Real pirates in history. The most infamous pirates

The peak of maritime robberies came in the 17th century, when the World Ocean was the scene of a struggle between Spain, England and some other European colonial powers gaining momentum. Most often, pirates made a living by independent criminal robberies, but some of them ended up in public service and purposefully harmed foreign fleets. Below is a list of the ten most famous pirates in history.

William Kidd (January 22, 1645 – May 23, 1701) was a Scottish sailor who was convicted and executed for piracy after returning from a voyage to the Indian Ocean where he was supposed to hunt pirates. It is considered one of the most cruel and bloodthirsty sea robbers of the seventeenth century. The hero of many mysterious stories. Some modern historians, such as Sir Cornelius Neil Dalton, consider his pirate reputation to be unfair.

Bartholomew Roberts (May 17, 1682 - February 17, 1722) was a Welsh pirate who robbed about 200 ships (according to another version, 400 ships) in the vicinity of Barbados and Martinique in two and a half years. Known primarily as the opposite of the traditional image of a pirate. He was always well dressed, had refined manners, hated drunkenness and gambling, and treated well the crew of the ships he captured. He was killed by cannon shot during a battle with a British warship.

Blackbeard or Edward Teach (1680 - November 22, 1718) - an English pirate who hunted in the Caribbean in 1716-1718. He liked to strike terror into his enemies. During the battle, Tich weaved incendiary wicks into his beard and in clouds of smoke, like Satan from hell, burst into the ranks of the enemy. Due to his unusual appearance and eccentric behavior, history has made him one of the most famous pirates, despite the fact that his "career" was rather short, and his success and scale of activity were much smaller compared to his other colleagues from this list.

Jack Rackham (December 21, 1682 - November 17, 1720) was an English pirate who became famous primarily for the fact that his team included two more equally famous corsairs, female pirates Anne Bonnie, nicknamed the "mistress of the seas" and Mary Read.

Charles Vane (1680 – 29 March 1721) was an English pirate who robbed ships between 1716 and 1721 in North American waters. Notorious for his extreme cruelty. As the story goes, Wayne was not attached to such feelings as compassion, pity and sympathy, he easily broke his own promises, did not respect other pirates and did not at all consider anyone's opinion. The meaning of his life was only prey.

Edward England (1685 - 1721) - a pirate active off the coast of Africa and in the waters of the Indian Ocean from 1717 to 1720. He differed from other pirates of that time in that he did not kill prisoners, unless absolutely necessary. This eventually led his crew to mutiny when he refused to kill sailors from yet another captured English merchant ship. Subsequently, England was landed in Madagascar, where he survived for some time by begging, and eventually died.

Samuel Bellamy, nicknamed Black Sam (February 23, 1689 - April 26, 1717) was a great English sailor and pirate who hunted in the early 18th century. Although his career lasted a little more than a year, he and his crew captured at least 53 ships, making Black Sam the richest pirate in history. Bellamy was also known for his mercy and generosity towards those he captured in his raids.

Saida al-Hurra (1485 - circa 14 July 1561) - last queen of Tetouan (Morocco) who ruled between 1512–1542, pirate In alliance with the Ottoman corsair Aruj Barbarossa of Algiers, al-Hura controlled the Mediterranean. She became famous for her fight against the Portuguese. It is rightfully considered one of the most prominent women of the Islamic west of the modern era. The date and exact circumstances of her death are unknown.

Thomas Tew (1649 - September 1695) was an English privateer and pirate who made only two major piracy voyages, a route later known as the Pirate's Circle. He was killed in 1695 while trying to rob the Mughal ship Fateh Muhammad.

Steed Bonnet (1688 - December 10, 1718) - an outstanding English pirate, nicknamed "pirate gentleman". Interestingly, before Bonnet turned to piracy, he was a fairly wealthy, educated and respected man who owned a plantation in Barbados.

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Nothing sounds as good as a firm, stern, and easy-to-remember pirate's name. Having succumbed to the sea robbers, people often changed their names in order to complicate the authorities' ability to identify them. For others, the change of name was purely symbolic: the newly minted pirates mastered not only new activity, but also absolutely new life, which some preferred to enter with a new name.

In addition to many pirate names, there are also many recognizable pirate nicknames. Aliases have always been an integral part of gangster culture, and pirates were no exception in this regard. We will talk about the most common pirate nicknames, analyze their origin and provide a list of the most popular ones.

  • Blackbeard. The origin of the nickname is very trivial. had a thick black beard, and, according to legend, before the battle he wove burning wicks into it, the smoke of which made him look like the devil himself from the underworld.
  • Calico Jack. The nickname of the pirate, so he was christened for his love for various calico decorations.
  • Spaniard killer. That is what they called the cruel and ruthless towards the Spaniards famous.
  • Redhead, Bloody Henry. Two nicknames that belonged to the famous pirate. The first nickname is directly related to the color of his hair, and the second - to his far from merciful deeds.
  • Pirate Gentleman. A nickname given to him due to his aristocratic origin.
  • Vulture. Nickname for a French pirate. It is not entirely clear why this nickname stuck to him, apparently, after all, it better reflected his character and temper.
  • Lanky John. Pirate nickname for a fictional pirate. In addition to this nickname, he had one more - Ham.
  • Black Corsair. The nickname of the protagonist in the novel of the same name by Emilio Salgari.

These were the nicknames of the most famous real and fictional pirates. If you need unique thematic names, then in the game Corsairs Online, when creating a character, you have at your disposal a pirate nickname generator, you can try to pick up something interesting for yourself.

Pirate nicknames for the party

If you're hosting a pirate-themed party and need to name everyone in attendance, the list below should help you with that.

Pirates are sea (or river) robbers. The word "pirate" (Latin pirata) comes, in turn, from the Greek. πειρατής, cognate with the word πειράω ("try, test"). Thus, the meaning of the word would be "torturing happiness." The etymology testifies to how unsteady the boundary between the professions of a navigator and a pirate was from the very beginning.

Henry Morgan (1635-1688) became the most famous pirate in the world, enjoying a kind of fame. This man became famous not so much for his corsair exploits as for his activities as a commander and politician. Morgan's main merit was the help of England in seizing control over the entire Caribbean Sea. Ever since childhood, Henry was a fidget, which affected his adult life. In a short time, he managed to be a slave, collect his own gang of thugs and get his first ship. Along the way, many people were robbed. Being in the service of the queen, Morgan directed his energy to the ruin of the Spanish colonies, he did it perfectly. As a result, everyone learned the name of the active sailor. But then the pirate suddenly decided to settle down - he got married, bought a house ... However, a violent temper took its toll, moreover, at his leisure, Henry realized that it was much more profitable to capture coastal cities than just rob ships. Once Morgan used a tricky move. On the approach to one of the cities, he took a large ship and stuffed it to the top with gunpowder, sending it to the Spanish port at dusk. A huge explosion led to such turmoil that there was simply no one to defend the city. So the city was taken, and the local fleet was destroyed, thanks to Morgan's cunning. Storming Panama, the commander decided to attack the city from land, sending the army around the city. As a result, the maneuver was a success, the fortress fell. Last years Morgan spent his life as Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. His whole life was spent at a frantic pirate pace, with all the charms appropriate to the occupation in the form of alcohol. Only rum defeated the brave sailor - he died of cirrhosis of the liver and was buried as a nobleman. True, the sea took his ashes - the cemetery plunged into the sea after the earthquake.

Francis Drake (1540-1596) was born in England, the son of a priest. The young man began his maritime career as a cabin boy on a small merchant ship. It was there that the smart and observant Francis learned the art of navigation. Already at the age of 18, he received command of his own ship, which he inherited from the old captain. In those days, the queen blessed the pirate raids, so long as they were directed against the enemies of England. During one of these voyages, Drake fell into a trap, but, despite the death of 5 other English ships, he managed to save his ship. The pirate quickly became famous for his cruelty, and fortune fell in love with him. Trying to take revenge on the Spaniards, Drake begins to wage his own war against them - he robs their ships and cities. In 1572, he managed to capture the "Silver Caravan", carrying more than 30 tons of silver, which immediately made the pirate rich. An interesting feature of Drake was the fact that he not only sought to loot more, but also to visit previously unknown places. As a result, many sailors were filled with gratitude to Drake for his work in clarifying and correcting the map of the world. With the permission of the queen, the pirate went on a secret expedition to South America, with the official version of the exploration of Australia. The expedition was a great success. Drake maneuvered so cleverly, avoiding the traps of enemies, that he managed to make a trip around the world on his way home. Along the way, he attacked Spanish settlements in South America, circled Africa and brought home potato tubers. The total profit from the campaign was unprecedented - more than half a million pounds. Then it was twice the budget of the whole country. As a result, right on board the ship, Drake was knighted - an unprecedented case, which has no analogues in history. The apogee of the pirate's greatness came at the end of the 16th century, when he took part as an admiral in the defeat of the Invincible Armada. In the future, luck turned away from the pirate, during one of the subsequent voyages to the American shores, he fell ill with dengue fever and died.

Edward Teach (1680-1718) is better known by his nickname Blackbeard. It was because of this external attribute that Tich was considered a terrible monster. The first mention of the activities of this corsair refers only to 1717, what the Englishman did before that remained unknown. By indirect evidence, one can guess that he was a soldier, but deserted and became a filibuster. Then he was already pirating, terrifying people with his beard, which covered almost the entire face. Tich was very brave and courageous, which earned him the respect of other pirates. He wove wicks into his beard, which, smoking, terrified opponents. In 1716, Edward was given command of his sloop to conduct privateer operations against the French. Teach soon captured a larger ship and made it his flagship, renaming it Queen Anne's Revenge. The pirate at this time operates in the Jamaica region, robbing everyone in a row and gaining new henchmen. By the beginning of 1718, there were already 300 people under the command of Tich. In a year, he managed to capture more than 40 ships. All the pirates knew that the bearded man was hiding a treasure on some of the uninhabited islands, but no one knew exactly where. The atrocities of the pirate against the British and the robbery of the colonies forced the authorities to declare a hunt for Blackbeard. An impressive reward was announced and Lieutenant Maynard was hired to track down Teach. In November 1718, the pirate was overtaken by the authorities and was killed during the battle. Teach's head was chopped off, and the body was hung on a yardarm.

William Kidd (1645-1701). Born in Scotland near the docks, the future pirate decided from childhood to connect his fate with the sea. In 1688, Kidd, being a simple sailor, survived a shipwreck near Haiti and was forced to become a pirate. In 1689, having betrayed his associates, William took possession of the frigate, calling it "Blessed William". With the help of a letter of marque, Kidd took part in the war against the French. In the winter of 1690, part of the team left him, and Kidd decided to settle down. He married a wealthy widow, taking possession of land and property. But the heart of a pirate demanded adventure, and now, after 5 years, he is already a captain again. The powerful frigate "Brave" was intended to rob, but only the French. After all, the expedition was sponsored by the state, which did not need unnecessary political scandals. However, the sailors, seeing the scarcity of profits, periodically revolted. The capture of a rich ship with French goods did not save the situation. Fleeing from his former subordinates, Kidd surrendered into the hands of the British authorities. The pirate was taken to London, where he quickly became a bargaining chip in the fight. political parties. On charges of piracy and the murder of a ship's officer (who was the instigator of the mutiny), Kidd was sentenced to death penalty. In 1701, the pirate was hanged, and his body hung in an iron cage over the Thames for 23 years, as a warning to the corsairs of imminent punishment.

Mary Read (1685-1721). Since childhood, the girl was dressed in the clothes of a boy. So the mother tried to hide the death of her son who died early. At the age of 15, Mary went to serve in the army. In the battles in Flanders, under the name Mark, she showed miracles of courage, but she did not wait for promotion. Then the woman decided to join the cavalry, where she fell in love with her colleague. After the end of hostilities, the couple got married. However, the happiness did not last long, her husband died unexpectedly, Mary, dressed in men's clothes, became a sailor. The ship fell into the hands of pirates, the woman was forced to join them, cohabiting with the captain. In battle, Mary wore a male uniform, participating in skirmishes on an equal basis with everyone else. Over time, the woman fell in love with an artisan who helped the pirates. They even got married and were going to end the past. But even here the happiness did not last long. Pregnant Reid was caught by the authorities. When she was caught along with other pirates, she said that she was committing robberies against her will. However, other pirates showed that there was no one more determined than Mary Read in the matter of robbing ships and boarding. The court did not dare to hang a pregnant woman, she patiently waited for her fate in a Jamaican prison, not being afraid of a shameful death. But a high fever killed her first.

Olivier (Francois) le Vasseur became the most famous French pirate. He bore the nickname "La blues", or "buzzard". A Norman nobleman of noble origin was able to turn the island of Tortuga (now Haiti) into an impregnable fortress of filibusters. Initially, Le Vasseur was sent to the island to protect the French settlers, but he quickly drove the British out of there (according to other sources - the Spaniards) and began to pursue his own policy. Being a talented engineer, the Frenchman designed a well-fortified fortress. Le Vasseur issued filibuster very dubious documents for the right to hunt the Spaniards, taking the lion's share of the booty for himself. In fact, he became the leader of the pirates, without taking a direct part in the hostilities. When in 1643 the Spaniards failed to take the island, having discovered fortifications with surprise, the authority of le Wasser grew noticeably. He finally refused to obey the French and pay deductions to the crown. However, the spoiled character, tyranny and tyranny of the Frenchman led to the fact that in 1652 he was killed by his own friends. According to legend, Le Wasser collected and hid the largest treasure of all time, worth 235 million pounds in today's money. Information about the location of the treasure was kept in the form of a cryptogram around the neck of the governor, but the gold has never been found.

William Dampier (1651-1715) is often referred to not only as a pirate, but also as a scientist. After all, he made three circumnavigation by opening in pacific ocean many islands. Orphaned early, William chose the sea path. At first he took part in trading voyages, and then he managed to make war. In 1674, an Englishman came to Jamaica as a trading agent, but his career in this capacity did not work out, and Dampier was forced to become a sailor of a merchant ship again. After exploring the Caribbean, William settled on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, on the Yucatan coast. Here he found friends in the form of runaway slaves and filibusters. Dampier's later life took place in the idea of ​​traveling through Central America, plundering Spanish settlements on land and at sea. He sailed in the waters of Chile, Panama, New Spain. Dampier began to keep notes of his adventures almost immediately. As a result, in 1697, his book "A New Journey Around the World" was published, which made him famous. Dampier became a member of the most prestigious houses in London, entered the royal service and continued his research by writing a new book. However, in 1703, on an English ship, Dampier continued a series of robberies of Spanish ships and settlements in the Panama region. In 1708-1710 he took part as a navigator of a corsair round the world expedition. The works of the pirate scientist turned out to be so valuable for science that he is considered to be one of the fathers of modern oceanography.

Zheng Shi (1785-1844) is considered one of the most successful pirates. The facts that she commanded a fleet of 2000 ships, on which more than 70 thousand sailors served, will tell about the scale of her actions. The 16-year-old prostitute "Madame Jing" married the famous pirate Zheng Yi. After his death in 1807, the widow inherited a pirate fleet of 400 ships. Corsairs not only attacked merchant ships off the coast of China, but also swam deep into the mouths of the rivers, devastating coastal settlements. The emperor was so surprised by the actions of the pirates that he sent his fleet against them, but this did not have significant consequences. The key to Zheng Shi's success was the strict discipline she established on the courts. She put an end to traditional pirate freedoms - plundering allies and raping prisoners was punishable by death. However, as a result of the betrayal of one of her captains, a female pirate in 1810 was forced to conclude a truce with the authorities. Her further career was held as the owner of a brothel and a gambling den. The story of a pirate woman is reflected in literature and cinema, there are many legends about her.

Edward Lau (1690-1724) also known as Ned Lau. For most of his life, this man traded in petty theft. In 1719, his wife died in childbirth, and Edward realized that from now on nothing ties him to the house. After 2 years, he became a pirate operating around the Azores, New England and the Caribbean. This time is considered the end of the age of piracy, but Lau became famous for a short time managed to capture more than a hundred ships, while showing a rare bloodthirstiness.

Aruj Barbarossa (1473-1518) became a pirate at the age of 16 after the Turks captured his home island of Lesvos. Already at the age of 20, Barbarossa became a merciless and brave corsair. Having escaped from captivity, he soon seized a ship for himself, becoming the leader. Aruj entered into an agreement with the Tunisian authorities, who allowed him to organize a base on one of the islands in exchange for a share of the booty. As a result, the pirate fleet of Arouge terrorized all Mediterranean ports. Having got involved in politics, Arouj eventually became the ruler of Algeria under the name of Barbarossa. However, the fight against the Spaniards did not bring good luck to the Sultan - he was killed. His work was continued by his younger brother, known as Barbaross II.

Bartholomew Roberts (1682-1722). This pirate was one of the most successful and successful in history. It is believed that Roberts was able to capture more than four hundred ships. At the same time, the cost of the pirate's extraction amounted to more than 50 million pounds. And the pirate achieved such results in just two and a half years. Bartholomew was an unusual pirate - he was enlightened and loved to dress fashionably. Roberts was often seen in a burgundy waistcoat and breeches, he wore a hat with a red plume, and a gold chain with a diamond cross hung on his chest. The pirate did not abuse alcohol at all, as was customary in this environment. Moreover, he even punished his sailors for drunkenness. We can say that it was Bartholomew, who was nicknamed "Black Bart" and was the most successful pirate in history. In addition, unlike Henry Morgan, he never cooperated with the authorities. And came into being famous pirate in South Wales. His maritime career began as third mate on a slave ship. Roberts' duties included looking after the "cargo" and its safety. However, after being captured by pirates, the sailor himself was in the role of a slave. Nevertheless, the young European was able to please the captain Howell Davis, who captured him, and he accepted him into his crew. And in June 1719, after the death of the leader of the gang during the storming of the fort, it was Roberts who led the team. He immediately captured the ill-fated city of Principe on the coast of Guinea and razed it to the face of the earth. After going to sea, the pirate quickly captured several merchant ships. However, booty off the African coast was scarce, which is why in early 1720 Roberts headed for the Caribbean. The glory of a successful pirate overtook him, and merchant ships already shied away at the sight of Black Bart's ship. In the north, Roberts sold African goods profitably. All summer of 1720 he was lucky - the pirate captured many ships, 22 of them right in the bays. However, even while engaged in robbery, Black Bart remained a pious person. He even managed to pray a lot in between murders and robberies. But it was this pirate who came up with a cruel execution with the help of a board thrown over the side of the ship. The team loved their captain so much that they were ready to follow him to the ends of the world. And the explanation was simple - Roberts was desperately lucky. At various times, he managed from 7 to 20 pirate ships. The teams included fugitive criminals and slaves of various nationalities, calling themselves the "House of Lords". And the name of Black Bart inspired terror throughout the Atlantic.

There aren't many documentaries on piracy. Many of existing facts only partly true. Information about who these people really were has undergone many different interpretations. As often happens in the absence of reliable first-hand data, quite a large amount of folklore is devoted to this topic. With all of the above in mind, we've decided to present a dossier on several legendary sea robbers.

Period of activity: 1696-1701
Territories: East coast of North America, Caribbean Sea, Indian Ocean.

How he died: he was hanged in a specially designated place in the docks, located in the east district of London. Subsequently, his body was hung over the Thames, where it hung for three years as a warning to would-be sea robbers.
What is famous for: the founder of the idea of ​​buried treasures.
In fact, the exploits of this Scottish sailor and British privateer were not particularly extraordinary. Kidd took part in several small battles with pirates and other ships as a privateer for the British authorities, but none of them significantly affected the course of history.
The most interesting thing is that the legend of Captain Kidd appeared after his death. During his career, many colleagues and superiors suspected him of exceeding his letters of marque and indulging in piracy. After the appearance of irrefutable evidence of his actions, warships were sent for him, which were supposed to return Kidd to London. Suspecting what awaited him, Kidd allegedly buried untold wealth on Gardines Island off the coast of New York. He wanted to use these treasures as insurance and a bargaining tool.
The British court was unimpressed by the stories of buried treasure, and Kidd was sentenced to the gallows. This is how his story suddenly ended and a legend appeared. It was thanks to the efforts and skill of writers who became interested in the adventures of a terrible robber that Captain Kidd became one of the most famous pirates. His actual actions were significantly inferior to the glory of other sea robbers of that time.

Period of activity: 1719-1722
Territories: from the eastern coast of North America to the eastern coast of Africa.
How he died: was killed by a cannon shot during the battle against the British fleet.
What is famous for: he can be considered the most successful pirate.
Despite the fact that Bartholomew Roberts is not the most famous pirate, he was the best in everything he undertook. During his career, he managed to capture more than 470 ships. He operated in the waters of the Indian and Atlantic oceans. In his youth, when he was a sailor on board a merchant ship, his ship, along with the entire crew, was captured by pirates.
Thanks to his navigational skills, Roberts stood out from the crowd of hostages. Therefore, it soon became a valuable shot for the pirates who captured their ship. In the future, an incredible career takeoff awaited him, which led to the fact that he became the captain of a team of sea robbers.
Over time, Roberts came to the conclusion that it was completely pointless to fight for the miserable life of an honest employee. From that moment on, his motto was the statement that it is better to live for a short time, but for your own pleasure. We can safely say that with the death of 39-year-old Roberts, the end of the Golden Age of piracy has come.

Period of activity: 1716-1718
Territories: Caribbean Sea and East Coast of North America.
How he died: in battle against the British fleet.
What is famous for: successfully blocked the port of Charleston. He had a bright appearance and a thick dark beard, into which during the battles he wove ignition wicks, frightening the enemy with emitted clouds of smoke.
He was probably the most famous pirate, both in terms of pirate prowess and in terms of memorable appearance. He managed to mobilize a rather impressive fleet of pirate ships and lead it in many battles.
So, the flotilla under the command of Blackbeard managed to block the port of Charleston for several days. During this time, they captured several ships and took many hostages, who were subsequently traded for various medical supplies for the crew. For many years, Teach kept the Atlantic coast and the islands of the West Indies at bay.
This continued until his ship was surrounded by the British fleet. This happened during the battle off the coast of North Carolina. Then Teach managed to kill many Englishmen. He himself died from multiple saber blows and gunshot wounds.

Period of activity: 1717-1720
Territories: Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea.
How he died: died shortly after being removed from command of the ship and landing in Mauritius.
Famous for: He was the first to use the flag with the image of the classic Jolly Roger.
Edward England became a pirate after being captured by a band of thugs. He was simply forced to join the team. After a short stay in the waters caribbean he was waiting for a rapid rise up the pirate career ladder.
As a result, he began to command his own ship, used to attack slave ships in the Indian Ocean. It was he who invented the flag with the image of a skull over two crossed femurs. This flag later became a classic symbol of piracy.

Period of activity: 1718-1720
Territories: waters of the Caribbean Sea.
How he died: was hanged in Jamaica.
Known for: First pirate to allow women on board.
Calico Jack cannot be classified as a successful pirate. His main occupation was the capture of small commercial and fishing vessels. In 1719, during a brief retirement attempt, the pirate met and fell in love with Anne Bonny, who subsequently dressed in men's clothing and joined his crew.
After some time, Rackham's team captured a Dutch merchant ship, and without knowing it, they took another woman in a man's outfit on board the pirate ship. Reed and Bonnie turned out to be brave and brave pirates, which made Rackham famous. Jack himself is by no means a good captain.
When his crew hijacked the Governor of Jamaica's ship, Rackham was so drunk that he couldn't even get into a fight, and only Mary and Ann defended their ship to the last. Before the execution, Jack asked to see Ann Bonnie, but she flatly refused and, instead of dying words of consolation, told her former lover that his pitiful appearance makes her resentful.

Incredible Facts


Edward Teach, known as Blackbeard, instituted a reign of terror in the Caribbean that lasted from 1716 to 1718.

The sailor began as a privateer fighting for England during the War of the Spanish Succession, honing his skills as a pirate before turning to piracy.

A fierce fighter, Blackbeard was known both for his particular style of taking over ships and for his huge mane of hair.

Anne Bonnie

The most famous female pirate in history was as intimidating as her male counterparts, and besides, she was very smart and educated.

The daughter of a plantation owner, Ann left her settled life in the early 1700s and went to conquer the seas.

She joined the crew of Jack Rackham's Calico ship, disguised as a man, but legend has it that she was spared the death penalty after the crew was captured because she was pregnant.

Captain Samuel Bellamy

Despite the fact that he died at a very young age (he was only 28 years old), "Black Sam" made a name for himself after he captured several ships, including the Whydah Gally, a ship that was full of gold, silver and other valuable commodity. Bellamy made the ship his own in 1717, but he sank in a storm that same year.

Jin Shih

The golden age of piracy did not pass by China, and women on board or even at the helm were not uncommon.

Since 1801, her "career" developed very rapidly, and she became one of the most powerful female captains, and, in the end, the commander of a fleet of 2,000 ships and 70,000 sailors.

It is believed that the key to Jin's success was the iron discipline that reigned on her ships.

Bartholomew Roberts

"Black" Bart Roberts was one of the most successful pirates of the Golden Age, patrolling the waters off the coast of Africa and the Caribbean.

In less than four years, he captured 400 ships.

Bart was very cold-blooded and rarely left anyone alive on the captured ships, so the British authorities actively searched for him. He died at sea.

Captain Kidd

Pirate or privateer? Scottish sailor William Kidd is known for high-profile litigation with the British government over his heinous crimes and piracy attacks.

However, the veracity of this claim is still disputed. According to some modern historians, Kidd acted according to his letter of marque and did not attack allied ships.

However, he was hanged in 1701. Rumors about the whereabouts of the vast treasures he hid still haunt the minds of many adventurers to this day.

Henry Morgan

So popular that a rum was named after him, Captain Morgan first served as a privateer in the Caribbean, then became a pirate, and famously wreaked havoc in the "golden" Spanish colony of Panama City in the mid-1600s.

He is also known as one of the few pirates who managed to "retire".

Calico Jack (Calico Jack)

"Jolly Roger Flag Pioneer" Calico Jack Rackham was a pirate of the Caribbean who had several epic names, but is known for his association with Anne Bonnie as well as his classic pirate death.

Captured in Jamaica in 1720, Rackham was hanged, doused with tar and set on fire to show what would happen to every pirate. Now the place where this event took place is called Cay Rackham.

Sir Francis Drake

Noble to some and criminal to others, Drake spent time between the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 and world tour, actively engaged in piracy and the slave trade in the Caribbean.

The conquests he carried out, especially the attacks on the Spanish colonies in Central America, were considered among the richest in the amount of piracy taken in the history.

Brothers Barbarossa

Names such as Aru and Khizir may not seem familiar to you, but the nickname given to Turkish corsairs by Europeans - Barbarossa (red beard) - probably conjures up images of tough and stern sailors in the Mediterranean.

In the 16th century, using North Africa as a base, the Barbarossa brothers attacked several coastal towns and became one of the most powerful people in the area.