Morphemes, their brief description, literature review on the issue. Morphemes in Russian What morphemes are for

Morpheme- the smallest unit of language that has some meaning (as defined by the American linguist Leonard Bloomfield in 1933). The term was introduced by I. A. Baudouin de Courtenet. The division of morphemes into parts leads only to the selection of insignificant elements - phonemes.

Morphs and allomorphs

Strictly speaking, morpheme being an abstract linguistic unit, it is not a sign, but a class of signs. The concrete implementation of the morpheme in the text is called morpho or (more recently) morph.

Moreover, morphs representing the same morpheme can have a different phonetic appearance depending on their environment within the word form. A set of morphs of one morpheme with the same phonemic composition is called allomorph.

So, in the sentence “ I run, and you run, but he does not run " morpheme "run-" represented by three morphs ( run- v running, beige- v running and beige- v running) and only two allomorphs ( run- and beige-).

The relationship between morph, allomorph and morpheme is about the same as between background (speech sound), allophone and phoneme. It is important to understand that in order for two morphs to belong to the same allomorph, they do not have to have completely the same sound: the phonemic composition and stress must only be the same.

In everyday life, even among specialists in morphology, the term "morpheme" is often used in the meaning morph... Sometimes such a lack of distinction in word usage even penetrates into published scientific texts. You should be careful in this regard, although in the overwhelming majority of cases it is clear from the context what kind of entity - a concrete-textual morph or an abstract-linguistic morpheme - we are talking about.

Classification of morphemes

Roots and affixes

Morphemes are classified into two main types - root (roots, or basics), and affix (affixes).

Root- the main significant part of the word. The root is an obligatory part of any word - there are no words without a root. Root morphemes can form a word either accompanied by affixes or independently.

Affix- an auxiliary part of a word attached to the root and serving for word formation and expression of grammatical meanings. Affixes cannot form a word on their own - only in combination with roots. Affixes, unlike some roots (such as cockatoo) are not single, occurring only in any one word.

Classification of affixes

Affixes are subdivided into types depending on their position in the word. The most common in the languages ​​of the world are two types of affixes - prefixes located in front of the root, and postfixes located after the root. The traditional name for the prefixes of the Russian language is prefixes.

Depending on the expressed meaning, postfixes are subdivided into suffixes(having a derivational, that is, word-formative meaning) and inflections(having a relational meaning, that is, indicating a relationship with other members of the sentence). The traditional name for the inflections of the Russian language is endings, since they are mainly located at the very end of words.

There are languages ​​that do not use prefixes (Turkic, some Finno-Ugric), and the whole grammar is expressed by postfixes. Some other languages, such as Swahili (Bantu family, Central Africa), use prefixes and almost no postfixes. Indo-European languages, to which Russian belongs, use both prefixes and postfixes, but with a clear preponderance towards the latter.

In addition to prefixes and postfixes, there are other types of affixes. Interfixes- service morphemes that do not have their own meaning, but serve to connect roots in complex words (for example, forehead- O-shaking). Confixes- combinations of a prefix with a postfix, which always work together, surrounding the root (as, for example, in the German word ge-lob- t - "vaunted"). Infixes- affixes inserted in the middle of the root (found in Indonesian languages). Transfixes- affixes, which, breaking a root consisting of some consonants, break themselves and serve as a "layer" of vowels among consonants, determining the grammatical meaning of the word (found in Semitic languages, in particular, in Arabic).


  • A. A. Reformatsky. Introduction to linguistics
  • Modern Russian language (under the editorship of V.A. Beloshapkova)


E. I. Litnevskaya

  1. Morpheme. Alternating vowels and consonants in morphemes

Morpheme is the minimum significant part of a word. In this definition, both parts are equally important - the minimal and the significant: the morpheme is the smallest unit of the language that matters, it is not segmented into smaller significant parts of the word.

In Russian, the alphabetic and sound composition of morphemes is not unchanged: morphemes are widely represented by non-phonetic (that is, not caused by phonetic conditions - the position in relation to stress, the end of a phonetic word and other sounds) alternations of vowels and consonants.

These alternations are not accidental, they are explained by the historical processes that took place in the language in ancient times.

In modern Russian, the following alternations are presented in the composition of morphemes.

o / # (fluent vowel): sleep - sleep;

e / # (fluent vowel): day - of the day;

f / o: delirious - to wander;

o / a: look - look;

f / o / # / and: collect - collect - collect - collect;

o / u / s: dry - dry - dry;

Alternating consonants and their combinations:

1) alternation of paired hard with paired soft:

[b] - [b "]: mol [b] a - mol [b"] f;

[in] - [in "]: tra [in] a - tra [in"] e;

[g] - [g "]: but [g] a - but [g"] f, etc.

2) alternation of back-lingual with hissing:

g / f: leg - leg;

k / h: hand - handle;

x / w: fly - front sight;

3) alternation of dental with hissing:

d / w / railway: drive - drive - driving;

t / h / u: shine - candle - lighting;

s / f: to carry - I drive;

s / w: wear - wear;

c / h: cucumber - cucumber;

art / n: to be sad - sad;

4) alternation of labial with a combination of labial + [l "]:

b / bl: to love - I love;

p / pl: buy - buy;

w / vl: catch - catch;

f / fl: graphite - graphite;

m / ml: feed - feed.

In the Russian language, other alternations are also presented, but they are less common, for example: Cossack - Cossack, friend - friends.

The alternations listed above are reflected in the letter in different letters. However, the non-phonetic alternation of a hard consonant with a paired soft consonant is indicated not by a consonant, but by a subsequent vowel: ru [k] a - ru [k "] e.

Often in one morpheme there is a number of consonant alternations, the most common of which is the triple alternation of a paired hard / paired soft / consonant of another formation, for example:

[s] / [s "] / [w]: carried - carry - burden;

[in] / [in "] / [ow"]: catching - catching - catching.

In addition, in Russian, it is possible to alternate a vowel and a combination of a vowel with a consonant:

a (i) / them: remove - remove;

a (i) / in: reap - reap;

and / oh: beat - fight;

f / oh: sing - sing.

In the same morpheme, alternations of both vowels and consonants can be represented, for example: move - walk - walk - walk (o / a, d / w / w).

  1. Classification of morphemes of the Russian language.

All morphemes are divided into root and non-root. Non-root morphemes are divided into word-forming (prefix, word-forming suffix, postfix), called affixes, and formative (ending and shape-building suffix), called inflections.

The fundamental difference between the root and other types of morphemes is that the root is the only required part of the word. There are no words without a root, while there are a significant number of words without prefixes, suffixes (house) and without endings (metro). The root is able to be used, unlike other morphemes, out of combination with other roots.

Roots that can be used in a word alone or in combination with inflections are called free. There are 6 such roots in the language. Those roots that can only be used in combination with affixes are called related, for example: s-nya-t / pod-nya-t, agit-irova-t / agit-acij-i.

Word-forming morphemes: prefix, suffix, postfix

Word-forming non-root morphemes (affixes) serve to form new words and are divided into prefixes (prefixes), suffixes and postfixes. These types of affixes differ in their place in relation to the root and other morphemes.

The prefix is ​​a word-forming morpheme standing in front of the root (over-do, pre-pretty, near-sea, here and there), including in front of another prefix (do-to-take, not-prudent).

Word-forming suffix - a word-forming morpheme, standing after the root, but before the inflection, if there is inflection in the word (stol-ik, red-e-t); in the derivative word of the Russian language there are often several suffixes, for example: pis-a-tel-nits-a.

Postfix is ​​a derivational morpheme after endings and formative suffixes.

In Russian, there are postfixes -sya (-s), -this, -this, -something (minds-that-sya, to-something).

Morpheme. What is morpheme? What is morphemic word parsing?

The question is closed, as it is a duplicate of the question "Morpheme - what is it? What are the types of morphemes?"

A morpheme is a part of a word, and its most minimal. Any of the words, in Russian, consists of morphemes, divided into two types: these are obligatory, called the root (for example: water - water - waterfall - submariner, all of these words have approximately the same meaning associated with water and a common root) and not mandatory, included in the lexeme or not (for example: walk around, go out, leave, go in) With the help of morphemic parsing of words, we can parse its structure and determine and select related words. With morphemic parsing, first of all, you can determine the base of the word and its root, just as if the word somehow changes, then you need to find its ending using conjugation and declension.

Any word is divided into minimum significant parts, which are called morphemes... Morphemes are:

  • roots (the main morpheme in the word),
  • suffixes,
  • prefixes,
  • interfixes (connecting vowels),
  • postfixes,
  • endings.

The section of the science of language that studies the composition of the word is called morphemics.


The word morpheme itself is translated as part of the word, and, accordingly, morpheme parsing, this is the parsing of a word in parts.

Parts of these words for the most part are known to everyone, since the school course includes such analyzes, these are: suffix, prefix, root and others.

In addition, there are some additional characteristics, such as the derivation of the stem of a word or the way of formation. Of course, the norms and requirements for parsing standards are changing, and therefore, changing them is a necessity that arose as a given of the time and is a natural phenomenon of parsing a word and all other norms in the Russian language.


Morphemes are the parts that make up words: roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings and interfix (a connecting vowel in a compound word). All these parts of the word are found in the morphemic parsing of the word, that is, the morphemic parsing of the word is the parsing of the word into its component parts, in other words, the morphemic parsing is also called the parsing by composition.

When morpheme parsing of morphemes, words are distinguished in different ways: by changing the word, choosing the same root words, choosing words containing the same morpheme.


morpheme is the significant part of a word, and morphemics studies these parts (root, prefix, suffix, ending). accordingly, morphemic parsing is a parsing of a word by composition, not to be confused with morphological, when a word is parsed as a part of speech. In textbooks, the task of parsing a word by composition is indicated by the number 2 above the word.


The significant part of a word is called morpheme. It follows that we will deal with morphemic parsing in the case of parsing a word by composition: find the root, select the prefix, define the suffix and ending. When analyzing a word by its composition, one must not forget that this is done on the basis of the modern rules of the Russian language.


A morpheme in Russian means the smallest part of a word that can be highlighted in it. Each word consists of a different number of morphemes. In turn, morphemes have the following names:

Morphemic parsing means highlighting all possible morphemes in a particular word.

MORPHEME is a significant part of a word, words in Russian are made of morphemes (that is, significant parts). The root, suffix, prefix, and ending are all morphemes. But there is a BUT - the significant part of the word is not the same as part of the word, and many are mistaken, confusing these meanings.

Adventurer 2000

Good afternoon, as you know at school, a word is analyzed by composition, the following parts can be distinguished in words:

So all these parts are called morpheme... Therefore, all people encounter this at school and learn how to parse a word.

Morpheme, translated from ancient Greek means "form". Significant part of a word, a two-sided unit of language. One side is called - semantic (content). The second side is phonetic (expression).

Any word that is broken down into the least significant parts, which are called morphemes. Morphemes (translated from ancient Greek as "form"), these are: roots (this is the most important morpheme in the word), suffixes (after the root), prefixes (before the root), interfixes (connecting (fluent) vowels), postfixes (after the end), endings (not part of the word).

A section of the science of language that studies the composition of a word is called morphemics.

Morphemes are

Yana andreeva

Morpheme is the smallest linguistic unit with a meaning (as defined by the American linguist Leonardo Bloomfield in 1933). The division of morphemes into parts leads only to the selection of insignificant elements - phonemes.
Morphs and allomorphs
In most concepts, a morpheme is viewed as an abstract linguistic unit. A specific implementation of a morpheme in a text is called a morph or (more often) a morph.

Moreover, morphs representing the same morpheme can have a different phonetic appearance depending on their environment within the word form. A set of morphs of one morpheme with the same phonemic composition is called allomorph.

So, in the sentence "I run, and you run, but he does not run," the morpheme "run-" is represented by three morphs (running - running, running - running and running - running) and only two allomorphs (running and running -).

The relationship between morph, allomorph and morpheme is about the same as between background (speech sound), allophone and phoneme. It is important to understand that in order for two morphs to belong to the same allomorph, they do not have to have completely the same sound: the phonemic composition and stress must only be the same.

Varying the plan of expression of a morpheme forces some theorists (namely, I.A.Mel'chuk and N.V. Pertsov) to conclude that a morpheme is not a sign, but a class of signs.

Thus, in the works of N.V. Pertsov it is stated that "in everyday life, even among specialists in morphology, the term" morpheme "is often used in the meaning of morphs" and that "sometimes such non-distinction in word usage even penetrates into published scientific texts." NV Pertsov believes that "one should be careful in this regard, although in the overwhelming majority of cases it is clear from the context which entity - a concrete-textual morph or an abstract-linguistic morpheme - is being discussed."

Classification of morphemes. Roots and affixes
Morphemes are divided into two main types - root (roots), and affix (affixes).

The root is the main significant part of the word. The root is an obligatory part of any word - there are no words without a root (except for rare secondary formations with a lost root such as Russian "you-well-ty (prefix-suffix-ending)"). Root morphemes can form a word either accompanied by affixes or independently.

An affix is ​​an auxiliary part of a word attached to the root and used for word formation and expression of grammatical meanings. Affixes cannot form a word on their own - only in combination with roots. Affixes, unlike some roots (like, for example, cockatoo), are not singular, found only in any one word.

Classification of affixes
Affixes are subdivided into types depending on their position in the word. The most common in the languages ​​of the world are two types of affixes - prefixes located before the root, and postfixes located after the root. The traditional name for the prefixes of the Russian language is prefixes. The prefix clarifies the meaning of the root, conveys the lexical meaning, and sometimes expresses the grammatical meaning (for example, the form of verbs).

Depending on the expressed meaning, postfixes are subdivided into suffixes (which have a derivational meaning, that is, derivational meaning) and inflections (which have a relational meaning, meaning that they are related to other members of the sentence). The suffix conveys both lexical and (more often) grammatical meaning; can translate a word from one part of speech to another (transpose function). Inflections are inflectional affixes. The traditional name for the inflections of the Russian language is endings, since they are mainly located at the very end of words.

Viki bokareva

Prefix, root, suffix, ending are morphemes (parts of words). Each of them has its own semantic meaning. For example, the prefix arrived denotes an approximation. Morphemes as parts of a word are studied in a special section of the science of morphemic language.

    Morpheme and morph. Varieties of morphs

    Types of morphemes. Root and affixes

    Functional affix types

    Positional affix types



  1. Morphemics as a branch of linguistics


1) the morphemic structure of the language, the totality of morphemes isolated in words and their types;

2) a section of linguistics that studies the types and structure of morphemes, the morphemic structure of words [LES, p. 313].

Morphemics takes intermediate position between word formation, morphology and morphonology, because morphemes perform different functions and are studied from different points of view.

E.g. verb on -friendly consists of 5 morphemes, each of which has its own meaning:

    prefixes (prefix) on-‘Start of action’,

    root friend,

    two suffixes: -and-(a thematic vowel that forms the verb stem) and

- th-(suffix infinitive),

    postfix -sya‘Reciprocal action’ .

This is the area morphemics.

    Word formation is studying morphemes that are used in the formation of new words, as well as ways of forming new words.

Verb on-friendly derived from the verb be friends simultaneous accession

    prefixes on-‘Start of action’

    and postfix -sya‘Reciprocal action’.

    V morphology morphemes are described from the point of view of expressing their own grammatical meanings (ГЗ case, gender, time, person, etc.):

Verb make friends changes, expressing different GZs:

    girlfriends- at -s, friends-see -sya ...(face and number)

    friends-l -sya, friends-l - a -s ...(time, number and gender)

    Morphonology studies the phonemic composition of morphemes, the formal patterns of the compatibility of morphs.

Root friend- exists in different versions, depending on its environment:

    otherG -a - druG' e - drus j- a- otherf -it,

    Wed also: liub -ov - liub ' - it - lyubl ' -y

Thus, morphemics, word formation, morphology and morphology overlap an object studies - morphemes (in part, because word formation and morphemics are concerned not only with morphemes). But since morphemes are studied from different angles of view, these disciplines have different subjects.

Go to tasks morphemics relate:

    consideration of the principles of isolating morphemes,

    highlighting the criteria for the identification and differentiation of morphs,

    classification of morphemes.

  1. Morpheme and morph

Morpheme(Greek. morphē 'Form') is the smallest significant part of a word.

This is a part of a word, consisting of one or more phonemes, and correlating with the components of the word's meaning (semes).

A morpheme is the smallest two-sided (sign) unit of a language.

From phonemes morpheme is different the presence of the value.Phonemes form a plan of expression of morphemes:


The morpheme expression plan is He to- phoneme sequence<о>, <н>and<к>, containment plan - seme 'cub'.

The morpheme expression plan is at- phoneme<у>, and the content plan is the values ​​of the singular, V. p., zh.r.

Unlike the words, morpheme semantically dependent, she always expresses part the general meaning of the word. Wed:

    the words: nose, table, climbed;

    roots: nose-ø, table-ø, blade-ø.

The exception is one-morph the words:

    suddenly, a coat.

Isolation of morphemes is based on parallelism between partial material differences words and their forms and partial differences in their meanings(lexical and grammatical):

    lamps lamps lamps lamps ø…

    heads heads heads heads-ø ...

    books-books-and books-books-ø ...

Wed also head-a - head-To -a, books-a-book-To -a with a corresponding change in the lexical meaning [Maslov, p. 132].

To denote the minimum significant parts in morphemics, in addition to the term morpheme, the term is used morph.

The differentiation of these terms (and concepts) is associated with the separation language and speeches.

    Morph- this is the minimum significant part allocated in the composition of a word form (a specific grammatical form of a word). This is a specific linear (syntagmatic), speech unit.

    Morpheme- it is abstract nonlinear (paradigmatic), linguistic unit representing a collection of semantically identical morphs.

    root: RUTo -a - ruTo -i - ruh -Noah;

hand-, hand'- and hand- - three morphs of one root morpheme;

    suffix: oak-OK - oak-To -a - oak-To -e;

- OK - , - To - and - To' - - three morphs of one suffix morpheme .

One morpheme combines morphs that

    have the same meaning,

    possess formal, i.e. phonemic proximity.

Morphs of one morpheme are divided into two types(in relation to free variation):



    Allomorphs- these are identical in meaning and formally close morphs that cannot replace each other (i.e. are in a relationship additional distribution):

    root: put awayat-band p-a-t - u-be RU -y-bO p-to-a;beG -y - baf -you; sluw -a-th sluX ; s-brO s-and-t - s-bra s-yva-th;

    prefix: O - to circle -about - lead -about -go;With -throw -with - to drive;

    suffix: cous-OK - cous-och - ek - cous-To -a - cous-To' -and;

    ending: armchairohm - floor-eat ;

    English bat- s 'the bats' - box- es ‘Boxes’ .

    Variants- morphs that can replace each other, i.e. are in a relationship free variation... For example:

    end T. p. units h.f .: wall-Oh - wall-oyu ;-hand-Oh - hand-oyu ;

    ending T. n. pl. h. for some lexemes: door-yami - Door-mi .

All morphemes are divided into root and non-root. Non-root (affix) morphemes are divided into word-forming ones word-formation (derivational)(prefix and word-forming suffix) and formative inflectional(ending and formative suffix).

The fundamental difference between the root and other types of morphemes is that the root

The only required part of the word. There are no words without a root, while there are a significant number of words without prefixes, suffixes (table) and without endings (kangaroo). The root is able to be used, unlike other morphemes, out of combination with other roots.

§ 8. Classification of morphemes of the Russian language

The whole set of morphemes of the Russian language can be divided for various reasons into several classes. The following signs are taken into account in the classification of morphemes: the role of morphemes in the word, their meaning, place in the composition of the word, origin.

Roots and affixes

Root (roots) and affixal morphemes are distinguished. The basis for this division is the role of these morphemes in the composition of the word: root morphemes are an obligatory part of the word, there are no words without a root. Affixal morphemes are an optional part of a word.

There are words without affix morphemes: I, you, here, yesterday, there. Roots are morphemes that can be used in speech alone or accompanied by one of the types of affixes - inflections. Some affix morphs are homonymous with the root morphs of service words: the prefix without- and the preposition without, prefix from- and the preposition from, the prefix c- and the preposition c, etc. Affixal morphemes are sometimes used independently: Use less isms(From colloquial speech); No"pseudo" there should be no place in art(From newspapers). In these contexts, affixes cease to be affixes, they become roots and are used as nouns.

However, while being able to express the same meanings, roots and affixes differ in the way they are expressed: roots express meaning on their own, affixes only in combination with roots. Related to this is another important difference between roots and affixes. Roots can be singular, occurring only in one word, affixes are not singular. (For the unique parts of a word such as -ov (love), -unit (figure), see Chapter 2.) Affixes, entering a word, refer words to some kind, some class of objects, signs, processes. What is meant to them? Something in common that is abstracted from the meaning of a series of words that include these elements. Therefore, their specificity as building elements of a word is that they are necessarily repeated in a number of words. This important property of affixes as formal accessories of a word was noted back in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. the famous Russian linguist F.F.Fortunatov.

So, the fundamental difference between affixal and root morphemes is the obligatory repetition of affixes in words similarly constructed and having a common element of meaning and indifference to this property of the roots. In other words, there are roots that are repeated in many words, and roots that are found in only one word (cockatoo, me, frau, etc.), but there are no and cannot be affixes that are found in only one word. Single roots are rare. These are words that do not give derivatives, the so-called words without relatives.

| glossary of terms

What is morphemics and morpheme?

Morphemics(from the Greek morph - 'form') is a section of the science of language, in which the composition (structure) of a word is studied. morphemics two main issues are resolved:
1) how are morphemes of the Russian language classified,
2) how the word is divided into morphemes, that is, what is the algorithm of morpheme division.

The basic unit of morphemics is morpheme. Morpheme- it minimum significant part of the word. Among the morphemes, prefixes, roots, suffixes, interfixes (connecting vowels), postfixes, endings are distinguished.

In this definition, both definitions are equally important - minimal and significant; morpheme is the smallest unit of language that matters.

The minimum unit of sound flow is sound... Sounds in a strong position can distinguish words: pru d a and pru T a... But sounds do not denote concepts, objects, or their signs, that is, they do not matter.

The lexicology course studies the words- grammatically formalized significant units that serve to name objects of reality. Phrases, like words, serve to name objects of reality, then they do it more accurately, dismembered (cf. table and desk).

Another significant unit is sentence... Its difference from morphemes and words is, firstly, that it is a larger unit consisting of words, and secondly, that a sentence, having a target and intonation design, serves as a unit of communication, communication.

The morpheme differs from the units of all other linguistic levels: it differs from the sounds of the morpheme in that it has a meaning; from words - by the fact that it is not a grammatically formalized unit of the name (it is not characterized as a vocabulary unit belonging to a certain part of speech); from sentences - by the fact that it is not a communicative unit.

A morpheme is a minimal two-sided unit, that is, a unit that has both sound and meaning. It is not segmented into smaller meaningful parts of the word. Words are built from morphemes, which, in turn, are the "building blocks" for sentences.

In Russian, the alphabetic and sound composition of morphemes is not unchanged: morphemes are widely represented by non-phonetic (i.e., not caused by phonetic conditions - position in relation to stress, the end of a phonetic word and other sounds) alternations of vowels and consonants. These alternations are not accidental, they are explained by historical processes that took place in the language in ancient times, therefore the alternations are of a systemic nature.


morpheme word language school

The science that studies the morphemic composition of a language solves many different issues. Of course, getting acquainted with the basics of linguistics, one cannot comprehend all these questions - one must choose the most essential for understanding the most important phenomena of the morphological structure.

Morferm as a linguistic unit is significant in modern linguistics, because the task of propaedeutic work is to prepare students to understand the semantic (semantic) and structural correlations that exist in the language between words of the same root. This task is due, firstly, to the fact that understanding the semantic-structural correlation of words in their linguistic essence is the basis for mastering the features of single-root words and the formation of words in the Russian language. Secondly, the indicated task is dictated by the difficulties that younger students face when learning one-root words and morphemes.

Purpose of the work: to consider the morphemic composition of the word; to show in practice that systematic work improves the quality of mastering the material on the topic "Composition of the word".

Research object: morphemes in Russian.

Research subject: properties of morphemes.

consider the concept of a morpheme as a morphological unit;

explore the properties of morphemes;

determine the meaning of morphemes in the structure of a word;

identify the features of morphemes.

1. Morferm as a language unit

1 Morphemes, their brief characteristics, literature review on the issue

Morpheme is the smallest significant part of a word and the grammatical forms of a word.

This is the minimum significant unit of language, which, in comparison with a word, characterizes both common (integral) and different (differential) features. The integral features of the morpheme and the word are materiality, significance and reproducibility.

A morpheme is the smallest significant unit of a language, that is, a morpheme has a plan of expression and a plan of content. But the peculiarity of morphemes as a linguistic unit, in contrast to the word, is that its meaning is found only in the composition of the word. In other words. Morphemes do not have a free, but an associated meaning.

Differential features of a morpheme include its minimality, repetition, structural correlation with a word, and not with a phrase or a sentence.

However, it is impossible to draw a clear boundary between both types of morpheme features, since its integral features, which are outwardly similar to similar features of the word, being qualitatively different from them, are at the same time differential.

And therefore, the theoretical basis of the course work was the works of methodologists in the field of work on the composition of the word in elementary school (M.R. Lvova, T.G. Ramzaeva, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, etc.). In the methodological developments of the last decades on word formation in primary grades, the main attention is paid to the role of morphemics in the development of students' speech (for example, in dissertation research by E.G. Merezhko, N.P. Batkunova, V.I. Zimnenko, Kudryasheva (Taratova) M.G. . and etc.).

A morpheme is the smallest significant unit of language in which a plan of expression may be absent while maintaining a certain semantic integrity.

This is observed, for example, in zero morphemes (table - table, arrows - arrows, glad - glad, dry - dry, etc.), which represent a meaningful absence of a sound segment at a certain point in the speech chain. Service morphemes (affixes) are characterized by derivational and grammatical meaning.

So, for example, the suffix - tel / - in nouns motivated by verbs (winner, savior) have the word-formative meaning of "person - the producer of the action", and in the verb -l the suffix -l- expresses the grammatical meaning of the past tense ...

Endings are carriers of several grammatical

meanings: gender, number, case for names, person, number for verbs. The carrier of the lexical meaning is only the root morpheme. Syncretic morphemes combining derivational and grammatical meanings are few in the language. These are mainly verb prefixes. For example, the prefixes в- / в-, do-, za-, etc. in combination with the verb go, expressing, for example, movements (inward, to the object, behind the object, etc.) at the same time change the form of the verb, transferring it from an imperfect form to a perfect one.

Thus, the most presumed concept of a morpheme is the concept, which says that a morpheme is the minimum significant unit of a language, in which a plan of expression may be absent while maintaining a certain semantic integrity.

Root morphemes can be free (young, youthful) and linked (street, lane).

The root is such a minimal significant part, which is opposed to all other morphemes, i.e. affixes: prefixes, suffixes, endings and some others. The root, unlike affixes, is an obligatory part in a word. If a word consists of one morpheme, then this is the root: here, and, cinema, etc.

Prefixes and suffixes are mainly derivational affixes: with their help, new words are formed, but in some cases they serve as a means of expressing grammatical meanings.

A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that comes before a root or other prefix and is used to form new words or different forms of the same word.

A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word that is located after a root or other suffix and serves to form new words and different forms of the same word.

Understanding prefixes and suffixes as parts of a word, with the help of which new words are formed, does not cause much difficulty if work is consistently carried out to distinguish between words and changes in one word, and also if each of the affixes is analyzed from two sides: by meaning and phonemic composition.

Unfortunately, in practice we have to observe that the only sign of a morpheme is its location: the part of the word before the root is a prefix; the segment between the root and the ending is a suffix. But, firstly, leaving aside the analysis of the meaning of the derivational affix. We do not realize all the possibilities that this work opens up for the speech and general development of students, and secondly, with such a mechanical solution to the problem, we lose sight of the fact that the segment of a word before and after the root can consist not of one, but of several suffixes: -w-paints, tame-and-tel, uch-and-l, etc. Even if the teacher avoids such words, they may end up among the same root words chosen by the children. Finally, ignoring the inner side of the morpheme - its meaning, we do not create prerequisites for monitoring the correctness of the action.

With the help of prefixes, new words are usually formed within the same part of speech: author - co-author, wear - wear, out - out, etc.

Prefixes in Russian are most often used for word production of verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

Noun suffixes are more specific than verbs and adjectives. They are used to name persons by profession: joiner, painter, turner, baker, crane operator; by social status: collective farmer, schoolboy; on a qualitative basis: sage, proud, brave. If the prefixes do not have a fixation for a certain part of speech, then such fixation is inherent in suffixes, and they cannot be used to form different parts of speech.

2 Analysis of curricula and textbooks for primary schools

Primary school teachers have the main state document necessary for their work - programs in all subjects of the curriculum, including the Russian language.

The Russian language has its own specific features in the distribution of program material in time. So, for example, in the first grade in the first half of the academic year, in addition to teaching literacy, the main thing in the work in the Russian language is the development of students' speech. At the same time, it is of great importance to rely on the speech practice of children, on their observation of the life around them, as well as on reading. Children's answers to questions composed of short oral stories based on questions or pictures, teaching the correct pronunciation and spelling of words. All this is the content of the Russian language lessons during three and a half months of study in the first grade.

Children learn to highlight sentences, words, syllables, sounds, letters, and put the necessary punctuation marks at the end of a sentence. They learn to capitalize words for names of people, animal names, city names, capitalize words at the beginning of a sentence.

The grammar and spelling program introduces students in the first and third grades to the various aspects of the language: phonetic, lexical, and related punctuation, morphological and related spelling.

In classes in the Russian language with young schoolchildren, one should not tear one side of grammatical phenomena from their other sides. The phonetic work should support the analysis of words by their morphemic composition. By highlighting the roots in words such as walking, leaving, walking, moving, the teacher draws the students' attention to the hardness or softness of the final consonant of the root in these words. The attention of students is also paid to the voicing of consonants in the middle or stunning at the end of words such as "mowing", "cat", etc.

Morphemic analysis supports work on parts of speech. So, even before studying the declension of nouns and adjectives, students master the endings characteristic of these parts of speech (-а, -я, -я, - yaya, -yu, -yuyu), individual suffixes (-k- grass, groove, -н - long, etc.). it is advisable to associate the spelling of endings with parsing. That is why, when planning the material of the grammar program, you cannot take the sections of the program one after the other: "Sounds and Letters", "Word", "Sentence", "Connected Speech". The material on grammar, spelling and speech development in primary grades is planned in such a way that different sides of the language are presented in each separate lesson in conjunction. At the same time, it is very important to take into account the various aspects of the speech culture of students: correct orthoepic pronunciation, correct stress, attention, attention to the meaning of a word, the ability to choose the right word that correctly and accurately reflects a thought, correct construction of sentences and the ability to correctly use monologue speech. To meet all of the above requirements, the teacher at each lesson of the Russian language deals with different aspects of the language. The material of the program is distributed in academic quarters so as to ensure the possibility of a versatile study of the language, repetition and the relationship of grammatical theory and language practice.

Thus, everything that has been said about the features of planning in grammar and spelling does not exclude the need to highlight the central, main topics for working on them in a certain period of study time. Such central, basic themes are found in the curriculum of each of the three primary grades. So, for example, the central section of the first class program is the section "Sounds and Letters". In the second grade, such a central, main section is the "Word" section. In the third grade, the main attention of students in Russian lessons is focused on changing words in sentences. Therefore, here the central, main sections are the change and connection of words.

Acquaintance with the meaningful parts of the word, with the morphemic composition of the word, the program assumes in the second grade. The word forest is given, the words are matched to it: forest, forester, forest. The term "root" and "related words" are introduced; the concept of "root" will include a feature: the main semantic part, common for words of the same root; later, when the children become familiar with other semantic parts of the word, one more sign will enter here: the part of the word, from which new words are formed with the help of prefixes and suffixes. So that children do not get a false idea of ​​related words as those that are close or similar only in sound, the teacher matches words like nose and wear. It turns out that only those words that have a common part and a common, close meaning are related or related.

By their nature, exercises to clarify related words and to isolate the root in them are usually as follows:

) rows of words with the same root are given, it is required to select the root in them;

) sentences and small coherent texts are given in which related words are found;

) work is being done on the understanding of the roots of words;

) work is being carried out to form one-root words from a given root.

Since words in their morphemic composition are of varying degrees of difficulty, and students get acquainted with all parts of the word not immediately. First, words are given with a root and an ending. Then the children parse the words consisting of a root and a suffix. Then, when the children become familiar with the prefixes, there are words consisting of a root and a prefix. Finally, mixed cases are dealt with.

The main, most responsible topic related to the study of the composition of the word, and in particular, the root, is the topic "Spelling of unstressed vowel roots".

If in the first grade the mastery of the spelling of unstressed vowels develops on a phonetic basis, then further the formation of the skill of writing unstressed vowels should go differently. Already in the second grade, the transition to the morpheme basis is made. If the student correctly identified the root in the word, read it separately, drew attention to its graphic image, then this is already largely ensured the correct spelling of the vowel of the root. A variety of exercises are of great importance for mastering the spelling rule of unstressed vowels. All exercises are accompanied by additional work: children put stress, emphasize unstressed vowels, sometimes highlight the whole root, give oral explanations. When studying unstressed vowels, they fundamentally use different methods of checking their spelling, depending on the nature of the words. These are:

) replacing the singular with the plural: mountain - mountains;

) replacing the plural with a single: at home - at home;

) the formation of words of endearing meaning: grass - grass;

) finding a monosyllabic word for the plural: feeder - food;

) replacement of a noun with an adjective: winter - winter;

) replacing one form of the verb with another: sawed - sawed.

Students should not be encouraged to memorize and formulate these test methods in the form of rules. Exercises like those listed above develop grammar and spelling flexibility, understanding the semantic connections between words, children practically master the unity of writing related words.

The order in which unstressed vowels are studied also has some meaning; It is most expedient to give for study words with opposed letters o-a, e-i-z (read the same, but written differently), or give words with different letters mixed. You should not give these letters separately each: first o, then a, etc .; it is advisable to oppose them.

When passing the section "Word Composition", children learn to recognize and write not only the roots of words, but also prefixes. Children get the concept of prefixes by comparing words with different prefixes. When studying the section "Composition of a word", it is necessary not only to consolidate the skills and abilities to write vowels and consonants in the most common prefixes (in, in, before, for, on, over, o, about, on, under, pro, s, so) , but also to distinguish prefixes from prepositions and, therefore, unlike prepositions, write them together with words.

When assimilating prefixes, they are compared with prepositions in two directions.

On the one hand, a similarity is established with them in the spelling of vowels and consonants; if the image of the preposition is clear to the student, the latter also learns the spelling of the prefixes. Vowels and consonants in prefixes are written in the same way as in prepositions - this is the rule for spelling vowels and consonants in prefixes.

On the other hand, the prefix is ​​opposed to the preposition, since, unlike the preposition, it is written together with the words. A word can be inserted between a preposition and the next word; this cannot be done in a word with a prefix. A preposition serves to connect a word with another word, new words are formed by means of prefixes. Students fully understand the role of a preposition when studying the cases of nouns: a preposition serves to connect a noun with a verb or with another noun. The prefix cannot perform such a role. A little later, students will understand that the verb does not change in cases, so there can be no preposition in front of it.

When studying the topic "Spelling of prefixes", second grade students master the material of one of the components of the topic "Use of b". the teacher clarifies the role of b in comparison with b. Both the one and the other are a dividing mark, this is their similarity; therefore, when familiarizing yourself with b, you should, first of all, rely on pronunciation. However, it is immediately necessary to indicate between the one and the other sign. By observing words, children can easily establish that ъ is used only after prefixes with consonants at the end before the root beginning with the vowel e, e, yu, i. The teacher teaches children the techniques by which they can use b:

) a separate pronunciation of the consonant and the next vowel is established;

) the word begins with a prefix;

) the root begins with one of the letters e, e, y, i.

It is necessary to provide for and prevent errors that occur in the written works of students. To do this, you need to systematically carry out the appropriate exercises. It is also advisable to compile lists of words with b and vocabulary work.

When studying the composition of a word, children become familiar with the suffix. The suffix, like the prefix, plays a derivational role. However, there is a difference between the one and the other. And it is not only that the prefix comes before the root, but the suffix after the root.

Due to the complexity of the phenomenon, the difference in the primary grades is not being clarified. But through exercises, children learn that by means of a suffix from the same root, words can be formed from the same part of speech, as well as different parts of speech, that certain suffixes are characteristic of each part of speech. And although the program does not provide for the assimilation of suffixes by students, however, in the process of word-formation exercises, they also learn the spelling of many suffixes of nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

The end of the study of the section "Composition of the word" is characterized by three features:

) this is the part of the word at the end;

) the ending is opposed in its role to the root: it serves to connect words;

) the ending changes depending on the relationship with other words.

The syntactic sign of the end is very important for understanding declension and conjugation, which children will get acquainted with a little later; in addition, understanding the syntactic role of the ending brings meaning to the work of establishing a connection between words when highlighting pairs of words, which second grade students should seriously do.

In order for students to understand the syntactic role of endings, it is recommended to take the so-called deformed sentences for observations; moreover, the words in these sentences are taken in the initial form; it is required to restore the sentence by linking the words together; which, of course, would require changing the endings. The work on the section "Word Composition" cannot be reduced only to the analysis of words, it also involves synthetic exercises. Finding cognate or related words is the most common and useful exercise of this kind. A word is given (noun, adjective, verb), children select words of the same root. At first, the number of these words will be small: 2-3 words, but gradually it expands, for example, for the word food, the words feeder are selected, feed, by the word pain - the words are sick, hurt, hospital, painful, by the word snow - snowman, snow maiden and even the word snowball, snowy, by the way to fly - pilot, flight, fly in, etc. This kind of exercise is very important for a meaningful assimilation of the spelling of roots and prefixes. In addition, they are useful for developing ideas about the semantic connections of words with each other and for systematizing the dictionary.

Exercises in the analysis and selection of related words when studying parts of speech are very convenient and useful, when words of other grammatical categories are formed from a word belonging to one part of speech.

3 The system of working on the composition of the word

The purpose of the subject "Russian language" in elementary school is to lay the foundation for the formation of a functionally literate personality, to ensure the child's language and speech development, to help him realize himself as a native speaker. The line of the theme "Composition of a word" in this aspect is very important, since for the formation of a sense of language it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of the morphemic composition of the word, word formation and inflection.

Before disclosing the specific content of the system, it is necessary to clarify what a system for studying language material is.

We understand the system of studying linguistic material as a purposeful process that ensures the assimilation of a complex of knowledge in a specific, scientifically grounded sequence and relationship, as well as the formation on their basis of practical skills (general speech, grammatical, word-formation, spelling). With regard to the linguistic phenomena under consideration, the system determines:

a) the place of studying the morphemic composition of the word in the general system of studying program material in the Russian language;

b) the sequence of work on such concepts as "root", "cognate words", "prefix", "suffix", "ending";

c) the interaction between the study of the morphemic composition of a word and the formation of words, as well as the morphemic composition of a word and its lexical meaning;

d) the connection of work on the formation of the skills of spelling morphemes with the assimilation of the basics of knowledge from the field of word formation and grammar.

When constructing a system, the following provisions act as a leader: all morphemes in a word are interconnected; the meaning of each morpheme is revealed only in the composition of the word. Proceeding from this, the study by schoolchildren of the root, prefix, suffix and ending is carried out not in isolation from each other, but in interaction: first, students get acquainted with the essence of all morphemes in their comparison with each other, and then each morpheme with semantic-word-formation and spelling sides.

Methodists Ramzaeva T.G., Lvov M.R. there are four stages of the system:

The first stage is propaedeutic (preliminary preparatory) word-formation observations.

The second stage is an acquaintance with the features of the same root words and the essence of all morphemes in comparison.

The third stage is the study of the specifics and role in the language of the root, prefixes, suffixes; familiarization with the essence of the morphological principle of spelling; the formation of the skill of spelling roots and prefixes.

The fourth stage is the deepening of knowledge about the morphemic composition of the word and the elements of word formation in connection with the study of the noun, adjective and verb; the formation of spelling skills of case endings of nouns and adjectives, personal endings of the verb.

At all stages, systematic work on the lexical meaning of words, the accuracy of their use in speech and writing is envisaged.

The specified system for studying the morphemic composition of a word takes into account not only the linguistic characteristics of the material being studied, the age capabilities of primary schoolchildren, but also didactic principles such as conscientiousness, continuity and the prospects of teaching. From familiarization with the features of all morphemes, students move on to studying each morpheme separately, and finally, in the process of studying parts of speech, conditions are created for some deepening of knowledge about the composition of the word, since they (knowledge) enter into new, more complex connections and relationships.

Let's consider the content and methods of work at each stage of the system.

Propedeutics of the study of word formation. The task of propaedeutic work is to prepare students to understand the semantic and structural correlations that exist in the language between words of the same root. This task is due, firstly, to the fact that understanding the semantic-structural correlation of words in their linguistic essence is the basis for the assimilation of one-root words and the formation of words in the Russian language. Indeed, the derivative and the productive words are interconnected in semantic and structural relations (for example: the sea is a sailor, annex is an extension, etc.). Semantic-structural links, although of a slightly different plan, are also established between words of the same root.

Secondly, the indicated task is dictated by the difficulties that younger students face when learning one-root words and morphemes. It is difficult for them to understand the semantic commonality of one-root words, which, in turn, is associated with the ability to abstract the semantic meaning of a root from the lexical meaning of each of the words that make up a group of one-root words. Similarly, when mastering the function of a root, prefix or suffix, the most difficult thing for students is to establish the similarities and differences of the same-root words, both semantic and structural.

Therefore, a special study of the morphemic composition of words is preceded by observations of the "relationship" of words in terms of their meaning and composition.

A joint search by the teacher and students for an answer to the question: "Why is this or that subject so named?" - are the most accessible and interesting form of preparation for understanding the correlation of one-root words. The fact is that the answer to this question is inherently closely related to the questions: "Why are words related?", "How was another formed from one word?"

In Russian, many words are motivated names for objects. Therefore, from finding out with students why the subject is so named, you can gradually move on to clarifying the correlation in the language of one word with another. For example, why did people call the small house that is hung out for starlings a birdhouse (starling - birdhouse), and the shed that they build for pigeons was named dovecote (pigeon - dovecote)? Why is the device in which the feed is poured called a feeder (feed - feeder)? Why is one house called wooden and the other stone? One day is summer and the other is winter? One spruce cone and one pine cone? and. etc. When clarifying the motive for the name of the object or the attribute of the object, students are led to the establishment of the commonality of words in meaning and composition. All this prepares schoolchildren to understand the essence of the formation of one-root words: one word is formed from another on the basis of a semantic connection between them, which, in turn, is based on the connection between concepts, the names of which are these words.

Gradually, students' ideas about word formation deepen. This is mainly due to the fact that students learn the parts of the word, with the help of which new words are formed. The assimilation of the totality of signs of the same-root words is also important.

Acquaintance with one-root words and morphemes (second stage of the system). The main educational tasks of this stage:

to acquaint with the peculiarities of the root, prefix, suffix and end as meaningful parts of words,

to start forming the concept of "co-root words",

to make observations on the uniform spelling of the root in the same root words.

The formation of the concept of "single-root words" is associated with the assimilation of two of their essential features: semantic commonality (they have something in common in meaning) and structural commonality (the presence of a common root). Therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary, first of all, to create conditions for the students' awareness of the totality of these signs. In practice, this means the development in schoolchildren of the ability to correlate the lexical meaning of one-root words and their morphemic composition, highlighting the common. For example, students compare the words: raspberry, raspberry, raspberry (jam) - and establish that they can be combined into one group of related words, since all three words are similar in meaning and have the same common part.

In order to develop in junior schoolchildren the ability to recognize one-root words by their two essential features, the opposition of one-root words and synonyms is carried out (for example: brave - courage, but courage - courage), as well as opposition of the same-root words and words with homonymous roots (for example : mountain - mountain - miner, but mountain - burn).

In the process of familiarizing students with words of the same root, their initial ideas about morphemes as significant parts of a word are formed. This applies not only to the root, but also to the prefix, suffix. Such a relationship in the study of one-root words and morphemes is natural, since both the similarity and the difference between the same-root words are due to their composition.

Let's consider one of the possible options for getting acquainted with the prefix, suffix and ending. The methodological way of work is determined, on the one hand, by the interaction of all morphemes in the word, on the other hand, by the similarity of the derivational functions of prefixes and suffixes and the originality of the grammatical function of the ending. Taking into account the foregoing, it is most expedient to use a word-formation task, in the process of completing which students receive a group of one-root words formed using certain morphemes, and are clearly convinced of their role. For example, the teacher suggests writing the word fly and picking up a relative to it, which would mean moving from one place to another. Students write down the word fly over. It turns out that the part standing in front of the root was used to form the word fly over.

"What is the name of the birds that fly in search of food to warmer regions?" - the teacher asks the question. It is established that the word migratory was formed from the word flight with the help of the -n- part after the root. Based on the comparison of the role and place in the word of the parts re-, -n-, an initial generalization is made, the terms "prefix" and "suffix" are introduced.

For an elementary acquaintance with the ending, it is proposed to compare two words: migratory (birds) and migratory (bird) - in meaning and in form (the meaning has not changed, the form has changed).

Of course, at this stage of learning, students' knowledge of morphemes is incomplete. In fact, schoolchildren are only being introduced to these concepts in the process of performing practical exercises. At this time, the guiding role of the teacher is great. He strictly selects words that are accessible in terms of their composition and the way of education to the age-related capabilities of students, directs morphemic analysis and synthesis of words, constantly promotes students' awareness of the connection that exists in the language between the lexical meaning of a word and its morphemic composition.

Methods for studying the specifics and role in the language of the root, prefix, suffix and ending (the third stage of the system). At the third stage of the system for studying the morphemic composition of words, the following educational tasks are solved:

the formation of concepts: "root", "prefix", "suffix",

development of ideas about the relationship between the lexical meaning of a word and its morphemic composition,

the formation of the spelling skill of the checked unstressed vowels, paired voiceless and voiced consonants in the roots of words, as well as the skill of continuous and graphically correct spelling of prefixes,

development of the ability to consciously use words with prefixes and suffixes in speech.

The third stage is central in the system of studying the foundations of morphemics. Each of these tasks is not solved in isolation. In essence, the solution to each of them is in a certain interdependence. Thus, students' awareness of the connection between the lexical meaning of a word and its morpheme composition occurs on the basis of the assimilation of the role of each morpheme in the word. The spelling skill of the checked unstressed vowels of the root is formed, of course, only on condition that schoolchildren have some word-formation skills, and in particular the ability to analyze the morphemic composition of a word, to select words of the same root. In close connection with all tasks is such of them as the development of accurate and conscious use of words in speech, taking into account their morphemic composition (for example: white, whitish; build, complete, rebuild; downy, fluffy; tough, cruel, etc.). ).

Work on the composition of the word in connection with the study of parts of speech (the fourth stage of the systems). The purpose of the fourth stage of the system for studying the morphemic composition of a word is, on the one hand, to deepen knowledge about the word-formation role of prefixes and suffixes and the formative role of endings; on the other hand, in preparing students to understand the peculiarities of the formation of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

In the process of studying parts of speech, the teacher leads students to understand the basics of word formation: in a language there is a quite definite connection in the formation of one part of speech from another or from the same part of speech with the help of a prefix or suffix, as well as a prefix and a suffix. So, prefixed verbs are most often formed from non-prefixed verbs (for example: build - adjust, paint - repaint). Many nouns are formed from verbs (drive - driver, buy - buy) or from nouns (ice - ice floe, tank - tanker). Rarely, nouns are formed from adjectives by dropping the suffix or adding it (quiet - quiet, smooth - smooth, bold - courage).

For adjectives, nouns are the main source of education; adjectives in this case are formed in a suffix way (spring - spring, mountain - mountain, friend - friendly).

When studying word formation, the main difficulty for primary school students is to correctly identify the generating word. Taking into account, on the one hand, this difficulty, and, on the other hand, students' understanding of the way of forming a word to reveal its lexical meaning, it is advisable in the process of studying parts of speech to carry out exercises that prepare younger students to understand the connection between the producing and the derived words. Preparation, in particular, consists in the fact that the teacher, with his content and the nature of the assignment, directs the students to establish, firstly, from which word the given was formed and, secondly, with the help of which morphemes. Naturally, it is difficult for younger schoolchildren, who are not yet familiar with the laws of word formation, to determine the generating word. Therefore, the producing word is named by the teacher or it is given in the exercise. The teacher can also indicate the meaning of the derived word, then the student's task is to choose the necessary morpheme that will make it possible to form a word with a given meaning. For example, the teacher names the word protection and offers to form a single-root noun denoting a person who stands in defense of someone or something (protector).

The second option is also possible: the exercise indicates the generating word and the morpheme to be used. The student's task is to correctly form a word, to explain its lexical meaning. For example, from the word degree with the help of the suffix -nik it is proposed to form a new word, explain its meaning, indicate a part of speech (thermometer).

Both in the first and in the second versions, the morphemic analysis of the word, recognition of which part of speech is the derivative and derivative words, is mandatory. The teacher specifically fixes the attention of students on what part of speech the word was formed from, with the help of which morpheme, what meaning the formed word has and what part of speech it is. Exercises of this kind are based on the connection existing in the language between the lexical meaning of a word, its morphemic composition and the way of education, characteristic of one or another part of speech. What types of exercise are most effective?

Lexico-derivational analysis of a text in which there are words of the same root.

For example, for dictation, students are offered the following text:

With the first timid snow, bullfinches flew to us for the winter. They sit importantly on birches. Bullfinches are the most beautiful winter birds. They will live with us all winter.

Under the guidance of the teacher, it is found out how (with the help of what morphemes) another was formed from one related word, what part of speech they are, what meaning they make.

Replacing a detailed explanation of the lexical meaning of a word with one related word.

Name it in one word. This word must be of the same root with the underlined word. Determine what part of speech it is, disassemble by composition.

Machine adapted for the carriage of goods. (Truck.) A souvenir item. (Gift.) A man who stands at the goal while playing football, hockey. (Goalkeeper.) The man who operates the crane. (Crane operator) The station, which is located on the river. (River.) A fish that lives in the sea. (Marine), etc.

With the help of teachers, students figure out how, that is, from which word and with the help of which morpheme, these words were formed. In this case, word-formation analysis is combined with morpheme.

Explanation of the lexical meaning of a word based on finding out the essence of the name of the subject.

Explain why they called it that. Prove how the words were formed, what part of speech they are, what meaning they make.

In winter, juicy tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in the greenhouse. In the fields, under a soft snow carpet, winter wheat sleeps until spring.

An example of a student's explanation: "A greenhouse is a warm room where vegetables are grown in winter. The name of the room is because it is warm in winter, it heats up. The word greenhouse is formed from the word warm with the suffix -its-. This is a noun."

"Winter wheat is wheat that is sown in autumn. It winters in the field. That is why it was named that way. The word winter was formed from the word winter. This is an adjective."

Drawing up sentences with the same root words of different parts of speech.

Word-building tasks.

From the words to be friends, walk, mow, shoot, form new words using the suffix -b-. Prove what part of speech are the words that were given to you and that you received.

From the verbs cut, cut, build, pump, warm, salt, form the same root nouns. Sort out the words by composition. What part of the word did you use to form verbs? What part of the word did you use to form nouns?

As it is easy to see, the very nature of the assignment encourages students, on the one hand, to pay attention to the peculiarities of the formation of words, to their morphemic composition, and on the other, to establish a connection between the morphemic composition of a word and its belonging to a certain part of speech. In the elementary grades, observations on the peculiarities of the formation of one or another part of speech are of a propaedeutic nature and their effectiveness largely depends on the purposefulness of the exercises, the correct combination of collective and individual work in the lesson, the availability and internal visibility of the lexical material used.

Step th. On the basis of the propaedeutic work, which is carried out in the first grade, introduce in the second grade the topic "Word base and ending", using the available examples, of course.

To develop a methodology for analytical-synthetic exercises with their gradual complication.

Starting from grade 1, introduce a line of practical acquaintance with word formation: from parsing the composition of a word to its model. Practice exercises to figure out how a word was formed - and to a model.

Step th. In the second grade, introduce the topic "Formation of related words": practical acquaintance with word-formation word nests. Semantic analysis of formed words, their introduction into sentences and text.

Step th. Introduction of the concept of "root of a word" as the center of word formation, the center of the word-formation nest, as a common part of related words (according to tradition).

Later, the definition of a root as a non-derivative basis will be mastered.

The system of practical work on modeling the structure of a word.

Step th. Filling in cells based on knowledge and skills on the topic "Word formation":

It is advisable to start this work with words that have all 4 affixes, for example: substitute-to-a with the subsequent complication of the options. The advantage of this approach is, firstly, in the practical readiness of children to understand an integral, complete model of the morphemic composition of a word, which is associated with word formation; secondly, the subsequent consideration of options: with a prefix - without a prefix, with a suffix - without a suffix, with two suffixes; later there will be cases with historical alternations, with two or three suffixes or prefixes, and finally with two roots.

4 The system of working on the composition of the word in the process of learning parts of a word

The Russian language in primary grades is considered as part of a single language course, the most important goals of which are:

) development and improvement of all types of speech activity: reading, writing, listening, speaking;

) the formation of elementary linguistic competence.

In Russian, many words are motivated names for objects.

Gradually, students' ideas about word formation deepen. This is mainly due to the fact that students learn the parts of the word, with the help of which new words are formed. The assimilation of the set of signs of the same root words is also important.

Features of the study of the root. When forming the concept of "root", junior schoolchildren are guided by three attributes of the root, which can be summarized in the following formulation: "The root is the main part of a word, which is common to all words of the same root. The root is the general meaning of all words of the same root."

The main provision that determines the overall method of working on the root is the disclosure, on the one hand, of the role of the root as the core of the lexical meaning of a word, on the other hand, the assimilation of the root as a common part of related words, which contains the common semantics of these words.

For example, students can receive this kind of assignment:

What do the following words mean: blue, blue, blue, bluish, blue, blue, blue? Are they part of the same family of words with the same root? Prove it. Which word in this family of cognates is the apex (head of the family)?

It is very important that students, when analyzing single-root words, learn to explain which part of a word makes these words single-root (the root is highlighted) and which part or which parts make them different in meaning (the prefix or suffix is ​​highlighted, or both parts). For instance:

Consider the following family of cognates. Fill in the blanks. Highlight the suffixes with which these words were formed.

Pharmacy? pharmacist (one who works in a pharmacy);

... ...? pharmacist (adj. to a pharmacist belonging to a pharmacist);

pharmacy? ... ... (adj. to a pharmacy, referring to a pharmacy);

... ...? first aid kit (………………).

Another example:

Find an extra word. Justify the answer.

Water, watery, conduct, watery, watery, splash down

What does the highlighted word mean? Compare its meaning with the meaning of the word "land"

Correct solution of the specified task actually means understanding (albeit elementary) the role of the root, prefix and suffix in "creating" the lexical meaning of words, as well as understanding the root as the part on which the "relationship" of words is based.

Root work is not limited to two or three lessons. Observations on the root are organically included in the content of the lessons, which are specially assigned to the study of all other morphemes, and later word-formation exercises are included in the study of parts of speech.

Study of the word-formation role of prefixes and their semantic meaning. The essential features of the console are:

a) its word-formation function (less often - form-building);

b) place in relation to the root (always in front of the root);

c) the prefixes form a new word of the same lexico-grammatical category as the producing one, since they join the already grammatically formalized word (jump - jump, jump, etc.).

In elementary grades, students study the first two signs and learn the following definition: "A prefix is ​​a part of a word that stands in front of the root and serves to form new words."

The assimilation of the word-formation role of prefixes by younger schoolchildren occurs most successfully if their semantic meaning is revealed.

When clarifying the meanings of prefixes, the fact that the semantics of the prefix is ​​especially clearly manifested in the conditions of prepositional control, when there is much in common in the meaning of the prefix and the preposition, is also taken into account. For example, in the phrase I ran into the room and the prefix, and the preposition indicate the direction of movement inside something, in the phrase to sail away from the shore, the prefix and the preposition mean removal, in the phrase drive up to the house, the prefix and the preposition indicate the approach to the object, etc. Therefore, we see a very productive task to distinguish between prefix and preposition:

Read a Russian folk song. What is in parentheses - a prefix or a preposition? Why? Prove it. How do you distinguish the same prefixes and prepositions from each other? Write off. Open the brackets.

Dap - jump!

Young thrush

(On) some water (on) went,

I went to the young man.

Itself (with) vershok,

Head (c) pot.


(By) drove (by) firewood,

(For) clung to (for) a stump,

(Pro) stood all day.

Since the semantics of the prefix is ​​interconnected with the lexical meaning of the word, which is governed by the given prefix verb, it is advisable to use phrases or sentences in order to clarify the role of prefixes and only in rare cases limit ourselves to individual verbs.

It is known that prefixes have not one but several meanings. In addition, there are prefixes in the Russian language with a synonymous meaning. Therefore, in order to get acquainted with the semantics of prefixes and their word-formation role, the teacher selects prefixes that have a clearly expressed meaning in the most used words of children's speech.

In the elementary grades, the task of a special study of the semantic meaning of prefixes is not posed, and even more so the systematization and generalization of knowledge about the diverse meaning of prefixes. Observing the semantics of prefixes is not an end in itself for lessons in which prefixes are studied, but a means by which concepts of a prefix as a morpheme are formed and the ability to consciously use words with prefixes is developed. The assimilation of the word-formation role of prefixes by primary schoolchildren is inherently associated with an understanding of their semantic meaning. The main thing in understanding the derivational role of the prefix is ​​the knowledge that the prefix is ​​not mechanically attached to the word, but "includes" its semantic connotation in its lexical meaning, and as a result a new word is created.

For the students to understand the word-formation role of prefixes in unity with their semantic meaning, the following groups of exercises are effective.

The first group of exercises includes tasks based on comparing the same root words, the semantic difference between which is due to different prefixes. An example of such a task:

From the word wash, form new words using the prefixes from-, you-. Compare the received words in meaning and composition. How are they similar? What part of the word makes them opposite in meaning? Make sentences.

The exercises in this group are aimed at developing students' ability to abstract the semantic meaning of the prefix from the meaning that is at the root.

The second group of exercises is characterized by comparing the same prefix in different words or by comparing prefixes that have similar meanings. The purpose of the exercises is an elementary generalization of knowledge about the semantics of prefixes. For example, students are encouraged to compare the words break, inscribe, cut, - to establish how they are similar from the semantic side (denote the incompleteness of the action). What part of the word conveys the incompleteness of the action?

The third group consists of lexical-grammatical and lexical-stylistic analysis of the text. Exercises contribute to the development of accurate and conscious use of words with prefixes in speech:

Read, rewrite. Find the words with prefixes, what do these words mean, find the words from which they are formed with the help of the prefixes that you selected, what is the meaning of these words?

Suddenly it got dark. Low clouds covered the sky. The wind came. His sudden rush tore leaves from the trees. Trees swayed, branches rustled. Thin trunks bent down to the ground. The frightened birds screamed and screamed. Dry leaves and blades of grass flew in the wind.

Along with observations on the semantics and word-formation role of prefixes, work is also being carried out on the formation of the skill of continuous and graphically correct spelling of prefixes. To create conditions for students to better memorize the image of prefixes, it is advisable to classify the latter (prefixes with the letter o, prefixes with the letter a, etc.). Students practice spelling vowels and consonants in the prefixes:

Read it. In what words does the accent fall on the prefix? Write out these words in one column, put an emphasis. Write words with unstressed vowels in prefixes in another column. Put stress:

I wrote it down, writing it down, finished it off, my fill, inscribed, inscription, grumbled, glimpse, froze, froze, took it away, imprint.

Highlight the prefixes. What do the accented and unstressed prefixes have in common? What conclusion can you draw?

In the prefixes do-, o-, ob- (about-), ot- (ot-), po, sub- (sub-), pro, the vowel is written about. In the prefixes for-, na-, above-, the vowel a is written. This must be remembered.

It should be emphasized that the formation of the spelling skill of prefixes is combined with the deepening of knowledge about the prefix as a morpheme of a word, with the development of the ability to consciously and accurately use words with prefixes in speech. The latter, in particular, is associated with understanding the lexical meaning of a word, its compatibility with other words in a sentence. Therefore, it is necessary to use exercises of different types, starting with copying, dictations and ending with creative work.

Methods of working on the assimilation of the function of suffixes. The main task of studying this morpheme is to acquaint students with the role of suffixes in a word and, on this basis, develop students' ability to consciously use words with suffixes in their speech. It is important to bring students closer to understanding that with the help of a suffix it is possible to form a word with a new lexical meaning (meaning word-formation suffixes), as well as to give the word one or another semantic shade: indicate the size of the object, the measure of the quality of the object, your attitude to the object ( meaning suffixes of evaluation).

In the elementary grades, the task of developing suffix spelling skills is set only in a preliminary form: students get acquainted with the writing of some of the most common suffixes in children's speech, which have a constant graphic outline (-point- -echk-, -evn-, -ovn-, -enk- , -onk-, -ost ...) and do not require knowledge of the rules.

Work on the assimilation of the function of a suffix in a word by students is combined with an elucidation of the semantics of some suffixes and with the establishment of grammatical features of a derived word (initial level).

Pupils' awareness of the role of the suffix is ​​also facilitated by matching the suffix with a prefix and ending.

The suffix is ​​compared with the prefix in order to establish similarities in their word-formation role and differences, taking into account the place they occupy in the word. Comparison turns out to be especially effective when it is carried out in the process of performing word-formation exercises, and, thus, the role of the prefix and the suffix appears most clearly (for example: say - prompt - hint, carry - transport - transportation, etc.).

Suffixes are compared with the ending in order to prevent students from identifying them. The comparison is carried out on the basis of clarifying the derivational role of the suffix and the formative role of the ending (practically). At the same time, it is of great importance to vary the educational material that is used to familiarize oneself with suffixes. Varying occurs taking into account one of the insignificant signs of the suffix, namely: the suffix can stand before the zero ending (oak, house) and before the materially expressed ending (berry, pine, etc.). In the first case, some of the students admit the identification of the suffix and the ending.

Features of studying graduation. The methodology for working on each of the morphemes has its own characteristics, since their linguistic essence is specific. The ending, for which the grammatical function is the leading function, is distinguished by a special originality, in comparison with the prefix and the suffix.

The difficulty of mastering graduation by younger students is due to the fact that the ending is an external means of expressing the grammatical meanings of words. Without knowing the grammatical meanings of a word, students, naturally, cannot comprehend the function of the ending.

In addition, the ending is characterized by polyfunctionality, since the ending in a word simultaneously expresses several meanings (for example, the ending -th in the phrase bold person is the exponent of the masculine, singular, nominative).

Taking into account the specified characteristics of graduation and the age capabilities of younger students, it has become traditional to begin the study of graduation with the disclosure of two of its signs: the ending is a variable part of a word and serves to connect words in a sentence. Gradually, as students become familiar with the categories of the number and gender of adjectives, as well as with the category of case and face, there is a gradual deepening of students' knowledge of graduation.

The initial idea of ​​the ending as a variable part of the word, with the help of which the connection of words in a sentence is established, is formed by students when performing exercises that include tasks aimed at changing the form of a word depending on its combination with other words in a sentence. For example, it is required, in accordance with the meaning of the sentence, to change the word so that it would be associated with another word: The wind came to the rescue (frost). It blows with all its might, pulls off the snow blanket from (wheat). Under the guidance of a teacher, schoolchildren are looking for an answer to the questions: "Why did you have to change the ending in the word? What is achieved thanks to this?"

The exercise. Read it. Guess which endings are missing. Write off, highlight the endings. In what words the ending is zero?

The frog ... jumping, jumping and jumping,

Crouched ... squirrel ... on a stump ...

Into the bush ... the hare ... trembled,

Along the path ... a hedgehog ... ran.

Stay yo ... forever!

Sparkle, lake waters ...!

Swim, berries ... in herbs ...,

And the suns ... - in the blue ...!

(V. Alexandrov)

The assimilation of the syntactic function of the ending by students occurs on the basis (or rather in the process) of mastering the connection of words in a sentence and in a phrase. And although the knowledge of junior schoolchildren about the connection of words is elementary, they are led to the understanding that the semantic and grammatical dependence of words in a phrase is expressed by the ending (in prepositional phrases, prepositions also serve this purpose). Students' assimilation of the syntactic role of the ending can be judged by the ability to isolate words from the sentence that are related in meaning and grammar, and by the ability to explain how a connection is established (using an ending or an ending and a preposition). The specified level of explanation becomes available to most students after they learn the declension of nouns and adjectives.

The originality of the ending, in comparison with other morphemes, is more effectively assimilated by students in the process of completing tasks in which the function of each morpheme is manifested. For example, students perform tasks that require the formation of cognate words. At the same time, it becomes clear what morphemes are used to form words, how the meaning of a word changes depending on the prefix and suffix.

The exercise. Read word groups. What do the words of each group mean? Are they the same root? Why? Write down words of the same root, highlight the ending and sort out the stem in each word.

Deep, depth, deep sea (fish), outback, thoughtful (saying).

Years, annuals, years, useful, New Years, annuals.

Along with the specified task, students are invited to change the words so that they are used not in the singular, but in the plural, and to establish which part of the word changes in this case, whether the meaning of the word changes when the ending changes. In terms of juxtaposing, on the one hand, prefixes and suffixes, on the other hand, endings, the formative role of the endings clearly appears.

5 Entertaining games and exercises on the topic. Stimulating with their help the cognitive activity of children

One of the problems that worries the teacher is the question: how to develop in a child a steady interest in learning, in knowledge, to form the need for independent search. The solution to these problems is based on the child's motivational-need-sphere. Primary school students cannot learn for themselves. Sometimes they learn for appreciation, sometimes for praise, sometimes for gifts. But any of these motives come to an end. Therefore, the teacher needs to form educational motivation based on cognitive interest. The child should like his activity, and it should be available to him. The goal of the teacher is to try to do so in order to maintain curiosity and cognitive interest in his students. The requirements for a modern school made it necessary to revise the goals, content and technologies of teaching. Modern teaching should be carried out in such a way that students' interest in knowledge is awakened, the need for a fuller and deeper assimilation of them increases, initiative and independence in work develop. In the learning process, students should not only master knowledge, skills and abilities, but also develop their cognitive abilities and creative powers. For this, it is necessary that in the school a special place should be occupied by such forms of classes that ensure active participation in the lesson of each student, increase the authority of knowledge and individual responsibility of schoolchildren for the results of educational work. One of the ways to solve these problems is the correct organization of students' activities in the system of teaching the Russian language. One of the main tasks in organizing educational activities, I see the creation of such conditions when students have a need to realize their creative potential. To work on the activation of cognitive activity means to form a positive attitude of younger schoolchildren to educational activities, to develop their desire for a deeper knowledge of the subject being studied. The issues of enhancing the teaching of schoolchildren are among the most pressing problems of modern pedagogical science. The implementation of the principle of activity in learning has a certain value, since learning and development are active in nature and the result of learning, development and education of schoolchildren depends on the quality of learning as an activity. Particularly important, I believe, in the context of the implementation of the Concept for the modernization of education is the upbringing of a comprehensively developed and socially mature personality of each junior schoolchild through playful forms of work. On this issue, I got acquainted with many scientific works and methodological developments: T.I. Shchukina "Relevance of the problem of enhancing educational and cognitive activity", A.F. Kazakova "Success is an important stimulus for a positive attitude to activity", L.S. Kulygina "Activation of the doctrine: essence and content" OI Khizhnyakova "Modern educational technology in elementary school", А.А. Okuneva "Thank you for the lesson, children!" And she came to the conclusion that the stimulation of the cognitive activity of children occurs through games and entertaining exercises.

And now I understand why the ancient Romans said that the root of the teaching is bitter. After all, if it is interesting to build a lesson, this root may well change its taste, and even cause a healthy appetite. Every teacher wants his students to study well, to study with interest and desire at school. How to implement the coordinate system: "interest" - "desire" - "understanding" - "strength of memorization" in the lessons of the Russian language in elementary school?

The greatest activating effect in the classroom is given by situations in which students themselves must:

· Defend their opinions and take part in discussions;

· To pose questions to your comrades and the teacher, to review the answers of classmates;

· Engage in teaching lagging behind and explain to weaker students incomprehensible places;

· Independently choose a feasible task and look for options for solving a cognitive task;

Create situations of self-examination, analysis of personal cognitive and practical actions, etc.

The younger the child, the more material should be presented in a figurative manner. No wonder I.G. Pestalozzi called the principle of visibility golden rule didactics. Taking this into account, I use in my work the techniques of mnemonics that facilitate the processes of perception and memorization of educational material, increase the amount of memory, as well as provide strength and long-term memorization. I will dwell on the most favorite types of mnemonic devices. The first and especially effective technique is associative drawings. In the associative drawing, two methodological techniques are implemented: the technique of creating a spelling, grammatical support and the technique of creating a "children's drawing". Support drawings evoke visual and semantic associations that contribute to conscious perception and quick memorization of the material. For example, when studying the topic "Three declensions of nouns", students are offered a scheme - a support for the 1st declension (with the task to continue the list of examples) - the plot of the tale "Turnip". Students name the heroes of the tale: turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. Unmistakably, they conclude: the 1st declension includes masculine and feminine nouns with the endings - a, - i. A similar work is carried out with figures - supports for the 2nd and 3rd declension.

No less effective and interesting mnemonic technique is the rhyming of the rules. It is not so difficult to compose rhymed quatrains, but the benefits of them are undeniable: it is easier to remember and easier to produce. Of course, the logic of judgments and content in an independent poem leaves much to be desired, but the mnemonic significance is great. For example, rhyming material for memorizing prepositions used with the genitive case:

I ran away from home

I walked until the evening.

Sigal from a tree to a snowdrift,

I dreamed of living without lessons.

For collection of snowflakes

I collected with my tongue.

Danced around the fire

And galloped around the yard.

Do I need to do my homework?

I didn't give a damn about it!

Here I am standing at the blackboard

And I sigh with longing.

A simpler mnemonic technique for thematic grouping of material for memorization is the compilation of a prosaic text, a "homemade" text. For example, “Gluttony put on shorts and a jacket with a hood and with a quiet noise climbed into the gooseberry bushes, which seemed to him a real thicket. He ate a kryzhOvnik with chocolate, from such gluttony his seam on shorts burst, heartburn began, he came in shock and ran on the highway to ask the driver to take him to the circus, where he worked as a journalist and jockey. " As practice shows, children remember such funny stories very well. It is much easier to recall the words included in a linked story than a regular list of those words.

Working with younger students requires taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics. For this, I try to introduce games and game situations into the lesson. In the process of playing in the lesson, the students, imperceptibly for themselves, perform various exercises, where they have to compare, exercise, train. The game puts the child in search conditions, awakens interest in victory, and hence the desire to be fast, collected, dexterous, resourceful, to be able to accurately perform tasks, to follow the rules of the game. Many games and exercises are based on material of varying difficulty, which makes it possible to carry out an individual approach, to ensure the participation of students with different levels of knowledge in the work. This makes the process more interesting, children are more active, quick-witted and sometimes achieve the highest results. In my Russian lessons I often use: games, charades, puzzles.

For example, the game "The Beasts Hid". The text is given on the board. Children should find the names of animals in it. Try to find all the animals yourself.

Entertaining material contributes to the revitalization of students. Performing various exercises, students think creatively, they develop attention, the ability to quickly find a solution to the issue. In the course of my work, I often use punched cards. This allows you to test the knowledge of the children, saves time in the lesson, and activates the independent work of children. Colorfully decorated in the form of an image of any object (fish, apple, snowman), they attract the attention of children, allow them to work with great interest in the lesson.

Riddles are of great value in language lessons. They teach children to speak brightly, figuratively, simply. Working on riddles is an exercise in the independent development of thinking, intelligence, imagination. Lessons using riddles are interesting and do not tire students, provide them with useful exercises for the mind. The work on the riddle takes place in several stages. The first stage is solving riddles. The attention of children is drawn to two features of riddles: a) not the object itself is called, but another similar to it; b) the most striking distinctive features of the object are indicated. The second stage is observation. Here, an examination of the subject is carried out in order to identify its most essential features, as well as to find a similar subject that could be used for allegory. The third stage is your own composition of riddles, first collectively, and then independently. This is what children get: A funny animal lives in the forest. The danger is a little and he is in a lump. (Hedgehog).

In vocabulary work, I should use the compilation of dictionaries in groups. Working with a group of words is creative. After the interpretation of the words, their correct spelling, the students complete the task to compose a story in which all these words are united by a common meaning. For example, Belarus, Belarusian, birch, city, Motherland, language.

Skillful use of the above methods and techniques gives a real opportunity to make a lesson such that teaches, develops and educates, increases the effectiveness of the quality of lessons, the effectiveness of the teacher and student. Makes students cognitively active; develops their independent thought and activates their creative abilities, forms their desire and ability to learn.

The use of games in the learning process turns them into the category of didactic games, where the educational process is interconnected with the communication process, and the activity of the learners is comparable or even exceeds the activity of the teacher.

During my internship, I tried myself, relying on the work of great teachers, to use play techniques as a means of increasing interest in educational activities. I want to note that the playful, exciting nature of the tasks, which are at the same time psychological tests, reduces the stress factor of checking the level of development, allows children with increased anxiety to more fully demonstrate their true capabilities.

I agree with the opinion of L.S. Vygodsky that the use of creative play in Russian lessons in elementary school helps to remove a number of difficulties associated with memorizing the material, to study and consolidate the material at the level of emotional awareness, which contributes to the development of cognitive interest in the Russian language as subject. It is also important that the creative play in the lessons of the Russian language contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary of students, broadens their horizons. It carries a huge emotional charge, solves not only general educational and developmental problems, but also fosters the qualities of a creative person: initiative, perseverance, dedication, the ability to find a solution in a non-standard situation. The game helps the formation of phonemic perception of the word, enriches the child with new information, activates mental activity, attention, and most importantly - stimulates speech. As a result, children develop an interest in the Russian language. Not to mention the fact that didactic games in the Russian language contribute to the formation of the spelling vigilance of the younger student. The game is played at different stages of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the goal of the game is to organize and interest children, to stimulate their activity. In the middle of the lesson, the didactic game should solve the problem of mastering the topic. At the end of the lesson, the game is exploratory in nature, used to consolidate the material.

Mother Teresa, the greatest humanist of the 20th century, said: We cannot do great things. We can only do small things, but with great Love ... I think that this very thought should be the guiding star of every teacher.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the effectiveness of teaching morphemics in primary school

The study was conducted in 4th grade (name of school). The school works according to the program "Vuchebnaya pragram for 1-4 grades ustan agulnay syädnyay addukatsi z Belarusian movai nauchannya" (for the Ministry of Education Respubliki Belarus Minsk, NIA, 2012). The Russian language is taught according to the textbooks by M. B. Antipovay, T.N. Volynets.

The research was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, a stating experiment was carried out. A cross-section was carried out in the Russian language lesson, with the help of which the level of students' mastery of knowledge and skills from the field of word composition was revealed. To assess the quality of knowledge assimilation by students and the level of formation of the corresponding skills, the results were analyzed. At the second stage - a formative experiment - we tested a system of exercises aimed at eliminating the identified gaps and further improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the field of word composition. At the third stage - the control experiment - another control section was carried out, the purpose of which is to compare the results obtained with the results of the ascertaining experiment. Let's analyze the results.

1 Statement experiment

The ascertaining experiment was carried out in the form of written practical work No. 1 "Parts of the Word" at the beginning of the fourth academic year following the results of the previous academic year.

The purpose of the experiment: to test the knowledge, skills and abilities of students for all the material of the previous academic year.

To determine the level of word-formation skills of primary schoolchildren and to assess the formation of their word-formation concepts, fourth-graders were offered some tasks.

The first block of five tasks is of a theoretical nature: Option 1

) A root is ... a part of a word. At the root is the meaning of all .. words.

) Single-root words are words that have ... ...

) Prefixes are written… with words, and prepositions…, because a prefix is…, and a preposition is….

) The ending is… a part of….

) The ending serves for ... .. Option 2

) Words that are close in meaning and have a common root are called….

) A root is ... a part of a word.

At the root lies the meaning of all ... words.

) The part of the word that comes before ... and serves to form new words is called ....

) The variable part of the word is….

) The ending serves for….

This is a test of students' knowledge of the morphemic composition of the word, obtained in the previous school year. Residual knowledge was identified on the topics "Single-root words", "Word root", "Prefix", "Observation of single-root words", "Observation of the lexical meaning of single-root words", "The role of the ending in a word, in proposal ".

The second section of the tasks is to test the ability to select one-root words, the ability to see the root in one-root words, including those with alternating consonants :. Continue the row. Write down two more words of the same root. Select the root. Underline the alternating consonants at the root of the word.


I see, kind, ________________________________

Snow, snowy, _____________________________

Oops option

Friend, friendly ______________________________

Meadow, meadow __________________________________

The third section of the tasks is aimed at controlling the spelling of vowels and consonants at the root of a word in a weak position :. Think about what letter you need to write at the place of the pass. First write the check word, then insert the letter. Designate a spelling.





Cn ___ sew












The fourth section is aimed at testing the ability to form words with prefixes (based on the verbs of motion): Form with the help of prefixes from the verb run (1c.), Lie (2c.) Five verbs. Write it down. Designate a spelling - an unstressed vowel in prefixes.

The fifth section is a test of the ability to find an ending and a stem in a word :. Highlight the ending and stem in words








The sixth is to test the ability to form words according to a given scheme of the morphemic composition of a word :. Write a word for each scheme:

It should be specially noted that when parsing such words as young, grandfather made no mistakes. In the oral survey, conducted after the written assignment, the use of the motivating word was recorded when interpreting and parsing words. However, when substantiating their answers, the majority of schoolchildren were guided by the selection of a number of cognate words and words with the same morpheme.

The purpose of this task is not only to test the ability of students to identify the words of one word-formation nest, but also to find out how much the students are aware of the semantics of a word, its connection with other words of the same root. From the point of view of the methods of mental activity, the ability was tested in the course of word-formation analysis to compare, carry out analysis-synthesis operations, and classify.

This task is focused, firstly, on checking the ability to correctly parse words by composition; secondly, to identify awareness - unawareness in junior schoolchildren of the connection between morphemic analysis and semantic relations between the derivative and the word that motivates in relation to it, thirdly, to identify the ability to compare and analyze using the proposed material. The most common mistakes of students completing the assignment include the following:

Errors Number I variant (12 people) II variant (12 people) Incorrect definition of the root (12.5%) 21 Incorrect definition of the same root words (20.8%) 23 Lack of spelling of prefixes, inability to distinguish prefixes from prepositions (20.8%) 32 Incorrect definition of the ending function (29.1%) 43 Incorrect selection of single-root words (12.5%) 21 Inability to see alternating consonants in the root of a word (8.3%) 2 Lack of spelling "Spelling of consonants in the root of a word in a weak position" (37.5%) 45 Inability to form prefixes verbs (16.7%) 13 Inability to highlight the stem and ending in a word (25%) 33 Inability to form words according to a given scheme (58.3%) 68 Other spelling errors (33.3%) 44

Based on the results of the completed task, it can be concluded that the level of proficiency in the skills of analysis, synthesis and comparison is low, since the largest percentage of errors falls on the task to choose words according to ready-made schemes.

Only 20.8% of students completed the entire task without errors.

Thus, the least difficulty was caused for the students only by the part of the task, which requires knowledge of the rules for alternating consonants at the root of the word.

An analysis of the results of completing the remaining points of the proposed task indicates that students do not develop special skills to group (classify) derivative words based on their belonging to one or another word-formation model. As a result, having combined words of different word-formation models into one group, the students paid attention only to the generality of letter combinations in words, to the form of a word without regard to its meaning. The results of the ascertaining experiment make it possible to plan the specifics of tasks and exercises for repetition of the passed material on morphemics during the fourth year of study. In particular, the experiment showed that the greatest emphasis should be placed on teaching schoolchildren to think "from the general to the specific" - the ability to compose word variants according to a given morphemic scheme. Errors in determining the root, prefix, end function signal the need to update the theoretical material passed through. An alarming signal is also a large number of mistakes in the tasks for the selection of the stem and the selection of single-root words, as well as the inability to put the consonant of the root in a "strong" position to check the spelling.

2.2 Control experiment

This experiment is a final test designed to reveal the extent to which word-formation concepts and skills in the field of morphemic division of words have been mastered by schoolchildren.

The first task is theoretical:

) The root is the ____________ part of the word.

At the root is the meaning of all ___________ words.

) Single-root words are words with _________________.

) Prefixes are written __________ with words, and prepositions are ________, because a prefix is ​​_______________, and a preposition is __________.

) The ending is the ______________ part of the ____________________.

) The ending serves for ___________________________________.

The second task is aimed at testing the ability of students to parse a word by composition, to find the basis of a word.

Determine in which cases the composition of the word has been correctly parsed. Circle the correct answer. Highlight the stem of the word.

a) trail

b) fit

c) high

d) hopeless

The third task tests the ability of schoolchildren in practice to use the rules for declension of nouns and the choice of case endings.

Insert the missing letters at the endings of nouns.

a) near the hedge_

c) drawing on fabric

d) for breakfast__, lunch__ and dinner__

The fourth and fifth tasks test the ability of schoolchildren in practice to use the rules of conjugation of the verb and the ability to parse words by composition, to find unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

What letters are missing in personal unstressed endings of verbs? Disassemble the words by composition.

b) raid__t

c) listen

d) span__t

Insert the missing letters, highlight the spelling:

a) squeeze the child;

b) hide the door;

c) played in a dream;

d) reads the ska__ku.

The sixth task is work with the text, aimed at consolidating the skills to choose the same root words and to parse words by composition.

Read the text. There are five groups of words with the same root in this text. Find these words, write them out in groups, isolate the root. Write out five words of each part of speech, sort out the words according to their composition. Find words with prefixes in the third sentence.

Wind and sun.

One day the Sun and the angry North Wind started an argument about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and, finally, decided to measure their strength over the traveler, who at that very time was riding on horseback along the high road.

Look, - said the Wind, - how I will fly on him: in an instant I will rip off his cloak.

He said, - and began to blow what was urine. But the more the Wind tried, the tighter the traveler wrapped himself in his cloak. He grumbled about the bad weather, but drove further and further. The wind was angry, fierce, showered the poor traveler with rain and snow; cursing the Wind, the traveler put on his cloak in his sleeves and tied himself with a belt. Immediately the Wind made sure himself that he would not pull off his cloak.

The sun, seeing the impotence of its rival, smiled, looked out from behind the clouds, warmed and dried the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler. Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he cheered up, blessed the Sun, he took off his cloak, rolled it up and tied it to the saddle.

You see, - then the meek Sun said to the angry Wind, - caress and kindness can be done much more than anger.

The next task is aimed at testing the ability to form words with prefixes:

Form with the help of prefixes from the verb to jump five verbs. Write it down. Designate a spelling - an unstressed vowel in prefixes.

The last task was given to test the ability to form words according to a given scheme of the morphemic composition of a word:

Write a word for each scheme:

The results of the control experiment showed that at the end of the fourth year of study, 100% of students acquired the ability to correctly parse words by morpheme composition. 85% of students are able to accurately select one-root words for a given word, isolate various groups of one-root words from the text. 85% of schoolchildren correctly identify the functions of morphemes.

Compared with the results of the ascertaining experiment at the end of my year of practice, the schoolchildren learned to accurately select words according to a schematically given morpheme composition.

The purpose of our experiments is to reveal how effective the work with the morphemics section in elementary school is and can contribute to enhancing the mental activity of schoolchildren. The research was carried out in three stages (ascertaining experiment, forming and controlling).

The results of the work carried out, the analysis of students' mistakes make it possible to substantiate several positions:

Errors occur when the form and meaning of a linguistic unit, the formal and semantic features of a morpheme are considered in isolation from each other: they explain the meaning of the root (suffix, prefix, ending) and do not mention its phonemic (sound) composition or pay attention to the letter composition of the suffix (root, ending, prefix), but its meaning is not revealed, etc.

The consequence of the inept organization of work is such a common mistake as mixing related words and word forms. Especially, of course, this is noticeable at the initial stage, when younger schoolchildren do not yet know all the changes in the main parts of speech.

Students experience great difficulties in parsing words by composition, if they have poor phonetic training, and also if they do not understand the peculiarities of Russian graphics.

The nature of the tasks we proposed encourages students, on the one hand, to pay attention to the peculiarities of the formation of words, to their morphemic composition, and on the other hand, to establish a connection between the morphemic composition of a word and its belonging to a certain part of speech. In the elementary grades, observations on the peculiarities of education of one or another part of speech are of a propaedeutic nature, and their effectiveness largely depends on the purposefulness of the exercises.


According to methodologists and teachers, the study of the morphemic structure of words is extremely important in the development of the linguistic abilities of children and their general development.

The role of understanding the structure of a word in teaching reading and spelling cannot be overemphasized. First of all, we recognize words when reading and recreate them when writing by their significant morpheme parts. In addition, the study of the composition of the word contains the richest opportunities for the development of children's interest in the world of language.

Therefore, at present, almost no one doubts the need to study the elements of morphemics already in the elementary grades. Analysis of the derivative vocabulary, observation of the process of the formation of words in the native language, the peculiarities of the use of derivative words, taking into account their meaning and stylistic coloring, sharpen the attention of students to the word, allow a deeper understanding of its lexical meaning, thus enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren, contribute to a more conscious mastering of spelling , linguistic patterns, the development of the linguistic flair of primary schoolchildren.

For a successful consideration of issues related to the morphemic analysis of a word, the teacher must have a solid theoretical base in the field of morphemics.

In a modern elementary school, the Russian language course includes a morphemic section for mastering: word composition, highlighting significant parts of a word - root, prefix, suffix, endings, distinguishing between single-root words and forms of the same word, checking words with unstressed vowels, paired and unpronounceable consonants in different ways (changing the form of the word, selection of the same root word).

Highly appreciating the importance of work in the field of morphemics in elementary school for the formation of methods of mental activity, we conducted a three-stage experiment in our work: ascertaining - formative - control. In the course of conducting experimental work on consolidating and monitoring knowledge and skills in the morphemics section in primary grades, it was established:

at the beginning of the fourth year of study, the skills of word-formation analysis were poorly formed, the students made many mistakes when choosing words according to the proposed scheme;

the actualization and consolidation of knowledge in the field of morphemics took place quite successfully in the process of studying in the fourth grade of morphology, which was recorded in the formative experiment;

the final cut of the control experiment, carried out at the end of the fourth year of study, showed an increase in the level of formation of knowledge and skills in the field of morphemics.

An analysis of the number and nature of errors led us to the conclusion that the teacher can judge the level of awareness of the role of a particular morpheme by the following indicators:

the student's ability to isolate a morpheme from a word,

the ability to independently choose a word of a certain morpheme composition,

the ability to verbally explain the role of a morpheme in a word,

the ability to correctly use words with prefixes and suffixes in a sentence.

In a comparative analysis of the students' work, we came to the unequivocal opinion that the sources of errors should be sought in defects in teaching practice.

It should be noted that the mental operations involved in clarifying word-formative connections and described in our study are only a kind of "tool" for morphemic and word-formative analysis. Much more important, in our opinion, is the question of what to use these tools for.

Thus, our hypothesis that the work on the topic "Word composition" will be effective if the teacher enriches the didactic material of the textbook, and the system of exercises proposed by him encourages students to pay attention to the peculiarities of the formation of words, to their morphemic composition, to the connection between the morphemic composition of a word and its belonging to a certain part of speech was fully confirmed. The goals and objectives set by us at the beginning of our work have been achieved.

The description of the techniques and methods of using word-formation analysis as a way of enhancing cognitive activity in the system of developmental education requires special research in the future. This direction can be considered the perspective of our work.


1. Actual problems of methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school. / Ed. N.S. Rozhdestvensky, G.A. Fomicheva. - M., 1977.

Alekseev D.I. On overcoming some mistakes when working on the composition of the word at school // Russian language at school. 1957. No. 4.

Belkova V.A. About carrying out word-formation analysis // Russian language at school. 1975. No. 3.

Benveniste E. General linguistics. M., 1968.

Blinov G.I. On the shortcomings of word-formation analysis at school // Russian language at school. 1966. No. 4.

Blokhina G.V., Stepanova I.D. "Studying the topic" Composition of the word "in elementary school" (teaching aid) //



The word consists of an ending and a stem. The basis includes: root, prefix, suffix

step: Find the ending in the word TRIP.

To do this, change the word: trip, trip, trip

A - variable part. This is the ending.

Highlight the ending and stem of the word.

step: Find the root.

To do this, pick up the same root words:

Compare the words and highlight the common part. -DRESS - This is the root. Highlight.

step: Find a prefix.

To do this, pick up the same root words without a prefix or with another prefix:

Prefix in front of the root. PO is a prefix. Highlight her.

step: Find the suffix.

It stands after the root and serves to form a word.

Highlight the suffix.





(Root of the word).

Level 3.

Think up and write the same root words with the specified root.

The one who plays the drum

beat, beat the drum,

small drum.

berries cooked in sugar,

one who prepares food.

watch repairman,

soldier standing at the post.

Select the root.


Form new words only with prefixes.

Boil - knock -

rate -, move -,

running -, laying -,

abandoned - washed -.


Form root words, discarding suffixes and prefixes.

For example: calm - wind, spinning - circle.

Make a mistake -, finished -, error -,

torment -, chill -, offshoot -, transformation -, unconstrained -, inalienable - -, flawless -.


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