Do-it-yourself gauss gun scheme from batteries. How to make a multi-stage gauss gun

We present a circuit of an electromagnetic gun on a NE555 timer and a 4017B chip.

The principle of operation of the electromagnetic (Gauss-) gun is based on the rapid sequential operation of the electromagnets L1-L4, each of which creates an additional force that accelerates the metal charge. The NE555 timer sends pulses to the 4017 chip with a period of approximately 10 ms, the pulse frequency is signaled by LED D1.

When the PB1 button is pressed, the IC2 microcircuit sequentially opens transistors TR1 through TR4 with the same interval, in the collector circuit of which electromagnets L1-L4 are included.

To make these electromagnets, we need a copper tube 25 cm long and 3 mm in diameter. Each coil contains 500 turns of 0.315mm enamelled wire. Coils must be made in such a way that they can move freely. A piece of a nail 3 cm long and 2 mm in diameter acts as a projectile.

The gun can be powered both from a 25 V battery and from an AC mains.

By changing the position of the electromagnets, we achieve the best effect, from the figure above it can be seen that the interval between each coil increases - this is due to an increase in the speed of the projectile.

This, of course, is not a real Gauss gun, but a working prototype, on the basis of which it is possible, by strengthening the circuit, to assemble a more powerful Gauss gun.

Other types of electromagnetic weapons.

In addition to magnetic mass accelerators, there are many other types of weapons that use electromagnetic energy to function. Consider the most famous and common types of them.

Electromagnetic mass accelerators.

In addition to "gauss guns", there are at least 2 types of mass accelerators - induction mass accelerators (Thompson coil) and rail mass accelerators, also known as "rail guns" (from the English "Rail gun" - rail gun).

The operation of the induction mass accelerator is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. A rapidly increasing electric current is created in a flat winding, which causes an alternating magnetic field in the space around. A ferrite core is inserted into the winding, on the free end of which a ring of conductive material is put on. Under the action of an alternating magnetic flux penetrating the ring, an electric current arises in it, creating a magnetic field of the opposite direction relative to the winding field. With its field, the ring begins to repel from the winding field and accelerates, flying off the free end of the ferrite rod. The shorter and stronger the current pulse in the winding, the more powerful the ring flies out.

Otherwise, the rail mass accelerator functions. In it, a conductive projectile moves between two rails - electrodes (from which it got its name - a railgun), through which current is supplied.

The current source is connected to the rails at their base, so the current flows, as it were, in pursuit of the projectile and the magnetic field created around the current-carrying conductors is completely concentrated behind the conductive projectile. In this case, the projectile is a current-carrying conductor placed in a perpendicular magnetic field created by the rails. According to all the laws of physics, the Lorentz force acts on the projectile, directed in the direction opposite to the rail connection point and accelerating the projectile. A number of serious problems are associated with the manufacture of a railgun - the current pulse must be so powerful and sharp that the projectile would not have time to evaporate (after all, a huge current flows through it!), but an accelerating force would arise that accelerates it forward. Therefore, the material of the projectile and the rail should have the highest possible conductivity, the projectile should have as little mass as possible, and the current source should have as much power as possible and less inductance. However, the peculiarity of the rail accelerator is that it is capable of accelerating ultra-small masses to super high speeds. In practice, rails are made of oxygen-free copper coated with silver, aluminum bars are used as projectiles, a battery of high-voltage capacitors is used as a power source, and before entering the rails, they try to give the projectile as much initial speed as possible, using pneumatic or gunshot guns.

In addition to mass accelerators, electromagnetic weapons include sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation such as lasers and magnetrons.

Everyone knows the laser. It consists of a working body, in which an inverse population of quantum levels by electrons is created during a shot, a resonator for increasing the range of photons inside the working body, and a generator that will create this very inverse population. In principle, an inverse population can be created in any substance, and in our time it is easier to say what lasers are NOT made of.

Lasers can be classified according to the working fluid: ruby, CO2, argon, helium-neon, solid-state (GaAs), alcohol, etc., according to the mode of operation: pulsed, cw, pseudo-continuous, can be classified according to the number of quantum levels used: 3-level , 4-level, 5-level. Lasers are also classified according to the frequency of the generated radiation - microwave, infrared, green, ultraviolet, x-ray, etc. The laser efficiency usually does not exceed 0.5%, but now the situation has changed - semiconductor lasers (GaAs-based solid-state lasers) have an efficiency of over 30% and today can have an output power of up to 100 (!) W, i.e. comparable to powerful "classical" ruby ​​or CO2 lasers. In addition, there are gas-dynamic lasers that are least similar to other types of lasers. Their difference is that they are capable of producing a continuous beam of enormous power, which allows them to be used for military purposes. In essence, a gas-dynamic laser is a jet engine, in which there is a resonator perpendicular to the gas flow. The incandescent gas leaving the nozzle is in a state of population inversion.

It is worth adding a resonator to it - and a multi-megawatt photon flux will fly into space.

Microwave guns - the main functional unit is the magnetron - a powerful source of microwave radiation. The disadvantage of microwave guns is their excessive danger of use even compared to lasers - microwave radiation is well reflected from obstacles and in the case of shooting indoors, literally everything inside will be exposed to radiation! In addition, powerful microwave radiation is deadly for any electronics, which must also be taken into account.

And why, in fact, precisely the "gauss gun", and not Thompson disk launchers, railguns or beam weapons?

The fact is that of all types of electromagnetic weapons, it is the gauss gun that is the easiest to manufacture. In addition, it has a fairly high efficiency compared to other electromagnetic shooters and can operate at low voltages.

At the next level of complexity are induction accelerators - Thompson disk throwers (or transformers). Their operation requires slightly higher voltages than conventional Gaussians, then, perhaps, lasers and microwaves are the most complex, and in the very last place is the railgun, which requires expensive structural materials, impeccable calculation and manufacturing accuracy, an expensive and powerful source energy (a battery of high-voltage capacitors) and many other expensive things.

In addition, the gauss gun, despite its simplicity, has an incredibly large scope for design solutions and engineering research - so this direction is quite interesting and promising.

DIY microwave gun

First of all, I warn you: this weapon is very dangerous, use the maximum degree of caution in the manufacture and operation!

In short, I warned you. And now let's start manufacturing.

We take any microwave oven, preferably the most low-powered and cheapest.

If it is burned out, it does not matter - as long as the magnetron is working. Here is its simplified diagram and internal view.

1. Lighting lamp.
2. Ventilation holes.
3. Magnetron.
4. Antenna.
5. Waveguide.
6. Capacitor.
7. Transformer.
8. Control panel.
9. Drive.
10. Rotating tray.
11. Separator with rollers.
12. Door latch.

Next, we extract this same magnetron from there. The magnetron was developed as a powerful generator of electromagnetic oscillations in the microwave range for use in radar systems. Microwave ovens have magnetrons with a microwave frequency of 2450 MHz. The operation of the magnetron uses the process of electron movement in the presence of two fields - magnetic and electric, perpendicular to each other. A magnetron is a two-electrode lamp or diode containing an incandescent cathode that emits electrons and a cold anode. The magnetron is placed in an external magnetic field.

Do-it-yourself Gauss gun

The magnetron anode has a complex monolithic structure with a system of resonators necessary to complicate the structure of the electric field inside the magnetron. The magnetic field is created by coils with current (an electromagnet), between the poles of which a magnetron is placed. If there were no magnetic field, then the electrons emitted from the cathode with practically no initial velocity would move in the electric field along straight lines perpendicular to the cathode, and all would fall on the anode. In the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, the trajectories of electrons are bent by the Lorentz force.

Used magnetrons are sold at our radio bazaar for 15 ye.

This is a magnetron in the cut and without a radiator.

Now you need to find out how to power it. The diagram shows that the required glow is 3V 5A and the anode is 3kV 0.1A. The indicated power values ​​are applicable to magnetrons from weak microwaves, and for powerful ones they can be somewhat larger. The magnetron power of modern microwave ovens is about 700 watts.

For the compactness and mobility of the microwave gun, these values ​​can be somewhat reduced - if only generation occurs. We will power the magnetron from a converter with a battery from a computer uninterruptible power supply.

Passport value 12 volts 7.5 amperes. A few minutes of fighting should be enough. The magnetron glow is 3V, we get it using the LM150 stabilizer microcircuit.

It is desirable to turn on the glow a few seconds before turning on the anode voltage. And we take kilovolts to the anode from the converter (see diagram below).

Power for the glow and P210 is supplied by turning on the main toggle switch a few seconds before the shot, and the shot itself is fired with a button that supplies power to the master oscillator on the P217's. The transformer data is taken from the same article, only the secondary Tr2 is wound with 2000 - 3000 turns of PEL0.2. From the resulting winding, the change is fed to the simplest half-wave rectifier.

A high-voltage capacitor and a diode can be taken from the microwave, or if not replaced by 0.5 microfarad - 2kV, diode - KTs201E.

For the directionality of the radiation, and cutting off the reverse lobes (so that it does not hook itself), we place the magnetron in the horn. To do this, we use a metal horn from school bells or stadium speakers. In extreme cases, you can take a cylindrical liter can of paint.

The entire microwave gun is placed in a housing made of a thick pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm.

Well, the gun is ready. You can use it to burn out the on-board computer and alarms in cars, burn out the brains and TVs of evil neighbors, hunt for running and flying creatures. I hope you never launch this microwave tool - for your own safety.

Compiled by: Patlakh V.V.


Gauss gun (gauss rifle)

Other names: gauss gun, gauss gun, gauss rifle, gauss gun, booster rifle.

The gauss rifle (or its larger variant, the gauss gun), like the railgun, is an electro-magnetic weapon.

Gauss gun

At the moment, combat industrial designs do not exist, although a number of laboratories (mostly amateur and university) continue to work hard on the creation of these weapons. The system is named after the German scientist Carl Gauss (1777-1855). With what fright the mathematician was awarded such an honor, I personally cannot understand (I cannot yet, or rather I do not have the relevant information). Gauss had much less to do with the theory of electromagnetism than, for example, Oersted, Ampère, Faraday or Maxwell, but, nevertheless, the gun was named after him. The name stuck, and therefore we will use it.

Operating principle:
A Gauss rifle consists of coils (powerful electromagnets) mounted on a barrel made of dielectric. When current is applied, the electromagnets for some brief moment are turned on one after the other in the direction from the receiver to the muzzle. They take turns attracting a steel bullet (a needle, a dart or a projectile, if we talk about a cannon) towards them and thereby accelerate it to significant speeds.

Weapon Advantages:
1. No cartridge. This allows you to significantly increase the capacity of the store. For example, a magazine that holds 30 rounds can load 100-150 bullets.
2. High rate of fire. Theoretically, the system allows the acceleration of the next bullet to begin even before the previous one has left the barrel.
3. Quiet shooting. The very design of the weapon allows you to get rid of most of the acoustic components of the shot (see reviews), so shooting from a gauss rifle looks like a series of subtle pops.
4. Lack of unmasking flash. This feature is especially useful at night.
5. Low return. For this reason, when fired, the barrel of the weapon practically does not lift up, and therefore the accuracy of the fire increases.
6. Reliability. The gauss rifle does not use cartridges, and therefore the question of poor-quality ammunition immediately disappears. If, in addition to this, we recall the absence of a trigger mechanism, then the very concept of “misfire” can be forgotten like a nightmare.
7. Increased wear resistance. This property is due to the small number of moving parts, low loads on components and parts during firing, and the absence of combustion products of gunpowder.
8. The possibility of using both in open space and in atmospheres that suppress the combustion of gunpowder.
9. Adjustable bullet speed. This function allows, if necessary, to reduce the speed of the bullet below the sound. As a result, characteristic pops disappear, and the gauss rifle becomes completely silent, and therefore suitable for secret special operations.

Weapon Disadvantages:
Among the shortcomings of Gauss rifles, the following are often mentioned: low efficiency, high energy consumption, high weight and dimensions, long capacitor recharge time, etc. I want to say that all these problems are due only to the level of modern technology development. In the future, when creating compact and powerful power sources, using new structural materials and superconductors, the Gauss gun can really become a powerful and effective weapon.

In literature, of course fantastic, William Keith armed the legionnaires with a gauss rifle in his Fifth Foreign Legion cycle. (One of my favorite books!) It was also used by the militarists from the planet Klisand, which brought Jim di Grizzly in Garrison's novel "Revenge of the Stainless Steel Rat." They say Gaussianism is also found in books from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, but I have only read five of them. I didn't find anything like that, but I won't speak for others.

As for my personal work, in my new novel "Marauders" I presented the Tula-made Gauss carbine "Metel-16" to my main character Sergei Korn. True, he owned it only at the beginning of the book. After all, the main character is all the same, which means that he is entitled to a more impressive gun.

Oleg Shovkunenko

Reviews and comments:

Alexander 12/29/13
According to item 3 - a shot with a supersonic bullet speed will be loud in any case. For this reason, special subsonic cartridges are used for silent weapons.
According to item 5, the recoil will be inherent in any weapon that shoots "material objects" and depends on the ratio of the masses of the bullet and the weapon, and the momentum of the force accelerating the bullet.
According to claim 8 - no atmosphere can affect the combustion of gunpowder in a sealed cartridge. In outer space, firearms will also shoot.
The problem can only be in the mechanical stability of weapon parts and lubricant properties at ultra-low temperatures. But this issue is solvable, and back in 1972, test firing in open space from an orbital gun from the military orbital station OPS-2 (Salyut-3) was carried out.

Oleg Shovkunenko
Alexander is good that you wrote.

To be honest, I made a description of the weapon based on my own understanding of the topic. But maybe something was wrong. Let's go through the points together.

Item number 3. "Silence of firing."
As far as I know, the sound of a shot from any firearm consists of several components:
1) The sound or better to say the sounds of the operation of the weapon mechanism. These include the impact of the striker on the capsule, the clang of the shutter, etc.
2) The sound that creates the air that filled the barrel before the shot. It is displaced by both the bullet and the powder gases seeping through the cutting channels.
3) The sound that the powder gases themselves create during a sharp expansion and cooling.
4) Sound generated by an acoustic shock wave.
The first three points do not apply to Gaussianism at all.

I foresee a question about the air in the barrel, but in a Gaussian rifle, the barrel does not have to be solid and tubular, which means that the problem disappears by itself. So point number 4 remains, just the one you, Alexander, are talking about. I want to say that the acoustic shock wave is far from the loudest part of the shot. Silencers of modern weapons practically do not fight it at all. And yet, firearms with a silencer are still called silent. Therefore, the Gaussian can also be called noiseless. By the way, thank you so much for reminding me. I forgot to mention among the advantages of the gauss gun the ability to adjust the speed of the bullet. After all, it is possible to set a subsonic mode (which will make the weapon completely silent and intended for covert actions in close combat) and supersonic (this is for real war).

Item number 5. "Virtually no recoil."
Of course, there is also a return on gassovka. Where without her?! The law of conservation of momentum has not yet been canceled. Only the principle of operation of a gauss rifle will make it not explosive, as in a firearm, but, as it were, stretched and smooth, and therefore much less noticeable to the shooter. Although, to be honest, this is just my suspicions. So far, I have not fired from such a gun :))

Item number 8. "The possibility of using both in outer space ...".
Well, I didn’t say anything at all about the impossibility of using firearms in outer space. Only it will need to be redone in such a way, so many technical problems to solve, that it’s easier to create a gauss gun :)) As for planets with specific atmospheres, the use of a firearm on them can really be not only difficult, but also unsafe. But this is already from the section of fantasy, in fact, which your obedient servant is engaged in.

Vyacheslav 05.04.14
Thank you for an interesting story about weapons. Everything is very accessible and laid out on the shelves. Another would be a shemku for greater clarity.

Oleg Shovkunenko
Vyacheslav, I inserted the schematic, as you asked).

interested 22.02.15
"Why a Gaus rifle?" - Wikipedia says that because he laid the foundations of the theory of electromagnetism.

Oleg Shovkunenko
First, based on this logic, the aerial bomb should have been called the "Newton's Bomb", because it falls to the ground, obeying the Law of universal gravitation. Secondly, in the same Wikipedia, Gauss is not mentioned at all in the article “Electromagnetic interaction”. It is good that we are all educated people and remember that Gauss deduced the theorem of the same name. True, this theorem is included in the more general equations of Maxwell, so here Gauss seems to be in the span again with "laying the foundations of the theory of electromagnetism."

Eugene 05.11.15
The Gaus Rifle is a coined name for the weapon. It first appeared in the legendary post-apocalyptic game Fallout 2.

Roman 11/26/16
1) about what Gauss has to do with the name) read on Wikipedia, but not electromagnetism, but Gauss's theorem, this theorem is the basis of electromagnetism and is the basis for Maxwell's equations.
2) the roar from the shot is mainly due to the sharply expanding powder gases. because the bullet is supersonic and after 500m from the barrel cut, but there is no rumble from it! only a whistle from the air cut by the shock wave from the bullet and that's it!)
3) about the fact that they say there are samples of small arms and it is silent because they say the bullet there is subsonic - this is nonsense! when any arguments are given, you need to get to the bottom of the issue! the shot is silent, not because the bullet is subsonic, but because the powder gases do not escape from the barrel there! read about the PSS pistol in Vic.

Oleg Shovkunenko
Roman, are you by chance a relative of Gauss? Painfully zealously you defend his right to this name. Personally, I don't care, if people like it, let there be a gauss gun. As for everything else, read the reviews for the article, where the issue of noiselessness has already been discussed in detail. I can't add anything new to this.

Dasha 12.03.17
I write science fiction. Opinion: ACCELERATION is the weapon of the future. I would not attribute to a foreigner the right to have primacy in this weapon. Russian ACCELERATION FOR SURE WILL ABOVE the rotten west. It's better not to give a rotten foreigner the RIGHT TO CALL A WEAPON BY HIS SHITTING NAME! The Russians are full of their wise men! (undeservedly forgotten). By the way, the Gatling machine gun (cannon) appeared LATER than the Russian SOROKA (rotating barrel system). Gatling simply patented an idea stolen from Russia. (We will henceforth call him Goat Gutl for this!). Therefore, Gauss is also not related to accelerating weapons!

Oleg Shovkunenko
Dasha, patriotism is certainly good, but only healthy and reasonable. But with the gauss gun, as they say, the train left. The term has already taken root, like many others. We will not change the concepts: the Internet, the carburetor, football, etc. However, it is not so important whose name this or that invention is named, the main thing is who can bring it to perfection or, as in the case of a gauss rifle, at least to a combat state. Unfortunately, I have not yet heard about serious developments of combat gauss systems, both in Russia and abroad.

Bozhkov Alexander 26.09.17
All clear. But can you add articles about other types of weapons?: About the thermite gun, electric gun, BFG-9000, Gauss crossbow, ectoplasmic machine gun.

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DIY Gauss Pistol

Despite its relatively modest size, the Gauss pistol is the most serious weapon we have ever built. Starting from the earliest stages of its manufacture, the slightest carelessness in handling the device or its individual components can lead to electric shock.

Gauss gun. The simplest circuit

Be careful!

The main power element of our gun is an inductor

Gauss gun x-ray

Location of contacts on the charging circuit of a Kodak disposable camera

Having a weapon that even in computer games can only be found in a mad scientist's laboratory or near a time portal to the future is cool. To watch how people indifferent to technology involuntarily fix their eyes on the device, and avid gamers hastily pick up their jaw from the floor - for this it is worth spending a day assembling a Gauss gun.

As usual, we decided to start with the simplest design - a single-coil induction gun. Experiments with multi-stage acceleration of the projectile were left to experienced electronics engineers who were able to build a complex switching system on powerful thyristors and fine-tune the moments of sequential switching of coils. Instead, we focused on the possibility of preparing a dish with ingredients that are widely available. So, to build a Gauss cannon, first of all you have to go shopping. In the radio store you need to buy several capacitors with a voltage of 350-400 V and a total capacity of 1000-2000 microfarads, an enameled copper wire with a diameter of 0.8 mm, battery compartments for the Krona and two 1.5-volt type C batteries, a toggle switch and a button. Let's take five disposable Kodak cameras in photographic goods, a simple four-pin relay from a Zhiguli in auto parts, a pack of straws for cocktails in “products”, and a plastic pistol, machine gun, shotgun, rifle or any other gun that you want in “toys”. want to turn into a weapon of the future.

We wind on a mustache

The main power element of our gun is an inductor. With its manufacture, it is worth starting the assembly of the gun. Take a piece of straw 30 mm long and two large washers (plastic or cardboard), assemble them into a bobbin using a screw and nut. Start winding the enameled wire around it carefully, coil by coil (with a large wire diameter, this is quite simple). Be careful not to sharply bend the wire, do not damage the insulation. After finishing the first layer, fill it with superglue and start winding the next one. Do this with every layer. In total, you need to wind 12 layers. Then you can disassemble the reel, remove the washers and put the coil on a long straw, which will serve as a barrel. One end of the straw should be plugged. The finished coil is easy to test by connecting it to a 9-volt battery: if it holds a paper clip, then you have succeeded. You can insert a straw into the coil and test it in the role of a solenoid: it should actively draw a piece of paper clip into itself, and even throw it out of the barrel by 20–30 cm when it is pulsed.

We dissect values

A capacitor bank is the best suited for generating a powerful electrical impulse (in this opinion, we are in solidarity with the creators of the most powerful laboratory railguns). Capacitors are good not only for their high energy capacity, but also for the ability to give up all the energy in a very short time before the projectile reaches the center of the coil. However, the capacitors need to be charged somehow. Fortunately, the charger we need is in any camera: the capacitor is used there to form a high-voltage pulse for the flash ignition electrode. Disposable cameras work best for us, because the capacitor and "charger" are the only electrical components they have, which means getting the charging circuit out of them is a breeze.

Disassembling a disposable camera is the stage where you should start to be careful. When opening the case, try not to touch the elements of the electrical circuit: the capacitor can retain a charge for a long time. Having gained access to the capacitor, first of all close its terminals with a screwdriver with a dielectric handle. Only then can you touch the board without fear of getting an electric shock. Remove the battery clips from the charging circuit, unsolder the capacitor, solder the jumper to the contacts of the charge button - we won't need it anymore. Prepare at least five charging boards in this way. Pay attention to the location of the conductive tracks on the board: you can connect to the same circuit elements in different places.

Setting priorities

Capacitor capacitance selection is a matter of compromise between shot energy and gun loading time. We settled on four 470 microfarad (400 V) capacitors connected in parallel. Before each shot, we wait for about a minute for the LEDs on the charging circuits to signal that the voltage in the capacitors has reached the prescribed 330 V. You can speed up the charging process by connecting several 3-volt battery compartments to the charging circuits in parallel. However, it should be borne in mind that powerful "C" type batteries have excess current for weak camera circuits. To prevent the transistors on the boards from burning out, there should be 3-5 charging circuits connected in parallel for each 3-volt assembly. On our gun, only one battery compartment is connected to the "charges". All others serve as spare magazines.

Defining security zones

We would not advise anyone to hold a button under their finger that discharges a battery of 400-volt capacitors. To control the descent, it is better to install a relay. Its control circuit is connected to a 9-volt battery through the release button, and the controlled one is connected to the circuit between the coil and the capacitors. The schematic diagram will help to assemble the gun correctly. When assembling a high-voltage circuit, use a wire with a cross section of at least a millimeter; any thin wires are suitable for the charging and control circuits.

When experimenting with the circuit, remember that capacitors can have a residual charge. Discharge them with a short circuit before touching them.

Summing up

The shooting process looks like this: turn on the power switch; waiting for the bright glow of the LEDs; we lower the projectile into the barrel so that it is slightly behind the coil; turn off the power so that when fired, the batteries do not take energy on themselves; aim and press the release button. The result largely depends on the mass of the projectile. With the help of a short nail with a bitten off hat, we managed to shoot through a can of energy drink, which exploded and flooded half the editorial office with a fountain. Then the cannon, cleared of sticky soda, launched a nail into the wall from a distance of fifty meters. And the hearts of fans of science fiction and computer games, our weapon strikes without any shells.

Compiled by: Patlakh V.V.

© "Encyclopedia of Technologies and Methods" Patlakh V.V. 1993-2007

Any republication, full or partial reproduction of the materials of this article, as well as photographs, drawings and diagrams posted in it, without prior written consent from the editors of the encyclopedia, is prohibited.

I remind you! That for any illegal and illegal use of materials published in the encyclopedia, the editors are not responsible.

Gauss gun do it yourself

Since they have already begun to meet in one of the articles with Gauss guns, or in another way Gauss Gun which are made do it yourself, in this article I publish another design and video recordings of the Gauss gun.

This Gauss gun powered by a battery in 12 Volt. You can see it in the picture.

This article can also be used as an instruction, as it describes in detail the assembly of the gun.

Gun characteristics:

Weight: 2.5 kg
Projectile speed: approximately 9 m/s
Projectile weight: 29 g
Projectile kinetic energy: approximately 1.17 J.
Charging time for capacitors from the battery through the converter: 2 sec
Charging time for capacitors from the network through the converter: about 30 sec
Dimensions: 200x70x170 mm

This electromagnetic accelerator is capable of firing any metal projectiles that are magnetic. The Gauss gun consists of a coil and capacitors. When an electric current flows through the coil, an electromagnetic field is formed, which in turn accelerates the metal projectile. The purpose is very different - basically to scare your classmates. In this article I will tell you how to make yourself such a Gauss gun.

Structural Diagram of a Gauss Cannon

I would like to clarify the moment. On the block diagram, the capacitor is 450 Volts. And 500 Volts comes out of the multiplier. Absurd. Isn't it true? Well, the author didn't take this into account a bit.

And now the multiplier circuit itself:

In the scheme used by the field transistor IRF 3205.With this transistor charging speed capacitor 1000 uF for a voltage of 500 volts will be approximately equal to 2 seconds(with 4 amp/hour battery). You can use an IRL3705 transistor, but the charging speed will be about 10 seconds. Here is a video of the converter in action:

The video multiplier has an IRL3705 transistor, so the capacitors take a long time to charge. Later, I replaced IRL3705 with IRF 3205, the charging speed became 2 seconds.

Resistor R7 regulated output voltage from 50 to 900 volts; LED 1 indicates when the capacitors have charged to the correct voltage. If the multiplier transformer is noisy, try to reduce the capacitance of the capacitor C1, the inductor L1 is not necessary, the capacitance of the capacitor C2 can be reduced to 1000 uF, the diodes D1 and D2 can be replaced with other diodes with similar characteristics. IMPORTANT! Close switch S1 only after the voltage is applied to the power outputs. Otherwise, if voltage is applied to the terminals and switch S1 is closed, the transistor may fail due to a sudden voltage surge!

The circuit itself works simply: the UC3845 chip generates rectangular pulses that are fed to the gate of a powerful field-effect transistor, where they are amplified in amplitude and fed to the primary winding of a pulse transformer. Further, the pulses pumped by the pulse transformer to an amplitude of 500-600 volts are rectified by the diode D2 and the capacitors are charged by the rectified voltage. The transformer is taken from a computer power supply. The diagram shows dots near the transformer. These dots indicate the start of the winding. The winding method of the transformer is as follows:

1 . We cook a transformer taken from an unnecessary computer PSU (the largest transformer) in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then carefully disassemble the W-shaped ferrite core and unwind the transformer completely.

2 . First, we wind HALF of the secondary winding with a wire with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm. It is necessary to wind from the leg indicated in the diagram by the point.
After winding 27 turns, we remove the wire without biting it off, isolate 27 turns with paper or cardboard and remember which way the wire was wound. THIS IS IMPORTANT !!! If the primary winding is wound in the opposite direction, then nothing will work, since the currents will be subtracted !!!

3 . Next, we wind the primary winding. We also wind it from the beginning indicated in the diagram. We wind it in the same direction in which the first part of the primary winding was wound. The primary winding consists of 6 wires soldered together and wound with 4 turns. We wind all 6 wires parallel to each other, evenly laying them out in 4 turns in two layers. Between the layers lay a layer of insulating paper.

4 . Next, we wind the secondary winding (another 27 turns). We wind in the same direction as before. And now the transformer is ready! It remains to collect the scheme itself. If the circuit is done correctly, then the circuit works immediately without any settings.

Parts for converter:

The converter requires a powerful power source such as a 4 amp/hour battery. The more powerful the battery, the faster the charging of the capacitors.

Here is the converter itself:

Converter printed circuit board - bottom view:

This board is quite large and after working a little, I drew a smaller board in Sprint-layout:

For those who are not able to make a converter, there is a version of the Gauss gun from the ~220 volt mains. Here is the circuit of the multiplier from the network:

You can take any diodes that hold a voltage above 600 volts, the capacitance of the capacitor is selected empirically from 0.5 to 3.3 microfarads.

If the scheme is created correctly, then it will work immediately without any settings.
My coil is 8 ohm. It is wound with copper varnished wire with a diameter of 0.7 mm. The total length of the wire is about 90 meters.

Now that everything is done, it remains to assemble the gun itself. The total cost of the gun is about 1000 rubles. The cost was calculated as follows:

  1. Battery 500 rubles.
  2. The wire can be found for 100 rubles.
  3. All sorts of little things and details 400 rubles.

For those who want to make the same gun as mine, here is a step-by-step instruction:

1) We cut out a piece of plywood measuring 200x70x5 mm.

2) We make a special mount for the handle. You can make a handle out of a toy pistol, but I have an insulin pistol grip. A button with two positions (three pins) is installed inside the handle.

3) Install the handle.

4) We make plywood mounts for the converter.

5) Install the converter on plywood.

6) We make a protective shield on the converter so that the projectile does not damage the converter.

7) We install the coil and solder all the wires as in the block diagram.

8) We make the case from fiberboard

9) We install all the switches in place, we fix the battery with large ties. That's all! The gun is ready! This gun fires the following projectiles:

Projectile diameter 10 mm and length 50 mm. Weight 29 grams.

Raised hull gun:

And finally some videos

Here is a video of the Gauss gun in action. Shot in a corrugated cardboard box

Shot at 0.8 mm thick tiles:

Hello everyone. In this article, we will consider how to make a portable Gaussian electromagnetic gun assembled using a microcontroller. Well, about the Gauss gun, of course, I got excited, but there is no doubt that it is an electromagnetic gun. This device on a microcontroller was developed in order to teach beginners how to program microcontrollers using the example of constructing an electromagnetic gun with their own hands. Let's analyze some design points both in the Gauss electromagnetic gun itself and in the program for the microcontroller.

From the very beginning, you need to decide on the diameter and length of the barrel of the gun itself and the material from which it will be made. I used a plastic case with a diameter of 10 mm from under a mercury thermometer, since I had it lying around idle. You can use any available material that has non-ferromagnetic properties. These are glass, plastic, copper tube, etc. The length of the barrel may depend on the number of electromagnetic coils used. In my case, four electromagnetic coils are used, the barrel length is twenty centimeters.

As for the diameter of the tube used, in the process of operation, the electromagnetic gun showed that it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the barrel relative to the projectile used. Simply put, the diameter of the barrel should not be much larger than the diameter of the projectile used. Ideally, the barrel of an electromagnetic gun should fit under the projectile itself.

The material for creating shells was the axis from the printer with a diameter of five millimeters. From this material, five blanks 2.5 centimeters long were made. Although it is also possible to use steel blanks, say, from a wire or an electrode - what can be found.

You need to pay attention to the weight of the projectile itself. The weight should be kept as low as possible. My shells are a bit heavy.

Before the creation of this gun, experiments were carried out. An empty paste from a pen was used as a barrel, a needle was used as a projectile. The needle easily pierced the cover of a magazine placed near the electromagnetic gun.

Since the original Gauss electromagnetic gun is built on the principle of charging a capacitor with a high voltage, about three hundred volts, for safety reasons, novice radio amateurs should power it with a low voltage, about twenty volts. Low voltage leads to the fact that the range of the projectile is not very long. But again, it all depends on the number of electromagnetic coils used. The more electromagnetic coils used, the greater the acceleration of the projectile in the electromagnetic gun. The diameter of the barrel also matters (the smaller the diameter of the barrel, the farther the projectile flies) and the quality of the winding of the electromagnetic coils themselves. Perhaps electromagnetic coils are the most basic in the design of an electromagnetic gun, serious attention must be paid to this in order to achieve maximum projectile flight.

I will give the parameters of my electromagnetic coils, they may be different for you. The coil is wound with a wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm. The winding length of the electromagnetic coil layer is two centimeters and contains six such rows. I did not isolate each new layer, but started winding a new layer on the previous one. Due to the fact that electromagnetic coils are powered by low voltage, you need to get the maximum Q factor of the coil. Therefore, we wind all the turns tightly to each other, turn to turn.

As for the feeder, no special explanations are needed here. Everything was soldered from the waste of foil textolite left over from the production of printed circuit boards. The pictures show everything in detail. The heart of the feeder is the SG90 servo driven by a microcontroller.

The feed rod is made of a steel bar with a diameter of 1.5 mm, an m3 nut is soldered at the end of the rod for coupling with the servo drive. A copper wire with a diameter of 1.5 mm bent at both ends is installed on the servo rocker to increase the arm.

This simple device, assembled from improvised materials, is enough to feed a projectile into the barrel of an electromagnetic gun. The feed rod must completely exit the loading magazine. A cracked brass post with an internal diameter of 3 mm and a length of 7 mm served as a guide for the supply rod. It was a pity to throw it away, so it came in handy, in fact, like pieces of foil textolite.

The program for the atmega16 microcontroller was created in AtmelStudio, and is a completely open source project for you. Consider some settings in the microcontroller program that will have to be made. For the most efficient operation of the electromagnetic gun, you will need to set the operating time of each electromagnetic coil in the program. The setting is done in order. First, solder the first coil into the circuit, do not connect the rest. Set the time in the program (in milliseconds).

PORT |=(1<<1); // катушка 1
_delay_ms(350); / / working hours

Flash the microcontroller, and run the program on the microcontroller. The effort of the reel should be enough to pull the projectile and give the initial acceleration. Having achieved the maximum flight of the projectile, adjusting the time of the coil in the microcontroller program, connect the second coil and also adjust the time, achieving an even greater range of the projectile. Accordingly, the first coil remains on.

PORT |=(1<<1); // катушка 1
PORTA &=~(1<<1);
PORT |=(1<<2); // катушка 2

In this way, you set up the operation of each electromagnetic coil, connecting them in order. As the number of electromagnetic coils in the Gauss electromagnetic gun device increases, the speed and, accordingly, the range of the projectile should also increase.

This painstaking procedure for setting up each coil can be avoided. But for this, it will be necessary to modernize the device of the electromagnetic gun itself by installing sensors between electromagnetic coils to track the movement of the projectile from one coil to another. Sensors in combination with a microcontroller will not only simplify the tuning process, but also increase the range of the projectile. I did not do these bells and whistles and complicate the microcontroller program. The goal was to implement an interesting and simple project using a microcontroller. How interesting it is, to judge, of course, you. To be honest, I was happy as a child, “threshing” from this device, and I had an idea for a more serious device on a microcontroller. But that's a topic for another article.

Program and scheme -


A powerful model of the famous Gauss gun, which you can make with your own hands from improvised means, is satisfied. This homemade Gauss gun is made very simply, has a lightweight design, every homemade lover and radio amateur can find all the parts used. With the help of the coil calculation program, you can get the maximum power.

So, to make the Gauss Cannon, we need:

  1. Piece of plywood.
  2. Sheet plastic.
  3. Plastic tube for muzzle ∅5 mm.
  4. Copper wire for coil ∅0.8 mm.
  5. Large electrolytic capacitors
  6. start button
  7. Thyristor 70TPS12
  8. Batteries 4X1.5V
  9. Incandescent lamp and socket for it 40W
  10. Diode 1N4007

Assembling the body for the scheme of the Gauss gun

The shape of the case can be any, it is not necessary to adhere to the presented scheme. To give the case an aesthetic appearance, you can paint it with spray paint.

Installing parts in the housing for the Gauss Cannon

To begin with, we mount the capacitors, in this case they were fixed to plastic ties, but you can think of another mount.

Then we install the cartridge for the incandescent lamp on the outside of the housing. Don't forget to connect two power wires to it.

Then we place the battery compartment inside the case and fix it, for example, with wood screws or in another way.

Coil winding for the Gauss Cannon

To calculate the Gaussian coil, you can use the FEMM program, you can download the FEMM program from this link

Using the program is very easy, you need to enter the necessary parameters in the template, load them into the program, and at the output we get all the characteristics of the coil and the future gun as a whole, up to the speed of the projectile.

So, let's start winding! First you need to take the prepared tube and wrap paper on it using PVA glue so that the outer diameter of the tube is 6 mm.

Then we drill holes in the center of the segments and put them on the tube. Fix them with hot glue. The distance between the walls should be 25 mm.

We put the coil on the barrel and proceed to the next step ...

Scheme Gauss Cannon. Assembly

We assemble the circuit inside the case by surface mounting.

Then we install the button on the case, drill two holes and thread the wires for the coil there.

To simplify use, you can make a stand for the gun. In this case, it was made from a wooden block. In this version of the carriage, gaps were left along the edges of the barrel, this is necessary in order to adjust the coil, moving the coil, you can achieve the greatest power.

Cannon shells are made from a metal nail. Segments are made 24 mm long and 4 mm in diameter. Ammunition blanks need to be sharpened.