Which of the Russian emperors sold Alaska. How Alaska became ours and why it was sold to the Americans

For some reason, most people believe that Catherine II sold Alaska to the United States. But this is fundamentally a wrong opinion. This North American territory was transferred to the United States almost a hundred years after the death of the great Russian empress. So, let's figure out when and to whom Alaska was sold and, most importantly, who did it and under what circumstances.

Russian Alaska

The Russians first entered Alaska in 1732. It was an expedition led by Mikhail Gvozdev. In 1799, the Russian-American Company (RAC), headed by Grigory Shelekhov, was founded specifically for the development of America. A significant part of this company belonged to the state. The goals of her activities were the development of new territories, trade, and fur trade.

During the 19th century, the territory controlled by the company expanded significantly and at the time of the sale of Alaska to the United States was more than 1.5 million square kilometers. The Russian population grew and numbered 2.5 thousand people. Fur trade and trade provided good profits. But in relations with local tribes, everything was far from cloudless. So, in 1802, the Tlingit Indian tribe almost completely destroyed the Russian settlements. It was possible to save them only by a miracle, since by chance it was just at that time that the Russian ship under the command of Yuri Lisyansky, possessing powerful artillery, which decided the course of the battle.

However, this was only an episode of the first generally successful for the Russian-American company. half of the XIX century.

The beginning of the problems

Significant problems with overseas territories began to appear during the Crimean War, which was difficult for the Russian Empire (1853-1856). By that time, income from trade and fur extraction could no longer cover the cost of maintaining Alaska.

The first to sell it to the Americans was offered by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky. He did this in 1853, arguing that Alaska is a natural zone of US influence, and sooner or later it will still end up in the hands of the Americans, and Russia should concentrate its colonization efforts on Siberia. Moreover, he insisted on the transfer of this territory to the United States so that it would not fall into the hands of the British, who threatened it from Canada and were at that time in a state of open war with the Russian Empire. His fears were partially justified, since already in 1854 England made an attempt to seize Kamchatka. In this regard, a proposal was even made to transfer the fictitious territory of Alaska to the United States in order to protect it from the aggressor.

But until then, Alaska needed to be maintained, and Russian empire the second half of the 19th century did not financially pull such a program. Therefore, even if Alexander II knew that in a hundred years they would begin to produce oil in huge quantities there, he would hardly change his decision to sell this territory. Not to mention the fact that there was a high probability that Alaska would be taken away from Russia by force, and because of its remoteness in the distance, it would not be able to defend this distant territory. So it is entirely possible that the government simply chose the lesser of evils.

Rental version

There is also an alternative version, according to which the Russian Empire did not sell Alaska to the United States, but simply leased it to the States. The term of the deal, according to this scenario, was 99 years. The USSR did not demand the return of these territories when the deadline came, due to the fact that it abandoned the legacy of the Russian Empire, including its debts.

So, is Alaska sold or leased? The leasing version has few supporters among serious specialists. It is based on a supposedly safe copy of the contract in Russian. But it is generally known that it only existed in English and French... So, most likely, this is just speculation by some pseudo-historians. In any case, there are currently no real facts that would make it possible to seriously consider the version of the lease.

Why Ekaterina?

But still, why did the version that Catherine sold Alaska began to enjoy such popularity, although it is clearly erroneous? Indeed, under this great empress, overseas territories had just begun to be developed, and then there could be no question of any sale. Moreover, Alaska was sold in the year 1867. Catherine died in 1796, that is, 71 years before this event.

The myth that Catherine sold Alaska was born relatively long ago. True, it refers to the sale to Great Britain, not the United States. However, it still has nothing to do with the real situation. The postulate that it was the great Russian empress who made this fatal deal after the release of the song of the Lyube group “Don't play the fool, America…” was finally fixed in the minds of most of our compatriots.

Of course, stereotypes are a very tenacious thing, and once it hits the people, a myth can begin to live its own life, and then it is already very difficult to separate truth from fiction without special training and knowledge.


So, in the course of a little research on the details of the sale of Alaska to the USA, we dispelled whole line myths.

Firstly, Catherine II did not sell overseas territories to anyone, which, under her, only began to be seriously explored, and the sale was made by Emperor Alexander II. What year was Alaska sold? Certainly not in 1767, but in 1867.

Second, the Russian government was well aware of what exactly it was selling and what reserves of minerals Alaska had. Despite this, the sale was seen as a good deal.

Thirdly, there is an opinion that if Alaska had not been sold in 1867, it would still be a part of Russia. But this is too unlikely, given the considerable distances to the central parts of our country and the proximity of the North American contenders to this territory.

Should we regret the loss of Alaska? More likely no than yes. The maintenance of this territory cost Russia much more than it had benefits from it at the time of the sale or could have in the foreseeable future. In addition, it is far from a fact that Alaska could have been held and it would still remain Russian.

Alaska was once part of the Russian Empire. But due to certain circumstances, Russia was forced to sell the territory of Alaska to America. Many people mistakenly assume that Catherine II sold Alaska. This is a false statement that has gained popularity due to one of the popular songs "Don't play the fool, America" ​​by the band Lube. In this article, you will find out who gave Alaska to America.

How the deal went

It is generally known that in 1867, on October 18, Alaska was officially given to the United States for seven million US dollars. The protocol on the transfer of land to American possession was signed by Russian Commissioner Peshchurov aboard the American ship Ossipee. Immediately on this day, the Gregorian calendar was introduced, which synchronized the time with Western Territory USA. Therefore, people in Alaska went to bed on October 5 and woke up immediately on October 18. After that, American troops were brought into the possession, which evicted the local residents and settled their citizens.

Why Alaska was ceded to the United States

the signing of an agreement between the United States and Russia on the sale of Alaska

The idea of ​​selling Alaska did not appear for the first time, but it gained an urgent need during the Crimean War. During this period, the enemy of Russia - Britain demanded its rights to own Alaska. Also, the United States was worried that Great Britain could seize the northern continent of America in order to advance to the states. The government of the Russian Empire considered it unprofitable to keep its possessions in Alaska. Therefore, Emperor Nicholas II (great-grandson of Catherine II), it was decided to sell Alaska to the US government. Eduard Stekl, a Russian diplomat, was appointed as the actor directly responsible for negotiations on the sale of Alaska.

On March 30, 1867, an agreement was signed between Russia and America for the sale of Alaska. The deal was worth about $ 7.2 million in gold, which is roughly $ 108 million in gold today. However, the treaty had to be approved by the US Senate. At first, many senators had doubts about spending so much money on acquiring an unknown piece of land, given that the country had recently ended a severe civil war. Nevertheless, the agreement was adopted on May 3. And after a couple of months, Alaska was transferred to America.

Thus, it turns out that Nicholas 2 is the one who officially gave Alaska to America. Although at the same time the idea of ​​selling was not his personal initiative, but other people.

