How to seal a crack in a window pane. How to repair cracked glass

It is not necessary to call a master or call a neighbor; you can seal the cracked glass yourself and without much effort at home. This kind of repair will not spoil the appearance of the glass and can last for about two to three years. Do not be afraid to wash the glass at the gluing point, it is absolutely safe!

For this type of repair, you will need silicone glue and a brush, a syringe and acetone, a little detergent and a clear varnish. Grab a regular cleaning cloth and cotton swabs. Fill a bucket with water and don't forget to bring some acetone.

First of all, clean the windows and glass from dust and dirt. Wash them with a glass cleaner and water solution. Dilute the detergent in a bucket of warm water according to the proportion indicated in the instructions on the detergent label. Wash glasses with rubber gloves. This way, you protect your hands from the negative effects of glass cleaning chemicals.

It is necessary to wash the glass on both sides. Wipe them dry with a clean cloth after washing. In the place of the crack, be extremely careful not to cut yourself on the glass. Now we are waiting for the glass to dry completely. Make sure that there is no water in the place of the crack, since in this case the glue will not adhere well.

After the glass has dried, it is necessary to degrease the crack. We take a cotton swab and moisten it in acetone. We carry out all work in rubber gloves! On a degreased surface, the glue will be applied much better and its layer will be smoother and more accurate. Moreover, in this case, the life of the glass will significantly extend. It is much more convenient to treat the surface with acetone with a cotton swab. Look, if the cotton wool is not synthetic, then it can leave behind cotton fibers. In this case, it is more convenient to use gauze.

Sealing the crack on the glass

We proceed directly to sealing the crack. To do this, take and draw silicone glue into a syringe (without a needle), carefully fill the crack with it. This must be done slowly and surely so that the glue can be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the crack and damaged glass.

Some tubes of silicone glue have a nozzle with a convenient tip that allows you to squeeze out small amounts of glue. If the crack on the glass is large, then after applying the glue, cover it on both sides with transparent tape. We leave the completed work for 12 hours until it dries completely.

Apply a thin layer of transparent varnish over the crack. Take a thin brush, gently soak it in the varnish and swipe it over the bonding area. It remains to wait for the varnish to dry and you're done!

Self-repair of glass cracks and sealing chips

The windshield of a car can be damaged for various reasons: as a result of temperature changes (for example, due to the inclusion of an air conditioner in a very hot car), and mechanically - by stones flying out from under the wheels of other cars. And if you do not have full insurance (car insurance does not count - this is not the insurance of your car, but the one that you, God forbid, drive into), it turns out to be a hit out of the blue. It's a shame, it seems like they are not to blame, but problems have arisen. The cost of new glass is quite high, and the installation is not cheap, in most cases it is much more profitable to perform a local car glass repair using the correct methodology and reliable professional methods.

And here there are two options - choose a car workshop and trust the professionals (here, too, not everything goes smoothly) or make your own repair of your damaged car glass. In any case, it will be useful to know what and how it is done if you decide not to change the glass completely. Of course, the choice depends on the nature and size of the damage.

In modern cars, two main types of glass are used - tempered or three-layer. Three-layer glass consists of two layers of glass and a polymer between them. Tempered glass undergoes a heat treatment cycle that makes them stronger and, if broken, prevents sharp edges from shards, ensuring the safety of passengers.
The glasses are attached to the body by means of gluing or rubber seals. The first method is more modern and prevents the glass from falling out upon strong impact. The second method is cheaper, but rubber begins to lose elasticity over time, ceasing to protect the interior from moisture.

In general, glass repair refers to the repair of abrasions and chips. By definition, such a seal restores the strength of the glass and makes the defects that were on the glass unobtrusive. The chip itself consists of a lost piece of glass and internal damage. To get rid of it, the inner section and the crack are filled with a special polymer. Filling takes place using a special injector, and the polymer used for filling has the same optical properties, the same refractive index of light, as glass. After applying the polymer, the internal cleavage cavities or cracks are reliably adhered. The polymer hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and after all this, the glass is polished and takes on a new look. This action is beneficial if the damage is not very serious. After this procedure, the strength of the glass is restored by 87-97%. And this, you see, is very, very good.
Now in more detail.

Professional tools are required for high-quality auto glass repair. A typical set is shown in the picture below

Major damage to auto glass and their repair

The chip looks like a small hole in the glass. Most often, it appears due to a sharp hit of gravel or small stones that fly from under the wheels of other cars.
Most often, the chip does not significantly impair visibility, but weakens the glass and can provoke the appearance of cracks in several directions around the damage. Cracks around a chip can quickly appear during the cold season. It is much easier to repair the chip than the formed cracks.

How are chips repaired?
Chipping repairs are usually done using an injector and a special polymer. The chip repair injector has an internal piston. Rising up, the piston creates a vacuum, and the damage is filled with polymer. Cracks on the glass can be “cured” in the same way, but it is better to carry out repairs at a time when the chip has not yet been filled with dirt and transformed into a huge, ugly crack.

A crack is a much more annoying and serious nuisance than a chip. Even a small crack already limits visibility, sometimes refracting light entering it. In addition, at any moment the crack can split into a "web" from the surrounding small branches. And also - with a large crack on the glass, you can easily not pass the inspection.

Reasons for the appearance of cracks:
● Most often, cracks, like chips, arise from a foreign object accidentally "flying" into the glass.
● On some car models, cracks can occur due to imperceptible, but constant movements and swaying of the body, which ultimately deform both the body itself and the windshield.
● Initially low quality glass. Sometimes glass on a car is replaced with an option from outside manufacturers. Such glasses are not very plastic, and a crack can arise even from a sharp temperature drop.
● The risk of cracking is especially high in the cold season: especially if a small amount of moisture gets into the microdamage.
● A crack can develop from a small chip in the event of sudden braking or other sudden shaking of the car. Therefore, it is important to carefully inspect your windshield for chips when purchasing a used car.

How are cracks repaired?
To repair cracks, a polymer is used, the penetrating ability of which is very high.

How to glue glass: detailed instructions

The crack is filled with material that makes the damage virtually invisible. But, as in the case of chips, the earlier you start repairs, the less unpleasant consequences your car can expect in the future.

The success of repairing cracks in glass can be hampered by factors such as:
- ingress of dirt and dust into the crack, which will not allow the polymer to completely close the defect;
- peeling of the plastic layer of the glass upon strong impact. Such damage is difficult to repair even with a polymer, since the glass will remain cloudy precisely because of the damage to the middle layer;
- different optical characteristics of glasses and polymer, which cannot always be ideally combined.

Glass Crack Repair Process
During repair, stress is first relieved from the crack, which prevents its further growth. After this damage is filled with a polymer with a similar refractive index, the composition hardens and reliably fixes the edges of the crack.
The crack repair injector has an internal piston that is screwed in and out by means of a thread. The piston creates pressure that allows the polymer to spread evenly along the entire length of the crack.

For self-repair it is necessary to buy a ready-made kit from a specialty store for such cases, usually consisting of a special device with suction cups used for convenient contact with the glass, a sealant based on synthetic resins and a thin film to cover the drying area. You will also need a drill (with a diamond tip), polish (quartz sand, corundum, emery ...) and polishing attachments.

The general algorithm for repairing cracks is as follows:

● Initially, it is necessary to stop the crack so that it does not begin to develop further. For this, two small chips are made on the sides of the damage, in which the propagation of the crack stops. Typically, the edges of the crack are processed with a diamond drill.

● The damaged area is cleaned: dirt is removed, the chip is carefully drilled out and cleaned of dirt and dust particles.
● Place the suction tool on the windshield so that its four legs are positioned around the crack and the center hole is directly above the crack itself. Then insert a tube of resin into this hole and squeeze it to inject three or four drops of resin directly into the crack. Further, you can remove the tube, and instead insert a piston, which will tighten the grip on the windshield to "pull together" the two edges of the crack.

● Spread the adhesive evenly with a special finishing foil. It must be laid from the center to the edges so that no air bubbles remain inside.
● After filling, the crack is dried with an ultraviolet lamp. Such a lamp will significantly shorten the drying time. In addition, if the glue dries in the sun, it is more likely to become cloudy.

● After the polymer has solidified, carefully remove the film and excess material. Remaining glue can be carefully removed with a razor blade or other flat object.
● The process ends with glass polishing using a special paste.

