Apocalypse - predictions of terrible disasters. All the prophecies of the revelation of John the Bogoslov are already coming true

Natural cataclysms and disasters in almost all predictions serve as a kind of "calling card" of the Apocalypse, as a sign of his arrival.

Agnes Sasagawa

1969 - In Japan, there was a phenomenon of the Virgin Mary sister Agnes Sasagawa, who warned a Catholic monk that all humanity would have to survive terrible disasters. 1969, June 28 - Agnes began to appear stigmatas (wounds of Christ) in their hands - in the form of a bleeding cross. July 6 - During prayer in the chapel, Sister Agnes was assisted that a voice comes from the statue of the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God told her: "The devil's goats will penetrate into the church, Cardinals against Cardinals, bishops against the bishops. Priests and who believe will be despised. Churches and Altari are looted. The church will be absorbed by those who accept an agreement with demons. They will force priests and sanctified souls to leave the ministry to God. The devil will be particularly irreconcilable to people who took the dedication to God. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe loss of many souls is the cause of my sorrow. If sins are increasing among both gravity, it will not be more forgiveness for them "(1973, October 13).
"If people do not repent and do not behave well, the father will learn the terrible punishment with all mankind. It will be a punishment more than the World Flood, which you have not seen before.
The fire will fall from the sky and destroy most of the mankind, good and bad, without sparing neither the priests or believers. The remaining alive will find only the desert. And they will envy the dead. "

Grigory Rasputin

Grigory Rasputin left a lot of prophecies about the apocalyptic events of the future. He predicted:

"Earthquakes at this time pour, land and water will be revealed, and their wounds will plunder people and SKARB. You will see daily violence on the threshold of your home, as a person will again become a beast and, like all the animals, will attack or be attacked. This person will not distinguish good from evil. "
"The sea, like thieves, will enter the cities, at home, and the lands will become salty. And salt will enter the water, and there will be no water that would not be salted. Salted lands will not bring more fruits, and if they bring, it will be bitter fruits. Therefore, you will see fertile lands turned into salty swamps. And other land will be dried with growing heat. A person will be under salt rain and will wander through salted land, between drought and a flood. "

"The poisons will hug earth as a passionate lover. And in the death of heaven will acquire the breath of death, and in the sources of water there will be bitter, and many of these waters will be the poison of rotten snake blood. People will die from water and air, but will speak - they died from the heart and kidney ... "


In the prophecies of Vangi, the world speaks a lot about cataclysms and shocks.

"All that is written in the Bible will come true! She said. - The apocalypse is coming. "
1995 - she said: "Do you know what awaits us in a few years? Earthquakes, fires, floods and other disasters, from which many people suffer. Misfortunes will occur everywhere, they will affect all nations ... ". (V.M. Sidorov. Lyudmila and Wangelia.)

"People will become less in the world. Sheep meat, cows and goats can not be eaten. And you do not want to think about anything and do not see what you expect. People will walk without shoes and without clothes, live without food, fuel and light. "

John Kronstadtsky

According to the testimony of the bishop of Arseny, John Kronstadt said:

"Whenever I look at the fire and especially on the raging element of it during fires and other cases, I think: the element is always ready and only expects the commandments of the Creator of the Universe to perform their task - to destroy everything on earth, along with people, their lawlessness and deeds. "
"When the waters of the globe lose their equilibrium with underground fire and fire reset the aquatic element, incessantly decreasing, then there will be a fiery flood, predicted in Sacred Scripture And especially in the message of the Apostle Peter, and the second glorious coming of the Lord and the court will come to the whole world. By that time, the morals are extremely corrupted. Believe that the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ with Glory - with the doors. "

Ross Peterson

Clairvoyant Ross Peterson, predicting the future, being in a state of trance, prophesied on the catastrophic transformation of the earth's crust. According to his predictions, Georgia, Carolina and all the west coast of America will suffer as a result of a nightmarish tectonic cataclysm. California will be flooded, and New York will plunge into the ocean. The huge territories of Europe "will disappear in the blink of an eye." Peterson argues that Spain, Portugal and the West Coast of England "Water to Water". All these tragic events will be returned to humanity to true religion. According to his prophecies, a new teaching will appear in Russia - the modified form of Christianity, and Asia will undergo a great spiritual revival.

Richard Kaninger

"Intensive earthquakes will be more than ever registered by scientists. All volcanoes of the world will explode, as well as many new things to join them. Due to the eruption of volcanoes, a huge amount of heavy gases, such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, will spread in an atmosphere. Gases are cooled in high atmospheric layers, and then fall on the ground surface. There will be air flows of this magnitude that the hurricane wind will swell on the face of the world. The sky will be filled with dust and suffocating pairs, so even the sun will not be visible at all over several months. Walls from water in thousands of feet will be roar, will sweat everything in front of them and fill the earth. Sea and land animals, vegetation, silt and sand will be mixed and grinding into the dirt. If the soil does not wash, it will be covered with stone boulders and will be useless to grow crops. The stench of decomposition and gloomy destruction will be everywhere. Many people will be hopelessly insane. Those who strengthen their conviction will preserve their civilization, restore the world. "

Spirit Prophecies

In the collection of the predictions of the Spiritis Argentina - the "Third Millennium", the edition of 1956, there are such prophecies about the future of our planet and all mankind: "The days of the great catastrophe will come, hurricanes will destroy whole cities, he will rise hell, and water will become red from the blood. The air stinks with fatal gases, and the microbes will fall from above. So many settlements will be destroyed, the whole peoples will disappear. Cataclysms physically complete the deadly drama.
Europe will be a huge cemetery, Asia and Africa will become real deserts. America is terribly disgraced, Brazil and the Republic of South America are extensive ruins. Many countries will disappear during the disaster. France, Italy, Germany in smoke, England will disappear under water. No European state will avoid a bloody slaughter. Asia, Japan Islands, Australia and many other countries will be flooded.
South America will suffer from cataclysms, and its center will flood water. A small part of Brazil suffers from this, but its territory will be saved.
The axis of rotation of the Earth will move dramatically, which will lead to the flooding of large areas of sushi. Water floods extensive spaces, and the surface of the continents will be reduced to one-third. The seas will expand their waters, and the lands will be reduced due to the worldwide flood.
In the empty seas in Africa, Europe and Asia will see the silhouettes of American ships. Ships are filled with cargo, they are clinging to their shores to assist the remaining alive - this is a gesture of human solidarity ... Captains of Brazil. These vessels sail to devastated banks of continents with clothes, tents and food, which will help to reduce the suffering of those who avoided the slaughter.
Significant changes in the surface of the planet, the destruction caused by human blindness will change the whole world ... New unknown rivers flow on some continents. The world will be different. "

Robert Wolf - Ghost

Predictions of the American Indian Robert Wolf - Ghost: "At the beginning of the XXI century, the world expect catastrophic changes. Darkness and darkness will fall into the Pacific coast of the United States at the beginning of the new millennium, for several months it will be so dark as it happens only in long polar nights. It will happen because tens of volcanoes will erupt almost simultaneously, ashes and smoke will cover the whole western part of America for a long time. And the eruption of volcanoes at the bottom Pacific Ocean It will cause a sharp rise in coastal waters almost up to one hundred meters. The earth will plunge into chaos, and it will happen very soon. "
"At first there will be three warnings. If humanity does not catch up and will not learn to live and think in harmony with nature, then his most part will die either on fire or in water. "

John Ranning

John Ranning Tribach Shaman's prediction: "Before the end of the world there will be a powerful earthquake, as a result of which hundreds of thousands of people will die. Then the war will begin, and the moon will turn red and disappear from the sky. A prophet comes and will preach new teachings. For some, it will become a Messiah, and others will call it an antichrist. "
"To the ground in the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Atlantic," John predicts Ranning, "comet will fall. Unprecedented hurricanes begin, and gigantic waves will fall into all coastal areas, which will lead to the death of 2.3 million people. The planet will come down from his orbit and plunge into ice. All living will die. "

Filicia Sisticiaga

The phenomenon of the Virgin Mary of Philiba Sisticiaga (Umbe, Bilbao, Spain, 1941): "The absence of faith on Earth will lead people to a catastrophe. The last wonderful warning of heaven for the appeal of sinners. Wars and natural disasters are near, when many of them die. "Part of Spain will be flooded by the sea. Two Pope will disappear at the end of times. " Before the punishment comes, a warning will be given - the sky will be covered with a big cross when he approaches, he will be a strong white light that even the sun will become dim within four hours, and many will die only from its printing (maybe in this prophecy it is said On the appearance of a quick-growing star and the impact of its gamma and X-ray radiation per person).
"My children, a great lack of faith entailing big and endless suffering on Earth. They will begin on Thursday on Friday. Within 30 years, starting with ... century, a fog will appear in which you will not see each other. There will be no light. Darkness will continue until he forgive. Righteous and worthy will not suffer. My children, you must ask God forgiveness. This is a warning of punishment. Until the remaining time, two dads will be replaced "(23.5.1971).
"... in Spain there will be a lot of disasters and diseases. Many will die much earlier punishment. I will give you a warning - the sky will be covered with a cross, which will emit strong white light, which will not allow to see even the sun. It will last four hours, then the hot wind whip is sticking throughout the country. Many of you will die. Those who believe in God does not suffer "(22.6.1971).

Hieromona Arsenia

Romanian predictor of the 72-year-old Hieromona Arsenia propheted the "End of Modern World Support", which will occur as a result of a devastating earthquake, "When the South Pole connects with the North, and fire chaos will fall on Earth." After "three days and three nights of terrifying disasters, people will be saved only before God," says arsion. Hieromona received this prevention of the apocalypse on the Holy Mount of Athos, where he made a pilgrimage. The news was sent to him by the Holy Spirit during prayer in the watoped monastery and was accompanied by a vision of the upcoming catastrophe in natural details, until the overall of the holy icons in the sea and the flames covered by the flames.

Amparo Cuevas

The phenomenon of the Virgin Mary 55-year-old Spanish Amparo Cuevas (1980). Virgo said: "Soon there will be a big sentence for humanity, which no one has seen.
Dad will be tortured, and the church will collapse. sv. Peter and St. Paul intervene to elect a new dad. God the Father will send two terrible punishments. One of them: revolutions, drought, hunger, illness. God will allow Satan to sow a discord between the rulers, in society and the family. Another punishment will come from the sky, a destructive earthquake in various countries and the onset of absolute darkness within 3 days. Nothing will be seen these days when the air is harmful and only blessed candles will be lit. You must stay at home, pray and ask for the grace of God.
Punishment will begin when the star comes down with the earth and fall large clouds that burn the earth. You will hear a stunning noise of the organ, and many at home will fly through the air. Within 3 days of darkness, the Lord will send the angel team. All the enemies of His and the Church are dead, all sinful people will die, with the exception of those that will turn into last Minutes. Punishment will destroy two thirds of humanity, and the earth will be like a desert.
The punishment warning will appear in the sky to see everything. Star, the Earth burns, apparently, the world burns in fire for 20 minutes. Many will die of grief, but those who are with God and the Virgin will be delighted. After the warning, it will be a miracle before punishment. "
Virgo said Amparo: "Humanity refuses to listen to our messages and warnings that appear in many places. Does not believe in them that the world is given a prophecy about the catastrophe, people closed their ears ... "

Maria Patricia Talbot

The phenomenon of Our Lady from August 28, 1988 to 1990, 16-year-old Patricia Talbot (Cuenca, Ecuador): "On March 17, 1989, the Mother of God said:" The times of grief began. Sorrow of your faith, but the trouble will come later the beginning of the days of dark. Dark faith, but true darkness will be after ... "
1989, May 18 - Mother announced: "When there are three days of darkness, you should not leave your homes so that you constantly pray, because at that time there will be no falseprooroks who are trying to deceive you. You recognize them because they have a number of beast on their right hand. "
On May 19, the Heavenly Mother said: "This time is close. Before the days of these events, there will be signs in the sky and in the sun ... Then the kingdom of God and his justice will come. The earthquakes, hurricanes begin, the rain of fire will fall from the sky. All this will be from the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. In those days, people will be destroyed by their nuclear facilities that you have created for your own destruction. You do not know, they feel pain, warn of natural disasters that are created by a person. You are in one step ... "


Angera from Brazil, a vision of fire from the sky. Warning of Our Lady was received on 08/16/2009: "Dear children, pray long before the appearance of a cross in the sky - to transform people. Look for protection in the Eucharist, because only so you can observe the wonders of the Lord. Do not let the devil steal your world.
You are the seed of the Lord, and he will follow and serve. I have your mother sad. I mean that you will suffer even more. You go to the future of large tests.
Humanity will be cleaned in suffering. The day comes when people will seek help and want to die. Fast and destructive fire comes to the ground. It will come from afar, and people cannot avoid this destructive action.
I have what you need. The continents will cease their existence, and the earth will not be the same. Everything will be different. What you see today will no longer exist. After all this, God will create a new land for his chosen. Forward with courage.
This message today came to you in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to meet you here again. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Be calm: Amen. "

Prediction of Indians of the wards

There is a legend about future cataclysms and in the Indians of the Futures: "The old people told us ... that when the moon becomes red, people find out that the world comes an end ... Since the beginning of the world, the North Star (Polar) placed in the north, so that it does not move ... when North It will disappear and leave the whole land and people will post the southern star (the displacement of the land axis). The old men also knew that when the world would come close to the end, there would be a lot of omen. There will be signs among the stars. Meteorites will fly across the sky. The moon will immediately change its light. The sun will also seem in different lighting ... The signal for the destruction of everything will be given to the northern star, and the southern star will fulfill this team ... When the time of the end of the world comes, the stars will fall on the ground. "

Chapter 2. Predictions of the Apocalypse

Explore yourself carefully ..., did not come to you on you the flame anger of the Lord, the dollar did not come for you the day of the Lord.

Bible. Sophia 2.1-3.

From time immemorial, humanity was worried about his own fate and the future of the native planet. Many secrets and riddles kept the Earth. Some of them are not disclosed so far. People tried to realize the secrets of the universe, as well as determine their place in the world around them. Therefore, it is not surprising that they sought to respond to many questions related to the origin of our planet and with the emergence of life on it.

If real people could somehow explain, creating various myths that explain the essence and causes of many things, then a distant past, and even more so the future has always remained a mystery. Naturally, the ignorance was caused by no unfounded anxiety and fears. It was not by chance that at all times, numerous prophets and clairvifuses appeared, who tried to look into the past and predict what was still waiting for not only separately taken people, but also earthly civilization in general. And, I must say, the story has shown that some, especially gifted, it was successfully managed. Everyone knows that prophecies are available in the Christian Scripture, in one of the most ancient books, the Bible. In particular, it predicts the inevitable attack of the apocalypse, that is, the end of the world. There are also many well-known prophets about this, including the famous Nostradamus.

So, we will try to open the veil of this great and interested in every person of the mystery and first of all turn to biblical predictions.

"Revelation of John the Bogosla" and other prophecies

Saint John theologian in his "Revelation" mentioned that day when all people, and living, and the dead, resurrected from the graves ( fig. 23.), will appear before the court of God.

It is believed that the "Revelation of John the Godlov" was written in 68-69 years. e. Researchers do not exclude the fact that approximately in the mid-1990s. e. It was edited by correspondence. This happened after the defeat of the I of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. This date practically coincides with the reference to Iriney, which leads in his "church history" by Evseviy Kestern (between 260 and 265-338 or 339), the Roman church writer, Bishop of Caesarea (Palestine). The prophetic "revelation of John the Theologian" is a truly grandee picture of the upcoming apocalypse, which completes New Testament.

John Theologian told the first Christians who were subjected to terrible persecution from the Roman authorities, the Great and Comforting News: "Blessed and listening to the words of the prophecy of this and those who are written in it; For time is close. "

Fig. 23. Michelangelo. Resurrection of dead from the graves.


It is necessary to hold out a little more, not to retreat from Christ Faith, and soon suffering will stop, and all the well-established will be generously rewarded. In general, a number of visions, John, appeared that soon it was destined to happen: he learned about the upcoming end of the world and associated terrible events.

Revelation conveced John the Theologian at that moment when he was on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, where he suffered "for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." In one of the Sunday days, the sky unexpectedly opened unexpectedly, and he saw the seven gold lamps and among them "such a son of human". John theologian so describes the appearance of Jesus Christ: "Head of his and hair of white, like a white wave, like snow; and his eyes like a firefire; And his legs are similar to Halkovan (the type of amber), like hot in the oven; And his voice like the noise of the waters of many. He kept his seven stars in his desk, and the sword was acute from both sides of his mouth; And his face, like the sun, shining in its strength. " Seven lamps symbolized seven churches, and seven stars in the dessent of the Lord - Angels of these churches.

Having affected so unusual phenomenon, John fell to the legs of the Son of Human, who welcomed him with the following words: "Do not be afraid, I am the first and last, and the crowned; And was dead; and CE, alive in the eyelids, Amen; And I have the keys of hell and death. So, write that you have seen, and what is, and what will happen after this. " John theologian fulfilled the command of Christ and later recorded everything that happened that day, in his "revelation".

Jesus invited him to step on the sky to see with his own eyes what "to be after this". John followed him and saw the "throne standing in the sky, and on the throne was sitting." Under the sitting, the nose meant the God-Creator himself.

Around God's throne, from which "frost, and thunder, and glaces" came, ", twenty-four thrones were located. Twenty-four elders have seated on them, closed in white clothes, with golden crowns on their heads. Before the throne stood seven fiery lamps, personified the "Spirits of God".

Here four animals were sitting, "performed in front of the front and rear", the first of which reminded Lion, the second - Taurus, the third - man, and the fourth eagle. Each of them "had six wings around, and inside

they are filled with eyes; And in the afternoon, they do not know peace at night, appealing: holy, holy, Holy Lord God Almighty, who was, is coming. " While the animals chased fame and honor sitting on the throne, the elders fell in front of him in front of him and pinned the wints to his feet.

In the right hand, God kept a book sealed by seven seals. Angel ( fig. 24.) Proclaimed a loud voice: is there anyone who is worthy of revealing the book by removing the print from it? But there was no one on earth, nor in heaven, nor underground.

Here, one of the elders sitting by God's throne rose, and said John the theologian that now "lion from the Knee Judene, David's root, won and can reveal this book and remove seven seals."

At that very moment, John saw the Lamb "as it were to a smaller, having seven horns and seven eyes, who are seven spirits of the Gods sent to the entire Earth." In the image of the lamp appears, of course, Jesus Christ himself ( fig. 25.), who considered Christians a descendant of King David. The horn of the ancient Jews was a symbol of power.

The Lamb took the book from the hands of the Book, sealed by seven seals. The act of transferring a book from God the Father to God to God symbolizes the wells of Christ, who takes power from the Father. Animals and elders, from all sides, overtake the Lamb and begin to sing in His honor: "Dosto, you take a book and remove the print from it; For you were risen, and the blood of us redeemed our God from all the knees and the language, and the people and the tribe, and presented us with the kings and priests to our God; And we will reign on earth. "

Following them, this song was repeated a huge variety of elders, animals and angels, from all sides of those surrounding the throne. "And the number of them was darkness of those and thousands of thousands," the "Revelation" says. Approached the end of the world.

Fig. 25. Cavallini. Jesus Christ.

Fragment of the fresco "Scary Court" of the Church of Santa Castchilia in Trastevere in Rome

Fig. 24. Angel

However, according to the predictions of the priest, God will definitely protect all the most truly believers who lived the righteous life, meanwhile, as all of the gods and unrelated sinners expect a severe punishment.

Jesus Christ alternately removes the press from the book, as a result of which four riders fall on the ground, squeezing on four different horses. They are shutders of the end of the world and those great disasters that will precede him.

Here the Lamb removed the first seal, and one of the four animals proclaimed: "Go and see." John theologian saw a white horse ( fig. 26.). It was sitting "A rider who has a bow, and Dan was a crown to him; And he came out as a victorious, and to win. "

Christ took off the second seal, and the second animal said to a thunder voice: "Go and look." Here the second horse appeared, red. The rider sitting on it was ordered to "take peace from the ground, and to kill each other; And he is given a big sword. "

After the lamb shot a third stamp, John heard the voice of the third animal: "Go and look." At that moment, the raven horse came from the sky, and the rider was sitting on it, "having a measure in his hand".

The Lamb removed the fourth seal, and the fourth animal said: "Go and look." A pale horse came out. He recresented on him the worst rider who personified death. In "Revelation" says: "And Hell followed him, and he was given the power over the fourth part of the Earth - to die with a sword and hunger, and the world and the beasts of earth."

It should be noted that about the same horses of four texts and horsemen, ascending on them, mentioned in the book of the Prophet Zechariah, and there they symbolize the four spirits of heaven, "who are coming to the Lord of the whole Earth."

Further events are amazing paintings that produce a rather strong impression.

Fig. 26. White horse and victorious rider

If you turn to the real history of those distant times, you can spend some analogies with the events of the recent years of Nero, when the endless, bloody wars went, and the imperial throne shook the uprisings of a number of Roman governors who wanted to take the place of Nero, as well as uprising in Judea and in Gaul . In addition, in those years in Rome, hunger was often fired. In 65 n. e. The Mediterranean has suffered a new terrible trouble - a plague that carried thousands of lives. At about the same time in Italy, Greece, Malaya Asia and all the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea there were devastating earthquakes. So the rider on the pale horse gathered a rich harvest of human lives.

The first Christians have experienced particularly terrible persecution during these years. Each who holy followed the faith of Christ, after painful torture threatened inevitable death. Therefore, it is not by chance in the "Revelation" it says that when Christ took off the fifth seal, the souls of "killed for the Word of God" appeared under the altar. They prayed to God to take revenge on the ground for those who fell on their share of suffering. The Vladyka calmed them down, gave them white clothes and said that a terrible court will soon be happened and many righteous people will replenish their ranks.

After the Lamb shot the sixth print, a great earthquake occurred. "And the Sun has become gloomy, like the Oblant, and the moon was made like blood; And the stars of heavenly fell on Earth, like a fig tree, shaded by a strong wind, drops their immature figs; And the sky disappeared, torn, like a scroll; And every mountain and island moved from their places. " All people: both kings, and veelmes, and free, and slaves - they sought to hide in the caves and gorges of the mountains and prayed that stones fell on them and hid them "from the face of the Lamb sitting on the throne and anger, for the Great Day came His".