Alaska is not sold. This is in fact the greatest Jewish fraud and the greatest deception. Throw everyone out of there now and live. You can call it the occupied territory of Russia.

I was amazed by another deception, which the Lord revealed to me by God's providence from ancient Orthodox books. This deception also caused outrage in me about the fraud with Alaska. What in general does the United States have that is not stolen and not based on monstrous crime and deception? Probably only air.

The age-old deception, carefully hidden by the Jews, was destroyed, and without any Internet and iPhones. Holy Russia, our Orthodox people slandered and deceived, rise up. The Lord destroyed the fiercest villainy of the Jews and slander against you, took away the spirit of delusion, carefully hidden age-old fierce Jewish deception about the "holy Tsar Nicholas II" and "the brutalized Russian people-traitor" and other deceptions. Do you think the similarity of Nicholas II with the Jew Menachem Aharonovich Mendel ("Medvedev") is accidental? Not at all. No one can understand who issued Menachem Aharonovich Mendel (a Jew) a passport in the name of Dmitry Medvedev. It turns out that they have been doing this for almost three hundred years and are terribly deceiving, tormenting and harassing our people and country.
Look who we were deceived into being "saints." The foreign beast made people worship the image of the first beast. "Nicholas II" (whose relative is Menachem Aharonovich Mendel ("Medvedev") was not killed at all, but fled abroad, having committed an incredible atrocity, for which the "foreign HRC" (in New York it has a center) canonized him as a "saint Let me remind you that the USA, England and Israel are ruled by Jews and Rothschilds.
First, about the origin of this beast. In "The Most Pious Russian Emperors", no Russian Orthodox were found at all, only a selection of the enemy's foreign anti-Christ trash.
The Lord, in our Father's prayer, commanded to ask for the Kingdom of God, and not Empires, presidencies, republics, etc. There must be a kingdom and a king. And EMPIRE AND EMPERORS are attempts to establish the kingdom of Satan on earth. Here it is, the filthy word "Emperor" - all the enemies of the country and the leaders of the hostile powers, each other nasty, and all were married to the most vile enemy foreign reptiles, and this nasty word EMPEROR was written in liturgical texts in arshin letters, without the words "servant of God" (this is generally unacceptable, these are attacks of demons on Pravolavnii, they cannot be remembered in the Church of God), and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, Holy Mother of God with a little one, they were exalted above the Lord.
how we are still alive, only through the intercession of our Lady of the Most Holy Theotokos.
I'll start with the appearance of the enemy's word "Emperor" - the secret enemy attack began with him
The first Emperor was named Peter I "at the request of the Senate." An Orthodox tsar would have rejected such a request, he would not have been offered. But the fact is, the real Russian Tsar Peter I was killed and replaced by a double by enemies - Masons, Jesuits and a handful of nobles who were comfortable with having a double puppet and not losing power. The aim was to plunder Russia.
Further, "at the request of the Senate," the double was given a very strange title for an Orthodox tsar "Emperor", and all subsequent "Emperors" were all foreigners, Jews and Masons. Starting with Marta Samuilovna (Catherine I (Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya, married to Kruse; after the adoption of Orthodoxy, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova). I generally don’t like worldly sayings, but about the Jews, the Russian people said for sure: “in order to achieve benefits, the Jew is always ready to be baptized.” It is not known where Marta Samuilovna got out from (until now, her place of birth, the details of her early life have not been determined exactly), this is the wife of the enemy double of Peter I, whom the enemies put in place of the murdered Orthodox Tsar Peter I. Judging by name, this is probably a Polish Jewess, the daughter of a certain "Johann Rabe" (they just threw the Poles and Jews out the door, they climbed into the window as doubles and their Jewesses).
And then it went, it went, all the dregs one another nasty "Sophia-Charlotte Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel", "Pastor Gluck", etc. the dregs of the incredible enemy. The fact that the Russian Orthodox tsar was replaced by a foreign double is unambiguous. The double began to be called the "Emperor", he defeated the Russian army, began to impose Western customs, the signature changed, and then among all the "Emperors" not a single Russian Orthodox, all the offspring of the murky foreign double of Peter I and the incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna, married to some nightmarish enemy foreign filth.
That is, we can say that these enemy doubles and their Marty Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronsky have nothing to do with the Romanov nobles, these are their enemies who killed the real Orthodox tsar and climbed into his place under his name and put on the emperor signboard hostile to Orthodoxy ... The prayer "Our Father" says about the Kingdom of God in heaven and on earth, respectively on earth - the kingdom and the king.
That is, after the murdered and replaced by an enemy double of Tsar Peter I Romanov, the Romanovs no longer exist, and instead of them the enemy dynasty of the enemy's double Peter and the incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya (covered by the signboard "Catherine I") sit under their name. This is the true face of the beast and the true surname of the pseudo-Roman clan "Rabe-Skavronsky" ("Samuilovichi"). The incomprehensible Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya climbs the Russian Orthodox throne, like the "First Empress" after the adoption of Orthodoxy, Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova. We must not cover up this hostile occupation with false names and surnames of Orthodox tsars killed by enemies, but call all “EMPERORS” as there is an occupying enemy foreign clan “Rabe-Skavronsky” “Samuilovichi”, the killers of the real Orthodox Tsar Peter I.
Alaska should be returned. The dynasty of an enemy double and a criminal enemy Jewish impostor cannot dispose of our lands, all transactions are illegitimate (fraudulent). These creatures still set up a HAARP station there and brutally torture the inhabitants of our country and the whole world.
Also all wars. The enemies pretended to be at war (against themselves), in fact, they themselves organized wars with the aim of slaughtering our people and plundering. The performances were staged at the terrible slaughterhouses "by agreement among themselves", and then the "winners" were pretended to be. That is why it is said in the Apocalypse about vile Babylon that “all nations have been deceived by your magic. And in him was found the blood of the prophets and saints and all those killed on earth. " ...
Now about the last figures of the enemy clan of the pseudo-Romanovs (the clan "Marta Samuilovna Rabe-Skavronskaya" is not really)

