Pigeon chicks. How to feed a baby pigeon at home

Pigeons are among the most popular and widespread birds in the world. They live everywhere, except for the northern regions with a harsh climate and deserts. Everyone has seen adult birds, but not everyone can say what dove chicks look like. Find out about the features of the appearance and feeding of pigeons, about why few people saw them, and about where pigeons hide their chicks.

Pigeons live in nests that are built from numerous twigs and straw. They are brought in the beak by the male and left to the female, who is engaged in the construction of housing. The couple has been using the built nest for many years, expanding and improving it every year.

Birds breed throughout the warm period of the year - from April to September. The dove lays only 1 or 2 eggs. They are incubated alternately by both parents for 3 weeks. The chicks emerge from the eggs helpless and completely unadapted to life. They are small, weighing only 10 g, completely naked or with sparse thin down, blind and deaf. If they are not lucky enough to be born on cold days, they may die, as they are not protected by anything.

Due to the fact that the chicks need warmth, parents have to alternately warm them with their bodies. The female and male replace each other in the nest so that the other can fly and eat. Such care of pigeons for offspring and for a partner has long been known, these birds are distinguished by fidelity, form strong family for life and raise pigeons together.

Features of the appearance of pigeon chicks

Newborn pigeons are not creatures that are pleasant to admire. They are ugly and disproportionate. They have:

  • rather large body;
  • tiny wings;
  • small head;
  • huge bulging eyes;
  • long and wide beak.

On the first day of life, little pigeons are blind and deaf. They can squeak softly. If they feel the absence of a parent above themselves and if they rolled out from under mom / dad, they try to crawl under it on their own. Well-fed chicks sit quietly, tightly clinging to each other. Already on the 5th day they open their eyes, they begin to hear. Tubes appear on the body (rudiments of future feathers). On the 10th day, the whole body is already covered with tubules, the chicks begin to stand on their paws. On the 20th day they are covered with feathers, spread their wings, prepare for flights. By about 28 days, they already know how to fly.

Features of feeding chicks by parents

Both wild and domestic pigeons feed their chicks with special goiter milk, which is secreted from the goiter of both the female and the male. The process of its formation begins already during incubation, even before the chicks are born.

It is formed as follows. In the male, and especially in the female, the inner goiter, which in its normal state is thin and extensible, begins to gradually thicken and expand, just as it happens with the mammary glands in mammals. The epithelium of the inner surface of the goiter, supplied with blood vessels, begins to produce a nutrient secret - a whitish mucous liquid. It consists of an average of 65-80% water, 10% protein and fat, 1.6% minerals, vitamins A, E, D and group B. Goiter milk is the only food for pigeons in the first 3-4 days of their life.

The first portion of food for pigeons is ready already 4-6 hours after birth. The feeding process looks like this: completely helpless and blind little pigeons stick their beaks into the throat of one of the parents, and they regurgitate another portion of food for them. Pigeon milk is exceptionally nutritious. On it, the chicks grow very quickly and already on the second day after birth they gain 10 times in weight.

On the 5th-7th day, a thick grain porridge is added to the goiter, which is burped into the goiter from the anterior stomach. As a result of mixing, the porridge becomes liquid and more suitable for consumption by chicks.

On the 9th-10th day of feeding, the softened porridge no longer comes from the stomach, the pigeons are fed with a liquid grain mixture with an admixture of gastroliths, burped directly from the goiter of the parents. Every day, the time spent on softening the grain is reduced, the secretion of goiter milk is reduced, and the food becomes coarser and more and more close to the food of adult pigeons.

Such nutrition lasts 3 weeks, after which the goiter milk ceases to stand out, and the pigeons feed the cubs immediately after they themselves are full. From this moment on, pigeons switch to the diet of adult birds. At this time, their weight reaches 200-250 g, and two-three-month-old young pigeons almost catch up with their parents in terms of weight and size.

Pigeons sit in the nest for an average of 1 month, after which they leave it and begin to learn to fly. At this age, pigeon chicks become like adults, with smooth, shiny plumage, wings and tail fully developed. They no longer depend on their parents, they begin to live and eat on their own.

Why no one sees the chicks

Many are interested in the question, where do pigeon chicks grow? So, they grow in dovecotes, if they are the offspring of domestic birds, and in nests built in nature, if they belong to wild pigeons.

