Benchmarks are geodetic. Varieties of benchmarks, their design

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The meaning of the word rapper

rapper in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


benchmark, m. (fr.repire) (geodetic). A firmly reinforced staff platform with a well-defined height above sea level, serving as a starting point or reference point for leveling.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. A sign fixed on the ground, indicating a certain absolute height of a given point (in geology).

    m. A set of two (on a plane) or three (in space) vectors with a common origin, not lying on one straight line and taken in a certain order (in mathematics).

    m. Auxiliary point at which the gun is zeroed for the subsequent transfer of fire to the target (in artillery).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


in geodesy, a sign of a point with a known absolute height, a metal disc with a protrusion (or with a hole - a mark), fixed in the walls of permanent structures, or a concrete monolith embedded in the ground.


REFER (French repere) in space (on a plane) a set of three (two) vectors with a common beginning not lying in one plane (on one straight line) and taken in a certain order.



  • Rapper
  • Rapper
  • Rapper
  • Reference point
  • Rapper

Benchmark (geodesy)

Rapper(from - mark, sign, origin) in geodesy - a sign that fixes a certain point on the earth's surface with a known absolute height. This height is determined by leveling with the original level surface. A metal disc with a diameter of 5 centimeters with a number and an indication of the department is fixed on the benchmarks. V Russian Federation it is customary to calculate the heights of benchmarks relative to the zero mark of the Kronstadt footstock.

Benchmark (geometry)

Rapper (sign, origin) is the set of a point of the manifold and the basis of the tangent space at this point.

Benchmark (affine geometry)

Rapper(from - sign, origin) or point basis affine space - a generalization of the concept of a basis for affine spaces.

Benchmark of affine space A associated with vector space V dimensions n, is a collection of point O ∈ A(origin) and an ordered set of n linearly independent vectors e, …, e ∈ V(that is, the basis in n-dimensional vector space V). This is equivalent to specifying an ordered set of n+ 1 affinely independent points O, P, …, P ∈ A... In this case, obviously, the vectors are $ e_1 = \ vec (OP_1), \ ldots, e_n = \ vec (OP_n) $.

Coordinates points X ∈ A relative frame ( O; e, …, e) are the coordinates of the vector $ \ vec (OX) $ with respect to the basis e, …, e... In the same way as when choosing a basis in a vector space, any vector of this space is set by its coordinates, any point in the affine space is set by its coordinates relative to the selected frame. If relative to the reference ( O; e, …, e) point X ∈ A has coordinates ( x, …, x), and the point Y ∈ A- coordinates ( y, …, y), then the vector $ \ vec (XY) $ has with respect to the basis e, …, e coordinates ( y − x, …, y − x).

Benchmark ( O; e, …, e) is called orthogonal (orthonormal) if the corresponding basis e, …, e is orthogonal.

Benchmark (artillery)

Rapper- a real or conditional point on the ground used for zeroing in artillery pieces. These benchmarks are used to transfer fire to real targets without first zeroing in. There are two types of benchmarks: real and fictitious.

Examples of the use of the word “rapper” in literature.

At the top of Iremel, neither benchmark, no fragments of a trigger point, just various rubbish brought up here by tourists.

And the hyperlight exhaust is an explosion with a capacity of tens of megatons, which carries a potential danger for lighthouses, highway benchmarks and other ships.



(fr.). A mark that serves as a checking point for leveling.

Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


(fr. repere)

1) geode. so a point on a terrain with a known absolute height - a metal disc with a ledge (or with a hole - a mark), fixed in the walls of permanent structures, or a concrete monolith, embedded in the ground; serves as a reference or verification point for leveling and for breaking down engineering structures;

2) in artillery - an auxiliary point specially selected in the target area for firing, at which the guns are zeroed in with the subsequent transfer of fire to hit the target.

3) those. checkbox for checking the linear changes of the object

New dictionary foreign words - by EdwART,, 2009 .


frame, m. [fr. repere] (geodetic). 1. A firmly fortified platform for setting the staff, with a precisely defined height above sea level, which serves as a starting point or checking point for leveling (geodetic). 2. Auxiliary point, at which the artillery fire is carried out with the subsequent transfer of fire to the target (military).