Then John theologian tells about what he saw four angels standing at the four ends of the Earth, who kept four winds, so that they didn't blow on the ground, nor on the sea, no matter what tree. But from the side of the rising sun, another Angel, who had "the seal of God's Living" moved to them. And he commanded the four angels-destroyers who were ordered to "harm the earth and the sea": not to create harm, as long as they will not be laid on the chest of slaves of God, that is, those who, despite anything, retained the dedication of the true Christian faith. These were one hundred forty-four thousand. All of them gathered around the throne of God destroyed in white clothes. From now on, they had to serve God in the temple of him and got a deliverance from suffering, for "the Lamb, who among the throne, will graze them and drive them into live sources of water, and the delay of God all sorts of tears with their eyes."

And now the most terrible moment has come. When Christ took off the last, seventh seal, a full silence reigned in the sky. John the Bologosov saw the seven angels with pipes came forward - the tops of God's court - and an angel with the Golden Cadillian in the hands, which he filled fire from the altar and "Pie for Earth." On Earth, "Voices and Thunders, and Lightning, and Earthquake" occurred on Earth. Seven angels prepared to drive, arranged that the "Day of the Lord" came.

After "fabricated" the first angel, "hail and fire mixed with blood" fell on Earth. As a result, the third part of the trees and the whole green grass was destroyed.

After the sign submitted by the second angel, a huge mountain, reminding the fireball, was overthrowing in the sea, which was why the third part of the living beings died in him, and drowned the third part of the ships across the sea. The third part of the sea water turned into blood.

Pruccessful the third angel, and from the sky fell on the ground "a big star, burning like a lamp", whose name is "wormwood". From this water in the third part of rivers and sources became bitter and poisonous, "and many of the people died of water."

The sound of the fourth angel pipe caused the defeat of the third part of the sun, the moon and stars, with the result that the third part of the day became at night.

After that, John Theologian saw an Angela, flying in the midst of the sky, who proclaimed a loud voice: "Mountain, Mount, mountain living on Earth from the other pipe votes of three angels that will be cutting."

Then the fifth angel would last, and the star fell from the sky. She was given a key that "she opened the stray of the abyss." From there, he went a thick smoke, who had a breath of the sun and the air, and the hordes of the monstrous locust came out of the smoke. She was similar to "horses cooked at war; And on the heads, her as if the crowns, similar to gold, her face - as human faces; And her hair is like women's hair, and her teeth were like Lviv. It was armor, as it were, iron armor, and noise from her wings - like a knock from the chariots, when a lot of horses runs to war; She had tails, like a scorpion, and in her tails were sting. " He learned John that her king was an angel of the abyss, the name of which in Jewish Avaddon, and in Greek Apollion (that is, the "destroyer").

The terrible locust, resembling earth scorpions, was to attack not on earthly vegetation, but for people whom God did not celebrate his stamp, that is, the sinners remaining on earth ( fig. 27.). But do not kill them, but to be tormented for five months, and the torment will be like "torment from scorpion, when the person is horrid." In this regard, a terrible phrase sounds in the "Revelation of John the Bogoslov": "In those days, people will seek death, but they will not find it; Wishes to die, but death will run away from them. "

The pipe of the Sixth Angel announced the terrible pictures of the invasion of huge horse troops by a number in two darkness by the one that comes from the Euphrates River. It is intended for God to destroy the third part of the people who were destined to die "from fire, smoke and sulfur", which came out of his mouth with lion's heads. The tailings of them like snakes had heads and also brought harm to people.

The army destroyed the third part of the people, but the survivors did not repent of their siblings, and another Kara expected them.

Fig. 27. Michelangelo. Sinners.

Fragment of the fresco "Scary Court". The Sistine Chapel.


Saw John of the Giant Angel, "Counting from the sky, clothed with the cloud; His head was a rainbow, and his face, like the sun, and his feet, like pillars of fire. " He stood on the ground with one foot, and the other was at sea and held his revealed book in his hands. The voice that sounded like seven thunders, he told John about the secrets of the future. The prophet gathered to write out what was said, but heard the voice of God, who ran out of heaven, who forbade him to do. Angel, who was standing at the sea and on Earth, made his hand to the sky and announced that when she would inform the seventh Angel, then "time would not be" and "the mystery of God", known to the ancient prophets. After that, the voice from the sky commanded John to take a book from the hands of angel and eat it, because he was supposed to "prophesy about the peoples and tribes again."

And she finally, the Seventh Angel, and in the sky, sounded loud voices: "The kingdom of the world has been predicted by the kingdom of our Lord and Christ Christ, and will reign in the eyelids." At this time, twenty-four elders who squeezed in the thrones around the throne of God, bowed in front of him and proclaimed: "... Your anger came and time to judge the dead and give retribution of your slaves, the prophets, and the saints, and the fear of your name, small and great, and To destroy the ruined land. " And the third mountain came: "Unscrew the temple of God in the sky, and the ark of the covenant of him in his temple appeared; And lightning, and voices, and thunder, and earthquakes, and great degrees have occurred.

Thus, John theologian Denies to believers comfortable news: the day is already close, we must wait a little more and suffer. In the end, those who suffered for faith will pay for their righteous flour, and they will acquire peace and happiness, and their executioners will inevitably overtake the harsh car. However, John in his "Revelation" does not stop at this and continues to describe its visions.

He talks about the wonderful sign that appeared in the sky, - "Wife, clothed in the sun; Under the legs of her moon and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars. " The wife put on the light of the "Magazine Baby, who will fall on all the peoples with the Rod of Iron." While everyone honored the baby, the wife ran into the desert, where she was prescribed to spend a thousand two hundred and sixty days.

Then the battle of Archangel Mikhail and his angels have occurred in the sky and his angels with the "Great Dragon, ancient serpent, called the devil and Satania, who seduces the whole universe," and his evil angels. Mikhail won in this fight. Dragon with angels did not have place in the sky, and they were overtaken on the ground. It was at that moment John heard a loud voice from the sky, who announced the lavemen of the devil and that salvation was made in heaven - the kingdom and power of Christ.

The devil was defeated by the "Blood of the Lamb", as well as the persistence and fidelity of Christians, those that "did not like her soul even to death." To all the same living on Earth and the sea descended the great mountain, since the devil overthrown on Earth became especially Yarenten, because he knew that he had a little time left.

Going to the ground, the dragon began to pursue his wife who gave birth to a baby. But God gave her two wings, similar to Orlins. She climbed into the sky and flew to the desert, where she was hiding from the dragon. The smiling sniped let her, after the river, flowed out of his mouth. But in vain: the Earth itself came to his aid of his wife, she crushed her mouth and absorbed the river.

Dragon failed to overtake his wife, so he decided to "join Brands with others (that is, what happened) from her seed, preserving the commandments of God and having evidence of Jesus Christ."

In the next chapter, John describes two unusual animals that came to him in the next vision. He stood on the sand of the sea and suddenly saw how a monstrous beast came out of the sea and a seven heads and ten horns. On his horns there were ten diadems, and "on the heads of his names of Boguhul." According to his own, he was "like Bars; His legs - like a bear, and fall from him - like a mouth of a lion; And he gave him a dragon with his power, and his throne, and great power. " One of the heads of the beast "as if mortally wounded," but this wound was miraculously cured.

All those living on Earth bowed the beast and the dragon, who gave him the power, except those whose names were "written in the book of life at the Lamb, cristed from the creation of the world" and who showed the "patience and faith of saints." The beast declared the war to the holy war, and "Dano it was to lead the war with Holy and defeat them." But his power was confirmed for a while - only forty-two months.

In her next vision, John described another beast, the Red Dragon ( fig. 28.): "And I saw another beast coming out of the Earth; He had two horns like Lamb, and said like a dragon. " He forced people to worship the image of the first beast, and those who refused to do it, threatened death penalty. To bring the dragon to all people should have put "Inscribing the name of the Beast on right hand or on man. " In the same chapter, the words that became a mystery to many generations and subsequently received a rather controversial interpretation: "Here is wisdom. Who has the mind, the number of the beast, because it is human number; The number is six hundred sixty six. "

Here it is necessary to make a retreat. The meaning of all these terrible visions and global cataclysms was quite accessible to the first readers of the "Revelations". However, people living at the beginning of the III Millennium, John's allegorical stories, are unlikely to be understood. They will most like them as a myth or a fairy tale, so we will stop on explaining some of the concepts.

Fig. 28. Two-horned dragon

What did John theologian spoke about the images of his wife who gave birth to a baby, and two animals, and is the secret of the number of "six hundred sixty-six"? It turns out that the Prophet had in mind quite real historical events.

The wife crowned with twelve stars personifies the people of Israel. The dragon with the seven heads and ten horns is a symbol of the Roman Empire, the red color is Purple of the Imperial Mantle, seven-crowned Dragon heads - seven emperors who ruled in Rome before they saw the light of the "Revelations of John the Bogoslov": this is August, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Oton. Ten Dragon Roggers, in all likelihood, symbolize ten governors of Roman provinces. "Magazine Baby" is not anyone else, like Jesus Christ, who is destined to "leave all the peoples by the Rod of Iron." God took him on the sky under his defense, so the dragon could not destroy the "such son of human".

John theologian represents Rome in the image of Satan, Devil. He mighty, but he will not be able to slander God, giving him "Hula" to "testifying about Christ" turned away from him and changed their faith. John is confident that they will defy the victory over the devil due to their righteousness and perseverance, because they are ready to take death for their beliefs. Probably, this is not just a hint of those cruel persecution, which were subjected to the first Christians in the Roman Empire. In these lines, the Terrible Warning of Rome also sounds. The author, as it were, predicts complete destruction, threatening the eternal city in the near future.

The mystery of the number of "six hundred sixty-six" is also explained quite enough. Many ancient peoples, including Jews, denoted numbers using various alphabet letters.

So, if we substitute in the "animal number" instead of numbers, Jewish letters, it will turn out two words: "Nero Caesar". So, the beast, whose head was mortally wounded, but healed, is an allegory that personifies the image of the Roman Emperor Nero. The fact is that John theologian, as well as his like-minded people, were convinced that the power of Rome and the unlimited power of the emperors proceed not otherwise as the devil himself. therefore

the wonderful way the healed Dragon's head is direct indication of the fate of Emperor Nero. This is evidenced by the real historical fact. In 68, N. e. The governors of the provinces raised the uprising, the purpose of which was the overthrow of Nero. As a result, the emperor committed suicide, and soon rumors appeared that Nero was survivors.

So, those who observed the commandments of God won the Dragon. Let us return now to the "Revelation of John the Bogoslov". What else saw the prophet at that great day of God's wrath? On Mount Zion, there was a lamb with all redeems "from people, like the firstborn God and Lamb."

In the midst of the sky, one after another appeared three angels - the arrangements of the beginning of the court of God. The first angel with an eternal gospel in his hands loud voice turned to people left on Earth: "Fight God and give him fame, for the hour of court came." Another Angel, who followed the first, announced the fall of the great city of Babylon, who was "violent bladded of his own nations." The third angel proclaimed: "Who worships the beast and the image of him and takes his own on his man or his hand, he will drink wine of God, whole, cooked in his wrath of anger, and will be tormented in fire and sulfur before holy angels and lambs ; And the smoke of the torment will be ascended forever in the eyelids, and they will not have peace, no night. "

And Ioann heard a voice ran out from the sky, who ordered him to record such words: "From now on, the blessed are dead, dying in the Lord." Soon the prophet saw a bright cloud that appeared in the sky. On it, "such a man's similar son" with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hands. Another angel appealed to Jesus with a call to lower the sickle on the ground and shake the harvest, "for the harvest on Earth has already matured." The Son of Man lowered the sickle to the ground and accomplished his court, like the harvest and cutting the grapes.

In the following sign, "Great and Wonderful", John seven angels with the latest ulcers, "who ended the fury of God." Heard the Prophet Song Moses and the Lamb Song, who sang "the winning beast and the image of it," glorifying the power of the Lord. After the voice of the voice, the gate of the temple of heaven was opened and from there Seven angels, closed in clean and bright linen clothing. One of four animals gave them seven golden bowls with God's anger. The temple was filled with smoke, and no one could enter there, as long as the seven ulcers of seven angels ended. "

A loud voice, rang out of the temple, commanded seven angels to pour seven bowls of God's wrath to the ground. After the first angel poured his bowl, "cruel and disgusting wounds were taken on people who have an inscription of the beast and worshiping it."

The second angel poured the bowl into the sea, and all living in it died. The third angel poured the bowl into rivers and sources, and the water in them turned into blood, for those who "shed the blood of the holy and prophets," were worth it.

The fourth angel poured his bowl in the sun, which became mercilessly burning people. However, sinners did not repent and continued to blame God for sending them suffering. Then the fifth angel poured the cup to the throne of the beast, the sixth - to the Euphrates River, in which the water dried immediately, and the Seventh Angel was on the air. A loud voice rang out of the temple of heavenly. He announced that the court of God was accomplished.

"And lightning, thunder and voices occurred, and there was a great earthquake, which did not happen since people on Earth ... and hail, the magnitude of the talent, fell from the sky on people; And the people of God for ulcers from hail, because the ulcer from him was very hard. "

In the following chapters, John predicts the fall of the ancient city of Babylon, which in the text of "Revelations" is represented in the form of an allegory - the harlot, sitting "on the beast of the Bagry, filled with the names of blasphemy, with family heads and ten horns." Babylon fell, because "became the housing of demons and the pier every unclean spirit, with a challenge of any unclean and disgusting bird; For the violent wine of the crop of her own, she (the harmnica) drank all nations. " The Great City was laid down and devastated. So desired God's trial over Babylon. What caused the wrath of God?

There is a myth of the "Babylonian pillar of", which tells that once all people spoke in the same language and lived together between the Tiger and Euphrates rivers. And they decided to build a city, which was subsequently called Babylon, and a huge pillar - a tower height to the sky. And God saved to see this city and the tower that people were built. He was angry with the pride of human and did it so that people began to speak different languages \u200b\u200band could not be a p.

Then the mess and confusion began. The tower remained unfinished, and people disappeared on the ground who is where. They went different peoples from them, each of whom speaks in their own language.

After the trial of people was accomplished and the God of God was avenged, John the John was introduced to another vision: heaven turned around, and the white horse appeared with the rider who had sacred on it, who was closed in clothing. He was name - the Word of God.

Heavenly followed by the sense of heaven on the same white horses and in white clothes. The beast came out and the kings of the earth to join the battle with a sitting on horseback and his own army. The beast was captured and thrown into the fiery lake.

Then an angel came from the sky, who kept his key from the abyss in his hand and a large chain. He lowered the devil in the image of the dragon into the abyss and "put a stamp over him, so that the nations did not choose, the doc not over the thousand years." During this time, faithful Christ followers to reign and be the priests of God and Jesus.

The same who retreated from faith and bowed the image of the beast, will not come to life from the dead until the millennium is completed. They, in contrast to the righteous, are not worthy of the first resurrection.

Further, John predicts that after a thousand years, Satan will be released from his dungeon, but not long. He will again come out to seduce the peoples and will bring them on a brand against the saints. However, God will send fire on them from the sky, and the devil will "lead in the lake fiery and sulfur, where the beast and false prophet, and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids."

After massacre with Satan, all the dead, small and great, will appear before sitting on a white great throne. And the sea, and death, and hell will give the dead, who will be judged by God "according to their business." Those who holy followed the faith of Christ will be recorded in the book of life. It will be the second resurrection. The righteous will come to the ground with God. "And he will dwell with them; They will be His people, and God himself will be their God; And God will delay all the tears with their eyes, and death will not be already; Neither cry, nor the scream, no illness will no longer be; For the former passed. "

"Fearful and incorrect, and bad, and murderers, and loudeliers, and sorcerers, and idolatles, and all the liars - fate in a lake, burning fire and gray; This is the death of the second. "

And saw John a new sky, a new land, and the new holy city of Jerusalem, who will drop away from God, from the sky, and will not have the needs of "neither in the sun, nor in the moon for highlighting his own; For the glory of God is

his and his lamp him is a lamb. Saved peoples will walk in the light of him, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and his honor. His gate will not be shoved in the afternoon, and night there will not be ... And nothing will be ingenious, and no one, a loyal of abomination and lies, but only those written by the Life in the book of life. "

In the last chapter of the "Revelations of John the Bogosla", he describes the instructions that Christ gives him, and about the blessing of John to prophecy. The predictor had to instruct people on the righteous path, that is, on the path of serving the faith of Christ. According to "Revelation", only this can be avoided by the harsh kara of the Lord, who will comprehend incorrect during the terrible court.

In conclusion of a conversation about the biblical apocalypse, it should be mentioned that so far the issue of the authorship of the "Revelation" remains open, and the answers to it are quite contradictory. Although most scientists dealing with this problem unanimously attribute the authorship of John the Theologian, many priests dispute not only this statement, but also the authenticity of the text of the "Revelation". They suggest that this prophecy was written and included in the Bible not in the first century. e., and much later, so no connection with John theologian has no. So, K. Jerusalemsky, I. Zlatoust, F. Karasky, the city of Theologians are not even called "Revelation" among canonical books.

Doubts about the authenticity of the text telling about the end of the world, Dionysius Alexandrian (III century), Yevgeny Caesarian (IV century) and other fairly well-known scholars-theologians, both ancient and modern. And their suspicions can be considered quite reasonable. Carefully examining the "Holy Gonnament about the life of Jesus Christ", written by John theologian in 95 N. e., scientists expressed doubts of e in that m that he was 6 8-6 9 g. e. D Yeis tweets but Ned and -sal prophecy about the expectant of the people of the Apocalypse. After all, in the "holy of gospel" he did not mention his "revelation" and did not lead a single quotation from it.

However, the author of "Revelation" clearly used a huge authority from his contemporaries, as evidenced by the content of the first four heads of prophecy. He addresses a number of Christian communities of Malaya Asia, gives an assessment of their loyalty to the teachings of Christ, alone praises, others believes for the manifested weakness, for being seduced by the teachings of false prophets. Its excellent awareness of the secret life of various Christian communities is felt. Based on this, it can be assumed that the author of "Revelation" is the very John theologian, who, as you know, was one of the Apostles of Christ.

In addition, there are other reasons to see in the author of the "Revelations" of the Apostle John. Many early Christian theologians mention in their works that he was stronger than all the apostles with the old faith, Judaism. Unlike Paul, the "apostle of the pagans", which considered it possible, for example, non-compliance with the rites of Saturday and circumcision and claimed that for God equally equal to Jew, Scyth and Ellin. John considered himself more Jews than a Christian.

In his "Revelation", John the Bologoslov does not simply tell about the details of the end of the world, which opened over him, he even indicates the date of the onset of the Apocalypse: after 1260 days, i.e. 42 months.

"Revelation of John the Bogoslev" became only the first swallow. Soon there were works of other authors on this topic: "Apocalypse" Peter, describing the visions of Paradise and Hell, and the "Shepherd" of the Herma, where the parables and instructions of an ethical character are given. The second work has received its name for the visions that it narrates. The main acting person here is a man in the shepherd clothes.

In the Gospel of Mark, there is also an excerpt, telling about the terrible court, which should put the end of the "Vse of Satan". The Prophet predicts terrible events that will occur before the second coming. It is these cataclysms that will be a test for humanity, for whom the Son of Human accepted a martyrdom.

In the non-canonical description of the end of the world, the apostle Paul, Jesus Christ pronounces the following words: "For this, we tell you the Word of the Lord that we, the living, remaining before the coming of the Lord, do not warn the dead; Because the Lord himself, at the subordination, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God comes from the sky, and the dead will be resurrected in Christ before; Then we, survivors, together with them we will be delighted with the clouds in the penitution of the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. "

global flood

In the Bible, a prophecy preserved, warning Noah about the upcoming flood. Having received this message, Noah began to make the ark, following the instructions over. God commanded Noah to use as a material for the ark device only the wood of cypress. The length of the finished vessel was supposed to be 300, the width is 50, and the height is 30 elbows.

For the construction of the ark at Noah left more than 120 years. In a ready-made ship, he had to land those living creatures that God would indicate. Of particular interest is the fact that God chose not only clean creatures for salvation, but also unclean. Apparently, the creator believed that the reasonable ratio of good and evil should be maintained in the renovated world.

For all creatures in the ark, separate compartments and premises were provided for all the animal elected by God. Having received a revelation, Noah conscientiously fulfilled all the instructions over, thanks to which he managed to save themselves and his family, and in a pair of representatives of living creatures surrounding the person at the time.

Meanwhile, modern scientists put forward the assumption that the legend of the World Flood was created 7500 years ago, when there was a sudden increase in the level of the Black Sea by several hundred meters. After a number of research and analysis of the radioactivity of sedimentary breeds of the seabed, they came to the conclusion that about 7500 years ago there was a giant catastrophe on Earth: a narrow strait (now called Bosphorus) and in the Black Sea Watering, formerly Freshwater, was poured, water from Aegean .

Social breakthrough Scientists are associated with widespread warming, which began in that epoch. At the same time, the mass melting of glaciers occurred, so that the world ocean was constantly replenished with water. In one "beautiful" moment, its level rose to a certain mark, after which the water rushed into a practically closed Black Sea.

A rapid salty stream fell from the Aegean Sea into black with the force of four Niagar. The bottom of the Bosphorus Strait is still dotted by furrows, which were left with the tremendous masses of water falling down at high speed. The arriving water flooded the coastal land, resulting in the Black Sea Square more than 150 thousand square kilometers.

Scientists put forward a hypothesis that people who inhabited at that time the coastal part of the Black Sea were excellent farmers. They disassembled with their native places, they donkeys in other areas where experience accumulated by centuries.

Archaeological excavations have shown that approximately 7500 years ago, irrigation systems were built on the territory of modern Turkey, as well as on the shores of the Nile and Euphrates rivers, and people began to apply sufficiently perfect soil processing methods.

Sumero-Babylonian legend fabulous hero Gilgamese narrates, in particular, and how the king of the state of Erech took full dangers on the edge of the world only to personally take a look at the only man who managed to survive after the World Flood, - Wisdom of Utnapishtim.

The sage told the king about how he managed to save "every creature in a pair." This plot is very similar to the Old Testament narration about it and his ark.

No one is secret that many of the pillars of the Old Testament are borrowed from the myths and beliefs of the peoples of the Middle East.

Many scientists believe that Gilgamesh was a real historical personality and it was he who ruled the city of Urupet around 2600 BC. e. The legend about him became known to contemporaries through the finding of the library of the ancient king of Assyria - Ashurbanipal, which rules in the VII century BC. e.

Scientifically proven is the fact of the occurrence after the ice age of the arid climate, which began 12 thousand years ago and lasted about 1000 years. As a result of the mass drying of rivers, people could not fully engage in agriculture anywhere, except for large freshwater reservoirs.

As already mentioned, the Black Sea was freshwater to the flood, so people, settling in the coastal strip, managed to create an irrigation system. Also for irrigation of the fields, they used the water Nile, Euphrates and a number of other rivers.

