The most famous geniuses in history. The smartest people in the world in history: List, rating and achievements

12/14/2019 at 23:02 · VeraschegoLeva. · 160

Top 10 people with the highest IQ in the world

The average IQ level varies from 90 to 110, such numbers hear more than 50% of people who pass the test. And less than 1% of the population of the whole world have an IQ more than 140. It is difficult to argue with the fact that it is genius and safely be called the most intelligent people of our time.

Outstanding scientists, researchers in various fields, whose special "gift" and the strength of their intellect noticed in early childhood. They surprised those surrounding people, teachers and teachers with their ingenuity, understanding of complex topics and not by years of developed thinking.

They are quickly mastering the training programs, amaze the speed of the brain and, without a doubt, are the hope of humanity, because these people create and open, investigate and experiment for the benefit of all living on Earth.

In addition, they became inspirations for many people, their works and purposefulness are forced to not lower their hands and go to the end, even if the idea at first glance seems absurd. Our list presents people with the highest IQ in the world.

10. Nikola Polyak, 182

Recent tests have shown that Nikola Pole IQ is 182. It received the main achievements in the field of molecular physics and physics of elementary particles. In addition, he taught in several Canadian and American. He is a leading specialist in different fields and often spends time in the laboratory in New York.

9. Philipp Emeagvali, 190

Black continent, so called genius out. Despite the fact that war and disagreement stopped in his country, he could get out and even get a scholarship. The shared young man possessed IQ in 190 points. With it, modern supere-speed computers were developed. He was able to come up with a data transfer that still enjoy.

As tells himself Philip EmeagliaHe was inspired by bees, or rather, how they build their honeycombs. Also thanks to its innovation, people were able to increase the efficiency of oil production.

8. Marilyn Rosca Savant, 190

Not only men affect the whole world with their intellect. History knows many cases when women stood at the head of the intellectual army. This girl got in 1986, as the owner of the highest intelligence.

Most of all achievements Marilyn Rosca Savant Received in the writing sphere. She was a wonderful author of many scientific and artistic books. Her husband became famous in the field of medicine, creating the first working artificial heart. For their achievements, this couple became known in all New York. I wonder how two intelligent man of their time got along in the same house.

7. Mizlav Ponalek, 192

Such a genius is born one million. IQ. Mizlav Ponalek It is 192 points. No matter how brilliant this person would be, he lives a common family life. His hobby is puzzles and different intellectual tasks.

His wife claims that despite the fact that he can solve something incredibly difficult, sometimes it is hampered with ordinary household things, for example, insert the sim card into the phone. But this can be forgiven, because the brain of this person is sharpened to solve complex mathematical tasks.

6. Christopher Langgan, 195

This genius from North America has already read adult literature at the age of three years. At the university, he did not reach himself, as he believed that the professor would not be able to teach him anything. Like most geniuses, Christopher Langan. I tried my abilities in different areas. He extended fires and even worked the bouncer. Turning different hypostasis, he could not stop on something concrete.

The glory brought him the book "Cognitive theory of the model of the Universe", on this scientific difficulty, he corpal for many years. The level of its intelligence is equal to 0.5% of the population of the whole world and is 195 points.

5. Kim Union, 210

Korean genius, who fell with its level of intelligence in the Guinness Book of Records. He owned two languages \u200b\u200bat the age of two, and the most difficult tasks from higher mathematics could solve the fourth years.

When Kim Unr. Eight turned eight, he went to study in the United States at the invitation of NASA. The level of its intelligence is 210 points. Child-genius was able to conquer his knowledge not only his country, but also the whole world.

4. Nikola Tesla, 224

Genius of their time. Officially, his level of intelligence was not checked, but scientists argue that it ranges from 200 to 224. With such indicators, he becomes the smartest person of his time, because in the 20s it was incredible.

Nikola Tesla Was not just a smart person, but also a mysterious person. His life is enveloped by a lot of secrets and mysteries. It was he who began the beginning of this invention as cell phones, control panels and wireless chargers.

They know about him if not all, then exactly most people, because the modern world is using his inventions every day. Scientists still study his life, his personality and all over he worked. Each time the invention appears, which would be impossible to create without information from the Tesla.

3. Christopher Hirata, 225

This young man was able to prove his high level of intelligence in two years. In 14, he entered California to the University of Technology and already at 16 he was noticed by NASA and began to actively work in a colonization project. In just 22, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Science in the field of astrophysics.

Christopher Hirata Once again, it proves to all that age is only numbers and if you put yourself a goal, even unimaginable at first glance, you can achieve in just a few years.

2. Terens Tao, 225 - 230

The fact that this person will be a genius, it became known when he was almost two years old. While peers Terens Tao I learned to speak, he easily solved the most complicated mathematical tasks.

On nine years he studied the university program. By 20 years, Tao Tao deservedly received a doctoral degree in Princeton University and to 24 began to teach at University in Los Angeles. Then he was the youngest professor in the entire history, but his merit was respectful, even if his students were older than him.

During teaching, he actively wrote his scientific work and released more than two hundred and fifty publications. The working capacity of Terens can only be envied. He never stood in place and always tried to study something new. In those days it was not at all as easy as now.

1. William James Sidis, 250 - 300

Parents of this man were seriously tuned, they immediately decided that they would produce a child-genius and they succeeded. Thanks to them, the world's smartest person appeared, whose intelligence became known to everyone. Its IQ was from 250 to 300.

At the age of only 6 months, he could already talk simple words, at seven years he knew the whole school curriculum and spoke free on eight languages. To nine years, he was accepted in Harvard, but allowed to attend classes only at twelve years. After a long conversation, they decided that the boy, despite his genius, was not yet matured in the emotional plan.

William James Sidis It was a nomad and traveled to different countries, in the most distant corners of the world. Everyone who once knew this genius said that he was a deeply unfortunate man. That is how he died at the age of just 46 years.

What else to see:

The smartest people in history. Their work has identified our vision of the world. The results of their intellectual labor are impressive and motivated to engage in science.

  • Lao Tzu. China (VI century BC)

"Knowing does not say, saying does not know."
Semi-Land Chinese Thinker, Founder of Taoism.
Lao Tzu is translated as an "old child." According to legend, the mother wore Lao Tzu in the womb of 81 years old, he appeared from her hips.
La Tzu is considered the author of the key treatise of Taoism "Dao de Jing". "Dao" - the path, one of the main categories of Chinese philosophy. "Dao" probably, unnamed, shapeless and immovable. No one, even Lao Tzu, can not give the definition of "Dao". In China, the cult of Lao Tzu, who became memorable as one of the "three pure" - the highest deities of the Taoist Pantheon was formed.

  • Pythagoras. Ancient Greece (570-490 BC.)

"Numbers rule the world."
Philosopher, mathematician and mystic, creator of the Pythagorean school. According to legend, he had a golden thigh. Herodotus called him the "greatest Allenian sage." Pythagoras 22 years lived in Egypt, 12 years old in Babylon. Was allowed to participate in the sacraments.
According to Pythagora, the basis of things is the number, to know the world - it means to know the rules of the numbers. The famous theorem of Pythagora about the square of the hypotenuses mathematician probably brought from Babylonian, where she was known for 1000 years before him.

  • Heraklit. Ancient Greece (544-483 BC. E.)

"Nature loves to hide."
Founder of dialectics. The only work, preserved fragmentary - "On Nature". Heraklita attribute the authorship of the winged phrase "everything flows, everything changes."
Initially, all things philosopher considered fire. All of it happened and constantly resides in a state of change. Leed a secluded lifestyle. Diogen Lanertsky wrote that Heraclit, "having fun, retired and began to live in the mountains, rummaged with her herbs."

  • Confucius. China (551 BC- 479 BC)

"If you hate - it means you won."
Ancient Chinese philosopher, whose ideas became the basis for the development of Confucianism - the philosophical system, worldview, public ethics, the scientific tradition of China.
Confucius philosophy has become popular and outside of the consecable, even in Western Europe. In particular, Nicolas Malbransh and Gottfried Labitz wrote about Confucianism. A particularly revered book of this teaching is "Lun Yui" ("Conversations and judgments"), compiled by the students of Confucius on the basis of teacher's statements.

  • Parmenid. Ancient Greece (515 BC. E. - OK. 470 BC. E.)

"Think and be - the same thing."
One of the founders of metaphysics and the founder of the Elais school, the mentor of Zenona.
Socrates in the dialogue of Plato "Theette" spoke about Parmenides that he is a "thinker really extraordinary depth." Hegel wrote that the philosophy began with Parmenides in his own sense of the word. " Parmenid believed that the basis is based on being, except for which there is nothing. There is no non-existence, and it is even impossible to think about it, because everything you can think - already exists, but it is impossible to think about what is not. Being is the same and has a shape of the ball.

