How to determine life expectancy by the lines on the hand? Palmistry is divination along the line of life.

Each person who comes into this world must fulfill his or her programmed program at the karmic level. Despite this, we must live in harmony with God, and most importantly with ourselves, and adhere to all spiritual and universal values.

All negative life phenomena are the result of wrong deeds that were made in this or that past life. All stages of life are very clearly reflected in the palms of each of us. But it should be remembered that this is just a vector for self-knowledge.

Palmistry - everything about everything!

If you need to find answers to exciting questions, then with the help of a manual on palmistry, you can easily look behind the scenes of your own life. The best is a system that determines the fate with the help of fingerprints and fully characterizes a person's personality.

The vocation of each person is very clearly reflected in the prints, and palmistry can only help a person find himself in this life and find ways of development in various directions. The hand of each person is a mirror of his actions, soul and life values.

Palmistry will help us find a way out of any situation and give right advice as a warning.

Most people mistakenly believe that the line of love on the hand is a thin line that comes out from under the little finger and goes in the direction of the middle or index finger. However, this is a common mistake.

There is no person who does not know where the life line is. Someone has it short, someone has a long one, there are palms with an intermittent thread. But how is this interpreted and what is the meaning of the life line on the hand, let's look at ...

Among the four elements: fire, water, air, earth, the line of fate in the palm of your hand displays the first element of fire. It is visually placed under the middle finger and runs vertically through the middle of the hand. It is considered the most extraordinary and changeable thread, if we consider the four main lines in the palm of your hand.

In the palm of each person are the main and secondary "roads". The line of the heart is one of the main positions that reflects the situation of heart affairs. The location of the soul trait can tell about the affections, nobility and fortitude of the individual.

Not in all cases, the line of the head is able to absolutely correctly show that the person who is guessing is really smart. People acquire wisdom not from the moment of birth, but throughout life. If the line of the mind in the palm of your hand differs in its length, then this only signals that its owner has been given good abilities for analysis and special attention to small details.

Having begun to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life on our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to cope with additional features. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to parse it in part and help the novice palmist gain simple knowledge in this matter.

The description of the main lines in the palm of your hand is not very difficult for an experienced palmist, but at the same time, you need the necessary experience for a beginner. As a rule, the palmist encounters the main problem when reading unusual, additional lines and various signs.

If you look at the palm, you will notice that there are different bumps under each finger. Each hill is named after a planet. solar system. Such hillocks differ in varying degrees of expressiveness. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry is, hills and tubercles on the hand. By the name of these combinations, it can be noted that palmistry has a great connection with astrological data.

- this is the oldest science in which they study unlearned things about a person with the help of an individual drawing in the palm of your hand. This science was popular back in the time of Aristotle, and the very first writings on palmistry came out in 1448 in Germany. Currently, palmistry is taught in universities of astrology.

Palmistry is considered one of the branches of astrology, with the help of it you can predict the qualities of a person, learn about his talents (even hidden ones) and reveal the secret of a person’s future. Thanks to this information, a person begins to feel more confident and knows what lies ahead.

If you are interested in the science of palmistry, we will try to help you understand it. In order to start reading the signs, a lot of information is not required, the main foundations, so to speak, the foundation will be enough. But detailed deciphering will require a lot of practice and study of signs.

If you want to know about a person's character, then you don't have to go far in palmistry. The character of a person can be recognized by the shape of his hand and fingers, it will be enough just to look at his hand. Home to this hand was leading.

At the initial examination, it is necessary to look at the shape of the hand, how long the fingers are, their structure, take a closer look at the shape of the hand, the condition of the skin. For example, if the arm is short and the muscles on it are well developed, this indicates that the person in front of you is a practical person. Most likely, he works physically and knows his business.

And if the chicken is long and articular ligaments are visible on the fingers, this indicates that the person is engaged in science and a highly intelligent person is sitting in front of you. You can also find out if this person belongs to art, such people often have thin and long arms, and the fingers are cone-shaped. They gradually taper towards the base of the nail.

