Children died in the dream. What is the dream of a dead child: do not be alarmed, everything will be fine! Basic interpretations of dreams about dead children

The death of a child in a dream is always a rather unpleasant event, even if it was not yours, but someone else's baby. It is unlikely that the dreamer, flipping through the dream book page after page, wants to find positive interpretations of such a dream. And very much in vain, because there are such notes. To be more precise, there are several of them. However, a vision with the death of a baby can portend not only long-awaited life changes, but also serious problems. As in all other cases, it all depends on the correct interpretation of the vision and interpretation of the dream book. Just the same, the most popular dream books should be addressed first.

This book describes in more detail, what the death of children can dream of... The most popular interpretation says that a person will soon be visited by insight. This may be some kind of fruitful idea that the dreamer decides to bring to life. If you do this, then such an undertaking will certainly bear fruit in the future. Or a person who saw such a vision will sharply rethink something: radically change his life position or worldview.

In the event that in a dream you saw the death of strangers then the vision begins to take on a completely different character. Long life and good health portends a dream where you saw the death of a child whose parents are your friends. By the way, such a dream also quite often portends a quick change of image, which will benefit you. Be sure to stop by the hairdresser or shop for new pieces of your wardrobe.

Among other things, modern dream book portends to lonely girls the appearance in the life of a long-awaited person who will become your patron in the future and help achieve all planned goals. Take a close look at your social circle, perhaps already now one of your friends or acquaintances is experiencing love feelings for you.

Miller's dream book

If you turn to this source of information (quite popular, by the way), you can also find out why did you dream about the death of children.

However, there is another, very positive interpretation of such a dream in Miller's dream book. If you saw the death of a newborn child in your nightly dreams, after which he was resurrected, then such a dream certainly promises a long trip or an exciting journey. It is recommended to put off all your plans and take some rest away from home, especially if you have been experiencing daily fatigue and stress for a long time. Such therapy will definitely benefit you and you will return from the trip with renewed vigor in order to work on what you love with even greater dedication.

Esoteric interpreter

If you want to know what you saw in your night dreams dead child then you should also look into the esoteric interpreter... This dream book reminds the dreamer that it is very important to take into account the gender of the child. How should you interpret the vision in which you witnessed the death of a young boy? More often, such a dream is a harbinger of a serious quarrel or a major scandal. However, if the boy from the night dreams was the son of a dreamer, then the meaning of the dream changes slightly. In this case, the vision is interpreted by this dream book as a harbinger of separation from a loved one.

And what if in a dream the death of a daughter was dreamed? They say that such a vision can be caused by the emotional component of the dreamer - a person just wants to take a break from a small child. Although, if the dreamer at this time feels anxiety or intense excitement, then the dream can be prophetic. A vision that is accompanied by such emotions indicates that your girl has begun to grow up and a new, very often difficult stage is coming in her life. Keep a close eye on your treasure and help her in case of problems as much as you can.

However, this is far from all that the death of a child that you saw in a dream can mean. Very often, a similar dream can be dreamed on the eve of adoption. important decision or the realization of personal rebirth. Be attentive to similar visions, because if you correctly understand what it means, then at the right time you can easily change your life for the better.

Family dream book

If the dreamer saw in his night dreams the death of his own or someone else's child, then he should definitely turn to a similar source of information, because this dream book is better than others focused on your loved ones and what is happening to them. It is especially important after such a dream to remember all the details, because the interpretation can change depending on whether the child died in a dream or you just saw a lifeless body.

The above interpretations are far from all that this dream book can tell. If you dreamed about the death of your brother or sister's child, then such a vision portends the imminent loss of something very important to you. Perhaps it refers to a loved one or the meaning of life. In any case, one should not be discouraged. Even if difficulties do occur, they must be endured with courage and courage, otherwise there is a huge risk that you will be mired in depression for the next few months, and maybe even years.

Wangi's interpreter

Such a dream book is considered one of the most popular and famous among the people, so it is not surprising that by turning to it, you can also learn a lot about the death of children during a dream.

However, there are also positive interpretations in this book. If, for example, a young mother dreamed of the death of a baby immediately after childbirth, such a dream is a sign that a woman is very worried about her child, which means that she will continue to protect him from all life's difficulties, and the child will grow, like Christ for sinus.

Dream interpretation of Medea

If you are anxious to find out what did the death of your or someone else's child dream about, then referring to such an interpreter will not be an unnecessary procedure. If during night dreams the dreamer's child died, and he was able to survive such a mourning event calmly enough, without shedding a tear, continued to live for his pleasure, then such a vision does not bode well. Most likely, very soon a series of small difficulties awaits you, which will be ready to knock down an unprepared person for them. However, a vision in which a person was killed because of what happened, sobbed throughout the sleep, promises pleasant gifts and surprises.

If the dreamer dreamed of a newborn baby who died, barely having time to be born, then such a dream portends unsuccessful attempts to establish relationships with family or loved ones. It is best to wait a while with such an idea and focus on yourself.

But the death of a boy you don't know interpreted by this dream book quite positively. Such a dream plot is a harbinger of new, very pleasant acquaintances. And also a stormy and dizzying romance is not excluded.

Universal interpreter

On the topic under discussion, you can find a lot of useful information and from universal dream book ... This book is also quite famous and respected by many dreamers for its simplicity and accuracy of interpretation.

Well, if your subconscious mind did not have obvious prerequisites for giving you such a picture during sleep, then you should not worry in such a case. Such a vision personifies successful and logical completion of affairs in reality... Do not forget to pay attention to the details of your visions, because it depends on them correct interpretation seen events in night dreams.

Attention, only TODAY!

The death of your child in a dream is most often interpreted in reverse order- he will live a long time, he will get well, finally, he will grow up. What is this terrible plot dreaming of, the dream book will tell you.

How to interpret?

It is noticed that the mother-child relationship in dreams has atypical symbolism. Traditionally, inversion works in such dreams, thanks to which the most terrible plots guarantee mostly good events in reality.

The death of your child in a dream most often warns of global changes that rarely touch the end of life.

But the dream book claims: if a child suddenly disappeared and was no longer found, fell into a well, got lost in a forest, a labyrinth, then this means that in reality something irreparable will really happen to him.

General transcript

Had a dream that the child is dying? In reality, a stable financial situation will shake, disappointment and anxiety will replace well-being.

If your own child dies in a dream, then in reality you will strongly quarrel with him. The same plot literally screams: the business to which you have devoted all of yourself is ready to fall apart. A stillborn baby in the night is a symbol of deliberately unfulfilled desires.

The dream book reminds: a child in dreams is identified with the dreamer himself. Therefore, his death indicates spiritual degradation, the influence of dark forces, literally - the death of the soul.

Take action!

Why dream if your own child dies? You have absolutely no time left, you need to act now.

Contrary to expectations, the interpretation of sleep is often positive. So, the death of an adult son (daughter) hints that he will soon leave his father's house: he will leave, marry, and have offspring.

Seeing a dead son in a dream can mean receiving a pleasant message or a major home celebration. Did you dream that your son died? You will soon receive an invitation to a lavish banquet and you will have a good rest.


Why dream if your daughter died? The dream interpretation considers this an omen of illness, debt, disorder.

Happened to see a dead daughter? Very serious expenses await you in the near future. If your daughter died in a dream, then in reality problems will appear where you used to draw strength and inspiration.

Did you dream about the death of your daughter? Follow the advice of the dream book and get ready for a short, but rather difficult life stage. But remember: a streak of fantastic luck and success will follow.

According to Miller

Did you dream about the death of your child? Something threatens his prosperous and carefree life. Look closely at your surroundings and try to identify the cause of the danger.

How did he die?

The dream book is convinced: in order to clearly find out why the vision in question is dreaming, it is advisable to establish the cause of death.

  • Crashed - obstacles in endeavors.
  • Hit by a car - fright, anxiety.
  • Drowned - relief from difficulties.
  • Killed - a joyous event is approaching.
  • Died of an illness - a long-standing problem will be solved.
  • Committed suicide - an incredible success, a real triumph.

He grew up!

Did you dream about the death of your child? Someone needs your protection and care. It's good to see a dead child in your own bed. This means that a hopeless business will make a good profit.

Surely the reader knows that dreams do not come to us from emptiness. According to research by eminent scientists, they are the fruit of the brain. Therefore, it is not so difficult to decipher them. Let's see an example. Let's take the "extreme case", namely, why children? Agree, such a vision will unsettle anyone normal person... Unless a sadist (with serious mental disabilities) will remain indifferent.

But such personalities are not interested in why the death of children is dreaming. Or maybe they don't remember night visions. We'll talk about ordinary people.

Should you panic?

This question does not arise in the minds of those who are trying to understand why the death of children is dreaming. Panic occurs spontaneously and, you must agree, reasonably. Such a vision is terrifying. And you should think a little, calm down. At least recall the well-known folk wisdom, stating that the bad in a dream is realized in the good in reality. This thesis is not without foundation. Grandmothers are sure (like many experts) that death in a dream in reality promises a long, trouble-free life. This is how those who are trying to find out the child should think. Either mommy or daddy is subject to excessive fears for the child, or the subconscious mind gives a sign for the future. In any case, you should assure yourself that there should be no room for worries in your thoughts. Otherwise, the negative will slowly creep from the mental screen into real events. By the way, everyone should follow a similar rule. Why spoil your life all the more unreasonable? It is better to read wise authors who intelligently analyze why the death of children is dreamed of. Trust me, it is calming and encouraging.

Let's apply the logic

You know, there is a simple rule that everyone knows. Children in a dream mean: a girl is a miracle (surprise), a boy is chores.

We will build on this in our analysis. That is, remember the gender of the child who died before your eyes. Now correlate it with the above interpretations. In reality, you will not get what the image promises. That is, the death of the girl suggests that the plans Higher powers have changed. Surprise is postponed indefinitely. If a boy has lost his life, then you should not get down to business. They will not be successful or helpful. Ahead of you is a period of forced inactivity. It is worth waiting out, doing, for example, acquiring new knowledge or skills. The death of a child speaks of the futility of trying to achieve a specific (material) goal. But nothing is said about the work of the mind.

Why is the death of a newborn child dreaming?

There is a completely different philosophy of deciphering the images of the loss of life. But she's also positive. It is believed that death in a dream means the birth of something new in reality. It means that it makes sense to revive hope in the soul. Something completely unusual will arise in your life and begin to develop. Agree, there are no reasons for panic and despondency. This is how a dream should be perceived. Esotericists say that the soul has passed the "last test" and is ready for creativity, which is, in fact, the process of birth.

The dreamer will undergo, perhaps, at first imperceptible changes. Over time, they will be visible not only to him, but also to those around him. In any case, the quality of his life will begin to change inexorably. Perhaps a person will understand that he used to severely limit himself in the perception of the world, thereby closing the path of development.

Why is the death of someone else's child dreaming?

You know, dealing with such astral horrors should be extremely careful. Rarely enough, a plot can reflect future events. That is, you are given some information about the real danger threatening a specific (even unfamiliar) child. In this case, trouble may happen to him. You will not just be a witness to this. And you will get the opportunity to correct the situation diametrically. It is clear that it is worth being on the alert after such a vision. But more often than not, sleep means nothing. It reflects the fears that live in the subconscious, carefully hidden by their own thoughts and beliefs. Weren't you afraid as a child? Maybe the plot of the film made such an impression that horror haunted the baby (which you were) for some time? It is worth remembering and trying to erase from the soul. Experts recommend not to start deciphering sleep right away. Wait a little. If after a few days the image has not been erased from memory, then examine the available information by analyzing the events of your own life. With a greater degree of probability, it can be argued that sleep does not mean anything. He is a shadow of past, forgotten experiences.

When is it worth worrying?

Such options are also possible. A bad omen - an accident seen leading to the death of a toddler. This is a sign of some kind of threat, which is really "behind your back." It is advised to exercise caution in literally everything. After all, trouble always comes from the side from which no one expects it. In some cases, such a dream speaks of the likelihood of an accident or other accident, the victim of which a person will become through no fault of his own. In any case, it makes sense to look more attentively around and not to look at the stars. A deep hole can give up under your feet! Although, such a warning comes very rarely. And, by the way, it is a sign of the special disposition of the Higher Forces. Don't forget to thank your own Guardian Angel for it. He does his job well to throw up such dreams!

To see many children in a dream - to anxiety and trouble.

Seeing that the child has fallen means that soon you will have many obstacles in your affairs.

Crying children in a dream is a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends.

Seeing children playing - to good news, family peace, joy.

A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you neglected other people's advice.

To play with them yourself is to achieve the desired goal.

To see a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and calm pastime.

To babysit children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you counted on, will betray you at a difficult moment.

To see a sweet child in a dream and be touched - to good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance.

To childless people to dream that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you.

Seeing himself in a dream as a father (for someone who has no children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and grief.

To dream of a child in the arms or on the shoulders of a man foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in the arms of a woman, then a girl will be born in the family.

However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child.

For other people, such a dream predicts chores and worries about business.

Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failure of plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child.

Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you cannot succeed.

Dirty and unwashed children in a dream - to big problems, legal proceedings that will suddenly fall on your head.

Seeing your child sick in a dream is a sign of minor troubles and domestic squabbles.

If you dream that your child heat or fever, then great emotional experiences or longing await you.

Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger hanging over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Children to see how they work or study is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of desire. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with.

Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have many envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you.

Weak-minded children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business.

Hearing children's conversation (if it does not annoy you) - to peace and well-being in the house.

If in a dream you are not fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence.

A growing child to see how he is getting prettier and changing before our eyes is a very good sign, foreshadowing the growth of well-being and strengthening of the position.

To see a baby stroller empty - to chagrin because of your own disorder and loneliness, with a baby is a sign of help true friend.

Small children in a dream usually mean chores. But seeing teenagers in a dream portends help and hope.

If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and the successful implementation of your plans.

If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then wait for an inheritance or unexpected profit.

Having an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business.

If in a dream you could not adopt (adopt) a child, then competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream portends a failure in carrying out some kind of deal.

If you dream that you are adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure you the successful implementation of your plans.

See interpretation: baby., Child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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It is unlikely that a person, flipping through the dream book one by one in the hope of finding out why the death of children is dreaming, expects to find a positive interpretation. And in vain, since it exists! There are several of them, to be more precise. However, a vision with such a plot can portend both long-awaited life changes and serious problems... It all depends on the details of the vision, as well as the interpretation of one or another interpreter. Well, it’s just the dream books that are worth turning to now.

Interpreter of the XXI century

It describes in detail what the death of children is about. They say this is for inspiration. A person may soon be visited by a fruitful idea that he wants to translate into reality (and will do it right), or he will sharply rethink something, as a result of which he will change his worldview or position in life.

Children were not strangers? Then the vision takes on a different meaning. The death of one of the familiar children is a dream of a long life and good health... By the way, this dream often portends a change of image.

Among other things, a vision can also indicate the imminent appearance of a patron in the life of a person who will help him achieve his goals.

Miller's dream book

Turning to this source of information, you can also find out why the death of children is dreaming.

Was the child a stranger? Then this vision should be interpreted as a harbinger of betrayal on the part of someone close. Or something will happen, as a result of which a person will be disappointed in his friends.

The dreamer should take the death of his child as a good sign indicating the appearance of new promising opportunities in his life.

However, it is also important to compare the vision with reality. If the child is not a newborn, but is already attending school or kindergarten, then most likely this dream indicates difficulties that he will soon have to face. Why is a parent dreaming of a vision? Because it is he who will have to provide the child with support, understand him and try to help.

But there is still a very positive interpretation of such a dream. The death of a newborn child, after which he comes to life, promises an exciting and pleasant journey.

Esoteric interpreter

You should also look into it if you want to know what the dead child is dreaming of. This interpreter reminds that it is very important to take into account his gender. In a vision, a terrible fate overtook the boy? This is a scandal, a major conflict, a serious quarrel. But if it was not just some boy, but the dreamer's son, then the meaning will be different. In this case, the vision should be taken as a harbinger of separation.

And if you dreamed about the death of your daughter? They say that this vision indicates that the dreamer is in need of rest from her. Although, if a person feels intense excitement, then the meaning of sleep will be different. The vision, accompanied by such emotions, indicates the growing up of the daughter and the onset of a new stage in her life.

But this is not all that the death of a child dreamed of in a dream can mean. Often this dream promises a personal rebirth or an important decision that can change your life.

Family dream book

If a person happened to see the death of his child in a dream, then he should definitely turn to this interpreter. It is important to remember under what circumstances the baby passed away. Did he die while sleeping? This indicates that the parent-child relationship needs to be renewed. Did you dream that the baby died without being born? Oddly enough, this is a good sign. He points to getting rid of problems that have long depleted nervous system dreamer. Did you dream about the death of a baby during childbirth? This suggests that the dreamer's plans and undertakings will fail at the initial stage. But not if the woman is pregnant. In this case, this vision simply indicates her prenatal suspiciousness. If you dreamed about the death of a granddaughter or grandson, then you should prepare for the onset of a black streak in life. Serious difficulties are coming, which will not be easy to deal with.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. A sister's or brother's child died? It is believed that this dream portends the loss of something important. Perhaps the meaning of life or a loved one. In any case, difficulties must be endured steadily and not lose heart. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting bogged down in depression.

Wangi's interpreter

This dream book can also tell something interesting. Did the child die in an accident? This vision indicates a person's incontinence in their desires and actions. It would not hurt him to become more patient, tactful and learn to adapt to circumstances.

Did the child die in the water? Such a vision suggests that in a person's environment there is someone who wishes him harm. And not only in words. This someone is ready to commit real action to harm the dreamer. So it is worth being careful in communicating with people and not trusting everyone in a row.

And why is a dead child dreaming, which is not yet? To the fact that very soon a person will take up work, which in the end will not bring him any benefit. Therefore, if some business is in doubt, it is better not to take on it.

Dream interpretation of Medea

If you want to find out why the death of children is dreaming, then it will not be superfluous to turn to this interpreter. If the dreamer's child died, but he survived such a mourning event calmly, continuing to live for his own pleasure, this is not good. Such a dream usually portends a series of minor troubles. But a vision in which a person sobbed and was killed because of what happened, promises surprises and pleasant gifts.

Did you see a newborn who died just after being born? This is to unsuccessful attempts to improve relationships with loved ones or relatives.

But the death of a stranger little boy interpreted by this dream book positively. She is a harbinger of new pleasant acquaintances or even a dizzying romance.

Universal interpreter

In this dream book you can also find useful information regarding the topic under discussion. If a person dreamed that he found a dead baby in some body of water, then he should be alert. After all, such a vision promises trouble in all areas of life, which will soon fall on him.

Did the person dream that the baby died through his fault? This indicates his excessive aggressiveness and assertiveness. If he does not become more restrained, then in the end he will harm himself.

Did the deceased child look exhausted and mutilated? This kind of vision is a bad thing in the workplace. You may have to face a lot of obstacles in building your career.

Did a pregnant woman dream of a dream? She may not worry - her child will be born healthy and will bring her joy.

Well, if in a dream a person whose subconscious did not have any obvious prerequisites for "giving out" such a picture, saw simply the death of a child, without any other details, then you should not worry. This vision embodies the logical and successful completion of things in real life.