How to convert square meters to running meters? What is the difference between a running meter and a square meter? What is and how to calculate a running meter using a simple example 1 running meter is equal.

Almost every person must have heard the expression “ running meter". For many, this definition remains quite complicated, since it is completely unclear what is the difference between square meters. m. from the usual. What is the conversation going on?

One running meter is equal to the usual length of one meter. It is used to measure goods that have a specific width, such as linoleum. It is much easier to calculate the cost of a product based on running meters than to calculate the cost per square meter.

For example, you need to purchase in the store carpet covering, with a width of 2.5 and a certain length. To make a calculation of 1 m2, such a segment is not very convenient. To do this, you need to determine the area of ​​the product. Then divide it into squares. In other words, you need to perform difficult mathematical calculations.

It is much easier to carry out calculations on a linear basis. To determine the cost of the goods, you will need to multiply the length of the carpet segment by the number of meters.

There is a fairly large list of goods in which the cost is calculated by the number of running meters. These include.

  • Fabrics.
  • Linoleum.
  • Carpet.
  • Finishing film.
  • Rolled polyethylene.
  • Electric wires.
  • All kinds of pipes.
  • Various fences.
  • Fences.

Furniture calculation

Many consumers believe that the calculation in linear meters applies only to roll materials. However, this opinion is not entirely true. When buying a product, we are often faced with a certain roll width. The cost of the furniture is very often determined by the runners.

To make it clear, let's turn to the next example.

The furniture manufacturer has made a rough estimate. To completely fill a three-meter kitchen, taking into account all the furniture details, he will need 30,000 rubles. Therefore, the cost of 1 m of furniture will be 10,000 rubles. In other words, this cost will correspond to the price of one running meter. Based on such fairly simple mathematical calculations, the furniture manufacturer can tell the customer what the cost of a set of furniture of the corresponding sample will be.

However, it is necessary to take into account one important nuance... When calculating the price r. m, only the cost of the cheapest fittings and material was taken into account. Sometimes the cost of fittings is not included in the calculation at all.

Therefore, if a very tempting offer is made to you, it is imperative to find out from what material the product is made, what fittings are installed on it. In this way, new customers are often attracted.

How many mm in running meter

As already mentioned, one running meter is equal to one standard meter. Hence, it turns out that there are 1000 mm in 1 running meter.

Cheat sheet

So, to make it easier to understand the units of measurement, they can be summarized in one table, in which their ratio will be seen, and it will be quite easy to transfer one unit to another.

What does the term "square meter" mean?

This unit is designed to calculate the area of ​​a square, each side of which will be 1 meter. To determine the size of the area, you need to multiply the height and length of the product. Used for designation short form- sq. m.

Today this unit is found almost everywhere in our life. The most good example can be called the dimensions of the dwelling. In other words, if it comes about an apartment of 16 m2, which means that the floor area is equal to this value.

The square meter is most commonly found in the construction industry. To determine the area of ​​a wall that is 6 m long and 4 m high, you just need to multiply six by four. It turns out that the wall area is 24 m2.

It would seem that what could be more simple than a unit of measures that each person is faced with literally from the cradle. Meter, kilogram, liter ... However, sometimes life raises new questions even for real "gurus". One such example is what a running meter is. Indeed, at school, in geometry lessons, no quantities are measured in such units. So, maybe they do not exist at all, and the running meters themselves are pure fiction? Now, when the Internet is available to everyone, theoretically one can easily find an answer to almost any question posed. The main thing is to formulate it correctly. An inquisitive user who typed in the search bar of the browser the query "what is a running meter" will certainly be surprised by the fact that these words coexist with the kitchen theme. What does this mean?


Perhaps, after all, it is worthwhile to understand in detail the question of what a running meter is. Obviously, since we are talking about units of measurement, then the answer should be sought in France, in the Bureau of Weights and Measures itself, where all reference samples are stored.But if we could look at the stands, we would not find any mythical running meter there. This indicates that the required measure of length is only indirectly related to the present meter.

Initially, one ten-millionth part of the duration of the earth's meridian intersecting with Paris was taken as a standard. The necessary measurements were made in 1795, and after making corrective additions, in 1799, on the basis of the data obtained, a ruler was made of noble platinum the right size... However, subsequently, the accuracy of such a meter was increasingly questioned, since the shape of the planet is far from an ideal ball, and in classical geodesy it is almost impossible to obtain such an unprecedented accuracy without satellite metrics. If at the time of the creation of the initial "standard" its accuracy was quite sufficient for all tasks of that time, then every year the situation changed. As a result, in 1960 it was proposed to use a certain part of the atomic transition in krypton as a meter. And only 23 years later, the standard adopted its modern interpretation, tied to the length of the path of a light beam in a vacuum.

