Omar hayam statements about unhappy love. Beautiful sayings about love

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

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Without hops and smiles - what kind of life?
Without the sweet sounds of the flute - what kind of life?
Everything that you see in the sun costs little.
But at the feast in the lights, life is also bright!
* * *

One refrain from my Wisdom:
“Life is short, - so give free rein to it!
It is clever to trim trees
But to cut yourself off is much more stupid! "
* * *

Live, madman! .. Spend while you are rich!
After all, you yourself are not a precious treasure.
And do not dream - thieves will not conspire
Get you out of the coffin back!
* * *

Are you bypassed by the award? Forget it.
Are the days rushing by? Forget it.
Careless Wind: in the Eternal Book of Life
I could have moved the wrong page ...
* * *

What is there, behind the dilapidated curtain of Darkness
Minds got confused in fortune-telling.
When the curtain falls down with a bang
We will all see how wrong we were.
* * *

I would compare the world to a chessboard:
That day, then night ... And the pawns? - we are with you.
Moved, squeezed - and beaten.
And they put me to rest in a dark box.
* * *

The world with a piebald nag can be compared,
And this rider - who could he be?
"Neither day nor night - he does not believe in anything!"
- And where does he get the strength to live?
* * *

Youth ran away - a runaway spring -
To the underworlds in a halo of sleep
Like a miracle bird, with gentle cunning,
She twisted, shone here - and is not visible ...
* * *

Dreaming dust! There is no place for them in the world.
And if even a young delirium came true?
What if it snowed in the sultry desert?
An hour or two rays - and there is no snow!
* * *

“The world piles up such mountains of evil!
Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy! "
But if only you tore them open! How many wonderful
You would find shining diamonds!
* * *

Life passes - a flying caravan.
The halt is not long ... Is the glass full?
Beauty, come to me! Will lower the canopy
A dormant fog over sleepy happiness.
* * *

In one young temptation - feel everything!
In one melody with a string - listen all!
Do not go to the darkening distance:
Live in a short, bright streak.
* * *

Good and evil are at enmity: the world is on fire.
And what about the sky? The sky is on the sidelines.
Curses and furious hymns
They do not reach the blue heights.
* * *

For the sparkle of days, clutched in my hand,
You can't buy Mysteries somewhere in the distance.
And here - and a lie by a hair's breadth from the Truth,
And your life is in the balance.
* * *

In moments He is visible, more often hidden.
Watching our life closely.
God spends eternity with our drama!
He composes, stages and looks himself.
* * *

Although my body is slimmer than a poplar,
Although the cheeks are a fiery tulip,
But why is a wayward artist
Introduced my shadow into your motley booth?
* * *

The ascetics were exhausted from thoughts.
And the same secrets dry the wise mind.
We ignoramuses - fresh grape juice,
And to them, the great ones - dried raisins!
* * *

What are the bliss of heaven to me - "then"?
I ask now, in cash, with wine ...
I don’t believe in credit! And what is Glory to me:
Drum thunder under the very ear ?!
* * *

Wine is not only a friend. Wine is a sage:
With him, confusion, heresies - the end!
Wine - alchemist: transforms at once
Life lead into golden dust.
* * *

As in front of a bright, regal leader,
As before a scarlet, fiery sword -
Black plague of shadows and fears -
A horde of enemies, running before the wine!
* * *

Guilt! “I’m not asking for anything else.
Love! “I’m not asking for anything else.
"Will heaven give you forgiveness?"
They do not offer - I do not ask.
* * *

You are drunk - and rejoice, Khayyam!
You have won - and rejoice. Khayyam!
Nothing will come - finish these nonsense ...
You are still alive - and rejoice, Khayyam.
* * *

Much is clever in the words of the Qur'an,
But wine teaches the same wisdom.
Each cup has a life record:
"Stick with your lips - and you will see the bottom!"
* * *

I am at the wine - that the willow is by the stream:
A foamy stream gives water to my root.
This is how God judged! Was he thinking of anything?
And if I had stopped drinking, I would have let him down!
* * *

