Moulin Rouge party how to dress. Moulin Rouge party

Oh, cabaret! This word evokes a lot of pleasant associations: alluring promiscuity, imperceptibly intertwined with luxury and chic, extravagant outfits and frank dances, loud laughter and the viscous aroma of cigars. Quite frank, and, at times, even defiant style retains the sophistication and chic of France.

All this can be a great basis for organizing a memorable party, right? eventspro tells you how to throw a cabaret party without missing a beat.

Where to gather guests?

A party can be arranged in a cafe, restaurant, in a cozy cottage outside the city and even in a hostel. If you know the approximate number of guests, then it will be easier to decide on the room. After the main issue of choosing a place for the celebration has been resolved, you can proceed to further points of the organization.

When looking for a room, be sure to consider some points:

  • whether or not there will be a show program and what it will be (for example, a classic cabaret cancan requires a decent stage size, and it is difficult to imagine it in an apartment ...);
  • the almost obligatory smell of tobacco! What a cabaret without cigars, and meanwhile, Russia has adopted a law according to which smoking in public places is prohibited;
  • almost revealing outfits of the party participants, which may not correspond to the dress code of some establishments;
  • and, of course, standard things: the number of participants, design, territorial convenience.

We invite you in French

France is the birthplace of cabaret and therefore the main elements of the decor must be in the appropriate style. This also applies to invitation cards. Delicately scented with a delicate scent of perfume and retro pastel shades, openwork paper is a great option for a simple yet stylish invitation. Feathers and rhinestones on the envelope will help to declare the luxury of the upcoming event. Do not forget to mention in the text of the letter about the need to comply with the dress code.

Dress code for guests

Such a celebration allows you to dream up when choosing outfits, especially for women. You can forget about any complexes and prejudices and indulge in the cabaret style. Pay attention to bright boas made of feathers, tight corsets of various colors, decorated with rhinestones, revealing stockings with suspenders, long gloves for hands and ostrich feathers in your hair. Skirts - the fuller the better.

Don't forget about makeup! Bright red lipstick, blush pink, eyelashes and sparkle in the eyes make for the perfect cabaret party look. All that remains is to style your hair with a large amount of varnish. Hats with feathers and rhinestones will also be appropriate.

For men, the basic rule applies - elegance in the image. Black strict dress coats, tuxedos, butterflies, round top hats. In his hands - cigars, monocles and seemingly casually crumpled newspapers.

Add shine to the interior

The interior of the room in which the event will take place also requires some additions. At the entrance, place a sign with the inscription "Cabaret", it can be executed on thick cardboard or just a sheet of Whatman paper, order a wooden sign or painting on fabric (depends on the budget, but most importantly, on the organizers' desire to do everything at the highest level or simply indicate the main points of style ). Walls can be decorated with antique posters (of course, specially made for this event).

Use black and red fabrics for wall hangings, windows, furniture. Bright lights are inappropriate in a cabaret; the party should be held in twilight. Flowers in vases, baskets and simply scattered on the tables will help freshen the atmosphere of the evening. Preference should be given to red bouquets. There should be a lot of tables, that is, one common table is no longer a cabaret, but a lot of single ones - that's what you need!

What to serve at the table?

The cabaret-style party is the occasion for the guests to enjoy the delicacies. Caviar, red fish, foie gras, truffles and expensive champagne will surprise guests. But it is also not necessary to spend a large amount on the purchase of expensive dishes, especially if there are some financial constraints. It is quite possible to get by with the usual light snacks, canapes and fruits. On the hot side - chicken marinated in wine. Place French baguettes and rolls in small baskets. Sweets should also be present on the table: chocolates, sorbet, cakes, ice cream.

Musical accompaniment of the evening

Of course, no cabaret party is complete without the famous cancan dance. Be sure to include it in the playlist and you can do it more than once, the participants will be happy to start dancing again and again. Otherwise, attention should be paid to the famous retro hits - familiar melodies can help you relax and have fun so that the party will be remembered for a long time. You can dilute the fun with gentle lyrical melodies of French chanson.

As an emotional understanding of the cabaret style, eventspro offers to listen to a couple of tracks:

You can entertain guests with contests, dances and guest actors. Who doesn't know about mimes? For a cabaret party, you can hire a few silent clowns (just remember to warn them of your dress code!) Who can greet guests at the entrance and entertain them throughout the evening.

A professional team that will perform the cancan, surprise and entertain the guests, will be an excellent start for the start of the dance competition, and as a result, the best dancer of the evening will be determined.

