Do-it-yourself ultraviolet lamp for the home. We make our own toy my mystery ufo at home Briefly about what needs to be done

A wide variety of UV lamp options are available on the market today. This allows buyers to focus on the relatively low cost of such goods. Despite the availability, it is always necessary to be interested in the power indicators and additional features of the purchased devices. for home use can be collected independently if there is no desire to part with money.


Segments of the electromagnetic spectrum of high energy power are called ultraviolet. Exists different types radiation. The ultraviolet spectrum is divided into three main groups according to wavelength. UVC rays pose a danger to living beings, the wavelength range is 180-290 nm. UVB - vital for reptiles, medium range - 290-320 nm. UVA - long wave, 320-400 nm.

Varieties of ultraviolet lamps

UV lighting elements vary in length, spectrum, power, and shape. They are available in the form of tubes, incandescent lamps or metal vapor lighting fixtures. Due to the variety of characteristics, the list of possibilities for using ultraviolet sources is expanding. All devices have a different working distance. The length of the product always corresponds to its power.

Creating an ultraviolet lamp

DRL 250 consists of several shells. External protective layer does not pass ultraviolet. This shell must be carefully broken so that the inner part is not damaged. For example, you can wrap a light bulb in a wet rag and clamp it in a vise. The outer shell will burst, unable to withstand the pressure. What is found inside is treated with an alcohol-based solution.

A 30W bactericidal lamp in a store costs from 300 rubles, and a 250W DRL-250 lamp costs only 100. A larger volume is being processed. Such an ultraviolet lamp for home use is cheaper and more efficient.

Another cleaning lamp

To achieve the same goals, you can resort to another solution. A non-polar high voltage capacitor can be used as a current limiter. You also need to turn it on sequentially. As protective coating you can use a cut bottle. The ultraviolet home lamp is fixed in its upper part. The gap between the walls and the plinth is filled with electrical tape. The remarkable ultra-violet emitter is ready for high-quality sanitary processing of rooms.

In addition to cleaning basements, such lamps can be used to create artificial lighting. cultivated plants. Just before use, be sure to find out about all the conditions and possible consequences use of this type of device for such purposes. Plants need to be fed according to correct proportions, formed by optimal indicators of light intensity and duration.

From the history of DRL-250

DRL-250 burners were used in the processing of memory chips for erasing them. Electric kettle Soviet-made was used as ballast. The process of boiling water in a filled container was used as a reference to determine the completion of the chip erasing procedure. The kettle was used as a timer, while the erasing device was an ordinary ultraviolet lamp. Reviews of experts agree that when as a ballast, the destruction of the electrodes occurs. For this reason, industrial designs are characterized by inductance. Among them there are no capacitive devices.


Ease of use, efficiency and, of course, affordability are typical today for modern ultraviolet lamps. They can be used at home, as well as in various areas of medical practice. Discoveries of the properties of varnish polymerization have even led to the fact that ultraviolet is now widely used in beauty salons. Such a device is easy to assemble yourself.

The use of ultraviolet emitters must be authorized by doctors. These items are still medical equipment. Many people may have contraindications to exposure to ultraviolet rays. The operating instructions and the permitted operating mode must always be observed. UV lamps are recommended to buy only in specialty stores, because the characteristics of this type of products define them in the category of medical equipment. The safety and reliability of lighting fixtures can only be guaranteed when purchased from specialized stores.

An amazing toy based on the energy of the human body. Keeps in the air due to torsion around its axis and due to magnetic field created by man. (Extract from the manufacturer's website).

Everything works on statics and a human magnetic field and costs about ten US dollars, but on our website you can download the drawing absolutely free.


We have unraveled the secret of the flying saucer and now thanks to our website you can make this wonderful toy yourself.

What you should end up with:

To make you will need:

Download (free) drawing from the link. Printer, preferably color, three sheets thick paper A4 format, scissors, glue or a stapler, a sewing needle or an awl (pierce a hole for the fishing line) and 1.5 m of the thinnest fishing line.

Operating principle:

The principle of operation is outrageously simple. One end of the fishing line is attached to the toy, the other end can be glued behind the ear with a small piece of adhesive tape or a loop can be made. The main condition is that the fishing line is thin and barely noticeable. The length of the fishing line should be such that, tilting its head slightly, the toy hangs about 50-60 centimeters.

Then, in this position, take the toy by the edges with your hands and unwind it clockwise. Quickly intercept the line in the middle by inserting it between the large and index fingers left hand. Moving up and down the line with your hand while the toy is rotating, an illusion of floating in the air is created. The rest is a matter of technique and long training. Download…

And in conclusion, for those who are too lazy to make anything, you have a second option to get this wonderful handmade UFO ...

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Quartzization is the process of disinfecting a room (air) with ultraviolet radiation. V medical institutions quartzization is currently quite widely used for bactericidal purposes.

Quartzization is especially good during epidemics of viral diseases, which, with enviable constancy, do not allow us to live and work in peace.

You can buy a quartzizer, but we will make a quartzizer ourselves, from improvised materials.

As a quartz lamp, we need ordinary lamp DRL (photo. 1), these lamps are used in lamps street lighting, throttle (without it, this lamp will not work), cartridge for the DRL lamp.

Photo. 1 DRL lamp.

There are also chokeless lamps on sale, but I have not experimented with them, so I will not say anything about this.
That's basically it.

On the picture. 2 shows a do-it-yourself quartz plant for half an hour from a DRL 250 lamp.

The connection diagram of the lamp and the inductor is shown in fig. one.

Photo. 2 "Installation" for quartzing at home.

At the DRL lamp, we carefully break the flask, and remove the remaining glass to the cartridge (photo. 3), it is better to do this on fresh air, because if you damage the "insides" of the lamp (they contain mercury), then inhale the fumes.

Photo. 3 DRL lamp without bulb.

I did it this way - I wrapped the lamp in several plastic bags and gently broke the flask with a hammer (an indispensable tool), then removed the excess with pliers.

It remains to fix all the elements and assemble the circuit. The connection diagram is shown below.

Rice. 1 DRL lamp connection diagram. Capacitor WITH you can not put, the lamp will burn without it.

There are other ways (throttleless) to turn on the DRL lamps, we will not dwell on them (the Internet is full of material on this topic).
With a throttle, the easiest option.

A little about the process of quartzing at home.

Flowers and pets must be removed from the room. Quartz from 15 to 30 minutes.

During quartzization, the air is enriched with ozone, which also disinfects, but ozone is poisonous (in high concentration), so immediately after quartzization, the room must be ventilated.

When quartzing is indoors, it is forbidden, try not to look at the lamp (with prolonged exposure, you can get skin burns, not to mention the eyes).

With proper observance of the mode of use of the lamp, quartzization does not cause harm, there are no microbes, there are no diseases.
Be healthy!

Would you like to surprise your friends or guests on house party? Now, in order to do this, it will not take almost any effort. Magic UFO Magic UFO will do all the work for you, allowing you to captivate the attention of everyone around you with your fantastic telekinesis abilities! A mystical UFO of bright silvery color hovering among the guests will not leave indifferent adults or children, forcing them to follow the movements of your hands as if spellbound.

This magical device does not require batteries or a remote control. The Magic UFO makes absolutely no sound during its flight. It is very easy to operate and suitable even for children aged 8-9 years. It is enough to throw the UFO into the air like a Frisbee, spin it in the air, or take it with your fingers from above and spin it like a top, after which the toy will take on a state of flight, the direction of which you can control from a distance!

But, like all magic tricks in the world, the flight of a magical UFO is nothing but an illusion. In addition to the Magic UFO itself, the package also includes a cardboard spool with 15 thin threads wound on it, fishing lines made of a special Pixie Silk material and woven into a single large thread. Both ends of this large thread are attached to the spool with a small piece of plasticine. Threads-fishing lines and plasticine are integral parts of the magical UFO, without which its flight is simply impossible. Therefore, be careful and in no case do not lose the spool of plasticine and do not tangle the threads with each other.

Now let's take a closer look at the process of preparing your UFO for its use:

1) Gently unwind the large thread, consisting of 15 strings, into one straight line.

2) Pull out one line from the large thread, you will need it to play with the Magic UFO. The rest of the threads are spare.

3) Separate a small part from a piece of plasticine and roll a small ball out of it, about 4 mm in diameter.

4) Wrap one end of the thread around the plasticine ball, making 4-5 turns, then flatten the ball with your fingers, fastening the thread to the plasticine as well as possible.

5) Place the end of the thread with plasticine under the upper shiny part of the Magic UFO, in the center of which there is a special slot, ending with a small round hole in the middle of the toy, through which you need to bring the thread up.

6) Fasten the other end of the fishing line to your clothes, for example, on the top button of your shirt, tying the thread to it with two knots. You can also fasten the thread to a pin and then also attach it to your clothes. After that, the UFO will hang right in front of you on an invisible thread-line.

7) Move the thread away from you with one hand, passing it between your index finger and thumb. Grab the top of the Magic UFO with your other hand and spin it like a top.

8) After the toy begins to rotate, move the thread away from you and bring it closer, imperceptibly shifting it from one hand to the other.

A few workouts will be enough to learn how to operate the Magic UFO like a real master from popular videos on the Internet. Conquer your friends, relatives and people just unfamiliar with the magic of your hands by ordering a Magic UFO toy right now!