Virgos born under the year of the snake what they are. Compatibility of two Virgos

The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is an interesting and intriguing personality. By nature, she is endowed with external and “internal” beauty, well-developed intuition and analytical thinking. Individuals belonging to the Virgo-Snake union are often lucky in life. Thanks to these qualities, most people of such a tandem achieve all their goals in their life path.


Virgo-Snake combines masculine and feminine qualities. The first include prudence, prudence and the ability to maintain "common sense" in any situation, the second - a well-developed "sixth" sense. These features allow a woman to be not only attentive to trifles, but also to focus on intuition, which rarely fails her.

The main qualities of the character of a person belonging to the Snake-Virgo union include the following:

  • purposefulness and ambition;
  • punctuality;
  • accuracy;
  • innate intelligence;
  • pedantry and cleanliness;
  • sociability.

The Snake-Virgo woman is a friendly nature. She will never weave intrigues, gossip behind the backs of her friends or provoke scandals. On the contrary, this person will try his best to smooth sharp corners because he does not tolerate negative energy.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, has some flaws in character. For example, she is resentful. If someone offends her, she will definitely remember this and, at any opportunity, will try to take revenge. Also, these women are distrustful. They rarely open up completely to anyone. As a rule, these are time-tested childhood friends or relatives.

What kind of man does she want?

The Virgo-Snake girl like a magnet attracts men of all ages and statuses. The reason for the increased attention is her optimism, ease in communication, sincerity and natural charm. However, such a girl will never be led by the words or material wealth of her boyfriend.

First of all, it must meet a number of its requirements:

  • be punctual and responsible in all matters and undertakings;
  • have a neat appearance;
  • be meticulous;
  • be intellectual developed person with whom you can keep up a conversation on any topic;
  • have material wealth, but do not be a spender.

Virgo-Snake needs a well-mannered and intelligent man. First of all, with suitors, such a woman will evaluate her appearance and manners, and only then - the qualities of character. Among the many admirers, she will give preference to someone who will be distinguished by kindness, loyalty and reliability.

Behavior in love and relationships

The Snake woman, belonging to the constellation Virgo, almost never falls in love at first sight. A person will look closely at her potential chosen one for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. To the opposite sex, a woman is very critical. If a man does not meet most of her requirements, she will immediately reject all courtship without giving a second chance.

Virgo-Snake will never start an affair, even if for a moment she doubts its development. She is not a fan of "superficial" relationships, because she appreciates both her feelings and the feelings of her partner. The main thing for her in the union is loyalty, devotion and reliability. This woman will never betray or deceive. She is a connoisseur of deep feelings and sincere emotions.

Usually the Virgo Snake quickly finds its ideal thanks to charm, charisma and eloquence. Many men are ready to change in order to be close to the representative of this tandem. But not every guy can withstand the pressure of his chosen one. The fact is that in a relationship, the Virgo-Snake perceives her soulmate as property. She does not want to share her beloved man with anyone: be it relatives or friends. The Virgo Snake will do everything in her power to ensure that the guy devotes all his time only to her, surrounds her with constant care and attention. Because of this exactingness, a woman's first marriage is often unsuccessful.

IN family life The Virgo Snake shows herself as a wonderful hostess and a good mother. This woman will always meet her husband with a delicious dinner, ironed shirts and order in the house. Where she is, warmth, coziness and comfort.

If a woman ceases to control her beloved and allows him to have personal space, her family life promises to be long and happy.

Career and attitude to money

Thanks to the strength of mind and determination of a woman belonging to the Virgo-Snake union, she often achieves great success in her career. She will be able to become a reliable business partner due to her honesty and disinterestedness. Full of energy and new ideas, this woman is often inclined to manage people.

The Virgo Snake was born under a lucky star. She is accompanied everywhere by luck and luck. All this helps her to succeed in any endeavor and achieve her goal. Thanks to fortune, she often meets influential people or accidentally ends up at the right time in the right place.

Virgo-Snakes usually do not need finances. They attract money from everywhere. Again, this is facilitated by their natural luckiness. If a woman achieves certain heights in her career and begins to receive large sums She will never waste money. Thriftiness and frugality allow her to manage money wisely.


The Virgo-Snake woman has good compatibility with a partner belonging to the same zodiac tandem. Chances are great that she will be able to build a strong, long and happy relationship with a Virgo man born in the year of the Snake. This is an ideal union in which both partners will show themselves only with better side. In a relationship, a man and a woman will understand each other perfectly, listen and hear, feel each other at a distance.

Also, the Virgo-Snake will suit the male Dragon, Rooster, Goat or Rabbit according to Eastern calendar, and according to the sign of the zodiac - Virgo, Taurus or Cancer. This tandem has an average compatibility with the Snake, Ox or Horse, born under the constellation of Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra or Capricorn. The Snake-Virgo is not at all suitable for the Tiger, Dog or Pig.

Average and minimum compatibility does not indicate the doom of communication. If a man and a woman in a couple support each other, compromise and strive to develop relationships, there are great chances for a strong and friendly union.

Features of the character of a girl born under the sign of Virgo, see below.

The character of women Snakes - Dev: These are extremely lucky and happy women. They always find themselves in the right situation, get acquainted with the right people. For them, the main thing is to be themselves in order to feel the powerful stream of energy that the Universe sends them. They can try themselves in any field, success is guaranteed to them. However, they are best able to realize themselves in the creative field. They can become not only recognized, but very famous people.

