Dream Interpretation Meeting. Why dream of a meeting in a dream? “Meeting why dream in a dream? If you see a meeting in a dream, what does it mean

Meeting in a dream- To meet your grandparents in a dream means to collide in real life with serious difficulties to overcome which will require wise advice.
To meet a predatory animal on your way in a dream means that you need to beware of competitors and spiteful critics in real life. They are very strong, you cannot defeat them.
Meeting with people who are unfamiliar to you in life promises either good if the person is outwardly beautiful and pleasant, or evil if his appearance is repulsive.
Meeting with former lover in a dream- dreams can come true if you put all your strength into it.
Meeting with a prisoner in prison- quarrels in the family, scandals and litigation.
Meeting with someone from relatives, with parents- a dream promises a pleasant surprise, receiving an invitation to a wedding or name day, the appearance of a newborn child in the family. A long-awaited meeting with classmates or old friends in a dream - in real world you need rest, support, attention and approval.
meet someone from the road- in life you will have to solve your old problems, and if you meet a friend or relative, then the problem will be solved successfully.
Meet someone at the train station or airport- to the cooling of feelings between lovers, to treason in a married couple.
To interpret the dream in which you had a meeting, you need to explain what kind of meeting was in your dream.
If in your dream you met your friend and have a pleasant conversation with him, then you can rejoice: things at work will go uphill sharply, and those with whom you live together will not cause you any troubles and troubles.
If you dreamed of a date with your soulmate, this, oddly enough, indicates your cooling in relations with this person.
If you dreamed that you were participating in a business meeting, then a decline awaits you in various areas of your life, there may simply not be enough time for some worries.
If someone interrupted your meeting in a dream, then in reality, you can make some hasty and thoughtless move that can lead to bad consequences.
If in a dream you dream of a meeting with an enemy or your enemy, then you will receive bad news.
If you met in a dream with your good acquaintance or friend and talk with him on friendly topics, it means only good things. You may expect good news or an event. Relations with family and friends will improve, and everything will be calm and good.
If there was an unpleasant aftertaste from the dreaming meeting, or the effect of the dream took place in such a way that it was completely inconvenient for you to come to this meeting, you will have pangs of conscience for the actions that you performed, knowing full well that they were not entirely legal. And by the way, these actions are likely to become known to your surroundings.
If a stranger, then it will give you a lot of trouble.
When in a dream you met a person whom you have not seen for a long time, it means that in reality you will have a date with someone who annoys you greatly.
Chance meeting in a dream- to a change of plans, a change in the weather, news or an unplanned purchase.
The dream in which you meet with the management of the company you work for means lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities, fear of seeming unprofessional.

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Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and anxiety.

For young people to see their date in a dream - portends their mutual cooling.

To see a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some business, which will entail trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Meet

An unexpected meeting in a dream promises a sincere conversation. Meeting a friend in a dream is a sign of a pleasant surprise; meet the enemy bad sign which promises sadness, failure and disappointment. Making an appointment with a friend in a dream portends that your secret will be revealed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream about meeting

If you dream of a meeting at an official level, it means that in reality you are so tired that you do not notice the changes taking place in your home. For lovers to meet in a dream on a date means to experience mutual cooling.

A meeting with an enemy in a dream predicts that soon you will have to fiercely defend your interests, otherwise losses and illness await you. Meet in a dream New Year- to well-being in the future, for young people this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.

If you dream that you have met acquaintances and are having a pleasant conversation with them, then this portends a successful course of affairs for you, except for small family disagreements. Meet guests in a dream - in reality you will encounter people who will treat you with distrust or even hostility.

To meet in the forest with a large beast, which you scared away, means a hasty and thoughtless step that will have negative consequences.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does a meeting mean in a dream

A business meeting in a dream portends lethargy in business, worries and anxieties. A date in a dream of a couple in love prophesies her mutual cooling. If the meeting fails or is interrupted by someone, this means a hasty and thoughtless step that will lead to trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does meeting mean in a dream

A business meeting dreams of a decline in business, worries and anxieties.

Love date - to mutual cooling.

If in a dream someone interrupted your meeting, you will have a hasty and thoughtless step in some business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

The meaning of sleep Meeting

An unexpected meeting in a dream with someone you know: as a rule, it is an indirect clue.

To understand the meaning of sleep, remember what are the most vivid impressions you have with this person.

If, for example, in reality you had successful business affairs with him: such a meeting again portends success to you or advises you to use the same strategy.

