The meaning of the name albin, character and fate. The meaning of the female name Albina: softness and severity in one person

The meaning of the name Albina is quite interesting - this strong and decisive woman can be both "white and fluffy" and "black sheep", depending on which character traits will prevail.

A girl with such a rare and unusual name will definitely be in the spotlight. Therefore, since childhood, preferring the company of boys and surrounded by a crowd of fans, Albina gets used to being worshiped and put on a pedestal.

An explosive mixture of pride and imperiousness, embellished with charm and mystery - that's what the name Albina means.

This name breathes with the East, although it is not of Eastern origin at all. Albina values ​​herself and her individuality very much, she would never want to be one of several for someone, her most important desire is to be the one and only.

And this applies to both work and personal life or relationships with friends.

Would you name a child by that name?

Her story begins with the male nickname Albion. The origin of the name Albina is Latin and is associated with the word "albus", which means "white" in translation.

In my time male version got this name wide use, it was worn by famous generals, scientists and philosophers. However, in female version this name was unknown for a long time.

On the one hand, it is completely non-Orthodox, but on the other, it is still quite familiar to us, Russian. After all, its ending is similar to names such as: Marina or Galina. Although Albina breathes with some southern exoticism.

In Russia, it appeared in everyday life not so long ago, only in the 20th century, thanks to the appearance of many rare names and the popularity of the novel by Alexander Dumas "Albina von Schwalbach".

And until now, this sonorous and unusual name is chosen for their daughters quite often, despite the complex, but very strong character of its owner.

Name forms

Simple: Albina Full: Albina Vintage: AlbinaAffectionate: Alenka

The main secret of the name Albina is that for all her attractiveness and hot temper, her character is still more masculine. It is from here that her imperiousness and tendency to dominate take root. Alya always stands her ground, very rarely gives in.

An exception may be Albina Alekseevna or Dmitrievna - for the sake of loved ones, she will gladly sacrifice her interests.

The description of what the name Albina means is inextricably linked with emotionality and secrecy.

In an effort to show external coldness, Alya hides her true feelings.

Which cannot but affect the psychological state: if, due to circumstances, she has to control herself for a long time, this can even lead to depression.

It is worth noting that Albina perfectly benefits not only from all its advantages, but also disadvantages. Such a woman always knows what she wants, how to achieve it and who can help her in this.

The characteristic of the name Albina is energetic, decisive, domineering, but at the same time very feminine. Hot-tempered and explosive, if you managed to hurt her pride, wait for a worthy answer - instead of screams and hysterics, a pound of contempt, zero attention and complete indifference to the future.

When choosing a profession, only Albina's interest in her will play a decisive role, prestige or profitability does not matter.

But if Alya has already found herself, she will be able to show herself in all her glory and will certainly achieve success, in this case she will not take restraint and restraint. Although Albina Andreevna or Evgenievna may be too principled - and then the career takeoff will not be so serene.

Another characteristic for Albina is of no small importance - her sensitivity, even sentimentality. This woman is not always as strong as she wants to appear. And sometimes life failures for a long time can knock her out of the state of mental equilibrium.



Strength of will








The most important thing for Albina in a relationship is attention. From her youth, accustomed to universal worship, in her chosen one she will value, first of all, loyalty and devotion. It is vital for her to feel that she is desired and loved.

At the same time, Albina is a terrible possessive and jealous, can maniacally control all the female environment of her spouse, especially if she does not receive enough attention.

She herself is a faithful wife and an ideal hostess, she easily takes care of herself and her home. Only with her husband is she ready to sacrifice her interests, provided that he is ready to concede leadership positions in some way and, of course, loves her very much.

For the sake of children, Alya is ready for a lot, no matter what happens and no matter how the financial situation develops, she will definitely achieve the best for her children - be it clothes, school or some special sections.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

For a girl named Albina, the most important thing will always be herself, her thoughts and desires. Very charming, independent, attractive, Alya can be detached and even cruel with others.

This child is sure to achieve his goal thanks to his self-confidence and perseverance.

Albina is quick-tempered, impulsive, sometimes too emotional. It looks like a time bomb, and this means that if the "hour has come" and the girl's pride was hurt, then the offender is clearly out of luck. Even without making scandals, this child with his contempt will make you regret your words or actions.

