The old woman Izergil story about danko summary. Analysis of the legend of danko from the story of the old woman Izergil gorky

The legend about Danko is one of three parts of the story "The Old Woman Izergil" by Maxim Gorky. The narrator meets an elderly woman during the grape harvest. She has seen a lot in life, and she has a lot to tell people.

The work "Old Woman Izergil" consists of a story about the life of the woman herself and the legend of Danko. In this article you will find Danko's story ( summary).

Blue sparks

Against the background of the gloomy landscape of the evening steppe, the narrator notices blue sparks that appear and disappear. Burning with a desire to find out where they are from, he asks Izergil about it. In response, she begins her leisurely story.

Brave people

Once upon a time people lived, they were strong and did not know fear. And then one day an enemy tribe attacked them and drove them from their native steppe places to the swamps, which were surrounded by a dark impenetrable forest. Despair gripped that tribe, and fear gripped their thoughts. They had only two choices: either to return and surrender to the mercy of the invaders, or to go forward through the fetid swamps and dense forest. Since these people did not know fear, they wanted to rush towards the enemy and reclaim their native land at the cost of their own lives, but they could not do this, because their covenants would have perished with them. What happened next, you will find out by reading our summary.


When people were completely weak and almost mad, the handsome Danko suddenly appeared and called the tribe behind him. He said that everything has its end, the forest is also no exception, and that there is no need to think, but it is necessary to act immediately. And people, seeing fire in Danko's eyes, followed him. They had to endure a lot on their way, blood and death were their constant companions, all the trials and hardships of people cannot be contained in a brief summary. Danko did not give up. And when the strength was already running out, people suddenly began to doubt the young and hot guy. Undoubtedly, a handsome and courageous man is a real romantic hero, this is exactly the image that Maxim Gorky wanted to recreate. "Danko", the summary of which we are considering, is a work that is a worthy example of the literature of romanticism.


Suddenly a storm broke out, thunder rumbled. The trees bent their branches to the ground itself, preventing people from walking and frightening them. But since people considered themselves to be very brave, it was difficult for them to admit their own fear and helplessness. They decided to blame their leader for everything and kill him. The brave guy stood facing his tribe, and for a second, rage boiled up in him, but it quickly extinguished, the sting overpowered her. However, people saw the strange Danko and perceived him as a threat. The article presents only a brief summary, the legend of Danko in full detail describes in more detail the culminating moments of the work.

Danko's heart

At that moment, when people were ready to break the brave leader, Danko tore the burning heart from his chest, and it dispelled the darkness. Now the path was illuminated and not at all terrible. People rushed after their leader. After a while, the forest parted, the steppe, bathed in the sun, stretched out in front of them. Danko glanced at the vacant lands for the last time and fell down dead. All experiences of the protagonist reveals in detail the full content. Danko Gorky left his burning heart as a reminder and as a kind to people.

Cautious person

People, intoxicated with happiness and freedom, did not notice what happened to their savior. And one careful person took it and for some reason stepped on a burning heart. It crumbled into thousands of blue sparks, and then went out. With these words ends the story, a summary of which has been presented to your attention. Danko died in the name of the people.

Completion of the story

The woman fell asleep, the narrator covered her and lay down next to her on the ground. And the steppe was completely quiet and did not bode well. This concludes the story "Danko". The summary does not contain all the beauty of the description of nature and other details of the work. For a deeper understanding, you need to refer to the full version of the book.

The image and character of Danko (summary). Main features

It is not without reason that Gorky ends his work with the legend of Danko. Thus, he praises the courage, kindness and self-sacrifice of the protagonist. Distinctive Danko - mercy and the ability to suppress anger in himself. From the very beginning, the brave handsome man stands out among other members of the tribe with his sharp mind. He understands that people will not live long in such conditions, because their strength is running out, and the desire to fight is about to go out. At the same time, Danko does not want a humiliating slave life for his relatives. Therefore, he encourages them to act, and not reflect. Danko is highly developed and, most importantly, people see it in his eyes. Initially, they were ready to entrust their lives to the leader and went with him voluntarily, this is what the summary boils down to. Danko turned out to be guilty without guilt.

The prototype of the brave Danko is the hero of the biblical legend Moses. He, too, led his people towards freedom. The only difference between these two characters is that God helped Moses, he was, and our hero acted independently, and his act came from a kind heart that felt the suffering of people. The summary of "Danko", or the legend of Danko, or "Danko's Burning Heart" (names can be given many, and each will fit with surprising accuracy), of course, cannot convey all the subtleties of the work.

The culmination of the legend is the moment when people, inherently weak-willed and evil, blamed Danko for everything. They wanted to tear him to pieces. But the hero, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of his comrades, suppressed his anger, and, not thinking about himself, tore out his heart to light the way for people. Here is another point taken from biblical stories. Self-sacrifice is the main trait inherent in real heroes.