Diadem glitter, silk turban
I will give everything - and your power, Sultan,
I'll give a holy man with a rosary to boot
For the sounds of the flute and ... another glass!
* * *

Learning has no meaning, no boundaries.
Will reveal more secret flap of eyelashes.
Drink! The Book of Life will end sadly.
Decorate the flickering borders with wine!
* * *

All kingdoms of the world - for a glass of wine!
All the wisdom of books - for the sharpness of wine!
All the honors are for shine and wine velvet!
All the music for the gurgle of wine!
* * *

The ashes of the sages are dismal, my young friend.
Their lives are scattered, my young friend.
"But we hear their proud lessons!"
And this is the wind of words, my young friend.
* * *

I eagerly inhaled all the aromas,
Drank all the rays. And he wished for all women.
What is life? - The stream of the earth flashed in the sun
And somewhere in a black crack he disappeared.
* * *

Prepare wine for wounded love!
Nutmeg and scarlet like blood.
Fill the fire, sleepless, hidden
And entangle your soul in stringed silk again.
* * *

In that is not love, who does not languish with violence,
In that damp twigs smoke.
Love is a fire, blazing, sleepless ...
The lover is wounded. He is incurable!
* * *

To reach her cheeks - tender roses?
First, there are a thousand splinters in the heart!
So the comb: they will cut into small teeth,
So that you swam sweeter in the luxury of your hair!
* * *

Until the wind blew away at least a spark, -
Ignite her with the fun of the vines!
As long as the shadow remains the same strength, -
Unravel the knots of scented braids!
* * *

You are a warrior with a net: catch the hearts!
A jug of wine - and in the shade of the tree.
The brook sings: “You will die and become clay.
Given for a short time the moonlight of the face. "
* * *

"Don't drink, Khayyam!" Well, how to explain to them
That in the dark I do not agree to live!
And the shine of the wine and the sly, sweet gaze -
Here are two brilliant reasons to drink!
* * *

They say to me: "Khayyam, don't drink wine!"
But what about? Only a drunk can hear
The hyacinth's speech is tender to the tulip,
Which she doesn't tell me!
* * *

Cheer up! .. Can't you catch a stream in captivity?
But a fluent stream caresses!
Is there no constancy in women and in life?
But it’s your turn!
* * *

Love in the beginning is always affectionate.
In memories - always affectionate.
And you love - pain! And greedily for each other
We torment and torment - always.
* * *

Is the scarlet rosehip tender? You are more tender.
Is the Chinese idol lush? You are more magnificent.
Is the chess king weak before the queen?
But I, fool, are weaker in front of you!
* * *

Do we bring love to life - the last gift?
A blow is close over the heart.
But even a moment before death - give me your lips,
Oh, sweet bowl of tender enchantments!
* * *

“Our world is a young rose alley,
The choir of nightingales and the chatter of dragonflies. "
And in the fall? "Silence and stars,
And the darkness of your fluffy hair ... "
* * *

“There are four elements. Feels like five,
And a hundred riddles. " Is it worth it to count?
Play the lute, the lute's talk is sweet:
The wind of life is in it - a master to intoxicate ...
* * *

The heavenly cup contains the hop of airy roses.
Break the glass of vanity-small dreams!
Why worries, honors, dreams?
The quiet ringing of strings ... and the delicate silk of hair ...
* * *

You are not the only one unhappy. Do not be angry
By the tenacity of Heaven. Forces renew
On a young breast, elastic tender ...
You will find delight. And don't look for love.
* * *

I'm young again. Scarlet wine
Give joy to your soul! And at the same time
Give bitterness and tart, and fragrant ...
Life is bitter and drunken wine!
* * *

Today is an orgy - with my wife,
The barren daughter of empty Wisdom,
I divorce! Friends and I love it
And I will marry a daughter of simple vines ...
* * *

Didn't see Venus and the Moon
The earthy shine is sweeter than wine.
Sell ​​wine? Though gold and weighty, -
The poor salesperson's mistake is clear.
* * *

The huge ruby ​​of the sun shone
It's my fault: the dawn! Take the sandalwood:
One piece - make a melodious lute,
Another - light it up, so that the world smells sweet.
* * *