What is a running meter?

This concept is used primarily when selling roll materials... Thanks to him, it is possible to significantly simplify the calculations. For example, a person needs to buy 10 square meters of linoleum. V retail outlets this material is sold in rolls, the width of which is unchanged for each model. Thus, in order to obtain the required 10 sq. m for a roll with a width of 2 m, you need to measure only 5 m. Since 2 m * 5 m = 10 sq. m. These 5 - and there are running meters. In other words, the running meter is equal to the reference value, but taking into account some additional constant value (in this case, the width).

but this definition requires some explanation, since the often used expression "running meter of a kitchen" is not always clear. After all, by analogy, when buying kitchen set, in theory, you can ask to unwind a certain number of cabinets from a roll. The confusion arises due to the fact that the sellers of such furniture products do not consider the width to be the previously mentioned unchanged value, but the cost of the material and labor costs. If the price of a meter is known, and each subsequent one differs only in spatial configuration (while maintaining the same amount of materials), then it can be much easier in tentative calculations use the concept of a running meter. A buyer interested in the cost of "the same kitchen model, but of greater or lesser length" can easily calculate it even on his own.

In our study, based on a review of theoretical works, we identified factors that can lead to differences in price levels between regions of the same country. These include: services included in the consumer basket and other goods that are difficult to move between regions, features of regional fiscal policy (subsidies, subsidies to manufacturers of final products), delivery costs of traded goods, the level of competition in the retail, barriers to interregional trade, differences in the phases of the business cycle between regions, the structure of the region's economy, institutional features of the regional labor market, difficulties in the mobility of labor resources between regions and between industries.

Based on the analysis of the problem of stationarity of the relative regional prices of individual goods included in a fixed set of goods and services in 2003-2015. It was shown that fluctuations in regional prices at a relatively constant level are typical for: basic food products (vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat, some types of dairy products), gasoline, medicines, services provided by state-owned companies (travel in public transport, electricity, etc.) NS.).

On the contrary, constant differences in the relative regional price levels are characteristic for items of clothing, footwear, household chemicals, and furniture. A possible explanation for this result is associated with the unequal composition, heterogeneous quality and different functional properties of these product groups in different regions.

An analysis of the scale of regional differentiation of the general price level showed that in 2015 the cost of the consumer basket in the “cheapest” and most “expensive” regions differed by about 2.5 times. At the same time, the tests carried out indicate a process of convergence of regional price levels over time, which means the gradual integration of Russian regions into a single market. The performed econometric analysis indicates that the main factors of differences in regional price levels in space are differences in per capita income between regions and trade costs due to the different remoteness of regions from each other.

As for the problem of differentiating regional inflation, the inflation rates averaged over five years (2011-2015) in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation differed by no more than 2.5 percentage points (between the region in which prices rose the fastest and the region in which the rate the growth of the general level of prices was the smallest) with an average value of Russian inflation of 8.6%. Over time, the spread in the rate of growth of prices across regions decreases, while during the periods of the crisis (2008-2009, 2014-2015), along with the growth of inflation, the degree of its regional differentiation also slightly increased.

The regional inflation rate is influenced by two groups of factors: the first includes variables common to all regions (the growth rate of the money supply, the change in the exchange rate, the interest rate, etc.), and the second includes specific or regional determinants (the income growth rate in the region , regional unemployment rate, etc.). Based on multidimensional methods statistical analysis the division of the interregional differentiation of inflation into one explained by general and specific factors has been carried out. All-Russian factors identified on the basis of macroeconomic indicators explain approximately 53% of the variation in regional inflation rates in the period 1996-2015. Therefore, about half of the differences in regional inflation rates are attributable to specific factors.

Thus, it is possible to influence the dispersion of prices between regions with the help of economic policies aimed at developing infrastructure that reduce the cost of transporting goods. The alignment of regional price levels over time can also be achieved through measures that stimulate the accelerated growth of per capita income in regions with a price level below the national average. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where prices are higher than the average Russian level, it is necessary to implement measures aimed at stimulating the level of competition in the retail trade, which, according to the results obtained, will help to equalize the price level in comparison with the national average.

Each physical quantity has its own unit of measurement. For area, this is a square meter, and for length, meter or linear meter is most often used.

Square meter concept

Square meter (sq. M) is an International System of Units (SI) unit of measure for area. It is equal to the area of ​​a square with a meter side. The area of ​​a rectangular (square) room is calculated as the length multiplied by the width (height).