It remains to find out whether the inhabitants of Cher-Normary have really knew about the upcoming catastrophe or were forced to continue to go deep into the mainland, fleeing from gradually the advancing sea.

The archaeologists were found cave drawings, created, apparently, about 8-10 thousand years ago, at which a fairly clear image of the vessel was preserved with alive creatures sitting in it. The quality of the image made it possible to conclude that, most likely, their authors are representatives of alien civilizations. And the question of whether they warned about the upcoming catastrophe or they themselves provoked it, still remains open.

Humane religion Emmanuel Swedenborg

The famous encyclopedist scientist and the Teosoph E. Swedenborg was an extremely educated person. He not only knew perfectly with Greek, Latin and several European languages, but also professionally engaged in anatomy, physiology, cosmology, economy and near other sciences.

Swedenborg left behind the colossal scientific heritage, but not only it glorified the scientist, but also his stunning ability to predict the future.

This talent came to the scientist unexpectedly when he was 56 years old. In April 1744, an insight was concerned about him, as a result of which he received the possibility of spiritual insight and communicating with spirits and angels. Thus, the scientist reincarnation of the scientist and the realer and the birth of one of the most famous Pontiforms in Europe.

Swedenborg argued that Jesus Christ appeared to him and announced his election to God's Word to People. His vocation was in the destruction of the simple mortal sense of the Holy Scripture.

This case won Swedenborg to the departure from all secular affairs and immersion in philosophical research and reflections. In the remaining part of his life, the scientist released a lot of books devoted to the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures and reflections on theological topics.

The fact is that the text of the Bible was written in distant antiquity, there are many allegory and allegories in it, therefore, not always the most educated person was able to understand the read. What to say about the simple people, most of whose representatives in the distant XVIII century were either semi-limited, or not at all skillfully read?

Here is one example of the interpretation of Swedenborg Scripture from Matthew XXIV.29.30.31. The given passage tells about the conversation of the Lord with the students about the end of the world, during which Jesus Christ said the following words: "And suddenly, after the sorrow of the days of those, the sun will fade, and the moon will not give his light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly power will die ; Then the sign of the Son of Human in Heaven will appear; And then, all the tribes of the earth and they will see the Son of the Human, coming on the clouds of heaven with force and Great, Great; And sending his angels with Trubyu loudly, and they collect his chosen from four winds, from the edge of heaven to the edge of them. "

After reading these words that smelling in theology in theology can make the following conclusion: After all the showing the land of cataclysms, the sun and the moon will die, the image of God will appear in the sky, why all people have to have very bad. The Lord will take to himself only the elected, the rest will disappear from the face of the earth along with the earth itself, as was already predicted by other prophets.

However, Swedenborg comes to us the true meaning of the words of Jesus Christ. He explains that the sun, which is dying, means the Lord regarding love. The moon means the Lord regarding faith. Stars are the knowledge of good and truth or love and faith. The sign of the Son of Human in Heaven symbolizes the appearance of the Divine Truth. The coming of the Lord on the clouds with strength and glory marks the presence of His in Word, or Revelation. The clouds literally mean the meaning of the word, and Glory - the inner meaning of it. Angels with pipes and pipes are heaven, where the Divine Truth comes from. If you say briefly, the above quote means that at the end of the church, when it won't become more love, and then faith, the Lord will open the word in his internal sense And the Secrets of Heaven will announce.

In conclusion, the scientist says: "Thus, first of all, you need to know who is the God of heaven, for everything else depends on, in all heavens they do not recognize the other God, except for one Lord and one of his teachings."

Swedenborg opposes the definition of God as a creature punishing us for unkind actions. After many of the revelations, who opened up, and visions relating to the essence of Hell and Paradise, the provider says that there is no end of the world and can not be because the Lord is infinitely kindly and never will do anyone and does not wish evil.

He also repelled traditional ideas about the hell and paradise, fully promoting the attempts of some theologians to intimidate people with the horrors of the underworld. Swedenborg says that the road to heaven and in the blood pressure is not ordered to anyone that everyone after death chooses the place of his stay depending on the inclinations: the evil person is Mile devils, kind - angels.

Based on his reasoning, it is suggested that the end of the world for each person comes at the time of his death, and all other conversations about the apocalypse are caused by the desire of spiritual specials to dismiss people from ill-deeds moral principles, and one with fear of hell, hell with their hot frying pan and iron ticks.

Without a doubt, the religion of Swedenborg is much harmful and perfect a Christian religion in the traditional understanding of it.

Apocalyps of Nostradamus and other famous predictors

We turn first of all to the prophecies of the Great Nostradamus, who can rightly be called the most famous and mysterious predictor of all times and peoples. His life he dedicated to the active sacrificial service to people, he gained not only respect as a doctor, but also confidence as a brilliant predictor.

Nostradamus did not put a concrete target to predict the apocalypse, although in the two works, "Message Herrich II" and "Message to the son of Caesar, with the wish of happiness and well-being", he mentioned a terrible court who should, according to his prediction, occur in 3242 year.

When meeting a message, his son becomes clear that it is meant not so much how many people who will read it. Nostradamus writes about the end of the world, the beginning of which marks the era of "floods and a new great flood", which will lead to the fact that almost all the land will be flooded with water. Then the rains will stop dramatically, and the cruel drought will come, so "the darkness of a dry material will appear, which will be made of fire extraction. Hot stones will fall from the sky, and nothing will remain, which would not be scorched, which will be able to preserve and resist. " The Great Fire, which covered the Earth, will not leave anything alive on it - neither a man nor the plant, nor an animal.

However, as an astrologer notes, some people will still be able to survive and live for some time - until they percussion from hunger.

The fact is that the Earth after the Flood and Fire will be the same as it was before the creation of the world, that is, lifeless and fruitless.

Further Michel Nostradamus tells the Son that the swords of God's wrath are already listed above humanity. He points to the fact that in the near future people will be destined to become witnesses to events that foreshadow the end of the world: "... We are going to the attack of the epidemic and war, much more terrible than those were transferred to three generations who lived before us. Hunger is coming to us, which will be repeated with the same sequence as the movements of the stars. "

The famous scientist predicts that before the day of a terrible court comes, humanity will have enough long time to feel the power of God's wrath. Forty hurricanes and storms will begin on Earth, floods and other natural disasters will continue.

In the Message to Henrich II, Nostradamus mentions that in the period preceding the terrible court, the part of humanity will mostly suffer, which lives righteously and honors God; It is they will subjected to cruel persecutions from the rest of the people: "Human blood flows into crowded streets and temples with jets of heavy rain. The nearest rivers will be red to these places. "

Many scientists who lived a few centuries ago were distinguished between the prophecies of John the Theologian and the predictions of Michel Nostradamus. However, under the clue, it becomes clear that they are manifested only in some details, in general, we are talking about the same phenomena. And the other talk about natural cataclysms and about blood rivers that flow after they are accomplished. And it doesn't matter at all that, according to the predictions of the biblical prophet, it will first be a burning rain, and then flood will occur, and the famous astrologer, on the contrary, is the main idea clear.

However, the last era of the whole Christian world will come only when the prince of hell will be made by the third antichrist, who will bring numerous wars to Earth, as a result of which "cities, villages, castles and other buildings will be burned, broken and destroyed."

The coming of the two first antichritists (Napoleon and Hitler), which Nostradamus describes in the "letter to King Henry," was marked by local wars and dictatorships in the history of mankind, if so we can say, for example, about Stalin or Hitler's dictatorship and World War II. But the arrival of the third and most Hellic Antichrist, which will turn into Prince Hell, will lead not to world dictatorship, and to the last world war with unprecedented destruction and bloodshed.

"Then the last time the hellish prince Antichrist itself will appear, and for 25 years all the kingdoms of Christians and even incorrect will be trembled. There will begin even more cruel wars and battles ... So much evil will be committed by Satan forces, which will dismiss and come to launch almost the whole world, "says Nostradamus in" Letter to Henrich ".

In other words, the welling of Antichrist Nostradamus represented as the war itself with its maliciousness and destruction, where people themselves play the role of Satan's forces.

In the gospel of Luke ( fig. 29.) Jesus Christ after the sermon in the temple of Jerusalem told his disciples a brief storyline of the Apocalypse: "And they will fall from the tip of the sword, and they will be taken prisoner to all nations; And Jerusalem will be trapped by pagans, the years will not terminate the times of the pagans. And there will be signs in the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and on earth the despondency of peoples and bewilderment, and the sea is raisum and indisputated; People will be frowning from fear and expectations of disasters coming to the universe, for the strength of heaven will die. And then you will see the Son of the Human, coming on the cloud with power and Glovia Great. "

What is the meaning of these lines? If they will not be stopped by those lawlessness that make the power of the property, they will eventually lead to the beginning of the third and last World War. War in turn will cause a violation of the natural balance, and then changes on Earth will become irreversible.

However, the world instantly "will not die, but will change." In heaven, "on the cloud", not on earth, the one who is already waiting for two thousand years, and will gather the harvest in "his abode", and all the "heavenly army with him."

It should be noted that none of the sources say that Jesus will go down to Earth. Christ expects us in our own soul and in the fiery monastery, in which everyone who died for the truth is going. This is understandable: if he went down to the ground now, in order to "testify to the truth" and expose the modern Pharisees-priests and the rulers of peoples, he would have been immediately found an antichrist, and, at a minimum, a bullet or killer's knife would have expected the Son of Human. It would hardly have been heard and correctly perceived by his sermons, people embraced by cruelty and debauchery.

Fig. 29. Nandidi Bank. Evangelist Luka.

Among them, they would probably be those who call themselves Christians. No wonder Nostradamus in one of the centurium says: "The fake name taken by various leagues will not leave hope."

At the same time, Vanga's progress claims: "All the apostles are not sitting on the spot, they went down to the ground, for the time of the Holy Spirit came. But the most important mission is entrusted to Andrei Apostle. He paves the way to Christ as he commanded. " And also: "Christ in white clothes will again come to the ground. Close an hour when the returned of Christ will feel the return of Christ. Edgar Casey testifies to the same: "The time will come again when people will see in many places and guess the presence of divine forces in the material world. For, as you saw him ingoing, you will see it returning. "

I. P. Melon spoke to his disciples that Christ comes to Earth and that they should be prepared for a meeting with him: "Christ descends on Earth every 2000 to help her evolution."

Among these contradictory judgments, the only and incredit truth is visible. Jesus Christ says that people will see the "Son of the Human, who is coming on the cloud with force and Great Great" only after the "disasters of the coming to the universe" and "The Forces of Heaven will shake up."

Thus, even the Gospel instills in people the hope that the world does not roll in the fly, he will not die, he will be revived, but it will not be at all what he is now. And the Earth, and the people themselves will become others after all this fiery cleaning.

Interesting the fact that, unlike many predictors, Wang argued that the end of the world would never come.

She believed that the world really expects a lot of change that he would collapse, but after the destruction would always be the era of Renaissance: "We are not the first people on earth, civilization reached destructive discoveries and disappeared," said Wanta. At the same time, after many people, she argued that the Era of Cataclysms began on Earth, which would last until the world enters the phase of destruction.

Vanga's thought today confirms research conducted by astronomers and astrophysics. Indeed, many discoveries were made by the ancient peoples, which were only modern scientists.

For example, the residents of Haldey knew the magnitude of the radius of the globe - 6310.5 kilometers. Modern scientists call another figure - 6371.03 kilometers, but this difference can be easily explained by the well-known land trend with time to expand.

The inhabitants of the ancient India have already already known that the cause of many diseases are "Miriada's tiny invisible creatures". However, this truth has opened with modern scientist only after the microscope was invented. At about the same time, the ancient Egyptians already knew about the existence of the magnetic poles of the planet.

The well-known is the fact of an unusual take-off scientific thought of ancient Greece, which began in the first millennium BC. e. and launched for several centuries. It was at that time that the foundations of all modern sciences were laid. Even modern ideas about the essence of matter are very close to the views set forth in the theory of Democrit's scientist created by him in the V century BC. e. Back in the 4th century BC e. The epicurus suggested the infinity and discreteness of time and space. This list could be continued to infinity, but back to Nostradamus.

The Great Justice in his foresign came to 3797. "Next, 3797 I am not given to see," he writes modestly. Thanks to this prediction, it is safe to say that the world does not have to die at the beginning of the III Millennium, because the scientist indicated the huge interval of the "obsolete" time.

So many prophecies of the coming global catastrophes, and not only Nostradamus, look not so categorical. They can be considered as a warning of humanity, as a possible, but by no means mandatory development of events. Great provers express hope that people are drawing and able to prevent impending global cataclysms or at least properly prepare for them. Whether mankind listens to their warnings will show time.

Nuclear war or eternal world?

It is quite clear that John theologian, Michel Nostradamus and other predictors meant some natural cataclysms that will shook the Earth. However, the reasons that caused them can be judged only by hypothetically. The end of the world may occur, for example, as a result of a nuclear war. However, as already mentioned above, humanity may well avoid this trouble, and then the eternal world will come.

Nostradamus in one of the Katrenov of IX Centuria says:

On the one hand, the world is approaching,

And on the other hand, the war.

Never had

Such fierce persecution.

There will be moans of men and women.

The blood of innocent goes to the ground.

In these lines, the reality of the threat hung over humanity is quite clearly visible. And if you take into account the events that at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries occur in the world, for example, in the Balkans and the Middle East, you will inevitably come to the idea that the modern world is really hanging on the hairs. Equilibrium has become shitting that the slightest push in order to break it.

However, the proportion of optimism remains in the words of Nostradamus. He argues that the war is inevitable only if people do not perceive prophecies and will not start solving conflicts without the use of force, that is, in a peaceful way. The only opportunity than which will be established by the Eternal World on Earth will occur, is the neutralization of the pre-war situation, which began to develop at the turn of the II and III of Millennium, and for this it is necessary to change the public consciousness in a universal scale.

Almost the same after five centuries after Nostradamus said and Wanga said: "We must love each other and be kinder to escape. If you ourselves do not understand this, elusive space laws will still make us make it, but it will be too late, and you have to pay an expensive price ... "

So arranged human consciousnessThat often people do not believe even the most obvious facts, and in particular those that contradict the existing beliefs. As a result, the faith in prediction is born only when formidable warnings are already beginning to come true, which deprives the prediction of real power.

Every year the events occurring in the world become more dangerous and more dangerous. People will not believe the fulfillment of the first forecasts, more seriously will come true. Again, they will not believe - they will be even more terrible, and it will continue until the third world war breaks out, and then believe or not believe it will be too late. That is why predictors call people in time to think about what they are poses in the present, so that it is not good to regret it in the future.

We now turn directly to the predictions of the Third World War, about the possible occurrence of which not only numerous priests say, but also testify all the sacred texts. So, in the Bible, the Gospel, the Quran and "Agni Yoga" to describe the war, the same image of the day of the Judgment, the Day of the Lord, the Day of Freak and Retribution ... Let's give a few quotes.

The Bible says: "Let's start, peoples, listen and listen, tribes! Yes, the earth hears and everything that fills it, the universe and all born in it! For the wrath of the Lord on all nations and the rage of him to all their military. He betrayed them, gave them to the camp. And their killed will be scattered, and SMRArad will rise from the corpses, and the mountains will be splashing from the blood. "

And yet: "For, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots will come - like a whirlwind, to pour out his anger with rage and a possession of his flaming fire. For the Lord with fire and sword will make a trial for every flesh, and a lot will be affected by the Lord. "

The militancy of the peoples will be destroyed by the most militia, and the warrior will suffer the retribution for their insane malice. "For that, the curse eats the land, and carry the sentences living on it; For that burned the monastery of the Earth, and there are few people left. "

In the gospel there are such words: "Also hear about wars and military rumors. See, do not worry; For it takes everything to be. But this is not the end: for the people will rise to the people, and the kingdom to the kingdom, and there will be glads, and the marines, and earthquakes in places; All this is the beginning of the disease. " Some Suras of the Quran also contain instructions on global wars.

"... and she does not save from the flame! After all, it throws sparks like locks, exactly they are yellow camels. "

"Wait for the day when heaven exists a clear smoke. He will cover people; This is a painful punishment! "

"We have shackles, and fire, and the food removes that day as the land back ..."

"Agni Yoga" is a book about the future peaceful, albeit of very intense labor life, so the description of Armageddon, and as its part of the World War, is given in it a little space. This is explained by the fact that its compilers thought not only about delivering peace from wars, but also about the peaceful and fair device.

In "Agni Yoga" it is written: "Urusvati knows that there may be times worse than war. It is enough to know that we considered the war with shame of humanity "..." Armageddon cannot be understood as only a physical war. Armageddon is full of innumerable dangers. Epidemics will be among the smallest disasters. The main destructive consequence will be in mental perversion. People lose their trust, get used to the sophisticated in mutual betrayal, they will try to hate everything outside of their housing, they fall into irresponsibility and wake up in debauchery. "

As they say, no comment.

The most significant prophet that did not simply describe the prewar actions, but also that the most important thing for us was determined the ways to change the prophecies undoubtedly is Nostradamus.

The great predictor was so brightly presented the events of the Third World War, the "third blood flow of human", in his "centuries", which could well be limited to the description of his prophecies to emphasize the threat hung over the earth. In addition, most of the wells predict similar events that

In addition to the hosts themselves, Nostradamus predicted the emergence of some technical innovations that will be used by humanity during the war. In particular, a considerable role in the upcoming military confrontation, the prostatener assigns devices identified by modern researchers of his works as submarines. Their description is given in several katsins:

In the year of Krustamin, in the Adriatic Sea

A terrible fish will appear

FROM human person and water

Which is taken without a hook.

When fish in which will be

Conducted iron and writing,

The person will come out, which will then start the war,

His fleet will go far into the sea

And the Latinian will appear near the ground.

The messenger was picked up by iron fish,

Able to dive to romance land.

War manages lilac sink

And to death large ships leads.

Nostradamus managed to pick up very accurate expressions to describe the device, which travels under water and is managed by a person. In addition, the well-mentor indicated that this device was able to carry out weapons on himself, to conduct exploration and serve as a means of communications. When reading the following katrenoes, it becomes clear that for Nostradamus the participation of the underwater fleet in the Third World War is quite obvious.

Saturn closer to the west, the sun - to the east, and the rocks are gloomy from bloody rains, war near the Orgon, punished Rome Rock, does not please the coast of cargo care.

My contemporaries are hard to believe

In the iron amphibians of the seas and land,

But these monsters will come ashore,

A cool wave boats away.

Tyrrhenian Sea. Ocean under protection

Great Neptune and his warriors with tridents.

Some researchers argue that the trident is directly indicating American submarines of Trident, which is translated and means "Tre-Intra Betin".

What will happen on land? Does her hostilities touches? Nostradamus writes about this:

The eagle flies over the sunny city, the oracle knew seven months about the campaign. The wall in the east brick will take off the waterfall, seven days an evil opponent stands at the gate.

Of course, Nostradamus could not call future terrible guns and shells with their names in four centuries before their invention.

But we, now the living, representing the implications of the city of a powerful rocket installation, are easy to determine which weapon is in mind the famous manner. For greater persuasive, we give two more cores.

The fire ships fines in the ruins, and the flames in the night argue with the light day, in the military tricks two fleets are guilty, the victory is hidden with fog thick.

The flying fire appears in the sky, and the hail besieged them was frightened, yes, the inhabitants were taken out of the lot, because mad harm was a thunderstorm caused.

Here the sun fell into the flames of fires, the messages are hidden in a candle of wax, forests, the city is melted with heat, heated over the plain CHADE CHADE.

What can be meant by "flying fire"? This may well be a rocket type "Earth - in health."

In many katsins, Nostradamus describes in detail the air battles. For example:

Above the city will be the celestial battles, and in the center of the trees tears with the roots. In Venice are waiting for a king for prayer, do you need gondolas for the kingdom of shadows?

The priest tells about the fact that in heavenly battles will be applied aircraftscapable of developing crazy speed:

The motor will develop a crazy speed, a ram who breaks the robust age, the war wakes the thought of man who gives Prometheus to break.

A star sits on a spear fighting, Grey Whorovie merged with the ringing of swords, the wave rushed to the wall of the Buntari, and the placket was redeemed by the light of the new rays.

Scientists have determined that the engine that is destined to protrude the "uncountable" age should have appeared at the turn of the XX and XXI centuries. Maybe the speech here is about supersonic jet aircraft?

Nostradamus says about chemical weapons. As you know, after World War II, according to the decision taken in Lausanne, its application was prohibited. And it is not by chance: during the first world, many people died as a result of damage to the Iprit and other poisoning substances. In 1993, the Paris Convention was adopted, which not only banned the use of chemical weapons, but also demanded it to be focused on special objects. However, it will not be easy to implement this, since about 70 thousand tons of this weapon accumulated by the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century.

In order to simultaneously submit to what the consequences are fraught with the use of chemical weapons, we give one real example. At the very end of the war between Iraq and Kuwait, Saddam Hussein ordered the set fire to several oil wells located in Kuwait.

Black smoke and soot for several months hung over the territory of the countries of the Middle East, bordering on Kuwait, including Iraq. The soil covered a thick layer of soot, as a result of which for many years fertile land became unsuitable for the cultivation. Is it not about the event that Nostradamus says in "Centuries"?

He tears into pieces of a strange army, in the explosion to the explosive heavenly fire, was the smell of Lausanne stumbled, persistent, and people of unknown to him.

Think that at night you can see the sun when they see a pig-receiving. Noise, singing, battle, the battles will be seen in the sky and hearing wild animals.

Perhaps a pig-receiving film is not anyone else like a pilot of a bomber in an oxygen mask. This means that bombing from the air can also be described here, or a gas attack. The last Nostradamus dedicated a separate katro:

The smell of lemon poison and smoke became the smell, and the wind drove smoke to the soldiers detachments, suffering from poison enemy unbearable, and from the city there will be a siege removed.

The Great Justioner more than once mentions the danger and the terrible destructive power of chemical and bacteriological weapons. As one of the first epidemiologists in the history of mankind, he could not worry this problem.

Many prophecies of Nostradamus are narrowing about the first explosions of nuclear weapons. In the mounds dedicated to the description of the "fire from the sky", it sounds a prevention of mankind about those terrible troubles that it will bring it a discrepant weapon. Is it not heard, and humanity will allow us to break out the world bloody slaughter?

Scientists evaluate the power of the nuclear explosion on the Trotil equivalent. Thus, the Trotil equivalent of bombs, discarded on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was about 20 kilotons.

Hydrogen bombs, which can carry a charge equal to several megatons have a greater destructive force.

True, there is a threshold for which it becomes unimportant how much megaton was in the initial charge. Since a certain moment, hydrogen will inevitably enter the thermonuclear reaction, which is part of the earth's atmosphere and water, and this threatens to complete the destruction of our planet.