  • Democritus. Ancient Greece (approx. 460 BC. E. - OK. 370 BC. E.)

"Live badly, unreasonable, it is impossible - it means not to live badly, but slowly die."
Democritus was called a "laughing philosopher." He crushed the inheritance to him in the world, for which he was even attracted to the court. However, he was justified when he read the excerpt from his work "Great Mirostroy." Democrite loved to leave people to the cemetery and think there. It was even sent to check his loose of the hippocratic. He not only recognized the democritus sane, but also called him one of the most famous people.
Seneca called a democritus "the most subtle of all thinkers."

  • Plato. Ancient Greece (428 or 427 BC. E. - 348 or 347 BC. Er)

"A person is a coolness, bunk, bite, with flat nails, susceptible to knowledge based on reasoning."
Plato - from the word Plato "Latitude". So Plato called his teacher Socrates. The real name of the philosopher aristocals. Was in Persia, Assyria, Phenicia, Babylon, Egypt, and possibly in India. In Athens, Plato founded the philosophical school - the Academy, which existed almost a thousand years. Twice won in Pankration Competitions.
Plato is considered the founder of idealistic philosophy, developed the doctrine of the soul, political and legal teaching, dialectic. He believed in the immortality and resettlement of souls. The most popular works of Plato still have his dialogues. In almost all of them, the main character is Socrates.

  • Aristotle. Afterwards Greece (384 BC Stagir, Frakia-322 BC)

"Two years old man learns to speak, and then the rest of his life is to be silent."
Pupil Plato and the teacher Alexander Macedonsky, the founder of the Peripatetic philosophical school, an anata. Aristotle's works covered actually all branches of knowledge.
According to Greek biographers, Aristotle suffered speech defects, there was a "short-legged, with young eyes, wore elegant clothes and a trimmed beard."
Plato and Aristotle, in fact, laid the foundations of the whole world philosophy. All formal logic is still based on the teachings of Aristotle.

  • Ptolemy. Alexandria (OK 100 - OK. 170)

"To resist your whims in youth, for in old age you can not correct yourself to fall from them."
Late Hallinististic astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optical, music theorist and geographer. There was no equal in astronomy for 1000 years. In his classical monograph "Almagest" contain almost all knowledge of the astronomical science of his time. Ptolemy - author of the eight-volume labor "Guidelines on Geography", treatises for mechanics, music, optics and astrology, invented astrolabe and quadrant.

  • Dam. Roman Empire (204/205 - 270)

"Reset everything."
Do not confuse with Plato. Philosopher idealist, founder of neoplatonism. I brought to the logical completion of the teaching of Plato about the perfect. The main thing in neoplatonism is the doctrine of otherworldness and superwandism originated the universe. According to the dam, the beginning and the basis of the universe is some single - infinite and intangible. The main life task of a person is "reunion with one", which he can do, due to the presence of his own soul. The dam provided a significant impact on medieval philosophy, and especially on the thinkers of the Renaissance.

  • Barl. Ancient Greece (412 - 485)

"Any God is a measure of existing."
Philosopher Neoplatonic, head of the Platonic Academy. When camp, neoplatonism reached its last heyday. Alexey Losev put the braced even above the founder of the School of Neoplatonians of the Dam and called him the "genius of reason"; With inconsistency, brought to music, to Paphos, to Ecstasy. The compositions of the barbell, which concerned all aspects of Greek philosophy and science, inherent analyticality and systematicity.

  • Al Biruni (973-1048)

"If people knew how much favorable opportunities were scattered around and how many wonderful gifts lurks in themselves, they would forever left despondency and laziness."
Al Biruni was one of the most encyclopedically educated scientists. He mastered almost all the sciences of his time. Only one list of works, filled with his students, is 60 pages in small font.
Al Biruni is the author of numerous capital works on history, geography, philology, astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, geodesy, mineralogy, pharmacology, geology and other sciences. In addition to his native Khorezmian language, Biruni owned Arab, Persian, Greek, Latin, Turkic, Syrian languages, as well as Hebrew, Sanskrit and Hindi.

  • Ibn Sina. State of the Samanov, Abbasid Caliphate (980-1037)

"The less often the hand lifts a drinking cup of wine, the stronger in battle and brave and in the case of art."
Avicenna is the most famous and persistent philosopher of the medieval Muslim world, a Persian scientist and a doctor, a representative of Eastern Aristotelism. Total wrote more than 450 works in 29 areas of science, of which only 274 reached us.
Mostly Avicenna became famous for the Niva medicine, writing a lot of treatises on this topic, but also contributed to other sciences. So, he opened the process of distillation of essential oils, wrote work on astronomy, theory of music, mechanics, psychology and philosophy. It also became famous as a poet. In the form of poems, he wrote some scientific work.

  • Maimonide (1138-1204)

"Learn to say" I don't know, "and this will be progress."
An outstanding Jewish philosopher and theologians - Talmudist, Rabbi, a doctor and a versatile scientist of his era, a codifier of the laws of the Torah. Maimonide is recognized as a spiritual head of religious Jewry as its generation and subsequent centuries. He left a major contribution to astronomy, mathematics, physics, medicine. The value of the Maymonid is best expressed by a popular phrase: "There was no such Moshe from Moshe to Moshe."

  • William Okkak. England (1285-1357)

"I should not multiply the exemption without need."
The English philosopher, Franciscan monk, Okka is considered one of the fathers of modern epistemology and modern philosophy as a whole, as well as one of the greatest logic of all time. The philosophy of Okkam, especially its regulation on the universal, was seriously affected by the development of philosophical thought, and the methodological principle, the so-called "Razor of Okkama", became one of the most popular philosophical centances.

  • Nikolay Kuzansky. Sacred Roman Empire (1401-1464)

"Anyone who wishes to rise to the knowledge of something, must be believed to believe that without which he cannot rise."
Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, the largest German thinker of the XV century, the philosopher, theological, scientist-encyclopedist, mathematician, church-political figure. As a philosopher stood on the positions of neoplatonism.
The basis of philosophy was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of opposites in a single, where all the contradictions are leveled. It was told for the versoity, which at that time was not the most popular position, and even recognized as an Islam of some truthfulness and the right to exist. The Kuzansky invented the scattering lens for points, wrote treatises for astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and theology.

  • Martilyo Ficino. Italy (1433-1499)

"Any thing in nature is either the cause aimed at us or a consequence coming from us."
Philosopher, Humanist, Astrologer, Founder and Head of the Florentine Platonic Academy. One of the leading thinkers of the early Renaissance, the most significant representative of the Florentine Platonism.
Ficino made a transfer to Latin of all the works of Plato. The main work of Ficino - the treatise "Platonovsky theology about the immortality of the soul." He also engaged in astrology (treatise "about life"), because of what had problems with the clergy. Proceedings Fechino contributed to the revival of Platonism and the fight against scholastic aristothelism.

  • Leonardo da Vinci. Florentine Republic (1452-1519)

"When I thought I was learning to live, I learned to die."
"Universal man" of Western Renaissance, genius. Despite the fact that the greatest fame of Da Vinci acquired as an artist, painting he considered the hobby rather, as well as the music and the art of table setting. The main vision of Da Vinci considered engineering. In it, he really achieved great heights, anticipating the development of technology on the century ahead.
Today, in Maskulture, Leonardo is recognized by the inventor almost all that exists. Seriously engaged in the anatomy, Da Vinci made thousands of drawings on the structure of the body, overtaking at 300 years. In many ways, "Anatomy Leonardo" exceeded the famous "Anatomy of Graya".

  • Paracels. Swiss Union (1493-1541)

"Everything is poison, and nothing is devoid of poisonousness; Only the dose makes the poison imperceptible. "
Famous Alchemist, astrologer and doctor of Swiss-German origin, one of the founders of Yatrochimia, medical alchemy. Gave the name of the metal zink.
Paracelles considered a man with a microcosm, which reflects all the elements of the macrocosm. In one of his books "Oracles", containing 300 pages and many prophecies for the whole world to the end of the III Millennium, made several sensational predictions.

  • Nikolai Copernicus. Poland (1473 -1543)

"I prefer to be content with the faithfulness of what I can vouch."
Polish and Prussian astronomer, mathematician, economist, canonik. He marked the beginning of the first scientific revolution, developing the hypothesis of the heliocentric system of the world. In addition, Copernicus one of the first expressed the thought of global.
The main work of Copernicus - "On the rotation of the heavenly spheres". Cookie classes and astronomy Copernicus combined with work in the field of economic theory and medical practice, which was engaged in voluntary principles.

