Who was the legendary Russian Bogatyr Mikula Selyaninovich. Mikula Selyaninovich - Collective image of the Russian farmer

Early in the morning, the early sun gathered Volta to take Dani-Podachi from the cities of the shopping Gurchevtsa yes Orekhovts.

The village of Druzhina in good horses, at Kauryh stupid and went to the road. Well done in the pure field, in a wide detriment and heard in the pahahar field. Plows Pakhacar, pushing, the lemroys on pebbles are removed. As if the Pahohamber is somewhere in the next morning leads. Well done to Param, go day until the evening, and can not worry about it. You can hear how the PAKAR launches, heard how the sump shaves the lemshki, and do not see the pahahar himself and the eye.
Well done the other day before the evening, the whole Pahohar insters, the soshenka creates, the lemshki is removed, and there is no pahahar.

The third day goes in the evening, here only well done before Pahamar rehearse. Plowing Paharus plows, it takes his feet on the mare. The furrow puts how the Rips are deep, out of the ground, the oaks pulls out, the boulders' stones are discarded. Only Kudri Pahar swing, they scattered on his shoulders.
And the Fallet has a pahahar nudder, and Soka has a maple, silk juggles. Moved on him Volga, bowed to the courteous:
- Hi, good person, In the field of harder!
- Health if, Wolga Vslavshevich. Where do you hold the way?
- I'm going to the city of Gurchevts Yes Orechovets, to collect from trading people Dani Podachi.
"Eh, Volga Vseslavvich, in those cities all the robbers live, fight the skin with a poor pahahar, they collect duties for travel on the roads. I went there to buy salt, I purchased the salt three bags, every bag of a hundred pounds, put a gray hat and went home to myself. People surrounded me, trading, began to take from me. What I give more, those they want more. I got angry, he was angry, paid them a silk rull. Well, who stood, he sits, and who was sitting, he lies.
Wolge was surprised, Paharla bowed:
"Ay you, a glorious pahacar, mighty bogatyr, go with me for a friend."
- Well, I will go, Volga Veslavievich, it is necessary for them to give them - other men do not offend.
He took off the Pacquer with the sochs of the gear of the silk, straightening the felon gray, sat down on her with a ride and went to the road.
Specked well done half the way. Says Pakhaar Volga Veslavievich:
"Oh, we did something wrong, I left Karozde. You went the warroduks, so that the sushka from the grooves were pulled out, the land would have been shaken with her, they would have hooked under the Rakilan bush.
I sent Wolga to three warriors.
The tower they and so and the Syak, and they cannot raise the sushka from the ground.
Wolga sent ten Vityaze. They are twenty-hands, they are twenty-hands, and they can not contemplate.
Here I went to Wolga with all my friend. Thirty people without a single shuffled sushka from all sides, they were picked up, he left the knee to the ground, and did not move on the hair and on the hair.
Tears from the Falquet here, the Pacquer himself, took up the tower with one hand, he pulled it out of the ground, out of the lemshkov, the land looked out. Grass lem people cleaned.
The case was done and went warriors on the way, expensive.
Here they arrived under Gurchevets and Orekhovets. And there people are trading cunning: as a pahahar saw, the birch of oak on the bridge over the river Orekhovets.
Slightly squirmed on the bridge, broken oak, became well done in the river sink, began to die squirrel brave, were horses, people to go to the bottom.
Increased Volga with Mikula, they accepted, whipped their good horses, in one tube the river was jumpled. They jumped onto that abrahe and began to celebrate villains.
Pachacar beats, senses:
- Oh, you, greedy trading people! Guys of the city of bread feed, honey will sing, and you are sorry for salt!
Wolga Paletsu sinks for the warriors, for the heroic horses.
Steel people Gurechetsky repent:
- Forgive us for the villain, for tricks. Take from us Dani-Podachi, and let Pahary ride for salt, no one will count with them.
I took Wolga with the Dani-Podachi for twelve years, and went home.
Asks Pahar Wolga Vslavievich:
- You tell me, Russian Bogatyr, what is your name, are dominated by patronymic?
"Go to me, Volga Veslavievich, on my peasant yard, you will find out how people honor me."
We arrived a hero of the field. Pulled the Pacquer Soshenka, scorn with a wide pincer, sowed the golden grain ...
It is still burned, and a pahar field has a cooler with noise.
Dark night goes - Pacquicker Bread crams. In the morning I got excited, I shouted to the noon, namolol flour, pies started. In the evening we called the people on the honors feast. Steel People Pies are, BRAGU Drink Yes Pahar praise:
- Ay thank you, Mikula Selyaninovich!

