The name is Igor according to the church calendar. The name Igor in the Orthodox calendar (Svyattsi)

The meaning of the name Igor: "Warlike", "guarded by the god of thunder" (scand.)

Igor has been active, energetic and physically active since childhood. developed child... Likes to play sports. But besides this, he also succeeds in his studies, he is especially good at exact sciences. School teachers always appreciate his work, so he always gets good grades. True, the Igori are extremely impatient and can quit the job without finishing it. They stubbornly move towards their goal, but they can stop halfway if they feel tired.

Igor's character is contradictory. He can be either a supreme boss or just an employee. It all depends on how much strength he puts on the way to the goal. He always has many friends, especially women.

It is better for Igor to work in a team, as it is always more difficult for him to work on his own. It is much easier to act on an already assigned role in a team or team.

He always has many women, from whom he can choose a future wife. In the family he likes to be in charge. In addition, they are very jealous and want their wives to be always there. Often they consider their opinion to be the only correct one.

Other forms of the name Igor: Yegor, Igoryosha, Garik, Gasik, Gary, Iga, Goryan, Igonka, Igoryan, Igorok.

Wish You happiness and health.
Let the wallet be thick.
I wish you to live without grief.
Everything will be great, Igorek!

Let in everything that you want,
Grace will overtake you.
Let the fate of life be
Give all the best to you.

Igor is an army and strength,
Strong ardor and spirit of the earth.
Mother nature has rewarded
So that at least - in the king.

In life you are terribly jealous,
Your power is always the law.
And it is clear, not in vain:
Know, wife, the throne for the husband.

Well, in general, everything is worthy:
Peace, family, peace, comfort.
Life flows quite calmly
Children scurry about happily.

Be happy and desired
Be faithful, keep your family.
Be loved, long-awaited
Always believe in your family.

Igoresh, you are an amazing, bright, intellectually elevated and sympathetic person. Your kind-heartedness cannot fail to delight. You treat others with understanding and, whenever possible, you try to provide not only attention, but also your help. On your day, I sincerely want to wish you aspirations, strengths that will help you achieve new prospects and joy. You are focused and you know exactly what you want to achieve. Don't waste it. I know for sure, you will be able to get what you are striving for. Enjoy life, take the maximum out of it and do not forget about your self-improvement, because something new is always good.

I wish it did not go out
There is a light in your heart.
Be healthy and happy
Nice guy Igor.

I have great achievements for you
I wish you this day.
Move towards the cherished dream
Don't be lazy.

May they always be with you
Those who are dear and loved.
I wish that care
I was keeping my loved ones.

Igor, I wish you
Live brightly, not discouraged,
So that insults and losses
They didn't knock on your doors.

Live every day like in a fairy tale
Surrounded only by affection
And catch success by the tail
To be happier than everyone!

Igor, we want to congratulate
Happy holiday to you now
You are only worthy of happiness
Smile, please us
We sincerely wish you
Prosperity and miracles
Let in business and beginnings
There will be visible progress!

Igor, I hasten to congratulate,
Wish you happiness in life
May there always be desire
Move forward, dream.

Always set big goals
Never back down
Be loved and faithful in friendship,
Never be discouraged.

Igor is brave and agile,
He's a man - just a treasure
To all relatives, friends and relatives
He is always happy!

May he be happy in the family
And a career on the rise
And today we will hear
Only the best about him.

I want to say nice words to you
So that women are dizzy from you.
To be always loved, not alone,
And your dreams have come true, Igorek.

A noble name, you are like a prince with us,
I want to be happy every hour.
May your smile please the lips
And good things happened for a reason.

Igor, be happier than everyone,
There are a hundred reasons for this!
Success awaits you in everything
Be just number one!

Every day, both in the heat and in the cold
May good luck be near!
Fill your soul all the time
A positive charge!

Only loyal friends
And I wish you eternal love!
Be healthy and not hurt!
Let everything be perfect!

Congratulations, Igorek!
Let everything be incomparable in life,
All that you are waiting for - let it come right on time,
Everything that you are looking for - you will certainly find

Boldly, boldly plan, dream,
Always be interesting and bright
Surprise, conquer, delight,
Take every day as a gift!

Congratulations: 51 in verse, 8 in prose.

Name days are an important day in the life of any person. In the old days, it was customary to name a child in honor of the saint, on the day of whose memory the baby was born. It was believed that in this way the guardian angel would protect and protect a mere mortal throughout life. When Igor's name day is celebrated, what imprint is imposed on the character of the kid who accepted the help of this reverend?

The origin of the name Igor

The word has Scandinavian roots. According to one of the versions, its predecessor was the name Invar, which is translated from ancient Greek as "idiot", "cretin". Meanwhile, the particle -ing denotes a known abundance. The name passed into the Russian language with the meaning "keeping God". According to another version, the name has Celtic roots, since the particle -ger is very popular among these peoples.

The meaning of the name Igor

The boy, who was given to “keep God” from birth, has a pronounced firm character and confidence in his abilities. The child is very mobile, fits well with peers, loves fun and amusing games. At school he studies averagely, but he is given better than others. The boy devotes little time to study, does not like to do his homework, and skips classes. Higher education there is no need for the namesake of the famous prince, after school he would prefer to go straight to work.

Igor's birthday leaves an imprint on his entire destiny. A boy can achieve impressive success in sports, of course, if he puts in considerable effort. In music, a young man can also lead, but due to the lack of perseverance and dedication, if success does not come immediately, then the classes will cease to be interesting. He will give up everything without achieving a result. WITH by different people Igor finds easily mutual language, he has a lot of friends. However, he just as easily part with a person as he converges with him.

In the family Igor is the owner. He always prefers to keep his wife with him, and will never tolerate treason. His word in the house is law. Igor's name day also affects his personality. He loves the brightest and most chic. It concerns how original gifts and gorgeous women. It is important for him that everyone is jealous and drawn to him. For the sake of High Quality life and comfort, he is ready to sacrifice a lot. If he is faced with a choice that has a serious impact on his prestige, he will always choose his personal interests, without even thinking about the decision.

Igor's birthday church calendar

This name is considered one of the first borrowed words in the Old Russian language. It takes its roots from the time of the Rurikovichs. In those days, Igor's name day could be celebrated only by a noble person, it had a very limited distribution. The name became frequent in use after the October Revolution, and in the 60s it was completely at the peak of its popularity. Igor's birthday, associated with honoring the saints according to church rules, is attributed to June 5 (transfer of the relics of Prince Igor) and September 19 (commemoration day

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He was the grandson of Prince Svyatoslav and joined the fight for Kiev reign at the time of fragmentation in Russia. He was destined to atone for the sin of princely civil strife by a feat of martyrdom.

In 1138, Vsevolod Olgovich, Igor's elder brother, ascended the throne in Kiev. After several years of reign, Vsevolod decided to inherit his place to Igor. But the people of Kiev disliked Saint Igor, since were against the hereditary transfer of the throne. Soon Prince Vsevolod dies.

The Kievites summoned the army of the Mstislavichs against the holy prince Igor. A battle took place, during which the Kievites, who were in favor of Igor, went over to the side of Izyaslav Mstislavovich. For several days, Prince Igor hid in the swamps. Here he was found and taken prisoner. In Kiev, he was put in a log cabin (this wooden blockhouse without windows and doors, from which to get out, the prisoner had to be "knocked out").

While in captivity, the prince became very ill. Many thought he was going to die. But his opponents decided to "knock out" the prince from there and give him to the Feodorovsky Monastery to be tonsured a monk there. The prince's health has recovered, long time he spent in prayer and tears.

But the enmity between the two clans continued. The Mstislavichi, wishing to take revenge on the Olgovichi, decided to deal with the prince-monk.

They burst into the church at a time when Saint Igor was praying at the Liturgy in front of the icon of the Mother of God. They dragged him to punish him. But at the gates they were stopped by Igor's brother Vladimir, who turned to the rebellious persecutors, admonished them and asked them to release the innocent. But they did not listen to him and brutally killed Prince Igor. Even after he was already dead, he was dragged by his feet all the way to the temple.

When his body was transferred to the church, God performed a miracle - all the candles were lit in the temple. The next morning he was buried on the outskirts of Kiev in the monastery of St. Simeon.

Later, his brother Svyatoslav Olgovich transferred the relics of St. Prince Igor to the Savior Cathedral in Chernigov.

Name days are an important day in the life of any person. In the old days, it was customary to name a child in honor of the saint, on the day of whose memory the baby was born. It was believed that in this way the guardian angel would protect and protect a mere mortal throughout life. When Igor's name day is celebrated, what imprint is imposed on the character of the kid who accepted the help of this reverend?

The origin of the name Igor

The word has Scandinavian roots. According to one of the versions, its predecessor was the name Invar, which is translated from ancient Greek as "idiot", "cretin". Meanwhile, the particle -ing denotes a known abundance. The name passed into the Russian language with the meaning "keeping God". According to another version, the name has Celtic roots, since the particle -ger is very popular among these peoples.

The meaning of the name Igor

The boy, who was given "to keep God" from birth, has a pronounced firm character and confidence in his abilities. The child is very mobile, fits well with peers, loves fun and amusing games. At school he studies averagely, but he is given better than others. The boy devotes little time to study, does not like to do homework, and skips classes. Higher education is not needed by the namesake of the famous prince, after school he would prefer to go to work right away.

Igor's birthday leaves an imprint on his entire destiny. A boy can achieve impressive success in sports, of course, if he makes significant efforts. In music, a young man can also lead, but due to the lack of perseverance and dedication, if success does not come immediately, then the classes will cease to be interesting. He will give up everything without achieving a result. Igor easily finds a common language with different people, he has many friends. However, he just as easily part with a person as he converges with him.

In the family Igor is the owner. He always prefers to keep his wife with him, and will never tolerate treason. His word in the house is law. Igor's name day also affects his personality. He loves the brightest and most chic. This applies to both original gifts and gorgeous women. It is important for him that everyone is jealous and drawn to him. For the sake of a high quality of life and comfort, he is ready to sacrifice a lot. If he is faced with a choice that has a serious impact on his prestige, he will always choose his personal interests, without even thinking about the decision.

Igor's birthday according to the church calendar

This name is considered one of the first borrowed words in the Old Russian language. It takes its roots from the time of the Rurikovichs. In those days, Igor's name day could be celebrated only by a noble person, it had a very limited distribution. The name became frequent in use after the October Revolution, and in the 60s it was completely at the peak of its popularity. Igor's birthday, associated with honoring the saints according to church rules, is attributed to June 5 (transfer of the relics of Prince Igor) and September 19 (commemoration day

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Name - Igor, from Old Norse - warlike. As a rule, he grows up as a very lively and agile child, who inherited his appearance from his mother, but his character is his father's. Also, this boy, often has a sore throat, perhaps for this reason he is often too irritable and stubborn. At school, he does well, he is especially good at mathematics. He often loves to play sports, and Igor, who was born in winter, achieves greater success than his namesake and often even becomes an Olympic champion.

It is worth noting that all people with this name are very patient and very capable. But despite these qualities, some of them never graduate from either institute or technical school. However, the majority still achieve success in life, often becoming - scientists and good leaders. Also, men bearing this name seem to be woven from contradictions. Although they are quite stubborn, at the same time, they easily adapt to circumstances and quickly converge with people. Also, the bearers of this name are too jealous, and in marriage, they always try to take the position of a leader and always require the other half to do only what they themselves consider necessary.

Igor is very jealous

Igor most often chooses a profession - an engineer, a turner, a lawyer, an actor, a driver, a journalist, a teacher, a musician. Igor is a rather complex nature, although in sex, idealistic and romantic, most of all, he values ​​constancy. In sexual relationships, he is always looking for perfection, so he often rushes from one mistress to another. In sex, this man is very diplomatic and is able to persuade a woman to have sexual intercourse so skillfully and imperceptibly that she herself does not understand how it happened.

Igor's birthday

  • Name Igor by zodiac sign: suits Gemini.
  • Mascot: beryl.
  • Patron saints: Igor (baptized George, monastic Gavrila) Olegovich, Chernigov and Kiev, Grand Duke.
  • Name compatibility: relations with the names are favorable: Aurora, Ada, Aza, Angelina, Anna, Veronica, Vesta, Gelena, Dominika, Elena, Irina, Leah, Natalia, Oksana, Olesya, Julia.