A professionally performed repair of windshields makes cracks almost invisible, however, it is impossible to restore 100% optical transparency and glass hardness. The repair of windshields is completed by cleaning small fragments with a vacuum cleaner, this procedure is especially necessary if the operations were carried out from the inside of the glass.
However, if there are too many cracks or their length is significant, it is advisable to completely replace the windshield with a new one.

Several recommendations on what to do and what not to do immediately after receiving a crack or chipped windshield or any other car glass

- Immediately after purchasing the defect on the glass, it is recommended to seal the damaged area with tape. Scotch tape helps prevent dust, water or dirt from getting into the defective area of ​​the glass: which makes repairs much easier and allows you to perform them better.
- In cold weather, it is better to direct the blowing of the stove downwards - towards the legs.
- On a warm day, it is better to put paper under the tape so that the adhesive of the tape does not get into the damage.
- If you had to postpone the repair for a while, then avoid washing the glass using special chemical detergents. Once in the crack, these substances can then lead to the fact that the adhesive for cracking the windshield does not sufficiently polymerize.
- It is better to drive to the place of repair at a minimum speed, because vibration and jolts of the car body cause the crack to grow.

Prevention of cracks and protection of car windows

To avoid the appearance of cracks or the growth of existing damage, you need to remember some important points in the operation of a car:

● In the cold season, do not set the stove regulator to maximum immediately and direct the entire heat flow to the windshield. The interior should be warmed up gradually after removing snow or ice.
● In summer, the same recommendation applies to the air conditioner: you do not need to immediately set it to maximum cooling and blowing the glass.
● In winter, do not turn on the wipers if ice has stuck to them. You need to peel them or wait until the ice pieces melt. If the car remains in the cold for a long time, the wipers need to be bent: so that they do not
stuck to the glass. Old wipers must be replaced, especially if they squeak and touch the glass during operation.
● It is better to remove dirt from glass with special means using a soft cloth or sponge.
● Periodic polishing protects the glass from microcracks and scratches.

Heat-resistant glass is more stable, and as a rule, the crack does not expand with significant heating. Sealing cracks in Pyrex and, in part, molybdenum glass is relatively easy. The crack is heated on a narrow and sharp flame from one end to the other. Usually softened glass expands to melt the crack. However, it may happen that when heated, the sides of the crack disperse and a gap forms between them. This often occurs with thick walled products or when the crack is on a spherical surface. In this case, the edges of the split crack can be pulled off with a glass rod, and then soldered on the sharp flame of the burner.

You can do it differently. The place where the crack is, gradually warm up on the burner flame. At the same time, heat the end of a glass rod made of glass of the same brand until completely softened. A heated glass rod is taken in the right hand and the softened end is carefully soldered to one end of the crack. A relatively thin tendril is pulled back. Then, when warming up, a softened tendril is applied to the gap in the crack, moving the stick from one end of the crack to the other (Fig. 92). A kind of welded seam is formed, resembling a seam of autogenous welding. The seam is then melted, trimmed and annealed.

It is much more difficult to seal cracks on products made from ordinary laboratory glass. Cracks on products made of these glasses quickly lengthen when heated and can render the product completely unusable. A non-hot flame of a gas burner is directed to the product where there is a crack, which is first kept at a considerable distance from the crack. Then it is slowly pushed towards the product, thus ensuring a slow and uniform heating of the glass. The crack with careful and slow heating will not enlarge. You can do otherwise: the product and the place where there is a crack are carefully heated on the smoky flame of the burner (a layer of soot prevents sharp heating). Gradually increase the flame temperature by adding air (or oxygen) and gas to it. When the crack stabilizes (the glass will not crack), a narrow burner flame is directed to the product along the crack and the glass is heated until it softens. At the same time, the soot burns out, after which the product is turned with a crack down and heated on a wider flame. The glass expands and is soldered. If a gap forms when the crack is heated, it can be repaired with a glass rod as described above.

How to seal a crack in glass

The crack bridging operation should be done fairly quickly. With slow sealing, the glass can collapse and the surface of the seam becomes dull.

Sealing cracks at the bottom of a flask, glass or flat-bottomed vessel is performed as follows (Fig. 93). The bottom is slowly and gradually warmed up. Then the flame of the burner is made sharp and narrow and heated until the crack softens with the so-called counter fire from one end to the other (from bottom to top). The flask is set to the flame at an angle of 130-140 °. To blow air into the neck of the flask or glass, insert a cork with a glass tube or a power with an open end, on the wide part of which corded or sheet asbestos is wound. If the edges of the crack disperse, then the gap is closed with a glass rod and melted well. At the same time, a convex seam is formed at the bottom of the flask or glass. To restore a flat bottom, it is heated on a wide burner flame, placed on a burnt wooden board, and lightly pressed against it, while simultaneously blowing and rotating a flask or glass. This operation is repeated on the graphite plate until the bottom is completely flattened. Then the product is annealed first on a burner flame, and then in a muffle furnace.

A more painstaking operation is the sealing of the star-shaped crack that has arisen from the impact on the spherical part of the product. Each crack, radially diverging from the impact site, is continued with a heated glass rod in such a way that it closes on itself during its continuation (the cracks are made circular).

After that, a not very hot burner flame is slowly brought to the center of the star-shaped crack and this part of the spherical surface is heated until it slightly bends. All cracks are melted with softened glass, heated evenly again and, slightly blowing, level the spherical surface. Heating up the impact site without closing the cracks leads to further cracking.

How to seal a crack on a window glass with your own hands?

How to repair glass on a car

You will need

  • - polymerizing composition;
  • - drill;
  • - special plates;
  • - UV lamp;
  • - polishing machine;
  • - vacuum cleaner.


Remove glass scuffs and minor scratches by polishing. Keep in mind that repairs to car windshield chips are not performed using this method. Since the formed indentations after the removed layer of glass can cause optical distortion. And this will entail a decrease in traffic safety. Start repairing the chipped windshield of the car in a timely manner, until a deep crack has formed, into which dirt has already clogged. To obtain an internal cavity in the three-layer glass, drill a small hole in the center of the chip. Through this hole, inject a special liquid polymerizing compound under pressure into the resulting cavity. Spread the compound evenly over the entire damaged area. Repairing chipped car windshield involves restoring its transparency up to 95%. The polymer has a refractive index of light close to glass. With good adhesion, it glues the edges of the chip. The air is forced out, the development of cracks is stopped. Apply a thicker compound to the liquid polymer to prevent leakage. Apply special plates to exclude the interaction of the polymer with air. Expose the curing compound to UV light for 20 minutes to cure it. Carefully wipe off excess compound from the glass with a sharp object. The final stage of car glass repair will be polishing.

Start repairing cracked car windows by removing dirt and moisture. To do this, use a water-displacing fluid or vacuum cleaner. Next, take measures to prevent crack growth. Drill blind holes at a distance of 6-8 mm from the ends of the cracks. Break the crack down to the hole with a slight pressure. To prevent cracks reaching the edge of the glass from unsticking after repairs, drill additional "shut-off" holes.

Fill holes and crack with curing compound. The application of special plates and the irradiation of the adhesive composition with an ultraviolet lamp when repairing cracks in car glass is carried out as when repairing chips. Such a crack will not be enlarged by vibration. Correctly performed crack repair restores the optical transparency, heat resistance, spall resistance and strength of the glass.

Clean the interior after repairing car windows by removing small fragments with a vacuum cleaner. Refrain from driving a car for 24 hours until the adhesive has completely cured.


With a large number and length of cracks, it is advisable to replace the damaged glass with a new one.


  • Windshield repair on a car in 2017

How to repair cracks in your windshield

Chipping or cracking on the windshield of a car is not uncommon for our drivers, largely due to the terrible state of the road surface in our country. If a similar trouble happened to you, then you should not wait and save money to replace the whole glass, just repair it. High-quality repair of cracks on the windshield will not be conspicuous, in addition, there is no guarantee that after replacing you will not catch gravel again the next day.

Why is it required to immediately repair the defect

Usually, chips on the glass are formed due to thorns and stones of various sizes hitting it. The amount of damage often depends on the size of the rubble. The reason for the appearance of a crack is quite often a temperature difference, so that the air conditioner in the summer and the stove in the winter should be used carefully enough and feel the measure.

So, if it already happened that you caught one of the above damages on your windshield, then experts do not advise delaying the repair. This is due to the fact that after a couple of weeks, small chips can turn into a long and unpleasant crack, which will interfere with the view of both the driver and the passenger in the front seat.

Glass repair tutorial video:

First of all, after finding a crack, seal it with tape! This will give you a little more time before it begins to grow, and dirt will not get into the damaged area, which can leave a noticeable imprint even after repair.