By the condition of the skin, you can find out the character of a person. If he has a rough one, this indicates a person that he is straightforward in his choices. If the hand is cold and thin, then a refined and tender nature is sitting in front of you.

If you observe the hands of people, then one fact is easily traced, each person has an individual hand shape. You will never meet two similar hand shapes. If the palm of a person is square, then we can say that the character of a person is straight and practical. The palm has the shape of a rectangle, then in front of you is an imaginary and impressionable person.

The shape of the fingers is an additional factor in the examination, they can tell a little more about a person. For example, if the fingers are short, most likely there is a superficial and energetic person in front of you. But if the fingers are long, then this person is pedantic and perseverance prevails in his character. If fingers middle length, then the person has no distinguishing feature character, they all dominate the middle level.

main lines

After you have examined a person’s hand, you need to start reading the palm, namely the base lines in palmistry. In palmistry, there are four main lines, these are:

At the same time, the branch of fate is not found in every person.

Before the sessions, you should find out which hand you need, namely, you need to understand which hand is active and which is passive. In the scriptures, these opinions differ. Someone argues that the active hand is the kind of person working. For example, if you are left-handed, then the left hand will be active.

But there is also a theory that the right hand is always the active hand, since our life is written on it and the pattern on it changes throughout life. Since this hand tells about our personality, how our personality is formed, so is the pattern on it.

And here left hand it is considered to be passive, since the pattern on it is not changeable and is given to us from birth, our destiny is shown on this hand. And it is very difficult to change, because it is very difficult. Since the fate of a person is very difficult to change.

There is also a theory that the hand must be chosen, given who is going to guess. If a girl will read the palm, then it is necessary to give the right hand, and if a man then you need to guess on the left hand. But the easiest way is to choose the leading hand and not bother about it.

heart line

Reading and decoding the palm must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. If you are all a joke and just another fun for you, you will not get the right answers about the fate of a person.

By deciphering the line of the heart, you can find out about the emotionality of a person, it will show how romantic a person is, and you can also find out the state of a person’s health. This branch originates from the edge of the palm at the base of the little finger and goes all the way to the index finger.

With the help of the line of the heart you can see:

  • If the line stops in the middle of the index and middle fingers, this indicates a person that he is the soul of the company and has an open character. Most likely, he has a large number of acquaintances and no less friends, everyone speaks very well and warmly about him.
  • If the branch of the heart is short, the owner of such a hand is very clamped and restrained in the manifestation of emotions, and he is also not particularly romantic.
  • If the heart line reaches the middle finger and does not continue further. Then such a person is more concerned about his own problems, and not the problems of others.
  • If the strip reaches the index finger, this indicates a trait of a person. Such people are perfectionists, they also require others to strive for excellence.
  • If the branch of the heart has a long and crooked shape, such a person easily expresses his emotions.
  • If there is a circle on the line, then the person is subject to various depressions and sadness more than everyone else.
  • If the line breaks, this indicates that the owner had to endure severe emotional trauma.

The next main line is the line of the mind or it is also called the line of the head. With it, you can find out how well a person is intellectually developed and how he uses his intellect.

  • If the mind line small size, it says about a person that he relies more on logical thinking rather than fantasy and imagination.
  • The strip has an uneven and crooked shape - there is a creative person in front of you.
  • The branch of the mind is long - such a line indicates that a person always brings things to the end and is always collected with his thoughts and focused on work.
  • If there are circles and crosses on the line, most likely the person had an emotional crisis.
  • The strip has a straight shape, such a person relies more on realistic thinking.

With the help of this line, a palmist can learn about a person’s love for himself and his life, how he relates to his circle of friends, and so on.