In the final episode, a fair question arises as to whether such people are worthy of the sacrifice made by Danko? None of them appreciated or even noticed the hero's deed. Moreover, one cautious person even dared, while no one saw, step on a burning heart. However, for Danko himself, this act was vital, since his heart was overwhelmed with love for people, and he could not live, leaving them to certain death.

"The best of all" - this is how Maxim Gorky calls his hero. "Danko" (summary) is a work in which, despite the sad end, good triumphs over evil. The real reward for Danko is a sense of pride when looking at the free land, and he is happy that he died for the people.

"Old Isergil". Foreword

Early literary works Maxim Gorky is filled with reflections on the meaning of life and lofty ideals, where the author acts as a romantic, in love with strong and free people. This is the famous work "The Old Woman Izergil", a summary of which is given in this article. Gorky wrote this story, consisting of three independent parts, in 1895. The story is told on behalf of the narrator, who listens to the stories told by the old woman Izergil on the seashore.

Even though the relationship seems doomed from the start, that doesn't mean it can't be rewarding, powerful, and deeply funny. This is the first love for Harold and the last love for Maud. "Harold and Maude" hits the chord with so many people because there are so many powerful notes to identify and apply yourself. A film like Harold and Maude, as quirky, political and quirky as it is, could hardly be made today, unless, of course, Wes Anderson directed it.

It's so shamelessly manipulative it's almost shameful, but there is some hardship carried by the senior contingent of Gena Rowlands and James Garner, while Rachel McAdams and the absurdly young-looking Gosling are bursting with such flashy beauty that it's hard to get angry at a movie no matter how he was not cynical.

The Legend of Larra

The work "The Old Woman Izergil", a brief summary of which is necessary for schoolchildren in middle school, consists of two parts about the legends: about Larra and Danko, and also a story about the life of Izergil herself. First, she reveals to us the story of the arrogant Larra - the freedom-loving son of an eagle, who is the embodiment of spirituality and pride. The young man wants to use everything and not give anything in return. Larra's selfishness and unbridled desires defeat in him human feelings of love and compassion. Larra, being arrogant and freedom-loving, kills the daughter of one of the elders because she rejects him, for which she receives expulsion from society and eternal loneliness, which give rise to inexpressible longing and a desire to die in a proud young man. Trying to kill himself, the eagle's son remained unharmed, and then people happily realized that he was immortal, and left him lying in the steppe. So, all that remains of the proud Larra is a shadow awaiting death. This is how the first part of the story "The Old Woman Izergil" ends. The summary of the following story describes the life of the old woman herself. Read about it below.

With a stylized, aesthetically fetishist approach that currently attracts as many critics as fans alike, the insult that detractors are always ready to throw at any new Wes Anderson film is "style per se." But "a wonderful response to this criticism" - the look and staging is as unique as anything he has done, but the heart that beats below is universal and oddly discerning, especially for a movie about a crying scout boy falling in love with a girl. dressed like a bird.

"Old Isergil". Summary of the life of an old woman

The second part of the famous story by Maxim Gorky is autobiographical. Here we learn that the old woman Izergil, whose life was full of numerous travels, was proud, but at the same time played on the feelings of other people. She had many men, each of whom she truly loved. She thought so. When she loved, she did it honestly and irrevocably, with all her heart, she was ready for anything for the sake of her happiness. No obstacles could stop her on the way to love, even such as, for example, killing a sentry for the sake of freeing her chosen one from captivity. But when the feeling passed, then she quit irrevocably. The old woman, reflecting on the comprehension of actions, concludes that not wandering around the world in search of her happiness, but a quiet life with children and her beloved husband is the meaning of a person's life.

In fact, a journey of discovery and wonder that falls in love for the first time, even as children, is perfect territory for Anderson's ever playful sensibilities, mooring his more bizarre flights of fantasy to an emotional core that, while never so indulged in becoming painful, really lends to his style, what he sometimes lacks is a certain, sweet goal. The film swept past us in a delightful whirlwind of color and quirk and detail, but there was a warm heart that followed Anderson and his two scrupulously deadpan minors.

The legend of the brave Danko

The summary of "The Old Woman Izergil", which includes three stories, contains a story about the feat of the handsome young Danko. In ancient times, enemies decided to drive people from their lands into dense forests. The brave handsome Danko, being a courageous and strong leader, led his people along the difficult road through the forest. At first, people walked with enthusiasm, but a thunderstorm began, then they were exhausted, and their resolve fell. Blaming the brave Danko for everything, they decided to kill him. Then the brave handsome man tore out his heart, ripping open his chest, and illuminated the way for them, lifting it above his head. The startled people followed him and the forest ended. Having reached the goal, no one even remembered Danko, who loved his people and did everything possible for him.