Repair of damaged windshield in workshops

In the event of damage to the windshield of your car, experts advise you to contact a service center. Here professional craftsmen will do everything in their power to return your car to its former attractiveness. Car windshield cracks are repaired at almost any service station. For this, photopolymers are used here. This material allows you to restore 70-80% of the strength and transparency of the windshield. The fact is that photopolymers have exactly the same refractive index of light, which makes the repair invisible.

The cost of such a procedure at the service station is quite low, to a greater extent depends on the price of photopolymers that are used for repairs. It is better not to skimp, since the degree of comfort of the driver and passengers will directly depend on the quality of sealing the damaged area.

4 easy ways to seal a crack on your windshield with your own hands

In any case, if the service station has a website, then there will definitely be a section with the opinions of the people about their work. Also try to ask your friends' drivers, maybe they can tell you a good service salon.

However, contacting a service center is not always rational, since such enterprises usually offer services designed to eliminate serious cracks. If you need to repair a deep chip or crack of short length, you can do this procedure yourself. There are two main ways to solve this problem.

The simplest method requires the purchase of a special kit complete with an applicator. There is no point in buying a kit without an applicator, since in terms of complexity it will not be inferior to a completely manual repair method, and at the same time you will overpay a considerable amount of money. First you need to degrease the glass - you can use an inorganic solvent or a special detergent to do this. Try to perform this procedure in a clean environment such as a garage, protected from dust and wind.

The applicator is installed on the glass and secured with a suction cup - its nose should be exactly directed to the center of the crack or chip. Start injecting polymer resin inside, and it is better to use more than indicated in the user manual, because otherwise you risk permanently depriving yourself of the opportunity to restore the windshield. After the resin, begin to insert the plunger by submerging it in until the last air bubbles come out to the surface. Use a soft cloth to wipe off any polymer residues protruding from the windshield surface and apply a finishing film on top of the damage. Now you just have to polish the place of repair and enjoy the result!

The manual method is recommended for use with a complex crack shape, the presence of large branches, as well as with a large crack length. Its labor intensity is higher and it will not be possible to do with one special set. You will need to purchase the following tools and supplies:

  • Injector and bridge. Tools for filling a crack with a polymer composition. For a one-time restoration, it is worth using inexpensive plastic products;
  • Polymer composition. Be sure to pay attention to the hardening time, which should not exceed a day. Glass adhesives also differ in the transparency coefficient, which must match that of the car - it can be found in the owner's manual or on the manufacturer's website;
  • Glass scriber - a tool for cleaning the area around the damaged area;
  • Cleaning liquid, degreasing solvent, wipes, wiping material;
  • Powerful electric flashlight. Needed to search for air bubbles at the place of repair;
  • Hand pump for air removal;
  • Drill with a set of diamond drills. It is used to eliminate the surface stress of the material.

First wash and degrease the glass, and then relieve stress by drilling shallow pits at a distance of 1–2 mm from the crack every 3–5 centimeters. You need to drill carefully, trying to expand the crack to the location of the holes being created.

Wash and degrease the glass again, scrub the area around with a scriber, and then install a bridge on it, on which the injector will be located. The injector nozzle should be aimed exactly at the center of the crack - you can use a ruler or laser tape measure to position it. Fill the crack with glue and illuminate the windshield with a flashlight, checking it for air bubbles - if any, you should connect the pump to the injector and make a few careful movements to create a movement of the glue and squeeze the air out. After completing the procedures, remove the equipment and remove excess polymer resin with a napkin. It remains only to dry the place of repair (in order to accelerate the hardening of the glue, you can use a medium-power ultraviolet lamp), and also polish the glass.

What is the threat of poor-quality repair

Unfortunately, nowadays there are a lot of irresponsible specialists who do everything in a hurry. Automotive cosmetics is a whole science and does not tolerate haste and inattention. Everyone loves to receive money, but they don't want to work.

If you come to the master, and he says that due to moisture or dirt in the crack, he cannot guarantee positive results, then you should not linger. For a real master who has many years of experience, these are simple excuses. A crack or chip can always be dried and cleaned out. The price for such services will be slightly higher than the usual repair of damage, but this guarantees a successful repair.

Before you start to patch up the damage, be sure to find out which photopolymer will be used for this. Attention, American materials are not always suitable for our climate. Ask about the expiration date of the polymer, if it is expired, the crack will open 99%. Usually, repairing with high-quality photopolymer costs about one dollar for one centimeter of a crack.

The master should also find out with what wavelength the ultraviolet lamp he will use to carry out polymerization.

In no case do not agree to seal the crack with a material such as "water glass" or sealant. Cracks cannot be sealed and sealed, otherwise you will then spend a huge heap of money on rework.

Windshield repair technology video:

A real professional complies with all the norms of the technological process, so the quality of his repair is always excellent. Thus, even if you have already purchased a new windshield, let it stand in the garage, and you will visit a good car workshop.

Happy trips and no stones on your way!

DIY windshield repair

Do-it-yourself windshield repair is not a very difficult job, any car enthusiast who loves to repair his car can handle it. To do this, you need to know the rules and procedure for performing work and have the necessary tools and materials.


The chip needs to be repaired

Diagnose the windshield. Triplex glass is suitable for repairs. A chip or crack that appears on the windshield of your car should not panic you. The chip must be repaired, and the crack must be properly treated. Examine the crack and assess the area of ​​damage to the glass surface.

You can repair a single small crack yourself, as well as in a branded car service. If the entire windshield is cracked, consult an experienced technician. Perhaps the cost of repairs is cheaper than replacing the entire windshield, but no one will guarantee the quality of the repair and its preservation for a long period of operation. And the new glass is new. This question is up to you.

Preparing for repair


After assessing the detected defect, prepare the necessary tools and materials to repair the damage. You do the cleaning of chips and cracks from various contaminants regardless of the elapsed time, when the damage was formed.

Auto glass repair kit

Remove dirt, micro-fragments with special compounds. Blow thoroughly, you can use a simple pump, rinse and dry the place where you will make repairs.

Degrease the surface to be repaired with alcohol. Having done all the preliminary work, slowly proceed to the restoration of the windshield.

Tools and materials

Repair composition

  1. Optical adhesive - polymer.

    When choosing and buying it, consult the seller, the transparency coefficient of the glue and the windshield being repaired must match. It is desirable that the curing time be short.

  2. The injector and the bridge are a device with the help of which the polymer is introduced into the damaged places on the glass. These devices are made of metal and plastic. If you need them for one-time use, then get plastic ones.
  3. A conventional pump is used to blow through the damaged glass.
  4. Drill. She drills holes at the edges of the cracks, so the stress on the glass is relieved. It is better to use a diamond drill.
  5. Mirror and electric torch. With their help, you check the presence of air in the polymer and specify the boundaries of glass damage.
  6. Scrayber - they clean and expand, if necessary, the damaged surface.
  7. The UV lamp accelerates the curing of the polymer.
  8. Napkins.


Crack neutralizer

Install the injector over the repair site. How to do this, read the instructions supplied with the repair kit. Everything is written in it in an accessible and understandable language.

The process of repairing a chip on the windshield consists in the following actions. You start to inject polymer glue into the chip. Do it like this. Take a syringe and fill it with glue. Insert a syringe into the nipple of the injector. Repeat this operation two times. The polymerization process takes several hours. After the polymer has completely hardened, clean the place of repair from excess glue. Then it remains only to polish the place of repair or the entire surface of the glass of your car.

If you have a small crack in the glass, repair it right away. It can change and become ramified. And this is a serious defect, it is sometimes impossible to eliminate it. We'll have to think about replacing all the glass.

Glass repair

Repairing a crack in your windshield will take you longer than repairing a chip. Use the repair kit similar to the previous one. All operations for repairing cracks on the glass surface are identical to your actions when removing a chip on glass. Differences are observed in the process of preparing for future repairs.

  1. Prepare an electric drill with a diamond drill installed in it.
  2. Step back from the edge of the crack 1-2 mm, drill a hole. This will help relieve internal stress on the windshield, so the crack will no longer expand in unexpected directions.
  3. After drilling a hole, clean it thoroughly and dry it well.
  4. Place the bridge with the injector over the repair site, making sure the gander is over the crack.
  5. Slowly feed the polymer into the crack.
  6. When it is full of glue, remove the bridge with the injector. Turn on an ultraviolet lamp, this will speed up the curing of the polymer three times.
  7. Grind the glass surface after the glue has dried.