Unusual entertainment can be obtained if you slightly adapt the well-known "forfeits" to the theme of France. The forfeits themselves need to be collected at the entrance, these can be brooches, gloves, hairpins, and during a party they can be played with the tasks "Dance a cancan", "Drink a glass of champagne", "Perform a song in French".

Outdoor master classes are very popular today, so for the Cabaret party you can invite specialists who will teach guests how to make hot chocolate and sweets.

A cabaret-style party helps to feel the luxurious atmosphere of the holiday, to relax in the best traditions of bohemian France. Enjoy the process of organizing the event, put your soul into every little thing and, as a result, get an unforgettable party that will be remembered for a long time.

"Moulin Rouge", which means "Red Mill" in French, is the world's most famous classic cabaret, one of the symbols of Paris. Opened in 1889, it was timed to coincide with the start of the World's Fair and the completion of the Eiffel Tower. A large number of songs were written about "Moulin Rouge" and six films were shot, the last of which, with the participation of Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman, returned the cabaret to its former popularity.

Moulin Rouge is a symbol of fulfilled and unfulfilled hopes, broken and united hearts, creativity and vice, beauty and ugliness. Corporate holiday "Moulin Rouge" will allow all participants to plunge into the world of fun, music and dance. The party is filled with the spirit of enchanting magic, languid aroma of voluptuousness, luxury and dazzling brilliance.

A gorgeous performance, a bright show, rhinestones, sequins, feathers, chic costumes, rich decorations and, of course, gorgeous girls. There is nothing more captivating and frank than the famous costumes of the cabaret favorites, who brilliantly perform the cancan, which has long been considered an obscene dance in France.

Charming mimes greet the party members at the entrance. They show entertaining pantomimes, air kisses and colorful balloons. There is also a caricature artist in the guise of a French street artist; in a few minutes he will make a sketch of an excellent portrait. A little further there is a special area for a photo session. Which of the participants corporate party "Moulin Rouge" resist the opportunity to be photographed in the boa next to the famous mill or against the backdrop of a picturesque view of Montmartre?

The hall is already playing the famous soundtrack from the Oscar-winning musical melodrama, as well as the groovy compositions of Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Bianca, the spicy, playful and incendiary music of Offenbach (author of Cancan) and romantic French melodies.

Finally, all the guests are assembled. The host of the holiday appears on the stage as an entertainer, and the fun begins!

Program at Moulin Rouge parties extensive:

  • virtuoso salon juggling
  • poets-burimists
  • mnemonic numbers
  • chic feather show ballet "Variety"
  • cancan master class
  • performance of the Moulin Rouge star
  • festive fireworks!

The interactive program of competitions, entertainment and games with guests is also very rich, here are some of them:

Competition "The Best Bouquet". Young people temporarily collect bouquets of fresh flowers offered to them in a large basket. The most beautiful and creative bouquet wins. Contestants can then donate the resulting bouquets to beautiful girls from among their colleagues.

Game "French forfeits". The guests write for each other on the task cards to do something directly at the party and put them in a top hat. The victims chosen by a blind lot will have to fulfill the wishes from the note.

Show "Theater of Shadows". A screen and a bright lamp behind it are installed on the stage so that the audience can see only shadows. To beautiful music, several participants silently act out a scene (for example, excerpts from fairy tales or other works), and the guest with the most posed speech and a strong voice works as an announcer, reading the original text.

Dancer's Hat competition. An integral part of a cabaret dancer's outfit is a miniature top hat. The participants, split into small teams, decorate blanks of paper in the form of black cylinders. Improvised means: flowers, rhinestones, glue, colored paper, scissors, ribbons, buttons.

Holiday menu corporate event "Moulin Rouge" made in the rich style of serving treats that reigned in the era of decadence. Visitors to the sumptuous cabaret ate oysters and caviar, red fish and grilled meats. Our priority will be French cuisine: poultry or pork fricassee, ratatouille, tartlets with various fillings, salads, baked meat in wine, fish with Provencal herbs, julienne, cheese cuts and baguettes in baskets, pies, foie gras.

The variety of drinks will include champagne, cognac, French wines, liqueurs, and, of course, cocktails. It is known that in 1889 the main drink in the French cabaret was green absinthe, which included vodka, thujone and wormwood extract. Nowadays, a slightly different drink is called absinthe, which still does not prevent it from rightfully taking center stage.