By nature, they are friendly and cheerful. They never become the initiators of scandals, often next to them these scandals subside by themselves. This is due to their general attunement to harmonious relationships. They are confident and ambitious and can achieve anything they set their mind to. It is not difficult for them to find the key to another person, which makes them especially attractive to secrets and secrets. However, they never gossip about other people.

Snake Women - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Love relationships for them is another area where they can show their communication skills. They can plan relationships, but not follow their plans. But even in this case, if they want, the relationship can be harmonious and serious. They should just make sure that the partner matches their preferences and ideals. In this case, even an early marriage can be successful. However, it is better to enter into a marriage alliance in adulthood.

Snake Women - Virgo in Finance and Career: A career for these women will be successful if they become those who lead the masses. They are pleased and interested in leading women. In doing so, they will promote new ideas. However, their short temper prevents them from reaching the end. It is worth saving your nerves and reacting to the situation differently. The financial side of the issue is very important for them, so they always strive to achieve a lot in order to live in luxury.

Women of the Snake - Virgo in family and marriage: In the family, they occupy a leadership position. They tend to find those levers of pressure that are ideal for their partner. At the same time, family life can be stable and happy if they do not choose between family and career. They should learn to combine these two areas in order to get good results in both. Only in this way can they achieve harmony in life as a whole.

Advice to women Snakes - Virgos: These women need to look for other areas where they could get satisfaction, and not just in oratory. The desire for fame for them often becomes decisive in the implementation of goals, which is wrong in general. You need to find support and core in yourself, and not chase after someone else's recognition. It is also worth giving up a share of responsibility if it is difficult to perform duties; these recommendations can make life much easier for these people.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Virgo man year of the snake - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such a Snake has both intuition and analytical thinking well developed. Virgo-Snake - the nature is refined, stylish, sometimes too "theatrical"; may seem prudent. Very serious and careful in matters of the heart. The Snake symbol in ancient Chinese astrology is considered a smart, resourceful and confident sign with a charming personality. Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic, can easily adapt and settle in any place. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hardworking, they need to be reminded about the vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps to achieve goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in their choice of friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as they are. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, then they become sharp on the tongue and can begin to manipulate people.

The snake under the sign of the zodiac Virgo is one of the most beautiful representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope in terms of manners and appearance. Using the gift given to her from above, the maiden snake finds for everyone Magic word and frequency of vibrations, skillfully resonating them with the chosen one. Virgo snake is a meticulous pedantic person who prefers solidity and punctuality to everything else. Solving any problems, he prefers to carefully calculate everything, so that later he can hit without a miss.

Snake Combination

Horoscope Virgo-Snake

According to the horoscope, Virgo-Snake has excellent intuition and logical thinking. This is a stylish and intelligent person who is not devoid of artistry. Such people are too economical. But, as far as love is concerned, they are careful in it.

In the personal life of the Virgo-Snake, do not strive for a long relationship. She is constantly torn between home and work. But, if the love for the chosen one is strong, then such people become caring, faithful and understanding companions.

Virgo-Snake is distinguished by external beauty and refined manners. This is one of the most attractive signs. Thanks to this, she has a lot of fans with whom she flirts and communicates with pleasure.

Virgo-Snake is constant in love and business relationships. It is not dangerous unless it is touched. Otherwise, such people become vindictive and cruel. Virgo-Snake not only remembers the offense throughout her life, but also tries to take revenge.

Horoscope of combining Virgo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Snake - Virgo

Russian politician Dmitry Medvedev. Soviet and Ukrainian actor Bogdan Stupka. Italian physician, physicist and physiologist Luigi Galvani. German poet and thinker Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Russian singer Irakli Pirtskhalava. Queen of England and Ireland Elizabeth I Tudor (Elizabeth I). Canadian and British boxer Lennox Lewis. Syrian politician Bashar al-Assad. Russian actor Igor Petrenko. Russian poet and prose writer Alexander Radishchev. Yugoslav politician Slobodan Milosevic. German singer Bill Kaulitz. American actor Mickey Rourke.

Born in the year of the Snake, Virgo is especially pedantic and clean, she is always dressed perfectly, with a needle; both at home and at work, she always has perfect order. Among other things, the Virgo Snake has a good sense of humor, excellent manners and innate intelligence, so it is always a pleasure to communicate and cooperate with such people.


The Snake-Virgo-man is reliable, stable, balanced. He is static - he does not like moving, moving, changing his place of residence, work, and so on. This is a very calm and reasonable person, striving for comfort and stability in all aspects of life. Thanks to sociability and a sense of humor, the Snake-Virgo-man is a favorite at work, who works selflessly and at the same time knows how to dilute the working atmosphere with some funny joke or story. In personal relationships, the Snake-Virgo-man is faithful and constant, very attached to his partner. He is hard to break, even if the relationship is bursting at the seams.


The Snake-Virgo-woman is very neat, sociable, positive. At work, she always completes everything in full and on time, does not like to be distracted by trifles and waste her time. As a rule, such a woman always has a lot of friends and acquaintances who are eager to communicate with her, want to take walks or shopping together. The Snake-Virgo-woman knows how to be an attentive interlocutor and give practical and sensible advice. In family life, like men of the same combination, the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is constant and faithful. For her, marriage once and for all is not an empty word.