Live fire, hidden death, terrible, terrible, inside the balls will be released.

At night, the city faced the fleet in dust, the city in the fire, the enemy was lucky.

The wild heat has a mighty source when the thermometer is forty and five, a flame and shreds touched the sky, the Normans answer on the process on the process.

A shageless cathedral over the heavenly desert ... A huge city in ruins lies, poison mixed with blood, two rivers will not leave, and the month and the sun is angry the evil spirit.

The sky glows the melted gold, the wonderful fire was the killer of people, in the opening there is evil without spiritual bread, exile and death appeared everywhere.

The texts of these katrains contain a clear indication of a nuclear threat. Many centuries "Centurii" believe that the thermometer can only testify about the heat of the most underworld, and the number of "forty five" means the geographical latitude of the terrain on which New York is located ( fig. thirty).

The description of the molten gold and the mighty heat source reminds of the description that residents of Japan have given after the 1945 nuclear bombings. By the way, in this date there is also a number "Forty-five".

Judging by the rows "The balls will sow and the death and horror, death and fire hid in the projectiles," Nostradamus had an idea of \u200b\u200bhow atomic charges look like, because many of them really have the shape of the ball, or the sphere.

In one of the katrenings, the montegient predicted how much the worst part of the war will last - the exchange of nuclear strikes.

Fig. 30. New York. View of Manhattan.

The King's Palace is exactly a cracked torch, because a deadly fire flies from the sky! Seven months lasting the battle and fights, Rouen and Erex under the fate of the burning.

Nostradamus does not slip on the description of terrible paintings to help humanity present the full consequences of the nuclear war and avoid future disasters:

The great fire fell from an angry sky, three nights groaned from the explosions of the Earth, to believe in a miracle, frightened, wherever you were, we are not soldered to us and Mirand.

The penultimate year of the XX century and the Millennium II became one of the few, which Nostradamus calls for sure. It was 1999 that Nostradamus considers the turning stage, starting with which events preceding global cataclysms will occur. And indeed, the story has shown that this year was marked by many natural and social catastrophes.

Well, will we come to the twenty-first century? Successful from the burning sky now - the Lord of the Earth. The end and the beginning of a century of rebellious people live by a man, the discovery of Mars Freedom threatens.

About who will appear in the role of the Lord of the Earth, disputes still continue. It can be considered a cosmonaut, and a representative of extraterrestrial civilizations, and a new Messiah. It is also likely that at the turn of the two millennia there will be a change of power in one of the influential states, which will lead the leader of a global scale. And this now has some prerequisites.

But still, as mentioned above, in order for humanity to choose the right path of its development, and not survival, it is necessary not to change power, but a change of worldview.

Even if this happens in several countries that occupy a leading position on the global political arena may be able to prevent war-terrible war in the history of humanity and no less terrible consequences.

As if the events of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries with many small and sufficiently large internecine wars, which flash in different parts of the world and literally tear away the land into pieces, with a wave of terrorism that covered many countries, described Nostradamus in the next quatrain:

Earth on pieces sprayed from explosions, there will be Kassich and St. George in ruins, there are bars in the cathedral at the edge of the cliff, and Easter goes through cruelty and lies.

The Cathedral of the edge of the cliff symbolizes our fragile world, mired in lies and cruelty, and Easter here, most likely, in its original sense means the transition.

So, Nostradamus suggests that humanity at the turn of the two centuries will be in a state of transition from the established values \u200b\u200band the principles of relationships to understand the significance of the life of each person, regardless of its nationality and position in society. Does it make this transition? I would like to hope.

Based on the predictions of the Great Sumanist, scientists were calculated that in mid-2002 there will be a monstrous exacerbation of the situation in the world. War at this time can cover the whole globe.

Under cancer, Mars with a scepter coming down, the noise of a terrible distress will hear. Anointing will be a little later than a new prince, and he will walked for the land for a long time.

According to astrological forecasts, Mars will meet with Jupiter at the Cancer Constellation on June 21, 2002. At about the same time, the Indians who have their own, special astrology are waiting for the third world war.

What will serve as a reason for the beginning of the war? And on this question we find the answer from Nostradamus:

Oh, people and beasts! You are waiting for a catastrophe, Mabus goes to you, so that you have to die you

Before conflict, the great falls, the great in death, death is too sudden and sorrowful,

Born sexual

most singly, near the river the blood is covered with blood.

The comet from the payway disrupts the covers, sweeping, blood, rushing on the tail.

So, the reason for the beginning of the war can be the murder of a major leader. It is likely that the leader will perform a "young ogmy" or his closest associate, about the appearance of which is said in many mira. The last katrene tells about the coming global cataclysm, as a result of which all living things expect an inevitable death. Who is such a magic? In the literal value, this is one of the favorite gods of the Celtic people, which was distinguished by wisdom and justice. His early death could well lead to irreparable consequences that would so much like to avoid.

In the light of the events of the recent past, Mapsa can be interpreted as collective image The suicide terrorist, ready to give their own life for the elimination of disagreeable people.

The fact that Mabus is already acting, he among us and maybe it is now that the next victim is chosen, testify the explosions of residential buildings in Vladikavkaz and Moscow and a truly monstrous terrorist act in New York, as a result of which thousands of innocents were killed civilians.

However, the opinions of the interpreters about the binding of the name of Mabus to a particular person are very contradictory. Some believe that this is the third antichrist, whose appearance predicted Nostradamus. Others see it the encrypted name of the Arab leader, whose state occupies a dominant position in "international terrorism". His murder may well lead to the unification of Arabs against aggressors - Christians and Jews, which will be performed by the United States, France and Israel.

The fact that the countries of Europe are not excluded, also do not expect anything good from Arab terrorists, in the end they will join the first three powers, and then mankind will not be able to Milk the Wars of the Cross with a crescent, which Nostradamus has warned more than once:

For a long time, the adriatic storm is fascinated, big ships are broken here in the chips, Egypt is growing of the Earth, and the sea water is melted.

The interpreters of predictions of the Great Indeeder believe that it is the Adriatic that will turn into the main arena of hostilities between Muslims and Christians, but the place where the specified events will occur are much north of the Arab states in the Balkans.

The agitated views of all mankind have been drawn to this region for many years. The atmosphere in the Balkans remains tense to this day, and is small hope that in the near future it will change for the better.

No matter how much events have developed, the fact that the sea, Adriatic, Muslims (Arabs) and Christians will appear in them. Isn't it written by Nostradamus in "Message Herrich II"?

"Great discord will come to the Adriatic. What was fastened - crushes. And where there used to be a big city, only a house will remain.

This refers to Pampotan and European lands - 45 degrees - and to other countries on 41, 42 and 47 latitude degrees. Hellic forces in these countries will rise to Jesus Christ.

And through a well-known period of time, the blood of innocent blood will be shed. And this blood will be so much that in it almost drowned it. Then the memory of these

disasters and events will be washed away by large floods, and even in letters nothing can be found on it, because the chroniclers are numb. This will happen to Northerners, but the will of God will again link the country, and the world will come in the world around the world, and the Church of Christ will be free from oppression, although corrupted and daring to mix their poisonous temptations with honey. "

The events of recent time literally reproduce the texts of Nostradamus predictions. During the bombardment of Yugoslavia, the NATO Block leaders planned to strike in areas that are located about 44 parallels and higher.

Almost the same plot is repeated in two katsins, in which the place of the described events is West:

The whole West is tent of the war of unprecedented:

No one will be saved - neither old, nor young, no beast.

Fires for blood hot fled,

Mercury, Jupiter and Mars did not consider losses.

The mother is unhappy that the Androgen will give birth to!

Air battle World blood will fool!

But the fate of innocently dead is not

And comet land will bring.

In the second katrane, it is said about comet that will bring assistance to land. Her name is unknown. Although astronomers have long calculated the trajectories and the frequency of the appearance of all more or less well-known comets, it still preserves the likelihood that a new comet will appear on the earthly chaise or the old one will suddenly change the trajectory. So, flying near the land of Comet Blebla Hayesa first saw a professional, but an astronomer, watching the starry sky in the telescope. And in 1989, and this event, scientists will remember for a long time, well-studied comet unexpectedly passed on dangerous close range from our planet. It was then that a proposal was put forward to cooperation with cosmic powers in the event of a threat to a collision with a comet. The options for the bombardment of the "tavern guest" on the border of the Solar System, so that its nucleus fragments will not harm the earth and other planets. And these events also foresaw Nostradamus. The Great Indebator argues that in the war of the war more than anyone, its instigator will suffer - West:

Among the population, disagreements, dislike, cruel, war, the death of great princes, the universal wound, stronger in the West.

In this katraine, Nostradamus points to the main reason for all wars - disagreement and dislike between people.

We give another pretty disappointing passage from which it follows that if the war begins, it will last twenty-seven years.

Three nations fought for a long time, and bold. Big - aside, saving your home, friends and supports in Celine are not strong, although he called them under brutal fire. The antichrist will not give anything troika.

For twenty-seven years, war was dragged on, all rivers in the blood,

The corpses make the Earth is unclean,

Thinkers are dying; Criminals warms a country.

Who is this third antichrist? When will it appear and what trouble will bring the earth? In another katre, we read:

The end of October, the twenty-fifth year, and the century of twenty-first with the highest war, the cramps of the faith of their ashes of peoples, Shah Persia confused by the Egyptian hostility.

Despite the fact that in the above katsins there is no direct indication of Russia, some interpreters are inclined to believe that it is said here about it.

According to their version, in the period from 1990 to 2025, the Communist ideology will occur in Russia, and it was in 2025 that its inhabitants will last celebrate the celebration of the Great October.

In the forecasts of modern predictors, it is said that the furious crowds will dump the monuments of Lenin with a pedestal, and the former Soviet Union will be drawn by China, who united with some Arab countries, in a long war, after which the exterpassed Russia will turn into a new focus of the revival of the Christian world.

What, according to Nostradamus, you need to do to survive the third world war? In his predictions, the prisoner pays slightly attention to the process of exposure to nuclear heat and a consequence of nuclear bombardment - "Horror of Combustion." On this very terrible period of war, as a result of which the half of the globe will be melted, it does not give any guidance on protection and salvation, since they simply do not make sense. But in case of chemical war, Nostradamus left humanity detailed recommendations. Poisoning substances are designed to defeat people, so protection against contact with them is needed for at least ten years.

Many modern interpreters of Nostradamus agree on the opinion that the Third World War will begin not in 2002, but in 2010, so since 2006, humanity should act as follows:

1. First of all, you need to choose an acceptable place to survive.

2. Develop measures to protect against the consequences associated with nuclear and chemical explosions.

3. Create backup food reserves. Prepare installations for water purification, as well as hermetic "greenhouses" for growing clean vegetables and fruits.

4. Prepare equipment for clean food. Solve the problem of protein food for a period of at least 11 years.

5. Make large stocks of hermetic protective clothing.

6. Create a reserve reserve of drugs and dressing materials for the treatment of burns and skin diseases.

7. Prepare measuring instruments and analyzers.

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the Third World War will be held in two stages, and, as modern researchers consider his prophecies, it will last from November 2010 to October 2014. Its beginning will be similar to the beginning of the local wars of the XX century. Then the nuclear explosions will thunder, and at the second stage, in 2011, chemical weapons will be applied.

In early 2011, two great powers will exchange nuclear strikes. Although the explosions will be produced only on the territory of these states, the loss of a large number of radioactive precipitation will cause infection of the entire northern hemisphere, as a result of which all vegetation and animals will die in this part of the earth. Immediately after that, Muslim countries will begin a chemical war against Europe.

However, not everything is so hopeless in the future of humanity. Nostradamus argues that in nature and society the balance will still come, the war will cease, common sense and the goodwill of people prevail over madness and cruelty, and the world will choose the path from the war to well-being. If you believe in a great manner, at the end of the war, people will have a passion for destruction, peoples will be tired of wars and peace will reign on Earth. True, it is unknown, for a long time.

So! The city in Nizina was seven years old in the siege, but she took her brave great king, and the residents would soon go to the residents, so that everyone forgot about the old pain.

A fanatical passion will fall to the destroyers, once the faith is hard, exactly the best granite, the godless word is prone to quench, and evil fanaticism does not fight our temple.

In 2014, the terrible war will end, maybe only because people on Earth will remain so little that it will be a certain way:

The best passed by, weakened peace, For a long time The world, uninhabited land: Sur will pass heaven, land, sea and wave, then the war will again arise.

It should be noted that modern scientists join the terrible predictions of Nostradamus. After analyzing the concentration of a certain number of nuclear weapons in different countries, they concluded that if the nuclear potential existing on Earth had been produced, the death of a billion people would come in an instant. Approximately the same number of people will receive heavy injuries and strong burns, many ray disease.

The most terrible in this situation is that the victims will not have to wait for help, since the normal course of life will completely break. Doctors will die or seriously suffer, members of various rescue groups. There will be no one who remained alive will be directed there, where assistance will be required first of all, as the state infrastructure will cease to exist, there will be no governments or other authorities.

If even somewhere they persist, the power of the preconditions will not be able to give orders due to the mass destruction of communications. Hospitals and roads will be destroyed for which you can deliver affected. Thus, it becomes clear that sooner or later all of humanity is waiting for an inevitable death.

After the explosion of one nuclear bomb on the surface of the Earth, a funnel will remain, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich will be approximately a hundred square meters. The soil raised into the air force of the explosion will turn into a huge dust cloud and rushes into the troposphere, reaching a height of 12-15 kilometers. The mass of such a dust cloud will be 200-600 tons. And this is after the explosion of only one nuclear warhead! It is terrible to imagine how much dust will fall on the ground in the case of a simultaneous explosion of even several dozen nuclear charges.

Along with this, the explosions will provoke ubiquitous fires that destroy forests, fields, factories, plants and residential buildings.

Thus, those who will be alive to be alive, there will be no place to live and there is nothing.

Smoke from numerous fires, connecting with dust, will turn into a thick black smoking, which will pass only 1% of sunlight, which will lead to a sharp decrease in air temperature, the so-called nuclear winter.

In Norway, the northern part of the United States and in Kamchatka will dominate cold air. The temperature will not rise above -50 ° C. As a result, the vegetation will die, which survived after the fires, therefore, the oxygen balance will break on the planet. All the fauna of tropical jungle, savannah and subtropical forests perish.

The ozone layer that prevents ultraviolet rays to penetrate the surface of the Earth, which has already begun to collapse due to the unfavorable environmental situation, will be completely destroyed. The most terrible consequence of interaction of direct ultraviolet radiation with alive organisms will be genetic violations, which will lead to serious mutations.

The appearance of people and animals will undergo major changes. For a while, the land will populate a variety of freaks, but after a few years the absolute majority of them will die due to anomalies in the development of internal organs.

However, back to the predictions of Nostradamus. What awaits surviving people after the world's occur?

Those who survive the horrors of the war will still suffer from terrible skin diseases - the imminent effects of chemical bombing. Many land areas will become uninhabited, including Europe. It will take a lot of years when people will be able to settle here again. The territories of countries who survived during the war will be subjected to redistribution.

In 2018, after Russia and the United States will lose the status of the two world's largest powers, their place will take China, so that the yellow race will acquire undivided domination in airspace, and in 2024 China will turn into a space power.

In 2025, Europe will continue to be deserted. Nostradamus warns the descendants about the danger of the settlement of infected areas.

By this time, humanity will already recover a little from the terrible military events, but their consequences will still have human lives for a long time. The number of skin cancer diseases will grow steadily in the most various forms. In this regard, new challenges will rise before medicine. Some optimism instills the fact that, in spite of everything, science and technology will continue development.

In 2028, the first ship piloted by man starts to Venus, but Nostradamus warns that some complications may occur in flight. In the same year, new energy sources associated with sound effects will be opened. Three researchers whose names will be glorifying in centuries, create the first devices to receive it.

Back in 1995, a publication appeared in one of the newspapers, which tells about the implementation of a powerful directional explosion in a temperature with a temperature approaching a million degrees using a sound signal and boiling water. And it foresaw Nostradamus:

The sun will be transferred for 1000 years from the pole into a changeable cave, hidden and captive.

Beard pulled him out. Mass dedicated to delays as patients.

Perhaps we are talking about a controlled thermonuclear reaction. Test-related tests were carried out in a closed underground center.

In 2033, more distant consequences of the war will affect: the intensive melting of polar ice will begin, the World Ocean will increase catastrophically; In countries located in lowlands, floods take off; Bangladesh, Holland and the southern coast of France will be partial flooding.

In 2066, the United States, retaining Muslim Rome, will apply the new kind Climatic weapons, which will lead to the beginning of the ice age.

In 2076, a class-notional society will be formed on the planet, which will be managed by the World Senate, a member of which can be all without exception.

In the 1980s, the XXI century, humanity will begin to live in Ladu with nature. The time of the heyday of science and art will come. The world will forget about wars, everything will be subordinate to the law and the highest expediency.

However, in 2088, the Earth will suffer a new misfortune - instantaneous old age syndrome. People will become old in seconds. With this problem, humanity will cope in 2097.

By 2123, the world's alignment will change in the world. Finally, two superpowers are defined, which Nostradamus calls Slavs and the English West. Europe expects geographical and political changes. This year, according to Nostradamus, will become a year Beles Star. The upcoming shocks Europe will be able to avoid if united.

In 2130, the development of the underwater world will begin. Underwater settlements will appear. In this regard, Nostradamus mentions some aliens, which will open the secrets of the sea sciences. In the same year, technologies of intensive sequestment of the seabed and the use of raw materials dissolved in seawater will be developed. However, Nostradamus warns people that too active activities in this field can lead to a violation of ecological equilibrium in the sea, which will lead to the extinction of the sea fauna.

In 3010, Nostradamus predicts the possible death of our planet as a result of the collision of the Earth or the Moon with a comet.

According to prophecies, in 2167 the World Teacher will appear - the founder of the new worldview, which will offer mankind a new religion. Old religious teachings will come to the struggle with him, for which they will have to unite, which will undoubtedly go to them.

In 2180, much attention will be paid to the problem of cleansing the earth's atmosphere. Its decision will be engaged in all countries regardless of their political views.

The first flights to Mars will be held in 2070, and in 2183 the colony formed there will already turn into a nuclear power and will require independence from the Earth. Does a nuclear threat come from space again?

In 2201, the processes of thermonuclear synthesis in the sun will begin to slowly slow down, resulting in irreversible climate change.

In 2221, humanity will come into contact with something unknown and terrible. According to the predictions of the Nostradamus, the first contact with aliens will occur in 2250, and it will not bring anything good to earthlings.

A gradually cooled sun will cause a change in the forces of gravity in the solar system. In 2260, a comet will fly to a dangerously close distance from Mars, as a result of which hunger and drought will comprehend this planet.

In 2280, scientists of the Earth will be able to connect to huge sources of energy from "black holes", which will allow people to travel in time. Contact with one of the highly developed civilizations, set during one of such travel, will bring significant benefits. At this time, scientists will take vain attempts again to light the cooled sun.

In 2292, thermonuclear processes flowing on it will be disastrously deteriorating, powerful outbreaks will begin, as a result of which huge masses of the substance will be thrown into space.

Gradually, these outbreaks will take such a grand scale that they can be seen even on the night sky.

The gravity forces will continue to change. By 2297, they will change so much that artificial satellites and space stations will begin to fall from near-earth orbits. Over the planets of the solar system will hang the threat of a global catastrophe.

Modern scientists believe that the death of the Earth can occur as a result of the explosion of our daylight - the Sun. Currently, there is a hypothesis, according to which the stars like the Sun are aging with time, resulting in an explosion, which entails the destruction of the planets nearby.

In space, the death and birth of such planets regularly occurs. The next sun, resulting from the reaction of chemical elements in an airless space, gradually raving and increasing in size, attracts planets located nearby. On these planets initially, there is no life, but gradually they are warmed, the eternal glaciers melt on them and life is born. This is exactly what happened from our land. Over time inevitably slows down chemical reactions On the stars, as a result of which the shine is cooled, increase in size, and then explode. And it all starts first.

However, Nostradamus does not stop in his prophecies on this sad news. Maybe the sun does not threaten such an ambulance?

Interpretation of events predicted by Nostradamus after 2300 causes difficulty not only from researchers, but also clay. Therefore, we give some quotes and limit themselves with their brief comments.

In 2302, humanity will open the universal formula of the creation: "The most secret law of nature is open to those who live in matter. It contains the mystery of the universe, land and hidden mystical milk. Bodies and souls, the Spirit will have complete power over them. Much under their feet will be like with the throne of this union. "

In 2304, the mysterious moon will appear. What this moon, modern scientists failed to solve: "If one day it comes to the fact that in the embroidery approach the moon, it will not be a long distance from one to another."

In 2341, something unexplored and terrible will be approached from the center of the Universe to Earth: "Two luminous disgusting monster cannot be found from the ground. Flying cube there, before you burst, brings eyes. "

In 2354, an accident will occur on an artificial sun, as a result of which whole areas on Earth can burn: "One of the two shining turns into flight where the Earth arose, so long in two aisles will flow blood."

In 2371, humanity will comprehend the greatest hunger, like that did not know the whole history of the earth:

"Those that was saved from hungry death are experiencing the greatest hunger, which has never been."

In 2480, there will be a clash of two artificial suns: "Two people remain, where the great ... and two shines run away, surrounded to face."

In 2485, the cooling sun will plunge the Earth in the eternal twilight: "White coal kills black, which is being pursued. Captured secretly prepare to overturn water air. Black camel under the legs among the exhausted. Then there is a power, the air islands of the predestrous twilight years. "

Maybe in these rows, Nostradamus describes the death of the solar system?

Fatal in the history of our planet and humanity Nostradamus calls 3005 years. In the "Message Herrich II", the priest writes: "Although Planet Mars and before the end of his course, its last turnover, however, everything will begin again.

And even before the moon makes his turnover, the sun will reach, and then Saturn. Heavenly signs allow us to determine that the kingdom of Saturn will come again so that the calculations show that the world approaches an anartic revolution (to death on earth) ... Survive very few people and the land will be a non-invalid and fruitless, such as she was before the start of creation . In this place, the Almighty will complete the cosmogonic revolution raised by him, and the heavenly bodies will again begin their movement, and it will be a supreme movement, and it will make the Earth solid and sustainable (because of this it will not deviate from the century to the century in different directions). "

In 3005, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, a war will begin in Martian colonies, which can go so far that military actions will move to the orbit of the planet, where ten huge spacecraft will take place. As a result, Mars will be destroyed, which will cause serious violations of gravitational interaction in the solar system. Its consequences will not affect immediately, but after a few centuries, when changes in the motion of the planets will occur.