There has always been a theory among the people that the length of a person’s life depends on the length of this line, but this opinion is erroneous. This is for the best, since many people are frightened at the sight of a short life line, often bringing themselves to stressful situations.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If it is at a decent distance from the thumb, this indicates that a person has a large supply of vital energy, and he has also developed good stamina for life.
  • If the strip is close to the thumb, this indicates that the person is not particularly energetic and cheerful. The reason for this is a small amount of vital energy.
  • The line has a short and shallow shape - then such a person can be easily manipulated. And he often gets manipulated by strangers.
  • If a person has several lines of life, then such a person has good health and loves his life very much.
  • There are circles on the line - this indicates various diseases.
  • If she strives for a semi-circular shape, such a person has a lot of enthusiasm and strength for life.

When reading the palm, you can see that not every person has this band. It starts at the base of the palm and often crosses the line of the mind and heart. It ends near the middle finger.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If this trait is deep, it means that a person's life is under the control of fate.
  • If the strip of fate passes through the line of life, then such a person has good support from parents and other family members.
  • If the line of fate passes the line of life approximately in the middle, this indicates a person that he will not leave his family and friends in trouble.
  • If the line of fate is in contact with the line of life at the very beginning, then such a person creates his own destiny.

Palmistry is the practice of studying the essence of a person by divination by hand. Lines on the palm and other symbols will tell a lot about the character and even the fate of a person. Palmistry for beginners with explanations will help you correctly guess by hand, and get answers to questions that concern a person.

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Principles and essence of palmistry

The meaning of fortune-telling is to read information from the hand about processes that have already begun to occur, but which will become noticeable to consciousness after months, years or even decades.

Depending on the type of "reading" of the hand, palmists study:

  • its various properties, including the shapes and lines of the palm and fingers;
  • shade and texture of skin and nails;
  • the shape of the joints and many other features of the hands.

Important, for those who study the basics of palmistry, is the interpretation of all the features of the palm in the complex. The main principle of divination by hand is the perception of what is seen as a predisposition to certain events and actions. Seeing a bad sign during fortune-telling, you should analyze it in combination with other signs. It is worth preparing for what may happen, but not taking it as already accomplished.

Preliminary hand analysis

During the preliminary analysis, attention should be paid to the shape of the hands and fingers, the "hills" on the hands, their severity and size. Below is a decoding of these signs with explanations and pictures.

Which hand to guess?

There are no "female" and "male" hands, one of which should be guessed. Both hands must be studied together in order to understand how similar they are. This is done in order to make sure that a certain sign is present on both hands.

To do this, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  1. First of all, they guess by the “main” hand (usually the right one). When a sign is present only on the right, this indicates the existence of a certain trend in a person's life.
  2. When both hands are exactly the same, this means that a person has not developed in any way during his life in relation to that starting point given to him by heredity or nature.

AT individual practices palmistry it is believed that the "other hand" (for example, for a right-hander - the left):

  • bears genetic or family qualities;
  • information about philosophical beliefs;
  • talks about "past lives" and karma.

Palm shapes

Usually, hand shapes are divided into four or more basic types, sometimes corresponding to classical elements (earth, air, water, fire) or temperaments (choleric, phlegmatic, etc.). It is believed that the shape of the hand indicates specific traits corresponding to the specified personality type.

The dominant one, however, is the interpretation that singles out seven different types hands that in some way relate to the seven races of humanity.

These seven types of hands are:

  • elementary or lowest type ("simple" hand);
  • practical (shovel-shaped) hand;
  • artistic (conical) hand;
  • practical (knotty) hand;
  • philosophical hand;
  • mental (spiritual) hand;
  • mixed hand.

Artistic hand. Elemental hand. Spade hand. Philosophical hand. Practical hand. Spiritual hand.

The shape of the palm will reinforce those personality traits that other characteristic features of the hands speak of. So, if the patterns on the palm reveal the creative nature of the person sitting in front of us, then the corresponding shape of the hand will emphasize it.

The science of fingers in palmistry

Fingers will help to learn a lot about the character and aspirations of a person:

  1. The index finger tells us about the ambitions of the owner and the tendency to tyranny. If this finger is unusually long and almost equal to the middle one, both tendencies are extremely pronounced.
  2. If middle finger has a straight line and correct form, this speaks of a serious and very obligatory character. If the finger has a pronounced curvature, it belongs to a person with a well-defined fate, and this must be confirmed by other signs in the palm of your hand. In general, this is a bad sign, denoting a “crooked” fate, which, at the same time, is difficult to influence.
  3. The ring finger, if very long and straight, indicates an extraordinary desire for fame, celebrity, etc. Although this may be extremely good quality for an actor, politician, just a public person, then for someone who has to keep secrets (family doctor, psychologist, lawyer), this is highly undesirable.
  4. The little finger, if it is long, rising above the second phalanx of the nameless, indicates eloquence and special subtlety in the presentation of thoughts. A short little finger shows the reverse side of what was said, the owner of such a finger hardly formulates his thoughts aloud.
  5. If the index and ring fingers are exactly the same length, this indicates a balanced mind (its emotional and analytical sides), but such a sign is quite rare.

Thus, a simple analysis of the fingers can tell us, for example, that we are facing a person - ambitious, serious, vain and cunning, or vice versa - quiet, infantile and simple.

Hills in the palm of your hand

These are tubercles on the surface of the palm, which reflect the presence or absence of certain qualities, and also enhance their significance if these qualities are expressed by other signs.

The study of the hills is associated with the qualities attributed to the seven luminaries, such as:

  • Venus - love, emotionality, passion;
  • Mars - vitality, courage;
  • Mercury - mind, ability to science and trade;
  • Moon - romanticism, frivolity, imagination;
  • Sun - fruitfulness, success;
  • Jupiter - ambition, power, the desire to dominate;
  • Saturn - thriftiness, calmness, seriousness.

Each of the hills can mean the presence of certain character traits:

  1. The hill of Mars is located at the beginning of the life line and if it is large enough and clear, its owner has a pronounced warlike nature, which manifests itself in all areas of life.
  2. Mount Jupiter is located at the base of the index finger. When he is large, he demonstrates a desire for dominance, a desire to manage and command people, to lead and organize them.
  3. The Mount of Saturn is located at the base of the middle finger. A clear, well-defined hill tells us that a person is characterized by love for loneliness, thoughtfulness and calmness.
  4. The hill of the Sun is located under the base of the ring finger, it is also called the hill of Apollo. When he is large, he indicates an insatiable desire for primacy, and also indicates a craving for beauty in all aspects of life.
  5. The Mount of Mercury is under the little finger. In combination with signs that speak of a good character, this is an auspicious sign, but on a hand belonging to an ambiguous nature, it enhances bad qualities such as greed and deceit.
  6. The Hill of the Moon is under the Mind Line. This hill is related to everything related to the poetic perception of the world, romance, craving for travel and changes in life.
  7. The part of the palm under the base of the thumb and inside the life line is called the hill of Venus. When it is expressed clearly, but not too great, it denotes a desire for love and communication, a creative temperament, and this, as a rule, is very noticeable in the hands of many artists, singers and musicians.

The location of the hills in the palm of your hand

Wrist bracelets

Separately, "bracelets" have little meaning.

Up to three of these lines can be located on the wrist:

  • health;
  • wealth;
  • happiness.

The combination of all three lines is very rare.

The location of the bracelets on the wrist

Main lines

In palmistry, primary and secondary lines are distinguished.

Main lines on the palm:

  • life;
  • mind (head);
  • hearts;
  • fate.

Basic lines on the palm

Secondary lines are:

  • health;
  • children;
  • intuition;
  • some others.

Below are photos describing all these lines.

look short video on the topic of the main lines on the hand from the Chiromantie channel.

life line

The life line is perhaps the least easily "read" line in the palm of your hand. It originates approximately in the middle between the thumb and forefinger, goes around the thumb hill and descends to the wrist joint.

Life line location

The line does not describe life, but only the state of a person, his vital energy.

Traditionally, the life line reflects the main milestones:

  • key events;
  • the physical state;
  • mental state and its consequences.

The length of the line is not tied to the duration of a person's life.

A “good” line of life is even and clear, the more intersections it has with other lines and signs, the more unforeseen negative circumstances there are in a person’s fate.