In what will Albina be successful?

The girl, named Albina, will only do what is interesting to her. And if she is not "hooked", it will be very difficult to achieve good results. She likes to communicate with people, she knows how to manage them, organize them correctly, and therefore can connect her life with the public, in a narrow or broad sense.

The owner of this name should definitely be taught compassion and patience, the ability not to notice other people's shortcomings, or at least not openly point out them. Sensitive Albina must be taught to calmly relate to life's failures, the ease of perception of failed projects will greatly help her in the future.

What games will Albina like?

This child is very active, moreover, he is not deprived of talents. Albina loves to dance, sing, and just run down the street with other guys. She likes to be in the spotlight, and therefore she can even start a yard concert and act as the main "star".

In Latin, it means "white" and "pure". If you go deeper into history, then in the Roman Empire, female names were forms of generic names. So, for example, the name Albina, which originally sounded differently - "Alba", meant that this girl was from the Albina clan. What is noteworthy: women of the same kind were called the same in those days. The only difference was in age. So, the oldest woman in the family was called Alba Maior, that is, the eldest of the Alb family. Then came Alba Secunda (second) and so on. The word Minor was added to the youngest.

If we go back to our days, then the name Albina is more often found in Poland or the Czech Republic, as well as in the United States. In America, it often sounds like Bella. In Orthodoxy, the meaning of the name Albin is not considered churchly, it is not recognized. Belyana or Belana can be consonant with this name.

But let's move on to character traits. Knowing the meaning of the name Albina, one can guess that this child has been restless and curious since childhood. The girl is interested in every thing. Growing up, Albina becomes a good helper for her parents. She loves order and comfort. As a rule, a girl with this name has many friends and girlfriends. Albina is friendly, ready to help. Nevertheless, people often use her good nature to their advantage, but, as a rule, she does not hold any grudge against them. It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Albina is pure and white. Having already matured, the girl becomes more reasonable, calm and pleasant in communication, which causes the respect of others.

In life, Albina is not a leader, so professions related to management are not suitable for her. The most she can achieve is leadership of a small department. In everyday life, Albina is an excellent hostess. As for the figure, most often this girl keeps herself in shape, so she is not deprived of male attention. She is in no hurry to get married. He is very sensitive to marriage. Therefore, marriage most often occurs at an age far beyond twenty years.

Albina selects her husband carefully. She must wait for such a person who will be not only loved, but also financially secure.

The most suitable for marriage with Albina are men with and Igor, as well as Alexander, Grigory. You should not marry Ivan and Vasily, as well as Nikolai and Peter. Here, the relationship will not be permanent, most likely, such a marriage will fail, and the spouses will have to divorce.

The zodiac sign Cancer most corresponds to this name. A talisman, a talisman for a girl named Albina, is a moonstone. The most successful day is Wednesday. Therefore, it is better to postpone the most important things for this particular day of the week. Albin's birthday is on the sixteenth of December.

If you named your daughter Albina, the meaning of the name may change depending on when the child was born. So, girls born in May are predisposed to They do not sleep well in infancy, they love very much to be carried in their arms. September Albins are a little sick, they have a predisposition to tonsillitis. If the girl was born in February, then in school years often sick. Such girls are restless and irritable, prone to nervous breakdowns.

So, the origin of the name Albina is from the male name Alben. Its roots are Latin. Beautiful and consonant, this name will bring happiness to your child.


According to the main version, the name Albina comes from the Latin word "albus", which is translated from Latin as "white", "light" or "clean". In ancient Roman culture, this name was not popular, and was found only in families that were awarded high social status.

The female name Albina has interesting story origin and has a good value, promising a lot of good to the girl named, like many names. It is popular and in demand throughout Europe, and below we will discuss it in as much detail as possible ...

Conversational options: There is none

Modern English counterparts: There is none

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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According to her, the meaning of the name Albina promises a huge number of conflicting qualities to the girl. This is usually an efficient girl who does not know how to sit still. She needs to develop, improve, travel, feed on the energy of adrenaline and unpredictability. She is active, tries to always be in the spotlight, does not ignore social events. Her every day should be routine, not boring. If boredom enters the life of this girl, then she can turn into an aggressive and irritable predator - it is better not to mess with this one.

