A summary of works on literature. All works of the school curriculum in summary

It is very important to instill correct and healthy habits in a child from childhood. One of these useful and vital habits is the love of reading. A reverent attitude towards books will remain for a lifetime, if a child in childhood fell in love with this activity with all his soul. You have probably heard or read Deniskin's stories and you know who wrote this book.

Works by Viktor Dragunsky, collected in the collection "Deniskin's stories", recommended for reading almost from the very cradle. When a child reaches the age of two, it will be very interesting for him to listen to humorous stories of a children's writer, which his mother will read to him. And having learned to read, the kid himself will gladly absorb these works. After all, they are very easy to read, easy to understand and very addictive.

If you want to familiarize yourself with the book "Deniskin's Stories", you can find a summary of the best works from this collection in this article.

  1. Book abstract.
  2. "Enchanted letter".
  3. "The Englishman Pavlya".
  4. "Twenty years under the bed."
  5. "The secret becomes apparent."
  6. "Major Rivers of America".
  7. The Dog Thief.

Annotation of the book "Deniskin's stories"

This is a cycle of stories by the Russian writer Viktor Dragunsky about the boy Deniskwho gets into awkward comic situations all the time. The prototype of the image of Denis Korablev was the son of the writer, whose name even coincides with the main character of the works. From the summary of "Denis's Tales" on Wikipedia, we learn that the action takes place during the Soviet era, namely in the 50s and 60s in the city of Moscow.

Curious situations now and then haunt Deniska. He gets into them everywhere: at school ("Main rivers"), at home, in the yard. The boy has great imagination and resourcefulness. He has his own original approach to each problem, he is smart and tries to find the right solutions.

  • The collection of stories consists of 70 humorous stories.
  • The story is told on behalf of the main character, who is Denis Korablev.
  • The stories are written in a humorous genre, in a simple and understandable language.

Each child will imagine himself in the place of the protagonist and experience unpleasant moments with Denis. And also in the book of Dragunsky it is clearly shown what is good and what is bad", so your kid will learn to do the right and deliberate actions in order not to get into unpleasant situations like Denis Korablev.

Book review

I am the mother of a 4-year-old son and I enjoy reading him a book by Viktor Dragunsky. He really likes the main character, and he laughs at the ridiculous situations that Denisk often finds himself in.

Natalia, 28 years old

Review of the work

Easy to read. I read it with great interest, without stopping. Very funny stories. I liked. Therefore, I recommend this book to everyone.

Ivan, 11 years old

"Enchanted letter"

Once upon a New Year children played in the yard. And then a truck with a Christmas tree drove up. As the movers carried out the Christmas tree, the children were overwhelmed with delight. They stared at the spruce and enthusiastically shared their impressions with each other. There were three of them: Deniska, friend Alyonka and Mishka. And then the girl screeched joyfully and exclaimed: "Look, detectives!" The guys started laughing at her, but it turned out that no one could pronounce this simple word correctly.

Alyonka could not do this because of a missing tooth, and Mishka was dying with laughter, grimacing and mocking the poor girl. But, as it turned out later, he himself could not pronounce the enchanted letter. All he could do was "Hykhki". Deniska laughed the loudest, but on the way home he said "Fyfki". Oh, this enchanted letter!

"Englishman Pavlya"

The story begins with a description last summer day in the Korablev family... On the eve of September 1, dad brought home a large watermelon, so all family members sat at the table and devoured this delicious delicacy. Then his friend Pavlya, whom he had not seen all summer, came to visit Deniska.

In the process of communication, it turned out that Pavel did not waste time in vain in the summer, but studied English. Denis became very jealous, because he wasted his time playing games and entertainment. Denis's mom and dad began to be actively interested in what Pavel can pronounce in a foreign language and why he does not use his knowledge. However, as it turned out later, Pavel mastered only one word, and even that was the name Petya in English - Pete. This is where his knowledge ended.

"Twenty years under the bed"

One cold winter evening Deniska's parents went to the cinema, and Mishka came to him and invited him to visit. The boy happily agreed and, quickly getting ready, went with a friend. Mishka's guests were full of people: Andrei, Alyonka, Kostik and he and Deniska. The guys decided to play hide and seek, leaving the kids to lose. It was not interesting to play in the room, so the children went out into the corridor, hiding under fur coats and curtains.

However, Deniska, once again trying to hide, found that his secluded place was occupied, and not finding anything suitable, slipped into the next bedroom of Efrosinya Petrovna and hid under the bed. The boy was scrolling in his head how wonderful it would be when Kostya finds him here and is surprised at his resourcefulness. But things didn't start to go according to plan.

Instead of Kostik an old woman entered the room and went to bedturning off the light in the room. Deniska panicked, many thoughts were spinning in his head, but he could not think of anything suitable. After sitting under the bed long enough and completely desperate, Denis accidentally hit the trough that stood under the bed. The old woman woke up and started screaming. With difficulty the boy got out from under the bed, sneezing from the accumulated dust, and, confusing the wardrobe with the door of the room, climbed into it. Well, then Denis's dad came and rescued his son from "20-year captivity", as the boy thought that he had been sitting under the bed for an eternity.

"The secret is revealed"

This funny story happened to Deniska, when he didn't want to eat semolina... Mom insisted, but the boy could not cram the hated semolina into himself. Then my mother promised that she would take her son to the Kremlin if he empties the plate. Deniska really wanted to get there, so he tried to swallow porridge. He tried in every possible way to improve its taste, but the semolina only became nasty.

