What tank is top. Review of top vehicles World of Tanks

Real historical facts, skillfully intertwined with fiction, often become the basis of the plot of exciting books, films, and, of course, game projects. So, in the world of the gaming industry, one of the most popular multiplayer online games can be safely called World of Tanks. The game project, which daily gathers more than one million people in front of PC monitors, is dedicated to the tank battles of the historical period of the Second World War.

By joining the army of virtual tankers, each gamer strives to shoot as many frags as possible, inflict maximum amount damage to enemy vehicles, earn credits and commemorative medals. More than 300 tanks of various classes and nations are represented in WoT, so many players are interested in the question - what is the coolest tank in world of tanks? It is difficult to answer unambiguously. But still, let's try to rank the best combat vehicles, taking into account the opinions of experienced players.

The best combat vehicles WOT

Tanks of various nations are presented in WoT for pumping: the USSR, Japan, Germany, the USA, Britain, China, and the Czech Republic. In each branch of development, armored vehicles are classified into:
lungs (LT);
medium (ST);
heavy (TT);
anti-tank self-propelled guns (PT-ACS);
ART-SAU (artillery).

Each individual vehicle of the World of Tanks, in addition to its unique history, received its own advantages, disadvantages, performance characteristics. Depending on the class, armored vehicles have their own purpose on the battlefield. TTs provide defense, breaking through the flanks, light tanks are the eyes of the team, STs are support vehicles, tank destroyers and ART SPGs are the firepower of the allied team.

All armored vehicles presented in WoT are divided into 10 levels. At the same time, each level has its own “heroes” and favorites. Depending on personal preferences, game style, gamers choose for themselves the most comfortable class of gaming equipment of a particular nation. Someone prefers to go into battle on fast, maneuverable tanks, someone likes well-armored strands. Another category of virtual tankers enjoys playing on artillery, anti-tank self-propelled guns, working on the illumination of the players of the allied team.

Conventionally, the combat vehicles of the World of Tanks can also be classified into tanks:

  • for farming (earnings) silver and experience;
  • for battles in team battles, fortified areas, companies, playing on the Global Map;
  • to raise your personal rating (CAP).

Despite the fact that there are constant changes in the balance in WoT, at each level there is a category of really worthy combat vehicles that, in more affect the outcome, the effectiveness of the battle. As for the fun armored vehicles, let's start the review with low-level vehicles, with the technique for bending in the "sandbox".

Best tier 3 armored vehicles

Since the first two levels differ little in their characteristics and most often players go through them for free experience, we will start our review with tanks located on the third level. At this level, more interesting armored vehicles are presented, which not only allow you to gain experience for playing high-level vehicles, but are also ideal for “bending” and comfortable play. As a rule, Tier 3 combat vehicles are represented by light and medium tanks. The exception is the Japanese TT development branch, which is unlocked by the Type 91.

At the third level, the tank of Soviet tank building, the BT-7, deserves attention, which, thanks to its excellent visibility, good maneuverability and speed, can simultaneously play the role of a "scout" and a support tank. The Soviet LT-shku T-46, which received a fairly accurate gun, good speed indicators, and dynamics, can also be attributed to imbo machines.

A popular Tier 3 tank is the premium LT tank T-127, which has pretty good armor, excellent dynamics and speed. Suitable for reconnaissance, implementation of light, support, breakthrough on the flanks.

The best Tier 3 armored vehicle can also be called the German Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C, which boasts good as for low levels, armor, accurate gun, good dynamics, good cross-country ability, maneuverability.

Fourth level

At this level, you can see a lot of different, interesting in terms of gameplay vehicles, playing on which you can gain experience and prepare for battles on high-level vehicles. Armored vehicles of the 4th level are also referred to as "passing", they can be passed for free or experience gained in battles.

According to players, the best Tier 4 tank is the German Hetzer tank and the American T-40. Armored vehicles received accurate guns with good armor penetration, decent cross-country ability, and a large viewing radius. Suitable for an effective, comfortable game, farming silver, gaining experience and statistics.

