Light fables with three roles. Krylov's short fables

A fairy tale is an excellent assistant in the upbringing of a schoolchild and the adult himself. Everyone can wake up their imagination and come up with their own story. The main thing is to wake up your creativity a little. This can be done in the process of communication, asking each other questions. It is always interesting to compose your own fairy tale - after all, this is a story in which the author chooses events and characters himself.

Below are examples of fairy tales about animals invented by schoolchildren.

The story of the Wolf who stopped eating sheep

Consider a fictional tale about animals about the Wolf who became kind. One day it was a very hungry year in the forest. Poor Wolf had nothing to eat. So he hunted day and night, and ran around gardens and orchards - nowhere did he get food. Even last year's apples in the garden beyond the lake - and they were all eaten by the emaciated Elk. There was a village nearby, and the Wolf got into the habit of eating sheep. The villagers could not do anything with the starving Wolf, and decided to destroy him.

And the Wolf had a little friend - Arctic Fox, who, in exchange for prey, always helped him with pleasure. One evening the Arctic fox hid under a table in the house of one of the villagers and began to listen. An invented fairy tale about animals continues with the fact that the peasants gathered a meeting and began to discuss how they will destroy the Wolf. It was decided to organize a raid with dogs and hunt down the hungry inhabitant of the forest.

Friend's help

The Arctic fox found out about the plans of the hunters and reported to the Wolf. The wolf says to him: “It's good that you told me this news. I'll have to hide from the angry hunters now. Here, here's a part of my today's booty for your help to the poor Wolf. " The Arctic fox took a piece of a sheep's leg, which Wolf offered, and went home. This small animal was independent and wise.

Wolf problem

The invented fairy tale about animals acquaints the reader with further events. The poor Wolf became sad. He did not want to leave his native land, but what to do if the offended peasants decided so? He sat by the cold pond. The winter sun was already approaching its zenith. The Wolf became hungry - the gray one ate the remains of the prey last night. But he decided not to go to the village - in an instant the peasants would catch him there. The Wolf thought his heavy thought, but wandered around the lake. And then he sees - the hide lies on the frozen shore. He put it on and headed to the village to get some fresh mutton for his lunch.

The Wolf approached the village. No one noticed that a hungry predator ran down the street, tail between his legs. Here the gray sneaks into the sheepfold. Before he had time to catch even one sheep, the hostess came out and threw a bowl of porridge to the Wolf, mistaking him for a dog. The wolf ate the porridge, and it seemed very tasty to him.

This fictional animal tale ended well. The next time, sly neighbor's goats made their way into this courtyard and began to nibble cabbage. The wolf decided to thank the inhabitants of the house and drove the goats away. Only while he was driving them away did the dog's hide fall off him. But no one began to scold him. And since then the Wolf moved from the forest to the house, stopped eating sheep and switched to porridge. And when his friend, the Arctic fox, came to visit him, he treated him to his dinner.

The Tale of the Fox

A fairy tale about animals, invented by children, is always a kind story. Consider another example of an inspiration story. There lived a lonely Fox in the forest near the lake. Nobody wanted to marry her. She was very cunning and nosy, and all the animals knew about it. They wooed her for the Wolf, the Hare, and even the Bear. Nobody wanted to take such a bride. After all, she would have cleaned up the entire household and left nothing to anyone.

The Fox realized that she would remain in the girls. Only she did not know why all the noble suitors avoided her. Then she went to the wise Owl to ask for advice. "Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo!" - the Owl shouted on the branch. “Hey, wise mother! - the Fox turned to her in a humble, thin voice. - I wanted to ask your advice, how can I, the red-haired Fox, not be lonely. “Okay, gossip, I'll give you instructions now. If you follow my advice, you will forget about the sadness and longing and you will find yourself a groom instantly. " "Okay, Sovushka, I'm listening to you carefully!" - answered the Fox. The interlocutor answers her: “Go, Fox, for the distant lake, for the forest, for the neighboring village. There you will see bast hut, decorated with paints and flowers. Knock on it three times, and when the inhabitant of the hut comes out, ask him to spend the night. And if you have enough shrewdness, then sell the chicken you caught the other day, and at a higher price. So you will understand if others want to do business with you. "

The redhead hits the road

A children's tale about animals should also have an instructive component. The fox was surprised at the advice of the Owl. I thought and decided to obey: who wants to while away their days in girls! So she gathered her knapsack, brushed her fluffy red fur coat, put on her morocco boots and set off for the distant lands. She walked past a distant lake, a forest, and a neighboring village. Beyond that village, the forest was completely dark. She sees - there is a bast hut at the edge of the forest, decorated with paints and flowers. She knocked on the door - no one answers. Then the redhead began to knock even louder, until a voice rang out from the hut: "Who is bothering me with their noise there?" “It’s me, a red-haired gossip, walking from distant lands, looking for a shelter for the night. Whoever lets me in for the night, I'll sell him a good product, a rare one - a chicken of a special breed. "

How the Fox was circled around the finger

Then the gate opened, and the owner of the bast hut, Fox, came out. “What, redhead, are you lost in the woods? Why didn't you sleep at home? " The fox answers: “I went hunting, but hesitated to catch a thoroughbred guinea fowl. Now it's too late for me to return home. If you let me into the yard, I will sell you my booty at a good price. " "And what will be your price, gossip?" “For ten gold coins I’ll give you the whole thing, and with a cabbage leaf in addition,” Lisa answered. "Okay, then come on in," replied the Fox. The redhead entered the bast hut, where the stove had just been flooded. And she was so worn out that she immediately fell asleep on the bench.

In the morning the Fox woke up, and the Fox, meanwhile, was managing the household, but he was going to hunt. "What is owl science here?" - the redhead began to think. And the Fox says to her: “Well, if you have slept enough, godfather, then drink milk from the jug to the bottom. And pack your knapsack, but leave the hut - it's time for me to hunt. " "What about the chicken?" - asked the Fox. "And keep your prey for yourself, you see, I am a noble fox, a wanderer is always ready to shelter."

The fox went home. Look along the road - there is no guinea fowl in her knapsack. There are no morocco boots either - she has birch bark bast shoes on her legs. The deceived gossip said to herself: "And why did I have to deal with this Fox?" It was then that she remembered the words of the wise Owl, and the Fox began to work on correcting her character.

The story of the Raccoon

Consider another short fictional tale about animals. The hero of this story is Raccoon. Snowy came to the forest Cold winter... The animals began to prepare for the New Year. Lisa pulled out her luxurious fiery shawl. The hare got very brave and began to sing New Year's songs to everyone. The fussy Wolf ran through the forest in search of a fluffy Christmas tree, but could not find it, and there was already too little time ... Beavers tried to patch up their dam before the holiday. Little Mouse collected the remains of dried cheese to bake a fragrant cake for the New Year.

It is not easy to come up with a fairy tale about animals. But this task helps to awaken the imagination of the little writer. All the animals, of course, loved this holiday very much and prepared gifts for each other. But there was another inhabitant in the forest - the Striped Raccoon. This December he was just visiting aunt Enotecha and was supposed to be in time for the New Year with his friends to festive table... Auntie saw him off for a long time, trying to feed him better, to drink, and to comb his striped tail properly. "It's not good to walk with such a disheveled tail!" - the aunt said reproachfully. The raccoon knew that his aunt loved him very much, and therefore also tried to properly style his tail. “Okay, auntie, I have to go now,” said the Raccoon. - And then I'll be late for the New Year's feast. Who, without me, will entertain everyone with festive ditties? " “Go, nephew,” replied the Raccoon. - I wish you a Happy New Year!

Raccoon surrendered

You can quickly come up with a children's fairy tale about animals if you give its heroes the qualities of people. Main character this tale has human characteristics. After all, people also love to celebrate the New Year. The raccoon hit the road. But while he and his aunt were combing the tail, dark night... “It seems to be necessary to turn here ... - Raccoon thought. “Or maybe not here, but there ...”. The road seemed quite confusing to him. Moreover, the Moon hid behind the clouds - darkness came in the forest, even if you gouge out an eye.

Poor Raccoon finally lost his way. There are only a few hours left until the New Year. He ran, ran, and fell into an icy ditch. “That's it,” Raccoon thinks. - I don't have time for the holiday. He lay down at the bottom of the pit and decided to go to bed. But as soon as he closed his eyes, the little Mouse ran over him. “Stop waking me up! - said the Raccoon. "You can't see, I'm sleeping." “So you, perhaps, will sleep through the whole holiday,” answered the Mouse in a squeaky voice. “And I'm not going to the holiday. I don't need it, is it clear to you? Can't you see I'm sleeping. Leave me alone". “I would have lagged behind you,” says the Mouse, “but I’m just collecting the remnants of cheese for New Year’s cake along my underground passages, and you’re lying just across my road.” She said - and ducked into the hole.

The end of the tale of the Raccoon

A short fairy tale about animals, invented by children, should contain an instructive moment - after all, with the help of a fairy tale, a child learns to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad. In this tale main character learns her lesson at the end of the story. The Raccoon was left alone again. “I don’t need this New Year- he began to grumble. - I feel good even without your holidays. I’ll sit here in the hole, get warm. And there, you see, and enough snow will fall for me to get out. And there are a lot of branches here to arrange a shelter. " But, of course, Raccoon did not like to miss the New Year's celebration. He argued, argued with himself for half an hour, and finally decided to ask the Mouse for help.

It is better if the fairy tales about animals invented by schoolchildren (grade 5) have a good ending. He went up to the earthen mouse passage, and began to call: “Mouse! Mouse! I changed my mind. I would still very much like to get to the New Year. " A mouse appeared right there and said: "Will you sing funny ditties at the holiday, or will you grumble again?" "Of course not," replied the Striped Raccoon. - I will entertain my friends and rejoice myself, I would only get to the feast! " Then the Mouse called her godchildren - ten little mice, and ordered them to go upstairs along the underground passages, and grab a strong string. The godchildren got up, lowered the rope to Raccoon and quickly pulled the poor fellow out of the pit. Of course, because they eat delicious Swiss cheese, and from it the strength is added wow!

The Raccoon got to the surface and began to help the Mouse bake a pie. Together they managed to bake such a huge cake for the celebration, which they managed to feed all the animals. And the Raccoon realized that he needed to be kinder.

Algorithm for creating a story

Usually the time when children are asked to come up with a fairy tale about animals is grade 5. You can compose a fairy tale using a special template. It consists of the following items.

  1. Time of action. For example, "a long time ago", "in the year 3035".
  2. Place of development of events."V The far-away kingdom", "on the moon".
  3. Description of the main character. Since the task is to come up with a fairy tale about animals (literature, grade 5 is a subject for which students receive it at home), here the main characters should be representatives of the animal world.
  4. The face opposing the hero. These can be evil forces, or enemies.
  5. The main event that happened to the character. What happened for the main character and his opponent to meet face to face?
  6. Actions of the assistants of the protagonist.
  7. The final event of the tale.

Schoolchildren invented fairy tales (grade 5) are one of the best literature homework that kids will love. The talent of a storyteller does not arise by itself. We need to work on its development. This is why students receive homework assignments like this one with which they can develop their imaginations.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is a significant figure in Russian classical literature. But it should be noted that our author is well known abroad as well. Many parents whose children go to school often ask themselves the question: how to choose Krylov's fables that are easy to learn? It's no secret that guys are often homework prompted to learn a specific text. At the same time, many are really worried about which one. To find one, many children agree to re-read almost the entire collection, which in itself is very good. This article reveals the meaning of Ivan Andreevich's most popular fables and gives advice on how to improve home literature lessons.

Why are these texts still relevant today?

No matter how much time has passed since the creation of these original masterpieces Russian classics, their themes remain in demand in the present moment. After all, whatever the century may be, the problems, in fact, are the same.

The fable genre occupies a special place. With the help of small and instructive texts, the writer shows the moral of each specific story, reveals its meaning and significance. In addition, in our time, it will sometimes be completely useful to stop in time, switch from everyday worries to funny stories, especially since they are always based on an interesting idea.

Short fables Krylov is taught a holistic attitude to life, they open up new opportunities for children and adults, they form the ability to look differently at the everyday reality that surrounds us.

"Dragonfly and Ant"

A wonderful fable probably known to every adult from childhood. Its essence lies in the fact that the Dragonfly and the Ant existed side by side. If the former lived for one day, appreciating only the present moment, the latter worked prudently, preparing for wintering and cold weather. The wisdom of the Ant and his industriousness are contrasted with the idleness and cheerful life that the Dragonfly leads. As a result, the hard worker is the winner, and the bum is forced to ask him for the night.

Morality is easy to understand: you need to work hard and hard to achieve your goal, otherwise you can be left without a roof over your head and food. If you and your child choose Krylov's fables that are easy to learn, then such a text is perfect for this purpose.

"Monkey and glasses"

At the beginning of the story, it is indicated that the monkey, the main character of the fable, began to see poorly by old age. She herself did not know how to solve this problem, so she began to listen to the opinions of others. At the cost of some incredible effort, glasses suddenly appeared in her paws. But here's the trouble: she still didn't know how to use them! After a series of unsuccessful attempts to use the glasses, it was not possible to find, and the Monkey smashed them, knocking to the ground.