First, the famous comet will deviate from the usual course for her, in connection with which the threat of colliding it with the Earth will arise. All attempts to change the trajectory of the comet's flight are doomed to failure. Since the gravitational balance will be broken, comet only to some extent will change its trajectory and will face a moon, which will split into pieces, and hail of hot stones will fall on Earth.

Due to the powerful gravitational strike, part of the earth's atmosphere will be destroyed. Dust and stones, gathering into a huge ring, will rotate around the Earth. This circumstance will not only make dangerous space flights, but will also cause heating the preserved thin layer of the atmosphere, which in 3797 will lead to the death of all living on the planet.

Does humanity, knowing about all these terrible predictions, will not do anything to prevent wars and cataclysms, awaiting him? The more terrible times predict prophecies, the more coincidences in various sources on the description of future events, the greater importance they have, the more carefully to them need to listen and, realizing, actively act. It is not by chance that popular wisdom says: "When the prophet says - you need to listen carefully. When the second says about this - you need to act, because when it finishes to speak the third, everything will happen. "

As mentioned above, science and technology will not stand still. Humanity will open new powerful sources of energy, and not only on Earth, but also in space. It means that there is hope that people will not turn them against themselves, but will make serve to serve peaceful goals. If scientific knowledge and technology achieved this high level Development, as promising forecasts of predictors for a distant future, it is not excluded that humanity will be able to neutralize a comette threat on distant approaches not only to the solar system, but also to our galaxy.

However, the fact that people will be able to prevent the threat of military conflict on Mars, causes some doubts. But maybe, in those distant years, people will still stop repeating the former mistakes and will learn to resolve social conflicts in peaceful way? It remains to hope that it will be so.

It should also be remembered that by that time humanity, again, according to numerous predictions, come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. This should happen in a few centuries to global cataclysms. So, the earthlings will still have enough time to, for example, to move to other planets, in time by leaving the dying land.

Thus, the level of development of modern science and science of the future instills certain optimism and allows you to believe that the earthly civilization will be revived under the light of a twisted star than our sun. But it will be completely different civilization, as Wang predicted.

Orthodox Russian prophets and modern clairvoyant

We distrace from the prophecies of Nostradamus and turn to the predictions of other clairvoyant, which are in many ways echoing with the judgments of the famous priest.

Here's how the Kiev Mother Mother Alipia describes the beginning of the third world war: "The war will begin on the apostles Peter and Paul ... This will happen when the corpse is taken." And yet: "It will not be war, but the penalty of the peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies will lie in the mountains, no one will bury them.

Mountains, the hills will break down, they compare to the earth. People will run from place to place. There will be many bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox faith. "

When the Mother asked if the vessel was close, she showed a walker: "That's how much time it remains, and we don't have it, and this will not ..." This prediction represents the value for humanity not so much coincidence in the description of the war with other prophecies, as indication of the war Dates (July 22 - the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul) and the occasion that serves to the beginning of hostilities ("when the corpse is taken out," Nostradamus said about this). But the main conclusion that follows from the words of the Mother Alpius is as follows: only human repentance will be able to push the offensive of the vessel.

As an anxious omen, the Christian of the whole world was perceived by an earthquake, which occurred in Europe on April 12, 1998, when the entire Orthodox world celebrated Easter holiday. It was on this day in Italy, Germany, Slovenia and a number of other European countries, strong underground shocks were felt. On Mount Triglav, located on the border of Slovenia and Italy, their strength reached 5 points. Now we know what meant an earthquake. Italy, Germany and other countries Western Europe Not only supported American aggression on Kosovo and Serbia, but also accepted direct military participation.

There are other signs on which believers suggest to determine the beginning of the day. Every year on the feast of the Orthodox Easter on the coffin of the Lord in Jerusalem, candles and lamps light miraculously.

According to legend, in case of not the convergence of the gracious fire, the end of the world will come, and that patriarch at which this event will occur, will be killed.

It is known that in 1999, the gracious fire came over the prayer of the Orthodox priest only in the evening. Therefore, it can be argued that as the end of the world approaches, and in the absence of repentance of the Orthodox Church, which has repeatedly performed in support of fratricide wars and conflicts, the fire will go all later and for a shorter period, and in case of further maintenance of the Church of the Military Activities undertaken by dictators , He will finally leave Orthodox churches. And this may happen before the start of the third World War.

The Christian world also knows the miracle of the world of icons and crucifixes. The history of the Russian Orthodox Church knows two periods of mass signs from icons.

At the beginning of the 20s of the 20th century, the peacecakes were held throughout Russia. The second period came in 1991 and continues to the present day. Now the peaceful of icons is happening in Russia everywhere.

In warnings that give humanity icons, as it were, a call for the timely correction of the reasons that caused the "crying of the Heavenly World" in people who call themselves Christians.

More than a visual cause for grief is a war in Chechnya. When people make the worst, this cry will stop. And then, according to Mother Alpi, the peoples will comprehend the harsh Kara, the execution "for their rotten state." From God's anger, neither crosses nor body armor vessels will save. In 1917, in one of the Portuguese villages called Fatima, which currently became the largest world religious center, in its importance, except for only the Vatican, wonderful events occurred. Within three months, the 13th of the three small children who lived in Fatima were Virgin Mary and passed their prophecies through them.

The first two prophecies of Catholic clergymen unveiled only in 1942. In them, Virgin Mary tried to warn humanity about the coming World War II. The reasons for which these prophecies have not been disclosed so much time to residents of the Soviet Union and other peoples are quite explained, because in fact they contain the blessing of revolutionary changes, which at that time happened in Russia. And since they were given by the Divine World, in which the revolutionaries did not believe, this prophecy was kept until time in the strictest secrecy.

Like many other predictions, the prophecies of the Virgin Mary gave people the opportunity to influence the course of history and make some adjustments to the coming events. If humanity perceived the first prophecy of the Virgin in time, guided by common sense and taking such superchable predictions on faith, the Second World War with all her troubles would certainly be avoided.

What did the Virgin Mary do not want to warn in his third prophecy? In 1957, a letter came to the Vatican from the last remaining evidence of the events of the Virgin Mary, the nuns of the Portuguese monastery in Koybr, Sisters of Lucia. In it, she revealed the secret of the third prophecy. However, he was never promulgated.

Only in 1974, after reading the letter of Sisters Lucia, Cardinal Josef Ratzinger said that the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary concerns the "hanging over the earth and Christianity of the danger." The current Pope, John Paul II, in 1980, chatting with German prelas, partially raised the curtain of secrecy. He said: "If you have read about the oceans, which will flood entire continents, about millions of people who perished, then you would understand why we do not disclose the third part of the message ...".

John Paul II expresses confidence in the truth of the third secret Fatima is no coincidence, because it is the bright image of the Virgin Mary who saved him life during the attempt that took place on May 13, 1981. Just a moment before the hired killer pressed twice on the trigger, the dad fell into the girl from the crowd to view the medallion hanging on her neck. As a result, the bullets passed over his head. The medallion was depicted by Virgin Mary from Fatima.

The third secret of Fatima remained unscrewed until the end of April 1999, when a rather unusual event occurred. The famous Cardinal Cardado Balduchci arrived at the National Conference of Italian Uphols. In a private conversation with Ufologists, he outlined summary The third secret: "It refers to the Third World War, which should break out before the end of the Third Millennium. It will apply nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people leave their aggressive intentions and reconcile each other and with God, war will be avoided. In addition, the Third Secret predicts the crisis of the Catholic Church and the special fate of Russia. More I can not tell you. "

It remains incomprehensible why the church does not reveal to humanity the full content of the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary, because not only she predicts the onset of the last World War. So, Wanga says: "When a field flower stops smears, when a person will lose the ability to compare when the river water becomes dangerous ... then a general destructive war will break out"; "War will be everywhere, between all nations ..."; "The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books"; "What is written in the Bible will come true. The apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live! "; "Humanity has many more cataclysms and turbulent events. Consciousness of people will change. Grave times are coming, people will divide them faith. The oldest teaching will come to the world. Ask me when it happens, is it soon? No, not soon. Syria still did not pael ... "

Do these predictions need in the comments? Whatever it seems to be regrettable, it was Belief that was the main cause of the highest bloody wars in the history of mankind, and the latter, in all likelihood, will not be exception.

Mitar Tarabich, who lived in the XIX century in Serbia, in the city of Silica, also talked about the war: "This will begin with a busy war, and it will be hard that the army that takes off into the sky, but those who will fight on earth and water will be Connect luck. Warlords will make their scientists come up with different shells for guns, which instead of killing people, breaking up, plunge them into an unconscious state. Sleepy, they will not be able to fight, and then the consciousness will return to them ... But when it happens, I do not know - it is not given to me! "

In the book "Edgar Casey" from the "Great Prophets" series, it is told about the hypnosis sessions, which conducted the American psychiatrist H. Vimbach in the 70s of the XX century. Volunteers took part in them. H. Vimbach introduced them to the condition of the hypnotic trance, after which they, as it were, were transferred to a distant future, more precisely, in their future terrestrial incarnations. After returning from such mental walks, the tests, pre-negating, because they did not have time to enter each other in contact, they told very disappointing things about what humanity expects in the future.

In the early 1990s, the series of experiments continued the student H. Vimbach Ch. The show, who managed to write down from the words of people who voluntarily agreed to participate in hypnotic sessions, about 500 visions about the life of humanity for five centuries ahead. The overall meaning was reduced to the following: all hypnotized told about what global natural cataclysms, including destructive earthquakes and a sharp change in climate, expect people in the future.

All subjects argued that few people who managed to survive the period of the grand catastrophe would have to choose one of the four existence options:

1) Someone will be tamed under the dome of highly developed new cities. As in this connection, do not remember the new Jerusalem, who describes John theologian in his "Revelation";

2) someone will find a refuge on poor space stations;

3) Most of those who saved themselves in primitive communes with primitive stoods.

Will it be the only right output in the current critical situation? And if you think about it, is it possible to call the relationship with a clean conscience, which have developed between people living in modern civilized cities?

4) The rest, settled on the ruins of their former dwellings, will die in the struggle for the remnants of edible.

If we take into account that now the environmental situation has complicated that some cities have become almost unsuitable for healthy living, what will be the situation in them after the achievement of predicted events.

However, in predictions of hypnotized volunteers there is a proportion of optimism. Those who managed to look into the remote future, argue that after 2250 the gradual revival of mankind will begin and the rapid development of the colonies on Mars.

But what a Bulgarian astrologer Tatyana Jordanov said in 1996.

"Run in his papers in Chulana," she says, "and stumbled upon the most interests of Nostradamus. Then, see, I reacted to him as another interesting "read", and it was not postponed in the subconscious. If I had not saved these newspaper cuts, I would not believe it myself! "

We are talking about a number of messages-interviews American Dolores Kenan - the founder of the method of regressive hypnosis, with the help of which it carried out the treatment of various diseases through the "memories" of problems from past lives.

During one of the sessions through the patient, Nostradamus himself began to speak with her. He wanted to personally explain to people the meaning of the katrains belonging to the last decade of the XX century, since the interpretation of modern scientists considered unsatisfactory. Conversations with Nostradamus continued through other patients. Dolores recorded them and published books.

Interviewed about the Third World War. According to the American, it is considered to be the "storm in the desert" of 1991. Until 1999, the war was expressed in local conflicts.

But 1999 was to become decisive, peculiar "Rubikon". "Communicating" with Dolores, Nostradamus predicted a serious conflict in the "gray zone" of Europe, that is, Macedonia and Albania, in 1999! This zone is "sulora" because it is not east, nor Western. When expanding the scale of war, the use of nuclear, bacterial and chemical weapons is possible.

Specified in an interview and about the third antichrist. The first was Napoleon, the second is Hitler, and the third was born on February 4, 1962 in Jerusalem, but he is not a Jew, but a Muslim. His parents died in Israel's war with Egypt. Replaced their very rich and influential uncle - imam. Education is philosophical, economic and technical - he received in Egypt. The most will succeed in this person in the computer business when it becomes the lord of the Internet.

During one of the contacts, Nostradamus said such words: "You are not aware of the power of your thoughts! They can influence the course of events. Focus on the world and harmony. " Again, the great priest says about the need to change the human consciousness. The more cruelty will be in this world, the more more detrimental for humanity will be the troubles that appeared by its consequence. No wonder Vanga says: "Pray that God spleen a man, for he mad in his hatred towards the neighbor"; "Be kindness, so as not to suffer more, a man is born for good deeds. Bad do not remain unpunished. The most cruel punishment expects no evil, and his descendants. It is even more painful. "

According to the predictions of Nostradamus, the Virgin Mary from Fatima and many others, before the start of a large-scale last war or a turning point for war or the world, quite a bit of time remains. The end of June-July 2002 will be either the beginning of the reference of the last watches of peace and life for many people, or the first hours of new life and peace without wars. Vanga, for example, believed that the events of the near future will develop in the second version: "After 2000 there will be no disaster, no flood. A thousand years of peace and prosperity are waiting for us. Simple mortals will fly to other worlds at a rate of ten times the speed of light. But this will happen not earlier than 2050. "

What do these words mean? Maybe representatives of the strengths of this world have already begun to realize or realize the suicide of the path in the near future that they chose? Maybe they will have time to take sound decisions that they say so much and have long ago? Especially since they have another time. The first and most serious steps towards the world should be targeted destruction of the entire nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, as well as the refusal to create new types of weapons of mass lesion. Only in this case the optimistic predictions of numerous priests will come true. Otherwise, humanity will continue to move to the abyss, and then the irreparable will happen.

John Theologian was the holy apostle and the evangelist and among all the students of Christ stood a mansion. Most often on the icons, he was depicted by a majestic elder with a lightweight face.

The main feature of his moral appearance is manifested in the doctrine of love. For this, John was even called the Apostle of Love. Love passes the red thread through all his writings, and the main thought is the one that God is in its creature - this is love, that is, this is the in-no love of God to peace and man, and the ministry of love is all life Path John the Bogoslov.
He was sharp and fermented, but at the same time gentle and devotees. From the Gospel, we learn that Christ is often forced to cool off his gusts, reaching stormy jealousy. Jesus even called John and his brother Jacob's sons of thunder. At the same time, John had a rare modesty, as well as such features of character, such as observation and susceptibility to occurring events and sensitivity to the suffering surrounding.

The apostle John always listened to his teacher talking about grace and truth, not a single feature of Christ the Savior's earthly life passed by him, without leaving a deep trail in his soul. The thoughts of John the Bogoslov were the same solid. He always said that where there is no complete devotion, there is nothing. The purpose of his life he chose the path of serving Christ and followed him with all the completeness. He spoke of devotion to Christ, about his life in him, so sin considered not as weakness and inferiority of a human nature, but as an evil or a negative start, opposite to good. According to him, a person can belong or Christ, or the Devil, the third is not given.
The Apostle John was destined to express the last word of the Divine Revelation, which introduced a person in the secrets of the inner divine life, forced to listen to the only begotten son and his eternal Word. John claims or denies the eternal truth, but always speaks with absolute accuracy, as the voice of the Lord, who opens the world, what he hears his father himself.

The Scriptures of the Apostle John erase the face between the present and the future. Seeing the world around him, he understands that it is temporary, and does not stop on it. He transfers his gaze to the eternal in the past and to the eternal in the future. He urges everyone to comply with the saints of truths and proclaims that "all sorts of born of God will not sin." When communicating with God, every true Christian is thinking about his involvement in the life of the Divine, because the future of mankind is performed on earth. In one of his writings, the apostle John leads humanity to the region forever present, in which the sky has gone to Earth and the renewed land is illuminated by the light of heavenly glory.
John theologian through his "revelation" revealed to people the mystery of the universe and the fate of mankind. Every year on May 8, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Apostle John the Bogoslov.

"Revelation of John the Bogosla" and other prophecies

Saint John the Bologosov in his "Revelation" mentioned that day when all people, and living, and the dead, resurrected from the graves (Fig. 23), will appear before God's court.

It is believed that the "Revelation of John the Godlov" was written in 68-69 years. e. Researchers do not exclude the fact that approximately in the mid-1990s. e. It was edited by correspondence. This happened after the defeat of the I of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. This date practically coincides with the reference to Iriney, which leads in his "church history" by Evseviy Kestern (between 260 and 265-338 or 339), the Roman church writer, Bishop of Caesarea (Palestine). The prophetic "revelation of John the Theologian" is a truly grandee picture of the coming apocalypse, which completes the New Testament.

John Theologian told the first Christians who were subjected to terrible persecution from the Roman authorities, the Great and Comforting News: "Blessed and listening to the words of the prophecy of this and those who are written in it; For time is close. "

It is necessary to hold out a little more, not to retreat from Christ Faith, and soon suffering will stop, and all the well-established will be generously rewarded. In general, a number of visions, John, appeared that soon it was destined to happen: he learned about the upcoming end of the world and associated terrible events.

Revelation conveced John the Theologian at that moment when he was on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, where he suffered "for the Word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ." In one of the Sunday days, the sky unexpectedly opened unexpectedly, and he saw the seven gold lamps and among them "such a son of human". John theologian so describes the appearance of Jesus Christ: "Head of his and hair of white, like a white wave, like snow; and his eyes like a firefire; And his legs are similar to Halkovan (the type of amber), like hot in the oven; And his voice like the noise of the waters of many. He kept his seven stars in his desk, and the sword was acute from both sides of his mouth; And his face, like the sun, shining in its strength. " Seven lamps symbolized seven churches, and seven stars in the dessent of the Lord - Angels of these churches.
Having affected so unusual phenomenon, John fell to the legs of the Son of Human, who welcomed him with the following words: "Do not be afraid, I am the first and last, and the crowned; And was dead; and CE, alive in the eyelids, Amen; And I have the keys of hell and death. So, write that you have seen, and what is, and what will happen after this. " John theologian fulfilled the command of Christ and later recorded everything that happened that day, in his "revelation".

Jesus invited him to step on the sky to see with his own eyes what "to be after this". John followed him and saw the "throne standing in the sky, and on the throne was sitting." Under the sitting, the nose meant the God-Creator himself.
Around God's throne, from which "frost, and thunder, and glaces" came, ", twenty-four thrones were located. Twenty-four elders have seated on them, closed in white clothes, with golden crowns on their heads. Before the throne stood seven fiery lamps, personified the "Spirits of God".
Here four animals were sitting, "performed in front of the front and rear", the first of which reminded Lion, the second - Taurus, the third - man, and the fourth eagle. Each of them "had six wings around, and inside
they are filled with eyes; And in the afternoon, they do not know peace at night, appealing: holy, holy, Holy Lord God Almighty, who was, is coming. " While the animals chased fame and honor sitting on the throne, the elders fell in front of him in front of him and pinned the wints to his feet.

In the right hand, God kept a book sealed by seven seals. The angel proclaimed a loud voice: is there anyone who is worthy of revealing the book by removing the print from her? But there was no one on earth, nor in heaven, nor underground.
Here, one of the elders sitting by God's throne rose, and said John the theologian that now "lion from the Knee Judene, David's root, won and can reveal this book and remove seven seals."
At that very moment, John saw the Lamb "as it were to a smaller, having seven horns and seven eyes, who are seven spirits of the Gods sent to the entire Earth." In the image of the Lamb appears, of course, Jesus Christ himself (Fig. 25), who considered Christians a descendant of King David. The horn of the ancient Jews was a symbol of power.

The Lamb took the book from the hands of the Book, sealed by seven seals. The act of transferring a book from God the Father to God to God symbolizes the wells of Christ, who takes power from the Father. Animals and elders, from all sides, overtake the Lamb and begin to sing in His honor: "Dosto, you take a book and remove the print from it; For you were risen, and the blood of us redeemed our God from all the knees and the language, and the people and the tribe, and presented us with the kings and priests to our God; And we will reign on earth. "
Following them, this song was repeated a huge variety of elders, animals and angels, from all sides of those surrounding the throne. "And the number of them was darkness of those and thousands of thousands," the "Revelation" says. Approached the end of the world.

However, according to the predictions of the priest, God will definitely protect all the most truly believers who lived the righteous life, meanwhile, as all of the gods and unrelated sinners expect a severe punishment.
Jesus Christ alternately removes the press from the book, as a result of which four riders fall on the ground, squeezing on four different horses. They are shutders of the end of the world and those great disasters that will precede him.
Here the Lamb removed the first seal, and one of the four animals proclaimed: "Go and see." John the Theologian saw a white horse (Fig. 26). It was sitting "A rider who has a bow, and Dan was a crown to him; And he came out as a victorious, and to win. "
Christ took off the second seal, and the second animal said to a thunder voice: "Go and look." Here the second horse appeared, red. The rider sitting on it was ordered to "take peace from the ground, and to kill each other; And he is given a big sword. "
After the lamb shot a third stamp, John heard the voice of the third animal: "Go and look." At that moment, the raven horse came from the sky, and the rider was sitting on it, "having a measure in his hand".

The Lamb removed the fourth seal, and the fourth animal said: "Go and look." A pale horse came out. He recresented on him the worst rider who personified death. In "Revelation" says: "And Hell followed him, and he was given the power over the fourth part of the Earth - to die with a sword and hunger, and the world and the beasts of earth."
It should be noted that about the same horses of four texts and horsemen, ascending on them, mentioned in the book of the Prophet Zechariah, and there they symbolize the four spirits of heaven, "who are coming to the Lord of the whole Earth."
Further events are amazing paintings that produce a rather strong impression.

If you turn to the real history of those distant times, you can spend some analogies with the events of the recent years of Nero, when the endless, bloody wars went, and the imperial throne shook the uprisings of a number of Roman governors who wanted to take the place of Nero, as well as uprising in Judea and in Gaul . In addition, in those years in Rome, hunger was often fired. In 65 n. e. The Mediterranean has suffered a new terrible trouble - a plague that carried thousands of lives. At about the same time in Italy, Greece, Malaya Asia and all the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea there were devastating earthquakes. So the rider on the pale horse gathered a rich harvest of human lives.

The first Christians have experienced particularly terrible persecution during these years. Each who holy followed the faith of Christ, after painful torture threatened inevitable death. Therefore, it is not by chance in the "Revelation" it says that when Christ took off the fifth seal, the souls of "killed for the Word of God" appeared under the altar. They prayed to God to take revenge on the ground for those who fell on their share of suffering. The Vladyka calmed them down, gave them white clothes and said that a terrible court will soon be happened and many righteous people will replenish their ranks.