An ideal housewife, a wife, can become a good mother, but she is in no hurry to be married, because she greatly values ​​freedom and independence.

Advantages and positive features: energetic, active, positive and optimistic, mobile, talkative, sociable and sociable, never sits still, hardworking and purposeful.

Albins treat badly secretive, distrustful, silent, boring and boring people, and also do not like traitors, liars, selfish and too intrusive people.

The name Albina is absent in the nomenclature of Orthodox Russian names and is Catholic. During baptism, it can be replaced with the names Alla or Alevtin, which are similar in sound.

The nature of the name Albina

The nature of the name Albina is such that it endows the bearer of this name with a very difficult nature. Her inner world is colorful, she is a dreamer and has an excellent imagination, but her character is so complex and conflicted that not every person can come to terms with him. Albina has the character of a leader, the traits of a future boss and a businessman - this is good. But on the other hand, Albina is too conflicted and principled, and this can lead to disagreements with people from the environment, to their dissatisfaction with her and her behavior, to their renunciation of communication with her. Her character is such that she does not allow her to deceive people, take advantage of the weaknesses of loved ones and profit from someone's grief, and in trouble she will not leave anyone, even a little familiar person, and all this is good, but there is a counterbalance to all this in the form of unwillingness to go compromise and lack of trust. She is distrustful, secretive, independent and independent - it is not easy to earn her trust, she keeps all her experiences and feelings in the depths of herself, does not even trust her relatives. Only the one who actually sacrifices something personal at least once for her and her good can earn her trust. Although, despite her secrecy and distrust, she has many comrades and well-wishers.

On the other hand, it should be noted that all of the above is only a theory. The character can be completely different, and moreover, it can depend on many side factors. For example, the character can change depending on the influence of the zodiac sign, the year according to the Chinese calendar, and even the influence of the energy of the name mascot stone.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a baby named Albina is usually filled with good emotions and movement. This girl has a difficult nature, but she is filled with good features in childhood. Among their huge list are fantasy, excellent imagination, efficiency and energy, restlessness, cheerful disposition, kindness and good nature, friendliness and eloquence, honesty and justice. This girl has the ability to easily make friends, the meaning endows her with incredible friendliness, but she is too demanding, which can sometimes lead to conflicts with potential friends. But she is true to her principles and even in such early age demonstrates an incredible craving for leadership - the meaning of the name Albina can turn the carrier into a leader, a person whose opinion everyone will always listen to. But there is one "but" - parents should pay attention to her upbringing, because the thirst for leadership and power can turn her into an overly narcissistic and self-sufficient person. And the meaning of this name can give the character of this girl and such a trait as uncompromising, which can bring many problems in the future in communicating with people - it is worth paying attention to mitigating this trait. But Albina is a person with a great imagination, who does not know how to sit still and always has in reserve whole list ideas that will surely come true sooner or later ...


For a teenage girl who received the name Albina, the character can turn out to be very difficult with the wrong upbringing and in the event that her parents fail to extinguish in her the ardor of overestimated self-sufficiency and pride. The girl whose parents decided to choose in childhood rare name Albina can be a rather complex character - she is ambitious, principled, uncompromising, straightforward, always speaks the truth to people in the eyes and never gives in to anyone. But this does not apply to all cases - meaning can give rise to another nature, which is extremely different from the one described above. And also, plus everything, this girl can develop a bunch of good qualities that are important for a teenage girl - the meaning of this name can bestow honesty, diligence, responsibility, commitment and diligence, hard work and perseverance, eloquence and a desire to help everyone around. Truth. There is also one "but" - the fact is that she will only help those who, in her opinion, deserve it, and it is not easy to deserve it, in everyone and always Albina always finds something that she cannot put up with. But at school she usually has such continuous success - her leadership skills and ease of learning allow her to achieve good results, moreover, both in the study of the exact sciences and in the study of humanitarian subjects. Relations with teachers, of course, are unlikely to be ideal, this is the reason for the meaning of the name form Albina, but they will definitely respect her opinion.

Adult woman

Adult Albina, as a person, and as a woman, is very complex. The meaning of this name can give her a bunch good characteristics, but along the way and a bunch of shortcomings. Her worst drawback, perhaps, is arrogance - it is this trait that repels her potential friends, but on the other hand, there is one advantage that overrides this line, this is the ability to remain calm and reasonable in moments when a conflict is brewing. And in general, Albina, this is a person who knows how to resolve conflicts where it seems unrealistic. Well, plus to everything, the meaning can bestow the ability to prove that you are right without conflict and insults, and a bunch of leadership inclinations, and excellent imagination, and creative thinking, and the ability to find solutions where it would seem that they do not exist, and eloquence, and sociability, and benevolence and honesty and loyalty and reliability and hard work. In fact, the meaning turns the girl named after Albina into a woman with whom you can both be friends and do business. But there is also a tremendous "but" - she is principled and she simply does not give up most of these principles, if she made a decision, she will not change it, even if she realizes that this decision may turn out to be disastrous or fatal. Albina can become a boss and a leader. People listen to her opinion, but she has very, very few real friends, and even more like-minded people - the fault lies with her refusal to trust people and get closer to them ...

Albin's character interactions with the seasons

Winter - this hot and frosty period brings Albina to our world hot-tempered, aggressive, but passionate and determined. You can do business with such a person - she is responsible, but she needs to be controlled, because she is highly dependent on emotions and mood. But she is passionate - the stronger sex is from such a madness, she attracts with the simplicity of her character and then manipulates.

Spring - but mysterious springtime its meaning, on the contrary, endows the girl named with this name form with a strange, secretive, sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time arrogant character. It is pleasant to communicate with her, if she wants it, she is also obligatory, but she lacks hard work and determination. She rarely brings things to the end, tries to avoid responsibility.

Summer - hot summer days, thanks to the combination with the origin, the name gives rise to a nature that is just as emotional, sensitive, cheerful, vulnerable and capricious, but also endows with determination, which a spring lady lacks. It is pleasant for everyone to be with such a person - she attracts people with positive and optimism. She is ready to overcome obstacles in achieving goals, but not ready to lose independence for the sake of creating a family.

Autumn - moody autumn months give a serious and moderate character. She doesn't know how to have fun. She is guided by common sense and logic, reasonable and calculating, focused on achieving her own goals, a little selfish. Demanding, especially to the representatives of the strong half. The choice of a satellite will be meticulous. It is unlikely that she will become a housewife - her destiny, career growth and material wealth.

The fate of the name Albin

The fate of the name is the most difficult and mysterious factor, but with regard to the specific case with the name Albina, it is still more difficult here due to the lack of information. Nevertheless, we do know something. So, researchers who studied the situation with such a factor as the fate of Albina came to the conclusion that in the future the bearer of this name may face too many difficulties, in particular in terms of relations with the opposite sex.

The main problem in the relationship of the girl named after Albina with the representatives of the male half of humanity is that she does not know how to find a compromise. Albina's fate assumes her the presence of such a flaw as uncompromising and adherence to principles, which in turn has a detrimental effect on relations with men. Her fate can lead her along the road of parting - she will look for a very long time for a person who is ready to give in to her in everything, compliant, docile, calm. But on the other hand, her fate also presupposes the possibility of adapting her behavior - for example, she may begin to yield to a man who is ready to yield to her, and this is already a plus, isn't it?

In general, fate is one of the most difficult factors, and it is almost impossible to predict exactly how it will turn out with one hundred percent accuracy. And plus to everything, fate depends on many additional factors, and not only on the characteristics of the name-form, but also on parental upbringing, and even on the time of birth.

Love and marriage

An amorous character and a desire to quickly escape from parental care can push Albina to an early marriage. Moreover, being in love to unconsciousness, Albina can marry a man who will not at all meet her standards and criteria. The result is one - the first marriage is unsuccessful.

But on the other hand, Albina will probably take maximum responsibility for the second marriage. Moreover, the husband will have to meet a whole bunch of criteria: he must respect her opinion, not be a snob, be promising in terms of material well-being and career growth, treat her as gently and tenderly as possible. It is certainly difficult to find such a person, but Albina is not one of those who give up ahead of time.

In a marriage with a husband who meets all of her criteria, she can become an ideal wife and housekeeper. She will succeed not only in the household, but also in household affairs in general. He will always put things in order and prepare food, make sure that a family member is neat, support everyone and give his attention, devote a piece of himself to everyone.

Albina as Mother

Unfortunately, not so much is known about what kind of mothers Albins become. But if we rely on the statistics and the previously mentioned features inherent in Albins, then we can say with one hundred percent certainty that excellent mothers are obtained from such women. And this is not surprising. Can such traits as purposefulness, responsibility, punctuality, sociability and sociability belong to a bad mother? Excluded…

When it comes to love and intimacy, there can be problems. The fact is that most Albins are too narcissistic women. She can give the child regrettably little attention, forget about upbringing and in general, behave as if her child is already an adult and independent person who does not need anything. Dad should take on all parental responsibilities, because the child may otherwise grow up notorious and insecure.

Male name compatibility

It's time to touch on the compatibility of the name Albina with names for boys. Although, there is nothing to touch on, because the topic has long been solved by researchers in this area ...

Turns out, best combination in terms of passion and love can be achieved with Akim, Gordey, Nikolai, Ostap, Pankrat and Spartak.

The strength of marriage is guaranteed in relationships with Dmitry, Ruslan, Miron, Semyon, Ernest, Nathan and Mark.

Albina - not widely popular, but quite famous name. Modern world knows him mainly thanks to talented artists and athletes. But before you call a child that, it doesn't hurt to find out full meaning of this name, as well as the nuances of the combination with other factors influencing the name - for example, with the sign of the zodiac or with the time of year when the girl was born.

The origin, forms and distribution of the name Albin

Albina's name comes from the Latin word “albus” - “white”. In the era of Ancient Rome, the generic nickname (analogue of the modern surname) Albinus or even Albinianus appeared, and from it, in turn, the male and female forms of the name Albin and Albina originate. This name is popular with Catholics, but rarely found in the Orthodox environment. Since the name Albina is absent in the calendar, the girl will be christened with some similar name. Most often, the name Alevtin is chosen for baptism.

For some reason, the name Albina is very common among Turkic peoples... Tatars often call their daughters that way, believing that they give her a Muslim name.

Table: name in other languages

In the Russian passport, Albina will be recorded as Albina. Little Albina will be affectionately called Albinka, Alya, Albinochka, Alyusya, Alenka.

Combination with middle name

When naming your daughter Albina, think about how this name will be combined with a middle name. Of course, this question ceases to be relevant if you do not live in a Russian-speaking environment. Such combinations of name and patronymic sound good:

  • Albina Alekseevna;
  • Albina Aleksandrovna (though somewhat long);
  • Albina Borisovna;
  • Albina Anatolyevna.

Nickname options

The name Albina can act as an independent nickname entirely, or you can use part of the name - Alba, Bina, Albia. The second option is to get creative and use the meaning of the name when creating a nickname. Since Albina means “light, white”, for nicknames you can take the same words in other languages ​​as a basis, for example, White, Light and so on.

Name days and patron saints

In the Catholic tradition, there are several saints named Albina. For example, in Italy, the martyr Albina of Formia, who lived in the 3rd century AD, is most honored. during the reign of Emperor Decius. She is traditionally depicted with a palm branch against the background of the sea: according to legend, the relics of Albina and other martyrs after the execution were lowered into the water in a boat and left to fend for themselves. But the waters washed the boat to the shores of the Italian city of Formia, where the remains of the martyrs were piously buried. The memory of Saint Albina and, accordingly, the name day is celebrated on December 16.

Saint Albina is often depicted against the background of the sea or a ship with a palm twig in her hands.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Any Albina since childhood is distinguished by an independent disposition and her own opinion. At the same time, she is charming and sweet for family and friends. But if someone dares to hurt her, then Albina will react instantly and verbally “sting” at the most painful point.

Any girl with an original or rare name will have heightened self-esteem. It is important from childhood to instill in little Albina not only a sense of her own uniqueness, but also attentiveness to others.

Professions, business and career

Since Albina is distinguished by high ambitions and a willingness to make efforts to realize her desires, she is well suited for a career where she needs to compete for a place in the sun. Albina likes to fight for her success - healthy competition motivates her well. Therefore, there are many athletes among Albin. Even if Albina does not choose a sports career, she often chooses fitness as her main leisure activity.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Albina always strives to find a partner with the same interests. If the hobbies of her chosen one relate to completely different spheres of life, Albina will always find time to be imbued with them. After the appearance of the children, Albina's focus of attention switches to them. Often the family comes to the fore for her, and the rest of her life seems to cease to exist.

Table: compatibility with other names

Table: characters corresponding to the name

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters of the name Albina

Each letter itself carries some meaning for a person's character:

  • A is key for this name, because it stands at the beginning and is repeated two times. Determines leadership qualities in a person.
  • L - is responsible for softness, sophistication and artistry.
  • B - softens the action of other letters, makes a person less conflicted.
  • B - indicates hard work and the desire for wealth.
  • And - testifies to an astute mind and lively imagination.
  • H - indicates a strong personality who clearly understands what he wants from life.

Name and season

The time of year when Albina was born also affects her character:

  • Winter Albina is less sociable, but she has more energy and time for a career;
  • In spring Albina, the character is not so harsh - she is often fond of creativity;
  • Summer Albina is an energetic and restless person who always attracts a lot of attention;
  • Autumn Albina is calmer, but also does not like to go unnoticed.

Table: the influence of the zodiac sign on the name Albina

Zodiac sign Description
AriesStubborn, often more masculine
TaurusHe devotes a lot of time to home improvement.
TwinsArtistic and a little arrogant.
CancerHe puts his family first, and then his own interests.
a lionAlways in the center of male attention.
VirgoResponsible, but often quarrels with loved ones.
scalesImpressive and romantic, she knows how to charm any interlocutor with herself.
ScorpionPassionate about immersion in her inner world as much as work
SagittariusAs a rule, he knows what he wants and quickly achieves it.
CapricornShe is a very purposeful and energetic woman with a considerable reserve of strength.
AquariusHe has a well-developed imagination and makes his friends very happy with this.
FishesSensitive and receptive person.

Famous women named Albina

The name Albina is more often found in the CIS than abroad, therefore, in the list of famous carriers of this name, mainly our compatriots:

  • Albina de Montolon is considered the last mistress of Napoleon in exile on the island of Saint Helena.
  • Albina Baeva - Soviet choreographer, soloist of the Ossetian ensemble "Alan".
  • Albina Dzhabanaeva is a Russian singer, known for her participation in the VIA Gra group.
  • Albina Akhatova - Russian biathlete;
  • Albina Apanaeva - Tatar pop singer;
  • Albina Nazimova - designer, the last wife of Vlad Listyev;
  • Albina Yevtushevskaya is an actress, a master of the episode, who made her debut at the age of 65.

Albina's name belongs to a group of German Catholic names. The origin of the name Albin is associated with the Latin nickname Albinus ("albus" - white). There is an opinion that the name was formed from the name of Alba (Albina). It is very common in the USA and European countries (Czech Republic, Poland), u. The meaning of the name Albina speaks of a strict and measured personality.

The meaning of the name Albina spelled

The church name Albina is not provided, because it is more used in Catholicism.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

Little Albina is a very active child. She is constantly busy with business: dancing, singing, jumping, laughing. Such a girl lacks poise. She is constantly waiting for praise from adults, even if she has outlined all the wallpapers in the house. She believes that everyone should notice only her merits. Parents are obliged to be attentive to the upbringing of Albina. Punishments and reprimands will not be superfluous (only within reasonable educational limits).

Girl Albina constantly needs to instill a sense of respect for people. If parents do not pay attention to this, then the adult Albina can have a terrible conceit. Doesn't refuse to help mom / grandmother. Likes to cook and clean the house. The meaning of the name Albina for a girl speaks of moodiness. This can cause problems at school.

A girl with that name, born in winter, is very hot-tempered, in the fall she knows how to control herself, in the summer she is active and emotional, in the spring she is arrogant and vulnerable. The meaning of this name speaks of a living girl. She loves to fantasize. She remembers well what caused strong emotions in her.

Prone to water sports.

The senses

Two sides - that's what the name Albina means for her character. She can be unapproachable and cold, show willpower and firmness of character. On another day, she is docile and soft, with might and main shows charm and joy. Albina's weak point is her pride. She can get angry in a few seconds. Offended Albina is extremely arrogant and proud.

He does not like quarrels, but does not avoid them either. If her opponent is too aggressive, Albina will not accept the challenge. She will remain indifferent to any screams and will only give her opponent a contemptuous look. The usual quarrel from such her behavior only worsens.

Albina knows how to control herself and considers this to be her advantage over the others. To many, she may seem rude and even boorish, because Albina does not tend to listen to other people's opinions and understand other people's feelings.

She knows how to lead people and herself. Does not go on about feelings and emotions. Knows how to hurt a person with just words and where to hit so that the enemy retreats defeated.

Better never to argue with her, not to test her. She will win and humiliate you as much as possible. Albina is inclined to start a quarrel in order to prove her strength and advantage to herself. Does a lot just to impress others.

Prone to euphoria, which develops into prolonged depression.

Profession and career

Calmness and coldness of Albina help her in her career. She can outplay anyone in a business conflict. Such a girl is the immediate leader. Her inability to succumb to strangers, and own feelings makes her an iron lady in any crisis situation. The characteristic of the name Albina speaks of her success in any business.

Knows how to manipulate people, so it is better to choose a profession related directly to communication. She can be an excellent sales representative, consultant, broker. Albina is good in teaching. Such a girl is not inclined to pursue a prestigious position, it is important that she can express herself. She is inclined to make discoveries in professional creative activity.

He willingly takes part in public life. He sees more joy in self-development (self-admiration, if poorly brought up) than in the work process. Has good intuition.


She often forgets that she needs to have compassion and pity on her loved ones. She does not know how to accept people as they really are, so she tends to be disappointed in them for no reason. It is typical for her to quickly find and lose acquaintances.

Does not tolerate ridicule. For this, she can turn from a friend into an enemy, and take revenge with all the grace and cunning that is inherent in her.

All these qualities do not mean at all that Albina is devoid of kindness. The interpretation of the name indicates that she protects her self-esteem only when she feels a threat. At other times, this girl is calm and sweet. She has a very rich inner world. She true friend and a hospitable hostess.

Takes to heart all the failures, even strangers and the most insignificant. She cannot keep feelings to herself, otherwise she will develop a nervous breakdown.

Romantic relationship

She is well aware of her own uniqueness. Because of this, she is arrogant. He does not like obsession, therefore he does not tolerate quick falling in love on the part of men. Everything should be measured and on time so that Albina does not feel humiliated.

She is very picky in choosing a partner. He finds his ideal with difficulty. The interpretation of the name suggests that she will be happy if she accepts a man with all his flaws and reconciles with her own. That doesn't mean she has to accept every weak guy. Let him just forgive him for imperfection.

Knows how charming she is and knows how to use it. If she is comfortable with a man, she will give him unimaginable tenderness.

She is able to reach the top, get rich or find a rich man, have relationships with "big" people. Before marriage, domineering. Very sentimental, although it doesn't show it.

A family

She is a leader not only in the office, but also at home. In everyday life, everything works out for her, as well as possible. Pretty practical. Even despite a certain indifference to the feelings of loved ones, she is ready to protect family and friends more than herself. Likes to equip his home and create comfort. She is trying to fully develop her children. Does not tolerate drunkenness in the house.


The meaning of the name Albina promises its owner problems with the genitourinary system and weight.

The girl will be happy if she can curb her character and see people as real. She will not be able to find a perfect husband and a perfect job to match her nature, and if she cannot accept this, she will become depressed.

In her career, on the contrary, nothing stands in her way. If she finds the desired place, she will be able to achieve everything that she needs. Fate prepares her for the position of director.

In a relationship with her husband, discord can happen if Albina does not get rid of jealousy. Excessive coldness towards children can lead to their alienation. But following her character, Albina will be happy and healthy.