Square meters are widely used in practice. For example, when it comes to the sale of an apartment of 46 sq. M, we mean its floor area. When to calculate required amount ceramic tiles for laying on a wall, you need to find out the area for laying, namely, the length of the wall multiplied by the height of the room.

Concept and distinctive features of a running meter

A running meter has a completely different purpose from a square meter. It measures length and square meter measures area. These two units are not interconnected and it is impossible to convert linear meters to square meters without knowing the width of the product. For example, a fabric cut with a length of 2 linear meters and a width of 3 meters will have an area of ​​2 * 3 = 6 square meters.

Many people wonder how many centimeters are contained in running meters. The answer is quite simple - a running meter is no different from an ordinary meter in length, i.e. it has 100 cm. But it's a kind of length without width. To determine running meters, it is necessary to have information only about the length.

Linear meters measure the length of the product in the case when its width (or height, thickness) does not matter, for example, a roll of fabric, carpet or plinth. In other cases, square meters are used, for example, when measuring the amount of ceramic tiles, laminate, etc.

Running meters are often measured in rolls Construction Materials... For example, in relation to linoleum, the price is often set in linear meters. This means that regardless of its width (it can be 3 m, 4 m), the buyer will pay only for the length he needs. The fact is that the cost is already based on the width of the product. But it happens that the cost of linoleum is indicated in square meters. Then it turns out that in order to buy 10 running meters of linoleum 4 m wide, you have to pay for 40 sq.m.

For simplicity of calculations, the cost of furniture, such as a kitchen, is indicated in linear meters. It means that regardless of the number of shelves and doors, the buyer will pay only for the length.

How is a running meter different from a square

This is a standard design and standard fittings.

Builders often use running meters when determining the cost of work. For example, for laying tiles on steps, installing plinths or grouting joints in ceramic tiles the price of services depends only on the length, and not on the area of ​​work. But most construction works calculated on the basis of the area of ​​the room (square meters).

Attention, only TODAY!

What is a running meter?

How to convert meters to running meters?

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How to convert a square meter to a meter?

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Advice 1: How is a running meter different from a square

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The cost per square meter in new buildings and secondary houses of all segments located within the old borders of Moscow has begun to level out over the past two years ...

Such conclusions were made by the specialists of the agency "Azbuka Housing", having analyzed the cost of a "square" of primary and secondary residential real estate.

If at the end of August 2015 the "secondary housing" was 20% more expensive than new buildings, then at the beginning of September this year the difference was 18%.

According to Vladimir Kashirtsev, the general director of Azbuka Zhilya, during this period of time the price in the secondary housing market was falling due to a decrease in effective demand, and in the new buildings market due to tough competition and increased supply.

As for the mass segment (economy and comfort class), here the difference is more noticeable, but there is also a tendency to decrease in price. If earlier secondary apartments were 45% more expensive than new buildings, today they are 41% more expensive. The weighted average cost per square meter in new buildings in the mass segment is 158.5 thousand rubles, "secondary housing" - 223.2 thousand rubles.

The gap in price between primary and secondary housing is especially blurred when new houses are put into operation, tenants register their apartments and move into them. But formally the objects belong to the primary market. The average price for all segments of such new buildings is 333.1 thousand rubles per square meter, which is 17% more than the average price for a “secondary housing”.

How is a running meter different from an ordinary meter?

Two years ago, a square meter in a new building was 1.2% more expensive than in secondary apartments. Thus, over the past two years, prices for "secondary housing" as a whole have been falling, while prices for "primary housing" - on the contrary, have been growing. According to Vladimir Kashirtsev, the cost per square meter in a new building during this period increased from 319.9 thousand rubles to 331.1 thousand rubles, that is, by 4%.

The correct answer is Nothing, because square meter and running meter are units of measurement of different categories. Square meters measure the surface area, and linear meters measure only the length of the product.

Below we will analyze the concepts of square and running meter

Square meter (sq.m; m2) in the International System of Units (SI), this is the area of ​​a square whose side is 1 meter. In square meters, the surface area of ​​walls, floors, real estate objects is measured, where the area, for example, an office or apartment is equal to the floor area. Or if you need to calculate the number of ceramic tiles on the wall or linoleum on the floor, you need to multiply the length by the height and we get the surface area in square meters. Although linoleum itself is sold in running meters, more on that below.

Square meters (m2) are used in ...

  • Measurement of buildings, houses, apartments, premises;
  • Measurement of facing and flooring materials;
  • Measurement of decking surfaces of roofs, floors;
  • Measurement of the area occupied by equipment, furniture

The concept of a running meter

To convert square meters to running meters and simply to meters - it is NOT POSSIBLE!

Running meter (roll material, product, fence, furniture) Is the length independent of the width. Since the price of the material is included in the cost of 1 running meter of carpet, linoleum or lining. A running meter of linoleum 3 meters wide will naturally be more expensive than linoleum 2.5 meters wide.

Sometimes, in the manufacture of kitchen furniture, for the convenience of calculations, they also use running meters. For example, the manufacturer considered that Kitchen Cabinet 3 meters long and 60 centimeters wide with the required number of shelves, drawers, doors will cost 1200 dollars at the rate of the National Bank. And as you know, the kitchens in our apartments are different, mostly small, so the manufacturer sets the price for 1 running meter $ 400. The customer only fits 2.5 meters. The standard equipment, the placement of shelves, boxes are discussed, and the price of $ 1000 is displayed.

400 $ x 2.5m = 1000 $

Line meters are used to measure:

  • Decking roll materials (roll of fabric, carpets, linoleum ...);
  • Boards, lining, block house, baseboards, sometimes pipes, fittings;
  • Cost is the price of furniture (kitchen) with standard equipment and fittings.

How to calculate linear meters to square meters and vice versa

Example 1

To convert square meters to linear meters, you need to know the length and width of the product (material) that is sold in linear meters.

We need to lay 12 m2 of linoleum in the kitchen, and in the store they are sold in running meters, but with a width of 2.5m, 3m or 4m. It would be better to buy 4 running meters of linoleum 3 meters wide or 3 running meters 4 meters wide:

4m (length) x 3m (roll width) = 12 square meters
3m (length) x 4m (roll width) = 12 square meters

In this particular case, 12 square meters is equal to 3 or 4 running meters, but this cannot be considered, because the width must always be taken into account.

Example 2

Let's take the same example with kitchen furniture 2.5 running meters. We need to find out the floor area that our kitchen furniture covers. To do this, we multiply the length of 2.5 m by the width kitchen wall 0.6 meters, and we get 1.5 square meters - this is the area occupied by our furniture in the kitchen.

Example 3

To finish the bath, we need to buy 65 m2 of lining. It is sold in 3 meters length at a price per running meter. It is necessary to calculate how many linear meters are needed for 65 m2.
Our board (lining) has dimensions of 300 x 10 x 0.5 cm or 3m x 0.1m x 0.005m. We multiply the length by the width in meters and we get the area of ​​one board (0.3 m2):
3m x 0.1m = 0.3 m2
Now we will find out how many boards are needed for 65 m2. To do this, divide 65 m2 by the area of ​​1 board:
65: 0.3 = 216.67 or 217 boards (lining)
The lining (board) is 3 meters long, so we need to buy 651 running meters.
217 x 3 = 651 m / p

Square meter (sq. M) is an International System of Units (SI) unit of measure for area. It is equal to the area of ​​a square with a meter side. The area of ​​a rectangular () room is calculated as the length multiplied by the width (height).

Square meters are widely used in practice. For example, when it comes to the sale of an apartment of 46 sq. M, we mean its floor area. When it is necessary to calculate the required amount of ceramic tiles for laying on a wall, it is necessary to find out the area for laying, namely, the length of the wall multiplied by the height of the room.

Concept and distinctive features of a running meter

A running meter is completely different from a square meter. It measures length and square meter measures area. These two units are not interconnected and it is impossible to convert meters to square meters without knowing the width of the product. For example, a fabric cut with a length of 2 linear meters and a width of 3 meters will have an area of ​​2 * 3 = 6 square meters.

Many people wonder how many centimeters are in running meters. The answer is quite simple - a running meter is no different from an ordinary meter in length, i.e. it has 100 cm. But it's a kind of length without width. To determine running meters, it is necessary to have information only about the length.

Linear meters measure the length of the product in the case when its width (or height,) does not matter, for example, a roll of fabric, carpet or. In other cases, square meters are used, for example, when measuring the amount of ceramic tiles, laminate, etc.

Roll building materials are often measured by running meters. For example, in relation to linoleum, the price is often set in linear meters. This means that regardless of its width (it can be 3 m, 4 m), the buyer will pay only for the length he needs. The fact is that the cost is already based on the width of the product. But it happens that the cost of linoleum is indicated in square meters. Then it turns out that in order to buy 10 running meters of linoleum 4 m wide, you have to pay for 40 sq.m.

For simplicity of calculations, the cost of furniture, such as a kitchen, is indicated in linear meters. It means that regardless of the number of shelves and doors, the buyer will pay only for the length. This is a standard design and standard fittings.

Builders often use running meters when determining the cost of work. For example, for laying tiles on steps, installing plinths or grouting joints in ceramic tiles, the price of services depends only on the length, and not on the area of ​​work. But most of the construction work is calculated based on the area of ​​the premises (square meters).