  • Izhak Luria. Ottoman Empire (1534-1572)

"... and squeezed the light, and retired,
Leaving a free one, no filled space.
And uniform was the compression of the light around the central point,
So that the place of the empty form of the circle acquired,
Since there was such a reduction in light ...
And so, stretched from the endless light the ray of the straight
From top to bottom went down, inside the space of the empty.
Stretched, going down on the beam, light endless down,
And in the space empty, all completely worlds created ... "

Jewish theologian, Rabbi, the creator of the so-called Lurian Kabbalah. On Hebrew, Luria is usually abbreviated called Ari ("Bleswolved his memory").
The Lurian Kabbalah, created by Ari, is the basis of both Sephardian Kabbalah from the XVI century and the Hasid Kabbalah, which appeared in the XVIII century. Almost all modern kabbalistic directions are studying Lurian Kabbalah. In addition to the class of Kabbalah, Luria also was engaged in poetry and science. Some believe that in the above poem Luria described the process of the emergence of the Universe from the Big Explosion.

  • Jordan Bruno. Neoptalian kingdom (1548-1600)

"Fear of death is worse than death."
Italian monk-Dominican, Pantheist, Poet and philosopher. Bruno tried to interpret the ideas of Copernicus, while taking the position of neoplatonism in the spirit of revived naturalism. Bruno expressed scientific theories, who outlined time. The fact that there are many stars similar in the Universe, about the planets of the solar system unknown in his time.
Jordano Bruno possessed magnificent memory and developed memononik, remembered by heart of thousands of books, ranging from the Holy Scriptures and ending with Arabic alchemical treatises. The art of mnemonics he taught Henry III and Elizabeth I.

  • John di. England (1527-1609)

"Willion God, I am a circle, in whose hands twelve kingdoms. Six breath of life breath. The rest of the sharp sickles or the horns of death. "
Mathematician, geogram, astronomer, alchemist, hermethylast and astrologer. John Dee was one of the most educated people of his time, he had the biggest library in England. In 1561, he supplemented and expanded the famous book in mathematics Robert Record "Basics of Arts".
In 1564, confirmed his status of the "Great Wizard", making his most famous and ambitious book on Kabbalah and Geometric Magic, entitled Monas Hieroglyphica. According to the diaries of John De Gustav Mairink wrote the novel "Angel of the Western Window". Some authors are attributed to John Di authorship of the hoax, known as "Waruscript".

  • Francis Bacon. England (1561-1626)

"Knowledge is power".
Bacon is one of the most prominent universal scientists. Philosopher, politician, historian, founder of English materialism, empiricism. Bacon was the first thinker, based on the philosophy of which lay experienced knowledge. They were drawn up the arch of English laws; He worked on the history of the country at the Tudor dynasty, over the third edition of "experiments and instructions."
In his utopian novel, "New Atlantis" Bacon anticipated many of the opening of the future, for example, the creation of submarines, improving animal breeds, transmission to the distance of light and sound.

  • Johann Kepler. Sacred Roman Empire (1571-1630)

"I prefer a sharp criticism of one smart person than the mindless approval of the masses."
German mathematician, astronomer, mechanic, optical, discoverer of the laws of motion of the planets of the solar system. Albert Einstein called Kepler "incomparable man." Indeed, Kepler practical alone, without taking care, neither understanding, made a lot of discoveries both in astronomy and in mathematics, physics, mechanics and optics, seriously engaged in astrology, believing, however, she is "a stupid daughter of astronomy."

  • Mikhail Sandilogo. Common Commonwealth (1566-1646)

"If you ask who I am: I am a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. If you are familiar with me and want to remain good and noble people, save my name in secret. "
The greatest Polish Alchemist "The Epoch of RosNiscers", which owned the secret of transmutation, the author of many alchemical works. In addition to Alchemy, he also practiced medicine and even treated King Sigismund III, who also had a diplomatic adviser. He was a court alchemist in the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Ferdinand III. In the book "New Chemical Light ..." Sandilized first described oxygen.
The fame of the Sandivogy gave rise to folk legends - to this day in his hometown, according to the eve of each new year, his ghost appears on the market square.

  • Rene Descartes. France (1569-1650)

"I think, therefore, I exist."
Descartes - philosopher, mathematician, mechanic, physicist and physiologist, creator of analytical geometry and modern algebraic symbolism, author of a method of radical doubt in philosophy, mechanism in physics, continuity of reflexology and the theory of affect. The great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov set a monument to Descartes near his laboratory, considering it his predecessor.

  • Pierre Farm. France (1601-1665)

"Nature always acts shortest ways."
One of the creators of analytical geometry, mathematical analysis, the theory of probabilities and the theory of numbers. By profession, Pierre Farm was a lawyer, he was an adviser to Parliament in Toulouse. The oldest and most prestigious lyceum of this city wears the name of the scientist.
The farm was brilliantly formed, knew many languages. Including the ancients, on which even wrote poems. The most famous formulation of the Great Farm Theorem. It was finally proved was only in 1995 Andrew Walt. The text of the proof contains 129 pages.

  • Gottfried Leibniz. Sacred Roman Empire (1646-1716)

"Currently fraught with the future."
Creator of combinatorics and founder of mathematical logic, philosopher, logic, mathematician, mechanic, physicist, lawyer, historian, diplomat, inventor and linguistic. Leibniz founded the Berlin Academium of Science and was its first president. Regardless of Newton, he created a mathematical analysis, described the binary number system, formulated the law of conservation of energy and introduced into the mechanics the concept of "alive force" (kinetic energy).
Leibniz also invented the arithmometer, introduced into the psychology the concept of "small perceptions", developed the doctrine of the unconscious mental life. He also inspired Peter to develop the concept of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian king even appointed a Leibnitsa award in 2000 Guldenov.

  • Isaac Newton. England (1642-1727)

"Genius is the patience of thought focused in a well-known direction."
Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists in history. Physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the creators of classical physics. Chief Labor - "Mathematical Beginning of Natural Philosophy". In it, he outlined the law of world community and the three laws of mechanics that became the basis of classical mechanics. Developed a differential and integral calculation, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, created many other mathematical and physical theories.
Newton entered the ward of Lords, regularly attended her meetings, but was silent. Once he still asked the words. Everyone expected to hear a grandiose speech, but Newton in the coffin silence proclaimed: "Gentlemen, I ask to close the window, otherwise I can catch a cold!".

  • Mikhail Lomonosov. Russia (1711-1765)

"If you do what good, you will with difficulty, work will hurt, and the good will remain good, but if you make that thin with granting, the secretion will continue, and the thin will remain."
First Russian scientist naturalist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, instrument-making, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, artist, historian. The contribution of Lomonosov to various sciences cannot be overestimated. He opened the presence of an atmosphere at Venus, laid the foundations of the glass science, developed a molecular-kinetty theory of heat, a corpuscular theory, engaged in the research of electricity, determined the course of the development of the Russian language.

  • Immanuel Kant. Prussia (1724-1804)

"Wise can change the opinion; Fool - never.
The ancestor of German classical philosophy, one of the greatest thinkers of the XVIII century, which has enormous influence on the development of philosophy.
Even at the punctual Germans, the tendency of Kant to the discipline and the routine routine of the day was the arrival in the panels. On the walking on Koenigsberg, the Kant twisted the clock.
In addition to the philosophy, Kant has been engaged in natural sciences. He developed a cosmogonical hypothesis of the origin of the solar system from the giant initial gas nebula, outlined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genealogical classification of the animal world, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural origin of human races, studied the role of tides and sings.

  • Johann Goethe. Sacred Roman Empire (1749-1832)

"All fathers want their children to implement what they failed themselves."
Goethe today is known mainly as a brilliant writer and poet, but he was also a prominent scientist. He stood at the origins of physiognomy, seriously engaged in chromatics (science on paints and flowers), chemistry, botany and biology. Goethe wrote a lot of work on philosophy, geology, astronomy, literature and art. 14 of the 133 volumes of the Complete Work of Works Goethe devoted to scientific topics.

  • James Maxwell. Scotland (1831-1879)

"... for the development of science is required in every given era not only so that people think at all, but that they concentrate their thoughts on that part of the extensive field of science, which at this time requires development."
Maxwell is a physicist-theoretical and mathematician who laid the foundations of electrodynamics, which created the theory of electromagnetic waves and photolasticity. He came up with the color photo printing method and was one of the founders of molecular physics. In addition to physics and mathematics, also made a great contribution to astronomy and chemistry.

  • Dmitriy Mendeleev. Russia (1834-1907)

"To burn oil, it is like to turn the stove to the assignments."
Russian da Vinci, the brilliant father of the periodic table of elements, Mendeleev was a versatile scientist and a public figure. So, he made a significant and invaluable contribution to petroleum activities. Thanks to Mendeleev, Russia was able to not only refuse to export kerosene from America, but also to export petroleum products to Europe. Mendeleev highlighted the Nobel Prize three times, but he did not receive it.