“A weak person is an unfaithful slave of fate,
I am the shameless slave exposed! "
Especially in love. I myself, I am the first
Always unfaithful and weak to many.
* * *

The dark hoop of days has shackled our hands -
Days without wine, without thoughts of her ...
Stingy time and charges for them
The whole price of full, real days!
* * *

The secret of life - where would there be even a hint?
In night wanderings - where is even a light?
Under the wheel, in unquenchable torture
Souls burn. Where is the smoke?
* * *

How good the world is, how fresh the fire of the stallions!
And there is no Creator before whom to fall prostrate.
But roses cling, lips beckon with delight ...
Don't touch the lute: let's listen to the birds.
* * *

Feast! Tune in again.
What to run forward or backward! -
At the celebration of freedom, the mind is cramped:
He is our everyday prison robe.
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Empty happiness is an upstart, not a friend!
Here with young wine - I'm an old friend!
I love to stroke a noble goblet:
The blood boils in him. A friend is felt in him.
* * *

There was a drunkard. Wine pitchers seven
It fit into it. So it seemed to everyone.
And he himself was - an empty clay jug ...
Crashed the other day ... to smithereens! At all!
* * *

Days - waves of rivers in minute silver,
Desert sand in a melting game.
Live today. And Yesterday and Tomorrow
Not so necessary in the earthly calendar.
* * *

How terribly starry night! Not yourself.
Trembling, lost in the abyss of the world.
And the stars are full of vertigo
They rush past, into eternity, along a curve ...
* * *

Autumn rain sowed drops in the garden.
Flowers rose. They are dazzling and burning.
But into the bowl of lilies, splash scarlet hops -
Like the blue smoke of magnolia scent ...
* * *

I am old. My love for you is a dope.
In the morning I was drunk with date wine.
Where is the rose of days? Plucked brutally.
I am humiliated by love, drunk with life!
* * *

What is life? Bazaar ... Don't look for a friend there.
What is life? A bruise ... Don't look for medicine.
Don't change yourself. Smile at people.
But don't look for smiles in people.
* * *

From the neck of the jug on the table
Blood pours wine. And everything is in her warmth:
Truthfulness, affection, loyal friendship -
The only friendship on earth!
* * *

Fewer friends! Itself day by day
Carcasses are empty sparks of fire.
And you shake your hand - always think in silence:
"Oh, they'll swing it at me! .."
* * *

“In honor of the sun - a cup, our scarlet tulip!
In honor of the red lips - and he is drunk with love! "
Feast, merry! Life is a hard fist:
All will be overturned dead into fog.
* * *

The rose laughed: "Sweet breeze
Ripped off my silk, opened up my wallet
And the whole treasury of golden stamens,
Look, - he freely threw it on the sand. "
* * *

Rose's wrath: "How, me - the queen of roses -
Will take the huckster and the heat of fragrant tears
Will burn it out of the heart with evil pain ?! " Secret!..
Sing, nightingale! April Fool's Day - Years of Tears.
* * *

I started a bed of Wisdom in the garden.
I cherished it, watered it - and I wait ...
The harvest approaches, and from the garden a voice:
"I came with a rain and I will leave with a breeze."
* * *

I ask: “What did I possess?
What's ahead? .. Tossing, raging ...
And you will become dust, and people will say:
"A short fire is out somewhere."
* * *

- What's a song, cups, caresses without warmth? -
- Toys, children's corner rubbish.
- And what about prayers, deeds and sacrifices?
- Burnt and decrepit ash.
* * *

Night. The night is all around. Cut her up, excite her!
Prison! .. All of him, your first kiss,
Adam and Eve: gave us life and bitterness,
It was a wicked and predatory kiss.
* * *

- How the rooster was straining at dawn!
- He saw clearly: the stars were out of fire.
And the night, like your life, was in vain.
And you overslept. And you don’t know - deaf.
* * *

The fish said: "Shall we sail soon?
In the irrigation ditch there is a terribly cramped reservoir. "
- This is how they will roast us, - said the duck, -
So all the same: even though the sea be around! "
* * *

