How to practice speech diction. Easy: improve diction

People with a clear natural diction are extremely rare. But, do not assume that diction cannot be improved. Each of us can improve our pronunciation. You can put the correct diction not only in childhood but also in adults. We will talk about special techniques and techniques in this article.

Diction is a clear pronunciation of sounds and words. Clear and beautiful speech has a positive effect on the perception of the person who has it. Therefore, not only the announcer of the central television, but also each of us should have a clear and intelligible diction.

If you want not just to speak, but to make your interlocutors understand you, you need to work on your diction. Especially if she needs it.

What does diction consist of?

Distinct articulation(Correct and clear pronunciation of sounds). It is thanks to a clear articulation that the speaker's speech is legible and his interlocutors easily understand what he wants to convey. Violation of this indicator of diction may occur due to the physiological characteristics of a person. You can improve the clarity of pronunciation of sounds by training the tongue and lip muscles.

Correct articulation(The coordinated movement of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus). Articulation is negatively affected by malocclusions, frenulums, etc. With such physiological deviations, burriness, nasality may appear.

Timbre. Often, the temperament of a person affects the manner of pronunciation. The speaker may tend to be monotonous or speed up his speech. Often it is haste that occurs in people with poor diction. But, as practice shows, almost anyone can "defeat" this problem.

Intonation. As for intonation, it is formed primarily from the ability to clearly pronounce vowel sounds and stresses. You can set the intonation with the help of some breathing exercises and reading aloud. Improving intonation is a very difficult and painstaking work.

Do I need to read aloud to develop diction?

Every speech therapist will tell you that one of the best diction exercises is reading aloud. At the same time, it is not the number of words read that is important, but the articulation and clarity of pronunciation of sounds.

When using this technique, one should not forget that reading has other useful qualities. A pleasant "bonus" of such a technique for improving diction will be an increase in vocabulary, an improvement in imagination, and the development of memory.

Many people love to read, and yet their diction leaves much to be desired. That is why you need to read aloud. Try to pronounce the letters and words written in the book clearly and with expression, paint your speech in emotional colors.

Regular reading aloud will help get rid of tongue-tied tongue, slips of the tongue, hesitations and other things that negatively affect diction.

Since the text of books, especially in classical literature, is very different from how we talk in Everyday life, will help you not only express yourself beautifully, but also form your speech according to the literary language.

Don't be in a hurry to read aloud. Sit in comfortable armchair and take the book. It is desirable that this be one of your favorite books. Of course, militants or Russian "detectives" are not suitable for this practice. Complex non-fiction too.

Leo Tolstoy has a very beautiful style. But, in his main work "War and Peace" there are too many French. Therefore, this work will not suit you. Practice on his earlier stories.

Soviet fiction is very good for reading aloud. Especially the works of the Strugatsky brothers. Unfortunately, their modern successors have simplified the genre too much and are hardly suitable for reading aloud.

Read the selected work expressively, marking the stresses and making the necessary pauses. If you return to the Strugatskys, then listen to the audiobooks of these authors, recorded by Vladimir Levashov. Take his diction as a standard and try to repeat it.

You can go further and add some artistry to your reading aloud. Try to imagine the heroes of the work, their appearance and character. Then add individual notes to their replicas. But, of course, do not forget about the most important thing - diction training. Don't overdo it with artistry.

Once you're able to read aloud confidently, you can increase your reading speed a little. But, it is important to clearly and distinctly pronounce sounds and words. With an increase in reading speed, monotony and excessive acceleration cannot be lost. Even if on the next page of the book you will find out the denouement of the event.

In order for reading aloud to have an effect, it is important to read at least 30 minutes a day. And in a month you will be able to achieve noticeable success. And in order to be sure that your diction is progressing, record on the recorder how you started to read aloud and how you read after some time of such regular training.

How to improve diction for an adult, a teenager?

WALNUTS. in a good way improve your diction is use for this walnuts. They need to be laid on the cheek (one on each side) and pronounce the tongue twister for several minutes. After that, you need to remove the nuts and say the same tongue twister again.

PENCIL IN TEETH. Grip a pencil with your teeth and read some poem from memory with expression.

IMPORTANT: Both techniques can be used for both children and adults. With their regular use, you can improve diction, make speech more relaxed and free. This technique can be used even in cases of speech impairment due to a stroke.

RECORDING ON THE DICTOPHONE. This technique can be combined with reading aloud, which we talked about above. Turn on the recorder before you start reading aloud and write down a piece of any text you read. Then you need to listen to the recording and note the sounds that you pronounce incorrectly. When reading books aloud later, try to pay special attention to problematic sounds.