When mom left the room, the boy decided to act immediately: he took a plate and poured it out the window. Returning to the place, he imagined how wonderful the day would be, and that he would finally get to the Kremlin! However, Denis's dreams were interrupted by a knock on the door. An angry man in a suit was standing in the doorway, and semolina was dripping down his clothes in thin streams. At this point, our hero realized that he could not see the Kremlin as his own ears, and that everything secret would sooner or later become apparent.

"Major rivers of America"

This curious incident happened to Deniska at school... The boy did not learn his homework because he was busy playing all evening. In the morning, late for school, he realized that he needed to learn a verse and prepare for geography by learning the rivers of America. Korablev was summoned to the blackboard, and his teacher Raisa Ivanovna wanted to hear Nekrasov's poem. But Denis began to read Pushkin, pretending to be a fool. His friend Mishka suggested that it was necessary to learn Nekrasov's poem, but Denis could not hear the name of the verse and said: "A peasant with a marigold."

Raisa Ivanovna did not want to give a bad mark to Denis, so she wanted him to answer at least something. She asked to name the largest river in America. The boy did not know what to answer, but his classmate Petya decided to help by writing the name of the river on a piece of paper. Denis said with relief: "Misi-pisi". Of course, this was wrong, and the whole class, including the teacher, began to laugh to tears.

Having received a deuce in his diary, Deniska made a promise to himself that he would always learn his lessons.

Dog Thief

When Deniska was at the dacha, a most amusing story happened to him. Once his neighbor asked to watch the dog Chapka, and he went to the river to swim. The boy played with the dog, but soon he got tired of this activity. And then another friend Vanya walked past the fence with a fishing rod and called Denis to fish on the river. The boy said that he could not leave the dog, but Vanka advised him to hide the Chapka in the house.

Having sent the dog under house arrest, Deniska decided to catch up with his friend, went around the corner, but saw Chapka. Deciding that the dog had escaped, he dragged the dog home. Having coped, Denis again went to the river, but soon he saw Chapka again. She was angry with the boy and did not want to go home. Therefore, Denis covered her with nonsense and dragged her home. Throwing the dog into the room, the boy started to run to Vanka, but it didn't work! He again met ... Chapka, again returned home with the dog and, having checked all the locks and doors, ran tired to the river.

When Deniska ran to the river, he saw that his friend had already caught fish and was going home. Then they decided to return to the river after lunch and went to the house of their neighbor Boris Klimentievich. When the guys approached the house, they saw a whole crowd near the gate. It turned out that Deniska kidnapped other people's dogs, mistaking them for Chapka... The story ended happily, the owners found their scotch-terriers, and the neighbor called Denis "The Dog Thief".

  • summaries of books;
  • quotes.

Brevity is the soul of wit


We did not disregard the biographies of the writers, supplementing this section with photographs and the opportunity to evaluate the work of a famous person. Note that all biographies are written in an interesting way, because, as a rule, it is boring to read them in other sources. We approached this issue differently and did everything to make the reader satisfied.

In the book section, everyone can find their own selection of the best works on a specific topic. Also in the "Books" you can find exciting and popular novelties for reading. Stay up to date with new literary events with us!

Literary themes are wide enough in their space. Therefore, we have opened a blog for our readers, where you can find a lot of interesting and useful information on literature.

Quotations have long become a particularly beloved literary review. This section contains quotes from famous books that can be assessed positively or negatively. Your opinion is important!
For any questions regarding our work, you can contact the contacts listed on the site.

M .: 1999 .-- 616 p.

In this book you will find a summary and a detailed analysis of all the works included in the school curriculum on literature, biographical information about the authors, abstracts of critical articles. The book is an irreplaceable assistant for school students and applicants during classes and when entering a university. The book will be very useful in preparing for the exam in literature, writing essays, as well as for general development. Especially valuable in this book is that it contains brief biographical information about the authors (Born., Studied., What and when he wrote., Where and when he died.). The book also contains a theory of literature (types of literature, genres, trends, etc.).

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Childbirth of literature 3
Epic genres 3
Lyric genres 4
Drama genres 5
Literary trends and trends 8
Classicism 9
Romanticism 10
Sentimentalism 13
Naturalism 14
Realism. ... 15
Symbolism 17
Literary trends in Russia in the XIX-XX centuries.
Natural School 18
Acmeism 19
Futurism 19
Imagism 21
OBERIU (Association of Real Art). 21
The structure of a work of art
Artwork idea 22
Fiction plot 22
Composition of artwork 22
Poetics of a work of art, figures of speech 23
Features of poetic speech and versification
Stanza 25
Rhyme. 25
Foot 25
Double sizes 25
Three-syllable poetic dimensions 26
"A word about Igor's regiment, Igor Svyatoslavich, Olegov's grandson"
Summary. 28
"The words..." . 29
Brief biographical information. thirty
Ode "On the day of accession to the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna",
1747 31
"Evening meditation on the majesty of God on occasion
great northern lights ". 32
Curriculum Vitae 33
Ideological and artistic content of Derzhavin's od 33
"For the Lords and Judges" .34
Curriculum Vitae 35
"Quartet" 35
"Swan, Pike and Cancer" .36
"Dragonfly and Ant" 37
"The Crow and the Fox" 38
Curriculum Vitae 38
"Forest Tsar" 39
"Svetlana" (excerpt) 40
Curriculum Vitae 42
"Woe from Wit"
Executive summary 43
I. A. Goncharov. "Million of Torments" 55
Brief biographical information. 56
"Belkin's Tale"
"Station keeper" 58
"The young lady-peasant" .59
Ideological and artistic originality of "Belkin's Tales" 60
Executive summary.61