“From edge to edge we are on our way to death.
We cannot turn from the edge of death. "
Look: in the local caravanserai
Don't forget your love!
* * *

“I visited the very bottom of the depths.
Took off to Saturn. There are no such troubles
Such networks that I could not untangle ... "
There is! Dark knot of death. He is alone!
* * *

"Death will appear and mow down in reality,
Silent days withered grass ... "
Blind a jug of my dust:
I will refresh myself with wine - and revive.
* * *

Potter. They make noise all around on market day ...
He tramples clay, all day in a row.
And she babbles in a faded voice:
"Brother, have pity, come to your senses - you are my brother! .."
* * *

Fill a clay vessel with moisture:
Hear lips babbling, not just jets.
Whose dust is this? I kiss the edge - and shuddered:
It seemed like a kiss was given to me.
* * *

No potter. I'm alone in the workshop.
Two thousand jugs in front of me.
And they whisper: “Let us introduce ourselves to a stranger
For a moment, a crowd of discharged people. "
* * *

Who was this delicate vase?
Respirator! Sad and light.
And the handles of the vase? With a flexible hand
She, as before, wrapped her neck around.
* * *

What is scarlet poppy? Blood spurted out
From the wounds of the sultan taken by the land.
And in hyacinth - from the ground made its way
And the young curl again curled.
* * *

A flower trembles over the mirror of the brook;
In it is the woman's ashes: a familiar stalk.
Do not think of tulips of coastal greenery:
And in them - a gentle blush and a reproach ...
* * *

Dawns shone to people - and before us!
Stars flowed like an arc - and up to us!
In a lump of gray dust, under your feet
You crushed a shining young eye.
* * *

Day is breaking. The late lights go out.
Hopes lit up. It's always like this, all the days!
And when it gets dark, the candles will light up again,
And the late lights go out in the heart.
* * *

To involve in a secret conspiracy Love!
Hug the whole world, raise Love to you,
So that the world fell from a height,
So that from the wreckage he stood up the best again!
* * *

God is in the veins of days. Whole life -
His game. It is made of mercury - living silver.
It will shine with the moon, silver with a fish ...
He is all flexible, and death is His play.
* * *

The drop said goodbye to the sea - all in tears!
The sea laughed freely - everything is in the rays!
"Fly up to the sky, fall to the ground, -
The end is the same: again - in my waves. "
* * *

Doubt, faith, ardor of living passions -
Air soap bubbles game:
That one flashed like a rainbow, and this one - gray ...
And all will fly apart! This is the life of people.
* * *

One - trusts the runners in the days
The other is for hazy tomorrow dreams
And the muezzin is broadcasting from the tower of darkness:
“Fools! The reward is not here, and not there! "
* * *

Imagine yourself as a pillar of science
Try to drive in to catch, hook
Into the failures of two abysses - Yesterday and Tomorrow ...
Better yet, drink! Do not waste vain attempts.
* * *

The halo of scientists also attracted me.
I listened to them from a young age, argued,
I sat with them ... But by the same door
I went out, which I entered.
* * *

Mysterious miracle: "You are in me."
It is given in the darkness, like a torch, to me.
I wander after him and always stumble:
Our very blind "You are in me."
* * *

As if a key had been found for the door.
As if there was a bright ray in the fog.
A revelation sounded about "I" and "You" ...
An instant is darkness! And the key has sunk into the abyss!
* * *

How! To pay for rubbish with gold of merit -
For this life? A contract is imposed
The debtor is deceived, weak ...
No talking. A clever lender!
* * *

Someone else's concoction to inhale the world's fumes ?!
Putting a hundred patches on the holes in life ?!
Pay losses on the accounts of the Universe ?!
- Not! I'm not that hard and rich!
* * *

First, they gave me life without asking.
Then - a discrepancy in feelings began.
Now they are being driven out ... I'll leave! I agree!
But the intent is unclear: where is the connection?
* * *

Traps, holes in my path.
God placed them. And he told me to go.
And he foresaw everything. And he left me.
And the one who did not want to save judges!
* * *

Filling life with the temptation of bright days
Filling the soul with the flame of passions,
The God of renunciation demands: here is the cup -
It is full: bend down - and do not spill!
* * *

You put our heart into a dirty lump.
You let the insidious snake into paradise.
And to man - You are the accuser, aren't you?
Quickly ask him to forgive you!
* * *

You swooped down, Lord, like a hurricane:
He threw a handful of dust in my mouth, my glass
I turned it over and shed priceless hops ...
Who of the two of us is drunk today?
* * *

I loved idols superstitiously.
But they lie. No one has enough strength ...
I sold a good name for a song
And in a small circle he drowned glory.
* * *

Execute, and prepare the soul of Eternity,
Make vows, reject love.
And there is spring! Will come and take out roses.
And the cloak of repentance is torn again!
* * *

All the desired joys - rip off!
Wider the cup Substitute with happiness!
Heaven will not appreciate your hardships.
So pour wine, songs, over the edge!
* * *

Monasteries, mosques, synagogues
And God saw a lot of cowards in them.
But not in the hearts set free by the sun
Bad seeds: slave anxiety.
* * *

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and dead.
I’m not in a thirst for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once I pulled the rug out of here,
And he was worn out. It should be different ...
* * *

Be a free-thinker! Remember our vow:
"The saint is narrow, the hypocrite is cruel."
Khayyam's preaching stubbornly sounds:
"Rob, but be wide in heart!"
* * *

The soul is light with wine! Pay tribute to her:
The jug is round-voiced. And chasing
Cup with love: so that it shines
And the golden edge was reflected.
* * *

In wine I see a scarlet spirit of fire
And the shine of the needles. Bowl for me
Crystal is a living shard of the sky.

Omar Khayyam is an excellent teacher of the wisdom of life. Even in spite of more than eight hundred years of age, his rubai did not become less interesting for new generations, did not become outdated by a single word. Because each of the four lines of his rubai is written about a person and for a person: about the eternal problems of being, about earthly sorrows and joys, about the very meaning of life.

The many books written about man and his spiritual quest could, quite possibly, easily fit into any of Khayyam's quatrains. With his skill, he was able to turn each poem into a small philosophical parable, an answer to many eternal questions of our earthly life.

The main message of all Khayyam's work is that a person unconditionally has the right to happiness in this mortal world and has the right to be himself throughout his not-so-long (in the opinion of the philosopher himself) life. The poet's ideal is a free, thinking person with a pure soul, which is characterized by wisdom, understanding, love and cheerfulness.

Rubaiyans of Omar Khayyam have long been "taken away" by quotes. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the best of them (in pictures).

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot.
Two important rules remember to start:
You better starve than eat anything.
And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.
If you are happy - from happiness, fool, do not be naughty.
If you become unhappy, do not feel sorry for yourself.
Evil and good do not blame God indiscriminately:
The poor God is a thousand times harder!
We change rivers, countries, cities ...
Other doors ... New years ...
And we cannot get away from ourselves anywhere.
And if you get away - only to nowhere.
You will say this life is one moment.
Appreciate her, draw inspiration from her.
As you pass it, it will pass,
Do not forget: she is your creation.
It is known that in the world everything is only vanity of vanities:
Be cheerful, do not grieve, there is a light on this.
What has been is past, what will be is unknown,
- So do not grieve about what is not today.
We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.
We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.
A person, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!
There will be no us. And the world - at least that.
The trace will disappear. And the world - at least that.
We were not there, but he was shining and will be!
We will disappear. And the world - at least that.
Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws -
It's funny to worry about small intrigues.
Since God in heaven is invariably great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.
What fate has decided to give you
It is impossible not to increase or subtract.
Don't worry about what you don't own
And from what is, become free.
Whose hand will this age-old circle open?
Who will find the end and the beginning of the circle?
And no one has yet revealed to the human race -
How, where, why our coming and going.

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with the best

Omar Khayyam is rightfully considered one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the medieval East. This, truly, a multifaceted personality, who was glorified in the centuries not only wise aphorisms about love, happiness, and not only, but also scientific works in mathematics, astronomy and physics.

And this makes Omar a very significant figure in the arena of human achievements for many centuries: not every person could boast of such talents: very few people like Omar Khayyam or Leonardo Da Vinci were born when a person is talented in everything, a kind of pearl of humanity.

Most often, Omar Khayyam made out his statements in rubai - quite complex poems for composing, consisting of four lines, of which three rhymed among themselves (and sometimes all four). The poet in the very real sense of the word was in love with life, with the diversity of its forms, and therefore his witty aphorisms are filled with deep meaning, which the reader is not able to understand the first time.

He wrote rubai in the medieval East, where blasphemy was severely condemned, up to death penalty, Omar Khayyam, despite the danger of persecution, clothed his wisdom in writing, and, according to researchers, under the authorship of Omar it was written about three hundred to five hundred rubles.

Just imagine - aphorisms about life, happiness, witty quotes, and just oriental wisdom, relevant even now for each of us.

Although everything remained in order five thousand rubles, allegedly under the authorship of Omar Khayyam, most likely, these are statements about happiness and not only, his contemporaries, who were afraid to unleash severe punishment on their heads, and therefore, attributing to the poet and philosopher their creations.

Omar Khayyam, unlike them, was not afraid of punishment, and therefore his aphorisms often ridicule the gods and power, belittling their importance in the life of people, and he did it right. After all, the same happiness does not at all lie in blind obedience to theological books or the dictates of kings. Happiness is to live your most best years in agreement with oneself, and the poet's quotes help to realize this simple, but such an important fact.

The best and wittiest of his statements are presented before you, and are designed in interesting photos... After all, when you read a text with a meaning not just in black and white, but elegantly designed, then it is remembered much better, which is an excellent training for the mind.

In a conversation with an interlocutor, you can always effectively screw in witty quotes, flashing your erudition. You can instill in your child a love of poetry by showing him a few photos, where the most beautiful rubyas about friendship or happiness are beautifully decorated. Read these together wise sayings by Omar Khayyam, imbued with his every word.

His quotes about happiness amaze with such a clear understanding of the world and the human soul as a person. Omar Khayyam seems to be talking with us, his aphorisms and quotes seem to be written not for everyone, but for each individually, reading his statements, we are involuntarily amazed at the depth of the images and the brightness of the metaphors.

The immortal rubyes survived their creator for many centuries, and despite the fact that for a long time remained in oblivion, until, in the Victorian era, by a happy coincidence, a notebook was discovered containing statements and aphorisms that Omar wrote, clothed in poetic form, in the end, gained wild popularity, first in England, and a little later in everything world, when his statements scattered all over the world, like birds, bringing into the house of everyone who read the poet's quotes, a little bit of Eastern wisdom.

Omar probably did not even suspect that for most of our contemporaries he would be known precisely as a poet and philosopher, rather than a great scientist. Most likely, both of these areas of his activity were the passion of his whole life, Omar showed by his example real life, when, if desired, you can have time to do everything.

Often people, in whose minds many talents are invested, remain alone - their activity takes too much energy, but the poet ended his life in a circle large family and close friends. He did not ossify and did not go entirely into science and philosophy, and this is worth a lot.

His quotes in the form of a photo can be viewed on our website, and perhaps the most liked


Quotes and Aphorisms 16.09.2017

Dear readers, today I invite you to a philosophical conversation. After all, we are talking about the statements of the famous poet and philosopher Omar Khayyam. The poet is considered one of greatest minds and the philosophers of the East. Composing aphorisms about life with meaning, Omar Khayam wrote short quatrains - rubai. It is interesting, however, that during his lifetime he was much better known as an astronomer and mathematician.

Before Victorian era they knew about him only in the East. Because of the breadth of views, for a long time Khayyam the poet and Khayyam the scientist considered by different people... A collection of quatrains, Rubayat, was published after the death of the author. Europeans read the hacks in the translation of the English naturalist and poet Edward Fitzgerald. According to writers, Hayama's collection of poems includes more than 5,000 works. Historians are cautious: experts say that only 300 to 500 verses belong to Khayyam.