After the Lamb shot the sixth print, a great earthquake occurred. "And the Sun has become gloomy, like the Oblant, and the moon was made like blood; And the stars of heavenly fell on Earth, like a fig tree, shaded by a strong wind, drops their immature figs; And the sky disappeared, torn, like a scroll; And every mountain and island moved from their places. " All people: both kings, and veelmes, and free, and slaves - they sought to hide in the caves and gorges of the mountains and prayed that stones fell on them and hid them "from the face of the Lamb sitting on the throne and anger, for the Great Day came His".
Then John theologian tells about what he saw four angels standing at the four ends of the Earth, who kept four winds, so that they didn't blow on the ground, nor on the sea, no matter what tree. But from the side of the rising sun, another Angel, who had "the seal of God's Living" moved to them. And he commanded the four angels-destroyers who were ordered to "harm the earth and the sea": not to create harm, as long as they will not be laid on the chest of slaves of God, that is, those who, despite anything, retained the dedication of the true Christian faith. These were one hundred forty-four thousand. All of them gathered around the throne of God destroyed in white clothes. From now on, they had to serve God in the temple of him and got a deliverance from suffering, for "the Lamb, who among the throne, will graze them and drive them into live sources of water, and the delay of God all sorts of tears with their eyes."
And now the most terrible moment has come. When Christ took off the last, seventh seal, a full silence reigned in the sky. John the Bologosov saw the seven angels with pipes came forward - the tops of God's court - and an angel with the Golden Cadillian in the hands, which he filled fire from the altar and "Pie for Earth." On Earth, "Voices and Thunders, and Lightning, and Earthquake" occurred on Earth.

Seven angels prepared to drive, arranged that the "Day of the Lord" came.

After "fabricated" the first angel, "hail and fire mixed with blood" fell on Earth. As a result, the third part of the trees and the whole green grass was destroyed.
After the sign submitted by the second angel, a huge mountain, reminding the fireball, was overthrowing in the sea, which was why the third part of the living beings died in him, and drowned the third part of the ships across the sea. The third part of the sea water turned into blood.

Pruccessful the third angel, and from the sky fell on the ground "a big star, burning like a lamp", whose name is "wormwood". From this water in the third part of rivers and sources became bitter and poisonous, "and many of the people died of water."
The sound of the fourth angel pipe caused the defeat of the third part of the sun, the moon and stars, with the result that the third part of the day became at night.
After that, John Theologian saw an Angela, flying in the midst of the sky, who proclaimed a loud voice: "Mountain, Mount, mountain living on Earth from the other pipe votes of three angels that will be cutting."

Then the fifth angel would last, and the star fell from the sky. She was given a key that "she opened the stray of the abyss." From there, he went a thick smoke, who had a breath of the sun and the air, and the hordes of the monstrous locust came out of the smoke. She was similar to "horses cooked at war; And on the heads, her as if the crowns, similar to gold, her face - as human faces; And her hair is like women's hair, and her teeth were like Lviv. It was armor, as it were, iron armor, and noise from her wings - like a knock from the chariots, when a lot of horses runs to war; She had tails, like a scorpion, and in her tails were sting. " He learned John that her king was an angel of the abyss, the name of which in Jewish Avaddon, and in Greek Apollion (that is, the "destroyer").
The terrible locust, resembling earth scorpions, was not to attack not on earthly vegetation, but on people whom God did not celebrate their stamp, that is, the sinners remaining on earth (Fig. 27). But do not kill them, but to be tormented for five months, and the torment will be like "torment from scorpion, when the person is horrid." In this regard, a terrible phrase sounds in the "Revelation of John the Bogoslov": "In those days, people will seek death, but they will not find it; Wishes to die, but death will run away from them. "

The pipe of the Sixth Angel announced the terrible pictures of the invasion of huge horse troops by a number in two darkness by the one that comes from the Euphrates River. It is intended for God to destroy the third part of the people who were destined to die "from fire, smoke and sulfur", which came out of his mouth with lion's heads. The tailings of them like snakes had heads and also brought harm to people.
The army destroyed the third part of the people, but the survivors did not repent of their siblings, and another Kara expected them.

Saw John of the Giant Angel, "Counting from the sky, clothed with the cloud; His head was a rainbow, and his face, like the sun, and his feet, like pillars of fire. " He stood on the ground with one foot, and the other was at sea and held his revealed book in his hands. The voice that sounded like seven thunders, he told John about the secrets of the future. The prophet gathered to write out what was said, but heard the voice of God, who ran out of heaven, who forbade him to do. Angel, who was standing at the sea and on Earth, made his hand to the sky and announced that when she would inform the seventh Angel, then "time would not be" and "the mystery of God", known to the ancient prophets. After that, the voice from the sky commanded John to take a book from the hands of angel and eat it, because he was supposed to "prophesy about the peoples and tribes again."
And she finally, the Seventh Angel, and in the sky, sounded loud voices: "The kingdom of the world has been predicted by the kingdom of our Lord and Christ Christ, and will reign in the eyelids."

At this time, twenty-four elders, who squeezed in the thrones around the throne of God, bent in front of him and proclaimed: "... Your anger and time came to judge the dead and give retribution of your slaves, prophets, and the saints, and fear of your name, small and great , and destroy the ruined ground. " And the third mountain came: "Unscrew the temple of God in the sky, and the ark of the covenant of him in his temple appeared; And lightning, and voices, and thunder, and earthquakes, and great degrees have occurred.
Thus, John theologian Denies to believers comfortable news: the day is already close, we must wait a little more and suffer. In the end, those who suffered for faith will pay for their righteous flour, and they will acquire peace and happiness, and their executioners will inevitably overtake the harsh car. However, John in his "Revelation" does not stop at this and continues to describe its visions.

He talks about the wonderful sign that appeared in the sky, - "Wife, clothed in the sun; Under the legs of her moon and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars. " The wife put on the light of the "Magazine Baby, who will fall on all the peoples with the Rod of Iron." While everyone honored the baby, the wife ran into the desert, where she was prescribed to spend a thousand two hundred and sixty days.
Then the battle of Archangel Mikhail and his angels have occurred in the sky and his angels with the "Great Dragon, ancient serpent, called the devil and Satania, who seduces the whole universe," and his evil angels. Mikhail won in this fight. Dragon with angels did not have place in the sky, and they were overtaken on the ground.

It was at that moment John heard a loud voice from the sky, who announced the lavemen of the devil and that salvation was made in heaven - the kingdom and power of Christ.
The devil was defeated by the "Blood of the Lamb", as well as the persistence and fidelity of Christians, those that "did not like her soul even to death." To all the same living on Earth and the sea descended the great mountain, since the devil overthrown on Earth became especially Yarenten, because he knew that he had a little time left.

Going to the ground, the dragon began to pursue his wife who gave birth to a baby. But God gave her two wings, similar to Orlins. She climbed into the sky and flew to the desert, where she was hiding from the dragon. The smiling sniped let her, after the river, flowed out of his mouth. But in vain: the Earth itself came to his aid of his wife, she crushed her mouth and absorbed the river.
Dragon failed to overtake his wife, so he decided to "join Brands with others (that is, what happened) from her seed, preserving the commandments of God and having evidence of Jesus Christ."

In the next chapter, John describes two unusual animals that came to him in the next vision. He stood on the sand of the sea and suddenly saw how a monstrous beast came out of the sea and a seven heads and ten horns. On his horns there were ten diadems, and "on the heads of his names of Boguhul." According to his own, he was "like Bars; His legs - like a bear, and fall from him - like a mouth of a lion; And he gave him a dragon with his power, and his throne, and great power. " One of the heads of the beast "as if mortally wounded," but this wound was miraculously cured.

All those living on Earth bowed the beast and the dragon, who gave him the power, except those whose names were "written in the book of life at the Lamb, cristed from the creation of the world" and who showed the "patience and faith of saints." The beast declared the war to the holy war, and "Dano it was to lead the war with Holy and defeat them." But his power was confirmed for a while - only forty-two months.
In its next vision, John described another beast, the Red Dragon (Fig. 28): "And I saw another beast coming out of the earth; He had two horns like Lamb, and said like a dragon. " He forced people to worship the image of the first beast, and those who refused to do this, threatened the death penalty. To learn the dragon to all people followed the "inscribing the name of the Beast on the right hand or on the man." In the same chapter, the words that became a mystery to many generations and subsequently received a rather controversial interpretation: "Here is wisdom. Who has the mind, the number of the beast, because it is human number; The number is six hundred sixty six. "

Here it is necessary to make a retreat. The meaning of all these terrible visions and global cataclysms was quite accessible to the first readers of the "Revelations". However, people living at the beginning of the III Millennium, John's allegorical stories, are unlikely to be understood. They will most like them as a myth or a fairy tale, so we will stop on explaining some of the concepts.

What did John theologian spoke about the images of his wife who gave birth to a baby, and two animals, and is the secret of the number of "six hundred sixty-six"? It turns out that the Prophet had in mind quite real historical events.
The wife crowned with twelve stars personifies the people of Israel. The dragon with the seven heads and ten horns is a symbol of the Roman Empire, the red color is Purple of the Imperial Mantle, seven-crowned Dragon heads - seven emperors who ruled in Rome before they saw the light of the "Revelations of John the Bogoslov": this is August, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Oton. Ten Dragon Roggers, in all likelihood, symbolize ten governors of Roman provinces. "Magazine Baby" is not anyone else, like Jesus Christ, who is destined to "leave all the peoples by the Rod of Iron." God took him on the sky under his defense, so the dragon could not destroy the "such son of human".

John theologian represents Rome in the image of Satan, Devil. He mighty, but he will not be able to slander God, giving him "Hula" to "testifying about Christ" turned away from him and changed their faith. John is confident that they will defy the victory over the devil due to their righteousness and perseverance, because they are ready to take death for their beliefs. Probably, this is not just a hint of those cruel persecution, which were subjected to the first Christians in the Roman Empire. In these lines, the Terrible Warning of Rome also sounds. The author, as it were, predicts complete destruction, threatening the eternal city in the near future.
The mystery of the number of "six hundred sixty-six" is also explained quite simple. Many ancient peoples, including Jews, denoted numbers using various alphabet letters.

So, if we substitute in the "animal number" instead of numbers, Jewish letters, it will turn out two words: "Nero Caesar". So, the beast, whose head was mortally wounded, but healed, is an allegory that personifies the image of the Roman Emperor Nero. The fact is that John theologian, as well as his like-minded people, were convinced that the power of Rome and the unlimited power of the emperors proceed not otherwise as the devil himself. therefore
the wonderful way the healed Dragon's head is direct indication of the fate of Emperor Nero. This is evidenced by a real historical fact. In 68, N. e. The governors of the provinces raised the uprising, the purpose of which was the overthrow of Nero. As a result, the emperor committed suicide, and soon rumors appeared that Nero was survivors.
So, those who observed the commandments of God won the Dragon. Let us return now to the "Revelation of John the Bogoslov". What else saw the prophet at that great day of God's wrath? On Mount Zion, there was a lamb with all redeems "from people, like the firstborn God and Lamb."

In the midst of the sky, one after another appeared three angels - the arrangements of the beginning of the court of God. The first angel with an eternal gospel in his hands loud voice turned to people left on Earth: "Fight God and give him fame, for the hour of court came." Another Angel, who followed the first, announced the fall of the great city of Babylon, who was "violent bladded of his own nations." The third angel proclaimed: "Who worships the beast and the image of him and takes his own on his man or his hand, he will drink wine of God, whole, cooked in his wrath of anger, and will be tormented in fire and sulfur before holy angels and lambs ; And the smoke of the torment will be ascended forever in the eyelids, and they will not have peace, no night. "
And Ioann heard a voice ran out from the sky, who ordered him to record such words: "From now on, the blessed are dead, dying in the Lord."

Soon the prophet saw a bright cloud that appeared in the sky. On it, "such a man's similar son" with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hands. Another angel appealed to Jesus with a call to lower the sickle on the ground and shake the harvest, "for the harvest on Earth has already matured." The Son of Man lowered the sickle to the ground and accomplished his court, like the harvest and cutting the grapes.
In the following sign, "Great and Wonderful", John seven angels with the latest ulcers, "who ended the fury of God." Heard the Prophet Song Moses and the Lamb Song, who sang "the winning beast and the image of it," glorifying the power of the Lord. After the voice of the voice, the gate of the temple of heaven was opened and from there Seven angels, closed in clean and bright linen clothing. One of four animals gave them seven golden bowls with God's anger. The temple was filled with smoke, and no one could enter there, as long as the seven ulcers of seven angels ended. "

A loud voice, rang out of the temple, commanded seven angels to pour seven bowls of God's wrath to the ground. After the first angel poured his bowl, "cruel and disgusting wounds were taken on people who have an inscription of the beast and worshiping it."
The second angel poured the bowl into the sea, and all living in it died. The third angel poured the bowl into rivers and sources, and the water in them turned into blood, for those who "shed the blood of the holy and prophets," were worth it.

The fourth angel poured his bowl in the sun, which became mercilessly burning people. However, sinners did not repent and continued to blame God for sending them suffering. Then the fifth angel poured the cup to the throne of the beast, the sixth - to the Euphrates River, in which the water dried immediately, and the Seventh Angel was on the air. A loud voice rang out of the temple of heavenly. He announced that the court of God was accomplished.
"And lightning, thunder and voices occurred, and there was a great earthquake, which did not happen since people on Earth ... and hail, the magnitude of the talent, fell from the sky on people; And the people of God for ulcers from hail, because the ulcer from him was very hard. "
In the following chapters, John predicts the fall of the ancient city of Babylon, which in the text of "Revelations" is represented in the form of an allegory - the harlot, sitting "on the beast of the Bagry, filled with the names of blasphemy, with family heads and ten horns." Babylon fell, because "became the housing of demons and the pier every unclean spirit, with a challenge of any unclean and disgusting bird; For the violent wine of the crop of her own, she (the harmnica) drank all nations. " The Great City was laid down and devastated. So desired God's trial over Babylon. What caused the wrath of God?

There is a myth of the "Babylonian pillar of", which tells that once all people spoke in the same language and lived together between the Tiger and Euphrates rivers. And they decided to build a city, which was subsequently called Babylon, and a huge pillar - a tower height to the sky. And God saved to see this city and the tower that people were built. He was angry with the pride of human and did it so that people began to speak different languages \u200b\u200band could not be a p.
Then the mess and confusion began. The tower remained unfinished, and people disappeared on the ground who is where. They went different peoples from them, each of whom speaks in their own language.
After the trial of people was accomplished and the God of God was avenged, John the John was introduced to another vision: heaven turned around, and the white horse appeared with the rider who had sacred on it, who was closed in clothing. He was name - the Word of God.

Heavenly followed by the sense of heaven on the same white horses and in white clothes. The beast came out and the kings of the earth to join the battle with a sitting on horseback and his own army. The beast was captured and thrown into the fiery lake.
Then an angel came from the sky, who kept his key from the abyss in his hand and a large chain. He lowered the devil in the image of the dragon into the abyss and "put a stamp over him, so that the nations did not choose, the doc not over the thousand years." During this time, faithful Christ followers to reign and be the priests of God and Jesus.
The same who retreated from faith and bowed the image of the beast, will not come to life from the dead until the millennium is completed. They, in contrast to the righteous, are not worthy of the first resurrection.

Further, John predicts that after a thousand years, Satan will be released from his dungeon, but not long. He will again come out to seduce the peoples and will bring them on a brand against the saints. However, God will send fire on them from the sky, and the devil will "lead in the lake fiery and sulfur, where the beast and false prophet, and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids."
After massacre with Satan, all the dead, small and great, will appear before sitting on a white great throne. And the sea, and death, and hell will give the dead, who will be judged by God "according to their business." Those who holy followed the faith of Christ will be recorded in the book of life. It will be the second resurrection. The righteous will come to the ground with God. "And he will dwell with them; They will be His people, and God himself will be their God; And God will delay all the tears with their eyes, and death will not be already; Neither cry, nor the scream, no illness will no longer be; For the former passed. "

"Fearful and incorrect, and bad, and murderers, and loudeliers, and sorcerers, and idolatles, and all the liars - fate in a lake, burning fire and gray; This is the death of the second. "
And saw John a new sky, a new land, and the new holy city of Jerusalem, who will drop away from God, from the sky, and will not have the needs of "neither in the sun, nor in the moon for highlighting his own; For the glory of God is
his and his lamp him is a lamb. Saved peoples will walk in the light of him, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and his honor. His gate will not be shoved in the afternoon, and night there will not be ... And nothing will be ingenious, and no one, a loyal of abomination and lies, but only those written by the Life in the book of life. "
In the last chapter of the "Revelations of John the Bogosla", he describes the instructions that Christ gives him, and about the blessing of John to prophecy. The predictor had to instruct people on the righteous path, that is, on the path of serving the faith of Christ. According to "Revelation", only this can be avoided by the harsh kara of the Lord, who will comprehend incorrect during the terrible court.
In conclusion of a conversation about the biblical apocalypse, it should be mentioned that so far the issue of the authorship of the "Revelation" remains open, and the answers to it are quite contradictory. Although most scientists dealing with this problem unanimously attribute the authorship of John the Theologian, many priests dispute not only this statement, but also the authenticity of the text of the "Revelation". They suggest that this prophecy was written and included in the Bible not in the first century. e., and much later, so no connection with John theologian has no. So, K. Jerusalemsky, I. Zlatoust, F. Karasky, the city of Theologians are not even called "Revelation" among canonical books.

Doubts about the authenticity of the text telling about the end of the world, Dionysius Alexandrian (III century), Yevgeny Caesarian (IV century) and other fairly well-known scholars-theologians, both ancient and modern. And their suspicions can be considered quite reasonable. Carefully examining the "Holy Gonnament about the life of Jesus Christ", written by John theologian in 95 N. e., scientists expressed doubts of e in that m that he was 6 8-6 9 g. e. D Yeis tweets but Ned and -sal prophecy about the expectant of the people of the Apocalypse. After all, in the "holy of gospel" he did not mention his "revelation" and did not lead a single quotation from it.

However, the author of "Revelation" clearly used a huge authority from his contemporaries, as evidenced by the content of the first four heads of prophecy. He addresses a number of Christian communities of Malaya Asia, gives an assessment of their loyalty to the teachings of Christ, alone praises, others believes for the manifested weakness, for being seduced by the teachings of false prophets. Its excellent awareness of the secret life of various Christian communities is felt. Based on this, it can be assumed that the author of "Revelation" is the very John theologian, who, as you know, was one of the Apostles of Christ.
In addition, there are other reasons to see in the author of the "Revelations" of the Apostle John. Many early Christian theologians mention in their works that he was stronger than all the apostles with the old faith, Judaism. Unlike Paul, the "apostle of the pagans", which considered it possible, for example, non-compliance with the rites of Saturday and circumcision and claimed that for God equally equal to Jew, Scyth and Ellin. John considered himself more Jews than a Christian.
In his "Revelation", John the Bologoslov does not simply tell about the details of the end of the world, which opened over him, he even indicates the date of the onset of the Apocalypse: after 1260 days, i.e. 42 months.

"Revelation of John the Bogoslev" became only the first swallow. Soon there were works of other authors on this topic: "Apocalypse" Peter, describing the visions of Paradise and Hell, and the "Shepherd" of the Herma, where the parables and instructions of an ethical character are given. The second work has received its name for the visions that it narrates. The main acting person here is a man in the shepherd clothes.

In the Gospel of Mark, there is also an excerpt, telling about the terrible court, which should put the end of the "Vse of Satan". The Prophet predicts terrible events that will occur before the second coming. It is these cataclysms that will be a test for humanity, for whom the Son of Human accepted a martyrdom.

In the non-canonical description of the end of the world, the apostle Paul, Jesus Christ pronounces the following words: "For this, we tell you the Word of the Lord that we, the living, remaining before the coming of the Lord, do not warn the dead; Because the Lord himself, at the subordination, when the Archangel and the Pipe of God comes from the sky, and the dead will be resurrected in Christ before; Then we, survivors, together with them we will be delighted with the clouds in the penitution of the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. "

From the book: S. A. Khvorostukhina Prediction of the catastrophe. (Great secrets)

The revelation of John describes the events that will precede the second appearance of Jesus on Earth, the emergence of the Messiah and life after the second coming. It is a description of the events before the second coming, and in particular various cataclysms, led to the modern use of the word apocalypse in the importance of the end of the world.

Authorship, time and place of writing apocalypse.

In the text, the author calls himself John. There are two versions of the authorship. The most popular of them (traditional) attributes the authorship of the revelation of John the Bogoslov. In favor of the fact that the author was John the Bologosov, the following facts say:

  • Four times in the text, the author calls himself John;
  • From Apostolic Stories it is known that John the Bologosov was imprisoned on Patmos Island;
  • The similarity of some of the characteristic expressions with the Gospel of John.
  • Safety studies confirm the authorship of John the Bogoslov.

Many modern researchers, however, challenge the traditional version, leading the following arguments:

  • The difference between the language and style of the apocalypse from the language and style of the Gospel, written by John theologian;
  • The difference in the problems of the apocalypse and

The difference between the language can be explained by the fact that, although John and owned Greek, but, while imprisoned, far from a lively conversational Greek language, naturally, being a natural Jewish, wrote under the influence of the Jewish language.

It should be said that, refuting the traditional authorship, these researchers do not suggest an argued alternative opinion. The complexity is that there were several John in the apostolic environment, and how it was written by revelation is not yet possible. Mention by the author himself in the text of the fact that he received a vision on the island of Patmos, the author of the Apocalypse is sometimes called John Patos. The Roman Presbyter Kai believed that the revelation was created by heretic Kerinf.

As for the date of writing by the Revelation of John the Theologian, the fact that the text was the sign of Papia, Ierapolsky testifies to the writing of the apocalypse no later than II century. Most of the modern researchers consider the time of writing 81 to 96. In the 11th chapter of the Revelation, the temple's "dimension" says. This fact suggests researchers to earlier dating - 60. However, the majority believe that these lines are not worn actual, but symbolic nature and include writing by the end of the rule of domician (81 to 96). In favor of this version, it is evidenced by the fact that the revelation came to the author on the island of Patmos, namely, Domitian referred to him unwanted people. Moreover, the end of the rule of domician is characterized as a difficult time of persecution of Christians, most likely it was in such an environment and was written apocalypse. Saint John himself points to the goal of writing a revelation - "Show - what should be able to be soon." The author shows and predicts the celebration of the Church and Faith. It was at the moment of grief and serious tests that such a work was necessary, as support and consolation in the struggle for the truth of Christ.

When and how is the apocalypse of John the Cologovo entered the canon of the New Testament?