"Dubrovsky". 65
"Captain's daughter"
Executive summary 66
Ideological and artistic originality of the story
"The Captain's Daughter" 71
"Little Tragedies"
"The Miserly Knight" 72
"Mozart and Salieri". 75
"The Stone Guest" 78
"A Feast in Time of Plague" 83
Ideological and artistic originality
"Little Tragedies" 85
Lyric genres of Pushkin 87
The theme of the poet and poetry in the work of Pushkin 88
Reflection of the ideas of "poetry of reality"
in the lyrics of Pushkin (after Belinsky) 93
The theme of love in the lyrics of Pushkin 94
Philosophical Lyrics 96
"Eugene Onegin"
Executive summary 97
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel in verse
"Eugene Onegin" . 111
Belinsky about Pushkin's novel (Articles 8 and 9) 112
Author's digressions and the image of the author in the novel
"Eugene Onegin" 116
Curriculum Vitae 126
"Hero of our time"
Executive summary 127
V. G. Belinsky about the novel "A Hero of Our Time" 137
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"A Hero of Our Time" 139
"A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young oprichnik and daring merchant Kalashnikov ..."
Executive summary 140
Ideological and artistic originality of the "Song ..." .141
Belinsky about "Song ...". 142
Executive summary 142
. 144
Belinsky about the poem "Mtsyri" 144
The main motives in the lyrics of Lermontov 145
Curriculum Vitae 155
Executive summary 156
Ideological and artistic originality of the comedy "The Inspector General". ... 163
Executive summary 166
Ideological and artistic originality of the story "Overcoat". ... 168
"Dead Souls"
Executive summary 168
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
"Dead Souls" 183
On the second volume of Dead Souls 185
Curriculum Vitae 186
"Fathers and Sons"
Executive Summary 186
D.I. Pisarev. "Bazarov" 200
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Fathers and Sons" 204
N. A. Nekrasov
Curriculum Vitae 206
"Who lives well in Russia"
Executive summary 207
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem
"Who lives well in Russia" 236
Periodization of creativity 237
"Yesterday at six o'clock ..." 238
"Reflections at the main entrance" 238
"In memory of Dobrolyubov". 241
"Elegy" 242
Curriculum Vitae 243
Executive summary 243
Ideological and artistic originality of the drama "Thunderstorm" 252
Brief biographical information. 256
Executive summary 257
N. A. Dobrolyubov. "What is Oblomovism?" 274
F.I. Tyutchev
Curriculum Vitae 278
"Spring Thunderstorm" 279
"Spring waters" 279
"There is in the autumn of the original ..." 280
"The mind cannot understand Russia ..." 280
"When decrepit forces ..." 280
Curriculum Vitae 281
"I came to you with greetings ..." 282
"Whisper, timid breathing ...". ... 282
Curriculum Vitae 283
"My bells ...". 284
"Amid a noisy ball, by chance ..." 284
From the works of Kozma Prutkov. "From Heine" 285
Curriculum Vitae 285
"Lord Golovlevs"
Executive Summary 286
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel
"Lord Golovlevs" 293
Fairy tales
"The story of how one man of two generals
fed ". 294
"The Wise Piskar" 295
Ideological and artistic originality
tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin 296
Curriculum Vitae 297
"White Nights"
Required Information 298
Executive summary 299
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 300
"Crime and Punishment"
Required information 300
Executive summary 300
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 317
Brief biographical information ..... 319
"War and Peace"
Summary 320
Ideological and artistic originality of the epic novel
"War and Peace" 416
"War and Peace" as an artistic whole 416
"People's Thought". ... 416
"Family thought" 420
Female Images in the Novel 422
Spiritual quest of the heroes of Tolstoy (Andrey Bolkonsky
and Pierre Bezukhov) 424
"War and Peace" - an epic novel (genre originality) 426
"Dialectics of the soul" (features of psychologism
Tolstoy) 427
"After the ball"
Summary. 428
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 429
Curriculum Vitae 430
"Ward number 6"
Summary 430
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 435
Summary 436
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 438
"The Cherry Orchard"
Summary. 438
Ideological and artistic originality of the play 443
Curriculum Vitae 445
"Old Isergil"
Executive summary 447
Ideological and artistic originality 450
"Chel kash"
Executive summary 450
Ideological and artistic originality "453
"Song of the Petrel" 453
"Song of the Falcon" 454
Ideological and artistic originality of "Songs
about the Burevestnik "and" Songs about the Falcon "456
"At the bottom"
Executive summary 457
Ideological and artistic originality of the play "At the bottom" 464
Curriculum Vitae 465
Executive summary 465
Ideological and artistic originality of the story 473
Curriculum Vitae 474
"Antonovskie apples" 476
"Lirnik Rodion" 477
"Chang's Dreams". 478
"Sukhodol" 479
The originality of realism I. A. Bunin, I. A. Bunin
and A.P. Chekhov. 481
Genres and styles of works by I. A. Bunin; 482
"Eternal themes" in the works of I. A. Bunin 482
I. A. Bunin's works about the village. Problem
national character, 483
"Cursed days"
Ideological and artistic originality 484
Curriculum Vitae 484
Stories Summary:
"Bargamot and Garaska". ... 485
"Petka at the dacha" 486
"Grand Slam" 486
"The Story about Sergei Petrovich" 487
The theme of loneliness in the stories of L. Andreev 488
Judas Iscariot
Executive summary 489
Ideological and artistic, veneny originality of the story
Judas Iscariot 491
Curriculum Vitae 492
"Anna Snegina"
Executive summary 492
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem. ... 49 7
"Letter to Mother" 498
"Uncomfortable liquid moonlight ..." 499
“The feather grass is sleeping. The plain is dear ... "501
Curriculum Vitae .....; 502
"Factory" 502
"Stranger" 503
"Russia" 505
"On the railway" * . ... ... ... 506
Summary 508
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 512
Curriculum Vitae 514
Satire in the lyrics of V.V. Mayakovsky 515
The theme of the poet and poetry in the work of V.V. Mayakovsky 516
"At the top of my voice" 518
Summary 524
Ideological and artistic originality of the poem 533
"Silver Age" of Russian poetry
Curriculum Vitae 534
"Fantasy" 535
"I was dreaming of catching the outgoing shadows ..." 536
"Reeds". 536
Curriculum Vitae 537
"To the young poet" 538
"Creativity" "538
"Shadows" 539
Curriculum Vitae 539
"On the mountains." 540
"Could you?" 541
"Violin and a little nervous" 542
Curriculum Vitae 543
"Freedom comes naked ..." 544
"Don't be naughty!" ... 544
Brief biographical information .... ". 545
"It was by the sea" 546
Overture. 546
"Igor Severyanin". ... 546
"Classic Roses". ... ... 547
Brief biographical information. 547
"Giraffe" 548
"Worker" 549
Curriculum Vitae 550
"I was given a body - what should I do with it ..." 551
"The air is cloudy, humid and echoing ..." 551
"The bread is poisoned and the air is drunk ...", 552
"Leningrad". 553
"You and I will sit in the kitchen ..." 553
"I'll tell you with the last ..." 553
"For the explosive valor of the coming centuries ..." 554
"Armed with the sight of narrow wasps ..." 554
"We live without feeling the country ..." 555
A. A. Akhmatova
Curriculum Vitae 555
"I have learned to live simply, wisely ...". ... ... 556
“I had a voice. He called comfortably ... ".556
"Twenty first. Night. Monday ... "557
From Requiem * 557
Brief biographical information. ... 561
"February. Get ink and cry ... ". 562
"Winter Night" 562
"In everything I want to walk ..." 563
Curriculum Vitae 564
Virgin Soil Upturned
Summary. 565
Ideological and artistic originality of the novel 597

