The history of the origin of the stool. From the history of the appearance of the stool New time and its stools

Surely you rarely think about the history of many things that we encounter every day. A stool is one of the most primitive elements of a home interior. Well, really, what could be simpler and more familiar? And hardly any of us seriously thought about when and under what circumstances the first stools appeared.

However, much here is fairly obvious. The fact that a wooden block became the prototype of the stool is hardly a mystery to anyone. In general, it is the progenitor of almost all home furniture - chairs, tables, etc. But when did the stool begin to take on a modern look?

At the moment, the oldest finds date back to 3000 BC. And they were made in Egypt.

Ancient Egyptian stools

In ancient Egypt, wood was actively used for the manufacture of all furniture. It is curious that, judging by the archaeological excavations, an ordinary stool was very popular not only among ordinary citizens, but also among the nobility. Moreover, during the First Dynasty, a simple stool without a back was used as ... the throne of the Great Pharaoh himself.

Of course, such products bear little resemblance to those items that can be found in every second kitchen under the table. They were decorated with ornaments, drawings and jewels, and were also made of expensive woods - cedar, boxwood, etc. However, the fact remains. The pharaoh of the first dynasty "sat" on a stool. However, already during the Second Dynasty, a back appears at the throne. So high, an ordinary stool no longer "raised".

History of the development of the stool in Europe

The history of the development of stools in Europe begins, of course, with the Romans. It was the inhabitants of the Apennines who came up with the folding stools that accompanied the senators in various meeting rooms.

A little later, stools with a saddle-shaped seat, which was spied on by nomads, became a novelty (the one-legged stool of the Italian Achille Castiglione, who put an ordinary bicycle seat on the leg in the century before last, had the same principle).

The Middle Ages became the period of dominance of stools in the Gothic style. The product was a seat that was mounted on two wide strut legs. They could be decorated in a variety of ways.

Well, the mass production of stools was, of course, established in the twentieth century and became possible due to the fact that the stool screed was invented. Now their production for the domestic and foreign markets is carried out by CJSC "NTC-BULAT" and some other enterprises.

July 7, 2014 heaven-house

Of course, in every house there are stools or chairs. This is the most common furniture in the world. Chairs are usually placed in the living room, and stools in the kitchen. These two pieces of furniture have become so familiar to everyone that we rarely think about the history of their occurrence. Nevertheless, these simple items of our interior have the most interesting and curious history.

The stool was invented much earlier than the chair. The true story of the origin of the first stool has not yet been established, and scientists and researchers consider the ancient Egyptians to be the inventors of the first chairs. According to legend, it was the Egyptians who invented the first ancient chairs.

The great rulers of Egypt, the ancient pharaohs, sat on fairly primitive, massive and high benches, devoid of any comfort. And, according to the myth, during the burial ceremony of one pharaoh, a curious incident occurred - one of his close associates fell off the bench. The Egyptians took this fall as a bad omen from the gods from heaven. Therefore, historians believe that it was this fall that caused the development of the first chair. Therefore, the ancient Egyptian masters gradually improved the bench, first inventing the armrests and a little later, the backs. The chairs of those times were very luxurious, inlaid with precious stones, gold and silver. They served as a throne, were intended and were available only and only to noble, wealthy people. Therefore, the production of furniture of those times was considered a real art, the knowledge of which was passed on to the next generation.

Centuries later, let's turn to our time - chairs and stools can be seen in every house in all corners of our planet, this is no longer a sign of luxury and wealth. Every day the mass production of chairs and stools is gaining momentum, so the price of this furniture has become affordable for every person. As you can see, from a luxury item of the nobility, chairs gradually turned into a common household item for everyone. But the history of the chair does not stop there… The chairs have turned into comfortable and unusually soft armchairs.

Nowadays, the furniture industry presents to our eyes a huge selection of any models of stools and chairs. The imagination of furniture designers is limitless, so these pieces of furniture can be matched to any interior.

A stool or chair can be made from any type of wood, as well as from plastic and other materials, they can ideally fit into any interior of a house and apartment, office, salon and any public places. Moreover, this furniture will always be relevant, since a stool and a chair cannot be replaced by anything in everyday life.

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1. From the history of the appearance of the stool………………….3-6.

2. Justification of the arisen need …………....7.

3. Material selection…………………………………….8.

4. Tools and fixtures………………...…9.

5. Sizes of the stool…………………………….....……………………………………………………10.

6. Drawing of a stool…………………………………....…11.

7. Technological map ………………………... 12-13.

8. Safety regulations………………………………………………………………14-15.

9. The order of work.…………………………………………………………………………………16-17.

10. Evaluation of work….…………………………..………18.

11. Economic calculation….…………..……………..19.

12. Literature used………..…………………20.

From the history of the appearance of the stool.

Stool- a piece of furniture for sitting one person without a back and armrests.

One of the first inventions of man was the stool. Before the ancient man invented the stool, he sat on the ground. When people realized that it was cold and damp to sit on the ground, they began to put skins, bunches of grass or branches under themselves. The log became the prototype of the stool. But since it rides, someone thought of chopping it into pieces and sitting on the resulting log. Such a block was not very easy to carry from place to place, and they began to cut off unnecessary parts from the sides or bottom, so that it remained stable.

In conditions of limited space in the premises, stools are the most suitable furniture products, they take up little space. A wooden block is considered similar to a stool; it can act as seats or tables.

The oldest examples of stools found date back to around 3000 BC.

In ancient Egypt, wood was actively used to make furniture, including stools. Stools in those days were used in their everyday life even by kings and pharaohs. Moreover, not only ordinary, but also folding stools were in use, the seats of which were made of wood, and the legs resembled hooves and were made of elephant tusks.

Ancient samples of wooden furniture were found in Egyptian burials, which are more than 5 thousand years old.

During the First Dynasty, the stool served as a throne for pharaohs.

Even later, a form in the form of a saddle appears, peeped from the nomads. The representative of the steppe peoples, in order not to sit on the cold ground, used the harness taken from the horses as a seat. In the middle of the last century, Achille Castiglioni was the very first to remove the seat from the bicycle and put it on a steel rod with a stand - it turned out to be a stool. The shape of the saddle stool was positively approved by physiotherapists: how such a seat will allow you to redistribute the load from the lumbar spine to the ischium

Mass production of stools began in the 30s of the last century. In those years, the ingenious simplicity of stools, bordering on perfection, conquered many - a round seat and plywood legs in the shape of the letter “L” were the height of elegance. And thanks to the simple technology and the minimum number of parts, the production of stools was very cheap. Historians find symbolic features in such a stool. For example, a round wooden seat symbolizes the sun, the legs of a stool represent rays. Thus, the house appeared its own sun, hoarfrost alone. In addition, the environmental friendliness of such furniture was a big plus. And these stools are easy to store. You can simply stack them one on top of the other and put them in the pantry.

At the French court, luxurious, silk-covered chairs played an important role in palace ritual. At the royal reception, everyone was required to stand. Only a few ladies of the court were granted the "right of the stool" by the king, that is, the right to sit in his presence.

A miracle of folk design - a one-legged stool with straps for tying around the waist. When a lazy shepherd pastured his goats on a slope, he did not even need to take a stool in his hands - he constantly carried it on himself, and stopping to sit down, he simply stuck his leg into the ground.

Stools are very popular to this day, and the variety of shapes, sizes and colors is simply amazing.

Stools are used for various purposes and for various jobs and therefore are:

kitchen stool - a stool designed to perform work in the kitchen.

· for tourists - a folding stool with a light, durable base, resistant to moisture and heat.

· bar stool - high stools, with support for the feet.

· for playing a musical instrument - stools with a rotating seat adjustable in height.

special purpose - intended for a certain type of work, and having specific features (size, strength indicators, coatings).

Stools are made of wood, metal, plastics, chipboard, MDF, plywood and other materials. The seat of the stool can be either hard (including lining made of abrasion-resistant material, such as plastic), or with a soft element upholstered in fabric or leather.

Interesting Facts

In Moscow, on Taganskaya Street, there is a monument to a stool. Since April 3, 2007, a furniture museum has been located in the former estate of the Arshenevsky brothers, in front of which a three-meter monument to a stool rises.

Similar information.

A stool, a stool - the generation of the USSR perfectly remembers this irreplaceable item in communal kitchens, summer cottages and balconies. The stool was a constant and indispensable item for sitting in concert halls and in cinema halls at premieres. The chair was considered a more refined piece of furniture, not for the "simple". Now the stool has practically gone out of home, and even more so public use. But many remember and know what it is. But how many people know the history of the origin of the stool? To understand history, let's first look at etymology.

Etymology of the word "stool"

The word "stool" comes from the French language, stool - in French "tabouret" - a small pillow for needles, as a rule, a round shape. Or the old French, diminutive "tabour" or "tambour", which literally translates as "drum". But the word came to Russian from German - "taburett". In Germany of those years, the word meant an object without a back and armrests for a person to sit.

The concept of the subject "stool"

Modern stools are made from various available materials, metal, plastic, wood, plywood. The stool consists of a seat, legs, tsargs and prolegs.

It is probably not necessary to explain what a seat is. This is the part of the stool on which they sit. The seats are hard, with additional lining for beauty and soft, with upholstery. The upholstery is leather, leatherette and linen, from various fabrics. Also, the seat, if hard, can be covered with transparent or colored plastic for safety.

Stool legs are usually made from the same material as the seat, plastic, wood or plywood. More legs, like parts of a stool, are called supports.

Drawstrings and prolegs serve to increase the strength of the structure. Drawers are cross bars that are under the seat, increase the strength of the stool and serve as an additional fastener for the seat itself. And the prolegs are the transverse crossbars that are located between the legs below the seat and the prolegs. Collets - an element that allows you to increase the strength of the stool design.

In order to prevent the seat from slipping off the stool itself, as well as to fasten the seat, shallow holes are drilled in the prolegs and small, usually round in cross section, wooden sticks are driven in. They are called dowels. Sometimes a stool is assembled without dowels, attaching the seat to the legs and legs with nails or self-tapping screws. And for the stability of the seat, as an additional resistant surface, “crackers” are also attached to the prolegs, small boards attached flush to the seat from the inside of the prolegs.

What are the types of stools and their functional purpose

  • Bar stool - a stool, as a rule, with a swivel seat and high legs, so that sitting near the bar counter does not have to stand up or stretch. At the bottom of the legs of such stools there are also crossbars for supporting the feet.
  • Stool for drumming. A low stool with a metal body, a swivel seat, reinforced under the bevel so that the musician does not slide back when resting on the drum pedals.
  • The kitchen stool is the most common and familiar to everyone. Such a stool, for sure, is at home for everyone.
  • Tourist stool - folding, made of light metal, with a canvas or plastic seat.
  • Stools for playing musical instruments are heavy stools with a metal base. With adjustable height and swivel seat.
  • Special-purpose stools - designed for any work, having features in their structure, for example, a laboratory stool.

In Moscow there is a monument to a stool. It was opened on April 3, 2007. If you are interested in the history of the stool, you can visit the museum, located just behind this monument, in the former estate of the Arshenievsky brothers on Taganskaya street.

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Now, if there is a choice, any of us would prefer to sit in a soft comfortable chair or in a comfortable chair with a back that you can lean on. Stool we choose for completely different reasons - compactness, mobility, cost, but hardly comfort. However, this was not always the case. There was a time when a simple seat with no back or arms was the only piece of furniture available to sit on. Therefore, there was no need to complain about the inconvenience.

First stools, which became the ancestors of chairs and armchairs, were known in ancient times. By the way, we are talking not only about a standard stool in the form of three or four legs and a seat, but also about a folding stool invented in ancient Egypt in the Middle Kingdom. Such stool consisted of a wooden frame and a suspended leather seat. However, its design has not changed much to this day. today folding stools popular among summer residents, fishermen, barbecue lovers in nature. Like stool convenient to carry with you in the car, and it will always come in handy at a picnic in the woods or while relaxing on the beach.

More familiar hard stool was also known in ancient Egypt. The first stools with a back appeared there - the forerunners of modern chairs. However, they did not differ in comfort: hard, uncomfortable, they were used as ceremonial furniture. Therefore, their main task was to look presentable and amaze the imagination with rich finishes, decorations and unusual designs. For example, the legs of such stools could be made in the form of wolf or lion paws.

Other "finds" of the ancient Egyptians in the creation of stools are seats with a concave, non-flat seat surface, as well as seats woven from leather straps.

The wicker seat is also characteristic of the stools of the ancient Persians. Such stool was short, distinguished by unusually decorated legs - in the form of pine cones, clusters of fruits or in the form of animal paws. On top of the stools, the Persians usually put pillows. For more important occasions, luxurious ceremonial bedspreads were used. They sat cross-legged on Persian stools.

Over time stool evolved and changed many times. Appeared stools both with three and with four legs, their design also underwent a wide variety of changes. Simple square or round legs, carved legs, gracefully curved and straight, wood and metal… The variety is great, and you can find something for your home. stool in any style.

Changes have also been made to the seat of the stool. Now you can find a stool with almost any shape of the seat - round, square, triangular, or even one that has not yet been named. The seat surface does not have to be rigid. Many stools now they are upholstered with leatherette, under which a foam rubber layer creeps. Sitting on such a stool is not an example softer and more comfortable.

We choose stools home according to your needs and preferences. Furniture production offers us options for all occasions. Therefore, modern stool inferior to chairs in convenience, except perhaps because of the lack of a back. If this moment is not important for you, buy stools for your home and country house. You will not regret!