The Virgo Snake is one of the most pleasant of all Snakes and Virgos to communicate with. This combination gives the personality the best character traits that are characteristic of these signs.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The character of men Snakes - Virgo: These men are always determined to implement their plans in life by any means. They are insightful and intelligent, but their own character can interfere with them to realize their undertakings. They should pay more attention to self-development, because otherwise they will not be able to achieve positive results in their entire lives. This will especially affect family relationships and financial well-being.

The nature of these men is quite contradictory. On the one hand, they are strong in every sense, and on the other, they can demonstrate their weaknesses, for example, lack of will, the desire to go with the flow. But their strength still takes over when they try to achieve all the best in life. This is especially true for career development. Outwardly, they are soft and accessible, but behind such an appearance lies an iron character that helps them solve the most difficult life tasks.

Snake Men - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Romantic relationships with these men will be stable and simple. They are sensitive to weak people, so they will help their partner in every possible way. However, if the partner turns out to be too strong a personality, they will actively look for his weak points. Such an internal confrontation will require a lot of strength, completely extinguishing feelings. They should give themselves more to feelings, and not to calculation or the desire to prove their power.

Snake Men - Virgo in Finance and Career: These men are very reliable, so they are appreciated by employees and superiors. They should insist more on their merits, but do it delicately so that career ascent is not so difficult. Financial well-being comes to them in old age, since before this age they are usually more focused on returns. It can be family and children, as well as close friends. This situation does not have a positive effect on their worldview, but they do not know how to live otherwise.

Snake Men - Virgo in family and marriage: These men do not always have the time and desire to stop and see if they are happy in family life. In general, their family life is developing very well, but they cannot always appreciate it. With loved ones, they can show their authoritarian traits, even trying to suppress them. You need to learn delicacy and tolerance, especially in dealing with children. Otherwise, children may turn away from them with age.

Advice for men Snakes - Virgos: They should forget about self-sacrifice. It is better to spend this time on yourself, think over your behavior and other aspects of life. They should also take note that the independence of their children is a blessing, and not a desire to turn away from them. Do not think about public opinion, because it is too deceptive. Learning to express their feelings and desires is the main task of all life, this will help them feel happy.

Virgo Man - Snake

The characteristic and compatibility of the Virgo-Snake man is of interest to women who want to become the lady of his heart. At the same time, Chinese astrology says that the Snake symbol is considered a resourceful, self-confident and intelligent sign with a charming character. Men born with this zodiac combination are quite punctual and very pedantic about everything that concerns their affairs and interaction with others.

In their judgments they are strict and categorical. But it is worth considering that everything he says out loud is the result of deep analysis and reasoning, and not just words. Virgo men, born in the year of the Snake, are particularly insightful, so they see and understand many things that are inaccessible to others. It is for this reason that you should not even try to deceive this man - it will still not work.

It should be noted that the insight of the Virgo-Snake is not so much a natural gift as the result of painstaking mental work. He perfectly knows how to compare facts, subjecting them to analysis. In general, such inner work brings great pleasure. Mental training takes him quite a lot of time, probably even more than necessary.

Characteristics of the male Virgo-Snake

This man is able to fight back and will not allow himself to be manipulated, moreover, after the conflict, he can be offended for a long time. One of his life lessons is the need to learn how to resolve conflict so that both win in it. In life, he is an optimist and is able to adapt to new conditions and easily makes acquaintances in an unfamiliar company.

In a love relationship, the Virgo-Snake man is quite reliable: his main life principles are based on the ability to find benefit in every action. He is restrained in the manifestation of his emotions and desires, demanding of his partner, but at the same time devoted to her with all his heart. He will take care of his family with maximum efficiency.

Astrologers characterize this guy as very disciplined and loving order in everything. Therefore, a woman who wants to be around should maintain cleanliness in the home and create comfort in it.

He is very hardworking, so he can easily forget about weekends and vacations. They perform the work thoroughly and without haste, in this sense they are perfectionists, which is often rewarded with active career advancement. He is not afraid to take responsibility, he likes to decide everything on his own. He thinks a lot on philosophical topics and strives to gain knowledge.

Virgo Snake Man Compatibility

This man strives for a successful outer life and career, therefore he devotes a lot of time to this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, infringing on all the others. Full devotion to work often leaves him a bachelor. It will be very difficult for a woman to pull him out of the work process, but if this happens and he falls in love, he will become a wonderful husband and family man, faithful, devoted and caring.

A man born under the sign of Virgo in the year of the Snake strives to achieve success in all areas of life: he is selective in choosing a place of work, the closest social circle, and especially regarding a life partner.

He will want to be close to the one he will conquer and respect. His chosen one should not be inferior to him in intellectual development, should be feminine, wise and harmonious. Like any man, he wants to be accepted for who he is and not try to remake him. In addition, he wants to receive a sense of need and freedom from a woman. Then the feeling that flared up inside him will be real and strong. He will surround his beloved girl with care and attention, not at all afraid of losing his position in his career.

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zodiac sign Virgo man year of the snake

Insightful, meticulous. She loves accessories and uses them skillfully.

Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

Such a Snake has both intuition and analytical thinking well developed. Virgo-Snake - the nature is refined, stylish, sometimes too "theatrical"; may seem prudent. Very serious and careful in matters of the heart.

Is the Snake symbol considered smart, resourceful and confident in ancient Chinese astrology? with a charming personality. Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic, can easily adapt and settle in any place. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hardworking, they need to be reminded of the vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps to achieve goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people can be difficult to persuade into long-term personal relationships. Sometimes it seems to them that they simply will not be able to keep up both in their personal lives and at work. Achieving their ambitions is a very important point for them. However, when they fall in love, they direct all their care to the object of love, they become thoughtful, faithful and devoted partners.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in their choice of friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as they are.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, then they become sharp on the tongue and can begin to manipulate people.

The snake under the sign of the zodiac Virgo is one of the most beautiful representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope in terms of manners and appearance. Using the gift given to her from above, the maiden snake for everyone finds a magic word and frequency of vibrations, skillfully resonating them with the chosen one.

Virgo snake is a meticulous pedantic person who prefers solidity and punctuality to everything else. Solving any problems, he prefers to carefully calculate everything, so that later he can hit without a miss.

One of the unadvertised traits of the Virgo Snake is its amazing insight. She is able to see the background of any phenomenon. It is not recommended to deceive her. Even if the deception passes, it will only be an appearance. In fact, the snake maiden will either pretend that she doesn’t know anything, or, if she doesn’t know something, she will find out later. It seems that guesses to this “soothsayer” in the guise of a maiden snake are easy, but in fact, they are the fruit of her long thoughts. Sorting through her mind, analyzing and comparing facts is her favorite hobby, which she enjoys doing from morning to night.

The Virgo Snake man does not like to change partners, both business and personal. The maiden snake does not pose a danger to others. The only exceptions are two situations - when someone tries to “press her tail” or when she begins to take revenge. Resentment is not the last property of a virgin snake woman - holding a grudge, she remembers her all her life.

Chinese horoscope of animals: how does a Virgo man born in the year of the Snake behave?

Each person is born under his own star, so his fate is destined almost from the first days of life. For example, a boy was born in the zodiac combination “Serpent-Virgo”, what awaits him in the future, and what should be especially guarded against?

In the combination of the signs of the Zodiac “Snake-Virgo”, a man is endowed with fundamentally contradictory character traits: on the one hand, he is soft and good-natured, but on the other, he is distinguished by special deceit, cunning and prudence. That is why it is difficult to get along with him, even more difficult to understand and admit that he is right.

First of all, such men are distinguished by a special temperament, while being punctual, neat and pedantic, they do not tolerate fuss and inattention. In their Everyday life everything is laid out on the shelves, so any disorder and, especially chaos, causes a feeling of panic, a lack of control over the situation. Such a life approach is formed not a single day, therefore, a woman is not able to change anything in his mind.

The Virgo-Snake horoscope suggests that the representatives of the stronger sex are prone to analysis, and impulsive actions and deeds are not characteristic of their cold-blooded and prudent nature. Before doing anything, a man will think several times, while determining the real benefit in his address. Only in this case the result will follow immediately, and the general opinion and, especially, condemnation will remain beyond consciousness.

Men born in such a zodiac combination are distinguished by colossal intuition, they rarely make mistakes in people, they never compromise with their conscience. It is useless to deceive the snake, because anyway she will not believe a single word of a liar, but she will draw her own conclusions about such an unscrupulous person.

Virgo, born in the year of the Snake, does not differ in special good nature, and sees her hidden intent in any request. Rarely helps people, strictly judges his opponents and remembers all enemies by name. These are vengeful and arrogant men who will always have their own point of view, and it is impossible to convince them of anything at all. You should not even try, because the case can end in an acute conflict situation, a fight or a loud scandal.

Virgo-Snake will find a way out of any situation, however, she puts her interests in all endeavors exclusively in the foreground. So, not everyone will like such a denouement, and it is better not to have financial affairs with representatives of this zodiac combination. Such a friend is not always reliable and faithful, but the enemy is ferocious and bloodthirsty with outward calm and equanimity. In general, you can communicate, but with great care and not reveal “all your cards” to the interlocutor.

The Snake-Virgo man is very olfactory by nature, therefore, in his environment there is a huge number of ladies who sincerely count on his favor and increased attention to themselves. However, he does not spray himself, but chooses a special woman for himself.

Representatives of this zodiac combination are very difficult to fall in love with themselves, but what can I say - even attracting attention is very difficult. That is why an interested girl will have to work hard so that he at least looks in her direction. What to do for this? As a rule, the Virgo-Snake loves not only with her eyes, but also counts on a wise and erudite life partner. At the same time, the lady of the heart should always look perfect, have a clean reputation and a weighty word in society. Only in this way can she safely count on the increased interest from the Virgo man, who was born in the year of the Snake.

Their relationship is very contradictory, and sometimes it happens that the lovers simply change roles, He is always offended by something, and she tries to smooth out all the uneven corners of the conflict situation. It turns out that these relationships are based on female enthusiasm, and the man constantly considers himself the center of the universe. Increased demands on a partner turn an idyll into a constant scandal, but if a woman passes this test, she will get a reliable and generous man as her husband.

The Virgo-Snake man does not particularly gravitate toward family life, but if this event nevertheless took place in his fate, he suddenly turns into an exemplary family man. He is able not only to protect and protect his young family, but also to provide them with everything necessary for a cloudless life. That is why the representatives of this zodiac combination are desperate careerists, but you definitely cannot call them womanizers and womanizers.

A man strives for children, and he believes that there should be many of them in a friendly family. That is why each subsequent replenishment in the family rejoices, as for the first time; at the same time he cheerfully jokes that this is not the last child in the family. Children love their caring father, and he, in turn, gives them warmth, kindness and all his free time.