Written with extraordinary touching story about how a 9-year-old boy, sent from the village to study with a Moscow shoemaker, wrote a letter home to his grandfather. Vanka tearfully complained that in his new place the owners and apprentices offend him, and asked to take him home from Moscow. Having sealed the envelope and wrote the address: "To the village for grandfather, Konstantin Makarych," Vanka took it to the mailbox and went to bed, seeing his native village, grandfather and Vyun's dog in his dreams.

Chekhov "Vanka" - a summary of the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "The Lady with the Dog" - briefly

Muscovite Dmitry Dmitrich Gurov had many love relationships. He was accustomed to looking at women somewhat downright, as unstable and malleable creatures. Starting another short romance on vacation in Yalta, he did not expect that a sincere and defenseless lady with a dog, Anna Sergeevna, would captivate him in earnest.

The stay in Yalta quickly ended in parting. Returning to Moscow, Gurov hoped that he would quickly forget Anna Sergeevna, as he had forgotten many others before. But thoughts of her haunted him relentlessly. Dmitry Dmitrievich went to the city of S., where a lady lived with a dog, and found her there. Anna Sergeevna admitted: she, too, was thinking about him all the time.

She began to visit Gurov in Moscow, staying at a hotel. He was married, and she was married, so they had to meet in secret. The tragic dichotomy of secret and overt life deeply depressed both. Together they were looking for a way out of a sad dead end ...

For more details, see Chekhov's separate article "Lady with the Dog" - a summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, story "House with a mezzanine" - briefly

The artist, who came to rest in the village, met the inhabitants of the neighboring estate, where there was a house with a mezzanine. They were an elderly noblewoman Ekaterina Pavlovna and her two unmarried daughters, the eldest Lydia and the youngest Zhenya. Imperious, stern and dry Lydia adhered to "advanced" views and with such persistence devoted herself to "social activities" that she neglected her own happiness, at the same time paying little attention to the personal concerns of her relatives. Young Zhenya, nicknamed Misyus, did not at all resemble her sister. Very kind, sincere and sincere, she treated her surroundings with trusting openness and heartfelt sympathy.

Unbeknownst to himself, the artist fell in love with Misyus. But enmity constantly grew between him and Lydia, who disposed of the house with the mezzanine as a family tyrant. Noticing that the artist treats her ironically, Lida opposed the rapprochement between him and Misyus and did not hesitate to condemn them both to loneliness.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "House with a Mezzanine" - a summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Darling" - briefly

The plump and kind daughter of a petty official, Olenka, was imbued from a young age with a desire to love someone - and so passionately that she could belong to a loved one without a trace. For a bright, happy smile that does not leave Olenka's face when she is in love, acquaintances call her Darling.

Dearie's personal life is not going well. She turns her love on the nervous, unlucky owner of the theater Kukin, but he soon dies. Darling marries the sedate, respectable clerk Pustovalov, however, six years later he also leaves for another world. Communication with the military veterinarian Smirnin ends when his regiment leaves somewhere far away. Little darling remains alone and she almost perishes without love. But Smirnin returns to the city with his wife and young son Sasha, and Olenka transfers all his unquenchable passion to this 9-year-old boy, whom his own mother does not care about.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Darling" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Intruder" - briefly

The peasants of one village next to the railway unscrewed the nuts with which the sleepers were attached to the rails, then making them weights for fishing rods. Due to their ignorance, they did not understand that such unscrewing could cause a train wreck. One such "intruder", Denis Grigoriev, was caught by a road guard. During the interrogation, the forensic investigator could in no way explain to Denis that the absence of nuts on the rails could lead to the death of people. Dark Denis only assured that he had never even thought about killing, and the nut is well suited for a sinker - both heavy and there is a hole. And without sinkers, only fools catch fish ...

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "The Intruder" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

A film based on the story of A.P. Chekhov "The Intruder"

Chekhov, the story "Ionych" - briefly

In the provincial town of S., the inhabitants led a worthless existence. The Turkins' family was considered the most educated and gifted here, where the father from year to year sprinkled the same set of artificial, boring witticisms and ornate phrases, the mother wrote bad novels, and daughter Ekaterina (Kotik) played the piano, paying no more attention to to the soul of the music, but to the complexity of the passages.

It was on such an environment that the doctor Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a not stupid person, with good inclinations, ended up. The environment immediately began to strongly influence him in the negative direction, dropping to a general flat level. At first, in Dmitry Ionych, it was as if the ghost of a strong feeling caught fire. He fell in love with a young attractive Kitten. But his emotional impulse was quickly cooled by the coldness of the narrow-minded girl: she said that she dreamed of the loud glory of the artist and did not want to bind herself with family life.

Kitty went to study in Moscow, and Startseva was completely sucked in by the city routine. Not finding a higher goal, he began to think only about money, over the years he grew more and more fat in body, coarse in soul, imbued with callousness towards people.

Kitty's career in the capital failed. Returning from there, she tried to charm Dmitry Ionych again, but he had already completely lost the ability to passionate interests. The life of both of them degenerated into a painful void, which now could not be filled with anything significant.

Chekhov "Ionych" - a summary and Chekhov "Ionych" - a summary by chapters. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Kashtanka" - briefly

The young dog Kashtanka, who lived in the family of the drunken carpenter Luka and his son, who mocked her, once got lost on the street. She was picked up by a kind clown who performed in a circus with animals. The new owner treated Kashtanka well, fed her deliciously and began to teach her artistic tricks. At his home Kashtanka met a trained cat, a goose and a pig - Fyodor Timofeich, Ivan Ivanovich and Khavronya Ivanovna.

When the goose suddenly died, after a horse stepped on it, the clown decided to take Kashtanka to the show instead. The dog first saw the bright circus arena. Kashtanka's performance on it began very successfully, but the audience suddenly heard the cries of her old masters. Luka and the boy Fedyushka were here and called Kashtanka. Out of dog loyalty, she rushed from the arena through all the rows to these rude, cruel people, forgetting the kindness of the clown, his care and delicious meals.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Kashtanka" - a summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Gooseberry" - briefly

The official Nikolai Ivanovich, who sat in the city office until his old age, dreamed all his life to buy himself a country estate, with beautiful nature, green grass, a river - and always with gooseberry bushes in the garden. For the sake of this dream, he saved on everything, ate and dressed poorly, and put his salary in the bank. For the same purpose, Nikolai Ivanovich married an old, ugly, but rich widow and then kept her in such poverty that she quickly died. Having retired, the official bought himself an estate. There he was soon visited by his brother.

My brother saw a rather poor estate in an inconvenient place, where two neighboring factories so littered the river that the water in it was the color of coffee. When buying the estate, there were no gooseberries in it, but Nikolai Ivanovich ordered 120 bushes for himself and planted them himself. During the brother's visit, they just gave the first harvest. When the cook brought a plate of gooseberries to the table, Nikolai Ivanovich began to eat it almost with tears in his eyes, saying: "How delicious!" My brother, having tasted the berries, felt that they were sour and hard. But in front of him sat a happy man who thought that his cherished dream had been fulfilled, and he was now glad to deceive himself.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Gooseberry" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Horse surname" - briefly

Retired Major General Buldeev got a toothache. No means helped to relieve the pain, and the general did not want to remove the tooth. Buldeev's bailiff Ivan Yevseich said that his acquaintance Yakov Vasilich, who lives in Saratov, heals teeth well with a conspiracy. You can give him a telegram there, and he will read his conspiracy "at a distance."

But to send a telegram it was necessary to know the name of Yakov Vasilich. Ivan Evseich forgot her - he only remembered that she was "horse": it comes from a word associated with horses. The general promised to give five rubles to the one who guessed the horse's name, and all his servants ran after the clerk all day, asking: “Stallions? Kopytin? Troikin? Merinov? Trotty? "

The bailiff himself wrinkled his forehead for hours in vain meditation. Only the next day did he remember the horse's name: Ovsov. But the general, unable to endure the pain, had already pulled out a tooth from the doctor, and did not give five rubles.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Horse surname" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "The Bride" - briefly

A young girl Nadia Shumina lives richly in the provinces and is preparing to get married. However, in the last days before the wedding, the soul of this bride is filled with emptiness. Under the influence of conversations with the "eternal student" Sasha, Nadia's desire to "turn her life around" grows, to strive into the distance towards a beautiful dream.

The bride abandons her fiancé Andrey and, with Sasha's help, runs away from home, from her grandmother and mother to go to study in St. Petersburg. Nadia and Sasha believe: a miraculous transformation of all earthly existence will soon take place and enlightened, educated people will become the driving force of this great revolution.

For more details, see the separate article by Chekhov "The Bride" - a summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "About Love" - \u200b\u200bbriefly

The landowner Alekhin strikes up a close friendship with the family of Judge Luganovich and falls in love with his young wife, Anna Alekseevna. She is also fond of Alyokhin, but both of them do not dare to directly confess to each other their passion. Alekhin does not want to ruin the happiness of the Luganovich family, where his husband and children treat him well. Anna also hesitates to change her life. Several years pass in mutual silent and sad sympathy between the two of them, until, according to the new official appointment of Luganovich, the family has to leave for a remote province. Sobbing at parting forever, Anna Alekseevna and Alekhin finally realize how stupid and petty everything was that hitherto prevented them from uniting.

For more details, see Chekhov's separate article "On Love" - \u200b\u200ba summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov "Chamber number 6" - briefly

Dr. Andrey Efimich Ragin, the head of a hospital in a small town, is an intelligent and cultured person, but without a bright, stubborn will. Considering himself powerless to get rid of the surrounding vices, Ragin washes his hands and satisfies his spiritual interests only by reading books on humanitarian topics. To justify himself, Andrei Yefimitch develops a special philosophy like stoic ideas about indifference to the vicissitudes of fate.

But the purposelessness of existence gradually weighs on Ragin. There are no people among urban society who can understand it. One day, the doctor accidentally enters ward No. 6 - a hospital wing for keeping the insane - and talks to Ivan Dmitrich Gromov, who suffers from a persecution mania. Once a very educated man, Ivan Dmitritch ridicules Ragin's philosophy, arguing that a living feeling and empathy must be developed in oneself, and not suppressed.

The doctor at first tries to argue, but the instinct of justice forces him to admit that the madman is right. The collapse of the former comfortable worldview leads Andrey Yefimich to a mental crisis. The doctor's behavior is so striking in the vulgar, indifferent urban society that he himself is locked up in ward No. 6.

For more details, see individual articles: Chekhov "Ward No. 6" - summary and Chekhov "Ward No. 6" - summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "A Letter to a Learned Neighbor" - briefly

The retired sergeant of the Don Army Vasily Semi-Bulatov from the village of Bliny-Seedy is writing an illiterate letter to a neighbor, a well-known scientist who recently arrived from St. Petersburg. In the lines of the letter, Semi-Bulatov expresses his admiration for science, but rebelles against "implausible" theories about the origin of man from a monkey and about the possibility of life on the Moon. The police officer also expounds an important discovery that he himself made: the day in winter is so short because it shrinks from the cold, and the night is lengthened by the heat of burning lamps and lanterns.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Letter to a learned neighbor" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Jumping" - briefly

The frivolous young lady Olga Ivanovna loves to surround herself with artists, actors, musicians, and she herself is slightly ascetic in various types of arts. By chance, she marries Dr. Dymov, whom she considers not a wonderful person. Dreaming of someday turning the head of an outstanding genius, Olga Ivanovna leads a wide life with weekly receptions, picnics, and field trips. Dymov, on the other hand, is only allowed to work and earn.

Out of love for his wife, the doctor behaves unassumingly in family life. He fulfills all the whims of Olga Ivanovna and even puts up with her obvious betrayal. Only after Dymov dies from infection with diphtheria, Olga suddenly realizes: most of her art friends are petty, miserable nonentities, and her modest, shy husband was that truly large figure that she had been looking for for so long.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Jumping" - a summary by chapter. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, short story "Rothschild's Violin"

Undertaker Yakov, nicknamed "Bronze", was a rude, grumpy man. He constantly beat his wife, quarreled with acquaintances and, out of poverty, all his life thought only about money. Knowing how to play the violin, Bronze often played music at weddings with a local Jewish orchestra for the sake of earning money and felt a strong dislike for a flutist named Rothschild, a plaintive Jew with a haggard face.

But when Jacob's wife, Martha, suddenly died, he felt a strong melancholy. He had never thought about his life before, but now he realized how ugly and stupidly he wasted it on trifles. Soon Bronze himself became terminally ill. In his dying penance, he bequeathed to give his violin to Rothschild, whom he had often offended before.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Rothschild's Violin" - a summary e ... On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, story "Death of an official" - briefly

A petty official Ivan Dmitrich Chervyakov, sneezing in the theater, accidentally splashed General Brizzhalov, who was sitting in front of him. Although Brizzhalov was not his boss, Chervyakov obsequiously climbed to him with an apology. The next day he went to apologize to the office run by the general, and was so annoying that he finally told him to go out. From the shock, the official barely made it home, and there he lay down on the sofa and died.

For more details, see Chekhov's separate article "Death of an Official" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Fat and Thin" - briefly

Two former high school classmates - fat Mikhail and thin Porfiry - met by chance many years later at the railway station and began to tell each other about their life. Their conversation began in a very friendly way, but the subtle sycophant, having learned that his fat comrade had risen to a high official rank, began to address him "Your Excellency" and pulled himself into line.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Thick and Thin" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Tosca" - briefly

Petersburg cabman Iona Potapov, whose son died this week, from lack of money inevitably left to carry riders. All day he drove in anguish and grief in the midst of the falling thick snow, suffering from reproaches from demanding passengers. Wanting to relieve his soul, Jonah tried to tell almost all of them his sadness, but he found no sympathy in anyone. Arriving at the carriage house, out of despair, he began to talk about the death of his own horse's son, chewing hay.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Tosca" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Unter Prishibeev" - briefly

Prishibeev, a former army non-commissioned officer (a rank like sergeant or foreman), suffered from a mania to restore order everywhere and, on his own initiative, intervened even in matters that did not concern him at all. After retiring from military service, he began to oppress his own fellow villagers: he forbade them to gather in crowds, sing songs, and burn fires. Once Prishibeev attacked a local police officer with his fists, deciding that he was performing his duties without due zeal. The court sentenced the non-commissioned officer to a month of arrest for this, and Prishibeev met this sentence with great amazement.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Unter Prishibeev" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Chameleon" - briefly

The quarter warden Ochumelov, walking through the city, saw how goldsmith Khryukin caught a greyhound puppy that bit him by the finger. Ochumelov immediately went to investigate, threatened to "exterminate" the dog and fine its owner, but from the crowd gathered, someone said that the puppy belonged to General Zhigalov. Not wanting to quarrel with the general, Ochumelov immediately changed his mind and began to say that Khryukin himself teased the dog, and he was picking out his finger with a carnation. In the crowd, meanwhile, some assured: the dog was a general, while others: no. The overseer every time adapted to one or the other version, as a chameleon lizard changes color according to the color of the surrounding vegetation.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "The Chameleon" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

A.P. Chekhov. "Chameleon". Read by I. Ilyinsky

Chekhov, the story "Surgery" - briefly

The church deacon Vonmiglasov came to the hospital to pull a tooth to the paramedic Kuryatin. But dental surgery was not easy. Kuryatin at first, under the screams of the sexton, pulled a sore tooth out of his mouth for a long time, and then broke it off. During this procedure, at first, the polite paramedic and the patient completely quarreled and began to curse each other with the last words.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "Surgery" - a summary. On our website you can read the full text of this story.

Chekhov, the story "Man in a Case" - briefly

The gymnasium teacher of the ancient Greek language Belikov was a strange person who was afraid of the outside world and tried to separate from it with an artificial shell, a case. All things: an umbrella, a watch, a knife for sharpening pencils - he had in cases, and even in good weather, he left the house in galoshes, with an umbrella and a warm coat. At teachers' councils, the suspicious Belikov demanded that other teachers unswervingly follow prohibitive circulars and oppressed everyone with his boring whining.

To everyone's surprise, the man in the case almost got married. He was fascinated by Varenka, the sister of Mikhail Kovalenko's teacher. However, Belikov experienced a terrible shock when he once saw Varenka riding a bicycle. The next day he went to her brother to explain that such a ride was indecent for a woman. Kovalenko called Belikov a fiscal and let him down the stairs. Belikov's fall from the steps was accidentally seen by Varenka, who entered the house, who could not resist and burst out laughing.

The man in the case went home in silence, went to bed and died soon after. At his funeral, all of his fellow teachers were deeply relieved.

For more details, see a separate article by Chekhov "The Man in a Case" - a summary. On our website you can read and

The work of the famous Don writer Mikhail Sholokhov began with the writing of small stories by him, which reflected everything that the writer saw or experienced himself. His first collections were "Azure Steppe" and "Don Stories". In these stories, Sholokhov draws everything that happened in his era, when the tragic and terrible events of the post-revolutionary period took place: a person could not find himself, there were many deaths and violence.

The history of the collection

Sholokhov's "Don Stories" (a summary by chapters will be presented in this article) began writing in 1923. Then he was still a young and inexperienced writer. It is known that initially all the stories were published separately, and only in 1926 they were published as a separate book.

Sholokhov republished his collection in 1931. During this time, the number of stories in it changed: initially there were nineteen of them, and in the second edition there were already twenty-seven. After that, for twenty-five years, the book was no longer published.

Collection structure

The collection "Don Stories" by Sholokhov (a summary will be presented later) consists of nineteen works. This collection begins with the story "Birthmark", which is the epigraph to the entire work. The second in a row the author placed his work "The Shepherd", where he shows how helpless a person can be. A plague-ridden cow world. The shepherd and those who come to help cannot stop the epidemic.

The third story is "Prodcomissar", which readers usually choose to read. Subsequent works are usually known to readers: "Shibalkovo Seed", "Aleshkino's Heart", "Melon Plant", "Path - Path", "Nakhalenok" and others. In the story "Kolovert" the author shows how difficult and difficult the fate of the peasant is.

The collection "Don stories" by Sholokhov (a summary of chapters and parts will be presented later), included the following works: "Family man", "Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic", "Curve stitch", "Resentment", "Mortal enemy", " Foal ”,“ Galoshes ”,“ Wormhole ”and“ Azure Steppe ”. The last story in this Sholokhov cycle was the story "Little Laborers". It tells about the fate of Fyodor, who at first was a farm laborer, and then decided to leave the owner.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe collection

The main and, probably, the only theme of the entire collection "Don Stories" by Sholokhov, a summary of which will be presented in this article, is the description of the life of the Don Cossacks. Before Mikhail Alexandrovich, there were already writers in classical literature who tried to present the life and life of the Don Cossacks. But Sholokhov did it truthfully and honestly, because he himself grew up and lived among them. Therefore, he did not need to study their life, he knew him perfectly.