A wide line of life means the predominance of instincts in a person, a thin and clear line means willpower.

heart line

The line of the heart is the first of the main lines considered by palmists. It symbolizes love and attraction, and also reflects human emotions.

The line is located in the upper part of the palm under the fingers. The more tortuous and intermittent it is, the more emotionally illegible a person is - he is characterized by inconstancy in relationships, he is able to change.

Location of the heart line

The most obvious sign for prediction will be the interweaving of the lines of the heart and mind. It says that a person does not separate emotions from reason, which can mean recklessness, and, as a result, accidents, injuries, etc.

A “broken” heart line will tell you about a serious loss. With such a person, you should be as careful as possible in your assessments so as not to hurt him.

mind line

Location Features:

  1. This line starts from the edge of the palm under the index finger and runs along the palm to the wrist.
  2. Often the line of the mind begins in the same place as the line of life.

Palmists usually interpret this line to determine:

  • way of thinking of a person;
  • ability to learn;
  • human forms of communication and thirst for knowledge;
  • dominance of a creative or analytical way of thinking;

An even straight line speaks of a remarkable mind, while a crossed line even speaks of possible deviations in mental development.

The key point in the analysis of the Mind line is the study of its curvature, the lines crossing it or “coming out” of it. Any upward curvature of it from the usual location indicates that the person is exposed to circumstances that are unusual in tension. Simply symbolizing that the mind had to “dodge” in order to overcome certain difficulties.

Mind line location

fate line

Most of the lines on the hand have a beginning, but the line of fate does not have a specific point from which it begins. One way or another, it goes to the middle finger. It is believed that it reflects the path of a person, including commitment to certain interests, profession, and also speaks of his successes and failures.

This line is still not well understood. There are people for whom the line of fate exactly repeats all the turns of life, there are those for whom it reflects only the main thing. There are those whose line of fate does not say anything. This line is subject to the most profound study, and beginners should not make fateful decisions regarding the person they are guessing on the basis of this line.

Location of the fate line

Wealth lines

Wealth lines are not considered in the European school of palmistry. Here, a set of signs is studied, by which it is possible to determine the possible well-being of the owner. However, in the Chinese tradition they are. These are the vertical lines below ring finger.

If there are many lines, and they are clear and straight, this should indicate that their owner can make good money. Wavy money lines are believed to indicate that money matters are unstable and it will be very difficult to correct them.

Location of the wealth line

line of children

The lines relating to children are thinly marked vertical lines directly above the family line. To see them, the easiest way is to press on this part of the hand with your fingertips. Then find out which of these small lines stands out most clearly.

The video from the channel Astro - prorok presents a lesson on palmistry for beginners with explanations.

Sometimes they are deeply marked, but in many cases it is necessary to use a magnifying glass to study them. Broad and deep lines denote sons, thin and narrow - daughters.

Location of children's lines

Hidden Abilities Line

The line of latent abilities (intuition) is rarely found in ordinary people, but often manifests itself in philosophers and psychics. This line should form a semicircle starting at the surface of the Mount of Mercury and continuing to the surface of the Mount of the Moon.

In any case, the presence of this line in the palm of your hand indicates a developed intuition and a possible ability to predict the future. Very often, the owners of the lines of intuition have prophetic dreams.

Location of the line of hidden abilities (intuition)

health line

The line of health is most subject to change, because it directly reflects the state of human health in the present period of time.

Usually the line of health begins at the hill of Mercury and goes to the line of life. Interestingly, it is the curved line of health that speaks of its strength, as if showing the flexibility of the body's defense systems. Sometimes this line may be completely absent - this is a good sign indicating a strong constitution and a healthy nervous system.

Health line location

Additional symbols on the hands

These symbols are sometimes of the utmost importance.

Star - pentagram

Each point (top of the star) represents an element:

  • Earth;
  • air;
  • Fire;
  • water;

Palmists decipher this sign as follows:

  1. The vertical pentagram (one vertex up) shows commitment primarily to spirituality, since the fifth element (Spirit) is directed upwards.
  2. An inverted pentagram (two points up) indicates spirituality, located at the very bottom and thus playing a minimal role.

Pentagram in the palm of your hand


The quadrilateral is located between the lines of the mind and heart.

Interpretation features:

  1. To be considered a clear sign, it must not taper towards any of its sides.
  2. If it looks “correct”, then it means prudence, balance in all things and in general is an excellent sign.
  3. Excessively narrow indicates narrowness of views.
  4. Extremely wide, on the contrary, indicates fuzzy judgments and weakness of convictions. Sometimes - on the absence of one's position in principle or susceptibility to the opinions of others.

Quadrangle - designated as sector "A"


The large triangle is formed by the lines of the mind, life and health. The larger this triangle, the better your well-being will be and your outlook on life will also be broader. Only in the case when in this figure the line of life is long, the line of the mind is even, and the line of health is clear, we can talk about the presence of all three factors of happiness in a person’s life. If the upper angle (between the lines of the mind and life) is sharp, the person is nervous, timid and sensitive.

Quadrilateral (1) and triangle (2) on the palm

Ring of Apollo

The circle (ring) on ​​the hill of Apollo is a sign of misfortune. This sign is a harbinger of hard times, especially if it is wide and enters any other hill. This ring refers to an important mark on the hand, since its presence means that a person needs support from the family throughout his life.

allotted special place. After all, it is from it that you can find out how many times you will have to try on a wedding veil, and also this line will highlight all the problems that may arise in married life. We invite you to study all the nuances of reliable fortune-telling by the hand, which will tell you about the number of future marriages.

Palmistry is called ancient science about divination by the palm of a person. Palmistry has its origins in ancient Egypt. That a long time ago palm divination was very popular and was a science accessible only to selected members of society. Today, palmistry can be used by anyone.

Before embarking on the study of the lines in the palm of your hand, you need to determine which hand will be the main one. The active hand is the one with which you perform all the actions. It turns out that for right-handers it will be the right hand, and for left-handers, respectively, the left. So look for the marriage line on main hand a guessing person.

Distinctive features of the marriage line and its location

It is not at all surprising that palmistry attaches special importance to the marriage line. After all, relations between the sexes and marital happiness are very important not only for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also for men. It has long been noticed that men who receive support from their wife achieve much greater success in their careers than those who, for some reason, have not known family happiness.

The marriage line is very easy to find on the hand. At the same time, you do not need to have special knowledge in the field of palmistry. First, find the line of the heart on your hand. Then carefully examine the area that is located next to the little finger. Between it and the ring around the little finger (if you have one of course) there will be lines by which you can find out about future marriages.

The marriage lines are located in a horizontal direction, the lines of children can branch off from them, but this is a separate issue. In a number of schools of palmistry, for example, in Indian there is a slightly different designation of the marriage line. So the marriage lines are called those lines that are located below the thumb. At the same time, they differ in exactly the same meaning as in the situation with the first version of the definition. But another part of palmists is convinced that this interpretation is fundamentally wrong.

Fortune telling by hand how many marriages there will be

If you want to know how many times you are destined to get married or get married, you just need to count the number of lines that tell about the conclusion of a marriage union. At the same time, pronounced lines indicate a stable marriage that will last a very long time. And thin lines will tell about short-term relationships and possibly even serious relationships, which, however, will not lead to a wedding.

Now you understand how to find out how many marriages are destined for you from above. But what does the absence of a marriage line in the palm of your hand mean? According to one sign, this indicates damage, called the crown of celibacy. If you are unable to establish relationships with the opposite sex, you should think about it, perhaps there is some kind of negative that will definitely need to be removed.

There is also an option when the lines are missing because there is a marriage of convenience, in which everything is based only on money, and not on the sensual-emotional sphere.

Palmistry counts the number of marriages from the line of the heart. If you are destined to be a bride or groom more than once, the first marriage will be indicated by the first line branching off from the line of the heart. This way you can find out about future children, because marriage lines always have a connection with other lines that tell about offspring.

How soon will you get married?

Palmistry allows you to find out not only the number of marriages, but also the age at which they will be concluded:

  • the option of locating the marriage line close to the heart line tells about early marriage;
  • if the line of marriage runs from the beginning of the little finger and reaches the line of the heart, then the person will enter into a marriage union at the age of twenty-five to thirty years;
  • the case when the line responsible for marriage passes in close proximity to the end of the little finger tells about the late conclusion of a marriage.

Characteristic signs on the marriage line

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, through marriage you can learn not only about the number of marriage unions, but also get information about the problems that threaten your family life. Next, we will consider the most popular signs and symbols found on the described line:

  • The fork acts as a bifurcation, located at the end of the marriage line. Similar symbols will tell about disagreements, as well as different tempers partners, habits in everyday life and a different life position. At the end of the marriage line with a fork, you can talk about divorce. At the same time, the larger the fork, the more severe misunderstandings the spouses will face. A divorce is initiated by a person on whose hand there is a similar mark. Also, in the process of family life between spouses, quarrels and disagreements will inevitably arise, moreover, on almost all issues.
  • The presence of large-scale islands on the marriage line will tell about a difficult family situation. But this symbol is much heavier than the first. If in the first situation the partners can still adequately perceive what is happening, then in the second case it is completely impossible. The island will tell about future litigation, strong scandals and fierce enmity between spouses.

An interesting point. In palmistry, the concept of a specific line of divorce is known. It arises on the hand of those individuals whose happiness is foreshadowed by some kind of threat. This is a very unusual sign and the interpretation of such a label presents certain difficulties.

All the secrets of family life through marriage

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the marriage line in palmistry. After all, it is she who will be able to reveal any secrets of each person. For example, the presence of a straight line will indicate that the family will not stand out too much from all other families. It is likely that the spouses will face various problems, but they do not have serious secrets and secrets from each other.

A completely different situation is when the marriage line ends with an island, after which it goes down to the heart line. This mark indicates incest, a relationship between blood relatives, for example, a brother and sister. To confirm this information, turn your attention to the hill of Venus.

When the marriage line reaches the line of the Sun or crosses or passes through it, this is a clear indication that you will marry a very famous person. He has a sufficient fortune, is a solid and influential person. This marriage union will be of great importance to you, there will be a place for both feelings and calculation in it.

In general, the lines on the palms that reveal family life human are of interest to each of us. By learning how to correctly decipher such signs, you will be able to prevent various troubles in a timely manner and save your family happiness from the attacks of ill-wishers.

Also, in conclusion, be sure to watch an interesting thematic video material:

Our future is shrouded in mystery. But many people, especially the fair sex, are constantly interested in the question: how to find out “How many marriages will I have?” by hand, by numbers, or something else. Oh, how tempting it is, that it even seems unrealistic, but, oddly enough, but to slightly open the veil of secrecy.

With the help of such a science as palmistry, you can find out what is hidden in the fate of a person. You just need to carefully look at your palm. And let's try to understand this together and understand whether it is possible, and how you can find out by hand how many marriages a person will have.

What is the name of the science of divination by hand?

Palmistry is the name of the science of palm divination, the origins of this science must be sought in ancient egypt. Then fortune-telling by hand was very popular and existed as a science for the elite. Today it is available to everyone.

First, a novice palmist needs to decide on which hand it is correct to consider the lines. The lines of your future marriages are on the active right hand. This hand reveals your outer shell, how people see you in real life. This is true for righties. If you are left-handed, you should look accordingly on your left hand.

Now we need to correctly find the lines responsible for the marriage. The marriage line of a person on the arm is located (located) almost on the side of the palm under the little finger, as in the photograph, which can be enlarged with a mouse click.

We are only interested in clearly drawn lines, because they will tell about marriage or marriage. Short dashes speak only of affection. So, how many clear lines you see, probably, so many serious relationships are prepared for you by fate. What else will the lines in the palm of our hand tell us about marriage?

When the trait of marriage on the hand is next to the line of the heart, then the marriage will be early. By the way, the line of the heart begins under the little finger from the very edge of the palm and comes to the long or index finger.

The marriage line passing between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart will indicate that your marriage will happen at the age of 25 - 30 years.

The line passing very close to the base of the little finger, will tell us that a probable marriage will be concluded at a later age.

How to know by hand if I will get married?

If in your palm the marriage line turns up, then you will be a bachelor (bachelor) all your life.

The downward line says that you will outlive your husband (wife). Divorce cannot be avoided if the marriage line bifurcates at the end. Moreover, the wider the fork at the end of the line, the more contention there will be between people. The initiator of the divorce in this case will be the owner of the hand. A large fork on the marriage line will tell us about the scandalousness of its owner.

An island at the end of the line also means divorce. The difference is that it will take place more emotionally and will certainly end in irreconcilable hostility, courts and proceedings. If you see just such a sign on your palm, you are an emotionally receptive person, and there has been a discord in your family.

It is worth paying attention to the trait of divorce, which appears precisely in such periods of life. The divorce line should be looked for on the thumb. This is a small line coming down from the base of the thumb.

If the marriage line is directed from the side to the center of the palm, but loses its clarity towards the end, this means that feelings are gradually fading away. You may have to leave soon. The wavy line of marriage is also important, showing frequent quarrels and troubles in the family.

The line of betrayal on the hand in Palmistry

If near the marriage line, a very close, barely noticeable, thin line passes, this may mean the presence in your life of another love affair, in other words, a lover (lover).

Such lines, betrayals in palmistry, as a rule, should be considered on the inactive hand (left), since the active hand expresses outside your essence, but the inactive internal emotional condition souls. When the marriage line bifurcates, the top line continues to rush towards the center of the palm - this says that after separation, your relationship is likely to continue.

But a straight line, tending to the center of the palm and mingling with the line of success, can tell us that your marriage will certainly be happy and successful. The line of success is a line that starts at the bottom or in the middle of the palm and goes up to the ring finger.

The marriage line on your hand can also be used to judge the health of your partner, as well as whether your marriage is happy and successful. To do this, you should take a closer look at a clearly drawn marriage line, and if there are small branches in the form of a Christmas tree on it, your couple’s health will be poor.

If a branch leaves from the marriage line to the so-called hill of the Sun and intersects with the line of the Sun, this may mean that your half will be a successful and very famous person. Conversely, when the line of marriage is directed downward and intersects with the line of the Sun, then you will lose your position in society, creating a marriage.

Hill of the Sun in a different way you can find the hill of Apollo under the ring finger. This mound, if present, symbolizes the success and self-realization of the owner of such a palm. The line of the Sun is also called the line of Apollo, the line of Success, the line of Good Luck, originates from the ring finger and can go down through the entire palm. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a pronounced line.

If a person does not have a marriage line?

It happens in Palmistry that a person does not have a marriage line at all, although he is married (married). This means one thing - marriage of convenience. In such a marriage there is no place for love and tender feelings. As a rule, such a marriage is concluded to obtain some benefit for partners. When the line looks like small consecutive knots, marriage is simply contraindicated for such a person, since in marriage he will be unhappy and lonely.

I am sure that by now you already have some answers to your questions regarding marriage, and how many of them you will have. And yet it is worth considering that palmistry tells us only about possible options marriage (marriage), as well as the development of further relationships in marriage.

Please note that in order to draw final conclusions, you need to consider and compare the signs on both palms. Take into account many other factors. Do not make hasty conclusions and do not rashly take measures to prevent undesirable events.

For a deeper interpretation, it is better to contact a professional. He will analyze both hands, take into account all influences and signs, and give you a competent answer.

And of course, the future depends only on your choice, which will be made by you at a predetermined moment in your life. So, it is entirely up to you. The marriage lines on your hand will tell you how many partners fate gives, but how many times in your life there will be a wedding, and how happy your family relationships will be up to you.