Mikula Selyaninovich. A. P. Ryabushkin. 1895

Mikula Selyaninovich - Bogatyr-Pakhabar in the eponymies of the Novgorod cycle. His unusual name is most often associated with a spaticrous version formed from Nicholas. However, it is not excluded and something mean between Nikolai and Mikhail's names.

The mother of Cheese Earth itself gave birth to Mikul, and the main gift of his gift is to raise the "earth's burden", and more such a feat can no one of the heroes. From the glorious pahacary there is a whole genus Bogatyrsky: the daughter of His Vasilisa - the wife of Stavor Godinovich, and the second daughter Nastasya is the wife of Dobryni Nikitich. However, the famous maiden girls not only with their heroic husbands, but also their own feats.


Mikula Selyaninovich is a symbol of peasant power, and the power of this is inexhaustible. His gave birth to the earth itself. He serves and plow. There is no possibility to fight him, because "loves the Mother of Cheese Earth the whole genus Mikulov." When the Bogatyr Svyatogor cannot take a Suma in which the "earth's burden" concluded, it was Mikula that lifts it with one hand.


Some researchers of Russian epics bind the image of Mikuly Selinianovich with Nikolai Wonderworker. For example, it is believed that the feast of the Nikol of Sprint, which is celebrated on May 9, was a Mikulian day.

It is possible to provide an example of reverend the thunder of the thunderstorm, which later appealed to the celebration of Ilya Romovnik, and worship in front of the hair - St. Muscia. One of the evidence is the fact that the spring holiday of Nicholas the Wonderworker did not have. That is, Rusichi timed him to the day of Mother of the Holy Land, May 10. They worshiped her son Mikula, who most of all from the richie Russians was loved by peasants and farmers.

Slavny affairs

Mikula Selyaninovich. N. M. Matorin. Start XX century.

All the episos about Mikule Selyaninovich emphasize his relationship with strong russian. The favorite son of the mother of raw land, which in the legends is called "Oratayushko", endowed with the parental power to the parent. And therefore, no one can overcome the Mikulushka.

Mikula and Svyatogor. According to one of the epics about Svyatogore, the mighty bogatyr was unable to raise the Suma to Mikula Selininovich. In her lay "the earth's burden", which the mighty peasant himself lifted by one hand.

Mikula and Volga. At that time, when the Russian land of the princes of Kiev, they sent their servants of the trusted to collect tribute to cities and the villages. Wolga Svyatoslavovich was chosen one of the messengers. He met on the good of the power of the power of unprecedented, plowing the field with his dear, he turned the stumps out of the ground, and the stones were huge in a bunch dumped.

And how we started the conversation, so warned Pahar Wolgu: "The troubled way ahead is full of the road with dashing people and the robbers." And I decided to take a mighty well done to my satellites. Yes, they barely drove away, remembered Pahohacker, which left his hives on the field. I sent Wolga for her a squad, but all the warriors could not housing from the ground. Pakhacar returned himself and hove himself with one hand. And after admitted that he was Mikula Selyaninovich:

Simple peasant I, prince. Land Pasha. Bread Rus I feed.

Mikula Selyaninovich - at slavic mythology Hero-Bogatyr. Although it is not mentioned among the Kiev heroes, we will not meet him in the princely pears, and he does not participate in battles. Mikula Selyaninovich - Bogatyr-Pakhac, man. Next to the borty in the eponym, the prince of Wolga turns out, and at first it is exactly what Mikula is recognized through him. Volga with a squad goes to the Great Prince of the city granted to him here along the way and there is a meeting of the prince with a paham. First Wolga Only hears it.

Like yell. In the field Oratay *, Issues.
Cup of Orat creates,
Omeshiki ** Ceremony to pebbles.