  • Nikola Tesla. Austrian Empire (1856-1943)

"You know the expression" above your head you will not jump? " It's a delusion. A person can do everything. "
Tesla was called "a man who invented the XX century". Already the early work was laid down the path of modern electrical engineering, its discoveries had innovative significance. In the United States, the fame of Tesla could compete with any inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. Genius Tesla was a special property. The inventor always wanted good, but created instruments capable of destroying humanity. So, studying the resonant oscillations of the Earth, the inventor created the device actually provoking the earthquake.

  • Albert Einstein. Germany (1879-1955)

"What a sad era, when it is easier to break the atom than refuse to prejudice."
Einstein is one of the most famous and popular scientists, theoretics physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, the Nobel Prize winner in 1921 physics.
Einstein is the author of more than 300 scientific works on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, author of the general and special theories of relativity, laid the foundations of quantum theory and stood at the origins of the new theory of gravity in return for Newtonian.

  • Karl Gustav Jung. Switzerland (1875-1961)

"All that does not suit us in others, makes it possible to understand ourselves."
Jung - Student Sigmund Freud, in many ways exceeded his teacher, the founder of analytical psychology. It was Jung that introduced into the psychology of the concept of introversion and extroversion to determine the type of identity orientation, the associative method of psychotherapy developed, the teaching about the collective unconscious, the theory of archetypes, made a big breakthrough in the theory of interpretation of dreams.

  • Niels Bohr, Denmark (1885-1962)

"If you didn't scare quantum physics, it means that you did not understand anything."
The laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Nils was a member of the Danish Royal Society and his president since 1939. He was an honorary member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Bor - the creator of the first quantum theory of the atom and an active participant in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. Also, he made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, the processes of the interaction of elementary particles with the medium.

  • Werner Geisenberg. Germany (1901-1976)

"The first sip of a glass of natural science makes an atheist, but God expects at the bottom of the glan."
Heisenberg is a great physicist theorist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics. Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932. Heisenberg laid the foundations of matrix mechanics, formulated the ratio of uncertainty, applied the formalism of quantum mechanics to the problems of ferromagnetism and an abnormal effect of Zeeman. A number of his works are also devoted to the physics of cosmic rays, the theory of turbulence, philosophical problems of natural science.
During World War II, Geisenberg was the leading theorist of the German nuclear project.

These are the smartest people in history. Their work has identified our vision of the world. The results of their intellectual labor are impressive and motivated to engage in science.

Lao Tzu. China (VI century BC)

"Knowing does not say, saying does not know."

Semi-Land Chinese Thinker, Founder of Taoism.
Lao Tzu is translated as an "old child." According to legend, the mother wore Lao Tzu in the womb of 81 years old, he appeared from her hips.

La Tzu is considered the author of the key treatise of Taoism "Dao de Jing". "Dao" - the path, one of the main categories of Chinese philosophy. "Dao" probably, unnamed, shapeless and immovable. No one, even Lao Tzu, can not give the definition of "Dao". In China, the cult of Lao Tzu, who became memorable as one of the "three pure" - the highest deities of the Taoist Pantheon was formed.

Pythagoras. Ancient Greece (570-490 BC.)

"Numbers rule the world."

Philosopher, mathematician and mystic, creator of the Pythagorean school. According to legend, he had a golden thigh. Herodotus called him the "greatest Allenian sage." Pythagoras 22 years lived in Egypt, 12 years old in Babylon. Was allowed to participate in the sacraments.

According to Pythagora, the basis of things is the number, to know the world - it means to know the rules of the numbers. The famous theorem of Pythagora about the square of the hypotenuses mathematician probably brought from Babylonian, where she was known for 1000 years before him.

Heraklit. Ancient Greece (544-483 BC. E.)

"Nature loves to hide."

Founder of dialectics. The only work, preserved fragmentary - "On Nature". Heraklita attribute the authorship of the winged phrase "everything flows, everything changes."
Initially, all things philosopher considered fire. All of it happened and constantly resides in a state of change. Leed a secluded lifestyle. Diogen Lanertsky wrote that Heraclit, "having fun, retired and began to live in the mountains, rummaged with her herbs."

Confucius. China (551 BC- 479 BC)

"If you hate - it means you won."

Ancient Chinese philosopher, whose ideas became the basis for the development of Confucianism - the philosophical system, worldview, public ethics, the scientific tradition of China.

Confucius philosophy has become popular and outside of the consecable, even in Western Europe. In particular, Nicolas Malbransh and Gottfried Labitz wrote about Confucianism. A particularly revered book of this teaching is "Lun Yui" ("Conversations and judgments"), compiled by the students of Confucius on the basis of teacher's statements.

Parmenide. Ancient Greece (approx. 540 BC e. Or 515 BC. E. - OK. 470 BC. E.)

"Think and be - the same thing."

One of the founders of metaphysics and the founder of the Elais school, the mentor of Zenona.
Socrates in the dialogue of Plato "Theette" spoke about Parmenides that he is a "thinker really extraordinary depth." Hegel wrote that the philosophy began with Parmenides in his own sense of the word. " Parmenid believed that the basis is based on being, except for which there is nothing. There is no non-existence, and it is even impossible to think about it, because everything you can think - already exists, but it is impossible to think about what is not. Being is the same and has a shape of the ball.

Democritus. Ancient Greece (approx. 460 BC. E. - OK. 370 BC. E.)

"Live badly, unreasonable, it is impossible - it means not to live badly, but slowly die."

Democritus was called a "laughing philosopher." He crushed the inheritance to him in the world, for which he was even attracted to the court. However, he was justified when he read the excerpt from his work "Great Mirostroy". Democrite loved to leave people to the cemetery and think there. It was even sent to check his loose of the hippocratic. He not only recognized the democritus sane, but also called him one of the most famous people.

Seneca called a democritus "the most subtle of all thinkers."

Plato. Ancient Greece (428 or 427 BC. E. - 348 or 347 BC. Er)

"A person is a coolness, bunk, bite, with flat nails, susceptible to knowledge based on reasoning."

Plato - from the word Plato "Latitude". So Plato called his teacher Socrates. The real name of the philosopher aristocals. Was in Persia, Assyria, Phenicia, Babylon, Egypt, and possibly in India. In Athens, Plato founded the philosophical school - the Academy, which existed almost a thousand years. Twice won in Pankration Competitions.

Plato is considered the founder of idealistic philosophy, developed the doctrine of the soul, political and legal teaching, dialectic. He believed in the immortality and resettlement of souls. The most popular works of Plato still have his dialogues. In almost all of them, the main character is Socrates.

Aristotle. Ancient Greece (384 BC e., Stagira, Thrace - 322 BC. E)

"Two years old man learns to speak, and then the rest of his life is to be silent."

Pupil Plato and the teacher Alexander Macedonsky, the founder of the Peripatetic philosophical school, an anata. Aristotle's works covered actually all branches of knowledge.

According to Greek biographers, Aristotle suffered speech defects, there was a "short-legged, with young eyes, wore elegant clothes and a trimmed beard."
Plato and Aristotle, in fact, laid the foundations of the whole world philosophy. All formal logic is still based on the teachings of Aristotle.

Ptolemy. Alexandria (OK 100 - OK. 170)

"To resist your whims in youth, for in old age you can not correct yourself to fall from them."

Late Hallinististic astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optical, music theorist and geographer. There was no equal in astronomy for 1000 years. In his classical monograph "Almagest" contain almost all knowledge of the astronomical science of his time. Ptolemy - author of the eight-volume labor "Guidelines on Geography", treatises for mechanics, music, optics and astrology, invented astrolabe and quadrant.

Dam. Roman Empire (204/205 - 270)

"Reset everything."

Do not confuse with Plato. Philosopher idealist, founder of neoplatonism. I brought to the logical completion of the teaching of Plato about the perfect. The main thing in neoplatonism is the doctrine of otherworldness and superwandism originated the universe. According to the dam, the beginning and the basis of the universe is some single - infinite and intangible. The main life task of a person is "reunion with one", which he can do, due to the presence of his own soul. The dam provided a significant impact on medieval philosophy, and especially on the thinkers of the Renaissance.

Barl. Ancient Greece (412 - 485)

"Any God is a measure of existing."

Philosopher Neoplatonic, head of the Platonic Academy. When camp, neoplatonism reached its last heyday. Alexey Losev put the braced even above the founder of the School of Neoplatonians of the Dam and called him the "genius of reason"; With inconsistency, brought to music, to Paphos, to Ecstasy. The compositions of the barbell, which concerned all aspects of Greek philosophy and science, inherent analyticality and systematicity.

Al Biruni (973-1048)

"If people knew how much favorable opportunities were scattered around and how many wonderful gifts lurks in themselves, they would forever left despondency and laziness."