In the ranking of the best Tier 4 vehicles, the French heavy tank B2, the Soviet Valentine II, Matilda can be noted. Tanks are well balanced, they feel quite confident in battles against high-level combat vehicles. Weaknesses can be called low speed, lack of dynamics.

Beginners who plan to download the Soviet development branch can choose to play the medium tank T-28, tank destroyer Su-85-B. Armored vehicles are quite mobile, maneuverable, have good weapons. The downside is the almost complete lack of armor, which means a neat, thoughtful game in battles against stronger and more experienced opponents.

Fifth level

On the fifth level special attention deserve Soviet tank building vehicles - the legendary heavy tank KV-1, which can be called the best tank of World War II, the main combat unit of the team on the fields of virtual battles, as well as the medium tank T-34. The KV-1 received impressive armor parameters and excellent armament. In addition to being comfortable. confident game, KV-1 is ideal for raising your personal rating, earning credits and experience.

Another machine that many players consider to be a real "imba" of the seventh level is the premium E-25 tank destroyer. The weak level of armor is fully compensated by the accurate, fast-firing gun, excellent dynamics, speed, and impressive viewing radius parameters. The low silhouette makes the car almost invisible. Having upgraded the “camouflage” for the crew, installing the “Camouflage Net”, the “Stereo Tube”, you can successfully illuminate, over and over again inflicting damage from well-chosen shelters on the tanks of the enemy team, while remaining invisible to the enemy.

eighth level

Military equipment of the eighth level, as well as armored vehicles presented at the sixth level, takes part in team battles, battles on the Global Map, in Champion companies. The undisputed leader among all Tier 8 armored vehicles is the IS-3 heavy tank of Soviet tank design, which, thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, can be safely called universal. Good armor, ricochet silhouette (“pike nose”), comfortable gun with good penetration, comfortable UGN, mobility fully compensate for the insignificant shortcomings of this machine (weak viewing radius, long aiming). The IS-3 is in demand in company games, fortified areas, team battles, and in the main battlefield.

Among the medium tanks, the Soviet ST-shku T-44 can be noted. Of the tank destroyers, the ISU-152 (USSR), the German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, is popular with players. The Soviet tank destroyer is known for its powerful gun (BL-10), the German tank destroyer - for its accurate cannon, low silhouette.

Thanks to excellent armor and powerful weapons, the Japanese O-HO heavyweight is popular with players. Despite the sluggishness, lack of dynamics, specific gameplay, this armored vehicle at its level can be called a real "mastodon".

Ninth level

The best Tier 9 armored vehicles include the medium Soviet T-54 tank, the main advantages of which include a low silhouette, good maneuverability, dynamics, maneuverability, speed, and a fairly good accurate gun. A group of several T-54s poses a particular danger to the enemy team, while playing with HEAT shells allows you to feel confident in confrontations with level 10 vehicles. The overall percentage of victories across servers on this tank is 49.8%. which is a pretty good indicator.

It is impossible to ignore the heavy tank of the German tank building E-75. The armored car received an accurate cannon with good alpha, strong ricochet armor, and good cross-country ability. The American heavyweight M103 also has decent characteristics. Like all US equipment, the M103 is famous for its strong ricochet turret, good frontal armor, and powerful weapons. Ideal for breaking through and defending the flanks.

Tenth level of armored vehicles

At level 10, it is quite difficult to determine the best armored vehicle, since each tank, regardless of class, has its own unique features, features and advantages. Among the dozens there are vehicles with a drum loading mechanism, well-armored vehicles, slow steel monsters, such as the E-100 and Mouse, fast ST-shki, ART-SAU, which, with an accurate hit from one shot, send the enemy to the hangar. Therefore, each player has the opportunity to choose the most, based on personal preferences and style of play.

To get to the top equipment, you will not only have to spend a lot of time, but also collect a fairly substantial amount of silver to buy. In addition, playing at high levels requires experience, concentration, correct tactics and strategy.