Repairing the surface of your windshield will take away a small amount of your free time and money. You just need to correctly follow all the instructions and advice of experienced motorists.


Another way to repair your windshield:

How to repair car glass with your own hands

Dear car owners! Today we will learn how to repair minor scratches, chips and cracks in car glass. None of us is immune from such damage to car glass. The windshield of a car is especially often damaged. It is almost impossible to dodge a stone flying from under the wheels in front of a driving car. And if such a nuisance happened to you, the most important thing is not to waste time and start repairing as soon as possible. Since over time, small scratches and cracks under the influence of rain, frost, dust and vibration can turn into deep cracks. And then a complete replacement of the windshield cannot be avoided.

"First aid" for glass damage

If you "caught" a pebble and a crack or a small chip has formed on the windshield, the first and mandatory measure is to isolate the place of damage from dust and dirt. To do this, you can use ordinary scotch tape. (It is very good if a small roll of colorless tape is stored in the "glove compartment" of your car).

To make repairs, park the car on the side of the road, carefully clean the place of the chip or crack and seal it with tape. After that, you can go to the auto shop to buy the necessary materials.

Repair materials

Today, domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for repairing cracks and glass chips. These include the so-called polymers. We will not name their brands: the specialists of car dealerships will help you with this. We will provide only brief information on how to choose the right polymer for your case.

There are the following types of polymers:

  • liquid polymers, or polymers of high fluidity. Due to their liquid consistency, they facilitate rapid penetration into microcracks. Such polymers are used to repair small chips and cracks on car windows.
  • medium fluidity polymers. They have a thicker consistency and are used to repair deeper and longer cracks.
  • and finally, low flow polymers. These are the thickest polymers. They are used in the final stages of renovation. Such polymers are intended for sealing cracks and chips. Once hardened, they take on the properties and clarity of automotive glass.

Polymers for auto glass repair

So, you have acquired the polymer necessary for repairing the glass of your car. In addition, you will need a means for degreasing the glass surface, an electric drill, drills, as well as materials at hand (rags, gloves, etc.).

DIY glass repair procedure

When removing a glass chip, take a drill and carefully drill a small hole in the center of the chip. Wipe the damaged area with a degreasing agent and dry. Apply liquid polymer to the drilled hole and spread it evenly over the entire damaged area. Leave the applied composition for 20 minutes to dry the composition. You may need an ultraviolet lamp for this. Then apply a thicker resin. After it dries, remove the excess compound with a sharp object and carefully polish the chip area. Due to the use of polymers that have a refractive index close to glass, transparency is restored up to 95%.

Windshield repair

Cracks are eliminated in a similar way. The only difference is that the holes are drilled at a distance of 6-8 mm from the ends of the cracks. The holes must be blind. After that, you need to break the crack to the drilled hole with a slight pressure. The cracks and drilled holes are then filled with liquid polymer. The place of damage is dried in the light or with a lamp, processed with a thicker polymer, dried again, and then carefully sanded.

Correctly performed DIY repair of cracks allows you to restore the transparency and strength of the glass.

And finally - advice from experienced. After finishing the glass repair, vacuum the interior of the car and refrain from traveling for at least 24 hours until the polymer composition is completely dry.

Glass surrounds us everywhere: windows, doors, dishes, transport and more. Cracks often form on the glass, so you need to know how to act in this situation. If the crack is huge, with a wide gap, then you need to contact the professionals in your field, if it is insignificant, then you can cope with the problem on your own. You can glue the crack on the glass yourself, the main thing is to use a proven method.

How to repair a crack in a window pane

It is quite possible to remove the crack on the window glass, however, you have to work hard.

Preparatory stage

Before getting down to business, it is necessary to prepare the surface for the procedure. This will require washing the glass on both sides. It is necessary to carry out the procedure with rubber gloves; you can use any product intended for caring for windows for washing.

After all the dirt and accumulated dust has been removed from the glass surface, it is necessary to wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth. The glass must be absolutely dry, otherwise the result will quickly disappear after the crack is glued.


After you have made sure that the glass is clean and dry, it must be thoroughly degreased. Professionals recommend using the material at hand, acetone or gasoline will do.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that after the degreasing stage there is no lint left on the glass from the napkins.

Elimination of the crack

You can seal the crack in the window glass using silicone glue purchased from the store, or you can prepare the repair composition yourself.

Removing the crack with silicone glue

This product is indispensable when working with glass. On sale you can find tubes with a wide or narrow neck. If you purchased the first option, then it is more convenient to work with the material by typing a sufficient amount of glue into an ordinary medical syringe; if you bought the glue of the second option, then you will not have to do additional manipulations.

  1. By lightly pressing on the tube or plunger of the syringe, you need to fill the crack with glue. It is important that no voids remain.
  2. If the crack is wide enough, then you need to glue it over with tape on both sides. After the glue is dry, the tape can be easily removed.
  3. Wait for the right time. How much is indicated in the instructions on the package. The glue can dry for 12 to 24 hours.
  4. After the glue dries, you need to clean the surfaces from excess material.
  5. In conclusion, you need to use ordinary nail polish, it is important that it is transparent.

After such work, the glass can be subjected to water treatments.

Do-it-yourself glue

If there is no silicone glue at home, you can prepare the glue base yourself. For this you need:

  1. Mix equal amounts of turpentine and acetone.
  2. Gradually add crushed foam to these components. It should dissolve in the prepared solution. In order for the foam to dissolve quickly, you need to grind it as small as possible.
  3. As a result of the preparation, a transparent, viscous mixture should form, resembling honey in consistency.

other methods

If you have a barely noticeable crack on the window, then it would be wise to do without lengthy procedures for patching up the chip. You can use regular clear nail polish; in some cases, classic office glue will do.

If you are in doubt about your skill, then using scotch tape will do. You need to seal the crack with transparent tape on both sides. But you need to be prepared for the adhesive tape on the window to be noticeable, and such repairs will not last too long. Therefore, the tape will need to be changed from time to time. The fact is that condensation will form, so the tape will simply come off.

How to seal a crack in glass in doors and furniture

If doors or pieces of furniture in your house have glass inserts, then you have probably come across cracks in these glasses.

In this situation, you can proceed as follows:

  • If the crack is of an impressive size, it is visible, then you can order a replacement element on the manufacturer's website or from a company representative.
  • If the first option is not suitable for you, then you can try to hide the crack: paint it with varnish, then decorate the problem with professional paint or ornament.
  • You can also use the methods described above to eliminate cracks in the window glass.

Let your doors and furniture always fill the interior with aesthetics!

How to Repair a Cracked Glassware

To seal a crack in glassware, you can use any of the above methods, or you can use the grandmother's method:

  1. You will need to use a burner, with its help you need to slowly warm up the problem area.
  2. Additionally, you need to heat a glass stick.
  3. With a softened stick, you need to solder the crack, starting from one of the ends.
  4. You need to act this way until an even seam is formed, which will eliminate your problem.
  5. In conclusion, you need to melt and anneal the seam.

Glass cracks are no longer a problem for you!

Not a single driver is insured against cracks on the glass, regardless of his experience, because a split can be caused by a stone flying out from under the wheel, unexpectedly hitting a branch, etc. But, fortunately, if you take action right away, the glass can be restored on your own. How to do this, we will describe in detail below.

1 What to do after detecting a problem - first steps

So, you have noticed that for some reason a crack has formed on your car windshield. First of all, the damage must be carefully examined in order to find out:

whether the crack has reached the edge of the glass - if so, then, unfortunately, you can do nothing further, since the windshield will still have to be changed, gluing will probably not help. If the damage does not reach the edge of at least 5 centimeters, you can undertake repairs;

what is the depth of the crack - to determine if it is a through crack, or if it only touched 1–2 layers of glass, you need to draw a needle over it from the back side. If the needle slides over the surface, then the layer is intact, but if the needle clings to the surface, then the crack is through. This will complicate the task somewhat, but the situation is still fixable.

Immediately stick a strip of tape on the crack so that dust and dirt do not get into it - this will somewhat simplify your work in the future. If the glass is cracked on both sides, the tape is also glued on both sides.

2 How to deal with a crack while it is small - grab the drill

It is advisable to deal with the elimination of damage immediately after its occurrence. Otherwise, under the influence of vibration, it will begin to grow, which will complicate your task or even make repairs impossible. Moreover, after the occurrence of a crack, try to drive the car very carefully, since any bump can lead to the fact that the split will pass through the entire glass.