Arrogance and pride

Here, painstakingly assembled imagery may give Kingdom of the Moon its uniqueness, but caring for the characters and their completely batshit but deeply felt circumstances give it consistency.

It would be one thing if Jackson was just dramatizing the relationship, but he goes beyond that, forcing you into the psychological free space of girls who have created a vibrant fantasy world for themselves. With Jackson's prowess in whimsical fantasy elements and his competence with more modern visuals, he brings the feeling we all get to life when it meets in new relationships and the rest of the world becomes blurry.


The story "The Old Woman Izergil", a summary of which tells the reader about the main actions of the work, of course, does not reflect all the features of the work, but only gives a cursory introduction. Wisdom, good, evil and reasoning about the meaning of life are the main themes of the famous story. The story "Old woman Izergil", a summary of which embodies main essence works, became one of the main in the work of Maxim Gorky.

Winslet and Lynskey deliver remarkable performances, beautifully blurring the line between heterosexual friendliness and true romantic love. By the time the movie reaches its eerie climax, you're almost getting the girls to leave with it, not because they're innocent, but because you want their relationship to last. It remains one of Jackson's finest films, a film that told the world that he was a very talented filmmaker who would one day make the multiplex his playground.

The story of Maxim Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" was written in 1894, and a few months later it first appeared in print in the periodical "Samarskaya Gazeta". The first part was printed in No. 80 (dated April 16, 1895), the second in No. 89 (dated April 23, 1895), and the third in No. 95 (dated April 27, 1895).

The old woman Izergil is the author's interlocutor. The story begins with a narrative old woman about her life and the men she once loved. Izergil is sure that you need to be able to enjoy life, to enjoy it by everyone possible ways... One of the main joys of life is love, not only sublime, platonic, but, above all, carnal. Without carnal pleasures, without the opportunity to receive pleasure from the body of a loved one, being loses its charm.

The meaning of the story: three principles of life

First love can be a confusing, portable vortex that beautifully portrays "Heavenly Beings." True to form, Fuest's version brought out all the gloom and melody of a tortured love story; first love, caused by pain and warmth among the gloomy Yorkshire swamps. With some passionate acting and on-site filming, Fuest's version is one of the best in carrying Katy and Heathcliff's heavy melody from their boring childhoods into their tumultuous lifelong romance, a ruthless combination of emotional masochism and sadism.

The Legend of Larra

Suddenly Izergil notices a column of dust on the horizon. This is Larra. Then the old woman tells a terrible legend about a proud man who was ruined by the desire to stand out from his own kind and disrespect for his neighbors.

The story of a proud man

Larra's mother was once kidnapped by an eagle. He took the girl to his home. After a while, she returned to her family, bringing with her a son - half man, half eagle. The young man inherited the beauty of his mother and the pride of his father. He considers himself to be the best and is dismissive of his elders.

It's an archetypal irreplaceable first love story, so it's little surprise that she's seen so many cinematic incarnations, and among them, this neglected version of Fuest is certainly right there.

This is quite remarkable as it is quite simple story about the first and only love between wealthy Ivy Liger, Oliver Barrett, and Jennifer Cavalleri, Italian second-class workplace immigrant. The couple meet in college, getting married shortly after leaving school, to the dismay of Oliver's family.

Larra tried to take possession of one of the girls, but she refused him, fearing her father's displeasure. Angry, Larra killed the unfortunate. The villagers wanted to execute the young man. However, the punishment from above turned out to be even more terrible: Larra was cursed, becoming neither alive nor dead.

People abandoned the proud man and expelled him from their society. Left alone, Larra realized how much he was wrong. The young man wants to die, but he fails. Since then, for many years, Larra wanders restless, turning into a shadow.

But when they try to conceive a child, they discover that Jennifer is terminally ill. But McGuy is positively glowing, and quite charming with him, and damn it, the movie works - Hillier just happens to be tasteful enough to stop him from rolling into molasses, and the ending is undeniably influential.

"Endless love". Starring Martin Hewitt, the film is about a sexually active 15- and 17-year-old couple who are just super in love. So much so that when Nokyo is suspended due to parental interference, he simply cannot accept it and decides to hit his way back to her bed, saving family home from a fire that he himself set up. This foolproof plan goes wrong and he goes to jail for arson. This is not a comedy, no matter how it sounds.

Seeing strange sparks, Izergil says that this is all that remains of the burning heart of Danko, a man who gave his life for those who were dear to him.

The Danko tribe has lived in the steppe from time immemorial. But one day the conquerors came and occupied their native land, having evicted Danko and his fellow tribesmen into the forest. People cannot return home, but one cannot stay in the forest - it is too dangerous. The only way out is to go forward. Behind the forest, another steppe awaits. Danko volunteers to become a guide.