The philosopher subtly felt life and accurately described the characters of people. I noticed the peculiarities of behavior in different situations. Despite the fact that he lived many years ago, Khayyam's sayings and thoughts are still relevant, and many sayings have become famous aphorisms.

And now I invite you, dear readers, to get a subtle pleasure from the poetic wisdom and wit of aphorisms and quotes of the great thinker Omar Khayyam.

Quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam about love

The poet could not ignore the eternal theme of the relationship between men and women. Sincerely and simply, he writes:

Days without the joys of love
I consider it an unnecessary and hateful burden.

But idealism is alien to Khayyam. Love throwing describes several lines:

How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those whom we value.
Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbors.
We exalt those who are not worthy of us, but we betray the most faithful.
Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

The poet also thought a lot about how true closeness and love between people is manifested:

Giving yourself doesn't mean selling.
And sleeping next to it doesn't mean sleeping.
Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything.
Not being close does not mean not loving.

Physical distances in the distant past meant more than they do now. But mental alienation can still be the same. A connoisseur of souls about the eternal problem of families, the seduction of husbands, said briefly: "You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman."

At the same time, the philosopher admits:

A weak person is an unfaithful slave of fate,
I am the shameless slave exposed!
Especially in love. I myself, I am the first
Always unfaithful and weak to many.

Khayyam wrote about the ideal of female beauty on behalf of men:

You, whose appearance is fresher than wheat fields,
You are a mihrab from the temple of paradise, a mile away!
At birth, your mother washed you with ambergris,
Mixing a drop of my blood into the scent!

Surprisingly, more than ten centuries have passed since the time when these lines were written, and the actions of the lovers have hardly changed. Maybe that's why the witty quotes and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam are still so popular?

Quotes by Omar Khayyam about the joy of life

During the life of the scientist in the Islamic world (within the modern borders from Azerbaijan to India), religion in literature imposed severe restrictions on the description of love. For more than thirty years, there has been a strict ban on the mention of alcohol in poetry. But the philosopher seems to be laughing at the imams. The famous verse is broken down into aphorisms.

We are told that in the booths of paradise we will catch the wondrous houris,
Blissfully delighting yourself with the purest honey and wine.
So if that is allowed by the Eternal in the holy paradise themselves,
Is it possible in a fleeting world to forget beauties and wine?

However, the notorious wine of Khayyam is not so much alcoholic as a symbol of the joy of life:

Drink! And into the fire of spring commotion
Throw away the dark cloak of winter with holes.
The earthly path is not long. And time is a bird.
The bird has wings ... You are at the edge of darkness.

Wine is also a way to comprehend the wisdom of ordinary, at first glance, phenomena and images:

Man is the truth of the world, the crown is
Not everyone knows this, but only a sage.
Drink a drop of wine so that it doesn't seem to you
That all creations are one sample.

Although the main thing is still the ability to enjoy life:

Do not grieve that your name will be forgotten.
Let the intoxicating drink comfort you.
Before your joints fall apart
Comfort yourself with your beloved by caressing her.

The main feature of the sage's works is integrity without the currently fashionable conflict. A person is not only holistic, but also influences the environment:

Only in the sky the dawn will be barely visible,
Pull the juice of an invaluable vine from the bowl!
We know: the truth is bitter in the mouths of people, -
So, it means that we should consider wine as the truth.

This is the whole of Khayyam - he suggests looking for the meaning of life in its endless manifestations.

Omar Khayyam's aphorisms about life

This is the essence of philosophers - to constantly reflect on what is happening around and be able to express it accurately and succinctly. Omar Khayyam expounded a very unusual view:

And the nights gave way to days
Before us, oh my dear friend,
And the stars did it all the same
His circle is predetermined by fate.
Ah, hush! Go carefully
To the dust under your feet -
You trample on beauties,
Remains of their wondrous eyes.

Khayyam is wise also in his attitude to death and suffering. Like any wise man, he knew that there was no point in regretting the past and that in constant anticipation better happiness also not found.

Do not curse your heavens for suffering.
Look at the graves of your friends without sobbing.
Appreciate this fleeting moment.
Don't look at yesterday and tomorrow.

And he wrote about different perceptions of life:

Two people looked through one window. One saw rain and mud.
Another - foliage green ligature, spring and blue sky.
Two people looked through one window.

And, of course, all the basic laws of the universe were obvious to him, which even now indicate that the best thing in life is to do good:

Do not do evil - it will return like a boomerang,
Don't spit in the well - you will drink water,
Don't insult someone below the rank
What if you have to ask for something.
Do not betray your friends - you cannot replace them,
And do not lose your loved ones - you will not return,
Don't lie to yourself - with check with time,
That you are betraying yourself with this lie.

The philosopher considered work to be the main thing, and position in society, wealth and social benefits only transitory attributes. Of swagger, he wrote:

Sometimes someone proudly throws their glances: "It's me!"
Decorate your outfits with gold: "It's me!"
But only his affairs will go well,
Suddenly death emerges from an ambush: "It's me!"

In the fleetingness of being, the poet appreciated humanity, the ability to concentrate on his tasks:

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life, short, equal to the breath,
Treat as given to you for a rental.

Omar Khayyam was able to relate to many things with humor:

When I lay my head under the fence,
Into the clutches of death, like a bird in the grip, please -
I will: make a jug out of me,
Introduce me to your revelry!

Although, like wine, the poet's revelry and joy cannot be understood only literally. Rubai contains several layers of wisdom.

Reflections on God and Religion

Due to the peculiarities of the worldview of the East of that time, Khayyam could not ignore religion.

God is in the veins of days. All life is His game.
It is made of mercury - living silver.
It will shine with the moon, silver with a fish ...
He is all flexible, and death is His play.

Omar Khayyam went for a long time to understand God. God, according to Khayyam, is very different from the Christian trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In moments He is visible, more often hidden.
Watching our life closely.
God spends eternity with our drama!
He composes, stages and looks himself.

Strictly speaking, in Islam, from the Trinity, only the Holy Spirit is present. According to the Qur'an, Jesus, or rather Isa, is one of the greatest prophets. Their scientist frankly did not like:

Prophets came to us in droves
And they promised light to the dark world.
But they are all with their eyes closed
They descended into darkness, one after another.

Although the philosopher participated in the upbringing of children of noble families, he did not leave behind theological works. The fact is all the more surprising because for 10 years of work in Bukhara, the scientist released 4 fundamental additions to the geometry of Euclid and 2 works on astronomy. Apparently, Theosophy remained outside of his interests. His humorous verse speaks of his attitude to the cult of religion:

I enter the mosque. The hour is late and dead.
I’m not in a thirst for a miracle and not with a prayer:
Once I pulled the rug out of here,
And he was worn out. It should be different ...

To be devoid of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart did not cling to the drink of love,
He is a donkey, although he does not wear donkey ears!

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

To be captive to love, heart, sweet to you,
Bow down to the dust, head, before the dear in prayer.
Do not be angry with the whims of a beautiful friend.
Be grateful to fate for what you love.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

In love for you, I am not afraid of reproach,
I do not argue with the ignorant.
Love cup - healing to a husband,
And not to husbands - fall and shame.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

That is not love who does not torment
There are twigs of damp smoke
Love is a fire, blazing, sleepless ...
The lover is wounded. He is incurable!

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

In this world, love is the adornment of people;
To be devoid of love is to be without friends.
The one whose heart has not clung to the drink of love,
He's a donkey, though he doesn't wear donkey ears!

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

God knows: without getting drunk, I stopped drinking,
Not agreeing with the bigot, I stopped drinking.
Drank - wanted to console the inconsolable soul.
Having fallen in love with all my soul, I stopped drinking.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Enamored! In the sorrows of love
Don't call Heaven for help!
It, believe my words,
In love, you are more powerless than yourself.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Again, in my old age, I am a prisoner of passion.
Otherwise, would I be addicted to wine?
I broke all vows for my beloved
And, sobbing, I swear my folly.