To prevent the damage from growing, it is necessary to drill a small hole around the edges. The hole will break the split along the crystal lattice. Please note that glass is highly fragile, so any wrong movement can aggravate the situation. If you are not confident in your abilities, do not do this operation yourself, but entrust it to a specialist.

If you are determined to drill the glass yourself, you need to choose a drill that is suitable for this purpose. Conventional HSS drills are not suitable. It is only necessary to use a special tool for ceramics and glass. Typically, these drills are diamond-coated. The drill diameter should be such that the hole is slightly wider than the crack, i.e. minimal.

To avoid aggravating the situation, deal with the damage immediately after it occurs. Drilling should be done at low speeds. The surface of the split must be pretreated with acetone or ordinary soapy water. If the split is not through, then the hole should be drilled only to the depth of the split. If the defect is through, respectively, the hole must also be made through. Be sure to wet the hole with soapy water or acetone while drilling. Also, avoid any sudden movements and bumps.

Keep in mind that you do not need to drill the crack itself, but an area located a few millimeters away from the edge of the split. If a crack is drilled, the hole may not interrupt it, and accordingly, it will continue to diverge. After the hole is made, you need to gently press on the split so that it goes into the hole, this is the so-called "bull's eye".

In order not to drill the glass deeper than necessary, put a rubber stop on the drill, which will rest against the glass when the required depth is reached. Sometimes a crack can have multiple rays. In this case, it is necessary to make holes in front of each beam.

3 How to glue damage and get rid of its traces

Drilling holes does not always help stop the crack, so you need to seal it up right away. To do this, you need a special polymer glue, such as Glass Master GR-150 or Antiskol. It is even better to purchase a special set, which includes not only transparent polymer glue, but also other devices and materials necessary for glass repair. The most common kits on the market are the Windshield Repair Kit or Universal. Their cost is in the range of 600-1000 rubles.

In order to properly repair glass at home, it is necessary to work on a sunny day, since the composition hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If this condition cannot be met, use an ultraviolet lamp. True, some compositions are made on the basis of epoxy resin, therefore they require heating with a lamp or hairdryer. To prevent the polymer from getting on the skin of the hands, it is necessary to work with gloves.

Drilling holes does not always help to stop the crack, so you need to seal it immediately. Start by protecting the wipers and other surfaces of the car from polymer ingress. Then the chips need to be washed, dried and degreased. For degreasing, use a special degreaser or regular alcohol. To better wash out the split, you can slightly press on the inside to make it open. In this position, the glass tension should be fixed for a while. Then we glue the adhesive tape on the crack, which is included in the repair kit. If the crack is through, glue the tape on both sides.

Opposite the chip in the tape, you need to make a small hole through which the polymer will be pumped into the glass. On the opposite side of the crack in the scotch tape, we make another hole through which air will escape. Then, opposite the hole, glue the Velcro from the set to which we connect the syringe. With the help of the latter, the liquid polymer is pumped into the hole and distributed in the split, while squeezing out the air. After that, the tension should be removed from the inside. As a result, the composition should fill the entire split, after which it becomes barely noticeable.

After some time, when the polymer hardens, it is necessary to remove the adhesive tape, and also scrape off the excess transparent polymer that has spread on the glass surface. Use the supplied blade for scraping. I must say that not only a crack, but also a chip on the glass surface can be repaired using the same scheme. Then the surface needs to be polished. To do this, you need a polishing paste and a sander. The surface is polished until all traces of glass damage are eliminated, then the polishing paste is washed off with water.

So we have coped with the task! If the technology is not violated during the repair process, the windshield can serve for many more years.

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Even the most careful driver will sooner or later develop mechanical damage on the surface of the car. Of course, not all mechanical damage can be removed by hand.... But cracks on the windshield can be easily dealt with on your own and with a minimum of material costs.

Consequences of a chip on the windshield of a car

Damage types

Initially, you should make out exactly what cracks are. There are mechanical damages of this type:

  • dents;
  • cracks from temperature changes;
  • branched cracks on the glass.

Any of them can be eliminated at home with your own hands. But you should pay attention to one important detail: the earlier you start repair work, the better. If it is not possible to immediately seal the crack on the car glass, you should repair the damage with ordinary stationery or masking tape.

Take into account the fact that a car with such glass must be driven especially carefully. The slightest vibration and shock can lead to increased deformation.

Chipped with a crack on the windshield after being hit by gravel

It should also be noted that almost any damage can lead to the complete unusability of the windshield. Therefore, in order to save money, it is better to close up chips and cracks in a timely manner. If the damage is repaired correctly, there will be no visible marks on the windshield.

Required tools

In order to repair a car windshield with your own hands, you need to have the following materials:

  • polymer glue;
  • injector (metal or plastic);
  • surface degreasing liquid and special wipes;
  • electric drill;
  • air pump;
  • applicator;
  • scriber;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • polish.

Auto glass repair tool kit (case)

As for the injector, it is more advisable to purchase a metal one for reusable use. The plastic injector is cheaper, but it is only suitable for a one-time repair of a car windshield.

Preparatory stage

It should be noted that the result depends on the quality of the preparatory work. The main thing is to thoroughly clean the surface of the windshield. This can be done with alcohol and special napkins. To thoroughly blow all dirt and dust out of the crack itself, a pump should be used... It is almost impossible to do this operation manually as expected.

At the end of the above stage, the edges of the cracks should be treated with a scriber. Only at this stage can the glass processing be considered complete.

To prevent the crack from spreading even more during processing, the windshield must be loosened, that is, the pressure must be made slightly less. To do this, at a distance of 2 millimeters from the end of the crack itself (or near each, if there are several of them), you need to make a through hole using an electric drill.

Glass chipping with a scriber

Then - "press down" the split to the hole... Thus, mechanical damage will not spread further over the area of ​​the glass. After that, you can start the DIY gluing process.

We remove the damage correctly

An injector is installed on the surface. It should be fixed with special applicators. To ensure that the circles are securely attached to the glass, it is recommended to lubricate them with petroleum jelly. Make sure that the injector is perpendicular to the glass and centered on a chink or crack. After correctly installing the injector, you can pour in photopolymer glue.

After the cracks are completely filled with adhesive, the injector can be removed.

The DIY repair process can be considered complete only when the glue is completely dry. If you allow the substance to dry on its own, then in warm weather it will take at least 45 minutes... Therefore, it is more rational to use an ultraviolet lamp. Thus, the drying time is reduced by at least 3 times.

Glue injector for windshield repair

After the end of the gluing process, the surface of the car should be polished. This can be done with a regular glass polish. A small amount of the substance should be applied to the treatment site and polished with a special napkin for at least 7 minutes.

Once upon a time, slate roofing was considered almost the most versatile: affordable, durable and unpretentious. Cheap and cheerful, as they say. But for all the strength of asbestos fibers, such sheets are not very resistant to mechanical stress: over time, many small cracks always appear on them, through which moisture can easily seep.

Fortunately, a slate roof is at least not subject to corrosion, like a metal one, which is covered with rusty spots from the slightest scratches, and yet repairs will still have to be done from time to time. So how to close the crack in the slate and stop the further destruction of other sheets? Now we will understand everything in more detail.

Fragile slate gets damaged quite easily:

  1. From shock loads. From careless walking on the roof.
  2. From microcracks due to falling tree branches.
  3. From mosses, lichens and other misfortunes. Moss and lichens, which are especially fond of slate, not only deprive it of its aesthetics, but also slowly destroy it!
  4. From time. Unfortunately, the service life of a slate roof is not long, and after 10-12 years the first cracks and gaps appear.
  5. From constantly stagnant rainwater. Any roof, and not only slate, has weak points around the skylights and pipes. Pay attention to these elements right away - it is not difficult to seal them.
  6. The angle of inclination of the roof is not suitable for slate roofing.
  7. The slate was laid with certain irregularities, and the material is constantly under excessive stress. It is also bad if during installation you used ordinary nails without rubber gaskets to fasten the sheets - then you cannot do without cracks.
  8. Sloppy transportation and storage. Such defects may not be detected immediately, but they will immediately become noticeable from walking on them on the roof.
  9. Sudden temperature changes. Believe me, any asbestos-cement material does not like this.
  10. Due to the disproportionately small holes for screws or nails. Do not forget that metal is characterized by seasonal expansion, and therefore the place for such an attachment needs to be left a little more (but not so that rainwater flows in). This is why rubber gaskets are needed.

