Individual consultations on the Deep Healing Method. An Amazing Method of Healing Diseases

Angelina Mogilevskaya

5 mental trauma. Healing body and soul according to the Liz Burbo method

The soul does not go in only one direction

and does not grow like a reed.

The soul opens up like a lotus

with countless petals.

Kahlil Gibran

One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon. A passing man stopped and began to observe how a butterfly was trying to get out through this gap. A long time passed, the butterfly seemed to abandon its efforts, and the gap remained the same small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and for nothing else it had no more strength.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly and cut the cocoon with a knife. The butterfly immediately got out of the cocoon. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were undeveloped and barely moved. The man continued to observe, thinking that the butterfly's wings were about to spread out, get stronger and it would be able to fly.

Nothing happened! For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak little body, its unfolded wings on the ground. She never learned to fly.

And all because the man, wanting to help her, cut the cocoon. He did not know that the butterfly needed an effort so that the life juices from the body would flow into the wings. Life forces the butterfly to leave the cocoon shell with difficulty so that it can fly.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without difficulties, we would be deprived. We could not have become as strong as we are now. We would not have learned to fly ...


I asked for strength
and life gave me difficulties
to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom
but life gave me problems
to make me wise.
I asked for wealth
and life gave me brain and muscle,
so I can work.
I asked for an opportunity
and life gave me obstacles,
to overcome.
I asked for love
and life gave me people
who need my help.
I got nothing of what I asked for ...
But I got everything I needed.

Does the title of the book remind you of something? Yes, I wrote this book under the influence of one of my teachers - Liz Burbo. Have you read her book Five Traumas That Prevent You from Being?

When I first read this book, I didn't understand much. Moreover, for me personally, it left a depressing impression: I discovered all five injuries in myself ... Or rather, I felt like one continuous injury. I experienced this "insight" as something absolutely hopeless. Well, yes, I found out that I am a continuous walking injury, and then what? What to do about it? And I started my own investigation.

Several times I took a seminar "Five traumas" with Liz Burbo, added some of my observations, the experience of my students and finally decided to write this book. I hope she helps you heal your soul and your body. And learn to fly!

I warn you right away: this is an unusual book. Rather, it is workbook, a diary of your personal and spiritual growth. Have a pencil ready - you will find many places to write here. Feel free to write directly in the book, share with her your feelings, thoughts, desires.

Why is this needed? When, after some time, you again pick up the book and read what you wrote, for example, a year ago, you will be amazed at what changes have occurred in your life and personally with you during this time. Inspired, you can erase everything and start again!

The more I share my thoughts, desires and dreams, the more I gain knowledge about myself.

And now I propose to get distracted for a while. Read the text, close your eyes, think for a moment, and write down the thoughts that come to your mind.

Each of us, somewhere deep in his heart, asks himself the questions: who am I, why was I born, why was life given to me, what should I do in this life, where will I go after death? Each of us, somewhere deep in our souls, feels that we were born for something very important. Only, alas, not everyone manages to live their lives in such a way as to understand and fulfill their true destiny. Without knowing what will actually happen to us after death, it is impossible to understand our purpose, value and significance of life itself ...






If you wrote that the true purpose of your soul is to learn unconditional forgiveness, acceptance and love, you are almost right.

Why almost? Because you also have to teach this to others! Deep in your heart, you know that you have something to offer other people. You can give the world a unique piece of God, His Light and Love.

Any communication is a learning and teaching process.

There are people who do not have the slightest idea about the high mission of their life. But your life is already illuminated by understanding, and it leads you in one direction or another. It was this understanding that led you to the shelf in the bookstore where you selected this book.

Many are called, but few are chosen! You are chosen by the universe. She places her hopes on you. You have won the "casting" of souls awaiting their incarnation on our planet. Congratulations!

The Present Time - present.
A Present is a gift, gift, souvenir.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift!

More than half a century ago, Kora Antarova wrote such beautiful words in her novel “Two Lives”: “No one is your friend, no one is your enemy, but every person is a Teacher!”

Think: What are you teaching others in your School of Life? Love or hate? Forgiveness or revenge? Acceptance or rejection? If you are in fear, how can you teach love? You can only teach fear. So let us learn to Love! Right now!


If I speak in human and angelic tongues, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy, and I know all the secrets, and I have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but I do not have love, then I am nothing.

And if I distribute all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I have no love, there is no benefit to me.

Love is longsuffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not exalted, is not proud, does not rage, does not seek its own, does not get irritated, does not think of evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; Covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.

Love never fails, although prophecies will cease, and tongues will cease, and knowledge will be abolished.

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; when the perfect comes, then that which is partly will cease.

When I was a baby, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; but when he became a husband, he left the baby.

Now we see, as it were through a dim glass, fortuitously, then face to face; now I know in part, and then I know, just as I am known.

And now these three abide: faith, hope, love; but love is the greatest of them.

Learning to love

Everything that is experienced in rejection accumulates in the soul. And the soul, being immortal, constantly returns to Earth - in various human forms and with the baggage accumulated in its memory. Before we are born, we make a decision about what problem we will have to solve in the upcoming incarnation.

Liz Burbo

I met Liz in 2002 - I read her books, just published in Russian, and came to a seminar in Moscow. I was inspired, although I did not understand a lot, but I did not agree with something.

I thoroughly studied the books of Liz Burbo, attended many of her seminars, but I did not leave a feeling of dissatisfaction. Sometimes I came to despair - I don't understand anything! But, as Liz says, a person wants to live more and more consciously and intelligently. And I wanted to understand! After all, only by understanding, realizing my trauma, I can do something about it! Only by understanding the roots of problems can I change my behavior, thinking, my body and my life. It was very important for me to learn to understand and accept myself as fully as possible. I wanted to learn and grow!