As we have said earlier, the first mention of the revelation of John the Theologian comes to the second century. The apocalypse is mentioned in the works of Turrtullian, Irinea, Eusevia, the Clement of Alexandria and others. However, the text of the revelation remained uncannated for a long time. Cyril Jerusalem and St. Gregory Theologians were opposed to the canonization of the Apocalypse of John. In the canon of the Bible, approved by the Laodican Cathedral in 364, the Apocalypse did not enter. Only at the end of the IV century, due to the authority of the opinion of Athanasius the Great, who insisted on the canonization of John's revelation, the Apocalypse entered the New Testament Canon on the decision of the Ippon Cathedral in 383. This decision was confirmed and enshrined at the Carthaginsky Cathedral of 419.

Ancient manuscripts of the apocalypse.

Chester Bitty's Third Papyrus

The most ancient version of John's revelation manuscript dates back to the middle of the third century. This is the so-called third papyrus Chester Bitty or Popius P47. Third Papyrus Chester Bittycontains 10 of 32 sheets of John revelation.

The text of the revelation of John the Theologian is also contained in the Sinai Code. Total today is known about 300 manuscripts of the apocalypse. Not all of them contain the full version of the revelation. Apocalypse - the Book of the Old Testament, the least witnessed in manuscripts.

How is the revelation of John the Theologian used in worship?

Due to the fact that John's revelation was relatively late in the canon, it was practically not used in the worship of the Eastern Church. This is one of the reasons mentioned earlier in the article of a small number of apocalypse's manuscripts reached us.

According to the Jerusalem Charter (Tipikon), establishing order orthodoxworship, prescribes reading revelation on "great readings" on all-bedic vigils. IN Catholicism The apocalypse is read in the Easter period on Sunday Mesa. Songs from Revelation also enter the "Liturgy of the Clock"

However, it should be noted that in real life the apocalypse is almost never not used in worships.

Revelation of John the Bogosla - Interpretation

In the text of the apocalypse, John the Bologosov describes the revelation obtained by him in visions. The visions describes the birth of an antichrist, the second coming of Christ, the end of the world and a terrible court. The shaped side of the text is rich and diverse. Images of apocalypse became very popular in world culture. In the revelation of John the Theologian, the number of beast is 666. Many images were borrowed by the author from Old Testament prophecies. Thus, the author emphasizes the continuity of the Old and New Testaments. The apocalypse ends with a prophecy about the victory of God over the devil.

The Apocalypse of John the Theologian gave rise to a huge number of points of view and attempts to interpret and explain. So, for example, there is an attempt to explain the revelation from the point of view of astronomy in the book N.A. Morozov "Revelation in the thunderstorm and bore". Attempts to interpret revelations multiply into terrible epochs for humanity - in times of shocks, disasters and wars.

Sequence of visions and their interpretation.

The mysterious character of the revelation of John the Theologian, on the one hand, complicates his understanding and interpretation, and, on the other hand, attracts the inventive minds trying to decipher the mysterious visions.

Vision 1 (Chapter 1). Son of human with seven stars in his hands in the middle of seven lamps.

Interpretation. A loud tube voice that John heard, belonged to the son of God. He calls himself in Greek Alpha and Omega. Such a naming emphasizes that the Son, like his father, contains everything in itself. He stood in the midst of seven lamps, which personified seven churches. The revelation of John the Theologian is given by seven churches, which is at that time Efesse Metropolitan. The number seven in those days had a special mystical meaning meaning completeness. Thus, we can say that revelation was given to all churches.

The Son of Man was dressed in Podir and subjected to the Golden Belt. Podir symbolizes high-prison dignity, and the gold belt is the royal. White hair it personifies wisdom and old age, thereby pointing out to his one with his father. The firefire in the eyes says that nothing is hidden from the look of it. His legs from Halcolivan show on the combination of human and the Divine. Halcolivan - alloy in which Hulk (presumably, copper) marks the human beginning, and Lebanon is divine.

The son of man kept seven stars in his hands. Seven stars symbolized seven bishops of seven churches that make up the Ephesian Metropolitan at that time. Vision means that Jesus holds church and shepherd in his hands. Christ appears in the image of the king, and the priest, and priest - it will be the same during his second coming.

The man who was the Son commands John to record everything that will appear in visions, as this is faithful to be.

Phenomenon of the Son of Human John

Vision 2.(Chapter 4 - 5). The Ascension of John to the Heavenly Throne. Vision sitting on the throne surrounded by 24 elders and 4 animals.

Interpretation. Entering the door of the sky, John sees the Father's God on the throne. Its appearance is like precious stones - green (personification of life), yellow-red (personification of cleanliness and holiness, as well as God's anger to sinners). The combination of colors indicates that the god punishes sinners, but forgives and gives life to sitting. The combination of these colors predicts a terrible court as extermination and update.

24 elders in white clothes and golden crowns are representatives of mankind who have assured the Lord. Probably it is 12 representatives of the Old Testament History and 12 Christ Apostles. White clothing color personifies cleanliness and impossibility. Golden crowns symbolize victory over demons.

Arranged the throne burning "sadm of the posts". These are seven angels or seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The sea before the throne is quiet and clean - the sympholizes the souls of the righteous, living gifts of grace of God.

Four animals personify the four elements, over which the Lord is dominated - earth, heaven, the sea and the underworld. For another version, this angelic forces.

Vision 3. (Chapters 6 - 7). Removing seven seals from sealed Lamb Babbed.

Interpretation: The Lord sitting on the throne kept in his hand a book sealed with seven seals. This book symbolizes God's wisdom and God's fishery. Prints personify the impossibility of a person to comprehend all the plans of the Lord. For another understanding, the book - there are prophecies that were partially fulfilled in the Gospel, and the rest will be fulfilled in the last days.

One of the angels appears that someone revealed the book by removing the print. However, there is no one worthy "neither in heaven, nor on earth, nor underground," who could take the press. One of the elders said that "Lion from the knee of Judene, the root of David, ... can reveal this book and remove seven seals of the Heri." These lines are about Jesus, who appeared in the form of a lamb with seven horns and eyes. Only he, who sacrificed himself for humanity, was worthy of knowing the wisdom of God. Seven very symbolize the seven of God's spirits, as well as the Growing of God. The Lamb stood next to God, where the son of God should stand.

When the lamb picked up a book, 24 elder in white clothes and 4 animals squeezed off the song, in which the coming of the new kingdom of the Son of God was glorified, in which he reigned like a Godhead.

Talk now about seven seals and their meaning.

  • Removing the first print. The first seal is a white horse with a winner rider having a bow in his hands. White horse symbolizes the activities of the Holy Apostles, who sent their strength (onions) against demons in the form of the gospel sermons.
  • Removing the second seal. The second seal is a red horse with the rider, which took the world from the ground. This seal personifies the uprising of the wrong against believers.
  • Removing the third printing. Third print - the raven horse with the rider. This is the personification of non-solid faith and refusal from Christ. On another version of the raven horse symbolizes hunger.
  • Removing the fourth print. The fourth seal is a pale horse with a rider named "Death". Printing personifies the manifestation of God's wrath and including the prediction of future disasters.

Riders who appeared after opening the seals
  • Fifteen printing. Fifth print - killed for the Word of God are falling into white clothes. The souls of the affected righteous are under the altar of the temple of Heaven. The prayer of the righteous sounds, as the harbinger of rejection to everyone for sins. White clothes in which the righteous are formed, symbolize virtue and purity of faith.
  • Removing the sixth print. Sixth print - anger day, natural disasters and horrors on before the death of the world.
  • Removing the seventh print. After removing the seventh printing in heaven, the full silence reigned for half an hour.

Vision 4. (Chapters 8 - 11). Seven angels with seven pipes.

Interpretation. After removing the seventh seal in heaven, silence reigned, which was lined before the storm. Soon seven angels with seven pipes appeared. These angels are punishers of human genus. Angels have fallen and wrapped seven great disasters to humanity.

  • The first angel is a hail with fire falls to the ground, as a result of which a third of the trees disappears, the whole grass burns, including all bread.
  • The second angel is a mountain, burning fire, was invetened to be in the sea, as a result of this disaster, the third part of the sea appealed to the blood, a third of the courts and a third of the worst of the marine were killed.
  • The third angel is a drop in the stars from the sky. The third part of rivers and water sources poisoned and many will die by using this water.
  • The fourth angel went out (eclipsed) the third part of the sun, the moon and stars. The day decreased by a third, which led to a brittle and hunger.
  • The fifth angel is a drop in the stars from the sky and the appearance of locust. Five months later, the locusts were tormented by people who did not have the seal of God. This locust looks like a person, has female hair and lion's teeth. For many interpretations of John's revelation, this locust symbolizes the sinfulness of human passions.
  • The sixth Angel is the appearance of four angels associated with the Euphrate River. Angels exterminate a third of people. After that, an equestrian army appears, whose horses have a lion head and snake tails. Four angels are lying demons.
  • The Seventh Angel is likely to Christ himself, coming down from heaven to Earth. The rainbow over his head, and in his hands - the opening book, which was recently behind the seven seals. Angel of one foot stands on Earth, the second is at sea. Angel talks about the end of time and the topics of eternity.

And I saw seven angels who were standing before God; And they are given seven pipes.

Vision 5. (Chapter 12). Red snakes pursues his wife in the sun. War between Mikhail with the Beast in Heaven.

Interpretation. Under his wife, closed in the sun, some interpreters of the apocalypse of John the Theologian understand the Most Holy Virgin, however, the majority see the church in the shine of the Words of God.

The moon under his feet of his wife is a symbol of constancy. The crown of twelve stars on his wife's head is a sign that initially she was collected from 12 knees of Israel, and later led by 12 apostles. The wife is experiencing a flour of birth - that is, those difficulties in approving God's Will.

It is a great red snake with seven heads and ten horns. This is the devil himself. Seven goals mean Great Lutness, ten horns - anger against 10 commandments, and the red color is bloodthirst. The crown on each of the heads says that we have the lord of the gloomy kingdom. According to some interpretations of the apocalypse, seven crowns symbolize seven rulers who rebuild against the church. The stem tail brought a third of all stars from the sky - that is, he led sinners to a spiritual fall.

Red snakes pursues his wife in the sun.

Snake wants to steal the child, which should be born at his wife. The wife creates a son as the church gives birth to Christ for believers daily. The child hits the sky to God, and the wife runs to the desert. In this prophecy, many see a description of the flight of Christians from the besieged by the Romans of Jerusalem to the Zaioradan Desert.

Then follows the description of Brani between Mikhail and his angels and snake. In the manner of this battle, many see the confrontation of Christianity and paganism. Snake was defeated, but not destroyed. He stayed on earth and pursued his wife. The wife was given two wings - the Old and the New Testament, with the help of which it is transferred to the desert, probably here is in mind the desert of the Spirit. Snake releases from the mouth of his river, wanting to sink his wife. But the earth sprout and absorbed the river. The river symbolizes temptations here, which should resist the believer. According to another version, these are terrible persecution of the Christian church, characteristic of the time of writing the Apocalypse of John the Bogoslov.

Having accepted the snakes wrapped his furry on his wife's seeds. This is a symbol of an endless struggle of Christianity with sinfulness.

Vision 6. (Chapter 13). The beast with the seven chapters and ten horns coming out of the sea. The appearance of the beast with agctic horns. Number of beast.

Interpretation. The beast coming out of the sea is an antichrist leaving the sea of \u200b\u200blife. From here it follows that the antichrist is a generation of a human race, he is a person. Therefore, the devil and antichrist should not be confused, these are different concepts. Heads at Antichrist, like the devil, seven. Ten heads with the crowns say that the antichrist will have power on Earth, which he will receive with the help of the devil. Humanity will try to rebel against the antichrist, but then he reigns over the world. The power of the antichrist will last 42 months.

Another beast described in the revelation of John the Bogoslov - the Beast with Agnic Horn. This is a symbolic representation of false prophetics. This beast appears from the ground. The beast will show mankind false miracles, using deception.

The beast with the seven chapters and ten horns and the beast with agnic horns.

At anyone who worshves the antichrist will be written the name of the Antichrist on the face or on the right hand. The name of the Antichrist and the "Number of His Number" cause many disputes and interpretations. His number 666. The name is unknown, but in different era, the interpreters attributed the name to his various historical personalities, trying to tie the name and number of the beast.

Vision 7. (Chapter 14). The phenomenon of the Lamb on Mount Zion. The phenomenon of angels.

Interpretation. After the vision of the top of the Antichrist on Earth, John raises a gaze to the sky and sees the lamb standing on Mount Sinai surrounded by 144,000 orders of God from all nations. The name of God is written on their face. They are joined by the sleeps playing the "New Song" feet on the redemption and update.

Further, John sees three angels that hover in the sky. The first angel made the people of the "Eternal Gospel", the second - heralds the fall of Babylon (this is the symbol of the kingdom of sin), the third - threatens the eternal torments to those who serve as an antichrist.

Looking at the sky, John sees the Son of God in the Golden Crown and Sickle in Hand. Angels argue about the beginning of the harvest. The Son of God throws a sickle on the ground and begins the harvest - she symbolizes the end of the world. Angel fills the borders of grapes. Under the bunches of grapes refer to the most dangerous enemies of the church. The wine flowed out of grapes and the grape rivers reached the Konsky Word.


Vision 8 (Chapter 15 - 19). Seven bowls of anger.

Interpretation. After the harvest, John in his revelation describes the vision of the glass sea mixed with fire. The glass sea personifies the clean souls of those who saved after the harvest. Under the fire, you can understand the grace of a life-giving spirit. John hears the "Moses" and "Long Song".

After that, the gate of the Heavenly Temple was opened and seven angels in white clothes came out and received seven gold cups from 4 animals, performed by anger of the Lord. Angels get the instruction of God to pour out seven bowls before the final trial over alive and dead.

Seven bowls of anger resemble the execution of Egyptian, who were a prototype of violence over the Falchrystian kingdom.

  • The first angel poured the bowl - and the epidemic of disgusting ulcers began.
  • The second angel poured the bowl in the sea - and the water was like the blood of the dead man. All living things died in the sea.
  • The third angel poured a bowl into rivers and sources of water - and all the water turned into blood.
  • The fourth angel poured the bowl in the sun - and the sun has a population of people. Under this sunny heat, the interpreters of the Revelation of John the Theologian understands the temptation of temptations and temptations.
  • The fifth angel poured the bowl on the throne of the beast - and his kingdom was perplexed. Adherents of Antichrist were biting languages \u200b\u200bfrom suffering, but not repent.
  • The sixth Angel poured the bowl in the Euphrates - and dried in the water river. The Euphrate River has always been the natural defense of the Roman Empire from the attack of the nations of the East. The draining of Euphrates symbolizes the appearance of the path for the soldiers of the Lord.
  • The exaggeration of the last bowl will finally be defeated by the kingdom of the beast. John describes the fall of Babylon - the Great Bludnica

Angels are pouring seven bowls of anger of the Lord

Vision 9.. Scary Court (Chapter 20)

In this chapter, John describes the vision associated with the history of the Church. Speaks about the general resurrection and a terrible court.

Vision 10. (Chapters 21-22). New Jerusalem.

John was shown the greatness of the new Jerusalem - the kingdom of Christ, which will reacted after the victory over the devil. In the new kingdom there will be no sea - for the sea - the symbol of impermanence. In the new world there will be neither hunger, nor disease nor tears.

Only those who win the confrontation with demons will fall into the new kingdom, others will be convicted of eternal flour.

The church appeared before John in the form of a beautiful city, coming from Heaven Jerusalem. In the city there is no visible temple, since the city itself is a temple. Heavenly city does not need to be sanctified also because God lives in it.

And she showed me the Great City, Holy Jerusalem, who descended from the sky from God.

The apocalypse of St. John the Theologian is the logical conclusion of the New Testament cycle. From the historical books of the New Testament, believers can learn knowledge about the foundation and development of the Church. From the legislative books is a guide to life in Christ. The apocalypse prophesies about the future of the church and the world.

John theologian

This chosen was undoubtedly the son of the fisherman of the head of the Galilean city of Vifsad John, known to us as an outstanding theologian, the Prophet and the Apostle of the Faith Christ.

At first, John was a student of John the Baptist, then for about three years I wandered with Jesus Christ in Palestine, calling the people to repent and preaching the coming of the kingdom of God.

The quiet and gentle young man John was the youngest of the Savior's Apostles. But spiritual softness was combined in it with a limitless devotion to the teacher and fearlessness.

Jesus always distinguished John and made him, James and Peter witnesses of mysterious events, which until time wasted from other apostles: this is the resurrection of the daughter of Jair, the glorious transformation on the Favoro and the prayer of the Bow in the Garden.

John has repeatedly proved his love and loyalty to the Savior. When the hour has come, his sufferings and the guards grabbed Jesus, all students fled. And only John and Peter followed the teacher to the High Priest House. But Peter began to fluctuate in fear and betrayed Christ.

John did not leave the teacher. He heard the Jews shouting: "Cutting it, CNIL," accompanied Christ in Calvary and, together with the Virgin, stood at the cross to the very death of the Lord. In the last minutes of his earthly life, Jesus instructed him to take care of his mother.

After the death of the Virgin John, John wandered a lot, preaching about Christ not only in Jerusalem, but also throughout the Asia Minor. During the reign of the emperor of Domitsian - the persecutor of Christians - he was exiled to the island of Patmos and miraculously escaped death.

And yet, he did not fall as much suffering as other apostles. He was not beheaded as his brother Jacob; Not died on the cross as Peter. His life was not as stormy as the Apostle Paul, who first walked the Christian with the persecutor, and then - a zealous adherence of Christ. John theologian lived Rivne, quietly and lived to deep old age.

He became famous anymore as a figure, but as the author of the fourth gospel, three messages and "revelations", in which the fate of the world was predicted. "Revelation" of John the Theologian, or apocalypse, for many centuries for many centuries. Each new generation interprets him in his own way, believing that the marriage, hunger, hunger and revolutions were predicted by John theologian. No one confuses the fact that in every century these disasters are repeated regularly.

The last vision of John contains interpretation of the end of the world. It is this prediction that is transferred by people at one time, and this time is declared the end of the world or close to him in anticipation. The end of the world should have been expecting, to come many times, but so far and did not come ...

Historians interpret the "Revelation" in their own way and consider this interpretation only right. In their opinion, this apocalyptic work is connected only with the time of the formation of Christianity, and not at later times. It tells about the persecution of Christians and that this religion has surrendered, defeated its persecutors and spread around the world.

John wrote his gospel at sunset of life, in the nineties from the Nativity of Christ, when there were already narratives about the earthly life of Christ Mark, Matthew and Luke. Take on the pen in such precast years of John forced the great activity of heretics, the oscillations of the church.

The Divine Inspiration itself helped John to penetrate such mysterious and elevated depths of Christian truths. For this, he was nicknamed by the theologian.

John died in the reign of Trajan and was buried in Ephesus. He lived according to various information, from one hundred to one hundred and twenty years. His memory is performed on May 8 and September 26.

The word "apocalypse" translated from the Greek means "discovery" or "Revelation". "Revelation" of John the Bogosla is the only prophetic book of the New Testament. Predictions about the coming are also contained in the Gospels, but still it is in the apocalypse in its entirety the mysterious predictions about the future fate of the Church and the whole world are given. For centuries, the human thought was hardly trying to solve the secret of the apocalypse and see the correspondence between the experienced periods of history and the visions of John the Godlov.

Nowadays, in the consciousness of most people, the word "apocalypse" is associated with something catastrophic, disastrous, terrible. Meanwhile, the apocalypse was created with the aim of giving the courage with persecuted Christians, reveal the meaning of the militant church. And most importantly, what is written apocalypse, "show what to be soon."

"I was in the spirit of Sunday," says the apostle. In the language of the prophets "To be in the Spirit" means to be in such a spiritual state, when a person sees, hears and feels not bodily organs, but with all the inner creature his own. This is not a dream, but the visions that John the Theologian appeared.

And saw John "Seven Angels who stood before God; And they are given seven pipes. "

Pipe sounds of one after another of all seven angels, which are accompanied by the great disasters and executions for the Earth and its inhabitants.

"The first angel of Vastobil, and a hail and fire, mixed with blood, and fell on the ground; And the third part of the trees burned, and the whole grass is burning. "

Under a hail that falls on the ground, and "fire mixed with blood", many interpreters understood a fighter war.

"And the second angel toasty, and, as it were, a big mountain, burning fire, was overthow in the sea; The third part of the sea became blood. And the third part of animated creatures living in the sea died, and the third part of the ships died. "

The interpreters gave such a fantastic solve of this painting: at the bottom of one of the oceans, the volcano will open, and his fiery lava will fill the third part of the water basins, carrying the death of everything alive. Others believed that the bloody sea battles were depicted here in allegorical form using newly invented murder guns.

"And the third angel of Vastvilobil, and fell from the sky a big star, burning like a lamp, and fell on the third part of the rivers and on the sources of water. This name is wormwood; And the third part of the waters was worried, and many of the people died from the waters, because they were bitter. "

For a long time, this prediction understood this way: a meteor will fall on Earth and will produce water sources poisoning, which will become poisonous.

However, this terrible prophecy was a different in the spring of 1986. The world was shocked by an accident at the Chernobyl NPP. Chernobyl ... This is a Ukrainian word means "wormwood." Many then shuddered, remembering the lines of the apocalypse, written by the Apostle nineteen centuries ago.

"The fourth angel of Vastvilobil, and the third part of the Sun and the third part of the moon and the third part of the stars were amazed, so the third part of them eclipsed, and the third part of the day was not light, because both nights."

It was believed that this is the easiest prediction, because it speaks about heavenly eclipses, which always brought horror to people. They themselves were harmless, but their mysteriousness as if terrible troubles were propheted.

On the tube voice of the fifth angel from the sky fell a star, and "Dan was her key from the chassis of the abyss. She challenged the stray of the abyss, and came out smoke from the storehouse as a smoke from a large oven; And the sun was performed and the air from the folding smoke. And from the smoke came out a locust to the ground ... "

This locust, similar to scorpions, was ordered to torment people who did not have the seals of God, five months. Description of monstrous locust, with a head that resembles a man's head, but with lion's teeth, suggests some interpreters to the idea that it is nothing but an allegorical image of human passions.

Others find similarities of this locust with airplanes and bombers. The horrors, which then people will be subjected to, will be such that they will seek death, but will not find it: "Wanted to die, but death will run away from them."

The pipe of the sixth angel was sounded - and John saw the invasion of innumerable alien troops: "The riders had a fire on themselves; Heads at the horses - as the heads of Lviv, and their mouths came out fire, smoke and sulfur. "

Under this terrible equestrian army, there was a bloody, merciless war, such as not so long ago, the Second World War I experienced. And in the horses, extinguishing smoke and sulfur, the tanks were easily guessed ...

John also notices that before the death of the world, the universal fierce will come and the not-sense of people who survived from all these horrors, but not repent of their hands:

"And they did not repent in the murder of their own, nor in their sorcers, nor in the harboring of their own, or theft."

Surprisingly, in each, without exception, the generation of truth and sidelines and the sidelines are accused of these sins of their contemporaries and prove that more insensible and elasticized people have not gave birth to the Earth, which indicates the close end of the world!

Before the last, the seventh tube sound, John saw the "other angel, a strong, converging from heaven, clothed with a cloud, over his head was a rainbow and face shone, like the sun, and his feet were, as the pillars of the fiery", standing alone on the sea, another on Earth. Having lifted his hand, the angel swear living in the eyelids, that "time will not be no longer, that is, the usual round of the spontaneous world will cease, and there will be no time measured by the Sun, and eternity will come."

"And she in my mouth was sweet as honey; When I ate her, it became bitterly in my womb. " This means that John adopted a prophetic talent, as his Old Testament prophets took. And the angel told him:

"You need to prophesy about the peoples and tribes and languages \u200b\u200band the kings of many."

In the next chapter of the Apocalypse, John was openly discovered that the Holy City of Jerusalem would give pagans for a dirt for 42 months, or three and a half years, "Pillars". Numbers seven and three and a half - "Pillars" were considered mystical and often met in the Old Testament.

Popting the Holy City, or the Universal Church, within three and a half years, means that the coming of the Antichrist will be the right hundreds of forty two months. All this time, the "Two Witnesses of God" will preach people repentance and disgust them from the seduction of an antichrist. The fathers of the church were believed that these two witnesses are the Old Testament Righteousness of the Egypt and Elijah, taken on the sky alive. At the end of their preaching mission "the beast coming out of the abyss," that is, the Antichrist will kill preachers, and the corpses will throw them on the streets of the Great City, where "Our Lord crucified."

It was in Jerusalem that the Antichrist will justify his kingdom and will give himself to the missions predicted by the prophets. And the wrong wonders of Antichrist are incorrect to worship him and rejoice in the death of the prophets. But the kingdom of wicked will continue not long.

Three and a half days, God revitalizes the prophets and takes to heaven. At the same time, a great earthquake will happen to the punishment of the wrong earthquake, the tenth of the city will destroy and seven thousand people will die, and the other, who is embraced by fear, will be ruined by God. This will cause a decisive blow to the cause of the Antichrist.

I tried the seventh angel, and joyful exclamation ranked in the sky:

"The kingdom of the world has been predicted by the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and will reign in the eyelids. And twenty-four elders sitting before God on the thrones of their own, fell their face and bowed to God. "

It would seem, after suffering and misfortunes, the believers got a comforting news - approached the "time to judge the dead and give the retribution of your slaves", the exact period of the day - three and a half years will need to wait and tolerate until the end of the world and the second coming of Christ, which will be reputable and apostate.

"And a great sign was in the sky - a wife clothed in the sun; Under the legs of her moon and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars. "

The most famous interpreter of the Apocalypse Andrei Kessesky saw in this mysterious wife "the church, clothed in the word mining the sighter of the Sun", and not the Holy Virgin, as some theologians.

The wife had in the womb and her born she had a baby's baby, who had to leave all the peoples. But here a new sign appeared in the sky - "Big Red Dragon with the seven heads and ten horns." The dragon wanted to devour the baby, but "Chado admired it to God and the throne."

So in an allegorical form describes the birth of the church in torment and the struggle between the church and Satano, which appeared in the image of a dragon with his heads. The "Magazine Baby" is the image of Jesus Christ, who on the day of the glorious Ascension was delighted with the sky and sank him on the throne of his father.

"And the wife fled to the desert, where the place was prepared for her from God to feed it there a thousand two hundred and sixty days."

The flight of his wife, many interpreted, as the flight of Christians from Jerusalem during the Roman-Jewish war of 66-70. This war really lasted a thousand two hundred sixty days, or three and a half years. But it is possible to explain the "Flight of the wife" otherwise - as a picture of the persecution of the first Christians hiding from the opposite in the desert, caves and catacombs.

"And the dragon was groaned to his wife and created a branch with others from her seed, preserving the commandments of God and having evidence of Jesus Christ."

In these words, the prophecy is concluded about the continuous and centuries-old devil against the true sons of the Church, which he will lead to the condation of the world, until his efforts are depleted in the face of the Antichrist.

... The Antichrist appears in the next, thirteenth chapter of "Revelation". John's visions continue. It stands on the sand of the sea, when a monstrous beast appears from the sea, also with seven heads.

Under this beast, many interpreters saw an antichrist leaving the sea of \u200b\u200blife, that is, the genus of human. This means that the Antichrist will be a man, and not the embodied devil, spirit or demon. but appearance Its little resembled human:

"The beast was like Bars; His legs like a bear, and fall from him like a mouth of a lion; And he gave him a dragon with his own and the throne and great power. "

So I saw John the last enemy of the Christ Church. Gradually, although not immediately, he will conquer power over the whole world. For this, he will have to lead brutal wars and tolerate the defeat, but still the Antichrist will reacted over the world. He will be given mouth, speaking proudly and blasphemy. And the power will continue forty-two months or three and a half years. Otherwise, by the word of the Savior, no flesh would be saved.

Despite the cruelty and power of the antichrist, not all people worship him. Only those whose names are not inscribed in the book of life at the Lamb worship. "Who kills the sword, to the very killed by the sword," says the author of "Revelations". So, the faithful Christ should be comforted by the fact that Antichrist still expects retribution.

The antichrist will not be alone, he will have an accomplice, too, a beast, but not from the sea, but from the ground. This means that his feelings will have an earthly character. Avian Antichrist's Power is given to the power of signs and miracles to precede the Antichrist, to prepare him a deceased path.

Imitating Lord Jesus Christ, he will use two forces to approve the antichrist - the power of the word and the power of miracles. But his blasphemous speeches will be produced only to worry and extremely wicked. He knows how to work wonders. But his miracles consist only in agility, in the deception of feelings and in the use of natural, but the secret forces of nature by the devil, within the power of the devilish forces.

All the seduced and boneless antichrist will be imposed "drawing on the right hand or on the man", as well as in ancient times, slaves were burned signs on the forehead, and the warriors in their arms.

The dominion of the Antichrist will be as despotic that "no one can not buy or sell, except those who have this drawing, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

"The number of beasts" and "Human number" - 666 solved many centuries in a row. The letters of the Jewish, Greek and Latin alphabets are numerical significance. Substituting the letters instead of numbers, tried to read the antichrist name. John himself, whom the fathers of the church and theologians called the tuneside, did not discover him, probably the grace of God did not allow this a destructive name to be written in the Divine Book.

Substituting the Greek letters instead of numbers, the interpreters took the name of the Emperor Nero. If Latin - the name of the Pope of Roman. Russian splitters tried to "get" the number 666 of the name of Patriarch Nikon. With the help of some tricks at different times, they proved that Antichrist is Napoleon, Peter first, then Lenin, Stalin and even Gorbachev.

But maybe scientists suggest, in the "Revelation" simply reflected the Judaist Mystic Numbers. Judaists believed that numbers 3 and 7 saints. Therefore, the number 777 was the expression of the Holy Saints. If from each seven to take away one by one, it turns out 666 - the embodiment of evil. So, 666 is the embodiment of the Antichrist itself, which cannot be identified with any person.

By portraying the highest stage of the celebration of the devil through his servant of an antichrist on Earth, John draws a gaze to the sky. In this vision, he appears the church, the pure Bride of Christ during the prosperity of the Empire of the Beast. The number of elects of the Gods, which are included in this church - 144 000, presented figuratively in the form of 12 knees of Israel.

"These are those who have not deficiently with their wives, for they are virgins; These are those who follow the lamb, wherever he goes. " Under the "virgins" they understood those who escaped from idolatry and paganism, because an idolatry in the Holy Scripture was noticed.

Following the sky, three soaring angel appeared in the sky. One of the angels said:

"Fear God and not afraid of an antichrist who cannot destroy your body and a souls of yours, and oppose to him with daring, for the court and reward is close, and it has the power only for a short time."

The second angel foreshadowed the fall of Babylon, who became a symbol of evil and wickedness in the world.

"Who worships the beast and the image of it and takes an inscription for his man and his hand, he will drink the wine of God."

And at the same time heard the apostle John Glas from heaven:

"From now on, the blessed are dead, dying in the Lord. She, Says the Spirit, they calm down from their works, and they are going after them. "

These words were a balm for the shower of thousands of twilight, ending suffering and persecution for faith. They walked without fear even on martyrs, hoping for a quick resurrection and at the reward for the loyalty to Christ.

"And it is shot on his sickle on the cloud on the ground, and the Earth was reinforced."

Under this harvest, you need to intelligible the death of the world, when the blood rivers flow the enemies of God.

After that, the final part of the apocalypse begins, covering eight chapters, with the fifteenth twenty-second second.

Saint John saw the "Glass Sea, mixed with fire; And the victorious beast and the image of it, and the drawing of it, and the number of his name, stand on this glass sea, "which means a lot of saved. The sea is mixed with fire, because the fire in the Bible has two properties: one - the sinful sinner, the other - the enlightening righteous.

Seven new angels appeared in the sky. One after another, they pour into the ground seven bowls of the wrath of God, and the human genus is comprehended by great disasters.

When the first Angel poured the bowl, "cruel and disgusting purulent wounds were taken on people who had an inscription of the beast and worshiping it."

When the second angel poured his bowl into the sea, the water in the sea was like the blood of the dead man, and all animated in the sea died.

The third angel poured his bowl of his rivers and sources of water, and the water in them appealed to the blood.

And the fourth angel poured his bowl in the sun, the Sun was given to burn people with a strong heat.

The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the beast; And there was a kingdom of his gloomily. The lurpping kingdom of the beast means the gradual drop in its greatness and glory.

The sixth angel poured his bowl in great river Euphrates, and dried in her water to be ready to be the way kingdom from sunrise. The map of the ancient Roman empire will tell an explanation of this prophecy. Euphrates represented as if the border, the stronghold that prevents the kings with the army to go to the kingdom of Antichrist, that is, to Rome, to commit the court of God.

After the sixth Angel poured his bowl of anger, three unclean spirits came out of the mouth, like a toad. These spirits of the demonic collected all the forces of evil on the war against the forces of good "to the place called the Jewish Armageddon. Mount Magneddo is a terrain in Palestine, mentioned in the Holy Scripture. In ancient times, many battles occurred there.

These few lines from the "Revelation" have been interpreted by many centuries in a row, expecting from day to Armageddon's day - the battle of God with Satan, after which all humanity will die, except for all the pretended and faithful to the creator.

After the phenomenon of three unclean spirits, the Seventh Angel was "poured his bowl of his air: and a loud voice rang out of the temple of heaven from the throne: a loud voice rang out: happened! And there was lightning, thunder and voices and there was a great earthquake, which was not since people on earth. "

From this earthquake broke up "the city of the Great into three parts and the city of pagan felling", which means the final defeat of the kingdom of the beast.

One of the seven Angels informs John that the fate of Babylon is already solved - "the Great Bludnica, asking for the Bagry's Bever" with the seven heads. The forehead was identified by Rome with Babylon, which became the symbol of evil and lawlessness. And modern interpretatives believe that Babylon will really be the capital of an antichrist, a huge city, which is riching and extreme depravity of morals. His death will occur suddenly and rapidly, "one hour":

"Mountain, grief to you, a great city, dressed in Vison and Porphyra and a bugger, decorated with gold and stones with precious and pearls! For in one hour such wealth died! "

After the death of Babylon - "Great Bludnitsa" - John painting great babies in heaven, among the monitor of the saints and angels about the destruction of the kingdom of the Antichrist and the attack of the Kingdom of Christ. The kingdom of Christ is depicted as a "marriage of the Lamb", and all the righteous participation in the "married life of the lamb".

Then the divine bridegroom appears - the Lord Jesus Christ, ascending on a white horse. He was followed by a heavenly army also on white horses. The view of His Majestic and Grozen:

"The eyes of him like a firefire ... It was clothed in clothes, designed by blood ... From the floor, a sharp sword is coming to hit the peoples. He grabs their rod iron. " He is like a king with a multitude of diadem on his head, which means his power in the sky and on Earth.

And I saw John "The Beasts and the Kings of the Earth and the Histority of them collected to fight with the sitting on horseback and with his military. And he was captured by the beast and with him a false prophet, who made miracles in front of him, he seduced by the inscribed in the beast and worshiping his image: both lives were thrown into the lake fire, burning gray. And the other killed by the sword sitting on the horse. "

When the beast was lowered, an angel with keys came down from the sky and with a large chain in his hands. He grabbed the "Snake of the Ancient, who is the devil and Satan," fastened him for a thousand years and lowered him into the abyss and locked the key. But in a thousand years, Satan will be released for short time.

So, the land was freed from Satan for a thousand years and the millennial kingdom of Christ came. The number 1000 means a long period of time to the second coming of Christ.

A thousand-year-old kingdom is preceded by a terrible court. To those sitting on the thrones, which was given was to judge, the souls appeared beheaded for the testimony of Jesus. They resurrected and will reign with Christ a thousand years. This is the first resurrection only for the elect.

The first six poems of the twentieth chapter of the "Revelations" served as a reason for the emergence of the exercise on the "millennial kingdom of Christ on Earth", called "Hilliam". The essence of this teaching is such: shortly before the death of the world, Christ the Savior will come to Earth again, will hit the Antichrist, resurrecting the same righteous and will arrange a new kingdom on Earth, in which the righteous, as a reward for their feats and suffering, will reign together with him a thousand years, enjoying All the benefits of temporary life. The second, universal resurrection of the dead, the Universal Court and the Universal Retribution follows.

"When a thousand years old will be completed, Satan will be released from the dungeon of his own and come out to seduce the peoples located on the four corners of the earth, Goga and Magog, and collect them on Brani; The number of them like the sand is sea. "

These words mean that an antichrist will appear before the death of the world. The liberated Satan will try in the face of the Antichrist to prevented all the peoples of the Earth and will be hurt against the Christian church of Gogh and Magog.

Goga and Magoda some considered remote peoples, such as Scythians or Huns. But in the translation from Jewish, these two words mean the "Assembly of Peoples". So, Gogh and Magoga is just a metaphor that denotes the fierce hordes of the Antichrist, which he will lead against the Church of Christ.

"And the lights from the sky from God and drank them. And the devil, imposing them, leads to the lake, fiery and sulfur, where the beast and false prophets, and will suffer the day and night in the eyelids. "

For the final victory over the devil will be followed by the Universal Resurrection of the Dead and the Scary Court. John was given to see the "great white throne and sitting on it" - a trick trial over the human race.

"And I saw the dead, small and great faces facing God, and the books were revealed, and the other book was revealed, which is a book of life ... And he was judged by his own."

"Opened Books" mean acts and conscience of everyone, "said Andrei Kesarisky. And also they symbolize the omniscience to God, who are known all the affairs of people.

One of the revealed books is the "Book of Life", in which the names of the saints are written. Why only one "book of life"? Because few chosen chicks.

"And who was not recorded in the book of life, he was thrown into the fiery lake."

Under the "fiery lake", it is necessary to understand the eternal condemnation of sinners whose names did not fall into the book of life. And for saved death and hell will cease to exist, so they will not need to be afraid of death and hell.

"And I saw a new sky and a new land ... And I, John, saw the holy city of Jerusalem, a new, coming from God from the sky ..."

"New Jerusalem" is the image of the triumphant church of Christ after the coming

Christ and victory over the devil. And only those who are recorded from the Life in the book of life will enter it, those who remained faithful to Christ. And God himself will dwell with them in this wonderful city, and they will be the people.

In the final verses of "Revelations", John certifies the truth and loyalty of the said and reminds of the proximity of the Second Coming of Christ.

The first readers of "Revelations" are residents of the Greek cities of Malaya Asia and Jews, who understood Greek, did not solve and did not interpret the content of this book, they understood it well. The mysterious and wonderful images of the apocalypse were transparent to them and clear.

First, because almost all of them were inspired Old Testamentwho perfectly knew John theologian since childhood. All residents of Palestine, even servants and slaves, knew this book well, because the covenant was interpreted in synagogues and read in every home every day.

But not even knowing the Testament, a small contemporary contemporary John, with great interest, listened to reading his book, because it said about the current times and about what should be soon. For these readers and listeners of the apocalypse "Wife clothed in the sun and crowned with twelve stars," was, without a doubt, the people of Israel with his twelve knees. And the dragon with the seven heads personified the Roman Empire, his red color is the imperial mantle, and the seven goals of the dragon - seven emperors ruled before the appearance of the Apocalypse, - Julia Caesar, Augustus, Tiberia, Caligulu, Claudia, Nero, Galbu.

The beast with the seven heads that came out of the sea is another symbol of the Roman Empire. As you know, Rome stands on seven hills. Of course, John himself and the first Christians did not doubt that one of the heads of the dragon first received a fatal wound, and then healed. This is Nero, who committed suicide when he was rebelled against him, and then hearing was alive.

Historians assure that John's contemporaries did not make a difficulty to solve a riddle: "Here is wisdom. Who has the mind, he will consider the number of beast, for this is human number; His number six hundred sixty six. " Many of the ancient peoples of the numbers were denoted by the letters of the alphabet. If you substitute the letters above the number of 666, then the words "Nero Caesar". However, later this explanation was challenged more than once, and modern scientists believe that "the number of beasts" is never solved.

And under the Babylon, which became the symbol of violence and dishonor, and under the "Great Bludnice", ascending the bugger with his heads on the beogram with his heads, also intellite to Rome. And many details, not solved in later times, for the contemporaries of John were clear.

Passed several centuries. The terrible signs of the apocalypse - war and earthquake, the invasions of the locust and the hungry years were repeated with enviable regularity, each time confirming the truth of the prophecy of John. But many historical realities of the first millennium began to forget. Readers and listeners of the apocalypse no longer remembered, and interpreted, solved, explained the images and prophecies of the immortal book.

The mood of the primarily can be called joyful-eschatological and optimistic. They expected the end of the world without fear, because only incorrect had to die in the catastrophe. That loyal was promised to gain a new life in the kingdom of God.

For modern readers "Revelation" - a pessimistic book. If atomic war breaks around - everything will die, loyal and incorrect, the earth will turn into a barren desert.

Fourth-grainbed sacred believed that the lightweight would occur not by the will of people or any other reasons, but only by the will of God. Yes, of course, the war often began in the fault of kings or politicians. In revolutions, an evil human will also manifested. But then the church explained to his children that the wars were sent by the Lord to redeem the original sin.

Today, not only ordinary believers, but theologians recognize that the creators of potential catastrophes - environmental and military - can only be the people.

Almost two thousand years ago, John Theologian wrote his "revelation" and in the allegorical, very darkened form predicted the death of the evil forces and the celebration of the Church of Christ. But many believers who do not perceive allegory, too literally understood and understand the prophecies of John. And from day to day waiting for the end of the world. Especially since the Tinovidez indicated the exact time - forty two months, 1260 days, 666, a thousand years. How many times already - folding, subtracting, manipulating these numbers, "knowledgeable" people tried to calculate accurate year The onset of the end of the world!

Some repelled from the generally accepted year of birth of Christ, others - from the year of his crucifixion and ascension. Once proclaimed that the end of the world will come in 1000, then - in 1033, in 1260 and so on.

How did you expect this great event? Prayed, put their earthly affairs or finally threw them and went to the monasteries. The righteous people who believed themselves were rejoiced that they would finally leave the earthly yudol and see Heavenly Jerusalem. And sinners with trepidation waited a terrible court and fair retribution.

But time went, the catastrophe and war followed one after another, and the end of the world did not come. People are tired of waiting. Historians celebrate bursts and attenuation of apocalyptic sentiment and expectations. It `s naturally. But every time large historical shocks aggravated this apocalyptic sense of life. And people again began to read in the "Revelation" of John the Theologian and count - did not time come?

Historical shocks never went around

Russia party. They were plentifully and in the seventeenth century - split in the Orthodox Church, cruel crotses and hungry years, sea ulcers epidemics, the appearance of a taper comet. As a result of all these events, the "Revelation" of John the Bogosla was a very popular book in Russia, especially among the splitters.

Protopop Avvakum "calculated" on "Revelation" that the end of the world will come in 1666. Obviously, he simply folded the "number of beast" and 1000 years before the liberation of Satan from the abyss. Old Believers were people fanatical and very housing. They seriously reacted to the prediction of the rebellious protopopa. Some went to the forest or fled in the deaf seats of the North, Siberia and the Volga region. Others are not only hotly prayed the day and night in anticipation of the cherished day, but also "stuck", stopped taking food and died from hunger.

Self-immolation was mastered. In recent decades of the seventeenth century, only official statistics have registered thirty-seven self-advocations in which more than twenty thousand people died. The same supporters of Avvakum, who did not want to take away from life in this way, and decided to wait for the end of the world and die along with everyone, ordered themselves the coffins and made the funeral over each other.

In 1666, the end of the world did not come. Then his arrival was transferred to 1699, explaining that the error was embryo in the calculations. Avvakum to the very martyrdom continued to preach the arrival of the antichrist and the offensive end of the world. His followers saw Antichrist in Peter I.

Interest in the "Revelation" in Russia never weakened, but still the center of the apocalyptic expectations of the end of the world moved at the beginning of the nineteenth century to America. Preacher William Miller, allegedly immersed in the text of the Bible, discovered that it was on March 21, 1843 the second coming of Christ will occur and the kingdom of God will come. As with any prophet, endowed with the gift of words and beliefs, Miller had a lot of followers. On March 21, under his leadership, hundreds of people gathered on a large field outside the city to meet the end of the world. They expected pipe reading and coming of Jesus Christ ...

But did not wait. Miller explained to the disappointed flock, which was a little mistake, and suffered a coin day on October 22 of the same year. Then he transferred the coming of the end of the world twice. Despite the fact that Miller's prophecies did not come true, he became the founder of the Adventist sects (from the Latin "Adventus" - the coming). Adventists spread around the world and are still waiting for the second coming.

Nowadays, representatives of some other Christian communities (except Adventists) - Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals - are talking about the close Armageddon, the Holy War of Good and Evil, God against Satan. This Armageddon, of course, should be thermonuclear war, in a flame of which all humanity will die, except Jehovah's Witnesses and a few faithful to God.

Armageddon was appointed heads of these communities, allegedly receiving revelations from God himself, for 1914, then at 1925 and 1943. The prophecies did not come true. But every time shepherds explained to her flock that "the Lord hides its destination, but they need to wait and prepare, for the end of the world may come on any day"

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4. John Precade "was a man sent from God; His name John came to testify to testify about the light, so that everyone believed through it. He was not light, but was sent to testify about the light "/ In 1: 6-8 /. The next" coincidence ": on