And finally, snow can add new problems. The fact is that a slate roof is not as smooth as a metal one, and snow lingers on it constantly. And just a little sun's rays are enough to flood this whole snow cap from below - as a result, the melted water flows down to the cornice, where it meets a new layer of snow (the cornice is always colder than the roof above the living quarters). Here the melt water freezes again and in the form of ice already destroys not only the slate sheets, but also the drainage system. In addition, all this mass under natural expansion from a low temperature is hammered under the sheets and from there, already melting, falls directly onto the rafters or into the insulation.

Also, often the reason for cracks in the slate lies in its improper manufacturing technology. Moreover, at several stages:

  • During the preparation of the mortar, less cement was added than was required by the factory recipe (guess why).
  • Gross violations of the technology of production of slate sheets (handicraft production).
  • In the slate, short asbestos fibers were used (and this is already the manufacturer's decision).
  • Poor quality processing of finished slate sheets (lack of control).
  • Shortening the hole period of the material (and it takes 28 days).

Now let's talk about how and with what to repair holes and cracks on the slate roof of a house.

How to find coating defects?

Agree that it is quite difficult to notice new defects or cracks on an outwardly heterogeneous slate roof, while on a smooth folded roof or corrugated board it is not difficult to do this even from a neighboring building. Therefore, pay attention to such alarming signs that your roof needs to be urgently repaired:

The fact is that unnoticed leaks are quite insidious: the rafters are immediately saturated with moisture, the thermal insulation damp and deteriorates, and the ceiling needs repair. Go to the attic if you have similar suspicions: if you smell damp, then there is a problem. And individual spots of mold indicate that somewhere there is a crack in the slate, but so far it does not make itself known, except for small leaks. Check the under-roof space of the slate roof also after every shower.

We make a "diagnosis" of cracked sheets

If the cracks have gone along the protruding waves of the slate, then the bookmarks must be applied both from below and from above.

Cracks in the bottom waves require the most difficult solutions. After all, it is here that water will constantly stagnate, and it is quite difficult to achieve the necessary tightness.

But let's look first at the crack itself - a lot depends on it:

  1. The crack that follows the upper wave of the slate(it is easiest to notice), usually does not leak due to the fact that the water under it does not stagnate. This is the most harmless crack, and it is easy to repair it - just bend the galvanized iron and slip it under the slate, and cover the crack itself with a special roofing tape.
  2. The crack that follows the lower wave, the most dangerous - here you cannot do without leaks. Use sealant, patch, and folded sheet.
  3. The crack that went across the slate sheet, the most dangerous! And one cannot do here - the crack will begin to widen and pass in the future to subsequent waves.

Have you decided on a future renovation? Proceed with caution! Remember that in many countries of the world this roof covering is completely prohibited due to harm to health, and therefore, when dismantling old sheets or machining, protect yourself from asbestos fibers. Here's how professional teams do it:

How to repair cracks and holes on slate?

Before putting any patch on, it is important to start by completely cleaning the surface to be repaired from debris and moss, and then washing it with a powerful jet of water. And here's how to seal holes and holes in the slate on the roof with available materials and new products from the construction market:

Method number 1. Cement and sand

Prepare a mixture of one part dry cement and two sifted sand. Pour in water and knead to the desired consistency. Close up. Let the cracks dry well and paint them in a suitable color.

Method number 2. Butyl rubber tape

A special butyl rubber tape is also good as a patch for holes and cracks. What is good, its surface is made of non-woven material, thanks to which it is good to paint such a patch in the desired shade. And working with her is also simple:

  • Step 1. Degrease the area of ​​the slate sheet to be repaired with gasoline.
  • Step 2. Remove the protective strip from the tape and stick it to the damaged area.
  • Step 3. Paint it in color so that your roof does not look "patched".

Ready-made butyl patches are also used for repair:

To seal cracks in slate, serpyanka is also used - a tape that gives strength to the putty joint of sheets strength. To do this, first a layer of bitumen is applied to the crack, then serpyanka is applied to it, and then everything is again coated with bitumen.

Or use a more expensive modern version of tapes that are designed specifically for the repair of such roofs:

Method number 3. Hot bitumen

It is not difficult to prepare bituminous mastic at the stake:

  1. We light a fire, put two bricks on the sides.
  2. We take an old bucket, put a piece of bitumen in it.
  3. We put the bucket on the fire and stir gently so that nothing catches on fire.

If you work at subzero temperatures, add 10% waste to the bitumen to give it elasticity and avoid cracking of the mastic. Especially if you are processing the edges of slate sheets:

Hot bitumen is also suitable for sealing small cracks:

But remember that any putty will only have a temporary effect. The problem with using traditional slate putties is that this roofing material is not very flexible to expand, whereas putties usually have a completely different coefficient. This is why, after a few cycles of temperature fluctuations, leakage problems return again. And sometimes it is much easier and safer to simply replace the defective sheet.

Method number 4. Asbestos, cement and PVA putty

First, we take ready-made asbestos. If you can't get one, just grate it from a piece of slate. Be sure to protect the respiratory tract during such work!

So, to prepare the mixture, you will need to mix 2 parts of cement, 3 asbestos and a liquid solution of PVA glue and water, taken equally. Stir the mixture until it thickens like sour cream. If you cleaned part of the slate before repairing, wait until it is completely dry. Next, apply the prepared mixture, treat with a solution of PVA and water (now the ratio is 1: 3) and apply 2 more layers of the mixture.

Method number 5. Ready putties

For the repair of such a roof, ready-made mixtures are well suited, which include waterproofing materials. You need to work with them like this:

  • Step 1. We clean well the surface to be repaired.
  • Step 2. Degrease the area with a solvent or acetone, dry well.
  • Step 3. We prime the surface with a repair mixture, only diluted to a liquid state.
  • Step 4. Apply the mixture with a special gun or spatula.
  • Step 5. After 6 hours, cover with glass cloth and put a new layer of the mixture.

Please note that it is necessary to carry out such repair work on a slate roof in dry and cloudy weather, so that the necessary components in the mixtures dry out without haste.

Method number 6. Foam and epoxy

Cracks and holes in the slate are also closed with liquid foam, but for this you will have to purchase a whole cylinder. Practiced among home craftsmen and the so-called "three-layer" method:

  • Step 1. We clean and degrease the area.
  • Step 2. We close the crack with polyurethane foam.
  • Step 3. Dry or just leave for a day.
  • Step 4. Apply sealant.
  • Step 5. Cover it all with resin.

Epoxy resin is also suitable for repairing a slate roof, which is much less destroyed by ultraviolet rays than foam.

This is an expensive but reliable method to deal with small problems, although it is inconvenient to use it on an incline. So, if the slate sheet has split along its entire length, fasten the wavy joints with epoxy glue. But first, secure them together at the bottom with mounting tape, and only then fill the gap at the top.

Method number 7. Tin patch

This method is suitable for repairing large holes and cracks in a slate roof. So, step by step:

  • Step 1. Cut out the patch from the tin, roll it up into a tube.
  • Step 2. Push it into the hole so that a hole can be made in the middle of the patch.
  • Step 3. Insert a bolt with a gasket into the hole and press.
  • Step 4. Fill the gaps with construction sealant.

The repair of a slate roof must be taken seriously. If the patch will pass even a little water further, the rafters will eventually become completely unusable.

Method number 8. Drying oil with chalk

This is one of the most proven folk methods. So, we clean the cracks, carefully cover them up, and paint with oil paint when dry. That's all!

Method number 9. Moisture resistant glue

  • Step 1. We wash the sheets well with plain water, three of them with a stiff brush.
  • Step 2. We are waiting for the slate to dry and glue each hole with a piece of dense fabric so that its edges extend beyond the hole by about 3-4 cm. For this we saturate the patch with moisture-resistant glue.
  • Step 3. On top of the patch, once again apply a layer of glue (Enamel).
  • Step 4. Turn the damaged sheet over and fill the hole with concrete.
  • Step 5. Once the mortar has set, glue another patch.
  • Step 6. At the end of the crack, drill a hole and seal it with an elastic sealant.

Method number 10. Aluminium foil

Ordinary aluminum foil will also help to cope with cracks:

  • Step 1. Remove the old fasteners from the sheet.
  • Step 2. Round off the corners of the patch.
  • Step 3. We attach the foil and press it with a self-tapping screw.
  • Step 4. If the slate on your roof is colored, paint in the same color and the patch.