There was news, but it was a little quiet, and these days it is best known as chuckle in shorts in one scene.

“One aspect of first love is this,” it is beautifully dramatized when you think a relationship is one thing, but it turns out to be something else. This is what happens when young Jenny falls in love with an older businessman named David. Throughout the film, Jenny learns that David is not who he appears to be, and the film plays nicely with how these revelations affect the color of the relationship. The good parts of when she passed out with love now seem to be messed up, while all those people who warned her about their relationship with a much older person, and against rushing into something serious like the relationship. confirmed their opinion in retrospect and Jenny's voice. "Education," based on the memoir of journalist Lynn Barber and adapted by novelist Nick Hornby, who succeeds in engaging in all the messy aspects of first love and gaining surprising entitlements to some awkward moments, such as when Jenny has David for dinner with her parents.

The road was not easy. People died in the poisonous swamps, died of hunger, but continued to go forward. In the end, the tribesmen lost faith in their guide and in the fact that they would someday be able to get out of the impassable thicket. People decided to kill Danko. Not knowing how else they could be helped, Danko tore the flaming heart out of his chest and illuminated the path of his fellow tribesmen with its help. People again believed the guide and followed him again. The difficulties did not diminish. Exhausted, weary wanderers still perished, but faith never left their souls.

The plot of the legend of Danko

These are small, gentle bumps of speed on the way to your first love that are rarely portrayed, and perhaps scenes like this resonate. Like any good first love, Jenny learns from her experiences, and in the end she makes her a stronger, more dynamic woman. It may have been her first love, but she certainly will not be her last, and will not even come closer to her.

Jack and Diane. First love can be awkward and messy and largely unexplained, which takes a big step in making Jack and Diana, a somewhat convoluted mess in the film, seems far more powerful than it actually is. In the film, Diana, who suffers from chronic nosebleeds and is rather spoiled home life, becomes an object of affection for Jack, a young girl who is much more comfortable in her sexuality. They stumbled upon things painfully, especially since girls can regularly turn into some kind of monster.

The survivors still managed to go out into the steppe. Danko didn't have to rejoice with the others. He fell and died. No one noticed the death of the guide. Only one of the tribesmen found the heart, which continued to burn near Danko, and crushed it, as if afraid of something. The heart went out, but the sparks from it can be seen even now, many years after the events described.

So the monster material doesn't really work as part of a larger narrative, especially since the creatures are so hazy photographed. But for most of the film, it doesn't really matter: when you are with another person, especially for the first time, you feel that some of their attributes enter you, and that feeling of transformation is well brought on. Much of Jack & Diana's success rests on young actresses who do an amazing job of bringing this extraordinary life experience to life and making it not just a gay or monster movie, but a movie that anyone can relate to and feel for.

Characteristics of the characters

In the image of Larra, the author embodied all antihuman qualities. The origin of the young man is not accidental: he has the appearance of a human, but his behavior is completely asocial. The eagle is a proud, independent bird. These are the character traits that Larra inherited. Pride and independence are not flaws. These qualities characterize a bold, self-confident person who is not afraid of difficulties. Each person should know his own worth and not allow others to humiliate him. Pride and independence become flaws that transcend the individual.

Romance and love of freedom

What's so great is that it basically gives you your entire first love experience in one big room, a pocket-sized version of how high school kids Danny and Sandy met in the summer and fell in love. That's when the whole high school dynamic comes into play: meeting each other's friends, school dancing, and trying to maintain a lasting relationship at school after you meet another person in a sunny bubble that is summer vacation. Lubrication may be fantasy, but that doesn't mean it can't be true.

Larra tries to win the respect and admiration of her fellow villagers, putting herself above others. In his opinion, he found the lightest and the right way to honor. Claims young man are not substantiated in any way. He did nothing for which he could be loved or simply respected. Beauty is one of Larra's few virtues. However, even the external attractiveness gradually melts against the background of the deformity of the soul. Years later, the beautiful body of the eagle's son turned to dust, revealing a "rotten" essence.

He shows that the idyllic character of this purely beautiful first love, and then all the stupidity that falls immediately after it.

Submarine Stylishly adapting Joe Danthorn's debut novel and marking the directorial debut of talented comedian and actor Richard Ayod, Submarine was an auspicious moment in the careers of all of the members. The film has rightly been compared to the work of Wes Anderson for its visual quirkiness and early youth, but while it also has a huge pile of French references new wave Oliver Tate actually looks more like a Woody Allen teenager than anything from Truffaut or Godard.

The image of the proud Larra is contrasted in the story with the image of Danko. These heroes are in no way related to each other, but the author considers it necessary to mention them within the framework of one story. As a result, one character becomes a contrast to another.

Danko is a brave courageous person who possessed the same character traits as Larra: pride and independence. But unlike the son of an eagle, best qualities Danko does not cross the boundaries of his personality. He directs them not against his fellow tribesmen, but for their benefit. Danko invites people to show pride and independence in relation to the invaders of their homeland. There is no need to ask the invaders for mercy. We must find an empty land and thereby show our superiority. Danko does not become a guide because he is considered to be in some way better than others. He sees the despair of his fellow tribesmen and takes care of them, realizing that there must be at least one person who has not lost his composure and hope.

The author regrets to mention human ingratitude. People were not grateful to their guide already on the way to happiness, despite the fact that Danko did everything in his power for them. But this was not enough. Then the guide gave the last that he had - his heart, which became the only source of light on the most difficult days of the journey. Even after the new homeland was found, the tribesmen did not feel gratitude to their savior. The death of the hero, who gave his life for the common good, was not noticed. And one of the tribesmen simply destroyed the last that was left of the guide.

Analysis of the work

The symbols in the story "The Old Woman Izergil" cannot escape the reader's attention. Danko's flaming heart is a symbol of faith and hope for better life... Even after the death of the protagonist, his heart continued to burn with love for people. An ungrateful foot that stepped on a light source could not destroy it. The sparks left from the heart did not disappear and did not go out. In the same way, the good deeds done to those who fought for human happiness, devoting their lives to this, do not disappear and do not go out.

People like Larra also leave a lot behind. Their legacy is as antisocial as they are themselves. The antiheroes who committed crimes against humanity did not disappear into obscurity. They are remembered, they are cursed by many generations who come to this world after their departure, who have not personally suffered from the heinous deeds of criminals. A bad memory remained about the proud son of an eagle, the symbol of which was a column of dust, which did not evoke a good response in any human heart.

"The old woman Izergil" by Maxim Gorky: a summary

In the old days, only people lived on the earth, impenetrable forests surrounded the camps of these people on three sides, and on the fourth, there was a steppe. There were these cheerful, strong, daring people, And then one day a hard time came: other tribes came from somewhere and drove the former into the depths of the forest. There were swamps and darkness, because the forest was old and its branches were so densely intertwined that you could not see the sky through them, and the sun's rays could hardly pierce their way to the swamps through the dense foliage. But when its rays fell on the water of the swamps, a stench rose, and people died from it one after another. Then the wives and children of this tribe began to cry, and the fathers began to think and fell into melancholy. It was necessary to leave this forest, and for that there were two roads: one - back, - there were strong and evil enemies, the other - forward, - there stood giant trees, tightly embracing each other with mighty branches, dropping gnarled roots deep into the tenacious mud of the swamp. These stone trees stood silently and motionless during the day in the gray gloom and moved even more densely around the people in the evenings when bonfires were lit. And always, day and night, there was a ring of strong darkness around those people, it was as if it was going to crush them, but they got used to the steppe expanse, And it was even more terrible when the wind beat on the tops of the trees and the whole forest hummed dully, as if threatening and singing a funeral song to those people. They were all the same strong people, and they could go and fight to the death with those who once defeated them, but they could not die in battles, because they had covenants, and if they died, then the covenants would disappear with them from life. And so they sat and thought in the long nights, under the dull noise of the forest, in the poisonous stench of the swamp. They sat, and the shadows from the fires jumped around them in a silent dance, and it seemed to everyone that these were not shadows dancing, but triumphant evil spirits forests and swamps ... People all sat and thought. But nothing - neither work, nor women, exhausts the bodies and souls of people in the same way that melancholy thoughts exhaust them. And people weakened from thoughts ... Fear was born among them, bound them strong hands, horror was born by women crying over the corpses of the dead from the stench and over the fate of the living, shackled by fear, - and cowardly words began to be heard in the forest, at first timid and quiet, and then louder and louder ... They already wanted to go to the enemy and bring him a gift his will, and no one, frightened of death, was afraid of a slave life ... But then Danko appeared and saved everyone alone.
Danko is one of those people, a young handsome man. The beautiful are always bold. And so he says to them, his comrades: - Do not turn a stone from the path of thought. Whoever does nothing, nothing will become of him. That we are wasting energy on thought and longing? Get up, let's go into the forest and go through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Come on! Well! Gay! ..
They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.
-Lead us! they said.
Danko led them. Amicably everyone followed him - they believed in him. It was a difficult path! It was dark, and at every step the swamp opened its greedy rotten mouth, swallowing people, and the trees blocked the road with a mighty wall. Their branches intertwined among themselves; like snakes, roots stretched everywhere, and each step cost a lot of sweat and blood to those people. They walked for a long time ... The forest became thicker and thicker, there was less and less strength! And then they began to grumble at Danko, saying that it was in vain that he, young and inexperienced, had taken them somewhere. And he walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear.
But one day a thunderstorm struck over the forest, the trees whispered dully, menacingly. And then it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once, how many there were in the world since the time he was born. Little people walked between large trees and in the terrible noise of lightning, they walked, and, swaying, the giant trees creaked and hummed angry songs, and lightning, flying over the tops of the forest, illuminated it for a moment with a blue, cold fire and disappeared just as quickly, as they appeared, frightening people. And the trees, illuminated by the cold fire of lightning, seemed alive, stretching out around the people who were leaving the captivity of darkness, gnarled, long arms, weaving them into a dense net, trying to stop people. And from the darkness of the branches something terrible, dark and cold looked at those walking. It was a difficult path, and people, tired of it, were discouraged. But they were ashamed to admit their powerlessness, and so they fell in anger and anger at Danko, the man who was walking in front of them. And they began to reproach him for his inability to manage them - that's how! They stopped and, under the triumphant noise of the forest, among the trembling darkness, tired and angry, began to judge Danko.
“You,” they said, “are insignificant and harmful man for us! You led us and tired us, and then you will perish! ”“ You said: Lead! - and I led! - shouted Danko, standing against them with his chest. - I have the courage to lead, that's why I led you! And you? What have you done to help yourself? You just walked and did not know how to keep your strength on the way longer! You just walked, walked like a flock of sheep! But these words infuriated them even more.
- You will die! You will die! they roared.
And the forest kept humming and humming, echoing their cries, and lightning tore the darkness to shreds. Danko looked at those for whom he had to work, and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but their nobility was not on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them. Then indignation boiled in his heart, but from pity for people it went out. He loved people and thought that maybe they would perish without him. And so his heart flashed with the fire of a desire to save them, to lead them to an easy path, and then the rays of that mighty fire flashed in his eyes ... And when they saw this, they thought that he was angry, which is why his eyes flared up so brightly, and they were on their guard like wolves, expecting him to fight them, and began to surround him more closely, so that it would be easier for them to grab and kill Danko. And he already understood their thought, which is why his heart lit up even brighter in him, for this thought of theirs gave birth to melancholy in him.
And the forest still sang its gloomy song, and thunder thundered, and it was pouring rain ...
- What will I do for people !? - Danko shouted louder than thunder.
And suddenly he tore open his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it and raised it high above his head.
It blazed as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch. great love to the people, and the darkness scattered from his light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. People, amazed, became like stones.
- Let's go! - Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and illuminating the way for people.
They rushed after him, fascinated. Then the forest began to rustle again, shaking the peaks in surprise, but its noise was drowned out by the stomping of running people. Everyone ran quickly and boldly, carried away by the wonderful sight of a burning heart. And now they died, but they died without complaints or tears. And Danko was still ahead, and his heart was all ablaze, ablaze! And then suddenly the forest parted in front of him, parted and remained behind, dense and dumb, and Danko and all those people immediately plunged into the measure of sunlight and clean air washed by the rain. There was a thunderstorm - there, behind them, over the forest, and here the sun was shining, the steppe sighed, the grass glistened in rain diamonds and the river sparkled with gold ... It was evening, and from the rays of the sunset the river seemed red, like the blood that gushed in a hot stream from Danko's torn chest.
The proud daredevil Danko threw his gaze ahead of himself on the breadth of the steppe, - he threw a joyful gaze at the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.
The people, joyful and full of hope, did not notice his death and did not see that his brave heart was still burning next to Danko's corpse. Only one cautious person noticed this and, being afraid of something, stepped on the proud heart with his foot ... And here it, scattering into sparks, died out ...
- That's where they come from, the blue sparks of the steppe that appear before the storm!

Full version 0.5-1 hour (≈10 A4 pages), summary 3-5 minutes.

main characters

Old woman Izergil, Danko, Larra

"The Old Woman Izergil" is a story by Maxim Gorky, written in 1894. The story is a dialogue between the author and an old woman who tells about three stories. The story touches upon the themes of the values ​​of life and freedom of choice.

First chapter

The author tells the stories he heard in Bessarabia when he worked as a grape picker with Moldovans. One evening, when all the workers went to the sea, only the author and an elderly woman - the old woman Izergil - remained under the grapes. She noticed one unusual cloud shadow on the steppe and named it Larra, and then she told a story - an ancient legend about Larra.

A long time ago, a tribe of people lived in a beautiful and beautiful country. People grazed flocks of sheep, went hunting, sang songs and had fun. Once, during a feast, an eagle flew in and took one of the girls away. The girl returned only twenty years later and was not alone - she brought a handsome young man with her. As it turned out, the girl had been living with an eagle in the mountains all this time, and the young man was their son!

The eagle grew old and threw himself from a height on the rocks and died, and the woman returned home.

The son of the king of birds outwardly did not differ from people, only his eyes were cold and proud.

He spoke disrespectfully with the elders, and looked down on other people altogether, saying:

there are no more people like me

The elders got angry and ordered Larra to go where he wanted - he had no place in the tribe. Then the young man went up to the daughter of one of them and hugged her. The girl, fearing her father's anger, pushed the young man away. The eagle's son hit the girl, she fell and died. The young man was seized and tied up. The tribesmen thought for a long time what punishment to choose for him. After listening to the sage, people realized that the best punishment was in himself and simply let the young man go.

Since then, the hero has been nicknamed Larra - an outcast. For many years Larra lived, freely living near the tribe: he stole cattle, stole girls. The arrows of people did not take him, covered with an invisible veil of supreme punishment. But one day Larra approached the tribe, making it clear to the people that he would not defend himself. People guessed that Larra wanted to die - and no one began to attack him, not wanting to alleviate his fate. Seeing that he would not die at the hands of people, the young man wanted to kill himself with a knife, but he broke down. The earth, on which Larr was banging his head, was leaving from under him. After making sure that the son of the eagle could not die, the people of the tribe rejoiced and left. Since then, left completely alone, the proud young man wanders the world, no longer understanding the language of people and not knowing what he is looking for. He has no life, and death does not smile at him.

This is how a man was punished for his inordinate pride.

Wonderful singing came to the interlocutors from the shore.

Chapter two

The old woman Izergil said that only those who are in love with life can sing so beautifully. She "had enough blood" to live up to her age precisely because love was the essence of her life.

Izergil told the author about her youth. Before him passed one after another the images of his beloved old woman Izergil: a fisherman from the Prut, the heroine's first love, Hutsul, hanged by the authorities for robbery, a rich Turk, with whose sixteen-year-old son Izergil fled from the harem “out of boredom” to Bulgaria, a little monk-Pole, “ funny and vile ", which the heroine, lifting her, threw into the river for offensive words," A worthy pan with a chopped face ", who loved exploits (for his sake Izergil refused the love of a man who showered her with gold coins), a Hungarian who left Izergil (he was found in a field with a bullet in the head), Arkadek, a handsome nobleman, rescued by a heroine from captivity, the last love of forty-year-old Izergil.

After talking about her "Greedy Life", the old woman decided to start a family and came here. Here, in Moldova, she got married and has been living for about thirty years. By the time the author met her, her husband had been dead for about a year, and she was living with Moldovans - grape pickers. They need her and she is good with them.

The old woman finished her story. The interlocutors sat and watched the night steppe. In the distance, blue lights were visible, similar to sparks. Asking if the author sees them, Izergil said that these were the sparks of "Danko's burning heart" and began to tell another ancient legend.

Chapter Three

In ancient times, proud, cheerful and fearless people lived in the steppe. Their camps were surrounded on three sides by wild forests. Once alien tribes came to the land of people and drove them into the depths of the old impenetrable forest, where there were swamps and eternal darkness. From the stench rising from the swamp, people who were accustomed to the steppe expanses perished one after another. Strong and brave, they could go to fight their enemies, but

they could not die in battles, because they had covenants, and if they died, then covenants would disappear with them from life

People sat and thought about what to do - but from painful thoughts they weakened in spirit and fear settled in their hearts. They were already ready to surrender to the enemy, but their comrade Danko "saved everyone alone." Danko turned to people, urging them to go through the forest - after all, somewhere the forest had to end. There was so much living fire in the eyes of the young man that people believed and went with him.

The path was long and difficult, and people had less and less strength and faith in Danko. Once, during a severe thunderstorm, people despaired. But they could not admit their weakness, instead they accused Danko of failing to take them out of the forest. Like wild beasts, they were ready to rush at him and kill him. The young man took pity on them, realizing that without him his fellow tribesmen would perish. His heart was aflame with the desire to save people - after all, he loved them. Danko tore his heart out of his chest and raised it high above his head - it blazed brighter than the sun itself. The hero walked forward and forward, lighting the road with a "torch of great love for people". Suddenly the forest ended - there was a vast steppe in front of the people. With joy Danko looked at the free land - and died. People did not pay attention to the death of the young man, they did not see the heart, which was still burning near the hero's body. Only one person noticed the heart, and, fearing something, stepped on it with his foot. The proud heart, splashing sparks around, died out. Since then, those blue lights that the author saw have appeared in the steppe.

The old woman Izergil finished the story. Everything calmed down, and it seemed to the author that even the steppe was enchanted by the nobility of the brave Danko, who did not expect a reward for a heart burnt for the sake of people.

The narrator says that he heard these stories near Ackerman, not far from Bessarabia - on the seashore. There he collected grapes with the Moldovans, and one evening he stayed on the shore with Izergil, an ancient old woman. Time bent her in half, and her voice creaked as if the old woman spoke with bones.