TONGUE TWISTERS. Perhaps the most known way improve your diction are tongue twisters. Repeat these rhythmic phrases daily. Special attention focus on pronunciation of problematic sounds. If your diction suffers from incorrectly pronounced hissing or whistling sounds, then you can solve this problem with the help of a tongue twister:

ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS. There are a lot of exercises to improve diction, which are included in the concept of articulatory gymnastics. With their help, you can significantly improve pronunciation in an adult. We will talk about them in the section "Exercises for diction and articulation."

BREATHING EXERCISES. Many underestimate correct posture and breathing while communicating with other people. But, without this, it is impossible to have the correct diction. Entire courses in the study of acting are devoted to the correct inhalation and exhalation. And if you want to talk like Andrei Mironov or Vasily Livanov, then be sure to devote a few minutes a day to breathing exercises.

  1. Stand up straight, put your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Take a slow breath through slightly parted lips.
  3. Then try to also inhale the air while reading the text aloud
  4. Then make the task even more difficult: move around the room, take a breath and speak
  5. As you exhale, rise and pull the letter "mmm"

Warm-up for diction

Pencil in the teeth is a great exercise for diction

Before public speaking, it is imperative to warm up diction. To do this, you can use the methods described above. For example, take a pencil in your teeth and read a few tongue twisters. Then you need to say the same thing without a pencil.

Try to pronounce difficult words from the text that you need to convey to the audience several times. Read favorite poem by memory. A few minutes of such a warm-up is enough to stretch your vocal cords, facial muscles and set yourself up for a performance.

You can also stretch your diction with the help of the following exercises:

Pull out and hide We push the tongue forward as far as possible, then hide it back. Move the tongue forward and then back. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes
Pricking the cheeks with the tongue We begin to prick our cheeks in turn with our tongue. Call first left cheek, then right. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes
"Teeth cleaning" We rotate the tongue in the mouth in a circle. The mouth must be closed. We do 15-20 rotations clockwise and vice versa
Circular movements We stretch out the tongue and twist it in a circle. We do 10-15 circles clockwise, then against
"Tube - smile" We stretch our lips forward, after 3 seconds you begin to smile as widely as possible. First lips forward, then back. We do this exercise for at least 3 minutes.
"Bubble" We inflate first one cheek, then the other. Duration 2 minutes

Work on diction and pronunciation

Oratory talent is extremely rare. Almost all famous people prepare hard for every public performance. It is known that Cicero without preparation could not utter a single word. And he is still held up as an example as a great rhetorician.

There are a lot of exercises with which your speech can become clear and beautiful. There are both universal exercises and those that are designed to help fix a specific problem. For example, a whistling "S", an indistinct "L" or a violation in the pronunciation of the sound "P". In order to solve these problems will have to work.

Exercises for diction and voice

In public speaking or in normal conversation, we use the muscles of the tongue and throat. It is logical that in order to speak beautifully, you need to “pump” these muscles. But, unlike the biceps and pectoral muscles, we do not need sports equipment.

1. You can pump the muscles involved in the reproduction of sounds by regularly saying "A-E-O". At the same time, it is important to try not to open your mouth too much. The effect can be achieved if you pronounce sounds as deep as possible in the mouth.

2. A very good effect can be achieved in diction and by training the lips. To do this, you need to say:

  • "GL", "VL", "VN"- for the upper lip
  • "KS", "GZ", "VZ", "BZ"- for the lower lip

3. You can also shape your tongue into a spade shape and say "AND" and "E" repeatedly. Now we will give the tongue the shape of a hook and at the same time say "O" and "U".

4. We continue to "pump" the muscles of the tongue. We close our mouth and with the help of internal movements of the sky, cheeks and lips we draw the sound "M".

Performing these exercises for diction, you can feel the result after a few regular sessions.

Exercises for diction and articulation

Since the tip of the tongue is very active in clear pronunciation, there are several exercises that will help improve its activity.

1. Imagine that your tongue is a hammer and beat it with the tip of your teeth. During such blows, “say” yes-yes-yes-yes. Then try to clearly pronounce the letters "T-D".

2. For clear pronunciation of letters "TO" and "G" you need to "pump" your larynx. To do this, inhale through your nose and completely empty your lungs through your mouth. The release of air through the mouth should occur sharply and resemble a sound "Ugh". Do this exercise several times.

3. If you notice a problem with pronunciation of letters "P" and "B", then train your labial muscles. To do this, you need to puff out your cheeks and release air from your mouth with an energetic cotton.

4. It is also very important to learn how to control the amount of air. For this you need to use breathing exercises and practice in front of a mirror. Try reading a short text at a normal volume. As a rule, while doing this, you can easily control your voice. Now, do the same, but turn up the volume. There must be problems.

With regular declaring of the text at an increased volume, you will soon be able to control the amount of air needed and will be able to successfully speak in front of a large audience.

5. There is another exercise to improve articulation. Take a few lines from your favorite poem. Then exclude consonants from these lines and sing only vowels. Then insert the consonants and pronounce them loudly without changing the pronunciation style of the vowels.

Also, articulation can be improved with the help of such exercises:

If you notice that you are swallowing the endings of words, then read any text, emphasizing the endings of the words written in it. You need to do this daily, and after a while you can forget about such a problem of your diction.

If you have trouble pronouncing a particular letter, take dictionary Russian language and clearly read all the words beginning with this letter. Do it regularly. If you wish, record this exercise on a tape recorder.

Patter for the development of diction

The most popular way to improve your diction is tongue twisters. They can also be used as a warm-up before public speaking. In general, get into the habit of saying a few tongue twisters every day. Such training will help you overcome problems in the pronunciation of certain sounds and make speech more convincing and beautiful.

You don't need to set aside time for this workout. You can repeat tongue twisters while getting ready for work. Experts believe that three weeks of using tongue twisters will make speech smooth and diction clear.

Here are the most popular tongue twisters that will help improve diction:

Christina. I am from the South of Russia and used to often “ghekala”. When I studied in St. Petersburg, I was very shy about this. I searched the Internet and found a simple way to get rid of this speech defect. You just need to pronounce phrases containing the sound "Ge". It is necessary to focus on this sound and pronounce it clearly. After two weeks, I began to pronounce this sound correctly and forgot about this problem.

Yuri. Also in student years participated in the drama club. Our leader tactfully hinted that I did not have the best diction. And she asked me to read books aloud for at least 30 minutes a day. I liked this exercise so much that I began to devote even more time to it. And diction has become noticeably better.

Video. An diction exercise that will make your speech beautiful in a week

Correct speech and correct pronunciation in our time is a rarity among "mere mortals." It happens that a person is so chattering, you think - a foreigner, and then it turns out that you speak the same language.

Good diction is a quality necessary, first of all, for people: politicians, journalists, speakers, call center operators. However, if you want to be successful, then you will also need to work on your speech.

We strengthen muscles

In order for the tongue not to braid, it must be trained! And besides the muscles of the tongue, you still need to train your lips, lower jaw and proper speech breathing. That's where we'll start.

Speech Breathing Exercises

  • We develop the diaphragm: take a position that is comfortable for you - standing, sitting, lying on your back - put one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Inhale through your nose as your chest and abdomen expand. Then - a calm exhalation through the nose, the stomach and chest take their initial position.
  • Inhale quickly through your nose, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Open your mouth wide and take a quick breath. On a slow exhale, say one of the vowel sounds (a, o, u, e, s, and).
  • Count to five on one breath. If this exercise is easy for you, count to ten. Still easy? Count backwards!
  • Read sayings and proverbs in one breath. In order not to go far, here are some examples:
  • "Moo"! Close your lips and pull the sound m, changing the tone and volume of the voice.
  • "Growl"! This time, you don't have to close your lips. Play with sound R- also change the volume of the sound and intonation.
  1. There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood - do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.
  2. Building with the right hand, breaking with the left.
  3. Do not spit in the well - you will need water to drink.
  4. Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.
  5. On the bench outside the house, Toma sobbed all day.
  6. Thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hillock near a hill: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas ... (You can count Egoroks as long as your breath allows!)

Exercises for the tongue, lips and jaw

  • Place a mirror in front of you and stick out your tongue for five minutes: stick it out as far as possible, then quickly hide it back behind your teeth, then stick it out again and hide it again.
  • Touch the tip of your tongue to inside left cheek, then right. Repeat these movements for 7-10 minutes.
  • Starting position: mouth closed. "Polish" the teeth from the inside - 20-30 circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Stick out your tongue and begin to rotate it in the air 15 circles clockwise and 15 counter-clockwise.
  • Gather your lips into a tube, and then stretch into a smile. Repeat the combination for 7 minutes.
  • Puff out your cheeks. Start chasing air (with saliva) first clockwise, then counter-clockwise.
  • Make a little face for yourself - this will stretch the muscles of the face and lift your mood.

We speak correctly

In order for your pronunciation to be beautiful and correct, learn a few simple rules:

  • Do not "swallow" the endings of words! Very often, when talking quickly, people miss endings. To learn how to avoid this, say the following rows:




BI - PI - BE - PE - BA - PA - BO - PO - BU - PU - BY - PY

PI - BI - PE - BE - PA - BA - PO - BO - PU - BU - PY - BY



Pardon in the text? You saw її, push Shift+Enter or click.

For people who take leadership positions or by profession a lot of public speaking, it is important to have the correct diction. You can correct the clarity of pronunciation by performing special exercises.

Ways to develop diction

First of all, you should identify the range of problems with which you have to deal.

If this is a specific speech defect (burr, lisp, stuttering), then specialist help is needed.

Burr or lisp pronunciation is corrected by the following methods:

  • the person is explained the correct setting of the tongue and lips, which are responsible for the correct
    sound reproduction;
  • followed by exercise speech apparatus for which it is necessary to repeat tongue twisters;
  • you need to constantly monitor your speech so that the defect does not return.

Such training will help you learn how to pronounce sounds and pronounce words correctly. But you should be prepared that such work will require a lot of effort.

As for stuttering, then the work will be more difficult. The main problem lies in the psyche.

Very often it turns out that in everyday life a person has a good staging of speech, and when it comes to public speaking, the speaker begins to stutter.

If the problem is in swallowing endings or in a fuzzy pronunciation of sounds when speaking quickly, you can deal with it yourself.

Speech is corrected as follows:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to identify specific defects. To do this, you need to record your voice on a voice recorder. It is best to record a conversation with someone, because if you specifically read the text, then the person will not arbitrarily try to correct his mistakes in speech.
  2. Assessing your voice, pay attention to whether you can pronounce the phrase in one breath, as well as the strength of the sound. If they are not enough, you need to work on breathing. To do this, there is a simple exercise: you should take a vertical straight position, one hand rests on the stomach, and the other on the chest. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart. Inhalation goes through the nose, so that Bottom part chest filled with oxygen. Exhalation goes through the mouth. This exercise helps develop the diaphragm.
  3. Need to work on
    pronunciation of individual letters. Stand in front of a mirror and slowly pronounce the vowels. The pronunciation should take place on the exhale. The sound should be loud and as long as possible. You can try humming the vowels.
  4. Tongue twisters also help develop good diction and clarity of pronunciation. But before you take them, you should stretch your face. Most spectacular way- wryness. All facial muscles, as well as lips and tongue, should be involved in this process. This procedure should last at least 10-15 minutes. This warm-up is essential before every public performance.
  5. The emotional richness of speech is also important. To do this, in your speech, you need to think through all the intonations and pauses.
  6. Psychological comfort plays an important role for clear pronunciation. Often a person has good diction and owns his speech, but being in front of a hostile audience, he begins to get lost and mumble. Here, tongue twisters alone will not help. You need to develop self-confidence.

Speech Exercises

As for clear articulation, it can be developed with the help of other exercises:

  • knead and develop facial muscles with the help of antics;
  • move the lower jaw up and down and left and right;
  • All teeth are counted in the language, but they must first be firmly compressed;
  • stretch your mouth into a full smile, fully engaging your lips, and then collecting them into a tube;
  • the body body leans forward, the arms are folded on the chest and the sounds are pronounced "u", "o", "a".

All these exercises will help develop diction, intelligibility of speech and correct articulation. If you can’t cope with the problem on your own, you can always seek help from a speech therapist.

Good diction, clear pronunciation of sounds and pleasant are the key to success in many areas. modern life. Unique speech data is very rarely given to a person by nature. However, this art can be learned at any age if you regularly perform exercises to improve diction. When you eliminate speech defects, you will stop worrying about and will communicate more freely in informal settings. Perhaps your career will go up after that. Remember that in any place and in any profession, people are singled out who can express their thoughts in a beautiful and concise form. In this article, we present simple but effective exercises to help improve speech diction.

Articulation gymnastics

We often hear about the health benefits of exercise. However, few people think that the articulatory apparatus also needs constant training. By doing an exercise to improve diction, just 10-15 minutes a day, you can achieve very good results. Start your day with this gymnastics - and very soon you will notice how the muscular system of the tongue, lips and cheeks has become stronger. The articulatory apparatus will become more mobile, and speech will become clearer.

  • "Fence" - close your teeth and smile broadly. Hold this position for ten seconds and return to the starting position. Make sure that the upper and lower row of teeth are clearly visible. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • "Tubule" - without opening your teeth, pull your lips forward. At the same time, you can pull the sound “oooo” for ten seconds. Repeat the exercise.
  • "Needle" - open your mouth and stretch your sharp tongue as far as possible. Hold this position for five seconds and relax your muscles. Repeat several times.
  • “Damn” - show your reflection your tongue by putting it on your lower lip and making it as wide as possible. Repeat.
  • "Licking lips" - relax the lower jaw and try to keep it in one position. Lick your upper lip, stretching out your tongue as much as possible. Repeat the same action with the lower lip.
  • "Swing" - touch the upper and lower lips alternately with your tongue. Do the exercise at a slow pace and try not to move your chin.
  • "Hamster" - close your lips and press the inside of your tongue on your cheek for five seconds. Repeat the manipulation with the other cheek.

Proper breathing

Few people pay attention to their posture, the frequency of inhalations and exhalations while communicating with other people. It's a pity! It is these factors that play important role for a beautiful voice and clear pronunciation of words. Do the following exercise daily to improve your diction.

Inhalation and exhalation exercises

  • Starting position: stand up straight, put your hands on your belt, and your feet shoulder-width apart. Open your lips a little and exhale slowly, as if overcoming resistance. When you start to succeed, complicate the task. For example, while exhaling, read any quatrain. Then try this exercise in combination with walking or squats.
  • Return to the starting position, take a calm breath, slowly leaning forward. At the same time, pay attention to the back, which should be straight. As you exhale, begin to rise and pull the sound “mmm”.

10 exercises to improve diction and voice timbre

  1. Lower your chin to your chest and begin to move left and right. The exercise is performed slowly and without sudden movements.
  2. Starting position: the back is straight, the head is also lowered down. Slowly push your jaw forward and take it as far back as possible.
  3. Fold your arms over your chest and slowly lean forward while making the sound "oooo" in a low voice.
  4. Stretch your lips into a wide smile and open your teeth. Start moving your tongue from right to left, relaxing your facial muscles.
  5. Pull out your tongue and swipe it across outside upper and lower teeth. Repeat several times.
  6. Pull your tongue forward so that it resembles a bowl. Repeat.
  7. Do not forget about the role of good posture in the production of speech. Always be aware of the position of your back. So that you understand how difficult it is, put some books on your head and walk around the room with them. Try, while in this position, to read a text or a poem.
  8. Read texts with a pen or pencil between your teeth. Try to pronounce words and individual sounds as clearly as possible. Repeat this exercise every day for 15 minutes.
  9. Read at a fast and slow pace, in a loud and quiet voice.
  10. Complicate the previous exercise. Read poetry when or while walking. Make sure that your breath does not go astray and intonation pauses are maintained.

Clean tongues

You can work out the pronunciation of individual sounds using special rhyming phrases or tongue twisters. The same consonant occurs several times in them, and you can easily learn the sounds. Do these diction exercises daily.

Useful tips on how to improve diction and clarity of speech are given below. Start by pronouncing the tongue twisters at a slow pace. Say each sound, pay attention to difficult combinations and check the clarity of your pronunciation. To avoid mistakes, listen to the audio recordings of the announcers. At the end of each workout, record yourself on a voice recorder, mark mistakes and achievements.

Tongue Twisters

An exercise familiar to everyone since childhood to improve diction is a very effective tool to achieve this goal. By pronouncing difficult sounds and their combinations, you learn a clear and clear pronunciation. Read the tongue twister very slowly, try to figuratively imagine the picture that the rhyme tells about. After that, try to increase the pace a little. Be sure to speak out loud, but if you start to stumble, then immediately return to slow pronunciation. After a while, you will notice how naughty sounds begin to be pronounced easily and naturally.


You are making a big mistake if you think that people perceive only the information that is embedded in your speech. In fact, the listener's attention is captured by the intonation with which the speaker speaks. Learn to pronounce phrases expressively by raising and lowering your voice. Only when you make accents and pause, the interlocutor will fully appreciate your statements.

  • Start with the most simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty.
  • Use every minute of free time for training. Only in this case you will be able to quickly achieve your goals.
  • Exercise regularly without long breaks.
  • Record short speeches with a voice recorder or camera. Watch videos, note positive changes and take into account the points that you have to work on in the future.
  • Read literature on how to improve diction. Exercises should be varied, otherwise you will quickly lose interest and abandon classes.
  • Do not neglect the help of specialists and teachers who can offer you a useful exercise to improve your diction and eliminate common beginner mistakes.
  • If you have the opportunity to enroll in acting classes, then do it immediately. Classes will help you liberate speech, movements and gestures. You will also learn expressive recitation and stop being afraid of public speaking.