An equation with the right side of a special form. Inhomogeneous Second Order Differential Equations

Fundamentals of solving linear inhomogeneous differential equations of the second order (LNDE-2) with constant coefficients(PC)

A second-order CLDE with constant coefficients $p$ and $q$ has the form $y""+p\cdot y"+q\cdot y=f\left(x\right)$, where $f\left(x \right)$ is a continuous function.

The following two statements are true with respect to the 2nd LNDE with PC.

Assume that some function $U$ is an arbitrary particular solution of an inhomogeneous differential equation. Let us also assume that some function $Y$ is a general solution (OR) of the corresponding linear homogeneous differential equation (LODE) $y""+p\cdot y"+q\cdot y=0$. Then the OR of LNDE-2 is equal to the sum of the indicated private and general solutions, i.e. $y=U+Y$.

If the right side of the 2nd order LIDE is the sum of functions, that is, $f\left(x\right)=f_(1) \left(x\right)+f_(2) \left(x\right)+. ..+f_(r) \left(x\right)$, then first you can find the PD $U_(1) ,U_(2) ,...,U_(r) $ that correspond to each of the functions $f_( 1) \left(x\right),f_(2) \left(x\right),...,f_(r) \left(x\right)$, and after that write the LNDE-2 PD as $U=U_(1) +U_(2) +...+U_(r) $.

Solution of 2nd order LNDE with PC

Obviously, the form of one or another PD $U$ of a given LNDE-2 depends on the specific form of its right-hand side $f\left(x\right)$. The simplest cases of searching for the PD of LNDE-2 are formulated as the following four rules.

Rule number 1.

The right side of LNDE-2 has the form $f\left(x\right)=P_(n) \left(x\right)$, where $P_(n) \left(x\right)=a_(0) \cdot x^(n) +a_(1) \cdot x^(n-1) +...+a_(n-1) \cdot x+a_(n) $, that is, it is called a polynomial of degree $n$. Then its PR $U$ is sought in the form $U=Q_(n) \left(x\right)\cdot x^(r) $, where $Q_(n) \left(x\right)$ is another polynomial of the the same degree as $P_(n) \left(x\right)$, and $r$ is the number of roots of the characteristic equation of the corresponding LODE-2, zero. The coefficients of the polynomial $Q_(n) \left(x\right)$ are found by the method of indefinite coefficients (NC).

Rule number 2.

The right side of LNDE-2 has the form $f\left(x\right)=e^(\alpha \cdot x) \cdot P_(n) \left(x\right)$, where $P_(n) \left( x\right)$ is a polynomial of degree $n$. Then its PD $U$ is sought in the form $U=Q_(n) \left(x\right)\cdot x^(r) \cdot e^(\alpha \cdot x) $, where $Q_(n) \ left(x\right)$ is another polynomial of the same degree as $P_(n) \left(x\right)$, and $r$ is the number of roots of the characteristic equation of the corresponding LODE-2 equal to $\alpha $. The coefficients of the polynomial $Q_(n) \left(x\right)$ are found by the NK method.

Rule number 3.

The right part of LNDE-2 has the form $f\left(x\right)=a\cdot \cos \left(\beta \cdot x\right)+b\cdot \sin \left(\beta \cdot x\right) $, where $a$, $b$ and $\beta $ are known numbers. Then its PD $U$ is searched for in the form $U=\left(A\cdot \cos \left(\beta \cdot x\right)+B\cdot \sin \left(\beta \cdot x\right)\right )\cdot x^(r) $, where $A$ and $B$ are unknown coefficients, and $r$ is the number of roots of the characteristic equation of the corresponding LODE-2 equal to $i\cdot \beta $. The coefficients $A$ and $B$ are found by the NDT method.

Rule number 4.

The right side of LNDE-2 has the form $f\left(x\right)=e^(\alpha \cdot x) \cdot \left$, where $P_(n) \left(x\right)$ is a polynomial of degree $ n$, and $P_(m) \left(x\right)$ is a polynomial of degree $m$. Then its PD $U$ is searched for in the form $U=e^(\alpha \cdot x) \cdot \left\cdot x^(r) $, where $Q_(s) \left(x\right)$ and $ R_(s) \left(x\right)$ are polynomials of degree $s$, the number $s$ is the maximum of two numbers $n$ and $m$, and $r$ is the number of roots of the characteristic equation of the corresponding LODE-2, equal to $\alpha +i\cdot \beta $. The coefficients of the polynomials $Q_(s) \left(x\right)$ and $R_(s) \left(x\right)$ are found by the NK method.

The NK method consists in applying the following rule. In order to find the unknown coefficients of the polynomial, which are part of the particular solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation LNDE-2, it is necessary:

  • substitute the PD $U$, written in general form, into the left part of LNDE-2;
  • on the left side of LNDE-2, perform simplifications and group terms with the same powers $x$;
  • in the resulting identity, equate the coefficients of the terms with the same powers $x$ of the left and right sides;
  • solve the resulting system linear equations with respect to unknown coefficients.

Example 1

Task: find the OR LNDE-2 $y""-3\cdot y"-18\cdot y=\left(36\cdot x+12\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $. Also find the PR , satisfying the initial conditions $y=6$ for $x=0$ and $y"=1$ for $x=0$.

Write the corresponding LODA-2: $y""-3\cdot y"-18\cdot y=0$.

Characteristic equation: $k^(2) -3\cdot k-18=0$. The roots of the characteristic equation: $k_(1) =-3$, $k_(2) =6$. These roots are real and distinct. Thus, the OR of the corresponding LODE-2 has the form: $Y=C_(1) \cdot e^(-3\cdot x) +C_(2) \cdot e^(6\cdot x) $.

The right part of this LNDE-2 has the form $\left(36\cdot x+12\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $. It is necessary to consider the coefficient of the exponent of the exponent $\alpha =3$. This coefficient does not coincide with any of the roots of the characteristic equation. Therefore, the PR of this LNDE-2 has the form $U=\left(A\cdot x+B\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $.

We will look for the coefficients $A$, $B$ using the NK method.

We find the first derivative of the CR:

$U"=\left(A\cdot x+B\right)^((") ) \cdot e^(3\cdot x) +\left(A\cdot x+B\right)\cdot \left( e^(3\cdot x) \right)^((") ) =$

$=A\cdot e^(3\cdot x) +\left(A\cdot x+B\right)\cdot 3\cdot e^(3\cdot x) =\left(A+3\cdot A\ cdot x+3\cdot B\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) .$

We find the second derivative of the CR:

$U""=\left(A+3\cdot A\cdot x+3\cdot B\right)^((") ) \cdot e^(3\cdot x) +\left(A+3\cdot A\cdot x+3\cdot B\right)\cdot \left(e^(3\cdot x) \right)^((") ) =$

$=3\cdot A\cdot e^(3\cdot x) +\left(A+3\cdot A\cdot x+3\cdot B\right)\cdot 3\cdot e^(3\cdot x) =\left(6\cdot A+9\cdot A\cdot x+9\cdot B\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) .$

We substitute the functions $U""$, $U"$ and $U$ instead of $y""$, $y"$ and $y$ into the given LNDE-2 $y""-3\cdot y"-18\cdot y=\left(36\cdot x+12\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x).$ At the same time, since the exponent $e^(3\cdot x) $ is included as a factor in all components, then its can be omitted.

$6\cdot A+9\cdot A\cdot x+9\cdot B-3\cdot \left(A+3\cdot A\cdot x+3\cdot B\right)-18\cdot \left(A\ cdot x+B\right)=36\cdot x+12.$

We perform actions on the left side of the resulting equality:

$-18\cdot A\cdot x+3\cdot A-18\cdot B=36\cdot x+12.$

We use the NC method. We get a system of linear equations with two unknowns:

$-18\cdot A=36;$

$3\cdot A-18\cdot B=12.$

The solution to this system is: $A=-2$, $B=-1$.

The CR $U=\left(A\cdot x+B\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $ for our problem looks like this: $U=\left(-2\cdot x-1\right) \cdot e^(3\cdot x) $.

The OR $y=Y+U$ for our problem looks like this: $y=C_(1) \cdot e^(-3\cdot x) +C_(2) \cdot e^(6\cdot x) +\ left(-2\cdot x-1\right)\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $.

In order to search for a PD that satisfies the given initial conditions, we find the derivative $y"$ OR:

$y"=-3\cdot C_(1) \cdot e^(-3\cdot x) +6\cdot C_(2) \cdot e^(6\cdot x) -2\cdot e^(3\ cdot x) +\left(-2\cdot x-1\right)\cdot 3\cdot e^(3\cdot x) .$

We substitute in $y$ and $y"$ the initial conditions $y=6$ for $x=0$ and $y"=1$ for $x=0$:

$6=C_(1) +C_(2) -1; $

$1=-3\cdot C_(1) +6\cdot C_(2) -2-3=-3\cdot C_(1) +6\cdot C_(2) -5.$

We got a system of equations:

$C_(1) +C_(2) =7;$

$-3\cdot C_(1) +6\cdot C_(2) =6.$

We solve it. We find $C_(1) $ using Cramer's formula, and $C_(2) $ is determined from the first equation:

$C_(1) =\frac(\left|\begin(array)(cc) (7) & (1) \\ (6) & (6) \end(array)\right|)(\left|\ begin(array)(cc) (1) & (1) \\ (-3) & (6) \end(array)\right|) =\frac(7\cdot 6-6\cdot 1)(1\ cdot 6-\left(-3\right)\cdot 1) =\frac(36)(9) =4; C_(2) =7-C_(1) =7-4=3.$

Thus, the PD of this differential equation is: $y=4\cdot e^(-3\cdot x) +3\cdot e^(6\cdot x) +\left(-2\cdot x-1\right )\cdot e^(3\cdot x) $.

At the lecture, LNDE are studied - linear inhomogeneous differential equations. The structure of the general solution is considered, the solution of LNDE by the method of variation of arbitrary constants, the solution of LNDE with constant coefficients and the right side special kind. The issues under consideration are used in the study of forced oscillations in physics, electrical engineering and electronics, and the theory of automatic control.

1. The structure of the general solution of a linear inhomogeneous differential equation of the 2nd order.

Consider first a linear inhomogeneous equation of arbitrary order:

Given the notation, we can write:

In this case, we will assume that the coefficients and the right side of this equation are continuous on a certain interval.

Theorem. The general solution of a linear inhomogeneous differential equation in some domain is the sum of any of its solutions and the general solution of the corresponding linear homogeneous differential equation.

Proof. Let Y be some solution of an inhomogeneous equation.

Then, substituting this solution into the original equation, we obtain the identity:

Let be
- fundamental system linear homogeneous equation
. Then common decision homogeneous equation can be written as:

In particular, for a linear inhomogeneous differential equation of the 2nd order, the structure of the general solution has the form:

is the fundamental system of solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation, and
- any particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation.

Thus, to solve a linear inhomogeneous differential equation, it is necessary to find a general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation and somehow find one particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation. Usually it is found by selection. The methods of selecting a particular solution will be considered in the following questions.

2. Method of variation

In practice, it is convenient to apply the method of variation of arbitrary constants.

To do this, first find the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation in the form:

Then, setting the coefficients C i functions from X, the solution of the inhomogeneous equation is sought:

It can be shown that in order to find the functions C i (x) you need to solve the system of equations:

Example. solve the equation

We solve a linear homogeneous equation

The solution of the inhomogeneous equation will look like:

We compose a system of equations:

Let's solve this system:

From the relation we find the function Oh).

Now we find B(x).

We substitute the obtained values ​​into the formula for the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation:

Final answer:

Generally speaking, the method of variation of arbitrary constants is suitable for finding solutions to any linear inhomogeneous equation. But since finding the fundamental system of solutions of the corresponding homogeneous equation can be quite a difficult task, this method is mainly used for non-homogeneous equations with constant coefficients.

3. Equations with right side special kind

It seems possible to represent the form of a particular solution depending on the form of the right side of the inhomogeneous equation.

There are the following cases:

I. The right side of the linear inhomogeneous differential equation has the form:

where is a degree polynomial m.

Then a particular solution is sought in the form:

Here Q(x) is a polynomial of the same degree as P(x) , but with undefined coefficients, and r- a number showing how many times the number  is the root of the characteristic equation for the corresponding linear homogeneous differential equation.

Example. solve the equation

We solve the corresponding homogeneous equation:

Now let's find a particular solution of the original inhomogeneous equation.

Let us compare the right side of the equation with the form of the right side discussed above.

We are looking for a particular solution in the form:
, where


Now we define the unknown coefficients BUT And IN.

Let us substitute a particular solution in general form into the original inhomogeneous differential equation.

So, a private solution:

Then the general solution of the linear inhomogeneous differential equation:

II. The right side of the linear inhomogeneous differential equation has the form:

Here R 1 (X) And R 2 (X) are polynomials of degree m 1 and m 2 respectively.

Then the particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation will have the form:

where number r shows how many times a number
is the root of the characteristic equation for the corresponding homogeneous equation, and Q 1 (x) And Q 2 (x) – polynomials of degree at most m, where m- the largest of the degrees m 1 And m 2 .

Summary table of types of particular solutions

for different kinds of right parts

The right side of the differential equation

characteristic equation

Types of private

1. The number is not the root of the characteristic equation

2. Number is the root of the characteristic multiplicity equation

1. Number
is not a root of the characteristic equation

2. Number
is the root of the characteristic multiplicity equation

1. Numbers

2. Numbers
are the roots of the characteristic multiplicity equation

1. Numbers
are not roots of the characteristic multiplicity equation

2. Numbers
are the roots of the characteristic multiplicity equation

Note that if the right side of the equation is a combination of expressions of the form considered above, then the solution is found as a combination of solutions of auxiliary equations, each of which has a right side corresponding to the expression included in the combination.

Those. if the equation looks like:
, then a particular solution of this equation will be
where at 1 And at 2 are particular solutions of auxiliary equations


To illustrate, let's solve the above example in a different way.

Example. solve the equation

We represent the right side of the differential equation as the sum of two functions f 1 (x) + f 2 (x) = x + (- sin x).

We compose and solve the characteristic equation:

We get: I.e.


Those. the desired particular solution has the form:

The general solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation:

Let's consider examples of application of the described methods.

Example 1.. solve the equation

Let us compose a characteristic equation for the corresponding linear homogeneous differential equation:

Now we find a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation in the form:

Let's use the method of indefinite coefficients.

Substituting into the original equation, we get:

The particular solution looks like:

The general solution of the linear inhomogeneous equation:

Example. solve the equation

Characteristic equation:

The general solution of the homogeneous equation:

Particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation:

We find the derivatives and substitute them into the original inhomogeneous equation:

We obtain the general solution of the inhomogeneous differential equation:

Inhomogeneous Second Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

Structure of the general solution

A linear inhomogeneous equation of this type has the form:

where p, q− constant numbers (which can be both real and complex). For each such equation, one can write the corresponding homogeneous equation:

Theorem: The general solution of the inhomogeneous equation is the sum of the general solution y 0 (x) of the corresponding homogeneous equation and a particular solution y 1 (x) of the inhomogeneous equation:

Below we consider two methods for solving nonhomogeneous differential equations.

Constant Variation Method

If the general solution y 0 of the associated homogeneous equation is known, then the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation can be found using constant variation method. Let the general solution of a second-order homogeneous differential equation have the form:

Instead of permanent C 1 and C 2 we will consider auxiliary functions C 1 (x) And C 2 (x). We will look for these functions such that the solution

satisfies the inhomogeneous equation with the right hand side f(x). Unknown features C 1 (x) And C 2 (x) are determined from the system of two equations:

Method of undetermined coefficients

Right part f(x) of an inhomogeneous differential equation is often a polynomial, an exponential or trigonometric function, or some combination of these functions. In this case, it is more convenient to find a solution using method of uncertain coefficients. We emphasize that this method works only for a limited class of functions on the right side, such as

In both cases, the choice of a particular solution must correspond to the structure of the right side of the inhomogeneous differential equation. In case 1, if the number α in the exponential function coincides with the root of the characteristic equation, then the particular solution will contain an additional factor x s, where s− multiplicity of the root α in the characteristic equation. In case 2, if the number α + βi coincides with the root of the characteristic equation, then the expression for the particular solution will contain an additional factor x. Unknown coefficients can be determined by substituting the found expression for a particular solution into the original inhomogeneous differential equation.

Superposition principle

If the right side of the inhomogeneous equation is amount several functions of the form

then the particular solution of the differential equation will also be the sum of particular solutions constructed separately for each term on the right side.

Example 1

Solve differential equation y"" + y= sin(2 x).


We first solve the corresponding homogeneous equation y"" + y= 0. In this case, the roots of the characteristic equation are purely imaginary:

Therefore, the general solution of the homogeneous equation is given by

Let us return again to the inhomogeneous equation. We will seek its solution in the form

using the method of variation of constants. Functions C 1 (x) And C 2 (x) can be found from the following system of equations:

We express the derivative C 1 " (x) from the first equation:

Substituting into the second equation, we find the derivative C 2 " (x):

Hence it follows that

Integrating expressions for derivatives C 1 " (x) And C 2 " (x), we get:

where A 1 , A 2 − integration constants. Now we substitute the found functions C 1 (x) And C 2 (x) into the formula for y 1 (x) and write the general solution of the inhomogeneous equation:

Example 2

Find a general solution to the equation y"" + y" −6y = 36x.


Let's use the method of indefinite coefficients. Right part behind given equation is a linear function f(x)= ax + b. Therefore, we will look for a particular solution in the form

The derivatives are:

Substituting this into the differential equation, we get:

The last equation is an identity, that is, it is valid for all x, so we equate the coefficients of the terms with the same powers x on the left and right side:

From the resulting system we find: A = −6, B= −1. As a result, the particular solution is written in the form

Now let's find the general solution of the homogeneous differential equation. Let us calculate the roots of the auxiliary characteristic equation:

Therefore, the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation has the form:

So, the general solution of the original inhomogeneous equation is expressed by the formula

General integral of DE.

Solve differential equation

But the funny thing is that the answer is already known:, more precisely, we must also add a constant: The general integral is a solution to the differential equation.

Method of variation of arbitrary constants. Solution examples

The method of variation of arbitrary constants is used to solve inhomogeneous differential equations. This lesson is intended for those students who are already more or less well versed in the topic. If you are just starting to get acquainted with the remote control, i.e. If you are a teapot, I recommend starting with the first lesson: First order differential equations. Solution examples. And if you are already finishing, please discard the possible preconceived notion that the method is difficult. Because he is simple.

In what cases is the method of variation of arbitrary constants used?

1) The method of variation of an arbitrary constant can be used to solve linear inhomogeneous DE of the 1st order. Since the equation is of the first order, then the constant (constant) is also one.

2) The method of variation of arbitrary constants is used to solve some linear inhomogeneous equations of the second order. Here, two constants (constants) vary.

It is logical to assume that the lesson will consist of two paragraphs .... I wrote this proposal, and for about 10 minutes I was painfully thinking what other smart crap to add for a smooth transition to practical examples. But for some reason, there are no thoughts after the holidays, although it seems that I did not abuse anything. So let's jump right into the first paragraph.

Arbitrary Constant Variation Method for a linear inhomogeneous first-order equation

Before considering the method of variation of an arbitrary constant, it is desirable to be familiar with the article Linear differential equations of the first order. In that lesson, we practiced first way to solve inhomogeneous DE of the 1st order. This first solution, I remind you, is called replacement method or Bernoulli method(not to be confused with Bernoulli equation!!!)

We will now consider second way to solve– method of variation of an arbitrary constant. I will give only three examples, and I will take them from the above lesson. Why so few? Because in fact the solution in the second way will be very similar to the solution in the first way. In addition, according to my observations, the method of variation of arbitrary constants is used less often than the replacement method.

Example 1

Find the general solution of the differential equation (Diffur from Example No. 2 of the lesson Linear inhomogeneous DE of the 1st order)

Solution: This equation is linear inhomogeneous and has a familiar form:

At the first stage, it is necessary to solve a simpler equation: That is, we stupidly reset the right side - instead we write zero. The equation I will call auxiliary equation.

In this example, you need to solve the following auxiliary equation:

Before us separable equation, the solution of which (I hope) is no longer difficult for you:

Thus: is the general solution of the auxiliary equation .

On the second step replace a constant of some yet unknown function that depends on "x":

Hence the name of the method - we vary the constant . Alternatively, the constant can be some function that we have to find now.

IN original non-homogeneous equation, we will make the replacement:

Substitute in the equation:

control moment - the two terms on the left side cancel. If this does not happen, you should look for the error above.

As a result of the replacement, an equation with separable variables is obtained. Separate variables and integrate.

What a blessing, the exponents are shrinking too:

We add a “normal” constant to the found function:

At the final stage, we recall our replacement:

Function just found!

So the general solution is:

Answer: common decision:

If you print out the two solutions, you will easily notice that in both cases we found the same integrals. The only difference is in the solution algorithm.

Now something more complicated, I will also comment on the second example:

Example 2

Find the general solution of the differential equation (Diffur from Example No. 8 of the lesson Linear inhomogeneous DE of the 1st order)

Solution: Let's bring the equation to the form:

Set the right side to zero and solve the auxiliary equation:

Separate variables and integrate: General solution of the auxiliary equation:

In the inhomogeneous equation, we will make the substitution:

According to the product differentiation rule:

Substitute and into the original inhomogeneous equation:

The two terms on the left side cancel out, which means we are on the right track:

We integrate by parts. A tasty letter from the formula for integration by parts is already involved in the solution, so we use, for example, the letters "a" and "be":


Now let's look at the replacement:

Answer: common decision:

Method of Variation of Arbitrary Constants for a linear inhomogeneous second order equation with constant coefficients

One often heard the opinion that the method of variation of arbitrary constants for a second-order equation is not an easy thing. But I guess the following: most likely, the method seems difficult to many, since it is not so common. But in reality, there are no particular difficulties - the course of the decision is clear, transparent, and understandable. And beautiful.

To master the method, it is desirable to be able to solve inhomogeneous equations of the second order by selecting a particular solution according to the form of the right side. This method discussed in detail in the article. Inhomogeneous DE of the 2nd order. We recall that a second-order linear inhomogeneous equation with constant coefficients has the form:

The selection method, which was considered in the above lesson, only works in a limited number of cases, when polynomials, exponents, sines, cosines are on the right side. But what to do when on the right, for example, a fraction, logarithm, tangent? In such a situation, the method of variation of constants comes to the rescue.

Example 4

Find the general solution of a second-order differential equation

Solution: There is a fraction on the right side of this equation, so we can immediately say that the method of selecting a particular solution does not work. We use the method of variation of arbitrary constants.

Nothing portends a thunderstorm, the beginning of the solution is quite ordinary:

Let's find common decision relevant homogeneous equations:

We compose and solve the characteristic equation: – conjugate complex roots are obtained, so the general solution is:

Pay attention to the record of the general solution - if there are brackets, then open them.

Now we do almost the same trick as for the first order equation: we vary the constants , replacing them with unknown functions . I.e, general solution of the inhomogeneous We will look for equations in the form:

Where - yet unknown functions.

It looks like a garbage dump, but now we'll sort everything.

Derivatives of functions act as unknowns. Our goal is to find derivatives, and the found derivatives must satisfy both the first and second equations of the system.

Where do "games" come from? The stork brings them. We look at the previously obtained general solution and write:

Let's find derivatives:

Dealt with the left side. What's on the right?

is the right side of the original equation, in this case:

This article reveals the question of solving linear inhomogeneous differential equations of the second order with constant coefficients. The theory will be considered along with examples of the given problems. For decryption incomprehensible terms it is necessary to refer to the topic of the basic definitions and concepts of the theory of differential equations.

Consider a linear differential equation (LDE) of the second order with constant coefficients of the form y "" + p y " + q y \u003d f (x) , where p and q are arbitrary numbers, and the existing function f (x) is continuous on the integration interval x .

Let us pass to the formulation of the general solution theorem for LIDE.

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General solution theorem for LDNU

Theorem 1

The general solution, located on the interval x, of an inhomogeneous differential equation of the form y (n) + f n - 1 (x) · y (n - 1) + . . . + f 0 (x) y = f (x) with continuous integration coefficients on x interval f 0 (x) , f 1 (x) , . . . , f n - 1 (x) and continuous function f (x) is equal to the sum of the general solution y 0 , which corresponds to the LODE and some particular solution y ~ , where the original inhomogeneous equation is y = y 0 + y ~ .

This shows that the solution of such a second-order equation has the form y = y 0 + y ~ . The algorithm for finding y 0 is considered in the article on linear homogeneous differential equations of the second order with constant coefficients. After that, one should proceed to the definition of y ~ .

The choice of a particular solution to the LIDE depends on the type of the available function f (x) located on the right side of the equation. To do this, it is necessary to consider separately the solutions of linear inhomogeneous differential equations of the second order with constant coefficients.

When f (x) is considered to be a polynomial of the nth degree f (x) = P n (x) , it follows that a particular solution of the LIDE is found by a formula of the form y ~ = Q n (x) x γ , where Q n ( x) is a polynomial of degree n, r is the number of zero roots of the characteristic equation. The value of y ~ is a particular solution y ~ "" + p y ~ " + q y ~ = f (x) , then the available coefficients, which are defined by the polynomial
Q n (x) , we find using the method of indefinite coefficients from the equality y ~ "" + p · y ~ " + q · y ~ = f (x) .

Example 1

Calculate using the Cauchy theorem y "" - 2 y " = x 2 + 1 , y (0) = 2 , y " (0) = 1 4 .


In other words, it is necessary to pass to a particular solution of a linear inhomogeneous differential equation of the second order with constant coefficients y "" - 2 y " = x 2 + 1 , which will satisfy the given conditions y (0) = 2 , y " (0) = 1 4 .

The general solution of a linear inhomogeneous equation is the sum of the general solution that corresponds to the equation y 0 or a particular solution of the inhomogeneous equation y ~ , that is, y = y 0 + y ~ .

First, let's find a general solution for the LNDE, and then a particular one.

Let's move on to finding y 0 . Writing the characteristic equation will help find the roots. We get that

k 2 - 2 k \u003d 0 k (k - 2) \u003d 0 k 1 \u003d 0, k 2 \u003d 2

We found that the roots are different and real. Therefore, we write

y 0 \u003d C 1 e 0 x + C 2 e 2 x \u003d C 1 + C 2 e 2 x.

Let's find y ~ . It can be seen that the right side of the given equation is a polynomial of the second degree, then one of the roots is equal to zero. From here we get that a particular solution for y ~ will be

y ~ = Q 2 (x) x γ \u003d (A x 2 + B x + C) x \u003d A x 3 + B x 2 + C x, where the values ​​\u200b\u200bof A, B, C take undefined coefficients.

Let's find them from an equality of the form y ~ "" - 2 y ~ " = x 2 + 1 .

Then we get that:

y ~ "" - 2 y ~ " = x 2 + 1 (A x 3 + B x 2 + C x) "" - 2 (A x 3 + B x 2 + C x) " = x 2 + 1 3 A x 2 + 2 B x + C " - 6 A x 2 - 4 B x - 2 C = x 2 + 1 6 A x + 2 B - 6 A x 2 - 4 B x - 2 C = x 2 + 1 - 6 A x 2 + x (6 A - 4 B) + 2 B - 2 C = x 2 + 1

Equating the coefficients with the same exponents x , we get a system of linear expressions - 6 A = 1 6 A - 4 B = 0 2 B - 2 C = 1 . When solving in any of the ways, we find the coefficients and write: A \u003d - 1 6, B \u003d - 1 4, C \u003d - 3 4 and y ~ \u003d A x 3 + B x 2 + C x \u003d - 1 6 x 3 - 1 4 x 2 - 3 4 x .

This entry is called the general solution of the original linear inhomogeneous second-order differential equation with constant coefficients.

To find a particular solution that satisfies the conditions y (0) = 2 , y " (0) = 1 4 , it is required to determine the values C1 And C2, based on an equality of the form y \u003d C 1 + C 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 x.

We get that:

y (0) = C 1 + C 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 xx = 0 = C 1 + C 2 y "(0) = C 1 + C 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 x "x = 0 = = 2 C 2 e 2 x - 1 2 x 2 + 1 2 x + 3 4 x = 0 = 2 C 2 - 3 4

We work with the resulting system of equations of the form C 1 + C 2 = 2 2 C 2 - 3 4 = 1 4 , where C 1 = 3 2 , C 2 = 1 2 .

Applying the Cauchy theorem, we have that

y = C 1 + C 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 x = = 3 2 + 1 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 x

Answer: 3 2 + 1 2 e 2 x - 1 6 x 3 + 1 4 x 2 + 3 4 x .

When the function f (x) is represented as a product of a polynomial with degree n and an exponent f (x) = P n (x) eax , then from this we obtain that a particular solution of the second-order LIDE will be an equation of the form y ~ = eax Q n ( x) · x γ , where Q n (x) is a polynomial of the nth degree, and r is the number of roots of the characteristic equation equal to α .

The coefficients belonging to Q n (x) are found by the equality y ~ "" + p · y ~ " + q · y ~ = f (x) .

Example 2

Find the general solution of a differential equation of the form y "" - 2 y " = (x 2 + 1) · e x .


The equation general view y = y 0 + y ~ . Specified Equation corresponds to the LOD y "" - 2 y " = 0. The previous example shows that its roots are equal to k1 = 0 and k 2 = 2 and y 0 = C 1 + C 2 e 2 x according to the characteristic equation.

It can be seen that the right side of the equation is x 2 + 1 · e x . From here, LNDE is found through y ~ = e a x Q n (x) x γ , where Q n (x) , which is a polynomial of the second degree, where α = 1 and r = 0 , because the characteristic equation does not have a root equal to 1 . Hence we get that

y ~ = e a x Q n (x) x γ = e x A x 2 + B x + C x 0 = e x A x 2 + B x + C .

A, B, C are unknown coefficients, which can be found by the equality y ~ "" - 2 y ~ " = (x 2 + 1) · e x .

Got that

y ~ "= ex A x 2 + B x + C" = ex A x 2 + B x + C + ex 2 A x + B == ex A x 2 + x 2 A + B + B + C y ~ "" = ex A x 2 + x 2 A + B + B + C " = = ex A x 2 + x 2 A + B + B + C + ex 2 A x + 2 A + B = = ex A x 2 + x 4 A + B + 2 A + 2 B + C

y ~ "" - 2 y ~ " = (x 2 + 1) ex ⇔ ex A x 2 + x 4 A + B + 2 A + 2 B + C - - 2 ex A x 2 + x 2 A + B + B + C = x 2 + 1 ex ⇔ ex - A x 2 - B x + 2 A - C = (x 2 + 1) ex ⇔ - A x 2 - B x + 2 A - C = x 2 + 1 ⇔ - A x 2 - B x + 2 A - C = 1 x 2 + 0 x + 1

We equate the indicators for the same coefficients and obtain a system of linear equations. From here we find A, B, C:

A = 1 - B = 0 2 A - C = 1 ⇔ A = - 1 B = 0 C = - 3

Answer: it can be seen that y ~ = ex (A x 2 + B x + C) = ex - x 2 + 0 x - 3 = - ex x 2 + 3 is a particular solution of LIDE, and y = y 0 + y = C 1 e 2 x - ex · x 2 + 3

When the function is written as f (x) = A 1 cos (β x) + B 1 sin β x , and A 1 And IN 1 are numbers, then an equation of the form y ~ = A cos β x + B sin β x x γ , where A and B are considered to be indefinite coefficients, and r the number of complex conjugate roots related to the characteristic equation, equal to ± i β . In this case, the search for coefficients is carried out by the equality y ~ "" + p · y ~ " + q · y ~ = f (x) .

Example 3

Find the general solution of a differential equation of the form y "" + 4 y = cos (2 x) + 3 sin (2 x) .


Before writing the characteristic equation, we find y 0 . Then

k 2 + 4 \u003d 0 k 2 \u003d - 4 k 1 \u003d 2 i, k 2 \u003d - 2 i

We have a pair of complex conjugate roots. Let's transform and get:

y 0 \u003d e 0 (C 1 cos (2 x) + C 2 sin (2 x)) \u003d C 1 cos 2 x + C 2 sin (2 x)

The roots from the characteristic equation are considered to be a conjugate pair ± 2 i , then f (x) = cos (2 x) + 3 sin (2 x) . This shows that the search for y ~ will be made from y ~ = (A cos (β x) + B sin (β x) x γ = (A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x)) x. Unknowns coefficients A and B will be sought from an equality of the form y ~ "" + 4 y ~ = cos (2 x) + 3 sin (2 x) .

Let's transform:

y ~ " = ((A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x) x) " = = (- 2 A sin (2 x) + 2 B cos (2 x)) x + A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x) y ~ "" = ((- 2 A sin (2 x) + 2 B cos (2 x)) x + A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x)) " = = (- 4 A cos (2 x) - 4 B sin (2 x)) x - 2 A sin (2 x) + 2 B cos (2 x) - - 2 A sin (2 x) + 2 B cos (2 x) = = (- 4 A cos (2 x) - 4 B sin (2 x)) x - 4 A sin (2 x) + 4 B cos (2 x)

Then it is seen that

y ~ "" + 4 y ~ = cos (2 x) + 3 sin (2 x) ⇔ (- 4 A cos (2 x) - 4 B sin (2 x)) x - 4 A sin (2 x) + 4 B cos (2 x) + + 4 (A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x)) x = cos (2 x) + 3 sin (2 x) ⇔ - 4 A sin (2 x) + 4B cos(2x) = cos(2x) + 3 sin(2x)

It is necessary to equate the coefficients of sines and cosines. We get a system of the form:

4 A = 3 4 B = 1 ⇔ A = - 3 4 B = 1 4

It follows that y ~ = (A cos (2 x) + B sin (2 x) x = - 3 4 cos (2 x) + 1 4 sin (2 x) x .

Answer: the general solution of the original LIDE of the second order with constant coefficients is considered to be

y = y 0 + y ~ = = C 1 cos (2 x) + C 2 sin (2 x) + - 3 4 cos (2 x) + 1 4 sin (2 x) x

When f (x) = eax P n (x) sin (β x) + Q k (x) cos (β x) , then y ~ = eax (L m (x) sin (β x) + N m (x) cos (β x) x γ We have that r is the number of complex conjugate pairs of roots related to the characteristic equation, equal to α ± i β , where P n (x) , Q k (x) , L m (x) and N m (x) are polynomials of degree n, k, m, where m = m a x (n, k). Finding coefficients L m (x) And N m (x) is produced based on the equality y ~ "" + p · y ~ " + q · y ~ = f (x) .

Example 4

Find the general solution y "" + 3 y " + 2 y = - e 3 x ((38 x + 45) sin (5 x) + (8 x - 5) cos (5 x)) .


It is clear from the condition that

α = 3 , β = 5 , P n (x) = - 38 x - 45 , Q k (x) = - 8 x + 5 , n = 1 , k = 1

Then m = m a x (n , k) = 1 . We find y 0 by first writing the characteristic equation of the form:

k 2 - 3 k + 2 = 0 D = 3 2 - 4 1 2 = 1 k 1 = 3 - 1 2 = 1, k 2 = 3 + 1 2 = 2

We found that the roots are real and distinct. Hence y 0 = C 1 e x + C 2 e 2 x . Next, it is necessary to look for a general solution based on an inhomogeneous equation y ~ of the form

y ~ = e α x (L m (x) sin (β x) + N m (x) cos (β x) x γ = = e 3 x ((A x + B) cos (5 x) + (C x + D) sin (5 x)) x 0 = = e 3 x ((A x + B) cos (5 x) + (C x + D) sin (5 x))

It is known that A, B, C are coefficients, r = 0, because there is no pair of conjugate roots related to the characteristic equation with α ± i β = 3 ± 5 · i . These coefficients are found from the resulting equality:

y ~ "" - 3 y ~ " + 2 y ~ = - e 3 x ((38 x + 45) sin (5 x) + (8 x - 5) cos (5 x)) ⇔ (e 3 x (( A x + B) cos (5 x) + (C x + D) sin (5 x))) "" - - 3 (e 3 x ((A x + B) cos (5 x) + (C x + D) sin (5 x))) = - e 3 x ((38 x + 45) sin (5 x) + (8 x - 5) cos (5 x))

Finding the derivative and similar terms gives

E 3 x ((15 A + 23 C) x sin (5 x) + + (10 A + 15 B - 3 C + 23 D) sin (5 x) + + (23 A - 15 C) x cos (5 x) + (- 3 A + 23 B - 10 C - 15 D) cos (5 x)) = = - e 3 x (38 x sin (5 x) + 45 sin (5 x) + + 8 x cos (5 x) - 5 cos (5 x))

After equating the coefficients, we obtain a system of the form

15 A + 23 C = 38 10 A + 15 B - 3 C + 23 D = 45 23 A - 15 C = 8 - 3 A + 23 B - 10 C - 15 D = - 5 ⇔ A = 1 B = 1 C = 1 D = 1

From all it follows that

y ~= e 3 x ((A x + B) cos (5 x) + (C x + D) sin (5 x)) == e 3 x ((x + 1) cos (5 x) + (x+1)sin(5x))

Answer: now the general solution of the given linear equation has been obtained:

y = y 0 + y ~ = = C 1 e x + C 2 e 2 x + e 3 x ((x + 1) cos (5 x) + (x + 1) sin (5 x))

Algorithm for solving LDNU

Definition 1

Any other kind of function f (x) for the solution provides for the solution algorithm:

  • finding the general solution of the corresponding linear homogeneous equation, where y 0 = C 1 ⋅ y 1 + C 2 ⋅ y 2 , where y 1 And y2 are linearly independent particular solutions of LODE, From 1 And From 2 are considered arbitrary constants;
  • acceptance as a general solution of the LIDE y = C 1 (x) ⋅ y 1 + C 2 (x) ⋅ y 2 ;
  • definition of derivatives of a function through a system of the form C 1 "(x) + y 1 (x) + C 2 "(x) y 2 (x) = 0 C 1 "(x) + y 1" (x) + C 2 " (x) y 2 "(x) = f (x) , and finding functions C 1 (x) and C 2 (x) through integration.

Example 5

Find the general solution for y "" + 36 y = 24 sin (6 x) - 12 cos (6 x) + 36 e 6 x .


We proceed to writing the characteristic equation, having previously written y 0 , y "" + 36 y = 0 . Let's write and solve:

k 2 + 36 = 0 k 1 = 6 i , k 2 = - 6 i ⇒ y 0 = C 1 cos (6 x) + C 2 sin (6 x) ⇒ y 1 (x) = cos (6 x) , y 2 (x) = sin (6 x)

We have that the record of the general solution of the given equation will take the form y = C 1 (x) cos (6 x) + C 2 (x) sin (6 x) . It is necessary to pass to the definition of derivative functions C 1 (x) And C2(x) according to the system with equations:

C 1 "(x) cos (6 x) + C 2" (x) sin (6 x) = 0 C 1 "(x) (cos (6 x))" + C 2 "(x) (sin (6 x)) " = 0 ⇔ C 1 " (x) cos (6 x) + C 2 " (x) sin (6 x) = 0 C 1 " (x) (- 6 sin (6 x) + C 2 "(x) (6 cos (6 x)) \u003d \u003d 24 sin (6 x) - 12 cos (6 x) + 36 e 6 x

A decision needs to be made regarding C 1 "(x) And C2" (x) using any method. Then we write:

C 1 "(x) \u003d - 4 sin 2 (6 x) + 2 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - 6 e 6 x sin (6 x) C 2 "(x) \u003d 4 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - 2 cos 2 (6 x) + 6 e 6 x cos (6 x)

Each of the equations must be integrated. Then we write the resulting equations:

C 1 (x) = 1 3 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - 2 x - 1 6 cos 2 (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x cos (6 x) - 1 2 e 6 x sin ( 6 x) + C 3 C 2 (x) = - 1 6 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - x - 1 3 cos 2 (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x cos (6 x) + 1 2 e 6 x sin (6 x) + C 4

It follows that the general solution will have the form:

y = 1 3 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - 2 x - 1 6 cos 2 (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x cos (6 x) - 1 2 e 6 x sin (6 x) + C 3 cos (6 x) + + - 1 6 sin (6 x) cos (6 x) - x - 1 3 cos 2 (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x cos (6 x) + 1 2 e 6 x sin (6 x) + C 4 sin (6 x) = = - 2 x cos (6 x) - x sin (6 x) - 1 6 cos (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x + C 3 cos (6 x) + C 4 sin (6 x)

Answer: y = y 0 + y ~ = - 2 x cos (6 x) - x sin (6 x) - 1 6 cos (6 x) + + 1 2 e 6 x + C 3 cos (6 x) + C 4 sin(6x)

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