Krylov's short fables like this teach us to accept the various circumstances of life in the way in which they appear before us. If Monkey approached the solution of the situation competently enough, the result would have been positive. She should have collected more information, tried all the techniques and methods of using glasses. She showed impatience and anger, for which she was punished.

"Swan, Cancer and Pike"

If we take into consideration Krylov's fables, which are easy to learn, then this text can be noted as easily perceived by ear and well remembered. There is nothing complicated here, the story is read in one breath. In addition, it is quite small in volume. After a few repetitions, the child will be able to memorize it. The moral of the fable teaches us that in any business that is done together, it is necessary to achieve a state of unity with partners.

No matter what business we undertake, but if at the same time everyone pulls in their direction, it will not work to achieve harmony and a good result. Learning the text is not difficult. The kids will love it. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to stage the fable and play it in roles. No one will remain indifferent here for sure!

"Fox and grapes"

This story is familiar to everyone. The fox looked at the desired delicacy, but was unable to reach the branch to get it. In the end, she decided that "he is green", and therefore she does not need. The essence of the fable is as follows: when we cannot achieve some important goal for ourselves, we often downplay its significance. So the fox, after judging that she was completely unable to feast on grapes, devalued it altogether. This story reveals a lot about the desired goal and who wants to achieve it. For memorization, you can take this fable.

How to teach Krylov's fables with a child?

Children are often asked at school to learn a small text by Ivan Andreevich as a homework assignment. Moreover, it is not a specific fable that is provided, but the right to choose the one you like. And this is more than the right approach! Before dwelling on any one, the child will reread at least a few instructive and funny stories.

Many parents ask how to choose Krylov's fables that are easy to learn? Start simply by introducing your son or daughter to the work of this writer. Tell about it what you know yourself, it will be better than just reading a textbook and Share your own experience about how you yourself learned fables by heart, how exciting it is. Your goal is to interest the child, to awaken in him the desire to study most of the short texts. But even if the child does not show particular zeal, choose the most suitable fable with him and learn it by heart.

This article contains, of course, not all of I. A. Krylov's fables. Their list is much broader and in the aggregate makes up a large thick volume. But even among the texts presented here, you can choose one story that you like the most and learn it. The main thing here is not to force the child, not to demand from him the earliest mastery of the material, but to act gradually, without haste. Remember, children least of all want to do what seems boring and uninteresting to them.

The fox, not seeing the life of the Leo,
Having met him, she remained a little alive with passions.
Here, a few later, she again got a Lion,
But she didn't seem so scary to her.
And the third time later
The fox started up a conversation with Lev.
We are also afraid of something else,
So far we will not get accustomed to him.

Siskin and Dove

Chizha slammed the villainous trap:
The poor thing in it was torn and rushed,
And the young Dove mocked him.
“I’m not ashamed,” he says, “in broad daylight
Wouldn't lead me like this:
I can vouch for this boldly. "
An, look, he immediately got entangled in the snare.
And business!
Don't laugh at someone else's trouble, Dove.

Wolf and Shepherds

Wolf walking close to the shepherd's yard
And seeing through the fence
That, having chosen the best ram in the herd,
Calmly Shepherds gut the lamb,
And the dogs lie quietly,
He said to himself, walking away in annoyance:
“Whatever noise you all make here, friends,
When would I do it! "

Waterfall and Stream

Boiling Falls, toppled off the cliffs
To the healing key with arrogance he said
(Which was barely visible under the mountain,
But he was famous for his healing power):
“Isn't it strange? You are so small, so poor in water,
Do you always have a lot of guests?
No wonder if someone comes to me to wonder;
Why are they coming to you? " - "To be treated", -
Brook rumbled humbly.

Boy and Snake

Boy, thinking to catch an eel,
I grabbed the Snake and, looking out, from fear
He became as pale as his shirt.
Snake, calmly looking at the Boy:
“Listen,” he says, “if you won’t be smarter,
That insolence will not always pass easily to you.
This time God will forgive; but beware ahead
And know who you are joking with! "

Sheep and Dogs

In some flock of the Sheep,
So that the Wolves could no longer disturb them,
The number of Dogs is supposed to be multiplied.
Well? So many of them have divorced, finally
That the Sheep are from the Wolves, it is true, they survived,
But the Dogs also need to eat.
First, the wool was removed from the Sheep,
And there, by lot, the skins flew from them,
And there were only five or six Sheep left,
And those Dogs ate.

Cock and pearl grain

Dung a bunch tearing
The rooster found a pearl grain
And he says: “Where is it?
What an empty thing!
Isn't it stupid that he is so highly valued?
And I would really be much more happy
Barley grain: it is not at least visible,
Yes, satisfying.
The ignorant judge exactly like this:
What is the point they do not understand, then all they have is a trifle.


Over the side weary from the heat
The Big Cloud swept by;
Not a single drop of it refreshes it,
It rained heavily over the sea
And in her generosity she boasted before the Mountain,
“What? did good
Are you such generosity? -
Horus told her. -
And how it doesn't hurt to look at that!
When would you pour your rain on the fields,
You would save the region from hunger:
And in the sea without you, my friend, there is enough water. "

The Peasant and the Fox (Book Eight)

Fox once said to the Peasant:
"Tell me, my dear godfather,
Why did the horse deserve friendship from you so much,
What, I see, is she always with you?
In contentment you keep it in the hallway;
On the road, you are with her, and often with her in the field;
But of all the beasts
She is hardly more stupid than everyone. -
“Eh, gossip, power is not in the mind! -
The peasant answered. - All this is vanity.
My goal is not at all the same:
I need her to take me
Yes, to obey the whip. "

Fox and grapes

The hungry godfather Fox climbed into the garden;
In it the grapes brushed.
The gossip's eyes and teeth flared up;
And the brushes are juicy, like yachts, burn;
The only trouble is that they hang high:
Otkol and no matter how she comes to them,
Even though the eye sees
Yes, the tooth is numb.
Having made my way in vain a whole hour,
She went and said with annoyance:
He looks good,
Yes, green - no ripe berries:
You will set your teeth on edge right away. "

Falcon and Worm

At the top of a tree, clinging to a branch,
The worm rocked on it.
Above the Worm Falcon, rushing through the air,
So he joked and mocked from a height:
“What kind of work you have not endured, poor thing!
What have arrived, that you have crawled so high?
What is your will and freedom?
And with a branch you bend wherever the weather tells. " -

“It's easy for you to joke, -
The worm answers, - flying high,
Because you are strong and strong with wings;
But fate gave me the wrong dignity:
I'm here on top
The only reason I hold on is that, fortunately, I am tenacious! "

Dog and Horse

Serving one peasant,
A Dog and a Horse are somehow reckoned with.
“Here,” says Barbos, “the big lady!
For me, at least they would have driven you completely out of the yard.
Great thing to haul or plow!
No one else can hear about your courage:
And can you be equal in what with me?
Neither day nor night I know no peace:
During the day, the herd under my supervision in the meadow,
And at night I guard the house. "
“Of course, - the Horse answered, -
Your speech is true;
However, if I had not plowed,
Then there was nothing for you here to guard. "

Mouse and Rat

“Neighbor, have you heard the good rumor? -
Running in, the Rat Mouse said, -
After all, the cat, they say, fell into the claws of a lion?
Now we have to rest and it's time for us! "
“Do not rejoice, my light, -
The Rat speaks to her, -
And do not hope in an empty way!
If it reaches their claws,
That, it is true, the lion cannot be alive:
There is no beast stronger than a cat! "

How many times I've seen, notice it yourself:
When a coward is afraid of whom,
He thinks that
The whole world looks with his eyes.

Peasant and Rogue

A peasant, starting a house,
I bought a milk box and a cow at the fair
And with them through Dubrova
I quietly wandered home on a country road,
When suddenly the Robber got caught.
The peasant's robber ripped off the sticky.
“Have mercy,” the Peasant will cry, “I am lost,
You completely killed me!
For a whole year I was going to buy a cow:
I waited for the day forcibly. "
"Good, do not cry at me, -
The Rogue said with a pity.
And really, because I can't milk a cow;
So be it
Take the milk box back. "

Frog and ox

The frog, seeing Vol in the meadow,
She started to catch up with him in her maternity:
She was envious.
And well, puff up, puff and puff up.
"Look, wah, what, shall I be with him?"
He says to a friend. "No, gossip, far away!" -
“Look how I am swelling wide now.
Well, how does it feel?
Have I replenished? " - "Almost nothing."
"Well, how now?" - "All the same." Puffed and puffed
And my entertainer ended on
That, not equal to the Ox,
With a strain, she burst and - numb.

There is more than one such example in the world:
And is it any wonder when a philistine wants to live,
As an eminent citizen,
A small fry, like a nobleman?