Alexander I
November 19 (December 1) 1825, Taganrog) - Emperor and autocrat of All Russia (from March 12 (24), 1801), protector of the Order of Malta (knightly religious order of the Roman Catholic Church) (from 1801), Grand Duke of Finland (from 1809 years), Tsar of Poland (since 1815), the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Feodorovna.
Those. he was an outspoken Freemason, a pervert (he was in a "personal" relationship with his sister) and an adulterer. Paul I was also a Freemason.
“From his youth, Alexander had a close and very personal relationship with his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna. In 1793 he married Louise Maria Augusta (1779-1826), daughter of the Margrave of Baden Karl Ludwig, who took the name Elizaveta Alekseevna in Orthodoxy. "
“Alexander's relationship with his wife was very cool. For 15 years, he was practically openly associated with Maria Naryshkina (nee Chetvertinskaya) and was forced to break up with her, only after he was convinced of her infidelity. After breaking up with Naryshkina, he met for some time in the Babolovsky Palace with the Portuguese Sophie Velho, the daughter of a court banker "
“In December of the same year, Golitsyn and Koshelev organized a Bible Society that encouraged the study and new translations of sacred texts. Representatives of exotic trends in Christianity - Moravian brothers, Quakers, Bavarian preachers of ecstasy Lindl and Gosner - flocked to Russia from Europe. “This general tendency towards drawing closer to Christ the Savior is a real pleasure for me,” the emperor confessed to his new friends. When the Baltic authorities tried to hinder the worship of the "heterodox", Alexander intervened personally "But this devil was" godfather"British Jewess and heretics" Alexander was the godfather of the future Queen Victoria "(see Photo: Queen Victoria - Jewess and Freemason, typical Sarah Abramovna, the snobel had to be covered with a fan),
There is also a photo of "Queen Elizabeth" - a Jewess, a descendant of a Portuguese adulterous Jewess, with whom in the 13th century the British King Alphonse III had sex. Until now, the whole world is tormented by these Jewish reptiles. Adolf Hitler I is a relative of the Rothschilds; it also turns out to be a relative of this Alphonse III.

As you know, the British throne has long been a Jew, “... the great-great-granddaughter of Yahia, the Jew Madragan, was in the 13th century the mistress of King Afonso III, and bore him two children. The vicissitudes of the genealogy of the royal houses of Europe led to the fact that the current Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is a direct descendant of this Portuguese Jewish beauty ... " Elizabeth II is a Jewess.
Since the 13th century, the British throne, the den of Freemasonry, and all its "relatives" are Jewish and Masonic. There are all "queens, kings, princes, princesses" and other evil spirits - the Jews without exception and all their relatives. This is the den of Freemasonry and the world's evil, the Antichrist beast.
The current "Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II is Jewish by father and mother, she was married to Philip Mountbatten, their son Prince Charles is a Jew", or rather a filthy Jew, these are the words of the Monk Elijah of Murom. The mother of the Jewess "Princess Diana" is a Jewess, and her father is a cousin of the highest ranks of the Rothschild Antichrist. The late James Goldsmith-a Jewish banker and publisher. All British "queens, princes and princesses" are Jews and Masons. And all these Jewish-massed "Russian EMPERORS" simply did not get out of them. Not a single Russian - all foreign alien enemies of the enemy, the fiends of the hell of the most filthy enemy foreign Jewish Masonic reptiles, cunningly covered from above with new Russian names such as "Maria Feodorovna" and so on. This is just a selection of the enemy's antichrist trash - who is nastier.

Alexander II - the grandfather of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II - the first enemy of the country. The beginning of an outright Jewish hostile occupation
“Under Alexander II, significant changes took place in relation to the Jewish Pale of Settlement. By a series of decrees issued in the period from 1859 to 1880, a significant part of the Jews received the right to freely settle in Russia. According to A. I. Solzhenitsyn, merchants, artisans, doctors, lawyers, university graduates, their families and service personnel, as well as, for example, "persons of free professions" received the right of free resettlement. And in 1880, by decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs, it was allowed to leave those Jews who settled illegally outside the Pale of Settlement. "
And in 1917, after only 37 years as this selection of a foreign enemy trash called "Russian Emperor" let enemy reptiles into the country, the country was drenched in blood and hell is still in it. See only the lists of the murdered Orthodox shepherds and laity, millions killed in the massacres organized by the Jews, only in World War II, from the Empire (it was up to Poland and Finland inclusive) there was left a miserable piece, occupied by the Jews - hell on earth.
Let me remind you: “Now, from all the Russian land, expel all the Jews and keep them out of the way; and if they enter secretly, they are free to rob and kill.
Vladimir Vsevodolovich (Monomakh) ”Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh was a teenager and was present among the people at the miracle when St. Anthony of Kiev-Pechersky brought down fire from heaven, which burned out the foundation for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Also, the noble prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh for the church, which he built, took the icon from the holy icon painter Alipy of Kiev-Pechersk.
Christ said about the Jews: they are My enemies, who do not want Me, but the king was over them, bring this, and scrub before Me (Luke XIX, 27).

Let us recall how the Jewish Masons occupied the United States: the indigenous population (Indians) on the reservations. The country is occupied by "migrants".

Prince Dimitri Pozharsky and Kozma Minin and our people's militia, through the intercession and mercy of our Lady of Our Lady, threw Poles and Jews out of the Kremlin, torturing and plundering the country. They were kicked out with the usual rout, they climbed again, replacing the murdered Orthodox Tsar Peter I with a double, and placing the enemy impostor Marta Samuilovna Rabe on the Orthodox Russian throne, calling all this hostile attack the "imperialism" of the Marta Samuilovna Rabe clan, covered with the names of the Romanovs and the Russians over the enemy foreign.