Dealing with deep trauma takes courage. During such work, we inevitably reopen old wounds - and this is very painful, especially if we have been carrying them in ourselves for several lifetimes. The more we suffer in a certain situation or with a certain person, the older is our problem.


The quality and quantity of faith
- instant healing

Qualities of a good practitioner








Learn the practical methods of healing.
Make some progress in developing your own practices.

In this lesson, we will discuss several healing methods that, based on my more than fifty years of efforts to perfect the Science of Mind methods, I have found to be the most effective in solving life's problems. Sometimes the student gets the feeling that the treatment is at an impasse. Then he can be provided with invaluable help described below. specific examples highlighting the key points of healing. Faced with this, the Science of Mind student can use these techniques to overcome the psychological blockade that delays healing. I have used this approach to addressing many patients, and in most cases I have achieved tangible results.



Before starting to consider the methods of treatment, it is advisable to emphasize the fact that for any healing, whether it is related to health, income, work, marital happiness or something else, it is strictly imperative that the student move away from false beliefs and focus his attention. on true beliefs. The speed of healing depends on how quickly he can get rid of the wrong views and come to the right ones, whether it will be instantaneous or gradual.

Instant healing
During Sunday morning services, when high degree openness in the minds of worshipers, instant healing often occurs. After the end of the service they come up to me and say, for example, the following: “Today I am here for the first time, and during your sermon I completely disappeared from a headache (or any other physical pain) that had been tormenting me continuously for several weeks. how can you be healed in such a short time? "

The answer lies in the words of the One who gave us the Law: "According to your faith, be it unto you." Here we mean both the quality of faith, and "magnitude", its strength. If faith in the Omnipotence of God outweighs the fear of illness, then the quality and quantity of faith is sufficient for healing to occur. Moreover, it can come in the blink of an eye. This is what we call instant healing. Cultivate a willingness to do this kind of healing.

People who for many years drunk without restraint and have not honestly earned for a long time, having come to us, changed the whole course of their lives in just a few minutes. After all, a single bright thought can break the veil of alcoholic fog that surrounds the consciousness of such a person, and so replace his view of the world that he will turn into a useful and respected citizen. And such a change in faith in a person can happen in a matter of minutes.

This change of outlook on the world, this new faith and leads, according to the method of the Science of Mind, to healing. In reality, there are no healers as such. In fact, the practitioner does not heal the person he is helping. He only changes his wrong views on problems, and by doing this, he unites with the universal Principle of life, available to everyone, and it is this Principle that accomplishes healing.


We have already emphasized that there are two extremes to be avoided in Mind Science healing. The first is self-deprecation, the second is self-aggrandizement. Each hinders the achievement of results.

A source of self-deprecation can be fear that you are lacking in education. Some of the most successful practitioners had a very meager formal education, but they had a highly developed consciousness of the Power of the Infinite. On the other hand, many highly educated people did not achieve success in healing due to the lack of such a healing consciousness. One who constantly thinks, "I am not good enough," will not achieve satisfactory results until he gets rid of the thought. And failure will haunt him not because he is "not good enough", but because he believes in this real or imagined flaw. If being good was necessary precondition, then it would be almost impossible to achieve healing, since none of us constantly live on that high level as we would like. However, the truth cannot be held, it is ready to use very imperfect channels for its penetration; for it is she, and not the mediator she uses, that makes a person free. Strength is in the Healing Presence; the practitioner is only a tool with which it manifests itself.

The other extreme is thinking and saying about yourself that "I am a good healer." Indeed, your Conversions can give excellent results, but you are mistaken in thinking that it is you who heal. A person cannot consider himself a "good lamp" just because he turned a switch. In fact, light drives away darkness thanks to the laws of electricity.

Anything we put between the Almighty Force and the patient becomes a barrier. The belief that we are "good" or "bad" can hinder healing; in fact, anything that distracts our attention from the truly healing Power becomes a barrier.

He who heals successfully remains humble; at the same time, he completely trusts the Power with the help of which the healing is accomplished. This is a very delicate question and should be learned very well by the future practitioner. The Greatest Healer in the world said: "I myself cannot do anything." His humility spoke so. But then he continued: "The Father who dwells in me, He does all works." Faith dictated these words.


Once I was treating a woman who was in serious condition. Every few days she told me by phone that she was not getting better. It was the one rare case when, despite all efforts, there was no improvement. The analytical method failed to break through the blockade of thought. However, the practitioner knows that there are no incurable diseases and that there is a solution to the problem somewhere.

At home, after strenuous office work, I would occasionally take a break before lunch, watching the slow and light movements of tropical fish in a large aquarium. This evening I wanted to move the coral lying on its bottom. Taking out my hand, I touched the glass wall and then in this place I saw a light strip on the glass.

The light rays passing through the water gave the impression that the aquarium was clean. But now I saw that a thin film of dirt was covering the glass. Thinking about washing the aquarium and changing the water, I thought how nice it would be if there was some harmless solvent that could be sprayed on the surface and that would dissolve all the film and dirt that slowly settles to the bottom. ...

And at that very moment the thought struck me: "This is exactly what is needed for the healing of that woman. You are trying to analyze and wash off the" film ", but to no avail. Perhaps it is better to sit back in your chair, relax and watch the Infinite Healing Solvent moves slowly through every cell of her body, erasing the traces of her frustrated thinking. "

A day or two later, the woman called with a noticeable improvement, and a full recovery soon followed. This case does not deny the effectiveness of the Analytical Method. However, when it does not bring visible results, you can switch to another, for example, to the one that I called the "dissolution" method.