Al Biruni was one of the most encyclopedically educated scientists. He mastered almost all the sciences of his time. Only one list of works, filled with his students, is 60 pages in small font.

Al Biruni is the author of numerous capital works on history, geography, philology, astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, geodesy, mineralogy, pharmacology, geology and other sciences. In addition to his native Khorezmian language, Biruni owned Arab, Persian, Greek, Latin, Turkic, Syrian languages, as well as Hebrew, Sanskrit and Hindi.

Ibn Sina. State of the Samanov, Abbasid Caliphate (980-1037)

"The less often the hand picks up a fabric of wine,
The stronger in battle and brave and in the case of art.

Avicenna is the most famous and persistent philosopher of the medieval Muslim world, a Persian scientist and a doctor, a representative of Eastern Aristotelism. Total wrote more than 450 works in 29 areas of science, of which only 274 reached us.

Mostly Avicenna became famous for the Niva medicine, writing a lot of treatises on this topic, but also contributed to other sciences. So, he opened the process of distillation of essential oils, wrote work on astronomy, theory of music, mechanics, psychology and philosophy. It also became famous as a poet. In the form of poems, he wrote some scientific work.

Maimonide (1138-1204)

"Learn to say" I don't know, "and this will be progress."

An outstanding Jewish philosopher and theologians - Talmudist, Rabbi, a doctor and a versatile scientist of his era, a codifier of the laws of the Torah. Maimonide is recognized as a spiritual head of religious Jewry as its generation and subsequent centuries. He left a major contribution to astronomy, mathematics, physics, medicine. The value of the Maymonid is best expressed by a popular phrase: "There was no such Moshe from Moshe to Moshe."

William Okkak. England (1285-1357)

"I should not multiply the exemption without need."

The English philosopher, Franciscan monk, Okka is considered one of the fathers of modern epistemology and modern philosophy as a whole, as well as one of the greatest logic of all time. The philosophy of Okkam, especially its regulation on the universal, was seriously affected by the development of philosophical thought, and the methodological principle, the so-called "Razor of Okkama", became one of the most popular philosophical centances.

Nikolay Kuzansky. Sacred Roman Empire (1401-1464)

"Anyone who wishes to rise to the knowledge of something, must be believed to believe that without which he cannot rise."

Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, the largest German thinker of the XV century, the philosopher, theological, scientist-encyclopedist, mathematician, church-political figure. As a philosopher stood on the positions of neoplatonism.

The basis of philosophy was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of opposites in a single, where all the contradictions are leveled. It was told for the versoity, which at that time was not the most popular position, and even recognized as an Islam of some truthfulness and the right to exist. The Kuzansky invented the scattering lens for points, wrote treatises for astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and theology.

Martilyo Ficino. Italy (1433-1499)

"Any thing in nature is either the cause aimed at us or a consequence coming from us."

Philosopher, Humanist, Astrologer, Founder and Head of the Florentine Platonic Academy. One of the leading thinkers of the early Renaissance, the most significant representative of the Florentine Platonism.

Ficino made a transfer to Latin of all the works of Plato. The main work of Ficino - the treatise "Platonovsky theology about the immortality of the soul." He also engaged in astrology (treatise "about life"), because of what had problems with the clergy. Proceedings Fechino contributed to the revival of Platonism and the fight against scholastic aristothelism.

Leonardo da Vinci. Florentine Republic (1452-1519)

"When I thought I was learning to live, I learned to die."

"Universal man" of Western Renaissance, genius. Despite the fact that the greatest fame of Da Vinci acquired as an artist, painting he considered the hobby rather, as well as the music and the art of table setting. The main vision of Da Vinci considered engineering. In it, he really achieved great heights, anticipating the development of technology on the century ahead.

Today, in Maskulture, Leonardo is recognized by the inventor almost all that exists. Seriously engaged in the anatomy, Da Vinci made thousands of drawings on the structure of the body, overtaking at 300 years. In many ways, "Anatomy Leonardo" exceeded the famous "Anatomy of Graya".

Paracels. Swiss Union (1493-1541)

"Everything is poison, and nothing is devoid of poisonousness; Only the dose makes the poison imperceptible. "

Famous Alchemist, astrologer and doctor of Swiss-German origin, one of the founders of Yatrochimia, medical alchemy. Gave the name of the metal zink.

Paracelles considered a man with a microcosm, which reflects all the elements of the macrocosm. In one of his books "Oracles", containing 300 pages and many prophecies for the whole world to the end of the III Millennium, made several sensational predictions and relative to Russia.

Paracelsa laid the great mission to Russia - the salvation of all mankind. "Muscovy is raised over all states. Not hand, but the soul will save the world. "

Nikolai Copernicus. Poland (1473 -1543)

"I prefer to be content with the faithfulness of what I can vouch."

Polish and Prussian astronomer, mathematician, economist, canonik. He marked the beginning of the first scientific revolution, developing the hypothesis of the heliocentric system of the world. In addition, Copernicus one of the first expressed the thought of global.

The main work of Copernicus - "On the rotation of the heavenly spheres". Cookie classes and astronomy Copernicus combined with work in the field of economic theory and medical practice, which was engaged in voluntary principles.

Izhak Luria. Ottoman Empire (1534-1572)

"... and squeezed the light, and retired,
Leaving a free one, no filled space.
And uniform was the compression of the light around the central point,
So that the place of the empty form of the circle acquired,
Since there was such a reduction in light ...
And so, stretched from the endless light the ray of the straight
From top to bottom went down, inside the space of the empty.
Stretched, going down on the beam, light endless down,
And in the space empty, all completely worlds created ... "

Jewish theologian, Rabbi, the creator of the so-called Lurian Kabbalah. On Hebrew, Luria is usually abbreviated called Ari ("Bleswolved his memory").

The Lurian Kabbalah, created by Ari, is the basis of both Sephardian Kabbalah from the XVI century and the Hasid Kabbalah, which appeared in the XVIII century. Almost all modern kabbalistic directions are studying Lurian Kabbalah. In addition to the class of Kabbalah, Luria also was engaged in poetry and science. Some believe that in the above poem Luria described the process of the emergence of the Universe from the Big Explosion.

Jordan Bruno. Neoptalian kingdom (1548-1600)

"Fear of death is worse than death."

Italian monk-Dominican, Pantheist, Poet and philosopher. Bruno tried to interpret the ideas of Copernicus, while taking the position of neoplatonism in the spirit of revived naturalism. Bruno expressed scientific theories, who outlined time. The fact that there are many stars similar in the Universe, about the planets of the solar system unknown in his time.
Jordano Bruno possessed magnificent memory and developed memononik, remembered by heart of thousands of books, ranging from the Holy Scriptures and ending with Arabic alchemical treatises. The art of mnemonics he taught Henry III and Elizabeth I.

John di. England (1527-1609)

"Willion God, I am a circle, in whose hands twelve kingdoms. Six breath of life breath. The rest of the sharp sickles or the horns of death. "

Mathematician, geogram, astronomer, alchemist, hermethylast and astrologer. John Dee was one of the most educated people of his time, he had the biggest library in England. In 1561, he supplemented and expanded the famous book in mathematics Robert Record "Basics of Arts".

In 1564, confirmed his status of the "Great Wizard", making his most famous and ambitious book on Kabbalah and Geometric Magic, entitled Monas Hieroglyphica. According to the diaries of John De Gustav Mairink wrote the novel "Angel of the Western Window". Some authors are attributed to John Di authorship of the hoax, known as "Waruscript".

Francis Bacon. England (1561-1626)

"Knowledge is power".

Bacon is one of the most prominent universal scientists. Philosopher, politician, historian, founder of English materialism, empiricism. Bacon was the first thinker, based on the philosophy of which lay experienced knowledge. They were drawn up the arch of English laws; He worked on the history of the country at the Tudor dynasty, over the third edition of "experiments and instructions."
In his utopian novel, "New Atlantis" Bacon anticipated many of the opening of the future, for example, the creation of submarines, improving animal breeds, transmission to the distance of light and sound.

Johann Kepler. Sacred Roman Empire (1571-1630)

"I prefer a sharp criticism of one smart person than the mindless approval of the masses."

German mathematician, astronomer, mechanic, optical, discoverer of the laws of motion of the planets of the solar system. Albert Einstein called Kepler "incomparable man." Indeed, Kepler practical alone, without taking care, neither understanding, made a lot of discoveries both in astronomy and in mathematics, physics, mechanics and optics, seriously engaged in astrology, believing, however, she is "a stupid daughter of astronomy."