In extreme cases, it is easier to replace a section of the slate roof than to repair it. Then cut out the necessary elements from the new sheets:

Often, the ridge of a slate roof also becomes unusable, which is not difficult to replace with a metal or wooden one:

How to protect the slate from further damage?

The situation is worse if the roof began to burst in different places. This usually indicates installation errors in due time, and the usual repair of roof slate will only give a temporary effect. It is urgent to stop the destruction process:

  • Method number 1. To prevent cracking, temporarily place a strip of fabric soaked in paint over the crack.
  • Method number 2. Also, so that the crack does not go further, a hole is drilled in it and fixed with a self-tapping screw. Moreover, such a hole must be sealed with additional roofing sealant, which will tighten, like rubber, the edges of the hole.

But, if in the next decade you are not going to change the entire roof, then approach the issue of repairs more globally:

Or like this:

That's all! Choose the method for which you already have materials and you know how to work with them.

As the most durable roofing material, slate has been used to cover buildings since the middle of the last century. But, despite all its positive qualities, time and mechanical stress can cause unexpected damage. And in this case, it is very important to know how to repair a crack in the slate, or eliminate the resulting chip.

1 Crack in the slate - should you sound the alarm?

To avoid the need to completely replace the sheet, which is not an easy task, you can use various methods to correct the defect that has arisen. And, despite the requirement for certain skills, it is easier than replacing the entire sheet.

Most often, damage occurs due to the "aging" of the slate. But besides this, there are other reasons:

  • the set includes a sheet created in violation of manufacturing technology;
  • poor quality of processing of the sheet itself at the final stage;
  • low-quality asbestos material;
  • an error in the choice of the angle of inclination when laying it;
  • violation of the order of stacking sheets, which caused additional stress;
  • no special nails were used to fasten the slate;
  • a crack appeared during slate drilling or cutting;
  • hard material hitting the roof as a result of gusts of wind or pranks of children.

Roofing manufacturers often do not comply with the hardening time requirements. It is defined by the standards at 28 days. But, as always, profit becomes a priority. Many reduce this period by sending unseasoned sheets for sale. This is the main reason for the increased fragility of slate. But the experience of roofing masters is the source of many recipes for repairing cracks and chips in slate.

Our advice and knowledge will help you choose the most suitable method. It is important to provide the fastest possible solution to the problem. Especially when the weather conditions do not allow you to think for a long time.

2 Repair of cracked slate - ways to restore damaged sheets

One of the options, when filling cracks in slate, requires a repair mixture, which is prepared independently. It includes: asbestos, cement, water, PVA glue. The preparation of the mixture should be carried out in compliance with the ratio of asbestos and cement - 3 to 1, water and PVA glue are added in equal amounts to obtain the consistency of a homogeneous sour cream. It is very important to pay attention to the mixing process - no lumps should be allowed to form.

Prepare the crack before applying the mortar. If this is just a crack, then a serpyanka (fiberglass tape) is fixed on top of it, along its entire length. If there is significant damage or a hole, then it must be filled with, for example, wet rubber. On the damaged surface, you can now apply the resulting solution, trying to do it evenly. Moreover, it will be very good if the mixture significantly covers the area of ​​damage.

Another method is based on the use of a special aluminum foil. It is necessary to first apply the glue of the universal group to the foil, and then apply it to the damaged area. This provides a very strong connection between the foil and the roof, preventing water from entering. There is one more way than to cover up cracks in slate. For these purposes, silicone paste must be available. The previously damaged area of ​​the slate must be cleaned, degreased and dried. The paste will adhere well only to such an area.

The fourth option, which demonstrates the possibility of how to repair a crack in slate, is the proven method of using butyl rubber tape. Self-adhesive tape has high adhesive qualities. It is able to adhere very firmly to almost any material - wood, plastic, iron, glass, film. When gluing a crack on an asbestos slate, a high-quality patch is obtained that does not allow water to enter, withstands any climatic influences, temperature drops. This tape is not afraid of dirt, dust, or ultraviolet light.

Based on the described options, you first need to decide what is the best way to cover up the cracks in the slate, or to use tapes in order to get the most efficiency from the applied method and lower costs for this repair.

3 How to repair a crack in slate - basic rules

The primary step in the slate repair process is always the preparation of the repair area. In no case should you start work if this stage has not been completed. Each material, and especially a repair solution, is most effective at the very beginning after its preparation. Any delay that leads to its inopportune use can be a practical failure. The solution will lose its properties and will not provide high-quality protection.

Garbage is removed first. The damage site is thoroughly washed and degreased. Here you can use gasoline. When working with asbestos mortar, you must use a respirator. The mixture does not need to be cooked in large quantities. Its properties are lost with prolonged non-use. It is enough to knead in small volumes, gradually covering the crack zone. The solution itself is poured into the crack sequentially, two times. It is required to achieve a layer thickness of at least two millimeters.

If the damage is significant - a split has occurred along the entire length of the sheet, you can use epoxy resin to glue the parts of the sheet together. Previously, adhesive tape is used for the connection from the inside. You can use a fixed galvanized patch - silicone or bitumen mastic is used in the junction area. This option is often used if the crack has spread over the entire surface of the sheet, starting from the place of the previous repair. For this, the old fasteners are removed. After repairing the sheet, both parts of the slate are attached in new places.

Among the various repair methods, there is a method in which polyurethane foam is used. In the case of large holes, it is blown into the damaged area, observing the rules for using such material. And here one condition must be fulfilled - when the foam has frozen, it must be cut along the contour of the sheet. On the outside of the slate along the damage, the foam itself must be protected by a sealant. It is used for additional processing with roofing mastic, which is intended for waterproofing roofs.

Repair of a crack that damaged a slate sheet will be successful if high adhesion of materials is ensured - it is better to prime the damaged area with PVA glue.

And one more very important rule. In case of severe damage, for example, partial destruction of the sheet, the formation of significant and even several holes, the only solution will be only a complete replacement of such a sheet of slate. Repair will not provide the slate with the required properties, will not be able to protect it from further damage and soaking. And this, in turn, will lead to leakage. In addition, meaningless financial and labor costs will be the result.

Despite the fact that roofing made of asbestos-cement sheets is durable after decades, external atmospheric and climatic factors affect the material. Something has to be replaced, something to patch up, somewhere to block. This is where the application of knowledge in the field of construction is required, and if you know how to repair a crack in the slate on the roof, then such work will not seem difficult.

Cosmetic repairs will help extend the operating life of the roof by up to 10 years. Therefore, the topic is especially relevant. In the past, the roof was sealed using oil paints and fabric strips. This technique was not famous for its particular effect, and the state of the overlap improved by only a couple of years. Today, modern materials are freely available, making the process of removing cracks and chips on the roof more efficient.

Simple roof reconstruction of a house

Roof leakage indicates damage to the integrity of the material. To get rid of such a problem, you can use one of the effective methods. Any of them is easy to apply in practice and not difficult, but here it is important to know how to repair a crack in the slate on the roof. In 90% of cases, installation of a patch or sealing of the affected section of the roof will be required.

Check out the options for action in the event of a roof leak, the easiest and fastest method to eliminate a leak, the slate patching technique. It is important to talk about such details in advance.

The most common technology for restoring damaged asbestos-cement sheets is the use of asbestos paste.

How to work with the material: application features

Using asbestos paste for filling cracks, take care of preliminary dismantling of the damaged roof fragment and lower it to the ground.

What is required to prepare the composition

The mixture consists of two components: asbestos and cement. This pasta is easy to make at home.


  • asbestos - 3 parts;
  • cement - 1 part;
  • water - 0.5 parts;
  • dispersion polyvinyl acetate glue - 0.5 parts.

Water and glue can be added as needed until the paste reaches a creamy consistency.

For cooking:

  • prepare a separate container;
  • pour out the required amount of asbestos and cement (proportion 3: 1);
  • mix the components thoroughly;
  • add water and dispersion adhesive;
  • stir the paste until a smooth, creamy consistency is achieved.

How to work with asbestos mixture

Knowing how to repair the crack in the slate on the roof, you can get to work. Try to use the prepared pasta immediately. During storage, the composition loses its properties. Therefore, prepare exactly as much grout as is required to repair the roof of the house.

Preparatory moment

Before gluing the roof, prepare the damaged area:

  • clean the slate from debris;
  • rinse the broken slate thoroughly and degrease it. Gasoline is suitable for such purposes;
  • if an ordinary crack has formed on the surface, glue a fiberglass tape (serpyanka) along the entire length, extending it by 5 cm to each side from the crack (vertically);
  • fill the voids and cracks with wet rubber or seal them. The fibrous material can be further treated with a hydrophobic composition.

