The highest paid professions in russia. Top in-demand professions

Today I started work on a list of all existing Internet professions, which I am going to talk about in more detail in the future in separate articles.

I can no longer imagine my life without. The future belongs to the remote! Not a single successful company today can do without its website, and many modern projects are completely online.

Therefore, there are more and more different vacancies that do not require binding to some place and office.

List of all internet professions

At this stage, the list is still not entirely correct and logically formed. We work every day to make it as accurate and categorized as possible.

Working with writing and processing text

  • SEO rewriter
  • Email Specialist

Design and painting professions

  • Computer game designer
  • Interior designer
  • Landscape designer
  • Clothing and accessories designer
  • Retoucher, collage artist
  • Illustrator
  • Visualizer
  • Architect

Programming and website development

  • Application programmer
  • Website layout designer
  • Mobile Application Developer
  • Flash programmer
  • Web analyst
  • Tester

Working with translations from foreign languages

Management and work with personnel

  • HR manager (recruiter)
  • Project Manager

The easiest professions to make money

  • (taxi, tow trucks)
  • (online store employee)
  • Technical support specialist

Other professions with special skills

  • Sales Manager
  • Video editor
  • Consultant specialist (doctor, psychologist, lawyer)
  • Financial Consultant
  • Webinar host, coach, mentor

What are the most popular professions on the Internet?

When I started working on the Internet, I thought about which profession to choose, I also asked myself this question and tried to understand what professions are popular, in demand and highly paid? Several times I tried to change direction with the thought that in that profession you can earn more.

Everyone who earns good money now went through this stage. Let's think, and who earns well, what does he do? After several months of changing types of activity, I realized that professionals who like what they do and no matter what profession make good money.

In any profession, you can become a very popular and highly paid specialist, no matter you are a designer, programmer or copywriter.

I even know VKontakte group administrators who earn from $ 1,000 a month and all year round travel with this money.

To choose your Internet profession, you need to proceed from what you like to do more, what brings you pleasure. If you choose a profession in which you think you will earn more, but it will not be high, then you yourself understand that you will have less desire, inspiration and motivation, and this is precisely the main factor of success.

If you are just taking the first steps to switch to remote work, do not know where to start and there are many questions, then come to our express training.

Chats by profession

Friends, we thought and decided that it would be useful to make separate chats in Telegram for different specialties. So that you can exchange experiences, share useful information, look for employers and so on.

Join and be useful to each other.

  1. Chat copywriters
  2. Designers Chat
  3. Personal assistant chat
  4. Directology chat
  5. SMM-specialists chat
  6. Marketing Chat
  7. Programmers chat
  8. Coders chat
  9. YouTube specialists
  10. VK community administrators
  11. Instagram managers


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In our information age, all professions can be mastered absolutely free of charge through the Internet. But there are also special courses, training, we will talk about them a little later, in the next article.

The question "Where to go to study?" it arises sharply before graduates: often, when entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they are choosing. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but they also carry out serious work on vocational guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Pupils of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespearean club.

To find a high school abroad for your child, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, as well as prepare the child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as a future profession, what they have inclinations for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign students already know who they want to become.
In addition, career counselors work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Also educational establishments cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set themselves specific career guidelines.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the knowledge gained. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates by the end of their studies lose interest in studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get more modern education in your field, consider going to a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field for yourself, continue your specialized education in a master's degree or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Learn more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop students' practical skills. Most of the higher educational institutions are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university makes it possible to stay in another country (for example, Canada has mild immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at a global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that are not yet available in Russian universities.

A person's profession determines a lot in his life. This applies to both the material side and the spiritual. To each young man I want to realize my ambitions, dreams, plans for life. It often happens that a mistake in choosing a profession and further lack of demand destroys all these plans to the ground. In order to prevent this from happening, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the top most demanded professions today and in the near future. Of course, each country has its own economic situation and the level of demand for certain professions. However, there are averages that highlight the particular interest of companies in some of the professionals around the world.

Top most in-demand professions in the world:

  1. IT specialists. Programmers, application developers are needed right now to improve sales efficiency, production and closer communication with customers.
  2. Engineers. Manufacturing requires new technologies, the development of new or the optimization of existing projects to reduce costs and stay ahead of the competition.
  3. Business analysts. Big business today is fraught with serious risks. Any deal should be preceded by a serious analysis of professionals.
  4. Ecologists. Global problem Keeping the planet healthy remains a matter of urgency and requires new ideas and enthusiasm to tackle it.
  5. Doctors. Humanity is not getting healthier. Rather, the trend is reversed. Medical care is required today for all segments of the population.
  6. Marketers. In an era of oversaturation of the market with goods, it is increasingly difficult to attract buyers with a low price and good quality... A beautiful presentation, bright packaging, an interesting accompanying proposal are important to him - all this is part of the work of a marketer.

Top in-demand professions in Russia

Russia is a special country with a unique path economic development... Manufacturing is relatively underdeveloped in Russia today, but there are many resources and finished goods that need to be sold. In these conditions, the previous professions will be in demand here as well.
Top in-demand professions 2017 in Russia:

  1. Sellers;
  2. Managers;
  3. Marketers;
  4. Logisticians, carriers;
  5. Consultants.

Top in-demand professions 2017

Young people who graduate from educational institutions very soon are already interested in what specialties are in the top 10 professions in demand in 2017. Given the constantly changing political and economic situation, this issue is really relevant, because every graduating specialist is interested in a successful start of his own career. Today, the top 10 most in-demand professions of 2017 looks like this:

  1. IT-shniki. IT professionals are popular today, but they will not lose their relevance in a few years. Humanity still needs to maintain computers, create new programs and applications.
  2. Translators. In the conditions of developed international relations in business, the profession is becoming popular. Specialists in the field of oriental languages ​​are of particular value.
  3. Doctors. Some diseases are constantly being replaced by new ones, viruses mutate, take on new forms, and mortality from diseases is also high.
  4. Teachers. Despite the cataclysms, the population of the planet is increasing, and accordingly the number of children who need education and upbringing is growing.
  5. Carriers. The scale of trade relations is obvious to everyone, but in order to sell goods, it is not enough to find a buyer, it is necessary to organize high-quality delivery.
  6. Ecologists. The long-term problem will only get more complicated in the future. Conservation of nature is a global task for all mankind.
  7. Managers. The demand for the profession is due to the popularity of trade relations and market economy in many countries. The ability to sell profitably is a guarantee of a stable future not only for a local organization, but also for the country as a whole.
  8. Engineers. Along with the development of trade, industry is also actively moving forward. Production does not want to stand still and needs new ones engineering solutions in design, construction, technology application.
  9. Specialists in the field service... Call-center workers, operators make up a huge army of people without which no one can work large enterprise... These people carry the grand piano so that others can play on it.
  10. Mechanics. People who work not only with their heads, but also with their hands have always been in demand. It's great when there is a wide variety of all kinds of machinery and equipment. But, at the same time, it is important to be able to repair this technique in a timely manner.

Top in-demand professions in 5 years

The term for obtaining the initial level of higher education (bachelor's degree) is 5 years. A long enough period for significant changes to occur in the country up to the change of power and the course of economic development. Perhaps today's top in-demand professions of the future will lose their relevance and it will be very difficult for graduates to find vacancies. How can you avoid a difficult situation? There is only one way out - you need to be proactive. Already now, the economic situation in the country and in the world can be predicted and roughly imagine the top 10 professions in demand in 5 years. The following specialists will be among the leaders in demand:

  1. Gerontologists. The planet is changing, getting older and requires close study.
  2. Specialists in the search for energy alternatives. Unfortunately, the planet's resources will sooner or later run out and new sources will soon be required.
  3. Africa Specialists. The potentially richest continent today is the least developed in the world.
  4. City farmers. This specialist will grow vegetables and fruits in an aggressive urban environment, almost on the roofs of high-rise buildings.
  5. Urban ecologists. This profession was invented by the authors of Forbes magazine and may soon be relevant. People are suffocating in a dirty urban environment, technologies for the construction of ecologically clean cities may be in demand.

Top 10 in-demand economic professions

Today there are no countries whose life would not be based on economic laws. Specialists who know how to predict profits, calculate losses, analyze a particular niche in business have been highly valued since the time when countries and peoples began to market relations with each other. Economic specialties will be in demand in the future.
Top most in-demand professions 2017 in the economic sphere:

  1. Auditor;
  2. Accountant;
  3. Marketer;
  4. Financier;
  5. Economist;
  6. Commodity expert;
  7. Sales Manager.

Perhaps you will be interested.


A prestigious profession promises high income, career advancement, respect or even envy from acquaintances and friends. All this contributes to the fact that prestigious professions will be in high demand among university entrants, and universities, in turn, will provide a wide range of such specialties.

Among modern times, representatives of the IT sphere are in the first place, which is not surprising: so many specialists in the field of programming, web design, website customization have never been required. In the age of development of computer technologies, representatives of the IT industry will never be left without work, moreover, they can count on more than high salaries.

In second place are those who have long been at the top of the ratings among the professions of the specialty of a lawyer, prosecutor,. Of course, the competition in this area is great, and some experts have long been talking about the saturation of the market with lawyers of all stripes. Nevertheless, the popularity of the profession is only growing, and the emerging law firms and the continuing vacancies of a variety of companies indicate that the demand for good lawyers is not going away. Lawyers' salaries are generally low early on in their careers, but an excellent career can be made in this area. Lawyers are required in many areas of business and politics, so this specialty opens up to graduates the widest possibilities for its application.

Equally popular is the employment of those who are not afraid to start their own business or rise to the top of the company. The activities of a director, businessman, manager, top manager attract with its high position and opening opportunities in terms of earnings and freedom of action. Not all novice specialists, however, understand what is required of such managers and directors in their work and what responsibility for many employees and the fate of the company rests on their shoulders.

Attractive in terms of prestige, income and opening prospects are professions, economist, etc. The activities of any business are associated with finance, and even companies involved in other areas cannot do without competent economists. Therefore, this field of activity remains highly paid, and the demand for specialists in this field does not dry out.

Among the popular professions, several other specialties are also noted. This is an architect, marketer, doctor, psychologist, fashion designer. All of these professions can be very profitable and are considered prestigious in society. In addition, they are not as familiar as an economist and a lawyer, and therefore arouse additional interest among the interlocutors. A touch of suspense and strangeness will add even more weight to specialists in these areas.

One of the most difficult steps in the life of any person is the choice of his future field of activity. Graduates and their parents, as well as millions of job seekers, are interested in identifying the prospects and the best positions for themselves and their loved ones. Each of them is closely studying the most prestigious professions, trying to find an ideal job that will bring material and moral satisfaction.

A little about prestige

Quite often the job search is based on the prestige of a particular position. What is meant by this concept? People strive to have some kind of authority, to be the first among the best. That's why future profession simply must become attractive to the entire surrounding environment of a person. More often than not, the choice falls on a job that is talked about a lot. And, preferably, only with positive shades. These include an attractive salary, comfortable conditions and other factors. It often happens that the fashion for a particular profession is instilled in the people thanks to the media, which has a tremendous influence on inner world population.

The design industry is constantly evolving, respectively, the demand for good specialists continues to grow.

What to choose from?

Whole lists are made up of popular professions. The top ten, TOP-100 and thousands of other headlines can be found on the web when asked about the most prestigious positions of our time.

Today's youth sees their security and success in this. Applicants often choose a specialty based on its popularity. In addition, almost every university in the country is ready to provide an opportunity to study in the most prestigious areas from the list of in-demand professions. New doors open for students every year. educational institutions, admission is conducted by unique faculties.

What to choose?

Every year, labor market specialists announce the TOP-10 for general study. This list is drawn up after careful monitoring of supply and demand for certain areas of activity. That is why such information plays important role for those who are unable to independently make their choice. Nowadays, the popularity list has undergone some changes.

For several years now, the first line has been confidently occupied by the legal field of activity. Moreover, this profession is popular both among women and among the stronger sex. The huge demand creates difficulties when entering the Faculty of Law: educational institutions simply do not have so many places. However, those people who managed to get a diploma are able to get a job with a very decent pay. The income of a lawyer can fluctuate and significantly exceed the figure of 100 thousand rubles.

The next step of the pedestal is programmers and IT specialists. Last years work related to information technology, in demand in all regions. High income is often provided through employment in several organizations at once. The most valuable personnel in this area are 1C programmers.

The third line belongs to experts in. Working with a client base, selling services and products of the organization, advertising - these are just some of the responsibilities of a successful professional in this field.

Medical professionals occupy the next position in the ranking. Training in this specialty involves a longer period. But a practicing doctor will be in demand at any time. In addition, private medical institutions are becoming more and more popular. And this is already a sure way to good money. The greatest need exists for specialists with a narrow profile.

An engineer is the fifth of the most in-demand specialties today. Industrial production is in dire need of professionals in their field. That is why graduates of technical universities can count on jobs in one of the most prestigious industries.

The next step is designers and web programmers. Computer support is undoubtedly one of the most promising areas of activity. No organization can function well without presenting its services online. In addition, this industry is constantly and rapidly evolving. Accordingly, the demand for good specialists continues to grow.

In seventh place are auditors. Work in the financial sector has attracted applicants and graduates for several years. Checking and control of accounting reports, revision of financial documents, consultation and adjustment accounting- the main responsibilities of the auditor. The attractive thing about this position is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff. He can also be invited from outside.

The eighth stock is occupied by marketers. Do you want to attend social events, analyze new items on the market of goods and services? Then this post - the best way... Any company can achieve success through competent marketing. Hence the high demand for specialists is born.

Ninths are sales managers. Representatives of this specialty can be found everywhere. The service sector exists largely thanks to the workers in this area. A sales manager must be highly active, have a good understanding of the product or the services offered, be able to find mutual language with any client. For more than a decade, this profession will attract job seekers all over the world.

Bank employees round out the top ten. The following factors are characteristic of this position: decent pay, comfortable conditions for activity, growth in software and others. And its demand is easily explained by the constant demand of the population for the services of banking and other financial organizations.

The attractive thing about the work of an auditor is that the specialist is not necessarily part of the staff.
  • the most profitable specialties (entrepreneurs, notaries, ministers, show business workers);
  • the most criminal professions (, ministers, employees of security companies);
  • (rescuers, military, bodyguards, space workers, stuntmen) and others.

It is very important to understand that this list undergoes the most unexpected changes over time. Modern leaders of the rating in the near future are able to significantly lower their positions. Everything goes to the fact that in a few years representatives will confidently gain a foothold on the first lines.

The main thing in a difficult task is to understand where a person can enjoy the performance of his duties. There is one indisputable truth: "No one will be able to earn all the money in the world." You need to remember this and adhere to some rules. Financial income should help build confidence in your future. It is important to grow personally, as well as to devote time to self-development, doing what you love. It will never be too late to learn. It is important to believe in your strengths and capabilities! Well, work should give a person only positive emotions.