In each of his stories in the collection, the author tries to show the main idea: there is nothing more important than educating the younger generation on the traditions of the older. One has only to destroy the old world with blood and death, then it will be difficult to rise and wash off this.

Characteristics of the heroes of the "Don Stories"

The heroes of the collection "Don Stories" by Sholokhov, a summary of which will be of interest to both schoolchildren and adults, are most often people who really existed. These real characters, about whom Mikhail Alexandrovich wrote, lived in the Kargin farm near the village of Veshenskaya, Rostov Region. But, undoubtedly, the author uses both fiction and means of expression in order to create a fuller sense for the reader from the story he is telling.

Sholokhov's heroes have to go through the tests of death, blood and hunger, so most often they are strong personalities. In Sholokhov's stories, all Cossacks can be divided into two types. The first is the older generation, which is completely immersed in tradition. They think about family well-being. Such Cossacks are the majority in Sholokhov's stories. The second, shown by Mikhail Sholokhov in "Don Stories", a summary of which is in this article, is presented by young and active Cossacks. They are trying to destroy the way of life that has developed over the years.

M.A. Sholokhov "Don stories": a summary of the chapter "Aleshkino heart"

The main character of the story is a little boy who was barely fourteen years old. But in terms of his physical development, he is weak and does not look at his age at all. And all this because his family has been starving for a long time. Close relatives died from malnutrition: his mother and sister. Alexei tries to fight for his life, but it is difficult for him, since his sister was simply killed because of the soup. Alexey saw how people cease to be human and humane, and this frightens him.

The story of the death of Alyosha's sister is monstrous. The Polish woman was so hungry that she decided to go into someone else's house to find at least some food. Makarchikha, the owner of the hut, did not tolerate the thief and, swinging, hit the head with an iron. Because of this, Polka died. But this woman once bought a house from these children for just a mug of milk and a few handfuls of flour.

After the death of his sister, Leshka had been starving for five months. But he still tried to withstand the test and survive. He had nowhere to go: the house was sold, and the boy was suffering from the cold. Then he went to work as an employee, but did not receive anything here, except for beatings. Leshka died saving a child who the bandits wanted to hide behind.

The main character of this plot in Sholokhov's collection "Don Stories" (the content is presented in chapters in the article) is Minka, who is already eight years old. He lives with his mom and grandfather. Everyone around for his restless and restless character calls him not by name, but Nakhalenk. There is another meaning in the nickname: all the residents of the farm know that he was born without a father, and that his mother was never married.

Soon the boy's father comes from the war. Thomas was a local shepherd before the war. Very quickly, father and son become close. Soon Thomas became the chairman of the collective farm. In their village, people from the food detachment appear, demanding to give wheat. Mink's grandfather voluntarily gave the grain, but the pop neighbor did not want to do this. But Nakhalenok showed where the cache is. After this incident, the priest harbored a grudge against him, and all the village children stopped communicating with him.

Sholokhov "Don Stories": a summary of the chapter "Family man"

The main character of the story is Mikishara. He married early, and his wife gave him nine sons, but she herself soon died with a fever. When Soviet power was established, the two eldest sons left to fight. And when Mikishara was forced to go to the front, he found his son Danila among the prisoners. And the first one hit him. And from the second slap of the sergeant he died. For the death of his son Mikishara was promoted in rank.

In the spring, the captive Ivan was brought. The Cossacks beat him for a long time, and then the father was ordered to take his son to the headquarters. On the way, the son asked for an escape. At first Mikishara let him go, but when the young man ran, his father shot him in the back and killed him.

The main content of the story "Alien Blood"

An elderly couple once picked up a soldier who was badly wounded. Before that, a tragedy happened in their family - a son died. Therefore, while nursing the wounded, they attached themselves to him, as if it were their son. But when the soldier recovered and got a little stronger, despite his affection, he still returned to the city. Grandfather Gabriel worried for a long time, but still Peter turned out to be a stranger.

Then the friend sends the young man a letter from the Urals, where Peter himself once lived. He suggests that he should come to restore the enterprise together, where they once worked together. The final breakup scene is tragic. The old man asks the young man to tell the old woman that he will return. But after Peter's departure, the road on which he left simply collapsed. And this is symbolic. The author tried to show the reader that the wounded soldier will never return to their farm again.

Analysis of stories

Sholokhov's Don Stories, a summary of which can be found in this article, are quite realistic. In them the author tries to tell about the war, but he does it truthfully. There is no romance in what is happening on Grazhdanskaya, and Sholokhov openly declares this. But the Don writer sees beauty in something else, showing how beautiful the Cossack people are, their speech, life and way of life.

Mikhail Aleksandrovich created his stories so that the reader could think about the meaning of life, about what war brings and what each person does to prevent it from happening again. Therefore, these Sholokhov works are relevant for modern society as well.

It is worth reading them, since Sholokhov in "Don Stories", a summary of which is presented in this article, demonstrates the main and important lesson that one must not forget the story that was created by death and blood. The author constantly reminds the reader that in any situation it is necessary to remain human.