I replied: "Imagine that now a man with ... an elephant came to your door. He says that he dismissed his circus and decided to give you this huge animal. You answer that you do not need an elephant, but the man continues to insist, saying that will leave him to you anyway. You object by stating that you do not know at all how to handle an elephant, that you have no place for him, etc. If this person persists, then you have every right to say: "I I refuse to accept your gift "- and close the door in front of his nose. And he will be forced to take the animal you do not need back."

You can do the same with your illness. While it is true that we are treating thinking, not disease, sometimes it is necessary to be very unyielding towards disease. And at the same time, you can be sure that we still rely on the spiritual Law.

We can say to our illness: "I did not ask for your coming and do not accept you. You are not at all a part of me. There is no place for you in my body, therefore I refuse you. I close the door of my consciousness in front of you, for I know that "For those who accept Him (Infinite Wisdom), He enables them to become God's children in the flesh too."

The person was imbued with this idea. Within a day, his illness disappeared, because, having freed himself from fear, he gave the Divine Power an opportunity to manifest itself, and as a result, recovery came.


The way the impersonal Law manifests itself can be explained by the example of a large supermarket escalator. During the day, many people step on the steps of the escalator to get to the floor they want. The escalator does not know where they need it, and moves in the direction prescribed for it, delivering everyone wherever he wants.

However, a person must first make a choice and decide on which floor he will find what he is looking for. He must also take the initiative to walk up to the escalator and stand on its steps. The escalator will offer its services, but will not wait a single minute, it just moves. However, when a person gets on an escalator, he becomes his servant, completely responsible for taking the person to the floor that the person has chosen.

I talked about the "escalator" method to a young student who had tried many times to get a job for which he was very well prepared. However, he never managed to get past the secretaries, and he received no answers to his written inquiries. As a result, he was somewhat discouraged and began to doubt that he knew the Fa enough to be able to use it.

During our conversation, the young man began to understand that he did not need to know how an escalator works. It was only important to step on it, and he himself knows how to lift it to the next floor. Soon he was already able to compose for himself the Appeal of the Spiritual Reason. He said something like this:

"Infinite Mind, I just want to talk once with someone who can give me a job in the field for which I am prepared. You know how to arrange this meeting for me. I don't care how you do it, as long as I get such an opportunity. Look, I put my foot on the escalator step! I hope you arrange this meeting. I know I don’t have to fight to get to the right floor. You’ll get me there yourself. ”

On Saturdays, this young man used to visit the country club, where he would serve balls to golfers. And the next Saturday after our conversation, this club was visited for the first time by a person who is very influential in the area in which the young man dreamed of working. It so happened that our young man brought the balls to this man. And even before the game was over, the young man got the long-awaited opportunity to talk with the right person and, as a result of her, work.

Our responsibility is to come close to the door. It is the responsibility of the Infinite Mind to find a way to open this door.


Consider another way in which instant healing was achieved.

I began to think about the person I was treating and pictured him sitting alone in the middle of a room in my house. Then I began to think of the healing light rays coming down from the molded cornice on the ceiling and up from the baseboards on the floor so that the whole room was permeated with light. And they all focused on the person, providing a powerful healing effect.

In order not to think of them as ordinary rays of physical origin, I imagined them completely invisible, but carrying the Life of the Spirit. And nothing - neither the consciousness nor the human body - could resist their positive Force. The change in the state of the person, as I said, happened instantly - he was healed.


In addition to current duties, the practitioner also has urgent calls to the patient. In this case, excellent results can be obtained by the following method:

The practitioner begins to conjure up the image of the person he is healing. Naturally, at first he sees a physical appearance in front of him, but gradually this appearance recedes and disappears, and an ideal circle or sphere appears in its place. He imagines this circle as an image of perfection itself, and since there are no outlines of the body and face in it, he can easily and quickly heal a person, distracting from his bodily features and attuning his thinking to the Absolute Perfection, the Source of healing.


As we already know, we do not heal the physical body as such. We heal disease-causing thinking. However, the following method may sometimes be helpful.

Consider the origin human life- the fusion of male and female cells. At the moment of fusion, all hereditary properties that a person will manifest in the future are hidden in this cell. Nothing can be added to this. The Infinite already sees an adult in this cell. It is contained in a cell with all its future organs, which are so far only their ideas.

From this one cell, which in its latent form already contains fifty trillion cells of an adult, a child will emerge. The Infinite Mind will develop only that which was in the primary cell. In a sense, the whole person unfolds from the cell in which he was designed at conception, along with all hereditary properties. The Infinite Mind knows the mechanism of building any cell, it does not need to stop and think about what to do next. He only needs to follow the structure or idea that is embedded in the protoplasm. He moves with confidence, completing the entire structure in about two hundred and eighty days.

Every organ and every cell in the human body is a separate concept contained in the Infinite Mind. All God's concepts are perfect and unchanging; therefore, any person who considers himself sick views himself in a completely different way from the way the Infinite Mind views him. "Man looks at the exterior, and God looks at the essence."

Mind in everyone this moment creates an unimaginable array of cells, not only for hundreds of thousands of unborn babies, but also for replacement and repair. them in every living body. Reason is never wrong. He knows what to do and does it quickly and willingly. Therefore, we do not admit the thought that some condition may be incurable, even if it seems so. After all, we know that this is just an appearance, and we say something like the following:

The mind that created such a structure knows very well what to do to restore it. And this restoration is taking place now, when I, a practitioner, merge my thought with the original Thought of the Infinite. I now look at the cage as a spiritual concept and see it as a perfect creation of God, who saw it always so perfect.

From what has just been said it is clear that nothing needs to be healed in Reality. Our job is only to get rid of the tendency to pay attention to visibility and focus it on internal cause, invariably perfect. Of course, as a result, external changes will also occur, but the practitioner should not be too concerned about them or feel responsible for them, although he, of course, rejoices in the improvement with the patient.

With the "architectural" method of Conversion, it is clearly seen that the healing process consists mainly in revealing the true essence of the person being healed. Whatever process occurs, it is completely controlled by the Infinite Mind, and the actual physical replacement of cells that takes place only demonstrates their initial perfection.

You have now completed Lesson 11 of our course and the last of five lessons specifically about healing techniques. The final lesson will discuss the problem of consciousness, which is at the heart of all healing.


The body stands on the ground on the five "legs" of the senses, receiving physical impressions or sensations. These five "legs" provide a person with contact with the material world. And a person, if he wishes, can live at this level, without actually living a mental life.

In this case, the older he becomes, the more his life becomes impoverished and the more he begins to feel unhappy and lonely.

The mind receives mental impressions through reflection and emotion. He can distract himself from the world with the help of books and immersion in the study of a subject, for example, he can ask questions of the device physical world... He can feel the beauty of a literary phrase, music, picture, flower.

In-depth practice of all of these develops the powers of the mind and helps to live a more balanced life.

Spirit receives spiritual impressions, direct knowledge "from above" without the help of thinking.

Behind the world, perceived with the help of sensations and comprehended with the help of reason, lies the vast world of the Spiritual.

Material "things" are only symbols of a higher world.

Man's thirst for intangible life values ​​is his response to Spiritual impressions. This is the "light that illuminates the path of every person who comes into the world."

When we heal, our thought must rise above the specific problem of the disease, above the arguments of our reason, directly into the world of Spirituality.


These questions and exercises have been carefully thought out and designed to help you master the course as best you can.


I advise you to study the lesson carefully, then put the book aside and answer the questions in writing, after which you can check yourself against the textbook.

It is very helpful to save your answers like short synopsis for yourself. Subsequently, you will find that they have become a diary of the growth of your consciousness.

1. Explain how you understand the words: "According to your faith, let it be to you."
2. What is the only thing that we should seek to heal?
3. What are the qualities of a good practitioner?
4. What is the essence of the "dissolve" method?
5. What is the basis of the "refusal" method?
6. Describe the Law on which the "escalator" method is based.
7. What is the strength of the "focusing" method?
8. What is the strength of the "substitution" method?
9. What is the strength of the "architectural" method?
10. Explain what it means: "The main thing in healing is the process of discovering the true essence of a person."


Thinking training
Consider ways of making the Infinite Healing Presence brighter for you in your Conversion.

Written assignment
Write a Spiritual Mind Appeal for yourself or someone else using some special method of your own.


On this day, my soul is full of confidence that the Infinite is near, and it radiates the highest Beauty, the Beauty of Integrity.
This Infinite Healing Presence is closer to me than my own breath. It has no form, no name, defies description or explanation, and yet it never leaves me.
It is All-in-All.
His Wholeness is so perfect that it overshadows all impressions associated with something less than the whole. Nothing can resist him, resist him, block his path.
It brightly illuminates my path and fills me with calmness, serenity, peace.
Easily, effortlessly, I give this day to the One who is Above All and in Everything.

Instead of a preface ...

The Hawaiian Hoo-pono-pono method allows you to release the energy of painful thoughts or delusions that lead to disharmony and disease in the human body.

Word can kill, word can resurrect!

How often in our life do we say these words! People know many things well, alas, only at the level of theory. Therefore, they have long forgotten how to believe that they can be their own healers, psychologists, and psychics who can cope with any problem that has arisen - whether it is shaky health or some other life difficulties that have arisen.

The ability for self-healing, originally inherent in each of us from Above, is today completely forgotten and, moreover, is subject to great doubt, criticism, causes skepticism and even ridicule from various scientific circles, and from the point of view of the layman it is complete nonsense.

It is very unprofitable for someone that the people were enlightened and stopped "feeding" the numerous institutes of the medical and pharmaceutical industry, the overwhelming majority of which, to put it mildly, are superfluous.

So, read, understand and apply the simple and ingenious formula of the Teachers of humanity, expressed in the book "Two Lives" with the words: "Conquer with love!"

Your Iskra Svetozarova

This article is an excerpt from the book Life Without Limits. The author is Joe Weitel, known in Russia as Joe Vitale.

We are responsible for others!

“Two years ago I heard about a psychiatrist in Hawaii. He cured insane criminals held in prison without even seeing them, in absentia. The psychologist would usually study the inmate's medical record and then look inward to see how he created that person's illness.
And when he improved, the patient got better. When I first heard this story, I thought it was a street legend. How can you heal someone by healing yourself? How could even the most perfect master cure an insane criminal? Some kind of nonsense. There is no logic, so I put this story out of my head.

However, a year later I heard about her again. This physician applied the Hawaiian method of healing, hoo-pono-pono, which I had never heard of, but still could not help but contemplate on it. If the story is true, then you need to know everything about it. I have always had the understanding that my full responsibility implies that I am responsible for what I think and do. Moreover, it is not in my power. I believe that most people also take responsibility as I do. We are responsible for our own actions, not for the actions of other people.

The Hawaiian physician who healed those mental patients would teach me a lesson in the new concept of total responsibility. His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hugh Len. The first time we spoke on the phone, it was probably an hour. I asked him to tell the whole story of his work as a psychiatrist.

He said he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for 4 years. That it was dangerous to work in the department where the mentally ill prisoners were kept. Psychiatrists quit every month. Full-time employees constantly called that he (s) could not go to work that day due to illness, or they simply quit. Everyone who happened to pass through this compartment huddled with their backs against the wall, fearing an attack. Not a very pleasant place to live, work or visit. "

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to occupy his office and review their files. While looking through the cases, he worked on himself. When he worked on himself, the patients began to recover.

“After a few months, the patients who had to be kept in handcuffs were allowed to walk freely,” he told me. "Those who were intensively treated with drugs stopped taking them, and those who did not have a chance to get out someday were released."
I was in awe.

“But that’s not all,” he continued, “the nursing staff was happy to go to work. Absenteeism and staff turnover have stopped. We stopped keeping more staff than we should, because patients were discharged and everyone went to work. And today this department is closed. "

The whole world is your universe!

Here I have to ask the million dollar question: "What did you do to yourself that made these people change?"

“I was just healing the part of my body that caused their illness,” he said. I honestly did not understand. Dr. Len explained that taking full responsibility for your life means that for everything in your life - just because it happens in your life - you answer.
Literally, the whole world is your universe.

Hmmm ... It's hard to digest. Taking responsibility for what I say or do is one thing, but taking responsibility for whatever is said or done around me is another matter entirely.

However, the truth is this: if you take full responsibility for your own life, then you are responsible for everything that you see, hear, taste, touch or otherwise feel.

I mean that terrorist activities, the president, the country's economy and everything that you feel and that you don't like is for you to heal. All this, so to speak, exists only as a projection of your imagination. The problem is not with them, but with you, and, to change it all , you have to change yourself.

I know it's hard to understand, let alone accept or live accordingly. It is much easier to blame than to be fully responsible. But after talking with Dr. Len, I began to realize
that hoo-pono-pono healing for him means loving himself.

By healing your spirit, you heal your body, your life!

If you want to improve your life, you must heal your life.
If you want to heal someone, even a mentally ill criminal, you heal yourself by healing him.

I asked Dr. Len how he proceeded with his healing. What exactly did he do when he looked through the files of these patients?

“I just never stopped saying 'Forgive me' and 'I love you' over and over again,” he explained.

"And it's all?" - I asked in bewilderment.

- "It's all!" was his answer.

It turns out that self-love is the greatest way to improve yourself, because by improving yourself, you improve the world.

I will bring small example as it happens.

One day I received an e-mail, which upset me greatly. Before, I would somehow sort it out, cope with my burning emotions, or talk to whoever sent this vile letter.

This time I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I spoke in my mind, without ceasing: "Forgive me", "I love you." I didn't address anyone in particular. I just awakened the spirit of love to heal my soul, which was creating external circumstances.

Less than an hour later, a letter arrived from the author of that e-mail. He apologized for his earlier message. Please note that I have not made any external attempt to obtain this apology. I didn't even answer him. Yet by saying “I love you,” I somehow healed my soul, which affected him.

Eraser (eraser) of four magic phrases!

Later I attended Dr. Len's hoo-pono-pono seminar. Now he is 70 years old, they look at him as a kind grandfather-shaman, living like a hermit. He praised my book - an attractive moment. He said that as I improved, the vibration of my book would rise, and everyone would feel it when they read it. In short, because I am exalted, my readers will also be exalted.

“And what will happen to those copies that are sold and have already left?” I asked. "They have not left," he explained, again baffling me with his mystical wisdom, "they are still in you."

In short, there is nothing external. Suffice it to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there is only one place to look - inside yourself ... When you look, look with love. "

“Literally,“ hoo-pono-pono ”means“ to do the right thing ”or“ to correct a mistake ”. Hoo is translated from Hawaiian as "reason", pono-pono - "improvement."

The ancestors of modern Hawaiians believed that the reason for error lies in thoughts, which are detrimental to negative memories from the past. Hoo-pono-pono allows you to release the energy of these burdensome thoughts or delusions that lead to disharmony and illness. In short, hoo-pono-pono is a problem-solving process. But it happens exclusively in the person himself.

So what to do then?

The Hoo-pono-pono method suggests using a set of four universal verbal formulas as an "eraser" to remove the disease. You can call them mantras, prayers, affirmations, whatever. But this is bigger and better than meets the eye.

So, at the first sign of trouble - and this is a sign - the easiest negative emotional response to anything, including a crazy thought that flashed across it - they are pronounced (mentally or aloud, it doesn't matter) the first two formulas:


It doesn't matter who you are addressing to. But it is best to assume that you are referring to your higher, omniscient and omnipotent "I", although you can refer to a specific person, animal, object.

You let know that you regret a problem that has arisen from the depths of your subconscious, which is embodied in the world around you and becomes a universal problem. You don't ask for forgiveness Higher powers, you just ask for permission to forgive yourself for the fact that sometimes you are not able to control.

You can pronounce these formulas as many times as you like, but in what follows you should go to the next universal, erasing negative memory verbal programs:


You do not like what you have ... We share memory with others. If you do not like something in another person, it means that this is inherent in you too. Your task is to get rid of it. When you succeed, the other person will also get rid of this quality. In the end, the whole world will get rid of him.
If there is someone in your life that you do not like, then you yourself created it. If you create your own reality, then you create your enemies.

Full responsibility means responsibility for everything, even for the people who appear in your life, for their problems, because their problems are your problems. They are part of your life, and if you take full responsibility for your life, then you must accept responsibility for their feelings.

Reread THIS! Get into it!

I just ask you to remember one thing when starting to apply this method: yes, Ihaliakala Hugh Lin was able to heal almost all patients of a psychiatric clinic with the help of Hoo-pono-pono, without even seeing them, but he did it in three years, and the changes over the years happened like this smoothly and imperceptibly that he himself could not say how and when everything happened.

However, a miracle, a real miracle, did happen! This means that there is no reason for you to rush and be upset about the fact that nothing in your life is changing - just make this method your habit and a way of life and you will see where it will soon lead. You will succeed!"

Current page: 3 (total of the book has 9 pages) [available passage for reading: 7 pages]



The body is rounded: round convex back, thick tight neck, round open face, plump hands and fingers. Small growth, excess weight(gets fat for fear of rape, so as not to be attractive). Tension in the throat, neck, jaw and pelvis.

The eyes are large, round, open, with an expression of childlike innocence. The voice is often with feigned intonations. Often uses the words: "worthy", "unworthy", "small", "fat" ...

Sits with legs wide apart. In most cases, he chooses the wrong places for himself, so he feels uncomfortable. He chooses cars small, cramped, where he can hardly fit. She dances a lot and willingly, taking the opportunity to express her sensuality.

Ashamed of himself and others, afraid of being ashamed to avoid shame, resorts to control. Considers himself untidy, heartless, worse than others. You always don't like your own appearance, moreover, he himself makes his body unattractive. He will always draw the attention of others: "Look, what a pig I am - doused myself!" - even if no one noticed it. Prone to affection. Overly sensitive. Likes to have sex, but is ashamed of it: afraid to cross the line of what is permitted. Often these people are the victims of harassment and rape.

Shoulders a lot. Doesn't like to rush. Strives to be worthy. He hurts himself, humiliates himself. Disgusted, often disgusted. Punishes herself, believing she is punishing someone else. Knows his needs, but does not listen to them. Denies himself in many ways for the sake of others. Likes to be a patron.

Most of all he is afraid of freedom: being free means for him to be unrestrained. Self-restraint compensates for food. A typical ego trick: convincing himself that everything he does for others gives him the greatest pleasure and thus satisfies his own needs. An amazing ability to convince himself and others that everything is going well, and to find any explanations and excuses for people and situations that humiliated him.

Compensates for fear with food. Loves hearty, fatty foods, chocolate. Eats a lot or in small portions, but often. Ashamed to buy goodies for himself. He eats them in the car or in the elevator so that they won't be seen at home.

Typical diseases: sore throats, laryngitis, respiratory tract diseases, abnormal liver function, thyroid gland, varicose veins, pruritus, hypoglycemia, back pain, shoulder pain, legs, feet, sprains, fractures, diabetes, heart disease.

The person with the trauma of humiliation plays the role of the Masochist. But I am categorically against using the term Masochist in communication with the bearer of this trauma. True masochists revel in being called that. So why would we, instead of healing the trauma, exacerbate it?

A person with a trauma of humiliation does not adapt well to people and situations - they are afraid when things happen too quickly. He can achieve a lot on his own, but he is afraid that he will be accused of selfishness, and in order not to be accused, he needs to be always kind and generous, even when he does not want to. Feels a sense of responsibility for the happiness of others, and therefore tries to help others, to solve their problems.

He works hard, is able to do many things at once, but is lost because it is difficult for him to define and find his own goal. Afraid that he will be told: "For whom do you take yourself?" - then the fear arises to take the place of another, more worthy. It is easy to humiliate him. He is afraid to stand out, does not want to be higher than others, therefore he belittles himself. Never moves quickly in career, personal and spiritual growth.

Trauma awakens from one to three years of age when awareness of function occurs physical body: The child learns to eat independently, go to the toilet, maintain personal hygiene, talk, listen and understand what adults are telling him. In its pure form, trauma is rare, more common in combination with trauma of rejection and abandonment. The parent, who is engaged in the physical development of the child, instills hygiene skills (usually the mother) activates the trauma.

This trauma awakens when the child feels that one of the parents is ashamed of him. For example, when a child is poorly dressed, dirty or ruined something (especially in front of guests or relatives), when he is scolded and punished for being too sexy and masturbating, etc. excessive control, especially when compared with other, better children, siblings.

Whatever the circumstances under which the child feels humiliated, disgraced, ashamed, unworthy on the physical level, his wound is awakened and deepened.

Imagine, for example, a toddler playing with his excrement, decorating the entire bed with it, or doing something similar, no less unpleasant. The trauma awakens when they begin to shame him for it. Even a nursing infant can pick up on parental disgust and feel ashamed and humiliated. Doesn't it happen that a woman is ashamed of her pregnancy?

My husband - the father of my only son - never walked with me during my pregnancy. Yes, and for the first time I went out with my son when he was one year old. He was ashamed that he had formed a family that he did not want. Like many women in my situation, I lull my husband to sleep instead of saying, "Change your behavior or break up." When my patience reached its limit, I parted with him.

Every action generates opposition. We cannot ignore the contribution that the victim makes, and instead of extracting a speck from the eye of the aggressor, we must open the eyes of each person: let's not blame others for everything, it is better to stop being victims ourselves. Indeed, in fact, a person with the trauma of humiliation suffers because he is ashamed of himself and his parents.

My mother gave birth to me at 41 during the war because she thought her whole family was dead. But dad returned, and the older brothers were alive. I distinctly remember how ashamed of my elderly parents: when I went to school, my mother was 48 years old, and my father was 51 years old.

It was already a bald man with a light fluff, which he smoothed and tried to comb his hair in the middle, so that the long strands - the "borrower" - covered his bald spot. And my mother, a doctor by profession, never did a manicure, did not dye her gray hair gathered in a bun on the back of her head, did not apply cosmetics, did not even paint her lips ... Some kind of old lady! And this at a time when my classmates mostly had young and beautiful mothers!

Do you know when I practically worked this shame? When my mother was no longer there, and she died in full health 15 years after my father, only 40 days before her 98th birthday. Here's at least something I could be proud of: the longevity of my parents, especially my mother. No, no! I was already quite a few years old, and I still continued to conflict with people (and with myself, of course), although this had already "got me".

The universe is extraordinarily wise! Once she created such conditions for me in which I almost died of shame for myself. Nothing criminal or unworthy - I can easily tell, but not now. Thanks to the circumstances, I was able to realize that I continued to be subconsciously ashamed of both my parents and myself. And then I received a gift: I had the opportunity to conduct a wonderful retreat - solitude - on the island in a beautiful house for a couple with a cat. Nobody else! As many as eight days! No TV, no books, no magazines, no phones. Only I am alone with myself and my emotions, feelings, thoughts.

I was ashamed, and my trauma of humiliation did not just "stick out my head", but crawled out entirely, dragging everyone else along with the company. As a result, I was able to recycle the situation in my favor and returned home truly happy.

When the trauma of rejection and abandonment comes under the pressure of the trauma of humiliation, the child's soul makes its own choice: to leave it as it is, or to start fighting and proving its case. If the trauma of abandonment turned out to be more severe, the person says to himself: “Well, no! Now no one can leave me, forget somewhere or leave me like unnecessary thing... I myself will control everything, check everything and follow everything! "

Unfortunately, the more we try to control everything around us, the more often we are deceived and abandoned. As a result, the trauma of abandonment is only exacerbated: the person becomes "treacherously abandoned." This is how the trauma of betrayal appears.

If the trauma of rejection is deeper, then it is it that intensifies. In order not to allow himself to be rejected, the child sets himself the goal of becoming perfect: an excellent student, the strongest, a hero, or the most beautiful, slender, flexible. The person begins to tightly control himself - and receives a new trauma - of injustice.

Of course, the trauma of abandonment does not always cause the trauma of betrayal, but if there is a trauma of betrayal, there is certainly a trauma of abandonment. The situation is the same with the trauma of rejection and injustice. Alas, traumas by themselves do not heal - they only get worse over time ... At one time this thought simply killed me: if everything is so neglected, and I cannot cope with it, does this mean that everything is hopeless?

I took several seminars at the School "Listen to Your Body" with Liz Burbo. One of them took place in Canada, in Quebec, and was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the school. It was the first time I was in America, but in Canada, and even in an area where the entire population speaks French, for the first time.

The week before the seminar and celebrations at school, my husband and I lived in Montreal, and I felt quite comfortable with my knowledge of English language... But when I teamed up with the group and we went to small town Santa Adeli, where the workshop was held, I was covered with my trauma of injustice!

In everything I saw the "intrigues" of cold, callous, shameless people who do everything so that I do not understand anything, feel abandoned, humiliated, unhappy ... Instead of enjoying life - beautiful nature, weather, views of a wonderful town - I I bit my lip so as not to burst into tears, because I don't understand anything !!!

I do not understand French… I don’t understand what Liz is saying… I don’t understand the injuries and I don’t understand anything about it… I cannot understand how to actually deal with them.

On top of that, Olga, Liz's translator, began to annoy me very much - to the point of hatred. When I asked a question, she answered: “Do you know French better than me? Controller!" I couldn't see her! And therefore I did not hear.

I began to cry and cried for the fourth day, when Nikolai asked me on the phone: what should be done when a woman is crying and cannot stop? I began to zealously explain, which was followed by a reasonable question: "Why don't you do this ?!" After that, I finally laughed! Indeed: "I will divorce someone else's misfortune with my hand."

I didn't go to breakfast and stayed in my room. I pounded pillows, blankets, bed, armchairs with my fists - to the point of exhaustion. I beat Liz with her "stupid" injuries, beat these "filthy" Frenchmen who do not want to speak Russian or even English, beat Olya for her mockery of me. I got to my parents, began to beat myself - all this is figurative, as you understand.

Completely exhausted, I went into the shower. I stupidly repeated: "Everything is going well!" - until I felt a surge of strength. Having put myself in order, I trudged off to class. And then - oh, the wise Universe! - I had to do the exercise paired with. Olya!

We were able to explain our feelings to each other, because she also felt not the warmest emotions towards me. We hugged and thanked each other and the Universe for this wonderful gift. But Liz finally pulled me out of this state. She said one phrase that still helps me. Here she is: “Angelina! Let yourself not understand something! "

When we strive to know and understand everything, it says that the trauma of injustice is sticking out its head. By the way, it was at this seminar in Canada that I tried to find out from Liz that there is something positive in every injury !!! Once healed, at the moment when we are no longer afraid to be ourselves, we discover the wealth that is hidden under the masks.



The body is muscular, exudes strength and power. In men, the shoulders are much wider than the hips, in women the "breeches", the hips are wider than the shoulders (if on the contrary, it means that the injury was acquired with a parent of the same gender). Wheeled chest.

The gaze is intent, seductive, sucking. The voice is loud and may be raspy. The speech is somewhat mechanical and restrained. Often uses the words: "separate", "do you understand?"

Takes up a lot of space, attracts attention. When he listens, he sits with his whole body leaning back, arms folded. Taking the floor, leans forward to look more convincing in the eyes of the interlocutor. Loves to dance: for him this is a good opportunity to show himself and seduce. Prefers powerful, visible cars.

From him comes the power that frightens many. He considers himself very responsible and strong, strives to be special and important. He does not show his vulnerability, he pretends to be omnipotent, even if he doubts himself strongly. Cheats easily to get his way. Manipulates and seduces himself to avoid manipulation. At the same time, he is convinced that he is right, and seeks to convince others. A circus performer, an artist, wants to be noted, noticeable. Inflexible. Understands and reacts very quickly, is impatient, mood is unstable. Afraid of violating or withdrawing from obligations, while not keeping their promises and obligations, or making efforts to keep them. He is outraged if he is “confronted with a fact”, does not admit his guilt.

The skeptic, with difficulty negotiates and trusts, expects a lot from others. Due to mistrust or unfulfilled expectations in the love-sexual sphere, he moves from one love story to another: it is difficult for him to decide to live with someone. Women often manipulate men with the trauma of betrayal. The man himself, cheating on his wife, turns everything so that the wife is guilty (she did not behave like that) and it was the wife who left him (he is afraid that he will be accused of betrayal).

Most of all, he is afraid of renunciation, separation and divorce, therefore he accuses everyone around of betrayal, although he himself is a big liar. A typical ego trick: I am sure that I never lie, always keeps my word and is not afraid of anyone or anything.

A good appetite. He may not eat for a long time, while he is busy, but then he loses control of food. Eats quickly, adds salt and spices without trying: the last word should be with him, not the chef.

Typical illnesses: agoraphobia, spasmophilia, disorders digestive system, herpes, inflammatory diseases (the name of which ends with - it).

The person with the trauma of betrayal plays the role of the Controller. Trauma awakens between two and four years of age when sexual energy develops under the influence of a parent of the opposite sex. The trauma of betrayal covers up the trauma of abandonment, although her mask looks very different. The person playing the role of the Addict (trauma of abandonment) is weak, adaptive. The person playing the role of the Controller (trauma of betrayal) is strong, in control of everything around.

The cause of the trauma of betrayal is mistrust or undermined trust, suspicion on the part of the parent (the parent does not trust, checks the completion of the task, does not fulfill his promise to play, take a walk). It also develops with a strong Oedipus complex, or the Electra complex (a boy's love for her mother or a girl's for her father). For example, if a girl is very frustrated that her dad did not protect her when her mom punished her.

Sigmund Freud argued that every child experiences the Oedipus complex or the Electra complex, only in varying degrees... Typically, a child, especially between the ages of three and six, when his sexual energy develops, falls in love with a parent of the opposite sex or with another person playing the role of that parent. During this period, the child comes into contact with his vitality, sexual energy and creativity.

The child's unconscious desire to create an alliance with a parent of the opposite sex develops. It is at this time that the child's creativity develops. This explains the behavior of little girls who try to seduce dad, just like boys do to mum. They do their best to win the love of the parent of the opposite sex.

In addition, they try to protect this parent, even if their hopes for his attention are not met. When a parent of the same sex with a child offends a parent of the opposite sex, the child experiences this very hard and desperately protects him. Some children even go so far as to wish the death of the condemned parent.

Often, a soul seeking to heal the trauma of betrayal will deliberately attract a parent with whom it will develop a strong love affair and strong mutual attraction. A parent of the same sex teaches us how we need to relate to ourselves, how to love ourselves. A parent of the opposite sex - how others should love us, how we should receive love. What we deny about our parents or ourselves is the reason why we came to this earth and chose these particular parents.

Because of the Oedipus complex, or the Electra complex, we are often afraid to surpass our parents, to achieve greater success. We are afraid to betray our father if we are more fortunate and wealthy. Or to be unfair to the mother, if we are more beautiful, healthy, sexy. Then we sabotage our success.

The correct transition through the Oedipus stage means that the child is aware of the essential role of the father and mother in his, the child, creation. Even if the father is absent, the mother must make it clear to the child that this father exists and that he is as necessary as the mother. As soon as the child realizes that the union of the two sexes was necessary for his conception, he wakes up interest in the opposite sex. The child then begins to copy the behavior of the parent of the same gender. At this time, it is very important to help the child find his or her personality.

I remember a sweet young woman with a severe trauma of injustice. No matter what I told her, she denied everything and resisted. I had to spend an extra hour teaching her about trauma theory. I taught her not to answer my questions immediately "no", but to apply the so-called principle of assumption: "You may be right, but I don't think so."

Many times she asked me why it was needed. And finally she heard her own inner voice, which told her that in this way her psyche would become more flexible and she would learn to accept that others could have their own opinion, their own vision of the situation, their desires and needs. She will become softer if she lets light, love and compassion into her heart.

The person playing the role of the Controller has a hard time believing or does not trust anyone at all. He is afraid to conclude contracts, does not take risks if he cannot control the degree of risk. He often has the feeling that he is being used, he cannot stand it when they lie to him and do not fulfill his obligations, does not trust others and does not tolerate when they do not trust him. At the same time, he constantly deceives himself and others: he does not fulfill the promises given even to himself, he likes to embellish the truth, which is why people do not trust him, and he himself cannot come closer to his goal.

He is always alert and always in a state of anxiety: he is afraid that he will be caught with his pants down. It is devastating, annoying. Often gets stuck: forcing himself to continue doing things to the detriment of himself. He can entrust something, but he will control a hundred times how his order is being carried out. Impatient and intolerant, wants everything to be done immediately, instantly. He is afraid to betray himself if he does not achieve the goal. Insists that his partners or family members have the same goals as him. For this he will convince, control.

Such a person constantly criticizes himself, the government, the weather, neighbors, friends ... He gets angry when he loses: "It's all their fault!" It is difficult for him to manage time. He wants everything to be good, perfect, but not for himself, his beloved!

A woman should look for the reasons for unsuccessful relationships with men in her childhood, in her relationship with her father. When I began to remember my childhood, so much was revealed to me! It always seemed to me that my dad didn't like me. After all, the first time I saw him was only two years old. Only much later did I realize how much he loved me.

Dad is the first man who communicates with a girl in infancy. We show our daddy our first outfits and it is from dad that we expect praise in childhood about our appearance. Relationships with dad are very important in the life of a little girl: it is with dad that she will compare other men.

I had a myriad of "dads" - a whole hospital of wounded soldiers (I was born in a military hospital). With whom to compare? Only with the sick or wounded. So I learned that a good man is a sick man, and I must treat him, forgetting about my own interests.

By the way, more unsettled problems remain with that parent with whom the child seemed to have more understanding. But! Once healed, at the moment when we are no longer afraid to be ourselves, we discover what is hidden under the masks.