At work, they are born leaders who constantly demand promotion up the trade union ladder. The management is always in good standing, and the workforce idolizes such charismatic colleagues. They grasp any information on the fly, demonstrate their analytical abilities, and are able to defend their own point of view even in the eyes of the management team.

Virgo-Snake cannot remain subordinate for a long time, therefore, in such an unfavorable situation, she urgently changes jobs, is not afraid to take risks.

Material wealth for such an uncompromising man is not an empty phrase, because it is money and power, in his opinion, that are the driving force and the opportunity to take place as much as possible in modern society. Here is the target.

In a relationship with a lover, all men behave differently. However, there common features behavior in representatives of the same zodiac sign. In astrology, the characteristics and compatibility in love of each person are described in detail. This will help you get closer faster and understand if a representative of the opposite sex is right for you.

Characteristics of a Virgo man - Snake

The Virgo-Snake man is a straightforward and purposeful person. He always knows what he wants to achieve. He will reach his goal by any means. In this he will be helped by intelligence and insight. But excessive self-confidence sometimes prevents him from reaching the end point. Astrologers advise representatives of this zodiac sign to turn more to their intuition, as well as to constantly engage in self-development. This will help to move forward, and not stand in one place, believing that he is already a genius.

Virgo man - Snake always achieves financial success. Most of the representatives of this sign are happy on the personal front.

By nature, these guys are quite contradictory people. By nature, they are strong, however, too often demonstrate their lack of will, laziness and quiet following down the stream of life events. If the Virgo-Snake man pulls himself together, he will be able to achieve the best in his life. This applies primarily to career growth.

At the first meeting, the Virgo man - the Snake looks like a soft and flexible person. However, looks are deceiving. Behind it lies a truly steel character. It is the rigidity that helps the representative of this sign to solve the most difficult tasks.

At work, the Virgo man - the Snake is especially valued as an employee. You can always rely on him. This is a very reliable colleague and subordinate. For this, he is respected even by the leaders.

In some situations, the Virgo-Snake man is recommended to be reminded of his merits. However, this must be done delicately. Then soon he will be promoted up the career ladder. Material well-being for such guys usually comes only in old age. Until that time, they give everything. They generously share everything they have with their children and relatives. They lend to close friends and acquaintances. All this negatively affects their quality of life. However, they cannot live differently.

Compatibility in love men Virgo - Snake

Relations with the Virgo-Snake man are extremely simple. If the partner is weaker than them, they will always help her. As a couple, they often take custody of their beloved. If a woman is stronger than him, then he will constantly look for weaknesses in her in order to realize himself as a caring and loving man. This shows the prudence of the character of the male Virgo - the Snake.

The family life of the representative of this zodiac sign is calm and prosperous. However, these men cannot see their happiness in this. They are always dissatisfied with something. In the family, they are authoritarian leaders, trying to suppress the rest of the family members for their own interests. If a Virgo-Snake man wants to save his family, then he should be more tolerant and delicate. This is especially true for relationships with children. Growing up, they may not want to associate with such a father anymore.

Virgo man - the Snake takes care of his children too much. They need to learn to give them more freedom. And most importantly, you need to understand that children's independence will help them become independent, decisive and confident individuals in the future.

Virgo Man - The Snake can conclude strong union with a woman who was born in the year of the Ox, Rooster or Snake. But the ladies who, according to the horoscope, belong to the year of the Pig, Goat or Rabbit do not suit them at all.

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Compatibility horoscope: virgo snake zodiac sign woman characteristic - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Such a Snake has both intuition and analytical thinking well developed. Virgo-Snake - the nature is refined, stylish, sometimes too "theatrical"; may seem prudent. Very serious and careful in matters of the heart. The Snake symbol in ancient Chinese astrology is considered a smart, resourceful and confident sign with a charming personality. Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic, can easily adapt and settle in any place. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hardworking, they need to be reminded about the vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps to achieve goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in their choice of friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as they are. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, then they become sharp on the tongue and can begin to manipulate people.

The snake under the sign of the zodiac Virgo is one of the most beautiful representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope in terms of manners and appearance. Using the gift given to her from above, the maiden snake for everyone finds a magic word and frequency of vibrations, skillfully resonating them with the chosen one. Virgo snake is a meticulous pedantic person who prefers solidity and punctuality to everything else. Solving any problems, he prefers to carefully calculate everything, so that later he can hit without a miss.

Snake Combination

Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake

Describing the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, it is worth noting her extravagance and sometimes a tendency to outrageous. The first thing to mention is the taste of such people. An innate sense of style opens up prospects for them to work as designers or photographers. They see color combinations in a way that other people can't. These ladies are dressed in the latest fashion.

Stylish, smart and beautiful - this happens if Virgo was born in the year of the Snake.

Their other weapon is iron logic. In the people, such logic is usually called "male". These women are not in a hurry, do not do rash acts, do not take risks. Each decision of the virgin becomes the finished result of a complex logical chain. Such ladies also choose a man wisely. Intelligence and a sense of style will help win the heart of a capricious beauty. If you managed to quarrel with the snake maiden, then do not hope for a truce. These ladies are sharp-tongued and incredibly vindictive.

Virgo women born under other signs

virgo snake zodiac sign woman characteristic

Insightful, meticulous. She loves accessories and uses them skillfully.

Zodiac horoscope: Virgo sign

Such a Snake has both intuition and analytical thinking well developed. Virgo-Snake - the nature is refined, stylish, sometimes too "theatrical"; may seem prudent. Very serious and careful in matters of the heart.

Is the Snake symbol considered smart, resourceful and confident in ancient Chinese astrology? with a charming personality. Virgo men and women are charming, confident, versatile, quick and deep thinkers. Their philosophical view of the world gives them the skill of intuitive insight, they are tolerant and merciful.

Virgo-Snake is generally optimistic, can easily adapt and settle in any place. Outwardly, it seems that they do everything slowly, so everything they do is usually successful. These people are hardworking, they need to be reminded of the vacation. They are not afraid of responsibility, and the excellent quality of resourcefulness helps to achieve goals. All their lives they learn new skills and knowledge, looking for food for thought.

These people can be difficult to persuade into long-term personal relationships. Sometimes it seems to them that they simply will not be able to keep up both in their personal lives and at work. Achieving their ambitions is a very important point for them. However, when they fall in love, they direct all their care to the object of love, they become thoughtful, faithful and devoted partners.

These people are very well stimulated by material goods, but they are not blinded by them. Their goal in life is to be successful in life, but this is not necessarily financial success. These people are selective in their choice of friends and tend to appreciate those who are on the same intellectual wavelength as they are.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they are overly critical of themselves. This weakness can cause mood swings, then they become sharp on the tongue and can begin to manipulate people.

The snake under the sign of the zodiac Virgo is one of the most beautiful representatives of this year of the Chinese horoscope in terms of manners and appearance. Using the gift given to her from above, the maiden snake for everyone finds a magic word and frequency of vibrations, skillfully resonating them with the chosen one.

Virgo snake is a meticulous pedantic person who prefers solidity and punctuality to everything else. Solving any problems, he prefers to carefully calculate everything, so that later he can hit without a miss.

One of the unadvertised traits of the Virgo Snake is its amazing insight. She is able to see the background of any phenomenon. It is not recommended to deceive her. Even if the deception passes, it will only be an appearance. In fact, the snake maiden will either pretend that she doesn’t know anything, or, if she doesn’t know something, she will find out later. It seems that guesses to this “soothsayer” in the guise of a maiden snake are easy, but in fact, they are the fruit of her long thoughts. Sorting through her mind, analyzing and comparing facts is her favorite hobby, which she enjoys doing from morning to night.

The Virgo Snake man does not like to change partners, both business and personal. The maiden snake does not pose a danger to others. The only exceptions are two situations - when someone tries to “press her tail” or when she begins to take revenge. Resentment is not the last property of a virgin snake woman - holding a grudge, she remembers her all her life.

Horoscope Virgo-Snake

According to the horoscope, Virgo-Snake has excellent intuition and logical thinking. This is a stylish and intelligent person who is not devoid of artistry. Such people are too economical. But, as far as love is concerned, they are careful in it.

In the personal life of the Virgo-Snake, do not strive for a long relationship. She is constantly torn between home and work. But, if the love for the chosen one is strong, then such people become caring, faithful and understanding companions.

Virgo-Snake is distinguished by external beauty and refined manners. This is one of the most attractive signs. Thanks to this, she has a lot of fans with whom she flirts and communicates with pleasure.

Virgo-Snake is constant in love and business relationships. It is not dangerous unless it is touched. Otherwise, such people become vindictive and cruel. Virgo-Snake not only remembers the offense throughout her life, but also tries to take revenge.

Horoscope of combining Virgo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The character of women Snakes - Dev: These are extremely lucky and happy women. They always find themselves in the right situation, meet the right people. For them, the main thing is to be themselves in order to feel the powerful stream of energy that the Universe sends them. They can try themselves in any field, success is guaranteed to them. However, they are best able to realize themselves in the creative field. They can become not only recognized, but very famous people.

By nature, they are friendly and cheerful. They never become the initiators of scandals, often next to them these scandals subside by themselves. This is due to their general attunement to harmonious relationships. They are confident and ambitious and can achieve anything they set their mind to. It is not difficult for them to find the key to another person, which makes them especially attractive to secrets and secrets. However, they never gossip about other people.

Snake Women - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Love relationships for them is another area where they can show their communication skills. They can plan relationships, but not follow their plans. But even in this case, if they want, the relationship can be harmonious and serious. They should just make sure that the partner matches their preferences and ideals. In this case, even an early marriage can be successful. However, it is better to enter into a marriage alliance in adulthood.

Snake Women - Virgo in Finance and Career: A career for these women will be successful if they become those who lead the masses. They are pleased and interested in leading women. In doing so, they will promote new ideas. However, their short temper prevents them from reaching the end. It is worth saving your nerves and reacting to the situation differently. The financial side of the issue is very important for them, so they always strive to achieve a lot in order to live in luxury.

Women of the Snake - Virgo in family and marriage: In the family, they occupy a leadership position. They tend to find those levers of pressure that are ideal for their partner. At the same time, family life can be stable and happy if they do not choose between family and career. They should learn to combine these two areas in order to get good results in both. Only in this way can they achieve harmony in life as a whole.

Advice to women Snakes - Virgos: These women need to look for other areas where they could get satisfaction, and not just in oratory. The desire for fame for them often becomes decisive in the implementation of goals, which is wrong in general. You need to find support and core in yourself, and not chase after someone else's recognition. It is also worth giving up a share of responsibility if it is difficult to perform duties; these recommendations can make life much easier for these people.