And only on the third day, approaching finally to Param, the prince sees how work is going.

How yells in the field Oratay, I double.
And the furrows and he marks,
And the sinier, the root twisters,
And the big stones in the furrow is valit.

In this picture, there are details characteristic of the agricultural work of the Northern Russian peasant: it had to turn into arable land plots, diluted with boulders, and crumpled forest. But at the same time, the "Raisted Pure field" is drawn, which in the north could not be. As usual in the epons, it merges here that in reality never exists together. As a result of such a merger, an ideal picture is created. information from the site http: // Site
Unusual roads and beautiful tools of plowing:

At the oral mare Solla
Her houses are silk,
Cup with orata maple,
Omeshiki on the busty tank,
Susthek Silver,
And the rhymering of the sushka is red gold.

And finally, Wolga sees the pahahar himself at work:

And orata curls swing,
What is not scanned whether the pearls are scattered.
Orat's eyes have yes clear falcon,
And his eyebrows is yes black sable,
Orange boots green Safyan, -
Here is a spicy spot, the noses of the East,
Here under the fifth, the fifth of the Sparrow will fly,
Near the nose at least a rogue egg.
In the oral hat fluff,
And his cabin has a black velvet.

It is not true, Mikula is little similar to a person busy with heavy polar. With her appearance, he is rather reminiscent of Churilovich's Bogatyrovich Churilovich, who is preparing to the "contest" with Duc. Kudri, sore eyebrows are details from wedding songs depicting a handsome groom. The epics are not considered with the requirements of plausibility, when you need to create the perfect portrait of the hero. Wolga offers Mikule to go with him - it turns out that the PAKAR is not in freaks with citizens and is ready to help the prince. Mikula agrees - but you need to remove the hust, so that the same men do not get hung on her. Wolga sends the warriors to pull the hustle out of the ground, shake out the land and throw the "tower for rockets a bush." But they are unable to do it.

Here oratay-oratayushko
Does His mare Sinky
Came to the Cock Klenovenka,
He took something after all sushka with one hand,
SCHOE from the Earth Uz increased,
From Omeshikov, the land grunted,
Threw sushka for rockets bush.

And one more detail: the peasant mare unexpectedly discovers superiority over a combat volgino horse.

How the tail is spread in it,
And the mane is muffled,
Orat's mare went down.
And Volgin's horse yes, because it hits,
Orat's mare had a breast,
And Volgin Horse Yes remain.

The prestige of the prince-warrior is inflicted the strongest kick: the mare, accustomed to that only, to drag a hone, overtakes it easily of his combat horse and looks more spectacular. The prince is forced to show respect to the unknown Param.

- Ay you oratay-oratayushko!
Somehow you yes name call,
Did you make yes on Fatherland?

With such a question in Ancient Russia A simple peasant did not appeal. The names of the patronymic asked people significant, with a pedigree, for example, visitors of the hero. The answer orata approves other values. information from the site http: // Site

- Ay you Volga Svyatoslavovich!
I'm like a rian
yes home wave
Home to wave yes home to mellow
And I will give the beer yes men
- And here the men will be praised:
Young Selyanovich!

So in the eponymous nature of the free peasant labor, the beauty of simple peasant life, the dignity of the Department, the worker, the superiority of him in this sense over the prince and his servants.

We are usually chanting the military exploits of the warriors. Mikula Selyaninovich - special the epic hero. This is the legendary Plower, the farmer. Nickname Selininovich is formed from the noun. It indicates that Mikula is a rural resident. He Ostay - so in the old days called Paramen. Mikula Selyaninovich personifies the peasant power - the strength of the Russian people. There are many legends about it.
In one of the epic, he asks the giant of the Sochar, to raise the bag fell on the ground. When he did not cope with the task, Mikula Selyaninovich raises the bag with one hand and explains that it is "all the earth's whole burden" and raise it only by peaceful, hardworking Para.
In all epic legends, it is smart, incredibly strong, but not using its power in evil man. It is on it, and not on the warriors, Rus-Mother is holding.
Folk love for the Bogatyr-Pharia breaks even in the description of the appearance of Mikula:
And orata curls swing,

It is also poetic and in detail describes elegant clothing, in which the bogatyr in the field: Safyanovy boots, a fluff hat, a velvet cafeter. For Mikula Selyaninovich Favorite work - a holiday.
All the episodes were addressed by the simple labor nation. And, of course, through eponymous songs, I really wanted to show not only the tight feats of the warns, but also the beauty, the greatness of a person who is engaged in everyday peasant labor.
Comparative characteristics of Volga and Mikuly Selininovich.
In the epics about Prince Volga, Veslavievich and Pahara, the Misel Selyaninovich compare and compare these two heroes. In some of them, more advantages?
Prince Volga received from his uncle, the Grand Duke Vladimir, three cities and went there with her brave friend to get a tribute. They left in a purely field and heard the song orathed after work on arable land:
Cup of Orat creates,
Omeshiki on pebbles are read.
For more than two days, Wolga got to Mikuly after he heard his voice and Schi's creaking - that's how this mighty it was warmer!
But this exaggeration is used in the eponym not only in order to show the boat's boat strength. The hyperbole emphasizes which tremendous efforts requires his main work from man - the processing of the Earth. And, of course, this means are proud of the mighty in the work of the landpashers.
The whole army of Volga is trying to pull out from the land of hust, with which Mikula Selyaninovich is easily controlled. When Wolga and Mikula compete in force, the landpaste fears the entire princely squad. Respect for Mikule is penetrated by Prince Wolga. He surprisingly asks: "Who are you?" Mikula is responsible that he is an ordinary peasant, a plower who feeds the whole Mother of Russia.
The epic prince of Wolga is also not simple: he and strong, and clever, and Sladen. In addition, it has a magical wisdom, a witchcraft strength - can contact birds, fish, animals. And turning the bird or the beast, Volga does not lose his extraordinary warmer strength.
About Volga epics tell three interesting stories: On the wonderful birth of this heretcher, about his campaign to the Indian kingdom (in the Turkish land) and about his meeting with Paharama Mikula Selyaninovich, surpassed it in the "tricks-wisdoms".
If we compare these two epic warders, then we see that Volga loses in everything. Even the Horse Wolga is inferior in the speed of Mikula mare. The power of the entire princely "Friendies Horobra" is insignificant in comparison with the force of Mikuly Selinianinovich. In the eponym, Prince Wolga recognizes the superiority of Mikula and invites him to comrades.
Description in the eponymous appearance, clothes and work Mikuly Selinianovich.
With great love and admiration depicted Mikula Selyaninovich in all the well-known epics about him. Interesting means of artistic expressiveness and in the portrait, and in the description of the clothes of this hero.
Beautiful Bogatyr-Zemontashetz: Kudri He has Pearl, Clear eyes, Eyebrows thick and black:
And orata curls swing,
What is not scanned whether the pearls are scattered.
Orat's eyes have yes clear falcon,
And his eyebrows is yes black sable.
The pearl is rumored - it means the selected pearl, round, smooth. He admires Mikula Selyaninovich People's Personnel - many bright and beautiful epithets and comparisons for this found!
In detail, the details are described by the clothing of the mighty pahacary. Mikula boots are stitched from Safyan - from soft elastic goat skin: orathum green saffyan boots, sewing spots, noses of the era, near the nose of a row, under the fift of the sparrow. Heels (heels) of boots are compared with a seboard - they are thin and sharp, as awl. If under his spot, the sparrow will fly, it means that its heels are not only thin, but very high. And the noses in the boots are so smooth and smooth that it is possible to ride an egg. This is how the smartest we see the orathedral floor - he got dressed as a holiday! And all because the ancient narrator skillfully picked up a lot of wonderful epithets and comparisons.
In the eponym, the description of the work is orathin in the field.
How yelling in the field Ostay - Issues,
And the furrows he lies,
And the root of the root pulls out
And the banging of a stone in the furrow is valit.
We find detailed description Each detail:
Cup with orata maple,
Omeshiki on the busty tank,
Susthek Silver,
And the horch of the sushka is red gold.
If a modern man It will want to understand these details, it will turn out a completely definite picture: there are metal tips on the maple peak, which are made of the tight metal - from the boulat; When drying, there are silver suits - the blade for the decade of the Earth, and the knob itself at the soy (horch) is made of gold. What a bright description it turns out!
And, of course, there are constant epithets in almost every sentence: a clean field, blue sea, dark forests, Rakilan bush, a temple of the Torable. With their help, it is possible to show everything and briefly and describe anything. For example, when we meet a combination of a kind horse, we immediately understand that the horse at the hero of Mikula is a very strong, intelligent, hardy and devoted animal.
At the oral mare Solla
Higgles have no silk.
Solve mare is a horse of light brown suit, tail and mane which white color. Mikulah on his mare "Peña-King pulls", and the big starks do not circle a party, as they usually make the peasants, and plowing them into the furrow together with a plowed earthly, as if not noticing them. Beautifully running Ostaurants - admires his work of the epic story. Everything artistic means Expressiveness in the epics emphasize his love and respect for the mighty epic bogatyr.

(Dobryni Nikitich's wife)

Attributes: Sokha Specific traits: The only bogatyr that raises the "craving" Illustrations on Wikisklada K: Wikipedia: Link to the category of wikisklada is missing in Vikudan Mikula Selyaninovich Mikula Selyaninovich

Mikula Selyaninovich - The legendary Bogatar Bogatar in the Russian epunches of the Novgorod cycle.


The name of Mikula - Nikolai People's Form; Perhaps the result of contamination named Mikhail.


Bogatyr personifies peasant strength; It is impossible to beat him, since "the whole of Mikulov loves the Mother of Cheese Earth."

According to one of the epic, he asks the giant of the Sochar, to raise the bag fell on the ground. He does not cope with the task. Then Mikula Selyaninovich raises the bag with one hand, reporting that it is "all the earth's whole burden."

Mikula Selyaninovich, according to Folklore, there were two daughters: Vasilisa and Nastasya (Wives of Stauri and Dobryni Nikitic, respectively), which are also central heroines of the epic.

The epics dedicated to Mikule: "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich", "Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich".

Mikula and Nikolai Wonderworker

Communication of the Christian St. Nicholas Wonderworker with the epic hero of Mikula Selyaninovich. Interesting version of communication with the Day of the People's Calendar, Nikolova, P. I. Melnikov in 1874 leads:

Mikulyu is most of all the deathbed (the peasant, the farmer) honored ... He, the stale, he, the merciful breadwinner, and honest and more often he made the holidays ... He was in the honor there were tricks on the marriages -Mikulschniki.

As worshiping thunder thunder when the christianity is introduced, we have for the worship of Ilya Romovnik, and the worship of the Volos, the beard of God, - on St. Muscia, and the honorable Mikula Selyaninica translated on the Christian Saint - Nicholas Wonderworker. Something in Russia only more Nikola is gracious and celebrate. Spring Festival Nikolai Wonderworker, who is not in the Greeks, was borrowed by Russians from Latinan, to coincide with his mother's holiday of raw land, which loves "Mikula and Rod". The festival Mikule coincided with the name of Mother Earth. And so far, two folk holidays are next to: the first day of "Mikula with feed" (May 9 under Art. Art.), Another day (May 10 under Art.) "Name Day of Mother of Raw Earth".


    • Vasilisa Mikulishna - Wife of Stava Godinovich
    • Nastasya Mikulishna - Wife of Dobryni Nikitich

see also

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  • Melnikov-Pechurch P. I. . - 1874.
  • / Petrukhin V. Ya. // Mythological Dictionary / Ch. ed. E. M. Meltellin. - m. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - P. 358. - ISBN 5-85270-032-0.


  • . Checked March 16, 2009.
  • // Biographical Dictionary. 2000.

Excerpt characterizing Mikula Selininovich

- Semen! Danilub know?
It was a favorite dance of the graph, dancing them in his youth. (Danilo Kapor was actually one figure of Angleza.)
"Look at Dad," Natasha shouted at the entire hall (completely forgetting that she dances with great), bending his curly head to the knees and pouring her ringing laugh throughout the hall.
Indeed, everything that only was in the hall, with a smile of joy looked at the funny old man, who next to his sanovitoy lady, Marya Dmitrievna, who was higher than his growth, rounded his hands, shook out the shoulders in the tact, turned his legs, threw a slightly And more and more blooming a smile at his round face prepared the audience to what it would be. As soon as the funny Danils of the Duris, similar to the sleeper, the sounds of Danils, were sudden, all the doors of the halls suddenly were made on the one hand are males, with the other - the women's smiling faces of the courtyard, who came out to look at the funny barrike.
- My father is our! Eagle! - Speak loudly from the same door.
Graf danced well and knew it, but his lady did not know how much and did not want to dance well. Her huge body stood straight with lowered down powerful hands (she handed out Ridicul Countess); only one strict but beautiful face She danced. What was expressed in the whole round figure of the graph, Maryia Dmitrievna was expressed only in a more smiling face and a sinking nose. But, if the graph, more and more divergeting, captivated the audience the surprise of deft twists and light jumps of his soft feet, Mary Dmitrievna the slightest diligence when moving his shoulders or rounding hands in turns and femalities, made no less impressed by the merit that Her obesity and always severity. Dance was revived more and more. Visavi could not pay attention to themselves and did not even try about that. Everything was occupied by Count and Maryu Dmitrievna. Natasha jergal over the sleeves and the dress of all those present, which did not descend the eyes with the dancing, and demanded that they looked at Papyk. The graph in the gaps of the dance hardly translated the Spirit, waved and shouted to the musicians, so that they were playing soon. Rather, rather and rather, the graph was deployed, Lishe and Lishe, then on the tiptoe, then on heels, going around Maryia Dmitrievna and, finally, turning his lady to her place, made the last pa, holding up the back up the upstream of his soft leg, depressed head with a smiling face and rounded scope right hand Among the screamer and laughter, especially Natasha. Both dancing stopped, hardly transferring breathing and wrapping with batchers.
"This is how in our time we danced, Ma Chere," said Count.
- Ah da Danil Kapor! - It is hard and long-lasting spirit and drunk sleeves, said Marya Dmitrievna.

While Rostic danced in the Hall of the Sixth Angle under the sounds of the fatigue of fake musicians, and the tired waiters and cooks were preparing dinner, with the column of Duzhim, the sixth shot was made. Doctors announced that there is no hope for recovery; The patient was given a deaf confession and communion; They made cooking for cobbing, and in the house there was a love and alarm of expectations, ordinary at such minutes. Outside the house, behind the gate crowded, hiding from approaching crews, artists, waiting for a rich order for the funeral of the graph. Commander-in-Chief of Moscow, which incessantly sent adjutants to learn about the situation of the graph, this evening he came to say goodbye to the famous Ekaterininskoye noble, Count Zuhim.
The magnificent reception room was full. Everyone constantly got up when the commander-in-chief, having spent around half an hour with the sick, came out from there, slightly responding to the bows and trying to pass by the views of doctors, spiritual people and relatives as soon as possible. Prince Vasily, the thinner and pale over these days, accompanied the commander-in-chief and something quietly repeated him several times.
After conducting the commander-in-chief, the prince of Vasily sat in the hall one on the chair, thumping his legs on his leg, resting the elbow to the knee and closing his eyes. Singing so a few time, he got up and unusual hasty steps, looking around around frightened eyes, went through long corridor On the rear half at home, to the older princess.
In a weakly illuminated room, an uneven neck spoke among themselves and silenced every time and full of question and waiting with her eyes looked at the door, which led the dying and published a weak sound when somebody came out of it or entered it.
- The human limit, - said the old man, the spiritual face, a lady, who hollowed up to him and naively listening to him, - the limit is laid, it is not prose.
- I think it's not too late to bold? - adding spiritual title, asked the lady, as if not having no opinion on this matter.
- The Sacrament, Mother, Great, - answered a spiritual person, holding a hand in Lysin, on which several strands of combed half-headed hair ran.
- Who is who? The commander-in-chief himself was? - asked in the other end of the room. - What a daily! ...
- And the seventh tenth! What, they say, the count will not know? Want to bind?