Application of asbestos-cement paste

The composition is applied to the damaged area gradually, evenly distributing each of the layers over the surface. In this case, the total thickness of the applied paste must reach at least 2 mm. After the patch has dried, the seam must be sanded with sandpaper.

When restoring, try to paint over so that the coverage area extends beyond the crack. After repairing broken slate sheets, you don't have to worry about the roof leaking for the next 8-10 years.

Foil use

Asbestos paste is not the only option for treating rooftop damage. If you do not know how to repair a crack in the roof slate, use foil instead of paste, on which a little all-purpose glue is applied and applied to the damaged area from the wrong side. A snug fit of the patch is ensured by rounding the corners, so they are less bent. The connection of the foil to the reconstructed surface is obtained firmly due to the used universal adhesive and reliably protects the inner space of the attic from the penetration of water and moisture.

If you need to close up the part of the roof where the fastener goes, then seal the crack with foil and drill a hole for the fasteners in another part of the sheet.

After repair, the removed slate sheet is mounted in place. Do not forget about the use of special rubber pads under the nails to protect the corrugated board from damage during installation. After finishing the reconstruction, disguise the patch to match the tone of the roofing material. At this stage, work is carried out in dry weather, and when applying paint, a brush or roller is used. It is better to apply several layers, proceeding to re-painting only after the first one has completely dried.

Some of the methods do not involve dismantling damaged products in the place where the slate burst. How to close the crack, if you need to climb up, read on. This work is done directly on the roof, and for this it is vital to provide insurance.

Silicone paste for roof repair

Silicone paste is often used for roof repairs. The tool is characterized by increased adhesion to materials made of asbestos cement.

Getting started, the damaged area is prepared: it is cleaned of dust and small dirt crumbs, using a brush for cleaning metal products. For this, acetone or a special solvent is used.

Before sealing the crack, it is filled with crushed asbestos crumb, which is then filled with silicone glue for slate. Such restoration is not difficult to carry out, and the whole process takes a maximum of a day and ends at the stage of tinting the treated area to match the general style of the roof. At the same time, coloring plays not only an aesthetic role, but also gives the connection additional reliability. Coloring in this case is simply necessary. The top layer allows a multi-layer patch to be anchored, since the asbestos-cement sheets themselves are porous.

Elimination of damage with mastic

It is important to remember that at the joints, slate sheets are treated with mastic with a special reinforcing filler of a wavy structure.

Bitumen is melted in a separate container, pre-crushing. Foam and impurities generated in the process are removed. The melting process takes place at temperatures above 200 ° C until the bitumen is completely dehydrated. The grout consists not only of bitumen, but a filler is added to the composition, which is preheated to a temperature of 110 ° C.

Hot mastic, using a spatula or other suitable tool, is applied to the surface prepared for repair.

Sometimes a kind of rubber slate paint is used to restore damaged sheets. The tool has increased adhesive and strength properties. This method of slate restoration is gaining popularity.

How to use polyurethane foam to seal cracks in slate

Using polyurethane foam for restoration, the slate is pre-cleaned and degreased. Foam is blown into the resulting crack, but a little free space is left for the sealant, which, after the foam has set, is squeezed out in a dense layer over the foam. A bituminous mastic is applied on top of the formed patches, which helps to seal the crack in the slate and protect the inner space of the attic from atmospheric precipitation.

Now you understand all the complexities of slate repair. How to fix holes and cracks - you know, you understand the details, but this is the main thing when carrying out restoration work with asbestos-cement sheets.

Slate is an asbestos-cement roofing material of a wide range of applications, which has been in demand for many decades.

Even with the appearance of new analogues on the roof wound, slate remains the most popular among them.

Slate properties

Slate was invented over a hundred years ago. It is used in regions with both hot and cold climates. The service life of slate reaches 50 years, but in most cases 20-30 years.

Precipitation practically does not affect the operation of the slate.

One of the main properties of a slate roof is its low thermal conductivity... When the roof of the house is heated by the sun's rays, the climate under the slate remains quite comfortable. And in the cold season, has good thermal insulation.

Another very important advantage of slate is good sound insulation... Compared to metal roofs, it perfectly insulates the blows of hail, rain, and therefore you will practically not get any discomfort from showers and thunderstorms.

Slate - heavy and fragile material, and this is its main disadvantage.

Material disadvantages

Reasons for the destruction of slate sheets

Asbestos-cement slate is a rather fragile material, and it is often

Often problems arise precisely because of incorrect fasteners, therefore during installation it is very important to follow the installation technique... Do not pierce the sheets with nails, but before installation you need to drill it in the attachment points.

When the lathing is done correctly - there is no sagging and the lathing step is observed, then the roof will serve for many years.

During operation, the slate is constantly exposed to negative environmental factors, which does not affect the condition of the roof in the best way.


The main reasons for the destruction of slate during operation are sagging from heavy snow masses. Also a negative factor is stagnant rainwater, branches falling on the roof.

As a consequence of this microcracks appear, which further lead to the destruction of the coating. Also, the lichen mosses growing on it can spoil the slate; they release acid-containing substances that destroy it.

How to detect coating defects in a timely manner

Leaks are very undesirable consequences of a violation of the roofing system. They appear from various types of damage:

  • Biological;
  • Mechanical effects;
  • Weather conditions.

In order to prevent roof leaks, from time to time it is necessary to inspect the slate... Common defects in slate roofs are chips on the surface and edges of slate sheets... Most often, the reasons for the repair arise from the "aging" of the material.

Slate repair - how to repair a crack in a slate on a roof

If, nevertheless, there is a need to repair the slate, there is a crack or gap, there are many ways to repair.

So, how to fix a hole in a roof slate:

  • The first way: a special mortar can be made to seal cracks, it contains asbestos, cement, water and PVA glue... Water and glue in accordance with 1: 1, asbestos and cement 3: 1. Stir to a pasty consistency and apply to the crack (the crack should be caulked first).
  • Second way: Can be used Crack blowing foam... After the foam has hardened, the excess foam must be cut off, and on the top, the cut must be smeared with a sealant and a layer of roofing mastic for waterproofing.
  • Third way: Aluminium foil often used as a filling material for cracks in slate. The foil is folded in several layers, coated with roofing sealant and applied to the damaged area.
  • Fourth way: Can be used special silicone paste but it is very important that the surface is clean, dry and free from grease. After application, you must wait until it dries completely. Only under such conditions will there be a waterproofing effect from the application.
  • Fifth way: Available for sale ready mix-putties, which are also used to seal cracks and seams and is cheaper than silicone paste. To do this, it is enough to buy a ready-made composition. The surface must also be clean, dry and free from grease. Before application, the surface to be repaired must be primed with a conventional repair primer. After application, wait for about six hours to dry and, if necessary, apply a few more coats of the mixture.
  • Sixth way: Applies also butyl rubber tape... It is easy to work with it, because its surface is made of non-woven material, which is good if dyeing is necessary in the future. It adheres to almost any type of surface, withstands temperature changes well and withstands the negative effects of weather conditions.
  • Seventh way: Method of covering seams hot bitumen... Bitumen is very easy to use. For putty, you need to take a piece of bitumen, heat it over a fire in a special bowl, stirring gently to 160 degrees. In this state, it can be poured into the slots.
  • Eighth way: Of the proven folk methods, the best is chalk with drying oil... We mix, we cover up the cracks, after drying we paint with oil paint. Ready!

Repair with rubber tape

Repair with bituminous mastic

If all of the above methods did not help you, or the area in need of repair is too large, you need to think about replacing the sheet or all the roofing material.

To replace one sheet of slate, you must:

  1. Unscrew the fasteners that hold the sheet.
  2. At first we take out the damaged sheet from under the neighboring sheet, under it we put a block that will temporarily hold it.
  3. Further attach a new sheet into specially prepared holes.

When replacing one or more sheets does not solve the problem, or the slate is too worn out, then the slate coating is completely changed. To increase the strength, abstain-cement slate is painted with oil paint.

Any oil paint can be used, and you can cover both old sheets and new ones. The paint that covers the slate must be liquid enough to apply in a thin layer and be well absorbed. It can be diluted with a solvent if necessary.

For a quality repair, be sure to clean and degrease the surface. The primer promotes good adhesion of the material, so this stage should not be neglected. Following these simple tips will help ensure the longevity of your repairs.

Useful video

Do-it-yourself roof slate repair on video: