Are you a sociopath or a whole person? Whole person.


Petr Zorin

A person's personality consists of many fragments, which psychologists call subpersonalities. These subpersonalities
can be compared to the facets of a single personality. In man
behind these edges the animal ego reigns. If the edges
a person's personality to be regarded as certain
the tools that a person uses when
interaction with the outside world, then the ego in this case can
be regarded as the conductor of these instruments.

The purpose of all living things in the Universe is to cognize
the reality of the world. The goal of knowledge is not knowledge, but
movement towards ever-increasing perfection. AND
here we again meet the spectrum of knowledge, each
part of which determines the purpose of life included in
this part of the spectrum. There are life forms that “know the world
their stomachs "- they live to eat and eat to
live. These are caterpillars and other insects, but they can also be
people - they strive to enlarge themselves from within their
physical nature. There are life forms that know
the world for the sake of increasing ourselves at the expense of the values ​​of this
the world. These life forms are mainly people - they
increase themselves at the expense of external factors... Their being as
would grow from the outside at the expense of cars, yachts, palaces,
bank accounts, etc. The best option accretions
oneself from the outside, is an increase of oneself at the expense of children. At
this, a true increase can only be the case
when parents live for the excellence of their children. At
this is an automatic improvement of themselves

People can increase themselves and at the expense of power, but all
these ways to enlarge themselves are not intended to be
self-improvement because the ego governing
a person, considers himself already perfect. For him is
important quantitative increase of oneself or from within -
this is the principle of the caterpillar, the consumer, or from the outside - this is the principle
the caddis larva, which builds on itself from the outside,
constructing a cover, from the material that is around
myself. This is also a consumer principle, only for people
external growth has no limits in this striving.

And there are, comparatively, a small number of people who
strive to grow on the path of perfection. One of
important milestones on the path of excellence is the formation
the integrity of your personality. For this purpose, a person must
be as alert and receptive as possible to your
internal states in a variety of situations.

Practically, he should be aware of how he behaves.
subpersonalities consonant with external circumstances.
Real or perceived circumstances known to be
bring to the fore certain subpersonalities,
adequate to these circumstances. Usually considerate people
understand that in different circumstances they behave
in different ways, but completely different - the study of subpersonalities.

When we study something in ourselves, then by this very
we rise above what we study and, gradually
we are formed by a center that is aware of all the features of our
numerous subpersonalities. When will this center
is formed, then it takes on not only the function
awareness of how subpersonalities manifest themselves, but also begins
manage them. Now behind the subpersonalities are not theirs
the habitual ancient owner is the animal ego, and something more
high and conscious. The emerging conscious one
personality is directly related to the human true "I" or
a psychic being. In such a person, in any
circumstances, his highest human
quality, and not in his relationship with the reality of this world
nothing low and rude. Now there is no choir in it
subpersonalities before entering the scene of relationships with
the reality of this world, but a person himself chooses that line
its capabilities, which will be most adequate
circumstances. Man has become an integral being, and already in
to his being, the question does not arise: "Who is the boss in the house", so
how "all his ministers" do not jump out arbitrarily at
foreground only because they arose for them
suitable circumstances. And it's not the ego that pushes
subpersonality to the most beneficial manifestation of them in
specific circumstances, but it is one in its
diversity personality.

But even in this case, the question is who makes the decision when
choosing the direction of human interaction with reality
of this world has not yet been finally decided. Human
ego, even when it loses its basic position, with
the peaks of which it ruled a man, in no hurry
leave his power over him, and when a person claims
that “I am the body”, that “I want or don’t want”, etc., then
it is nothing more than a manifestation of the ego. But even in the case when
man became whole and united all subpersonalities under
by one general guide, he has not yet come to
final knowledge of who he is in
reality. And only when, being whole,
he becomes one with his true self, he realizes that
everything that he previously thought was himself is only
the necessary tools to interact with external
the manifested world. He realizes that he is
mediator between the manifested and even the unmanifest worlds
and one infinite God. And finally, he realizes his
true purpose on earth. And then they will fall out of sight
his mind, the illusion of this world, as a field of activity, on
which he must be successful, and he will understand that any
external human activity is only a means,
aimed at its internal changes. And he will understand that
all his previous relationships with the manifested world were
an illusion behind which was hiding, previously unconscious

When we describe a bad day, we often use the phrase "I am disassembled today." Sometimes the disassembled state lasts too long not to pay attention to it. Personal life collapses against the background of career achievements, and dreams of a perfect body take away from connection with the real world... Life is a vivid puzzle. To fold it completely means to achieve the integrity of your own “I”. Sometimes the details have to be sharpened by hand for a long time and painstakingly, but this is the only way to know oneself.

What is Personal Integrity

Personal integrity is an internal balance, which is manifested by what a person says, thinks, does and feels in one direction. Integrity is rather not a result, it is a process. It includes upbringing, personal life, career growth, social circle, dreams and goals. All these components are blades on the propeller of an aircraft.

As soon as one breaks, life begins to write out incomprehensible turns. Accidents do not happen, but the plane loses altitude, goes into standby mode or completely leaves for an alternate airfield. It is important to track the moment of the fall and figure out how to fix your life. Do not start another, do not break yourself, do not look for a mythical missing half. Become one with yourself.

When you think about self, the eyes unwittingly begin to grab the titles of useful articles. Many begin with "how to get rid of" or "how to avoid". Yeah, the reader thinks, it means that I have something superfluous and it needs to be cut off as unnecessary. But immediately come across and those that begin with the words: "how to find your soul mate" or "how to get." The reader is at a loss: That is, I am already missing something there? So sculpt or cut? It is worth doing both, but with a sense of awareness.

Mindfulness has become not only a popular topic today, but also a meeting place. Why does it affect our personality so much? Mindfulness helps to answer the question at every moment of life: who am I? where am I going? how and why am I going? It is especially helpful to look for answers at times when an internal imbalance is felt. After all, it is he who leads to the loss of integrity. Practices help to achieve awareness.

Listen to your body to love yourself

Thin hair, short legs, small eyes - we savor the list of flaws in our body, forgetting how much we owe it. The degree of dissatisfaction with one's own body is directly related to feelings of happiness and self-esteem. The call to “love yourself” is primarily concerned with physicality. Maybe stop criticizing your body and start taking care of it. Here are some tricks:

  • Stand in front of a mirror, say out loud what you accept in yourself. Say thanks to every part of your body.
  • Think about what is upsetting in your body. It's hard to say it out loud, and sometimes just unbearable. Then write yourself a letter. In a letter, express your dissatisfaction with imperfect parts of the body, then thank them for their service, give a compliment.
  • Listen to the signals your body is sending you. Runny nose, joint aches - often emotional problems manifest painful sensations in body. By tracking headaches, you can figure out hidden feelings. Even permanent injuries do not just happen; they require a thorough internal investigation.

Recognize the right to "uncomfortable" emotions

Kindness is good. Anger is bad. From childhood we are taught to divide feelings and emotions into good or bad, worthy or shameful. We cannot help but feel feelings, but we are ashamed of their manifestations, we do not admit it even to ourselves. We are afraid of losing control of ourselves, we are worried about what others will say, we are afraid of a return manifestation of emotions. An incomplete list of feelings consists of 150 items. How many can you name offhand? How much do you allow yourself to appropriate? Write your own checklist without categorizing good or bad emotions. Think backward about each of the points to remember that it’s feelings that make us alive.

Understand what's really important

For years we have been looking for motivation, waiting for inspiration, or counting on a magic kick. We go to trainings in the hope that the presenter will share a revelation that will turn our life 180 degrees. And only after that we will go to do what we dream about. We complain about the lack of talent, we are trying to find a real calling. In fact, we do what is important to us.

If we have been delving into ourselves for years in search of childhood addictions, working at an unloved job, then it is important for us to just delve into ourselves. We set ourselves a goal to go to the gym and do not go there, which means that it is important for us to endlessly set goals. The concept of "important" is directly related to life priorities... Before you draw a new scale of priorities, understand how they are arranged now. Talk to yourself frankly. Where you are now will be the starting point for achieving a holistic personality.

Deal with your fears

We used to think that only small children are afraid. But fears grow with us. The fear of being abandoned, misunderstood or rejected, the fear of a new relationship or breaking it, the fear of aging and the greatest human fear is the fear of death. They fetter, interfere with life, sometimes lead to constant anxiety or panic attacks. Fears have a clear purpose - to keep us safe from danger. Imaginary or real, although often we invent the danger ourselves. You don't have to fight with fear, you can negotiate with it.

One way is to imagine the worst has already happened. Draw yourself the darkest picture of what happened with all the ensuing consequences. This picture will help you understand that you are much stronger than you think you are. And psychotherapists will tell you different relaxation techniques.

Deal with your own brakes

The integrity of the individual is beyond doubt. But external conditions change, which means that the components of one's own "I" must be able to adjust to new conditions of life. Without inner flexibility, a person divides the world only into black and white, calling it fate. She turns to face him - everything is fine, the world is kind, and the soul is filled with butterflies. But when fate is turned differently, everything collapses without a chance to improve the situation. Flexibility helps to remove the biggest brake on the path to wholeness - your own habits that get in the way of living.

What does it mean to gain integrity? Agree with yourself and discard everything that is not yours. It's like Michelangelo did when creating a sculpture from a lump: "discard all unnecessary." For some, cutting off is easy, for others with great difficulty. Especially when "not mine" is in no hurry to be cut off. It is worth doing this at least in order to understand: being yourself is an exciting experience.

What is self-concept

Self-concept is our concept of ourselves, which is laid down in childhood and formed throughout life. V early age it depends more on external factors: assessments of parents, teachers, peers. In adulthood, the concept relies more on its own ideas. Self-concept has nothing to do with social status, appearance, or achievement. This is a simple statement of the fact: "I am, I have the right to be."

Psychology defines the self-concept as a three-component concept:

  • the beliefs of the person himself;
  • assessment and self-assessment;
  • his behavior.

The self-concept is more often transmitted on a subconscious level. It rarely manifests itself only in words, but it is clearly traced in actions, habits, behavior, voice intonations, and even in gait. This is a personal filter through which a person perceives the world... Although events and the environment are neutral in themselves, a person finds in them everything that corresponds to his ideas.

The filter of one's own “I” colors neutral events with emotions, gives meaning, gives positive or negative characteristics. And if the difference between the self-image does not coincide with reality, this is manifested by fear, anxiety, dissatisfaction with oneself or low self-esteem.

A person with a strong self-concept knows how to independently plan his life. A weak concept is also called a childish concept, but it sometimes manifests itself throughout life. People with an immature understanding of their own "I" are too dependent on the opinions of others, they do not know how to make decisions, are suggestible and constantly need someone else's approval. They do not know how to build their own boundaries or reckon with strangers.

If you remove external support from their lives, then their own world will collapse. After all, he has nothing more to rely on. The self-concept as a definition of a person's personality was introduced by Sigmund Freud, but it is popular in other variations as well. Nietzsche, Carl Jung and Abraham Maslow wrote about her.

A child's idea of ​​one's own “I” is not a sentence. If psychologists are interested in it, then there are already lucky ones who have coped with this problem.

How to renovate your self-concept

Someone may have already found the answer to this question, but this is their own answer. Your answer is to find out in yourself and for yourself your own way of building life. Life offers an astonishing array of forms of self-discovery and meaning. Although, we feel less and less what happiness it is - just to live. We give joy a purely utilitarian character, putting meaning only in what brings pleasure. But you just have to experience something wonderful or create something useful in order to increase your own self-esteem or repair your self-concept.

Sometimes you want to fly with an ax, break everything and start collecting new life... But it is impossible to get a new reality from old fragments. Integrity, self-concept, self-esteem - they all live in the head. Instead of yearning for a life you are not in, try writing your own book of life. Perhaps it will seem so fascinating that it will take place on someone's shelf.

A person's personality consists of many fragments, which psychologists call subpersonalities. These subpersonalities can be compared to the facets of a single personality. The animal ego reigns behind these edges in man. If the facets of a person's personality are considered as certain instruments that a person uses when interacting with the outside world, then the ego in this case can be viewed as a conductor controlling these instruments.

The purpose of all living things in the Universe is to cognize the reality of the world. The goal of cognition is not knowledge, but movement in the direction of ever-increasing perfection. And here we again meet with the spectrum of knowledge, each part of which determines the purpose of life, included in this part of the spectrum. There are life forms that “know the world with their stomachs” - they live to eat and eat to live. These are caterpillars and other insects, but humans can also be - they seek to enlarge themselves from within their physical nature. There are life forms that cognize the world for the sake of increasing themselves at the expense of the values ​​of this world. These forms of life include mainly people - they increase themselves due to external factors. Their being, as it were, grows from the outside at the expense of cars, yachts, palaces, bank accounts, etc. The best option for growing oneself from the outside is to increase oneself at the expense of children. At the same time, a true increase can only be the case when parents live for the perfection of their children. At the same time, the parents themselves are automatically improved.

People can increase themselves at the expense of power, but all these ways of increasing themselves do not aim at self-improvement, because the ego, managing man, considers himself already perfect. For him, it is important to quantitatively increase himself or from the inside - this is the principle of the caterpillar, the consumer, or from the outside - this is the principle of the caddisfly larva, which builds on itself from the outside, constructing a cap, from the material that it finds around itself. This is also the principle of the consumer, only for people the external growth has no limits in this striving.

And there are, comparatively, a small number of people who strive to grow on the path of perfection. One of the important stages on the path of perfection is the formation of the integrity of your personality. For this purpose, a person must be as alert and sensitive as possible to his inner states in a variety of situations. In practice, he should be aware of how his subpersonalities behave, in tune with external circumstances.

It is known that real or assumed circumstances bring to the fore certain subpersonalities that are adequate to these circumstances. Usually, attentive people realize that they behave differently in different circumstances, but it is quite another thing to study subpersonalities. When we study something in ourselves, we thereby rise above what is being studied by us and, gradually, a center is formed in us that is aware of all the features of our many subpersonalities. When this center is formed, it takes on not only the function of realizing how subpersonalities manifest themselves, but also begins to control them. Now, behind the subpersonalities, it is not their usual ancient master - the animal ego, but something higher and more conscious. The emerging conscious unified personality is directly related to the human true "I" or psychic being. In such a person, in any circumstances, his highest human qualities are manifested, and there is nothing low and rude in his relationship with the reality of this world. Now a chorus of subpersonalities does not crowd in him before entering the stage of relations with the reality of this world, but a person himself chooses that facet of his capabilities that will be most adequate to the circumstances. Man has become an integral being, and already in his being the question does not arise: "Who is the boss in the house", since "all his ministers" do not pop up arbitrarily to the foreground only because suitable circumstances have arisen for them. And it is not the ego that pushes the subpersonalities to the most beneficial manifestation of them in specific circumstances, but its unified personality in its diversity.

But even in this case, the question of who makes the decision when choosing the direction of human interaction with the reality of this world has not yet been finally decided. The human ego, even when it loses its main positions, from the tops of which it controlled a person, is in no hurry to leave its power over him, and when a person claims that “I am the body”, that “I want or don’t want” and etc., it is nothing more than manifestations of the ego. But even in the case when a person has become integral and united all subpersonalities under one common leadership, he has not yet come to the final knowledge of who he really is. And only when, being integral, he becomes one with his true "I", he realizes that everything that he previously considered himself to be only the necessary tools for interaction with the external manifested world. He realizes that he is a mediator between the manifested and even the unmanifest worlds and the one infinite God. And, finally, he realizes his true destiny on Earth. And then the illusions of this world, as a field of activity, in which he must be successful, will fall from the eyes of his mind, and he will understand that any external activity of a person is only a means aimed at his internal changes. And he will understand that all his previous relationships with the manifested world were an illusion, behind which was hidden a previously unconscious reality.

Do you want to be successful? Do you want to be a whole person who knows what he wants from this life? Then you have to figure out who such an integral personality is and what character it has.

There are always a lot of problems around us, and often more than half of them are associated with the fact that a person has not built an integral personality in himself, or have lost it.

A holistic person is a person who was able to put together his pros and cons and accepted himself as he is. Whole person is aware of their talents and feels inner strength.

When a person is an integral person, then he:

  • Loves and appreciates himself
  • Realizes completeness internal energy and knows how to dispose of it
  • Has versatile talents and manifests them to his advantage
  • Recognizes its negative traits but calmly overcomes them
  • Builds relationships for fun

A non-integral personality has low self-esteem, so he thinks that he is not capable of anything, does not recognize his talents and denies any possibility of realization, which deprives him of the happiness of life.

Not a whole person:

  • Feels more hate than love for herself
  • Desires to be successful, but does nothing to achieve it
  • Doesn't recognize his talents, even those that are pronounced
  • Notices only the negative, see flaws in oneself and in others
  • Seeks relationships with people to feel needed
  • Admires others' accomplishments while pleading for their own accomplishments

A holistic person always knows what he wants and achieves success in everything, because he understands what he deserves in this life.

V modern world it is important to have integrity, because an incomplete person cannot achieve a result, and primarily because of his internal attitudes. Integrity greatly affects the development of your business, business, career growth. How exactly read

Become a whole person! Forget who and what will think of you! Be confident, move forward and achieve life success and happiness.