The selection of desserts will not leave anyone indifferent: the most delicate croissants, eclairs and meringues, chocolate mousse with fresh strawberries, French vanilla ice cream with mint liqueur. And right before the curtain, a breathtakingly beautiful cake will be served as the final chord!

Perhaps the most interesting on Moulin Rouge party are the outfits of the participants.

* Women are the main decoration of the holiday. And the ladies need to try hard to match the evening. First of all, you need to choose the right wardrobe. Lush skirts, black stockings, various garters, corsets, boas, all kinds of feathers - everything that only has enough imagination. You can choose a dress in the style of "Moulin Rouge": it will be a corset or a tight top with a large neckline, as well as a fluffy long skirt with open legs in front. Owners of beautiful legs have the opportunity to demonstrate all their charm with impunity. You can loose your hair by twisting it into beautiful curls. Makeup should be bright (red lipstick, lowered eyes, blush), and nails should be long and preferably also red.

* For the stronger sex, it is better to choose a strict black suit (a tuxedo or even a tailcoat), it is good to take a top hat or hat, a monocle or a cane with you. And, of course, cigars as a symbol of brutality. A rose in a buttonhole would also be appropriate. At the party, if they wish, men will be able to exchange cards and play poker.

Welcome to the Moulin Rouge - a place where dreams come true

A passionate party, a retro party, a Secret Desires party - all of these things come together in a celebration called the Moulin Rouge.

The origins of the name of the famous Moulin Rouge cabaret comes from the mill created by Léon Villette, the blades of which were painted red. in fact it was the "Red Mill" - "Moulin Rouge". This passionate color symbolized the notorious red-light district. Mostly creative personalities, famous writers and artists, representatives of the aristocracy, noble persons gathered in the cabaret theater. Ordinary middle-class workers also dropped in to see the show. The cabaret has gained worldwide fame, so the Moulin Rouge party is a great opportunity to create a piece of France for your friends, albeit for one evening.

Meeting guests in the best cabaret traditions

Let each guest receive a colorful invitation in the form of an event program, decorated on fragrant paper, decorated with feathers and rhinestones. At the entrance to the restaurant, an attractive girl will check the tickets, treat you to a cigar, tell you which place to take.

Or you can order a mime - this silent clown will be able to perfectly tune the newly arrived guests to the desired wave, personally sit everyone at the table, give a balloon and an air kiss.

Let's take a look at the cabaret from the inside

It is necessary to think over every detail of the interior in order to repeat as closely as possible at least a small fraction of the luxury that was inherent in institutions of this type.

So, any room is suitable in which it is possible to slightly dim the light. Colors for decoration - black, red. It is best to use large cuts of fabric, which are easy to drape walls, chairs. The entourage will be added by posters, somewhere already glued one on top of the other, worn out over time and completely fresh. Paintings by French masters, bouquets of flowers in eye-catching vases, crystal chandeliers - a cabaret atmosphere is guaranteed.

By the way, in "Moulin Rouge" no one sat at one large table, so you need to arrange small tables around the room.

We select a chic outfit for the holiday

No matter how chaste a woman may be, no matter how gallant a man may be, the Moulin Rouge party is an excuse to throw away all your embarrassment and release your feelings for one evening.

Girls should appear in the form of women of easy virtue: cigars, stockings, garters that look out from under skirts, corsets, boas. As much glitter and gloss as possible - rhinestones, hats, fans - no modesty. False eyelashes, a lot of powder, puffy lips - with cosmetics, the image will become completely complete. And the final touch will be given by a correctly chosen hairstyle. By the way, there are no special rules here, the main thing is more jewelry, rhinestones, ribbons, feathers.

Men can try on tuxedos, bow ties, instead of the usual ties. Necessary accessories: braces, gloves, large rings, walking sticks, hats.

French cuisine " Moulin rouge»

The French love soup, so you can serve it hot (onion or cheese). Of meat dishes, it is best to give preference to chicken aged in wine or beef. French cuisine is also rich in all sorts of sauces: Béchamel, Poulet, Bernese and many others. For sweets, you can serve ice cream, chocolate-based mousse. Don't forget about coffee with milk. Spoil your guests with delicacies: foie gras, truffles, frog legs, oysters. As a drink, high-quality French wine, which so pleasantly sets off the taste of the main dishes.

Cabaret and dancing are two inextricably linked concepts

If there is an opportunity to hire a person who is a virtuoso master of the accordion, your holiday will already be 50% successful. This instrument is a symbol of France, gentle romantic motives will instantly transfer everyone present to the country in which the very concept of "cabaret" was born.