More exact value sleep can suggest other images of this dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Dream Interpretation Meeting

A business meeting where you are also present - there is a lull and stagnation in your affairs.

Make an appointment with your beloved - you can achieve reciprocity from her.

Your date is a symbol of the stability of your relationship with your loved one.

Accepting an invitation to a date is a symbol of the stability of your relationship with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does the meeting predict in a dream

A fleeting meeting with someone - to minor domestic troubles.

Meeting with friends (even if these people are no longer alive) - to mutual understanding, help, friendship from people close to you and your benefactors.

Meeting with enemies - to trouble from your ill-wishers.

Business meeting - to worries and anxieties in business.

A date in a dream for young people - to mutual cooling in reality.

Interrupted meeting - wrong steps, wrong solution to some issue.

Interpretation of dreams from

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and anxiety. For young people to see their date in a dream portends their mutual cooling. To see a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some business, which will entail trouble.

Dreamed acquaintances

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have met a friend and are having a pleasant conversation with him, then this portends you with a successful course of your affairs. However, small domestic disagreements are possible. But if your conversation proceeds in elevated tones, in reality a hurricane of humiliation and disputes awaits you. If you feel awkward at a meeting or you dream that your meeting is inappropriate, you will be thoughtlessly involved in something forbidden that you cannot hide. If a young woman sees a lot of her acquaintances in a dream, the dream promises her several easy hobbies and big love, having won which, she will never regret the efforts expended on this. If in a dream she mourns the poverty of her circle of acquaintances, then in reality a prosaic life awaits her, unless she becomes more critical of herself.

Why do friends dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

meet an old friend - the lost will return; to be among friends - the state of affairs; a new acquaintance is a warning; they don’t recognize - to money, fame; you do not know - to gossip, slander; turn away from you; see Friend.

Dreamed of a reception

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you were at some kind of reception, this promises you a pleasant meeting soon. If some kind of embarrassment happens to you at this reception, it means that anxiety awaits you.

Dreamed of a visit

according to Miller's dream book

If you visit someone in a dream, pleasant events may follow in reality. But if you feel awkward during the visit, this means that unkind people interfere in your life. Visiting friends in a dream is always good news. An unfavorable sign is only tired or sad look your friends, as well as their black or white clothes.

The meaning of sleep about getting to know

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream about how you get to know someone, it means that in real life you are distinguished by an extremely modest character and it has always been a great difficulty for you to start a casual conversation with a stranger. For some reason, you tend to underestimate yourself, although there are no objective reasons for this. Most likely, you stubbornly keep in your memory long-past events that are dear to you then in the relationship. Understand that it is impossible to return that time and that person, and besides, it is not necessary, because nothing in history repeats itself twice. You should not think that if you meet him now, you will definitely correct the mistake that you made several years ago. Delusion and arrogance. You live in the past, although you can and should live in the present and future. Pay attention to the person who patiently exists next to you all these years as true friend and think about it, does the role of a friend imposed by you suit him and would he not want something more from your relationship?

dream interpretation meeting

If you dreamed of a business meeting, then anxiety and worries await you in your activities, things will go slowly and inefficiently. If lovers saw their own meeting in a dream, then their feelings will cool down on both sides. And if you dreamed of a meeting that someone interrupted, then soon you will make a rash act that will turn into trouble for you.

If you saw a meeting in a dream with a friend, then life will smile at you with a pleasant surprise, and if with an enemy, expect trouble.

what does it mean if a meeting in a dream

If you are at a business meeting in a dream, then your affairs are stagnant. If you dream that you are inviting your loved one on a date, then in real life you can expect reciprocity. Accepting an invitation or meeting a loved one in a dream symbolizes the reliability of your feelings and relationships.

meeting in a dream what is it for

If in a dream you are waiting for a meeting with the groom, but it never happens, then your hopes to meet young man very small in reality.

dream interpretation meeting

If in a dream you met a good friend and are having an interesting conversation with him, then friends and relatives will only call you positive emotions and everything will go smoothly at work. If the meeting was uncomfortable for you, at an inconvenient time, then conscience and society will torment you because of wrong actions. If in a dream you met with grandparents - expect difficult obstacles on your life path. In a dream, you see a stranger with a pleasant appearance - expect good events in reality, and if with an ugly appearance - get ready for interference. A dream where you meet someone at the train station, at the airport means that you will need to make a decision about hidden problems. If you meet people with bread and salt, expect problems at home. If in a dream you meet with a representative of a partner company, it means that you are characterized by uncertainty in business affairs and the desire to improve difficult situation by using others.

Dream interpretation meeting

Did you dream of a chance meeting with people you haven’t seen for so long, or was everything planned long before the memorable event? Why dream of a meeting in this case? According to the dream book, a meeting is a sign that needs detailed study.

Distinctive features

To understand a dream, you need to pay attention to the characteristic features, and they are not so easy to remember after waking up. To solve this problem, dream books were written, which helped many to find out the interpretation of their dreams.

Friends saw each other in a dream

If you dreamed of meeting with friends, most likely, in real life, a similar event awaits a person. At least the dream book focuses on this. To meet a close friend in a dream - to fresh gossip and unexpected news. You never know that randomly spoken news will play a big role.

It is believed that meeting a man is more auspicious because it predicts success:

  • in work or service;
  • in dealing with people, you will become an authority for someone.

The main thing is to learn how to properly manage the opportunity provided. There are times when the spiritual connection between people is so strong that a surprise after a long separation will seem like a miracle.

Sleeping people often see prophetic dreams, and in real life they can meet the desired person.

There is another interpretation. If a pleasant acquaintance came to the meeting, then everything will go well. If a person causes antipathy, then no one will get pleasure from communication. As the dream book describes, meeting with a friend makes sense, which will definitely manifest itself in real life.

Dreamed of school mates

A person may dream of a difficult conversation that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. The dreamer must evaluate his plans and begin to implement them. All the promises that were made before must be fulfilled. The dreaming image will clearly demonstrate a tortured conscience that is trying to convey a message to a sleeping person.

When I had a meeting with school friends, then your judgments are so naive and infantile that they do not correspond to age. As a rule, value judgments can be heard in the communication of old friends, and the decisions made will turn out to be useless.

Dream interpreters are advised to think over every word, because only old friend knows and sees the real essence. Trying to hide it, you can run into big trouble. As the dream book says, meeting with friends from school is a possible test. Unconscious childhood mistakes will have to be eliminated already in adulthood.

formal conversation

If the conversation with classmates is purely formal, then in real life the dreamer will be able to solve an unsolvable problem. In any case, one should focus not on why this or that situation occurred, but on how it can be solved. A dreamed unfriendly reception - to a difficult life stage, having lived through which, the dreamer will receive decent compensation.

Joking conversation

Meet friends who are in good location spirit - to public recognition.

Most likely, a stage has come in your life when achievements and dreams began to come true. As the dream book predicts, going to a meeting with a quick step - to anxiety and dissatisfaction with your life.

In the pursuit of money, you stop doing what you loved to do before.

Had a heartfelt conversation

If you had a meeting with former classmate, then in real life there is a place for memories of the carefree years lived. Probably everyone would like to return to those times and enjoy them. To agree on evening gatherings - to increase at work and meet new people. In this case, one can follow from the other. The higher the dreamer moves up the career ladder, the more influential people will begin to surround him.

Romantic date

A meeting with a girl for representatives of the strong half of humanity promises a cooling of feelings and subsequent grief. Meeting with a loved one for many women is associated with romantic fantasies. In real life, the dreamer feels the need to receive attention from her lover.

The interpretation of dreams in which adults and elderly people appear has a slightly different meaning.

By arranging a rendezvous with your lover, you can prepare for the fact that good luck will accompany all your endeavors. A man knows that a meeting with a friend can turn into something more.

His invitation will be taken seriously. To meet a previously loved one is to regret parting. Negative emotions must be constantly driven away from oneself, since they only interfere with a normal life.


If the road crosses ex-boyfriend- regret about the endured breakup. The problem is that any attempt at reconciliation will backfire. Rejection will mean complete acceptance of the present and a willingness to start a new relationship.

ex girlfriend

When on the appointed day of the meeting appears ex girlfriend, then the dreamer still continues to have warm feelings for her. He will try by all means to correct the current situation, but the probability of success is extremely small. When it appears on the way unknown guy, then it is impossible to agree with the lady of the heart.

Atypical situations

Each dream is a date with your inner essence, and therefore there is no need to be afraid of nightmares. Meeting with famous person will tell you that the path to fame will be long and winding. Not everyone will reach the end, but those who have enough strength will rest on their laurels.

To see the president is to become a famous and popular person. If an unscheduled meeting took place on the train, one should expect news that is prophetic in nature. When the dreamer runs into someone on the stairs, career success can await him.

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