Wild birds choose a secluded place for a nest, located away from the eyes of predators and humans, so no one sees everything that happens inside their home. Such caution is dictated by nature itself, because pigeons are peaceful birds, not aggressive, and in the event of an attack they will not be able to protect their offspring. Therefore, they try to hide and disguise the nest as best as possible in order to increase the chances of survival of the young.

Pigeons settle mainly in such places where they will not be seen:

  • in old unused houses;
  • under the roofs of buildings;
  • on trees in parks and squares.

The young growth spends all the childhood in a nest, without leaving it before the established term. That's why we don't see little pigeons on the streets where only their adult parents walk and fly.

The only exception is the owners of dovecotes, because there is nowhere for birds to go, and many domestic pigeons are tame and trust a person. Therefore, those who breed these birds know exactly what a pigeon chick looks like. The chicks raised in dovecotes are just as dependent and defenseless, and while they turn into adult birds, they do not leave the nest, so they are also not on the street.

Residents of city apartments can also see pigeons, on the balconies of which the Sisari decided to build a nest. The reason for this choice is the similarity of multi-storey buildings with the rocks in which their distant ancestors settled.

However, the owners should be careful not to frighten the birds, do not touch the eggs or chicks with their hands, do not crush the nest and do not add food to it. Such actions will lead to the fact that a pair of pigeons will fly away and never return, and the offspring will naturally die, because other pigeons will not feed other people's chicks.

How to feed a baby pigeon at home

Since domestic pigeons are accustomed to people, have constant access to water and food, their instinct weakens, and they may take somewhat worse care of their chicks than wild ones. If it so happened that the parents abandoned the newborn, you need to know how to feed the pigeon chick in order to help him survive. The same can be done if you accidentally had to find an abandoned nest of wild pigeons or a chick that fell out of it.

Consider how to feed a very small pigeon at home:

  1. Boil a fresh egg, take the yolk and rub it through a small strainer. Dilute the crumbs with boiled cooled water to the consistency of thin sour cream.
  2. Take a 2-cc syringe, remove the needle from it. Draw the egg mixture into a syringe and feed the chick from it.
  3. Drip 1 drop at a time, there should be 10-30 drops in total for each dose. Focus on the pigeon, if he turns away, it means that he has eaten.
  4. Feed the chick every hour.

After it reaches a week of age, add a little boiled protein to the egg crumbs, ground into powder in a coffee grinder and steamed for 5 minutes. grain, as well as a drop of honey. Reduce the frequency of feeding, feed from the nipple every 2 hours. Do not forget that from the very first day the chick needs to be warmed. To do this, hang a red lamp over it at a safe distance.

Feed a two-week-old baby pigeon whole soaked for 5-10 minutes. grain in water. At a time, give 2-3 things, a little mixture of grated egg and carrots, small pebbles. Introduce the new diet gradually.

Teach your pigeon to drink water. To do this, take it by the beak, carefully lower it into the water and release it. Be careful not to get water in your nostrils. From this age, if the grown-up baby feels well, warming can be stopped.

After another week, give him grated greens, vegetables and fruits. Teach your baby pigeon to peck on its own by placing a saucer of millet and crushed pigeon stone (a mineral supplement designed to improve digestion and balance the diet) next to it. Also make sure that the pigeon always has clean drinking water. Change it every day. You can add vitamins for birds, fish oil to it.

It is not difficult to feed a pigeon chick, which is 1 month old. He should be eating his own grain by now. different sizes. Therefore, all that is required of you is to pour the grain mixture into the feeder and put a drinker. A single serving of grain that the chick should eat is 1 tbsp. l. The daily diet of a pet at this age may consist of:

  • pressed feed (50%);
  • millet (30%);
  • peas, corn and vetch (10%);
  • barley and other grain crops (20%).

Such food will be able to fully provide the young growing body of the pigeon with all the substances it needs. Adhere to the correct ratio, because only in this case can one expect that the chick will develop intensively, gain weight at a pace predetermined by nature, and grow up as a healthy and strong bird. Feed your pigeon 3 times a day. Make morning and lunch portions small, leaving the main part of the food for the evening. Its total daily amount should not be less than 40 g.