Mikhail Sandilogo. Common Commonwealth (1566-1646)

"If you ask who I am: I am a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. If you are familiar with me and want to remain good and noble people, save my name in secret. "

The greatest Polish Alchemist "The Epoch of RosNiscers", which owned the secret of transmutation, the author of many alchemical works. In addition to Alchemy, he also practiced medicine and even treated King Sigismund III, who also had a diplomatic adviser. He was a court alchemist in the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Ferdinand III. In the book "New Chemical Light ..." Sandilized first described oxygen.

The fame of the Sandivogy gave rise to folk legends - to this day in his hometown, according to the eve of each new year, his ghost appears on the market square.

Rene Descartes. France (1569-1650)

"I think, therefore, I exist."

Descartes - philosopher, mathematician, mechanic, physicist and physiologist, creator of analytical geometry and modern algebraic symbolism, author of a method of radical doubt in philosophy, mechanism in physics, continuity of reflexology and the theory of affect. The great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov set a monument to Descartes near his laboratory, considering it his predecessor.

Pierre Farm. France (1601-1665)

"Nature always acts shortest ways."

One of the creators of analytical geometry, mathematical analysis, the theory of probabilities and the theory of numbers. By profession, Pierre Farm was a lawyer, he was an adviser to Parliament in Toulouse. The oldest and most prestigious lyceum of this city wears the name of the scientist.

The farm was brilliantly formed, knew many languages. Including the ancients, on which even wrote poems. The most famous formulation of the Great Farm Theorem. It was finally proved was only in 1995 Andrew Walt. The text of the proof contains 129 pages.

Gottfried Leibniz. Sacred Roman Empire (1646-1716)

"Currently fraught with the future."

Creator of combinatorics and founder of mathematical logic, philosopher, logic, mathematician, mechanic, physicist, lawyer, historian, diplomat, inventor and linguistic. Leibniz founded the Berlin Academium of Science and was its first president. Regardless of Newton, he created a mathematical analysis, described the binary number system, formulated the law of conservation of energy and introduced into the mechanics the concept of "alive force" (kinetic energy).

Leibniz also invented the arithmometer, introduced into the psychology the concept of "small perceptions", developed the doctrine of the unconscious mental life. He also inspired Peter to develop the concept of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian king even appointed a Leibnitsa award in 2000 Guldenov.

Isaac Newton. England (1642-1727)

"Genius is the patience of thought focused in a well-known direction."

Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists in history. Physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the creators of classical physics. Chief Labor - "Mathematical Beginning of Natural Philosophy". In it, he outlined the law of world community and the three laws of mechanics that became the basis of classical mechanics. Developed a differential and integral calculation, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, created many other mathematical and physical theories.

Newton entered the ward of Lords, regularly attended her meetings, but was silent. Once he still asked the words. Everyone expected to hear a grandiose speech, but Newton in the coffin silence proclaimed: "Gentlemen, I ask to close the window, otherwise I can catch a cold!".

Mikhail Lomonosov. Russia (1711-1765)

"If you do what good, you will with difficulty, work will hurt, and the good will remain good, but if you make that thin with granting, the secretion will continue, and the thin will remain."

First Russian scientist naturalist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, instrument-making, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, artist, historian. The contribution of Lomonosov to various sciences cannot be overestimated. He opened the presence of an atmosphere at Venus, laid the foundations of the glass science, developed a molecular-kinetty theory of heat, a corpuscular theory, engaged in the research of electricity, determined the course of the development of the Russian language.

Immanuel Kant. Prussia (1724-1804)

"Wise can change the opinion; Fool - never.

The ancestor of German classical philosophy, one of the greatest thinkers of the XVIII century, which has enormous influence on the development of philosophy.

Even at the punctual Germans, the tendency of Kant to the discipline and the routine routine of the day was the arrival in the panels. On the walking on Koenigsberg, the Kant twisted the clock.

In addition to the philosophy, Kant has been engaged in natural sciences. He developed a cosmogonic hypothesis of the origin of the solar system from a giant initial gas nebula, outlined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genealogical classification of the animal world, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural origin of human races,
He studied the role of tides and sings.

Johann Goethe. Sacred Roman Empire (1749-1832)

"All fathers want their children to implement what they failed themselves."

Goethe today is known mainly as a brilliant writer and poet, but he was also a prominent scientist. He stood at the origins of physiognomy, seriously engaged in chromatics (science on paints and flowers), chemistry, botany and biology. Goethe wrote a lot of work on philosophy, geology, astronomy, literature and art. 14 of the 133 volumes of the Complete Work of Works Goethe devoted to scientific topics.

James Maxwell. Scotland (1831-1879)

"... for the development of science is required in every given era not only so that people think at all, but that they concentrate their thoughts on that part of the extensive field of science, which at this time requires development."

Maxwell is a physicist-theoretical and mathematician who laid the foundations of electrodynamics, which created the theory of electromagnetic waves and photolasticity. He came up with the color photo printing method and was one of the founders of molecular physics. In addition to physics and mathematics, also made a great contribution to astronomy and chemistry.

Dmitriy Mendeleev. Russia (1834-1907)

"To burn oil, it is like to turn the stove to the assignments."

Russian da Vinci, the brilliant father of the periodic table of elements, Mendeleev was a versatile scientist and a public figure. So, he made a significant and invaluable contribution to petroleum activities. Thanks to Mendeleev, Russia was able to not only refuse to export kerosene from America, but also to export petroleum products to Europe. Mendeleev highlighted the Nobel Prize three times, but he did not receive it.

Nikola Tesla. Austrian Empire (1856-1943)

"You know the expression" above your head you will not jump? " It's a delusion. A person can do everything. "

Tesla was called "a man who invented the XX century". Already the early work was laid down the path of modern electrical engineering, its discoveries had innovative significance. In the United States, the fame of Tesla could compete with any inventor or scientist in history or popular culture. Genius Tesla was a special property. The inventor always wanted good, but created instruments capable of destroying humanity. So, studying the resonant oscillations of the Earth, the inventor created the device actually provoking the earthquake.

Albert Einstein. Germany (1879-1955)

"What a sad era, when it is easier to break the atom than refuse to prejudice."

Einstein is one of the most famous and popular scientists, theoretics physicist, one of the founders of modern theoretical physics, the Nobel Prize winner in 1921 physics.

Einstein is the author of more than 300 scientific works on physics, as well as about 150 books and articles in the field of history and philosophy of science, author of the general and special theories of relativity, laid the foundations of quantum theory and stood at the origins of the new theory of gravity in return for Newtonian.

Karl Gustav Jung. Switzerland (1875-1961)

"All that does not suit us in others, makes it possible to understand ourselves."

Jung - Student Sigmund Freud, in many ways exceeded his teacher, the founder of analytical psychology. It was Jung that introduced into the psychology of the concept of introversion and extroversion to determine the type of identity orientation, the associative method of psychotherapy developed, the teaching about the collective unconscious, the theory of archetypes, made a big breakthrough in the theory of interpretation of dreams.

Niels Bohr, Denmark (1885-1962)

"If you didn't scare quantum physics, it means that you did not understand anything."

The laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Nils was a member of the Danish Royal Society and his president since 1939. He was an honorary member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.
Bor - the creator of the first quantum theory of the atom and an active participant in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. Also, he made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of the atomic nucleus and nuclear reactions, the processes of the interaction of elementary particles with the medium.

Werner Geisenberg. Germany (1901-1976)

"The first sip of a glass of natural science makes an atheist, but God expects at the bottom of the glan."

Heisenberg is a great physicist theorist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics. Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 1932. Heisenberg laid the foundations of matrix mechanics, formulated the ratio of uncertainty, applied the formalism of quantum mechanics to the problems of ferromagnetism and an abnormal effect of Zeeman. A number of his works are also devoted to the physics of cosmic rays, the theory of turbulence, philosophical problems of natural science.

During World War II, Geisenberg was the leading theorist of the German nuclear project.

American Engineer Electrochemistry Libb Sims conducted a study and decided to rank the most intelligent people in the world of all time.

Sims The first was a list of people who entered dozens of people with B level of IQ more than 200. All that over 130 is extremely high, but it should be noted that IQ tests are a very controversial measure of the ranking of human abilities. Later, the American ranked everyone in accordance with their inclinations in some area. The list that rightfully deserve the rank of genius.

Not wanting that the geniuses were excluded from his list, the calculation was carried out according to special formulas. Libb Sims created its own rating of the smartest people in the world based on the coke methodology, which people pass every 10 years, and after these indicators are averaged. After the indicators are checked for errors and are adjusted. The rating was made up on the basis of the main achievements of geniuses and correlation with the IQ test.

Of course, this list is extremely subjective, and sometimes it would seem, composed. Nevertheless, we found that he is quite logical for accepting him for the truth.

  1. John Stewart Mille

John Stewart Mill was a 19th-century political philosopher and a member of the British Parliament. As a student of Philosopher Jeremy Bentam, Mill defended the ideas of utilitarianism and criticized the unlimited control of the state. Its estimate IQ is in the range of 180-200 different measures.

His 1859 Essay "On Freedom", in which he argues that freedom is the fundamental human right, caused a controversy into its unconditional approval of the individuality and freedom of speech.

  1. Christopher Hirata

Christopher Hirata - Wunderkind, who became Astrophysics with Christopher Hirata with IQ 225. It became famous at the age of 13, becoming the most young winner in 1996 of the International Physical Olympiad. A year later, he entered the California Institute of Technology.

At 16, Hirata worked with NASA on a project from Colonization of Mars, and at 22 he received a doctoral degree in physics in Princeton. He is a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Ohio.

  1. Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg scientist and theologians of the 18th century. Its IQ according to different estimates is in the range from 165 to 210. Emanuel Swedenborg is known for its huge contribution in the field of natural sciences. Swedenborg Having reached his spiritual awakening in his 50 years published that he is currently its most famous work - a description of the afterlife called "Paradise and Hell". This robot was highly appreciated after the death of a scientist and very appreciated among philosophers and mystics. Swedenborg argued that he could attend heaven and hell in his own will and that his ideas about spirituality, God, and Christ came to him in dreams and visions.

  1. Ettore Majorana

Ettore Majorant is an Italian physicist theoretical, which studied neutrino masses, electrically neutral subatomatic particles, which are created in nuclear reactions. Its rating IQ is in the range from 183 to 200 by different estimates.

He became a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Naples in one year before his mysterious disappearance during a boat trip from Palermo to Naples. His body was not found.

The major equation and Mayoranian fermions were named after him, and in 2006, the Majoran Prize in the field of theoretical physics was created in his memory.

  1. Volter.

Francois Marie Aruhe, a better known at the pseudonym Voltaire, was born in Paris in 1694. According to various estimates, his IQ is from 190 to 200. It was one of the greatest writers and philosophers of France, known for his satirical genius and not fear to criticize the nobles of his country.

Throughout his life, Voltaire vigorously defended the difference between natural science and philosophy. Many of his critical works were directed against the established philosophers, such as Leibniz, Malbranche, and Descartes, in accordance with the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

  1. William Shakespeare

Born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, England. Shakespeare earned a living as an actor and playwright in London. In 1597, 15 of his plays were published, including Richard II, "Heinrich VI" and "Many Noise from Nothing."

  1. Nikola Tesla

Born during a thunderstorm in 1856, Nikola Tesla continued to invent the Tesla coil and AC machines. Its rating IQ is in the range from 160 to 310 by different estimates. He became famous for his sharp rivalry with Thomas Edison throughout his life, and many of his projects were funded by Jpmorgan, who later became his business partner.

In 1900, Morgan has invested $ 1500,000 in WardenClyffe Tesla Tower - a transatlantic wireless communication system, which Tesla never completed. Serbian physicist died without a pennies in the room of the New York hotel in 1943.

  1. Leonard Euler

Leonard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and physician. Born in 1707 and was educated in Basel. Euler spent most of his career in St. Petersburg and Berlin. Its rating IQ in the range from 180 to 200 by different estimates.

Euler was one of the founders of pure mathematics and the further development of the study of integral calculus. He is the author of the mathematical work "Introduction to the analysis of infinitely small", and the complete collection of its writings was about 90 volumes. He possessed legendary memory and could read the whole "aneu" word-in-word.

  1. Galileo Galilei

Galilee was an Italian naturalist, astronomer, and mathematician, born in about 1564. He developed such scientific concepts as a circular inertia and the law of falling tel. Its IQ estimates for different methods ranges from 180 to 200.

Its discoveries with a telescope undermined the foundations laid by Aristotle in cosmology, in particular, his findings that Venus passes through the phases like the moon and that Jupiter has four moon rotating around it.

By the end of his life, the church condemned him as a heretic for his literary activities and model of the heliocentric model of the universe.

  1. Karl Gauss

It is considered the greatest German mathematician of the 19th century. Karl Gauss was a Swankind, who made a great contribution to the theory of numbers, algebra, statistics and mat. Its IQ according to different estimates is in the range from 250 to 300.

His works were especially influential in the study of electromagnetism. He refused to publish him until he was absolutely perfect.

  1. Thomas Jung

Thomas Jung was an English physician and physicist, whose invaluable contribution to physiology led to a variety of important discoveries in human anatomy. Its IQ is in the range from 185 to 200 by different estimates. He was also an Egyptologist who helped decipher the Rosett stone.

One of his most important discoveries was that the human eye is changing the form to focus on objects at different distances, which ultimately led it to determine the cause of astigmatism. He was also the first to explore how the eye perceives the colors.

  1. William Sidis

William Sidis (served as an inspiration for the film "Umnitsa Will Hunting") was American Wunderkind, whose IQ estimates vary from 200 to 300 in various estimates. At the age of 2, Sidis read The New York Times and printed letters on the typewriter - in English and French.

He was adopted at Harvard at the age of 9, but the university would not allow him to attend because of his "emotional immaturity." Instead, he took part beams while Harvard finally, let him, when he turned there at 11.

Reporters followed him everywhere, and in the end he became a hermit, moving from the city to the city under different names to avoid attention. He died at the age of 46 from an extensive stroke.

  1. Gottfried Leibnits

Gottfride Leibniz is a German philosopher and logic that is perhaps the most well known for creating a differential and integral calculus. Its IQ is in the range from 182 to 205 by different estimates.

In 1676, Leibniz founded a new wording of the laws of movement, known as the speakers, substituting the kinetic energy to preserve the movement.

He made a great contribution to the philosophy of the language with its work on the necessary conditional truths, possible worlds, and the principle of a sufficient basis.

  1. Nikolai Copernicus

Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and an astronomer, which opened the heliocentric model of the Universe, in which the sun, and not the land is the center of our solar system. Made a revolution in the study of space. Its rating IQ is in the range from 160 to 200.

His book "On the rotation of the heavenly spheres" was banned by the Church after he died in 1543. The book remained in the list of forbidden materials for reading for almost three centuries after that.

  1. Rudolf Clausius

Rudolf Clausius is a German physicist and mathematician. It was famous for the wording of the second law of thermodynamics. Its rating IQ is in the range from 190 to 205, by different estimate.

Clausius made thermodynamics by science, he introduced the term "entropy", and developed a kinetic theory of gases. He was also one of the first scientists who assume that molecules consist of constantly replacing each other atoms, which later formed the basis of the theory of electrolytic dissociation (decay of molecules in charged atoms or ions).

  1. James Maxwell

James Maxwell is a Scottish mathematician and a physicist, which is the most famous for the development of the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. Its valuation IQ is from 190 to 205 by different estimates.

Maxwell attribute merits in laid and the foundations of quantum theory. He was honored by many, including Einstein. When Einstein asked if he was standing on Newton's shoulders, he replied: "No, I stand on Maxwell's shoulders."

  1. Isaac Newton

The most famous global law, the English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton played an important role in the 19th century scientific revolution. Its score IQ is from 190 to 200. His work "mathematical starts of natural philosophy" is considered the most influential book in physics and, perhaps, of all science. Although some of his assumptions were ultimately refuted, the universal principles of Newton's borography were not analogues in science at the time.

  1. Leonardo da Vinci

Artist, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, an anata, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer - Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps the most diverse talented person in history. Its estimate IQ is in the range from 180 to 220 by different estimates.

He is one of the most famous painters in history, he is honored for his technological innovation, such as aircraft, armored car, concentration of solar energy, and arithmometers. Da Vinci was a chronic procrastinator, although several of his projects were never implemented during his life.

  1. Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is a physicist-theorist of German origin, whose estimates of IQ were estimated in the range from 205 to 225. It is known for its discovery of mass-energy in the equivalence formula E \u003d MC2, which was called the most famous equation. in the world.

Einstein formulated the principle of relativity and tried to refute the quantum theory until death. One died in 1955 at the age of 76.

  1. Johann Goethe

Goethe - German Erudite, who founded the science of human chemistry and developed one of the earliest theories of evolution. Its IQ ranged from 210 to 225 by different estimates.

It is considered one of the greatest figures in Western literature: his poetic drama of 1808 "Faust" is still widely readable and studied even today.

Without geniine, the world would not look like today. One brilliant person can change the story, create an amazing art or just to do what we could only dream of. But the irony is that they balanced their talent with sufficiently cruel actions.

Editorial websiteof course, I agree that all people have shortcomings, but these "big brains" seem to have risen to a new level.

Genius in the area: Mathematics and classical physics.

Progress: Isaac Newton, undoubtedly, the greatest scientist of all time. He managed to invent calculus, find out the nature of gravity and discover the three laws of movement. Most of us are likely to refuse science and worshed in the laurels of Glory, opening at least one of the laws.