From the music in the recording, attention should be paid to such melodies as Lady Marmalade, compositions by Jacques Offenbach.

Be sure to invite your guests to perform the cancan! And, in addition, you can include in the repertoire all those musical directions to which you want to dance, have fun and love: burlesque, retro, jazz, Latin. Choose according to your taste and heart prompts!
In parallel with the main scenario of the event, an artist can work in the hall who will draw portraits or friendly cartoons. In addition, you can invite a magician, a "living statue", a skilled bartender.

The Moulin Rouge party will help you travel to friendly France, so romantic and passionate at the same time. Let the evening be one hundred percent successful!

Much has been written and much said about Moulin Rouge - all the better! It will be much easier for us to organize a real party in the style of this popular cabaret.

So let's get started ...

When to get together?

You can get together in order to feel like a spectator or a cabaret actor on any free evening. Of course, it is better if you have a lot of time, not 1-2 hours, but during this period you can completely reincarnate yourself and change your own house, creating in it the atmosphere of a real cabaret.

Where to gather?

Of course, wherever it suits you. Where you can relax and unwind. Still, a visit to a cabaret is akin to a trip to a modern strip club. Therefore, the best place to party in the Moulin Rouge style is your own home. Better if it is spacious.

How to decorate your interior?

The main decoration of any room can be the posters of the famous artist Toulouse Lautrec. Moulin Rouge posters and French paintings of girls dancing can be found online.

The hall itself, where the party will be held, can be decorated with a large and bright sign "Cabaret". Try to choose a room in such a way that you can place several tables in it, rather than one large one. If you don't have the same countertops, you can use different furnishings. They just need to be covered with the same tablecloths or sealed for a while with a special film.

You can also decorate the room with special garlands with rare large bulbs, white and red paper roses, hearts. You can also use photographs of guests, which in Photoshop you can replace with the faces of celebrities in Paris. These photos can then become souvenirs in your impromptu cabaret.

What to dress up in?

Here, the scope of your imagination will not be limited by anything. You can dress up in modern dresses or use outfits rented from your local theater. Stylized costumes are also offered by shops selling clothes, shoes and accessories for carnivals and other festivities. It is only important that men are dressed in tailcoats or at least simple trouser suits, and all women become owners of elegant hats, fans and luxurious evening dresses.

Well, the employees of the institution themselves should get fluffy multi-layered skirts and corsets.

Take care of your makeup too

The Moulin Rouge look should be based on flawless skin, expressive eyes and slightly plump lips. For a glowing skin, cover it with a shimmery powder. And shade the pink blush only under the cheekbones.

The showy makeup of the dancers cannot do without bright shadows. They can be black, garnet or ruby. Also, don't forget to apply a shimmery powder under your eyebrows.

Additionally, you can get a French manicure. He will complete the look and make you a real lady from the last century.

What to listen to?

Of course, the soundtrack to the famous movie."Lady Marmalade" by Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mia and Lil Kim will immediately set the mood. Well, in addition, you can include songs related to France.

What to eat and drink?

Visitors to the sumptuous cabaret ate oysters and caviar, red fish and grilled meats. But you can save some money. Make plenty of canapes and light snacks. But don't forget about alcohol. Remember the "green devils"? Of course, absinthe must be present on the tables. But don't overdo it. You can make a lot of cocktails from it by simply diluting the drink with any fruit juice. Orange or pineapple is ideal.

You can also purchase a martini. The French of the last century loved him very much. The simplest cocktail can be prepared by anyone in just 5 minutes.

You will need:

  • Martini;
  • mineral water (or Schweppes);
  • ice;
  • lime.

Pour 2/3 martini into a glass, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon and add mineral water and ice. The cocktail is ready. You can put an olive on the tube. Its half can be used to decorate the edge of the glass.

It's hard to imagine France without all kinds of sweets. Use sherbet or small chocolates, carefully spreading the dessert into vases or bowls. You can also make fruit juice ice cream. By the way, you can make it even without long-term freezing. Take a small plastic bag and pour the juice into it, tie it tightly. Now place this pouch in the large one. Pour ice and a glass of salt into a large bag. Tie again. Now just shake the bag vigorously for a minute. The frozen juice is ready!

Things to do?

Dance! Together or separately. You can assign roles. Some of you will become dancers, and some will become spectators. Besides dancing, you can play cards. Any games will do. Even if you do not know the basics of poker, you can even play "Fool", no one will judge you.

Someone can take on the role of a mime. He will be an entertainer, a doorman and an actor at the same time. To French music, he can escort guests to tables, send them air kisses, hand balloons.

The most interesting entertainment can be French forties. They are no different from those to which we are accustomed. Make task cards and draw them one at a time. And come up with tasks related to France. For example, "dance a cancan", "sing a song in French", etc.

Is there a person among you who is good at drawing? Fine. You can spend hour of cartoons. You can also pick them up later as a souvenir.

Will please the guests and extravaganza-parody. It may follow after a splendid dance. You just need to dress up the man as a cabaret dancer and invite him to an energetic dance.

In fact, there can be a lot of ideas for such a party. You can sing French chanson together, draw each other, arrange competitions for the best performance of the cancan, cook hot chocolate.

Imagine, and everything will definitely work out!

M Ullen Rouge is a Parisian cabaret with very frank performances. Just imagine all the pathos of this show! When organizing such a themed party, remember that your task is to create a kind and at the same time erotic and playful atmosphere of a cabaret with expensive alcohol, dazzling brilliance of guests and, of course, a cancan.

Where to begin?

Get ready for a Moulin Rouge party by watching the movie of the same name. This will certainly help in determining the design, the selection of music. Next, you need to deal with invitations.


Form them in an original way, unexpectedly, with a twist. For example, in the form of a book with colorful pictures and photographs from the film, images of the paraphernalia of the evening. Do not forget to indicate the time and place of the celebration, as well as the need to come in appropriate clothing. Such an invitation will help guests feel the atmosphere of the upcoming celebration, and will also serve as a hint in the matter of dress.

Another invitation option: prepare small gifts (let it be the attributes of the chosen topic) and attach labels to them, which will contain information about the event.

You can make invitations in the form of a mill cut out of paper or cardboard with red wings. The fact is that from French "Moulin Rouge" is translated as "red mill".

Room decoration

When dealing with decoration questions, pay special attention to the color scheme. This is the predominance of red, black and gold colors and subdued lighting. It is in these colors that everything should be sustained: walls (let the fabric hang down in folds), flowers, napkins, furniture drapery. It would not hurt to use individual large feathers as an addition to the decorations. Add them to bouquets of flowers, on tables, attach them to walls. In addition, hang pictures with images of frames from the film, views of Paris at that time.

A windmill with red wings should become an integral part of such an event. It is not difficult to make one yourself from paper, cardboard or plywood. You can put full-length mirrors. New Year's decorations (garlands, multi-colored beads, serpentine) will also come in handy. Well, do not forget about the chic stage, immersed in red and gold tones.


Notify guests in advance that the party will be in costume.

The outfits should be frank, but in moderation. Girls dress up in short skirts or shorts, a corset, stockings or fishnet tights, a hat and high-heeled shoes. The skirt can be worn longer, but then it should be fluffy. Of course, bright, provocative makeup would be appropriate.

Men may appear in tuxedos with bow ties or ties, gloves and cigars.


All treats should be placed on small round tables. The priority is French cuisine. Offer your guests all kinds of filling tartlets, julienne, mousse, hot chocolate, mini pancakes with fruit filling, croissants. Young potatoes with herbs are suitable as hot.

Absinthe was considered a traditional alcoholic cabaret of that time. But nowadays this pleasure is not cheap. Alternatively, you can use mint vodka. And if you go the easy way, then champagne, and liqueurs, and cocktails will do.


For background design, soundtracks from the movie of the same name are suitable. But guests are unlikely to dance to them. In this case, stock up on compositions in the style of Latin, retro, modern jazz, R'n'B. And, of course, a lot of cancan!


Both games and contests must correspond to the declared theme. If you do not find ready-made ones, modify any of your own.

Invite the men to dance the cancan. It's going to be fun, no doubt.

The competition "Who will unlace the corset faster" will also be successful.

Organize a competition "Who better decorate the hat." The number of participants is equal to the number of hats that can be borrowed from girls.

Everyone will like the game "Loves - Doesn't Love". Participants stand in a circle, men and women alternate. Clockwise, each of them names out loud those parts of the body or details of clothing that they like and dislike in their neighbor standing next to them. When everyone has said, invite the participants to stroke what they liked and kiss what they didn’t like.

Do not be afraid to improvise, charge your guests with positive emotions, and your party will leave them with extremely positive emotions for a long time.