Scorpio man is a complete psychological characteristic. What are the characteristics of a Scorpio man? Relationships with women

In love, a Scorpio man is a passionate and jealous owner. In a pair, he is a leader and chooses a woman who is ready to obey, one who will appreciate his sincere attitude towards her. He becomes attached to a loved one, but carefully hides it. For the sake of love, he is ready for anything, because only in it he sees the meaning of his life.

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The Scorpio man knows how to hide his feelings under the mask of indifference. Outwardly, he is always calm, but serious passions boil inside him. Scorpio always gets what he wants and does not stop at difficulties. Everything he does matters to him. This is an excellent leader and good friend... The opinion of those around him does not bother him, and in order to achieve the goal, he is ready for anything. Does not forgive and does not forget the wrongs inflicted.

Behavior and attitude towards love

The Scorpio man is mysterious, ironic and attractive. He easily charms women and engraves in their memory. It's hard to resist his charisma and magnetism. He makes a deep impression, excites hearts and souls, but his inner world leaves closed. Having been married for several years, he remains a mystery to his wife. He hides his male secrets, and he easily recognizes other people's pain points, and if he is offended, he will put pressure on them, never regretting it.

The meaning of love in the life of a Scorpio is of great value and even is the meaning of his life. Without love, he feels emptiness and a desire to fill it with mutual feelings. He strives for emotional and sensual relationships. He will not meet with an unloved girl, but will wait for a real feeling. He is secretive and does not immediately reveal his feelings, so as not to be vulnerable and not allow himself to be manipulated. When he is sure of his choice, he immediately confesses his love.

    Representatives of this zodiac sign have a natural sexuality and attractiveness that is impossible not to feel. The intimate side is of great importance, and the refusal to be close to his wife or girlfriend greatly offends him. Of all the signs, Scorpio is the most loyal, passionate and sexy. But still jealous and domineering. There are no idols for him, but he considers his beloved girl unique and special. In bed, dominates and takes care of the woman's feelings. Able to easily excite a loved one, and he is easily flammable. Prefers a long-term relationship to one-time sex. Sex for him is a manifestation of love.

    After he, her life will change dramatically. It will no longer be the same. Quiet life and Scorpios are incompatible. A man creates a field around himself with high tension, intensity of passions and truly magical magnetism. The planet Pluto has endowed him with powerful energies, including:

    • sexual energy;
    • transforming;
    • energy that knows how to subjugate other people;
    • energy of self-destruction.

    The latter can be attributed to negative energy, and some representatives of this sign harm themselves. This is especially true of revenge. If you hurt him badly, he will hurt himself, just to take revenge on the offender. Such a psychology is capable of destroying his life and the offender.

    Psychology of a man in a relationship with a woman man's secrets

    How to get a Scorpio interested

    To interest a guy born under Scorpio sign, the girl doesn't have to be pretty. Sexuality is the main trait that attracts him and guarantees a relationship with a woman. She also has it to act as follows:

  1. 1. Remain sincere. He will immediately feel unnatural behavior and pretense.
  2. 2. Be an interesting and versatile person. He will be interested in a girl who has a hobby.
  3. 3. Do not give cause for jealousy and do not be jealous of him.
  4. 4. Feel free to express your thoughts. Even if he has a different point of view, he will appreciate the courage and confidence with which a girl speaks about her thoughts.
  5. 5. Seek advice so that he does not think that without his opinion she will not cope.
  6. 6. Support and accommodate. Do not flatter or over-praise.
  7. 7. Do not get into his soul. With a too curious girl who needs to know everything, the relationship will not work out.
  8. 8. Be different and not boring. She must be able to surprise a man.

A red dress or underwear can turn him on, and a girl who paints her lips with red lipstick will catch his attention. He loves the combination of black and scarlet in a woman's clothes and a long, expressive look.

A small aura of mystery surrounding a woman pushes to get to know her better, the main thing is not to overact.

If a girl has been dating him for a long time, and he does not propose, most likely she is doing something wrong, and he is in no hurry to make a choice. Scorpio marries most often once, after a comprehensive check and testing. If a woman is not afraid of emotional changes from tenderness to rudeness and from indifference to passion, you can reciprocate the guy, despite his changeable character.

A man born under the sign of Scorpio sensitive and vulnerable, but never shows it. From the outside, he seems cruel, but his heart is kind. He takes any manifestations of tenderness and openness for weakness of spirit and demands firmness from others and from himself. He chooses a girl who is soft, kind, but who knows how to insist on her own.

It is impossible to conquer his heart if he himself does not want it. No tricks and tricks will lure him to her. It will not work and adapt to it. Possessing unerring intuition, he easily determines which girl suits him and with whom he will not be happy.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

The best compatibility of a Scorpio man with representatives of the water element - Pisces and Cancer. The Cancer woman surrounds with care and comfort and does not ask unnecessary questions. She supports in any endeavors and difficulties, and the partner thanks her with material stability. The Pisces woman guesses the desires of a partner and feels his mood. They have excellent sexual compatibility and emotional connection.

With a Capricorn girl, a Scorpio man will find common goals and understanding. Both signs are single-minded and dedicated to success. A man and a woman will not limit each other and will succeed together. It is easy for them to satisfy each other's needs, since they have the same values.

Virgo is an earth sign with which a long relationship is impossible. It is difficult for a modest and cleanliness woman with a temperamental and always sex-ready man. Scorpio immediately determines that a woman is somewhat sensual, and Virgo does not have the sexuality necessary for him, and she will not seem sexually attractive to him. Taurus is the opposite of Scorpio. Both signs are aimed at a long-term relationship, and if they have the same goal and good sexual compatibility, then there is a chance for strong family... The Taurus woman is very sensual and loves pleasure. Together they will get what they want if they do not find fault with the shortcomings.

Freedom-loving Aquarius is a bad option for a passionate man. Such girls do not like to report and do not need deep feelings. For them, friendship is important, and then sex, and for Scorpio, the opposite is true.

Representatives of the fire element - Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, prefer an open and without secrets partner. With fiery women, it's hard to find mutual language and mutual understanding. Of the three signs, Aries is the most compatible with Scorpio, but the rivalry for leadership will destroy the pair. The passion inherent in the fire sign attracts men born under the sign of Scorpio, but the lack of spiritual intimacy does not give a chance for a long romance with a happy ending. Sagittarius and Scorpio are a waste of time and nerves. The fun-loving idealist and adventure-lover won't match home comfort, man. The Leo woman loves admiration and admirers, and Scorpio does not want to see men near her chosen one.

Libra and Scorpio are incompatible, as a girl who flirts and wants everyone to like will kindle hatred in Scorpio's heart. The owner guy will not stand so much jealousy and fans from his girlfriend. The breakup will be emotional and ugly. Libras do not like ugly things and situations and intuitively stay away from Scorpio men. Windy Gemini is not a match for a serious man. Women enjoy communication, company and entertainment. The Scorpio man prefers to spend time together, in an intimate setting. In addition, air signs have the lowest sexual needs, and denials of sex deeply offend him.

Scorpio plus Scorpio is a risky union. Better to remain friends than vengeful enemies.

And a little about secrets ...

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The Scorpio man is the most passionate and sensual among other signs. This passion manifests itself in all areas of his life: in his career, and in the family, and in communication with loved ones. Scorpio is the second sign of the element of Water, therefore people born in this constellation are very emotional, although they try to hide it in the depths of themselves. They have a lively mind, are sensitive, always open to communication.

The main characteristic feature of the representatives of this sign is their ability to heroically endure any, even the most difficult, trials, in this they are helped by a strong belief that they will surely cope and overcome all adversity, they initially contempt for any difficulties.

This zodiac sign is confident in himself, perfectly controls his emotions and behavior. And hardly anything can lead him astray. Sometimes those around them consider them too good-natured and gullible, because they do not react at all to insults addressed to them, and when they are praised, they do not show any emotions at all. But it is likely that they just don't show it.

Scorpio sees all his shortcomings and character flaws better than others, and if someone wants to hear his opinion about himself, then you should know how honest he is in this matter, so he will never lie, but will always say to his face everything he thinks ...

Scorpions - faithful friends, will always come to the rescue, but if you offend them, they will remember the insult for a long time, and at the slightest opportunity they will surely take revenge. They are very responsible for work, but mental activity will be preferred to physical labor.

The most important specific traits those born under the sign of Scorpio are passion, determination and firmness. Thanks to these qualities, they always achieve what they want, without applying special efforts... In addition, their habit of going in everything to the end helps to overcome all difficulties and bring all matters to their logical conclusion.

Characteristics of a man - Scorpio

A man born under the sign of Scorpio, all his life, when making decisions, is guided only by his inner convictions and laws by which he is used to living. At the same time, he is not at all interested in what others think about this. Therefore, it is unlikely that anything from the outside world will be able to influence Scorpio.

A Scorpio man has been trying all his life to be independent from the world around him, from circumstances, he is too freedom-loving to allow someone to break or subjugate his will.

The representative of this sign is purposeful, courageous, has a high intellect, he has excellent intuition. Relatives and friends very often consider him a tough and difficult person, since he always carefully chooses for himself not only friends, but also the entire immediate environment. Being next to such a person, you should always be prepared for the fact that he will express everything in person without embellishment, no matter how unpleasant his interlocutor may be after these words. Such behavior, as interpreted by the horoscope of the Scorpio man, is more likely caused by his unwillingness to believe in the best and be more tolerant of people.

The representative of this sign has a great sense of purpose: if he sets himself some goal or task, then all his forces, emotions and experiences are aimed at achieving it, nothing will ever be able to stop him in his striving to achieve a result.

When drawing a psychological portrait of a Scorpio man, it is worth remembering that, despite his determination and obsession, he needs the support of loved ones. He may not show that praise and words of support mean anything to him, but deep down he will feel happy and satisfied.

Love and family of a man - Scorpio

Communicating with the opposite sex, a Scorpio man makes a favorable impression, because he is a friendly, attentive, good-natured and caring person.

Having made his choice, Scorpio will move mountains, destroy all obstacles on the way, but achieve the location of the girl he likes. He will not be stopped even by the fact that the one on which his choice fell is not free. The ideal companion for a man born under the sign of Scorpio is.

A girl who has decided to link her fate with a Scorpio man should be prepared for the fact that her life will be restless and full of all sorts of events. In order to stoically endure all the difficulties, the Scorpio partner should be patient, show all her strength and understanding. In order for the companion to give her the most sincere and genuine feelings, she should show all her passion and be always devoted to him.

The Scorpio man is always the leader in the family. His authority and advantage over household members should not raise any questions and be a topic of discussion. His wife should remember that even the slightest reason that made him doubt her infidelity will lead to a big scandal.

Despite the exactingness and some rigidity, Scorpio men love their children. They With early age instill in them stamina, endurance, fortitude and teach them to really look at everything that happens in the world. Children, of course, are unlikely to like the harsh ways of raising a father, but the sincere love and affection that Scorpios will give their children will balance the whole educational process... And as they grow up, they will remember all the lessons they learned from their father, and they will definitely use them, appreciating all their benefits.

The Scorpio spouse will very often wonder, but regarding her marriage, she is unlikely to be able to find a suitable answer. She will have to reconcile and silently experience all the antics of her husband, because all her claims, tears and resentments will not cause him any reaction, but if the partner shows a desire to break off the relationship, then the Scorpio man will not even try to hold her back. In this case, only faith in his sincere love and the hope that all the women in his life are only temporary objects that satisfy his interest will help preserve the marriage. Only the constant mystery of his partner can keep a representative of this sign for a long time, because as soon as he unravels its essence, she will cease to be interesting for him.

A person born under the sign of Scorpio will not allow his woman to lead him or dictate terms. In this relationship, everyone must adhere to their role. A man must be a man, a woman a woman, and nothing else. In order to build a comfortable relationship for both, a woman will have to stock up on gigantic patience, be strong and courageous.

Sexual life of a man - Scorpio

Representatives of this sign are insanely sexy and sensual. They can have sex around the clock, while bringing their skills and abilities to perfection. They consider their main success to be able to control their emotions during intimacy.

In bed, Scorpio will prefer a game where you can try different options and choose the one in which the chances of success increase many times over.

The Scorpio man is a great lover, sensual and tireless, ready for any experiments. A woman most often gets much more from intimacy with a representative of this sign than she expected, because he knows exactly how to caress a woman in order to give her unearthly pleasure, while he has an excellent imagination, and no restrictions can frighten him off.

He always gets the most from every intimacy. positive emotions and new impressions. He is energetic and does not tolerate delay. As soon as the representative of this sign starts, the girl will immediately understand what kind of continuation to expect. In sex, he only tries to get pleasure, while the technique or the correctness of the chosen position is not at all important to him.

A Scorpio man is instantly aroused, which is immediately transmitted to his partner. You should not expect gentle and prolonged preliminary caresses from him, he immediately goes on the offensive, not allowing his companion to retreat. He must necessarily lead, submission is not his credo.

Women should remember that Scorpio sometimes prefers something extravagant and unusual during intimacy. So, he is greatly aroused by a woman who does not use any means of protection. But it is also worth being careful, allowing absolutely everything to the representative of this sign, because he has a very strong predisposition to violence, that is, he enjoys when he hurts.

Our readers' stories

Scorpio man in love is a difficult sign. At the same time, he has an amazing ability to feel the mood of his woman. But at the same time, the man can remain a little hidden. Love for him is a means of communication and receiving new emotions. To better understand your chosen one, you should carefully study his horoscope. Astrologers say that it is very important to take into account compatibility with other zodiac signs, which is especially pronounced in the case of a scorpio.

The chosen one of this sign must make a lot of efforts to understand his inner world. At the same time, she must be prepared for the fact that the partner will unconsciously present a large number of requirements to her, many of which will not be so easy to fulfill. In any case, you should know that love and romantic relationship with a scorpion will be filled with many bright and unexpected moments. At times, you won't know what to expect from your man.

Relationships with women

The characteristic of the scorpion suggests that he is one of the most persistent representatives of the zodiacal series. If a man is interested in a woman, then, believe me, he will definitely deserve her attention and disposition, no matter what it costs him. Scorpios know how to look after beautifully, present gifts in such a way that it is unforgettable. In addition, they are incredibly persistent and purposeful. The psychology of this sign is such that he shows incredible perseverance and dedication, even if the object of his adoration does not reciprocate. Moreover, a woman’s lack of interest serves as an additional incentive.

Sooner or later, all the efforts of a partner will be crowned with success, because no woman can resist male perseverance and beautiful signs of attention that a scorpio is capable of. The success of a long-term relationship lies rather in how then people will be able to find a common language. Rarely, a reliable relationship develops between zodiacal signs, which have poor astrological compatibility.

If you carefully study the horoscope of this sign, then pay attention to such a trait as passion. Sometimes, having got a woman, a man loses interest in her and seeks new object adoration. He is interested in everything new. It is the psychology of this sign that is such that he manifests a passion for new impressions, new emotions that a new life partner can give. For this reason, it can be difficult to retain such a partner.

But it should be noted that deep down he is interested in real love and a strong stable relationship. For this reason, the passion for changing partners by the age of 30 in such a man fades away. He finds himself a woman, creates a family. In most cases, such families are very strong, often for the rest of their lives.


The sign behaves quite interestingly in sexual relations. Scorpio loves to be dominant and masculine. Moreover, the representatives of this sign, according to the horoscope, are incredibly temperamental.

Sex plays very important role in their lives. Often such men have a good imagination and love to experiment. Believe me, if your chosen one is a scorpio, there will be more than enough intimate relationships in your life.

At the same time, it is necessary to satisfy his need for new sensations and emotions, so that sooner or later he does not get bored. The characteristic of a scorpion allows us to conclude that he does not hide his preferences and directly speaks about them to his woman.

In a sexual relationship, a Scorpio man will rely on his own intuition. For this reason, he will not study scientific literature, but rather listen to his desires. Moreover, he will always be a leader and initiator in a pair. The horoscope claims that such a man will always lead a woman. To give your beloved new sensations in intimate life, make him become a follower for a short time. Of course, the individual sexual compatibility of a couple is very important.

Zodiac sign compatibility

Zodiac sign compatibility has been studied for many years to help couples. Even when the horoscope states that it will be difficult for people to find a compromise and get along, their love and desire to be together can help build strong relationships.

It should be noted that the worst compatibility is observed in a male scorpion with a Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Not the best way relationships can develop between representatives of the ram, virgin, and scales. The strongest compatibility, according to the horoscope, is between a scorpio and:

  • Cancer;
  • Scorpio;
  • Capricorn;
  • Pisces.

Aries woman can give the passion that a man is looking for. But their union can be quite aggressive in sexual relations. The most unfortunate compatibility is manifested in the male scorpio with a calf. Here there is a complete difference of interests and temperaments. A successful union is possible only if both partners really want to create a strong family. The horoscope claims that Gemini is not the best couple, since the characteristics of both signs allow us to conclude that representatives of Gemini and Scorpio are fickle, which prevents them from building long-term relationships.

The Cancer woman will be an excellent partner, as she will give the Scorpio man everything he is looking for - confidence, invisible support, empathy, support. In such a union, a woman will not for a minute doubt the future success of her chosen one, which is so important for a scorpio man.

Not the best compatibility is observed with a lion, since it is very difficult for two strong leaders to get along. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman can have difficulty in sexual relations as Virgo is a conservative sign. In a relationship with a Libra, a Scorpio may lack new emotions, since such women are balanced and calm. A couple of two scorpions will be closely linked by an intimate relationship, from which everyone is looking for new and interesting experiences.

One of the worst combinations is a Scorpio man and a Sagittarius woman. These two signs are so different that they can hardly add up. strong union... The same goes for compatibility with Aquarius.

Unlike a Sagittarius, a Capricorn woman will have the same values ​​as her man. They match perfectly mentally, and strive to satisfy the needs of the partner. Excellent sexual compatibility is observed in the scorpion and fish. For this reason, such people often form strong alliances.

A scorpio man in love is looking for new emotions and impressions. The woman who will be next to him should be different every day, be able to surprise and amaze. In addition, she must be a skillful lover, ready to experiment. We recommend that you carefully study the horoscope of your chosen one in order to better understand his desires and goals.

What should be remembered by a representative of the fair sex, whose attention was attracted by a Scorpio man? What kind of women does he like and dislike? The people ruled by this sign are famous heartthrobs, they are difficult to conquer and keep. Scorpio men are famous for their selectivity and exactingness. What qualities do they want and do not want to see in a life partner, what are their ideas about the ideal?

Scorpios - what they are in love

Persistence, exactingness, suspicion are qualities characteristic of many representatives of the stronger sex, born under this sign. Scorpio in love - what are they? In relationships with the opposite sex, such men strive for domination, it is important for them to remain in charge in any situation, to keep everything under control. It is difficult to live with them because of excessive authoritarianism, they are only interested in their own opinion, while others are often ignored.

The men ruled by this constellation are passionate and emotional lovers. They are extremely jealous, so their companions should not provoke them. An angry Scorpio is capable of crazy deeds. People born under this sign will never accept defeat. They will seek reciprocity from the woman who attracted their interest, using any method. You should not expect regular compliments from them, Scorpios only praise deservedly.


A photo of an ideal companion for a representative of this sign cannot be found, since a lady's appearance can be anything. Age, hair color, body parameters - all this does not matter for these men. The main requirement that they make is neatness. Young ladies who do not take care of themselves will not be able to attract their attention.

Scorpios are well versed in current trends, they are attracted by fashionably dressed ladies. They also value elegance, do not tolerate vulgarity. Internal beauty is more important for them than external.


What else does he like? Mysterious is a quality that they like in the opposite sex. Ladies resembling an open book have no chance of success with them, they prefer understatement, the ability to hide weak sides and highlight the benefits.

However, Scorpios also value sincerity. They have developed intuition, it is difficult to mislead them. Lie - The best way cause disappointment in such a man, and the disappointed Scorpio leaves immediately.


Fidelity is a quality that Scorpio-man wants to see in his chosen one. What kind of women does he like? Those that do not give rise to jealousy. You need to know that a reason for people born under this mysterious constellation is often not needed, it is easy to provoke them. It is difficult to find a Scorpio who is able to forgive treason, betrayal.

It is curious that the representatives of the sign do not like it when the other half shows jealousy. A woman who intends to connect life with such a man needs to learn to fully trust him. With any attempt to control Scorpio will fight, he will not tolerate the slightest encroachment on his freedom.

Nevertheless, the men ruled by this sign like the independence in the ladies. Women who try to make them the main purpose of their lives are rewarded only with contempt. If a life partner does not work, depends on him morally and financially, Scorpio will push her around. The chosen one of the representatives of this sign must certainly have her own source of income, stand confidently on her feet.


Stupidity is what the Scorpio man hates in ladies. What kind of women does he like? Those with whom it is interesting to communicate, with a broad outlook. The ideal life partner for him is the one who has her own opinion, is able to defend it. A woman should not only be erudite, but also have excellent manners. Scorpios always pay attention to how a lady behaves in society.

Often, such men associate their lives with women who are older than them. This is due to the fact that they value maturity, experience, and self-confidence. The age difference cannot embarrass them, whatever it may be.


Scorpio men - what are they like in relationships with the opposite sex? The chosen one of the representative of this sign must learn to respect his life principles. Such a guy will not tolerate interference in his own affairs. It is useless for him to give advice, since he is used to relying on his own opinion in everything. From the second half, Scorpio expects diplomacy, the ability to avoid sharp corners.

The above does not mean that such a man cannot be persuaded. However, this must be done carefully, avoiding direct pressure. When making a decision, Scorpio should not doubt that it is his own, and not imposed by someone else.


Passion is a quality that, in their opinion, an ideal woman should have. For a Scorpio man, harmony in sexual life is very important. The partner must remain attractive to them, even if they have lived together for many years.

A lady who readily decides to experiment in bed will be able to win the heart of Scorpio. The chosen one of the representatives of this sign should be sensual, passionate, loving erotic games. If such men are satisfied with everything in an intimate relationship with a partner, they will not seek adventure on the side, as they despise infidelity. However, chilling in the intimate area can make them pay attention to other women.

You should not refuse a Scorpio man if he wants to make love. Being rejected, he falls into a state of anger, begins to think over a plan of revenge, which will certainly be carried out.

What's not to like

The above is about what Scorpio men like about women. However, there are qualities that their chosen one cannot possess. For example, representatives of the sign hate vulgarity, this applies to both clothing and makeup, and the behavior of a lady. A frank outfit will repel, not attract them, Scorpios prefer to solve riddles rather than admire the beauty on display. They like to think out, to fantasize.

Bright makeup will also not help attract a Scorpio, unless it is a short-term affair. Such men avoid women who are overly addicted to cosmetics. They prefer natural beauty, they like women who know how to carefully emphasize it.

Not only vulgarity, but also the stupidity of a lady is able to alienate a person born under this constellation. With women with whom there is nothing to talk about, they are not on the way. Overly domineering young ladies should also keep away from them, such an alliance will not be lasting, since Scorpio himself is prone to dictatorship. Finally, representatives of the sign do not tolerate rudeness, aggression, avoid women who are inclined to demonstrate these qualities.

What else do you need to know

What else should a representative of the weaker sex know, in whose way a Scorpio man was? Characteristics of what kind of women he likes - all this is described above. It must also be remembered that for people born under this constellation, reciprocity plays an important role. Scorpios, despite their outward coldness, want to feel loved, like representatives of other zodiac signs. Reciprocity, sincerity is what they value above all else.

Astrology claims that most Scorpio guys are suitable for young ladies born under Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn. The union of two Scorpions can be strong, albeit explosive.

Scorpio man for marriage chooses an innocent, sensitive and very intelligent woman. He does not recognize stupid, selfish women, he is able to expose all their games and intrigues in an instant.

If a Scorpio loves you with all your heart, then you can fully count on him. He will overcome all obstacles, walk hundreds of kilometers, make a fortune - all in order to connect with the chosen one.

Scorpio man in marriage: what is he like in family, home life, when he gets married?

Scorpio is considered the most attractive and charismatic man in the entire zodiac, but his wife is a candidate for the role of a saint, because life with him resembles either heaven or hell. If you decide on a wedding with one hundred percent Scorpio (and this is evidenced by individual horoscope, not the date of birth), consider that you will not find peace in life. But you won't have to complain about the routine with a Scorpio man in marriage.

The true representative of this sign is a very ambitious and enterprising man. He doesn't care about public opinion, and most people think of him as somewhat underdeveloped, which is carefully hidden from the world. He prefers listening more than talking, he does not have a typical male mania to prove his dignity at any cost. In addition, a primitive male energy is felt in him, women flock to him like butterflies to the light, and this experienced, seasoned lover of female charms, of course, knows this very well ... This is a connoisseur of women. Despite the fact that he passionately loves them, rarely shows feelings, often hides them under a mask of coldness. Thus, the personality traits with which he strongly attracts women to himself are a complex, "dark" character, extreme sexuality and patronage towards the weaker.

In relation to the family, the Scorpio husband is very caring, few people love children so much, wants to have as much as possible. Happy family life- like a compass that defines for his life best direction... In addition, it enhances it positive features character and weakens flaws. Hardworking, ambitious and responsible Scorpio always cares about getting a star from the sky for his wife. But at the same time, he hates any housework, especially if it is traditionally considered female.

How does a Scorpio husband provide for a family?

This man is usually not greedy, spends a lot, but earns even more, takes care of the financial independence of his wife, knowing that the woman needs "all these rags" and trinkets. The subject of special care of a Scorpio man in marriage is a good foundation for the future in order to feel happy.

Is the scorpio husband cheating or not, jealous or not?

Unfortunately, this is the most jealous and suspicious of the zodiac signs, he can torture his companion with his suspicions. Scorpio husband is looking for evidence of treason everywhere, so it's better not even to joke about this topic.

Despite the fact that popular astrology ranks Scorpio among the eternal and convinced fans of polygamy, a loving Scorpio husband with strong moral principles knows what loyalty is, he himself does not tolerate lies, and does not want it in a relationship with his beloved woman.

Unfortunately, in this sign of the zodiac there is, albeit a small, but group of men for whom seduction is an art in itself. They are afraid of women, do not love and do not understand their nature, seduce and abandon them for fun and pleasure. Despite the fact that on their finger flaunts wedding ring Scorpio husbands of this category in marriage still lead a dissolute life, sniffing the new flowers of life, simultaneously killing their wife with betrayal. So you need to more carefully study the guy born under the sign of Scorpio, because, unfortunately, nothing will change in marriage.