A total of eight attempts were made on Alexander II:
The grandmother of Nicholas II was also the enemy's reptile:
“On April 16 (28), 1841, in the Great Church of the Winter Palace, Alexander Nikolaevich was married to Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna, daughter of the Grand Duke Ludwig II of Hesse, who was called Princess Maximiliana Wilhelmina Augusta Sophia Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt before her adoption of Orthodoxy. On December 5 (17), 1840, the princess, having accepted the anointing, converted to Orthodoxy and was given a new name - Maria Alexandrovna, and after her betrothal to Alexander Nikolayevich on December 6 (18), 1840 she became known as the Grand Duchess with the title of Imperial Highness.
Alexander III (father of Herod Nicholas II) and Danish-British Herodias
"His elder brother Nikolai was preparing to inherit the throne, and he received an appropriate upbringing."
“Initially, Alexander II intended to marry the heir to the throne to the reputedly beautiful Danish princess Alexandra; but these plans were thwarted by the efforts of the British Queen Victoria, who hastened to marry her son Albert (later King Edward VII). "
“In the spring of 1864, Alexander's brother, Nikolai Alexandrovich, went abroad and, being in Denmark, made an offer to the Danish princess Dagmara; On September 20, the official engagement took place. Before the wedding, Nikolai went on a trip to Italy, where he felt unwell: after a bruise, he developed severe back pain, from which he soon fell down and died in April 1865. When the health condition of his elder brother became threatening, Alexander hastened to see him in Nice; Princess Dagmara and her mother joined him on the way. They found the heir to the throne already dying; the latter died on the night of 12 (24) April 1865 from tuberculous inflammation of the spinal cord. Alexander, who loved his brother "more than anything in the world," was proclaimed the crown prince - heir to the throne.
The heir completed an additional course of science necessary for government. In 1865 and 1866, he was taught a course in Russian history by Sergei Solovyov. His teacher of law in 1866 was Konstantin Pobedonostsev, who remained his mentor and advisor even after completing the course of lectures; and during the reign of Alexander, as chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod, he gained the greatest influence on state affairs. "
“In 1865 he was promoted to major general with an appointment to the Retinue of His Majesty. In the summer of 1866, the Tsarevich went to travel around Europe and, by the way, was going to stop by in Copenhagen to see the bride of his late brother, whom he liked when he first met. On the way, he wrote to his father: “I feel that I can and even really fall in love with dear Minnie (as the Romanov family called Dagmara), especially since she is so dear to us. God willing, that everything works out as I wish. I really don't know what dear Minnie will say to all this; I do not know her feelings for me, and it torments me very much. I'm sure we can be so happy together. I earnestly pray to God that He will bless me and arrange my happiness. " On June 17 (29), 1866, their engagement took place in Copenhagen, and three months later the betrothed bride arrived in Kronstadt; On October 13 (25), a ceremony of betrothal, anointing and giving a new name - Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna took place. "
This is called Herod and Herodias the Jewish-Masonic-Danish (mother of Nicholas II). And this Herod and Judas angered God with such prayers. Remember why John the Baptist was executed.
"For Herod, taking John, tied him up and put him in prison for Herodias, the wife of Philip, his brother, because John said to him: you must not have her."
“In 1868 he was appointed adjutant general to his father, promoted to lieutenant general.
In March 1869, during an audience, Alexander began to speak rudely with the head of the cartridge factory, Captain Karl Gunnius. He probably answered with dignity. Then the Grand Duke went into a real frenzy and swore at the officer. Gunnius immediately left and sent a letter to the Tsarevich, in which he demanded that he apologize, threatening that if there was no apology in twenty-four hours, then Gunnius would shoot himself. The Tsarevich did not apologize, and the captain kept his word. Alexander II, angry with his son, ordered him to follow the coffin of Gunnius at his funeral. "
He also swore (usually the Jews are devils, they spit only abominations and obscenities and cannot stop), and killed the head of a military plant.
Nicholas II (the greatest enemy deception and the first beast of the Antichrist in fact)
His wife “Alexandra Fyodorovna (Feodorovna, nee Princess Victoria Alice Yelena Louis Beatrice Gessen-Darmstadt, German Victoria Alix Helena Louise Beatrice von Hessen und bei Rhein, Nicholas II called her derivative from June 18th; - July 17, 1918, Yekaterinburg) - Russian empress, wife of Nicholas II (since 1894). The fourth daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine Ludwig IV and Duchess Alice, daughter of the British Queen Victoria. " The very same one, from the world lair of Masons and Portuguese Jews of mild behavior and their nightmarish creatures of hell, see the photo above.
Antichrstov's beast Nicholas II was marked as a beast even during the coronation by the tragedy on the Khodynskoye field:
“Khodynka, the Khodynskaya catastrophe is a massive crush that took place in the early morning of May 18 (30), 1896 on Khodynskoye Pole (north-western part of Moscow, the beginning of modern Leningradsky Prospekt) on the outskirts of Moscow during the celebrations of the coronation of Emperor Nicholas on May 14 (26) II, in which 3,000-4,000 people died and more than 20,000 were crippled.
“Celebrations on the occasion of the coronation continued in the evening at the Kremlin Palace, and then with a ball at the reception of the French ambassador. Many expected that if the ball was not canceled, then at least it would take place without the sovereign. According to Sergei Alexandrovich, although Nicholas II was advised not to come to the ball, the tsar said that although the Khodynka catastrophe is the greatest misfortune, it should not darken the coronation holiday. "

(A familiar picture is the face of a Jewish beast from the "British Jewish Masonic Throne" - the den of a Jewish rabble since the 13th century, with a Portuguese adulterous Jewish woman.)
The selection of the enemy world foreign enemy trash called "Russian emperor" I described briefly above. In the selection of the enemy Masonic foreign trash "Russian faithful Emperors" were not found, only a plate with this name on foreign enemy criminal self-proclaimed Masonic anti-Christ bastards. This is fraud, deception, and a great atrocity.

The monstrous atrocity of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II
in fact, he committed an incredible atrocity, the second after the murder of the Lord Jesus Christ by the Jews. He “killed” our centuries-old Orthodox Church, the true Orthodox service, which our ancestors served according to the charter of the holy fathers for centuries, and “commanded” to serve instead of the true Orthodox service the heretical Antichrist Masses, which are now read in the “Jewish projects” of the ROC, the UOC, foreign Orthodox Church, etc. on the basis of the very heretical Mass, which "commanded" to serve instead of our genuine Orthodox services by the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II. This atrocity was hidden by avalanches of lies, we were born blind, and the Lord opened our eyes, without any Internet, simply by God's providence from ancient Orthodox books.
Our Orthodox service turned out to be completely different, and the prayers are different. It is understandable why our Orthodox people rebelled and rightly demanded that the Jewish reptile abdicate the throne. Before you is the first beast of Antichrist from the book of the prophet Daniel - a lion with wings, whose wings have been torn out. A lion with wings is the coat of arms of the Romanovs. After the attack of Jews and Freemasons (and foreign women) on the Russian throne, the Orthodox Romanov dynasty turned into an enemy Jewish clan, the wings were torn out. Nicholas II fled abroad with a pack of Jews vipers. For such an unheard-of atrocity against the Russian (this was the name of our own brutally murdered mother), the foreign Jewish-Masonic "LC" canonized a Jew and a Freemason, the first Antichrist beast from the book of the Prophet Daniel to the "saints".
That is, as it is said in the Apoclypse, that the beast (foreign Masons, foreign LC), the deceivers were forced to worship "the first beast whose mortal wound was healed." This enemy Jew reptile Nikolai, wounded by our Orthodox people, is also called the first beast in the Apoclypsis. "He has a wound from the sword and is alive", "the beast was and is not, and will appear." The Jew Mendel-Romanov appeared instead of the exiled beast, the Jew Nicholas II, who committed the greatest atrocity after the murder of the Lord Jesus Christ - the murder of the genuine Russian Orthodox Church and the true Orthodox service and prayers, "replacing" it with the Jewish heresy, which is now called the "ROC".
Jewish heretics and enemies killed a myriad of true Orthodox shepherds and laity, who refused to serve Jewish enemy heretical masses and read the enemy's heretical texts (they even have a nightmare in the hymnals of the Russian Orthodox Church). The brutal massacre continued until 1942 (those who remained were finished off until 1945). In 1942, a relative of Nicholas II by a Jewish mother (a Freemason and a prodigal Jew of the Dan's tribe), Stalin, instead of the brutally murdered our native Orthodox Church with our genuine Orthodox services and prayers, "instituted" again that same Jewish heretical Mass and all the same heretical Jewish texts, for which they drove Nicholas II. This time, the Jews called it the "ideological project" of Stalin and the Lubyanka of the Russian Orthodox Church. How many, together with the Rothschilds, were killed by the enemy beasts of the Jews "Romanovs" -Mendels of our Orthodox people, who refused to serve Jewish masses and heresies, now called the ROC, and how these first animals plundered and tormented the country with a foreign Jewish enemy beast is impossible to convey. They are the first beasts of the Antichrist. And our right-wing Russian people are still a martyr.
But here's how the Lord directed me to see the packs of all the most sinful and unworthy, our people were punished for their wickedness with this Zhid beast and the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple (a real Orthodox service and prayers are not read in any current Jewish "LC"). What I was able to see - in 1681, the service and prayers are still preserved as they should, perhaps as under Theodosius and Anthony of Kiev-Pechersk and Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Under Alexander, the father of Nicholas II, services are still preserved, but many attacks and distortions of demonic Jews are already visible. And under Nicholas II, by his command, the Jews generally “take out” our Orthodox service, prayers, distort and shred and replace the texts with Jewish ones. And not a single word of distortion was allowed to the Jews. There it was written "WHETHER FROM A PLEASANT GODFUL FATHER, WHETHER WILL SHAKE WHAT IS NOT FOR THIS LOOKING BY DRAWING, BUT THE CRIME OF COMMITTING TO A COMMITMENT, AND TO GOD Wickedness."
In no case should you participate in the heretical services of the bloody Jewish ROC. Our ancient priests, real ones, write that a comma or stress in a word cannot be changed, this is wickedness to God. About the shepherds who do not observe the statute of bowing during fasting - that it is "WITHOUT HANDLING" and cursing them. What to say about the Jewish bloody antichrist beast. Pray for yourself for free (do not flatter yourself, everything was different with our mother, the true Orthodox Church, not like in the Russian Orthodox Church, there are a lot of texts of services to write, it is impossible here). To everyone who does not have authentic Orthodox texts (and only a few have seen them) I pass on a simple rule (instead of morning and evening prayers, the Psalter, the canon for the sick, for the exodus of the soul from the body, for those who give charity, etc.) in the Russian Orthodox Church)

Prayer to the Theotokos - read as you should, do not anger the Lord “After completing a few kathismas, or the entire psalter, and songs, what. See, ustav list gld:
“It is worthy to eat, as truly, bless Thee Theotokos. Ever Blessed and Most Immaculate, and Mother of our God. The most honest Cherubim, and the most glorious truly (TRUE) seraphim. Without the corruption of God the Word, we magnify the one who has given birth, the existing Mother of God, Thee. And bow to the ground.
Every creature, the Cathedral of the Archangel, and the human race rejoices in Thee. From the sanctified church, and verbal paradise, virgin praise. From her, God was incarnate and the baby was, like our God ever before, made Thy throne false, and Thy womb made the Maiden more spacious than heaven. Glory to Thee rejoices over Thee. And bow to the ground. From the octave voice, and, whether, tzi. (in the Slovenian language, the numbers were designated by letters. in the Sunday service "
““ Troparion to the Mother of God, the voice of the Mother of God Virgin, rejoice, JOYFUL Mary, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed are You in wives, and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, AS BIRTH OF ECHRIST, THE SAVING REDUCER OF SOULS (emphasis on a) OUR. And an earthly bow. I convey what is further written in Church Slavonic letters, tk. there is no similar font. Psi Az People, whether, to, are.
O All-chanting Mother, who gave birth to all the saints, the most holy word, accept the present offering, save everyone from any misfortune, and the impending torment, crying Ty, Hallelujah. Bow to the earth.
List from the canon, riz. Turnover
I place all my hope in You, Mother of God, keep me in Your blood. Bow to the earth. From the cannon, to Zelo.
Open the doors of mercy to us, the Blessed Virgin Mary, hoping in Thee that we will not perish, but may we get rid of Thy troubles. You are the salvation of the Christian race.
And from what sources in the Russian Orthodox Church? This I do not quote the texts of the services and the psalter and canons, if you see what really happened and what the Jews arranged in the "ideological project" of the Russian Orthodox Church, you can faint.
In our real Orthodox service, there were no “packs and packs”, betrayal of bellies and heretical bows of heads, etc., there were repeated “God bless us this day without sin. Blessed if, Lord, our Father God, and your name is praised and glorified forever, Amen. May Your mercy, Lord, be upon us, even with hope in You (it was when I was reading these words that the Lord revealed the truth to me by God's providence). And in the canons for the dead, the reading of the words of the prayer of the youths thrown into the Babylonian oven (Blessed if the Lord, our Father God, and your name is praised and glorified forever, Amen) during his lifetime is credited to the deceased that he spoke so during his lifetime.
There is a huge rule about obeisances both in churches, at home, and at the Liturgy, and during Great Lent, and for pastors and laity, several chapters, there you can neither skip nor put too much - this is to anger God. As a blind man who has received his sight, and as a resurrected deceased, I also learned that I can’t even enter or leave a house, this is a whole science. No wonder it is written that the Monk Elijah of Muromets "bowed down like a book," I will teach for a week only how to go into and out of the house. It is better to forget about what is written in the publications of the Russian Orthodox Church. in the Russian Orthodox Church there is one heretical anger of God and wickedness towards God, and the enemy's "bezsramniki" in camouflage Orthodox robes.
Do you know what you say in the Russian Orthodox Church? As soon as I saw what the Orthodox service was in Russia for centuries and how the Jewish Mass for the service in the Orthodox Church was issued by the order of the Jew Nicholas II and his pack of Jews, I felt bad. These are the very same "packs and packs", "betrayal of bellies" and so on. Heresy, which is now in the ROC and which I used to consider the Orthodox service and church. In that book with Jewish brutality, published by the brutal command of the Jew and the first beast of Nicholas II, in addition to the heretical "packs and packs" and so on, there are very strange gaps in the words themselves in one more place. N, or rather the letter "Nash" (In the old days, it looked like a letter in big capital. And only the crossbar was tilted to the other side, like a mirror image And) then a space was then added by all people to our God. Sounds like "over all people of our God." Looks like "And hell is our God by all people." Here we are in hell for a hundred years and suffer. They saw the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple. Let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains! The Lord took away the spirit of delusion; now we do not believe in lies. Perhaps the Lord Jesus Christ is approaching to kill with the Spirit of the Second Coming of His vile antichrist the Jew, the murderer of the real Russian Orthodox Church and who settled in the temples of God instead of her, and posing as God in the temple of God. The beast also took away the holidays and the law. Not only did the Jews arrange the holidays two weeks later, but our actual dates for some of the holy days are indicated incorrectly. The Feast of the Holy Apostles is actually not on the 24th, but on the 29th, there is the letter not “d-good” (4), but “f-fita, as f reads and means 9”, and there are many more. In the festive psalm, the words "Church of the Saints" were removed, all the princes except the "Jews" were removed, only the Jews left themselves, they cut everyone out, and from the middle everything else. The prayers after the kathisma are absolutely different. They changed the words in the psalter in the kathisma, which was supposed to be read in the full-book, they also slandered the Slovene language with the Jewish pseudo-Slovenian and "take out" the law of God. Let them put it in place. They themselves must be removed from everywhere.
The texts are taken from the book published by the “barely holy anointed one” by the Pious Tsar and the Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, All Russia Autocrat “about the true word, the hedgehog of printed writing, to the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, its great power, all greatness Russia of the Muscovy, and other states "And I have the same goal.
They also have another Jewish pseudo-"martyr" in the Jewish ROC in the Jewish performance, the Antichrist beast is actually a certain "Patriarch Irenaeus of Jerusalem", it was he who brought down fire from heaven in front of people (in modern times when the United States and the Jews are terrorizing the whole world HAARPom it is not difficult, it is a technical false miracle). This, perhaps, is the Antichrist - a pseudo-martyr of a Jew in a pseudo-Orthodox Jew "church", a heretical temple of a Jewess, brings down fire from heaven in front of people, accompanied by the abundant lies of the Jewish temple of the Russian Orthodox Church. Hey, come Lord Jesus!
There were no restrictions on the songs of Moses in our present church, brutally murdered by Jews and foreign Masons. As it is said in the Apocalypse about the victorious image of the beast, I sing the songs of Moses and the song of Christ - I enjoy the authentic texts of the service, prayers and psalms of our dear mother, brutally torn to pieces - the Russian Orthodox Church, brutally murdered by the Jews. And Christ is risen again! It was the Lord who directed me to see and recognize all the most sinful and unworthy by God's providence, I myself would not have been able even on purpose, I only read the prayer of the youths thrown into the Babylonian oven before. The Lord took away the spirit of delusion, and we no longer believe in lies. The Lord is approaching to kill the Antichrist with the Spirit of His Second Coming.
And if you are sure that you serve and read, in the blood-planted hostile Masonic anti-Christ masses and the texts distorted by the Jews ("wickedness to God"), then take your censer and do as Korah, Dathan and Abiron, who gathered against Moses (see. Numbers ch. 16, 1-35). “And Moses said to Korah: Tomorrow, you and all your company, be before the face of the Lord, you and Aaron; and each take his censer, and put incense in them, and bring each one his censer before the face of the Lord. ” they will die, as all people die, and the punishment that befalls all people will befall them, it was not the Lord who sent me; and if the Lord creates extraordinary things, and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them up (and their houses and their tents) and everything that they have, and they go down alive into the underworld, then know that these people have despised the Lord. As soon as he spoke these words, the earth spread out beneath them; And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them, and their houses, and all the people of Korah and all their possessions; and they went down with all that belonged to them alive into the underworld "" And fire came out from the Lord and devoured those two hundred and fifty men who brought incense. "
The words of St. Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk, when he appeared to the heretic Jew and the "shameless" Ridiger ("Patriarch Alexy"): several hours before his health began to deteriorate sharply. At the same time, most of all, the Patriarch was struck by the supernatural fact itself, for, according to the source, Alexy, despite his high ecclesiastical dignity, perceives religion as a tradition and ritual, rather than actually believes in something.

