kate Walker (or Kate Voka, as her funny Yukols are called) rises from the government hospital bed. This means that new challenges await us!

Everything for console owners

Over the years, the genre of classic point'n'click quests, beloved by the owners of not the most powerful computers, has seriously changed. Quests turned into adventure games and moved to the console. In their footsteps she obediently stomped and Syberia 3.

And somehow it turned out that those who remained faithful to both the genre and the platform were left out: for those who try to control Kate with a mouse and keyboard, the game will seem like an inferior port of the console version. The space gained volume, but the handcuffs were not removed from the camera, and when moving, she sometimes makes awkward somersaults. With a fixed vantage point, guiding Kate through a cluttered area is not easy - the poor girl constantly bumps into jambs and stumbles over every bump.

The main riddle of the game: why is the owl square?

It is not by chance that the developers warn from the very first screens: do not suffer, take a gamepad. Better yet, move to the console at last! Although there are difficulties. For example, select the only one you need from a cluster of active points with a stick - that is still a task.

But the console version will certainly start, will not give a "black screen", will not slow down on any settings and will not force the next flight to replay a piece of the game again. Manual saves are not provided, as well as the ability to skip dialogues, so if you have already started playing, it is better not to be distracted.

Welcome to Russia?

But it is not all that bad.

This time we will not be sent on a trans-European tour. Kate's new pilgrimage will take place in Siberia she discovered ten years ago. Rather, Siberia, because Syberia 3 has as much in common with Russian soil as it does with the province of Provence.

The snow-covered expanses of Siberia look quite taiga-like. But the quiet town of Valsembord clearly migrated from somewhere in Europe. But at the same time, “Zhiguli” rusts on its streets, a suspicious person offers to buy “alcohol” and cigarettes on the cheap, and the very first city dweller he meets turns out to be a drunk captain on the board. The northern tribe of Yukols lives in yurts that are attached to the backs of snow ostriches, and the local incarnation of Chernobyl looks more like Nuka-World from Fallout .

Meet the provincial town in the Siberian wilderness, with a purely Russian name Valssembor.

Residents of Valsembore protest against the visit of nomadic Yukols. Also somehow not in Russian.

Game by ancient tradition shamelessly uses cliches about exotic totalitarian Russia. Here you have a conspiracy of doctors, and the oppression of national minorities, and the authorities, stubbornly hiding something, and socialist propaganda. Sometimes the game tilts dangerously towards caricature. This is facilitated by the exaggerated appearance of the characters, which stands out against the background of a more realistic environment.

But wherever we are carried along with the restless Kate, all the places will be very, very "Sokalev". The precise, recognizable details are still tightly intertwined with bold fiction. On top of that, the locations are literally imbued with an aching feeling of slipping away time.

The fantastic snow ostriches are one of the most wonderful gimmicks in the game.

The third part is not rich in fabulously beautiful backgrounds, unlike its predecessors. In a three-dimensional world, it is difficult to choose a finely-tuned compositional perspective, and textures that are beautiful from a distance, upon closer inspection, can turn into a dirty rag. But as compensation, we are sometimes allowed to turn on a panoramic view: the camera will fly around the area, showing what is out of sight.

Looks like the Skype conversation didn't work out!

The world has become much more alive, and not only thanks to the huge number of people everywhere: you can talk to almost everyone you meet and sometimes even hear something appropriate to the situation! Some of the "decorative" characters are still standing or sitting, staring into the void. But there are also enough of those who wander and try to interact with objects or neighbors in the location.

They came to work without a word in the same suits and hairstyles. Well, it happens.

And in the dialogues, Kate had options for answers. In some cases, we can even listen to her reflections on certain remarks. However, with a linear plot, any choice is just a sweet illusion.

The spy unscrewed the counter nut

Hardly anyone will become or not will play Syberia 3 only for textures and animations. Real fans of the cult "Siberia" are much more interested in the plot and quests! But we have told enough about the plot in the preliminary materials, one more small step, and spoilers will go. So we will limit ourselves to the word "exciting". But it's worth talking about the tasks in more detail!

Classic retroquest: you can't slap the print manually in any way, you must definitely set up the print spanking machine.

The main thing that has changed over the years: Kate has become modest. Now she does not pull everything that she sees into inventory, with the expectation of "maybe it will come in handy." The game has acquired triggers: in order to take a knife, you must first find out that it is needed. Namely: talk to your roommate, examine the box, examine the box more closely, talk to your neighbor again ... uh, now you can circle around the table, catching the desired hot spot!

Modified inventory. The most inconvenient thing about it is that it opens with one button and closes with another.

Moderate consistency of the tasks has been preserved: most of the puzzles can be completed without prompts, if you do not rush and think. But there are also exceptions. Say, take your medicine three hours before dinner - what time is it? The situation is aggravated by the fact that in the Russian translation “dinner” for some reason gives way to “lunch”, and to the heap the “dying” sarcastically comments on Kate’s actions, but does not say a word about where his pills are stored.