The night landscape was mesmerizing: the air smelled sharply of the sea, and the sky, speckled with gold stars, was lost among the lush and soft pieces of clouds. Such an atmosphere was conducive to fairy tales, and the old woman Izergil began to tell stories that were more reminiscent of legends. Pointing into the distance, she said that Larra was walking there. The narrator saw nothing, but Izergil, complaining that he, a young man, was blind more than her, an old woman, told a story.

Far across the sea, where there was a generous and beautiful land, lived one tribe. People hunted, and then sang and had fun to recuperate. Once, during a feast, one of the girls was kidnapped by an eagle. The men tried to shoot him, but to no avail. The girl was soon forgotten, and twenty years later she returned and said that the eagle took her to the mountains and lived there with her as a wife, and when he got old, he threw himself down the cliff and crashed. She, along with her son, a handsome young man, returned to their native tribe.

Everyone began to consider the son of the eagle: he had cold eyes, and he behaved as equals, even with the elders. This offended them and they kicked him out of the tribe. He approached the daughter of one of the elders, whom he liked, but she pushed him away. Then he hit her and stood on her chest so that she died.

People got scared and wanted to punish the insolent man, but could not figure out how. Then they decided that it was necessary to punish him with freedom, and drove him out, nicknamed Larra - "outcast". For many years he lived near the tribe and did what he wanted: he stole cattle, stole the most beautiful girls... Tired of loneliness, Larra decided to die, but no one helped him, and he became a shadow. “So a person was punished for his excessive pride,” Izergil ended her instructive story.


Then she began to talk about her long life. She bragged about how many kisses she took and gave in her life. While she was young, she had the strength to love. It was now an ancient old woman with a pointed chin, a wrinkled nose, and chapped lips. But the memories of her lovers revived the dull eyes of the heroine.

She met her first man at the age of 15. He was a fisherman from the Prut, "tall, flexible, black-mustache, cheerful." I invited him to Dobrudja with me, but after three months Izergil was no longer interested in him. She was introduced to a young Hutsul - "red head". Sometimes he was sad and affectionate, and sometimes he roared and fought like a beast. She wanted to go with him to the Carpathians, but did not have time: they caught him and hung him with the fisherman.

Later, in Bukuresti, Izergil saw an important rich Turk and smiled at him. On the same evening she was captured and taken to his harem. But she became bored among eight other wives, and she fled to Bulgaria with his sixteen-year-old son, who later died of melancholy.

The little Polish monk was rejected, but in Poland she had a hard time. Then one Jew bought it, and then rich gentlemen went to Izergil, fought over her and went broke. Izergil, on the other hand, fell in love with the "worthy gentleman with a hacked face," who died during the riot. The handsome Hungarian himself left her like a plague, but was later found with a bullet through his head.

The last love of a forty-year-old gypsy woman was Arkadek, a handsome gentry whom she rescued from captivity. However, he rejected a loving woman. Then Izergil got married, came to Moldova, and a year ago, having buried her husband, she now lives next to young people and tells her fairy tales.

Izergil asked the narrator if he saw sparks in the steppe. He again did not see anything, and the old gypsy said that the sparks were from Danko's burning heart.


Once upon a time people lived, surrounded on three sides by an impenetrable thicket, and on the fourth - by a steppe. When other tribes appeared, they had to go deep into the deep forest, where there were swamps, exuding a deadly stench. People began to die, this gave rise to fear in their souls, and they were already ready to submit to the enemy and become slaves. It was then that a young handsome man Danko appeared and saved everyone.

He offered to go through the dense forest to the end. People believed him and followed. But the forest did not end, and the strength and determination of the people melted away every day. A terrible thunderstorm began, and people finally lost their strength. They were ashamed of their weakness and began to blame Danko for all the troubles, and then even decided to kill him. But the young man realized that without him they would definitely die. His heart flashed with a desire to save them, and the rays of this mighty fire sparkled in his eyes.

However, people interpreted this in their own way: they decided that he was angry. Then they began to surround him with a tight ring to make it easier to attack and kill. Danko understood their plan. He tore open his chest and tore out his heart, holding it high above his head. A heart burning like a torch illuminated the darkness, Danko rushed forward, illuminating the path, and people ran after him.

Suddenly the forest parted and they found themselves on the banks of the river. People found themselves in a sea of ​​sunlight. Danko laughed when he saw the free land, and then fell and died. But people did not notice this, and one cautious person stepped on a burning heart, and it scattered like sparks and died out. This is where bluish sparks appear in the steppe before a thunderstorm.

The old woman dozed off, and the narrator thought about the great burning heart of Danko. It was quiet in the steppe, clouds were crawling across the sky, and the sea was deaf and sadly rustling.

  • "Old woman Izergil", analysis of Gorky's story