What is accused of: malice and vitality.

Do you know whose name "ERS" from Newton's books? Due to hostility and rivalry from science, Robert Guk almost fell. Historians say he was a brilliant scientist, and one of the biographers called him "Englishman da Vinci". GUK and Newton argued whether the light is a particle, and this dispute turned into a vicious enmity.

The situation was aggravated when Newton published the theory of gravity and the law of gravity over which the GUK was also worked on. He shared his research in a letter to Newton. Naturally, Robert suggested that he deserves his share of glory and recognition, but no. Newton was not going to share anything, and his hostility turned into hatred.

After the death of a hammer, Newton as the President of the Royal Society of Sciences destroyed all the tools, paper and even the portrait of the deceased. It is for this reason that there are images of all its members in the Society Collections, except for one.

Genius in the area: Electrical engineering and radio engineering.

Progress:He became the patron saint of science, the "father" of electricity and the favorite of many. His predictions about the future are so faithful that many think - probably, the guy had a gift of clairvoidance. Despite this, we hope that he was completely wrong in one of theories.

What is accused of: Eugene.

Evgenika is the doctrine of selection of people to preserve the healthiest, beautiful, smart and eliminating imperfect.

Tesla was confident that Eugene would be in fashion by 2100.

1935 year - Nazism is gaining momentum, and Tesla writes forecasts for Liberty magazine. In he, he assumes that mankind needs to "stop doing" infallible people. It did a good job in the past thanks to the survival of the most adapted, but people became softer, and you need to cut out "less desirable strains".

Tesla approved the sterilization of criminals and insane people in some areas. He was sure that it was necessary to control the marriage so that only the good people were paired with each other. By the way, Tesla was never married.

Genius in the area: information Technology.

Progress: At Providza Apple A huge list of achievements and discoveries. While he became the brain for the most popular electronics of the last decades, a computer genius with whom could find a common language.

What is accused of: bad friend, bad boss and bad father.

When Steve was young and worked on Atari, He was given a profitable task. Instead, he forced his friend Steve Waughty to make a project and lied about a monetary remuneration. Wozniak received a small percentage of the fee.

One day, Jobs decided that the staff was too slowly working on the project, so burst into a meeting with such a stream of abnormative vocabulary, which we would not repeat. Working on Pixar, He dismissed people without notice and day off. At the interview, Steve could ask a potential employee whether he was a virgin and worse.

But the home "merit" of Jobs - he was really a bad father, because he did not even recognize his daughter Lisa. The girl lived on the manual, and the businessman enjoyed millions. But we have cool phones, right?

Genius in the area: global politics.

Progress: Not many people are worthy to become a face of the national currency. Winston Churchill became the face of a 5-pound banknote, he was called the greatest Briton of all time. He was a brilliant leader in wartime and played a decisive role in the victory over the Nazis. What is strange, the views of Churchill are strikingly similar to Hitler's views.

What is accused of: racism, which caused a million deaths.

Churchill was a racist class A. Since he had a lot of power, his racism killed millions of people. It happened when the UK managed India, and Churchill hated the Hindus. He called them "monstrous people with a brutal religion." During hunger, he exported a huge amount of rice, which would help the starving, and even rejected the proposals for the help of India from other countries. As a result, about three million inhabitants were killed.

When he answered Kenya, he created concentration camps in which people were beaten, raped and neutered. He approved the use of poisonous gas, but only against the inhabitants of the Middle East.

Genius in the area: visual arts.

Progress:One of the most famous artists who ever lived, Picasso with their own style "cubism" changed contemporary art.

What is accused of: a fierce men's lamp.

"He needs blood for those who love him." No, it is not a slogan for emotional drama about vampires. So describes his grandfather Pablo Picasso his granddaughter Marina. She says that the psychological destruction of close women was part of his strange creative process.

Picasso himself did not hesitate these views and officially called women "machines for suffering." He did so that his wives and children materially depended on him. When the parents of Marina parted, he kept her and mother-alcoholic in poverty to teach the lesson. It turns out that they are still lucky. Of the seven significant women in the life of Picasso, two committed suicide and two went crazy.

Being one of the women Picasso meant to watch how he slept with others and treated you as a garbage. He shared women on the goddesses and rags, and, it seems, he liked to turn first second.

Genius in the area: Music and singing.

Progress: Frank Sinatra has become a cult on the stage thanks to the velvet voice chamber, but outside the scene took out truly terrible things. He could break up in an instant and beat everything that fell at hand or under his feet.

What is accused of: violent temper.

He hit the reporter, but managed to lean the conflict and charged charges. At the Beverly Hills Hotel, Sinatra cast a telephone to one businessman and broke him the skull. He almost killed his wife Ava Gardner, throwing a bottle of champagne in her that she broke the sink in the bathroom.

In the attacks of rage synatra destroyed the insane number of things. He cut a famous picture of Norman Rockwell, threw a faulty TV from the hotel window, broke the priceless vase mines at the Hotel Hong Kong. That's what happens when you get used to everything so that everything is in yours.

Frank Miller

Genius in the area: Drawing comics.

Progress: Frank Miller is considered one of the greatest comic artists of all time. His works turned Wednesday, once considered a children's, in a full form of art with such works as "Sin City" and "Return of the Dark Knight." Unfortunately, the contradictions also followed Miller for the whole career.

What is accused of: sexism andracism.

In his comics, the cat's cat turns out of an experienced thief in a prostitute, which men beaten. In the "city of sins", almost all women's characters are described as sexual objects for men, and a wonderful woman in his vision does not represent a particularly intellectual character.

But more horrifies the graphic novel Miller "Holy Terror." This is a work about a white superhero, which kills Muslim terrorists in New York. Many critics saw anti-Islamic propaganda in it.

Genius in the area: psychoanalysis.

Progress:The mental illness has always been a delicate question. At that time, such problems were solved by the standard procedure - imprisonment in the walls of a mental hospital. The idea to prove everything that the mind bothers, was actually a revolutionary psychological idea of \u200b\u200bFreud.

Yes, he seriously believed that sex is the root of all problems. His theories are not perfect, but it is better than connecting the patient to the car battery, hoping that the blow will make the brain work correctly.

What is accused of: a lover of cocaine and other strange treatments.

The problem of new science is that it is almost always an experiment, and errors cannot be excluded. Freud made many bugs in his project "How does the brain work?".

Victorian epoch remembered the "Women's Horsery" epidemic. So one patient of Freud described paralysis of the limbs, a violation of hearing and language, loss of consciousness and hallucinations. Today, doctors would recognize it as neurological dysfunction or epilepsy, but Victorian treatment assumed conversations. Well, the abundant amount of crength oil. So it was like an attempt to fix the broken computer, "smoking" with his hammer.

When Freud could not treat patients with conversations and hypnosis, he argued that they hide something and applied a kind of torture. The scientist pressed his fingers to the sick forehead and asked to report what image appeared in the head. Patients answered something so that the Mountain doctor stopped.

And "Cherry on the cake" - cocaine treatment. With the sincere intention to help, he advised a colleague and friend Cocaine as a way to treat morphine dependence. It does not care that to extinguish the fire by termit containing gasoline. Freud's friend eventually died of drugs.

Genius in the area: Modern theoretical physics.

Progress:Einstein must be in any list of geniuses. He was great and opened tons of new science. Remember E \u003d MC2. And while leave science aside.

What is accused of: a terrible husband.

There is one person who, who definitely did not keep the scientist - his first long-suffering wife Mileva Maric. Einstein's correspondence with Marich showed that he was cruel with her and two their sons. After their marriage began to collapse, Einstein sent his wife a list of rules that she should execute to save the family.

She still had to wash lingerie and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, which he ate alone. His house was supposed to be clean, including from his wife at any time. No hint of intimate relationships can not even say until the husband is allowed. Sons should not hear about a daddy a single rude word. It is not surprising that Mileva left her husband-tyrant after a few months.

Genius in the area: Neurobiology and neurophysiology.

Progress: A graduate of Madrid University José Delgado received the prestigious position of Professor at the University of Yale University. He explored the brain under normal life and pathologies with the help of implanted electrodes. In general, he worked on the control of consciousness.

What is accused of being mockerying animals and people.

In the University of Yale University in the 1950s and 60s, Delgado inserted electrode implants into the brain of primates and used the remote control, which emitted radio frequencies so that the animals could perform complex tasks. Later he put an implant in the brain enraged the bull, which was released into the arena, right on the scientist. With the help of the transmitter, electric incentives forced the animal to dodge. Even unique frames of those years have been preserved:

But the most disturbing of all experiments is a connection of 25 people. In essence, his device influenced the aggression of people, but he sought control over the mind. The scientist loudly stated her terrible things: "We must control the brain electronically. Someday the army and generals will be monitored by electric brain stimulation. "