Do-it-yourself apartment renovation. Major and cosmetic renovation of a two-room apartment

If you have planned to repair a room with your own hands, but do not know where to start, after reading the materials of our site "Remontik" you will solve this problem. Adhering to our advice, the repair work will not take long, and the final result will please you.

First of all, you must understand that the renovation of the room needs serious preliminary preparation. The most important point is the preparation of a detailed repair plan, taking into account all the nuances. Consider tips for organizing repairs from professionals:

  • What type of repair to choose: major or cosmetic.
  • Preparation of interior design and detailed renovation plan.
  • Determine the main stages of room renovation.
  • Make a list of required tools and materials.
  • Plan upcoming expenses.
  • Free the room.
  • How to start repairing a room with your own hands.

Now let's dwell on each of the stages in more detail, attaching photos and videos to them.

What room repair is needed: major or cosmetic

First of all, you need to decide on the volume and complexity of future repairs. For the apartment to be clean and bright, it is enough to carry out superficial, cosmetic repairs: replacing the wallpaper, changing the old linoleum, whitewashing the ceiling, painting the walls, etc.

If you plan to get rid of everything old and boring, decide on a major overhaul with replacement windows, leveling walls, installing new floors, as well as modern ceilings. Your home will be transformed and become beautiful and new.

We do not recommend to refuse the help of professionals when carrying out major repairs. First of all, this concerns the creation of a stylish design of the premises, including redevelopment, as well as the demolition of some partitions and walls.

Planning repairs based on your financial capabilities.

Choose an interior design and decide on a renovation plan

At the very beginning, decide on the design and interior of each individual room that you are going to change in your apartment. You can seek help from an experienced designer, which will slightly increase your financial costs for repairs.

For the room where you are going to carry out repairs, you need to complete detailed drawings of all stages of work, in their clear sequence.

We recommend that you complete five renovation sketches for all individual rooms. In the first drawing, we recommend displaying a top view of the premises, and in the other four, each wall. Supplement all drawings with a detailed description, as well as a plan for the sequential execution of repairs, which will avoid inaccuracies and simplifications in the work.

  • The location of the furniture. Those walls that are striking most of all need to be given maximum attention and use the highest quality finishes.
  • Think carefully about where to place chandeliers and lamps so that the light can better illuminate the room.
  • Considering the location of the household appliances, mark the locations for the outlet. Then to correctly design the installation of electrical wiring in different rooms.
  • Consider the location of the main decorative elements: mosaic, paintings, brick wall.

In the repair plan, you must indicate the required finishing option: painting, wallpapering the walls, etc. To divide the room into separate zones, we advise you to paint one of the walls in a different color in order to emphasize and visually divide the room. Such moments also need to be reflected in the plan.

How to correctly determine the order of repairing rooms in apartments

According to the advice of experts, in order to avoid unnecessary dust and dirt when carrying out repairs, we advise you to first of all make repairs in rooms that are located far from the front door. As the last stage of the repair, it is better to choose the passage rooms, as well as the corridor through which construction tools and materials will often rush. In order not to scratch or stain the finish of the already repaired wall, and also not to damage the new floor.

As an additional protection of the repaired room, cellophane film can act (it is fixed on the outside of the door). It provides reliable protection of the premises from construction dust, dirt, plaster, paint and accidental damage.

Repair of a room in an apartment: do it yourself or by specialists

Do not carry out all the repair work yourself. If necessary, the execution of repairs or only particularly complex measures can be entrusted to experienced specialists. Firstly, knowledge and experience will allow them to carry out repairs efficiently and quickly. Secondly, you do not have to buy expensive tools with which the screed is poured or the tiles are laid out.

Even if the process of installing an interior door seems simple to you, the slightest inaccuracy in this regard is unacceptable. Of course, you can hang and arrange furniture in the kitchen, level the walls and do a little painting yourself. However, entrust more complex repair work to specialists so that later you do not have to redo them, which will significantly increase financial costs.

Make a list of required tools and materials

  • After choosing the design of the room, interior and furniture, you need to make a complete list of building materials. Their total cost and quantity directly depends on the repair work, as well as the methods of their implementation. If you have the necessary budget, it is worth purchasing building materials with a small margin.
  • Prepare a list of decor items: shelves, holders, paintings, mirrors, etc. Start shopping with the selected decor items. If the planned decor element is not available, you can quickly change it or develop a new design plan for renovating the room.
  • Prepare a list of required tools to complete the repair. To do this, use the advice of a consultant in hardware stores in your city or professional repairmen.

Calculate costs

When the preparatory work was completed: sketches and plans for the repair were drawn up, lists of all tools and materials were prepared, a decision was made about the possibility of repairing the room on your own or with the help of repair specialists, you will calculate the average total cost of the planned repair.

Don't rush to buy all the materials on your first store visit. In the lists of tools and materials you have drawn up, put down the cost of various stores, which will save on purchases. Carefully consider the choice of the services of the construction team. Special attention should be paid not only to the cost of repair work, but also to the reviews of our friends about the quality of repair services.

Free the room

To ensure that your furniture is reliably protected from damage, construction dust and dirt, collect it in a central location. Then cover with plastic wrap. Therefore, free up access to the ceiling and walls. We recommend moving expensive equipment and clothes to other rooms.

DIY room repair: where to start and what is the sequence of work

Repair work should start with the most dusty ones: replacing windows, window slopes and installing new window sills. This way, you can avoid dust and dirt when painting when it is prohibited to open windows, in order to avoid an increase in humidity and temperature changes. When the slopes, windows and window sills are installed, cover them with hardboard or plastic wrap to exclude accidental dirt and mechanical damage.

Take care of the marking of places for installing additional sockets, make the wiring of electrical appliances. At this stage, do not install outlets or connect them to the shield.

When using welding jobs (for example, when changing batteries), do them at the same time in different places in the apartment in order to quickly complete this difficult and dusty stage of work, which sometimes includes breaking down walls.

Before repairing floors, walls, ceilings, you need to carry out their condition with a water or laser level. Start by applying the thickest layers of the mortar. While they dry, you can carry out other small jobs without downtime.

Upon completion of this preparatory stage, proceed with the repair, performing it in the following sequence: repair of the ceiling, walls, floor. First, work is performed using putty, gypsum, cement mixtures. Then proceed to the installation of the floor, doors and slopes.

Last stages of renovation work:

  • painting or pasting the ceiling;
  • installation of sills, plinths and platbands.

By following the correct order during the repair and having a clear plan of action, you can avoid many mistakes, save time and money. This is one of the main components of a durable and beautiful repair, along with the observance of the technology and the quality of the materials used.

"Yes, so that repairs in your apartment do not end!" - a passer-by throws over his shoulder and leaves on his way. And you stand and think: “And what is he? Did you wish for wealth or, on the contrary, ... overlaid it? "

Indeed, the issue of repairs is not a pleasant business for the average citizen. With today's prices for materials and services, construction Jedi will have to fork out seriously. And how much time and nerves you will have to spend, and even live in a ruined apartment! You won't wish it on your enemy. But repair is a vital necessity, and sooner or later you will still have to face it. Some craftsmen, even in a crisis, still manage to make apartment renovations with their own hands quickly and inexpensively. But how do they do it? Inexpensive - this is a cosmetic repair with your own hands and domestic materials. Such repairs will not require large financial investments, but the cleanliness and freshness of your apartment is guaranteed to you. Cheap isn't always bad.

Where to begin?

Get a small notebook. In it you will write down all ideas, prices and phone numbers of shops or specialists. But the main thing is that it will contain a plan for your repair and an expense estimate. The plan needs to reflect all your wishes: replacing windows with plastic, a suspended ceiling or just whitewashing, new tiles in the bathroom, wallpapering or a couple of new sockets in the kitchen. Write exactly what you want. If you decided on a wallpaper, it means wallpaper, if you want decorative plaster, then so be it. The pipes are buzzing - replace, the chipped toilet bowl - throw it away. You may think that based on your desires, it will not be possible to do it yourself quickly and inexpensively. But you probably do not know this, but only drive yourself into a frame. It will turn out - you will, if not - not a great loss, it's just a note in a notebook. Next, get down to the estimate: what exactly do you need and in what quantity. How many meters of tiles, grout, bags of putty, wallpaper, chipboard and other things. You can always correct these entries.

To find out exactly what materials, what quality and prices you need, go for help to online stores and to construction forums. Carefully study the characteristics and pricing policy, approximately calculate the expense. And at the same time, figure out how to replace the faucet yourself, glue the wallpaper or install drywall. Determine for yourself: I can do it myself, but here you need to look for an electrician or plumber. Write it down.

How can you save

There are many options. To begin with, remember: it is better to buy materials for apartment renovation in the cold season - the price is much lower. But summer is the construction season. In winter, you can stumble upon a 50% discount or a "Buy 2 and 3 for free" promotion in building markets! So you can buy the same wallpaper at a low price, but of a much better look and quality. And if they lie for a couple of months in a dry pantry or closet, then nothing will happen to them. Explore local forums, especially if you live in a large city. There you will probably find many people who have already done inexpensive apartment renovations with their own hands. Photos of finishing, tips, addresses and phone numbers of specialists you will probably find there. And also stumble upon the heading "repairs" and "leftovers". Periodically review who is selling or giving away what is interesting. People often have materials after repairs that no one will buy at the selling price, but it is a pity to throw them away. So, you can buy a couple of bags of putty or even Spanish tiles for a ridiculous price. The person has an extra 2-3 meters left, there is nowhere to put them, but the toilet will do quite well for you. There you can also find the remains of a cable or grout "for a chocolate". More impressive people, settling in new buildings, often change brand new plumbing fixtures or PVC windows for more expensive ones, and these are given for next to nothing. Why? Because they want "Rehau" or "only France", and even such a window will do for you. Everything is better than the old wood. When you get rich, buy yourself a Rehau.

Tools for repair

A construction tool costs a lot of money, so it's better not to spend money on it. Alternatively, you can rent it for a while, it is rented everywhere. And it will be even better if you borrow it from acquaintances, friends or relatives. And be sure to thank the person for their help. How? You know better. Take this opportunity to ask if they can help you with finishing the apartment. Especially if your friends are familiar with the construction certificate. It will also help to make do-it-yourself apartment renovation quickly and inexpensively, and even with high quality. And surely your friend will make a significant discount from old memory.

You will need:

  • putty
  • paint
  • putty knife
  • roller
  • brush
  • container for water and putty
  • priming
  • water-based paint
  • glue for wallpaper.
  • Step-by-step instruction

    1. The concept of repair includes the following list:
  • stripping ceilings and walls from old wallpaper or paint.
  • putty, primer, sanding ceilings and walls.
  • painting the ceiling with water-based paint or wallpapering.
  • gluing walls with wallpaper.
  • painting of window sashes and slopes.
  • floor repair and painting.
  • 2. To prevent the repair of your apartment from dragging on, remove the furniture from the room in which you start working. If this is not possible, then place it in the center of the room and cover it with foil. 3. Renovation of the room begin with the preparation of the ceiling and walls for decoration. To do this, wash the ceiling down to the stove. Moisten a section of the ceiling with warm water, let the whitewash or water-based paint swell, then remove all the old ceiling covering with a spatula and rinse this area again. Change the water as often as possible. How you washed the ceiling will determine the durability of its coating.

    4. The next step is to repair the ceiling. Sew up any cracks with a spatula so that they become deeper. Prime with primer, putty and let dry. After the primer is dry, sand the ceiling and prime it again. Repair the walls before painting the ceiling. 5. After working on the ceiling, start removing the old wallpaper. To do this, wet the old wallpaper with water, let it soak for a while, and as soon as it gets wet, remove it with a spatula. The wall must be dry and clean before you start repairing it. Sew up all cracks on the wall with a putty knife, prime them with primer and fill with putty. When the places that you putty dry out, sand them, and then cover them with a primer again. If you will glue thick wallpaper, then do not use the finishing putty. 6. The next step is painting the ceiling or wallpapering the ceiling. Dilute the water-based paint as written on the can and paint the ceiling 2 times. If you decide to glue the wallpaper for painting, then glue it and paint it also 2 times. Domestic paints are cheaper, so your budget will not suffer. 7. Before wallpapering the walls, paint the doors and window frames with paint. If you buy “P” paint from Russian manufacturers, not imported ones, it will cost you much less. After the paint has dried, proceed to wallpapering. To save money on buying wallpaper, choose a domestic manufacturer. In terms of quality and durability, wallpapers of Russian manufacturers are not inferior to imported ones. 8. The final stage is painting the floor. If the furniture was not taken out, then glue the legs and the perimeter of the furniture with masking tape, and after painting, remove it - the furniture will remain clean. Choose a domestic paint - it will come out cheaper, but it will not affect the quality of the painting.


    The walls are the first thing that always catches your eye. Of course, smooth walls and beautiful stylish wallpaper will appeal to everyone, but if there is no money for leveling and expensive materials, you can just replace the old wallpaper. Only by re-pasting the wallpaper will you transform the apartment. It is quite possible to pick up inexpensive dense wallpaper on a paper or non-woven base, and you can even stick them on not very even walls. Wallpaper on a non-woven base is especially good at hiding small irregularities.

    There is also another option. The previous owners left a couple of rolls of wallpaper in the apartment, which were not useful to them during the renovation. For example, I just changed some particularly dirty and torn sections of the wallpaper. It was enough to replace the wallpaper stripes where they were most noticeably damaged. These are protruding corners, places near door frames, in the hallway at the entrance, in the kitchen near the stove - all this will cost much less than a complete replacement, and the housing will look much better.


    If we are dealing with whitewash or lime layers, it is best to clean them first. Numerous limescale deposits, peeling and crumbling, are not only aesthetically ugly, but also harmful to health. It is not difficult to dissolve the lime, you first need to soften the layers by wetting small areas of the ceiling with water from a spray bottle, and then clean it off with a hard spatula or scraper. If there are old peeling wallpapers on the ceiling, they must be removed.

    After cleaning, the ceiling can be additionally sanded with ordinary sandpaper, that is, sandpaper, and primed. If the surface is smooth, without pits and cracks, it will be cheaper to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint, it is better to use matte paint in light pure colors. If there are small defects, the wallpaper will hide them. Wallpaper for the ceiling should be chosen white or very light, without a pronounced pattern and with very fine corrugation. Another economical option to transform the ceiling is to glue foam plates.


    If these are concrete floors, as a rule, you do not need to do anything extra with them in terms of preparation, they are quite even and strong. Squeaking wooden floors are a much more serious problem, and repairing them, at least over time, cannot be avoided, but the problem of squeaking can be temporarily solved. A squeak in wood floors occurs when adjacent planks rub against each other. In particularly "loud" areas of the floor, you can drill several holes with a regular drill and pour a little foam. The foam will fill and seal the voids between the boards and the floor will stop creaking. This must be done carefully, without fanaticism, so that the floor does not swell.

    You can even out strong “waves” and unevenness of wooden floors by nailing hardboard, plywood or OSB sheets on top. For the required strength, the thickness of plywood or OSB should be about 1 centimeter. Linoleum is still the most economical and durable floor covering. Fortunately, the choice of linoleum in stores is extensive.


    If we have already figured out the wallpaper on the walls, then what to do with the tile? Replacing the tile, of course, can be a way out if the tile does not stick to the wall, because there is no other way out. In rare cases, when the tile easily moved away from the solution, and the solution itself adheres well to the wall, the tile can be easily restored by smearing it with a thin layer of PVA glue and pressing it tightly into place to the solution. Here, the main thing is to get the right back side of the tile into its imprint on the solution, and PVA glue will very firmly glue the ceramics with the solution - it's checked! But if the tile is holding tight and buying a new one is expensive, you can work a little on what you have. Firstly, the tile can and should be thoroughly washed. Since it is a tile, it will withstand much more aggressive cleaning agents than dish gel, but it will look much better when it is cleaned of limescale, rust and other traces of use. It is also necessary to clean the joints between the tiles. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the grout, on the contrary, you need to clean up as much grout as possible. Mold often settles between the tiles in the bathroom and it is very difficult to remove it from there.

    By removing as much grout as possible along with unwanted flora and fauna, the seams can be treated with a special antiseptic. Then they can be filled with fresh grout. It is better to choose the color of the grout neutral or close to the color of the tile.


    Examine the plumbing fixtures carefully. No cracks or chips? There is no need to change the plumbing. Plumbing cleaners will help bring all surfaces of the sanitary ware into a more presentable look, and a bright shower curtain will complete the job. By the way, you can refresh a cast-iron bathtub with paint. Not from the inside, of course, but from the outside. But, shining with freshly painted sides, the bath will immediately take on a more elegant look. And if, nevertheless, the inner surface of the bathtub is damaged and worn out, it makes sense to turn to specialists in bathtub restoration, who will cover the bathtub surface with new enamel right at home.

    As a rule, this service is cheaper than buying and installing a new bath. And here's another option: make a bath curtain not only for the top, but also for the bottom (use glue and Velcro).


    Examine all outlets. If you see melted plastic around the plug holes or even just dark spots, these outlets should be replaced without hesitation! Fixtures are changed as needed. If they are intact, not morally obsolete and all the lights are on, it is enough to simply remove them, wash them and hang them back. Do not forget to turn off the voltage in the apartment when working with an electrician!

    10 ways to spend less on decorating an apartment and get a real masterpiece

    Designer Tips: 1. Silk made from 100% polyester. Tiles "like a stone", linoleum "like parquet", laminate "like onyx", "Trekhgorka" like Ralph Lauren. Porcelain stoneware "python". There is something "artificially aged" ... It's embarrassing to even think about it. Alas, the number will not work. Flip through good interior magazines. There, everywhere, stone is stone, tiles are nothing more than tiles, and wood is just that tree. If you don't have the money for parquet and plain laminate is beneath your dignity, look for a good engineered plank. The result is a floor that looks much more expensive than the money spent on it. Cement tiles are a good alternative to porcelain stoneware for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways. The result will look a hundredfold more expensive. 2. Adjacent rooms should contrast. If you have a bright living room, have the hallway painted a deep, relatively dark color. The cost of the paint will be the same anyway, and the result can look really expensive. 3. If on good carpet no money, look for a viscose or mixed fiber carpet that mimics a silk or wool pile carpet.

    4. Place the curtains on a thick lining. Even an inexpensive curtain fabric will greatly benefit from this. Look for fabrics that are 3 meters wide. This provides significant savings. If you are not ready to spend a lot, give up printed textiles (fabrics with patterns). When cutting fabrics with a pattern, due to the need to correctly dock the canvases, there are many scraps left. The more rapport, the more waste. Do not use curtain tapes for curtains. Have the seamstress fold in the "hand" folds. It is not that expensive, and the pleats, gathered with tape, look very cheap. five. Set-headset-kit. Identical things in the interior are permissible only in one case: if they are paired things that form a symmetrical composition. Leave chandeliers, table lamps and sconces from one set to those to whom God did not give imagination. For them - sets of upholstered furniture "sofa-two armchairs" and similar tender sadness. For details, see the next paragraph. 6. Ready-made solutions. Bad news: none. At least for us. The shower room is erected in a building way because it is a room. If you don't run a student hostel or an underground striptease massage parlor, a shower cubicle (it's a sad construction of yellow acrylic and skewed doors) won't work for you. Don't spend money on designer plumbing. Let the appearance of the bathroom fittings (kitchen, bathroom) be dictated by the function. Buy washbasins and faucets with simple shapes, without inappropriate decor. The toilet should be invisible and do its job. Nobody will admire him, right? 7. Paintings, prints, prints, photographs and posters frame in simple but deep frames with glass and always in mat. Even a picture printed on a home inkjet printer (or a naive child's drawing) looks very significant in such a frame. Play with the dimensions of the mat. Small work in a very wide mat looks very "designer". And by the way, the cardboard for the mat can be of almost any color. 8. Coziness. Another collective fetish. According to my observations, what is called "comfort" in our Palestinians is, in 99 percent of cases, poetic tightness. In many ways, this is a bodily memory of a bygone childhood, of a warm and affectionate meager Soviet life with carpets teeming with saprophytes, a kind grandmother, Czechoslovak crystal and an unreadable Dreiser in the polished Polish wall "Hanka". All the more comfort will not be added by the expensive devilry such as a round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true of such rich things as a lambrequin, garland and swag. Do not worry: in a good, thoughtful interior, comfort inevitably comes naturally. Therefore ... 9. ... Farewell, Sera the gypsy! Duvet covers made of coarse calico in fine Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, “torn-eyed” shades of pillowcases, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All these are attributes of collective farm chic, forgive me for being straightforward. They will not add comfort. Coloring is often necessary for these items solely to hide their extremely lousy quality. Keep linens and bath towels just white (options: ivory, ecru). But from the finest Egyptian cotton. ten. However, it is also important not to overdo it with ivory. Peach, beige, sand… The average nuance is good for chain hotels. Because their stenciled interiors are bound to please everyone. You should like your interior. After all, he is a manifestation of your essence, right? Take in your hand the palette fan of any paint manufacturer. Feeling pleasantly heavy? These are your opportunities. Don't miss them!

    Repair is not only costly, but also time-consuming. Sometimes it is possible to remake the interior of an apartment with the help of cosmetic repairs, which are much cheaper than major repairs. But, if there are no other options, you have to do a full repair.

    Where to start a major overhaul of an apartmentso that it does not turn into a long "epic"? After all, many people literally live in a state of renovation for years, trying to turn their apartment into more comfortable and beautiful housing. It is very difficult to make major repairs on your own, and not all people can cope with such a task. However, nothing is impossible. In such a matter as overhaul, you need to follow the correct procedure, only in this case you can achieve an excellent result in a short time.

    Apartment overhaul plan

    It is not worth starting major repairs without a well-thought-out plan. You should not only have a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow your apartment will look after renovation, but also visualize your dream. It is best to develop a 3D project, but you can get by with a simpler scheme. First you need measure the whole apartment... You should not trust the technical plan of the premises, you need the real parameters of the premises. One centimeter can be incredibly important. So, for example, ordered furniture may simply not fit in the right place. To avoid such situations, carefully measure all walls, openings, distances.

    Write down the results obtained and, based on them, draw a plan of the premises in a scale convenient for you. Then you will need to decide on the zones (bedroom, living room, dining area) and distribute furniture. Only then can you evaluate your idea, see its advantages and disadvantages.

    If you are satisfied with the result obtained, then you can proceed to the second planning phase. To do this, you need to carefully think over communications... Electricity must be supplied to the refrigerator, computer, TV. Take care of lamps, switches. The latter should be located in convenient locations. If you do not pre-distribute the furniture, then after the repair is completed, the switch may be, for example, behind a sofa or wardrobe.

    The plan is ready, checked and rechecked, now you can start repairing.

    Dismantling during a major renovation of an apartment

    First of all, you need to get rid of the previous repair. Disassemble and remove furniture, tear off old wallpaper, remove linoleum or laminate flooring. If you are planning a redevelopment, then take up the demolition of excess walls. At this stage, it is important to think about the disposal of construction waste. There will be a lot of it. Usually from one two-room apartment "waste" is carried out by two trucks.

    Agree with workers or use the services of special firms to quickly get rid of garbage. It is not worth folding it in front of the entrance, it is fraught with quarrels with neighbors.

    Preparatory work for the overhaul of the apartment

    All unnecessary removed, the walls were demolished and cleaned of old repairs. It's time to do the rough work. If you also dismantled the screed, then you need to make a new one. At this stage, windows are changed, glazed or a loggia. Carry out all communications according to plan. Make 2-3 spare sockets, they may be useful to you. Sockets located in inconspicuous places will help you avoid the need for extension cords, which noticeably spoil the interior of the apartment.

    After you make the wiring for electricity, plumbing and heating, you can start preparing the walls. Plaster them, level them. The same process will be required for the ceiling, in some cases for the floor. This completes the roughing stage.

    We start finishing work

    The ceiling is finished first. You can simply paint it, wallpaper or install a suspended / suspended ceiling. The main rule of repair is to move "from top to bottom", so you will save your repair from pollution, and yourself from unnecessary work. If you start finishing the room from the walls, there is a risk of staining them during the finishing of the ceiling. That is why first finish all the work on the top of the apartment. After that, you can start decorating the walls and floor. If you are wallpapering or painting walls, remove the installed sockets and switches first. After the tiles are laid in the bathroom, install and connect the toilet, bath or shower, sink. Don't forget the special leads for the washing machine and dishwasher.

    Floor preparation depends on the material used. You can choose between, for example. For example, many people think that laminate flooring can hide the unevenness of the floor. However, the difference in height in one area should not exceed five millimeters, otherwise you risk not only the beauty of the laminate, but also your peace of mind. The fact is that the laminate can crack and will squeak for sure.

    It is better to protect yourself from problems and correct the floors with the help of special solutions that independently take shape and level the floor ().

    Who should be entrusted with the overhaul of an apartment?

    Separately, it is worth noting the fact that construction crews work as a well-coordinated team of specialists. They can install doors, lay tiles and wallpaper at the same time. If you use the services of professionals, then, of course, the repair will be over pretty quickly. But the cost of repairs will also increase significantly. Doing major repairs yourself is not an easy task, it will definitely take away not only your time, but also your energy. Many apartment owners compromise by hiring a team to do the rough work. They do the rest of the finishing themselves. In this case, you can complete the repair faster, but spend less.

    Everyone chooses for himself what is more important for him - money or time. However, we advise you not to save on work and materials, redoing repairs is much more expensive than doing it right from the very beginning.

    For some, the need to renovate their apartment causes a reaction that is far from positive. The financial side of the issue comes first. A painstaking calculation of funds begins, with a differentiation for the purchase of materials and payment for the services of specialized construction teams.

    Repairs can be cosmetic and are limited to painting, pasting and updating the appearance. And it can be capital with the replacement of electrical wiring, plumbing and the installation of modern acrylic baths.

    The very process of apartment renovation is perceived as a long period of time with many inconveniences. The result ultimately turns from the desired into the suffered, and instead of a feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of fatigue and detachment arises.

    The situation is completely different for people with figurative thinking. Having visually imagined how the apartment will look after finishing, it is easier for them to part with money, hoping to quickly see everything with their own eyes.

    People from the same category, who are not burdened with funds, often resort to the services of designers. A master decorator of a home interior with the help of computer programs can develop a view of an apartment in 3D format. In many ways, this method is considered a strong incentive to action, since it allows you to see the results of work in advance.

    However, people who are purposeful and with high internal enthusiasm never give up, even in a situation where there is a strong limitation of funds. For such people, the way out of the situation is to independently carry out partial or complete repairs.

    At the same time, someone chooses a thorough overhaul of housing with redevelopment, and for someone it is enough to carry out inexpensive repairs in an apartment, which is often called cosmetic.

    Stages in the repair

    When deciding where to start renovating an apartment, some believe that it is necessary to first purchase materials and tools. In general, this is correct, but in order to spend money correctly and not buy too much, you need to make preliminary calculations. Calculate the basic geometric parameters of each room: height, length and width. Determine the size of window and door openings.

    The data obtained will help determine the exact amount of work and calculate the amount of each type of building material.

    When deciding to carry out a global change in the interior of the apartment on your own, you must first draw up a phased plan. It is a correctly developed plan, including a phased apartment renovation, that becomes the key to successful work processes.

    The first item will go to dismantling work:

    • demolition of the enclosing internal walls and partitions to expand the space;
    • dismantling of wooden windows for replacement with plastic double-glazed windows;
    • removal of door leaves or complete dismantling of door frames.
    • removing old floor coverings;
    • dismantling wall coverings or clearing walls from paint compounds;
    • clearing or blurring ceilings.

    Categories of complexity of conducting work processes

    The most time consuming work is considered to be the screed on the floors and plastering the walls. It is especially difficult to deal with surfaces that are endowed with a lot of drops. Some of them are eliminated by knocking down with a hammer, but only a leveling screed or a similar plaster layer can really save the situation.

    To carry out high-quality straightening of wall surfaces, plaster beacons are used. To do this, buy aluminum slats or metal pipes of a small square or rectangular section.

    In the first case, the material is inexpensive, but when buying it is worth knowing that when removing the slats from the seams after the plaster has dried, they can no longer be reused in the work.

    Metal pipes are more expensive, but the percentage of their preservation after dismantling is much higher. In addition, some people prefer to leave them in the solution for greater layer strength.

    The most economical way to achieve the evenness of the screed is considered to be the device of mortar beacons on the floors. But this process is very painstaking and only those who have the appropriate skills can decide on it.

    Painting is considered the simplest type of work. At least that's what the majority thinks. The opinion is both right and wrong. The truth of the statement lies in the final process, that is, the painting itself, using quality tools.

    Paint rollers and brushes, plastic trays with nets for rolling rollers. By working with quality tools, you can avoid smudges on the walls and highlighting vertical paint stripes.

    Capturing an impression

    For the sake of interest and to confirm their personal participation, a large number of people take photos of the apartment renovation before and after. Sometimes this translates into a whole series of shots with separate initial and final views of each room.

    Some amateurs post photos on the Internet, because today it is considered a fashionable occupation, and someone simply uses them to view with friends and acquaintances. In any case, a photo of a self-made apartment renovation is not only a memory, but also a confirmation of personal skill.

    DIY apartment renovation photo

    After reading the recommendations, cosmetic repairs can be made even by those who have never held a spatula in their hands. The article was written based on personal experience. If a non-professional woman was able to update a room, then all the more you will succeed.

    Not everyone has the means to hire a construction crew to do the renovation. In addition, people who are not always found on the ad will really do their best. If you do not need a global remodeling of the premises, you can make cosmetic repairs yourself. This is a very fun and easy process. The main thing is to purchase everything you need, observe the phased work, do everything carefully and with heart.

    Required materials, tools

    Here's what you need to purchase before redecorating:

    • Spatulas - wide and narrow;
    • Primer;
    • Putty (dry or ready-made);
    • Wallpaper;
    • Ceiling tiles and glue for them;
    • Flat brush, rag;
    • Skirting boards for floors and ceilings;
    • Floor covering (linoleum, laminate);
    • Roller with a long handle;
    • Cuvette;
    • Linoleum glue (if you lay it);
    • Film, scotch tape for covering furniture.

    Preparatory work, wallpaper dismantling

    Move furniture out to make space. Place the things from the closets in large bags, bags and also transfer them to another room. If the cabinet is heavy, there is no way to turn it over to another room, disassemble it by carefully folding the components. If this method does not suit you either, move the cabinet away from the wall, cover it with a wide cellophane film on all sides, secure it with a stapler or tape.

    After all unnecessary has been removed from the room, proceed to dismantling. Tear off the old skirting boards first. If they are wooden, it is convenient to remove them with a nail puller. If these are plastic skirting boards on screws, a screwdriver or screwdriver will help.

    If you are doing Khrushchev repairs with your own hands, want to save money, you can lay linoleum on the floor. To do this, roll it out, put it with the wrong side up, let it rest, then apply glue, turn it over and stick it to the base. If the floor is uneven, you can use a solid underlay such as plywood.

    When the wallpaper is completely dry, cover the top with a ceiling plinth. To do this, apply glue for PVC tiles to the wrong side of it, attach to the desired place and hold for 10-15 seconds. After gluing the first one, proceed to the second.

    In the wall part of the floor plinth, you will remove the wires, screw it onto the screws. Then slide on the top of the plastic skirting board.

    • Read the article about your own hands.
    Here's how to make an inexpensive DIY repair. The renovated room will certainly please and will cheer you up every time.

    Video about cosmetic repairs in 3 days: