Sew dress in the dream. Sew white dress

in the dream of flowers

wear - success among familiar, ambitions; New - new love; milking or sewn - give an answer, the solution in person; Buy - envy; Dirt on the dress - the sayings of friends (girlfriends); many dresses - insult, resentment; Multicolored - to roads, roads; New - make a decision; get as a gift - a new novel; Dressed carefully and exquisitely - you yourself or you neglect, white - to the wedding, see colors.

Dreamed the dress

by dream of Miller

If a young woman sees in a dream, an elegant, well-stitched blouse or dress - it means that it will cause universal admiration for its art and pleasant manners. If she sees that her dress is torn, - this foreshadows the conviction for unauthorized affairs. If a woman is trying on a blouse dress - she will suddenly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she watches the figure to buy a dress like, she will successfully overcome the opponent and achieve love chosen.

What dreams bride

in the dream of flowers

expectation; Hope in affairs (for men); be a bride - to income; Inappropriate dress - marriage or business (in men) - do not come out.

Sleep value about the bride

by Dream Freud.

For a woman, to see himself a bride of her beloved person means a quick change in personal relationship. Perhaps it will be reconciliation after a long quarrel with whom you have long been desperate to establish contact. Your problem is that you need too much from your chosen one official recognition of your relationship. Keese a little your dust, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. If in a dream you ( we are talking About women) They saw her daughter bride, then such a dream says that you subconsciously compare yourself with it and often comparison is not in your favor. You note that the appearance has raised, the appearance has changed, the character. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. If the man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of the bride, then such a dream says that he is currently not sure of his male power, it seems to him that the failure will fall back. And in the dream, he is trying to return by the time success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream foreshadows a dream an ambulance pleasant walk, which he will spend with great pleasure. Maybe it will be a long-awaited meeting with the one he for a long time I did not see and secretly wanted to see.

Dreamed the bride

by dream of Miller

If a young woman sees himself in a dream of a bride - it foreshadows her to get an inheritance that will be extremely pleased. But only if she gladly puts on a wedding outfit. If at the same time easy sensations - She will suffer from disappointments in their affections. To see in a dream that you kiss the bride, means happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, it foreshadows you a lot of friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, sleep promises you wonderful health. It is possible that your beloved will suddenly receive inheritance. Kiss a bride and note that it looks tired and patient means that you will not give pleasure the success and action of your friends. If the real bride sees in a dream that it is indifferent to her husband, it foreshadows a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will spoil her a few days in her new life.

What dreams wife

in the dream of flowers

be them - disappointment, sadness.

Dreamed wife

by dream of Miller

To see his wife in a dream - means unfinished affairs and discord in the house. To see in a dream that your wife is unusually welcome, it means that you will receive a profit from some important and risky trade transaction. For his wife, see in a dream that the husband beats her whip, predicts that some of her unsuccessful actions will cause her harsh condemnation in the house, and then a common mess and turmoil.

What dreams wife

in the dream of flowers

(former or deceased) - the return of old cases; debt repayment; (in a dream of a husband) - the present work; Favorite or unloved lesson; Earnings; fight her - reconciliation; bore - to the disease of one of the spouses; husband caresses - big income; My wife hits a husband - to the disease; A man beats a wife or woman - to love or consent; Wife dreams very gentle husband - very bad in the family; go together - to parting; Traveling, go together - cash loss; feat - to separation; Purchase a wife (unfamiliar in reality) - a device of affairs depending on beauty and statics; The former wife is an old business; Connect with it - obstacles in proven; See Husband.

Dreamed clothes

by dream of Miller

To dream of clothes - sleep-prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what was the clothes in a dream: a whole and clean, or evaporated and torn. To see excellent, but unwitting clothes - foreshadows that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you refuse clothing released from fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, make new things, lead new love connections. All this will completely change you. See yourself and other dressed in white - means changes, and almost always sad. Walking with a man in white - means for him a disease and grief, if only this is not a young woman and not a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events. See yourself and others - foreshadows quarrels, disappointment and unwanted companions on the trip. commercial activity Do not justify your desires. See yellow clothes - foreshadow interesting entertainment And financial progress. If you see a silent moving ghost in yellow, with unnatural lighting, you should expect change to the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream. To see blue clothes - means that your energy will help you achieve the execution of your desires. Friends will support you. To see raspberry clothing in a dream - means you get rid of terrible enemies, changing your intentions in time. See green robes - a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. To see multicolor robes - foreshadows sharp changes and interlacing good and bad in the future. To see the clothes poorly sitting on you - implies the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise. See old man or young man In well-crossped costumes - means that you will take some unpleasant and troublesome things. If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes, - sleep foreshadows that she will meet an unpleasant rivalry in achieving secular success. If she admires the clothes of others - the dream is surviving jealous suspicion of her friend. To see the loss of some kind of toilet detail - means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. For a young woman to see himself in a dream in a black suit - a dream foreshadows sadness and disappointment. If she sees another woman in raspberry clothes with a strong mourning veil on her face - this means that it will surpass her rival that she did not consider equal to himself; Gorky disappointment takes it against all women. Interpretation of sleep about clothes, you should pay attention to whether it is naturally visible objects. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although paints and bright, - be careful, for failure in the implementation of important plans to cause you harm. Dirty and torn clothing always foreshadow deception and warns about caution in communicating with unfamiliar. Such a dream can foreshadow and act that you can burn your reputation. But clean clothing - to well-being. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise incorrect actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not be enough even the most necessary. Young Person This dream promises unfulfilled hopes. Light pleasant cotton clothes promises that the circumstances will soon be in your favor. Cotton fabric in a dream - the foresight of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person for married women - This is a promise of comfort in the house and consent. To see ourselves, it foreshadows gossip around your name. To see in a dream an important person is uncomfortable - foreshadows chagrins and pain for the expensive people. To see the ease of others - the foresight of your joy stolen.

See in a dream clothes

by Dream Loffa

"Some clothes meet ..." Clothes - this is a reflection inner world and individual personality. Does your clothes are admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Loss of clothing speaks of your vulnerability. Do not believe? Try to undress, say, in the department store - let's see how confidently you will feel at the same time. Of course, it may be sexy or exhibitionist fantasies. Draw clothes-case ambiguous. Who did not have to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a parable in Languages \u200b\u200bas a sign of a bad taste? However, the purchase of clothing items that are wonderfully sitting on you and allow you to feel confident, foreshadows positive shifts in your own self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magic properties. In this case, you are just looking for understanding or protection.

What dreams of clothes

in the dream of flowers

the more dressed - to the big trouble; Semi-purpose - to well-being; wear in a dream - the sign of good luck or failure, slippery position; Clean the brush dress - profits; dressed as a crown, - disease, longing; Elegant clothing is popular with the other sex, respect; see dress; On season and situation - will introduce good case; Unsuitable clothing - failure, trouble; Male B. women's clothing - trouble; Woman in male robe - a claim for success; Clothing - position (for men), (for women) - Many, lover; Give it - the disease, grief; You give to displacing - you change; burning - slander, insults; loss of a friend or litigation; Change in B. new clothes - change position in life; (For a woman) change her husband or lover.

Sleep value about veil

by Dream Freud.

If a man in a dream put on the head of a veil, then he needs to go to himself and get upset because of small problems. The fact is that a few infantile attitude to life can lead to undesirable consequences and you yourself will not notice how to turn into a creature that pours tears with each convenient and inconvenient case. If such a dream was seen a woman, it means that something not ordinary in her family will happen in her family, and they will have to strain a little to perceive the news normally. An unmarried woman or a girl to wear a veil - to an acquaintance with a man who will play a big role in her life. Torn or dirty veil - a sign of deception.

Dreamed silk

by dream of Miller

If in a dream you have silkwear on you - this is a sign that your exceptional ambition will be satisfied. This dream also foreshadows that people who were previously abandoned each other. If the girl dreams the old silk dress means, it will be very proud of its ancestors; It is possible that her hands will soon become a rich, but elderly man. But if a silk in a dream, a blurred or torn, she will torment his hereditary pride, marrying in an unworthy atmosphere.

See or wear in a dream white dress He foreshadows heart joy, ambulance wedding.

Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road;

Dress yellow color - sign of lies, envy and gossip;

Red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair;

Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment;

Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; black dress He foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

The dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress, foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress means condemnation around the non-residential act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one.

A perfectly stitched dress means that I will like that the lifestyle you will bother you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle.

To see on some reason, ugly or slamming dress predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untidy, crumpled or dirty dress means that in real life You will have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an irresistible dislike.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress is covered with sparkles, foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream interpretation sewing dress

After awakening it is interesting to know what to dream about sewing a dress. Every dream gives certain recommendations, but what should you believe, and from what better to immediately refuse? Answer this question is not so simple, because the plot of each dream is unique and to build a forecast is possible only on the basis of a number of factors.

Information for the dream

As the dream tells, sew a dress - a symbol that carry various information, sometimes even conflicting. You will have to think through every step before accepting an important solution. If you do everything right and use the Council, then it will be possible to avoid certain difficulties.

It is also necessary to say that the dream in which you sewed a dress is not promulit good news. In your home there will be more conflicts, and permanent quarrels with sweethearts can lead to a painful discontinuity.

Dreamed sewing clothes

If you do not want problems, you will have to be collected for round table And express your opinions. Only it will be possible not to just save, but also to strengthen the relationship inside the family.

Did you get everything?

Tailoring is not as simple as it may seem like a non-saying person. Sleeping people should remember the results of his works, as they can change the interpretation in the opposite direction.


If the stitched dress turned out to be the same as you planned, and his beauty just fascinates, then, according to one popular dream book, a cardinal change must occur in your life, even if not immediately. You will have to spend a lot of effort to achieve the desired one.


If you sew a dress in a dream, but everything went not according to plan, then the events will soon come to despair. What would not happen in real life, you can not give hands, the best decision - drawing up a plan of its actions and the beginning of their implementation. Only the maximum application effort will allow you to get out of a difficult situation with minimal damage.

Dreamed ridiculous stitched clothes

Which color?

If you decide to try on your own creation, then, according to the interpreter of dreams, an opponent will appear on your way, who wants to violate plans. For accurate decryption, you need to remember the color of crosslinking outfits.

The black

What dream of a black product? As practice shows, mourning color is the harbinger of extremely bad events. Sadness and depression will become permanent satellites. It is also worth noting the fact that a large amount of work will fall on the sleeping person, which will not allow to relax.


If you have dreamed of a white dress of your own sewing, then joy and pleasant experiences will come to your everyday life. A seen plot reflects a calm and peaceful life, which must come very soon.

What length?

See in a dream sewing a wedding dress

When the dreams sews a dress, he must be followed by pre-established sizes:

  • if the dreaming the robe is too short, then you will fail in almost all aspects of life, starting from your own career, up to family life;
  • the dress in the floor is the first sign that the dreams can become an object of reproaches and condemnation.

Not so simple…

Sew wedding Dress - a special symbol, and it is possible to characterize it only in accordance with the situation in society.

  • unmarried - to the upcoming meeting with an interesting young man;
  • married - you can rely on your spouse, because it will never betray.

Poverty outfit, which sewing in the dream. Fewwide women is a symbol of closedness to the surrounding reality. Actually, this character trait prevents achieving the desired vertices.

If you dream of such dreams, then it's the time to open the world and feel the true taste of life.

To see or carry in a dream. White dress foreshadows heart joy, ambulance wedding.

Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of a lie, envy and gossip;

Red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair;

Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment;

Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; A black dress foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

The dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress, foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress means condemnation around the non-residential act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one.

A perfectly stitched dress means that I will like that the lifestyle you will bother you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle.

To see on some reason, ugly or slamming dress predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untid, crumpled or dirty dress means that in real life you have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an insurmountable hostility.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress is covered with sparkles, foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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To see or carry in a dream. White dress foreshadows heart joy, ambulance wedding.

Green dress - to exercise hopes; Blue or blue - to go on the road;

A yellow dress is a sign of a lie, envy and gossip;

Red - to an important visit; gray - take care of general cleaning or repair;

Golden - Get help from sponsors; Multicolored and motley - to many entertainment;

Pale - relax in soul in silence and rest; A black dress foreshadows the sad news that will lead you to a strong disorder.

The dream in which it appears too short or close, not the size of the dress, foreshadows the worsening of cases in all spheres. Long, to the fifth dress means condemnation around the non-residential act.

Sewing the dress itself - your hardworking will be marked according to merit, and if you sew it in Atelier - you are waiting for meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will be wrapped with a chagrin.

Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long breaking.

If in a dream you are trying on the dress - it foreshadows the receipt of a profitable place or classes, which enlisters the side income that will exceed the main one.

A perfectly stitched dress means that I will like that the lifestyle you will bother you, and you will want to change.

A beautiful luxurious dress and besides very expensive, which you see on yourself in a dream - to joyful events in a family circle.

To see on some reason, ugly or slamming dress predicts troubles threatening from the rival.

Untid, crumpled or dirty dress means that in real life you have a meeting with a person to whom you feed an insurmountable hostility.

A torn dress - to the glooms and disagreements at work, shaped - large troubles, difficulties and the opportunity to lose property.

Dress with ruffles suggests that they will soon survive a completely extraordinary romantic adventure.

Dress with a belt - lose freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other cords - a sign that in reality you should be guided by more common sense than emotions and whims.

Velvet dress in a dream - a lot of fans in real life.

The dress is covered with sparkles, foreshadows familiarity with the smug and arrogant applicant for your hand, which, of course, will immediately be rejected.

Empty or ironing a dress - to the upcoming date.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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