Snake - Virgo

Russian actor Igor Petrenko. German poet and thinker Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Yugoslav politician Slobodan Milosevic. Swedish and American actress Greta Garbo. German singer Bill Kaulitz. Syrian politician Bashar al-Assad. American boxer Rocky Marciano. Italian physician, physicist and physiologist Luigi Galvani. Russian poet and prose writer Alexander Radishchev. American actor Mickey Rourke. Queen of England and Ireland Elizabeth I Tudor (Elizabeth I). Soviet and Ukrainian actor Bogdan Stupka. Canadian and British boxer Lennox Lewis.

Born in the year of the Snake, Virgo is especially pedantic and clean, she is always dressed perfectly, with a needle; both at home and at work, she always has perfect order. Among other things, the Virgo Snake has a good sense of humor, excellent manners and innate intelligence, so it is always a pleasure to communicate and cooperate with such people.


The Snake-Virgo-man is reliable, stable, balanced. He is static - he does not like moving, moving, changing his place of residence, work, and so on. This is a very calm and reasonable person, striving for comfort and stability in all aspects of life. Thanks to sociability and a sense of humor, the Snake-Virgo-man is a favorite at work, who works selflessly and at the same time knows how to dilute the working atmosphere with some funny joke or story. In personal relationships, the Snake-Virgo-man is faithful and constant, very attached to his partner. He is hard to break, even if the relationship is bursting at the seams.


The Snake-Virgo-woman is very neat, sociable, positive. At work, she always completes everything in full and on time, does not like to be distracted by trifles and waste her time. As a rule, such a woman always has a lot of friends and acquaintances who are eager to communicate with her, want to take walks or shopping together. The Snake-Virgo-woman knows how to be an attentive interlocutor and give practical and sensible advice. In family life, like men of the same combination, the Virgo woman, born in the year of the Snake, is constant and faithful. For her, marriage once and for all is not an empty word.

The Virgo Snake is one of the most pleasant of all Snakes and Virgos to communicate with. This combination gives the personality the best character traits that are characteristic of these signs.

Virgo women: characteristics, compatibility

The Virgo woman, by many criteria, is an exemplary wife. She is serious about marriage, carefully fulfills her duties. Her house is well-maintained and well maintained. Fine qualities include: tenderness, beauty, gentle nature, fidelity and romance. Such virtues were received from the nature of the Virgin-woman. Meanwhile, the characterization of the sign is rather contradictory. This can be seen in many ways. Only Virgo has the combination of practicality and romance.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign

The Virgo woman is an intellectual. She has remarkable powers of observation, the ability to notice even the smallest details. Virgos have the ability to analyze. They are distinguished by extraordinary logic and a sharp mind, so they easily become advisers on any issues.

Demanding and critical, punctual and agile, able to be agile and collected, she does not tolerate disorder and carelessness. The representative of the sign is an amazing hard worker. She knows about it and is proud of this quality. The Virgo woman seeks to fulfill all her affairs with brilliance. The characteristic of this sign is characterized by a constant striving for perfection. At the same time, Virgo is demanding not only to herself, but also to others.

Relationship with others

Virgo women, whose characteristics contain many opposites, do not tolerate vulgar people, slovenliness, jargon, foul language, defiant manners. They are big critics and are often picky. At the same time, these qualities apply to themselves. Virgo is a strict judge, she is well aware of her weak sides At the same time, he does not tolerate and is deeply worried about any comments addressed to him.

Natural modesty and restraint, the desire to "hide in the crowd" do not sometimes prevent society from challenging. However, this is not a contradiction of the Virgin-woman. The characteristic of the representatives of this zodiac sign implies honesty and sincerity. They do not have such qualities as deceit, hypocrisy, pretense and hypocrisy, so Virgos do not pay attention to public opinion at all. This shows their inner strength and iron character.

Relationships in the family

What does the characteristic of the zodiac sign say about such a representative as Virgo? A woman becomes an ideal wife, mother and wonderful hostess. For her husband, this is a great adviser and helper. After all, she is quite transparent. In addition, such a lady has an amazing quality - the ability not to hurt man's dignity and pride. Is always practical tips give Virgo-women. The characteristics of these representatives completely exclude illusions, any adventures or dubious undertakings. In addition, they perfectly keep secrets, so spouses can always rely on them.

Virgo is not jealous. She carefully hides her feelings and suspicions. Never "pour" them into hysteria, and even more so public. This is a devoted wife, in which the husband can always be sure.

Relationships with men

Extremely charming, possessing a certain charm, always attractive to the stronger sex - all this is a Virgo woman. The characteristic of this zodiac sign indicates tenderness and affection. It is with these qualities that Virgo conquers men.

She knows perfectly well what attracts the stronger sex. She likes it. She is quite capable of light flirting, but never oversteps her bounds. The Virgo woman is always faithful to only one partner and seriously condemns those people who do not adhere to this principle.

The characteristic of the sign is amazing and multifaceted. Virgo woman meticulously chooses her husband. She will connect her life only with someone who will meet all her criteria and will love passionately.

The man who wins the heart of the Virgin, in life together will be happy with her. This young lady is not characterized by violent passions, but she will always be gentle and affectionate with her chosen one.

Aries Compatibility

Such relationships cannot be called successful. The Virgo woman easily confuses the Aries. The man is even sure that he fell in love for real and strongly. Over time, it turns out that these relationships are unfounded. Aries will not be able to put up with the emotional coldness of a woman.

Virgo and Taurus

For a man, this is great. love compatibility. Such a marriage will last a long time. The Virgo woman suits Taurus perfectly. Spouses can part because of mutual cooling.

Virgo and Gemini

A very unfortunate alliance. These signs are in different planes relative to the zodiac. Bound by marriage, they begin to yearn. Both spouses are looking for new partners, more sensual.

Virgo and Cancer

Marriage is associated with many difficulties, but such a union is stable. The patience of a man will constantly be tested by petty grievances of a girl. Cancer, who cannot tolerate this, may begin to seek solace on the side. For such a marriage, financial and material well-being is important. Otherwise, the union will disintegrate irrevocably.

Virgo and Leo

This is a beautiful, harmonious couple. But over time, reality remains. Harmony disappears. Both spouses are not ready for this. Quarrels break out regularly. Virgo and Leo are unbearable together. The cup of patience soon overflows.

Compatibility of two Virgos

Great union. Excellent compatibility in love. Both representatives live well under the same roof. They are connected by the same desires, worries and problems. The couple are close in every area of ​​such an amazing marriage.

Virgo and Libra

Such a marriage is distinguished by a hospitable, cozy, homely atmosphere. However, the union is difficult. It is difficult for Libra. Behind the respectable facade are constant quarrels about the habits of the spouse. His wife often criticizes him. As a result, the man accuses the woman of pettiness and leaves.

Virgo and Scorpio

A woman is a tender mother and an excellent hostess. She is patient and resilient. The man is surrounded by warmth and care. Scorpio loves it. Compatibility is good enough. Periodically, "sadistic" inclinations are found on Scorpio. At this time, he practically harasses his wife. But Virgo in most cases endures all this.

Virgo and Sagittarius

For a man, this marriage is unsuccessful. A woman seeks to accustom Sagittarius to household chores, to tame a freedom-loving disposition. A man does not mind helping his wife, but this is not the main thing for them. The constant discontent of the Virgo for Sagittarius is simply unbearable.

Virgo and Capricorn

Bad compatibility. The couple maintains their relationship with difficulty. Practical and competent Capricorn wants the world to be free and fair. Virgo constantly reminds of his imperfection.

Virgo and Aquarius

Unfortunately, nothing good can come from such a marriage. If a union arises, then it does not last long. The couple part ways, feeling betrayed.

Virgo and Pisces

This is a strong union. A man strives for a family hearth, and a Virgo woman perfectly creates and takes care of him.

Eastern horoscope

For Virgo, the year of her birth is important. After all Eastern horoscope also leaves its mark on the characteristics of this sign.

Rat-Virgo is practical and very critical. Home life depresses her. She happily prefers the professional sphere. High demands on a partner complicates personal life quite enough. The character of this woman is balanced after the birth of children.

Virgo-Ox can be quite economic, well organized. But sometimes household chores cease to interest her if her career develops favorably. She perfectly realizes her ambitions in the work sphere.

Tiger-Virgo is a woman whose characteristics are impressive. This is a lady who is passionate about her affairs, herself. She gets along well with others, finds herself perfectly in the professional field, makes the necessary acquaintances and knows how to achieve her goals.

Virgo Cat is highly organized. Such a woman is an excellent master in the field she chooses. She is hardworking and does not waste time, has an innate talent to run a business, but she takes her abilities lightly.

The Dragon Maiden is a woman whose characteristics are very curious. Such a young lady is very sober in her vision and assessments. She knows exactly what she wants out of life. And besides, he understands how to achieve this. Has quite extensive talents Virgo-Dragon (woman). The characteristic of this sign testifies to a rare combination of pragmatism and a sense of every minute holiday. This allows you to perfectly realize in the family and career. She lives to the fullest, because she knows how she should behave in order to become happy.

The Virgo-Snake is a woman whose characteristics are earthy. She is a caring wife and mother, a wonderful hostess. But this young lady seeks to completely control the situation, often provoking a violent reaction from her children and her husband. She is quite capable and often holds positions of responsibility. Appreciates his work and demands an appropriate fee for it.

Horse-Virgo is constantly busy with something. She can plunge headlong into business. In her life, such a woman manages to do a lot, because by nature she is endowed with considerable energy. She easily copes with the household, children, career. At the same time, she always finds time to communicate with her friends.

Virgo-Goat is a woman whose characteristics are impeccable in everything. She carefully and carefully chooses her preferences, is critical and attentive. Refinement and elegance attract people to it. Moreover, she is stubborn and likes to insist on her own. Her advice is often really helpful.

Virgo-Monkey is principled in everything. She obeys only her own internal rules. It often seems unpredictable to others. However, such a woman is so prudent and reasonable that she will not be able to “confuse” her head.

Rooster-Virgo is an intellectual young lady with an analytical mind. She is distinguished by non-standard thinking and keen observation. The woman is very practical. She sets realistic goals and achieves them.

Dog-Virgo gives all of himself to the service. It doesn't matter if it's a family, work or hobby. All her actions are subordinated strict rules, regularity and mode. She is calm and hardworking.

Pig-Virgo is a good analyst and a talented organizer. She is a person of duty, an extremely responsible worker. A woman is able to hone her abilities and talents for a long time. She strives to bring her skills to perfection.