Watch the behavior and mood of the ward, as well as all the other birds you have. Pay attention to such signs. In pigeons that are distinguished by health:

  • the oral cavity is light pink, clean, without discharge;
  • even and clear pupils;
  • free breathing;
  • excellent appetite;
  • smooth movements.

If the bird is depressed, inactive, refuses food and water, then this indicates the development of the disease.

Adjust the diet of the sick chick. Until he recovers, use specialized food, give him boiled rice, wheat and millet. In order to prevent diseases, keep the nest clean, change the water and remove the remnants of uneaten food.

Now you know what newborn pigeons look like, how adult birds feed them, why they are not visible and why parents hide them from prying eyes, and also what to do if you have to feed an abandoned pigeon. Stick to the above recommendations and you will be fine.

The first weeks of life of a pigeon chick are the most important stage in its development. timely care and disinfection will ensure safety for his life and health.

Pigeons are wonderful parents to their offspring. The life and health of the chick depends entirely on their care. Male and female incubate and care for pigeons by joint efforts and rarely leave them. Cubs are almost impossible to see before they grow up, and they prefer that human intervention during this period be minimized.

Pigeons start breeding spring period. By this time, the bird breeder is preparing nests for mating and masonry. Chicks appear on average on the 19th day. Pigeons hatch helpless and weak.

Features of chicks at birth

  • Newborns don't see anything.
  • Chicks have no hearing.
  • Almost no fluff on the body.
  • They hatch with a large open beak.
  • Head of chicks of impressive size, because of it, they cannot stand on their paws.
  • They scream loudly and piercingly when they are hungry or uncomfortable.
  • Weigh 10-15 grams.

The first action of pigeons, after the chick has hatched, is heating. The shells are removed from the nest immediately after birth. The male and female begin to stand out goiter milk, which they feed the offspring.

It is important to ensure that the chicks are fed during the first days of their life, otherwise hunger will lead to the death of pigeons. The breeder must ensure that the first portion of food gets to one chick during the first three hours of his life.

The second chick gets food 12-16 hours after birth, since the first goiter milk is enough for only one serving. This factor has a negative impact on the second chick, since feeding takes place already at a critical time for its life. The pigeon that was fed first grows stronger and more resilient than the others.

Development of chicks by week

  • Week one. For the first seven days appearance changes, already on the second day the chick weighs several times more than at birth. By the end of the first week, he is covered with down, grows up and is better oriented in space.
  • Week two. The first feathers grow, eyes open and hearing improves. The beak becomes comparable in size to an adult bird.
  • With third week there is a process of active plumage. Chicks see and hear well, actively move.
  • Per month the body of the bird is completely covered with feathers. The young pigeon can fly, walk and feed on its own.

Feeding the chicks

pigeons almost do not need additional food until the age of one month, in most cases, they are completely dependent on their parents. From 2 weeks it is important to provide them with water so that they do not suffer from thirst. In order to accustom the offspring of pigeons to pecking, a little is added to the diet in 3-4 weeks. On average, this period is 25 days. At this age, the chicks can already be released into the common aviary for short walks and flights.

If the female stopped feeding the chicks, then from the age of 10 days the male can completely cope with this. If the male stops feeding, then the offspring will die of starvation without additional food.

If it becomes necessary to artificially feed the chicks, then it becomes necessary to precisely regulate their diet so that it is complete and provides them with everything they need.

The diet of pigeons 1 week of life

On the first day, you can artificially feed a newborn only after 7-8 hours after hatching. By this time, it is important to warm them up to a temperature of 39 degrees. You can feed:

  • chicken yolk, pounded to the state of cream and heated to a slightly warm state;
  • special composition, which is intended for chicks of other bird species, it is stirred to a state of porridge.

The most preferred food for pigeon chicks is egg yolk. To use a syringe. The head is carefully picked up and the beak is opened to the newborn, food is introduced in portions of a few drops. The first day, the number of drops corresponds to the number of hours lived.

In the following days, the behavior of the chick will serve as a guide, if he squeaks and looks for food with his beak, then the portion is increased by a few drops. A well-fed pigeon stops looking for food and does not scream. The first day the number of feedings, starting from 7 hours of life, can reach 10-15 times, the next days 6-7 times.

Pigeon diet 2 weeks of life

From the second week of life, they begin to add to the yolk:

  • millet, barley, millet, peas and other grains suitable for pigeons;
  • ground into powder eggshell;
  • a small amount of red clay.

All grains are crushed to powder and pour warm boiled water. At the end, honey and shell powder are added, sometimes clay is added at the tip of a teaspoon.

All ingredients are mixed to the state of slurry and also given through a syringe at the request of the chick, but at least 6 times a day.

Goiter with full feeding will be hard to the touch. At the end of 2 weeks, you can add softened in water, but not pounded grain.

Diet 3-4 weeks of life

By the third week, the offspring of pigeons fledge, becomes more independent, so they additionally introduce into the diet:

  • water;
  • greenery;
  • chopped vegetables and fruits (except potatoes, tomatoes and exotic fruits);
  • White bread– from 22 days;
  • a few drops of fish oil 1-2 times a day.

You can feed the chicks for a meal with only one type of vegetable or fruit. Mixing is not recommended.

On the 15th day, pigeons are provided with constantly warm and clean water, at first they tilt their beak to the water so that it does not get into their nose.

By the end of the 3rd week, the chicks are eating about 4 times a day. The drinking bowl with water is filled at least twice a day so that the water does not stagnate. For pecking, they put a plate next to the nest and pour a little fine grain there. After the age of one month, the chicks eat like adults.

Cleaning and disinfection rules

In order to avoid chicks, their habitat must be carefully and regularly looked after.

Basic steps for disinfection

  • and the feeding vessel is cleaned twice a day. Water must always be clean. For washing, you can use a soap solution, it is important that the soap does not lag on the dishes.
  • Room disinfection carried out once a week. Pigeons are temporarily moved to another place, and the litter is completely removed from the box. Soap solution and plenty of water wash everything that is possible. Also for this I use solutions of potassium permanganate, caustic soda (1%), bleach (1%), chloramine (1%), paraform (2%), ecocide, virocid, formalin and others. After processing the premises and equipment, you need to additionally rinse everything with clean boiled water and ventilate the room. The litter is replaced with a clean one.

To prepare a soap solution, you need to dissolve half a kilogram of soap in 10 liters of water. Drugs sold in ready-made, have instructions on which the solution is prepared.

Birds and even insects should not enter the room where pigeons are kept.

Chick care

In order for the chicks to get used to a person, it is important to communicate with them, pick them up and check regularly. From the moment when they begin to see, it is better to go to them in the same type and same color clothes. So they get used to the appearance and voice of the owner.

The most important stage taming - feeding chicks, in particular from hands. The main thing is to create an atmosphere of warmth and safety for the pigeon. Do not make noise with them and make sharp loud sounds. Caring for a chick necessarily includes a systematic, almost daily examination for diseases.

A healthy bird has:

  • good development, age-appropriate and dense physique;
  • even pupils;
  • oval entrance to the throat, free breathing;
  • clean mucous pinkish color;
  • uniform plumage;
  • healthy appetite, regular food intake;
  • soft stool, no mucus

In the absence of at least one of the signs, it is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the bird, since they are susceptible to many diseases.

Diseases of pigeon chicks

In addition to disinfection of the premises and equipment, vaccinations and mineral supplements are the prevention of diseases in chicks. The room must be dry, warm and well ventilated. But even with all the rules followed, pigeons can get sick, and many infections for the offspring of pigeons end in death.

All diseases chicks get in contact with adults, rodents and other animals, from dirty grain and water.

Subject to the conditions of maintenance and care, the chicks grow up as healthy and strong birds.

Have you ever wondered why we never see baby pigeons? These birds have become so integrated into urban life that sometimes we don’t even pay attention to a flying pigeon flock, but we never see the cubs of these birds. And not everyone thinks about this oddity, but they do exist, small unsightly birds. So that everyone who is interested in the question of what a pigeon chick looks like can figure it out once and for all, we wrote this article!

Note that the pigeon male actively helps his "darling" to hatch offspring. As a rule, it is the future father who heats the nest from 10 am to 4 pm; the rest of the time, the female sits there. The duration of incubation depends on the type of pigeon and is observed by birds quite strictly. After the incubation period, the pigeons leave their nest, even if the egg contains chicks that are alive for some reason late in hatching. After that, they begin to build a new nest.

What do doves look like?

Little pigeons are very unattractive birds and at a tender age they only remotely resemble their parents, they have practically nothing in common with adults. Chicks hatch into the world blind and completely naked, completely dependent on adult pigeons and doves, who hide their unsympathetic children very carefully.

However, nature does nothing for nothing - such an unsightly appearance helps the pigeon go unnoticed. A newborn pigeon weighs only 10 grams, but it gains weight very rapidly. By the second day of life, he will already weigh 8 times more. On the 22nd day of life, the chick will double its current weight and look much prettier!

The lack of vegetation on the body of a small pigeon indicates how much he is dependent on his parents. I must say that the parents of the pigeons are excellent. The dove spends all the time warming its offspring, while the male gets food at this time. If trouble happens to one of the parents, then the second makes every effort to prevent the pigeons from dying. A distinctive feature of the pigeon cub, as seen in the photo, is a large, highly developed beak.

Already from birth, it is wide and quite dense. On the 12th day of life, the dove has a beak length like that of an adult bird, and the width is even greater than it should be. By the 38th day of life, the pigeon chick will have a beak that will remain with it for the rest of its life. And he will stay in his nest for about six weeks - the time it takes for him to almost completely turn into an adult.

Why can't we see baby pigeons?

In nature, pigeons are inhabitants of rocks, gorges and rocky coasts. Therefore, they always built their nests at a height, in crevices, in places where no one can harm their offspring. In our feathered neighbors - residents of megacities, the blood of their ancestors speaks, which is why they also choose the most secluded places for procreation.

The role of rocks in the city is performed multi-story houses. Pigeons can climb under the roof, into attics, into various cracks and depressions. Sometimes pigeons hide their nests in the crowns of large sprawling trees.

Another reason why we do not see the younger generation of pigeons is the fearfulness and caution of these birds. They feel if a person touched or somehow contacted their chicks or eggs - pigeons leave such a nest forever. Therefore, if you managed to find a pigeon's nest, bypass it. Having disturbed the life of the pigeon family, you risk leaving the pigeon without parents, and then its death is inevitable.

The dove leaves the nest as an almost adult and mature bird. That is why we do not see little pigeons, they are very carefully hidden from us by adults. Therefore, you should not interfere in the privacy of these birds and rummage around the attics in search of small pigeons. You can see them in the photos presented in our article!

In fact, we know very little about pigeons and their chicks. Although these birds have been living with us in cities side by side for many years. This bird is considered the bird of the world, monuments have been erected to it in more than 30 cities of the world. There are more than 300 species of pigeons, and the geography of their distribution is impressive.

In appearance, the substance looks like real milk and is called goiter milk. In nature, in addition to pigeons, only pink flamingos and penguins can produce such "bird's milk".

Fact 2

Baby pigeons may be raised by only one parent, often a male. We have already mentioned that pigeons are paired birds. They find a mate and can live together their entire pigeon life. However, in city life, it happens that the dove, succumbing to the “temptation”, can leave the nest, and then all the care for the younger generation falls on the shoulders of the “abandoned father”. I must say that he copes with his task and does not leave the chicks.

Another interesting fact is that without a male, the female cannot lay eggs, she needs the “husband” to be in her field of vision so that he can be seen. In captivity, this problem is solved quite simply - they put a mirror in front of the dove.

Fact 3

Pigeons are very attached to their place of birth. When the pigeons have grown up, they almost completely refuse the help of their parents - they have fulfilled their duty to the cubs. Young pigeons join a flock that lives nearby, it can be the nearest park, square or something else. Already together with his “new relatives”, the young dove lives, earns food and creates his own family. The dove is very strongly attached to its habitat, it can return home many thousands of kilometers away, and there is nothing surprising in this.

Such an unusual ability to navigate has always been used by man. We all know about the dove as a mail bird. They helped a person a lot when there were no telephones or telegraph, and also in difficult wartime.

Fact 4

Nature has endowed pigeon chicks and their parents with another unique feature - these birds have unique eyesight! Neither bright sun nor welding machine, not even a laser can damage the retina of this bird. Even in the strongest light, a pigeon will be able to find a small seed or a pebble, which is why it will never lose its nest, while no one else sees it!

Such abilities of the pigeon's eye are explained by the fact that it consists of a special connective tissue that can change its density depending on the lighting. Pigeons are able to perceive and large quantity frames per second than a person. For example, the human eye perceives 24 frames per second, and the pigeon - 75!

Many people ask the question, why are little pigeons not visible? Around only adults. This is because pigeons love to build nests in trees, rocks, and cave-like places. There they hide their chicks. They inherited such a pattern from their ancestors who lived near the Mediterranean.

In big cities, pigeons create nests in similar places: on roofs, under window sills, posts. This is something like artificial rocks for them. Outside the city, birds create nests in trees and hollows. Why is love associated only with doves? Because the dove finds a mate for life and never cheats

Reproduction takes place in warm time starting in April and ending in September. The pigeon's nest is built from branches and straw. The male himself is looking for material for construction, and the female is engaged in arranging the nest, which in the end turns out to be sloppy and without clear edges.

Every year, a pigeon pair improves the nest and increases in size. The female lays two eggs and incubates for 20 days. After this period, the chicks are born, getting rid of the shell. Unused shells are thrown away by parents.

Birth of chicks

If the chicks are lost and far from their parents, then they will die, as they are helpless, and other people's pigeons do not pay attention to them. The chick looks like this: an open beak, frightened eyes and fluttering wings.

The female begins to feed the first first chick a couple of hours after hatching, and the second - after 16 hours. Due to such unsystematic development of chicks, the development of the chicks is different, and the weak may die. Chicks appear in yellow fluff. They have a large beak and their eyes are closed at first. Within a month, the yellow fluff transforms into feathers. After 2 months, the chicks begin to fly.

Of particular importance is the pigeon breed. There are small chicks that make short flights after a month, and there are those that begin to fly only after 50 days. It all depends on the weight of the little pigeons.

Why can't you see the chicks?

People claim they don't see little chicks. This is very easy to explain, young birds reach adult size after 50 days. At first glance, it is not easy to distinguish them, but there are special features chicks: dull plumage in the first two months. Adults have bright and shiny plumage. There is also a thinness of the mass of chicks in comparison with adult birds.

With immature plumage and flight wings, young birds may fall to the ground or flutter clumsily at a close distance from the ground. There is another reason why a person does not see small pigeons. Many build nests and hide eggs and babies in hard-to-reach places: rocks and gorges. Here the chicks will always be safe.

In such conditions, only the strongest survive, which in two months can already fly and search for food. If a person touched the eggs or corrected the nest, then adults can leave their place along with the offspring.

Feeding at home

After about 25 days, the chicks are weaned from living with their parents, provided that proper feeding is provided. At this time, you need to pay attention to the chicks. Immediately accustom to self-feeding and drinking. Otherwise, the chicks will suffer from thirst and hunger. Pigeon food and water should be in a comfortable place for the birds. There should be a pigeon stone in the dovecote.

The food for chicks consists of small grains. For better formation chicks, vitamins are added to the water. Small pigeons are more susceptible to disease. Therefore, as a disease prevention, it is necessary to control the purity of water and feeders. It is important that there is always fresh water.

Birds need to be fed carefully. The development and health of pigeons, which is smaller, depends on this. Proper feeding allows you to get useful trace elements and the right energy. To do this, you additionally need to add 50% of the pressed feed. This protein-reversed food is fed to the chicks until the plumage is fully formed.

Pigeons should eat three times a day. In the morning and afternoon, the food should be small portions, and in the evening - large. It is useful to add a few drops of fish oil to the feed. At the first time weaning from parents, the menu should include peas, vetch, and barley. The wheat content is reduced when the chicks begin to fly, but the dose of peas and vetch is increased.

The nutrition of the chicks should consist of:

  • 30% millet;
  • 20% barley;
  • 10% peas;
  • 10% wiki;
  • 10% corn.

Every day, the chick can receive 40 grams of food. Sick chicks need to be fed with special food, which consists of millet, wheat, and peeled rice. Instead of drinking water 5% glucose solution is given.

If young birds have proper development and nutrition, then they can take part in exhibitions in the fall. They will have colorful and brilliant plumage, thanks to which the birds will receive first places in competitions.

Chick care

The key to caring for chicks is frequent communication and regular checkups. If you care for them, you must accustom them to you. In order for them to get used to you, you first need to come in the same clothes. Over time, the chicks will get used to you, then you need to teach them to feed from your hands. Communication is extremely important for pigeons. Need to create good contact with regular feeding them right in the dovecote.

The chick remembers the first impressions of life until the end of his days. Often the connection between man and bird creates forms its character. Even short hand-feeding promotes mutual understanding. The young pigeon feels that if a person takes him in his arms, then it is safe for him. Doves should be inspected daily when feeding. Healthy chicks are active and have an excellent appetite. After feeding, it is useful to take the chick in your arms and chat with him.

At the end of the year, it is necessary to perform a thorough examination of all pigeons to determine the state of health. A healthy pigeon always has an oral cavity color pink and without mucus, the oval entrance to the windpipe easily closes, even pupils. If the pupils are torn, then the bird is sick. In cold weather, the body needs to be strengthened with vitamins and vaccinated. Timely prevention of diseases is a guarantee of the health of the chicks.

The pigeon is considered one of the most common birds today. Belongs to the pigeon family. Its original homeland is considered to be Southern Europe and northern Africa.

Man tamed the first dove in ancient times. Gradually, together with humans, these birds traveled all over the world, some of them scattered and became wild, some remained to live in cities near people.

Wild birds prefer live in a rocky area- in mountain gorges and on rocks, sometimes near steep river banks. Being descendants of domestic pigeons, they are not afraid of being next to a person. On the contrary, they look for agricultural land and settle closer to it.

City pigeons find similarities in stone city buildings with their natural habitat - rocks. Various food waste provides pigeons with food at any time of the year. People who feed the birds provide them with even more comfortable living in the city.

Wild and urban individuals continue to interbreed with each other. And according to scientists, sooner or later this will lead to the complete extinction of wild individuals. This should lead to an increase in the overall population of pigeons, because wild birds live up to 5 years, and domestic ones up to 15, sometimes up to 35.


body length about 30 cm, weight rather big - about 400 g. The plumage is very dense, which allows them to survive in frosts. In wild birds, light gray plumage with a greenish tint predominates. Distinctive feature- two dark stripes on each wing. The plumage of urban birds is very diverse and has up to 30 shades. The bird can look completely different: there are both boiling white and purple-black. around the eye small plot bald skin. The beak is black, with a white cere at the base. Legs can also be different color: pink to black, partly feathered in some birds. The wings are wide and pointed, with a span of up to 70 cm.

Sexual dimorphism is not expressed. In females, only slightly less noticeable metallic sheen. Young birds of both sexes are identical up to 8 months, then the males acquire a slightly noticeable gloss.

Pigeons are very capable birds


All representatives of the pigeon family are monogamous. Finding a mate pigeons live together all their lives.

Before mating, the male performs a whole ritual:

  • flaunts in front of the female for a long time, attracting her attention;
  • he does not leave his object of adoration for a second;
  • cooing loudly and persistently;
  • inflates the neck;
  • spreads its wings;
  • his crowning technique is vertical post with a fanned tail.

If the female has accepted courtship, the birds “kiss”, cleaning each other with their beaks.

Both wild and city pigeons nest in secluded places inaccessible to predators. AT natural conditions they prefer caves or crevices. In the city they settle in beams under bridges and in attics.

What does a pigeon chick look like

You can see the cubs only in the photo. So reliably doves hide their shelter from prying eyes. When making a nest, segregation of duties: the male brings the material, and the female lays it down.

There can be up to 8 clutches per year, consisting of only 1-2 eggs. Even male and female incubate alternately. Cubs appear in 15-20 days. A small dove weighs up to 10 grams. The last born very often dies, since he can receive feeding only after 12-16 hours. On the day of birth, the chicks are completely bald, then they are overgrown with a thin fluff. Babies really need care and warmth. They are so defenseless! Mother and father never leave them alone for a second. Blind, covered with sparse yellow fluff, small pigeons feed on belching from the goiter of their parents. It happens that the chicks have not yet grown up, and the female is already laying the next clutch. Then father educates the younger generation, and the mother incubates the next chicks.

Chicks grow surprisingly fast. Already on the second day of life, they are 8 times heavier, by the 20th day they double their current weight. Then the weight gain goes on evenly, the little dove only grows stronger, preparing for the flight. Chicks learn to fly after a month of life. After two months, the pigeon cub weighs as much as adults, and puberty occurs in six months.

Pigeons and their offspring