According to experienced players, the best, most iconic Tier 10 tanks include: T-62, Object-140, E-100, IS-7, T110E5, FV215b 183, T57 Heavy Tank, Bat Chatillon 155, JagdPz E-100, AMX 50 B. Among the ART SAUs, one can single out the American T-92, the British Conqueror Gun Carriage, the penetration of which is 2200 units, the Soviet Object-261.


After reading our review, perhaps not all tankers will agree with the presented rating of the "best armored vehicles". Each class of armored vehicles in World of Tanks has its own unique technical specifications, specialization, functions, so it is quite difficult to determine the best tank of the game. To find tanks for an effective, comfortable game, you need to fight at least a few battles on a particular vehicle in a random house or on a test server.

In addition, developers periodically delight gamers with new nations and war machines. So, recently heavy tanks of Japan, armored vehicles of the Czech Republic were introduced into the game, among which there are vehicles with excellent performance characteristics.

Hi everybody! In this article, we will tell all World of Tanks fans and players about the best heavy tanks in the game. In general, it has a very large number of heavy tanks, which are famous for their particular characteristics. However, we must not forget that each tank must be selected for a specific player. Someone likes to tank with good armor, someone powerful cannon with high damage per shot, someone is a DPN tank, and someone is only interested in heavy tanks with a high rate of fire. Today we will try to talk about the best heavy tanks at our level, assessing the situation in the game and the preferences of all players.

Let's start with the fifth level, which is the base one, because it is on it that you can really see how the character of heavy tanks manifests itself, their level of armor and power. The most prestigious and favorite heavy tank at the fifth level among all players is the KV-1, and it can rightfully be considered the best one, both at its level and in its category. Yes, of course, in Lately popularity is gaining Japanese tanks, but this is solely due to their novelty, which also happened after the introduction of other new tanks into the game.

The sixth level of tanks World Of Tanks

As for the sixth level, two tanks should be noted here, which, of course, are the best at their level. These include Japanese O-i and the Soviet tank KV-85. They are not only the best at their level in terms of armor, but also in terms of a gun, which differs from others not only in high penetration, but also in damage per shot.

Tanks such as Tiger I and AMX M4 45 have long been considered the best heavy tank of the seventh level. As for the first of them, after he was uplifted, he became just a god at his level. In addition to 1500 HP, which makes him a tank at his level, with the highest amount of hit points, he also has a cannon that can easily penetrate tanks of the eighth level, which is not only nice, but also very convenient when playing with higher levels. He also has armor, which can not only be tanked while playing with tanks of his levels, but also with lighter tanks. As for the second tank, it also has a very good cannon with high penetration and decent DPM. With armor, however, he is not doing so well as a tiger, but in skillful hands they can easily tank with armor and not worry about anything.

The eighth level of tanks World Of Tanks

And now let's move on to the eighth level, at which the most strawberry awaits the players, because after the sixth level it is the eighth that is considered to be the reference one, since this is the level where you can not only play comfortably, but also not go into the red, which is not loved so much lately players. The best heavy tanks of the eighth level have long been considered such tanks as the IS-3 and Tiger II. These tanks have good armor at their level and just a wonderful gun that can punish all opponents with ease. The main thing here is to save durability points and live as long as possible, then these tanks bring the most damage and are more efficient than the rest.

Let's move on to nines, which gamers really like for the simple reason that there is very little left to the top 10 level and everyone is in such a hurry to pump out their long-awaited tank as soon as possible. So, at level 9, tanks such as the E-75, VK4502B and ST-1 are rightfully considered the best heavy tanks. These tanks have the best armor at their tier, which sometimes terrifies even tier 10 tanks when they try to pierce you. In addition to excellent armor, there are also good guns that you can’t complain about, which is why they are the best tanks of their type at the ninth level.

The tenth level of tanks World Of Tanks

Well, finally we came to the sweetest, tenth level. There are a very large number of heavy tanks here that are really worthy of attention, so it is quite difficult to make a choice. However, the opinions of the players differ in such a way that the best heavies of the tenth level are considered to be such tanks as the IS-7. E100 and T57 Heavy. Despite the fact that they are very different from each other, players have loved them very much throughout the history of the game and do not change their choice even now, when so many other tanks have appeared. The main thing for these tanks, as well as for the rest in their category, is excellent armor. In the latter, however, it is an order of magnitude weaker, but this is perfectly compensated by the drum cannon, which gives its advantages during the game.

16.3.2017 9786 Views

Almost every player asked himself the question: which tank is best at its level and how are they divided

It all depends on what parameter this rating is compiled on. Therefore, before making a rating of cars, let's figure out what parameters exist and what they affect. And, having mastered this information, we will find out, for example, in Wot which premium tank of level 8 is better.

The main parameters of combat vehicles:

No matter how different the tanks may seem, they were produced according to the same principles, which is why they have a standard set of parameters that differ only in values. The combat vehicles in the WoT game are made with the same set of parameters.
The main parameters include:
The number of strength units. This parameter directly affects the survivability indicator. After all, if there is a lot of HP, then this means that you can withstand more hits with penetration and not die;
Corps armor. This value affects an important moment, how enemies can penetrate if they hit a certain part of the hull, or your armor can withstand a blow without breaking through;
Tower armor. Similar in essence to the task of body armor;
Speed. This indicator is responsible for the speed of movement of the combat vehicle on the map and the ability to quickly respond to changing situations, as well as provide timely support where necessary;
Penetration of the gun. Perhaps the most main indicator, which is responsible for the tank's ability to deal damage to enemies;
Damage. This parameter is responsible for how many units of durability the weapon will remove during one hit with penetration;
Recharge. Affects how many shots per minute the tank can fire if it shoots immediately after reloading, and this affects how often you deal damage to enemies;
Overview. This indicator indicates how far the combat vehicle sees and at what maximum distance the enemy will be detected;
Specific power. This element indicates how quickly the combat vehicle will be able to change its speed mode and gain maximum speed.
This is a list of the main performance characteristics of the tanks presented in the game WordofTanks.


Knowing the above data, you can rank the best Tier 8 medium tanks according to various parameters.
The strength units are Panthermit 8.8 cmL / 71, T26E4 Super Pershing, T95E2. These machines have 1500 points.
The Chinese T-34-3 and French M4A1 Revalorise have the highest damage per shot, and it is equal to 390 units.
The fastest tank is the AMX Chasseur de Chars with a speed of 57 km/h.
The most far-sighted vehicles turned out to be: a representative of the American school of tank building T - 69, a Chinese premium tank 59 - Patton and again an American T95E2, their review is 400 meters.

The main criterion for premium cars in the game Word of Tanks is its profitability, and it, in turn, directly depends on the damage done. Therefore, the following will be listed best cars on given parameter depending on the type of technology.
Among tank destroyers, this indicator stands out for the German vehicle Rheinmetall Skorpion G, for one shot this tank destroys 490 units of strength from the enemy.
One-time damage of 440 units among heavy tanks was endowed with representatives of the USSR named: Object 252U and.
But among the medium tanks, the Chinese T-34-3 and the French M4A1 Revalorise stand out and their one-time damage is 390 units.

If in the case of high-level vehicles everything is less clear, then with tanks of the fifth and sixth level, everything is not so simple. Because at these levels, not everything depends on performance characteristics, but a lot depends on the overall impression of the car as a whole. Therefore, we will make a Wot rating of the best tanks of level 5-6, based on the reviews of tankers and general statistics by tanks.
Medium tanks:
Among the representatives of medium tanks, two combat vehicles stand out. The first of them is the Soviet machine T 34-85. This tank can be called a universal fighter, because due to its good camouflage, it can shoot enemies from the bushes with almost impunity. Rational armor angles allow you to often repel enemy shells, and a comfortable and accurate gun successfully finds weak spots and penetrates them even in high-level combat vehicles.
The second car should be highlighted by a Briton named Cromwell. This tank has good visibility and excellent speed, which allows it, if necessary, to perform the role of the lung tank, and an accurate gun with a penetration of 145 mm and a good rate of fire successfully inflicts damage on enemies.
Tank destroyer:
Among the anti-tank self-propelled guns, the Soviet SU-100 and the American Hellcat should be singled out.
Heavy tanks:
Three vehicles stand out among the strands, the Soviet KV - 85 and KV - 2, as well as the American M 6.
KV-2 with a top-end high-explosive gun is capable of sending any lightly armored vehicles, even of a high level, into the hangar with one shot. The KV-85 also has an excellent weapon with a one-time damage of 390 HP, which is one of the best for its level. best performance. The American M 6 is endowed with excellent frontal armor and an accurate rapid-fire gun.
Light tanks:
Among light tanks, the MT-25 from the Soviet research branch and the representative of America T-37 stand out.
In the ranks of artillery stand out: the British FV304, the American M44, the Soviet SU-8 and the German Hummel.

Good afternoon, dear tankers. Today I will talk about one of the most popular online games today - WOT. Best Review tanks in World of Tanks will be carried out as follows:

  1. Consider the main game points.
  2. Let's analyze some of the tanks and sort them by targets.

So - into battle!

Gameplay component

I'll do it first short review World of Tanks games for beginner tankers. If you are an advanced user, I advise you to immediately go to the next part of the article.

World of Tanks is an MMO dedicated to armored vehicles of the mid-twentieth century. Here you will have pumping, and dynamic battles 15v15 and 30v30, and a large selection of tanks of different classes and nations. The game features 5 types of vehicles:

  • Heavy tanks (TT)
  • Medium tanks (ST).
  • Light tanks (LT).
  • Tank destroyer (PT).
  • SAU (Arta).

The game on each class of equipment has its own characteristics and style. If you decide to shoot through the robin on the art, and settle in the bushes on the heavy, then most likely you won’t be able to play normally, and the allies will be to blame for regular defeats.

There are 11 nations in the game, each of which has its own unique cars. You can play tanks:

  • Germany.
  • Italy.
  • France.
  • Great Britain.
  • Japan.
  • China.
  • Czech Republic.
  • Sweden.

But pumping is a rather complicated matter. To get to maximum level, you have to spend more than a dozen hours. Therefore, it is important to know which branch of tanks you need to start the game with.

Note! From time to time, Wargaming launches a "sandbox", the so-called test server, where you can try out any technique available in the game. These servers open before the release of a new patch and work for several days. You can find out about the opening of a new sandbox on the official website of the developers.

Well, here we have chosen a tank, clicked "to battle" and got on an unknown map, and what's next? And then we learn to play. From the very beginning, most likely, nothing will come of it, since you need to know the zones of penetration of tanks, how to tank properly, gaps and convenient positions on the maps. But all this will come with time.

The entire interface is intuitive and does not require further explanation. If you have any questions, go to the game settings, there is a detailed explanation above each function.

Having outlined the basics, I end my review of the game of tanks and begin my review of tanks in World of Tanks.

Choose your play style

Let's move on to choosing your car. I offer several selections of equipment that will meet your desires. Here will be listed tank models that are best suited for their tasks.

How to earn a lot of silver

Farm is the basis of the game. If there is simply not enough credits, then you will not be able to move on, because the higher the level, the harder it is to earn them, and new cars are very expensive.

In such cases, you can use premium tanks. You can make fun of them and earn extra money. But what to do if there is no gold for premium equipment, and donating 1500 rubles for a pixel model is really not a hunt? In such cases, I can offer you a small selection of upgradeable farming equipment.

Tier 5 vehicles are the best for earning money, since there is no big expense for shells and repairing equipment - therefore, even in case of defeat, you will remain in the black.

Overview of the best World of Tanks tanks for farming:

  • T67. Small, cardboard level 5 PT on the US branch. Over the years of playing, this tank has become my favorite. A small model, fast reload (CD), high dynamics and good camouflage make the T67 the best tank of its class. Properly playing at a distance, you can deal from 2k damage per battle, despite the fact that the heaviest tanks of this level have no more than 500HP.

But the T67 has several disadvantages: firstly, it depends on the skill. If you don’t manage to keep the distance correctly, but break into the thick of things, then there will be no farm. Secondly, dependence on the crew and equipment. To get off this PT maximum effect you need to install a rammer, camouflage net, spyglass or coated optics and upgrade perks.

  • KV-1. The armor is strong and our tanks are fast! The legendary tank of war and our game. Correct use this car will bring a lot of fun, pleasure and credits. The KV-1 has two main weapons: a high explosive and a hole punch. On the first one, good damage to cardboard tanks, but if you got to level 7, then it will be hard to do something without gold. The hole punch is a more versatile weapon, I recommend it for farming. With it, you can play both in the top and in the sink of the list.

The only thing you need on this machine is competent tanking. Hide the NLD and the front plate of the tank, then it will be very difficult to penetrate you. But you can easily flash any enemy.

  • T-34. A quick-firing gun and good dynamics - that's what, with proper use, will help you win more than one hundred battles. The cooldown of the cannon is just over 1 second - this allows you to hole the enemy without interruption, disabling his module one by one.

Good dynamics and fast turn of the tower allows you to always be in the center of events. It is especially effective to make a platoon of three T-34s, which dismantle any target in a second. If you correctly coordinate your actions, then regular victories are guaranteed to you.

For one victory on these tanks, depending on the damage dealt, you will receive 15-40k credits. We have looked at the best tanks World of Tanks for farming in my opinion. What are your favorite silver earning machines? Write your suggestions in the comments.

For the fan

Constantly earning credits and chasing statistics gets boring very quickly, so you need to be distracted and have fun from time to time. Tanks that are created specifically for the fan help us with this:

  • T-49. One of the funniest cars in the game. The maximum speed of the tank is 65 km / h, and the presence of a 152mm gun makes the T-49 just a hated tank for most opponents. While some heavy is tanking a direction, this car drives in from behind, fires one shot for 700 damage and leaves quietly on cooldown. And if you play as a platoon, then the fun is guaranteed.
  • KV-2. The good old lumberjack. A slow, clumsy, cardboard tank, but that's not the point. Playing at level 6 and having a 152mm M-10 gun, the tank is able to simply destroy half of the opponents. KV-2 is a one-shot machine. We calmly stand around the corner for 20 seconds, wait for reloading, then give out a bonus for 700 damage and drive back.

Despite the rather passive gameplay, killing enemies with one shot is quite fun.

  • PZ.KPFW. I AUSF. C. To feel all the fun of playing on the PZ 1C, you don't have to spend several days pumping. It is enough to get the third level in the corresponding branch and open the top equipment. Now you have a car with a maximum speed of 80 km / h. and a machine gun with 40 rounds. Flying across the map, the pazik is literally capable of riddling any opponent. In addition to the fun, you can raise your stats and earn some silver.

To have fun in the game, there are dozens of cars. I made a review of the most popular tanks among the players. Haven't tried these machines yet? Play them and you will understand why they are in this top.

The strongest armor in the game

This type of tank is suitable for those who like to be at the forefront. There are quite a few vehicles in WOT with really strong armor, so I will simply name the most armored models, and which one to use I will leave you to choose. World of Tanks heavyweights:

  • IS-7.
  • IS-4.
  • ST-1.
  • T110E3.
  • T110E5.
  • Maus.
  • E-75.
  • VK 45.02 (P) AUSF. b.
  • E100.
  • JAPANZER E100.
  • TYPE 4 HAVY.
  • TYPE 5 HAVY.

In addition to the listed tanks, there are other armored vehicles, but they have strong vulnerabilities, unlike the specified equipment. Personally, my favorite after all the latest ups was the T110E5, which has good dynamics and a weapon, as well as strong armor. And what is your favorite weight?

We play at speed

Dynamic battles have always been interesting, in which you can not only deal damage, but also highlight enemies for allies. Competent illumination is the key to victory. Let's look at several models of dynamic tanks that are capable of both fighting and shining:

  • T-62.
  • T-54.
  • Object 140.
  • Leopard 1.
  • E 50.
  • E 50 AUSF. M.

With one shot

It has always been fun in the game to shoot an enemy and then watch how much he burns in the chat. I present to your attention a selection of the best tanks, on which you need only one shot to kill the enemy:

  • SU - 152.
  • S-51.
  • FV215B(183).
  • T92 HMC.
  • KV-2.

The guns of these tanks allow you to destroy the enemy in one shot. But that may not always be the case. Be prepared for the fact that instead of 900 damage you will knock out 100, and the cooldown will be about 20 seconds. Therefore, before playing on such a technique, learn the weak points of tanks.

right on target

The main snipers in game world of Tanks is a technique of Germany and Great Britain. Among the most well-aimed tanks are:

  • Leopard 1.
  • E 50.
  • E 50 AUSF. M.
  • panther.
  • Nashorn.
  • E 25.
  • Grille 15.
  • conqueror.
  • Centurion Action X.

The accuracy of the listed technique was determined only by the first shot. If you shoot the E 25 like a machine gun and say that it has a crooked gun, then there's nothing you can do about it.

So the review of the world of tanks game has come to an end. I hope you were able to learn something new and interesting from this article. If yes, then subscribe to the blog and share information on VKontakte and others in social networks. See you soon dear friends.

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and their class, and in the last, fifth part,

We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and in their class, and in the last, fifth part, we will look at light tanks. Let's start the review, of course, from level 1, and finish, respectively, with the 8th.

Who could doubt the first level? Sometime before the change in the KB format, it was indispensable, because almost the outcome of the battle depended on it. They were the eyes of the team, and in some cases an excellent invader, and his crushing machine gun could deliver good damage to the nineties, hundredths and borschts by modules, and even death. Yes, yes, and yes again, this is a T1 Cunningham, no MS-1s, no British mediums or French Renaults. Only T1, only hardcore. A machine gun in skillful hands is capable of destroying even some 2nd levels. The dynamics, though not the best, but for the first level it is enough to the throat. We will calmly postpone the reservation to gather dust on a high shelf and not even a word about it, since it would be ridiculous to talk about armor at level 1. We will not bombard you with a long praise of this charm and simply summing up, let's say that the tank is universal, playable, and in capable hands it is still crushing and bending.

- Magnificent 20mm machine gun
- Acceptable dynamics
- The rear location of the tower, which allows us to leave the corner and cause damage
- High rate of fire inside the drum

- Long drum reload (about 10 sec)
- Front engine

They talk about this tank ... Yes, they don’t say anything. It takes place in 2-3 battles and is forgotten as an uninteresting dream. But in vain, since the tank is very interesting and can be a pleasure to play on it. Pazik is quite versatile, having dynamics acceptable for the 2nd level and a very good weapon. 37 mm with 42 mm penetration, about 2.5 sec reload. and mixing in 1.7 seconds, very good performance. Armor only repels some weak machine guns, and occasionally guns with a penetration of 25 mm or more. A 220-horsepower engine accelerates our 11 tons, so we dare not complain about the maximum speed. Finally, let's say that the tank is very interesting and we advise everyone to play it while passing the branch, or just at their leisure.

- Good maneuverability and dynamics
- Frontal armor for level 2 takes a hit
- Decent visibility (290 m)
- Fast gun aiming (1.7 sec)

- Long turret turn
- Boards and stern are pretty cardboards

Imba level 3, you can’t say otherwise. An 8mm machine gun can incinerate tanks 1 level higher than us. Booking for level 3 is rather weak, but looking at the maximum speed, we can boldly say that booking is not the main thing for him, because the maximum speed is 79 km / h. Not every enemy will be able to hit us, but if he hits, that is, 20-30 percent, which will be followed by a rebound or non-penetration. But it's all a matter of chance and it's up to you to decide how the battle ends, but in the end we'll say that the tank will bring a lot of fun and fun during its passage.

- Excellent maximum speed (79 km/h)
- Crushing machine gun
- Small and compact dimensions
- good review

- Average armor
- Low armor penetration

Surely you thought that the Chinese would bypass us, but that was not the case. Fast, fast-firing, with excellent visibility and just a great tank. The M5A1 only causes trouble when it is upgraded to the top state, and then we simply and without sudden movements move to the next tank. The gun has acceptable indicators for level 4: 81 mm of penetration, which is quite good at our level, damage of 70 units with a reload time of 2.5 sec. Stabilization, of course, is rather poor, but in close combat, the tank copes with the enemy quite briskly. Reservations with us, as always, are in the taste of a light tank, that is, none. Sometimes we can still get a ricochet due to our 45 degrees of armor, but this happens quite rarely. And so we get a very playable and frisky tank, which puts it in first place among the LT 4 levels.

- Good dynamics
- Good UGN
- Compact dimensions
- Acceptable view at 330 m

- Frequent engine crits
- Weak booking boards and stern

Baby Chaffee deserves the honorary title of the best TL 5. It is good, of course, because of its visibility of 390 m and good maneuverability. The gun doesn't let us down either, because the CD of 2.5 seconds and the damage of 110 with a penetration of 96 mm is like a bee sting that bites weakly, but often. The parameters of cross-country ability and dynamics in general are impressive, since we feel free on different soils. Based on the excellent dynamics and visibility, we get an excellent tank for light and in some situations to support allies. The passage of the tank will not cause you problems and waste of nerve cells.

- Excellent dynamics
- Best overview on the level
- Excellent stabilization
- The best maximum speed (77 km/h)

- Lack of armor as such in all projections
- Weak armor penetration

Newcomer, but already well established. The tank does its job very well, namely, the work of a firefly. Yes, and he can also shoot, thanks to a gun with a penetration of 150 and a damage of 115 units. The reload is around 3 seconds, and the stabilization is at an acceptable level. The maximum speed of the tank is 66 km/h, which is very good for a light tank. The review did not let us down either - 385 m, so it will not be difficult for us to highlight the enemy while being in the bushes, and she is rushing around the entire battlefield.

- Remarkable speed and maneuverability
- Rapid fire cannon
- Good review

- Poor armor performance
- Very mediocre body size

A tank that is incredibly popular, a tank that torments its enemies with its drum, a tank that brings a lot of fun and fun. Yes, this is our crazy stool - T71. A magnificent drum for 6 shells of 150 units of damage and penetration of 175. An unsurpassed maximum speed of 64 km/h with a mass of 18 tons. for it is necessary to fight on with 8, 9 and 10 levels. The tank is very interesting and will bring you pleasure during its passage.

- The presence of a drum for 6 shells
- High top speed and agility
- Small size
- Great overview

- Poor gun stabilization
- The lowest safety factor on the level

This choice will cause quite a lot of controversy, because at level 8 almost every LT can take first place, but still neither the ninety, nor the T49, nor anything else, namely the unsurpassed RUSHka with its excellent maximum speed of 80 km / h, acceptable and versatile gun, low silhouette and excellent UGN. And now some numbers: penetration 190 mm, damage 240 units, reduction 2.1 sec, spread 0.36, and cooldown about 6 seconds. Pretty average figures, but they are quite enough. Our dynamic performance is as follows: 80 km / h maximum speed, agility 38 deg / s, and accelerating ability by highest level. Reservation in the light tank genre: 25 mm on the front of the hull and 20 mm around the turret, that is, everyone who hits us breaks through us. But our business, of course, is not tanking, but illuminating opponents and helping allies. The tank is quite pleasant during its passage, but still requires the ability to play on the LT, otherwise you will simply merge on it, without revealing the potential of this tank in battle.

- Universal tool
- Excellent top speed
- Visibility 400 m
- Low profile

- Quite captious to soils chassis
- Long projectile flight (unlike single-level LTs)

As a result of this article, I would like to say that you should not forget about the main purpose of a light tank, and do not fly at the beginning of the battle to the center of the map for an instant drain. Tactics on the LT is much more difficult than on other classes, because you not only shine, but also help your allies by holding the rink or distracting the enemy. A light tank should always bring the team information about the location of the enemy, otherwise the team will simply stand idle at the base or, leaving in one direction, will lose by capturing their base. Be vigilant when playing on LT and good luck in your fights!