However, he described the vision in detail. In it, a certain noble old man, with a staff, in monastic attire, suddenly appeared to him, calling himself Abbot Theodosius of the Caves. As you know, this is the abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, who lived in the XI century and stood at the origins of Orthodoxy in Russia. During his lifetime, he was revered by believers as a miracle worker, and after his death he was recognized as a saint.
Saint Theodosius stood right in front of the patriarch. There was no anger in his bright, piercing eyes, but a harsh reproach was visible. Alexy conveyed literally what he had heard from the elder hegumen.
“You and many of your brothers have fallen away from God, and have fallen to the devil,” said the saint sternly. - And the rulers of Russia are not the rulers of the essence, but the deceivers. And the church panders to them. And do not stand by you right hand from Christ. A fiery torment awaits you, gnashing of teeth, endless suffering, if you don’t come to your senses, cursed ones. The mercy of our Lord is boundless, but the path to salvation through the atonement of your innumerable sins is too long for you. And the hour of the answer is at hand. "
After these words, the vision disappeared, leaving Ridiger completely numb, who had never experienced anything like it, moreover, he was skeptical about reports of all kinds of miracles. "

Alaska in terms of its territory is equal to three France. This is not only Klondike gold, but also tungsten, platinum, mercury, molybdenum, coal... And, most importantly, giant oil fields are being developed here, reaching eighty-three million tons per year. This represents twenty percent of the total US oil production. For comparison: Kuwait produces about sixty-five, and the United Arab Emirates - seventy million tons per year.

Many contemporaries mistakenly believe that Catherine II sold Alaska. But this is not the case. A similar statement, to some extent among young people, became popular after the song of the group Lube "Don't play the fool, America." It says that the empress was wrong to do so with this area. Based on this, young people who do not understand history, and made a conclusion about who gave Alaska to America.

Geographical position

Today Alaska is the largest in area, forty-ninth. It is the coldest territory in the country. Most of it is dominated by the arctic and subarctic climatic zones. Here the norm is severe frosty winters, accompanied by strong winds and snow blizzards. The only exception is a part of the Pacific coast, where climatic conditions are moderate and quite suitable for habitation.

Before sale

The history of Alaska (before its transfer to the United States) was associated with the Russian Empire. Back in the eighteenth century, this region was completely owned by the Russians. It is not known when the history of Alaska began - the settlement of this cold and inhospitable land. However, the fact that in the deepest antiquity a certain connection existed between Asia does not raise any doubts. And it was carried out on which it was covered with an ice crust. People in those days easily crossed from one continent to another. The minimum width of the Bering Strait is only eighty-six kilometers. Such a distance was quite within the power of any more or less experienced hunter to overcome on dog sleds.

When the ice age ended, the warming era began. The ice melted and the continental shores disappeared beyond the horizon. More people who inhabited Asia did not dare to swim on the icy surface into the unknown. Therefore, starting from the third millennium BC, Indians began to develop Alaska. Their tribes from the territory of present California moved northward, adhering to the Pacific coast. Gradually, the Indians reached the Aleutian Islands, where they settled down.

Exploration of Alaska by Russians

Meanwhile, the Russian Empire began to rapidly expand its eastern borders. In the meantime, flotillas from European countries constantly plowed the oceans and seas, looking for places for new colonies, the Russians mastered the Urals and Siberia, the Far East and the lands of the Far North. A whole galaxy of strong and courageous people went on ships not to tropical waters, but towards the ice of the harsh north. The most famous expedition leaders were Semyon Dezhnev and Fedot Popov, and Alexei Chirikov. It was they who in 1732 discovered this land for the rest of the civilized world - long before Russia gave Alaska to America. This date is considered to be official.