A large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


a, m. ( fr. repère mark, notch).
1. geode. A sign on the ground indicating the specific altitude of a given point.
2. mat. A collection of two (on a plane) or three (in space) vectors with a common beginning, not lying on one straight line and taken in a certain order.
3. military In artillery: an auxiliary point in the target area for shooting, at which the guns are zeroed, with the subsequent transfer of fire to hit the target.

Explanatory dictionary foreign words L.P. Krysin.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "REPER" is in other dictionaries:

    Rapper- Geodetic mark fixing the point of the leveling network Source: GOST 24846 81: Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures original document ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    benchmark- a, m. repère, repaire m. label, nick, icon. Poppy. 1908. 1. A sign fixed on the ground (post, rail, etc.), indicating the height above sea level, determined by leveling. UAS 1. Small stake for orientation when staking out ... ... Historical Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms

    benchmark- benchmark, pl. benchmarks, genus. benchmarks and in the speech of the gunners benchmarks, pl. rapper, genus. benchmarks ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    In geodesy, a point mark with a known absolute height is a metal disc with a protrusion (or a mark with a hole) fixed in the walls of permanent structures, or a concrete monolith embedded in the ground ...

    - (French repere) in space (on a plane) a set of three (two) vectors with a common origin, not lying in one plane (on one straight line) and taken in a certain order ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    In geodesy (French repere mark, sign, starting point * a. Bench mark, datum mark, reference point; n. Hohenmarke, Nivellelementzeichen; f. Repere; and. Referencia de nivel, banco de nivel) a sign that fixes a point on the earth's surface , ... ... Geological encyclopedia

    REP, rapper, husband. (French repère) (geod.). A firmly reinforced staff platform with a well-defined height above sea level, serving as a starting point or reference point for leveling. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    A mark set to mark any specific points when surveying or a specific level during leveling work. Samoilov K.I. Marine vocabulary... M.L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

    Geodetic mark fixed in the ground and serves as a starting point or checking point when leveling. Technical Railway Dictionary. Moscow: State Transport Railway Publishing House. N.N. Vasiliev, O. N. Isaakyan, N.O. ... ... Technical Railway Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 4 sign (138) rail (12) column (14) ... Synonym dictionary


  • Home doctor. Medical reference book. New illustrated edition,. Edited by V.F.Tulyankin, T.I.Tulyankina. Second edition, revised, revised and supplemented. The book contains 330 black and white illustrations and 19 pages of color ...

We are accustomed to the fact that a modern city is penetrated by many different networks - communications, water supply, gas, transport and so on. Among them there is another network, not entirely invisible, but little-known to the uninitiated. Perhaps you have ever noticed metal signs hammered or cemented into the walls of buildings. They're called geodetic benchmarks and together they make up the state leveling network (GNS).

One of best descriptions geodetic benchmarks can be found in the 1934 technical encyclopedia.

Once, a couple of years ago, I tried to clarify some questions for myself on my own, but it turned out that there are a dozen of materials on geodesy on the Internet, but common man it is not so easy to understand this mass of information, and especially in relation to our Chelyabinsk realities. And just recently the opportunity presented itself to ask questions to specialists. They were answered:

Sergey Reingoldovich Reizvikh- Director of LLC NPF Nedra.
Sergey Vasilievich Vorobyov- Former leading architect of Chelyabinsk, responsible for the creation, maintenance and development of geodetic networks.
Vladimir Nikolaevich Ivanov- cadastral engineer.
Dmitry Yurievich Mylnikov- Head of the Design Automation Department of the PC GPI Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt.
Evgeny Anatolyevich Maslov- Head of the department for the protection of state secrets and mobilization training of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestr" in the Chelyabinsk region.

What are benchmarks and what are they for?

D. Mylnikov: Rappers and wall leveling marks are part of the leveling (high-altitude) network, which serves to measure the height relative to sea level when performing various engineering and construction works... On the territory of Russia, the sea height is measured relative to the zero of the Kronstadt tide stock and is called the "Baltic system of heights". All benchmarks are made in such a way that a leveling rod can be installed on them or suspended from a special hole, with the help of which height measurements are made.

S.R. Reizykh: At present, after leveling the state high-altitude network from Kaliningrad to Anadyr, the high-altitude marks are determined in the Baltic height system of 1977, which differs from the Baltic one by an average of 20 cm in the territory of the Chelyabinsk region.