But it's one thing to open, and another to equip new land... The very first Russian settlements in Alaska appeared only in the eighties of the eighteenth century. People were engaged in hunting and commerce: hunters caught fur-bearing animals, and merchants bought them. Gradually, this unpromised land began to turn into a source of profit, since valuable fur in all ages was equated with gold.

Loss edge

At first, in these northern lands, very rich in furs, the interests of the Russians were jealously guarded. However, the years passed, and the total destruction of the same foxes and sea otters, beavers and minks could not continue indefinitely. Fur production fell sharply. Gradually, the Russian Klondike began to lose its commercial significance. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the vast lands were still practically not developed. This was the impetus, the first reason why Russia gave Alaska to America.

Beginning in the late thirties of the eighteenth century, at the imperial court, the opinion began to form that Alaska was a loss-making region. Moreover, the king began to come to the conclusion that, apart from a headache, this land could not bring anything. It was from this moment that the history of the sale of Alaska to America began. The industrialists were convinced that investing in these lands was complete insanity, since they could not pay off. Russian people will not settle this icy desert, especially since there are Siberia and Altai, and the Far East, where the climate is much milder and the lands are fertile.

And without that difficult situation exacerbated by the Crimean War, which began in 1853, which siphoned a lot of money from the state treasury. In addition, in 1855, Nicholas I died, who was succeeded by Alexander II. The new emperor was looked upon with hope. People expected new reforms. But what reforms are carried out without money?

Forever and ever

When it comes to who gave Alaska to America, for some reason everyone remembers Empress Catherine II. Many are convinced that it was she who put her signature on the decree on the transfer of "Russian America" ​​to Britain. Allegedly, the conversation at first was not about selling, but only about renting for a lifetime. They even tell a story that fully confirms that Catherine sold Alaska. As if the empress, who does not know the Russian language well, instructed a trusted person to draw up a contract. The same one messed up with the spelling: instead of writing “Alaska is passed on forever,” this man, absent-mindedly, made a note: “given forever,” which meant forever. So the answer to the question: "Who gave Alaska to America?" - "Catherine!" will be wrong. You still need to study the past of your country more carefully.

Alaska: history

Catherine II, according to the official history, did nothing of the kind. Under her, these lands were not leased, and even less so they were not sold. There were no prerequisites for this. The history of the sale of Alaska began only half a century later, during the time of Alexander II. It was this emperor who ruled in an era when numerous problems began to emerge, the solution of which required immediate attention.

Of course, this sovereign, who ascended the throne, did not immediately decide to sell the northern lands. It took ten whole years before the question matured. Selling land for the state at all times was a very shameful business. After all, this was evidence of the country's weakness, its inability to keep its jurisdictional territories in order. However, the Russian treasury was in dire need of funds. And when they are not there, all paths are good.

Purchase and sale

However, no one began to shout about this to the whole world. The question of why Russia gave Alaska to America was sensitive and political; it demanded non-standard solutions. In 1866, a delegate from the Russian imperial court arrived in Washington and began to conduct secret negotiations on the sale of northern lands. The Americans showed complaisance, although the timing for the deal and for them was unfortunate. Indeed, in the United States, the Civil War, unleashed between the South and the North, has barely ended. Therefore, the state treasury was completely depleted.

Ten years after the time when Russia gave Alaska to America, it would be possible to ask for five times more from buyers, but the Russian court, according to historians, was pressed for money. Therefore, the parties agreed on only 7.2 million dollars in gold equivalent. And although at that time it was very decent money, in terms of the current components of about two hundred and fifty million dollars, however, everyone who is interested in the question of who gave Alaska to America will agree that these northern territories were worth several orders of magnitude more.

One year later

After the conclusion of the agreement, the representative of the imperial court returned to Russia. And a year later, an urgent telegram signed by the President of the United States was sent to the name of the one who gave Alaska to America - the reigning Alexander II. It contained a business proposal: Russia was loudly, to the whole world, offered to sell Alaska. But no one knew about the visit of the Russian representative to Washington, which preceded this telegram. It turned out that it was America who initiated the deal, but not Russia. Thus, diplomatic and political conventions were cunningly maintained by both sides. In the eyes of the whole world, Russia has managed not to lose its dignity. And already in March 1867, the legal registration of documents was carried out. And from that time on, "Russian Alaska" ceased to exist. She was given the status of an American colony. Later it was renamed the county, and in 1959 this northern land became the forty-ninth state of the United States.

In justification

Today, having learned who gave Alaska to America, one can, of course, condemn and scold the Russian Emperor Alexander II. However, if you take a closer look at the political and financial situation in Russia in those distant years, a very definite picture emerges, to some extent justifying his decision.

Serfdom was finally abolished in 1861. Thousands of landowners were left without their peasants, which meant that a considerable class lost their stable source of income. Therefore, the state began to pay compensation to the nobles, which was supposed to somehow cover their material losses. But for the treasury, such expenses were calculated in tens of millions of tsarist rubles. And then the Crimean War broke out, and again money flowed from the treasury like a river.

Difficult situation for Russia

In order to somehow reimburse the costs, the royal court borrowed huge sums abroad. Foreign governments with great pleasure gave in that she had innumerable natural resources. In the empire, a situation arose when every extra ruble became a joy, and especially one for which there was no need to pay interest on promissory notes.

That is why Catherine, the great Russian empress, has matured - this has nothing to do with this issue. And it makes no sense to blame her, except that the state has come to complete decline and with her light hand.

Selling difficulties

Alaska is a distant northern land, constantly shackled eternal ice... She did not bring a single kopeck to Russia. And the whole world knew about it very well. And so the imperial court was very concerned about finding a buyer for this useless region of icy cold. The United States was closest to Alaska. They were offered by Russia at its own peril and risk to conclude a deal. The American Congress, or rather, many senators, did not immediately agree to such a dubious purchase. The question about it was put to a vote. As a result, more than half of the senators voted categorically against the acquisition: the proposal from the Russian government did not cause any enthusiasm among the Americans. And the rest of the world showed absolute indifference to this deal.


And in Russia itself, the sale of Alaska went completely unnoticed. Newspapers wrote about this on their last pages. Some Russians did not even know that it existed. Although only later, when the richest gold reserves were found on this cold northern land, the whole world began vying to talk about both Alaska and the sale, ridiculing the stupid and short-sighted Russian emperor.

In serious political and financial matters, the subjunctive mood is unacceptable. None of those who later began to condemn Alexander II never suggested that such huge deposits of gold could be located in Alaska. But if we consider the deal not from today's perspective, but from the situation that developed in 1867, then many believe that the Russian emperor did absolutely the right thing. And even more so, the sale of Alaska by Catherine is just an idle fiction that has no foundation.


In total, one thousand tons of gold was mined on the lands of the former "Russian America". Some of this fabulously enriched themselves, and some disappeared forever in this snowy desert. Today, Americans are very inert and somehow uncertainly settling in their inhospitable land. There are practically no roads in Alaska. People get to a few settlements either by air or by water. Railway here it passes through only five cities. In total, six hundred thousand people live in this state.

In 1867, Alaska ceased to be a part of Russia. Until now, many people read this page of Russian history diagonally, giving rise to a lot of myths. Like those that Catherine II sold Alaska, and Russia leased Alaska. 7 secrets of selling Alaska.

Russia and America

By the time Alaska was sold, the friendship between Russia and America had reached its climax. During the Crimean War, America repeatedly stressed that if the borders of the conflict were expanded, it would not take an anti-Russian position. The agreement to sell Alaska was made in deep secrecy. Amazingly enough high level of the then intelligence, the information was not leaked to third parties. The London Times wrote anxiously at that time about the mutual "mysterious sympathy" that existed between Russia and the United States. London's grievances and concerns were justified: the 1867 treaty not only made Russia and the United States close neighbors, but also allowed the Americans to encircle British possessions in North America on all sides. At one of the dinner parties in honor of the Russian delegation, the American General Welbridge said: “Providence has indicated that there must be two great hemispheres, Eastern and Western. The first should be personified by Russia, and the second by the United States! " Of course, it was a good diplomatic game, but the fact remains: Russia has seriously supported America in its rise. The purchase of Alaska strengthened the United States, the money paid for it paid off in a short time, while the strategic plus for the United States from this transaction simply cannot be overestimated.

Narrow circle

The Alaska sale is unique in that it involved a very narrow circle. Only six people knew about the proposed sale: Alexander II, Konstantin Romanov, Alexander Gorchakov (foreign minister), Mikhail Reitern (finance minister), Nikolai Krabbe (naval minister) and Edaurd Stekl (Russian envoy to the United States). The fact that Alaska was sold to America became known only two months after the transaction. The Minister of Finance Reuters is traditionally considered its initiator.

A year before the transfer of Alaska, he sent a special note to Alexander II, in which he pointed out the need for the strictest economy and emphasized that for the normal functioning of the empire, a three-year foreign loan of 15 million rubles is required. in year. Thus, even the lower limit of the transaction amount, indicated by Reuters at 5 million rubles, could cover a third of the annual loan. In addition, the state annually paid subsidies to the Russian-American company, the sale of Alaska saved Russia from these costs. The RAC did not receive a dime from the sale of Alaska.

Even before the historical note of the Minister of Finance, the idea of ​​selling Alaska was expressed by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Muravyov-Amursky. He said that it would be in Russia's interests to improve relations with the United States in order to strengthen its positions on the Asian Pacific coast, to be friends with America against the British.

Alaska was a real gold mine for Russia. Literally and figuratively. One of the most expensive purchases of Alaska was the valuable sea otter fur, which was more expensive than gold, but due to the greed and shortsightedness of the miners, by the forties of the 19th century the valuable animals were practically destroyed. In addition, oil and gold were discovered in Alaska. Oil at that time was used for medicinal purposes, while the gold found in Alaska, ironically, became one of the incentives to sell Alaska as soon as possible.

American miners began to arrive in Alaska, and the Russian government quite rightly feared that American troops would follow the miners. Russia was not ready for war. To give Alaska away without getting a penny for it was, to say the least, imprudent.

Mormons and creeping colonization

Ten years before the sale of Alaska, E.A. Glass in 1857 sent a dispatch to St. Petersburg, in which he outlined a rumor about the possible emigration of representatives of the religious sect of Mormons from the United States to Russian America, which was hinted to him in a joking manner by the American President J. Buchanan ... Although it was only about rumors, Stekl wrote with alarm that in the event of a massive resettlement of American sectarians to Alaska, the Russian government would face an alternative: to provide armed resistance or to give up part of its territory.

In addition, there was a "creeping colonization", which consisted in the gradual resettlement of the British and Americans on the territory of Russian America and adjacent lands. V In the early 1860s, British smugglers began to settle on Russian territory in the southern part of the architect Alexander, despite the formal prohibitions of the colonial administration. Sooner or later, this could lead to tensions and military conflicts.

On October 18, 1867, at 3.30 pm, the flag was changed on the flagpole in front of the house of the main ruler of Alaska. American and Russian troops were lined up at the flagpole. At the signal, two non-commissioned officers began to lower the flag of the Russian-American company. The ceremony did not lose its degree of solemnity until the flag got tangled by the ropes at the very top, and the falin broke off. By order of the Russian commissar, several sailors rushed upstairs to unravel the flag that hung on the mast in rags. No sooner had they shouted from below to the sailor, who was the first to climb up to him, so that he would not throw the flag down, but dismount with him, when he threw it from above: the flag fell right on the Russian bayonets. Conspiracy theorists and mystics should rejoice in this place.

Eduard Steckl played a significant role in the sale of Alaska. From 1850 he served as Chargé d'Affaires of the Russian Embassy in Washington, and in 1854 he took up the post of envoy. Steckl was married to an American woman and was deeply integrated into the highest circles of American society. Extensive connections helped him to carry out the deal, he actively lobbied the interests of his leadership. In order to persuade the US Senate to buy Alaska, he gave bribes and used all his connections.

Stekl was dissatisfied with his remuneration of 25 thousand dollars and an annual pension of 6 thousand rubles. Eduard Andreevich briefly arrived in St. Petersburg, but then left for Paris. Until the end of his life, he shunned Russian society, as it did his. After the sale of Alaska, Stekl had a bad name.

Where is the money, Zin?

The most important secret of selling Alaska is the question: "Where is the money?" Stekl received a check in the amount of 7 million 035 thousand dollars - of the original 7.2 million he kept 21 thousand for himself, and gave 144 thousand as bribes to senators who voted for the ratification of the treaty. 7 million was transferred to London by bank transfer, and from London to St. Petersburg the gold bars purchased for this amount were transported by sea.

When converting first into pounds, and then into gold, another 1.5 million was lost, but this was not the last loss. Barque "Orkney", on board which was a precious cargo, on July 16, 1868 sank on the way to St. Petersburg. It is not known whether it contained gold at that time, or whether it did not leave the borders of Foggy Albion at all. The insurance company, which insured the ship and cargo, declared itself bankrupt, and the damage was only partially compensated.

Most likely there was no gold at Orkney. During the search operation, it was not found. Where did it go - the main mystery of the sale of Alaska. There is a version that this money was used to purchase materials for construction roads, but it is much more interesting to think that the money mysteriously disappeared, otherwise what kind of mystery is it?

Alexey Rudevich