D. Mylnikov: To determine the exact position on the ground, that is, coordinates, the points of the state geodetic network (GGS) are used. The difference between GGS points and high-altitude benchmarks is that they have a clearly defined center, the coordinates of which are determined. At each point, its number must be applied, which is entered into the catalog. All other parameters of the item are determined by the catalog. In addition, the year of establishment, the name of the organization and other parameters that are optional can be applied. At the same time, in practice, even the absence of a number on the benchmark is not critical, since all points are also marked on topographic maps and plans, as well as in the so-called "outlines" (schematic plans), according to which surveyors find them on the ground.

The points of the GGS are the so-called "geodetic towers", which you probably saw outside the city. In this case, the tower itself is needed only so that it can be seen from afar, and the point itself is located under it in the form of a special sign filled in concrete base... At the same time, the most accurate points of the 1st class and the astronomical-geodetic network have another duplicate sign at the depth, which will be used to restore the point in case of damage. The coordinates of these points are calculated with a very high precision, for points of the astronomical-geodetic network - using special astronomical measurements relative to the position of the stars. The points of the GGS are usually points of the leveling (high-altitude) network, since for them, in addition to coordinates, the height above sea level is also determined.

S.R. Reizykh: In turn, in urban conditions, the reference points of the leveling network are also very often used as GGS points - for such points, not only the height is determined, but also coordinates in one or another geodetic coordinate system associated with the Earth's surface.

D. Mylnikov: In addition, there are so-called points local geodetic networks, which are also called support-boundary networks(OMS). They are created in settlements and are used in defining the boundaries of land plots and outlining works during construction, that is, in determining the place where it is necessary to build a house or lay a road. Such points do not have geodetic towers. When building large objects or building large sites, temporary benchmarks and points are often created for the period of work, which makes it possible to speed up and simplify the entire process. Often these are temporary structures, for example, driven into the ground metal pipe or a rail, the top of which serves as a mark, so after construction is completed, they cease to exist.

E. Maslov: Reference-boundary networks are also installed by surveyors, but they are used for local purposes, for settlements somewhere in the region - in Sosnovka, Argayash, etc. After the completion of the work, the surveyors, according to the act, transfer the OMC to the municipality, and then the municipality is responsible for their safety. Such labels are taken into account for individual directories.

S.R. Reizykh: What else are benchmarks used for? To identify the influence of man-made processes during the construction of structures on quicksands, roads, bridges, metro lines, special observation stations are installed - in urban conditions they are also laid in the form of wall benchmarks.

The existing wall benchmarks are of colossal importance, since they were used to bind and break down the construction elements of the adjacent territory. If there are discrepancies in the position of the boundaries of buildings, structures, land plots, these wall marks are the basis for a forensic geodetic examination.

What are the rappers?

S.R. Reizykh: There are several varieties. Century benchmarks ensure the long-term preservation of the elevation; they are not found on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region. Fundamental benchmarks are located along the railway and are reinforced concrete pylons 30x30 cm, in which metal signs are laid. In the rest of the region, the high-rise network is represented by unpaved and wall benchmarks.

D. Mylnikov: Ground benchmarks necessarily have a concrete base - "anchor", into which a metal, usually cast iron, mark with marking is poured. Wall benchmarks are installed in the foundations of the rear and structures, including in the supports of bridges.

V. Ivanov: You can read more about the types of benchmarks.

S.R. Reizykh: Rules for the design of benchmarks -.

What other information can be obtained by looking at a specific benchmark?

D. Mylnikov: Usually, its number and the name of the manufacturer are cast on the benchmark, sometimes the year. An engraved height value is sometimes found on ground benchmarks. All other parameters, except for the number, are optional and not always accurate, since all the exact parameters of the points of the leveling network are recorded in a special catalog.

The number on the benchmark is often not the ordinal number of the item, but the unique number of the piece of iron itself, which is assigned to it during manufacture at the factory (like the body number of a car). Likewise, the year that is cast rather than engraved is the year the mark was made, not the year it was installed. That is, everything that is cast was applied at the factory at the time of manufacture, and cannot have any connection with a specific place and time of installation of the sign. Everything that is engraved (cut out) is applied at the time or after the installation of the sign and refers to the parameters of a particular sign in a specific place.

But even the presence of the number on the benchmark is not required. In the catalog of points of geodetic and leveling networks, in addition to the number and parameters, there is always an "outline", that is, the layout of the benchmark or point on the ground. In addition, points are often marked on the duty topographic plan of a settlement. In this case, in practice, usually, first, using a topographic plan or an outline, they find out where the benchmark is approximately located next to the work site, and then they are looking for it on the ground. The probability that several benchmarks or points will be laid nearby is very low, therefore the absence of a number for its practical use is not critical.

E. Maslov: The address of the object is also indicated in the reference catalog. By the time of the laying, it is already known, since the benchmark is installed after the building is built. That is, construction begins with surveyors and ends with them.

Who is responsible for creating, recording and storing information about benchmarks?

D. Mylnikov: The catalog of points of state networks is kept in the state geodetic fund, for which in this moment the State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service is in charge.

E. Maslov: The catalog is labeled "For Official Use". Currently, all organizations performing cartographic and geodetic work are required to receive this data and use it in their work.

In what years did you start installing benchmarks and when and why did you stop doing it?

D. Mylnikov: Benchmarks began to be actively installed in the 30s, when industrialization and construction of large industrial enterprises and residential buildings began. Although leveling and geodetic networks were created even before the revolution, for example, during the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway, which passed through Chelyabinsk. At the same time, at different times, the marking and the amount of information on the benchmarks were different. To find out now what and where was indicated, you need to raise the archives, watch the reports on the progress of work on their installation.

New benchmarks and signs are still being installed, but mainly where new construction is underway. It makes no sense to install new benchmarks in the old quarters, since there are enough old ones, and the amount of work for which they are needed is less in the old built-up area. In principle, the main purpose of benchmarks and points of geodetic networks is precisely to fix the reference position for as long as possible. In practice, this means that as soon as this or that territory is mainly built up, the installation of new benchmarks stops there. And until some large-scale reconstruction begins, when the old buildings are demolished, in the foundations of which the benchmarks are laid, no one will install new ones.

However, recently, in connection with the development of technologies for performing work using GPS and GLONASS, the need for the installation of benchmarks and points of the geodetic network has sharply decreased. This does not mean that they are not needed at all, but now they can be installed much less frequently (with large distances from each other).

S.R. Reizykh: As far as I know, the last benchmarks were installed during the construction of the subway. These are ordinary metal signs, laid along Lenin Avenue before the Aeroflot agency. As a recent example, we can also cite our benchmarks on the building of the regional legislative assembly, which were laid around 2002.

What measures are (were taken) to the safety of benchmarks, are they periodically inspected, restored?

D. Mylnikov: State geodetic and leveling networks are protected by the state, administrative punishment is provided for damage to points of the GGS and GTS. As for benchmarks, most of them belong to local networks, for which the municipality is responsible, which must monitor their safety. But due to the fact that lately there have been constant changes in the state authorities responsible for geodesy and cartography, which from a separate service have now become part of the state registration, cadastre and cartography service, in reality no one really does this. That is, the problem of the safety of benchmarks and geodetic points exists.

As such, a special inspection of the items is not currently being carried out. Usually it is replaced by constant use in the process of performing geodetic works. In the event that a specialist finds any problems with a point, he usually reports this to the accounting authority (if only because he has to take the parameters of another, neighboring point).

The restoration of damaged or lost points of local networks is usually not done, since it is easier and faster to lay a new point and determine its parameters. If there is a suspicion that the position of the benchmark or point is violated, then you will still have to make new measurements at neighboring points. And if the mark itself is lost, then the new mark may have different sizes and a different registration number.

V.S. Vorobiev: During the Soviet era, points were inspected, and special money was even allocated for this. In 1992-1994, as far as I know, on the territory of Chelyabinsk, the cycles of observations of the settlement of buildings and structures in the zones of metro construction were annually carried out by a small but quite qualified enterprise MUP "Chelyabgeocenter". After the cessation of its existence, the banner was picked up by Uralmarkscheideria, which continues to observe to this day, for which it is honored and praised - it is very difficult in our mercantile time to obtain funding for such works, which do not promise momentary benefits.

As for the responsibility for safety, I personally do not know of a single case that someone was really punished for the destruction of the state geological mark. The main trouble is facing works on the facades.

E. Maslov: In the city, the destruction of points is not so noticeable, because it is mainly iron and concrete, and even wooden towers still remain in the region. Some of them were knocked down, destroyed. They are not being followed - this is due to mismanagement, but also because there is no great need for them - GPS is being used more and more often.

Why is the concentration of benchmarks in the city center higher than in the outskirts?

D. Mylnikov: Where the work was carried out more actively, there were more benchmarks and points and it was installed. At the same time, the center is usually built up more densely, the line-of-sight range between points required for measurements is less, therefore, to simplify and speed up the work, they tried to establish more benchmarks and points. In new areas, the building density is lower, the line of sight is greater, so benchmarks can be installed at a greater distance from each other. In addition, with the advent of new equipment, such as laser levels or GPS / GLONASS geodetic receivers, the density of the installation can be significantly lower.

E. Maslov: By the way, this picture is typical not only for Chelyabinsk. For example, in Moscow, 20 out of 22 points are located in the city center.

Are the benchmark and the building related in some way? Is it possible to somehow determine the date of construction by the benchmark?

S.R. Reizykh: No. Indirectly, the benchmark can talk about nearby construction or the presence of hazardous facilities (metro, CHP, etc.).

D. Mylnikov: There is no clear connection between the benchmark and the building. First, the benchmark can be installed in a building much later than its construction. Secondly, since the sign indicates the year of manufacture of the sign itself, it could have been cast earlier than the building was built.

As for the shape of the frame, then a separate study should be carried out. For a surveyor, it is not so much the form that is important as the safety of the sign and the convenience of its use. On the other hand, during the times of the USSR, the marks of the marks were produced centrally, therefore the form of the frame will rather speak of the history of the production of marks. When, at what plant, etc. At the same time, benchmarks were installed at different times, that is, both old and new ones can stand on the same territory. A new benchmark could be installed to replace the lost one, etc.

There are such types of benchmarks:

Centuries are set and then used to scientific research(long-term elevations).

The design of the secular benchmark depends on the depth of occurrence of geologically stable, incompressible rocks. Century benchmarks can be rock and ground. The types of secular benchmarks depend on the depth of the rock.

The preservation of the age-old benchmark is ensured by the quality of the bookmark, the quality of the materials from which it is made, as well as by their location and external design.

The stability of the secular benchmark is ensured by deepening the base of the benchmark into incompressible rocks by at least 120 cm (tubular benchmarks) and 20 cm (rock-concrete). The choice of the site for laying the secular benchmark should exclude the influence of exogenous and technogenic forces. A geologist should choose a place for laying a secular benchmark together with a surveyor. The results of the selection of the site for laying the age-old benchmark are approved by Roskartografia.

Fundamental ones are laid after 50-80 kilometers on class 1 leveling lines and class 2 critical lines (these are reinforced concrete pylons located along railways, next to marine water measuring installations, with embedded metal signs).

Depending on the conditions of the laying, the fundamental benchmarks are subdivided into ground (reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement, tubular metal) and rock.

The fundamental benchmark for the area of ​​seasonal soil freezing is made in a pit. General form benchmark (type 161 op. sign) is shown in the figure below:

Soil privates are installed every 5-7 kilometers on leveling lines of any class (on a buried concrete "anchor" with a cast-iron or iron mark at the top). Rocky ones are laid in the same way.

Wall privates, 5-7 kilometers from each other (in the foundations of buildings, bridges, structures).

The external design of the sign is the application of a number, the name of the manufacturer, and sometimes the year of installation. Ground benchmarks can be engraved to indicate the height above sea level. The number is unique and, as a rule, is assigned to it and cast at the manufacturing plant. If there is a year on the benchmark, then this is the year of its manufacture, and not the year of installation. All other data are engraved (applied) after (during) the installation of the sign.

All reference marks on the terrain are stored in the Catalog of points of state networks and are drawn in an outline - a diagram of their location. It is with the help of an outline or a topographic plan that they look for signs before starting construction. They also have addresses, since they are installed on the walls of already built buildings. Responsible for the safety of information about geodetic marks is the State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Service, which oversees the State Geodetic Fund, where catalogs with the stamp "For official use" are stored.

Prospects and Conclusions.

Since the 30s of the last century, an active installation of benchmarks began in the framework of industrialization, mass construction industrial enterprises, objects of residential, sports, socio - cultural purposes, although in pre-revolutionary times such work was also carried out throughout the country. The centers of the state geodetic network of the USSR were identified, on the basis of which the Russian network also developed. In today's world, where space technologies began to replace many of the earth's studies, the installation of new signs began to fade into the background, since it is possible to determine heights and coordinates using the GLONASS or GPS system. Now geodetic points and signs are installed less often, on great distance apart.

Benchmark (geodesy)

Rapper in France

Rapper(fr. repère sign, origin) v geodesy- a sign that fixes a point on the earth's surface, the height of which relative to the initial level surface is determined by leveling. In the Russian Federation, the heights of the benchmarks are calculated relative to the zero of the Kronstadt foot gauge. Benchmarks are subdivided into fundamental and ground.

Fundamental benchmarks, which are reinforced concrete pylons, are laid in the ground after 50-80 km on all leveling lines of the 1st class, as well as on the most critical lines of the 2nd class and near the most important marine water measuring installations. Ordinary benchmarks, laid after 5-7 km on leveling lines of all classes, are subdivided into ground ones, installed in the ground; wall, laid in the walls of capital structures; rocky, laid in rocky ground. Secular benchmarks are laid at the points of intersection of the leveling lines of the 1st class.

Fundamental and ground benchmarks located on the territory of the country form a state leveling network. The benchmarks of the state leveling network serve as initial (reference) points for determining the heights of intermediate points of the earth's surface during topographic surveys and various kinds of survey work, and are also used for scientific purposes when studying the difference in sea levels.

In Russia in the Far East, the Baltic system of heights is used. At the end of the 1980s, the mark of the Kronstadt footstock was transferred to the coast of the Far Eastern seas, the expected error was approximately 1 meter.


  • Brand- point of the leveling network, which serves to fix the point, the height of which above sea level is determined by leveling. The mark is a cast metal disc with a diameter of 8 to 10 centimeters, mounted in the wall of a permanent (usually stone) building or bridge. In the center of the disc there is a hole with a diameter of about 2 mm, which determines the position of the mark. On the stamp, its number is cast, as well as the name of the organization that carried out the leveling work. Unlike the benchmark, the mark can be deformation. A mark attached to a part of the structure of a structure (foundation, column, wall) in order to measure the settlement, roll or shift of the foundation.

see also

Notes (edit)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Benchmark (geodesy)" is in other dictionaries:

    - (fr. repère "sign, starting point") Reference point (geodesy) Reference point (geometry) Reference point (physics) Reference point (artillery) See also Rapper rap artist ... Wikipedia

    Reference point (fr. Repére sign, starting point) Reference point (geodesy) In mathematics Reference point (differential geometry) Reference point (affine geometry) See also Rapper rap artist ... Wikipedia

    Ground reference- - a leveling benchmark, the base of which is set below the depth of freezing, thawing or soil movement, serving as a high-altitude geodetic base when creating (developing) geodetic networks. [SP 11 104 97] Heading ... ...

    Wall benchmark- - a leveling mark, installed on load-bearing structures capital buildings and structures. [SP 11 104 97] Heading of the term: Geodesy tools Headings of the encyclopedia: Abrasive equipment, Abrasives, Roads ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    Benchmark leveling- - geodetic mark defining the point of the leveling network. [RTM 68 13 99] Term heading: Geodesy instruments Headings of the encyclopedia: Abrasive equipment, Abrasives, Roads ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    Benchmark (French repère - mark, sign, starting point) in geodesy, a sign that fixes a point on the earth's surface, the height of which relative to the initial level surface is determined by leveling. In the USSR, R. heights are calculated ... ...

    - (Greek geōdaisía, from gē Earth and dáiō I divide, I share) the science of determining the shape, size and gravitational field of the Earth and measurements on the earth's surface for displaying it on plans and maps, as well as for carrying out various ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    geodesy- ▲ applied science is relative, to determine (implicit), position, material body geodesy is the science of determining the spatial position of objects. triangulation. polygonometry. mine surveying. surveyor. mine surveying. gravimetry. | ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    I Benchmark (French repère mark, sign, starting point) in geodesy, a sign that fixes a point on the earth's surface, the height of which relative to the initial level surface (See Level surface) is determined by leveling (See ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (French Herege sign, starting point) 1) R. in geodesy, geodesy, a sign that fixes the point of the leveling network. At the place of laying, the R. can be wall and soil. 2) R. in mathematics in space (on a plane) a set of three (two) vectors with ... ... Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary